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About the four maxims (known as Grice’s Maxims) of:







A) RODRIGO: What is your full name?

B) MARIO: My full name is Mario Ortega Morales.

This is the maxim of quantity because A. make your contribution as informative as is

required (For the current purpose of the exchange) B. Do not make your contribution more
informative than is required.


A) RODRIGO: Where do you live?

B) MARIO: I live in Miraflores zone, Iturralde Street. (This is the maxim of quantity)


A) RODRIGO: Who do you live with?

B) MARIO: I live with my family, with my wife and my two daughters

In answer B it obeys the Manner Maxim: be orderly, avoid ambiguity, and be brief, because he
gives a clear explanation of who he lives with.


A) RODRIGO: What is your profession?

B) MARIO: Ok, I have a degrees in Linguistics, more specifically in English and German.

In this example, B’s reply violates maxim of quantity because B does not give information as
required by A, Instead, B gives more information which is not required or expected at all.


A) RODRIGO: Where do you work?

B) MARIO: I work in two places, I work in INCOS institute and in Saleciana University.

In answer B it obeys the Manner Maxim: be orderly, avoid ambiguity, and be brief, because it
gives a clear explanation of where you work.


PABLO: Ok, we continue. Could you tell us about your academic trajectory… and I want to start
with the next question.

A) Why did you diced to become as an English teacher?

B) MARIO: I think, like I said before, it was a kind of accident, because at the beginning it
was not in my plans being a languages teacher, it just because it was a fail, in this case
for example I had a surgery in 1997, so I couldn’t go to, I couldn’t realize, I want to be a
military, I want to be a military man, because I had a surgery I could not, so in order to
don’t waste my time, I was, at the hospital and I thought that was what can I do in this
year, so I decided to go to Sucre and study languages because I always had been at
good n languages, it was a kind of easy for me to understand to what people say, or
what people talk in English. So that’s why I decided to become a languages teacher.
But what for precisely before being a languages teacher, just in order to enough what
people in English said? What people in English wrote? I wanted to know what they
meant. That’s why I become an English teacher.

This is the Maxim of Quality he try to make your contribution one that is true; He say what you
believe to be true.


A) PABLO: In specific, where did you study for teaching English?

B) MARIO: I studied at San Francisco Javier University my career, I began study in 1997
and finished my degree in 2002, I think, I don’t remember, yeah it was in 2002, so I
spent five years studying languages like I said before I studied English and German
because you know that languages is always constance, practice, because I didn’t have,
or I don’t have practice, so little by little I forgot some words or most of the tenses in

In this case B’s answer reply violates maxim of relation because is not relevant to A’s question.
B says something else which is not about A’s affair at all.


A) PABLO: What is your educational background?

B) MARIO: OK, when I started working, I started in Huanuni, in the mixed school Huanuni,
high school I was working there for five or six years, I don’t remember exactly then I
travel abroad, I practice my linguistics skills, because abroad I wanted to be in different
countries and also I practiced why foreign people, working and I came back 2009, I
begun working in Calacoto zone what was the name of that school? Julio Cesar Patiño,
and from 2010 until now I begun working at INCOS institute and in 2017 I begun
working in Salecina University, and last year I work for one year in UTB university, I can
say that I had been working in different places I remember one year I work for two or
four months, I don’t know remember exactly the time, I work for a Chinese company
as a translator, so that is my background experience.

B’s answer reply violates maxim of manner because in the example, the statement of B is
ambiguous. It can be interpreted in several ways is not brief, is not orderly. In fact is an
obscurity of expression.


A) PABLO: Wow, and now, what is your teaching philosophy?

B) MARIO: To be honest I haven’t an specific philosophy because my idea is that students,
if they want something they must do their best, they don’t have to expect that teacher
does everything for them, I mean that some students are used to the teacher do or
does everything for them, and they do any kind of effort, so I can say that: if you want
to learn something you have to work for it. It seems to be my teaching philosophy, in
another things that for example I told not miss classes because I know that some
students do different things in order to attend classes to do their best, and If I fail for
any personal reason I think that is not good. So I have this type of ideas, try to not miss
classes. If you want learn something you have to best effort for it, do not expect that
teacher do or does everything for you.
In the example, B’s reply is supposed to suggest that A is incorrect and B violates the
maxim of quality. Mario says something that evidently he does not believe in (i.e. he
told a lie).


A) PABLO: I agree. And why do you like teaching English?

B) MARIO: Like I said before, for example I think that people who study languages, it’s
because they are called by curious, for example if you listen rock music, if you read a
book, I don’t know, you watch a movie in their original languages, it’s because you are
caught for languages or maybe you like languages, and I think that for me is a good
think that if I can help you with something to do people who can’t find out the
meaning or can’t understand what people say in another language can’t find out the
meaning or can’t understand what people say in another language, I think that, I like
teaching languages because I want to help people understand other people.

In this case B’s answer reply violates maxim of relation because is not relevant to A’s
question. B says something else which is not about A’s affair at all.


A) GARY: ok, Could you tell us something about the things that you have planned for the
next year? I’m talking about what are your long term plans?
B) MARIO: Ok for example, to be honest I don’t know, or we don’t know our career is
about the finish, we don’t know if the career is going to continue the next year or we
are opening a new career. If it is the case we are going to open a career what I want
is, for example, changing subjects, I don’t want to do the same things over and over
again I want to change in order to that having new experiences, for example in my
case when I teaches a different subjects a different that I don’t know, or I don’t know
very much., it produces that I want to learn, it produces that I want to investigate, I
want to get more information in order that I can learn, and also I can teach to
students. You know that technology changes every day, so this is a good option or a
good train to improve a technology management skills. So I thing that if the career
continues I will for that we can have a change of the degree. So next year we still
working, we can have new students, we can have new ideas, everybody in the career
gets along because you know there are problems between teacher, because they don’t
like each other I don’t why.. I hope the next year, and this year that we haven’t seen
each other, we haven’t share many things, maybe our prepares … Next year we can
get along. I think I couldn't answer your question in a way but to be honest like I said
before, I didn't think about is because this moment I'm thinking is I don't know. How
doing in my classes how trying to teach you, very complicated teaching.
In this case, B’s reply violates maxim of quantity because B does not give information as
required by A, Instead, B gives more information which is not required or expected at all.


A) GARY: Yes, that's true I agree with you in many aspects that you told us about those
plans. So have you got other things that you planned maybe what are your short-term
B) MARIO: ok first able saving money in order to get my own place, my own house, or my
apartment, the other thing is being healthy for my family, for my children, also my
family has to be healthy and keep working, looking for another option another
opportunities, you know, when a one window closes you have to open other window.
So I have to we don't know how I'm going to be the situation that year. So all these
necessary is to have clear ideas are don’t hesitating in anything. You have to do your

B’s answer reply violates maxim of manner because in the example, the statement of B is
ambiguous. It can be interpreted in several ways is not brief, is not orderly. In fact is an
obscurity of expression.


A) GARY: That’s it. Yes. It's so true. You said. Now you could you tell me something about
other careers would you like to study maybe what other things would you like to
study? Not only related with the English? Maybe? I don't know. You could tell us
something about that.
B) MARIO: Ok you know one or three years ago when I was talking with a friends of mine,
he mentioned studying about aeronautics, you know that there are different areas in
that subject, and find out this careers or these areas, they are not so expensive, and
they are last only six or eight months. It was one of my options, you know, it was air
controlling the things that I wanted to study, it is one of my options and the other is
related with making movies, to be honest I like watching movies, I want to know how
people do or make movies, in a future I would like study that not for make money, It
would be for curiosity, and know how it works. I think those are my plans. Do some
courses to do, after finish some degrees. So in the next month I will finish my degree. I
keep a degree about technology management, I ought to finish that.

This is the Maxim of Quality he try to make your contribution one that is true; He say what you
believe to be true.

In this case, B’s reply relates to the question, not talking about something else.


A) GARY: Very interesting. Now it is related about if you are doing your best your best to
get the desire you want about movies. What kind of movies would you like to create to
make in this case?
B) MARIO: Mostly, I would, if I had the chance I would like to make documentaries about
anything, I like documentaries because commentaries about the information you can
give the are the best way to show from different topics.
In answer B it obeys the Manner Maxim: be orderly, avoid ambiguity, and be brief, because it
gives a clear explanation.


A) ELIAS: Could you tell us about the things you like to do?
B) MARIO: At this moment Like to go out to the street without any worry, any
preoccupation, I would like to go out like before like one year ago without any
dangerous if I called like this, another thing I would like to do with my family, I would
like to travel to Tarija with because this was the year we planned to travel to Tarija
with my family but, you know because in this pandemics, it’s quite difficult because
the lack of money, the economical situation is not the same as the other years so… you
know what I want to do is that expect that this year ends and let see what happens
next year.

This is the maxim of quantity because A. make your contribution as informative as is required
(For the current purpose of the exchange) B. Do not make your contribution more informative
than is required.


A) ELIAS: What is your favorite hobby?

B) MARIO: To be honest I don’t have an specific hobby, I like many things for example, in
some cases I like watching movies, like going to the gym, I like, I do not, If I have time
play games in play station, in other cases I like collecting figures, I like collecting
different things. So I don’t have an specific hobby, I have many, so I can’t tell you
which is my favorite because I like doing all of these, and I didn’t say this is my best,
this is my second best, no¡, I like them all.

This is the maxim of relation, where one tries to be relevant, and says things that are pertinent
to the discussion.

In the example, B’s reply relates to the question, not talking about something else.


A) ELIAS: What Kind of books do you like to read?

B) MARIO: Mostly for example I like reading about biographies, sciences fiction but no
space, not about this, for example I like reading books like The lord of the rings, The
Hobbit, Game of Thrones, these kind of books I like reading, and also I like reading,
Julio Berne, and Charls Dickens, these are ,my favorite readings.

This is the maxim of quantity because A. make your contribution as informative as is required
(For the current purpose of the exchange) B. Do not make your contribution more informative
than is required.


A) ELIAS: What kind of music do you like listen to?

B) MARIO: ok in some cases I like old fashion, for example I like, 80s, 90s, rock music,
Latin music, it depends like I said before, I don’t have an specific musical taste, if It is
good for me I like, if it is not good for me I don’t like. So it doesn’t matter the gender
the rock pop regueton, I don’t have a gender.

This is the maxim of quantity because A. make your contribution as informative as is required
(For the current purpose of the exchange) B. Do not make your contribution more informative
than is required.


A) ELIAS: Which sport do you like to practice?

B) MARIO: four years or three years ago I sued play basketball in a team, I always liked
playing basketball but I couldn’t go to the matches, I didn’t have time then I began go
to the gym, so in an specific sport, but I don’t have the chance, I do not know, for
example, I do physical exercises at home because I have some devices that help to do
get in shape.

This is the Maxim of Quality he try to make your contribution one that is true; He say what you
believe to be true.


A) ELIAS: Which are the places do you like to travel?

B) MARIO: For example, for example I would like to travel to Spain with my family, or
maybe to other country, but I want to take my family, my children an, my wife in order
they can know that place.

This is the maxim of relation, where one tries to be relevant, and says things that are pertinent
to the discussion.

In the example, B’s reply relates to the question, not talking about something else.


A) ELIAS: Where did you travel on your last vacation?

B) MARIO: Ok, To Sucre to visit my parents, and every end of the year I travel to Sucre, to
visit my parents and to see my family.

This is the maxim of relation, where one tries to be relevant, and says things that are pertinent
to the discussion.

In this case, B’s reply relates to the question, not talking about something else.


A) ELIAS: Where do you live know?

B) MARIO: I live in La Paz, in Miraflores zone, at Iturralde Avenue, near Uyunis Square.
This is where I live.

This is the maxim of relation, where one tries to be relevant, and says things that are pertinent
to the discussion.

In this case, B’s reply relates to the question, not talking about something else.

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