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Psalm 34:4 I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me.

He freed me from all

my fears.

You know the truth is a lot of us or maybe all of us are afraid. Specially
during this season, we are afraid to get sick, we are afraid to lose our job, we
are afraid of the future want is gonna happen to our family financially,
want's gonna happen may be your business, to the economy, to our country
all over the world. We have so many fears and that's normal, especially
during a crisis but you know what I’m amaze off
I’m amaze every time I’m read in the Bible the word; sought the Lord or I
seek the Lord, I trust the Lord or I go to God
and you also read fear. usually what happen to the fear is? it is disappears.
for example: in another Psalm; the psalmist said I trust the Lord I shall not
be afraid. you see that "I trust the Lord therefore I shall not be afraid." and
then another psalmist wrote;
that! since God is his refuge! therefore I shall not be afraid. and here David
said that he sought the Lord and as a result of that God deliver him from all
his fears in other words, his fears disappear?
and maybe for some of us were wondering! but I been seeking the Lord? how
come I’m still afraid? how come I'm still worried? how come I don't have
peace? maybe because we don't know what it really means.
when we say we seek the Lord?
let me give you two definition: their many a definition of that! specially in the
but let me focus on two definitions when we say seeking the Lord.
First - when we say we are seeking the Lord; it means we long for His
comfort. that is why we go to HIM? because we know He is the only one give
us the comfort? the peace the absolute peace that nothing or no one, in this
world can give. That is why we go to Him. We believe His comfort is
it's amazing and it's gonna give us tremendous peace. just like our children,
whenever we go to the doctor! for the flu shot, or for their vaccine, their
of course, they are afraid of the injection. but you know! what gives them
comfort? YOU and ME! "pag hiwakan natin kamay nila, pag niyakap na
natin sila, or when we caring them? or when you are near them." Is the
same kind of comfort and even greater than that? that's what God wants to
give to us! that's why? when we seek
the Lord. It means! Lord, I need your comfort, in my life right now? nobody
else or nothing else give that comfort to me. Specially during this crisis!
that's why I seek you! that's why I go to You.
definitely! were gonna have peace, definitely! are fears, are gonna disappear.
Because we received God's comfort.
The Second definition that I want to focus on - Is when we say we seek the
Lord! it means! that He is our security. pwede ba natin ulitin (He is our
security) " Lord Jesus You are our security.
Why? you know what I realize! I realize that our fear, sometimes or a lot of
times it reveals (pinapakita na sa atin) were we place our security.
"Our fears sometimes reveals were we place our security."
co'z! we are afraid to lose that thing? we are afraid that this will be taken
from us? we are afraid that were gonna loose something that is very valuable
to us, whether its money, whether its business, whether is a career, whether
is a relationship, whatever that is in this world. If we hold on to it too much,
definitely! we’re gonna be afraid! in case that thing is gonna get lost.
That is why God should be our ultimate Security.
Because you know what is happening in our world, right now?
God is showing that nothing in this world! will give us absolute security.
That is why David said; that when he sought the Lord, he delivered him
from all he's fears. because it made him secure. It reminded him that God,
is a promise keeper all the time.
That He, has never fail His promises is just like! watching a basketball game
PBA or NBA finals of your favourite team (mga paborito ninyong kupunan or
pangkat) and you know already who "WON" because it is a replay game.
you will not be afraid anymore? you are not gonna worry when you watch
that replay? because you know that your team WON (nanalo na! yuhuhhhh)
you have security there is that certainty that your team is gonna win,
or maybe is just like taking your final interview and two days before your
final interview in your work, your future Boss or Manager decided Ok! Mr.
PEACE BOY, I feeling very gracious today my company decided to
accept/hire you,
what would you fill if that happen? of course you'll gonna be grateful and at
the same time you'll no longer be afraid. why? because you know that you
are hired already. so, it just like that! but even greater than that?
when we put our security in God. because He, knows everything; He, knows
our future, He, knows what is best for us. So definitely! when we seek Him,
when we hold on to Him, and make Him our security I tell you! we shall not
be afraid.
And that is my encouragement to you to all of us - mga "KAPATID" mga
BRO'S - as we go to through this crisis, yes, it is normal to be afraid but
every time you fill fear, every time you are afraid go to God. Trust Him! seek
Seek His comfort! place your security in Him.
So why do we pray why do I pray for you.
So Let us pray! Father God thank you so much for your word, thank you
that when we seek you with all our hearts, when we trust You, when we go
to You, You are our refuge, You are the one who care for us, the one who
absolutely will protect us. And Lord, there is perfect security You. Lord teach
us that every time were afraid or every time there is fear in our heart's that
we will always seek You with all of our hearts and as a result of that we
trust and we believed that you will remove all our fears. Thank you that You
are a promise keeper. Thank you that we can hold on to You. In JESUS

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