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Summary of Purposeful Millionare

In this chapter theauthor is talking about discipline and success.When you are
mastered In the displine then it is quiet easy for us to achieve that goal which
you have targeted.. Discipline is made up of the basic tools we use to cope
with life’s problems and challenges. Succeeding is so difficult for many
people because life can be frustrating. Frustration can provoke many to give
up too soon. Each challenge we face offers us the opportunity to grow, to
improve upon our skillset, to test our edges and to learn new ways to solve
problems. Those who are disciplined make their lives easier as their skill sets
increase. Disciplined people trust they grow the most when challenged by
optimal levels of frustration. The frustrations that challenge them are the very
one's which distinguish them as being a success rather than a failure.if we
want to succeed we have to be willing to work harder than anyone else.
Disciplined people are not satisfied living an average life. They crave testing
the edges of who they are and what they can become.

The author compare the drivers with successful persons.

1-speeders- this type of persons are dedicated towards works.They are very
ambious type of person and they did not take care about what is going in the
outside world , they focus only in their target goal.But during the success
phase they are not enjoying the moment .

2-Rule breakers- This type of person go through the shortcut to achive the
success.Once they break the rule everytime they follow that rule but not for
long time.

3-Careless-These type of person are distracted and go to the bad habit like
drinking and smoking due to stress and load.

4-Road ragers- These type of persons are very harmful for us.they harm the
other without guilt and regret.

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