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Pigafetta- Eastern Sunday, March 31, 1521, island called “Mazaua”

- Rajah of Mazaua, Rajah of Butuan

- A wooden cross was planted upon its summit

Limasawa – little island south of Leyte

Butuan – beach called Masao at the mouth of the Agusan River in northern Mindanao near Butuan

The Butuan Traditon

Tradition that was almost unanimous and unbroken for three centuries: 17 th-19th

A monument was erected in 1872 near Agusan River, now the municipality of Magallanes named after Magellan

Inscription says To the Immortal Magellan: the People of Butuan with their Parish Priest and the Spaniards resident
therein, to commemorate his arrival and the celebration of the First Mass on this site on the 8 th of April 1521. Erected in
1872, under the District Governor Jose Ma. Carvallo

Parish priest at that time was a Spanish friar of the Order Augustinian Recollects.

Date was an attempt to translate in terms of Gregorian calendar.

The 17th Century

Accepted without questions by two Jesuit historians

Father Francisco Colin S.J. (1592-1660) – Labor evangelica in Madrid, 1663 three yr after his death

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