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B O O K C R A F T, I N C.

Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 58-10837

Printed by
This work on Mormon Doctrine is unique-the first book
of its kind ever published.
It is the first major attempt to digest, explain, and analyze
all of the important doctrines of the kingdom.
It is the first extensive compendium of the whole gospel
-the first attempt to publish an encyclopedic commentary
covering the whole field of revealed religion.
True, there are many Bible commentaries, dictionaries,
and encyclopedias; but they all abound in apostate, sectarian
notions. Also, there are many sound gospel texts on special
But never before has a comprehensive attempt been made
to define and outline, in a brief manner, all of the basic prin-
ciples of salvation-and to do it from the perspective of all
revelation, both ancient and modern.
This work on Mormon Doctrine is designed to help per-
sons seeking salvation to gain that knowledge of God and his
laws without which they cannot hope for an inheritance in
the celestial city.
Since it is impossible for a man to be saved in ignorance
of God and his laws and since man is saved no faster than he
gains knowledge of Jesus Christ and the plan of salvation, it
follows that men are obligated at their peril to learn and apply
the true doctrines of the gospel.
This gospel compendium will enable men, more effec-
tively, to "teach one another the doctrine of the kingdom";
to "be instructed more perfectly in theory, in principle, in
doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things that pertain
unto the kingdom of God, that are expedient" for them "to
understand." (D. & C. 88:77-78.)
For the work itself, I assume sole and full responsibility.
Observant students, however, will note that the standard
works of the Church are the chief sources of authority quoted
and that literally tens of thousands of scriptural quotations
and citations are woven into the text material.
Where added explanations and interpretations were
deemed essential, they have been taken from such recognized
doctrinal authorities as Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, Joseph
F. Smith, Orson Pratt, John Taylor, and Joseph Fielding Smith.
Two persons have been particularly helpful in the actual
preparation of the work: I. Velma Harvey, my very able and
competent secretary, who with unbounded devotion and insigh1
has typed manuscripts, checked references, proofread, and
worked out many technical details; and 2. Joseph Fielding
Smith, Jr., my brother-in-law, who both set the type and made
many valuable suggestions as to content and construction.
Abundant needed and important counsel has also come
from Milton R. Hunter, my colleague on the First Council of
the Seventy; Marvin Wallin, of Bookcraft; and Thomas S.
Monson, of the Deseret News Press.
Salt Lake City, Utah
June 1, 1958

Scriptural references are abbreviated in a standard and self-
identifying way.
Other books are cited by author and title, except that the following
oft-cited works are referred to by title only:
Little, James A., & Richards, Franklin D., Compendium;
Roberts, Brigham H., Outlines of Ecclesiastical History;
Smith, Joseph, History of the Church, vols. I to 6\
Lectures on Faith;
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith (cited as Teachings);
Smith, Joseph F., Gospel Doctrine;
Smith, Joseph Fielding, Doctrines of Salvation, vols. I to 3;
Essentials in Church History;
Man: His Origin and Destiny;
Progress of Man;
Way to Perfection;
Talmage, James E., Articles of Faith;
Taylor, John, Gospel Kingdom;
Mediation and Atonement;
Woodruff, Wilford, Discourses of Wilford Woodruff;
Young, Brigham, Discourses of Brigham Young (cited as Discourses).
To Oscar W. McConkie, my father, a pillar of spiritual
strength, a scriptorian and theologian, who has
brought up his children in light and truth and
instilled in the heart of each of them a
desire for excellence in gospel scholarship.
Aaron. See A.ARONIC PRIESTHOOD, younger brother. (Ex. 4; 5; 6; 7; 8;
A.ARONITES, LEVI, MELCHIZEDEK, 9; IO; II; 12; 16.) After the begin-
MOSES, PRESIDING BISHOP, PRIESTHOOD, ning of the Aaronic order, Aaron and
SoNs OF MosEs AND·AARON. To Aaron his sons after him were anointed
goes the honor-as a perpetual me- priests unto Israel. (Ex. 28; 29; 30;
morial through all · generations-of Num. 3; 4.)
having his name used to identify the Aaron's call to the Levitical minis-
lesser, Levitical, or Aaronic Priest- try stands as the perfect example of
hood. (D. & C. 84:18-27; 107:1, 20.) the choosing of legal administrators
As a possessor of the Melchizedek to do the Lord's work; ever since that
Priesthood, Aaron held a position of day, the legality of priestly adminis·
prominence and leadership among tration has been determined by
the elders. (Ex. 18: 12; John Taylor, whether the professing minister was
Items on Priesthood, p. 5.) ~ d, "called of God, as was Aaron" (Heb.
with Moses, Nadab, Abihu, and 5:4; D. & C. 27:8; 132:59), that is,
70 of the elders o srael, Aaron by revelation and ordinat~on, and
sawthe God of Israel before the with the full approval of the body
existence of the Aaronic order; of the Lord's true worshipers.
and when '~Moses went u into the
mount of God," Aaron and Hur were Aaronic Priesthood. See AARON,
left in a position of presidency over AAR0NITES, BISHOPS, I;)EACONS, JOHN
the other el ders. (Jix. 24.) Hut when THE BAPTIST, KEYS, LAW OF MOSES,
the law of carnal commandments was LEVITES, MELCHIZEDEK PRIESTHOOD,
"added" to the gospel "because of ORDINATIONS, PRIESTHOOD, PRIESTHOOD
transgressions," then Aaron and his OF ELIAS, PRIESTHOOD OFFICES, PRIEST-
sons were chosen to bear that priest- HOOD QUORUMS, PRIESTS, QuoRUM
hood by which the lesser law was PRESIDENTS, TEACHERS. When the
administered. (Gal. 3.) Aaron's po• Lord first gave the law of carnal com-
sition then became comparable to mandments, the preparatory gospel, to
that of the Presiding Bishop of the school Israel for a future time when
Church. (John Taylor, Items on again they could enjoy the gospel
Priesthood, pp. 5-6.) fulness, of necessity a lesser order of
Also before the institution of the priesthood was conferred to adminis-
Levitical Priesthood, Aaron was cho- ter the lesser law. (Heb. 7:12;
sen by the Lord to act as a minister Inspired Version, Ex. 34:1-2.) This
with and a spokesman for Moses, his lesser priesthood (D. & C. 85:11) was

conferred upon Aaron and his sons ther, without mother, without de-
after him (Ex. 28; 29; 30; Lev. I : 11; scent." (Heb. 7:3.) John the Baptist
3:2; 13 :2; Num. 18), as "an everlast- "was a descendant of Aaron" and
ing priesthood throughout their held the keys of the Aaronic Priest-
generations." (Ex. 40 :15; Num. hood. (Teachings, pp. 272-273.)
25:10-13.) It was also conferred There was no Aaronic Priesthood
upon substantially the whole house among the Nep ites rior to t e min-
of Levi who were between 30 and 50 istry of the resurrected Lord among
years of age. (Num. 3; 4.) Hence it them, for none o e tri e o evi
is called the Aaronic or Levitical accom anied the Ne hite e !es to
Priesthood; the two names are their promised land.
synonymous. (D. & C. 107:1, 6, 10.) Few members of the tribe of Levi
Aaron and his sons alter him held gathered with the fold of Israel in
the keys of the Aaronic Priesthood the meridian of time; few have come
and acted in the lull majesty and back to the fold of their lathers in
power of this Levitical order; many this dispensation; and there were
of their functions were comparable none among the Nephites to whom
to those of bishops and priests in this our Lord ministered. Consequently,
dispensation. Though the rest of the beginning in the day of the primitive
ordained Levites held the lulness of Church the lesser priesthood was
the Aaronic Priesthood (Heb. 7:5) spread out among the body of the
and participated in the offering of people and was no longer confined
sacrifices, they did not hold the keys exclusively to the chosen lineage.
of the Aaronic ministry; many of their When the latter-day kingdom is per-
functions were comparable to those fected, and when the other tribes· of
of teachers and deacons in this dis- Israel are gathered and receive their
pensation. (Num. 3; 4; 2 Chron. 29; blessings under the hands of Ephrai.m,
Mal. 3:3; D. & C. 13; Doctrines of the first to gather (D. & C. 133:26-
Salvation, vol. 3, pp. 111-114.) 35), then the sons of Levi again will
From Aaron to John the Baptist stand forth in the majesty of their
the hereditary nature of the Levitical calling and "offer again an offering
Priesthood "was in active operation." unto the Lord in righteousness."
(Teachings, pp. 318-319; D. & C. (D. &C. 13.)
84:18, 26-27, 30; 107: 13.) This John the Baptist, as a resurrected
priesthood in that day was conferred personage, came to Joseph Smith and
solely upon worthy members of the Oliver Cowdery on the 15th of May,
special lineage chosen to receive it; 1829, and made the first conferral of
it came to individuals by descent, be- Levitical Priesthood in this dispensa-
cause of lather and because of mother, tiop. (D. & C. 13; 27:8.) Since then,
as contrasted with the Melchizedek as the needs of the ministry war-
Priesthood which was "without la- ranted, the offices of bishop, priest,

teacher, and deacon, have all .been Levites was that they beini un-
revealed as part of this Aaronic min- worthy, sought "the high priesthood
istry. ~ (Inspired Version, Num. 16.)
The Priesthood of Aaron "is called
the lesser priesthood ... because it is Aaronites. See AARON, AARONIC
an appendage to the greater; or 'the PRIESTHOOD, LEVITES, SONS OF Mosns
Melchizedek Priesthood, and has pow- AND AARoN. D escendants of Aaron,
er in administering outward ordi- specially honored as the priests of
nances." (D. &C. 107:13-14.) Though Israel, were called Aaronites. (I
it is a lesser· priesthood, it is yet one Chrori. 12:27; 27 : 17.) Descent and
of great majesty and power. It holds genealogical proof thereof were of
" the keys of the ministering of vital importance. "The children· of
angels," meaning that those who hold the priests," when the temple was to
it and are faithful have the key be rebuilt in Jerusalem, "sought their
whereby they can open the door to register among those that Were reck-
the receipt of visitations from heav- oned by genealogy, but they were not
enly messengers. (D. & C. 13; 84:26- found: therefore were they, as pol-
27; 107:20.) Faith, repentance, and luted, put from the priesthood."
baptism-comprising as they do the (Ezra 2:61-63; Neh. 7:63-65.)
preparatory gospel-fall within its
province, though the laying on of Abaddon. See APOLLYON, DESTROYER,
hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost DEVIL, HELL. This expression, of
is not a prerogative that -attends it. Hebrew origin, was used by John as
Perfection does not come by tbe a name for Satan. (Rev. 9: 11.) It
Le~ cal order and this lesser priest- is the same as the Greek Apollyon
hood is not received with an oath. and means literally the Destroyer. It
(Heb. 7:11, 21; Teachings, p. 323.) was used anciently to mean hell, as
But it is a preparatory priesthood, the shown in the marginal reading of
Priesthood of Elias, the schooling Psalm 88:11.
ministry; which prepares its worthy
and faithful ministers for the oath and Abominable Church. See CHURCH OF
covenant and perfection that apper~ THE DEVIL.
tain to the Melchizedek order. That
those who train themselves to receive Abomination of Desolation. See
the Melchizedek Priesthood, by mag- ABOMINATIONS, SECON'D · COMING OF
nifying their callings in the Aaronic CHRIST, SIGNS OF THE TIMES. Daniel
Priesthood, must be true and faithful ~poke prophetically of a day-.;;-
and worthy for the final receipt of the there would be "the abomination that
greater priesthood is self evident. In- maketh desolate" (Dan. 11 :31 ·
deed, one of the reasons the L;.:;r ~ nd ·the phrase was recoined
Clestroyed Korah and his band of in New Testament times to say, "the

abomination of desolatinn, spoken of Then, speaking of the last days, of

by Daniel the prophet." (Matt. the days following the restoration of
24: 15.) Aside from the prophetic the gospel and its declaration "for
setting and relying solely on the plain a witness unto all nations," our Lord
meaning of words, we would conclude said: "And again shall the abomina-
that this phrase (abomination of tion of desolation, spoken of by Daniel
desolation) would have reference to the prophet, be fulfilled." (Jos.
some great act or status of corruption Smith 1:31-32.) That is: Jerusalem
and bcfoulment, of contamination again will be under siege ("For I will
and filthiness, which would bring to gather all nations against Jerusalem
pass destruction, ruination, devasta - to battle"); again the severity of the
tion, desolation. siege and the extremities of brutal
Such is the case. These conditions conflict, born of wickedness and abom-
of desolation, born of abomination ination, will lead to great devastation
and wickedness, were to occur twice and desolation ("and the city shall
in fulfilment of Daniel's words. The be taken, and the houses rifled, and
first was to be when the Roman le- the women ravished; and hall of the
gions under Titus, in 70 A.D., laid city shall go forth into captivity").
siege to Jerusalem, destroying and (Zech. I 4.) It will be during this siege
scattering the people, leaving not one that Christ will come, the wicked
stone upon another in the desecrated will be destroyed, and the millennial
temple, and spreading such terror and era commenced.
devastation as has seldom if ever In a general sense, this expressive
been equalled on earth. Of those days designation, abomination of desola-
Moses had foretold that the straitness tion, also describes the latter-day
of the siege would cause parents to terrors to be poured out upon the
eat their own children and great wicked wherever they may be. And
loathing and evil to abound. (Deut. so that the honest in heart may escape
28.) these things, the Lord sends his mis-
And of the same events our Lord sionaries forth to raise the warning
was led to say: "For then, in those voice, to declare the glad tidings of
days, shall be great tribulation on the restoration, lest "desolation and
the Jews, and upon the inhabitants utter abolishment" come upon them.
of Jerusalem, such as was not before The elders are commanded to reprove
sent upon Israel, of God, since the "the world in righteousness of all
beginning of their kingdom until this their unrighteous and ungodly deeds,
time; no, nor ever shall be sent again setting forth clearly and understand-
upon Israel. . . . And except those ingly the desolation of abomination
days should be shortened, there in the last days." (D. & C. 84:114
should none of their flesh be saved." 1.!1J_
(Jos. Smith 1: 12-20.) Also: "Go forth among the Gentiles

'for the last time, as many as the upon him the higher priesthood, and
'mouth of the Lord shall name, to he entered into ·celestial marriage
bind up the law and seal up the testi- (which is the covenant of exaltation),
mony, and to prepare the saints for gaining assurance thereby that he
the hour of judgment which is to would have eternal increase; finally
come; That their souls may escape the he received a promise that all of these
wrath of God, the desolation of blessings would be offered to all of
abomination which awaits the wicked, his mortal posterity. (Abra. 2:6-11;
both in this world and in the world D. & C. 132:29-50.) Included in the
to come." (D. & C. 88:84-85.) divine promises to Abraham was the
assurance that Christ would come
Abominations. See ABOMINATION OF through his lineage, and the assurance
DESOLATION, CHURCH OF THE DEVIL, that · Abraham's posterity would re-
SIGNS OF THE TIMES, SrN, WrcKiD- ceive certain choice, promised lands
NEss. Those practices which are so as an eternal inheritance. (Abra. 2;
vile, hateful, and detestable as to Gen. 17; 22:15-18; Gal. 3.)
excite and deserve loathing are called All of these promises lumped to-
abominations. Idolatory and e~ gether are called the Abrahamic cove-
form of sex immorality for instance, nant. This covenant was renewed
are so classified. (Lev. 18.) The with Isaac (Gen. 24:60; 26:1-4, 24)
doctrines, traditions, practices, and and again with Jacob. (Gen. 28;
policies of the Catholic Church com- 35:9-13; 48:3-4.) Those portions of
prise some of the most wicked of all it which pertain to personal exaltation
abominations. Indeed, one of the and eternal increase are renewed with
revealed names of the Great and each member of the house of Israel
Abominable Church is, "MYSTERY, who enters the order of celestial mar-
BABYLON THE GREAT, THE riage; through that order the partici-
MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND pating parties become inheritors of
ABOMINATIONS OF THE all the blessings of Abraham, Isaac,
EARTH." (Rev. 17:4-5.) and Jacob. (D. & C. 132; Rom. 9:4;
Gal. 3; 4.)
Abrahamic Covenant. See AooPTiciN, To fulfil the covenant God made
CELESTIAL MARRIAGE, CHILDREN OF with Abraham- having particular
THE COVENANT, COVENANTS, EXALTA- reference to the fact that the literal
TION, ' GATHERING OF ISRAEL, HOPE seed of his body would be entitled to
OF ISRAEL, MELCHIZEDEK PRIESTHOOD, the blessings of the gospel, the priest-
NEW AND EVERLASTING COVENANT, hood, celestial marriage, and eternal
RESTORATION OF THE GosPEL. Abra- life (Abra. 2:10-11)-a number of
ham first received the gospel by bap- specific · and particular things must
tism (which is the covenant of take place in the last days. The gos-
salvation ); then he haa conferred pel must be restored, the prie{;thood be

conferred again upon man, the keys hearts against me I will return their
of the sealing power given again to iniquities upon their own heads, saith
mortals, Israel gathered, and the Holy the Father. And I will remember the
Ghost must be poured out upon the covenant which I have made with my
Gentiles. All this has, of course, al- people; and I have covenanted with
ready taken place or is in process of them that I would gather them to-
fulfilment. (I Ne. 14:5-7; 15:12-20; gether in mine own due time, that I
19:14-17; 22:3-25; 2 Ne. 6:6-12; 9:1- would give unto them again the land
2; 10:7-15; 11:5; 29: 1; 3 Ne. 15; 20; of their fathers for their inheritance,
21; Ether 13: 1-13.) This is the very which is the land of Jerusalem, which
day wh en the identity of those "who is the promised land unto them for -
are heirs according to the covenant" ever, saith the Father." (3 Ne. 20:25-
(D. & C. 52:2), who are " lawful 29.)
heirs, according to the flesh" (D. & C. As a sign-"that ye may know the
86:8- 11) , is being made known. time when these things shall be about
To the Nephites the resurrected to take place"-the Lord said that a
Lord proclaimed: "Ye are of the house free nation would be set up on the
of Israel; and ye are of the covenant American continent, that the gospel
wh ich the Father made with your would be restored, and that the Book
lathers, saying unto Abraham: And of Mormon would come forth. "And
in thy seed shall all the kindreds of when these things come to pass that
the earth be blessed. The Father thy seed sh all begin to know these
having raised me up unto you first, things-it shall be a sign unto them,
and sent me to bless you in turning that they may know that the work
away every one of you from his of the Father hath already com-
iniquities; and this because ye are the menced unto the fulfilling of the
children of the covenant-And alter covenant which he h ath made unto
that ye were blessed then fulfilleth the people who are al the house of
the Father the covenant which he Israel." (3 Ne. 21.)
made with Abraham, saying: In thy
seed shall all the kindreds of the earth Abrahamic Dispensation. See DIS-
be blessed- unto the pouring out of PENSATIONS.
the Holy Ghost through me upon the
Gentiles, which blessing upon the Abraham's Bosom. See PARADISE,
Gentiles shall make them mighty SPIRIT WORLD. Our Lord, in the par-
above all, unto the scattering of my able of Lazarus and the rich man,
people, 0 h ouse of Israel. And they uses the ·term Abraham's bosom to
sh all be a scourge unto the people of mean paradise. Abraham, the friend
this land. Nevertheless, when they of God, not at that time h aving been
shall have received the fulness of my resurrected, was continuing his life
gospel, .t hen if they shall harden their in the paradise of God, the same place

to which the righteous . beggar went. Without such personal responsibility

(Luke 16:19-31.) The expression free agency could not operate, for
connotes the close fellowship and neither rewards nor punishments
harmony that exists among the right- would follow the exercise of agency,
eous in the paradisiacal sphere of And if there were no rewards or pun-
peace ·and rest. ishments, there would be no salvation
or damnation, and so the whole plan
Abraham's Children. See ADOPTION, of salvation would vanish away. (2
CHILDREN OF THE COVENANT, ISRAEL, Ne. 2:11-16,) But contrary to the
TRmEs OF ISRAEL. "We be Abraham's apostate view which denies personal
seed," the Jews said; and so they were responsibility for sin, and says instead
in the literal sense, •But in the gospel that men are predestined to salvation
sense Abraham's children are those or damnation, the Lord has said that
who do the works of Abraham, for men will be punished for. their own
their blood is thereby cleansed · and sins (Second Article of Faith; Articles
purified as was Abraham's, and they of Faith, pp. 52-73), and that they
are adopted into his lineage. (Abra. will be judged according to the deeds
2:8-11; D, & C. 84:33-41; 132:29-33; done in the flesh. (Rev. 20:12,)
Teachings, ·pp. 149-150,) Hence, our Accordingly, men are accountable
Lord replied to the Jews, "If ye were for all their acts both temporal .and
Abraham's children, ye would do. the spiritual. (D. & C. 42:32; 104:13.)
works of Abraham, . . . Ye do the Accountability for civic and govern-
deeds of .JOur father. , , . Ye are of mental acts is included, "We believe
your lather the devil, and the lusts that governments were instituted of
of your father ye . will do." (John God for the benefit of man; and that
8:31-47.) he holds men accountable for their
acts in relation to them, both in mak-
Absolution. See PENANCE. ing laws and administering them, for
the good and safety of society,"
Abstinence, See Wonn OF WISDOM, (D. & C. 134:1.) In fact the Lord
established the constitution of the
Abyss, See BOTTOMLESS Prr, United States, "That every man may
act in doctrine and principle pertain-
Accountability. See AGENCY, BAP· ing to futurity, according to the moral
TISM, INFANT BAPTISM, ORIGINAL S1N agency which I have given unto him,
THEORY, SALVATION OF CHILDREN, that every man. may be accountable
TEMPTATION, YEARS OF AccouNTA· for his own sins in the day of judg-
BILITY. Personal accountability for ment." (D. & C. JOI :77-80.)
all of one's acts underlies the whole
gospel plan and is the natural out: Acts of God, See Goo, JUDGMENTS OF
grnwth of the lllw of free agency. don, SIGNS OF THE TIMES, Common

custom designates the calamities of Adam. See ADAM-Goo THEORY,

nature as acts of God. In courts of ADAMIC LANGUAGE, ADAM-ONDI-
law, for instance, floods, earthquakes, AHMAN, ANCIENT OF DAYS, BATTLE
volcanic eruptions, hailstorms, and GREAT Goo, Evn, FALL OF

the like, since they apparently are ADAM, FmsT FLESH, FmsT MAN, FoR-
wholly outside the realm of human BIDDEN FRUIT, MICHAEL THE ARCH -

control, are called acts of God. This ANGEL, PRE-EXISTENCE, WAR IN

view of things is particularly offensive HEAVEN. Our knowledge about

to those branches of apostate Chris - Adam, and the exalted station held
tendom which specialize in the false by him in the eternal providences of
view that Deity is light, love, and the Almighty, begins with an under-
standing of his pre-existent work and
goodness and never manifests himself
except through attributes of this sort. mission. By his diligence and obe-
dience there, as one of the spirit sons
In actuality the hand of the Lord
of God, he attained a stature and
is seen in all things including the
power second only to that of Christ,
calamities of nature. He has given the Firstborn. None of all the billions
laws unto all things, including the of our Father's children equalled him
forces of nature; and by these laws in intelligence and might, save Jesus
those forces are operated, )loverned, only. He sat in the council of the
and controlled. (D. & C. 88:42-45.) gods in the planning of the creation
One of these laws is that the right- of this earth, and then, under Christ,
eousness or wickedness of men di- participated in the creative enterprise.
rectly affects the operation of the (Abra. 3:22-26.) He was foreor-
forces of nature. Crops grow for the dained to come to earth as the lather
righteous who pay tithing. (Mal. of the human race, and when Lucifer
3:7-12.) The rains come and the and one-third of the hosts of heaven
productivity of the soil is enhanced rebelled, Adam ( with the exalted title
when men keep the commandments. of Michael the Archangel) led the
(Lev. 26 :3-5.) By listening to the hosts of the righteous in the war in
wbisperings of the Spirit, many right- heaven. (Rev. 12:7-9.)
eous persons have been led out of "And the first man of all men have
the paths of impending calamities; I called Adam," the Lord says, "which
conversely, when the fulness of the is many." (Moses I :34; 3:7; 6:45;
Lord's wrath has rested upon wicked Abra. 1:3; I Ne. 5:11; D. & C. 84:16.)
cities and nations, the inhabitants of That is, Adam was placed on earth as
those places have been placed in the the first of the human family and
way of "acts of God" which would given a name which signifies many
destroy them. These things are seen as pertaining to the greatness of the
in the whole record of God's dealings posterity which should flow from him.
with men. As to the manner in whiah Adam

was placed on earth, the First PreS- Father Adam was one of the most
idency of the Church (Joseph F. noble and intelligent characters who
Smith, John R. Winder, and Anthon ever lived. He was not the end-
H. Lund) has · given us this plain product of evolution, but came here
statement: · '!He took upon him an in his glory and perfection, a son of
appropriate body, the body of a man, God. He is the head of all gospel
and so became a 'living soul.' . . . dispensations (Teachings, pp. 167-
All who have inhabited the earth 169), the presiding high priest
since Adam have taken bodies and (under Christ) over all the earth;
become souls in like manner. . . . presides over all the spirits destined
Man began life as a human being, to inhabit this earth (Teachings, pp.
in the likeness of our heavenly Father. 157-159); holds the keys of salvation
True it is that the body of man en- over all the earth; and will reign as
ters upon its career as a tiny germ or Michael, our prince, to all eternity.
embryo, which becomes an infant, (D. & c.- 78:16.) He was baptized
quickened at a certain stage by the (Moses 6:64-66), married for eternity
spirit whose tabernacle it is, and the (Moses 3:21-25), had the fulness of
child, after being born, develops into the gospel (Moses 5:57-59), and
a man. There is nothing in this, how~ following 930 years of existence alter
ever, to indicate that the original the fall went on to the paradise of
man, the first of our race, began life God to await a glorious resurrection
as anything less than a man, or less with Christ and the righteous saints.
than the human germ or embryo that He has returned to earth in our day,
becomes a man." (Man : · His Origin bringing keys · and authorities to the
and Destiny, p. 354.) Prophet Joseph Smith (D. & C.
Adam's great part in the plan of 128:21); will soon preside at the
redemption was to fall from the great Adam - ondi - Ahman council
immortal state in which he first (D. & C. 116); and finally will reign
existed on earth and thus bring mor- over his righteous posterity in the
tality and death into the world. This Patriarchal Order to all eternity.
he did, bringing temporal and spir- (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. I, pp.
itual death into the world, from the 90-106.)
effects of which deaths the atone-
ment of Christ was foreordained as Adam-God Theory. See ADAM, AN-
a ransom. After the fall, Adam and CIENT OF . DAYS, BIRTHRIGHT, CELES-
Eve became the parents of all living. TIAL MARRIAGE, EXALTATION, Gan,
(Moses 5:11; D. & C. 27 :11 ; I Ne. GODHOOD, MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL,
5:11; 2:23-25.) We are his descend- PATRIARCHAL CHAIN, PATRIARCHAL
ants and there are no persons who ORDER, PLURALITY OF Goos. Cultists
have ever lived on earth who have and other enemies of the . restored
nqt 11~4 !hi! ~ame ancestry. truth, for their own nefarious pur-

poses, sometimes try to make it appear celestial marriage, and having pressed
that Latter-day Saints worship Adam forward in righteousness, overcoming
as their Father in Heaven. In sup- all things, they pass by the angels
port of their false assumptions, they and the gods "to their exaltation and
quote such statements as that of glory in all things. . . . Then shall
President Brigham Young to the effect they be gods, because they have no
that Adam is our lather and our god end; therefore shall they be from
and the only god with whom we everlasting to everlasting, because
have to do. This statement, and they continue; then shall they be
others of a similar nature, is per- above all, because all things are sub-
fectly consistent and rational, when ject unto them. Then shall they be
viewed in lull gospel perspective and gods, because they have all power,
understood in the light of _the revela- and the angels are subject unto
tions relative to the patriarchal chain them." (D. & C. 132:19-20.) Of all
binding exalted beings together. Full these Adam is the chief, presiding
and detailed explanations of all im- (under Christ and the Father) in the
portant teachings on these points are patriarchal order over all the rest.
readily available. (Doctrines of There is no mystery about this doc-
Salvation, vol. I, pp. 96-106.) trine except that which persons
Faithful members of the Church ignorant of the great principles of
worship the Father, in the name of exaltation and unfriendly to the cause
the Son, by the power of the Holy of righteousness have attempted to
Spirit, and view Adam in his proper make.
high place as the pre-existent Michael,
the first man and presiding high Adamic Dispensation. See DISPENSA-
priest ( under Christ) over all the TIONS.
earth for all time, and as the one
who will again lead the armies of Adamic Language. See BooK OF RE -
heaven in the final great war with MEMBRANCE, GAZELAM, LANGUAGES,
Lucifer. There is a sense, of course, TONGUES. In the beginning God gave
in which Adam is a god. But so Adam a language that was pure, per-
also, in the same sense, are Abraham, fect, and undefiled. This Adamic
Isaac, and Jacob; Moses and all the language, now unknown, was far
the ancient prophets; Peter, James, superior to any tongue which is pres-
and John; and all the righteous saints ently extant. For instance, the name
of all ages, including_those of both of God the Father, in this original
high and low degree. language, is Man of Holiness, signify-
All exalted beings become joint- ing that he is a Holy Man and not
heirs with Christ and inherit the a vague spiritual essence. (Moses
lulness of the Father's kingdom. 6:57.)
Having entered in at the gate of This first language spoken by mor-

tals was either the celestial tongue THE TIMES. Adam was the first man
of the Gods or such adaptation of it of all men; Ahman is one of the
as was necessary to meet the limita- names by which God was known
tions of mortality; and Adam and his to Adam. Adam-ondi-Ahman, a
posterity had power to speak, read, name carried over from the pure
and .write it. (Way to Perfection, pp. Adamic language into English, is one
60-69.) In writing of the saints in for which we have not been given
the day of the first man, Moses says: a , revealed, literal translation. As
"And a book of remembrance was near as we can judge--and this view
kept, ... in the language of Adam, comes down from the early brethren
for it was given unto as many as who associated with the Prophet
called upon God to write by the spirit Joseph Smith, who was the first one
of inspiration; And by them their to use the name in this dispensation
children were taught to read and -Adam - ondi - Ahman means the
write, having a language which was place or land of God where Adam
pure and undefiled." (Moses 6:5-6.) dwelt.
The beauty and power of this Adamic Apparently the area included was
language is indicated by a statement a large one; at least, the revelations
made by Moroni to the Lord about speak of the land, the valley, and the
the Brother of Jared (who spoke the mountains of Adam - ondi - Ahman.
original and pure language) : "Thou They tell us that Christ himself
madest him that the things which he "established the foundations of Adam-
wrote were mighty even as thou art, ondi-Ahman" (D. & C. 78:15-16),
unto the overpowering of man to and that it included the place now
read them." (Ether 12:24.) known as Spring Hill, Daviess
During the millennium, it appears County, Missouri. (D. & C. 116.)
that men will again have power to Far West, Missouri, . also appears
speak and write the Adamic language. to be included in the land of Adam-
01 that day the Lord says: "Will I ondi-Ahman. On April 17, 1838, the
tum to the people a pure language, Lord commanded his saints to as-
that they may all call upon the name semble at Far West, which place, he
of the Lord, to serve him with one said, was holy ground; and there they
consent." (Zeph. 3:9.) In some in- were to build a city. (D. & C. 115.)
stances when the saints speak in By July 8 of that year, William Marks
tongues, the language impressed upon and Newel K. Whitney had not left
them by the power .of the Spirit is their temporal concerns in Kirtland,
the pure Adamic tongue. Ohio, and were not assembling with
the saints coming to Zion. In rebuk-
Adam-Ondi-Ahman. See ADAM, AH- ing them the Lord said this: ."Is
MAN, GARDEN OF EDEN, MILLENNIUM, there not room enough on the moun-
SECOND CoMING OF CHRIST; SIGNS OF tains of Adam,andi-Ahman, and on

the plains of Olaha Shlnehah, or the Her land was good and greatly blest,
land where Adam dwelt, that you Beyond old Israel's Canaan;
should covet that which is but the Her lame was known from east to
drop, and neglect the more weighty west,
matters? Therefore, come up hither Her peace was great, and pure the
unto the land of my people, even rest
Zion ." 01 Adam-ondi-Ahman.
William Marks was told that he Hosannah to such days to come-
was to "preside in the midst of my The Savior's second coming,
people in the city of Far West," and When all the earth In glorious bloom,
Newel K. Whitney was told to "come Affords the Saints a holy home,
up to the land of Adam-ondi-Ahman, Like Adam-ondi-Ahman.
and be a bishop unto my people."
(D. & C. 117.) One of the greatest spiritual gath-
erings of all the ages took place in
The early brethren of this dispen-
the Valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman
sation taught that the Garden of
some 5,000 years ago, and another
Eden was located in what is known
gathering--of even greater impor-
to us as the land of Zion, an area
tance relative to this earth's destiny
for which Jackson County, Missouri,
-is soon to take place in that same
is the center place. In our popular
location. Our revelations recite :
Latter-day Saint hymn which be-
"Three years previous to the death
gins, "Glorious things are sung of
of Adam, he called Seth, Enos,
Zion, Enoch's city seen of old," we
Calnan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch,
find William W. Phelps preserving
and Methuselah, who were all high
the doctrine that "In Adam-ondi-
priests, with the residue of his pos-
Ahman, Zion rose where Eden was."
terity who were righteous, into the
And in another hymn, written by the
valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman, and
same author · in the days of the
there bestowed upon them his last
Prophet, we find these expressions:
This earth was once a garden place, "And the Lord appeared unto them,
With all her glories common, and they rose up and blessed Adam,
And men did live a holy race, and called him Michael, the prince,
And worship Jesus lace to lace, the archangel. And the Lord admin -
In Adam-ondi-Ahman. istered comfort unto Adam, and said
unto him: I have set thee to be at
We read that Enoch walk'd with God, the head; a multitude of nations shall
Above the power of mammon, come of thee, and thou art a prince
While Zion spread herself abroad, over them forever. And Adam stood
And Saints and angels sang aloud, up in the midst of the congregation;
In Adam-ondi-Ahman. and, notwithstanding he was bowed

down with age, being lull of the Holy of the Lord: And the prayer of faith
Ghost, predicted whatsoever should shall save the sick, and the Lord shall
befall his posterity unto the latest raise him up." (Jas. 5:14-16.) These
generation." (D. & C. 107 :53-56.) words of James aptly summarize the
At that great gathering · Adam practice of the Church in all ages
offered sacrifices on an altar built for where administrations are concerned.
the purpose. A remnant of that very (D. & C. 42:43-44; 66:9; Mark 5:23;
altar remained on the spot down 6:5; 16:18; Luke 4:40-41; 13:11-13;
through the ages. On May 19, 1838, Acts 28:8.) Administrations are of
Joseph Smith and a number of his two parts: anointings and seatings;
associates stood on the remainder of both performances are accompanied
the pile of stones at a place called by the laying·on of hands.
Spring Hill, Daviess County, Missouri. It is the policy of the Church that
There the Prophet taught them that administering to the sick should be
Adam again would visit in the Valley done at the request of the sick person
of Adam-ondi-Ahman, holding a or someone vitally concerned, so that
great council as a prelude to the it will be done in answer to faith.
great and dreadful day of the Lord. Those called to perform the ordinaµce
(Mediation and Atonement, pp. 69- should encourage the sick person to
70.) At this council, all who have rely on the Lord's promise, "What-
held keys of authority will give an soever thing ye shall ask the Father
accounting of their . stewardship to in my name, which is g6od, in faith
Adam. Christ will then come, receive believing that ye shall receive, behold,
back the keys, and thus take one of it shall be done unto you." (Moro.
the final steps preparatory to reigning 7:26.) II need be the sick person
personally upon the earth. (Dan. should be encouraged to keep the
7:9-14; Teachings, p. 157.) commandments so that he can have
faith and be entitled to the blessings
Addresses. See SERMONS. of the Lord.
In the performance of the adminis-
Adjuration. See EXORCISM. !ration, one of the elders should
anoint the sick person with oil on or
Administering to the Sick. See near the crown of the head, for the
ADMINISTRATIONS. restoration of his health. Ordinarily
he should not seal the anointing.
Administrations. See CoNsECRATION Pure olive oil which has been con-
OF O1L, FAITH, HEALINGS, LAYING ON secrated for the anointing and healing
OF HANDS. "Is any sick among you? of the sick in the household of faith
let him call for the elders of the should be used. Taking consecrated
church; and let them pray over him, oil internally, or using it for anointing
anointing him with oil. in the name or rubbing afflicted parts of the body,

is not part of the ordinance of ad- Adonai. See CHRIST, LORD. In the
ministering to the sick. Old Testament record, Christ is fre-
After the anointing two or more quently referred to under the Hebrew
elders should lay their hands on the word Adonai---a term having refer-
head of the sick person, and with one ence to God, meaning literally my
of them acting as voice, seal the Lord, but usually translated as Lord.
anointing. The one speaking should
offer such prayers, pronounce sllch Adoption. See BoRN AGAIN, lsRAEL,
blessings, give such promises, say such JOINT-HEIRS WITH CHRIST, SONS OF
things, and rebuke the affliction-all Goo, SoNs OF MosEs AND AARON. By
as the Spirit of the Lord may dictate. the law of adoption those who receive
It is permissible for the brethren to the gospel and obey its laws, no mat-
kneel in prayer before the adminis- ter what their literal blood lineage
tration, but this is not an essential may have been, are adopted into the
part of the ordinance. lineage of Abraham. (Abra. 2:9-11.)
Ordinarily one administration is "The effect of the Holy Ghost upon a
sufficient for one illness, although Gentile," the Prophet says, "is to
in serious cases, or where other cir- purge out the old blood, and make
cumstances seem to dictate the pro- him actually of the seed of Abraham."
priety of such, a sick person may be Such a person has "a new creation
administered to several times during by the Holy Ghost." (Teachings, pp.
one illness. It is also the common 149-150.) Those who magnify their
practice, ii a sick person has recen ti y callings in the Melchizedek Priest-
been anointed, for those pedorming a hood are promised that they will be
second administration merely to give "sanctified by the Spirit unto the
the sick person a blessing in the renewing of their bodies. They be-
authority of the priesthood. In an come the sons of Moses and of Aaron
emergency, where only one elder is and the seed of Abraham." (D. & C.
present or available, he ma}' either 84:33-34.)
give the sick person a blessing or he Indeed, the faithful are adopted
can both anoint and seal in a formal into the family of Christ; they be-
administration. come "the children of Christ, his sons,
Ordinances of administration with and his dau ghters"; they are "spirit-
actual healings resulting therefrom ually begotten," for their "hearts are
are one of the evidences of the divin- changed through faith on his name,"
ity of the Lord's work. Where these thus being "born of him," becoming
are, there is God's kingdom; where "his sons and his daughters." (Mosiah
these are not, there God's kingdom is 5:7.) Paul explained the doctrine of
not. Sincere investigators must neces- adoption by saying, "As many as are
sarily beware of the devil's substitutes led by the Spirit of God, they are the
of the true ordinances. sons of God," because they receive

"the Spirit of adoption," being or who was not also a liar; the two al-
becoming Israelites, "to whom per- ways go together. Adulterers are
taineth the adoption." (Rom. 8: 14- sign-seekers (Matt. 12:39; · 16:4);
24; 9:4; Gal. 4:5; Eph. 1:5.) their spirits are diseased so as to pre-
clude them from recognizing and
Adoration. See WoRSHIP. accepting the gosp,el truths and thus
becoming heirs of salvation.
Adultery. See DAMNATION, FORNICA- Adulterous acts are born spiritually
TION, SEX IMMORALITY, SIGN-SEEKING, before they are committed· temporal-
TELESTIAL LAw. I. "Thou shalt not ly; they proceed out of the heart.
commit adultery." (Ex. 20:14; Deut. (Matt. 15 :19; Mark 7:21.) As a man
5: 18; D. & C. 42:24.) Sex immorality "thinketh in his heart, so is he."
stands next to murder in the category (Prov. 23:7.) Therefore, "whosoever
of personal crimes; it is ccmost abom:.. looketh on a woman to Iust after her
inable above all sins save it be the hath committed adultery with her
shedding of innocent blood or deny- already in his heart." (Matt. 5:27-28;
ing the Holy Ghost." (Alma 39:5.) 3 Ne. 12:27-28.) "He that looketh
Anciently the penalty therefor was on a woman to lust after her, or if
death; "the adulterer and the adul- any shall commit adultery in their
teress shall surely be put to death." hearts, they shall not have the Spirit,
(Lev. 20:10; Deut. 22 :21-29.) but shall deny the faith and shall
In the initial day of judgment, at fear." (D. & C. 63:16.)
the Second Coming of our . Lord, When the day comes that men live
Christ "will be a swift witness . . . again-as they did in the golden era
against the adulterers," and they of Nephite history-the perfect law
shall be burned as stubble. (Mal. 3:5; of marriage, then "whoso shall marry
4: I.) Adulterers shall be cast down her who is divorced" shall be guilty
to hell to suffer the vengeance of of adultery. (3 Ne. 12:31-32; Matt.
eternal fire; and their eventual des- 5:31-32.) "Whosoever putteth away
tiny-after suffering the torments of his wife, and marrieth another, com-
the damned until the second resur- mitteth adultery: and whosoever
rection----.shall be that of the telestial marrieth her that is put away from
kingdom. (D. & C. 76:103-106.) her husband committeth adultery."
They shall not inherit the kingdom (Luke 16:18; Matt. 19:9.) Divorce
of God. (I Cor. 6:9-11.) is just that serious when sacred temple
Adultery opens the /lood gates of covenants are involved.
wickedness in general. Physical dis- Is it possible to repent of adultery
ease, divorce, illegitimacy, violerice, and gain forgiveness of sins so as to
broken homes, and a host of evils be saved in the celestial kingdom of
always attend adulterous acts. There God? Yes in most cases; No in some.
never was an adulterer, for instance, Forgiveness with resultant celestial

salvation depends upon the light and and adultery. (Jer. 3:8-9; Hos. I :2;
knowledge of the one guilty of the 3: I.) By forsaking the Lord, his
grossly wicked adulterous relation- peoJ?le are unfaithful to their cove-
ship. Worldly people who repent nant vows, vows made to him who
with all their hearts, accept baptism, symbolically is their Husband.
and then conform to the Lord's law
shall be saved even though guilty of Advent. See SECOND CoMING OF
adultery before accepting the truth. CHRIST.
(I Car. 6:9-11; 3 Ne. 30.)
Speaking to members of the Church Adversary. See AGENCY, DEVIL, SA-
in 1831-prior to the restoration of TAN. This name for Satan signifies
the temple covenants and ceremonies that he is the enemy of all righteous-
-the Lord said: "Thou shalt not ness, opposes every good thing with
commit adultery; and he that com- evil, and is the arch foe of every up-
mitteth adultery, and repenteth not, right person. Endowed with agency,
shall be cast out. But he that has he came out in open rebe11 ion in pre-
committed adultery and repents with existence and has ever since been the
all his heart, and forsaketh it, and chief antagonist of every righteous
doeth it no more, thou shalt forgive; cause, "For it must needs be, that
But ii he doeth it again, he shall not there is an opposition in all things."
be forgiven, but shall be cast out." (2Ne. 2:11.) "Be sober, be vigilant,"
(D. & C. 42:24-26.) Peter said, "because your adversary
Alter a person has advanced in the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh
righteousness, light, and truth to the about, seeking whom he may devour."
point that the lulness of the ordi- (I Pet. 5:8.)
nances of the house of the Lord have
been received, then as expressed in Adversities. See AFFLICTIONS.
the Prophet's language, the law is:
"If a man commit adultery, he cannot Advocacy. See AovocATE, ATONE-
receive the celestial kingdom of God. MENT OF CHRIST, EXPIATION, INTER-
Even ii he is saved in any kingdom, CESSION, MEDIATION, PROPITIATION,
it cannot be the celestial kingdom." RECONCILIATION. Our Lord acts ac-
(History of the Church, vol. 6, p. 81; cording to the law of advocacy or
Doctrines o/ Salvation, vol. 2, pp. intercession in pleading the cause of
92-94.) his faithful saints before the tribunals
2. In a spiritual sense, to emphasize of eternity. (D. & C. 45:3-4.)
how serious it is, the damning sin of
idolatry is called adultery. When the Advocate. See AovocAcY, ATONE-
Lord's people forsake him and wor- MENT OF CHRIST, CHRIST, ExPIATOR,
ship false gods, their infidelity to INTERCESSOR, MEDIATOR, PARACLETE,
Jehovah is described as whoredoms PROPITIATOR, RECONCILER. Christ is


the Advocate with the Father, mean- VATION, PREDESTINATION, PRE-EXIST-

ing that he pleads the cause of the ENCE. A,gency is the ability and
righteous in the courts above. freedom to choose good or evil. It is
(D. & C. 29:5; 32:3; 62: I; 110:4; an eternal principle which has existed
Moro. 7:28; I John 2:1.) "Listen to with God from all eternity. The spirit
him who is the advocate with the offspring of the Father had agency
Father, who is pleading your cause in pre-existence and were thereby
before him-Saying: Father, behold empowered to follow Christ or Lucifer
the sufferings and death of him who according to their choice. (Moses 4:3;
did no sin, in whom thou wast well D. & C. 29:36-37.) It is by virtue
pleased; behold the blood of thy Son of the exercise of agency in this life
which was shed, the blood of him that men are enabled to undergo the
whom thou gavest that thyself might testing which is an essential part of
be glorified; Wherefore, Father, spare mortality. (Moses 3:17; 4:3; 7:32;
these my brethren that believe on my Abra. 3:25-28.)
name, that they may come unto me Four great principles must be in
and have everlasting life." (D. & C. force if there is to be agency: I. Laws
45:3-5.) must exist, laws ordained hy ·an
Omnipotent power, laws which can
Afflictions. See PATIENCE,' SIGNS OF be obeyed or disobeyed; 2. Opposites
THE TIMES, TRIBULATIONS. Afflictions, must exist-good and evil, virtue and
including sorrow, adversity, tribula- vice, right and wrong-that is, there
tion, calamity, and trouble-all these must be an opposition, one force
are the common lot of mankind; they pulling one way and another pulling
are an essential part of this probation. the other; 3. A knowledge of good
"Be patient in afflictions." (D , & C. and evil must be had by those who are
31 :9; 66:9.) to enjoy the agency, that is, they must
Frequently afflictions are imposed know the difference between the
as a result of disobedience, and they opposites; and 4. An unfettered power
could be avoided by righteousness. If of choice must prevail.
Zion, for instance, "observe not to do Agency is given to man ·as an es-
whatsoever I have commanded her," sential part of the great plan of
the Lord said, "I will visit her accord- redemption. As with all things apper-
ing to all her works, with sore afflic- taining to this plan, it is based on
tion, with pestilence, with plague, the atoning sacrifice of Christ. As
with sword, with vengeance, with Lehi expressed it: "Because that they
devouring fire." (D. & C. 97 :26; are redeemed from the fall they have
101:1-9.) become free forever, knowing good
from evil; to act for themselves and
Agency. See FREEDOM, KNOWLEIXiE, not to be acted upon, save it be by
LAW, LIGHT OF CHRIST, PLAN OF SAL- the punishment of the law at the

great and last day, according to the of God and his eternal purposes, and
commandments which God hath also the power, and the mercy, and
given. Wherefore, men are free ac- the justice of God.
cording to the flesh; and all things "And ii ye shall say_there is no
are given them which are expedient law, ye shall also say there is no sin.
unto man. And they are free to If ye shall say there is no sin, ye
choose liberty and eternal life, shall also say there is no righteous-
through the great mediation of all ness. And ii there be no righteousness
men, or to choose captivity and death, there be no happiness. And ii there
according to the captivity and power be no righteousness nor happiness
of the devil; for he seeketh that all there be no punishment nor misery.
men might be miserable like unto And ii these things are not there is
himself." (2 Ne. 2:26-30; J0:23; no God. And if there is no God we
Alma 13:3; Hela. 14:31.) are not, neither the earth; for there
Agency is so fundamental a part could have been no creation of things,
of the great plan of creation and neither to act nor to be acted upon;
redemption that if it should cease, all wherefore, all things must have van-
other things would vanish away. "All ished away." (2 Ne. 2:II-14; D. & C.
truth is independent in that sphere 29:39.)
in which God has placed it, to act for Agency is the philosophy of oppo-
itself, as all intelligence also; other- sites, and because these opposites exist,
wise there is no existence." (D. & C. men can reap either salvation or
93:30.) Expanding and interpreting damnation by -the use they make of
this revealed principle, Lehi said: their agency. If it were not for the
"It must needs be, that there is an law of agency, there could be no
opposition in all things. If not so, . judgment according to works and con-
righteousness could not be brought to sequently no rewards or punishments.
pass, neither wickedness, neither holi- "Choose ye this day, to serve the
ness nor misery, neither good nor bad. Lord God who made you" (Moses
Wherefore, all things must needs be 6:33), is the voice of the Lord to all
a compound in one; wherefore, if it people of all ages. (Alma 30:8; Josh.
should be one body it must needs re- 24:15.)
main as dead, having no life neither Satan "sought to destroy the agency
death, nor corruption nor incorrup- of man" (Moses 4:3), an eventuality
tion, happiness nor misery, neither which would have made the attain-
sense nor insensibility. Wherefore, it ment of salvation impossible, and
must needs have been created for a accordingly he was cast out of heaven.
thing of naught; wherefore there Two great agencies on earth pattern
would have been no purpose in the their courses in accordance with Lu-
end of its creation. Wherefore, this cifer's program of compulsion and
thing must needs destroy the wisdom seek to deny the inalienable right of

agency to men. These are the Roman Age of Accountability. See YEARS OF
Catholic Church and the communistic ACCOUNT ABILITY.
dictatorships, both of which prosper
proportionately as they are able to Age of Restoration. See TIMBS OF
withhold truth from their adherents RESTITUTION.
and compel them through fear to
conform to the "religious" and "par- Agnosticism. See APOSTASY, ATHEISM,
ty" lines. On the other hand, it is Goo, INFIDELS. Agnosticism is the
the will of the Lord that all agencies, doctrine that God is not known and
governments included, should be so cannot be known. It is the concept
ordained "That every man may act that his existence can be neither
in doctrine and principle pertaining proved nor disproved, and hence it
to futurity, according to the moral neither affirms nor denies that exist-
agency which I have given unto him, ence. To the agnostics God is un-
that every man may be accountable known and unknowable because they
are unwilling to accept as proof the
for his own sins in the day of ;udg-
evidence of revelation and spiritual
ment." (D. & C. IOI :78.)
manifestations. Unless this is done no
Agency, of course, is exercised in
man can come to a knowledge of God,
accordance with law. Once a final
for "the things of God knoweth no
choice has been made, there is no man, but the Spirit of God... . The
turning back to seek the opposite natural man receiveth not the things
goal. Men may exercise their agency of the Spirit of God: for they are fool-
to repent and turn to the Lord in this ishness unto him: neither can he
life, in which event they will be saved. know them, because they are spirit-
But ii they choose to rebel against ually discerned." (I Cor. 2:ll-14.)
the light and work wickedness, they Similarly agnosticism rejects any
will be damned. And once they are knowledge about the ultimate origin
damned, there is no power of choice of the universe.
left whereby they can alter their From the gospel standpoint, agnos-
course and gain salvation. II men tics are properly classified as being in
choose to commit suicide, for instance, opposition to the truth. However
they will continue to have agency in much they may claim to be neutral
hell, but they will not be able to use it by neither affirming nor denying
to gain their lives back again: The eternal truths, yet that very neutrality
purpose of this life is to test men, to makes them enemies of God. In the
see ii they will take the bodies which ultimate analysis there is no such
have been given them, and by the thing as neutrality. "He that is not
righteous exercise ·of agency make with me is against me; and he that
those bodies fit abodes for the Spirit gathereth not with me scattereth
of God. abroad." (Matt. 12:30.)

Ahman. See Gon, MAN OF HouNEss, Since God revealed himself to

SON OF MAN. In the pure language Adam by certain names, we might
spoken by Adam'-and which will be suppose that those names, or var-
spoken again during the millennial iants of them, would be preserved
era (Zeph. 3:9)-the name of God among succeeding generations, even
the Father is Ahman, or possibly Ah though people coming later developed
Man, a name-title having a meaning apostate religions. It is, also, not un-
identical with or at least very closely common for important names to be
akin to Man of Holiness. (Moses carried from one language to another
6:57.) God revealed himself to by transliteration rather than trans -
Adam by this name to signify that lation. Hence, it is of more than pass-
he is a Holy Man, a truth which man ing interest to note that the
must know and comprehend ii he is Egyptians worshiped a deity, consid-
to become like God and inherit exal- ered by them to be supreme, whose
tation. (l John 3: 1-3; D. & C. name bears a striking resemblance
132: 19-24.) to that of the true God, as his name
"There is one revelation," Orson was recorded in the Adamic language.
Pratt said, "that this people are not The Egyptian deity Ammon, or
generally acquainted with. I think Amon, or Amen (who corresponds
it has never been published, but to Zeus of the Greeks and Jupiter of
probably will be in the Church His- the Romans) was first worshiped as
tory. It is given in questions and the local deity of Thebes; he was
answers. The first question is, shown as a ramheaded god of life
'What is the name of God in the and reproduction. Later, united with
pure language?' The answer says, the sun-god to become a supreme
'Ahman.' 'What is the name of the deity, he was known as Amen-Ra,
Son of God?' Answer, 'Son Ahman with the other gods as his members
-the greatest of all the parts of God or parts.
excepting Ahman.' 'What is the name It is also interesting to note that
of men?' 'Sons Ahman,' is the an- Amen, a transliterated word which
swer. 'What is the name of angels is the same in Egyptian, Hebrew,
in the pure language?' 'Angloman.' Latin, Greek, Anglo-Saxon, and
"This revelation goes on to say English, is one of the names of
that Sons Ahman are the greatest Christ. Speaking to John on the Isle
of all the parts of God excepting Son of Patmos, our Lord said: "These
Ahman and Ahman, and that Anglo- things saith the Amen, the faithful
man are the greatest of all the parts and true witness, the beginning of
of God excepting Sons Ahman, Son the creation of God." (Rev. 3:14.)
Ahman and Ahman, showing that the
angels are a little lower than man." Alchemy. See MAGIC, OccuLTISM,
(Journal of Discourses, vol. 2, p. 342.) SORCERY. Alchemy is the great me-

dieval science which, bordering on Paul, for instance, in his day, carried
magic and sorcery, had as its objec- alms to the poor saints in Jerusalem
tives to transmute base metals into (Acts 24:17), he having first assem-
gold, to discover the universal cure bled the contributions from the saints
for diseases, and to prolong life in- in Macedonia and Achaia. (Acts
definitely. 11:29; Rom. 15:25-28.) In modern
times the major portion of the alms-
Alcoholic Beverages. See WoRD giving of the saints is administered
WISDOM. through the gr~at Church Welfare
Alleluia. See HALLELUJAH . Giving alms is not an optional
thing; it is a command of the Lord.
Almighty. See ALMIGHTY Goo. (Luke 11:41; 12:31-34.) "Verily,
verily, I say that I would that ye
Almighty God. See CHRIST, FATHER should do 6./ms unto the poor,'' our
IN HEAVEN, Goo, LORD, LoRD OM- Lord said to his Nephite saints, "but
NIPOTENT, OMNIPOTENCE. Both the take heed that ye do not your alms
Father and the Son, -being omnipotent before men to be seen of them; other-
Gods, are designated by the name- wise ye have no reward of your
titles, Almighty (Gen. 49:25; Rev. Father who is in heaven. Therefore,
1:8; 2 Ne. 23:6; Hela. 10:11; D. & C. when ye shall do your alms do . not
84:96; 121:33), Almighty God (Gen. sound a trumpet before you, as will
17:1; 28:3; I Ne. 17:48; D. & C. hypocrites do in the synagogues and
20:21; 87:6; 88:106), Lord Almighty in the streets, that they may have
(D. & C. 84:118; 2 Cor. 6:18), and glory of men. Verily I say unto you,
Lord God Almighty (Rev. 4:8; 11:17; they have their reward. But when
21:22; D. & C. 109:77; 121:4; I Ne. thou doest alms let not thy left_hand
I: 14; 2 Ne. 9:46.) These designations know what thy right hand doeth;
signify that these holy beings have That thine alms may be in secret;
all power and unlimited might. A and thy Father who seeth in seeret,
deep sense of reverence is implicit in himself shall reward thee openly."
the use of each name-title. (3 Ne. 13:1-4; Matt. 6.:1-4.)
Prayers are answered for those who
Almsgiving. See CHURCH WELFARE freely give alms to the poor, but the
PLAN, DOLE, EMPLOYMENT, IDLENESS, heavens are sealed where the petitions
WoRK. Almsgiving is the contribu- of those who do not give alms are
tion of free gilts to relieve the poor; concerned. "If ye turn away the
the spirit that attends such a course needy, and the naked, and visit not
is of God and finds its highest mani- the sick and afflicted, and impart of
festation in the organized charitable your substance, if ye have, to those
enterprises of his earth! y kingdom. who stand in need-I say unto you,

if ye do not any of these things, be- and Lehi (I Ne. 2:7), for instance,
hold, your prayer is vain, and avail- built altars and offered sacrifices upon
eth you nothing, and ye are as them. Altars were also found in the
hypocrites who do deny the faith." temples and perhaps in other holy
(Alma 34:28; Acts 10; D. & C. 88:2; structures, at which God was wor-
112:1.) shiped (Alma 15:17), and where the
faithful came "to call on his name
Alpha and Omega. See ALPHUS, BE- and confess their sins before him."
GINNING AND END, CHRIST, ETERNITY (Alma 17:4.) Today, as anciently,
TO ETERNITY, EVERLASTING TO EVER - temples contain altars at which sacred
LASTING, fIRST AND LAST, 0MEGUS. ordinances, including celestial mar-
Christ bears the title Alpha and riage, are performed. John saw a
Omega. (D. & C. 19:1; 63:60; 68:35; H golden al tar" in heaven before the
75:1; 81 :7; 112:34; 132:66; Rev. throne of God. (Rev. 6:9; 8:3; 9~3.)
1:8-17; 21:6; 22:13.) These words,
the first and last letters of the Greek Amen. See AHMAN, CHRIST, PRAYER.
alphabet, are used figuratively to I. In Hebrew amen means truly,
teach the timelessness and eternal certainly, faithfully; in English it
nature of our Lord's existence, that means so be it; and it has always had
is, that "from eternity to eternity he a distinctively religious usage. Saying
is the same, and his years never fail." amen is a proper means of making
(D. & C. 76:4.) solemn affirmation (Rev. 1:18;
22:20); it is an utterance used in
Alphus. See ALPHA AND OMEGA, confirming agreements ( I Kings
CHRIST, 0MEGUS. One of the name- I :36); prayers and sermons are prop-
titles of Christ is Alphus (D. & C. erly so ended (Matt. 6:13); those who
95: 17), a derivative of the Greek hear and concur in prayers and ser-
Alpha. Use of this title emphasizes mons should add their own amen
our Lord's high status of godhood in (I Cor. 14:16); indeed, by saying
pre-existence; he was God from eter- amen concurrence is given to any
nity; by diligence and obedience, worshipful utterance, sermon, or sol-
while yet a Spirit Being, he became emn declaration. (D. & C. 88:135;
"like unto God" the Father. (Abra. Ps. 106:48; Rev. 5:13-14; 19:4.)
3:22-24.) There are about a score of instances
in which the term is found in the
Altars. See SACRIFICES, TEMPLES. In Bible, nearly twice that many in the
the days when sacrifices were re- Book of Mormon, and nearly .every
quired as part of true divine worship, revelation in the Doctrine and Cove-
they were offered on raised earth or nants is so closed.
stone structures called altars. Noah As a result of unrighteousness, it
(Gen. 8:20), Abraham (Gen. 12:7), is nAmen to the priesthood" of a man,

meaning that his priesthood comes 45:13-14; D. & C. 3:16-19.) Thus

to an end, as far as being a power the Indians were Jews by nationality
which would assure the bearer of (D. & C.. 57:4), their forefathers hav-
eternal life is concerned. (D. & C. ing come out from Jerusalem, from
121 :33-46.) the kingdom of Judah. (2 Ne. 33:8-
2. One of Christ's names is Amen 10.)
(Rev. 3: 14), a title given to show Thus also they were of the House
that it is in and through him that the of Israel. Lehi was of the tribe of
seal of divine affirmation is placed Manasseh (Alm~ 10:3), Ishmael of
on all the promises of the Father. the tribe of Ephraim, and Mulek of
the tribe of Judah. (Hela. 8:20-22.)
America. See AMERICA~ INDIANS, We have no knowledge of the tribal
CoNSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, affiliation of Zoram, and it is pos-
INALIENABLE RIGHTS, SIGNS OF THE sible that other tribes may have been
TIMES. America, meaning the United represented in the colony that accom-
States of America, is the Gentile na- panied Mulek. It was primarily the
tion established on the Western tribes of Benjamin and Judah which
Hemisphere in the last days "by the made up the kingdom of Judah, but
power of the Father," so that the there may have been a sprinkling of
true Church might be set up and all the tribes intermingled with them.
preserved among men. The American The American Indians, however, as
nation as such-with all its freedoms, Columbus found them also had other
rights, and constitutional guarantees blood than that of Israel in their
-came into being and continues to veins. It is possible that isolated
exist so that a proper religious climate remnants of the Jareolites may have
would prevail for the restoration and lived through the period of destruc-
spread of the gospel. (3 Ne. 21.) tion in which millions of their fel-
lows perished. It is quite apparent
American Indians. See BooK OF MoR- that groups of orientals found their
MON, }AREDITES, JEWS, M .EDICINE MEN, way over the Bering Strait and grad-
MULEKITES, NEPHITES AND LAMAN- ually moved southward to mix with
ITES, TRIBES OF ISRAEL. When Colum- the Indian peoples. We have records
bus discovered America, the native of a colony of Scandinavians at-
inhabitants, the American Indians as tempting to set up a settlement in
they were soon to be designated, were America some 500 years before Co-
a people of mixed blood and origin. lumbus. There are archeological
Chiefly they were Lamanites, but indications that an unspecified num-
such remnants of the Nephite nation ber of groups of people probably
as had not been destroyed had, of found their way from the old to the
course, mingled with the Lamanites. new world in pre-Columbian times.
(I Ne. 13:30; 2 Ne. 3:1-3; 9:53; Alma Out of all these groups would have

come the American Indians as they have been used by the primitive
were discovered in the 15th century. saints as a watchword or salutation
Since the days of the Spanish con- by which they reminded each other
quests and colonizations of Mexico of the promised Second Coming.
and South America, there has been Paul's statement, "The Lord is at
further dilution of the pure Laman- hand" (Philip. 4:5), and John's,
itish blood. But with it all, for the "Even so, come, Lord Jesus" (Rev.
great majority of the descendants of 22: 20), carry the same hope and
the original inhabitants of the West- encouragement.
ern Hemisphere, the dominant blood
lineage is that of Israel. The Indians Anathema Maranatha. See ANATH -
are repeatedly called Lamanites in
the revelations to the Prophet, and
the promise is that in due course they Ancestors. See GENEALOGICAL RE -
"shall blossom as the rose" (D. & C. SEARCH.
49:24), that is, become again a white
and delightsome people as were their Ancient of Days. See ADAM, ADAM-
ancestors a great many generations Goo T1-1EORY, AoAM-ONDI-AHMAN,
Amusements. See RECREATION. particular reference to his position
as the patriarchal head of the human
Anarchy. See SIGNS OF THE TIMES. family-the first man, "the first and
oldest of all, the great, grand progen-
Anathema. See DAMNATION, ExcoM - itor"-Adam is known as the Ancient
MUNICATION. Anathema is a Greek of Days. (D. & C. 27:11; Teachings,
word meaning accursed. Hence, a pp. 157-159, 167-169.) In this ca-
person or thing cursed by God or his pacity he will yet sit in formal judg-
authority, as for instance one who ment upon "ten thousand times ten
has been excommunicated, is anath - thousand" of his posterity, and before
ema. (Rom. 9:3.) "Wo unto them him at Adam-ondi-Ahman will be
who are cut off from my church, for brought the Son of Man to receive
the same are overcome of the world." "dominion, and glory, and a kingdom,
(D. & C. 50:8.) that all people, nations, and lan-
Paul's statement, "If any man love guages, should serve him." (Dan.
not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him 7:9,14.)
be Anathema Maranatha" (I Car.
16:22), probably means," ... let him Angel. See CHRIST, MESSENGER OF
be accursed until the Lord comes." SALVATION, MESSENGER OF THE COVE-
Maranatha, an AramB.ic word mean- NANT. Our Lord is called The Angel
ing, 0 our Lord, come, appears to by Jacob in the blessing which he

gave to Ephraim and Manasseh. Version, Ex. 3:2), thus showing that
"God, before whom my fathers what the King James Version calls
Abraham and Isaac did walk, the The Angel is T he Lord.
God which fed me all my life long
unto this day, T he Angel which re- Angel of Light. See DEVIL.
deemed me from all evil, bless the
lads," he said. (Gen. 48:15-16.) Angel of the Bottomless Pit. See
The Inspired Version makes no BOTTOMLESS Prr, DEVIL. John used
change in this statement, although this expressive language, angel of the
a number of other matters in con- bottomless pit, to describe Satan,
nection with the same occurrences having particular reference to his
are changed in that more perfect ver- status as the king of hell, the ruling
sion. Obviously the meaning is that authority over those cast into the pit
Christ is the Messenger of Salvation, which is hell. (Rev. 9: 11. )
the Messenger of the Covenant (Mal.
3: I), the One carrying out his Angels. See ANGEL, ANGEL OF THE
Father's will. (Moses 4:2.) BOTTOMLESS PIT, ANGLO-MAN, ARCH -
It may be that the King James ANGELS, GUARDIAN ANGE LS, KEYS OF
translators were attempting to use THE MINISTERING OF ANGELS, MICHAEL
language in the same way when they THE ARCHANGEL, MINISTERING OF
recorded the experience of Moses at ANGE LS, PLURALITY OF Goos, PRE -
the burning bush in these words: EXISTENCE, RECORDING ANGELS, RES -
"And the angel of the Lord appeared URRECTION, SERVANTS OF Goo, SPIRIT
unto him in a flame of fire out of the CHILDREN, TRANSLATED BEINGS. God's
midst of a bush . . . . And . . . God messengers, those individuals ~
ca1led unto him out of the midst of
he sends ( often from his personal
the bush, and said, . . . I am the
presence in the eternal worlds ) , to
God of thy father, the God of Abra-
deliver his messages (Luke I: 11-38);
ham, the God of Isaac, and the God
of Jacob." (Ex. 3:2-6.) to minister to his children (Acts
10:1-8, 30-32); to teach them the doc-
It was not an angel in the usual
sense of the word but the Lord Jesus trines of salvation (Mosiah 3); to call
who appeared to Moses in the bush. them to repentance (Moro. 7:31);
The passage is more meaningful if t_o give them prjesrbood and keys
the term The Angel is interpreted in (D. & C. 13; 128:20-21); to save them
the same sense in which Jacob used in perilous circumstanc~~
it. In this instance the Inspired Ver- 3:29-31; Dan. 6:22); to guide them
sion concurs by changing the account in the performance of his work (Gen.
to read, "The presence of the Lord 24:7); to gather his elect in the last
appeared unto him, in a flame of fire days (Matt. 24 :31); to perform all
in the midst of a bush" (Inspired needful things relative to his work

(Moro. 7:29-33)-such messengers 28:30), and have continued to min-

are called angels. ister and appear unto mortal men
These messengers, agents, angels from time to time. John the Revelator
of the Almighty, are chosen from ministered as a translated being -to
among his offspring and are them- the Prophet and Oliver Cowdery in
selves pressing forward along the connection wtih the restoration of
course of progression and salvation, the Melchizedek Priesthood. (D. & C.
each in their respective spheres. The 7; 27:12-13.) It could well be that
following types of beings serve the Paul had translated beings in mind
Lord as angels: when he said that "some have enter-
V -- 1. _Pre-existent Spirits.-Before men tained angels unawares." (Heb.
were first placed on this earth, there 13:2.)
was war in heaven. "Michael and his 3. Spirits of /ust Men Made Perfect.
angels !ought against the dragon; and -Part of the "innumerable company
the dragon !ought and his angels." of angels" in "the heavenly place"
(Rev. 12:7.) All the angels here are the "spirits of just men made per-
involved were the spirit children of feet." (D. & C. 76:66-69; Heb.
the Father. The angel who appeared 12:22-24.)· These are the spirits 01
to Adam, the first man, and asked men who have worked out their sal-
him why he was offering sacrifices vation, but are awaiting the day of
obviously was one of these spirits the res~rrection. (D. & C. 129.)
from pre-existence (Moses 5:6-8), 4. Resurrected Personages.-Many
for no angels minister to this earth instances of ministratiori by resur-
except those who belong to it (D. & C. rected angels have occurred since the
130:5), and up to that time no one coming forth of our Lord from the
had been either translated or res- tomb. (Matt. 27:52-53; Hela. 14:25.)
These angels, having bodies of flesh
2. Translated Beings.-Many right- and bones (D. & C. 129), have
eous persons in the early days of the
played an indispensable part in the
earth's history were translated. (In-
spired Version, Gen. 14:26-36.)
restoration of the gospel. Peter,
Enoch and the whole city of Zion James (D. & C. 27:12-13; 128:20),
were among these. (Moses 7:18-69.) John the Baptist (D. & C. 13), Mo-
These translated personages became roni, Michael, Gabriel, Raphael (D.
"ministering angels unto many plan- & C . . 128:20-21), Moses, Elijah, and
ets." (Teachings, p. 170.) Many of Elias (D. & C. 110:11-16; 133:54-55)
the angels who ministered to right- all came to earth as resurrected per-
eous men anciently, without question, sonages to confer their keys, powers,
were translated beings. The Three and authorities again upon men.
Nephites, alter their translation, be- Moses and Elijah, who in the first
came "as the angels of God" (3 Ne. instance had been translated, "were

with Christ in his resurrection." dividual being designated as an angel.

(D. & C. 133:55.) (Rev. 2:8, 12, 18; 3: I, 7, 14.) In the
It is of these angels, and others of Inspired Version . this rather unusual
like righteousnes, that the revelation usage of the name angel is changed
says: "Then shall · the angels be so that the quotation reads, "Unto the
crowned with the glory of his might, servant of the church of Ephesus
and the saints shall be filled with his write." (Inspired Version, Rev. 2:1,
glory, • and receive their inheritance 8, 12, 18; 3:1, 7, 14.) This inspired
and be made equal with him" (D. rendition more accurately accords
& C. 88:107), meaning that these with the manner in which we ordi-
worthy saints and angels shall re- narily use words today.
ceive exaltation. They shall be gods.
But those . angels who did not abide Angels of the Devil. See DEVILS.
in the fulness of the gospel law shall,
after their resurrection, continue as Angel's Time. See TIME.
"angels of God forever and ever."
Such group . shall be "m.inistering Anger. See GNASHING OF , TEET.H,
servants, to minister for those who INDIGNATION, WRATH. As with nearly
are worthy of a far more, and an ex- all strong emotions or passions, anger
ceeding, and an eternal weight of is manifest both in righteousness and
glory." (D. & C. 132:16-17.) in unrighteousness. Always there is
5. Righteous Mortal Men.-Even a sense of displeasure attending . it, righteous mortal men are and usually this is accompanied by a
called angels in the revelations. The feeling of antagonism, excited by a
King James Version gives an account sense of inJul")' or insult.
of '.'two angels" rescuing . Lot from Righteous anger is an attribute of
Sodom. In the account these angels Deity. His anger is everlastingly
are called "men" and the wicked kindled against the wicked. (D. & C.
inhabitants of Sodom . so considered 1:13; 5:8; 60:2; 63:11, 32; 84:24.)
them. (Geri. 19.) The Inspired Ver- Similarly, an inspired man might
sion tells us that actually there were speak or act in righteous anger, as
"three angels," and that these "angels when Moses broke the tablets upon
of God" in reality "were holy men." which the Ten Commandments were
(Inspired Version, Gen. 19.) written, or as when our Lord drove
Also in the King James Version, the money changers from the temple.
the Lord is quoted as saying such But where man is concerned there
things as, "Unto the angel of the is peril in anger, and the fear is ever
church of Ephesus write" (Rev. 2:1) present that the emotion and passion
such and such, meaning that the attending it will be exercised in un-
message should be written to the righteousness. " be angry, and
bishop or presiding elder, such in- not sin?" Paul asked. (Inspired Ver-

sion, Eph. 4:26.) "Whosoever is to shrink from the presence of the

angry with his brother witlwut a Lord, and doth fill his breast with
cause," our Lord said in the Sermon guilt, and pain, and anguish, which
on the Mount, "shall be in dangei- is like an unquenchable fire, whose
of the judgment." (Matt. 5:22.) flame ascendeth up forever and ever."
(Mosiah 2:38; Rom. 2:9.)
Anglo-man. See AHMAN, ANGELS.
Because angels are of the same race Animal Magnetism. See SPIRITUAL·
as man and God, it is with perfect
logic that in the pure language spo-
ken by Adam, they were designated Animals. See CREATION, EVOLUTION,
as Anglo-man. This is in harmony PRE -EXISTENCE, RESURRECTION. Ani-
with the Adamic designation of God mals, birds, fowls, fishes, plants, and
as Ahman, of the Son as Son Ahman, all forms of life occupy an assigned
and of men generally as Sons Ahman. sphere and play an eternal role in
the great plan of creation, redemp-
Anguish. See CoNsCIENCE, HELL, RE- tion, and salvation. They were all
MORSE, SORROW. Both the righteous created as spirit entities in pre-
and the wicked suffer anguish o! existence. (Moses 3:1-9.) When
soul, meaning excruciating distress first placed on earth in the Garden
and extreme pain of body and mind. of Eden, they were immortal, not
The righteous suffer anguish in this subject to death and apparently with-
life because of the sins and rebellion out the powers of procreation or re-
of their brethren. (1 Ne. 17:47; 2 Ne. production. (2 Ne. 2:22.) They were
26:7; Mosiah 25:11; Alma 8:14; subject to the fall of Adam and have
Morm. 6:16.) Christ himself suf- been living on earth in their mortal
fered until blood came from every states ever since.
pore, so great was "his anguish for At the Second Coming, when the
the .wickedness and the abominations earth is taken back to its edenic
of his people." (Mosiah 3:7.) state, "every corruptible thing, both
The wicked and rebellious may of man, or of the beasts of the field,
suffer some anguish of conscience in or of the fowls of the heavens, or of
this life (Alma 38:8; D. & C. 124:52), the fish of the sea, that dwells upon
but the great penalty for their re- all the face of the earth, shall be
bellion is in the lu ture. 01 such a consumed. . . . And in that day the
person, King Benjamin said: "If that enmity of man, and the enmity of
man rcpenteth not, and remaineth beasts, yea, the enmity of all flesh,
and dieth' an enemy to God, the de- shall cease from before my face."
mands of divine justice do awaken (D. & C. 101:24-26.) Then finally,
his immortal soul to a lively sense of all these forms of life will come up
his own guilt, which doth cause him in the resurrection, "in their destined

order or sphere of creation, in the Anthems. See Music.

enjoyment of their eternal felicity."
(D. & C. 77:3.) What a different Anthropomorphic God. See Goo.
concept this is of the animal and Speaking derisively and with con-
related kingdoms than that which tempt for the supposed childish
prevails in the narrow and false evo- ignorance of the saints, their detrac-
lutionary theories held by apostate tors belittle them with the charge
peoples! that they worship an anthropomor-
phic God. In a contemptuous vein
Animal Sacrifices. See SACRIFICES. the saints are asked: How much does
he weigh? What is his height? And
Annihilation. See CREATION, DEATH, so forth. Since anthropomorphism is
ELEMENTS, SPIRIT ELEMENT. There the conception that God has human
is no such thing as annihilation, no attributes and characteristics, this
such thing as ma tier or element of attempt to ridicule a belief in a per-
any sort going out of existence. The sonal God is not well taken. Man
elements are eternal; they may be was created in God's image, not God
organized and reorganized, but they in man's. But since man is the in-
cannot be destroyed. (D. & C. 93 :33; heritor of the physical form and, to
T eachings, pp. 350-352.) some extent, the attributes and char-
acteristics of Deity, it follows that
Annunciation. See CHRIST, MARY,
Deity has the same form and the
VIRGIN BIRTH. Gabriel's appearance fulness of the attributes enjoyed by
to Mary to make solemn announce- men, and so in a rather inaccurate
ment of the coming birth of our Lord sense it may be agreed that the true
is referred to as the Annunciation. God is an anthropomorphic Being.
(Luke I :26-38.)
Anthropomorphism. See ANTHROPO-
Anointed One. See CHRIST, MESSIAH.
Literally interpreted the Hebrew
Messiah means Anointed One, and
Antichrists. See APOSTASY, CHRIST,
accordingly Christ is the Anointed
One. (Ps. 2; Acts 4:23-30.) He was
CHRISTS, MAN OF S1N. An antichrist
the Anointed of the Father to carry
is an opponent of Christ; he is one
the eternal truths of salvation to the
who is in opposition to the true gos-
living and the dead. (Isa. 61: 1-3;
Luke 4:16-32; Acts 10:38.) pel, the true Church, and the true
plan of salvation .. (I John 2:19;
Anointings. See TEMPLE ORDINANCES. 4:4-6.) He is one who offers salva-
tion to men on some .other terms than
Anointing with Oil. See ADM INIS- those laid down by Christ. Sherem
TRATIONS. (Jae. 7:1-23), Nehor (Alma 1:2- 16),

and Korihor (Alma 30 :6-60) were time." (I John 2 : 18.) "And every
antichrists who spread their delusions spirit that confesseth not that Jesus
among the Nephites. Christ is come in the flesh is not of
"Many deceivers are entered into God: and this is that spirit of anti-
the world, who confess not that Jesus christ, whereof ye have heard that it
Christ is come in the flesh. This is a should come; and even now already
deceiver and an antichrist." (2 John is it in the world." (I John 4:3. )
7.) "Who is a liar but he that de- This great antichrist which is to stand
nieth that Jesus is the Christ?" John as the antagonist of Christ in the last
asked. 'rHe · "is an antichrist, thai days, and which is to be overthrown
denieth the Father and the Son:'' when he comes to cleanse the earth
(I John 2:22.) II men suppose thal arid usher in millennial righteousness,
the Father and the Son are an inde- is the Church of the devil (Rev. 13;
finable spirit essence that fills the 17), with the man of sin at its head.
immensity of space and is everywhere (2 Thess. 2:1-12.)
and ·nowhere in particular present,
have they not denied them? ~poca lypse. See B m LE, EscI·IATOLOGY,
To a· greater or lesser degree, all R EVELATION. Any~hing viewed as a
who belong to the great apostate prophetic revel~tion is an apocaly pse.
churches of the day are antichrist. The name comes from a Greek word
Though many of them have professed meaning revelations; the book of Rev-
acceptance of Christ in part, they elation in the .Bible is called the
have no t turned to ,him with the full Apocalypse. Much apocalyptic litera
knowledge and devotion necessary to ture is also found in other parts of
gain salvation. "Whosoever receiveth the Bible as well as in all of the stand-
my word receiveth me," he said, "and ard works of the Church.
whosoever receivet h me, receiveth Uninspired scholars theorize that
those, the First Presuiency, whom l apocalyptic writings are attempts on
have sent, whom I have made coun- the part of the prophets to escape
selors for my name's sake unto you." from reality, to hold out future . and
(D. & C. 112:20.) ethereal hopes of better things to
The saints in the meridian of time, people who are presently bound down
knowing there would be a great apos- by the turmoil and strife of this life.
tasy between their day and the Second Actually, of course, these so-called
Coming of our Lord; referred to the apocalyptic records are not hidd.en
great apostate church as the anti- from the understanding of those who
christ. "Little children, it is the last have the same spirit of revelation
time," John said, "·and as ye have which rested upon the original proph-
heard that antichrist shall come, even ets. (2 Pet. 1:20-21.) They are part
now are there many antichrists; of the Lord's revelation of his eternal
whereby we know that it is the last plan of salvation.

Apocrypha. See BIBLE, CANON OF be read "for example of life and in-
SCRIPTURE, INSPIRED VERSION OF THE struction of manners" and should not
BIBLE, KING JAMES VERSION OF THE be used "to establish any doctrine."
BIBLE, LosT ScRIPTURE, NEw TESTA, Luther's German Bible grouped the •
MENT, 01:,1) . TE;STAMENT, SCRIPTURE, apocryphal books together ( omitting
STANDARD WOR"I!.S. Scholars and Bibli- 1st and 2nd Esdras) at the. end of
cal students h ave grouped certain the Old Testament under this head-
apparently scriptural Old Testament ing: "Apocrypha.: these are books
writings, which they deem to be of which are not held equal to the sacred
doubtful authenticity or of a spurious scriptures, and yet ·are useful and
nature, under the title of the Apoc, good for reading."
rypha.. There has not always ·· been The Apocrypha was included in
agreement as to the specific writings the King James Version of 1611, ·but
which should be designated as apoc- by 1629 some English Bibles began
ryphal, but the following are now to ·appear without it, and since the
generally so listed: 1st and 2nd early part of the 19th century it has
Esdras (sometimes called 3rd and 4th been excluded from almost all prot-
Esdras, because in the Douay Bible, estant Bibles. The American Bible
Ezra •is 1st Esdras, .and Nehemiah, .Society, founded in 1816, has never
2nd Esdras); Tobit; Judith; the rest printed the Apocrypha in its Bibles,
of the chapters of Esther; Wisdom of and the British and Foreign Bible
Solon:ion; Wisdom of Jesus the Son Society has excluded it from all ·but
of Sirach or Ecclesiasticus; . Baruch some pulpit Bibles since 1827.
and the Epistle of Jeremiah; addi- From these dates it is apparent
tional parts of Daniel, including the that controversy was . still raging as
Song of · the Three Holy Children, to the value of the Apocrypha at the
the History of Susanna, and. the time the Prophet began his ministry:
History of the Destruction of Bel and Accordingly, in 1833, while engaged
the Dragon; Prayer of Manasses; 1st in revising the King James Version
and. 2nd Maccabees ( called iw the by the spirit of revelation, the Prophet
Douay Version, 1st and 2nd Macha- felt impelled to inquire of the Lord
bees) , as to the authenticity of the Apoc'
· These apocryphal writings were rypha. From the answer it is · clear
never included in the Hebrew Bible, that the books of 'the Apocrypha \vere
but they were irt the Greek Septua- inspired writings in the first ihstance,,
gint (the Old Testament used by the but that sub.s equent' interpolations
eaFly apostles) and in the Latin and changes · had perverted ·and
Vulgate. Jerome, who translated the twisted their original contexts so as
Vulgate, was required to include them to leave them with doubtful value.
in· •his translation, .· though he is Speaking of the Apocrypha ·the·
quoted as having decided they should Lord says: "There are many things

contained therein that are true, and of the standard works of the Church,
it is mostly translated correctly; There plus the guidance of the Spirit.
are many things contained therein
that are not true, which are inter- Apollyon. See ABADDON, DESTROYER,
polations by the hands of men. Ver- D EVIL. This is one of the names of
ily, I say unto you, that it is not Satan. It is of Greek origin and
needful that the Apocrypha should means literally the Destroyer. Abad-
be translated. Therefore, whoso read- don is the Hebrew equivalent. (Rev.
eth it, let him understand, for the 9:11.)
Spirit manilesteth truth; And whoso
is enlightened by the Spirit shall ob- Apostasy. See ABOMINATIONS, AGNOs-
tain benefit therefrom; And whoso nctsM, ANATHEMA, ANTICHRISTS,
receiveth not by the Spirit, cannot ATHEISM, BLASPHEMY, BROAD-MIND-
be benefited. Therefore it is not need- EDNESS, CAPITAL PUNISHMENT, CARD
ful that it should be translated." PLAYING, CELIBACY, CHRISTENDOM,
There are certain Oriental Chris- MAS, CHURCH OF THE D EVIL, CLINIC
tian churches which have in their BAPTIS MS, CREEDS, D AMNATION, D ARK
Bibles or other ecclesiastical literature AGES, DARKN ESS, D EVIL, DOCTRINE,
some added apocryphal writings of EASTER, EucHARIST, EVOLUTION, Ex-
Jewish origin. These books are sup- COMMUNICATION, EXTREME UNCTION,
posed to have been written between FALLEN MAN, FALSE CHRISTS, FALSE
200 B.C. and 100 A.D. Those writ- Goos, GAMBLING, GNOSTICISM, Goo
ten in Hebrew are: Testaments of AS A SPIRIT, GOSPEL, GOSPEL HOBBIES,
the Twelve Patriarchs, Psalms of GovERNMENT OF Goo, HELL, HERESY,
Solomon, Lives of the Prophets. IDOLATRY, IGNORANCE, I NDULGENCES,
Those written in Aramaic are: Ju - I NFANT BAPTISM, I NQUISITIONS, KtNG-
bilees, Testament of Job, Enoch, CRAFT, MAN OF S1N, MARIOLATRY,
Martyrdom of Isaiah, Paralipomena MINISTERIAL T ITLES, MURDERERS,
of Jeremiah, Life of Adam and Eve, MYTHOLOGY, OBEDIENCE, PENA NCE,
Assumption of Moses, Syriac Baruch, PERSECUTION, PHILOSOPHY, POLY -
Apocalypse of Abraham. Those writ- THEISM, PRIESTCRAFT, PROFANITY,
ten in Greek are: Letter of Aristeas, REBELLION, RELIGIOUS SY NCRETISM,
Sibylline Oracles three, four, and REORGA NIZED CHURCH OF JESUS
five; 3rd and 4th Maccabees, Slavic CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS, RES-
Obviously, to gain any real value NESS, SCATTERING OF ISRAEL, SECOND
fro m a study of apocryphal writings, COMING OF CHRIST, SECRET COM -
the student must first have an ex- BINATIONS, SEX IMMORALITY, $1-JRINES,
tended background of gospel knowl- S 1GN OF THE Cnoss, S1aNs · OF THE
edge, a comprehensive understanding TIMES, SIN, SONS OF PERDITION, SOR-


CERY, SPIRITUALISM, TELESTIAL LAW, principles he had revealed to them.

TEMPTATION, TRANSUBSTANTIATION, Their gathering takes place as they
UNKNOWN Goo, WAR, WrcKEDNEss, return to him and begin again to live
WITCHCRAFT, WORSHIP OF IMAGES. his laws. (Jer. 16:10-21.)
From Adam to the present, the whole In the meridian of time our Lord
history of the world has been one re- personally restored his gospel and,
curring instance of personal and through the ministry of his apostolic
group apostasy after another. To witnesses, offered its saving truths to
Adam the Lord gave the true gospel all men. (Mark 1:14-15; 16:14-18.)
and the true government so that all He did not, however, restore the true
matters pertaining to this mortal order of political government; that
sphere could be governed and ar- was reserved for a future millennial
ranged in harmony with the order era. (Acts I :6-8.) Consequently
of heaven. Apostasy consists in the men remained in subjection to apos-
abandonment and forsaking of these tate governments, but had the oppor-
true principles, and all those who tunity to accept the saving truths of
do not beli~ve and conform to them pure religion. The great apostasy
are in an apostate condition, whether which is of importance and concern
they are the ones who departed from to men in this day is the one which
the truth or whether they inherited took place when men departed from
their false concepts from their apos - the pure Christianity which was
tate fathers. restored in the meridian- of time.
Apostate peoples were swept off This universal apostasy began in
the earth by · the uni versa! flood in the days of the ancient apostles them-
Noah's day, but immediately the selves (2 Pet. 2:1-2); and it was
process of apostatizing began again, known to and foretold by them. Paul
and soon there were apostate individ ~ recorded specifically that the Second
uals, groups, peoples, nations, and Coming would not be until this great
religions. The Lord's hand-dealings falling away took place. (2 Thess.
with men have always been designed 2:1-12.) He warned of the "perilous
to keep the faithful from the treason times" that should come "in the last
of apostasy and to encourage those days"; times when mCn would have
who do not have the fulness of truth "a form of godliness," but would deny
to come to the light and reap the "the power thereof"; times when they
blessings of obedience. would be "Ever learning, and never
Blessings have always attended able to come to the knowledge of the
conformity to true principles, while truth" (2 Tim. 3: 1-7); times in
cursings have been the fruit of apos- which they would be turned "from
tasy. The scattering of Israel, for the truth ... unto fables." (2 Tim.
example, took ,place because . that 4: 1-4.) Our Lord foretold the per-
people forsook their God and the true plexities, calamities, and apostate

wickedness of these same days. (Matt. tasy that would prevail in the day of
24; Mark 13; Luke 21.) the coming forth of the Book of Mor-
With the loss of the gospel, the mon. That volume "shall come in a
nations of the earth went into a moral day," he said, "when the power of
eclipse called the Dark Ages. Apos- God shall be denied, and churches
tasy was universal. "Darkness cover- become defiled and be lifted up in
eth the earth, and gross darkness the the pride of their hearts; yea, even .in
minds of the people; and all flesh has a day when leaders of churches and
become corrupt before my face." teachers shall rise in the pride of their
(D. & C. 112:23.) And this darkness hearts, even to the envying of them
still prevails except among those who who belong to their churches. .
have come to a knowledge of the Yea, it shall come in a day when
restored gospel. (Doctrines of Sal- there shall be great pollutions upon
vation, vol. 3, pp. 265-326.) the face of the earth; there shall be
No better descriptions are to be murders, and robbing, and lying, and
found of the conditions of apostate deceivings, and, and . all
latter-day churches than those re- manner of abominations; when there
corded prophetically by Nephite shall be many who will say, Do this,
prophets. Nephi said: "In the last or do that, and it mattereth not, for
days, or in the days of the Gentiles- the Lord will uphold such at the last
yea, behold all the nations of the day. But wo unto such, for they are
Gentiles and also the Jews, both those in the gall of bitterness and in the
who shall come upon this land and bonds of iniquity. Yea, it shall come
those who shall be upon other lands, in a day when there shall be churches
yea, even upon all the lands of the built up that .shall say: Come unto
earth, behold, they will be drunken me, and for yc,ur money you shall be
with iniquity and all manner of abom- forgiven of your sins.
inations." (2 Ne. 27:1.) He spoke in "O ye wicked and perverse and
detail of the many churches; of their stiffnecked people, why have ye built
pride, worldly learning, and denial up churches unto yourselves to get
of miracles; of their "envyings,- and gain? Why have ye transfigured the
strifes, and malice"; of the secret com- holy word of God, that ye might bring
binations of the devil which commit damnation upon your souls? .. . .
murders and iniquities; of their priest- Your churches, yea, even every one,
crafts and iniquities (2 Ne. 26:20-29); have become polluted because of the
of the ministers who "shall teach with pride of your hearts. For behold, ye
their learning, and deny the Holy do love money, and your substance,
Ghost, which giveth utterance"; and and your fine apparel, and .the adorn-
of their "false and vain and foolish ing of your churches, more than ye
doctrines." (2 Ne. 28.) love the poor and the needy, the sick
Moroni described the direful apos- and the afflicted. 0 ye pollutions,

ye hypocrites, ye teachers, wha sell coffee; tobacco, or liquor; ii they la.ii

yourselves for that which will canker, to pay an honest tithing; ii they find
why .have ye polluted the holy church fault with· the Lord'.s anointed; ii they
of God? Why are ye ashamed to take play cards; if they do anything con'
upon you the name of Christ? Why trary to the standards of personal
do ye not · think that greater is the righteousness required by the gospel
value of an endless happiness than -then to that extent they are in per-
that misery which never dies- be- sonal apostasy and need to repent.
cause of the praise of the world? Why Since truth is always in harmony
do ye adorn yourselves with that with itself, and since all true saints
which hath no life, and yet suffer the "speak the same thing," have "no
hungry, and the needy, and the divisions" among them, and are "per-
naked, and the sick and the afflicted fectly joined together in the same
to pass by you, and notice them not? mind and in t~e same judgment"
Yea, why do ye build up your secret (I Cor. 1:10-13), it follows . that
abominations to get gain, and cause where there are divisions and con-
that widows should mourn before the tention there apostasy is present.
Lord, and also orphans · to mourn II modem churches do not conform
before the Lord, and also the blood to the New _Testament pauern of the
of their lathers and their husbands true Church, then the nonconforming
to cry unto the Lord from the ground, organizations are apos,tate. This
for vengeance upon your heads?" ple test of the authenticity of any
(Morm. 8:28-41.) church claiming to be the Lord's may
To the extent that worldliness, false be made by · finding answer to such
doctrine, and iniquity are found questions as: Where is there a church
among the saints, they too partake that has (according to the New
of the spirit of the great apostasy. Testament pattern) some combina-
Speaking of men in the last days tion of the names of Christ · as its
Nephi said: "They have all gone name? Where is there a church
astray save it be a few, who are the claiming to have priesthood of both
humble followers of Christ; neverthe- the Aaronic and Melchizedek orders,
less, they are led, that in many as set forth in the New Testament?
instances they do err because they a:re Where are there apostles, prophets,
taught by the precepts of men." (2 seventies, and all the officers put ·in
Ne. 28:14.) It follows that if mem- the Church by -our Lord? Where do
bers of the Church believe false we find all of the gospel ordinances,
doctrines; ii they accept false edu- among others-baptism for the dead,
cational theories of the origin of man the laying on of hands for the gilt
or the creation of the earth; ii they of the Holy Ghost, and administering
fall into the practices and abomina- to .the sick?
tions of the sectarians; if they use tea, Where are the true New Testament

doctrines taught: That the plan of Apostles. See APOSTOLIC FATHERS,

salvation consists in faith, repentance, APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION, DISClPLES,
baptism, gaining the gilt of the Holy JUDGES, MELCHIZEDEK PRIESTHOOD,
Ghost, and enduring in good works PRIESTHOOD, PRIESTHOOD OFFICES,
to the end; that there are degrees of PROPHETS, TESTIMONY. I. An apostle
glory in the eternal worlds; that the is a special witness of the name of
gospel is preached in the spirit world; Christ who is sent to teach the prin-
that there was to be a universal ciples of salvation to others. He is one
apostasy, followed by an era of res- who knows of the divinity of the
toration; that the gospel was to be Savior by personal revelation and who
returned to earth by angelic minis-
is appointed to bear testimony to the
tration; that Israel was to be gathered world of what the Lord has revealed
in a day subsequent to New Testa- to him. Every elder in the Church
ment times; and so forth? Where are is or should be an apostle; that is,
all these New Testament doctrines as a minister of the Lord and as a
taught? And above all, where are recipient of personal revelation from
the gifts of the Spirit, the signs, the Holy Ghost, every elder has the
visions, miracles, and marvelous call to bear witness of the truth on
works that, without respect of per- all proper occasions. Indeed, every
sons, "shall follow them that believe"? member of the Church should have
(Mark 16:17.) For those who are apostolic insight and revelation, and
honest and sincere in their search, is under obligation to raise the warn -
it is not difficult to find out whether ing voice. (D. & C. 88:81; Mosiah
there has been a universal apostasy, 18:9.)
and if so, where the truth is today.
In September, 1832, (nearly two
and a hall years before there were
Apostate Cults. See SECTS. any ordained apostles in the Church)
the Lord said to certain missionaries:
Apostates. See APOSTASY. "You are mine apostles, even God's
high priests." (D. & C. 84:63-64.)
Apostle. See APOSTLES, CHRIST. Christ In fact, Joseph Smith became an
is the great Apostle of the Church. apostle in the spring of 1820, as a
(Heb. 3:1.) This means, not that he result of the First Vision, even before
held the ordained office of apostle priesthood was conferred upon him
in the Melchizedek Priesthood, but through the ministration of Peter,
that he himself stands as a special James, and John; and after the
witness of his own divine mission. "I Church was established, the Lord
am the Son of God" is the witness he ordained (meaning decreed) that he
bears of himself. (John 10:36; D. & C. continue to serve in this high apostolic
45:52.) station. (D. & C. 20:1-4; 21:l; 27:12;

Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 3, pp. 144- apostolic capacity. (3 Ne. 18; 19; 27;
149.) 28.) In writing about the Book of
Men are saved by giving heed to Mormon, the Prophet said that it
the words of the prophets and apos- "tells us that our Savior made his
tles sent among them-and are damned appearance upon this continent after
for failure to heed the inspired his resurrection; that he planted the
testimony. (D. & C. 1:14.) And as gospel here in all its fulness, and
with nearly all things, the devil offers richness, and power, and blessing;
a spurious substitute to deceive men. that they had apostles, prophets, pas-
These "are false apostles, deceitful tors, teachers, and evangelists; the
workers, transforming themselves same order, the same priesthood, the
into the apostles of Christ." (2 Cor. same ordinances, gifts, powers, and
11: 13.) But faithful members of the blessings as were enjoyed on the
Church have the assurance that they eastern continent." (History of the
shall sit in judgment, "And liars and Church, vol. 4, p. 538.)
hypocrites shall be proved by them,
and they :who are not apostles and Apostles Creed. See APOSTASY, ATH-
prophets _shall be known." (D. & C. ANASIAN CREED, CREEDS, NICENE
64 :37-39; Rev. 2 :2.) CREED. According to tradition- the
2. In the ordained sense, an source of authority for so many
apostle is one who is ordained to the apostate doctrinal and historical con-
office of apostle in the Melchizedek clusions for which there is neither
Priesthood. Ordinarily those so or- evidence nor proof- this creed dates
dained are also set apart as members back ·to apostolic times. The legend
of the Council of the Twelve and are is that it was formulated by the
given all of the keys of the kingdom Twelve Apostles "on the day of
of God on earth. This apostleship Pentecost, while still under the direct
carries the responsibility of proclaim- inspiration of the Holy Ghost," each
ing the gospel in all the world and of the group contributing to the final
also of administering the affairs of result. As to the actual origin of the
the Church. Christ "chose twelve, creed, however, some Catholic his-
whom also he named apostles" (Luke torians trace it to a baptismal con-
6: 13), and upon their shoulders the fession in use in Southern Gaul not
burden of the kingdom rested after earlier than the latter part of the 5th
he ascended to his Father. (I Cor. century. Others claim to find indi-
12:28.) The original Twelve in lat- cations that an older form of the creed
ter-days were selected by revelation was in use in Rome as early as the
by the Three Witnesses to the Book middle of the 2nd century.
of Mormon. (D. & C. 18:26-47.) The creed professes to recite briefly
The Twelve Disciples among the "the fundamental tenets of Christian
Nephites ministered in an ordained belief." There have been many ver-

sions in many places, all differing day when the apostasy was not yet
somewhat from each other. (Catholic complete, such views are of real value
Encyclopedia, vol. I, pp. 629-632.) in the study of primitive Christianity.
The modern version, as published in "In addition to the New Testament
Catholic manuals of devotion is: books, a certain number of writings
·.. I believe in God, the Father Al- of the first two hundred years of the
mighty, Creator of heaven and earth; Christian Era of authors who had
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, known the apostles, the 'Church
our Lord; who was conceived by the Fathers,' have survived. They include
Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, (I) The Letter of Clement of Rome,
suffered under Pontius Pilate, was anonymous, but attributed to Clem-
crucified, died, and was buried, He ent, written about 96 A.O.; (2) The
descended into hell; the third day Letters of Ignatius of Antioch, mar-
He rose again from the dead; He tyred, according to Eusebius, I 08
ascended into heaven, sitteth at the A.D., in Rome; (3) The Teachings of
right hand of God, the Father Al- the Twelve or the Didache, anony-
mighty; from thence He shall come mous, discovered by Bryennios in
to judge the living and the dead. I 1875 in the Patriarchal Library of
believe in the Holy Ghost; the Holy Jerusalem at Constantinople; (4) The
Catholic Church; the communion of Letter of Barnabas, really anonymous,
Saints; the forgiveness of sins; the written probably during the first cen-
resurrection of the body; the life tury; (5) The Letter of Polycarp,
everlasting. Amen." martyred, according to Eusebius, in
166-167 A.D.; (6) The Shepherd of
Apostleship. See APOSTLES. Hennas, written by Hermas, brother
of Pius who was bishop of Rome
Apostolic Dispensation. See DISPEN- about 148 A.D.; and (7) Fragments
SATIONS. of Papias.
uThe difference in value between
Apostolic Fathers. See APOSTASY, the books of the New Testament and
APOSTLES, APOSTOLIC SuccEss10N, the writings of the Apostolic Fathers
SCRIPTURE, STANDARD WORKS. Those is very striking. It is difficult to un-
religious writers who followed closely derstand how so great a change could
on the heels of the early apostles are have occurred in so short a time.
called the apostolic fathers. They 'Until the death of the Apostles the
did not write by way of revelation or deposit of revelation was progressive-
commandment, as the apostles did, ly enriched, as Saint Paul writes: "the
and their writings are not seripture. mystery of Christ has not been made
But because they had opportunity to known in other ages to the sons of
record their views on church govern- man so clearly as it has now been
ment, organization, and doctrine in a revealed to the holy apostles and

prophets (Eph. 3:4-5)"; alter the to them, meaning that whert there is
death of the apostles, no new enrich- no First Presidency of three men,
ment will be made.' (Lebreton et then the Twelve become the First
Zeiller (Catholique), L'Eglise Prim- Presidency in that they can then exer-
itive, p. 321.)" (James L. Barker, cise all of the power and authority
Pro,testors of Christendom, pp. 23-24.) previously reserved to the Presidency.
In the same sense the Seventy (mean:
Apostolic Letters. See EPISTLES. ing the first quorum of the Seventy,
a body of 70 men) form a quorum
Apostolic Succession. See APOSTLES, equal in authority to that of the
APosTOLIC FATHERS, AssrSTANT PRES- Council of the Twelve. (D. & · C.
DENCY, KEYS OF THE KINGDOM. Every "The duty of the Twelve Apostles
apostle who is set apart as a member of the Church," President Joseph F.
of the Council or Quorum of the Smith said, "is to preach the gospel
Twelve is given the keys of the king- to the world, to send it to the inhabi-
dom. (D. & c: 112: 14-32; Discourses tants of the earth and to bear testi-
of Wilford Woodruff, pp. 7!-77.) mony of Jesus Christ the Son of God,
Since keys are the right of presidency as living witnesses of his divine mis-
and the kingdom of God on earth is sion. That is their special calling, and
the Church, it follows that each they are always under the .direction
apostle apart receives the inher- ., of the .Presidency of the Church of
ent power and authority to preside Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
over the Church and direct all of its when that presidency is intact, and
affairs. The lulness of these keys can there is never at the same time two
be · exercised only . in the event an equal heads in the Church-never.
apostle becomes the senior apostle of The Lord never ·Ordained any such
God on earth, for unless he does there thing, nor designed it. There is al-
will always be someone above him to ways a head in the Church, and ii
direct his labors. The senior apostle the Presidency · of the Church are
is always chosen and set apart as the removed by death or other cau.s,e;
President of the Church, and through then the next head of the Church is
this system of apostolic succession, the the Twelve Apostles, until a Presi-
Lord has made provision for the con- dency is again organized of three
tinuation and preservation of his presiding high priests who have ·the
kingdom on earth. (Doctrines of right to hold the office of First Presi-
Salvation, vol. 3, pp. 144-159.) dency over the Church." (Gospel
The quorum of the First Presidency Doctrine, 5th ed., pp. I 77 -178. )
is the supreme governing body of the Apostolic succession was also the
Church, but the Twelve form a quo- Church order in · the meridian of
l'llm ."equal in authority and power" time. The New Testament records,

however, are so fragmentary that we which apostasy overtook that branch

cannot trace the events in detail of the house of Israel. (4 Ne. 14.)
which transpired in that day. But
enough has been preserved to give a Apparitions. See GHOSTS.
reasonably clear picture of what took
place. Our Lord called and ordained Appendages to the Priesthood. See
the original Twelve, giving the keys PRIESTHOOD OFFICES.
of the kingdom to each member of
the quorum. (Matt. 16:19; 18:18; Archangels. SEE ANGELS, GABRIEL,
John 15:16.) Paul taught plainly MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL, RAPHAEL.
that the apostles were to continue in An archangel is a chief angel. Michael
the true Church until the millennial (Adam) is the only one so designated
era, that age in which all men will in the scriptures proper. (D. & C.
be converted and in which the neces- 29:26; 88:112; 107:54; 128:21; I
sity will no longer exist for sending Thess. 4:16; Jude 9.) And certainly
the gospel message to the world. he is the chief of all angels, the head
(Eph. 4:11-16; Jer. 31:31-34.) (under Christ) of the heavenly hier-
Matthias replaced Judas in the archy.
Council of the Twelve. (Acts I: 15- The Hebrew celestial hierarchy,
16.) "Paul was an ordained apostle, however, is said to consist of seven
and without question he took the archangels. The names of two of
place of one of the other brethren these, Michael and Gabriel, are
in that Council." (Doctrines of Sal- found in the Bible and in latter-day
revelation. (Jude 9; Luke I :5-38;
vation, vol. 3, p. 153; I Tim. 2:7;
D. & C. 128:21.) The name of a
2 Tim. 1:11; Tit. 1:1.) Barnabas
third, Raphael, is found in the apoc-
(Acts 14: 14) and "James the Lord's
ryphal book of Tobias and in the
brother" (Gal. I: 19), neither of
Doctrine and Covenants. (Toh. 12: 15;
whom. were numbered among the
D. & C. 128:21.) The names of the
original Twelve, are also named other four-Uriel, Raguel, Sariel, and
apostles. Jerahmeel-are found in the so-called
With the coming of the great apos- Book of Enoch, a non-canonical,
tasy, vacancies no longer were filled apocalyptic work. (Enoch 21.) Apoc-
in the Council of the Twelve, and ryphal sources give the names of the
when the last apostle ceased to min- last three as Izidkiel, Hanael, and
ister among mortals, the keys of the Kepharel.
kingdom no longer were exercised, In reality, we know very little about
and the so-called Christian Church the organization that exists among
was no longer the Lord's Church. angelic beings; that a perfect, proper,
Vacancies were also filled in the and .complex organization does exist
Nephite Twelve until .the day in is obvious, but the positions held by

the various ministers in that celestial Article on Marriage. See CELESTIAL

hierarchy have not been revealed in MARRIAGE, DOCTRINE AND CoVENANTS,
TURE. As early as 1832 the Lord
Archenemy. See DEVIL. revealed to the Prophet the doctrine
of celestial marriage, including also
Arguments. See CoNTENTION. the principle of plurality of wives.
This was before the restoration of
the sealing keys, and so the Lord did
Ark of Noah. See FLOOD OF NOAH.
not command either the practice of
eternal marriage or the practice of
Armageddon. See BATTLE OF ARMA- the added order of plurality of wives
at that time. Monogamy and civil
marriage remained and were, at that
Armies of Heaven. See Goo OF BAT- time, the order of the Church. The
TLES, MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL, WAR, revelation setting forth the higher
WAR IN HEAVEN. Those who follow law of temple marriage was not re-
Christ and fight for righteousness in corded; the doctrine was not taught
the great battles of eternity are sol- except in private to some of the lead-
diers in the armies of heaven. Michael ing brethren of the Church; and it
led these forces in pre-existence when was not practiced.
Lucifer rebelled and there was war In 1835, in connection with the
in heaven. (Rev. 12:7-8; D. & C. approval of the first edition of the
29:36-38.) Our Lord himsell is de- Doctrine and Covenants for publica-
scribed by John as leading "the armies tion, and in the absence of the Proph-
which .were in heaven'' in the great et, Oliver Cowdery wrote an article
battle of Armageddon. (Rev. 19:11- on marriage. The article, dealing
21.) with civil and monogamous marriage
It is Michael who "shall gather -that is, with the then accepted
together his armies, even the hosts marriage discipline of the Church-
of heaven" so they can fight "the though not particularly a wise and
battle of the great God," in which proper presentation of the Church's
Lucifer and his angels shall be cast views even on matters pertaining to
out eternally. (D. & C. 88:111-116.) civil marriage, was accepted by th~
In a sense, those who are fighting for people and approved for publication
righteousness here and now are also in the same book with the revelations.
soldiers in the armies of heaven; It was clearly understood by all con-
though, for the moment, they are cerned, however, that the article on
fighting a losing battle against the marriage was not a revelation, . that
forces of sin, eventual triumph is it contained Oliver Cowdery's views
assured. and not necessarily those of the

Prophet, and that it was merely a given and also special instruction to
statement of policy bearing on the Emma Smith relative to plural mar-
system of civil marriage then prevail- riage. (D. & C. 132:45-47, 51-55.)
ing in the Church and in the world. There was, of course, no oppor-
When the Prophet returned and tunity to add the revelation · on
learned of the action taken relative to marriage to a new edition of the Doc-
the publication of the article on mar- trine and Covenants until after the
riage, he was greatly troubled. How- saints came west. Temple endow-
ever, knowing that up to that date ments, celestial marriage, . and plural
the new and everlasting covenant of marriage had all been practiced in
marriage had on ly been revealed in Nauvoo, but being higher, sacred
principle, that there was as yet no ordinances their practice had not as
command to practice it, and that the yet been announced to the world.
power and keys had not been restored After the saints came west the re-
whereby marriages could be solem- stored order of marriage discipline
nized so they would endure for was taught publicly, and in due
eternity, he let the action stand. The course the revelation on marriage was
higher order was to come later. published. Obviously it was good
Then in 1836 Elijah came and sense to delete from the Doctrine and
restored the sealing power, the power Covenants the article on marriage
to bind on earth and have it sealed because it had application to a lesser
eternally in the heavens. (D. & C. order, an order that prevailed before
110:1 3-16; 132:45-47.) At a still the full law had been restored.
later date, temple endowments and In its apostate bitterness the Re-
other ordinances were revealed-all organized Church of Jesus Christ of
of which are a necessary prelude to Latter Day Saints has tried to make it
the performance of an eternal mar- appear that the article on marriage
riage, a marriage between one man was the only approved order of the
and one woman, or between one man Church and that the revelation on
and more than one woman, as the marriage was a spurious one authored
case may be. Alter these things the by Brigham Young. The facts, of
practice of celestial marriage, includ- course, destroy their specious claims.
ing plurality of wives, was com- An understanding of the historical
manded. In 1843 the previously sequences involved and of the doc-
revealed doctrine of celestial marriage trinal principles relative to the seal-
(including plurality of wives) was ing power make ·the truth very clear.
recorded for the first time; added ( Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 3, pp.
truths· were also stated in the revela- 195-198.)
tion as finally recorded, as for in-
stance a reference to · the fact that Articles of Faith. See CREED, FIRST
the keys of sealing now had been PRINCIPLES OF THE GOSPEL, PEARL OF


GREAT PRICE, SCRIPTURE. Joseph times engaged in when a married

Smith wrote 13 brief statements which couple is unable to have children,
have become known as the Articles is morally and religiously wrong and
of Faith, statements whieh summarize should never be permitted, except in
some of the basic doctrines of the cases where the seed is taken from the
Church. These Articles of Faith are husband of the wife involved. To
scripture and are published as part inseminate seed from other than the
of the Pearl of Great Price. husband is a. form of immorality and
For brevity, · clearness, and forth- indecency akin to adultery, ·and has
rightness of doctrinal presentation, been so deiiominated in some courts
they are unexcelled. When compared of law where gospel standards are not
with the muddled creeds formulated even at issue. Obviously such a prac-
by the supposedly greatest religious tice throws paternity in doubt,
thinkers of apostate Christendom- scrambles genealogical ties, and lays
creeds born amid the strife, bitterness, the basis for discord in the family
and debates of councils that struggled unit. Instead of turning to such an
at length over every word and comma unnatural course, 'ehifdless couples
-the Articles of Faith, cornmg forth should seek to generate sufficient faith
as the spontaneous and inspired so that, the Lord willing, ehildren
writing of orie man, are a marked may be born to them according to
evidence of the spirit of revelation the normal pattern ordained by Deity.
that rested upon the Prophet. Also many childless couples find 'their
These articles, Of course, do not at..: desires 61 parenthood are satisfied by
tempt to summarize all of the basic adopting children.
doctrines of the gospel. Indeed, one
of the articles itself specifies that God Ascension Day. See CHRIST, Ascisr'l-
"will yet reveal many great · and im- SION OF CHRIST, EASTER: Since our
portant things" pertaining to his Lord ascended in dramatic manner
kingdom. (Ninth Article of Faith.) to his Father 40 days after his resur-
For example, the Articles of Faith are rection, it has become traditional
silent on such things as celestial mar- among sectarians to celebrate the
riage, salvation for the dead, temple Thursday 40 days after Easter as
work in all its phases, the resurrection, ascension day . But since Easter is
and degrees of glory in the eternal only the traditional day of his resur-
worlds. rection, it follows that ascension day
is not the actual day of his formal
Artificial Insemination. See BmTH, return to his Father.
PRE - EXISTENCE. Modem medical
science has made it possible for chil- Ascension of Christ. · ·See ASCENSION
dren to be conceived by artificial DAY, . CHRIST, SECOND CoMING Qp
insemination. This practice, some- CHRIST. Our Lord, after his resur-

rection, ascended to his Father and he here ascended as a tangible Being,

received the glory which was his a Personage having that body of flesh
before the world was. (John 16:28; and bones which those who beheld
17: 5.) Immediately following his res- him go up had theretofore handled
urrection, he said to Mary : "Touch and felt and which had eaten food
me not; for I am not yet ascended in their presence. (Luke 24:36-43.)
to my Father: but go to my brethren, After this formal ascension, our Lord
and say unto them, I ascend unto my ministered personally again on earth
Father, and your Father; and to my both to Paul and others in the old
God, and your God." (John 20:17.) world and to chosen prophets in mod-
Thereafter he appeared to the dis- ern times. (Acts 9:1 -9; 22 :6-16; Rev.
ciples in the upper room and said, l :13-18; Jos. Smith 2:16-20; D. & C.
"Handle me, and see; for a spirit hath ] ]0 :1- 10.)
not flesh and bones, as ye see me The Book of Mormon record says
have" (Luke 24 :39), from which it "that soon after the ascension of
is supposed that duri ng the interval Christ into heaven he did truly mani-
he had ascended to his Father. fest himself unto" the Nephites. (3
During the period of 40 days while Ne. 10:18; 11:12.) It would appear
he continued to minister as a resur- that from the manner in which Book
rected Being among his disciples in of Mormon prophets speak of the
Jerusalem (Acts I :3), it is presumed ascension (Mosiah 18:2; Alma 40:20),
that he ascended to his Father many that they have reference to his ascen-
times. But the particular instance sion immediately following his resur-
which is commonly referred to as the rection and not to that formal
ascension of Christ is that formal occasion 40 days after which later
occasion on the mount of Olivet when became known among Christian peo-
he took leave in dramatic form from ples as · the ascension. Viewing the
his disciples. "While they beheld," time differences between the old and
the record avers, "he was taken up; new worlds, there would be no rea-
and a cloud received him out of their son why he should not have minis-
sight. And while they looked sted- tered as a resurrected Being among the
fastly toward heaven as he went up, Nephites during the same interval in
behold, two men stood by them in which he was continuing his resur-
white apparel; Which also said, Ye rected walk with his followers in
men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing Jerusalem.
up into heaven? this same Jesus.
which is taken up from you into Ashes. See SACKCLOTH AND ASHES.
heaven, shall so come in like manner
as ye have seen him go in to heaven." Ashtoreth ( Ashtaroth). See BAAL
(Acts 1:9-1 1.) (BAALIM), FALSE Goos. As Baal was
It should be noted particularly that the supreme male deity of the Phoe-

nician and Canaanitish nations, so President is to assist in presiding over

Ashtoreth (Ashtaroth) was their su- the whole Church, and to officiate in
preme female deity. She was the so- the absence of the President, accord-
called goddess of love and fertility, ing to his rank and appointment,
whose licentious worship pleased viz.: President Cowdery, first; Presi-
Israel in her apostate periods. (Judges ident [Sidney] Rigdon, second; and
2:13; 10:6; I Sam. 7:3-4; 12:10.) President [Frederick G.] Williams,
third, as they were severally called.
Assemblies. See SoLEMN AssEMBLIES. The office of this priesthood is also
to act as spokesman, taking Aaron
Assistant President of the Church. for an example. The virtue of the
See APOSTLES, APOSTOLIC St.iccEs- above priesthood is to hold the keys
SION, FIRST PRESIDENCY, LAW OF of the kingdom of heaven or of the
WITNESSES, PRESIDENT OF .THE Church militant." (Manuscript His-
CHURCH. Oliver Cowdery was with tory of the Church, Book A, Chap. I;
the Prophet when the priesthood and Essentials in Church.History, pp. 179-
keys necessary for the full restoration 180.) Thus if the Prophet had died,
of the gospel and the establishment of Oliver Cowdery would have been the
the dispensation of the fulness of President of the Church.
times were conferred. (D. & C. 13; After Oliver Cowdery fell from his
27:12; 110:11-16.) He held the keys high status, Hyrum Smith the Pa-
jointly ·with the Prophet. At the for- triarch was chosen by revelation to
mal organization of the Church the succeed to the position of Assistant
Prophet was sustained as the first President and to stand as a joint wit-
elder and Oliver Cowdery as the ness with the Prophet of the truth of
second elder (D. & C. 20:2-3), that the restoration. (D. & C. 124:94-96.)
is, they were first and second from When these two joint Presidents of
the standpoint of pre-eminence, or the Church sealed their testimonies
presiding authority. Then as the with their blood, the full operation
Church grew, and when the full or- of the keys of the kingdom rested
ganization was revealed, Oliver Cow- with the T welve, and Brigham Young,
dery was made the Assistant ( or the senior apostle, became the rank-
Associate) President of the Church. ing officer of the Church. Since the
As the Assistant President, Oliver kingdom was then fully established
ranked second in · authority to the and the two witnesses had left a
Prophet. He stood ahead of the binding testimony, it was no longer
Counselors in the First Presidency necessary to continue the office of
and ahead of the Council of the Assistant President. Accordingly, the
T welve. In explaining the nature of office is not found in the Church
the office of Assistant President, the today. (Doctrines of Salvation, vol.
Prophet said: "The office of Assistant ! ,pp. 210-222.)

Assistants to the Twelve. See GEN- principle of receiving revelation of

ERAL AUTHORITIES, HIGH PRIESTS, future events from divine sources.
PRIESTHOOD .OFFICES. From time to Ancient apostate peoples were fre-
time as the needs of the ministry re- q11ently deluded by the snares of the
quire, those holding •the keys of the astrologers among them (Isa. 47;
kingdom call worthy and qualified Dan. 1:20; 2:27; 4:7; 5:7), but it is
brethren to serve in administrative difficult to understand why people in
positions in the Church. Assistants modem and supposedly enlightened
to the Twelve, with appointments to and civilized nations should submit to
serve as General Authorities, have these same stargazing absurdities.
been so called. They are high priests, Enlightened people in and out of the
not apostles, and serve pursuant to Ch urch shun them for the abomina-
the revelation which says: "Other tions they are.
officers of the church, who belong
not unto the Twelve, neither to the Astronomy. See CREATION, EARTHS.
Seventy, are not under the respon- Astronomy is the science which treats
sibility to travel among all nations, of the celestial bodies, their creation,
but are to travel as their circum- magnitudes, motions, constitution,
stances shall allow, notwithstanding and the like. It is falsely supposed
they may hold as high and responsible in the world that this is a modern
offices in the church." (D. & C. science, that through our telescopes
107:98.) and by other means we have discov-
ered for the first time some of the
Associate President of the Church . great truths relative to the sidereal
See AssISTANT PRESIDENT OF heavens and the infinite number of
CHURCH. spheres that roll through them. In
reality the greatest astronomers of all
Astrologers. See AsmOLOOY. time lived in the early ages of the
earth and received their knowledge by
Astrology. See ASTRONOMY, DIVINA- revelation from the Creator, Maker,
TION, FoR'f.UNE TELLING, SoncERY. A and Organizer of all things.
form of divination and fortune telling Moses saw many earths-all created
akin to sorcery, astrology is a pseudo by Deity; all rolling in . space at his
science that pretends to divulge the command; all controlled by his law,
influence of the stars upon human "by which they move in their times
affairs; it is a false science that claims and their seasons" (D. & C. 88:7- 13,
to foretell earthly events by means 41-50); all inhabited by men and
of the positfons and aspects of these women who are redeemed with im-
heavenly luminaries. It is, of course, mortality and offered eternal .life
one of Satan's substitutes for the true through the power of the Father.
science of astronomy and for the true (Moses 1:27-39.) Enoch was equally

aware of these endless creations and passing reference to several other

their equally endless inhabitants. dogmas." They promulgate it as a
(Moses 7:29-36.) Perhaps many "summary of Catholic Faith," and as
prophets and righteous men have a document that "is appr.oved by the
known of these things. Church as expressing its mind on the
But, as far as our records reveal, fundamental truths with which it
Abraham stands pre-eminent ·as the deals." They eulogize "the compact-
greatest astronomer of all the ages. ness and lucidity of its statements,'-'
He saw, recorded, and taught the which "make it highly prized," and
truths relative to the creation of the say that it "states in a very _plain and
earth; of the movements and rela- precise way what the Catholic Faith
tionships of the sun·, moon, and, is concerning the important doctrines
stars; and of the positions and rev- of the Trinity and the lncamation;"
olutions of the various spheres in Authorship of the creed is unknown,
the sidereal heavens. (Abra . .3; 4; 5; although Catholic authorities lean to
History of the Church, vol. 2, p. 286.) the view that it was written by some
When the Lord comes again, he will less proininent person sometime after
reveal all things (D. & C. 101:32-34); the day of Athanasius (296-373
then the perfect knowledge of astron- A.D.).
omy will be had again, and the faith- Enlightened persons can judge for
ful will know all things about all the themselves whether this creed sheds
creations of him who is omnipotent. light upon or blankets with darkne,is
the truths it attempts to define. This
Athanasian Creed. See ArosTASY, is the official Catholic version of the
CREED. Of all the major creeds, the "Whosoever will be .-saved, before
so-called Athanasian is by far the all things it is necessary that he hold
most senseless, unintelligent, and in- the Catholic Faith. Which Faith ex-
comprehensible. Of it Elder James E. cept everyone do keep whole and
Talmage says: "It would· be difficult undefiled, without doubt he shall
to conceive of a greater number of perish everlastingly. And. the Cath-
inconsistencies and contradictions olic Faith is this, that we worship
expressed in words as few." (Articles one God in Trinity and Trinity in
of .Faith, p. 48.) Unity. Neither confounding the
Strangely, it is the one creed which Persons, nor dividing the Substance.
the Catholic defenders feel · called For there is one Person of the Father,
upon to praise for its clarity, lucidity, another of the Son, and another of
and plainness. Their official state- the Holy Ghost. But the Godhead of
ment describes it as "a short, clear the Father, of the Son and of the
exposition of the doctrines of the Holy Ghost is all One, the Glory
Trinity and the Incarnation, with a Equal, the Majesty Co-Eternal. Such

as the Father is, such is the Son, and afore or after Other, None is greater
such is the Holy Ghost. The Father or less than Another, but the whole
Uncreate, the Son Uncreate, and the Three Persons are Co-eternal togeth-
Holy Ghost Uncreate. The Father er, and Co-equal. So that in all
Incomprehensible, the Son Incom- things, as is aforesaid, the Unity in
prehensible, and the Holy Ghost Trinity, and the Trinity in Unity is
Incomprehensible. The Father Eter- to be worshipped. He therefore that
nal, the Son Eternal, and the Holy will be saved, must thus think of the
Ghost Eternal and yet they are not Trinity.
Three Eternals but One Eternal. As "Furthermore, it is necessary to
also there are not Three Uncreated, everlas ting Salvation, that he also
nor Three Incomprehensibles, but believe rightly the Incarnation of our
One Uncreated, and One Incompre- Lord Jesus Christ. For the right
hensible. So likewise the Father is Faith is, that we believe and confess,
Almighty, the Son Almighty, and the that our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son
Holy Ghost Almighty. And yet they of God, is God and Man.
are not Three Almighties but One "God, of the substance of the
Almighty. Father, begotten before the worlds;
"So the Father is God, the Son is and Man of the substance of His
God, and the H oly Ghost is God. And mother, born into the world. Perfect
yet they are not Three Gods, but One God and Perfect Man, of a reasonable
God. So likewise the Father is Lord, Soul and human Flesh subsisting.
the Son Lord, and the Holy Ghost Equal to the Father as touching His
Lord. And yet not Three Lords but Godhead, and inferior to the Father
One Lord. For, like as we are com- as touchi ng His Manhood. Who,
pelled by the Christian verity to although He be God and Man, yet
acknowledge every Person by Him- He is not two, but One Christ. One,
self to be God and Lord, so are we not by conversion of the Godhead
forbidden by the Catholic Religion into Flesh, but by taking of the Man-
to say, there be Three Gods or Three hood into God. One altogether, not
Lords. The Father is made of none, by confusion of substance, but by
neither created, nor begotten. The Unity of Person. For as the reason-
Son is of the Father alone; not made, able soul and flesh is one Man, so
nor created, but begotten. The Holy God and Man is one Christ. Who
Ghost is of the Father, and of the suffered for our salvation, descended
Son: neither made, nor created, nor into Hell, rose again the third day
begotten, but proceeding. from the dead. He ascended into
"So there is One Father, not Three Heaven, He sittcth on the right hand
Fathers; one Son not Three Sons; of the Father, God Almighty, from
One Holy Ghost, not Three Holy whence he shall come to judge the
Ghosts. And in this Trinity none is quick and the dead. At whose com-

ing all men shall rise again with their God.' The immaterialist says 'There is
bodies, and shall give account lo, such a substance as God, but it is
their own works. And they that have without parts.' The atheist says
done good shall go into life everlast- 'There is no such substance as spirit.'
ing, and they that have done evil The immaterialist says 'A spirit,
into everlasting fire. ·This is the Cath- though he lives and acts, occupies no
olic Faith, which except a man room, and fills no space in the same
believe faithfully and firmly, he can- way and in the same manner as mat-
not be saved." (Catholic Encyclo- ter, not even so much as does the
pedia, vol. 2, pp. 33-34.) minutest grain of sand.' The atheist
does not seek to hide his infidelity;
Atheism. See AGNOSTICISM, APOSTASY, but the immaterialist, whose declared
D EISM, Goo, INFIDELS, THEISM. belief amounts to the same thing as
Atheism is the disbelief in or denial the atheist's, endeavors to hide his
of the existence of God. Such takes infidelity under the shallow covering
various forms, and there are many of a lew ·words . ... The immaterial-
degrees of .atheism. In the absolute ist is a religious atheist; he only differs
sense, it is doubtful if there is such from the other class of atheists by
a person as an atheist, for even though clothing an indivisible unextended
one denies the traditionally taught nothing with the powers of a God.
concept of Deity, yet he probably One class believes in no God; the
worships at some other shrine as, for other believes that Nothing is god
instance, the shrine of false intellec- and worships it as such." (Cited,
tuality. At the other extreme, those Articles of Faith, p. 465.)
who profess belief in the sectarian
God are in- a position at least akin Athletic Games. See RECREATION.
to atheism for their God is defined
in effect as an immaterial nothing. Atonement of Christ. See ADVOCACY,
Reasoning along this . line Orson AovocATE, BLOOD ATONEMENT Doc-
Pratt wrote: "There are two classes TRINE, CHRIST, ETERNAL LIFE, ExPIA-
of atheists in the world. One class TION; ExPIATOR, FALL OF ADAM,
denies the existence of God in the GosPEL, GRACE OF Goo, IMMORTALITY,
most positive language; the other de- I NTERCESSION, MEDIATION, PROPITIA-
nies his existence in duration or space. TION, PROPITIATOR, RECONCILIATION,
One says 'There is no God'; the RECONCILER, REDEMPTION, RE-
other says 'God is not here or there, PENTANCE, SACRAMENT, SACRIFICES,
any more than he exists now and SALVATION, SALVATION BY GRACE,
then.' The infidel says 'God does not SYMBOLISMS. Nothing in the entire
exist anywhere.' The immaterialist plan of salvation compares in any
says 'He exists nowhere.' The infidel way in importance with .that most
says, 'There is no such substance as transcendent of all events, the atoning

sacrifice of our Lord. It is the most creating and populating of the earth
important single thing that has ever ')'Ould come to naught. With it the
occurred in the entire history of eternal purposes of the Father will
created things; it is the rock founda- roll forth, the purpose of creation be
tion upon which the gospel and all preserved, the plan of salvation made
other things rest. Indeed, all "things efficacious, and men will be assured
which pertain to our religion are only of a hope of the highest exaltation
appendages to it," the Prophet said. hereafter. ( Doctrines of Salvation,
(Teachings, p. 121.) vol. I, pp. 121-138.)
Tlie doctrine of the atonement em- "Redemption cometh in a n d
braces, sustains, supports, and gives through the Holy Messiah," Lehi
life and force to all other gospel doc- taught, "for he is lull of grace and
trines. It is the foundation upon truth. Behold he offereth himself a
which all. truth rests, and all things sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends
grow out of it and come because of it. of the law, unto all those who have
Indeed, the atonement is the gospel. a broken heart and a contrite spirit;
In recording the Vision, the Prophet and unto none else can the ends ,,I
wrote: "And this is the gospel, the the law be answered. · Wherefore,
glad tidings, which the voice out of how great the · importance to make
the heavens bore record unto us- these things known unto the inhabi-
That he came into the world, even tants of the earth, that they may
Jesus, to be crucified for the world, know that there is no flesh that can
and to bear the sins of the world, and dwell in the presence of God, save it
to sanctify the world, and to cleanse be through the merits, and mercy,
it from all unrighteousness; That and grace of the Holy Messiah, who
through him all might be saved whom layeth down his life according to the
the Father had put into his power flesh, and taketh it again by the power
and made by him." (D. & C. 76:40- of the Spirit, that he may bring to
42.) To the Nephites the resurrected pass the resurrection of the dead,
Lord spoke similarly: "Behold I have being the first that should rise.
given unto you my gospel, and this is Wherefore, he is the firstfruits unto
the gospel ·which I have given unto God, inasmuch as he shall make in-
you-that I came into the world to do tercession for all the children of men;
the will of my Father, because my and they that believe in him shall be
Father sent me. And my Father sent saved." (2 Ne. 2:6-9.)
me that I might be lilted up upon One of the greatest sermons of all
the cross." (3 Ne. 27:13- 14.) the ages, preached by an angel from
Salvation comes because of the heaven on the subject of the atone-
atonement. Without it the whole ment, includes these words: "As in
plan of salvation would be frustrated Adam, or by nature, they fall, even
and the whole purpose behind the so the blood of Christ atoneth for

lheit ,sins. An d mol'covcr, I say unto to a world of waiting spirits to await:

(QU, 1..hat tJ1ctc sllQ.11 be no other the day of 1he resurrec1ion.
name gh•en nm: any othw way no, To alone is to rnnrom, reconcile,
mew1s whereby salvation cau come ecpiate, .redeem, .reclaim, absolve,
unto 1he chtldren of ·m.cn3 oul,r in ruTd propjtjate, inake amends, pay the.,
through tlie Mme o[ Chris4 tLe Lord pt>.naky. Thus the atonement of-
Omcipolent'. For hclfold he judgeth, • is designed lo rtfnsorh men ,
and h is judgment ~ just,; . , • s11.lvll'- ,from the effects of the- fall ·of Ada·m
1ion was, an~ is, !Jnd is to come>, iti. i.n- that both spiritual and temporal
:md throusth the ru:.oning blood of death are conqt,lcrcd; their ltlSting
Christ, tJ1e Loni Omnipotct11', For 1eITect is mtlllfied: The spiritual
the nalt1ral man is an enemy to God, death of the fall is repl11,ccd by the
spir~tual life of the atonement, in
and has been from the fall of,
that all who belleve and obey- the
aJJd will be, forever and ever, unless
gos_pel law gain spiritual or eternal
he yfclds lo the enticings of tJ1e H oly
life-life iu the presence of God where
Spiril, nnd put~cth off the nalm-al those who enjoy it are alive to things
man and becometh a saint through of righteousness or things of the
the atonement of Christ the Lortl, Spirit. Thr tempo.ral death of the fall
and becometh as a chlld, submissive, ,is replaced by the state of.immortality
meek, humble, paticr111 full of love, lwhich comes because of the atone-
willing \Q submit to all things wh!ch ment and resurrection of our Lord.
the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, iI'he. body and !pirltc which separated,
even as a child doth submit to his incident. to what men call the no.tu.rel
Fatlle.r." ( 3:"16-J,9.) death; am rel111itcd in immm•ta.lity, in
A knowledge of two great tl'Utbs a~ inseparable connection that never
ti cssenti:il to an. understanding of again will per.mlt the m0t't"Ol body to
tile doctritie of i.hc atonement: 1. The. ,see couuptlon. (Alma 11 :17--45;
fall of Adam; and 2. The divl110. S61 - 12::16~18.) l mmortality comes as a
~hip of tmr Lord. Cree gilt, by the grace of God alone,
Adam's fall brought spiritual and without works of righteousness. Eter~
temporal death into the- world. 11al life Is 1.he reward for "obediCnce
Sp1r.itual cfeath is to be cosl out of to, the lmvs and ordl!Hmccs oJ the
1he prcsei.1oc or the Lo'rd (2 Ne. 9:6) Gospel." (Third Ardcle of Faith.}
'lI!d to die as pertnining to tltinE,rs of ''Adam fell thil.l m~n. ru.lght be; and
righteousness, tir in other words mt•n are;- that tlt~ m'igbt hrive joy,"
thingsof'theSpiflt. ("Hela. 14: 15-18.) Lehi says. "And the Messiah cometh
Temporal 4eath or natural death is i.i:i: th~ .fulnai& of Lime, !'.hat he llWY
the separation of body and spirit, the o,deeID the children of men from the
body going back to the dust from fall," (2 Ne. 2 :25 :?G.) "The atone-
which it Was created and the spirit ment," King Benjnmln explains, f\vtas

prepared from the foundation of the nal damnation; for they cannot be
world for all mankind, which ever redeemed from their spiritual fall,
were since the fall of Adam, or who because they repent not." (D. & C.
are, or who ever shall be, even unt6 29 :43-44.)
the end of the world." ()\1osiah 4°7.) If there had been no atonement
And Moroni taught that God of Christ ( there having been a fall
"created Adam, and by Adam came of Adami), then the whole plan and
the fall of man. And because of the purpose connected with the creation
fall of man came Jesus Christ, even of man would have come to naught.
the Father and the Son; and because II there had been no atonement, tem -
of Jesus Christ came the redemption poral death would have remained
of man. And because of the redemp- forever, and there never would have
tion of man, which came by Jesus been a resurrection. The body would
Christ, they are brought back into have remained forever in the grave,
the presence of the Lord; yea, this is and the spirit would have stayed in a
wherein all men are redeemed, be- spirit prison to all eternity. II there
cause the death of Christ bringeth to had been no atonement, there never
pass the resurrection, which bringeth would have been spiritual or eternal
to pass a redemption from an endless life for any persons. Neither mortals
sleep, from which sleep all men shall nor spirits could have been cleansed
be awakened by the power of God from sin, and all the spirit hosts of
when the trump shall sound; and they heaven would have wound up as
shall come forth, both small and devils, angels to a devil, that is, as
great, and all shall stand before his sons of perdition.
bar, being redeemed and loosed from Jacob, brother to righteous Nephi,
this eternal band of death, which has left us these inspired words: "For
death is a temporal death. And then as death hath passed upon all men,
cometh the judgment of the Holy to fulfil the merciful plan of the great
One upon them; and then cometh the Creator, there must needs be a power
time that he that is filthy shall be of resurrection, and the resurrection
filthy still; and he that is righteous must needs come unto man by reason
shall be righteous still; he that is of the fall; and the fall came by rea-
happy shall be happy still; and he son of transgression; and because man
that is unhappy shall be unhappy became faJlen they were cut of! from
still." ( l\'lorl!!, 9;.1 2-.1 4.) the presence of the Lord. Wherefore,
And thus the Lord says that be- it must needs be an infinite atone-
cause of the atonement, and follow- ment-save it should be an infinite
ing the "natural dea th," man is atonement this corruption could not
"raised in immortality unto eternal put on incorruption. Wherefore, the
life, even as many as ·would believe; first judgment which came upon man
And they that believe not urito etcr- must needs have remained to an end-

less duration. And ii so, this flesh had the power ol immortality by di-
must have laid down to rot and to vine inheritance. The atonement
crumble to its mother earth, to rise came by the power ol God and not
no more. 0 the wisdom of God, his cif man, and to understand it one must
mercy and grace! For behold, ii the believe that our Lord was literally the
flesh should rise no more our spirits Son of God (an immortal Personage)
must become subject to that angel and of Mary (a mortal woman).
who fell from before the presence of From his mother he inherited mor-
the Eternal God, and became the tality, the power to lay down his life,
devil, to rise no more. And our spirits to die, to permit body and spirit to
must have become like unto him, and separate. From his Father he inher-
we become devils, angels to a devil, to ited the power ol immortality, the
be shut out from the presence of our power to keep body and spirit to-
God, and to remain with the father gether, or voluntarily having permit-
of lies, in misery, like unto himself." ted them to separate, the power to
(2 Ne. 9:6-9; D. & C. 29:39-41.) unite them again in the resurrected
Children and others who have not state.
arrived at the years ol accountability This power he exercised, becoming
are automatically saved in the celes- the firstfruits of them that slept, and
tial kingdom by virtue of the atone- in a way incomprehensible to mortal
ment. "Little children are whole, for man, he had the power to pass the
they are not capable of committing effects ol this resurrection on to all
sin," the Lord says, Hwherefore the living creatures. "! lay down my life,
curse ol Adam is taken from them in that I might take it again," he said.
me, that it hath no power over them." "No man taketh it from me, but I
(Moro. 8:8; D. & C. 29:46-50; Mosiah lay it down of myself. I have power
15:25; Teachings, p. 107.) The curse to lay it down, and I have power to
ol Adam includes both temporal and take it again. This commandment
spiritual death, and accordingly have I received ol my Father." (John
neither ol these is binding upon chil- 10:17-18.)
dren and those who have "no under- Amulek bore this testimony: "I do
standing" (D. & C. 29:50), that is, know that Christ shall come among
those who are not accountable. All the children ol men, to take upon
such will be raised in immortality and him the transgressions of his people,
unto eternal Iile. and that he shall atone for the sins
Christ is the only person· ever to of the world; for the Lord God hath
be born in the world who had power spoken it. For it is expedient that an
to bring to pass the resurrection of atonement should be made; for ac-
himself or anyone else and to atone cording to the great plan ol the
for the sins of any living being. This Eternal God there must be an atone-
is because he had life in himself; he ment made, or else all mankind must

unavoidably perish; yea, .all are hard- created upon it." (Compendium, pp.
ened; yea, all are fallen and are lost, 8-9.)
and must perish except it be through Because •Of the · atonement and by
the atonement which it is expedient obedience to gospel law men have
should be made. For it is expedient power to become the sons of God in
that there should be a great and last that they are spiritually begotten ·a t
sacrifice; yea, not a sacrifice of man, God and adopted as members of his
neither of beast, neither of any man- family. They become the sons of
ner of fowl; for it shall not be a hu- God and joint-heirs with Christ of
man sacrifice; but it must be an the lulness of the Father's kingdom.
infinite and eternal sacrifice. Now (D. & C. 39:1-6) 76:54-60; Rom.
there is not any man that can sacri- 8:14-17; Gal. 3:1-T; I John 3:1-'I;
fice his own blood which will atone Rev. 21 :7.) Now our Lord's juris-
for the sins of another. ... Therefore diction and power extend far beyond
there can be nothing which is short the limits of this one small earth on
of an infinite atonement which will which we dwell. He is, under the
suffice for the sins of the world." Father, the Creator of worlds without
(Alma 34:8 -12, ) number. O]Vloses 1:33.) And through
When the prophets speak of an the power of his atonement the in-
infinite atonement, they mean just habitants of these worlds, the revela-
that. Its effects cover all men, the tion says, "are begotten sons and
earth itself and all forms of life there- daughters unto God" (D. & C .
on, and reach out into the endless 76:24), which means that the atone-
expanses of eternity. "The word ment of Christ, being literally and
atonement," it is written in the truly infinite, applies to an infinite
Compendium, "signifies deliverance, number of earths.
through the offering of a ransom, Those who have ears to hear, find
from the penalty of a broken law. this doctrine taught in the following
The sense is expressed in Job 33:24: scripture: "And we beheld the glory
'Deliver him from going down to the of the Son, on the right hand of the
pit: I have found a ransom.' As Father, and received of his fulness,"
effected by Jesus Christ, it signifies the Prophet says in recording the
the deliverance, through his death and Vision, "And saw the holy angels,
resurrection, of the earth and every- and them who are sanctified before
thing pertaining to it, from the power his throne, worshiping God, and the
which death has obtained over them Lamb, who worship him forever and
through the transgression of Adam. ever. And now, after the many testi-
.. Redemption from death, through monies which have been given of
the sufferings of Christ, is for all men, him, this is the testimony, last of all,
both the righteous and the wicked; which we give of him: That he lives!
for this earth, and for all things For we saw him, even on the right

hand of God; and we heard the voice "Whose inhabitants, too, · from .the
bearing record that he is the Only first to the last,
Beg-0tten of the Father-That by him, Are sav' d by the very same Saviour
and through him, and ol him, the of ours;
worlds are and were created, and And, of co-urse, are begotten God's
the inhabitants thereof are begotten daughters and sons
sons and daughters unto God." By the very same truths and . the
(D. & C. 76:20-24.) very same powers."
In addition to .the plain meaning (Millennial Star, vol. 4, 'pp. ·49'55.)
of this passage, we have an explana-
tion of it given by the Prophet Joseph Attributes of God.- See FAITH.
Smith. He paraphrased, in poetical
rhyme, the entire record ol the Vision, Austere Man. See CHRIST, Juo<JE· OF
and his words covering this portion ALL THE EARTH, JusncE. In the par-
able of the pounds, the slothful
servant who did not·put his money to
"I beheld round the throne holy usury justified himself because he
angels and hosts, !eared the Lord who was an austere
And sanctified beings fro m worlds man. In answer the Lord-who is
that have been, Christ, the Judge ol all the earth-
In holiness worshipping God and the agreed that he was an Austere Man,
a man who would mete out justice to
For ever and ever. Amen and amen.
all men and impose severe . penaltie:s
for sins of omission as well as those of
"And now alter all of the proofs made commission. (Luke 19:12-27.)
of him,
By witnesses truly, by whom he Authorities. See GENERAL AUTHOR!-
was known,
This is mine, last ol all, that he lives;
· yea;·he lives! Authority in the Ministry. See
And sits on the right hand of God PRIESTHOOD.

on his throne.
Authorized Version ol the Bible. See
"And I heard a great voice bearing KlNG JAMES VERSION OF THE BIBLE.
record from heav'n,
He's the Saviour and Only Begotten Author of Salvation. See ATONE-
By him, of him, and through him, the SALVATION, SALVATION. Christ is the
worlds were all made, Author of Salvation. This means that
Even all that careen in the heavens he made salvation available to all
so broad. men in that he worked out the -in-

finite and eternal atonement. Paul's glory be thine forever." Our Lord
statement that Christ is "the author was then foreordained to a mission
of eternal salvation unto all them which in due course he fulfilled,
that obey him" (Heb. 5:9), as the which mission enabled him to make
marginal reading shows, means that salvation available to all men. (Moses
he is the "cause" thereof; that is, sal- 4: 1-4; Abra. 3:22-28.)
vation is possible because of his aton-
ing sacrifice; without this sacrifice Auxiliary Organizations. See CHURCH
there would be no salvatiqn. Paul's ORGANIZATION, GENERAL AUXILIARY
other statement that Christ is "the OFFICERS, MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT As-
author and finisher of our faith" SOCIATI0NS, PRIESTHOOD, PRIMARY
(Heb. 12:2), also according to the ASSOCIATION, RELIEF SOCIETY, SUNDAY
marginal reading, means that he is SCHOOL. There are in the Church the
the "leader" in the cause of salvation. following auxiliary organizations: Re-
Christ is not the Author of Salva- lief Society, Sunday School, Primary,
tion in the sense that he created the Young Men's Mutual Improvement
plan of salvation, nor in the sense Association, and Young Women's Mu-
that he supposedly presented a plan tual Improvement Association. These
of his own in the councils in heaven, units of Church government are aids
which plan the Father supposedly and helps to the priesthood. (I Cor.
adopted in preference to a less de- 12:28.) They serve in a subsidiary,
sirable one formulated by Lucifer. subordinate, subservient, and ancil-
Rather the Father is the Author of lary position to the priesthood; their
the plan of salvation, a plan which purposes are to supplement the work
was in force and operating long be- being done by the priesthood quo-
fore Christ was ever chosen to be rums. (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed., pp.
the Redeemer. 383 -400.)
Then when the Father presented Auxiliary organizations are created
his own plan in the pre-existent to meet particular needs and problems
council, he asked for volunteers from that exist from time to time. Much
whom he could choose a Redeemer of their work is temporary in that it
to be born into mortality as the Son ceases when the particular need
of God. Lucifer offered to become ceases, or it will be absorbed in due
the Son of God on condition that the course by the priesthood organiza-
terms of the Father's plan were mod- tons. "We expect to see the day, if
ified to deny men their agency and we live long enough ( and ii some
to heap inordinate reward upon the of us do not live long enough to see
one working out the redemption. it, there are others who will)," Presi-
Christ, on the other hand, accepted ident Joseph F. Smith said, "when
the Father's plan in full, saying, every council of the priesthood in the
"Father, thy will be done, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day

Saints will understand its duty; will that the Church is perfectly organ-
assume its own responsibility, will ized. The only trouble is that these
magnify its calling, and fill. its place organizations are not fully alive to
in the Church, to the uttermost, the obligations that rest upon them.
according to the intelligence and abil- When they become thoroughly awak-
ity ·possessed by it. When that ·day ened to the requirements made of
shall come, there will not be so much them, they will fulfil their duties more
necessity for work that is now being faithfully, and the work of the Lord
done by the auxiliary organizations, will be all the stronger and more
because it will be done by the regular powerful and influential in the
quorums of the priesthood. The Lord world." (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed.,
designed and comprehended it from pp. 159-160.)
the beginning, and he has made pro- The Genealogical Society of the
vision in the Church whereby every Church is not an auxiliary organiza-
need may be met and satisfied tion. It is a service unit provided
through the regular organizations of to aid the priesthood in discharging
the priesthood. It has truly been said a priesthood function.

Baal (Baalim). See ASHTORETH Babel. See JARED!TES.

Goos. Numerous Old Testament Babe of Bethlehem. See CHRIST,
references recite apostate IsraePs wor~ CHRIST CHILD. It is common among
ship of Baal and Baalim (plural of Christian people to refer to the Infant
Baal). It was the priests of Baal, for Jesus as the Babe of Bethlehem, an
instance, with whom Elijah had his appellation applied because of his
dramatic contest in the days of Ahab birth in Bethlehem. (Micah 5:2;
and Jezebel. (1 Kings 18.) Baal was Matt. 2:1-10; Luke 2:1-20.)
the supreme male deity of the Phoe-
nician and Canaanitish nations. It Babies. See STILLBORN CHILDREN.
is likely that there were, in practice,
many Baals or gods of · particular Babylon. See CHURCH OF THE DEVIL,
places, the worship of whom was li- SECOND COMING OF CHRIST, WORLD.
centious in nature. Baalzebub ( the Anciently Babylon was the chief and
same name as Beelzebub or Satan) capital city of the Babylonian empire.
was the name of the god of orie par- Founded by Nimrod and built astride
ticular group. (2 Kings 1:3.) the Euphrates, it is claimed to have

been one of the largest and most wickedness shall be utterly destroyed
magnificent cities of all time. The when the Lord comes. Before that
name is the Greek form of Babel and great day the servants of the Lord are
means confusion. The city was taken calling, "Go ye out from Babylon"
by Cyrus and again by Alexander the (D. & C. 133:5, 7), for the time is not
Great and has now become a des- far distant when "BABYLON THE
olate heap as prophesied by Isaiah GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HAR-
and Jeremiah. (Isa. 13:19-22; Jer. LOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF
51.) THE EARTH" (Rev. 17:5) shall
As the seat of world empire, Baby- receive her foreordained doom, and
lon was the persistent persecutor and an angel shall proclaim the fateful
enemy of the Lord's people. It was judgment: "Babylon is fallen, is fall-
to escape the imminent destruction of en, that great city, because she made
Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar's Bab- all nations drink of the wine of the
ylonian hordes that Lehi and his fam- wrath of her fornication." (Rev.
ily were led to the new world. To the 14:8.)
Lord's people anciently, Babylon was
known as the center of iniquity, car- Backbiting. See GOSSIPING. To back-
nality, and worldliness. Everything bite is to slander one who is not
connected with it was in ~pposition present. It is a wicked, evil practice,
to all righteousness and had the effect hated of God and fostered by Satan.
of leading men downward to the (Ps. 15:3; Rom. 1:30; 2 Cor. 12:20.)
destruction of their souls. It is the express appointment of the
It was natural, therefore, for the teachers in the Aaronic Priesthood-
apostles and inspired men of New as part of their mission to do ward
Testament times to apply the name teaching-to see that there is no
Babylon to the capital of the domain backbiting in the Church. (D. & C.
of antichrist, that is to Rome, speak- 20:54.)
ing of that city specifically as the
center of the great and abominable Backsliding Israel. See APOSTASY.
church. As is evident from Revela-
tion, chapters I 7 and 18 and related Baptism. See AccouNTABILITY, BAP-
passages, the Catholic Church is the TISMAL FONT, BAPTISM FOR THE DEAD,
papal Babylon. (D. & C. 29:21; Ezek. BAPTISM OF FIRE, BORN AGAIN, CHRIST,
38; 39.) In a more general sense, CllNIC BAPTISMS, FAITH, GIFT , OF
the wickedness of the world generally THE HOLY GHOST, HOLY GHOST,
is Babylon. (D. & C. 1:16; 35: 11 ; INFANT BAPTISM, JOHN THE BAPTIST,
64:24; 133: 14.) ORIGINAL Sm THEORY, PLAN OF SAL-
As Babylon of old fell to her utter VATION, REDEMPTION, REPENTANCE,
destruction and ruin, so the great and SACRAMENT, SALYATION, SALVATION OF
abominable church together with all CHILDREN, YEARS OF AccoµN,T:ABILITY~


Baptism by immersion under the with those that mourn"; 5. To "com-

hands of a legal administrator, one fort those that stand in need ·of
empowered to bind on earth and seal comfort"; 6. "To stand as witnesses
in heaven, is the initiatory ordinance of God at all times and in all things,
into the Church on earth and the and in all places that ye may be in,
celestial kingdom in the world to even until death"; and 7. To agree to
come. (D. & C. 20:68-74; 2 Ne. serve God and keep his command-
9:23-24.) It is of two kinds: I. Bap- ments.
tism in water by the power of the The Lord, as his part of the bar-
lesser or Aaronic Priesthood; and 2. gain, covenants that ii men will do
Baptism of the Spirit by the power these things, then he will: I. "Pour
of the greater or Melchizedek Priest- out his Spirit more abundantly upon"
hood. (Mark 1:1-8; Luke 3:16; Acts them, that js, they will receive the
19:1-6; D. & C. 20:38-60; Articles of baptism of fire and the companion-
Faith, pp. 120-170.) ship of the Holy Ghost; and 2. They
The gospel is the new and everlast- shall "be redeemed of God, ... num-
ing covenant by means of which God, bered with those of the first resur-
on his own terms, offers salvation to rection," and "have eternal life."
man. Baptism is the formally ap- (Mosiah 18:7-10.)
pointed means and ordinance which Baptism serves lour purposes: I. It
the Lord has provided so that man is for the remission of sins. (D. & C.
can signify his personal acceptance of 13; 19:31; 20:37; 33:11; 49:13; 68:27;
all of the terms and conditions of the 84:27, 64, 74; 107:20.) 2. It admits
eternal gospel covenant. Thus in the repentant person to membership
baptism, which as part of the gospel in the Church and kingdom of God
is itsell a new and an everlasting cove- on earth. (D. & C. 20:37, 71-74.)
nant (D. & C. 22), man covenants 3, It is the gate to the celestial king-
to abide by all of the laws and re- dom of heaven, that is, it starts a
quirements of the whole gospel. person out on the straight and nar-
As summarized by Alma at the row path which leads to eternal life.
waters of Mormon, the contractual (2 Ne. 9:23-24; 31 :13-21.) 4. It is
obligations assumed by . men as part the means whereby the door to per-
of the covenant of baptism are: I. "To sorial sanctification is opened. -"Re-
come into the fold of God," that is, pent, all ye ends of the earth, and
to join the Church of Jesus Christ, come unto me and be baptized in my
the Church which is God's kingdom name," the resurrected Lord -pro-
on earth; 2. "To be called his people," claimed to the Nephites, . "that ye
meaning to "Take upon you the name may be sanctified by the reception
of Christ" (D. & C. 18:17-25); 3. of the Holy Ghost, that ye may stand
"To bear one another's burdens, that spotless before me at the last day."
they may be light"; 4. "To mourn (3 Ne. 27 :20.)

When the Church and kingdom is obedient and keep the Father's com-
fully organized and operative, one mandments; 3. He had to be baptized
baptism suffices for any one person. to gain admission to the celestial
There is no need for and no ordi- kingdom; and 4. He set an example
nance of rebaptism in the Church. for all men to follow. (2 Ne. 31 :4-
Excommunicated persons must of 11.)
course be baptized a second time if Our Lord's baptism "showeth unto
they are to be restored to fellowship the children of men the straightness
in the kingdom. II there were no of the path, and the narrowness of
record or proof that a person had the gate, by which they should enter,
been baptized, it would be necessary he h aving set the example before
to perform the ordinance over again. them." (2 Ne. 31 :9.) If even the
Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery king of the kingdom could not return
were, of course, baptized for the re- to his high state of pre-existent exal-
mission of sins on May 15, 1829 (Jos. tation without complying with his
Smith 2:66-75), and were baptized own eternal law for admission to
again for admission to the Church that kingdom, how can any man ex-
on April 6, 1830. (History of the pect a celestial inheritance without
Church, vol. I, pp. 75-78.) Their an authorized and approved baptism?
first baptism could not admit them to Indeed, so invarying is the eternal
membership in an organization which law which states, "Except a man be
did not exist at the time the ordinance born of water and of the Spirit, he
was performed. A similar situation cannot enter into the kingdom of
once prevailed among the Nephites. God" (John 3:5), that this holy bap-
(3 Ne. 7:18-26; 19:7-15.) Many of tismal ordinance must be performed
the saints in this dispensation were vicariously for accountable persons
baptized a second time after they who departed this life unbaptized but
arrived in the Salt Lake Valley. who would have complied with the
(Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 2, pp. law had the privilege been afforded
332-337.) them. Hence we have the doctrine of
Some differences exist as to the baptism for the dead. (I Cor. 15:29.)
need for baptism in the case of our As an everlasting covenant, bap-
Lord, he being without sin and in tism began on this earth with Adam
ileed of no repentance. His expres- (Moses 6:64-67) and has continued
sion to John was, "Suffer it to be so ever since whenever the Lord has
now: for thus it becometh us to ful- had a people on earth. (D. & C.
fil all righteousness." (Matt. 3:15.) 20 :23-28; 84:26-28.) It was not a
Nephi explains that Christ did fulfil new rite introduced by John the Bap-
all righteousness in being baptized in tist and adopted by Christ and his
that: I. He humbled himself before followers. The Jews were baptizing
the Father; 2. He covenanted to be their proselytes long before John, as

is well attested from secular sources. record of the death, burial, and ·res-
The Inspired Version of the Bible, urrection of Christ. (Rom. 6:1-12.)
the Book of Moses being a part there- Baptism is also symbolical of a new
of, contains ample evidence of the birth, with the same elements-water,
practice of baptism in Old Testament blood, and spirit-being present as
times. The part of the Book of Mor- are found in the first birth. (Moses
mon of the pre-Christian Era con- 6:59-60.) These elements were also
tains some of the best information present in the circumstances surround-
we have relative to this eternal law. ing the atoning sacrifice of our Lord.
As with other doctrines and ordi- (John 19:28-37; I John 5:5-12.)
nances, apostate substitutes of the Thus through this ordinance atten-
real . thing ·are found both among tion is also focused on that most
pagans and supposed Christians. transcendent of all events. It goes
Perverted forms of baptism were com- without saying that the apostate per-
mon among the mystery religions of versions of sprinkling or pouring,
the old world. (Milton R. Hunter, where supposed baptisms are cori-
Gospel Through the Ages, pp. 192- cerned, are an abomination.
226.) Some .of the apostate churches
of modem Christendom deny the Baptismal Fonts. See BAPTISM, BAP-
necessity of baptism and talk in TISM FOR THE DEAD. Any appropriate
terms of salvation coming by the body of water of sufficient size--be
mere act of confessing Christ with it stream, lake, ocean, or artificial
one's lips. Others, not comprehend-
body-may properly be used for bap-
ing the mercies of Christ and the
tismal purposes. Baptisms in a bath
power of his atonement, enlarge the
tub are not proper; there must be
doctrine to include children who have
ample room for both parties to go
not arrived at the years of accounta-
bility. One great apostate organiza- down into the Water. Many Latter-
tion, the Catholic Church, places so day Saint church buildings have espe-
much stress on baptism that they not cially built baptismal fonts , Artistic
only baptize infants, but every paintings and archaeological discover-
aborted or miscarried fetus must be ies both in the Americas and in the
baptized, their theory being that old world show such fonts as having
original sin attaches from the instant been in use in ancient times also.
of conception. (Paul Blanshard, (Milton R. Hunter, Archaeology and
American Freedom and Catholic the Book of Mormon, vol. I, pp. 89-
Power, pp. 110-111, 120-122.) 92.)
True water baptisms are performed In our day, baptisms for the dead
by legal administrators who immerse can be performed only in temples.
the candidate in water. The symbolic (D. & C. 124:28-35.) Fonts for such
representation thus adhered to bears purposes should be constructed only

in the basements or lower portions of a work which will continue during

such buildings. (D. & C. 128:12-13.) the millennial era until it has been
performed for every living soul en-
Baptism for the Dead. See BAPTISM, titled to receive it. (Doctrines of
PLAN OF SALVATION, SALVATION , S AL- Salvation, vol. 2, pp. l 00-196.)
Based on the eternal principle of vi- TIFIER. To gain salvation every
carious service, the Lord has ordained accountable person must receive two
baptism for the dead as the means baptisms. They are baptism of water
whereby all his worthy children of and of the Spirit. (John 3:3-5.) The
all ages can become heirs of salvation baptism of the Spirit is called the
in his kingdom. Baptism is the gate baptism of fire and of the Ho ly Ghost.
to the celestial kingdom, and except a (Matt. 3:ll; Luke 3:16; 2 Ne. 31:13-
man be born again of water and of 14; 3 Ne. ll:35; 12:1 -2; Morm. 7:10;
the Spirit he cannot gain an inheri- D. & C. 20:41; 33 : !I ; 39:6.) By the
tance in that heavenly world. (John power of the Holy Ghost-who is the
3:3-5.) Obviously, during the fre- Sanctifier (3 Ne. 27:19-21)----<lross,
quent periods of apostate darkness iniquity, carnality, sensuality, and
when the gospel light does not shine, every evil thing is burned out of the
and also in those geographical areas human soul as if by fire; the cleansed
where legal administrators are not person becomes literally a new crea-
found, hosts of people live and die ture of the Holy Ghost. (Mosiah
without ever entering in at the gate 27:24-26.) He is born again.
of baptism so as to be on the path The baptism of fire is not some-
leading to eternal life. For them a thing in addition to the receipt of
just God has ordained baptism for the Holy Ghost; rather, it is the ac-
the dead, a vicarious-proxy labor. tual enjoyment. of the gilt which is
(D. & C. 124:28-36; 127; 128; I Car. offered by the laying on of hands
15:29.) at the time of baptism. "Remission
Baptisms for the dead were not of sins," the Lord says, comes "by
performed in pre-meridian dispensa- baptism and by fire, yea, even the
tions. But since our Lord preached Holy Ghost." (D. & C. 19:31; 2 Ne.
to the spirits in prison, organizing his 31 :1 7.) Those who receive the bap-
kingdom among them, these and tism of fire are "filled as if with fire."
other vicarious temple ordinances (Hela. 5 :45.)
have been performed. The dispensa- There have been, however, excep-
tion of the fulness of times is the tional and miraculous instances when
great era of vicarious ordinance work, literal fire has attended the baptism

of the Spirit. After the baptism of Jim). In its north-central Palestinian

the Nephite disciples, "they were location, Megiddo overlooks the great
filled with the Holy Ghost and with plain of Esdraelon, an area of some
fire. And behold, they were encircled 20 by 14 miles in which many great
about . as if it were by fire; and it battles took place anciently. Megiddo
came down from heaven, and the is the older Hebrew form of Arma-
multitude did witness it, and did bear geddon or Har-Magedon meaning
record." (3 Ne. 19: 13-14.) Similar the Mount or Hill of Megiddo, <ir
manifestations occurred on the day of the Hill of Battles; it is "the valley
Pentecost (Acts 2: 1-4) and among a of Megiddon" mentioned in Zecha-
group of Lamanite converts. (Hela. riah. (Zech. 12:11.)
5; 3 Ne. 9:20.) At the very moment of the Second
Coming of our Lord, "all nations"
Baptist. See JOHN THE BAPTIST. shall be gathered "against Jerusalem
to battle" (Zech. 11; 12; 13; 14), and
Bastards. See SONS OF Goo. Since a the battle of Armageddon (obviously
bastard is an illegitimate child, one covering the en tire area from Jerusa-
born out of· wedlock, Paul aptly and lem to -Megiddo, and perhaps more)
pointedly uses the term to describe will be in progress. As John expressed
those who are not sons of God, who it, "the kings of the earth and of the
have not been adopted into the family whole world" will be gathered "to the
of God as joint-heirs with Christ. battle of that great day of God Al-
(Heb. 12:5-8.) According to his mighty, ... into a place called in the
terminology there are sons on the one Hebrew tongue Armageddon.''. .. Then
hand and bastards on the other. The Christ will "come as a thief," mean-
sons inherit the fulness of the Father's ing unexpectedly, and the dramatic
kingdom; the bastards-never having upheavals promised to accompany his
been born of God-are cast out of return will take place. (Rev. 16:14-
the eternal family as though they 21.) It is incident to this battle of
were illegitimate; they become "serv- Armageddon that the Supper of the
ants, to minister for those who are Great God shall take place (Rev.
worthy of a far more, and an exceed- 19: 11-18), and it is the same battle
ing, and an eternal weight of gloryc'' described by Ezekiel as the war with
(D. & C. 132:16.) Gog and Magog. (Ezek. 38; 39;
Doctrines of Salvatwn, vol. 3, p. 45.)
Battle of Armageddon. See GOG AND
MAGOG, MILLENNIUM, SECOND COM- Battle of the Great God. See Goo OF
Goo, WAR. Some 60 air miles north THE ARCHANGEL, WAR. After the
of .Jerusalem lies the ancient city of millennium, Satan "shall be loosed
Megiddo (now called Tell el-Mutesel- for a little season, that he may gather

together his armies. And Michael, and verity for a false system of sal-
the · seventh angel, even the arch- vation, is also to bear false witness.
angel, shall gather together his According to the Lord's system, al-
armies, even the hosts of heaven. most all things are established in the
And the devil shall gather together mouths of witnesses. Apostles and
his armies; even the hosts of hell, and seventies, for instance, are given the
shall come up to battle against Mi- special calling of standing as especial
chael and his armies. And then witnesses of the name of Christ.
cometh the battle of the great God; Every member of the Church is obli-
and the devil and his armies shall be gated to be a witness of the restora-
cast away into their own place, that tion. Those, however, who teach
they shall not have power over the false doctrines are bearing false wit·
saints any more at all." (D. & C. ness; and those who claim, falsely,
88:111-115.) This final great battle, that salvation is found in some sys-
in which evil spirits, mortal men, and tem other than the very one ordained
resurrected personages all participate, by Deity are bearing record of that
will be the end of war as far as this which is not true-and along with
earth is concerned. Then the earth all false witnesses will be rewarded
shall be celestialized and become the according to their crime.
abode of the righteous forever. (D.
& C. 88:16-31, 116.) Beelzebub. See BAAL (BAALIM),
DEVIL. This name !or Satan signifies
Bearing False Witness. See GossIP- his position as the prince or chief of
ING, LAW OF WITNESSES, LIARS, TEN the devils. It is the same name
CoMMANDMENTS. I. "Thou shalt not (Baalzebub) as was given to an
bear false witness against thy neigh- ancient heathen god. (2 Kings I :3.)
bour." (Ex. 20: 16.) "Thou shalt not In their rebellion against light, the
raise a false report: put not thine ancient Jews applied the name Beel-
hand with the wicked to be an un- zebub to Christ (Matt. 10:25) , and
righteous witness." (Ex. 23:1.) Wit· also said that he cast out devils by
nesses who wilfully testily falsely are the power of Beelzebub. (Matt. 12:22-
liars and perjurers and will be re- 30.)
warded accordingly. Many false
witnesses came forth to testify against Beggars. See ALMSGIVING, CHURCH
Jesus when the Jews sought his life. WELFARE PLAN, PooR. Kindness and
(Mark 14:53-65.) Gossiping and the help toward beggars is a basic prin·
spreading of false and idle rumors ciple of pure religion. It frequently
about a person is a form of bearing happens that temporal prosperity has
false witness. no relationship to righteousness or
2. To testily falsely about the the lack of it. Wars, disasters, calam-
truths of salvation, or to claim truth ities, prolonged illness, or any of a

number of circumstances beyond hu- whosoever doeth this the same hath
man control, might turn the most great cause to repent; and except
affluent persons into beggars. he repenteth of that which he hath
In the Lord's view, men are judged done he perisheth forever, and
by what they are and not what they hath no interest in the kingdom of
have. Blind Bartimaeus, who begged God. For behold, are we not all
on the Jericho road, and the beggar beggars? Do we not all depend upon
at the pool ol Siloam both had faith the same Being, even: God, for all the
to receive their sight. (Mark 10:46- substance which we have, for both
52; John 9.) Upon his death the food and raiment, and for gold, and
beggar Lazarus was carried by the for silver, and for all the riches which
angels to the paradise ol Abraham's we have of every kind? And behold,
bosom. (Luke 16:19-31.) And it was even at this time, ye have been calling
a beggar, lame from his mother's on his name, and begging for a remis-
womb, who obeyed Peter's God-given sion of your sins. And has he suffered
command: "In the name of Jesus that ye have begged in vain?" (Mo-
Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk." siah 4:16-20.)
(Acts 3; 4.) Poor people have ever
been the recipients ol special pro- Beginning. See BEGINNING AND END,
phetic solicitude, and the law made CREATION, PRE-EXISTE NCE . There is
special provision for their poverty and no such thing as an. ultimate begin-
destitute circumstances. (Lev. I 9: IO; ning, a time prior to which there was
25 :25; Ps. 69:33.) nothing, any more than there ever
King Benjamin spoke feelingly to can be an ending, a time past which
his people of their responsibility to there will be nothing. "The elements
love and serve God and their fellow are eternal." (D. & C. 93_:33.) Spirit
men, saying that if they did, then, element (that is, "the intelligence of
"Ye yourselves will succor those that spirits") always existed. 1s it logical
stand in need of your succor; ye will to say that the intelligence ol spirits
administer ol your substance unto him is immortal, and yet that it had a
that standeth in need; and ye will Ml beginning?" the Prophet asked. "The
suffer that the beggar putteth up his intelligence of spirits had nD begin-
petition to you in vain, and turn him ning, neither will it have an end.
out to perish. Perhaps thou shalt say: That is good logic. That which has
The man has brought upon him- a ·beginning may have an end."
sell his misery; therefore I will stay (Teachings, pp. 353-354.)
my hand, and will not give unto Such scriptural assertions as, "I was
him of my food, nor impart unto in the beginning with the Father, and
him of my substance that he may am the Firstborn; . . . .Ye were also
not suffer, for his punishments are in the beginning with- the Father"
just-But I say unto you, 0 man, (D. & C. 93:21-23), simply mean that

all the spirit offspring of the Father 38:1; 45:7; 54:1; 61:1; 84:120; Rev.
were with him in· pre-existence. Spirit 1:8-17; 21:6; 22:13.) These are Eng-
entities as such, in their -organized lish words having substantially the
form as the offspring of Deity, have same meaning as the Greek Alpha
not existed as long as God has, for and Omega. The thought conveyed
he is their Father, and he begat them is one of timelessness, of a being who
as spirits. is the Beginning and the End because
Thus there are two principles: I. his "course is one eternal round, the
That "man was also in the beginning same today as yesterday, and forever."
with God," meaning that the spirits (D. & C. 35:1.) He was God "in the
of men were created, begotten, and beginning" (John I : 1-3); he is God
organized, that they came into being now; he will be God in the "end,"
as spirits at the time of their spirit that is to all eternity. The beginning
birth; and 2. That "intelligence, or is the pre-existent eternity that went
the light of truth, was not created before; the end is the immortal eter-
or made, neither indeed can be" nity that is to come.
(D. & C. 93:29) , meaning that spirit
element, "the intelligence of spirits," Bel. See BAAL (BAALIM), FALSE Goos.
the substance from which they were Bel was the chief god of Babylon,
created as entities, has always existed probably the sun god of both the
and is as eternal as God himself. Assyrians and the Babylonians. He
This is the correct meaning and pur- was essentially identical with the
port of the Prophet's explanation of Phoenician and Canaanitish god Baal,
the immortal spirit, as found in the also called Be/us. The Lord promised
King Follett Sermon. (Teachings, pp. to confound and punish Bel (Jer.
352-354.) 50:2; 51:44), "for I am God, and
Similar Iy, the expression, "In the there is none else." (Isa. 45:22;
beginning God created the heaven 46:1-2.)
and the earth" (Gen. 1:1), means
there was a time of commencement Belia!. See DEVIL, FALSE Goos, SoNs
as far as the earth in its present or- OF BELIAL. Belia/ is one of the names
ganized or created form is concerned. of Satan and has particular reference
But the elements from which the cre- to the fact that he is the personifica-
ation took place are eternal and tion of evil and lawlessness. The
therefore had no beginning. literal meaning of the term is worth-
lessness with an especial connotation
Beginning and End. See ALPHA AND of recklessness and lawlessness. Paul
OMEGA, CHRIST, ETERNITY TO ETER- made use of this name of Satan in
NITY, EVERLASTING TO EVERLASTING, this persuasive language: "What fel-
FmsT AND LAST. Christ is the Begin- lowship hath righteousness with un-
ning and the End. (D. & C. 35:1; righteousness? and what communion

hath light with darkness? And what 43; John 11:11-46); and "all things
concord hath Christ with Belia!? or are possible to him that believeth."
what part hath he that believeth with (Mark 9:23-24.) "He that believeth
an infidel? And what agreement hath on me," the Lord said, "the works
the temple of God with idols?" (2 that I do shall he do also; and greater
Cor. 6: 14-18.) works than these shall he do; because
I go unto my Father." (John 14:12.)
Belief. See BELIEVERS, CHRIST, FAITH, In this connection, it is important to
Gon, MIRACLES, OBEDIENCE, REPENT- note the explanation .of the Prophet
ANCE, SALVATION, TESTIMONY, TRUTH. that "the greater works which those
1. In nearly every instance, the scrip- that believed on his name were to do
tures use belief as a synonym for were to be done in eternity, he
faith. The two terms are interchange- was going .and where they should
able; they mean the same thing, are behold his glory ." (Lectures on Faith,
gained in the same way, and the same p. 66.)
effects flow from them. The Prophet "Repent all ye ends of the earth,
adopted this usage in the Lectures on and come unto me," Christ said in
Faith; and accordingly, no one has summarizing the plan of salvation,
faith in Christ who does not believe "and believe in my gospel, and be
that he is the Son of God, nor does baptized in my name; for he that be-
a person believe in Christ in the lull lieveth and is baptized shall be saved;
sense without having faith in him. but he that believeth not shall be
Faith is belief, and belief is faith. To damned; and signs shall follow them
illustrate: Two blind men besought that believe in my name." (Ether
Jesus to restore their sight. "Believe 4:18.)
ye that I am able to do this?" he Belief in · the various truths that
ilsked; and receiving an affirmative, must be accepted ii salvation is to be
"Yea, Lord," in reply, "'l'hen touched won, cannot be parceled out in such
he their eyes, saying, According to a way as to accept one essential truth
your faith be it unto you. And their and reject another. All phases of the
eyes were opened." (Matt. 9 :27 -31; doctrines of salvation are so inter-
Rom. 10:13-17.) twined with each other that it is not
Belief in Christ is essential to salva- possible to believe one part without
tion. (John 12:34-50; 17 :21; Rom. also believing all parts of wWch
9:33; 10:8-9; Heb. 10:39; D. & C. knowledge has · been gained. Thus
20:29; 29:43-44; 84:74; Moses 6:52.) no one can believe in Christ without
The gifts of the Spirit come because believing in his Father also. (Matt.
of belief (Mark 16:16-18; D. & C. 11 :27; John 5:23; 6:44; 12:44-46;
58:64; 68:8-12; 84:64-74); miracles 14: I, 6.) And no one can accept
are wrought and the dead are raised Christ without accepting the prophets
because of it (Matt. 8:13; Mark 5:35- who testily of him. "He that believ-

eth not my words believeth not my Prophet. President Brigham Young

disciples," the Lord said. "But he taught: "There is not that being that
that believeth these things which I ever had the privilege of hearing the
have spoken, him will I visit with the way of life and salvation set before
manifestations of my Spirit, and he him as it is written in the New Testa-
shall know and bear record . ... He ment, and in the Book of Mormon,
that will not believe my words will and in the book of Doctrine and
not believe me-that I am; and he Covenants, by a Latter-day Saint,
that will not believe me will not that can say that Jesus lives, that his
believe the Father who sent me." gospel is true, and at the same time
(Ether 4:10-12.) say that Joseph Smith was not a
"Had ye believed Moses," he also Prophet of God. That is strong testi-
said, "ye would have believed me: mony, but it is true. No man can
for he wrote of me. But if ye believe say that this book [laying his hand
not his writings, how shall ye believe on the Bible] is true, is the word of
my words?" (John 5:46-47.) "Believe the Lord, is the way, is the guide-
in Christ and deny him not," Nephi board in the path, and a charter by
said, ."for by denying him ye also which we may learn the will of God;
deny the prophets and the law." and at the same time say, that the
(2 Ne. 25:28.) To prosper the saints Book of Mormon is untrue; if he has
must both "believe in the Lord" and had the privilege of reading it, or of
also "believe his prophets." (2 Chron. hearing it read, and learning its doc-
20:20; John 15 :1-11.) trines. There is not that person on
No one in our day who has knowl- the face of the earth who has had the
edge of the Book of Mormon can privilege of learning the gospel of
believe in Christ unless he also be- Jesus Christ from these two books,
lieves the Book of Mormon. Speaking that can say that one is true, and the
of that record, Nephi says, "If ye other is false. No Latter-day Saint,
shall believe in Christ ye will believe no man or woman, can say the Book
in these words, for they are the words of Mormon is true, and at the same
of Christ." (2 Ne. 33:10.) Similarly, time say that the Bible is untrue. If
people who have knowledge of both one be true, both are; and if one be
the Book of Mormon and the Bible false, both are false. If Jesus lives,
cannot believe the one without believ- and is the Savior of the world, Joseph
ing the other also. In speaking of the Smith is a Prophet of God, and lives
Bible and Book of Mormon, the in the bosom of his father Abraham.
Prophet Mormon said, "If ye believe Though they have killed his body, yet
that ye will believe this also." (Morm. he lives and beholds the face of his
7:8-9.) Father in Heaven; and his garments
The same principle applies to the are pure as the angels that surround
acceptance of Joseph Smith as a the throne of God; and no man on

the earth can say that Jesus lives, and founded on truth; acceptance of apos-
deny, at the same time, my assertion tate doctrines, of false scientific
about the Prophet Joseph. This is my theories, or of error in any field,
testimony, and it is strong." (Dis- makes a person a nonbeliever. Believ-
courses, new ed., p. 459.) ers accept the fulness of the gospel
2. In a few scriptural instances, and reject all theories and views in-
belief is used to signify mental assent harmonious with it; they are the
to a proposition whether the matter saints of God, members of the sheep-
assented to is true or false. This fold of Christ.
usage gives belief no similarity what- Thus the faithful members of the
ever to faith. This kind of belief may Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
or may not be predicated on truth, Saints are the only true believers in
and salvation does not result from it. the world today, just as the apostolic
Thus the devils "believe, and tremble" converts of the early Christian· Era
CJ as. 2: 19), for they know who were the only true believers in that
Christ is and await with awful fore- day. (D. & C. 74:5.) Similarly, the
boding their destined late. And thus Nephites in their day (4 Ne. 36) and
also an apostate world has turned to the saints in the various dispensations
"strong delusion," as for inst8.nce by have bee,; the true believers. Men
accepting the theory of organic evo- are saved by belief, damned by un-
lution, . "that they should believe a belief (D. & C. 68:9; 84:74; ll2:29) ,
lie: T4at they all .might be· damned or in other words believers are saved,
who believed not the truth, but had unbelievers are damned.
pleasure · in unrighteousness." (2 2. As used by so-called Christian
Thess. 2:11-12.) people generally, the term believers
means · those who accept what the
Beliefs. See DOCTRINE. world considers Christianity to be
without reference to the truth or
Believers. See BELIEF, BELIEVING falsity of the divergent doctrines and
BLOO D, BRETHREN, CHRISTIANS, -views espoused. In a like sense, one
CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER- could speak of believers in Moham-
DAY SAINTS, DISCIPLES, HEATHENS, medanism, or in evolution, or in com-
MORMONS, PROPHETS, . SAINTS, TESTI- munism, or in any philosophy which
MONY, TRUTH. I. Those who believe is or serves as a religion to the person
in Christ, who accept his doctrines, accepting it.
and who cleave unto the disciples
whom he sends to declare those doc- Believing Blood. See AnoPTION, BE-
trines and to administer the ordi- LIEF, FAITH, FoREORDINATION, lsRAEL,
nances of salvation are called PRE-EXISTENCE. This is a figurative
believers. All others are unbelievers expression commonly · used to desig-
or. nonbelievers. Believers have views nate the aptitude and inclination of

certain persons to accept and believe 21 :20.) Christ is the Beloved Son,
the principles of revealed religion. In which signifies his favored, preferen-
general, the Lord sends to earth in the tial, Chosen, and Beloved status
lineage of Jacob those spirits who in (Moses 4:2), and also his divine Son-
pre-existence developed an especial ship.
talent for spirituality and for recog-
nizing truth. Those born in this Benediction. See PRAYER.
lineage, having the blood · of Israel
in their veins and finding it easy to Bereavement. See MOURNING.
accept the gospel, are said to have
believing blood. Betrothal. SEE EsPOUSAL.
Since much of Israel has been scat-
tered among the Gentile nations, it Betting. See GAMBLING.
follows that millions of people have
mixed blood, blood that is part Israel Bible. See APOCALYPSE, APOCRYPHA,
and part Gentile. The more of the BOOK OF MORMON, CANON OF SCRIP-
blood of Israel that an individual has, TURE, DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS,
the easier it is for him to believe the EPISTLES, GOSPELS, INSPIRED VERSION
message of salvation as taught by OF THE BIBLE, KING JAMES VERSION
the authorized agents of the Lord. OF THE BIBLE, LOST SCRIPTURE, NEW
This principle is the one our Lord TESTAMENT, Oto TESTAMENT, PEARL
had in mind when he said to certain OF GREAT PRICE, SCRIPTURE, SIGNS
Jews: "I am the good shepherd, and OF THE TIMES, STANDARD WORKS,
know my sheep, and am known of STICK OF EPHRAIM. That portion of
mine. , .. But "ye believe not, because the writings of inspired men in the
ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto old world which, in the providences
you. My sheep hear my voice, and of the Almighty, has been handed
I koow them, and they follow me." down from age to age until modem
(John 10:14, 26-27.) times is called the Bible. These writ-
ings in their original form were per-
Beloved. See BELOVED SON. fect scripture; they were the mind and
will . of the Lord, his voice to his
Beloved Son. See CHRIST, ONLY BE- chosen people and to all who would
GOTTEN SoN, SoN, SoN OF Goo. "This hear it. (D. & C. 68:4.) That they
is My Beloved Son. Hear Him/" (Jos. have not come down to us in their
Smith 2: 17.) These are the words perfect form is well koown in the
by which the Father always intro- Church and by all reputable schol-
duces the Son and commands men to ars. Only a few fanatics among the
hearken to his teachings. (Matt. 3:17; sects of apostate Christendom close
17:5; Mark !:II; Luke 3:22; D. & C. their eyes to reality and profess to
93:15; 2 Ne. 31: 11; 3 Ne. II:7; believe in what they call verbal rev-

elation, that is, that every word and know the Hand [of the Lord] wher-
syllable in some version or other of ever he can see it," the Prophet
the Bible is the exact word spoken by taught. (Teachings, p. 56.)
Deity. In its · present form, the Bible is
"I believe the Bible as it read when divided into Old and New Testa-
it came from the pen of the original ments and has a total of 66 books
writers," the Prophet said. "Ignorant within its covers. These books con-
translators, ca·reless transcribers, or tain doctrinal, historical, prophetic,
designing and corrupt priests have and poetic materials of transcendent
committed many errors." (Teachings, worth. Members of the Church are
p. 327; Eighth Article of Faith.) commanded to teach the principles
Nephi recorded that the Bible, in its of the gospel "which are in the Bible."
original form, "contained the plain- (D. & C. 42:12.)
ness of the gospel of the Lord." After One of the great heresies of an
it had passed through the hands of "a apostate Christianity is the unfounded
great and abominable church, which assumption that the Bi.h ie contains
is most abominable above all other all of the inspired teachings now ex-
churches," however, he saw that tant among men. Foreseeing that
"many plain and precious things" Satan would darken the minds of men
were deleted, in consequence of which in this way, and knowing that other
error a.n d falsehood poured in to the scripture would come forth in the
various churches. (I Ne. 13:) last days, Nephi prophesied that un-
Yet with it all, the Bible is a book believing Christians would reject the
of books. It has enlightened and in- new revelation with the cry: "A Bible!
fluenced the Christian world generally A Bible! W e have got a Bible; and
as no other book has ·ever done. Such there cannot be any more Bible."
nieasure 6£ truth aS was preseived· In And then he recorded this answer 0

its pages ( as soon as this truth became ing proclamation from the Lord:
known to people generally) was in- "Thou fool, that shall say : A Bible,
strumental in bringing to pass ·the we have got a Bible, and we need no
Renaissance and of laying the founda - more Bible. H ave ye obtained a Bible
tion for the restoration of the gospel. save it were by the Jews? Know ye
When the Bible is read under the not that there are more nations than
guidance of the Spirit, and in har- one? Know ye not that I , the Lord
mony with the many latter-day rev- your_God, have created all men, arid
elations which interpret and make that I remember those who are upon
plain its more mysterious parts, it the isles of the sea; and that I rule
becomes one of the most priceless in the heavens above and in the earth
volumes known to man. "He who beneath; and I bring forth my word
reads .it oftenest will like it best, and unto the children of men, yea, even
he who is acquainted with it, will upon all the na\ions o( the

Wherefore murmur ye, because that Birth. See BmTH CoNTROL, BIRTH-
ye shall receive more of my word?" DAYS, BIRTHRIGHT, BORN AGAIN, SPIRIT
men were first born in pre-existence
Bible Versions. See KING JAMES VER- as the literal spirit offspring of God
SION OF THE BIBLE. our Heavenly Father. This birth con-
stituted the beginning of the human
Bigamy. See SEX IMMORALITY. ego as a conscious identity. By the
ordained procreative process our
Bigotry. See TOLERANCE. Bigotry- exalted and immortal Father begat
that is, blind, obstinate, intolerant, his spirit progeny in pre-existence.
and unreasorting adherence to a par- The bodies of his spirit children were
ticular view-has no place among the created from the existing spirit ele-
true saints. They have the truth; ment just as the spirit bodies of the
their doctrines will bear investigation; progeny of future exalted beings will
there is no reason to close the mind be organized from the same substance.
against light and inquiry where any Abraham referred to the spirit chil-
principle of the gospel is concerned. dren of our Father as "the intelli-
gences that were organized before the
Bill of Divorcement. See DIVORCE. world was." (Abra. 3:22.)
Christ, destined to be the Only
Bill of Rights. See CONSTITUTION OF Begotten Son in mortality, was the
THE UNITED STATES, FREEDOM, IN- first spirit offspring in pre-existence.
ALIENABLE RIGHTS, LIBERTY. The first "I was in the beginning with the
10 amendments to the constitution Father, and am the Firstborn; .•• Ye
of the United States are called the were also in the beginning with the
bill of rights. Their purpose is to Father," he has revealed. (D. & C.
protect men in their inalienable rights 93:21-23.)
(such as life and liberty) by guaran- When the spirit children of the
teeing civil rights (such as trial by Father pass from his presence into
jury). Federal guarantees of freedom this mortal sphere, a mortal birth
of speech, of worship, and of the results. Again by the ordained pro-
press are found in the bill of rights. creative process a body is provided,
Obviously the establishment and but this time it is made from the
spread of the gospel is facilitated by dust of this earth, that is, from the
such legal guarantees. natural elements which appertain to
this temporal sphere. Three things are
Binding. See SEALINGS. necessary to effect every mortal birth.
They are: water, blood, and spirit-
Birds. See ANIMALS. the same elements found in every re-

birth into the fellowship of God's Birth Control. See BIRTH, Si>rnrr
kingdom. (Moses 6:59.) CHILDREN. In the beginning the Lord
Since Adam, all who have been commanded man to be fruitful and
born into the world have come as multiply and fill the earth With pos-
the offspring of mortal parents, ex- terity, thus providing bodies for the
cepting only the Lord Jesus. He came hosts of pre-existent spirits. (Gen.
into the world as the Son of a mortal I :28.) "Marriage is ordained of God
mother and an Immortal Father, thus ... that the earth might artswer the
inheriting the power both to lay down end of its creation; And that it might
his life and to take it again in be filled with the measure of man,
immortality. (John 10:10-18.) according to his creation before the
Birth into this life is a great blessing world was made." (D. & C. 49:15-
in that it furthers the eternal ad- 17.)
vancement of the obedient. Those It follows that . those who practice
who fight the truth and come out in birth control-the regulation of the
open rebellion against God, however, number of births in a family by the
would have remained better off had employment of artificial means or
they never been born. (D. & C. contraceptives to prevent conception
76 :32.) Their punishment will be so - are running counter to the fore-
severe that the privilege of progres- ordained plan of.the Almighty. They
sion offered through mortal . birth are in rebellion against God. and are
becomes . a curse unto them. guilty of gross wickedness. (Doctrines
"And wo be unto him that will not of Salvation, vol. 2, pp. 85-89.)
hearken unto the words of Jesus, and
President Brighain Young stated
also to them whom he hath chosen
the position of the Church relative
and sent among them; for whoso re-
to birth control in these words:
ceiveth not the words of Jesus and
"There are multitudes of' pure and
the words of those whom he hath sent
holy spirits waiting to take taber-
receiveth not him; and therefore he
nacles, now what is our duty? T6
will not receive them at the last day;
prepare tabernacles for them; to take
And it would be better for them if
they had not been born. For do ye a course that will not tend to drive
suppose that ye. can get rid of the those spirits into the families ·of the
justice of an offended God, who hath wicked, where they will ·he trained
been trampled under feet of men, that in wickedness,· debauchery, and evecy
thereby salvation might come?" (3 species of crime. It is the duty of
Ne. 28:34-35.) These, also, would every righteous man and woman to
have been better off to have remained prepare tabernacles for all the spirits
in ·pre-existence, never chancing the they can." (Discourses, new ed., p.
probation of mortality. 197.)

Birthdays. See BmTH, FAMILY RE- Birthright. See BIRTH, FoREORDINA-

UNIONS. The custom of having special TION, PRE -EXISTENCE, PRIESTHOOD. It
celebrations on the anniversaries of appears that anciently under the
one's birth appears to have originated Patriarchal Order certain special
in most ancient times. Biblical ref- blessings, rights, powers, and priv-
erence is made to the birthday cele- ileges-collectively called the birth-
brations of the Egyptian Pharaoh who right-passed from the lather to his
honored Joseph (Gen. 40:20) · and of firstborn son. (Gen. 43 :33.) In later
King Herod (Matt. 14:6), who or- ages special blessings and preroga-
dered the beheading of John the tives have been poured out upon all
Baptist. the worthy descendants of some who
Quite likely the custom of com- gained special blessings and birth-
memorating birthdays started with rights anciently. (3 Ne. 20 :25-27. )
divine approval in the days of Adam. Justification for this system, in large
At least Adam and all the ancient part, lies in the pre-existent prepara-
prophets, knowing the importance of tion and training of those born in the
man's stepping from pre-existence lines destined to inherit preferential
into mortality, might well have taken endowments.
occasion to cement family solidarity Christ, the Firstborn among all the
and renewed desires for righteousness spirit offspring of the Father, attained
in connection with birthdays. Fam- the eminence of godhood while yet
ily reunions-which ofttimes serve in pre-existence and was there fore-
the same purpose and also are a ordained as the Savior and Redeemer
means of encouraging genealogical of mankind. Adam, Abraham, Moses,
research-are frequently and appro- Joseph Smith, and all the prophets,
priately held on the birthday anni- numbered among the noble and great
versaries of a prominent member of in the pre-existent eternities, were also
the family. foreordained and sent to earth in the
Importance of accurate knowledge lineage and at the times when their
of the time of one's birth is seen in talents and abilities were most needed
the command that the saints are to in the furtherance of the plans of the
have their children baptized when Almighty. Indeed, as taught by
eight years of age. (D. & C. 68 :25.) Moses, the whole house of Israel was
It is the practice of the Church, also, so chosen and so sent to earth. (Deut.
to ordain worthy young men to cer- 32:7-8.)
tain offices in the priesthood at spe- From Adam to Noah the presiding
cified ages. Similarly, in ancient representative of the Lord on earth
times, the divine order was to name held the joint office of patriarch and
and perform the rite of circumcision high priest-a calling conferred suc-
on the 8th day after birth. (Gen. cessively from father to son. Similar
17:ll ;Luke2:21.) rights were held by Abraham, Isaac,

Jacob and others of the patriarchs in right to such office rests. (D. & C.
their respective days. Abraham was 68:14-24.) The right to hold the
promised that from his day on all who Levitical Priesthood anciently was
would receive the gospel would be limited to the sons of Levi, who. thus
accounted his seed and that his de- gained their priesthood prerogatives
scendants after him would have right, by birth. In the meridian of time
by lineage, to the same priesthood our Lord altered this · system · and
he had gained. (Abra. 2:6-11.) Cer- spread this Aaronic order of author-
tain righteous persons were thus ity among worthy male members of
destined to receive the priesthood be- the Church generally. (I Tim.
cause they were "lawful heirs, ac- 3:l-13.)
cording to the flesh." · (D. & C. The office of Patriarch to the
86:8-10.) It was their birthright. Church is also a hereditary office. It
Special birthright blessings and is conferred upon "the oldest man of
priesthood pre-eminence have re- the blood of Joseph or of the seed of
mained in the lineage of Jacob. Abraham" (Teachings, p. 151), that
Reuben, his firstborn, lost the birth- is, the oldest man of the exact pa-
right because of iniquity, and it triarchal lineage in Israel. Joseph
passed to Joseph (I Chron. 5:1-2) Smith, Sr., father of the Prophet, was
and through him to Ephraim. "I am the first to hold this office in latter-
a father to Israel," the Lord said, day Israel, with Hyrum, his old!'5t.
"and Ephraim is my firstborn." (Jer. living son, gaining the birthright upon
31 :9.) This preferential status en- his father's death. (Doctrines of
joyed by Ephraim among his fellow Salvation, vol. 3, pp. I62-169.)
tribes in Israel has continued to our
Lineage alone does not guarantee
day. Predominantly Ephraim, among
the receipt of whatever birthright
all the tribes of Israel, has so far been
gathered into the fold of the true privileges may be involved in par-
Shepherd. When the lost tribes re- ticular cases. Worthiness, ability,
turn, they shall come to the children and other requisites are also involved.
of Ephraim to receive their crowns Jacob prevailed over his older brother
of glory. (D. & C. 133:26-34.) Esau because "Esau despised his
From Aaron to the coming of John birthright." (Gen. 25:24-34; 27;
the Baptist, the high priests in Israel Rom. 9:10-12.) The Lord placed
served in their presiding offices ( of Ephraim (the younger) before Ma-
the Aaronic order) because they were nasseh to fulfil his own purposes
descendants of Aaron. The office of (Gen. 48); and Nephi, junior in point
Presiding Bishop in the Church today of birth to Laman and Lemuel, was
is of comparable hereditary nature, made a ruler and a teacher over them,
although the Lord has not so.far des- a circumstance that became the cause
ignated the lineage in which the of much contention for many genera-

lions. (I Ne. 2:22; 16:37-38; 18:10; ered to regulate all the affairs of the
2 Ne. 5 :3, 19; Mosiah 10:11-17.) Church-serve in their bishopric.
Civil and governmental preroga- (D. & C. 114; Acts 1:20.)
tives have also been determined down 2. A ward bishopric, a quorum of
through the ages on the birthright three high priests, consists of a bishop
principle. Many of the kings of Israel and two counselors. They are set
and of Judah rose to their positions apart to preside over and direct the
of temporal eminence by inheritance affairs of the kingdom in a particular
from their fathers. King Mosiah, on ward. (D. & C. 107:74.) They are
this continent, prevailed upon his "to feed the church of God." (Acts
people to adopt a system of rule by 20:28.) Ward clerks are not members
judges to avoid the evils of this sys- of bishoprics. In the absence of a
tem of civil rule. (Mosiah 29.) Mon - literal descendant of Aaron, the Pre-
archies and empires in general have siding Bishopric consists of three high
had laws of succession patterned alter priests of the Melchizedek Priesthood.
the ancient patriarchal system, and (D. &C. 68:14-24; 107:13-17, 68-76.)
problems of property rights in feudal
and caste systems have often been Bishops. See fu\RONIC PRIESTHOOD,
regulated in accordance with laws of BISHOP, BISHOPS CouRT, B1sH0Ps


OVERSEERS. Christ is "the Shepherd of the ordained offices in the Aaronic
and Bishop" of the souls of the saints, Priesthood is that of a bishop. (D. &
by which is meant that he is the C. 20 :67.) Those so ordained and
Overseer who has led the saints to set apart to serve either in the Pre-
salvation through his atoning sa.cri - siding Bishopric or as ward bishops
fice. (I Pet. 2:21-25.) are called to preside over the Aaronic
Priesthood. A ward bishop is the
Bishopric. See BISHOPS, OVERSEERS, president of the Aaronic Priesthood
PRESIDING BISHOP, PRIESTHOOD OF- in his ward and is also the president
FICES. I. Any office or position of of the priests quorum. (D. & C.
major responsibility in the Church, 107:87-88.) The office of a bishop
any office of overseership under the is also an appendage "belonging unto
supervision of which important the high priesthood." (D. & C.
church business is administered, is a 84:29.)
bishopric. Thus the church affairs In his Aaronic Priesthood capacity
administered by a bishop are his bish- a bishop deals primarily with tem-
opric. Thus, also, members of the poral concerns (D. & C. 107:68); as
Council of the Twelve-who hold the the presiding high priest in his ward,
keys of the kingdom and arc empow- however, he presides over all ward

affairs and members. A bishop is a judgment unless some iniquity is

common judge in Israel (D. & C. manifest in it.
107:74); it is his right to have the
gilt of discernment, the power to Bishops Storehouses. See BISHOPS,
discern all other spiritual gifts, "lest CoNSECRATJON, UN IT ED ORDER,
there shall be any among you pro- CHURCH WELFARE PLAN. To help
fessing and yet be not of God." bishops discharge their obligation to
(D. & C. 46:27.) care for the temporal needs of the
"A bishop must be blameless, as poor the Lord has directed the build-
the steward of God; not sellwilled, ing, stocking, maintenance, and use
not soon angry, not given to wine, no of bishops . storehouses. (D. & C.
striker, not given to filthy lucre; But 42:30-36; 51 :9-20; 58:24, 37; 70;
a lover of hospitality, a lover of good 72:9-16; 78:3-7; 82:15-24; 83; 90:22-
men, sober, just, holy, temperate; 23; IOI :96. ) These are operated as
Holding last the faithful word as he part of the Church Welfare Plan.
hath been taught, that he may be able
by sound doctrine both to exhort and Black Magi'c. See MAGIC.
to convince the gainsayers.,, (Tit.
1:7-9; I Tim. 3:1-7.) Blasphemy. See APOSTASY, CHRIST,
Bishops Council. See BISHOPS CouRT. ABLE SIN. Blasphemy consists in
either or both of the following: I.
Bishops Court. See BISHOPS, CHURCH Speaking irreverently, evilly, abusive-
COURTS, DISFELLOWSHIPMENT, ELD- ly, or scurrilously against God or
ERS COURT, EXCOMMUNICATION, sacred things; or 2. Speaking profane-
JUDGES IN ISRAEL. As common judges ly or falsely about Deity.
in Israel, bishops sit in judgment on Among a great host of impious and
their ward members. (D. & C. 42:78- sacrilegious speaking that constitute
93; 64:40; 102:2; 107:71-75.) Not blasphemy are such things as: Taking
only do they discern the personal the name of God in vain; evil-speak-
righteousness of their ward members ing about the Lord's anointed; be-
-calling them to positions of respon- littling sacred temple ordinances, or
sibility, approving them for temple patriarchal blessings, or sacramental
recommends, priesthood ordinations, administrations; claiming unwarrant-
and the like-but when iniquity ed divine authority; and promulgating
arises they are bound to hear con- with profane piety a false system ·of
fessions and to call in question the salvation.
fellowship and membership of such Accordingly blasphemy is a sign
members. When a formal bishops of apostasy (2 Tim. 3:2); and the
court is held, the bishop is the judge, great apostate church which is not
with his counselors concurring in the the Lord's Church is described as

reveling in blasphemy. (Rev. 13: 1- time the child is formally and offi-
8.) When our Lord performed heal- cially given a name, and the proper
ings (Matt. 9:3) and announced church records are made so that the
himself as the Son of God, he was necessary genealogical data will be
accused by the Jews of blasphemy preserved.
(Matt. 26:63-65; Mark 14:61-64; The blessing of children is not an
John 10:22-38)-charges that would ordinance of salvation; children are
have been true, if his witness had saved through the atoning sacrifice
not been true and his power divine. of Christ without ordinances. This
In ancient Israel blasphemy against was fully understood by the ancient
the name of the Lord was an offense apostles, for when the people brought
punishable with death by stoning. "little children" to Jesus, "that he
(Lev. 24: 16.) Blasphemy against the should put his hands on them and
Holy Ghost- which is falsely deny- pray, ... the disciples rebuked them,
ing Christ after receiving a perfect saying, There is no need, for Jesus
revelation of him from the Holy hath said, Such shall be saved. But
Ghost-is the unpardonable sin. Jesus said, Suffer little children to
(Matt. 12:31-32; Mark 3:28-29; D. come unto me, and forbid them not,
& C. 132:27.) for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
And he laid hands on them."
Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. (Inspired Version, Matt. 19:13-15.)
Blessing on the Food. See PRAYER.
Blessing of Children. See Oam-
"Every member of the church of
Christ having children is to bring Block Teachers. SEE WARD TEACHERS.
them unto the elders before the
church, who are to lay their hands Blood. See FLESH AND BLOOD.
upon them in the name of Jesus
Christ, and bless them in his name." Blood Atonement Doctrine. See
(D. & C. 20:70.) Ordinarily this ATONEMENT OF CHRIST, CALLING AND
command is complied with through ELECTION SURE, CAPITAL PUNISH·
the ordinance of blessing of children, MENT, CHRIST, FLESH AND BLOOD.
although it might also be complied From the days of Joseph Smith to
with in connection with confirmation the present, wicked and evilly-dis-
and bestowal of the Holy Ghost. It posed persons have fabricated false
is the practice of the Church to per- and slanderous stories to the effect
form the ordinance of the blessing of that the Church, in the early days
children in fast meetings a few weeks of this dispensation, engaged in a
after the birth of the child. At that practice of blood atonement whereun-

der the blood of apostates and others rifice immortality came as a free gift
was shed by the Church as an atone- to all men, and all who would believe
ment for their sins. These claims are and obey his laws would in addition
false and were known by their origi- be cleansed · from through his
nators to be false. There is not one blood. (Mosiah 3:16-19; 3 Ne. 27:19-
historical instance of so-called blood 21; I John 1:7; Rev. 5:9-10.)
atonement in this dispensation, nor 2. But under certain circumstances
has there been one event or occu·r- there .are some serious sins for which
rence whatever, of any nature, from the cleansing of Christ does not oper-
which the slightest inference arises ate, and the law of God is that men
that any such practice either existed must then have their own blood shed
or was taught. to atone for their sins. Murder, for
There are, however, in the sermons instance1 is one of these sins; hence
of some of the early church leaders we find the Lord commanding capital
some statements about the true doc- punishment. Thus, also, if a person
trine of blood atonement and of its has so progressed in righteousness
practice in past dispensations, l9r that his calling and election has been
instance, in the days of Moses. By made . sure, if he has come to that
taking one sentence on one page and position where he knows "by revela-
another from a succeeding page and tion and the spirit . of prophecy,
even by taking a part of a sentence through the power of the Holy Priest-
on one page and a part of another hood" that he is sealed up unto
found several pages away-all wholly eternal life (D. & C. 131 :5), then if
torn from context-dishonest persons he .gains forgiveness for certain griev-
have attempted to make it appear ous sins, he must "be destroyed in
that Brigham Young and others the flesh," and "delivered unto the
taught things just the opposite of buffetings of Satan unto the day of
what they really believed and taught. redemption, saith the Lord God."
Raising the curtain of truth on this (D. & C. 132:19-27.)
false and slanderous bluster of ene- President Joseph Fielding Smith has
mies of the Church who have thus written: "Man may commit certain
wilfully chosen to fight the truth with grievous sins-according to his light
outright lies of the basest sort, the and knowledge-that will place him
true doctrine of blood atonement is beyond the reach of the atoning blood
simply this : of Christ. If then he would be saved,
I. Jesus Christ worked out the in- he must make sacrifice of his own life
finite and eternal atonement by the to atone-so far as his power lies-
shedding of his own blood. He came for that sin, for the blood of Christ
into · the world for the purpose . of alone under certain circumstances
dying on the cross for the sins of the will not avail. . .. Joseph Smith taught
world. By virtue of that atoning sac- that there were sins so griev-

ous that man may commit, that they my own strength, nor in my own
will place the transgressors beyond wisdom; but behold, my joy is full,
the power of the atonement of Christ. yea, my heart is brim with joy, and
If these offenses are committed, then I will rejoice in my God. Yea, I
the blood of Christ will not cleanse know that I am nothing; as to my
them from their sins even though they strength I am weak; therefore I will
repent. Therefore their only hope is not boast of myself, but I will boast
to have their own blood shed to of my God, for in his strength I can
atone, as far as possible, in their do all things. . . . Therefore, let us
· behalf." (Doctrines of Salvation, voL glory, yea, we will glory in the Lord;
I, pp. 133-138.) yea, we will rejoice, for our joy is
This doctrine can on! y be practiced lull; yea, we will praise our God for -
in its fulness in a day when the civil ever. Behold, who can glory too much
and ecclesiastical laws are adminis- in the Lord?" (Alma 26:8-16, 35.)
tered in the same hands. It was, for Boasting in the arm of flesh, one
instance, practiced in the days of of the commonest of all sins among
Moses, but it was not and could not worldly people, is a gross evil; it is a
be practiced in this dispensation, ex- sin born of pride, a sin that creates
cept that persons who understood its a frame of mind which keeps men
provisions could and did use their from turning to the Lord and accept-
influence to get a form of capital ing his saving grace. When a man
punishment written into the laws of engages in sell exultation because of
the various states of the union so that his riches, his political power, his
the blood of murderers could be shed. worldly learning, his physical prow-
ess, his business acumen, or even his
Blood of Israel. See BELIEVING works of righteousness, he is not in
BLOOD. tune with the Spirit of the Lord.
Salvation itself comes by the grace
Boasting. See PRIDE, REJOICING, SIGNS of God, "Not of works," that is not
QF THE TIMES, VAINGLORY, VANITY. of the performances and outward dis-
Boasting is of two kinds: either right- play of the law, "lest any man should
eous, or unrighteous; either in the arm boast." (Eph. 2:4-22; Rom. 3:27.)
of flesh, or in the Lord and his gra - As King Benjamin asked, alter ex-
cious goodness and power. "He that plaining the goodness of God and the
glorieth, let him glory in the Lord," comparative nothingness of men,
Paul said in summing up a sermon "Of what have ye to boast?" (Mosiah
on boasting, "For not he that com- 2:17-26.)
mendeth himself is approved, but Even when the righteous glory in
whom the Lord commendeth." (2 the Lord, certain very definite re-
Cor. 10:7-18; Ps. 44:8.) Ammon strictions attend their godly boasting.
spoke similarly: "I do not boast in The elders are to proclaim against

evil spirits, but "Not with railing the bondage of sin, because they
accusation, that ye be not overcome, come not unto me, For whoso cometh
neither with boasting nor rejoicing, not unto me is under the bondage of
lest you be seized therewith." (D. & sin." (D. & C. 84:49-51.)
C. 50:32-33.) Spritual gilts are
poured out abundantly upon the true Bond-servants. See SLAVERY.
saints. "But a commandment I give
unto them," the Lord says, "that they Book .. of Abraham. See PEARL
shall not boast themselves of these GREAT PRICE.
things, neither speak them before the
world; for these things are given unto Book of Commandments. See Doc-
you for your profit and for salvation." TRINE AND COVENANTS, REVELATION,
(D. & C. 84:73.) "Talk not of judg- SCRIPTURE, STANDARD WORKS. .As
ments, neither boast of faith nor of early as the summer of 1830, the
mighty works." (D. & C. 105:24.) Prophet began to copy and prepare
the revelations he had received for
Bondage. See ABRAHAM'S CHILDREN, eventual publication, At a .conference
AGENCY, APOSTASY, CASTE SYSTEM, held in Hiram, Ohio, on November
FREEDOM, INALIENABLE RraHTS, Lm- !st and 2nd, 1831, it was decided· the
ERTY. Bondage and captivity of every revelations should be compiled and
sort are of the devil; the gospel is published under the title, Book of
"the perfect law of liberty" (Jas. Commandments. The Lord gave ap-
I :25); it is the truth that makes men proval to the project by revealing a
free. (John 8:32.) The saints should preface for the book. (D. & C. I.)
free themselves from the bondage of It was at this conference that some
debt. (D. & C. 19:35; 104:83-84.) In of the elders questioned the language
a perfect Christian society would in the revelations, causing the Lord
be no serfdom or slavery, for uit is not to give the revealed tests whereby the
right that any man should be in divinity of the revelations might be
bondage one to another." Bondage known, "Seek ye out of the Book of
curtails free agency, thus interfering Commandments, even the least that is
with a man's power to work out his among them," the Lord said, "and
salvation. (D. & C. 101:78-79.) appoint him that is the most wise
There is no bondage like the bond- among you; Or, if there be any among
age of sin and no darkness like the you that shall make one like unto
darkness · of rebellion against the it, then ye are justified in saying that
truth. (John 8:31-46; Gal. 5: I.) ye do not know that they are true;
"And the whole world lieth in sin, But ii ye cannot make one like unto
· and groaneth under darkness and it, ye are under condemnation if ye
under the bondage of sin. And by do not bear record that they are true.
this you may know they are under For ye know that· there is no un"

righteousness in them, and that which clarified the existing language. This
is righteous cometh down from above, procedure, of course, was in perfect
from the Father of lights." (D. & C. harmony with the two principles: I.
67:6-9.) William E. Mcl..ellin at- That revelations are necessarily given
tempted to write a revelation equal to men "after the manner of their
to the least of those the Lord had language" (D. & C. l :24); and 2.
given and failed miserably. That the Lord always reveals line
By July 20, 1833, most of the Book upon line, precept upon precept, here
of Commandments had been set in a little and there a little, adding
type under the direction of W. W. more light and knowledge as rapidly
Phelps. On that date the printing as that already received is known and
plant in Independence, Missouri, was practiced. (D. & C. 98 :12; 128:21.)
dsetroyed by a mob, and only a few The various revelations were divided
copies of the forms of the unfinished into chapters in the Book of Com-
book were salvaged. Just five or six mandments and into sections in the
copies are known to •be in existence Doctrine and Covenants, and some
now. The last statement in the pub- personal revelations were not carried
lication is, uThe rebellious are not over into the latter publication but
of the blood of Ephraim," thus ending are to be found in the History of the
the book in the middle of verse 36 Church. Divisions into verses and
of section 64 of the Doctrine and punctuation was, of course, changed
Covenants as presently published. as between the two publications.
Thereafter a committee headed by
the Prophet was appointed to con- Book of Enoch. See LosT SCRIPTURE,
tinue the work necessary to get the REVELATION, SCRIPTURE. One of the
revelations published. Their labors things yet to come forth in the last
were completed, and they reported to days is the Book of Enoch. This rec-
a general assembly of the Church, at ord contains the prophecies made by
Kirtland, Ohio, August 17, 1835. The Adam at Adam-ondi-Ahman when
revelations so compiled and approved, he "predicted whatsoever should be-
and some other matters, were pub- fall his posterity unto the latest
lished under the title Doctrine and generation." (D. & C. 107:56-57.)
Covenants. (Doctrines of Salvation, From the account in the Book of
vol. 3, pp. 192-198.) Moses we know that Enoch performed
Between the time of the publication one of the greatest and most spec-
of the Book of Commandments in tacular works of any prophet. (Moses
I 833 and the Doctrine and Covenants 6; 7.) How much the Book of Enoch
in 1835, the Prophet, as moved upon contains relative to his ministry and
by the Spirit of the Lord, inserted teachings we can only speculate. It
some additional revealed truths in the appears from Paul's writings that he
revelations and in an instance or two had information about Enoch which

is not contained in the O Id Testa- Prophet had, after his death they fell
ment as we have that document. into the hands of apostates and ene-
(Heb. 11 :5.) Jude recorded in his mies of the Church. As far as is known
epistle a prophecy made by Enoch, they were destroyed in the great
thus indicating that some of Enoch's Chicago fire in 1871. But the day
writings may have been extant in shall come when the Book of Joseph
New T estament times. (Jude 14-15.) shall be restored and its contents
shall be known again. This we know
Book of Joseph. See BRASS P LATES, because the Brass Plates themselves
LOST SCRIPTURE, PEARL OF GREAT are yet to be translated and sent
PRICE, REVELATION, SCRIPTURE. T wo forth "unto every nation, kindred,
papyrus rolls were acquired by the tongue, and people." (Alma 37:3-5. )
Prophet in connection with the Egyp-
tian mummies purchased from Mi- Book of Life. See BooK ·op REMEM-
chael H. Chandler. One roll was BRANCE, BooK OF THE LAW OF Gon,
translated and is now published as CELESTIAL Booms, ETERNAL LIFE,
the Book of Abraham. Translation JUDGMENT D AY, OBEDIENCE, RECORD·
of the other roll, which contained the ING ANGELS, T ELESTIAL Booms, TER-
writings of Joseph who was sold into RESTRIAL BomEs. I. In a real though
Egypt, apparently was never com- figurative sense, the book of life is
pleted. Enough was known of this the record of the acts of men as such
Book of Joseph, however, for Oliver record is written in their own bodies.
Cowdery to write that it contained It is the record engraven on the very
doctrine relative to the creation, the bones, sinews, and flesh of the mortal
fall of man, the nature of the God- body. That is, every thought, word,
head, and the final judgment. (Milton and deed has an affect on the human
R. Hunter, Pearl of Great Price Com- body; all these leave their marks,
mentary, pp. 1-40.) marks which can be read by Him who
Nephi says that there were not is Eternal as easily as the words in
many prophecies greater than those a book can be read.
which Joseph wrote; that many of By obedience to telestial law men
them concerned the Nephites and develop telestial bodies; terrestrial
Lamani tes; and that "they are written law leads to terrestrial bodies; and
upon the plates of brass." (2 Ne. conformity to celestial law-because
4: I -3.) Some of these prophecies are this law includes the sanctifying power
quoted in the Book of Mormon (2 of the Holy Ghost-results in the cre-
Ne. 3; 25:21; Alma 46:24); some ation of a body which is clean, pure,
were restored by the Prophet in the and spotless, a celestial body. ·(D. & C.
Inspired Version of the Bible. (I n- 88: I 6-32.) When the book of life is
spired Version, Gen. 50:24-38.) opened in the day of judgment (Rev.
As to the papyrus rolls which the 20:12-15), men's bodies will show

what law they have lived. The Great That holy document known as the
Judge will then read the record of Book of Mormon is a volume of
the book of their lives; the account sacred scripture which was known
of their obedience or disobedience will anciently and has been revealed anew
be written in their bodies. in modern times. It contains the lul-
2. In a literal sense, the book of ness of the everlasting gospel (D. & C.
life, or Lamb's book of Life, is the 20:9; 42:12; 135:3) and an abridged
record kept in heaven which contains account of God's dealings with the
the names of the faithful and an ac- ancient inhabitants of the American
count of their righteous covenants continent from about 2247 B.C. to
and deeds. (D. & C. 128:6-7; Ps. 421 A.O.
69:28; Rev. 3:5; 21 :27.) The book The original records, which were
of life is the book containing the compiled and abridged to form the
names of those who shall inherit Book of Mormon as presently consti-
eternal life; it is the book of eternal tuted, were written on metallic
life. (Dan. 12:1-4; Heb. 12:23; D. & plates by prophets who were com-
C. 76:68; 132 : 19.) It is "the book manded to keep records of God's
of the names of the sanctified, even dealings with them and their peoples.
them of the celestial world." (D. & C. These records preserved a true knowl-
88:2.) Names of faithful saints are edge of God, of the mission and min-
recorded in the book of life while istry of his Son, and of the doctrines
they are yet in mortality. (Luke and ordinances of salvation. Inci-
10:20; Philip. 4:3; T eachings, p. 9.) den ta! to these gospel truths much
But those names are blotted out in information was also preserved rela-
the event of wickedness. (Rev. 13:8; tive to the history and the social,
17:8; 22:19.) economic, cultural, educational, gov-
ernmental, and other conditions that
Book of Mormon. See AMERICAN existed among Book of Mormon
MORAH, DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS, During the latter part of the 4th
GOLD PLATES, GOSPEL, JAREDITES, century A.O., Mormon, a prophet-
JEWS, JOSEPH SMITH THE PROPHET, general, made a compilation and
LAMANITE CURSE, LOST SCRIPTURE, abridgment of the records of the
MORMONISM, MORMONS, MORONI, people of Lehi, a Jew who led a
MuLEKITES, NEPHITES AND LAMAN- colony of his family and friends from
ITES, PEARL OF GREAT PRICE, QUETZ- Jerusalem to their American prom-
ALCOATL, SCRIPTURE, SIGNS OF THE ised land in 600 B.C. Mormon's son
TIMES, STANDARD WORKS, STICK OF Moroni added a few words of his own
EPHRAIM, TESTIMONY, THREE NE- to the record and also abridged, in
PHITES, URIM AND THUMMIM, WIT- very brief form, the records of a
NESSES OF THE BOOK OF MORMON. nation of Jaredites who had migrated

to America at the time of the confu- gospel are taught in the Book of
sion of tongues when the tower of Mormon with much greater clarity
Babel was built. The records of these and perfection than those same doc-
two great peoples, preserved on the trines are revealed in the Bible.
Gold Plates, were translated by Joseph Anyone who will place in parallel
Smith and are known as the Book columns the teachings of these two
of Mormon. The main part of the great books on such subjects as the
work deals with the period from 600 atonement, plan of salvation, gather-
B.C. to 421 A.D. during which the ing of Israel, baptism, gilts of the
Nephite, Lamanite, and Mulekite Spirit, miracles, revelation, · faith,
civilizations flourished. charity, ( or any of a hundred other
Moroni, the last prophet to possess subjects), will find conclusive proof
the ancient and sacred writings, hid of the superiority of Book of Mormon
them up in the hill Cumorah. Then teachings.
in modern times, in fulfilment of On November 28, 1841, following
John's apocalyptic prophecy (Rev. a meeting with the Twelve Apostles,
14:6-7), Moroni, now resurrected, the Prophet wrote in his journal:
delivered the plates to Joseph Smith. "I told the brethren that the Book
Miraculously, by means of the Urim of Mormon was the most correct of
and Thummim, in not to exceed two any book on earth, and the keystone
months translating time, the Prophet of our religion, and a man would get
put the ancient record into English. nearer to God by abiding its precepts,
Since then it has been translated and than by any other book." (History
published in scores of other languages. of the Church, vol. 4, p. 461.) On
(Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 3, pp. another occasion he said : "Take away
209-226.) the Book of Mormon and the revela-
Purposes of the Book of Mormon tions, and where is our religion? . We
are: I. To bear record of Christ, cer - have none." (Teachings, p. 71.)
tifying in plainness and with clarity We "believe the Book of Mormon
of his Divine Sonship and mission, to be the word of God." (Eighth
proving irrefutably that he is the Article of Faith.) The book is true
Redeemer and Savior; 2. To teach the and was translated correctly. By rev-
doctrines of the gospel in such a pure elation the Lord said of Joseph Smith:
and perfect way that the plan of sal- "He has translated the book, even
vation will be clearly revealed; and that. part which I have commanded
3. To stand as a witness to all the him, and o.s your Lord and your God
world that Joseph Smith was the liveth it is true." (D. & C. 17:6.)
Lord's anointed through whom the "We . . . have seen the plates," the
foundation was laid for the great three witnesses testified, "And we
latter-day work of restoration. also know that they have •been trans-
Almost all of the doctrines of the lated by the gift and power of God,

for his voice hath declared it unto us; count of his faithful descendants in
wherefore we know of a surety that which he recorded their faith and
the work is true." (Testimony of works, their righteousness and devo-
Three Witnesses, Book of Mormon.) ton, their revelations and visions, and
There are a host of Biblical and their adherence to the revealed plan
other ancient prophecies foretelling of salvation. To signify the impor-
the coming forth of, and various tance of honoring our worthy ances -
things pertaining to, the Book of tors and of hearkening to the great
Mormon. (Moses 7:59-62; Ps. 85:ll; truths revealed to them, Adam called
Isa. 29; 45:8; Ezek. 37:15-28; John his record a book of remembrance.
IO: 16; Rev. 14:6-7; 2 Ne. 3; Inspired It was prepared "according to the pat-
Version, Gen. 50:24-38.) Since its tern given by the finger of God."
publication many archeological dis- (Moses 6:4-6, 46.)
coveries have been made, particularly Similar records have been kept by
in Central and South America, which the saints in all ages. (Mal. 3:16-17;
bear out the known facts relative to 3 Ne. 24:15-16.) Many of our pres-
ancient Book of Mormon civilizations. ent scriptures have come down to us
(Milton R. Hunter, Archaeology and because they were first written by
the Book of Mormon .) prophets who were following Adam's
But the great and conclusive evi - pattern of keeping a book of remem-
dence of the divinity of the Book of brance. The Church keeps similar
Mormon is the testimony of the Spirit records today (D. & C. 85) and urges
to the honest truth seeker. Moroni its members to keep their own per-
promised: "When ye shall receive sonal and fam ily books of remem-
these things, I would exhort you that brance.
ye would ask God, the Eternal Father,
in the name of Christ, if these things Book of Revelation. See APOCALYPSE.
are not true; and if ye shall a;k with
a sincere heart, with real intent, Book of the Law of God. See BooK
having faith in Christ, he will mani- oF LIFE, BooK oF REMEMBRANCE,
fest the truth of it unto you, by the CHURCH HISTORIAN AND RECORDER,
power of the Holy Ghost." (Moro. GENEALcx;ICAL R ESEARCH, RECORD
10:4.) KEEPING. Those records kept by the
Church showing the names, geneal-
Book of Moses. See PEARL OF GREAT ogies, and faith and works of those to
PRICE. be remembered by the Lord in the
day when eternal inheritances are be-
Book of Remembrance. See BOOK OF stowed upon the obedient are, taken
LIFE, Boox OF THE LAW OF Goo, collectively, called the book of the
GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH, RECORD law of God. Such records contain
KEEPING. Adam kept a written ac- both the law of God and the names

of those who keep that law. They are cleansing power of that member .of
in effect a church book of remem- the Godhead.
brance. (D. & C. 85.) Mere compliance with the formality
of the ordinance ·of baptism .does not
Book of the Names of the Sanctified.
mean that a person has been born
again. No one can be h?rn again
without baptism, but the immersion
in water and the laying on of hands
to confer the Holy Ghost do not of
themselves guarantee that a person
has been or will be born again. The
DEATH, SPIRITUAL LIFE. To gain sal- new birth takes place only for those
vation in the celestial kingdom men who actually enjoy the gift or com-
must be born again (Alma 7:14); panionship of the Holy Ghost, only
born .of water and of the Spirit (John for those who are fully converted, who
3:1-13); born of God, so that they have given themselves without re-
are changed. from their "carnal and straint to the Lord. Thus Alma ad-
fallen state, to a state of righteous- dressed himself to his "brethren of the
ness," becoming new creatures of the church," and pointedly asked them
Holy Ghost. (Mosiah 27:24-29.) if they had "spiritually been born of
They must become newborn babes in God," received the Lord's image in
Christ (1 Pet. 2:2); they must be their countenances, and had the
"spiritually begotten" of God, be born "mighty change" in their hearts
of Christ, thus becoming his sons and which always attends the birth of
daughters. (Mosiah 5:7.) the Spirit. (Alma 5:14-31.)
The ·first birth . takes place when Those members of the Church who
spirits pass from their pre-existent first have actually been born again are in
estate into mortality; the second birth a blessed and favored state. They
or birth "into the kingdom of heaven"
have attained their position, not mere-
takes places when mortal men are
born .again and become alive to the ly by joining the Church, but through
things of the Spirit and of righteous- faith (l John 5:1), righteousness
ness. The elements of water, blood, (l John 2:29), love (1 John 4:7), and
and Spirit ..are present in both births. overcoming the world. (1 John 5:4.)
(Moses 6:59-60.) The second birth "Whosoever is born of God doth not
begins wheri men . are baptized in continue in sin; for the Spirit of God
water by a legal administrator; it is remaineth in him; and he cannot sin,
c<1mpleted when they actually receive because he i~ born of God, having
the companionship of.the Holy Ghost, received that holy Spirit of promise."
becoming new creatures by the (Inspired Version, l John 3:9.)

Bottomless Pit. See ANGEL OF THE the Lord, that I will raise unto David
BOTTOMLESS Prr, HADES, HELL, Prr, a righteous Branch, and a King shall
In an attempt
SHEOL, SPIIllT PRISON. reign and prosper, and shall execute
to convey in imperfect, mortal lan- judgment and justice in the earth.
guage the infinite intensity of the In his days Judah shall be saved, and
sufferings of those cast into the pit Israel shall dwell safely: and this is
(that is, into hell), John spoke not his name whereby he shall be called,
simply of the pit, but of the bottom- THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUS-
less pit. (Rev. 9:1-2, 11; 11:7; 17:8; NESS." (Jer. 23:5-6; 33:15-17; Isa.
20: 1-3.) The bottomless pit is the IJ:1 -5; Zech. 3:8-10; 6:12-15.)
depths of hell. It is not a literal pit
without a bottom, for such is a con- Branches. See BRANCH PRESIDENTS,
tradiction in terms. But it is a pit or CHURCH ORGANIZATION, DISTRICTS,
prison where the inhabitants suffer, MISSIONS, STAKES, TRUE VINE, WARDS.
as mortals view suffering, to an In the stakes, congregations of saints
infinite, unlimited, or bottomless ex- which are not large and stable enough
tent. Referring to finite inability to to form wards are organized into
comprehend the vastness of the suf- branches, presided over by a branch
fering of those reaping the lull president. The larger and more pow-
measure of this status, the revelation erful branches, those with consider-
says: "The end, the width, the height, able stability and local leadership, are
the depth and the misery thereof, called independent branches. They
they understand not, neither any man operate as nearly like a regular ward
except those who are ordained unto as their circumstances permit. De-
this condemnation." (D. & C. 76:48.) pendent branches are usually smaller
and less endowed with local leader-
Bowing Down. See OBEISANCE . ship; they receive help in their pro-
grams from some other ward or
Bragging. See BoASTING. branch, upon which they are depend-
Branch. See CHRIST, Goo OF lsRAEL, All the congregations of saints, no
HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL, KING OF ISRAEL, matter how strong and stable, which
RooT OF DAYID, STEM OF JESSE. Christ are located within the districts of
is the Branch, a name applied in missions are called branches. Several
ancient Israel to point attention to branches comprise a district. When
the great truth that the promised one or more mission districts are cho-
Messiah would come in the lineage sen as an area in which to form a
of Israel and of David, that he would stake, the main branches involved
be a branch or part of that illustrious become wards, while the lesser
line. Through Jeremiah the Lord branches remain as either independ-
said: "Behold, the days come, saith ent or dependent branches.

Branch Presidency. See BRANCH have it. (I Ne. 13:23.) The proph-
PRESIDENTS. ecies of Zenock, Neum, Zenos, Joseph
the son of Jacob, and probably many
Branch Presidents. See BrsHoPs, other prophets were preserved by
BRANCHES. Presiding officers in them, and many of these writings
branches are branch presidents. They foretold matters pertaining to the
hold the keys of their ministry, are Nephites. (I Ne. 19:10, 21; 2 Ne.
assisted by two counselors ( thus 4:2, 15; 3 Ne. 10:17.)
forming a branch presidency), and The value of the Brass Plates to
are comparable to bishops in their the Nephites cannot be overestimated.
sphere of service. By means of them they were able to
preserve the language ( 1 Ne. 3: 19),
Branch Teachers. See WAID TEACH- most of the civilization, and the re,
ligious knowledge of the people from
Branch Teaching. See WAID TEACH- whence they came. ( l Ne. 22:30.)
By way of contrast, the Mulekites,
who were led out of Jerusalem some
Brass Plates. See BooK OF MORMON, 11 years alter Lehi's departure, and
GOLD PLATES, LOST SCRIPTURE, OLD who had no record equivalent to the
TESTAMENT. When the Lord led Brass Plates, soon dwindled in apos-
Lehi and his colony out from Jeru- tasy and unbelief and lost their
salem, they were required to take language, civilization, and religion.
with them the Brass Plates of which (Omni 14-18.)
Laban had been the custodian. These From prophet to prophet and gen-
plates-which Nephi acquired through eration to generation the Brass Plates
his .faith, works, and zeal (1 Ne. 3; were handed down and preserved by
4)-were a volume of sacred scrip- the Nephites. (Mosiah I: 16; 28:20;
ture. They contained a record of 3 Ne. I :2.) At some future date the
God's dealings with men from the Lord has promised to bring them
beginning down to that day. They forth, undimmed by time and retain-
were "the record of the Jews" (I Ne. ing their original brightness, and the
3:3.), a record of many of the proph- scriptural accounts recorded .on them
ecies from the beginning down to and are to "go forth unto every nation,
including part of those spoken by kindred, tongue, and people." (Alma
Jeremiah. On them was the law of 37:3-5; 1 Ne. 5:18-19.) ·
Moses, the five books of Moses, . a~d
the genealogy of the Nephite for- Brazen Sea. See BAPTISM, BAPTISMAL
bears. (1 Ne. 3:3, 20; 4:15-16; 5:11- FONTS, TEMPLES. In Solomori's Tem-
14.) ple a large molten sea of brass was
There was more on them than there placed on the backs of 12 brazen
is in · the Old Testament as' we now oxen, these oxen being symbolical of

the 12 tribes of Israel. (I Kings 7:23- looking to Christ they would be

26, 44; 2 Kings 16: 17; 25: 13; I Chron. saved with eternal life, but by refus-
18:8.) This brazen sea was used for ing to look to him they would die
performing baptisms for the living. spiritually. (John 3:14-15; Alma
There were no baptisms for the dead 33:19-22; Hela. 8:14-15.) The brazen
until after the resurrection of Christ. serpent was kept as a symbol in
It must be remembered that all Israel until the time of Hezekiah, who
direct and plain references to bap- broke it in pieces to keep apostate
tism have been deleted from the Old Israel of his day from burning in-
Testament (I Ne. 13) and that the cense to it. (2 Kings 18:4.)
word baptize is of Greek origin. Some
equivalent word, such as wash, would Bread and Water. See SACRAMENT.
have been used by the Hebrew peo-
Bread and Wine. See SACRAMENT.
ples. In describing the molten sea
the Old Testament record says, "The
Bread of Life. See CHRIST, LIGHT
sea was for the priests to wash in."
(2 Chron. 4:2-6.) This is tantamount
to saying that the priests performed
Christ is the Bread of Life. Just as
baptisms in it.
manna was showered down as bread
In this temple building dispensa-
from heaven to save ancient Israel
tion the Brethren have been led by
from starvation and temporal death,
the spirit of inspiration to pattern the
so Christ came down from heaven to
baptismal fonts placed in temples
give living bread and living water to
after the one in Solomon's Temple.
all men so that they might gain ever-
lasting life. (John 4:10-38; 6:30-65.)
Brazen Serpent. See ATONEMENT OF
Breastplate. See URIM AND THUMMIM.
BOLISMS. To typify Christ and point
attention to the salvation which Breath of Life. See LIFE, LIGHT OF
would come because he would be LIFE, PRE-EXISTENCE, SPIRIT CHIL-
lifted up on the cross, Moses (as com- DREN. Literally, the breath of life is
manded by the Lord) made a brazen the air we breathe, for without this
serpent and lifted it up on a pole. man and all air-breathing creatures
Then those of the children of Israel would die. The Mosaic account of
who were bitten by poisonous ser- the creation says that "the Lord God
pents were healed by looking upon formed man of the dust of the ground,
the serpent, while those who refused and breathed into his nostrils the
to look died of the poisonous bites. breath of life; and man became a
(Num. 21 :4-9.) This performance living soul." (Gen. 2:7; Moses 3:7.)
was an ordinance in Israel which was Similarly, when the Lord created the
intended to the people that by beasts and fowls, he "breathed into

them the breath of life," and they also brethren. (Acts 14:2; 15:33, 40.)
became "living souls." (Moses 3:19; They are members of the great broth-
Gen. 6:17.) erhood of Christ. In a spirit of love
In a figurative sense the expression and fellowship members of the
breath of life is frequently used to Church commonly and properly call
mean the life of man. Ezekiel says, each other brother and sister.
in speaking of the resurrection of the Our Lord gave graphic expression
house of Israel, "Thus saith the Lord to this spiritual usage of the term
God unto these bones; Behold, I will brethren when, being told that his
cause breath to enter into you, and mother and literal brothers desired to
ye shall live." (Ezek. 37:5-10.) This see him, he asked: "Who is my
is a figurative way of saying that the mother? and who are my brothers?"
spirit will again enter the body. Ac- In answer, "He stretched forth his
tually, as Abraham's account of the hand toward his disciples, and said,
creation points out, there is a distinc- Behold my mother and my brethren!
tion between the spirit and the breath For whoooever shall do the will of
of life. "And the Gods formed man my Father which is in heaven, the
from the dust of the ground," this same is my brother, and .sister, and
record states, "and took his spirit mother." (Matt. 12:46-50.)
(that is, the man's spirit), and ptit it
into him; and breathed into his nos-
trils the breath of life, . and man Bridegroom. See BRIDE OF THE LAMB,
became a living soul." (Abra. 5:7.) CHRIST, ESPOUSAL, HUSBAND, MAR-
Paul also speaks of God's giving both RIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB. Christ is
"life, and breath" (Acts 17 :25) to all,
the Bridegroom (Matt. 9:15; Mark
thus making an apparent distinction 2:19; Luke 5:34; John 3:29), who
between the two things. shall take the Church as his bride
and celebrate the glorious occasion
Brethren. See BELIEVERS, D1scIPLES, at the marriage supper of the Lamb.
MORMONS, PROPHETS, SAINTS. All men Our Lord's parable of the 10 virgins
are brothers in the sense of being teaches the need of the saints to be
the spirit offspring of Deity. But ready at the coming of the Bride-
those who join the true Church, who groom. (Matt. 25: 1-13.) Similarly,
take upon themselves the name of he has said in this day: "Be faithful,
Christ, who are adopted into the fam- praying always, having your lamps
ily of Jesus Christ, becoming his sons irimmed and burning, and oil with
and his daughters, thus become broth- you, that you may be ready at the
ers and sisters in a special spiritual coming of the Bridegroom-For be-
sense. (Mosiah 5:7.) Hence, all be- hold, verily, verily, I say unto you,
lievers collectively or any group of that I come quickly." (D. & C. 33:17-
them in particular are called the 18; 88:92; 133:10, 19.)

Bride of the Lamb. See BRIDEGROOM, perfection themselves. (Rev. 2:26-28.)

CHRIST, ESPOUSAL, HUSBAND, MAR- "And they that be wise shall shine
RIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB, NEW as the brightness of the firmament;
JERUSALEM . Both the New Jerusalem, and they that turn many to righteous-
which shall come down from God out ness as the stars for ever and ever."
of heaven, and the Church of Jesus (Dan. 12:3.) Peter's statement about
Christ of Latter-day Saints are called the day star arising in the hearts of
the Bride of the lamb and the Lamb's certain of the saints, has reference also
wife. (Rev. 21:2, 9-10; 22:17; D. & C. to those who shall inherit the lulness
109:72-74.) The bride celebrates the of all things. (2 Pet. I: 19.)
marriage supper with the Bridegroom,
her Husband, and is cherished and Brimstone. See FIRE AND BRIMSTONE.

honored by him. To the millennial Broad-mindedness. See CONVERSION,

saints the Lord promises: "As the GOSPEL, TESTIMONY, TOLERANCE,
bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, TRUTH. From the generally accepted
so shall thy God rejoice over thee." and worldly standpoint, broad-mind-
(Isa. 62 :5.) edness consists in entertaining liberal
opinions and in having tolerant
Brighamites. See JosEPHITES. views, particularly on religious mat-
ters. Those who so classify themselves
Bright and Morning Star. See CHRIST, take pride in not accepting any par-
EXALTATION. Christ is the Bright and ticular creed or following any selected
Morning Star. (Rev. 22:16.) In dogma; they suppose that theirs is a
speaking of a man as a star the mean- broad perspective which makes them
ing is that he is a person of brilliant receptive to all truth; invariably they
qualities, who stands out pre-eminent- reach the conclusion that all religions
ly among his fellows. Thus to single are equally true and equally false and
out our Lord as the Bright and Morn- that salvation, ii there is such a thing,
ing Star, the last bright luminary of is not found in, through, or because
the night to give way before the rising of any one of them in particular.
sun, is to testily that he is pre- It is not difficult to see how this
eminent over all his brethren, that sort of broad-mindedness comes into
he is the Son of God in whom all being. When inquiring and scientific
lulness and perfection dwell. minds delve into the narrow and
In this connection, and having in bigoted creeds of the apostate sects
mind that those who gain eternal of Christendom, it is not surprising
life shall be joint-heirs with Christ, that they rebel against those dogmas
it is interesting to note that such falsely set forth as the tenets of true
exalted persons are promised that they religion. If this modern broad-mind-
shall receive the morning star, that is, edness leads to an open-minded state
reach a state of pre-eminence and in which men investigate and receive

the true principles of revealed re- Broken Heart See CoNTRITE SPIRIT.
ligion, it has served a beneficial pur-
pose. But if it results in an aversion Brotherhood of Man. See· FATHER IN
and contempt for all religions, the HEAVEN.
restored Church of our Lord in-
cluded, it leaves the scientific-minded Brotherly Love. See LoVE.
person no better off than the bigoted
adherent to the narrow creeds of the Buffetings of Satan. See DAMNATION,

In a very real sense this worldly To be turned over to the buffetings

of Satan is to be given into his hands;
broad-mindedness is of the devil, not
it is to be turned over to him with all
of God. Lucifer is willing and anxious
the protective power of the priest-
that men believe . any and every con-
hood, of righteousness, and of godli-
ceivable notion so long as they do ness removed, so that Lucifer is free
not accept Joseph Smith and the res-
to torment, persecute, and afflict such
toration. The devil is the most broad- a person without let or hindrance.
minded person in all eternity; he is When the bars are down, the cuffs
tolerant to every view, particularly and curses of Satan, both in this
those leading to ungodly practices. world and in the world to come,
"Wide is the gate, and broad _is the bring indescrib_able anguish typified
way, that leadeth to destruction, and by burning fire and brimstone. The
many there be which go in thereat." damned in h ell so suffer.
(Matt. 7:13.) Those who broke their covenants
In the true gospel sense of the word, in connection with the United Order
however, broad-mindedness is the in the early days of this dispensation
state of mind of those who know the were to "be delivered over to the
truths of the gospel, who reject the buffetings of Satan until the day of
false creeds of the day, and who walk redemption." (D. & C. 78:12; 82:20-
in the light of revealed truth. The 21; 104:9-10.) A similar fate (plus
broad-minded man is the one who destruction in the flesh) is decreed
knows that baptism is essential to against those who have been sealed
salvation and celestial marriage to up unto eternal life so that their call-
exaltation; he is the one who knows ings and elections have been made
the truth. In the eternal sense it is sure and who thereafter turn to
narrow-minded to reject the laws and grievous sin. (D. & C. 131:5; 132:19-
ordinances of the gospel, for they are 26.)
the way and means whereby men can Burials. See FUNERALS.
go on without limit, restraint, or cur-
tailment in attaining perfection and Burning. See SECOND COMING OF
enjoying eternal progression. CHRIST.

======== C ============
PERDITION. Though he was a rebel Calling and Election Sure. See CE-
and an associate of Lucifer in pre- LESTIAL KINGDOM, CELESTIAL M AR-
existence, and though he was a liar RIAGE, CHURCH OF THE FIRSTBORN,
from the beginning whose name was D AUGHTERS OF Goo, . ELECTION OF
Perdition, Cain managed to attain the GRACE, ErEI.l NAL LIFE, ETERNAL LIVES,
privilege of mortal birth. Under EXALTATION, FULNESS OF THE FATHER,

Adam's tutelage, he began in this life GODHOOD, JOINT-HEIRS WITH CHRIST,

to serve God. He understood the gos- SALVATION, SECOND COMFORTER, SONS

pel and the plan of salvation, was OF Goo. Those members of the
baptized, received the priesthood, had Church who devote themselves whol-
a perfect knowledge of the position ly to righteousness, living by every
and perfection of God, and talked word that proceedeth forth from the
personally with Deity. Then he came mouth of God, make their calling and
out in open rebellion, fought God, election sure. That is, they receive
worshiped Lucifer, and slew Abel. the more sure word of prophecy,
Cain's sacrifice was rejected because which means that the Lord seals their
it was offered at Satan's command, exaltation upon them while they are
not the Lord's; it was not and could yet in this life. Peter summarized the
not be offered in faith for "he could course of righteousness which the
have no a t or could not exercise saints must pursue to make their
ait contrary to the plan of heaven.~' calling and election sure and then
(Teachings, pp. - g-_)_ __ ( referring to his experience on the
As a result of his rebellion, Cain Mount of Transfiguration with James
was cursed with a dark skin; he be- and John) said that those three had
came the lather of the Negroes, and received this more sure word of
those spirits who are not worthy to prophecy. (2 Pet. I.)
receive the priesthood are born Joseph Smith taught: "After a per-
through his lineage. He became the son has faith in Christ, repents of his
first mortal to be cursed as a son of sins, and is baptized for the remission
perdition. As a result of his mortal of his sins and receives the Holy
birth he is assured of a tangible body Ghost (by the laying on of hands),
of flesh and bones in eternity, a fact which is the first Comforter, then let
which will enable him to rule over him continue to humble himsell be-
Satan. (Moses 5; Gen. 4; Teachings, fore God, hungering and thirsting
p. 169.) after righteousness, and living by

every word of God, and the Lord will Calvary. See GOLGOTHA.
soon say unto him, Son, thou shalt
be exalted. When the Lord has thor- Cancellation of Sealings. See CELES-
oughly proved him, and finds that the TIAL MARRIAGE, SEALINGS. Properly
man is determined to serve him at speaking there is no such thing as a
all hazards, then the man will find temple divorce; divorces in this day
his calling and election made sure, are civil matters handled by the courts
then it will be his privilege to receive of the land. But following a civil
the other Comforter." To receive the divorce of persons who have been
married for eternity in the temples, if
other ·Comforter is to have Christ
the circumstances are sufficiently
appear to him and to see the visions
serious to warrant it, the President of
of eternity. (Teachings, pp. 149-151.)
the Church has power to cancel the
Thus, as the Prophet also said; sealings involved. He holds the keys
"The more sure word of prophecy and power both to bind and loose
means a man's knowing ·that he is on earth and in heaven. (Matt.
sealed up unto eternal life, by rev- 16:19; D. & C. -132:46; Doctrines of
elation ·and the spirit of prophecy, Salvation, vol. 2, p. 84.)
through the power of the Ho! y Priest-
hood." (D. & C. 131 :5.) Those so Canon of Scripture. See APOCRYPHA,
favored of the Lord are sealed up BIBLE, BOOK OF MORMON, DOCTRJNE
against all manner of sin and blas- AND CovENANTs, LosT SCRIPTURE,
phemy except the blasphemy against PEARL OF GREAT PRICE, SCRIPTURE,
the Holy Ghost and the shedding of STANDARD WORKS. Such Biblical
innocent blood. The Lord says to writings as are accepted by any sub-
them: "Ye shall come forth in the first stantial part of Christianity, as in-
resurrection; . . . and shall inherit spired and authentic, are considered
thrones, kingdoms, principalities, and by their acceptors as the canon of
powers, dominions, all heights and scripture. Other · supposedly sacred
depths." (D. & C. 132:19, _26-27.) Biblical writings which are not so
The Prophet, for one, had this seal accepted are designated as apocryphal
placed upon him. (D. & C. 132:49.) by those who reject them. What is
It should be clearly understood accepted as canonical by one group
that these high blessings are not part may be thrust aside as apocryphal
of celestial marriage. "Blessings pro- by another. Books of the Apocrypha
nounced upon couples in connection itself may be listed as canonical by
with celestial marriage are condi- those who accept them as authentic
tioned upon the subsequent faithful- and inspired writings. Canonizing
ness of the participating parties." is generally considered as complete
(Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 2, pp. when some formal council, conven-
46-47.) tion, or other official church assem-

blage officially adopts a particular the gospel ( and was not under the
work. Thus, applying Biblical stand- law of Moses)-God said: "And
ards to revelations in general, the whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man
standard works of the Church may shall his blood be shed; for man shall
be said to be canonical books. not shed the blood of man. For a
Canonizing, as understood and commandment I give, that every
practiced in the Christian world, has man's brother shall preserve the life
nothing whatever to do with the truth of man, for in mine own image have
or falsity of a particular writing. A I made man." (Inspired Version, Gen.
revelation is true if it came from God, 9: 12-13.) To Joseph Smith- who
false if it did not. If a true revelation also had the gospel and not the lesser
is deleted from the body of compiled
law- the Almighty said: "He that
revelations, yet the discarded truths
killeth shall die." (D. & C. 42:19.)
remain in force, and those who reject
them are damned. Inspired writing Through Paul-who preached the
is true if the Holy Ghost rested upon gospel and not the law of carnal com-
its author at the time of the writing, mandments-we learn the principle
false if such Spirit was not present. that those who commit certain sexual
Any true document may subsequently perversions "are worthy of death."
be changed and perverted by unin- (Rom. 1:26-32.)
spired men. But if the spirit of rev- Anciently the death penalty was
elation is present in the body of the invoked for adultery and for many
priesthood or of the Church, and if other offenses against God and man.
that inspired body votes to accept a (Lev. 20: 10.) Modern governments
writing as true and binding upon its do not take the life of the adulterer,
members, then that action is a witness and some of them have done away
on earth and in heaven of the validity with the supreme penalty where mur-
of the scriptural writing involved. der is involved-all of which is fur-
ther evidence of the direful apostasy
Capital Punishment. See ADULTERY, that prevails among the peoples who
APOSTASY, BLoon ATONEMENT Doc- call themselves Christians.
TRINE, MURDERERS. In keeping with
the doctrine of blood atonement, Captain of Salvation. See ATONE-
capital punishment is ordained of MENT OF CHRIST, AUTHOR OF SALVA-
God as the just, proper, and neces- TION, CAPTAIN OF THE LoRo's HosT,
sary penalty to be imposed for the CHRIST, SALVATION. Christ is the
commission of certain grievous crimes. Captain of Salvation (Heb. 2: 10),
It is part of the gospel itself and is meaning that he is the leader, chief
not something that appertains only to officer, and agent who made salvation
some lesser order of things. available to his brethren through his
To Noah-who had the fulness of atoning sacrifice.

Captain of the Lord's Host, See Adam may also properly be desig-
ARMIES OF HEAVEN, CAPTAIN OF SAL- nated, Captain of the L<Yrd's Host,
VATION, CHRIST, Goo OF BATTLES, for he, under Christ, led the armies
LoRD oF HosTs, M1cHAEL THE ARCH- of heaven when Lucifer rebelled
ANGEL. I. Christ himself is the chief (Rev. 12:7-9) , and he, under Christ,
soldier in his own army; as Com- will again lead the hosts of heaven
mander, he carries the title Captain in "the battle of the great God,"
of the Lord's Host. By this name he when Lucifer and his hosts are cast
appeared to Joshua, who seeing "him out eternally. (D. & C. 88:lll-116.)
with his sword drawn in his hand,"
and hearing him say, "As captain of Card Playing. See APOSTASY, GAM-
the host of the Lord am I now come, BLING, RECREATION. President Joseph
. . . Joshua fell on his face to the F. Smith has · stated the position of
earth, and did worship, and said unto the Church with reference to card
him, What saith my lord unto his playing in these words: "Card play-
servant? And the captain of the ing is an excessive pleasure; it is
Lord's host said unto Joshua, Loose intoxicating and, therefore, in · the
thy shoe from off thy loot; for the nature of a vice. It is generail y the
place whereon thou standest is holy." companion of the cigaret and the
(Josh. 5:13-15.) What further di- wine glass, and the latter lead to the
rection was then given has not been poolroom and the gambling hall ....
preserved for us. Few indulge frequently in card play-
It is profitable to compare this ap- ing in whose lives it does not become
pearance of our Lord to Joshua with a ruling passion .... A deck of cards
his appearance to Moses in the burn- in the hands of a faithful servant of
ing bush at which time the ground God is a satire upon religion.
also was hallowed by the personal Those who thus indulge are not fit
presence of Deity (Ex. 3 ), and also to administer in sacred ordinances.
to compare it with the ministry of . . . The bishops are charged with
the angel whom John attempted to the responsibility for the evil, and
worship, but was restrained with the it is their duty to see that it is abol-
command: "See thou do it not: ished. . . . No man who is addicted
worship God." (Rev. 19:9-11.) to card playing should be called to
Among righteous messengers from act as a ward teacher; such men can-
the spirit realms, none but Deity will not be consistent advocates of that
accept worship from mortals, and which they do not themselves prac-
none but the Lord himself hallows a tice.
spot so that mortals are commanded "The card table has been the scene
to remove their shoes. of too many quarrels, the birthplace
2, Although not in those words so of too many hatreds, the occasion of
named in the scriptures, Michael or too many murders to admit one word

they have gone contrary to the nature

of justification for the lying, cheating
spirit which it too often engenders of God." They are in a "carnal state"
in the hearts of its devotees. . . . (Alma 41:10-11); they are of the
"Card playing is a game of chance, world. Cwnality connotes worldli-
and because it is a game of chance ness, sensuality, and an inclination
to gra tily the flesh.
it has its tricks. It encourages tricks;
its devotees measure their success at To be saved men must forsake car-
the table by their ability through de-nality and turn to the things of the
vious and dark ways to win. It Spirit. They "must be born again;
creates a spirit of cunning and de- yea, born of God, changed from their
vises hidden and secret means, and carnal and fallen state, to a state of
cheating at cards is almost synony- righteousness, being redeemed of
mous with playing at cards." (Gos- God, becoming his sons and daugh-
pel Doctrine, 5th ed., pp. 328-332.) ters." (Mosiah 27 :25.) All account-
Members of the Church should not able persons who have not received
belong to bridge or other type of cardthe truth and the spiritual re-birth
clubs, and they should neither play that attends such reception are yet
cards nor have them in their homes. in a carnal state. (Mosiah 4:2; 16:1-
By cards is meant, of course, the 4, 12; 26:4; Alma 22:13; 41:10-15.)
spotted face cards used by gamblers. Even members of the Church who
To the extent that church members have not forsaken the world, and who
play cards they are in apostasy and have not bridled their passions (Alma
rebellion. Innocent non-gambling 38:12), are yet in a carnal state. "Ye
games played with other types of are yet carnal," Paul said to the Cor-
cards, except for the waste ol time inthian Saints, "for whereas there is
in many instances, are not objection- among you envying, and strife, and
able. divisions, are ye not carnal, and walk
as men?" (1 Cor. 3:3; Mosiah 3:19.)
Carnality. See BoRN AGAIN, CoRRUP- "To be carnally minded is death; but
TIOrf, DEVILISHNESS, FALLEN MAN, to be spiritually minded is life and
FALL OF AoAM, MORTALITY, SENSUAL- peace. Because the carnal mind is
ITY. Since the fall, all men have enmity against God." (Rom. 8:6-7;
become carnal, sensual, and devilish 2 Ne. 9:39.)
by nature. (Moses 5:13; 6:49; Alma
42:10; Mosiah 16:1-4; D. & C. 20:20.) Carnivals. See GAMBLING, RECREA-
In this fallen state they are subject TION. Strictly speaking, a carnival is
to the lusts, passions, and appetites the season of rejoicing before Lent,
of the flesh. They are spiritually which is observed with feasting and
dead, having been cast out of the revelry in Catholic countries. In
presence of the Lord; and thus "they practice it is an occasion for indul-
are without God in the world, and gence and excess and not infrequently

for immorality. In a broader sense, Jesus himself was schooled in that

carnivals consist in any feasting or trade.
So-called ward or stake carnivals, Caste System. See BONDAGE, PRE -
when patterned after similar revelries EXISTENCE, SLAVERY, TRIBES OF ISRAEL.
of the world, find no place in the In one sense of the word, caste sys-
chUrch program. Entertainments tems - that is, the formation of
called carnivals are acceptable pro- hereditary classes within the social
vided the high standards of the organization-are contrary to gospel
Church are maintained. Sometimes principles of equality and fair treat-
these entertainments are fund raising ment. This is so when these systems
affairs~ with sideshows, games, and impose restrictions, slavery, and de-
questionable spectacles-all designed nial of natural rights upon .members
to loosen the purse strings so that of any caste.
money will be spent for the cause God is no respecter of persons, and
involved. This type of thing can eas- inalienable rights are the natural
ily degenerate into something which heritage of all mankind (D. & C.
is contrary to that spirit of thrift and 98:5); persons in every nation, caste,
self-restraint in the spending of and class of society are entitled, as
money which the saints should fol- of right, to be put in a position where
low. Ordinarily it would be far better they can exercise the "moral agency"
for people to make out and out con- which the Lord has given them, so
tributions to whatever meritorious that they can .be accountable for their
cause is involved than for them to be "own sins in the day of judgment.,,
put in the position where they are (D. & C. IOI :78.) Certainly the caste
supposedly getting something of no systems in communist countries and
particular value for their money. in India, for instance, are man made
Raffles, games of chance, or gam- and are not based on true principles.
bling games of any type violate the However, in a broad general sense,
law of ·the Church and are . wholly caste systems have their root and
out of . place either at carnivals or origin in the gospel itself, and when
elsewhere. they operate according to the divine
decree, the resultant restrictions and
Carpenter's Son, See CHRIST, SoN .OF segregation are right and proper and
Goo, SoN OF JosEPH. In a spirit of have the approval of the Lord. To il-
unbelief and derision, the citizens of lustrate: Cain, Ham, and the whole
our Lord's own community referred negro race have been cursed with a
to him as the Carpenter's Son. (Matt. black skin, the mark of Cain, so they
13:53-58; Mark 6:1 -6; Luke 4:16-29.) can be identified as a caste apart,
Joseph, his foster father, earned his a people with whom the other de-
daily bread through carpentry, and scendants of Adam should not inter-

marry. (Gen. 4; Moses 5.) The whole called a cathedral. Since these houses
house of Israel was chosen as a pe- of supposed worship have normally
culiar people, one set apart from all been the largest, most ornate, and by
other nations (Ex. 19:5-6; Deut. 7:6; far the most costly of all places of
14:2); and they were forbidden to religious assembly, it h as become com-
marry outside their own caste. (Ex. mon in the sectarian world to refer
34:10-17; Deut. 7:1-5.) In effect the to all large and important church
Lamanites belonged to one caste and buildings as cathedrals. The Latter-
the Nephites to another, and a mark day Saints, however, do not build
was put upon the Lamanites to keep cathedrals; indeed, the erection and
the Nephites from intermixing with adorning of expensive and elaborate
and marrying them. (Alma 3:6- 11.) meetinghouses· for church worship is
All this is not to say that any race, one of the signs of the great apostasy.
creed, or caste should be denied any (Morm, 8:37.)
inalienable rights. But it is to say
that Deity in his infinite wisdom, to Catholicism. See CHURCH OF THE
carry out his inscrutable purposes, DEVIL,
has a caste system of his own, a sys-
tem of segregation of races and Cave Man. See EVOLUTION.
peoples. The justice of such a system
is evident when life is considered in Celestial Bodies. See CELESTIAL GLORY.
its true eternal perspective. It is only CELESTIAL KINGDOM, C ELESTIAL LAW,
by a knowledge of pre-existence that CELESTIAL SPIRITS, ExALTATION, SAL-
it can be known why some .persons VATION. By obedience to celestial law
are born in one race or caste and some men gain celestial bodies, bodies
in another. which are sanctified by the Spirit.
Segrega!ion and caste systems will (D, & C. 84:33; 88: 16-32; Alma
continue on in a future eternity; the 13: 12; 3 Ne. 27:19-21.) They be-
righteous will go to paradise and the come new creatures of the Holy
wicked to hell; and finally all men Ghost, having been born again.
will be segregated into kingdoms- (Alma 5,) Their renewed bodies are
each separate from the others-ac' just as different from bodies still in
cording as their works have been. their carnal state as the bodies of the
various animals, fowls, and fishes
Casting Lots. See LOTS. differ from each other. (I Cor. 15:39-
42.) Those who have gained celestial
Cathedrals. See CHAPELS, MEETING- bodies will, in the resurrection, re-
HotisEs, T ABERNACLES, TEMPLES. In ceive back "the same body which was
some churches of the world the par- a natural body" (D. & C. 88:28),
ticular church building containing the that is their celestial bodies will be
cathedra, or chair of the bishop, is immortalized, and then they will

gain admission to the celestial king- Celestial Kingdom. See CELESTIAL

Celestial Earth. See EARTH. TRIAL KINGDOM. Highest among the
kingdoms of glory hereafter is the
Celestial Glory. See CELESTIAL Boo- kingdom. It is the kingdom
ms, CELESTIAL KINGDOM, CELESTIAL of God, the glory thereof being typ-
LAW, CE_LESTIAL SPIRITS, EXALTATION, ified by the sun in the firmament.
SALVATION. If a man obeys celestial (D. & C. 76:50-70, 92-96; I Cor.
law in this life, he develops ·a celestial 15:39-42.) The Prophet has left us
body and spirit. In the resurrection this record of a glorious occurrence
these are received back again quick- that took place in the Kirtland Tem-
ened by a celestial glory, thus qualify- ple on January 21, 1836: "The -heav-
ing him to go to a celestial kingdom ens were opened upon us, and I
where alone celestial glory is found. beheld the celestial kingdom of God,
(D. & C. 88:16-32.) Mortal man has and the glory thereof, whether in the
no concept of the glory of that world. body or out I cannot tell. I saw the
Those who finally attain it are per- transcendent beauty of the gate
sons "whose bodies are celestial, through which the heirs of that king-
whose glory is that of the sun, even dom will enter, which was like unto
the glory of God, the highest of all, circling flames of fire; also the blazing
whose glory the sun of the fir1;1a- throne of God, whereon was seated
ment is written of as being typical." the Father and the Son. I saw the
(D. & C. 76:70; I Cor. 15:40-42.) beautiful streets of that kingdom,
Exaltation consists in gaining a which had the appearance of being
fulness of celestial glory. (D. & C. paved with gold." (Teachings, p.
132:19-20.) Those so attaining will 107.)
receive "a fulness of the glory of the An inheritance in this glorious
Father" and be glorified in Christ as kingdom is gained by complete obe-
he is in the Father. (D. & C. 93: 16- dience to gospel or celestial law. (D.
20.) The Prophet said that in the & C. 88:16-32.) By entering the gate
resurrection the righteous "shall rise of repentance and baptism candidates
again to dwell in everlasting burn- find themselves on the strait and nar-
ings in immortal glory, not to sorrow, row path leading to the celestial
suffer, or die any more; but they shall kingdom. By devotion and faithful-.
be heirs of God and joint-heirs with ness, by enduring to the end in
Jesus Christ." (Teachings, p. 347.) righteousness and obedience, ft is

then possible to merit a celestial re- kingdom, or that of a telestial king-

ward. (2 Ne. 31:17-21.) dom. For he who is not able to abide
No unclean thing can enter this the law of a celestial kingdom cannot
kingdom, and the plan of salvation is abide a celestial glory." (D. & C.
the system whereby men are washed 88:21-22.) Those who have the com-
and cleansed, whereby they are panionship of the Holy Ghost and
"sanctified by the reception of the are guided thereby in their lives are
Holy Ghost," and thus enabled to "able to abide the law of a celestial
stand spotless before the Lord. (3 Ne. kingdom," including the law of con-
27:19-21.) "The sanctified" are secration or anything else the Lord
"them of the celestial world." (D. & might ask of them. They are the ones
C. 88:2.) who--"united acording to the union
"In the celestial glory there are required by the law of the celestial
three heavens or degrees," and in the kingdom" (D. & C. !05:1-5)-will
same sense that baptism starts a per- build up Zion in the last days.
son out toward an entrance into the
celestial world, so celestial marriage Celestial Marriage. See ARTICLE ON
puts a couple on the path leading to MARRIAGE, CALLING AND ELECTION

an exaltation in the highest heaven of SuRE, CELESTIAL KINGDOM, CHURCH

that world. (D. & C. 131:1-4; 132.) OF THE FmsTBORN, CML MARRIAGE,




obedience to which men gain an riages performed in the temples for
inheritance in the kingdom of God time and eternity, by virtue of the
in eternity is called celestial law. It sealing keys restored by Elijah, are
is the law of the gospel, the law of called celestial marriages. The par-
Christ, and it qualifies men for ad- ticipating parties become husband
mission to the celestial kingdom and wife in this mortal life, and if
because in and through it men are after their marriage they keep all the
"sanctified by the reception of the terms and conditions of this order of
Holy Ghost," thus becoming clean, the priesthood, they continue on as
pure, and spotless. (3 Ne. 27:19-21.) husband and wife in the celestial
"And they who are not sanctified kingdom of God.
through the law which I have given If the family unit continues, then
unto you, even the law of Christ," by virtue of that fact the members of
the, Lord says, "must inherit another the family have gained eternal life
kingdom, even that of a terrestrial (exaltation), the greatest of all the

gilts of God, for by definition exalta- Celestial marriage is a holy and an

tion consists in the continuation of eternal ordinance; as an order of the
the family unit in eternity. Those so priesthood, it has the name the new
inheriting are the sons and daughters and everlasting covenant of marriage.
of God, the members of his family, Adam was the first one on this earth
those who have made their callings to enter into this type of union, and
and elections sure. They are joint- it has been the Lord's order in all
heirs with Christ to all that the ages when the lulness of the gospel
Father hath, and they receive the has been on earth. Its importance in
lulness of the glory of the Father, the plan of salvation and exaltation
becoming gods in their own right. cannot be overestimated. Th~ most
(D. & C. 132; Doctrines of Salvation, important single thing that any mem -
vol. 2, pp. 58-99.) ber of T he C hurch of Jesus Christ
Baptism is the gate to the celestial of Latter-day Saints can ever do in
kingdom; celestial marriage is the this world is to marry the right per-
gate to an exaltation in the highest son by the right authority in the right
heaven within the celestial world. place.
(D. & C. 131:1-4.) To gain salvation
after baptism it is necessary to keep Celestial Spirits. See CELESTIAL Boo-
the commandments of God and en- IES, CELESTIAL GLORY. CELESTIAL

dure to the end (2 Ne. 31:17-21); KtNGDOM, CELESTIAL LAW, EXALTA-

to gain exaltation alter celestial mar- TION, SALVATION. Those who by full
riage the same continued devotion obedience to gospel requirements
and righteousness is required. Those develop · celestial bodies, gain at the
who have been married in the tem- same time celestial spirits. Theil in
ples for eternity know that the cere- the resurrection, when "the same
mony itself expressly conditions the body which was a natural body,"
receipt of all promised blessings upon (that is, the renewed body, the bodv
the subsequent faithfulness of the sanctified by the Spirit, the celestial
husband and wile. body) is received back again, "they
Making one's calling and election who are of a celestial spirit" are
sure is in addition to celestial mar- quickened by a celestial glory and
riage and results from undeviating go on to an inheritance in a celestial
and perfect devotion to the cause of kingdom. (D. & C. 88:28.)
righteousness. Those married in the Celestial Time. See TIME.
temple can never under any circum-
stances gain exaltation unless they Celibacy. See APOSTASY, CELESTIAL
keep the commandments of God and MARRIAGE, EUNUCHS, HARLOTS. Many
abide in the covenant of marriage Catholic priests and nuns are bound
which they have taken upon them- by vows of celibacy whereunder they
selves. agree to remain unmarried. Celibacy

is an evil, wicked system; one that is not support celibacy; and when it is
practiced in defiance of the law that read in harmony with the rest of the
"Marriage is honourable in all" (Heb. scriptures (which always should be
13:4); one that mocks the divine de- done in interpreting passages), it is
cree, "Be fruitful, and multiply, and found to teach quite the reverse.
replenish the earth" (Gen. I :28); one It is apparent that the Corinthians
that opens the door to the practice of had written Paul and had said to
harlotry, harlots being "the desires him, "It is good for a man not to
of this great and abominable church." touch a woman.,, Paul replied, in
(I Ne. 13:8.) Paul says of this prac- the Lord's name, writing by way of
tice of celibacy that it consists in commandment, "Let every man have
"giving heed to seducing spirits, and his own wife, and let every woman
doctrines of devils." (I Tim. 4: 1-3.) have her own husband." Then he
In this connection it is interesting announced that the Lord had ceased
to note that it is to Paul that advo- to speak and that he would give some
cates of celibacy turn in a fruitless personal opinions, in an attempt to
search to find scripture justifying solve some difficult cases. He does
their unnatural mode of living. Paul not record what the cases were; ob-
himself was married. Of this there is viously they had been in the letter
no question. He had the sure promise the Corinthians wrote him; and to
of eternal life; his calling and election get a fair perspective of his answer,
had been made sure (Teachings, p. we would need to know the exact
151)-which, · according to God's questions involved. However, from
eternal laws, could not have been latter-day revelation we do know that
unless · he had first entered into the the questions pertained to circum-
order of celestial marriage. (D. & C. cision, the law of Moses, marrying out
131; 132.) of the Church, and the false tradition
However, Paul wrote some things that little children are conceived in
to the Corinthian Saints which have sin and hence are unholy. (D. & C.
been interpreted by some to mean 74.)
that he was unmarried and that he Paul then gives it as his opinion
thought it preferable ii others did (plainly saying that it is a personal
not marry. It may well be that his view and not the voice of the Lord)
expressions on marriage, as found in that certain persons should not mar-
the King James Version of the Bible ry. It may be that he was referring
(I Cor. 7), have come to us in to some particular persons for whom
changed and perverted form, as com- it would have been unwise to con-
pared to what he originally wrote. tract marriages. Knowing what he
Some changes and clarifications have did about the doctrine of celestial
been made in the Inspired Version. marriage and exaltation, it is un-
But even as the record stands, it does thinkable that he would have coun-

seled against marriage, except in some ance." (2 Ne. 28:19, 22.) But as
peculiar circumstance. There might these chains begin to encircle the
be cases today in which individuals mind, closing out light and truth
should not marry, but it is not the degree by degree, there is still the
general rule, and the principle of not chance of- escape through repentance
marrying is not the doctrine of the and righteousness. (2 Ne. I: 13, 23;
Church now any more than it was 9:45; Alma 5:7, 9; 13:30; 26:14.)
in his day. (Inspired Version, I Cor. The angels who kept not their first
7.) If we knew the situation about estate are destined to inherit everlast-
which Paul wrote, and had a full ing darkness; for them there is no
transcript of his actual words, there escape from the chains of hell.
would be no ambiguity as to his (D. & C. 38:5; 2 Pet. 2:4; Jude 6.)
meaning and doctrine.
Indeed, it is to some of Paul's other Chance. See LAW.
writings that we tum for direct con- Chapels. See CATHEDRALS, MEETING-
firmation of the everlasting principle HOUSES, TABERNACLES, TEMPLES.
of eternal marriage, as for instance Strictly speaking a chapel is a sub-
his epigrammatic statement, "Neither ordinate place al worship in a more
is the man without the woman, elaborate church building; it is a
neither the woman without the man, roo~, recess, or cell containing an
in the Lord." (I Car. 11:11.) altar and located in a cathedral or
other church building. The assembly
Ceremonies. See ORDINANCES. halls in which services of worship
are held in Latter-day Saint meeting-
Chains of Hell. See DAMNATION, houses are commonly called chapels,
GATES OF HELL, HELL. Those who though the term does not fully apply.
"harden their hearts" against gospel To speak of the ward chapel when
truths soon become engulfed in total ward meetinghouse is meant is not
spiritual darkness in which "they the best usage of terms.
know nothing concerning" God and
"his mysteries; and then they are Chaplains. Clergymen on official
taken captive by the devil, and led duty with the armed services or who
by his will down to destruction. are employed by public institutions
Now this is what is meant by the are commonly called chaplains. The
chains of hell." (Alma 12:9-11.) title is not one that pertains to the
When persons are thus finally Church or the gospel, and those who
bound, there is no longer hope of so serve arc appointed by military or
reprieve; they suffer the second death civil power and have no divine com-
and are "chained down to an ever- mission, unless, as occasionally hap-
lasting destruction" (Alma 12:17), pens, one of the elders of Israel serves
"from whence there is no deliver- in such a capacity.

Charity. See ALMSGMNG, CHRIST, faith ," Moroni writes, "and if there
FAITH, HOPE, LOVE, P ERFECTION, RE- must be fa ith there must also be hope;
LIEF SOCIETY, SALVATION, WELFARE and if there must be hope there must
PLAN. Above all the attributes of also be charity. And except ye have
godliness and perfection, charity is charity ye can in nowise be saved in
the one most devoutly to be desired. the kingdom of God; n either can ye
Charity is more than love, far more; be saved in the kingdom of God ii ye
it is everlasting love, perfect love, the have not faith; neither can ye ii ye
pure love of Christ which endureth have no hope." (Moro. 10:20-21.)
forever. It is love so centered in right- To Moroni the Lord said: "Faith,
eousness that the possessor has no hope and ch arity bringeth unto me--
aim or desire except for the eternal the fountain of all righteousness,"
welfare of his own soul and for the and Moroni replied to the Lord
souls of those around him. (2 Ne. (being, of course, moved upon by the
26:30; Moro. 7:47; 8:25-26.) Holy Ghost): "I remember that thou
"Above all things," the Lord says, hast said that thou hast loved the
"clothe yourselves with the bond of world, eve n unto the laying down of
ch arity, as with a mantle, which is thy life for the world, that thou
the bond of perfectness and peace." mightest take it again to prepare a
(D. & C. 88 :125; Col. 3 :14.) "Above place for the children of men. And
all things have fervent charity among now I know that this love which thou
yourselves," Peter said to the saints, hast had for the children of men is
"for charity shall cover the multitude charity; wherefore, except men shall
of sins." (I Pet. 4:8.) Charity is the have charity they cannot inherit that
crowning virtue, "the end of the com- place which thou hast prepared in
mandment" (I Tim. '1:5); "And now the mansions of thy Father." (Ether
abideth faith, hope, charity, these 12'28, 33-34. )
three; but the greatest of these is Both Paul and Mormon wrote of
ch arity." (,I ,Cor. 13: 13. ) charity in similar language. Either
Charity is an essential qualification they both had the same words of
for the ministers of Christ (D. & C. some earlier prophet before them or
4:5); no one can assist in the Lord's the Holy Ghost revealed the same
work without it (D. & C. 12:8; truths to them in almost the same
18:19) ; and the saints of God are words. Mormon's language included
commanded to seek and attain it. these statements: "If a man be meek
(D. & C. 121:45; 124:116; 2 Ne. and lowly in heart, and confesses by
33:7-9; Alma 7:24; I Cor. 16:14; the power of the Holy Ghost that
I Tim. 4:12; 2 Tim. 2:22; Tit. 2:2; Jesus is the Christ, he must needs
2 Pet. I :7.) Charity is a gift of the have charity; for if he have not char-
Spirit which must be gained if one is ity he is nothing; wherefore he must
to have salvation. "There must be needs have charity. And charity suf-

lereth long, and is kind, and envieth form of chastisement, meaning cor-
not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not poral punishment.
her own, is not easily provoked, think- Men are chastened for their sins
eth no evil, and rejoiceth not in (D. & C. 58:60; 61:8; 64:8; 75:7;
iniquity but rejoiceth in the truth, 93:50; 97:6; 103:4; 105:6; 1 Ne.
beareth all things, believeth all things, 16:25), to bring them to repentance
hopeth all things, endureth all things. (D. & C. I :27; 98:21 ), because the
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, if Lord loves them. (D. & C. 95:1-2;
ye have not charity, ye are nothing, Hela. 15:3; Rev. 3:19.) Chastening
for cha.rity never faileth. Wherefore, is designed to try the faith and pa-
cleave unto charity, which is the tience of the saints (Mosiah 23:21 ),
greatest of all, for all things must and those who endure it well gain
fail-But charity is the pure love of eternal life.
Christ, and it endureth forever; and "For ·whom the Lord loveth he
whoso is found possessed of it at the chasteneth, and scourgeth every son
last day, it shall be well with him. whom he receiveth. II ye endure
Wherefore, my beloved brethren, chastening, God dealeth with you
pray unto the Father with all the as with sons; for what son is he whom
energy of heart, that ye may be filled the father chasteneth not? But if ye
with this love, ·w hich he hath be- be without chastisement, whereof all
stowed upon all who are true follow- are p~rtakers, then are ye bastards,
ers of his Son, Jesus Christ; that ye and not sons. Furthermore we have
may become the sons of God; that had fathers of our flesh which cor-
when he shall appear we shall be like rected us, and we gave them rever-
him, for we shall see him as he is; ence: shall we not much rather be in
that we may have this hope; that subjection unto the Father of spirits,
we may be purified even as he is and live? For they verily for a few
pure." (Moro. 7:44-48.) days chastened us after their own
pleasure; but he for our profit, that
Charms. See MAGIC. we might be partakers of his holiness.
Now no chastening for the present
Chastening. See CHASTISEMENT, LoVE, seemeth to be joyous, but grievous:
PUNISHMENT, REPENTANCE, SECOND nevertheless afterward it yieldcth the
ESTATE. By a process of chastening peaceable fruit of righteousness unto
the Lord helps prepare his saints for them which are exercised thereby."
salvation. It is one of his ways of (Heb. 12:6-11; Job 5:17; Prov. 3:11.)
turning erring souls to paths of right- Chastening is both mental and
eousness. As · varying situations re- physical. The Lord and his prophets
quire, chastening may include rebukes may rebuke and counsel people for
for misconduct or subjection to trials their benefit. (1 Ne. 16:39.) And
and afflictions. It may even take the the Lord may send calamities upon

the people to soften their hearts so One of the great Messianic proph-
they will become more receptive to his ecies foretold that our Lord would
will. "Except the Lord doth chasten bear in his own body the wounds of
his people with many afflictions, yea, chastisement. "He was wounded for
except he doth visit them with death our transgressions, he was bruised for
and with terror, and with famine and our iniquities: the chastisement of
with all manner of pestilence, they our peace was Upon him; and with his
will not remember him." (Hela. 12:3; stripes we are healed." (Isa. 53:5.)
D. & C. 87:6.) "And my people must
needs be chastened until they learn Chastity. See MooESTY, REPENTANCE,
obedience, if it must needs be, by the SEX IMMORALITY. Chastity, meaning
things which they suffer." (D. & C. virtue and sexual purity, is that state
105:6.) of mortal purity which is "most dear
"Verily I say unto you, concerning and precious above all things." (Moro.
your brethren who have been af- 9:9.) On the other hand, sexual sins
flicted, and persecuted, and cast out are Hmost abominable above all sins
from the land of their inheritance" save it be the shedding of innocent
-the Lord is speaking of those driven blood or denying the Holy Ghost."
from their homes in Jackson County (Alma 39:5.)
by the mobs- "I, the Lord, have suf- Loss of virtue is too great a price
fered the affliction to come upon to pay even for the preservation of
them, wherewith they have been af- one's life-better dead clean, than
flicted, in consequence of their trans- alive unclean. Many is the faithful
gressions; Yet I will own them, and Latter-day Saint parent who has sent
they shall be mine in that day when a son or a daughter on a mission or
I shall come to make up my jewels. otherwise out into the world with the
Therefore, they must needs be chas- direction: "I would rather have you
tened and tried, even as Abraham, come back in a pine box with your
who was commanded to offer up his virtue than return alive without it."
only son. For all those who will not "I, the Lord God, delight in the chas-
endure cl}astening, but deny me, can- tity of women. And whoredoms are
not be sanctified." (D. & C. 101:1-5.) an abomination before me; thus saith
the Lord of Hosts." (Jae. 2:28.)
Chastisement. See CHASTENING, PUN-
ISHMENT. When the chastening of Cheerfulness. See DESPAIR, HoPE,
the Lord takes the form of corporal JoY, LAUGHTER, REJOICING. One of
punishment, it is called chastisement. the frequent bits of counsel, comfort,
(D. & C. 95:I; 103:1-4; Lev. 26:28.) and solace coming from God to his
Those who will not bear chastise- people is, "Be of good cheer." (John
ment are not worthy of salvation. 16:33; Acts 27:22, 25; 2 Ne. 10:23;
(D. & C. 136:31.) Alma 17:31; 3 Ne. 1:13; D. & C.

61:36; 68:6; 78:18; Il2 :4.) That is, was "cherubim and a flaming sword"
the saints are exhorted to raise their which kept them from partaking of
spirits, to increase their hope of bet- the tree of life so they would have
ter days, to be comforted in their lived forever in their sins. (Moses
sorrows, gladdened in their successes, 4:31.)
and made to rejoice in general. True As seen in the vision of Ezekiel
cheerfulness is born of righteousness, (Ezek. I; IO; I I); as placed over the
for in right living their can be no mercy seat in the tabernacle in the
remorse of conscience. wilderness (Ex. 25:17-22; 37:6-7); as
decorations on the curtains and •veil
Cherub. See CHERUBIM. of this tabernacle (Ex. 21:1 , 31); as
embroidered on the veil of Solomon's
Cherubim. See ANGELS, H)ERARCHY, Temple (2 Chrc:m. 3:14); as decorat-
SERAPHIM. Apparently a cherub is ing the base whereon the molten sea
an angel of some particular order or rested ( I Kings 7 :23-29); and as
rank to whom specific duties and work placed in the holy of holies of that
are assigned. That portion of the magnificent temple (1 Kings 6:23-30;
Lord's word which is now available 8:6-7; 2 Chron. 3:10; 5:7-8; Heb.
among men does not set forth clearly 9:1-5) -the cherubim were shown
either the identity or work of these With wings. There are, of course, no
heavenly beings. The concept of angels (cherubim included) who have
sectarian scholars that they are wings. Their usage in these instances
"mythological living creatures," who w as symbolical; as with certain beasts
filled for the Hebrew people the same seen in vision by John, the presence
position that the griffins did for the of wings was "a representation of
Hittites, is . utterly false. (Griffins power, to move, to act, etc." (D. & C.
were supposed to be winged sphinxes 77:4.)
having the bodies of lions and the The statement that the Lord "rode
heads and wings of eagles, and they upon a cherub" is .figurative; it means,
were in !act mythological creatures.) as the balance of the sentence ex-
In English, the plural of cherub plains, that "he was seen upon the
is cherubs; in Hebrew, the plural is wings of the wind." (2 Sam. 22:Il;
cherubim, except that the King James Ps. 18:10.) Cherubs and the wind
Version of the Bible erroneously both have wings in the same sense
translates the plural as cherubims. and in no other.
The Book of Mormon '(Alma 12:21;
Chief Shepherd. See Goon SHEPHERD.
42:2-3), the Pearl of Great Price
(Moses 4:31) , and the Inspired Ver- Children. See SALVATION OF CHIL-
sion of the Bible (Ex. 25:20-22), give DREN .
the plural as cherubim. . When Adam
and Eve were cast out of Eden, it Children of Abraham. See ISRAEL.

Children of Belia!. See SoNs OF BE- Children of Judah. See JEWS.

Children of Light. See LIGHT, LIGHT

CHRIST. ING OF CHRIST. By accepting the
gospel and thus coming out of dark-
Children of Disobedience. See CAR- ness into the marvelous light of
NALITY, CHILDREN OF LIGHT, DEVIL- Christ (I Pet. 2:9), men become the
ISH N ESS, DISOBEDIE N CE, SENSUALITY, children of light. (John 12:36; Col.
WORLD. Those persons who walk I : 12.) They are then followers or
after the manner of the world, fol - disciples of light and truth. The
lowing their carnal, sensual, and saints are commanded to "walk as
devilish desires, are referred to as the children of light." (Eph. 5:8.) If
children of disobedience . (Eph. 2:2.) they do, they have the promise that
They are followers or disciples of dis- the great and dreadful day of the
obedience and are also variously Lord will not overtake them as a thief
designated as "children of transgres~ in the night. (I Thess. 5:1-6; D. & C.
sion" (Isa. 57 :4), "children of this 106:4-5.)
world" (Luke 16:8; 20:34), "children
of wrath" (Eph. 2:3), "children of Children of the Covenant. See AooP -
the kingdom of the devil" (Alma TION, CELESTIAL MARRIAGE, GOSPEL,
5 :25), and "the children of them ISRAEL, N EW AND EVERLASTING COVE-
which killed the prophets." (Matt. NANT, SoNs OF Goo. fl.ccording to
23:31.) They revel in the lusts of the terms of the covenant which God
their "father the devil." (John 8 :33- made with Abraham, al oftneTiteral
56.) As servants of sin themselves, see of that great prop et are ~
they fight the living oracles (D. & C. titled to receive the gospel, the prie;t -
121:17), and the wrath of God will hood and all of the ordinances of
in due course rest upon them. (Eph. salvation and exaltation. (Abra. 2: !i'-
5:6; Col. 3:6.) II ; D. & C. 86:8-11.) When any of
those descendants do receive all of
Children of Ephraim. See TRIBES OF these things, "They become the sons
ISRAEL. of Moses and of Aaron and the seed
of Abraham, and the church and
Children of God. See SoNs OF Goo. kingdom, and the elect of God."
(D. & C. 84:34.) They are then
Children of Israel. See TRIBES children of the covenant, that is, they
ISRAEL. are inheritors of the fulness of the
blessings appertaining to the new
Children of Jacob. See TRIBES and everlastmg covenant which is the
ISRAEL. gospel. "Ye are the children _of the

covenant" (3 N e. 20:24-27), our (3 Ne. 20:25-27; Acts 3:25.) How-

Lord told the Nephites among whom ever, the rebellious literal seed cut
he ministered, a distinction which the themselves off from the blessings of
faithful saints of this dispensation also their fathers, and they become the
enjoy. Rebellious descendants of children of the devil rather than the
Abraham are not his children in the children of the prophets. (John
special sense that is intended by the 8:33-59.)
designation children of the covenant.
(John 8:33-59.) Children of Zion. See CHILDREN OF
Children · of the Kingdom. See ZION. Those who seek the welfare
CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER- of Zion, whose desires and strivings
DAY SAJNTS, KINGDOM OF Goo, S AINTS. are that Zion may be built up and her
Our Lord's Church is the kingdom of glory spread through all the earth,
God on earth. Faithful members of are the children of Zion. Since the
that Church, those who adhere to the great latter-day Zion is to be built
standards of the kingdom, are the up by the Church and kingdom of
children of the kingdom. (Matt. God on earth, it follows that the
13:38.) They are followers or dis- children of Zion are members of that
ciples of the Master because they divine institution. (D. & C. 84 :56-
believe the gospel of the kingdom. 58; 101:41, 81-85; 103:35.)
Special blessings are reserved for them
(D. & C. 41 :6 ), and they are com- Chocolate. See WoRD OF WISDOM.
manded to bring forth fruit mete for
the Father's kingdom. (D. & C. Choirs. See Music.
84:58-59.) Children of the kingdom
eventually "shall sit down with Chosen One. See CHRIST, ELECTION
Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, in OF GRACE. Christ is the Chosen One.
the kingdom of heaven." (Matt. (Moses 4:2; 7:39.) By this is meant
8:11-12.) that from the beginning, because of
devotion, obedience, and righteous-
Children of the Prophets. See ADOP- ness, he was chosen by the Father to
TION, CHILDREN OF THE COVENANT, play the chief part in the great cre-
PROPHETS, SEED OF CHRIST. Those ative and redemptive enterprises of
who follow in the footsteps of the Deity.
prophets, who believe as they believed
and live as they lived, are the chil- Chosen Seed. See ELECT OF Goo.
dren of the prophets. (D. & C. 84:33-
34.) They are children in the sense Christ. See AooNAI, ADVOCACY, AD-
of being followers or disciples, and VOCATE, ALMIGHTY Goo, ALPHA AND
they may also be their literal seed. OMEGA, ALPHUS, AMEN:, ANGEL,





DAVID, SoN OF Goo, SoN OF JosEPH, Son of Mary (inheriting from her the
SoN OF MAN, SoN OF MARY, SoN OF power of mortality) and as the Son
RIGHTEOUSNESS, SON OF THE ETERNAL of Man of Holiness (inheriting from
FATHER, SoN OF THE EVERLASTING him the powers of immortality). In
Goo, SoN OF THE HIGHEST, SoN OF this life he received not of the lulness
THE LMNc Goo, SONG OF THE LAMB, at the first, but went from grace to
SPIRIT OF TRUTH, STEM OF JESSE, grace until, in the final triumph of
STONE OP ISRAEL, SYMBOUSMS, the resurrection, he gained the lul-
TESTATOR, TETRAGRAMMATON, THE- ness of all things; and all power was
OPHANIES, TRUE VINE, TRUTH, UN- given him both in heaven and on
PARDONABLE SrN, VIRGIN BIRTH; WAY, earth. He has all truth, all power,
TRUTH, AND LIFE; Wano OF Goo, all knowledge; he comprehends all
YAHWEH, YoKE OF CHRIST. As far as things, is infinite in all 'his attributes
man is concerned, all things center and powers; and he has given a law
in Christ. He is the Firstborn of the unto all things.
Father. By obedience and devotion In due course he will come again,
to the truth he attained that pinnacle in power, dominion, and glory to
of intelligence which ranked him as reign with righteous men on earth
a God, as the Lord Omnipotent, a thousand years. Thereafter, with
while yet in his pre-existent state. As the righteous saints, he shall reign 'to
such he became, under the Father, the all eternity as King of Kings, Lord of
Creator of this earth and of worlds Lords, and God of Gods. To his holy
without number; and he was then name, both now and forever, be
chosen to work out the infinite and ascribed glory and honor, power,
eternal atonement, to come to this riches, and dominion, and an e_te.rnal
particular earth as the literal Son of lulness of all things for endless ages.
the Father, and to put the whole plan If the sectarian world, or even the
of redemption, salvation, and exalta- spiritually unenlightened in the
tion in operation. Church, had the slightest concept of
Through him the gospel, all saving the dominion, exaltation, and pre-
truths, and every edifying principle eminence of our Lord both in pre-
has been revealed in all ages. He is existence, during his mortal ministry,
the Eternal Jehovah, the promised and now that he has returned to his
Messiah, the Redeemer and Savior, Father, it would seem little short of
the Way, the Truth, and the Lile. direful and presumptuous blasphemy
By him immortality and eternal life to them. Words, either written or
become realities, and through his spoken, cannot convey such a realiza-
grace and goodness salvation is pos- tion; it can only come by the rev-
sible for all who will believe and elations of the Spirit. This work on
obey. Mormon Doctrine deals in a most
He was born into this world as the fragmentary way with him, his laws,

and his doctrines. The well over 200 of authority. That is, since he is one
separate articles cross-referenced un- with the Father in all of the attri-
der the heading Christ deal briefly butes of perfection, and since he
with his names, ministry, mission, and exercises the power and authority of
exalted position in the eternal scheme the Father, it follows that everything
of things. he says or does is and would be
exactly and precisely what the Father
Christ as the Father. See BORN would say and do under the same
HEAVEN, SoN OF Goo, SoNs OF Goo. Accordingly, the Father puts his
Although Christ-the Firstborn in own name on the Son and author-
the spirit and the Only Begotten in izes him to speak in the first person
the flesh- is the Son of God the as though he were the Father. This
Father, and as such is a separate and is similar to the situation in which
distinct personage from the Father, Christ puts his name on an angel so
yet there are three senses in which that the designated heavenly min-
Christ is called the Father. These istrant can speak in the first person
are clearly set forth in a document as though he were Christ himself.
entitled, "The Father and the Son: (Rev. 1:1; 19:9-10; 22:8-14.) Thus it
A Doctrinal Exposition by the First is that our Lord can begin a revela-
Presidency arid the Twelve." (Articles tion by saying, "Listen to the voice
of Faith, pp. 465-473; Man: His of Jesus Christ," and shortly there-
Origin and Destiny, pp. Il7-129.) after speak of "mine Only Begotten"
I. Christ is the Father in the sense (D. & C. 29:l, 41-46), such latter
that he is the Creator, the Maker, the expression being made by Christ, but
Organizer of the heavens and of the under that divine investiture of au-
earth, and all things that in them thority which permits him to speak
are. (Isa. 9:6; 2 Ne. 19:6; Mosiah as though he were the Father. (D. &
15:4; 16:15; Alma Il:38-39; Ether C. 93:3-5; Mosiah 15:1-5.)
2. He is the Father of all those Christ Child. See BABE OF BETHLE-
who are born again (Mosiah 27 :24- HEM, CHRJST. Among Christian peo-
29), who "are begotten sons and ple it is common to refer to the
daughters unto God" through his youthful Son of Deity as the Christ
atoning sacrifice (D. & C. 76:24), Child, he of course having been born
who are "spiritually begotten" and having grown to maturity as
through faith, thus becoming "his other men do. (Matt. 2:19-23; Luke
sons and his daughters." (Mosiah I :76.) Though as a youth he had
5:7.) unusual mental and spiritual capacity
3. He is the Father by what has (Luke 2:41-52), yet according to the
aptly been termed divine investiture customs and laws of the time he was

in subjection to his parents. The one Son of God, only one Only Be-
Prophet inserted this revealed truth gotten, only one person ever born into
in the Inspired Version of the Bible: the world with life in himself, with
"Jesus grew up with his brethren, and the power to lay down his life and to
waxed strong, and waited upon the take it up again. (John l0:11-18.)
Lord for the time of his ministry to Apostate doctrines found in some
come. And he served under his la- cults to the effect that a number of
ther, and he spake not as other men, persons have attained Christhood or
neither could he be taught; for he the state of being a Christ are direful
needed not that any man should teach perversions of the truth. They are
him." (Inspired Version, Matt. 3:24- the devil's substitute for the true doc-
25.) trine . which teaches that men may
become joint-heirs with Christ:
Christendom. See APOSTASY, CHRIST,
tion of the world in which so-called ANITY. On the false assumption that
Christianity prevails-as distinguished Christianity had its beginning with
from heathen or Mohammedan lands our Lord's mortal ministry, his birth
-is called Christendom. The term was chosen to mark the beginning
also applies to the whole body of of the so-called Christian Era. Though
supposed Christian. believers; as now there is considerable controversy and
constituted this body is properly uncertainty among scholars of the
termed apostate Christendom. world as to the actual year of Christ's
birth, the revelation given on the day
Christening. See APOSTASY, BLESSING the Church was organized. in this
OF CHILDREN, INFANT BAPTISM. In dispensation apparently intends to
apostate Christendom the ceremony convey the thought that he was born
of baptizing and naming a child is April 6, B. C. I. (D. & C. 20:1.)
called christening. Obviously this
practice, including as it does the Christianity. See CHRIST, CHRISTIANS,
abomination of infant baptism, is DISPENSATIONS. Christianity is the
contrary to revealed truth. In the religion of the Christians. Hence,
Lord's Church infant children are true and acceptable Christianity is
named in blessings given by the found among the saints who have the
elders, but this is not accompanied lulness ·01 the gospel, and a perverted
by irtlant baptism and is not properly Christianity holds sway among the
called christening. so-called Christians of apostate Chris-
tendom. In these apostate circles it
Christhood. See APOSTASY, CHRIST, is believed and taught that Christian-
JmNT-HEms WITH CHRIST. There is ity had its beginning with the mortal
only one Christ, because there is only ministry of our Lord. Actually, of

course, Adam was the first Christian, applied to the saints of the Most High
for both he and the saints of all ages of all ages.
have rejoiced in the very doctrines
of salvation restored to earth by our Christmas. See APOSTASY, CHRIST,
Lord in his ministry. EASTER, EPIPHANY. Modem day
Christians celebrate December 25th
Christians. See BELIEVERS, BRETHREN, as an annual church festival and as
CHRIST, CHRISTIANITY, CHURCH OF the traditional day of our Lord's
JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, mortal birth. Special gifts and greet-
DISCIPLES, MORMONS, PROPHETS, ings are common, and both Christmas
SAINTS. True believers in Christ, both itself and the whole yuletide season
in America among the Nephites and often take on an air of commercialism
in the old world beginning in apos- and worldliness. Apparently Christ
tolic times, were called Christians. was born on the day corresponding
(Alma 46:13-16; 48 :10; Acts 11:26; to April 6 (D. & C. 20:1), but the
26:28; I Pet. 4: 16.) Probably the saints nevertheless join in the whole-
name was applied first in derision, some portions of the Christmas cele-
but it found ready acceptance among bration. Christmas becomes to them
the members of the Church because an ideal opportunity to renew their
they rejoiced in the privilege of taking search for the true Spirit of Christ
upon themselves "the name of Christ, and to cent~r their attentions again
or Christians." (Alma 46:15.) on the true doctrine of his birth as
As the day of the great apostasy the Son of an Immortal Father, a fact
set in, the term Christian continued that enabled him to work out the
to be applied to the supposed follow- infinite and eternal atonement.
ers of Christ, even though in reality
they had departed from the true Christ's Passion. See PASSION OF
doctrines. Today those who purport CHRIST.
to believe in Christ though they may
not actually accept him as the Son Church. See CHURCH OF JEsus
of God, are called Christians. CHRIST OF LATTER - DAY SAINTS,
The first Nephite reference to CHURCH OF THE DEVIL, CHURCH OF
Christians in the Book of Mormon THE FrnsTBORN, DISPENSATIONS, Gos-
is dated about 73 B.C. in what the PEL, KINGDOM OF Goo, MORMONISM.
apostate Christian world would call Our Lord's true Church is the formal,
the pre-Christian era. But since the official organization of believers who
doctrine of Christ has been taught have taken upon themselves the name
in successive dispensations from the of Christ by baptism, thus covenant-
days of Adam to the present, either ing to serve God and keep his com-
the very name Christian or some mandments. (D. & C. 10:67-69;
equally expressive synonym has been 18:20-25.) It is literally the kingdom

of God on earth (D. & C. 65; 84:34; Holy Scripture actually existing in its
136:41), and as such its affairs are perfection on earth. It is not to be
administered by apostles, prophets, found, thus perfect, either in the
and other legal administrators ap• collected fragments of Christendom,
pointed by Christ the King. (1 Cor. or still less in any one of these !rag•
12:27-29.) It is the congregation or ments; though it is possible that one
assembly of saints who have forsaken of those fragments more than another
the world by accepting the gospel, a may approach the scriptural and
formal society of converted persons apostolic ideal which existed only
and not the unorganized spiritual until sin, heresy, and schism, had
vagary termed the Christian Church time sufficiently to develop them-
by aposta~e sectarianism. selves to do their work." (Smith's
The Church was first organized on Bible Dictionary, vol. I, p. 458.)
earth in the days of Adam, with that It has always been common to re•
great patriarch standing as its first fer to the Church as the kingdom.
president, the presiding high priest Matthew so speaks more ~h;m a score
over God's earthly kingdom. The of times. (Matt. 13:24.) But the term
common sectarian notion that the Church itself has also always been
day of Pentecost is the birthday of used, though possibly more frequent·
the Christian Church is an apostate ly in some ages than in others. "The
heresy. Whenever the gospel has church, in ancient days," for instance,
been on earth, it has been taught chose to call the higher priesthood
and administered in and through after the name of Melchizedek. (D.
Christ's Church. The Church or & C. 107:3-4.) Some 600 years before
kingdom as organized in the meridian Christ, Nephi spoke of "the brethren
of time by our Lord and his apostolic of the church" (I Ne. 4:26), though
ministers was a restored Church. the name Church is not found in the
With the coming of the great apos• Old Testament as we now have that
tasy the primitive Church was lost, document.
and the various churches or societies Matthew_is the only gospel author
which have since grown up bear no in whose writings the term has been
particular similarity to the original. preserved, and .it is there found only
This reality is frankly accepted by twice. But it appears over 100 addi-
impartial theologians whether in the tional · times in the balance of the
Church or out of it. One eminent New Testament. It is found about
author has written: "As God permits 230 times in the Book of Mormon
men to mar the perfection of his with about 191 of these occurring
designs in their behalf, and as men between 600 B. C. and 34 A. D. and
have both corrupted the doctrines and the other two ·score or so .being in the
broken the unity of the Church, we period after the ministry of the res-
must not expect to see the Church of urrected Lord among the Nephites.

The Doctrine and Covenants contains a holder of the Melchizedek Priest-

about 500 references to the Church hood. Persons tried by a bishops
or churches. court may appeal to the stake presi-
Those who join the true Church dency and high council, and from
and keep their covenants gain sal- there appeals may be · taken to the
vation in the celestial kingdom of First Presidency of the Church.
God. (D. & C. 10:55, 69.) In the In practice most church trials deal
true Church there will be apostles, with alleged transgression, excommu-
prophets, true doctrinal teachings, nication being the supreme penalty
revelation, visions, miracles, healings, that may be imposed. (D. & C.
the ministering of angels, and all of 134:10.) On occasion, however, tem-
the gifts of the Spirit. (Mark 16:14- poral matters have been decided by
20; I Cor. 12; 13; 14; 3 Ne. 27; Morm. church courts as in the case of Presi-
8; 9; Moro. 7; 8; D. & C. 46.) Where dent John Taylor's calling a Common
these things are found, there is the Council of the Church to decide
true Church; where these things are water disputes between persons living
not found, there the true Church is in different stakes. (Gospel Kingdom,
not. pp. 201-202.) However, the frame-
work is so formed that all types of
Church Courts. See BISHOPS CouRT, cases might be handled by church
COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CHURCH, courts, and during the millennium
DISFELLOWSHIPMENT, ELDERS CoURT, (when there is no longer a separa-
EXCOMMUNICATION, FIRST PRESIDENCY, tion of Church and state) the courts
HIGH CoUNCIL, JUDGES IN ISRAEL, of the kingdom will have jurisdiction
WARD TEACHERS. Being the kingdom in all things. Under millennial con-
of God on earth and having a perfect ditions court problems obviously will
organization, provision is made in the not exist in the manner that now
Church for the trial of transgressors prevails.
against church standards and for the
settlement of disputes between church Church Hierarchy. See HIERARCHY.
members and groups. It is the practice
of the Church for ward teachers ( or Church Historian and Recorder. See
other specially assigned brethren) to Boox OF REMEMBRANCE, Boox OF THE
investigate alleged transgression and LAW OF Goo, CLERKS, HISTORY, JOUR-
then, if necessary, bring charges NALS, RECORD KEEPING. Record keep-
against accused persons, either before ing and the writing of history is so
a bishops court or a stake presidency essential a part of the gospel plan that
and high council. Both of these courts it would be done automatically by
have original jurisdiction in all cases, prophets and others even if there
but a bishops court may not impose were no commandments requiring it.
a penalty of excommunication upon From the very beginning, whenever

prophets received revelations, such torical records of wards, stakes, mis-

necessarily were recorded and pre- sions, and quorums; of statistical
served so they could be studied and data revealing ihe faith and works of
obeyed. Joseph Smith kept a daily the saints; and of the sermons and
journal, which of course included the doctrinal teachings of church mem-
revelations he received, and this jour- bers. Church histories are the most
nal has become the six volume History important and accurate in existence.
of the Church. It is interesting to note that pursuant
On the very day the Church was to revelation and commandment this
organized in this dispensation the office keeps copies of the scurrilous,
Lord commanded his people to keep false, and libelous histories that are
records. (D. & C. 21: I.) Oliver Cow- published about the Church and the
dery, who already ' had been acting Lord's people. (D. & C. 123; Doc-
as amanuensis to the Prophet, became trines of Salvation, vol. 2, pp. 197-
the first Church Historian and Re- 204.)
corder. When he was called to other
work, John Whitmer was chosen by Church Historian's Office. See
revelation to "keep a regular history,, CHURCH HISTORIAN AND RECORDER.
of the Church (D. & C. 47:1), "a
history of all the important things Church of Christ. See CHRIST,
which he shall observe and know CHURCH, CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF
concerning my church," the Lord LATTER-DAY SAINTS, MORMONS. One
said. Also: "Let my servant John or more of the names of Christ has
Whitmer travel many times from place always been used in the formal name
to place, and from church to church, of the Church. The revelation com-
that he may the more easily obtain manding the Prophet to organize the
knowledge-Preaching and expound- Church in this dispensation speaks
ing, writing, copying, selecting, and of it as the Church of Christ. (D. & C.
obtaining all things which shall be 20: I.) Similar usage is found in the
for the good of the church, and for Book of Mormon. (Mosiah 18:17;
the rising generations that shall grow 3 Ne. 26 :21; 28:23; 4 Ne. 26, 29;
up on the land of Zion, to possess it Moro. 6:4.) In due course, however,
from generation to generation, for- the Lord giving his revelations line
ever and ever." (D. & C. 69; 85.) upon line and precept upon precept,
This gathering, recording, compil- the official and formal name of the
ing; and collating of historical data Church was specified, that is, The
is continuing in the Church today. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-dOJJ
The Church Historian's Office is a Saints. (D. & C. 115:3-4.)
great repository of original journals
and documents; of books about the Church of Enoch. See CHURCH OF
Church and its affairs; of the his- THE FmsTBORN, ExAtTAnoN, T~Ns-


LATED BEINGS. All the inhabitants of spring of l 820, the final great gospel
Zion-being devoted members of the dispensation had its beginning. There-
Lord's Church, with Enoch at their after angels ministered to the Prophet,
head-were translated and taken to he received many revelations, the
heaven. (Moses 7:69.) Their callings Book of Mormon (which itself con-
and elections were made sure, and tains the lulness of the gospel) was
they were all assured of membership translated, and the keys and power
in the Church of the Firstborn and of the priesthood were restored.
of an inhei-itance of exaltation in the In about June, 1829, Peter, James,
eternal worlds. Those so favored and John conferred upon Joseph
were, of course, with Christ in his Smith and Oliver Cowdery the Mel-
resurrection. (D. & C. 133:54-56.) chizedek Priesthood, the keys of the
They are spoken of as "the general kingdom of God (meaning the
assembly and church of Enoch" (D. Church), and the keys of the dis-
& C. 76:67), and all those who gain pensation of the lulness of times.
exaltation will be joined with them. (D. & C. 27:12-13; 65; 128:20.)
Acting by revelation and command-
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day ment, in the power and authority of
Saints. See CHRIST, CHURCH, CHURCH the priesthood and keys so conferred
op CHRIST, DISPENSATION OF THE FuL- upon them, and in the name of Him
NEss OF TIMES, GosPEL, JosEPH SMITH whose we arc, on the 6th day of
THE PROPHET, KINGDOM OF Goo, M1s- April, 1830, the Prophet and his asso-
s10NARIES, MORMONISM, RESTORATION ciates organized again on earth the
OF THE GOSPEL, SIGNS OF THE TIMES. Lord's own Church. (D. & C. 20.)
To his earthly kingdom in the dispen- The Lord's hand was in the work,
sation of the fulness of times the Lord and he decreed the ultimate and fi-
has given the formal name, The nal triumph of the work so begun.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day (D. & C. 65; Dan. 2:44.) From that
Saints. (D. & C. 115:3-4.) This day the Church began to grow and
Church is "the only true and living the gospel message to roll forth.
church upon the lace of the whole Guidance and direction was received
earth" (D. & C. I :30), the only or- line upon line and precept upon pre-
ganization authorized by the Almighty cept. Each part of the doctrine and
to preach · his gospel and administer of the organization was made mani-
the ordinances ·of salvation, the only fest as occasion required.
Church which has power to save and After every key, power, and author-
exalt men in the hereafter. Member- ity had been restored, after the
ship in this divine institution is a foundation of the great latter-day
pearl of great price. work was securely laid, the Prophet
With the appearance of the Father and Patriarch sealed their testimony
and the Son to the Prophet in the with their own blood and were taken

on to continued glory and dominion are designed to take men on a course

in the realms of the Spirit. (D. & C. ihat leads away from God and his
135.) But the work they had com- laws and thus from salvation in the
menced continued to progress, carry- kingdom of God; and 2. The Raman
ing with it the assurance that Catholic Church specifically-singled
eventually the knowledge of God out, set apart, described, and desig-
would cover the earth as the waters nated as being "most abominable
c.over the sea and every living soul above all other churches." (1 Ne.
would be converted to the truth. 13 :5.)
(Isa. 11:9.) Salvation is in Christ, is revealed
This newly organized Church is by him from age to age, and is avail-
the same in every essential partic- able only to those who keep his
ular as the Church of the Lamb has commandments and obey his ordi-
been in all ages past when it has been nances. These commandments are
found among mep. It conforms, for taught in, and these ordinances are
instance, to the New Testament pat- administered by, his Church. There
tern of the Lord's Church. In it is is no salvation outside this one true
found the same authority, the same Church, the Church of Jesus Christ.
organization, the same ordinances, There is one Christ, one Church, one
the same teachings and doctrines gospel, one plan of salvation, one
that were found in the primitive set of saving ordinances, one group
Church. And the same gilts of the of legal administrators, "One Lord,
Spirit-revelations, visions, miracles, one faith, one baptism." (Eph. 4:5.)
healings, the ministering of angels, Any church or organization of any
tongues, and a host of others-as were kind whatever which satisfies the
poured out upon the ancient saints innate religious longings of man and
are again showered in equal measure keeps him from coming to the saving
upon the modern saints, the members truths of Christ and his gospel is
of the Lord's own Church and king- therefore not of God. Such agencies
dom. have been and are founded or fos-
tered by the devil who is an enemy to
Church of the Devil. See APOSTASY, all righteousness.
BABYLON, DEVIL, SECOND COMING OF Hence we find our Lord saying,
CHRIST, WORLD. There are two scrip- "He that is no't with me is against
tur~l senses in which the titles church me; and he that gathereth not with
of the devil and great and abominable me scattereth abroad." (Matt. 12:30.)
church are used: I. All churches or And hence we find Alma inviting the
organizations of whatever name or wicked to repent and join the true
nature-whether political, philosoph- Church of Christ and become the
ical, educational, economic, social, sheep of the Good Shepherd. "And
fraternal, civic, or religious-which now if ye are not the sheep of the

good shepherd, of what fold are ye?" earth" who "sat upon many waters;
he asks. "Behold, I say unto you, and she had dominion over all the
that the devil is your shepherd, and earth, among all nation~, kindreds 1
ye are of his fold; and now, who can tongues, and people." Ir.i contrast t.h,e
deny .this? Behold, I say unto you, dominions of the true Church were.
whosoever denieth this is a liar and small upon the earth. (I Ne. 14:9- 17;
a child of the devil." (Alma 5:39; 2 .Thess. 2: 1-12.)
Jos. Smith 2:19.) Similar visions were given to John
Iniquitous conditions in the various as recorded in the 17th and I8th
branches of the great and abominable chapters of Revelation. He saw this
church in the last days are power- evil .church as a whore ruling over
fully described in the Book of Mor- peoples, multitudes, n ations and
mon. (2 Ne. 28; Morm. 8:28, 32-33, tongues; as being fµ ll of blasphemy,
36-38; D. & C. 10:56.) It is also to abominations, filthiness, and fornica-
the Book of Mormon to which we turn tion; as having the name, "MYS-
for the plainest description of the TERY, BABYLON THE GREAT,
Catholic Church as the great and THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS-
abominable church. Nephi saw this AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE
"~hurch which is most abominable EARTH"; as drunken with the blood
above all other churches" in vision. of the saints; as revelling in wealth
He "saw the devil that he was the and the d~licacies of the earth; as
foundation of it"; and also the mur- ruling from Rome, the city built on
ders, wealth, harlotry, persecutions, "seven mountains";-as making mer-
and evil desires that historically have chandise of all costly items and of
been part of this satanic organization. "slaves, and souls of men." And then
(I Ne. 13:1-10.) John, as did Nephi, saw the fall and
He saw that this most abominable utter destruction of this great church
of all churches was founded after whose foundation is the devil.
the day of Christ and his apostles; In this world of carnality and
that it took away from the. gospel of sensuousness, the great and abom_.
the Lamb many covenants and many inable church will continue its de-
plain and precious parts; that it per- structive course. But !here will b.e
verted the right ways of the Lord; an eventual future day when evil
that it deleted many teachings from shall end, "and the great and abom-
the Bible; that this church was "the inable church, wh ich is the whore
mother of harlots"; and finally that of all the earth, shall be cast down
the Lord would again restore the by devouring fire." (D. & C. 29:21;
gospel of salvation. (I Ne. 13:24-42.) Ezek. 38; 39; I Ne. 22:23; Rev. 18.)
Nephi beheld further that this Before that day, however, desolations
church was the "mother of abomina- will sweep through the earth and the
tions," and "the whore of all the various branches of the great and

abominable church "shall war among GoDHOOO, JOI~T-HEffiS WITH C~~T,

themselves, and the sword of their SALVATION, SoNs OF Goo. Members
own hands shall fall upon their own of The Church of Jesus Christ Qf
heads, and they shall be drunken Latter-day Saints who so devote
with their own blood." (I Ne. 22:13- themselves to righteousness that they
14; i4:3.) The contentions and en- receive the higher ordinances of
tanglements between the Catholic exaltation become members of the
Church and the communist forces Church . of .the Firstborn. Bapt~m is
could well lead .t~ a fulfilment of this the gate to the Church itself, · but
prediction. celestial · marriage . is the gate to
The . resurrected Christ gave to the membership in the Church o.1 the
Nephites this test whereby they might Firstborn, the inner circle of faithful
dist,inguish the true Church fro.m any saints who are heirs of exaltation and
other: I. It would be called in his the fulness of the Father's kingdom.
name, for "how be it my church save (D. &C. 76:54, 67, 71, 94,102; 77:11;
it be called in my name?" he 78 :21; 88:1-5; Heb. 12:23.)
2. It would be built upon his gospel, The Church ·01 the Firstborn ·is
that is, the eternal plan of salvation made up of the ·sons of . God, those
with all jts saving powers and graces who have been adopted into the fam-
would be had in it. 3. The Father ily of the ):,ord, those who are des'
would show forth his works in it, tined to be joint-heirs with Christ in
meaning that miracles, righteousn_ess, receiving all that the Father hath.
and every good fruit would abound "If you keep my command.ments you
in it. 4. It would not be hewn down shall receive of his fulness, and be
and cast into the fire as must surnly glorified in me as I am in the Father;
come to pass with the great and . . . And all those who are begotten
abominable church. "If it be not through me are partakers of the glory
built upon my gospel, and is built of the same, and are the church of
upon the works of men, or upon the the Firstborn." (D. & C. 93 :20°22;
works of the. devil, verily I say unto Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 2, pp. 9;
you they have joy in their works for 41-43.)
a season, and · by and by the end
cometh, and they are hewn down and Church Organization. See AUXILIARY
cast into the fire, from whence the_re ORGANIZATIONS, BRANCHES, GENii:RAL
is no return." (3 Ne. 27:4-12.) AUTHORITIBS, GENERAL AUXILIARY OF-
CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATIER- organization is the same in all ages;
DA:Y SAINTS, DAuc~TERS OF Goo, the same organization that existed in
EXALTATION, FULN-ESS OF THE FATHER, the primitive .C hurch prevails now.

(Sixth Article of Faith.) Whenever Society, and the auxiliary organiza-

the Church has been on earth, the tions.
priesthood, the keys of the kingdom, For administrative purposes the
and the apostolic power have been Church is divided into stakes and
manifest. In such periods there have missions. Each stake (composed of
always been prophets, evangelists, wards and branches) is so organized
pastors, and teachers. (Eph. 4:11-14.) as to carry on the full program of the
But God's earthly kingdom is al- Church; each mission (composed of
ways organized in such a manner as districts which in tum are composed
to serve most ideally the needs of the of branches) adapts itself to the cir-
people under the conditions that exist cumstances prevailing in it and car-
in the particular age. Hence, provi- ries on as much of the church program
sion is made for "helps, governments," as possible. Priesthood quorums and
quorums, auxiliary organizations, the auxiliary organizations function
committees, boards, and special ad- within the stakes, wards, branches,
ministrative units to satisfy special missions, and districts. Groups of
needs. (I Cor. 12:28.) In the last stakes are combined to form regions
days, worldly conditions and the com- or districts, for the purpose of ad-
plexities of civilization being what ministering various programs, as for
they are, the church organization is instance the welfare program and the
probably more extended and intricate work in the temples.
than in any previous dispensation. The Church maintains an exten-
Church organization is always sive educational program that includes
given by revelation. One of the great universities, colleges, schools, sem-
evidences of the need of contemporary inaries, and institutes of religion.
revelation is the fact that changing Since the kingdom of God on earth
is concerned with temporal as well
social, economic, industrial, and other
as eternal salvation, the~e are of
conditions, warrant changes in the
course banking, insurance, industrial,
helps and governments appended to
agricultural and other business enter-
the great basic and unchanging
prises in which the Church has an
church organization.
Over the whole Church the First
Presidency presides; each group of Church Security Program. See
General Authorities acts under the CHURCH WELFARE PLAN.
direction of the Presidency in an as-
signed sphere. From time to time Church Standards. See OBEDIENCE.
special auxiliaries, committees, and
organizations are set up to serve the Church Welfare Plan. See ALMSGIV-
whole Church, as the Church Wel- ING, BISHOPS STOREHOUSES, CONSECRA-
fare Committee, the Genealogical TION, DEBT, DESERET INDUSTRIES,


DOLE, EMPLOYMENT, FAST OFFERINGS, re-en throned as the ruling principle

IoLENEss, Poc>R, RELIEF SOCIETY, SELF- of the lives of our Church member-
R~LIANCE, STEWARDSHIPS, THRIFTINESS, ship." (Con!. Rep., Oct., 1936, p. 3.)
UNITED ORDER, USURY, WORK. The The doctrine of Church Welfare is
Church Welfare Plan is that part of that "the responsibility for one's eco-
the gospel which is designed under nomic maintenance rests (I) upon
our present economic circumstances himself, (2) upon his family, and (3)
to care for the temporal needs of the upon the Church, if he is a faithful
saints and to do it on the basis of member thereof." (Welfare Hand-
gospel principles. Welfare work and book, pp. 1-2.)
principles as such are not new; in Man has been placed on earth to
every dispensation there have been work out his salvation both tem-
tithes, offerings, cooperative enter- porally and spiritually. If all that .had
prises, united orders, or whatever been needed for his eternal progres-
arra~gements were needed under con- sion was · spiritual in nature, this
ditions as they then existed. earth life would not have been neces-
But the present organization for sary. Accordingly, "No true Latter·
handling welfare matters, first set up day Saint will, while physically able,
in 1936, is the particular one geared voluntarily shift from himself the
to the present needs and faith of the burden of his own support. So long
saints. Indeed, the fact that the saints as he can, under the inspiration of
do· have adequate procedures for car- the Almighty and with his own la-
ing for the temporal well-being of bors, he will supply himself with the
the poor among them is one of the necessities of life." (Welfare Hand-
evidences of the divinity of the great boo•k, p. 2.)
latter-day work. Modern revelation In keeping with this principle, the
is required to apply the eternal wel- saints are counseled to get out of debt,
fare principles to the intricacies of free themselves from mortgages, live
modern civilization. within their incomes, save a little,
"Our primary purpose,'' said the have on hand enough food and cloth-
First Presidency with reference to the ing and where possible fuel also for
newly formulated welfare arrange- at least a year ahead, plant gardens,
ments, uwas to set up, in so far as it farm farms, and use wisdom and
might be possible, a system under inspiration in all their temporal pur-
which the curse of idleness would be suits.
done away with, the evils of a dole When a member of the Church is
abolished, and independence, thrift unable to care for his own temporal
and self-respect be once more estab- needs, the responsibility for such
lished amongst our people. The aim falls upon his relatives. " II any pro-
of the Church is to help the people vide not for his own, and specially
to help themselves. Work is to be for those of his own house, he hath

denied the faith, and is worse than for sins; and have not known wherein
an infidel." (I Tim. 5:8.) But if the they are accountable before me.
just wants and needs of a church "But as for thee, behold, I will
member cannot be supplied through make my covenant with thee, and
his own efforts or by his family, then thou shalt be a father of many na-
the Church itself steps in, draws on tions. And this covenant I make, that
the bishops storehouses and the fast thy children may be known among
offering contributions, and cares for all nations. Neither shall thy name
the temporal needs of the poor person. any more be called Abram, but thy
Wherever possible those receiving name shall be called Abraham; for,
welfare assistance work for what they a lather of many nations have I made
receive. The necessary food, clothing, thee. And I will make thee exceed-
fuel, and other items are almost all ingly fruitful, and I will make na-
produced by the Church on the hun- tions of thee, and kings shall come
dreds of great welfare projects oper- of thee, and of thy seed. And I will
ated by various wards, stakes, and establish a covenant of circumcision
welfare regions. with thee, and it shall be my covenant
between me and thee, and thy seed
Circumcision. See ABRAHAMIC COVE- after thee, in their generations; that
NANT, BAPTISM, COVENANTS~ SALVA - thou mayest know for ever that chil-
TION OF CHILDREN. In token and dren are not accountable before me
remembrance of the everlasting cove- until they are eight years old. And
nant made by God with Abraham, thou shalt observe to keep all my
covenants wherein I covenanted with
Deity instituted the law of circum-
thy fathers; and thou shalt keep the
cision. As revealed to Joseph Smith,
commandments which I have given
the circumstances and conditions
thee with mine own mouth, and I
calling forth the revelation of this law
will be a God unto thee and thy seed
of circumcision were these: "My after thee. And I will give unto thee
people have gone astray from my and thy seed after thee, a land where-
preeepts, and have not kept mine in thou art a stranger; all the land of
ordinances, which I gave unto their Canaan, for an everlasting possession;
fathers," the Lord said to Abraham, and I will be their God.
"And they have not obse.rved mine "And God said unto Abraham,
anointing, and the burial, or baptism Therefore thou shalt keep my cove-
wherewith I commanded them; But nant, thou and thy seed alter thee,
they have turned from the command- in their generations. And this shall
ment, and taken unto themselves the be my covenant which ye shall · keep
washing of children, and the blood between me and thee and thy seed
of sprinkling; And have said that the after thee; every man · child among
blood of the righteous Abel was shed you shall be circumcised. And ye

shall circumcise the flesh of your "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep
foreskin; and it shall be a token of of the house of Israel," he said. (Matt.
the covenant betwixt me and you. 15:24.) But he sent his apostolic
And he that is eight days old shall ministers to preach to all men .(Mark
be circumcised among you, every man 16:15), it being pointedly revealed
child in your generations; He ·that is to Peter that the gospel was for Gen-
born in the house, or bought with tiles as well as Jews. (Acts 10.)
money of any stranger, which· is not Accordingly, the need for the special
of thy seed. He that is born in thy token in the flesh no longer existed,
house, and he ·t hat is bought with and so circumcision 8$ a gospel ordi-
thy ·money, must needs be circum- nance was done away in Christ.
cised, and my covenant shall be in Mormon received this revelation:
your flesh for an everlasting covenant. "Little children are whole, for they
And the · uncircumcised man child, are not capable of committing sin;
whose flesh of his foreskin is not cir- wherefore the curse of Adam is taken
cumcised, that soul sha!I be cut off from them in me, that it hath no
from his people,' he hath broken my power over them; and the law of cir~
covenant." (Inspired Versio'?-, Gell. cumcision is done ·away in · me."
17:4-20.) . (Moro. 8:8.) The disciples . in the
One of the provisions of this law Oid World received a similar revela-
of circumcision was that it should be tion and with the approval of the
practiced by the chosen seed, to iden- Holy Ghost discontinued the practice
tify and distinguish them', until the of circumcision, rejecting the doctrine
day of the mortal ministry of Christ. of those who claimed that circum-
From Abraham to the meridian of cision was still essential to salvatioll.
time, the gospel and such of the laws (Acts 15.) Paul, the apostle to the
of salvation as were reveB.led in any Gentiles, of necessity had to write
period were reserved almost exclusive- and teach much about circumcision
ly for the seed of Aliraham in whose so that his converts would understand
flesh the token of circumcision was that it was done away in Christ.
found. (Rom. 2; 3; 4; I Cor. 7:19; Gal. 5:6;
But beginning in the ·meridian of 6:15; Col. 2:11; 3:11.)
time foe Lord's · eternal plans called By the time of Paul the apostate
for sending the gospel to all the world; Jews, as with ihe people of Abraham's
the Gentile nations were to· be invited day, had :lost the knowledge "that
to come ·to Christ and be heirs of children are not accountable . . .
salvation. The laws of salvation werC: until they are eight years old."
to · be offered to those in whose flesh (Inspired Version, Gen. 17 :11.) Rath-
the token of the everlasting covenant er they had a tradition that fade
was noi found. Christ himself limited children were unholy and that cir-
his ministry to the house of Israel; cumcision was - essential to thefr

cleansing. Those thus circumcised (Gen. 46; 47; 48; 49; SO.) Cyrus the
were then "brought up in subjection unbelieving Persian ruler was called
to the law of Moses," and giving ol God to accomplish a particular
"heed to the traditions of their fa- work with ancient Israel. (Isa. 44:28;
thers," they "believed not the gospel 45: 1-4.) The constitution ol the
of Christ, wherein they became un- United States was established by the
holy." (D. & C. 74.) It was while Lord as an aid to the perpetuation of
struggling to solve this difficult prob- freedom among the American people.
lem that Paul gave some of his coun- (D. & C. 101:76-80.)
sel on marriage, which counsel can With the restoration of the gospel,
only be understood in the light of the however, the government of God be-
then existing circumcision difficulties. gan again to be established on earth.
(I Car. 7.) So far that government operates only
in spiritual things, but in due course
City ol Enoch. See ZroN. the Lord will make a full end of all
nations. (D. & C. 87:6.) Then civil
City ol Zion. See ZmN. government as found in all the king-
doms of this present world will cease,
Civil Governments. See ArosTASY, and the theocratic millennial admin-
CoNSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, istration will begin in which the
GOVERNMENT OF Goo, INALIENABLE government of God will be both spir-
RIGHTS, KINGDOM OF Goo, PATRIOT- itual and temporal. (D. & C. 38:20-
ISM, THEOCRACY (THEARCHY). The 22.) Pending that glorious day the
first government on earth was a saints are commanded to obey the
theocracy. But as apostasy set in and laws of the land, to be subject to the
men rejected the direct rule of God powers that be (D. & C. 58:20-22),
through his prophets, governments of and to uphold, ·sustain, and support
men were created. Except for short constitutional laws and wise leaders.
periods of time and among limited (D. & C. 98:4-10.)
groups of people, civil governments
have held sway ever since. These Civilization. See APOSTASY, DARK
earthly governments have had vary- AGES, EVOLUTION, GOSPEL, GOVERN·
ing degrees of merit, depending on MENT oF Goo, PRIESTHOOD, RIGHT-
the manner in which they have been EousNEss. As part of the false
organized and the integrity and abil- evolutionary theories ol the day, it
ity of their rulers. is generally believed and taught that
But ·all nations have been used by civilization has reached its highest
the Lord to accomplish his inscrutable point in the 20th century and that
purposes. (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. the civilizations ol the past were far
3, pp. 313-326.) Egypt saved the beneath present standards. Measured
house of Jacob in an age of famine. solely from the standpoint of inven-

tions, engineering achievements, and the literary excellence of the King

industrial development, this .is true. James Bible or of Shakespeare? What
But when every form of social devel- art are we producing that compares
opment and culture, of arts, letters, with the paintings of the old masters?
and refinement, and of moral up- Do we have musicians today that
rightness is included in the meaning excel Beethoven, Bach, Brahms, Men-
of civilization, then it becomes appar- delssohn, and Mozart?
ent that many of the civilizations of
the past have far exceeded our own. Civil Law. See CML GOVERNMENTS.
Adam began his mortal life as a
son of God. (Moses 6:22.) He and Civil Marriage. See CELESTIAL MAR·
Eve and their posterity wrote and RIAGE. Among Latter-day Saints the
spoke the pure Adamic language, a term civil marriage means a marriage
language far more perfect and power- performed solely by civil authority
ful than any now had on earth. as distinguished from an eternal or a
(Moses 6:5-8.) They had the gospel, celestial marriage, which is performed
celestial marriage, a perfect govem- both by civil authority and by that
m:ent, communion with _God and power which binds on earth and seals
angels, and they walked in the light eternally in the heavens. Civil mar·
of continual revelation. Similar con- riages are performed by man's_ au-
ditions prevailed for 365 years in the thority and last until death or divorce
City of Zion; indeed, so perfect was separates the parties; celestial mar-
the civilization of that people that riages are by God's authority, and
the Lord came and dwelt with them. the unions endure in time and · in
(Moses 7.) Among the Nephites for eternity.
200 years a godly society prevailed. For those who are not qualified and
There is no question but what litera- worthy to enter into the Lord's order
ture, art, culture, refinement, moral- of matrimony, civil marriages
ity, and every form of social proper and honorable and there is no
intercourse in these ancient times far sin attached to the relationship that
exceeded anything that has evolved results from them. But for a true
among worldly kingdoms. During the saint, one who loves the Lord and
millennium the most advanced social has in his heart the hope of eternal
development ever known on earth life, no marriage will prove satis~
will take place; civilization will then factory but one that is eternal. Pres-
reach its zenith as far as mortal ident Joseph F. Smith expressed the
beings are concerned. feelings of those who believe and
But even among worldly kingdoms, know the truth when he said that
there have been civilizations of the he would rather go himself to the
past which have surpassed ours in grave than associate with a woman
selected fields. Can we equal today outside the new and everlasting cove-

nant of marriage. (Conf. Rep., Oct. us from all unrighteousness." (I John

1909, pp. 5-6.) 1:6-9.)
Alter their baptism the Lord com-
Civil Rights. See BILL OF ~GHTS. mands his saints to continue to seek
cleanliness of life and spirit with .all
Cleanliness: See. BAPTISM, FORGIVE- their power. "Be ye clean that 'bear
NESS, HOLINESS, PURITY, SANCTIFICA- the vessels of the Lord." (D. & C.
TION. Since no unclean thing can 38:42; 133:5; 3 Ne. 20:41; Isa. 52:11.)
inherit the kingdom of heaven (Alma "Let all things be done in cleanliness
11:37; 3 Ne. 27:19-21; Moses 6:57), before me." (D. & C. 42:41.) "En-
and since all accountable men have tangle not yourselves in sin, but .let
committed sin and are therefore un- your hands be clean, un ti! the Lord
clean (Rom. 3:23; 5:12), it follows comes." (D. & C. 88:86.) "Cleanse
that all who gain salvation must un- your hands, ye sinners; and pul"ify
dergo a cleansing process. This your hearts ye double minded." (Jas.
process is one of repentance and· bap- 4:8.)
tism (D. & C, 76:52; Alma 7:14), Those who love the Lord desire to
one that enables the cleansing power cleanse and perfect their lives. To
of the Holy Ghost to transform the themselves they say: "Let us cleanse
human sour from an unclean to a ourselves from all .filthiness of the
clean state (Moro. 6:4), one that flesh and spirit, perfecting .holiness in
the fear of God." (2 Car. 7:1.)
enables the penitent person to wash
"Create in me a clean heart, 0 God;
his garments in the blood of the
and renew a right spirit within me,"
Lamb. (Alma 5:21-27.)
is their cry. (Ps. 51: 10.) They desire
Our Lord came into the world for to worship God .with pµre hearts and
the. purpose of cleansing and sanctify- clean h ands (2 Ne. 25:16); to work
ing men through the power of his miracles among their fellowmen in
atoning sacrifice. (D. & C. 76:41; this life (3 Ne. 8:1); to be clean in
Morm, 9:6.) This cleaning power is the day of judgment (Alma 5:19;
offered only on conditions of obe- 24: 15) ; to be cleansed from mortality
dience to his laws. (D. & C. 29:17,) to immortality (3 Ne. 28 :36); ,to
"If we walk in the light, as he [God] enjoy the eternal presence of their
is in the light," John said, ''we have God (Ps. 24: 1-5); to be possessors
fellowship one with another, and the of all things. (D. & C. 50:28-29.)
blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleans- They know that the Lord is pleased
eth us from all sin. If we say that we only with the clean. (D. & C. 38:8-
have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and 10; 66:3.)
the truth is not in us. · If we confess When men accept the truth and
our sins, he is faithful and just to embark on the Lord's errand, acting
forgive us our sins, and to cleanse as his ministers, they thereby assume

the responsibility for the blood and Clinic Baptisms. See APOSTASY, BAP-
sins of those over whom they preside TISM, INFANT BAPTISM. "Baptisms by
or to whom they are sent with the pouring or sprinkling were exceptional
Lord's message. This burden is re- in the early ages of the Christian
moved from the Lord's agents only Church. They were called clinic
on the condition that they magnify baptisms, because administered as a
their callings and faithfully discharge rule to the sick, who could not be
the duties imposed upon them. (Ezek. taken from their beds to be immersed;
33; 34.) Thus through their faithful- but they were rare, and were regarded
ness the .elders have power to become only as quasi-baptisms." (Orson F.
clean from the blood and sins of this Whitney, Saturday Night Thoughts,
generation. (D. & C. 88:74-75, 85; pp. 252-253.)
109:42; 112:33; 135:5; Ether 12:37.)
Cocoa. See WoRD OP WISDOM.
ISTERS. In the sectarian world, the Coffee. See WoRD OF WISDOM.
clergy is the whole body of so-called
ordained ministers; those ordained to Cola Drinks. See WoRD OF WISDOM.
the ministry (as they suppose) are
called clergymen. The ministry in- Combinations. See SECRET CoMBINA-

volved differs so radically from the TIONS.

Lord's true ministry that -the terms

clergy and clergymen are not applied Comforter. See HoLY GHOST, PARA-
by the true Church to its own min- CLETE, SECOND COMFORTER. The Holy
isters. Ghost is the Comforter. (John 14:26_,
27; Teachings, pp. 149-150.) This
Clergymen, See CLERGY. name-title is given to the third mem-
ber of the Godhead to signify his
Clerks. See CHURCH HISTORIAN AND mission of bringing solace, . l~)Ve,
RECORDER, RECORD KEEPING. Since peace, quiet enjoyment, and comfort
record keeping is such an important to the saints. Scriptures setting forth
part of church operation, qualified the consolation and .encouragement
and able persons are chosen and set which spring up in the hearts. of the
apart to serve as clerks and secretaries righteous by the ·power of the Holy
in all of the organizations of the Ghost fr\'<juently speak of him as. the
Church. Among others, stake clerks Comforter. Moroni, writing of •"the
assist stake presidencies, ward clerks visitation of the Holy Ghost," says
aid bishoprics, quorum secretaries that this "Comforter filleth with hope
carry much of the priesthood load, and perfect love." (Moro. 8 :26.)
and auxiliary organization secretaries By gaining the testimony of Jesus
preserve the records of those units. men find peace, rest, and comfort.

This testimony comes by the power Commandments. See AGENCY, CoVE-

of the Holy Ghost. Thus it is the NANTS, GOSPEL, LAW, OBEDIENCE,
Comforter who testifies of Christ RIGHTEOUSNESS, TE N COMMAND-
(John 15:26); it is "the Comforter, MENTS. Those things which men are
which manifesteth that • Jesus was directed to do to attain peace in this
crucified by sinful men for the sins life and gain eternal life in the world
of the world" (D. & C. 21:9); it is to come are collectively called the
"the Comforter" which is "shed forth commandments. They are the laws,
upon" men "for the revelation of ordinances, covenants, contracts, stat-
Jesus Christ" (D. & C. 90:11); it is utes, judgments, decrees, revelations,
"the Comforter" who "knoweth all and requirements which come to man
things, and beareth record of the from God. They are "the words of
Father and of the Son." (D. & C. eternal life," with reference to which
42:17.) it is proclaimed: "You shall live by
By gaining light and knowledge every word that proceedeth forth from
from heaven, men attain a prelude of the mouth of God." (D. & C. 84:43-
that peace and quiet enjoyment which 44.)
is found in a future heaven. Thus it It is God's right to command; he
is "the Comforter, which showeth all is not restricted to sending requests or
things, and teacheth the peaceable petitions. He made us; we belong to
things of the kingdom" (D. & C. 39:6; him; in his infinite wisdom he orders
36:2); it is the Comforter who gives us to do what will further our inter-
revelation and guidance to the dis- ests and his. By obedience we are
ciples (D. & C. 24:5; 31:11; 52:9; blessed. Failure to obey denies us
79:2; 90:14); it is by the power of
the blessing and makes us guilty of
the Comforter that the Lord's agents
the additional sin of ingratitude.
teach the gospel, even being given
"If thou wilt enter into life, keep
in the very hour the words they shall
the commandments," was our Lord's
speak (D. & C. 28:l; 50 :14, 17; 75:10;
succinct statement to the rich young
124:97); and it is by the Comforter
man. (Matt. 19:17.) "If ye love me,
that inspired men write (D. & C.
47 :4) and speak and prophesy. (D. keep my com.mandmen ts," he said to
& C. 42:16.) Our Lord's promise to his disciples. (John 14: 15.) "For this
his ancient disciples was that the is the love of God, that we keep his
Comforter would "bring all things" commandments: and his command-
to their "remembrance" (John 14:26), ments are not grievous," John wrote.
and it was by this power that the (I John 5:3.) "Let us hear the con-
scriptures were written. clusion of the wh<>le matter: Fear
God, and keep his commandments:
Commander. See CAPTAIN OF THE for this is the whole duty of man."
LoRD's HosT. (Eccles. 12:13.)

Common Consent. See AGENCY, KEYS Revelation is revelation. When the

OF THE KINGDOM, REVELATION. Ad- Lord speaks, he has spoken. H is word
ministrative affairs of the Church are is to be accepted and obeyed if men
handled in accordance with the law expect to receive salvation. To reject
of common consent. This law is that the word of the Lord is to reject the
in God's earthly kingdom, the King Lord himself to that extent. This is
counsels what should be done, but the case with members of the so-called
then he allows his subjects to accept Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ
or reject his proposals. Unless the of Latter Day· Saints. They have
principle of free agency is operated selected, by a vote of their people,
in righteousness men do not progress which of the revelations they will
to ultimate salvation in the heavenly accept and which they will reject.
kingdom hereafter. Accordingly, Naturally revelations dealing with
church officers are selected by the salvation for the dead, temple work,
spirit of revelation in those appointed and celestial marriage find no part
to choose them, but before the offi- in their philosophy, and in conse-
cers may serve in their positions, they quence they deny themselves the
must receive a formal sustaining vote blessings offered in these revelations.
of the people over whom they are to
preside. (D. & C. 20:60-67; 26:2; Common Council of the Church. See
28; 38:34-35; 41:9-11; 42:11; 102:9; CHURCH CouRTs, FIRST PRESIDENCY.
124:124-145.) The supreme tribunal in the Church
Revelations given of God through is the Common Council of the
his prophets, however, are not sub- Church, which consists of the First
ject to an approving or sustaining Presidency of the Church and 12 high
vote of the people in order to estab- priests chosen by them to assist as
lish their validity. Members of the counselors. "This is the highest
Church may vote to publish a par- council of the church of God, and a
ticular revelation along with the other final decision upon controversies in
scriptures, or the people may bind spiritual matters. There is not any
themselves by covenant to follow the person belonging to the church who
instructions found in the revealed is exempt from this council of the
word. But there is no provision in church. And inasmuch as a Presi-
the Lord's plan for the members of dent of the High Priesthood shall
the Church to pass upon the validity transgress, he shall be had in remem-
of revelations themselves by a vote brance before the common council of
of the Church; there is nothing per- the church, who shall be assisted by
mitting the Church to choose which twelve counselors of the High Priest-
of the revelations will be binding hood; And their decision upon his
upon it, either by a vote of people head shall be an end of controversy
or by other means. concerning him. Thus, none shall

be exempted from the justice and the agency; wrenches from them their
laws of God, that all things may be inalienable rights; and swallows the
done in order and in solemnity before individual and his well-being up in
him, according to truth and right- the formless mass of the state.
eousness." (D. & C. 107:76-84.) Communism is also a political
Presumably the First Presidency movement, one that fosters and pro-
would choose the Council of the motes world revolution, and has as its
Twelve to serve as the 12 high priests, aim the subjugation of all free peo-
but in one case in the days of Presi- ples and nations. It necessarily is a
dent John Taylor, they chose brethren dictatorship of the severest and most
who were not among the General ruthless type. When that soon-to-be
Authorities but who were experts in day arrives in which all nations shall
the matters scheduled to come before be gathered to battle in the final great
the Council. In that case water rights Armageddon, we shall find the major
were involved. (Gospel Kingdom, pp. communist nations, assembled under
201-202.) the banner of Gog and Magog, fight-
ing God and the gathered remnants
Common Enemy. See DEVIL. This of his people.
designation of Satan describes his po- Communism is not the United
sition as the general enemy of all Order in any degree, shape, form,
mankind. No accountable persons way, or manner. The communal
are free from his wiles. (D. & C. aspects of theoretical communism are
29:47.) in imitation of and the devil's sub-
stitute for the United Order.
Common Judge in IsraeL See JUDGES
!NlsRAEL. Compassion. See KINDNESS, MERCY.
True compassion for one's fellow men
Common Property. See UNITED OR- is a mark of a true saint. It consists
DER. in sorrow for their sufferings, in hav-
ing pity and sympathy for them, and
Commotions. See SIGNS OF THE TIMES. in exhibiting mercy, tenderness and
kindness towards them. Indeed, one
Communism. See CHURCH OF THE of the specific covenants taken by
DEVIL, SECRET COMBINATIONS. Basic- those who accept fellowship with the
ally and chiefly, communism is a form saints is to mourn with those that
of false religion; it is one of the major mourn, comfort those that stand in
divisions of the church of the devil. need of comfort, and bear the burdens
It denies God and Christ; belittles of each other. (Mosiah 18:8-9.)
Christianity; runs counter to the Standing counsel to the saints is: "Be
moral and ethical standards of re- ye all of one mind, having compassion
ligion and. decency; denies men their one of another, love as brethren, be

pitiful, be courteous." (I Pet. 3:8.) Concubines. See CELESTIAL MAR,

"Be ye kind one to another, tender- RIAGE, PLURAL MARRIAGE. In modem
hearted, forgiving one another, even times a concubine is a woman who
as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven cohabits with a man without being
you." (Eph. 4:32.) his wife. But "from the beginning of
Jesus himself set the perfect exam- creation," all down through the his-
ple of compassion; as James said, "The tory of God's dealings with his people,
Lord is very pitiful, and of tender including those with the house of
mercy." (Jas. 5:11.) This was in no Israel, concubines were legal wives
instance better illustrated than in his married to their husbands in the new
ministry among the Nephites. "Be- and everlasting covenant of marriage.
hold, my bowels are filled with (D. & C. 132:1, 37-39, 65.)
compassion towards you," he told Anciently they were considered to
them. "Have ye any that are sick be secondary wives, that is, wives
among you? Bring them hither. Have who did not have the same standing
ye any that are lame, or blind, or halt, in the caste system then prevailing
or maimed, or leprous, or that are as did those wives who were not
withered, or that are deal, or that are called concubines. There were no
afflicted in any manner? Bring them concubines connected with the prac-
hither and I will heal them, for I have tice of plural marriage in this dis-
compassion upon you; my bowels are pensation, because the caste system
filled with mercy." (3 Ne. 17:6-7.) which caused some wives to be so
designated did not exist.
Compulsion. See AGENCY, FREEDOM,
Compulsion involves the use of co-
ercion or force. It is the opposite of Condemnation. See DAMNATION.
free agency. Neither salvation, the
attainment of godly virtues, nor exter- Condescension of God. See Goo,
nal progression can be forced upon an GRACE OF Goo, ONLY BEGOTTEN SoN,
individual. In the pre-existent coun, SALVATION BY GRACE. After asking
sels, Lucifer sought to deny. men their the question, "Knowest thou the cori-
agency and compel them to be saved, descension of God," an angel showed
a proposal that would not and could Nephi the virgin who was to be "the
not work. God ·deals in agency, Lu- mother of the Son of God, alter the
cifer in compulsion. To the extent manner of the flesh." Nephi saw that
that men are not free to choose their Hshe was c~rried away in the Spirit
own governments, beliefs, faiths, as- ... for the space of a time," and that
sociates, employment, and the like, she then appeared "bearing a child
the will of Satan is overruling the will in her arms, . .. . even the Son of the
of Deity in the world. Eternal Father." Then with the

exclamation, "Look and behold the those appointed so to serve, the coun~
condescension of God," the angelic sel, inspiration, and revelation needed
ministrant showed Nephi many of in both temporal and spiritual fields.
the major incidents in the mortal Conferences are far more than re-
ministry of the Lamb of God, includ- ligious conventions in which views
ing the fact that "he was lifted up are expressed, differences resolved,
upon the cross and slain for the sins and policies adopted. Rather they
of the world."(! Ne. 11:13-36.) consist in a series of meetings at
Thus the condescension of God which the mind and will of the Lord
(meaning the Father) consists in the is manifest to the people ·by the
fact that though he is an exalted, mouths of his servants. The Church
perfected, glorified Personage, he be- being a kingdom, not a democracy,
came the personal and literal Father instruction and direction comes from
of a mortal Offspring born of mortal above; it does not originate with the
woman. And the condescension of citizens but with the King. Songs,
God (meaning the Son) consists in prayers, sermons, testimonies, reports.
the fact that though he himself is and sometimes recreational under-
the Lord Omnipotent, the very Being takings are woven in to conference
who created the earth and all things schedules.
that in it are, yet being born of mortal 2. In the early days of this dis-
woman, he submitted to all the trials pensation, the ecclesiastical units in
of mortality, suffering "temptations, missions, which units are now called
and pain of body, hunger, thirst, and districts, were called conferences.
fatigue, even more than man can
suffer~ except it be unto death" Confession. See FORGIVENESS.
(Mosiah 3:5-8), finally being put to
death in a most ignominious manner. Confirmation. See BAPTISM, GIFT OF
Conferences. See DISTRICTS, FAST HANDS. In the name of Christ and
MEETINGS, SACRAMENT MEETINGS, the authority of the Melchizedek
SOLEMN ASSEMBLIES, TESTIMONY Priesthood, baptized persons are con-
MEETINGS, WoRSHIP. 1. Latter-day firmed members of the Church of
Saints assemble periodically in var- Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. As
ious conferences "to worship the part of this ordinance of confirmation
King, the Lord of hosts" (Zech. 14:16- the gift of the Holy Ghost is bestowed.
19 ); to be built up in faith, testimony, (D. & C. 20:38-43; 33 :15.) It is also
and desires of righteousness; to trans- proper for the legal administrators
act the business of the Church; to performing the ordinance to give ex-
sustain the officers whom the Lord pression, as led by the Spirit, to a
has appointed to administer the affairs few brief words of blessing, promise,
of his kingdom; and to receive, from counsel, and exhortation.

Conformity. See OBEDilNCE. to the enlightenment of the light of

Christ and also to the guidance of
Confusion of Tongues. See LAN- the Holy Ghost. If they so live as
GUAGES. to enjoy the actual gift of the Holy
Ghost, then their consciences are also
Congregations. See WARDS. guided by that member of the God-
head. (Rom. 9:1.)
Conjuration. See ExoRCJSM. Every man's conscience is pure and
clean at birth. (D. & C. 93:38.) But
Conjure Man. See MAGIC, MEDICINE after an individual arrives at the
MEN, WITCHCRAFT, WITCH DOCTORS. years of accountability his conscience
In some localities, particularly the begins to be blackened by his sins.
West Indies and Southern United Because of disobedience one's con-
States, a witch, practitioner of magic, science is "seared with a hot iron"
or witch doctor is called a conjure (1 Tim. 4:2); it becomes weak and
man or woman. Conjuration includes defiled. (! Car. 8:7; Tit. 1:15.)
the practice of magic and the sum- Wickedness invariably leads to re-
moning of evil spirits by invocation morse of conscience (Alma 29:5;
or incantation. 42:18), and those so smitten tremble
under a consciousness of their own
Conscience. See AGENCY, GIFT OF THE guilt and filthiness before the Lord.
HOLY GHOST, LIGHT OF CHRIST. (Alma 12:1; 14,6; Morm. 9:3-4; John
Every person born into the world is 8:9.) But men are commanded to
endowed with the light of Christ purge their consciences from dead
(Spirit of Christ or of the Lord) as works (Heb. 9: 14), to gain ''peace of
a free gift. (D. & C. 84:45,48.) By conscience" through "a remission of
virtue of this endowment all men their sins." (Mosiah 4:3.) Paul
automatically and intuitively know (Acts 23:1; 2 Tim. 1:3; Heb. 13:18),
right from wrong and are encouraged King Benjamin (Mosiah 2:15, 27),
and enticed to do what is right. and Joseph Smith (D. & C. 135:4),
(Moro. 7:16.) The recognizable oper- list themselves among those whose
ation of this Spirit in enlightening consciences were not burdened with
the mind and striving to lead men to regret or remorse.
do right is called conscience. It is an "The free exercise of conscience"
inborn consciousness or sense of the is one of the inaiienable rights of man,
moral goodness or blameworthiness and governments are obligated to
of one's conduct, intentions, and char- enact and . administer such laws as
acter, together with an instinctive will preserve this right. (D. & C.
feeling or obligation to do right or 134:2-5.)
be good.
Members of the Church are entitled Consciousness. See Mrno.

Consecration. See CHURCH WELFARE maintenance, with all surpluses re ~

PLAN, STEWARDSHIPS, TITHING, UNITED verting back to the Lord's storehouses.
ORDER. Righteous saints in all ages Because of greed, avarice, and the
have consecrated their time, talents, worldly circumstances in which they
strength, properties, and monies to found themselves, the saints did not
the establishment of the Lord's work achieve great success in the practice
and kingdom in their respective days. of this law, and in due course the
As circumstances have required, these Lord withdrew from them the priv-
saints-having set their hearts on ilege of so conducting their temporal
righteousness and having actually put affairs.
first in their lives · the things of God's Many of the underlying principles
kingdom-have been and are called which were part of the law of con:
upon to serve on missions, colonize secration, however; have been re-
wilderness areas, build temples, go tained and are still binding upon the
to the ends of the earth on the Lord's Church. Those touching church fi -
errand, magnify calls in the ministry-, nances, as summarized by President
and contribute of their means in the J. Reuben Clark, Jr., are : "I. Worldly
great welfare and building projects riches should not be sought for. 2.
of the Church. ""· Every man should esteem his brother
In practice and as a general thing, as himself. 3. The Church should
church members now are being care for the temporal needs of those
called upon to consecrate only whom the Lord called into church
portions (usually relatively small por- service. 4. The worldly goods of the
tions) of their total substance for use members, beyond family necessities·,
in the furtherance of the Lord's in- should be made available for the
terests. However, an attempt was Lord's work. 5. The Church should
made in the early days of this dis- see that its poor were cared for."
pensation to live the law of conse- (Albert E. Bowen, The Church Wel-
cration in full. The vehicle through fare Plan, p. 6.)
which the attempt was made to live Practice of the law of consecration
the financial and monetary p"Ortiot;.~ is inextricably intertwineh i t h the
of this law was called the United development of the attributes of od-
o; liness in t 1s i e and the attainment
As then attempted, practice of the of eternal life in the world to come.
full law of consecration called for the "The law pertaining to material aid
saints to consecrate, transfer, and is so formulated that the carrying of
convey to the Lord's agent all of their
it out necessitates practices calculated
property "with a covenant and a deed To root out uman traits not in har-
which cannot ·be broken." (D. & C. mony with requirements for living
42 :30; 58:35.) They were then given in the celestial kingdom and replacing
stewardships to use for their own those mharmomous traits with the

virtues and character essential to life commingled with any ointments ' at
in that aboi!£.: (Bowen, The Church used indiscriminately.
-Welfare Plan, p. 13.) "For if you
will that I give you a place in the Constitutional Law. See • CoNSTITU-
celestial _world, you must prepare TION oF THE UNITED STAT'.Es.
yourselves by doing the things which
I have commanded you and required Constitution of the United States. See
o.l.wi," (D. & C. 78:7.) BILL OF RIGHTS, CML Go~RNMENTS,
That the lull law of consecration FREEDOM, INALIENABLE RIGHTS, KING-

will yet again be practiced is well DOM OF GOD, LIBERTY, SIG~·S OF THE
known. It is a celestial laW, ,·'And TIMES. Our federal constitution is
Zion cannot be built up unless it is the supreme law of the land. It is the
by the principles of the law of the written instrument embodying the
celestial kingdom; otherwise I cannot fundamental organic laws and prin-
receive her unto myself." (D. & C. ciples governing the American n'ation,
105 :5.) fo this connection it should and it has the following essential
be remembered that man cannot live
a higher law until he is first able to an~· !~:bl~~~:~it~~o~h: deocl~~i:~~
abide a lesser law· he wil1 not conw
·by the states, not by a select group
secrate all of his properties, unless he
of autocrats who seized power, not
is first willing to consecrate a ortion ·
by any outside governmental power.
an e carynot ive the perfect law of
The whole philosophy of constitu-
consecration unler.s he first abides tional government is that all sovel'eign
perfectly the law of tit hing. power rests with the body of the
Consecration of Oil. See AoMINIS· people and that by the free exercise
TRATI0NS. Before oil is used in of their agency they elect to delegate
certain powers and .functions to the
administering to the sick it should be governmental bodies set up by -them.
consecrated, dedicated, and se_t apart, 2. It is a writteu dac])ment not
by_ those holding the . ~elchizedek \ an a"&:umulaiion of traditions, cus-
~nes:hood, for the anomtl~g of the toms, or legal interpretations. JLk
Sick m the household of faith. (J as. capable of specific interpretation and
5:14-16.) It is the oil and not the encoura~es a course of stabilitv and
container that is being consecrated, uniformity · of action where govern., .
and there is no impropriety in con - mental affairs are concerned
secrating the oil in a large container 3. A framework of government' is
and thereafter pouring it into smaller estabHshed by it. Powers are d1v1cfid
vessels. A good grade of pure olive between legislative · - executive, and
oil should be used, and alter . it -has judicial branches of government thus
been consecrated, it should not be c!eating 8.n -ideal system of checks and

balances where the possible exercise Israel, and the organization of the
of autocratic powers are concerned. Church and kingdom of God on earth
4. In the constitution are listed the in the last days.
specific powers and authorities del- America was to be a land of liberty
egated to the government and to the upon which no kings should rule.
particular branches of the same. The (2 Ne. 10:11-14.) The nation to
governme~t has no rights; it has possess it was to "be free from bond-
duties only. It is ordained to serve age, and from captivity, and from all
!~ people. T ~ other nations." (Ether 2 : 12.) The
t e written instructions of the master Gentiles were to "be established in
to the slave; it is the circuit by which this land, and be set up as a free peo-
the people ·transmit part of their ple by the power of the Father," so
power to their government that the Book of Mormon might come
5. Express provision is made in the forth to the people and the covenants
constitution for the preservation of made with ancient Israel be fulfilled.
the natural rights of man: (a) by (3 Ne. 21:4.) "And for this purpose
specifically delegating to the national have I established the Constitution of
government the things it can do; (b) this land, by the hands of wise men
by pointedly reserving to the people whom I raised up unto this very pur-
all rights and the performance of all pose, and redeemed the land by the
acts not so delegated; and ( c) by shedding of blood." (D. & C. 101:80;
expressly denying the federal govern- 109:54.)
ment power to interfere with the "The constitution of the United
people's use of certain named rights States is a glorious standard," the
such as freedom of speech. Prophet said, "it is founded in the
6. Means are, of course, provided wisdom of God. It is a heavenly ban-
for the constitution's own change ner; it is to all those who are priv-
and amendment. ileged with the sweets of liberty, like
In the providences of the Almighty, the cooling shades and refreshing
the constitution of the United States waters of a great rock in a thirsty and
was established to serve an even weary land. It is like a great tree
greater purpose than that of setting under whose branches men from every
up a stable government under which clime can be shielded from the burn-
freedom would prevail. It was de- ing rays of the sun... .
signed to do far more than guarantee "We say that God is true; that the
the preservation of natural and in- constitution of the United States is
alienable rights to the American true; that the Bible is true; that the
people. The constitution came forth Book of Mormon is true; that the
to prepare the way for the restora- Book of Covenants is true; that Christ
tion of the gospel, the fulfilling of is true; that the ministering angels
the covenants God made with ancient sent forth from God are true, and

that we know that we have an house to contend with anger, one with an°
not made with hands eternal in the other. Behold, this is not my doctrine,
heavens, whose builder and maker is to stir up the hearts of men with
God." (Teachings, pp. 147-148.) anger, one against another; bur this
is my doctrine, that such things
Contention. See DEBATES, WAR. should be done away." (3 Ne. 11 :28-
Contention consists in debating, quar- 30.)
reling, and disputing about some con-
tested matter. Disputations, debates, Continence. See PAss10 Ns.
dissensions, arguments, controversies,
qUarrels, and strife or contention of Continuation of the Lives. See
any sort have no part in the gospel; ETERNAL LIVES.
they are of the devil. The gospel is
one of peace, harmony, unity, ·and
Continuation of the Seeds. See
agreement. In it argument and de-
bate are supplanted by discussion and
study. Those who have the Spirit
do not hang doggedly to a point of Contracts. See CoVENANTS.
doctrine o.r philosophy for no other
reason than to come off victorious in Contrite Spirit. See HUMILITY, MEEK-

a disagreement. Their purpose, rather, NESS, PENITENCE, REMORSE, REPENT-

is to seek truth by investigation, re- ANCE. To have a broken heart and a

search, and inspiration. "Cease to contrite spirit is to be broken down
contend one with another/' the Lord with deep sorrow for sin, to be hum-
has commanded. (D. & C. 136:23; bly and thoroughly penitent, to have
Tit. 3:9.) attained sincere and purposeful re-
The Nephite disciples had disputed pentance. Such a status is a condi-
among themselves about the doctrine tion precedent to a valid baptism and
of baptism. To them the Lord re- consequent membership in the earthly
vealed the true doctrine and then kingdom of God. (D. & C. 20:37; 3
said: "Thus shall ye baptize. And Ne. 9:20; 12:19; Moro. 6:2) Acquire-
there shall be no disputations among ment of a broken heart and a contrite
you, as · there have hitherto been; spirit is thus essential to salvation.
neither shall there be disputations (Hela. 8:15; Ps. 34:18; D. & C. 97:8.)
among you concerning the points of Indeed, it was primarily for those in
my doctrine, as there have hitherto this condition of heart and mind that
been. For verily, verily I say .unto the very atoning sacrifice of Christ
you, he that hath the spirit or con- was worked out. (2 Ne. 2:7; D. & C.
21 :9.) And the sacrifice the Lord,
tention is not of me, but is of the
devil, who is the father of contention, m tum, requires of his saints is that
and he stirreth up the hearts of men they offer him a broken heart and a

contrite spirit. (D. & C. 59:8; 3 Ne. from his fallen and carnal state to
9:20; Ps. 51:17.) a state of saintliness.
The Lord's Spirit is sent forth to A convert is one who has put •off
enlighten the contrite (D. & C. the natural man, yielded to the en-
136: 33), and they are the ones who ticings of the Holy Spirit, and be-
gain the gilt of the Holy Ghost. come "a saint through the atonement
(D. & C. 55:3.) In fact, special bless- of Christ the Lord." Such a person
ings are repeatedly showered forth has become "as a child, submissive,
upon them. (D. & C. 52:15; 56:7, meek, humble, patient, full · of love,
17-18; Isa. 66:2; Ether 4:15.) The willing to submit to all things which
wicked . on the other hand, are con- the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him,
demned because they do not "come even as a child doth submit to his
unto Jesus with broken hearts and father." (Mosiah 3:19.) He has be-
contrite spirits." (Morm. 2:14.) come a new creature of the Holy
Ghost: the old creature has been
Contrition. See CoNTRITE SPIRJT. converted or changed int9 a new one.
He has been born again: where once
Controversy. See CoNTENTION. he was spiritually dead, he has been
regenerated to a state of spiritual life.
Conversion. See BORN AGAIN, FAITH, (Mosiah 27 :24-29.) In real conver-
GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST, GIFTS OF sion, which is essential to salvation
(Matt. 18:3), the convert not only
REVELATION, .TESTIMONY, TRUTH. 1. changes . his beliefs, casting off the
In a broad, general sense conversion false traditions of the past and ac-
consists . in changing one's views or
cepting the beauties of revealed re-
ligion, but he changes his whole way
beliefs to conform to a pattern of
of life, and the nature and structure
thinking which was unacceptable
of his very being is quickened and
prior to ~he_ time of the conversion.
changed by the power of the. Holy
There is one Biblical instance of such
usage. (Acts 3:19.)
Peter is the classic example of how
2. In the full gospel sense, how- the power of conversion works on
ever, conversion is more--far more-- receptive souls. During our · Lord's
than merely • changing one's belief mortal ministry, Peter had a testi-
from that which is false to that which mony, born of the Spirit, of the
is true; it is more than the acceptance divinity of Christ and of the .great
of the verity of gospel truths, than plan of salvation which was in Christ.
the . acquirement of a testimony. To "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the
convert is to change from one status living God," he said, as the Holy
to another, and gospel conversion Ghost gave him utterance. (Matt.
consists in the transformation of man 16:13-19.) When others fell way,

Peter stood forth with the apostolic are subjeci to physical change and de-
assurance, "We believe and are sure cay. Corruption means inortalit}';
that thou art that Christ, the Son incorruption means immortality.
of the living God." (John 6:69.) Speaking of the resurrection, Abinadi
Peter knew, and his · knowledge came said, · "This mortal shall put on im-
by revelation. mortality, and this corruption shall
But Peter was not converted, be- put on incorruption." (Mosiah 16:10;
cause he had not become ·a new 2 Ne. 9:7; Alma 40:2; 41:4; I Car.
creature of the Holy Ghost. Rather, 15:42-54.)
long alter Peter had gained a testi- 2. Corruption is also used to sig-
mony, and on the very night Jesus nify the decay and change that will
was arrested, he said to Peter: "When take place after death. Thus David
thou art converted, strengthen thy recorded the Lord.'s pr0mise that he
brethren." (Luke 22:32.) Immediate- would not suffer his Holy,One 10· see
ly thereafter, and regardless of his corruption (Ps. 16:10), a promise
testimony, Peter denied that he knew amply fulfilled in Christ as both Peter
Christ. (Luke 22:54-62.) After the (Acts 2:27) and Paul (Acts 13:30-37)
crucifixion, . Peter went fishing, only testified.
to be called back to the ministry by 3. The term is further . used with
the risen l:ord. (John 21 :1-17.) Fi- reference to the · wicked, depraved,
nally on the day of Pentecost the and dissolute acts of those who are
promised. spiritual endowment was steeped-in iniquity. "He· that soweth
received; Peter and all the faithful to his flesh shall of the flesh reap
disciples became new creatures of the corruption; but he that soweth to the
Holy Ghost; they were truly con- Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life
verted; and their subsequent achieve- everlasting," Paul says (Gal. 6:8);
ments manifest the fixity of their and it is by thus sowing to th_e Spirit
conversions. (Acts 3; 4.) that the saints have "escaped the cor-
It is interesting to note also that ruption that is in the world through
the Latter-day Twelve, .· long after lust." (2 Pet. 1:4.)
they had testimonies of the gospel,
and more than two years after their Council in Heaven. See AGENCY,
calls to the apostleship, w_ere prom- FoREORDINATION, H EAVEN, PLAN OF
ised that ii they would be faithful SALVATION, PRE-EXISTENCE, WAR IN
they would_yet be converted. (D. & C. HEAVEN. There were many meetings,
!]2:12-13.) conferences, councils, and schooling
sessions held among the Gods and
Corruption. See CARNALITY, DEATH, their spirit offspring in pre-exiStence.
DEVILISHNESS, I NCORRUPTION, MOR- Among other things, at these variOus
TALITY, SENSUALITY. L Mortal bodies assemblages, plans were inade for the
are corruptible bodies; that is, they creation and peopling of this earth

and for the redemption and salvation ity will come to all men and eternal
of the offspring of Deity. The spirit life be assured to the obedient?
children of the Father were then Two mighty spirits answered the
taught the terms and conditions of the call and volunteered their services.
plan of salvation and were given op- Christ said, in effect: Here am I, send
portunity to accept or reject the me; I will be thy Son; I will follow
Father's proposals. thy plan; and "thy will be done, and
Joseph Smith speaks of "the head the glory be thine forever." But Lu-
of the Gods" calling "a council of the cifer sought to amend the plan of
Gods" to arrange for the creation and the Father and to change the prof-
peopling of the earth. (Teachings, pp. fered terms of salvation. "Behold,
348-349.) H e also speaks of "the here am I, send me," he said, "I will
grand council of heaven" in which be thy son, and I will redeem all
those destined "to minister to the mankind, that one soul shall not be
inhabitants of the world'' were "or- lost, and surely I will do it; where-
dained" to their respective callings. fore give me thine honor." (Moses
(Teachings, p: 365.) 4:1-4.) When the Father said, "I
Ordinarily, perhaps, when the will send the first," then Lucifer was
saints speak of the council in heaven, angry, kept not his first estate, re-
they have in mind the solemn session belled, and he and one-third of the
(at which, apparently, all of the pre- hosts of heaven were cast out down
existent hosts were present) when the to earth to become the devil and his
Father made formal announcement angels. (Abra. 3:25-28; D. & C.
of his plan of redemption and sal- 29:36-40.)
vation. It was then explained that his
spirit children would go down to Council of the Twelve. See APOSTOL-
earth, gain bodies of flesh and blood, IC SuccEss10N.
be tried and tested in all things, and Counselor. See CHRIST, MAN OF
have opportunity by obedience to COUNSEL. Christ, the Son of Man of
come back again to the Eternal Pres- Counsel (Moses 7:35), bears the
ence. It was then explained that one name-title Counselor. Isaiah so des-
of the spirit children of the Father ignates him in one of the great Mes-
would be chosen to be the Redeemer sianic prophecies. (Isa. 9:6-7.) The
and work out the infinite and eternal name bears record of his pre-eminent
atonement. And it was then that the position among men where the exer-
Father sent forth the call which said cise of deliberate judgment and
in substance and effect: Whom shall prudence are concerned. His counsel
I send to be my Son in mortality? is: Come unto me and be saved.
Who will go down, be born with life
in himself, and work out the great Counselors. See CHURCH ORGANIZA-
atoning sacrifice by which immortal- TION, PRESIDENCY. In nearly all in-

stances of presidency, the Lord vests presidents, apostles, high priests, sev-
the keys and powers in a president enties, elders and the various officers
who is assisted, aided, and counseled of the lesser priesthood, all of which
by two counselors. Such is the case are essential in their order and place
with the First Presidency, with stake according to the authority bestowed
presidencies, ward bishoprics, branch on them. The Lord never did any-
presidencies, quorum presidencies thing that was not essential or that
(except in case of seventies), auxil- was superfluous. There is a use for
iary organizations, and the Presiding every branch of the priesthood that
Bishopric ( except when a literal he has established in his Church. We
descendant of Aaron holds the keys want every man to learn his duty, and
of this ministry). we expect every man will do his duty
The keys of presidency center in as faithfully as he knows how, and
the president; counselors are set apart carry off his portion of the respon-
to aid him, to give him their views sibility of building up Zion in .the
and judgment on all matters that latter-days." (Gospel Doctrine, 5th
properly come before the presidency. ed. pp. 176-177.)
But the final decision rests with · the
president, and counselors are obli- Counsels of God. See COMMAND-
gated to sustain and support that MENTS, CouNSELOR, COUNSELORS,
decision (no matter what counsel OBEDIENCE, PLAN OF SALVATION. The
they have given prior to the final counsels of God include: I. His pur-
determination), unless some iniquity poses and plan, the great system he
is manifest which requires an appeal has ordained whereby men may gain
to higher authority. immortality and eternal life; and· 2.
In reaching decisions, however, lull Such com~andments, admonitions,
weight should be given to the views warnings, advice, and instruction as
of counselors. President Joseph F. he gives to enable men to gain peace
Smith said: "I propose that my coun- here and salvation hereafter.
selors and fellow presidents in the Speaking of God's counsels as syn-
First Presidency shall share with me onymous with his purposes and plans,
in the responsibility of every act Peter said that "Jesus of Nazareth, a
which I shall perform in this capacity. man approved of God," was crucified
I do not propose to take the •reins and slain "by the determinate counsel
in my own hands to do as I please; and foreknowledge ·01 God." (Acts
but I propose to do as my . brethren 2:22-23.) That is, as the primitive
and I agree upon, and as the Spirit saints said in a prayer to God, those
of the Lord manifests to us .... The who crucified Christ had done what
Lord never did intend that one man God's hand and his "counsel deter-
should have all power, and for that mined before to be done." ( Acts
reason he has placed in his Church, 4:23-30.)

Speaking of Deity's counsels, hav- group of chosen persons. (D. & C. 5:3,
ing reference to his , commandments, 27-28; 54:4.) Since God is a party to
our : Lord · saH "the Pharisees and every gospel covenant, it follows that
lawyers rejected the counsel of God his mind and will must be known with
against themselves" because they did respect to the particular contractual
not submit to John's baptism. (Luke relatio:rlship involved. Hence, ·cove-
7:30.) nants come only by revelation, and
All of the Lord's counsels are eter- no person or group of pers'o ns enters
nal and immutable. (Heb. 6:17.) into a gospel covenant except on the
They stand forever. (Ps. 33:11.) basis of direct revelation from God.
Those who reject them "shall perish." It follows that, as far as men now
(2 Ne. 9 :28.) "Seek not to counsel living are concerned, the only ones
the Lord, but to take counsel from his who have entered into covenants with
hand. For behold, ye yourselves know the Lord are the members of The
that he counseleth in wisdom, and in Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
justice, and in great mercy, over all Saints. Their prophets are the only
his works." (Jae. 4:10; Alma 29:8; spiritual leaders receiving revelation
37:12.) "Counsel with the Lord in for the Church and the world, and the
all thy doings, and he will direct thee saints themselves are the only ones
for good." (Alma 37:37.) enjoying the companionship of the
Holy Ghost so that personal revela-
Courtesy. See KINDNESS, TACTFUL- tion may be received. •Ancient and
NESS. Courtesy is a natural outgrowth modem scriptures contain a record
of the refining influence of the Spirit of many of the covenants of the past
of the Lord. It presupposes the pres- and the present. (I Ne. 13:23-26;
ence of kindness and an inherent Doctrines of Salvation, vol. I, pp. 152-
consideration for the comfort and 156.)
well-being of others. Peter summed The new and everlasting covenant
up the doctrine of the Church in this is the fulness of the gospel and em-
field by saying simply: "Be court- braces within its terms· and conditions
eous." (I Pet. 3:8.) every other covenant that Deity ever
has made or ever will make with men.
Covenants. · See ABRAHAMIC COVE- (D. & C. 132:5-7; 133:57.) The pro-
NANT, CHILDREN OF THE COVENANT, visions of this covenant are that if
COMMANDMENTS, GoSPEL, MEDIATOR, men will believe, repent, be baptized,
NEW AND EVERLASTING COVENANT, receive the Holy •Ghost, and endure
N EW TESTAMENT, OLD TESTAMENT. in·righteousness to the end, they shall
In the gospel sense, a covenant is a have an inheritance in the celestial
binding and solemn compact, agree- world.
ment, contract, or mutual promise be- All of the terms and conditions of
tween God and a single person or a the new and everlasting covenant ·are

accepted by individual men incident lion was and is to be entered by the

to their baptism under the hands of a saints by covenant (D. & C. 42:30;
legal administrator. In effect, by 78:11; 82:11, 15, 21; 104:4), a cove-
baptism, an individual signs his name nant assuring the faithful of a celestial
to the contract of salvation. II, alter reward. (D. & C. 105:3-5.) In the
the baptism, a person keeps the cove- temples the faithful ·enter into many
nant of baptism (which is to endure covenants pertaining to exalta'tion.
in faith to the end), his salvation is And ·so it goes, the more faithful and
assured. (2 Ne. 31; Mosiah 18:8-10.) devoted a person is, the more of the
In the ordinance of the sacrament covenants of the Lord he is enabled to
men renew the covenant made in the receive, until he receives them: in full
waters of baptism, receiving again the and his calling and · election is made
assurance that they shall have the sure.
Spirit to be wfth them in this life Special covenants have· often been
(D. & C. 20:77-79), as well as an made for special purposes to ·partic-
inheritance of eternal life in the world ular persons or groups: The Lord
to come. (John 6:54.) They, on their covenanted with Noah never to de-
part, agree again to keep the com- stroy · the earth again by flood, and
mandments. he set the rainbow as a token of' such
Ordination to office in the Mel- covenant. · (Gen. 9: 12-13.) To· Abra-
chizedek Priesthood and entering into ham he gave ·the covenant~~ -
that "order of the priesthood" named dsiori to remilin in force · with tlie
"the new and ·everlasting covenant of chosen lineage until it was fulfilled in
marriage" · are both occasions when Christ. {Gen. 17:11-14; Moro. 8:8.)
inen make the covenant of exaltation, To Lehi the covenant was vouch-
being promised through their faith- safed that ·America should be a land
fulness all that the Father hath. (D. of in:heritance for his seed forfver.
& C. 131:1-4; 84:39-41; 132; Num. (2 Ne. I.) A similar promise came
25:13.) to the saints in this day. (D. & C.
Tithing is a covenant by conformity 38:20.) As part of the great -Abra-
to · which men are assured temporal hamic covenant, a special land in-
heritance was offered Israel. ( Gert.
D. & C. 119.) Sabbath observance 17.) The Book of Mormon is a new
is a covenant between God and his covenant binding upon the Latter-
people through all their generations. day Saints, that is, having receivEid
(Ex. 31:16; D. & C. 59:9-20.) The this ancierit. record as a ·divine book,
word of wisdom is a covenant con=- they ~re bound to conform to itS
formity 'to which assures both strength teachings and follow its counsels.
of body and a special spiritual en- (D. & C. 84:57.)
dowment. (D. & C. 89.) The United To remember and keep the cove-
Order with its principles of consecra- nants is a standing ·obligation resting

upon the Lord's people. (D. & C. (D. & C. 19:25-26; 88:123; 136:20.)
33:14; 35:24; 42:13, 78; 97:8.) Noth- "Beware of covetousness: for a man's
ing is ever appointed or required of life consisteth not in the. abundance
any of the saints which is "contrary of the things which he possesseth."
to the church covenants." (D. & C. (Luke 12:15.) In commanding men
28: 12; 68:24; 107:63.) All gospel to repent "of all their covetous de-
teaching is to be "according to the sires," the Lord asked, "What is
covenants." (D. & C. 107:89.) Those property unto me? saith the Lord."
who keep their covenants have the (D. & C. 117:4, 8.) For leaders in
Lord's promise, given with "an fm- his earthly kingdom the Lord seeks
mutable covenant," that all things men who hate covetousness. (Ex.
shall work together for their good. 18:21.)
(D. & C. 98:3.) Every member of the Covetousness on the part of the
Church should subscribe, without any saints in the early days of this dis-
mental reservation whatever, to this pensation was one of the reasons the
revealed statement: "And this shall Lord permitted persecutions to come
be our covenant-that we will walk upon them. (D. & C. 98:20; 101:6;
in all the ordinances of the Lord." I 04 :4, 52-53.) The covetous shall
(D. & C. 136:2-4.) "Blessed are they not inherit the kingdom of God.
who have kept the covenant and (I Cor. 6:9-11; Eph. 5:5.)
observed the commandment, for they 2. Paul used the term covet in an
shall obtain mercy." (D. & C. 54:6.) approved and righteous sense in con-
nection with his counsel relative to
Covetousness. See DEsmEs, TEN the gilts of the Spirit. To signify the
COMMANDMENTS, WICKEDNESS. I. To intense, eager desire the saints should
covet is to have an eager, extreme, have to attain these gifts, he com-
and ungodly desire for something. manded: "Covet earnestly the best
The presence of covetousness in a gilts" (I Cor. 12:31) and, "Covet to
human soul shows that such person prophesy." (I Cor. 14:39.)
has not overcome the world and is
not living by gospel standards of con- Creation. See ANNIHILATION, CREA-
duct. Coveting is such a serious TOR, DAY, EARTH, EARTHS, ELEMENTS.
offense, and it is so imperative that To create is to organize . It is an utter-
man overcome all tendencies thereto, ly false and uninspired notion to
that the Lord condemned it in the believe that the world or any other
Ten Commandments. (Ex. 20:17; thing was created out of nothing or
Mosiah 13:24.) that any created thing can be de-
Many other revelations also con- stroyed in the sense of annihilation.
demn covetousness. "Thou shalt not "The elements are eternal." (D. & C.
covet thy neighbor's wile; . . . thou 93:33.)
shalt not covet thine own property." Joseph Smith, in the King Follett

sermon, said: "You ask the learned ones played a part in the great
doctors why they say the world was creative enterprise. (Doctrines of
made out of nothing; and they will Salvation, vol. 1, pp. 74-75.)
answer, 'Doesn't the Bible say He This earth was not the first of the
created the world?' And they infer, Lord's creations. An infinite number
from the word create, that it must of worlds have come rolling into exist-
have been made out of nothing. Now, ence at his command. Each is called
the word create came from the word earth; each is inhabited with his
baurau, which does not mean to create spirit children; each abides the par-
out of nothing; it means to organize; ticular law given to it; and each will
the same as a man would organize play its part in the redemption, sal-
materials and build a ship. Hence we vation, and exaltation of that infinite
infer that God had materials to or- host of the children of an Almighty
ganize the world out of chaos-----cliaotic God. The Lord has said that his
matter, which is element, and in work and glory is to bring to pass
which dwells all the glory. Element immortality and eternal life for his
had an existence from the time he children on all the worlds he has
had. The pure principles of element created. (Moses 1:27 -40;· 7 :29-36;
are principles which can never be D. & C. 88:17-26.)
destroyed; they may be organized and Such details of the creative process
reorganized, but not destroyed. They and of the order of events in it as have
had no beginning, and can have no been revealed pertain only to this
end." (Teachings, pp. 350-352.) earth. (Moses I :35.) In the temple
Christ, a.cting under the direction we receive the clearest understanding
of the Father, was and is the Creator of what took place and how it was
of all things. (D. & C. 38:1 -4; 76:22- accomplished. Abraham has left us
24; John 1:1-3; Col. 1:16-17; Heb. an account of the planning and de-
1: I -3; Moses I; 2; 3.) That he was cisions of the Creators "at the time
aided in the creation of this earth by that they counseled among themselves
"many of the noble and great" spirit to form the heavens and the earth."
children of the Father is evident from (Abra. 4; 5.)
Abraham's writings. Unto those su- In the books of Moses and Genesis
perior spirits Christ said: "We will we have revealed accounts of the
go down, for there is space there, and actual physical creation of the earth.
we will take of these materials, and The 2nd chapter of Moses and the
we will make an earth whereon these 1st chapter of Genesis give the events
may dwell." (Abra. 3:22-24.) Mi- which occurred on the successive cre-
chael or Adam was one of these. ative days. (Ex. 20:8-11.) Then the
Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Pe- 3rd chapter of Moses and the 2nd
ter, James, and John, Joseph Smith, chapter of Genesis-by way of inter-
and many other "noble and great" polation, amplification, and paren-

thetical explanation - recount the Both the Father and the Son bear the
added truth that all things were title, Creator. (Moses I; 2; 3; Teach-
created spiritually "before they were ings, p. 190.) The creative work itself
naturally upon the lace of the earth." is actually d~ne by the Son, as he is
There is no revealed account of the directed by and uses the power of the
spirU creation, 9nly this explanatory Father. Hence the scriptures speak
interpolation that all things had been of Christ as the Creator of this world
create4 in heaven at a previous time. and of world without number. (Moses
That this prior spirit creation occurred 7:29; John 1:1-3; Col. 1:16-17; Heb.
long before the temporal or natural 1:1-3; D. & C. 38:1-4; 76:22-24.) In
creation is evident from the fact that his creation of this earth he was as -
spirit men, men who themselves were sisted by Michael and other noble
before ,created spiritually, were par- and great spirits. (Abra. 3:22-24.)
ticipating in the natural creation.
(Doctrines of Salvation, vol. I, pp. 72- Creeds. See APOSTASY, APOSTLE·s
Because of the presently current CREED. From the earliest era of apos-
speculative theories, many people tate Christianity, the leaders of the
seem to have deep concern about the then existing church-no longer
tim~ element in the creation and finding revelation available and in-
about the age of the earth. By rev- capable of speaking by the power of
elation we learn. this earth was the Holy Ghost so as to have the re-
created on the Lord's time which is sultant record vouchsafed as authori-
celestial time, the time which pre- tative scripture-sought other ways
vajls on the planet Kolob. "One day of settling religious and philosophical
in Kolob is equal to a thousand years disputes and of establishing authori-
according to the measurement of this tative doctrine. By the 4th . century
earth." (Book of Abraham, p. 35, fig. formal documents called creeds had
I; Abra. 3:4; 9; 5:13; D. & C. 77:6, been formulated, adopted by councils,
12.) and the dogmas expressed in them
From the revealed accounts we also imposed upon the church, insofar as
know that nearly 6,000 years have the political power of the moment
elapsed since Adam was cast out of forced such imposition to be en-
the Garden of Eden, and that the forced.
seventh 1,000 year period will be the These creeds - modified a n d
millennium. (Doctrines of Salvation, changed from time to time to suit the
vol. I, pp. 78-81; Man: His Origin whims and views of various emperors,
and Destiny, pp. 460-466.) philosophers, and politically power-
ful segments of the apostate church-
Creator. See CHRIST, CREATION, FA- eventually became the accepted
THER IN HEAVEN, WORD OF Goo. standards and guides in religious

matters. They are considered authori- to the true Beings whom men are
tative declarations of belief. Numer- commanded to worship.
ous .versions have been preserved to In prophetic vision Jeremiah fore'
this day which form in large part the saw this forsaking of the truth .about
present doctrinal foundation upon God and recorded that those in ·.the
which the Catholic and Protestant latter-days who woul4. return to the
churches rest. truth would say: "Surely our f,athers
The most charitable thing that can have in_herited lies, vanity, a-n d things
be said of them is that they are man wherein there is oo profit." Then he
made. Neither their authors, the summed up what men \la.d done in
councils which adopted • them, nor their creeds by saying: '.'Shall a man
those who presently accept them, make gods unto himself, and t_hey are
make any claim that revelation or no gods?" (Jer. 16:19:20.)
inspiration was present in their for- When the Father and the Son ap-
mulation and promulgation, although peared to Joseph Smith to usher in
attempts are mirde to show that the the dispensation of the fulness . of
various articles in them conform -to times, the young Prophet asked which
the teachings of the scriptures. of all the sects was right and w~ich
Actually the spirit which imposed he should join. In answer he was
them on the people in early days was told to "join none of .them, fqr ..they
from beneath. Joseph Smith, writing were all wrong; and the Personage
by way of inspiration concerning the who . addressed me," he explained,
"said that all their creeds were an
persecution, tyranny, and oppression
imposed upon the saints in his day abomination in his sight." (Jos. Smith
said that such was "supported and
urged on and upheld by the influence "I cannot believe in any of the
of that spirit which hath so strongly creeds of the different denomina-
tions," the Prophet once said, "though
riveted the creeds of the fathers, who
all of them have some truth. I want
have inherited lies, upon the hearts
to come up into the presence of God,
of the children, and filled the world
and learn all things; but the creeds
with confusion." (D. & C. 123:7.)
set. up stakes, and say, 'Hitherto shalt
The major creeds, in larg~ measure, thou come,. and no further,' which I
deal with the Godhead; they describe canllot subscribe to." (Teachings, p.
the members of that holy trinity as 327.) Each creed, he said on another
being three-in-one, incomprehensible, occasion, "was conceived in ignorance,
unknowable, uncreated, incorporeal, and brought forth in folly-a cobweb
and without body, part~, or passions. of yesterday!" (Teachings, p. 20~.)
Names of the members of the God-
head are applied to vague forces or Cremation. See DEATH, FUNERALS,
es_sences that have little resemblance GRAVES. Cremation of the dead is no

part of the gospel; it is a practice 2. Because of its association with

which has been avoided by the saints our Lord, the cross has come to have
in all ages. The Church today coun- symbolic meanings for those who pro-
sels its members not to cremate their fess belief in his atoning blood. Paul
dead. Such a procedure would find properly used the cross of Christ to
gospel acceptance only under the most identify to the mind the whole doc-
extraordinary and unusual circum- trine of the atonement, reconciliation,
stances. Wherever possible the dead and redemption. (1 Cor. 1:17-18; Gal.
should be consigned to the earth, and 6: 12-14; Eph. 2:8-21; Philip. 2:5-9;
nothing should be done that is de- 3:18; Col. 1:20; 2:14; Heb. 12:2.)
structive of the body; that should be In apostate days the degenerate
left to nature, "for dust thou art, and Christian Church developed the prac-
unto dust shalt thou return." (Gen. tice of using symbolic crosses in the
3:19.) architecture of their buildings and as
jewelry attached to the robes of their
Crime. See SIGNS OF THE TIMES. priests. Frequently this morbid mania
for dwelling on the personal death
Critics. See HIGHER CRITICISM. struggle of our Lord has caused these
apostate peoples to put sculptured
Cro-Magnon Man. See EvoLUTION. representations · of Christ on their
crosses, thus forming so-called cru-
Cross. See CHRIST, CRUCIFIED ONE, cifixes. All this is inharmonious with
CRUCIFIXION, SIGN OF THE CRoss. I. the quiet spirit of worship and rever-
Among the Assyrians, Persians, Phoe- ence that should attend a true
nicians of Carthage, Egyptians, Christian's remembrance of our Lord's
Greeks, and Romans, the cross was sufferings and death. In fact, the
an instrument of execution. From revealed symbolism to bring these
earliest times the eventual crucifixion things to the attention of true wor-
and death of our Lord upon the cross shipers is found in the ordinance of
was revealed to holy prophets. (Moses the sacrament.
7:55; 1 Ne. 11:33; 19:10-13; 2 Ne. 3. Growing out of the crucifixion
6:9; 10:3-7; 25: 13; Mosiah 3:9; 15:7.) of Christ is the concept that any
The gospel authors detail many of the great affliction or trial that comes
events and circumstances incident upon the saints does in itself consti-
thereto. (Matt. 26; 27; 28; Mark 14; lute a cross they must bear as part
15; 16; Luke 22; 23; 24; John 18; 19; of their obligation to overcome the
20; 21.) And alter his resurrection, world. Thus the saints-knowing
our Lord said that the very reason that Christ "for the joy that was set
he came into the world was to fulfil before him endured the cross, despis-
the will of the Father in being lifted ing the shame, and is set down at
up upon the cross. (3 Ne. 27:13-15.) the right hand of the throne of

God" (Heb. 12:2)-are themselves seen in v1s1on wearing "a golden

strengthened to withstand all trials crown" (Rev. 14:14; 6:2; 19:12), and
and persecutions which come upon those surrounding the throne of Deity
them in the gospel cause. Such afflic- have been seen similarly identified.
tions or trials are regarded as crosses (Rev. 4:4, 10.) Paul speaks of such
which test Christian patience or persons as having "an incorruptibleu
virtue. (2 Ne. 9:18; Jae. 1:8.) crown ( I Car. 9:25) and as inheriting
4. Similarly, the gospel cause com- "a crown of righteousness,, (2 Tim.
mands every man to take up· his cross 4:8); James say they "shall receive
and follow him who carried his own the crown of life, which the Lord hath
cross to Golgotha. That is, the saints promised to them that love him" (Jas.
are to carry the cross of service and 1:12); John records a similar affirma-
consecration, the cross of devotion tion (Rev. 2:10); and Peter speaks of
and obedience. "II any man will come receiving "a crown of glory that
alter me, let him deny himself, and ladeth not away." (I Pet. 5:4.) The
take up his cross and follow me," our ci-owns so spoken of are crowns of
Lord said. "And now for a man to eternal life (D. & C. 66:12), of eter-
take up his cross, is to deny himself nal lives (D. & C. 132:55), of celestial
all ungodliness, and every worldly glory. (D. & C. 101:65.)
lust, and keep my commandments." By keeping the commandments and
(Inspired Version, Matt. 16:25-26.) enduring in righteousness to the end
the saints overcome the world and
Cross of Christ. See CRoss. gain crowns of glory in eternity.
Hence the counsel: "Hold that fasr
Crowns. See EXALTATION, KING, which thou hast, that no man take
KINGS, PRIESTESSES, PRIESTS, THRONES. thy crown." (Rev. 3:11.)
Those who gain exaltation in the
highest heaven of the celestial world Crucified One. See CHRIST, CRoss,
shall wear crowns. No doubt literal CRUClFIXlON. Christ is the Crucified
crowns will be worn on occasion- One-a title used by Christians gen-
emblematic of their victory over the erally when they desire to point
world and signifying that they rule attention to the horrible and painful
and reign as kings and queens in the death by crucifixion which he suf-
eternal house of Israel. But at all fered on the cross.
times they will be "crowned with
honor, and glory, and immortality, Crucifix. See CROSS.
and eternal life." (D. & C. 75:5.)
In the gospel sense, a crown is the Crucifixion. See CHRIST, C&oss, C&uc1-
sign and symbol of eternal exaltation FIED ONE, PASSION OF CHRIST. · few ii
and dominion, ·of godhood 'in ·the any forms of execution are or could be
kingdom of God. Our Lord has been more painful an& agonizing than that

of crucifixion-a form of taking life Crystal Balls. See PEEP STONES.

in which the condemoed person has
his hands and feet nailed or bound to Cults. See SECTS.
a cross of execution, alter which he
is left to suffer inexpressible pain arid Cumorah. See BooK OF MORMON,
torture until the spirit finally leaves Gow PLATES. Both the Nephite and
the mangled and broken body. When Jaredite civilizations fought their fi-
crucified persons were nailed rather nal great wars of extinction at and
than bound to the cross, the nails near the Hill Cumorah (or Ramah as
ordinarily were driven through the the Jaredites termed it), which hill
feet and wrists ( or both hands and is located between Palmyra and Man-
wrists) so that the weight of the chester in the western part · of the
body could be sustained. Our Lord state of New York. It was here that
was, of course, nailed rather than Moroni hid up the gold plates from
tied to the cross. (Isa. 22:21-25.) which the Book of Mormon was trans-
Crucifixion was the form of death lated. (Morrn. 6; Ether 15.) Joseph
chosen from the beginning for Christ, Smith, Oliver Cowdery, and many
that in his death, · having descended of the early brethren, who were fa-
below all things, he might in his res- miliar with all the circumstances at-
urrection ascend above all things. tending the coming forth of the Book
(D. & C. 88:6; 122:8; Eph. 4:9-10.) of Mormon in this dispensation, have
Long before his earthly ministry, holy left us pointed testimony as to the
prophets foresaw his crucifixion ·on identity and location of Cumorah or
the cross. (Moses 7:55; I Ne. 19:10- Ramah. (Doctrines of Salvation, vol.
13; 2 Ne. 6:9; 10:3-5; 25:13; Mosiah 3, pp. 232-241.)
3:9; 15:7.)
After his resurrection our Lord Cursing,. See ANATHEMA, BLAS-
showed his disciples in Jerusalem and PHEMY, OATHS, OBEDIENCE, WOES.
the host of Nephite · Saints on this Just as obedience and righteousness
continent the nail marks in his hands bring blessings, so wickedness and
and in his feet. (Luke 24:36-43; 3 rebellion result in cursings. .(D. & C.
Ne. II:14-19.) At the Second Com- 104:1-8.) "Instead of blessings, · ye,
ing these same wounds will stand as by your own works, bring cursirigs,
a witness to the Jews that he is the wrath, indignation, and judgments
Crucified One, their King whom they upon your own heads, by your follies,
rejected in the meridian of time. (D. and by all your abominations, which
& C. 45:51-52; Zech. 12:10; 13:6.) you practise before me, saith the
Lord." (D. & C. 124:48.) As Moses
Cruelty. See PERSECUTION. explained in ·great detail to . ancient
Israel, the curses flowing from dis-
Crying. See WEEPING. obedience pertain to both temporal

and spiritual matters. Famine, pesti- ever be decreed except by direct rev-
lence, plague, disease, slavery, pover- elation from the Lord commanding
ty, war, and death are all sent of God such to be done. The true spirit of
as curses upon Israel for failure to the gospel ls exemplified i.n the coun-
keep the commandments. (Deut. 27; sel, "Love your enemies, bless them
28; 29; 30.) that curse you, do good to them that
Cursings are the opposite of bless- hate you, and pray for them which
ings, and the greater the opportunity despitelully· use you, and persecute
given a · people to earn blessings, the you." (Matt. 5:44.) "Bless, and curse
more severe will be the cursings not." (Rom. 12:14.)
heaped upon them, ii .they do . not President Joseph F. Smith . ex-
measure up and gain the. profferred plained, .. when speaking of the priest-
rewards; Failure to pay tithing, for , hood: "It is the same power and
in~tance, .brings curses upon the cove- priesthood that was committed to the
nant . people, whereas the people of disciples of Christ while he was upon
the world-not being specifically the earth, that whatsoever they
obligated to keep this law-do not should bind on earth should be bound
receive the same condemnation for in heaven, and that whatsoever they
non-tithe paying. (Mal. 3:7-12.) should loose on earth should be loosed
"Hearken and hear, 0 ye my people, in heaven, and whosoever they blessed
saith the Lord and your God, ye should be blessed, and if they cursed,
whom I . delight to bless with the in the spirit of righteousness and
greatest of all blessings, ye that hear meekness before God, God would con-
me; and ye that hear me not will I firm that curse; but men are not called
curse, that ,have professed my name, upon to curse mankind; that is not
with . the heaviest of all cursings." our mission; It is our mission to preach
(D. & C. 41:1.) righteousness to them. It is our busi-
Those who persecute the saints ness to love and to bless them, and
shall be cursed with the damnation to redeem them from the fall and
of hell. (D. & C. 121 :11-25.) To from the wickedness of the world.
those on his left hand the Lord shall This ls our mission and our special
say: "Depart from me, ye cursed, into calling. God will curse and will exer-
everlasting fire, prepared for the devil cise his judgment in those matters.
and his angels." (D. & C. 29:28, 41; 'Vengeance is mine,' saith . the Lord,
Matt. 25:40.) and 'I will repay.' (Rom. 12:19.) We
Cursings as well as blessings may are perfectly willing to leave venge-
be administered by the power and ance in the hands of God and let him
authority of .the priesthood (D. & C. judge between us and our enemies,
124:93), but the. Lord's. earthly agents and let him reward them according to
are sent ·forth primarily to bless and his own wisdom and mercy." (Gospel
not to curse, and no curse should Doctrine, 5th ed., p. 140.)

To curse in unrighteousness is in be put to death." (Ex. 21:17; Lev.

itself a serious crime. Through Moses 20:9; Prov. 20:20; Matt. 15:4; Mark
the Lord decreed: "He that curseth 7: 10.)
his lather, or his mother, shall surely

Damnation .
JD = =
Matt. 23:33.) The disobedient are
DAMNATION, FmE AND BRIMSTONE, damned (D. & C. 42:60; Hela. 12:26;
HELL, KINGDOMS OF GLORY, RESUR- 3 Ne. 26:5); likewise those who re-
RECTION, SALVATION, S1N, SONS OF ject Christ (D. & C. 49:5); those who
PERDmoN, SPIRIT PrusoN, SPIRITUAL do not believe the gospel (D. & C.
DEATH, U NPARDONABLE Sm. The 68:9; Mark 16:16); those who, hav-
opposite of salvation is damnation, ing believed, are not baptized (D. &
and just as there are varying degrees C. 84:74; 112:29); and those who
and kinds of salvation, so there are having been baptized do not endure
degrees and kinds of damnation. in faith unto the end. "If they will
There is a "greater damnation" not repent and believe in his name,
(Matt. 23:14) and, obviously, a lesser and be baptized in his name, and
damnation. Literally, to be damned endure to the end, they must be
is to be condemned, and the scriptures damned; for the Lord God, the Holy
speak of the damned as: I. Those who One of Israel, has spoken it." (2 Ne.
are thrust down to hell to await the 9:24.) Believers in the doctrine of
day of the resurre ction of damnation; an apostate Christianity will reap
2. Those who fail to gain an inheri- damnation to their souls (Morm. 8;
tance in the celest_ial kingdom or Moro. 8), as will also members of the
kingdom of God; 3. Those who be- Church who partake unworthily of
come sons of perdition; and 4. Those the sacrament. (3 Ne. 18:28-29; I
who fail to gain exaltation in the Cor. II :29.) The rejection of any
highest heaven within the celestial covenant, the gospel, celestial mar-
world, even though they do gain a riage, or any other, assures the rebel-
celestial mansion in one of the lower lious person of damnation. (D. & C.
heavens of that world. 132:4, 6, 27.)
Acco~dingly, we find the Lord say- It is very evident that church mem-
ing of_ the · wicked and those who bership alone will not keep an
persec~te his saints that, "a genera- individual from one degree of dam-
tion of vipers shall not escape the nation or another. It was of his saints,
damnation of hell." (D. & C. 121 :23; members of his kingdom or Church

on earth, that the Lord said: "Behold, prayer of praise and thanksgiving."
it is not meet that I should command (D. & C. 136:28.) "To every thing
in all things; for he that is compelled there is a season, and a time to every
in all things, the same is a slothful purpose under the heaven: . . . A
and not a wise servant; wherefore he time to weep, and a time to laugh;
receiveth no reward. Verily I say, a time to mourn, and a time to
men should be anxiously engaged in dance." (Eccles. 3:1-8.)
a good cause, and do many things of Dances should be properly con-
their own free will, and bring to pass ducted, supervised, and chaperoned.
much rightousness; For the power is Church standards of dress and con-
in them, wherein they are agents duct must prevail. It is improper to
unto themselves. And inasmuch as dance a whole evening ( or a major
men do good they shall in nowise lose part of it) with the same person.
their reward. But he that doeth not Dating by the very young and im-
anything until he is commanded, and mature i,; discouraged. Attendance at
receiveth a commandment with public dances, as distinguished from
doubtful heart, and keepeth it with those sponsored by the Church,
slothfulness, the same is damned." school, or other private organization,
(D. & C. 58:26-29.) is unwise and should not be done.
Prolonging dances past midnight
Dancing. See MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT when the next day is the Sabbath or
ASSOCIATIONS, RECREATION. Two ex- to the early hours of the morning on
treme and opposite views are held by any day should not be permitted.
apostate peoples with reference to Tobacco and liquor have no place at
dancing. In some sects of Christen- a proper dance. Church dances should
dom even the most circumspect and be opened and closed With prayer.
wholesome dancing is banned as im-
moral and ungodly; in other circles, Dark Ages. See ArosTASY, CHURCH
dancing is so twisted and perverted OF THE DEVIL, DARKNESS. That period
as to make it a vulgar caricature of of about I 000 years which lasted
the wholesome recreational pursuit from the fall of the Roman Empire
that should result from friendly asso- to the age of the Renaissance is called
ciation between the sexes. the Dark Ages. During this near-
Under proper circumstances and millennium the light of learning and
supervision dancing is a wholesome, truth almost went out. Progress was
edifying, and clean amusement having nil. Men and nations sank into il-
the specific approval of the Lord. By literacy and ignorance.
the mouth of Brigham Young the Why should such universal retro-
Lord revealed: "II thou art merry, gression take place? Historians strug-
praise the Lord with singing, with gle without success to find an
music, with · dancing, and with a explanation. Plainly and simply put,

the fact is that the pall of darkness corrie not unto me," the Lord said.
that overcast the earth during all (D. & C. 84:49-54.) "Darkness cov-
those years was part of the great ereth the earth, 'and gross darkness
apostasy from the truth. It was the the minds of the people." (D. & C.
direct outgrowth of the darkness and 112:23.) The kingdom of the devil
restraint imposed by that great is "lull of darkness." (Rev. 16:10.)
Church which is not the Lord's And men "love darkness rather than
Church, that organization which has light, because their deeds are evil."
Satan as its founder. ( I Ne. 13.) (D. & C. 10:21; John 3:19.) But
The hold of Lucifer is always more when men repent and heed the call
secure when truth and light are re- of Christ, they thereby come "out of
jected, when men forget how to read darkness into his marvellous light."
and write, and when they can be (I Pet. 2:9;· I Thess. 5:4; L John
held in bondage to those who prac- 2:9,)
tice priestcrafts. It was not until the By following Christ men have
Catholic grip was loosened in the age power to chase darkness from their
of the Renaissance that light, truth, midst and to come to the lulness of
and learning again began to prevail the light. (D. & C. 50:23-29.) "I
on earth. (.Progress of Man, pp. 178- am the light of the world: he that
195.) followeth me shall not walk in dark-
ness, but shall have the light of life."
Darkness. See APOSTASY, DARK AGES, (John 8:12.) "Yet a little while is
DEVIL, LIGHT, LIGHT OF CHRIST. In the light with you. Walk while ye
the gospel sense, darkness-the oppo- have the light, lest darkness come
site of light-reigns where there is upon you: for he that walketh in
ignorance, iniquity, and apostasy. darkness knoweth not whither he
Light is of God, darkness of the devil; goeth. , , , I am come a · light into
Christ is the true light, Lucifer the the world, that whosoever believeth
fountain of gross darkness and apos- on me should not abide in darkness."
tasy. "I am the light which shineth (John 12:35, 46.)
in darkness, and the darkness compre- II, alter receiving the truth, men
hendeth it not," our Lord said. (D. & then apostatize and turn to unright-
C. 6:21; John 1:5.) "God is light, eousness, the darkness that envelopes
and in him is no darkness at all." them is deeper than it was before
(I John 1:5.) they canie into the light. II "the light
Where the true gospel of Christ is, that is in thee be darkness, how great
there is light; and where that gospel is that darkness!" (Matt. 6:22-23;
is not found, darkness reigns. "The Luke 11 :33-36; D. & C. 88:67.)
whole world lieth in sin, and groan- Similarly, though they do not aposta-
eth under darkness and under the tize, the saints ·who do not magnify-
bondage of sin, . . . because they their callings "are walking in dark-

.neSs . at noon-day.» Further: " If you called a day. (Gen. 7 :24. ) Hebrew
keep not my commandments, the love days were calculated "from even unto
of the Father shall not continue with even" (Lev. 23:32) , meaning from
-yoi,,, ·therefore you sh!,ll walk in sunset to sunset. The Lord's day is
darkness." (D. & C. 95:6, 12.) the first day of the week. (D. & C.
Darwinism. See EvournoN. 2. That period between dawn and
dark is the day as distinguished from
Daughters of God·. See AooPTioN, the night. (Gen. 8:22; Ps. 19:2.)
CELF;STIAL MARRIAGE, CHURCH OF "Are there not twelve hours in the
OF THE FATHER, OooHooo, JOINT~ 3. .A day is a specified age, time, or
H~IRS '?{ITH CHRIST, PRE-EXISTENCE, period. (Job 19:25.) "Now is the
SALVATIO~, S ERVANTS .oF Goo, SoNs time and the day of your s.alvation.
OF Goo. · All women are the daughters ... For behold, this life is, the time.
of God because of their pre-existent for men to prepare to meet God."
birth as female spirits. However, the (Alma 34:31-32.) We are fast ap-
designation daughters of God, as used proaching "the day -when the Lord
in the revelations, has a far more shall come." (D. & C. 1:10.)
pointed meaning than this. Just as 4. The Mosaic and Abrahamic ac-
men who pursue · a steadfas~ course counts of the creation recite that this
toward exaltation become the sons earth created in six days and that
of God while in this life, so women on the 7th the Lord . rested . .(Gen.
who walk hand-in-hand in obedience I; 2; Moses 2; 3; Abra. 4; 5.) These
with them become the daughters of days were not periods of 24 hours,
God. (D. & C. 25:1; 76:24; Mosiah nor were they periods of unknown
5:7.) and unspecified duration. The Lord
The temple ordinances, including told Abraham, "by the Urim and
.celestial n1:arriage, precede attainment Thummim, that Kolob was after the
of that membership in the household manner of the Lord, acc~rding to its
o.f God which makes one a daughter. times and seasons in the revolutions
Those who are adopted as daughters thereof; that one revolution was a day
in this life will, if they continue faith- unto the Lord, after his manner of
ful, gain exaltation in the world to reckoning, it being one thousand years· (Doctrines of .Salvation, . vol. according to the time appointed· unto
2, pp. o4-65.) that whereon thou · standest. This is
the reckoning of the Lord's time, ac-
Day. See CREATION, L AST DAY, LAST cording to the reckoning of Kolob."
TIME. I. One period of the earth's Following this revealed definition
revolution on its axis (24 hours) is of a day unto the Lord, Abraham re-

corded the events of the successive Day of Indignation. See SECOND

days of the creation of the earth. CoMING OF CHRIST.
Then he wrote: "Now I, Abraham,
s·a w that it was after the Lord's time, Day of Judgment. See JUDGMENT
which was after the time of Kolob;° DAY.
for as yet the Gods had not appointed
unto Adam his reckoning." (Abra. Day of Pentecost. See EASTER, GIFT
5:13.) Thus the celestial day (which OF THE HOLY GHOST, HOLY GHOST,
was used in the creation) was 1000 PASSOVER, TONGUES . In ancient Israel
years in length measured in terms of "the feast of weeks" (Ex. 34:22; Deut.
time as it is reckoned on this earth. 16: IO), or "the feast of harvest" (Ex.
This accords with Peter's recitation 23:16), or " the day of the firstlruits"
that "one day is with the Lord as a (Num. 28:26), was celebrated 50
thousand years, and a thousand years days alter the Passover. This occa-
as one day" (2 Pet. 3:8) , and also sion, from the Greek word Pente-
with revealed time-periods as these koste (meaning 50th) was known as
have been made known through the day of Pentecost. It was on this
Joseph Smith. (D. & C. 77.) day of Jewish celebration, in the year
5. That period of time between the our Lord was resurrected, that the
loss of the true Church in the early promised endowment of the Holy
part of the Christian Era and its res- Spirit was firs t enjoyed in the Chris-
toration in modern times is scriptur- tian Era. Some sects of Christendom
ally measured in what have been observe Pentecost or W hitsuntide as
termed prophetic days . John specified a solemn feast seven weeks or 50 days
that this period of prolonged apostate after Easter, counting both Easter and
darkness would prevail for 1260 days Pentecost in the 50.
(Rev. 12:6), that is for 42 months During his mortal ministry our
(Rev. 13:5 ), or in other words "for Lord gave his disciples the gift of the
a time, and times, and half a time." Holy Ghost, which is the right to
(Rev. 12:14; Dan. 7:25.) Obviously the constant companionship of that
these I 260 days ended when the member of the Godhead based on
Church was restored in the latter- faithfulness. (John 20 :22.) But as
days. Interesting attempts have been long as Jesus was with them, the
made by some scholars to identify the actual enjoyment of the gift was with -
exact period covered by these 42 held. (John 7: 39; 14 :26; 15:26-27;
months. (J. M. Sjodahl, The Reign 16:7-15; Acts I :8.) Fulfilment of the
of Antichrist, pp. 70-71.) promise came on the day of Pentecost;
with miraculous majesty attending,
Day of Burning. See SECOND COMING the gift of tongues and of in terpreta-
OF CHRIST. tion was poured out upon a great

multitude and many conversions were (hearing an unusual sound within,

made. (Acts 2:1-17.) and seeing a bright light like a pillar
This occasion is falsely considered of fire resting upon the Temple), and
by the sectarian world generally to were astonished at what was taking
be the beginning of the Christian place." (History of the Church, vol.
Church. In reality the Church had 2, p. 428.)
existed in previous dispensations, but
even as pertaining to the meridian Day of Redemption. See SECOND
of time, the Church had been an COMING OF CHRIST.
organized and formal body during the
lifetime of the Master. Day of Rest. See SABBATH.
Pentecostal outpourings of the
Spirit have occurred many times in Day of the Lord. See SECOND
many dispensations. One of these COMING OF CHRIST.
great latter-day Pentecostal periods
was in connection with the dedication Day ol Transfiguration. See TIMES OF
of the Kirtland Temple. For ·a period REFRESHING.
of weeks, the visions of eternity were
opened to many, angels visited in the Day of Vengeance. See SECOND
congregations of the saints, the Lord COMING OF CHRIST.
himself was seen by many, and
tongues and prophecy were multi- Day of Visitation. See SECOND CoM-
plied. (History of the Church, vol. 2, ING OF CHRIST.
pp. 379-436.) On Sunday, March
27, 1836, in the dedicatory service it- Day of Wrath. See SECOND CoMING
self, an almost exact repetition of the OF CHRIST.
events of the New T estament day of
Pentecost took place. "Brother George Deaconesses. See APOSTASY, DEACONS.
A. Smith arose and began to proph- In some branches of ap6state Chris-
esy," the Prophet recorded, "when a tendom a woman who is chosen or as-
noise was heard like the sound of a signed to assist in church work is
rushing mighty wind, which filled the called a deaconess. In reality there is
Temple, and all the congregation si- no such office eith er in the priesthood
multaneous!y arose, being moved or in the Church, and the designation
upon by an invisible power; many is not so much as found in the scrip-
began to speak in tongues and proph- tures. Its usage by supposed Chris-
esy; others saw glorious visions; and tian churches of the day is one of the
I beheld the T emple was filled with evidences ol the great apostasy.
angels, which fact I declared to the
congregation. The people of the Deacons. See PRIESTHOOD,
neighborhood came running together DEACONESSES, LEVITES, PRIESTHOOD,


PRIESTHOOD OFFICES, PRIESTHOOD that this is the lowest priesthood of-

QUORUMS, QUORUM PRESIDENTS. One fice, it is yet a high and holy one in
of the ordained offices in the Aaronic God's kingdom. lri the meridian of
Priesthood is that of a deacon. (D. & time the needs of the ministry were
C. 20:60.) This office, the lowest in such that adult brethren were or~
the priesthood hierarchy (D. & C. dained deacons.
88: 127), is an appendage to the lesser "The deacons," Paul wrote, must
priesthood. (D. & C. 84:30.) Deacons "be grave, not doubletongued, not
are "appointed to watch over the given to much wine, not greedy of
church, to be standing ministers unto filthy lucre; Holding the mystery of
the church." (D. & C. 84:111.) They the faith in a pure conscience. And let
are to assist the teachers in all their these also first be proved; then let
duties (which includes ward teach- them use the office of a deacon, being
ing), and are "to warn, expound, found blameless. Even so must their
exhort, and teach, and invite all to wives be grave, not slanderers, sober,
come unto Christ," although they can faithful in all things. Let the deacons
neither "baptize, administer the sac- be the husbands of one wife, ruling
rament, or lay on hands." (D. & C. their children and their own houses
20:57-60.) Among other things, it well. For they that have used the
is the practice of the Church to as- office of a deacon well purchase to
sign them to pass the sacrament, themselves a good degree, and great
perform messenger service,. act as boldness in the faith which is in
ushers, keep church facilities in good Christ Jesus." (I Tim. 3:8-13.)
repair, go ward teaching, and perform
special assignments at the direction Dead Works. See Gooo WoRKS, SAL-
of the bishopric. Many of their as- VATION. Dead works are those un-
signed functions are comparable to authorized religious acts which men
those · performed by the Levites of do in the false hope of gaining
old. (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 3, salvation through their performance.
pp. 111-114.) They are works without life, works
It is the practice of the Church which never gain the ratifying seal of
in this dispensation- a practice dic- approval from the Spirit and which
tated by the needs of the present day do not lead to eternal life. They are
ministry and confirmed by the in- not -of God. All apostate ordinances
spiration of the Spirit resting upon and performances are of this sort.
those who hold the keys of the king- Alter the law given to Moses was
dom-to confer the Aaronic Priest- fulfilled in Christ, every ordinance
hood upon worthy young men who or ritual imitative of what legal ad-
are 12 years of age and to ordain them ministrators had done in righteousness
to the office of a deacon in that when the law was in force became a
priesthood. Notwithstanding the fact dead work. Ordinances-such as

baptism (though it may imitate the that will not see; for they shall perish
true mode, immersion)-are dead also." (2 Ne. 9:31-32.)
works when performed by sectarian The gathering of Israel in the last
churchesc .(D. & C. 22.) Believing in days shall· consist in bringing to-
arid relying on infant baptism is "pllt- gether "the blind people that have
ting trust in dead works." (Moro. .eyes, and the deal that have ears,"
8 :23.) The religious performances of that is, the spiritually blind and deal
those outside the true Church of shall come to a knowledge of · the
Christ are dead works, from which things of God and they shall see and
they are commanded to repent. (Heb. hear. (Isa. 43.) In large part the
6:1; 9:14.) opening of the eyes of the blind and
the unstopping of the ears of the deaf
Deafness. See APOSTASY, SPIRITUAL· shall take place by means of the Book
ITY, Spiritual deafness describes the of Mormon. "And in that day shall
state of those who are lacking in spir- the deaf hear the words of the book,
ituality, whose spirit ears are not and the eyes of the blind shall see out
attuned to the whisperings of the of obscurity, and out of darkness."
stiff small voice of the Spirit. Sim- (Isa. 29 :18.)
ilarly, spiritual blindness is the iden-
tifying mark which singles out those Death. See ANNIHILATION, ATONE-

who are unable to see the hand of MENT OF CHRIST, FALL OF ADAM,
God manifest in the affairs of men.
Such have "unbelief and blindness of
heart" (D. & C. 58:15); they are
"haid in their hearts, and blind in
their minds." (3 Ne. 2:1.) no such thing as death in the sense of
annihilation, in the sense that mat-
01 the unbelieving Jews our Lord
ter ceases to exist or that living
said, "They seeing see not; and hear-
things cease to have a COnsciouS iden-
ing they hear not, neither do they
tity. Death is merely a change from
understand. . . . For this people's orte status or sphere of existence to
heart is waxed gross·, and their ears another. In a sense the spirit chil-
are dull of hearing, and their eyes dren of God die ( as pertaining to their
they have closed; lest at any time they life in the presence of the Father)
.should see with their eyes, and hear when the transition from the pre-
with their ears, and should under- existent sphere to this life is made.
stand with their heart, and should That is, they die as pertaining to their
be converted, and I should heal pre-mortal life but they are born as
them." (Matt. 13:10-17.) "And· wo pertaining to mortality.
unto the deal that will not hear; for When the scriptures speak of
they shall perish. Wo unto the blind death, however, they ordinarily mean

the natural or temporal death. (D. been no creation, there could have
& C. 29:42-43; Alma 11:42; 12:16, been no fall. II there had been no
24; 42:8; Morm. 9:13.) This death fall, there could have been no birth
consists in the separation of the eter- into mortality. II there were no
nal spirit from the mortal body so mortality, there would be no death.
that the body is left to go back to the And without death there would be
dust or element from which it was no resurrection, and hence no immor-
created (meaning organized), and the tality or eternal life. Thus to do away
spirit is left to sojourn in a world with death would frustrate the whole
of waiting spirits until the day of plan of redemption. (2 Ne. 9:6-16.)
the resurrection. (Rev. 20: 13; 2 Ne. Death began, as far as this earth
9:10-15.) is concerned, after and as a result
In the case of translated beings and of the fall of Adam. There was no
the righteous persons who shall live death for man or for any form of life
during the millennial era, death and until after Adam transgressed. (2 Ne.
the resurrection shall take place in - 2:22; Doctrines of Salvation, vol. I,
stantaneously. They shall be changed pp. 107-120.) Death will cease, as
from mortality to immortality in the far as this earth is concerned, when
twinkling of an eye, the spirit never every person and created thing has
having occasion to separate from the been raised in immortality and when
body, and in their cases this change the earth itself has become an im-
is called death. (D. & C. 63 :49-52; mortal sphere. (D. & C. 29:22-29;
3 Ne. 28.) But it is not death accord- 77:1-3; 88:16-32; 130:9.)
ing to the most common usage of the By faith the dead are sometimes
word. (D. & C. 101:29-31; Isa. raised, meaning that the spirit is
65:20.) called back to inhabit again the mor-
"Death hath passed upon all men, tal body. (3 Ne. 7:19; 19:4; 4 Ne. 5;
to fulfil the merciful plan of the great 1 Kings 17:17-23; Matt. 9:18-26;
Creator." (2 Ne. 9:6.) It is one ·of Mark 5:21-43; Luke 7: 11-17, 22;
the most important and desirable 8:41-56; John 11 :1 -46; Acts 9:36-43;
events that can transpire in the eter- 20:9-12.) Such persons pass through
nal existence of the spirit offspring the natural or temporal death twice.
of Him who ordained the great plan In due course, also, all men will be
of mercy of which it is a part. It is raised from the dead and live in an
just as important to die as to be born, immortal state. (Alma 11:41; 12:8.)
for the spirit to leave the body as There is no fear of death in the
for it to enter that same body. Mor- hearts of the righteous. True, they
tality is a necessary prelude to im- proper! y seek to live as long as the
rt10rtali\y; it is hy passi~ the test of Lord will permit them so to do.
this !He that men obtain eternal life When the time of departure comes,
in the world to come. II there had they go in peace. But with the wicked

it is not so, for "the sting of death is lenge · to debate an issue, or ii by

sin." (I Car. 15:56.) "Those that withdrawing from the discussion they
die in me shall not taste of death," would lose their investigators, then
the Lord says, "for it shall be sweet it is proper to go ahead and engage
unto them; And they that die not in the debate, In such instances, ii
in me, wo unto them, for their death the elders are as informed as they
is bitter." (D. & C. 42:46-47; Alma should be, they always come off vic-
40:23-26.) torious. The truth is with the saints,
and truth will stand of its own self.
Death Penalty. See CAPITAL PuN-
UsuRY. I. Speaking of the eternal
Deaths. See ETERNAL LIVES. plan of salvation, all men are and ever
will be indebted to Christ for all that
Debates. See CONTENTION. Except they have and are, As King Benjamin
under very unusual circumstances, said: "In the first place, he hath
debates play no part in the approved created you, and granted unto you
system of presenting the message of your lives, for which ye are indebted
salvation to the world or of persuad- unto him, And secondly, he doth
ing members of the Church to accept require that ye should do as he hath
a particular doctrine or view. Almost commanded you; for which ii ye do,
always a debate entrenches each con- he doth immediately bless you; and
testant and his sympathizers more therefore he hath paid you. And ye
firmly in the views already held. are still indebted unto him, and are,
Debates, wraths, strifes, and the like and will be, forever and ever."
are evil. (Rom. I :29; 2 Car. 12:20.) (Mosiah 2:23-24.)
Rather, the Lord has directed, the In lesser degrees, men are indebted
elders are to "declare glad tidings,"
for various great blessings to their
that is, explain, expound, and teach
parents, to the church officers who
the message of the restoration. "And
serve them, to the missionaries who
thou shalt do it with all humility,"
he directs, "trusting in me, reviling
brought them the gospel, to friends
not against revilers. And of tenets who succor them in time of need, to
thou shalt not talk." (D. & C. 19:29- the martyrs of freedom, and to all
31.) There are to be no arguments those who have poured out their
about peculiar doctrinal concepts that strength and energy in making this
people may have; the elders are wicked world a better place in which
simply to explain their mes.sage and to live.
bear testimony of its truthfulness, 2, Speaking of financial indebted-
II a situation arises in which the ness to other men, the. ~tanding
elders cannot in honor refuse a cha!- counsel of the Church is that the

saints, ever and always, should seek associate, is for m~ first to pay my
to be free from debt. obligations to the Lord. I can pay
Financially indebted persons usual- more of my debts to my neighbors,
ly are yoked down with the burden if I have contracted them, after I
of interest payments. President J. have met my honest obligations with
Reuben Clark, Jr., said in a General the Lord, than I can by neglecting
Conference of the Church: "Interest the latter; and you can do the same.
never sleeps nor sickens nor dies; it If you desire to prosper, and to be
never goes to the hospital; it works free men and women and a free peo-
on Sundays and holidays; it never ple, first meet your ;ust obligations
takes a vacation; it never visits nor to God, and then meet your obliga-
travels; it takes no pleasure; it is never tions to your fellowmen." (Gospel
laid off work nor discharged from Doctrine, 5th ed., pp. 259-260.)
employment; it never works on re-
duced hours; it never has short crops Deceitfulness. See LIARS.
nor droughts; it never pays taxes; it
buys no food; it wears no clothes; it Deceivi'ngs. See SIGNS OF THE TIMES.
is unhoused and without home and
so has no repairs, no replacements, Deception. See LIARS.
no shingling, plumbing, painting, or
whitewashing; it has neither wife, Decrees. See CoMMANDMENTS .
children, father, mother, nor kinfolk
to watch over and care for; it has no Dedication. See DEVOTION.
expense of living; it has neither wed-
dings nor births nor deaths; it has Dedication of Buildings. See DEDICA-
no love, no sympathy; it is as hard TION OF GRAVES, MEETINGHOUSES,
and soulless as a granite cliff. Once PRAYER, TEMPLES. It is the practice
in debt, interest is your companion of the Church to dedicate to the Lord
every minute of the day and night; all temples, meetinghouses, schools,
you cannot shun it or slip away from welfare buildings, and other struc-
it; you cannot dismiss it; it yields tures which are prepared for use in
neither to entreaties, demands, or carrying out the great progranls
orders; and whenever you get in its of the Church. Not infrequently in-
way or cross its course or fail to meet dividual members of the Church also
its demands, it crushes you." (Conf. dedicate to the cause of righteousness
Rep., Apr., 1938, p. 103.) their own homes, and occasionally
President Joseph F. Smith gave this even their business enterprises.
direction as to how to get out of The essential part of any dedicatory
debt: "One of the best ways that I service is the formal prayer of dedi-
know of to pay my obligations to my cation.- In general the purpose is to
brother, my neighbor, or business hallow and consecrate the building

for the particular purpose for which but the disposition of the ashes would
it was constructed. · Temples and normally make unnecessary the offer-
meetinghouses, being houses of wor- ing of either a dedicatory or grave-
ship, are given to the Lord as his side prayer.
houses. Dedication of private homes
normally includes petitions for spe- Dedicatory Prayers. See PRAYER.
cial blessings upon the members of
the family and covenants on their Degrees of Glory. See KINGDOMS •OF
part to serve the Lord and use the GLORY.
means at their disposal for the rolling
forth of his work. No building is ever Deism. See ATHEISM, Goo, HENO-
dedicated unless it is free from debt. TH.EISM, .MONOTHEISM, ·pOLYTiIEISM:,
THEISM. Deism is the partial' accept"
Dedication of Graves. See CREMA- ance of God, that is, deists profess
TION, DEATH, FUNERALS, GRAVES, to believe in him as the Creator of
MOURNING. It is the accepted prac- the world and the final judge of men,
tice of the Church-based on prece- but they reject the idea that he rules
dent and guided by the spirit of over or guides men during the interval
revelation in those whom God has between the creation and . the judg-
chosen to lead the Church-to ded- ment. Deists ·assert a disbelief in
icate the graves of faithful saints who Christianity.
depart this life. Dedication of graves
is .an ordinance of the gospel and is Deity. See Goo, FALSE Goos. As com-
performed in the name of Christ and monly used by Christ.ian peoples,
in the authodty of the Melchizedek Deity means God, with no attempt
Priesthood. The dedicatory prayer being made to · distinguish between
should con taln such expressions of the personages of the Father, Son,or
thanksgiving, such words of comfort Holy Ghost. The word · deity itself
to the bereaved, such assurances ( or connotes a condition of divinity, or of
petitions) for the protecting care of divine nature· or rank. Refererices to
Divine Providence over the grave as other than the true and living God
the · Spirit may indicate to the one are ordinarily couched in such ex-
performing the dedication. pressiqns as pagan deities, false deities,
Graveside prayers, which do not or tribal deities.
involve the exercise of the Melchizedek
Priesthood, and which merely recite Deliverer. See ·CHRIST, KING, MES-
expressions of thanksgiving arid re- SIAH, REDEEMER, SAVIOR. Christ is the
quest such petitions as seem proper, Deliverer (2 Sam. 22:1-4; Ps. 18:1-3;
are sometimes offered instead of ded- 40 :17; 70:5), a designation akin to
icatory prayers. If bodies are cremated, Savior or Redeemer. Some references
funeral services may of course be held, to him as. the Deliverer lay stress on

temporal deliverance from present word God gives us the title demigod,
enemies (Ps. 144:1-2), and this seems meaning literally half-god. Accord-
to have been the concept firm! y lodged ingly in pagan religions a demigod
in the popular mind in the day of his is assumed to be a divine or semi-
mortal ministry. What the ancient divine being who is the offspring of
Jews failed to realize was that any a deity and a mortal. The interesting
temporal deliverance effected by him thing about this is that there are so
was but symbolical .of the far greater many pagan legends in which gods
spiritual redemption to be effected are supposed to have cohabited with
when the great Deliverer, through mortals with offspring of one kind or
his atoning sacrifice, turned away another being brought forth. Ob-
ungodliness from those in Jacob who viously these beliefs, encountered
accepted him as their Redeemer. (Isa. among apostate peoples, had their
59:20-21; Rom. 11:25-26.) origin in the true account, first re-
vealed to Adam, that God in due
Delusion. See APOSTASY, HALLUCINA- course would lather his Only Begot-
TIONS. Almost the whole modern ten in the flesh.
world is enveloped in a state of apos-
tasy, darkness, and delusion. This is Democracy in the Church. See COM-
the day of which Paul wrote: "God MON CONSENT.
shall send them strong delusion, that
they should believe a lie : That they Demons. See DEVIL, DEVILS, WAR IN
all might be damned who believed HEAVEN. Devils are demons, the
not the truth, but had pleasure in spirit beings cast out of heaven for
unrighteousness." (2 Thess. 2:ll-12.) rebellion. (Rev. 12:7-9.) "We are
Modern delusion is not limited to surrounded by demons," the wicked
what is generally classified as the Nephites cried, "yea, we are encircled
religious field; it is found in social,
about by the angels of him who hath
philosophical, political, and govern-
sought to destroy our souls." (Hela.
mental realms, and in the speculative
13:37.) Demonism is belief in
and theoretical parts of modern
demons; a demoniac is one thought
sciences. Every false belief, no mat-
ter where found, is a delusion; every
to be possessed of an evil spirit.
belief and philosophy of whatever
nature that leads men away from Denominations. See SECTS.

God, the gospel, and the principles

of freedom which appertain to these, Dentists. See PHYSICIANS.
is a delusion.
Dependent Branches. See BRANCHES.
Demigod. See Goo. By adding the
prefix demi, meaning half, to the Depression. See SIGNS OF THE TIMES.

Deseret. See BooK OF MORMON, JAR- who will be looking forward with
EDITES. Deseret is the Jaredite name desire for the return of their Lord,
for honey bee. (Ether 2:3.) Brigham but the nations of peoples as a whole
Young and his followers first named will not have any such desires. The
their new intermountain empire the meaning of the promise, as the mar-
territory of Deseret after this unique ginal reading shows, is that our Lord's
Book of Mormon name. The name return will bring desirable things for
has since been applied to many busi- the nations.
nesses and enterprises in the Utah
area, and the beehive, as a symbol Desires. See COVETOUSNESS, D ESIRE
of industry, is part of the great ·seal OF ALL NATIONS. In the eternal per-
of the state of Utah. spective, men are rewarded according
to their desires. Righteous desires lead
Deseret Industries. See WELFARE to peace here and salvation hereafter;
PLAN. One of the agencies of the lustful desires guarantee sorrow, re-
Church Welfare Plan, deseret indus - morse of conscience and final damna-
tries is a business enterprise designed tion. (2 Chron. 15:1-15; Ps. 37:4;
to provide employment and aid in Eph. 2:3; Alma 29:4-5; 41 :5-6.)
the economic rehabilitation and sup- The whole doctrine of salvation for
port of persons who have suffered the dead is based on the principle
economic reverses. Commercial items that men will be judged according to
are manufactured, repaired, and sold the desires of their hearts; that is,
on the retail market through various if in this life they do not have oppor-
deseret industry stores. tunity to live a law and gain a
blessing, yet by virtue of certain vi-
Deseret Sunday School Union. See carious performances the blessing
SUNDAy SCHOOL. will be gained by those whose desires
are right. (Teachings, p. 107.)
Desire of All Nations. See CHRJST,
Christ is the Desire of All Nations.
"For thus saith the Lord of hosts; Despair. See CHEERFULNESS, HoPE,
Yet once, it is a little while, and I will I NIQUITY, R EJOICING. Despair is a
shake the heavens, and the earth, and feeling of hopelessness and futility, a
the sea, and the dry land; And I will feeling that there is no chance for
shake all nations, and the desire of all continued progression, or forgiveness,
nations shall come." (Hag. 2:5-9; or salvation. The Spirit of the Lord
Heb. 12 :25-29.) This prophecy has sheds forth cheerfulness and hope;
reference to the Second Coming of the spirit of the devil casts men into
Christ. It is true that there may be despair and despondency. "And if
a few righteo\lS saints in all nations ye have no hope ye must needs be in

despair; and despair cometh because (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 2, pp.

of iniquity." (Moro. 10:22.) Though 227-228.)
the saints may be perplexed, they are By definition, "the death of the
nof in despair. (2 Cor. 4:8.) spirit" is for the spirit to die as to
things pertaining to righteousness and·
Despondency. See DESPAIR. consequently reap the damnation of
hell. (2 Ne. 9:10-12.) Utter spiritual
ruin is thus imposed upon the soul;
it is a lost soul, one that has not filled
the measure of its creation. Lucifer's
Destroyer. See ABADDON, APOL·
self imposed mission is to destroy the
souls of men (D. & C. 10:27), and
DEVIL. This name for Satan signifies
his own ultimate destruction will
that his great labor is to destroy the
come when he and his angels are
souls of men. Incident thereto he re-
cast into the lake of fire. (D . . & C.
joices in bringing to pass temporal,
19:3; 2 Ne. 9: 16.)
spiritual, and mental ruin and waste
of all degrees. William W. Phelps, Devil. See ABADDON, ADVERSARY,
in daylight vision, saw the destroyer AGENCY, ANGEL OF THE BOTTOMLESS
riding in power upon the lace of the PIT, APOLLY0N, BEELZEBUB, BELIAL,
Missouri River; and thereupon the CAIN, CHURCH OF THE DEVIL, CoM-
Lord revealed to the Prophet the, MON ENEMY, DEMONS, DESTROYER,
perils to be wrought upon the waters DEVILS, DRAGON, Ev1L ONE, Goo OF
in the last days by the destroyer. THIS WORLD, HELL, LUCIFER; MASTER
Destruction of the Soul. See ANNI- OF TH1s WonLo, SATAN, SERPENT, SoN
are destroyed, meaning that they TEMPTER. The devil (literally mean-
enter the wide gate and traverse the ing slanderer) is a spirit son of God
broad way leading to hell. (Matt. who was born in the morning of pre-
7:13-14; 10:28; Rom. 9:22; Philip. existence. (D. & C. 76:25-26.) En-
3:19; I Thess. 1:9; 2 Pet. 2:1; 3:16; dowed with agency, the free power of
Alma 5:7; 12:6, 16, 36; 3 Ne. 14:13- choice, he chose the evil part from the
14.) The destruction of the soul con- beginning, thus placing himself in
sists in the inheritance of spiritual eternal opposition to the divine will.
death in hell and not in the annihila- He was "a liar from the beginning."
tion of the spirit. There is no such (D. & C. 93:25.)
thing in all the economy of God as a Obviously he gained for himself
soul or spirit ceasing to exist as such. great executive and adminiStrative

ability and had a sufficiently compel- And he became Satan, yea, even the
ling personality to influence for ill devil, the father of all lies, to deceive
a myriad host of other spirit offspring and to blind men, and to lead them
of the Father. His position was one captive at .his will, even as many as
of great power and authority; He was would not hearken unto my voice."
"an angel of God" who "became a (Moses 4:3-4.) "A third part ol the
devil, having sought that which was hosts of heaven" joined the rebellion;
evil before God." (2 Ne. 2:17; D. & C. "And they were thrust down, and
76:25.) thus came the devil and his angels."
When the plan of salvation was (D. & C. 29:36-38; Rev. 12:4-9;
presented-the plan whereunder the Abra. 3:27-28.)
spirit children of the Father would Those thus cast out are denied bod-
be enabled to gain tangible bodies ies forever. They are sons of. perdi-
and, if faithful In all things, progress tion, and with Lucifer, their father,
to a like status with their Father- they are in eternal opposition to all
and when the need for a Redeemer righteousness . . By them all men are
was explained, Satan offered to come tempted, enticed, and encouraged to
into the world as the Son of God and leave the paths of truth, walk in dark-
be the Redeemer. "Behold, here am ness, and become carnalj sensual, and
I, send me," he said. "I will be thy devilish. (Moses 6:49.) This opposi-
son." But then, as always, he w~ tion is used by the Lord, as part ·of
in opposition to the· full plan of the his plan, to test and try men. In mor-
Father, and so he sought to amend tality the overcoming of opposition is
and change the terms ol salvation; an essential part of progression and
he sought to deny men their agency advancement. (2 Ne. 2.)
and to dethrone God. "I will redeem One of Satan's greatest ·alms, as
all mankind, that one soul shall not he works his nefarious schemes among
be lost, and surely I will do it; where- men, is to get them "to worship him."
fore give me thine honor," he con- (Moses 1:12; 6:49.) His success in
tinued. (Moses 4 :1-4.) this venture is phenomenal. As the
With the ·rejection of his offer and god ol this world, he has the support
the choosing of the Beloved Son to and, though they may not consciously
be the Redeemer, Satan made open realize it, the adoration and worship
warfare against the Lord. "Wherefore, of all those who live alter the manner
because that Satan rebelled against of the world. God our Father is wor-
me, and sought to destroy the agency shiped in and through compliance
of man, which I, the Lord God, had with his commandments and in no
given him, and also, that I should other way. The same is true of Satan.
give unto him mine own. power; by As the organization -through which
the power of mine Only Begotten, I formal adoration -may be given him,
caused that he should be cast down; Satan has founded his own church,

the church of the devil, the "church tions), even some of the "very elect"
which is most abontlnable above all are deceived to the point that they
other churches." (I Ne. 13; 14; Rev. support aims and programs of these
17; 18.) Nephi says: "I beheld this devil-born groups. But "God hath
great and abominable church; and I said a man being evil cannot do that
saw the devil that he was the founda- which is good; ... For behold, a bitter
tion of it." (I Ne. 13:6.) Of those fountain cannot bring forth good
adhering to this apostate organization, water; neither can a good fountain
John says, "They worshipped the bring forth bitter water; wherefore,
dragon" (Rev. 13:4), that is, the a man being a servant of the devil
devil. False worship is worship of cannot follow Christ; and ii he follow
devils, as Paul said, "The things Christ he cannot be a servant of the
which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sac- devil." (Moro. 7:5-20.)
rifice to devils, and not to God: and I In decrying the teachings of false
would not that ye should have fellow- ministers, "false apostles, deceitful
ship with devils." (I Cor. 10:20; Rev. workers," Paul said, "Satan himself
2:9; 9:20.) is transformed into an angel of light.
Satan's influence is also manifest Therefore it is no great thing if his
in the world through governmental ministers also be transformed as the
powers, particularly those in which ministers of righteousness; whose end
dictatorship and compulsion are the shall be according to their works."
rule. Political philosophies, as those (2 Cor. II: 13-15; 2. Ne. 9:9.)
which spread communistic and social- Korihor is an illustration of such
istic ideologies, are his propaganda
false ministers. After being con-
vehicles. Those educational philoso-
founded by Alma, he said: "Behold,
phies which deny .Christ and the
the devil hath deceived me; for he
divine origin of man as an offspring
appeared unto me in the form of an
of God (meaning especially the
angel, and said unto me: Go and
theories of organic evolution) , are
reclaim this people, for tJ:,ey have all
spawned and sponsored by Satan.
Secret combinations, evil oath-bound gone astray after an unknown God.
organizations, criminal gangs, and And he said unto me: There is no
groups of every sort which run counter God; yea, and he taught me that
to the principles of the gospel of sal- which I should say. And I have
vation, are organizations founded, taught his words; and I taught them
sponsored, and used by the devil. because they were pleasing unto the
Unfortunately, because even the carnal mind; and I taught them, even
worst and most evil organizations until I had much success, insomuch
have some truth and good in them that I verily believed that they were
(otherwise they could not continue to true; and for this cause I withstood
prosper even under worldly condi- the truth, even until I have brought

this great curse upon me." (Alma the devil." (I John 3:8; Moro. 7:17.)
30:53.) Any persons over whom the devil has
As part of the testing incident to power, who subject themselves to
mortal existence, man for the moment him, who submit to his enticements
has forgotten the great truths which (following the carnal and sensual
were commonplace to him in pre- allurements of the world), are devil-
existence. Thus Satan's power over ish. Such was the status of Adam
men is a result of his superior knowl- alter his spiritual death and before he
edge. He does not, however, have was born again to righteousness.
intelligence. "Light and truth," which When "he partook of the forbidden
is intelligence, "forsake that evil one." fruit and transgressed the command-
(D. & C. 93:37.) ment, ... he became subject to the
Shortly, when the millennial era will of. the devil, because he yielded
arrives, Satan will be bound, and for unto temptation." (D. & C. 29 :40.)
a thousand years he wll "deceive the Abinadi defined the status of the
nations no more." Thereafter, he will wicked by saying: "They are carnal
"be loosed a little season" (Rev. and devilish, and the devil has power
20:2-3) to gather together the hosts over them; yea, even that old serpent
of hell preparatory to "the battle of that did beguile our first parents,
the great God," as a result of which which was the cause of their fall;
he "and his armies shall be cast away which was the cause of all mankind
into their own place, that they shall becoming carnal, sensual, devilish,
not have power over the saints any knowing evil from good, subjecting
more at all." (D. & C. 88:114.) themselves to the devil." (Mosiah
In eternity, "they who are filthy 16:3.)
shall be filthy still; wherefore, they
who are filthy are the devil and his Devils. See DEMONS, DEVIL, EVIL
angels; and they shall go away into SPIRITS, FALSE SPIRITS, PRE-EXISTENCE,
everlasting fire, prepared for them; PRINCE OF DEVILS, SONS OF BELIAL,
and their torment is as a lake of fire SoNs OF PERDITION. Devils are the
and brimstone, whose flame ascendeth spirit beings who followed Lucifer in
up forever and ever and has no end." his war of rebellion in pre-existence.
(2 Ne. 9:16.) They comprise one-third of those
spirit children of the Father who
Devilishness. See CARNALITY, COR- were destined to pass through a mor-
RUPTION, DEVIL, FALLEN MAN, MoR~ tal probation on this earth. (D. & C.
TALITY, SENSUALITY. All forms of 29:36-41; Rev. 12:3-9.) They were
wickedness, all rebellion and evil, are cast down to earth, and have been
sponsored by the devil. Any degree forever denied physical bodies, a fact
of wickedness is a degree of devilish - which causes them to seek habitation
"He that committeth sin is of in the bodies of other persons. By the

power of faith and the authority of generate descendants of the highly

the priesthood, devils are frequently civilized men who peopled the earth
cast out of such afflicted persons. b~ginning with Adam, the lather of
(Mark 1:23-34; 16:15-17.) civilization.
As followers of Satan, who is Per-
dition, they are sons of perdition; Devotion. See CONSECRATION, OBE-
they are demons, angels of the devil, DIENCE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, WORSHIP,
his evil ministers and servants. (2 Ne. ZEAL. True devotion consists in a
9:9.) Their ultimate destiny is to go man loving and worshiping Deity
away into everlasting fire where with all his heart, and with all his
"their torment is as a lake of fire might, mind, and strength. It ·pre-
and brimstone, whose flame ascendeth supposes that he will keep the com-
Up forever and ever and has no erid." mandments, walk uprightly, serve in
(2 Ne. 9:16; D. & C. 29:28.) the Church with an eye single to the
glory of God, and put first in his life
Devolution. See EvoumoN. Devolu- the things of God's kingdom. True
tion is the opposite of evoluton; in the devotion to the end gives an absolute
biological sense it means the degener- guarantee of eternal salvation.
ation of species. According to God's
law there is no such thing as the Devoutness. See DEVOTION .
development of higher forms of life
from lower orders of creation anymore Diaries. See JOURNALS.
than lower orders degenerate from
higher. In each instance living things Dictatorship. See l<INGCRAFT.
bring forth alter their own kind
(Moses 2), each form of life remain- Diligence. See DEVOTION, DuTY, EN·
ing "in the sphere" in which God DURING TO THE END, OBEDIENCE,
created it. (Moses 3:9.) WORK, ZEAL. To endure to the end
Speaking of the degrees of civili- requires diligence-that is, pure
zation and decency found within dogged determination, perseverance,
nations in successive ages, it is clear application to duty, zeal, industry,
that there have been instances of great heed to counsel. Continuing dili-
national devolution or degeneracy. gence in church service is a mark of
The American Indians, in their tribal testimony, conversion, and spiritual
and degenerate state, were the de- stability. "Be ye doers of the word,
scendants of the highly civilized and not hearers only." (Jas. I :22.)
Nephite civilization that prevailed on
the American continent for nearly 200 Disasters. See SIGNS OF THE TIMES.
years alter the ·ministry of Christ in
the Western Hemisphere. So-called Discerning of Spirits. See FALSE
cave men and the like were all de- SPIRITS.


Discerninent. See EVIL, FALSE SPIRITS, social schemes. Unfortunately, in

GIFI's OF THE SPIRIT, Goon, · LIGHT many instances, even good men heark-
OF CHRIST. To all men in some en to "the tradition of their fathers"
degree and to the faithful saints in (D. & C. 93 :39) and rely on the
particular is given the spirit; gift, and learning of the world rather than the
power of discernm·ent. This ability is revelations of the Lord, so that they
conferred upon people generally by do not .enjoy the full play of the _spirit
the operations of the light of Christ of discernment.
(Moro. 7:12-18), but in addition the
faithful saints reCeive discerning pow- Disciples. See APOSTLES, BELIEVERS,
er through revelation from the Holy BRETHREN, .PROPHETS, SAINTS, I.
Ghost. (D. & C. 63:41.) Anyone who believes the doctrine,
In its most important aspect, . dis- teachings, or philosophy of another
cernment is used to distinguish be- and who follows that teacher is his
tween good and evil (Moro. 7:12-18); disciple. He stands as a learner, a
between the righteous and the wicked devotee of the one whose concepts
(D. & C. 101:95; Mal. 3:18; 3 Ne. he accepts. Thus ·we read .of the dis-
24:18), between the false or evil ciples of John the Baptist (Mark 2: 18;
spirits and those spirits who · truly Luke 11 :1; John 1:35; 3:25), of
manifest the things of God. (D. & C. Moses (John 9:28), and of the Phar-
46:23; I Cor. 12: 10.) In its fullest isees. (Mark 2:18.)
manifestation the gift of the discern- 2. All the saints from the day of
ing of spirits is poured out upon pre- Adam t.o the present have been dis-
siding officials in God's kingdom; they ciples of Christ. (Isa. 8:16; Matt.
have it given to them to discern all 27:57; John 19:38; Acts 9:36; 11:26.)
gifts and all spirits, lest any come Those · who believe the apostate doc,
among the saints and practice decep- trines of Christendom consider them'
tion. (D. & C. 46:27.) selves to be true disciples, yet by their
There is no perfect operation of the false beliefs and evil works they are
power of discernment without revela- not so classed by Him whose judg-
tion. Thereby even "the ·thoughts and ment ·shall prevail.
intents of the heart" are made known. Scriptural tests ·establishing true
(D. & C. 33:l; Heb. 4:12.) Where discipleship include: I. Believing the
the saints are concerned~since they true doctrines of Christ (Ether 4: IO.
have received the right to the con- 12); 2. Obeying the principles of the
stant companionship of the Holy gospel (John 8:31); 3. Having "love
Ghost-the Lord expects them to dis- one to another" (John · 13:35); 4.
cern, not only between the righteous Accepting the message and aiding the
and the wicked, but between false and work of the · missionaries (D. & · C.
irue philosophies, edµcational theo- 84:87-91); and 5. Bringing forth
ries, sciences, political concepts, and works of righteousness. (John 15:4-8.)

3. The apostolic ministers chosen to its place. Indeed, one of the final
labor among the Jews, and also those great signs of the times, an event just
who rendered similar service among preceding the Second Coming, is that
the Nephites, are called "the twelve "an overflowing scourge, . . . a des-
disciples." (Matt. 20:17; 3 Ne. 19:4.) olating sickness shall cover the land."
(D. & C. 45:31.) During the millen-
Discipline. See CHASTENING. nium, however, disease will be utterly
banished from the earth; man's body
Discourses. See SERMONS. will then be changed so that no germ
or plague can affect it; and there will
Diseases. See DEATH, HEALINGS, be no death as we now know it.
TIMES, WORD OF W1sooM. Since the Disease comes both because of fail-
fall, man's body has been subject to ure to obey the laws of health and
sickness and disease, these being essen- because of failure to keep the other
tial parts of the probationary ex- commandments of God. Righteous
periences that go with mortality. We persons frequently become ill and suf-
may suppose that for the first 2000 fer bodily afflictions simply because
years of man's sojourn on earth that they have been exposed to disease,
diseases and bodily illness were far and the contaminating germs have
less prevalent than has been the case power over their bodies. Sometimes
since. During that early period man by faith the righteous escape plagues
enjoyed a higher degree of physical that are sweeping the land; and often,
perfection than he does now; his body having become sick, the gift of heal-
was then so constituted as to resist ing restores the obedient to full
plague, infection, and corruption, and physical well-being.
to live for near 1000 years. (Moses 6; But when the Lord's people rebel,
D. & C. 107:43-53.) he sends diseases upon them. To dis-
But since the day in which man's obedient Israel came this curse: "The
age was set by the Lord at threescore Lord will smite thee with the botch
and ten (Ps. 90: 10), disease germs of Egypt, and with the emerods, and
and physical ills have been more ef- with the scab, and with the itch,
fective in their attacks. Both the Bible whereof thou canst not be healed.
and the Book of Mormon give many The Lord shall smite thee with mad-
accounts of diseases and of healings ness, and blindness, and astonishment
by the power of faith. During the of heart.... The Lord will make thy
dark ages disease frequently reached plagues wonderful, and the plagues
plague proportions. of thy seed, even great plagues, and
These same ills are still with us, of long continuance, and sore sick-
and as medical science provides a nesses, and of long continuance.
cure for one affliction another takes Moreover he will bring upon thee

all the diseases of Egypt, which thou Disobedience. See CHILDREN OF D1s-
wast afraid of; and they shall cleave OBEDIENCE, OBEDIENCE, REBELLION.
unto thee. Also every sickness, and Nonconformity to divine standards of
every plague, which is not written in personal righteousness constitutes
the book of this law, them will the disobedience. All men are either
Lord bring upon thee, until thou be obedient or disobedient; they either
destroyed." (Deut. 28:27-28, 59-61; keep the commandments or fail to do
Mosiah 17:16; Alma 15:3-5.) On the so; either neglect or refusal to con-
other hand, the promise was that by form to gospel standards classifies a
obedience all this would be avoided. person as a rebel.
(Ex. 15:26; Deut. 7:15; 28.) Disobedience is of the devil. "That
wicked one cometh and taketh away
Disfellowshipment. See CHURCH light and truth, through disobedience,
COURTS, ExcOMMUNICATION. Trans- from the children of men, and be-
gressions which do not seem in mercy cause of the traditions of their
and justice to warrant excommunica- lathers." (D. & C. 93:39.) By dis-
tion may properly result in the lesser obedience men gain membership in
punishment of disfellowshipment. the kingdom of the devil, as he oper-
Under these circumstances the trans- ates it on earth, in the spirit world,
gressor retains his membership in the and among the resurrected rebels of
Church, but the hand of fellowship eternity. The most violent and d·e-
is withdrawn, and the offender is structive of all disobedience is the
denied full participation in the complete and open rebellion against
light and truth which makes a per-
Church and the full blessings of the
gospel. He is not admitted to priest- son a son of perdition. Those who
love darkness rather than light, their
hood meetings or to an assembly of
deeds being evil, "receive their wages
church officers. He cannot hold any
of whom they list to obey." (D. & C.
office in the Church or exercise his
priesthood in any way. He may at-
tend the public meetings of the
Dlspensation of the Furness of Times.
Church (the same as a non-member
may), but he is not entitled to speak, L ATTER-DAY SAINTS, DISPENSATIONS,
pray, partake of the sacrament or GOSPEL, JOSEPH SMITH THE PROPHET,
otherwise participate in any meeting. KEYS OF THE KINGDOM, NEW AND
Following repentance and conformity EVERLASTING COVENANT, PRIESTHOOD,
to the standards of the Church, a RESTORATION OF THE GOSPEL, REV-
disfellowshiped person may again re- ELATION, SECOND CoMI NG OF CHRIST,
ceive the full blessings of the Church. SIGNS OP THE TIMES. The final · great
dispensation of the gospel is known
Dishonesty. See LIARS. as the dispensation of the fulness of

times, or in other words the time of Since the gospel, "the power of
the fulness of times, or the dispensa - God unto salvation" (Rom. 1:16),
lion of the lulness of dispensations. was first revealed to Adam, we speak
That is, as rivers flow into an ocean, of the Adamic dispensation as the
all the dispensations of the past flow first from the standpoint of time.
into this final great dispensation. It (Moses 5:57-59.) Thereafter, the
is the tirile, age, or era which is made saving knowledge and powers of the
up of all the dispensa lions of the gospel, as Paul expressed it, were "re-
earth's history. It is the age in which vealed from faith to faith" (Rom.
the Lord will "gather together in one 1:17), that is from era of faith to
all things in Christ, both which are era of faith or from dispensation to
in heaven, and which are on earth." dispensation.
(Eph. 1: 10; D. & C. 27:13.) In the providences of the Almighty,
Every key, power, and authority Adam stands at the head of all dis-
ever dispensed from heaven to men pensations, he being the presiding
on earth has already been restored in high priest ( under Christ) over all
this dispensation. (D. & C. 110:11-16; the earth. (Teachings, pp. 157-158.)
112:14-32; 128:18-21.) All of the "Adam holds the keys of the dispen-
knowledge that has ever been revealed sation of the lulness of times; i.e., the
(plus some held in reserve to be re- dispensation of all the times have
vealed initially in the last days) will been and will be revealed through
in due course come to light in this him from the beginning to Christ,
final dispensation. (D. & C. IOI :32- and from Christ to .the end of the
34; 121:26-32; 124:41; 128:18.) dispensations that are to be revealed.
. .. This, then, is the nature of the
Dispensations. See CHURCH OF JESUS priesthood; every man holding the
CHRIST OF LATTER- DAY SAINTS, D1s- presidency of his dispensation, and
PENSATION OF THE FULNESS OF TIMES, one man holding the presidency of
GoSPEL, NEw AND EVERLASTING CoVE- them all, even Adam; and Adam re-
NANT, PRIESTHOOD, REVELATION. Gos- ceiving his presidency and authority
pel dispensations are those periods of from the Lord." (Teachings, pp. 167-
time during which the Lord reveals 169.) It appears that Abel, acting
or dispenses the doctrines of the under the direction of his lather
gospel to men so that reliance need Adam, held the keys of the first dis-
not be placed on past ages for this pensation. (Teachings, p. 169.)
saving knowledge. II the priesthood When we speak of the great gospel
and keys have not come down by dispensations, we generally have in
proper descent from a previous dis- mind those given to Adam, Enoch
pensation, these also must necessarily (Moses 6; 7) , Noah (Moses 8), Abra-
be conferred upon men again by the ham (Abra. 2 :6-11; Gal. 3:6-8, 18),
opening of the heavens. Moses (D. & C. 84:17-28), the apos-

ties in the meridian of time (Matt. day apostles have received one, in that
16:18-19; 18:18; D. & C. 27:12-13; the Lord has given them revelation
128:20), and to Joseph Smith and of his mind and will, and in that they
his associates. (D. & C. 112:14-32.) hold the keys of the dispensation in
The keys and powers exercised by the which they live. (D. & C. 112:14-32.)
Lord's prophets in each of these
ancient dispensations have been con- Disputations. See CoNTENTION.
ferred upon men in this final dispen-
sation, for in "the fulness of times," Dissenters. See ArosTASY.
the Lord says, "I will gather together
in one all things, both which are in Dissentions. See CoNTENTION.
heaven, and which are on earth."
(D. & C. 27:13; Eph. 1:10.) District Presidency; See DISTRICT
But there have also been many PRESIDENTS:
other gospel dispensations in the
course of the Lord's dealings with District Presidents. See DISTRICTS,
his children. It is very evident that MISSIONS, STAKE PRESIDENTS. Presid-
John the Baptist (Luke 7:24-30; John ing officers in foreign mission distriCts
1:19-37; D. & C. 84:26-28), the are district presidents. They hold the
faredites (Ether I :41-43; 3:6-16), keys of their ministry, are assisted by
the Nephites (I Ne. 2:2-4), Lehi and two counselors ( thus forming a dis-
Nephi who lived at the time of the trict preJidency), and are comparable
coming ol the Savior (Hela. 10:3-17; to stake presidents in their sphere
11:19-23; 3 Ne. 7:15-19; 9:15-22; of service. In the stake and regional
11:7-40), and the Ten Tribes whom missions, those chosen to preside over
Christ visited after his resurrection areas of the mission and to supervise
(3 Ne. 16:1-4) all had dispensations the proselyting labors of their fellow
of the gospel. (Doctrines of Salvation, miSsionaries are also called district
vol. I, pp. 160-164.) presidents,
We know that Esaias, Gad, Jeremy,
Elihu, Caleb, and Jethro all lived Districts. See BRANCHES, CHURCH
between Abraham and Moses and all ORGANIZATION, M1ss10Ns, STAKES. Mis-
enjoyed the fulness of the blessings of sions are divided into ecclesiastical
the gospel. (D. & C. 84:6-13.) What areas called districts. In stake and
peoples they ministered to and regional missions · these areas · are
whether they had dispensations of merely locales in which the proselyt-
the gospel are truths yet to be re- ing work is carried forward. In for-
vealed. Paul speaks of having a dis- eign missions they are comparable to
pensation of the gospel ( I Cor. 9: 17; stake areas and are presided over by
Eph. 3:2; Col. 1:25), but apparently a district president. The church pro-
this is only in the sense that present grams normally carried on in the

stakes are, insofar as possible, made ture. But since all men-as a result
available to the saints living in the of apostasy and iniquity-are not
districts. living (and in their present states
Temple districts are church areas cannot live) the full and perfect gos-
made up of a number of stakes pel law, the Lord permits divorce and
and/or missions whose members are allows the dissolution of the marriage
asked to perform their temple ordi- union. Under the law of Moses,
nances in an assigned temple. divorce was permitted because the
people were not able to live the high
Divination. See FORTUNE TELLING, gospel standard which would abolish
NECROMANCY, OccuLTISM, PROPHECY, it. (Lev. 21:7, 14; Deut. 24:1-4.)
SORCERY, WITCHCRAFT. True religion As revealed both to the Jews and to
provides for a revelation of future the Nephites, the terms of the perfect
events by prophets sent of God. False marriage system include this teaching:
religions-whose ministers have no "It hath been written, that whosoever
communion with Deity-frequently shall put away his wife, let him give
imitate the true practice by engaging her a writing of divorcement. Verily,
in divination. This apostate practice verily, I say unto you, that whosoever
is an attempt to foretell the future by shall put away his wife, saving for
augeries, omens, presages, or fore - the cause of fornication, causeth her
bodings. Among primitive peoples it to commit adultery; and whoso shall
frequently meant interpreting dreams marry her who is divorced commit-
or other signs or seeking peculiarities teth adultery." (3 Ne. 12:31-32;
in the entrails of sacrificial victims. Matt. 5:31-32.)
A diviner is one who attempts to When the Pharisees raised the
foretell the future by divination. divorce issue to tempt him, our Lord
Soothsayers act by the "spirit of taught them the eternity of the mar-
divination." (Acts 16:16-18.) The riage covenant, ("What therefore
Lord's people are commanded not to God hath joned together, let not man
engage in divination of any sort. put asunder"), told them that Moses
(Deut. 18:9-14.) permitted divorce because of the hard-
ness of their hearts, but explained
Diviners. See DMNATION. that from the beginning it had not
been so ordained. Then it appears he
Divinity. See GODHOOD. went into the house and gave special
and added instruction to "his dis-
Divorce. See CANCELLATION OF SEAL- ciples." For them the law was:
INGS, CELESTIAL MARRIAGE, CML "Whosoever shall put away his wife,
MARRIAGE. In the gospel view all and marry another, committeth adult-
marriages should be eternal, and ery against her. And if a woman shall
divorce should never enter the pie- put away her husband, and be mar-

ried to another, she committeth adult- prophetic dogmas, maxims, and views
ery." (Mark 10:2-12.) Also to his are embraced within its folds; the
disciples he said: "All men cannot Articles of Faith are part and portion
receive this saying, save they to whom of it, as is every inspired utterance of
it is given .... He that is able to re- the Lord's agents.
ceive it, let him receive. it.'.' (Matt. The doctrines of salvation are re-
19:3-12; Doctrines of Salvation, vol. corded in the scriptures. (2 Tim. 3: 14-
2, pp. 80-85.) 17.) The Book of Mormon has come
Even in the Church today the forth in this day so that men might
saints do not abid.e by the full and "learn doctrine." (Isa. 29:24; 2 Ne.
perfect law. It is somewhat as it was 27:35.) The Bible and the Book of
in the days of Moses; divorce is per- Mormon "shall grow together, unto
mitted because of the hardness of the the confounding of · false doctrines."
hearts of the people, and · the Lord (2 Ne. 3:12.) So that the "true
permits his agents to exercise the points" of the Lord's doctrine might
power to loose as well as the power be known again, the gospel has been
to bind. Under our circumstances restored (D. & C. 10 :62); and these
divorced persons who remarry are not true points of doctrine are now found
always guilty of the crimes they would in the true Church. (D. & C. 11:16.)
be if the highest gospel standards were The true doctrine of Christ is that
in force. all men must come unto him, gain
faith, repent, be baptized, receive the
Doctors. See PHYSICIANS. Holy . Ghost, and endure in faith to
the end in order to gain salvation.
Doctrine. See ARTICLES OF FAITH, (2 Ne. 31:17-21 ; 3 Ne. 11:29-41;
CREEDS, GosPEL, SALVATIPN, SERMONS, D. & C. 10:67; 68:25.)
TRUTH. Doctrines are teachings. Conversion to the truth comes by
They are classified as true 6r false. accepting true doctrine. (I Ne. 15: 15;
True doctrines are of God and are 3 Ne. 21 :6.) Those so converted are
found in The Church of Jesus Christ expected to "speak . . . by doctrine"
of Latter-day Saints. All .other doc- (1 Car. 14:6); to "teach one another
trines are false, except to the partial the doctrine of the kingdom" (D. & C.
exteni they may chance on some 88:77); to "be perfected in the under-
points to harmonize with the Lord's standing of their ministry, in theory,
revelations. in principle, and in doctrine" (D. &
Gospel doctrine is synonymous with C. 97:14); to "act in doctrine" (D:
the truths of salvation. It comprises & C. IOI :78); and to learn more
the tenets, teachings, and true doctrine by revelation from heaven.
theories found in .the scriptures; it (D. & _C . 121 :45-46.)
includes the principles, precepts, and In the final analysis the truth of
revealed philosophies of pure religion; doctrine can only be known by rev-

elation gained as a result of obedience. churches have become corrupted."

"My doctrine is not mine, but his that Speaking of the whole world, he said:
sent me," our Lord proclaimed. "If "They have all gone astray save it be
any man will do his will, he shall a few, who are the humble followers
know of the doctrine, whether it be of Christ; nevertheless, they are led,
of God, or whether I speak of my- that in many instances they do err
se1£." (John 7:16-17.) because they are taught by the pre-
Apostles and prophets have been cepts of men." Then he added this
set in the Church for the purpose awful interdiction : "And all those
al teaching and identifying true doc- who preach false doctrines, . .. wo,
trine, lest meri be "tossed to and fro, wo, wo be unto them, saith the Lord
and carried about with every wind God Almighty, for they shall . be
al doctrine." (Eph. 4: 11-14.) II a thrust down to helll" (2 Ne. 28:8-15.)
church has no prophets and apostles,
then it has no way of knowing Doctrine and Covenants. See ARTI-
whether its doctrines are true or false. CLE ON MAfuuAGE, BmLB, BOOK OF
"Whosoever transgresseth, and abid- CoMMANDMENTS, BOOK OP MORMON,
eth not in the doctrine al Christ, hath CoVENANTS, DOCTRINE, LECTURES ON
not God. He that abideth in the FAITH, LosT SCRIPTURE, MANIFESTO,
doctrine of Christ, he hath both the PEARL OF GREAT PRICE, REVELATION,
Father and the Son." (2 John 9.) SCRIPTURE, STANDARD WORKS, UruM
False doctrine is of the devil (I AND THUMMIM. That volume of
Tim. 4:1; D. & C. 10:63; 46:7), and latter-day scripture which contains
men who preach it do so "for the sake selections from the revelations given
al .riches and honor." (Alma 1 :16.) to Joseph Smith and his successors in
There is no salvation in believing or the Presidency of the Church is called
teaching false doctrines. "In vain they the Doctrine and Covenants. Certain
do worship me, teaching for doctrines parts of these revelations were pub-
the commandments of men." (Matt. lished in Independence, Missouri, in
15:9; Mark 7:7; Jos. Smith 2:19.) An 1833 under the .title Book of ·Com-
apostate age is identified as one in mandments, but mob violence de-
which men "will not endure sound stroyed the printing press and stopped
doctrine." (2 Tim. 4:3.) the work at that time. By 1835, how-
Apostasy is born of the teaching of ever, a new and enlarged selection of
false doctrine. Nephi described our revelations had been made by the
present religious world by · saying, Prophet, and the first edition of the
"There shall be many which shall Doctrine and Covenants came off the
teach . . . false and vain and foolish press.
doctrines," and by specifying that Thereafter, of course, written rev-
"Because of pride, and because of elations continued to be received.
false teachers, and false doctrine, their Alter the saints came west; Elder

Orson Pratt was commissioned and Covenants also · con!ained the Lec-
directed by the First · Presidency · to tures on Faith and an article on mar ...
prepare an up-to-date edition of the riage by Oliver Cowdery. These
Doctrine and Covenants for publica- items were hot revelations, were never
tion. This volume, the one now in so considered, and are no longer pub-
use, containing additional revelations lished in the same volume · as the
and being divided into sections and revela!ions. (Doctrines of Salvation;
verses, was first published in 1876. vol. 3, pp. 192-202.)
As now constituted the Doctrine Pethaps no other book is of such
and Covenants contains 136 ·sections great worth to the saints as is the
or chapters to which are appended an Doctrine and Covenants . . It ls their
Official Declaration, commonly called book, the voice of God in their day.
the Manifesto. Most of these sections The revelations therein are true, and
came to Joseph Smith by direct rev- men are commanded to search them.
elation, the recorded words being (D. & C. 1 :37-39.)
those of the Lord Jesus Christ him- But all. of the written revelations
self. (D. & C. 29.) The power of the received in this day are not in ·this
Holy Ghost 1,Vas manifest in the re- volume. The revelations setting forth
ceipt of all the revelations. Some the temple ordinances and other
came by the whisperings of the Spirit sacred matters are not published to
to the Prophet (D. & C. 20); some
the wo_rld. Many revelations were
were received by means of the Urim received by the Prophet for individ-
and _Thummim (D. & C. 3); others uals, and these are not included in
are the - recorded words of angelic
the published record. There are many
ministrants (D. & C. 2); others are
accounts of visions and revelations
aecounts of vlsi9ns (D. & C. 76); a
recorded in the History of the Church
few· are inspired epistles of the Proph-
et (D. & C. 128); a few others .con, which are not published with the
tain inspired items of instruction Doctrine and Covenants. On January
(D. & C. 131); one is an article set- 2 I, 1836, for instance, the Prophet
ting forth church beliefs relat_ive !Q saw in vision the Father and the Son
g~vernments and laws in general in the celestial kingdom and heard
(D. & C. 134); one is an inspired the voice _of God make the great pro.c-
announcement of the martyrdom of lamation relative to salvation for the
tlie J?rophet and Patriarch :(D. &_C. dead. (Teachings, p. 107.) President
135); and, since its adoption in 1890, Joseph F. Smth and others_ of the
the Official Declaration (or Mani- Presidents of the Church_have re-
fes(o) of President Wilford Woodruff ceived written revelations since the been published in the Doctrine day,_ of-the Prophet which have been
and Covenants. accepted by their _brethren but never
~arly edi!ions of the Doctrine and ordered published with the Doctrine

and Covenants. (Gospel Doctrine, Douay Version of the Bible. See

5th ed., pp. 472-477.) KING JAMES VERSION OF THE BmLE.

Doctrine of Elias. See ELIAS. Doubt. See BELIEF, FAITH. Where

the gospel is concerned, doubt is an
Dogmas. See DOCTRINE. inclination to disbelieve the truths of
salvation, a hesitancy to accept the
Dole. See ALMSGMNG, CHURCH revealed will of the Lord; it is a state
of uncertainty in mind with reference
NESS, WoRK. Attempts to gain one's
to the doctrines of the gospel. Faith
temporal livelihood by means of a and belief are of God; doubt and
do/e__:that is, through charitable gilts skepticism are of the devil.
of money or food-,,ither from the
There is no excuse for not knowing
government, the Church, or some
and believing true principles for the
other social organization, violate the
Lord has ordained the way whereby
divine command that men should
all may come to a knowledge of the
work for what they get and that the
truth. Doubt comes from failure to
idler should not eat the bread nor
keep the commandments. "O then
wear the garment of the laborer.
despise not, and wonder not, but
(Gen. 3:19; D. & C. 42:42.) The
hearken unto the words of the Lord,
practice of supporting the poor by
and ask the Father in the name of
means of a dole is not the Lord's way
Jesus for what things soever ye shall
of caring for their temporal needs.
stand in need. Doubt not, but be
Doomsday. See JUDGMENT DAY. believing, and begin as in times of
old, and come unto the Lord with
Door. See Doon OF THE SHEEP. all your heart, and work out your own
salvation with fear and trembling
Door of the Sheep. See CHRIST, Goon before him." (Morm. 9:27; Matt.
LIFE. Christ is the Door, or the Door Dragon. See DEVIL, SERPENT. Drag-
of the Sheep. By so designating him- ons belong to the serpent family; they
self, he teaches that no one can enter are fabulous monsters, often repre-
his sheepfold either in time or in eter- sented as winged serpents breathing
nity without his approval. He per- fire. Traditionally fierce and relent-
sonally stands ever on guard to reject less in combat, it is possible that later-
the ungodly. (2 Ne. 9:41-43.) He age concepts of them grew from
is the Way. "By me ii any man enter memories of the pre-flood dinosaurs.
in, he shall be saved, and shall go in In any event, the term dragon was
and out, and find pasture," he said. applied with great propriety by John
(John 10:7-9.) to Satan. (Rev. 12; 13:2-4; 16: 13;

20 :2.) As the fiercest and most of the ancient apostate religions

dreaded of serpents, the name is cer- which, as far as is known, specialized
tainly appropriate for the most fierce in magic, conjuration, and the like.
and relentlessly wicked of ·all beings. It prevailed during the dark ages in
Britain, Ireland, and Gaul.
TION, TRANCES, VISIONS. An inspired Drunkenness. See WoRD OF WISDOM.
dream is a vision given to a person Drunkenness, or intoxication in any
while he sleeps. "Behold, I have degree, is an evil abomination in the
dreamed a dream; or, in other words, sight of the Lord. "Cease drunken-
I have seen a vision," Lehi said. (1 ness," is his decree. (D. & C. 136:24.)
Ne. 8:2.) All inspired dreams are "Strong drinks are not for the belly,
vis-ions, but all visions are not dreams. but for the washing of your bodies,"
Visions are received in hours of wake- (D. & C. 89:7.) The Second Coming
fulness or of sleep and in some cases shall catch the drunkards unawares
when the recipient has passed into a to their destruction. (Luke 21 :34.)
They shall not be saved in the king-
trance; it is only when the vision
dom of God. (Gal. 5:19-21.) In a
occurs during sleep that it is termed a
spiritual sense drunkenness means
dream. (Isa. 29 :17; Dan. 2; 7; I Ne.
apostasy. (Isa. 29:9-10; Rev. 17:2;
1:16; Alma 30:28.) 18 :3.)
As with other visions, dreams fore-
tell future events (Gen. 37:5; 40:5, Dust . See D EATH, ELE MENTS, GRAVES.
8; 41: 15); the Lord appears to men Those natural elements that make
in dreams (Gen. 28: 10-22; 31:24; I up the physical earth are sometimes
Kings 3:5; I Ne. 2:1-2; 3:2); angels referred to in the scriptures as dust.
appear and minister to faithful . per- Thus Adam was created from the dust
sons in their dreams (Gen. 31:11; of the ground meaning that the phys-
Matt. I :20; 2: 13, 19); prophetic ical body which he received was
warnings are given by this means created from the elements of the
(Ether 9 :3); and symbolic representa- earth. ( Gen. 2: 7; Moses 3: 7; Abra.
tions portrayed in dreams teach mar- 5:7; D. & C. 77:12.) Similarly all
velous truths. (I Ne. 8; 9; 10; 15:21.) men are created from the dust of the
Inspired dreams are the fruit of faith; earth; that is, the elements organized
they are not given to apostate peoples. into a mortal body are assembled to-
(I Sam. 28:6, 15.) gether through the birth process.
(Moses 6:59.)
Drugs. See WoRD OF WISDOM. Figuratively, dust means the grave
or death as in such expressions as:
Druidism. See GHOSTS, MAGIC, SOR- "By the sweat of thy face shalt thou
CERY, WITCHCRAFT. Druidism is one eat bread, until thou shalt return

unto the ground-for thou shalt sure- in the eternal scheme of things. The
ly die-for out of it wast thou taken: Book of Mormon expression that men
for dust thou wast, and unto dust are "less than the dust of the earth,"
shalt thou return." (Moses 4:25; Gen. aS the context shows, has reference
3:19.) "Sleep in the dust." (D. & C. to the fact that the dust is obedient to
63:51; Job 7:21.) David's Messianic the commands of the Creator, where-
prophecy foretelling our Lord's death, as men rebel against his will. (Hela.
says he should be brought "into the 12:3-17.)
dust of death" (Ps. 22:15), though,
as elsewhere prophesied (Ps. 16:10), Dust Storms. See SIGNS OF THE
the body of the Lord did not see cor- TIMES.
ruption, that is, did not go back to
the dust in the literal sense. Duty, See DILIGENCE, OBEDIENCE,
The Book of Mormon is, of course, THANKSGMNG. In consequence of the
repeatedly referred to in the scrip- innumerable ·blessings showered upon
tures as a voice from the dust. (Isa. them by their Creator and Redeemer,
29:4; 2 Ne. 3:19-20; 26:15-16; 27:9;
men are morally bound to conform
33: 13; Morm. 8:23-26; Moro. 10:27.)
their lives to the divine will. It is
Such statements as, "Awake! and arise
their duty to keep the commandments.
from the dust" (2 Ne. 1:14, 21, 23;
Mosiah 4:2), are figures of speech, (Eccles. 12:13; Luke 17:10.)
signifying that those addressed should By entering into the various gospel
rise above carnal, petty, groveling cov~nants and accepting positions in
things and stand forth in the strength the Church, they also assume specific
of the Spirit as men of character. Sim- obligations and duties in the perform-
ilar prophetic calls to Jerusalem to ance of which they are enabled to
shake herself from the dust (2 Ne. work out their salvation. "Where-
8:25; 3 Ne. 20:37; Moro. 10:31) are fore, now let every man learn his
calls for her to come back from her duty, and to act in the office in which
downtrodden position of obscurity to he is appointed, in all diligence."
the high eminence she should occupy (D. & C. 107:99-100.)

Earth. See CREATION, DusT, EARTHS, physical bodies and undergo the pro-
ELEMENTS, WoRLD. This earth or bation of mortality. Not only does it
planet which 'we inhabit was created play an important part in the plan
as a place where we could gain our whereunder men may work out their

salvation, but the earth itself is sub- which worldly and carnal people can

live. This condition was destined to
~~~~rt::a::s ~ff continue for a period of 6,000 years,
tilai!y will become a fit abode for and it was while in this state that the
earth was baptized in water. (D. & C.
~ i ~ s a : ~ ~ : r : a a ~ : ~ 77:6-7, 12; Man: His Origin and
ained that it should live a celestial Destiny, pp. 415-436, 460-466.)
law. It was baptized in water and - 4. TERRESTRIAL EARTH.-"We
willreceive the baptism of fire; it will believe . . . that the earth will be
die, be resurrected and attain unto renewed and receive its paradisiacal
a state of celestial exaltation. In the glory." (Tenth Article of Faith.)
course of its eternal existence, it is Thus, the earth is to go back to the
destined to pass through certain stages primeval, paradisiacal, or terrestrial
of existence. (Doctrines of Salvation, state that prevailed in the days of the
vol. I, pp. 72-89; Parley P. Pratt, Garden of Eden. Accompanying this
Voice of Warning, ch. 5.) transition to its millennial status the
!. SPIRIT EARTH.-We may sup- earth is to be burned, that is, receive
pose, as is the case with all other its baptism of fire. It will then be a
forms of life, that this earth was new heaven and a new earth, and
created first as a spirit, and that it again health, peace, and joy will pre-
was thereafter clothed upon with tan- vail upon its face. (D. & C. 101:23-
gible, physical element. We know 32; Isa. 65:17-25; Mal. 3:1•6; 4:1-6;
that the Creators planned all things Man: His Origin and Destiny, pp.
incident to the creation in advance; 380-397.)
and that all things were created "spir- 5. CELESTIAL EARTH.-Follow-
itually, before they were naturally ing the .millennium plus "a little sea-
upon the face of the earth." (Moses son" (D. & C. 29:22-25), the earth
3:5-9; Abra. 4:31; 5:3-5.) will die, be resurrected, and becoming
2. EDENIC EARTH. - Following like a "sea of glass" (D. & C. 130:7),
its physical creation, the earth was attain unto "its sanctified, immortal,
pronounced. good. It was in a terres- and eternal state." (D. & C. 77:1-2.)
trial or paradisiacal state. There was Then the poor and the meek-that is,
no death either for man or for any the godfearing and the righteous--
form of life, and "all the vast creation shall inherit the earth; it will become
of animated beings breathed naught an abiding place for the Father and
but health, ' and peace, and joy." (2 the Son; and celestial beings will pos-
Ne. 2:22; Voice of Warning, pp. 89- sess it forever and ever. (D. & C.
91.) 88:14-26, Ill.)
Adain fell, the earth fell also and Earthquakes. See EARTH, SIGNS OF
became a mortal sphere, one upon THE TIMES. Since the earth has been

in its present fallen or telestial state, Christ acting under the direction of
it has been subject to earthquakes. the Father is the Creator of worlds
These are part of the Lord's plan; without number. Moses was per-
they come by his power and fulfil his mitted to see many of these earths,
purposes. By them he delivers his to learn that they are inhabited by
servants from perils, destroys the the spirit children of the Father, and
wicked, and leaves a sign that his to receive the revelation that it is the
hand has been in transcendent events. Lord's work and glory to bring to pass
(Hela. 12:7-17.) the immortality and eternal life of the
Earthquakes attended the delivery inhabitants of all these earths. (Moses
from prison of Paul and Silas in the 1:27-41 ; D. & C. 76:22-24; John 1:1-
old world, of Lehi and Nephi in the 5; Heb. I : 1-4; Doctrines of Salvation,
new. (Acts 16:25-26; Hela. 5:27.) vol. I, pp. 72-74.) Our particular
Both the crucifixion and the resur- earth, the one to which Christ was
rection of our Lord were attested by sent to work out the infinite and eter-
earthquakes. (Matt. 27 :54; 28 :2.) nal atonement, has seen greater wick -
Among the .Nephites the quakings edness among her inhabitants than
and destructions at the time of the has been the case on any earth.
crucifixion were so extensive that the (Moses 7:29-36.)
whole face of the land was changed
and the wicked and rebellious were Easter. See ATONEMENT OF CHRIST,
destroyed. (3 Ne. 8; 9:1-14; 10:9-10.) CHRIST, CHRISTMAS, PASSOVER, RES-
Earthquakes arc given as one of URRECTION. Easter is the church festi-
the signs of the times; they fore- val celebrated by Christians in
shadow the Second Coming. (Matt. commemoration of the resurrection
24:7; Mark 13:8; Luke21:ll; D. & C. of our Lord. The lone scriptural
45:33; 87:6.) By them the testimony reference to it (Acts 12:4) should
of the Lord!s power is borne to the have been translated .Passover from
people of the earth. (D. & C. 43 :25; the Greek pascha found in the origi-
88:89), and when the glorious Second nal. The name Easter comes from the
Coming itself arrives there will be "a Norse goddess Eastre whose festival
great earthquake, such as was not was observed at the vernal equinox.
since men were upon the earth, so In 325 A.D. the Council of Nicea
mighty an earthquake, and so great." determined that Easter among Chris-
(Rev. 16:18-20; 6:12-17; 8:5; 11:12- tians should be celebrated the first
15, 19; Zech. 14:4-5; D. & C. 133 :22- Sunday after the full moon on or fol-
25.) lowing the vernal equinox.
Obviously, Easter as now celebrated
Earths. See EARTH. We are blessed has come into being as a compromise
with the knowledge that ours is not between pagan and apostate Christian
the only inhabited earth. Rather, views, and obviously it does not pre-

tend to be ihe anniversary of the edifying of the body of Christ." (Eph.

actual resurrection of Christ. None- 4:11 -1 6, 29.)
theless the true saints gladly take it Things that are edifying are of
as an appropriate occasion on which God and lead to salvation; unedifying
to turn their attentions to the infinite things are from beneath and lead to
and eternal atonement of Christ as damnation. When the Spirit of the
such was climaxed by his coming forth Lord is present, then "he that preach-
as the firstlruits of them that slept. eth and he that receiveth, uµderstand
one another, and both are edified and
Ecclesia. See ·CHURCH. rejoice together. And that which doth
not edify is not of God, and is · dark-
Economic Turmoil. See SIGNS OF THE ness." (D. & C. 50:22-23.) "Charity
TIMES. edifieth." (I . Car. 8: I.) "He that
prophesieth speaketh unto men to
Eden. See GARDEN OF EDEN. edification, and exhortation, and com-
fort. He that speaketh in an unknown
Edification. See EoucATION, GIFT OF tongue edifieth himself; but he that
THE HOLY GHOST, GoSPEL, K NOWL- prophesieth edifieth the church." (I
EDGE, LIGHT OF CHRJST, TEACHERS. Car. 14:3-4.) Unfortunately, there
Edification is education in uplifting is much in the world in the way of
and enlightening things. To edify a teaching, doctrine, literature, music,
person is to teach, instruct, and ben- art, and recreation that is not edify-
efit him in the moral and religious ing and in consequence leads men
fields. Gospel principles and prac- away from righteousness.
tices are designed to mellow and edify
true believers so that they may be- Education. See EDIFICATION, foNo-
come saints in very deed. It is the RANCE, KNOWLEDGE, RELIGIOUS EnucA-
duty of the saints to "instruct and TION, TEACHERS, WisooM. In the
edify each other." (D. & C. 43:8; broad sense of the word, the process
84: 106, !IO; 136:24; I Thess. 5:11. ) of living on earth, of seeking to work
T hose who teach in church organ - out one's salvation with fear and
izations are specifically commanded trembling before God, is in itself a
to speak so that "all may be edified." course of education; it is a system of
(D. & C. 88: 122, 137.) Quorum of- training, study, and discipline where-
ficers are to edify those over whom by the men ta! and moral powers are
they preside. (D. & C. 107:85.) In - schooled and prepared for graduation
deed, apostles, prophets, pastors, into the eternal realms.
evangelists, teachers, and all church Also in the gospel sense, education
.officers, have been appointed of God, consists in gaining a knowledge of
"For the perfecting of the saints, for God and the saving truths of the gos-
the work of the ministry, for the pel. No man can be saved in igno-

ranee of Jesus Christ and the laws among any other similar group in the
of salvation. (John 17:3; D. & C. world.
131 :6.) Accordingly, the saints arc
under command to "teach one an - Ego. See SPIRIT BomEs.
other the doctrine of the kingdom,"
to learn all expedient "things that Egyptus. See CAIN, HAM, NEGROES.
pertain unto the kingdom of God," Two women of note, a mother and
and to gain a knowledge of countries, her daughter, both carried the name
kingdoms, sciences, arts, and every Egyptus. The mother, a descendant
form of learning, so that they can of Cain, was the wife of Ham; the
both work out their own salvation daughter was the mother of Pharaoh,
and carry the message of salvation to the first ruler of Egypt. Abraham says
the Lord's other children. (D. & C. that in the Chaldean tongue Egyptus
88:77-81.) "signifies that which is forbidden,"
Education is gained primarily from meaning apparently that H am mar-
the Spirit of the Lord by revelation ried outside the approved lineage.
and secondarily from study, research, (Abra. I :20-27; Gen. 6:2.)
and investigation. Those who lack
wisdom are commanded to ask of Eight Witnesses. See WITNESSES OF
God who giveth liberally to all the THE B ooK OF MoRMON.

faithful. (D. & C. 46:7; Jas. I :5-7.)

"Let him that is ignorant learn wis- Elder Brother. See CHRIST, FATHER
dom by humbling himself and calling IN H EAVEN, FIRSTBORN, PRE-EXIST-
upon the Lord his God, that his eyes ENCE. Christ is literally our Elder
may be opened that he may see, and Brother. Since all men are the per-
his ears opened that he may hear; sonal spirit children of the Father,
For my Spirit is sent forth into the and since Christ was the Firstborn
world to enlighten the humble and spirit offspring, it follows that he
contrite, and to the condemnation of is the Elder Brother of all men.
the ungodly." (D. & C. 136:32-33.)
In view of the Latter-day Saint Elders. See MELCHIZEDEK PRIEST-
perspective of the importance of edu- HOOD, MISSIONARIES, PRIESTHOOD,
cation in the eternal scheme of things, PRIESTHOOD O FFICES, PRIESTHOOD
it h as inevitably followed that schools, Q UORUMS, QUORUM PRESIDENTS. J.
colleges, universities, and secular In ancient times when tribal and gov-
learning have prospered wherever the ernmental affairs were more fully
influence of the saints has been felt. centered in the family, and when
Many surveys and studies have shown those affairs were partly and some-
that there is a high er degree of liter- times wholly regulated according to
acy and high scholas tic attainment a patriarchal system, especial defer-
among members of the Church than ence was given to the older men, and

they were referred to as the elders presbyter. (I Tim. 5:1, 17, 19.) The
No special priesthood endowment or ordination of elders in modern times
office was involved. Rather, the des- began with Joseph Smith and Oliver
ignation singled out those whose Cowdery on April 6, 1830. (Doctrines
maturity, experience, and judgment of Salvation, vol. 3, pp. 146-147.)
made them natural leaders whose Elders are ministers of Christ; they
counsel and direction was high[ y are called to administer in spiritual
esteemed. things (D. & C. 107:12), "To teach,
People both in and out of the expound, exhort, baptize, and watch
earthly kingdom of God designated over the church; And to conftrm the
their mature leaders and rulers as church by the laying on of the hands,
elders. Thus when Joseph went up and the giving of the Holy Ghost.
to bury his father, Jacob, there went . . . The elders are to conduct the
with him "the elders of his house, meetings as they are led by the Holy
and all the elders of the land of Ghost, according to the command-
Egypt." (Gen. 50:7.) This usage of ments and revelations of God." (D.
the term elders was common among & C. 20:42-45; 46:2.) They are to
the Jews in the meridian of time. preach the gospel (D. & C. 53:3),
There are more than a score of such teach from the scriptures (D. & C.
references in Matthew, Mark, Luke, 42:12), administer to the sick (D.
and Acts. (Matt. 15:2; Mark 7:3; & C. 42:43-52; Jas. 5:14-15), func-
Luke 9:22; Acts 4:5.) tion in the church court system (D.
2. One of the ordained offices in & C. 42:80) , and perform any duty
the Melchizedek Priesthood is that that can be done by a holder of the
of an elder. (D. & C. 20:60; 55:2; lesser priesthood. (D. & C. 20:38-67.)
107:7; Acts 14:23; Tit. 1:5.) This 3. Elder is the title given all hold-
office grows out of and is an a pp end - ers of the Melchizedek Priesthood
age to the higher priesthood. (D. & C. whether the individuals concerned are
84:29; 107:5.) As far as we know, or have been ordained to the office
there were no ordained elders in the of elder or not. (D. & C. 20:38; I
Church until the day of Moses, just Pet. 5:1; 2 John I; 3 John I.) Thus
as there was no Aaronic Priesthood if a priest in the Aaronic Priesthood
until that day. had the Melchizedek Priesthood con-
There were, of course, ordained ferred upon him and was ordained a
elders in ancient Israel (Ex. 24:9-11; seventy or high priest, though he
Num. 11:16), among the Nephites would never be ordained to the office
both in their early and latter history of an elder, yet he would be known by
(Alma 4:7, 16; 6:1; Moro. 3: 1; 4:1; that title.
6:1, 7), and among the meridian
saints. In New Testament usage the Elders Courts. See ExcOMMUNICA-
term is a translation of the Greek In the missions of the Church

where there are no bishoprics or reg- and is thus made "according to the
ularly organized high councils to try foreknowledge of God." (I Pet. I :2.)
transgressors against the Lord's .laws, Those so grouped together during
the proper church officers form elders their mortal probation have more
courts by appointing several Melchiz- abundant opportunities to make and
edek Priesthood holders so to serve. keep the covenants of salvation, a
These courts exercise jurisdiction right which they earned by pre-
similar to that of high councils in existent devotion to the cause of right-
the stakes. eousness. As part of this election,
Abraham and others of the noble and
Elders of Israel. See ELDERS. great spirits were chosen before they
were born for the particular missions
Elect. See ELECT OF Goo. assigned them in this life. (Abra.
3:22-24; Rom. 9.)
Election of Grace. See AGENCY, As with every basic doctrine of the
CALLING AND ELECTION SuRE, FoRE- gospel, the Lord's system of election
ORDINATION, GRACE OF Goo, ISRAEL, based on pre-existent faithfulness has
PREDESTINATION, PRE-EXISTENCE. As been changed and perverted by an
part of the new song the saints will apostate Christendom. So absurd
sing when they "see eye to eye" and have been the false conclusions
the millennial era has been ushered reached in this field that millions of
in will be these words, "The Lord sincere though deceived persons have
hath redeemed his people, Israel, devoutly believed that in accordance
According to the election of grace, with the divine will men were pre-
Which was brought to pass by the destined to receive salvation or dam-
faith And covenant of their fathers." nation which no act on their part
(D. & C. 84:98-I02; Rom. II :1-5.) could change. (Teachings, p. 189.)
This election of grace is a very funda-
Actually, if the full blessings of
mental, logical, and important part
salvation are to follow, the doctrine
of God's dealings with men through
of election must operate twice. First,
the ages. To bring to pass the salva-
tion of the greatest possible number righteous spirits are elected or chosen
of his spirit children the Lord, in to come to mortality as heirs of spe-
general, sends the most righteous and cial blessings. Then, they must be
worthy spirits to earth through the called and elected again in this life,
lineage of Abraham and Jacob. This an occurrence which takes place when
course is a manifestation of his grace they join the true Church. (D. & C.
or in other words his love, mercy, and 53:1.) Finally, in order to reap eter-
condescension toward his children. nal salvation, they must press forward
This election to a chosen lineage in obedient devotion to the truth until
is based on pre-existent worthiness they make their "calling and election

sure" (2 Pet. I), that is, are "sealed ful members of The Church of Jesus
up unto eternal life." (D. & C. 131 :5.) Christ of Latter-day Saints. They are
the portion of church members who
Elect Lady. See DAUGHTERS OF Goo, are striving with all their 'hearts to
ELECTION OF GRACE, ELECT OF Goo. keep the fulness of the gospel law
An elect lady is a female member of in this life so that they can become
the Church who has already received, inheritors of the fulness of gospel
or who through obedience is qualified rewards in the life to come.
to receive, the fulness of gospel bless- As far as the male sex is concerned,
irigs. This includes temple endow- they are the ones, the Lord says, who
ments, celestial marriage, and the have the Melchizedek Priesthood con-
fulness of the sealing power. She is ferred upon them and who thereafter
one who has been elected or chosen magnify their callings and are sancti-
by faithfulness as a daughter of God fied by the Spirit. In this way, "They
in this life, an heir of God, a mem- become the sons of Moses and of
ber of his household. Her position Aaron and the seed of Abraham, and
is comparable to that of the elders the church and kingdom, and the
who magnify their callings in the elect of God." They keep "the oath
priesthood and thereby receive all and covenant which belongeth to the
that the Father hath. (D. & C. 84:38.) priesthood,U and are rewarded with
In the early days of this dispensa- the fulness of the Father's kingdom.
tion Emma Smith, the Prophet's (D. & C. 84:33-41.)
wife, was in such complete harmony To gain this elect status they must
with the Lord's program that he for- be endowed in the temple of the
gave her of her sins and addressed Lord (D. & C. 95:8), enter into that
her as an elect lady. _(D. & C. 25:1 -3; "order of the priesthood" named "the
History of the Church, vol. 4, p. 552.) new and everlasting covenant of mar-
John the Beloved used a similar salu- riage" (D. & C. 131:1-4), and over•
tation to certain chosen women in come by faith until, as the sons of
his day. (2 John I, 13.) Just as it is God, they merit membership in the
possible for the very elect to be de- Church of the Firstborn. (D. & C.
ceived,' and to fall from grace through 76:50-70, 94-96.) The elect of God
disobedience, so an elect lady, by fail- are the chosen of God; and he has
ing to endure to the end, can lose said: "There are many who have
her chosen status. been ordained among you, whom I
have called but few of them are cho-
Elect of God. See CHURCH OF THE sen." (D. & C. 95:5; 121 :34-40.)
FIRSTBORN, ELECTION OF GRACE, This is the day in which the Lord
ELECT LADY, SAINTS, SoNs OF Goo. is gathering his elect, those who hear
The elect of God comprise a very his voice and harden not their hearts
select group, an inner circle of faith- (D. & C. 29:7), from the four quar-

ters of the earth (D. & C. 33:6), /iO ments which are mortal now are
that if they continue to abide in .his destined to become immortal ele-
word, they shall have an eventual ments hereafter.
salvation in his presence. This .is the One of the signs of the times is that
day of which the Lord spoke: "I will the elements (meaning weather con-
bring forth a seed out of Jacob, and ditions and such things as bring about
out of Judah an inheritor of my earthquakes and the like) shall be in
mountains: and mine elect shall in~ commotion in the last days. (D. & C.
herit it, and my servants shall dwell 88:87-92.) When the Lord comes,
there." (Isa. 65:9.) The coming the elements (meaning the earth it-
millennial day is one in which the self and all that composes it) shall
"elect shall long enjoy the work of melt with fervent heat, and all things
their hands" (Isa. 65:22), for the shall be made new. (D. & C. 101:25;
earth and the fulness thereof shall 2 Pet. 3:10-12; 3 Ne. 26:3; Morm.
then be theirs. 9:2.) And finally, when this earth
becomes a celestial sphere, the natural
Elements. See CREATION, DusT, IM- elements of which it is composed will
MORTALITY, MORTALITY, SIGNS OF THE become immortal and eternal. (D. &
TIMES, SouL, SPIRIT ELEMENT. Those C. 77:1; 88:16-32; 130:9.)
natural or earthy substances of which
the earth in all its parts is composed Eleventh Hour. See LAST DAYS, RES-
and which make up the physical or TORATION OF THE GOSPEL, SIGNS OF
temporal bodies of all created things THE TIMES. Based on the common
are called elements. They are of the verity that there are 12 hours in the
earth, earthy (I Car. 15:44-48); they day (John II :9), the expression
are to be distinguished from the more eleventh hour, used figuratively to
pure and refined substances of which apply to the earth's history, has ref-
spirit matter is composed. (D. & C. erence to the latter-days. In the par-
131 :6-7.) "The elements are eternal," able of the laborers in the vineyard,
the Lord says; and when they are those who were employed during the
organized into a mortal body, those I I th hour were paid the same as those
elements become the tabernacle of whose services had commenced with
the eternal spirit that comes from the rising sun. (Matt. 20:1-16.) One
pre-existence. Also, "The elements application of this parable is that
are the tabernacle of God," meaning those called to Christ's service in the
that the Spirit of the Lord will dwell latter-days will inherit equally with
in the hearts of righteous men. In Adam and Abraham, though those
the resurrection "spirit and element" ancient prophets have long since
are "inseparably connected," thus as- gone to their exaltation. (D. & C.
suring immortality to the soul. (D. 132:29-37; 133:54-56.) In sending
& C. 93:33-35.) It follows that ele- forth his ministers in this dispensa-

tion the Lord said: "It is the eleventh household in eternity for those who
hour, and the last time that I shall live the fulness of the celestial law.
call laborers into my vineyard." (D. This power and commission is what
& C. 33:3.) Elias restored, and as a consequence,
the righteous among all future gener-
Elias. See AARONIC PRIESTHOOD, ations were assured of the blessings
ELIJAH THE PROPHET, JOHN THE BAP- of a continuation of the seeds forever,
TIST, JOSEPH SMITH THE PROPHET, even .as it was with Abraham of old.
THE GosPEL. I. .Elias of AbrahaJlU.. This committing to man of the
Day.-As part of the restoration of gospel of Abraham, of the great com-
·ailthings, a prophet named Elias mission which he had, should not be
came to Joseph Smith and Oliver confused with the spirit of Elias or
Cowdery on April 3, 1836, and com- the doctrine of Elias. The commis-
mitted unto them the dispensation sion which the man Elias conferred
of the gospel of Abraham. The scrip- was not an authorization either to
tural account of this glorious event operate in the spirit of Elias or to
specifies: "Elias appeared, and com- preach the gospel. The spirit of Elias
mitted the dispensation of the gospel had been manifest long before the
of Abraham, saying that in us and man Elias came. The commission to
our seed all generations after us preach the gospel was restored by
should be blessed." (D. & C. 110:12.) Peter, James, and John in 1829, and
Now what was the gospel of Abra- the gospel had been preached for
ham? Obviously it was the commis- nearly seven years before Elias came.
sion, the mission, the endowment and In their mortal ministry, Peter, James,
power, the message of salvatio~, given and John had been given this com-
to Abraham. And what was this? mission: "Go ye into all the world,
It was a divine romise of eternal and preach the gospel to every crea •
increase, a r>romise that bo in the ture." (Mark 16: 15.) In other words,
world and out of the world his seed the gospel of Peter, James, and John,
should continue "as innumerable as their great commission, was to preach
- t e stars; or, if ye were to count the the gospel of salvation. When they
s@ upon the seashore Y':' co11ld not came in modern times that, among
number them" (D. & C. 132:30; other things, was what they restored.
Gen. 17; Abra. 2:1;12.)
Thus the gospel of Abraham was
one of celestial marriage (including
ti~sh::~h: ro~~:~lli~~i~~• ,:~i=
of Elias. It is apparent that he lived
plurality of wives); it was ~ in the days of Abraham but whether
or commission to provide a lineage he was Abraham, or Melchizedek, or
for the elect portion of the pre- ~ome other prophet, we do not know.
existent spirits, a gospel to provide a 2. Elias a Name for Elijah.-~

::a:e t;re::m!or:o~!si;~ija:~d ~ ~~m:las~av~ngw~~~

necessity of determining whether bounds." (Teachings, pp. 335-341.)
Elijah or someone else is meant in 4.filias of the R estoration.-Ac-
each passage where the name Elias cording to the plan and program of
appears. Such a determination is not the Lord, the dispensation of the
difficult, however, when the full doc- fulness of times is "the times of resti-
trine of Elias and Elijah is under- tution of all things, which God hath
stood. spoken by the mouth of all his holy
3. Spirit and Doctrine of Elias.- prophets since the world began."
Joseph Smith taught that a pre- (Acts 3:21.) This restoration is to
paratory work, one that lays a foun- be effected by Elias. Before the wind-
dation for a greater work, ·one that ing up of the Lord's work, the prom-
goes before to prepare the way for ise is: "Elias truly shall first come,
a greater which is to come, is a work and restore all things." (Matt. 17:11.)
performed by the spirit of Elias. This With these ancient scriptures before
principle is called .the doctrine of us, these questions arise: Who is the
Elias. The Prophet explained that promised Elias who was to come and
the spirit and doctrine of Elias per- restore all things? Has this work of
tain to the Aaronic Priesthood only. restoration taken place? Or is it
He used himself as an example, say- something that is yet future?
ing that he ·worked by the spirit of Correcting the Bible by the spirit
Elias from the time he received the of revelation, the Prophet restored
Aaronic Priesthood (which is a pre- a statement of John the Baptist which
paratory priesthood) until the Mel- says that Christ is the Elias who was
chizedek Priesthood was restored. In to• r e ~~
the same way John the Baptist, he s ~John7:~ 8. ) By revelation
explained, served in the spirit and we are also informed that the Elias
power of Elias; that is, as our Lord's who was to restore all things is the
forerunner, serving in the lesser angel Gabriel who was known in
priesthood, prepared the way for a mortality as Noah. (D. & C. 27:6-7;
greater work. Luke I :5-25; Teachings, p. 157.)
Work done by authorit o th From the same authentic source we
Melchize e nest ood is not per- also learn that the promised Elias is
formed in accordance with the s irit John the Revelator. (D. & C. 77 :9,
o lias. To distinguish between the 14.) Thus there are three different
spirit of Elias and a higher power, the revelations which name Elias as being
Prophet said that a man could be three different persons. What are we
baptized by the spirit of Elias but to conclude?
lie could not receive the Holy Ghost By finding answer to the question,
by that power, and "any man that by whom has the restoration been

effected, we shall find who Elias is ii he claimed to fulfil ancient pre-

and find there is no problem in har- dictions in this field .
monizing these apparently contra- "And this is the record of John,
dictory revelations. Who has restored when the Jews sent priests and Le•
all things? Was ft one man? Cer- vites from Jerusalem, to ask him:
tainly not. Many angelic ministrants Who art thou? And he confessed,
have been sent from the courts of and denied not that he was Elias; but
glory to confer keys and powers, to confessed, saying: I am not the Christ.
commit their dispensations and glor- And they asked him, saying: How
ies again to men on earth. At least then art thou Elias? And he said,
the following have come: Moroni, I am not that Elias who was to re-
John the Baptist, ' Peter, James, and store all things. And they asked him,
John,: Moses, Elijah, Elias, Gabriel, saying, Art thou that prophet? And'
Raphael, and Michael. (D. & C. 13; he answered, No . ... And they asked
110; 128:19-21.) Since it is apparent him, and said unto him : Why bap-
that no one messenger has carried tizes! thou then, if thou be noi the
the whole burden of the restoration, Christ, nor Elias who was to restore
but rather that each has come with all things, neither that prophet? John
a specific endowment from on high, answered them,_ saying: I baptize
it becomes clear that Elias is a com~ with water, but there standeth one
posite personage. fhe· expression among you, whom ye know not; He
nius't be understood to be a name and it is of whom I bear record. He is
a title for those whose mission it is that prophet, even Elias, who, coming
to commit keys and fioivers to men in after me, is preferred before me, whose
this fi nal dispensation. ( Doctrines of shoe's latchet I am not worthy to
Salvation, vol. I, pp. 170-174.) unloose, or whose place I am not able
5. John the Baptist an Elias.-No to fill; for he shall baptize, not only
better illustration is found in the with water, but with fire, and with
revelations of one who acted in the the Holy Ghost:' (Inspired Version,
spirit and power of Elias-and yet John 1:21°28.)
who expressly disavowed any claim After Moses and Elijah ·(Elias)
to being the Elias who was to restore had appeared on the Mount of Trans-
all things-than that seen in the min- figuration, our Lord's "disciples asked
istry of John the Baptist. Gabriel him, saying, Why then say the Scribes
foretold that John would go before that Elias must first come?''- That is;
the Lord "in the spirit and power of the scribes knew that Elias (Elijah)
Elias" (Luke I: 17); and the skeptical was to precede the coming . of the
and unbelieving Jews-knowing that Lord, and yet here Peter, James, and
Elijah was to come again and that Joh[! had seen the heavenly visitant
Elias was .to restore all things-made come -after the Lord had been ·mani,
pointed inquiry of John to determine fest among the people.

"And Jesus answered and said unto taken up into heaven without tasting
them, Elias truly shall first come, and death. (I Kings 17; 18; 2 Kings I; 2.)
restore all things, as the prophets Centuries later Malachi prophesied
have written. And again I say unto that Elijah would return before the
you that Elias has come already, con- great and dreadful day of the Lord.
cerning whom it is written, Behold, (Mal. 4:5-6.) With Moses, another
I will send my messenger, and he translated being, he appeared to Peter,
shall prepare the way before me; and James, and John on the Mount of
they knew him not, and have done Transfiguration to give those apos-
unto him, whatsoever they listed. tolic ministers the keys of the king-
Likewise shall also the Son of Man dom. (Matt. 17:1 -13; Teachings, p.
suffer of them. But I say unto you, 158.) During the night of September
Who is Elias? Behold, this is Elias, 21st-22nd, 1823, Moroni told Joseph
whom I send to prepare the way be- Smith that the Lord would soon re-
fore me. Then the disciples under- veal unto him the priesthood by the
stood that he spake unto them of hand of Elijah the Prophet (Jos.
John the Baptist, and also of another Smith 2:29-39); and on April 3, 1836,
who should come and restore all. Elijah came (in fulfilment of the
things, as it is written htt the nranb - promises of Malachi and Moroni) to
-~ nspired Version, Matt. 17:9- Joseph . Smith and Oliver Cowdery,
14; Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 2, pp. in the Kirtland Temple, and con-
108-112.) ferred upon them the keys of the
sealing power. (D. & C. 110:13-16.)
Elijah the Prophet. See CALLING AND Because Elijah has come in this
ELECTION SURE, KEYS OF THE KING- dispensation, the lulness of salvation
DOM, SALVATION, SALVATION FOR THE is again available for the living and
DEAD, SAVIORS ON MOUNT ZION, SEAL- the dead. He "was the last prophet
ING POWER, SECOND COMING OF that held the keys of the priesthood"
CHRIST, SIGNS OF THE TIMES. For in ancient Israel, the Prophet said.
dramatic manifestations and the vis- His latter-day mission was to "restore
ible exhibition of divine power, the the authority and deliver the keys
ministry of Elijah the Prophet scarcely of the priesthood, in order that
has an equal. He sealed the heavens, all the ordinances may be attended
was fed by the ravens, extended the to in righteousness. . . . Why send
widow's barrel of meal and cruse of Elijah? Because he holds the keys
oil, raised the dead, destroyed the of the authority to administer in
priests of Baal, called down fire from all the ordinances of the priesthood;
heaven on at least three occasions, and without the authority is given,
fasted 40 days and nights, was at- the ordinances could not be admin-
tended frequently by angelic minis- istered in righteousness." (Teachings,
trants, and finally was translated and p. 172.)

"The spirit, power, and calling of Thus El Elyon means the Highest
Elijah is," the Prophet also taught, God, the Possessor or Creator of
"that ye have power to hold the key heaven and earth (Gen. 14: 19); El
of the reveliitions, ordinances, oracles, Shaddai signifies God Almighty (Gen.
powers and endowments of the ful- 17:1); El Elahe Yisrael is the Gad of
ness of the Melchizedek Priesthood Israel. (Gen. 33:20.)
and of the kingdom of God on the Elohim is the ulurn1of thP. Caanan-
earth; and to receive., obtain, and it~ El or the Hebrew Eloah· conse-
perform all the ordinances belonging quently, its literal meanin is Gad .
to the kingdom of God, even unto Accor ing y, as t 1e Prophet pointed
the turning of the hearts of the fa- out, such Old Testament passages as,
thers unto the children, and the hearts "In the beginning God (Elohim)
of the children unto the fathers, even created the heaven and the earth"
those who- are in heaven . . (Gen. 1:1), should more properly be
"This is the spirit of Elijah, that translated, "In the beginning the
we ·redeem our dead, and connect head of the Gods brought forth the
ourselves with our fathers which are Gods," and. they created the heavens
in heaven; and seal up our dead to and the earth. (Teachings, pp. 370-
come forth in the first resurrection; 371.)
and here we want the power of Elijah 2. Elohim, plural word though it
to seal those who dwell on earth to is, is also used as the exalted name-
those who dwell in heaven. This is title .of God the Eternal Father, a
the power of Elijah and the keys of usage that connotes his supremacy
the kingdom of Jehovah." (Teachings, and omnipotence, he being God above
pp. 337 -338.) all Gods. (The Father and the Son:
"How shall God come to the res- A Doctrinal Exposition by the First
cue of this generation?" the Prophet Presidency and the Twelve, cited,
asked. "He will send Elijah the Articles of Faith, pp. 465-473; I Cor.
Prophet. . . Elijah shall reveal the 8:6.)
covenants to seal the hearts of the
fathers to the children, and the chil- Elves. See GHOSTS.
dren to the lathers. The anointing
and sealing is to be called, elected, Elysium. See PARADISE . According to
and made sure." (Teachings, p. 323.) Greek mythology, Elysium or the
Elysian Fields is the name given the
Elohim. See FATHER IN HEAVEN, abode of the blessed after death. This
Goo, JEHOVAH. I. El, as the Hebrew concept, found among an apostate
word for God or Divine Being, is people, was obviously an outgrowth
used in various Hebrew word com- of the . true gospel doctrine, taught
binations to identify Deity and to from the beginning, relative to para-
reveal particular things about him. dise.

Emblems. See SYMBOLISMS. ETERNAL RouNO. I. That which goes

on forever and has no end is endless.
Emmanuel. See IMMANUEL. For instance: The eternal, unending
duration of time -is endless time; the
Emperors. See KINGCRAFT. infinite, limitless expanse of space is
endless space. Similarly there is no
Employment. See CHURCH WELFARE end to matter, element, or any of the
PLAN, DOLE, IDLENESS, STEWARDSHIPS, attributes of perfection which make
WORK. As part of man's mortal pro- up the personalities of exalted beings.
bation, . he is being tested with In the hymn, "II You Could Hie to
reference to temporal things. The Kolob," Elder William W. Phelps
obligation to earn his bread in the teaches very effectively the endless
sweat of his lace necessitates employ- nature of all good things:
ment. (Gen. 3: 19.) The gospel
II you could hie to Kolob
requires that man work in temporal
In the twinkling of an eye,
as well as spiritual pursuits to gain
And then continue onward
salvation. Flocks and herds, farms
With that same speed to fly,
and vineyards, industries and business
D'ye think that you could ever,
ventures, are all part and portion of
Through all eternity,
the gospel plan; the manner in which
Find out the generation
man acts with reference to them
Where Gods began to be?
affects not only his temporal well-
being, but his eternal salvation. Or see the grand beginning,
"Thou shalt not be idle; for he that Where space did not extend?
is idle shall not eat the bread nor Or view the last creation,
wear the garments of the laborer." Where Gods and matter end?
(D. & C. 42:42.) Methinks the Spirit whispers,
Provision is made in the great Wel- "No man has found 'pure space,'
fare Plan of the Church for priest- Nor seen the outside curtains,
hood quorums and other church Where nothing has a place."
organizations to aid their members
The works of God continue,
in finding employment and in better-
And worlds and lives abound;
ing inadequate existing employment.
Improvement and progression
Have one eternal round.
Enchantments. See SoRCERY.
There is no end to matter,
There is no end to space;
Ending. See BEGINNING.
There is no end to spirit;
There is no end to race.
NAL DAMNATION, ETERNAL LIFE, There is no end to virtue;
ETERNITY, Ev~I\I.ASTING, Goo, ONE There is no end to might;

There is no end to wisdom; Endless Hell. See ETERNAL DAMNA-

There is no end to light.
There is no end to union;
There is no end to youth; Endless Life. See ETERNAL LIFE.
There is no end to priesthood;
There is no end to truth. Endless Punishment. See ETERNAL
There is no end to glory;
There is no end to love;
There is no end to being; Endless Torment. See ETERNAL DAM-
There is no death above.
There is no end to glory;
There is no end to love;
End of the Earth. See EARTH.
There is no end to being;
End of the World. See WORLD.
There is no death above.
2. Endless, used as a noun and not Endowments. See CALLING AND
as an adjective, is one of the names ELECTION SURE, CELESTlAL MARRIAGE,
of God and signifies his unending, CHURCH OF THE FIRSTBORN, D AUGH.
eternal continuance as the supreme, TERS OF GoD, ETERNAL LIFE, ETERNAL
exalted ruler of the universe. "Be- LIVES, EXALTATION, FULNESS OF THE
hold, I am the Lord God Almighty, FATHER, GODHOOD, JOINT-HEIRS WITH
and Endless is my name," he said, CHRIST, SALVATION FOR THE DEAD,
"for I am without beginning of days SEALING Powrn, SoNs OF Goo, TEM·
or end of years; and is not this end- PLES, VICARIOUS ORDINANCES. Certain
less?" (Moses 1:3; 7:35.) "Endless special, spiritual blessings given
is my name" he said to the Prophet. worthy and faithful saints in the
(D. & C. 19:10.) By using his name temples are called endowments, be-
Endless and by combining it with cause in and through them the recip-
other terms, the Lord has revealed ients are endowed with power from
some very expressive phrases in the on high. They receive an education
scriptures. For instance: Endless life relative to the Lord's purposes and
means God's life; "Endless punish- plans in the creation and peopling
ment is God's punishment." (D. & C. of the earth and are taught the things
19:12.) that must be done by man in order
Endless Damnation. See .ETERNAL to gain exaltation in the world to
come. They place themselves in a
position to receive the sanctifying and
Endless Father. See ETERNAL FA- cleansing power of the Holy Ghost,
THER, thus becoming clean and spotless be-
fore the Lord. So sacred and holy are
Endless God. See ETERNAL Goo. the administrations performed that

in every age when they have been doomed to live by labor and sweat,
revealed, the Lord has withheld them the plan of redemption by which the
from the knowledge of the world and great transgression may be atoned,
disclosed them only to the faithful the period of the great apostasy, the
saints in houses and places dedicated restoration of the gospel with all its
and selected for that purpose. (D. & ancient powers and privileges, the
C. 95:8-9; 124:25-41; Luke 24:49.) absolute and indispensable conditions
All temple ordinances, except bap- of personal purity and devotion to
.B tism for the dead, pertain to exalta - the right in present life, and a strict
r-_tion in the celestial kingdom and not compliance with gospel requirements.
merely to admission to that world.
When the Prophet first administered "The ordinances of the endowment
the endowment in this dispensation embody certain obligations on the
he said it embraced "all those plans part of the individual, such as cove-
and principles by which anyone is nant and promise to observe the law
enabled to secure the fulness of those of strict virtue and chastity, to be
blessings which have been prepared charitable, benevolent, tolerant and
for the Church of the Firstborn." pure; to devote both talent and ma-
(Teachings, p. 237.) These sacred terial means to the spread of truth
ordinances are administered for the and the uplifting of the race; to main-
living and on a proxy basis for the tain devotiqn to the cause of truth;
dead also. ( Doctrines of Salvation, and to seek in every way to contrib-
vol. 2, pp. 252-257.) ute to the great preparation that the
Elder James E. Talmage, in The earth may be made ready to receive
House of the Lord, a work published her King, the Lord Jesus. With the
by the Church in 1912, gives the taking of each covenant and the as-
followin g data on endowments: "The suming of each obligation a promised
temple endowment, as administered in blessing is pronounced, contingent
modern temples, comprises instruc- upon the faithful observance of the
tion relating to the significance and conditions.
sequence of past dispensations, and "No jot, iota, or tittle of the temple
the importance of the present as the rites is otherwise than uplifting and
greatest and grandest era in human sanctifying. In every detail the en-
history. This course of instruction dowment ceremony contributes to
includes a recital of the most prom- covenants of morality of life, conse-
inent events of the creative period, cration of person to high ideals, de-
the condition of our first parents in votion to truth, patriotism to nation,
the Garden of Eden, their disobe- and allegiance to God. The blessings
dience and consequent expulsion from of the I-louse of the Lord are restricted
that blissful abode, their condition to no privileged class; every member
in the lone and dreary world when of the Church may have admission

to the temple with the right to par- Enochian Dispensation. See DISPEN-
ticipate in the ordinances thereof, ii SATIONS.
he comes duly accredited as of worthy
life and conduct." (The House of the Ensign to the Nations. See GATHER-
GOSPEL, ZION. Many ancient proph-
Endowments for the Dead. See ecies foretold that in the last days
SALVATION FOR THE DEAD. the Lord would set up an ensign· to
the nations, a standard to which
Enduring to the End. See OBEDIENCE, Israel and the righteous of all na-
tions might gather. (Isa. 5:26; 11:10-
12; 18:3; 30:17-26; 31:9; 49:22;
tism is the gate which puts the con- 62:10; Zech. 9:16.) This ensign is
verted Christian on the straight and the new and everlasting covenant,
narrow path which leads to eternal the gospel of salvation (D. & C.
45:9); it is the great latter-day Zion
life. To gain the promised inheritance
(D. & C. 64:41-43); it is The Church
in the celestial world it is necessary
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
to travel the length of the path, a
course of travel which consists in
Entities. See PRE - EXISTENCE.
obedience to the laws and principles
of the gospel. This process is . called
Environment. See HEREDITY, PRE-
enduring to the end, meaning the
EXISTENCE. Two obligations lace the
end of mortal life. (D. & C. 20:29i
saints where the matter of environ-
3 Ne. 27:19-21.)
ment is concerned: I. To create for
Speaking to members of the Church themselves and their families the most
who have already repented and been wholesome and edifying environment
baptized, Nephi says: "Ye must press possible, so there will be less chance
forward with a steadfastness in Christ, of any member of the family circle
having a perfect brightness of hope, being lost through transgression; and
and a love of God and of all men. 2. To rise above every unwholesome
Wherefore, if ye shall press forward, environmental situation that may be
feasting upon the word of Christ and encountered during the course of this
endure to the end behold thus saith mortal probation.
the Father: Ye shall have eternal When the spirit offspring of God
life. And now; behold, my beloved pass from pre-existence to mortality,
brethren, this is the way; and there they bring with them the talents,
is none other way nor name given capacities, and abilities acquired dur-
under heaven whereby man can be ing a long existence and experience in
saved in _the kingdom of God." (2 their first estate. At the time of mortal
Ne. 31 :20-21.) birth all children are innocent .and

pure. Then as. they begin to become Epiphany. See APOSTASY, CHRISTMAS.
accountable, they are swayed by "the According to apostate tradition it is
tradition of their fathers." (D. & C. supposed that the wise men from the
93 :38-39.) Their lives and destinies east came to Jcrusalem and found
are shaped and altered by their en- the newly born Son of God 12 days
vironment-the circumstances, exter- alter his birth. Hence portions of the
nal surroundings, and influences in sectarian world celebrate Epiphany
which they find themselves. T he (Twelfthtide or Twelfth-day) on
command to bring up children in January 6. This is the traditional and
light and truth includes a require- customary end to the Christmas
ment to create for them a wholesome season.
environment. ~ pears from Matthew's account,
One of the great purposes of this however, that in reality the wise men
mortal probation is to test and try came two or three years after the
men, to see if they will keep the com- birth of our Lord. It was a young
mandments and walk in the light no child," not a baby, they were seek-
matter what environmental entice- ing; he was found in a "house,U not
ments beckon them away from the a manger; and Herod "sent forth,
straight and narrow path. (I John and slew all the children that were
2: 15-17.) T he prayer, "Lead us not in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts
into temptation, but deliver us from thereof, from two years old and under,
evil" (Matt. 6:13), is a petition that according to the time which he had
we may be kept from such unwhole- diligently enquired of the wise men."
some environmental circumstances as (Matt. 2.) Those who had not
to be overcome by them. reached the third anniversary of their
It is axiomatic that the saints should births were "two years old and un -
establish peace and love in their der." The true Church, of course,
families; engage in wholesome rec- pays no heed to Epiphany and con-
reation only; perform their daily ducts no celebration thereon.
labors in the cleanest and most
wholesome environment possible; as - Epistles. See BIBLE, EPISTLES OF COM-
sociate with proper companions al - MENDATION, GOSPELS, NEW T ESTA-
ways; and seek to live under those MENT, SCRIPTURE. In the New
surroundings and influences that Testament there arc 21 epistles or
breathe the spirit of righteousness and letters written by inspired wr iters to
faith. Constant association with that persons or groups. In their original
which is low and vulgar inevitably forms they were perfect scripture, and
leads to the debasement of the human they were written by the authors
soul. whose names they bear, the specious
speculations of higher criticism to the
Eons. See ETERNITY. contrary notwithstanding. T heir au-

thorship and inspiration are attested mendation or letters of commenda-

to by references made to them and tion. That is, the saints · were
quotations taken from them in the commended, introduced, or recom-
sermons of the Prophet and in latter- mended to the various local churches
day revelation itself. by these written certifications. These
Purpose of the epistles is to bear would correspond to "recommends"
record of Christ ( and in this sense in modern times.
they are apostolic letters), to teach
the principles of the gospel, and to Equality. See CONSECRATION, EQUITY,
exhort the saints to that personal EXALTATION, JOINT - HEIRS WITH
righteousness which leads to salva - CHRIST, RESPECT OF PERSONS, uN ITED
tion. As with the other books of the ORDER. I. Under conditions of full
Bible, they were preserved by Divine gospel equality, perfect fairness and
Providence to come forth and form equity would prevail in every sphere
a part of that book of books. of life. All persons similarly situated
Sections 121, 122, 123, 127, and 128 would be treated exactly the same as
of the Doctrine and Covenants are all other such persons; all would
epistles written under the spirit of enjoy and possess the same things.
inspiration by the Prophet. Sidney Perlect impartiality would reign, for
Rigdon was commanded by revelation "there should be an equality among
to write an epistle to the Church to all men." (Mosiah 27:3; Alma 1:26.)
solicit funds "to purchase lands for By way of illustration, the gospel
an inheritance for the children of message itself is and should be freely
God." (D. & C. 58:51.) The First available to all men. (Third Article
Presidency has taken frequent occa- of Faith.) T he Lord "inviteth them
sion, particularly in the early days all to come unto him and partake of
of the Church, to send epistles to his goodness; and he denieth none
portions or all of the Latter-day that come unto him, black and white,
Saints. Frequent Book of Mormon bond and free, male and female; and
reference is found to epistles, which he remembereth the heathen; and
were formal letters dealing with af- all are alike unto God, both Jew and
fairs of state and of the Church. Gentile." (2 Ne. 26:33.)
(Alma 54:4; 55:3; 56:1; 57:1.) Perfect equality does not now pre-
vail, either in the world or in the
Epistles of Commendation. See EPIS- Church. But when life is perfected
TLES, RECOMMENDS. It appears from among the saints and when the high-
2 Cor. 3:1 that the practice prevailed est gospel law is lived, then both
among the primitive saints of intro - temporal and spiritual equality will
ducing faithful members of the prevail. Temporal adjustments under
Church from one group of saints to the prin~iples of consecration will
another by means of epistles of com- make "every man equal acoording...!Q

his family, according to his circum- bedfellow of righteousness. One of

stances and his wants and needs." the great Messianic prophecies says
(D. & C. 51:3; 82:17.) " In you!' of our Lord: "With righteousness
temporal things you shall be equal, shall he judge the poor, and reprove
and this not grudgingly otherwise with equity for the meek of the
the abundance of the manifestations earth." (Isa. II :4.)
of the Spirit shall be withheld." (D.
& C. 70:14.) "For if ye are not equal Era. See DISPENSATIONS.
in earthb[ things ye cannot be equal
in obtaining heavenly things." (D. Era of Restoration. See TIMES OF
& C. 78:3-7.) RESTITUTION.
2. Exalted beings will enjoy eternal
equality in their high celestial status. Errors. See APOSTASY.
"And he makes them equal in power,
and in might, and in dominion." Eschatology. See BOTTOMLESS PIT,
(D. & C. 76:95.) "And then shall the CELESTIAL KINGDOM, HEAVEN, HELL,
angels be crowned with the glory of IMMORTALITY, JUDGMENT DAY, MIL-
his might, and the saints shall be LENNIUM, PARADISE, RESURRECTION,
filled with his glory, and receive their SECOND CoMING OF CHRIST, SONS OF
inheritance and be made equal with PERDITION, SPIRIT WORLD, TELESTIAL
him." (D. & C. 88:107.) In other KINGDOM, TERRESTRIAL KINGDOM.
words, they all enjoy exaltation; all Under the pretense of studying escha-
live the same kind of life; all exercise tology - doctrines concerning the
the same power, the power of God; ultimate destiny of mankind-un-
all are possessed of the same Spirit, inspired Biblical scholars speculate,
the Spirit of truth; all are gods and quibble, and deny the plain meaning
have eternal increase; all are joint- of the revelations about death, im-
heirs with Christ, possessing all things mortality, the resurrection, the day of
with him, and being inheritors of judgment, the Second Coming of
all that the Father hath. Christ, and related matters. It is com-
mon among these sectarian scholars
Equity. See EQUALITY, JUSTICE, MER- to attempt to show the evolution of
CY, RIGHTEOUSNESS. Equity is the prin- these doctrines from prophet to
ciple which tempers the harshness of prophet; to point out the supposedly
justice. Equity dictates that the law contradictory and confusing views
shall be administered according to its expressed by prophets in different
spirit and not merely its letter. (D. ages, by Jesus himself, and by the
& C. 102:16; 134 :3; Hela. 3:20; 3 Ne. New Testament writers; and finally
6:4.) It is an attribute of Deity (Ps. to conclude their mental and theologi-
98 :9; 99 :4; Alma 9:26), the com- cal flights of fantasy without reaching
panion of justice and mercy, and the any sound conclusion about things

which are to them impenetrable .132:63), punishable anciently by

mysteries. death. (Deut. 22:23-24.)
The fact is, of course, that all of In a figurative sense, the saints are
these so-called eschatological doc- espoused to Christ. "I have espoused
trines have been known and taught you to one husband, that I may pre-
from the beginning; the gospel of sent you as a chaste virgin to Christ,"
salvation is not something that has Paul wrote to the Corinthians. (2 Cor.
been formulated in the minds of men 11 : 1-4.) By keeping the vows of their
item by item as new light has dawned espousal, the saints bec~me the bride
in succeedi ng ages. One prophet did of the Lamb (Rev. 19: 7-9), who is
not modify or change what a pre- the Bridegroom (D. & C. 33: 17) and
vious inspired man had uttered. And Husband. (Isa. 54 :5.)
the spiritually enlightened have no
difficulty in determining the meaning Estates of Man. See FmsT ESTATE.
of all that God has revealed about
the ultimate destiny of his children. Eternal. See CHRIST, ENDLESS, ETER-
Espousal. See BRIDEGROOM, BRIDE OF NAL RouND. I. One of the names of
THE L AMB, CELESTIAL MARRIAGE. God is Eternal; to Enoch the Lord
Ancient marriage cllstoms in Israel said, "Eternal is my name" (Moses
provided for a formal espousal or 7:35), using this designation as a
betrothal which preceded the mar- noun and not as an adjective. This
riage . proper. In effect the espousal name of Deity signifies that he is
marked the beginning of the marriage "infinite and eternal, from everlast-
ceremony, though as much as a year ing to everlasting the saine unchange-
might elapse between it and the mar - able God." (D. & C. 20:1 7.) In
riage proper. T hough the espoused fact, members of the godhead, possess-
woman was still dependent on her ing the same characteristics and attri-
father, she was considered as conse- butes, are uinfinite and eternal,
crated to her future husband, was without end." (D. & C. 20:28, 77, 79;
denied to all others, and was virtually 121 :32; 128:23.)
regarded as his wile. (Deut. 22:23- The Lord uses his name Eternal to
24.) Thus Joseph being espoused to teach· with specific accurateness cer-
Mary and finding her with child tain great principles of revealed truth.
planned to put her away privily until Thus the kind of life he lives (which,
Gabriel commanded otherwise. (Matt. of course, is God.'s life) is called
1:18-25; Luke 1:27; 2:5.) Unfaith- eternal life (meaning exaltation); and
fulness on the part of an espoused the kind of punishment which is dealt
woman was adultery (D. & C. out to transgressors by him is called

eternal punishment, a name having great church which is not the

reference to the type and not the Lord's Church, will endure forever,
duration of the penalty imposed. or that it is and will continue to be
2. That which is of infinite dura- the hub of spiritual enlightenment
tion, which goes on forever and has for all men. Neither notion is
no end is eternal, endless, everlast- true; both are false.
ing. Using the term in this sense the When the day comes that the vine-
revelations teach that "The elements yard is cleansed of corruption, when
are eternal" (D. & C. 93:33), and every corruptible thing will be con-
that there are such things as eternal sumed, while the elements melt with
glory (D. & C. 76:6), eternal felicity fervent heat (D. & C. 101:23-25),
(D. & C. 77:3), and eternal joy. then the so-called Eternal City will
(D. & C. 109:76.) be destroyed. Indeed, the prophets
3. Eternal is also used to mean speak of the destruction of this city
the opposite of temporal, the opposite of Babylonish iniquity, this city set
of that which pertains to time and on seven hills, as symbolic of the de-
mortality. This is a temporal world struction of all wickedness. (Rev.
in which we now live; hereafter we 14:8; 17; 18.) And when this modern
shall gain places in the eternal worlds. Babylon falls, the pall of darkness
(D. & C. 76:86; 121 :2; 132:55, 63.) spread over the whole earth by that
The earth itself is now passing church whose foundation is the devil
through "its temporal existence"; will be lifted. (D. & C. 29:21.)
hereafter it is to be sanctified, be-
come immortal, and gain an "eternal Eternal Damnation. See DAMNATION,
state." (D. & C. 77:l-6.) Any views DEVIL, ETERNAL LIFE, FIRE AND BRIM-
expressed by man through his own STONE, HELL, KINGDOMS OF GLORY,
power consist of natural or mortal PUNISHMENT, RESURRECTION, SALVA-
words; in contrast, words spoken by TION, S1N, SONS OF PERDITION, SPIRIT
the power of the Holy Ghost, being PRISON, SPIRITUAL DEATH, UNPARDON-
the Lord's words (D. & C. 68:1-4), ABLE Sm. To denote the severity and
are "eternal words." (D. & C. 85:7.) extent of the condemnation falling
upon those whose feet slip from the
Eternal City. See BABYLON, CHURCH straight and narrow path, the Lord
OF THE D EVIL, SECOND CoMING OF couples the word eternal with the
CHRIST. Certain portions • of apos- term damnation. There are three
tate Christendom are wont to refer distinct senses in which the expression
to Rome (in Italy) as the Eternal eternal damnation is used.
City. Presumptively their intent is 1. Eternal damnation is the oppo-
to convey the concept either that site of eternal life, and all those who
this great city, as the seat of gov- do not gain eternal life, or exaltation
ernment through the ages of that in the highest heaven within the

celestial kingdom, are partakers of · vation that flows therefrom, these

eternal damnation. Their eternal words were spoken relative to the
condemnation is to have limitations teachings given: "They shall stand
imposed upon them so that they can- as a bright testimony against this
not progress to the state of godhood people, at the judgment day; whereof
and gain a lulness of all things. they shall be judged, every man ac-
They "remain separately and cording to his works, whether they be
singly, without exaltation, ... to all good, or whether they be evil. And
eternity; and from henceforth are not ii they be evil they are consigned to
gods, but are angels of God forever an awful view of their own guilt and
and ever." (D. & C. 132:17.) Their abominations, which doth cause them
kingdom or progress has an "end," to shrink from the presence of the
and they "cannot have an increase." Lord into a state of misery and end-
(D. & C. 131 :4.) Spirit children are less torment, from whence they can
denied to them to all eternity, and no more return; therefore they have
they inherit "the deaths," meaning drunk damnation to their own souls.
an absence of posterity in the resur- .. . And their torment is as a lake of
rection. (D. & C. 132:16-25.) fire and brimstone, whose flames are
They are never redeemed from their unquenchable, and whose smoke
spiritual fall and taken back into the ascendeth up forever and ever."
lull presence and glory of God. Only (Mosiah 3:24-27.)
the obedient are "raised in immortal- Abinadi uses the term endless dam-
ity unto eternal life." The disobedient, nation similarly, to refer to the res-
"they that believe not,'' are raised urrected state of all the .rebellious,
in immortality "unto eternal damna- those who come forth in the resur-
tion; for they cannot be redeemed rection of the unjust, those who re-
from their spiritual fall, because they fused to repent when the gospel was
repent not." (D. & C. 29:42-44.) offered to them but who chose to go
2. Eternal damnation is also used their own carnal ways, receiving
to specify the punishment of those eventually an inheritance in the te-
who come forth in the resurrection of lestial kingdom. Though they attain
damnation (John 5:29), meaning a kingdom of glory, yet to all eternity
those who are destined to inherit the they are damned, cannot go where
telestial kingdom and those who will God and Christ are (D. & C. 76: 11 2),
be cast out to reign with the devil and are never completely free .from
and his angels as sons of perdition. the lingering remorse that always
(D. & C. 76:30-49, 81- 11 2; 88 :100- follows the loss of opportunity.
102.) T hese are Abinadi's words: "This
After the angel had taught King mortal shall put on immortality, and
Benjamin the basic truths relative to this corruption shall put on incorrup-
Christ's atoning sacrifice and the sal- tion, and shall be brought to stand

before the bar of God, to be judged not, neither any man except those
of him according to their works who are ordained unto this condem-
whether they be good or whether they nation." (D. & C. 76:44-49.)
be evil-If they be good, to the res- 3. Eternal damnation is used fur-
urrection of endless life and happi- ther to specify the torment and
ness; and ii they be evil, to the anguish to which the spirits of the
resurrection of endless damnation, wicked are heir in the spirit prison
being delivered up to the devil, who as they await the day of their resur-
hath subjected them, which is damna- rection. This type of eternal damna -
tion-Having gone according to their tion ceases when the offender has
own carnal wills and desires; having finally come forth in the resurrec-
never called upon the Lord while the tion. In this sense, eternal damnation
arms of mercy were extended towards is the type, kind, and quality of tor-
them; for the arms of mercy were ment, punishment, or damnation in -
extended towards them, and they volved rather than the duration of
would not; they being warned of that damnation. In other words,
their iniquities and yet they would eternal is the name of the kind of
not depart from them; and they were punishment involved, just as it is the
commanded to repent and yet they name of the kind of life referred to
would not repent." (Mosiah 16:10- in the expression eternal life. Eternal
12.) punishment is, thus, the kind ol pun-
The last persons to come forth in ishment imposed by God who is
the resurrection of damnation will Eternal, and those subject to it may
be the sons of perdition. "They shall suffer therefrom for either a short or
go away into everlasting punishment, a long period. Alter their buffetings
which is endless punishment, which and trials cause them to repent, they
is eternal punishment, to reign with are freed from this type of eternal
the devil and his angels in eternity, damnation.
where their worm dieth not, and the "And surely every man must re-
fire is not quenched, which is their pent or suffer, for I, God, am end-
torment-And the end thereof, nei- less," the Lord says. "Wherefore, I
ther the place thereof, nor their revoke not the judgments which I shall
torment, no man knows; Neither was pass, but woes shall go forth, weeping,
it revealed, neither is, neither will be wailing and gnashing of teeth, yea,
revealed unto man, except to them to those who are found on my left
who are made partakers thereof; hand. Nevertheless, it is not written
Nevertheless, I, the Lord, show it by that there shall be no end to this
vision unto many, but straightway torment, but it is written endless
shut it up again; Wherefore, the end, torment. Again, it is written eternal
the width, the height, the depth, and damnation; wherefore it is more ex-
the misery thereof, they understand press than other scriptures, that it

might work upon the hearts of the Beings and as such are Eternal; both
children of men, altogether for my are from everlasting to everlasting,
name's glory.... Behold, I am end- with all that this phrase connotes;
less, and the punishment which is both are beyond· finite comprehension
given from my hand is endless pun- in power, dominion, godly attributes,
ishment, for Endless is my name. and eternal glory. (D. & C. 121:32.)
Wherefore-Eternal punishment is By their eternal grace men have been
God's punishment. Erulless punish- created, redeemed, al)d placed as
ment is God's punishment." (D. & C. possible heirs of all things.
Eternal Hell. See ETERNAL DAMNA-
Eternal Deaths. See ETERNAL LIVES.

Eternal Father. See CHRIST AS THE Eternal Increase. See ETERNAL LIVES.
FATHER IN HEAVEN, Goo. On very Eternal Judge. See JuDGE OF ALL THE
formal occasions, as in the revealed EARTH.
sacramental prayers, Deity is ad-
dressed as, "God, the Eternal Father." Eternal King. See KING.
(D. & C. 20:77-79.) This exalted
and sacred name-title combines in Eternal Life. See BooK OF LIFE,
one expression the concept of God CALUNG AND ELECTION SURE, CELES-
as an Eternal, exalted Being and TIAL KINGOOM, CELESTIAL MARRIAGE,
his position as the personal Father CHURCH OF THE FIRSTBORN, DAUGH-
of the spirits of all men. In the TERS OF Goo, ETERNAL DAMNATION,
sense in which Christ is called the ETERNAL LIVES, EXALTATION, FULNESS
Everlasting Father (Isa. 9'6), he is OF THE FATHER, Com-moo, IMMOR-
also the Eternal Father, for he is both TALITY, JOINT-HEIRS WITH CHRIST,
Eternal and (in special ways) the RICHES OF ETERNITY, SALVATION, SONS
Father. OF Goo. As used in the scriptures,
eternal life is the name given to the
Eternal Fire. See FIRE AND BRJM- kind of life . that our Eternal Father
STONE. lives. The word eternal, as used in
the name eternal life, is a noun and
Eternal God. See CHRIST, ETERNAL, not an adjective. It is one of the for-
ETERNAL FATHER, ETERNITY TO ETER- mal names of Deity (Moses I :3; 7:35;
Nl'fY, _ EVERLASTING FATHER, EVER- D . & C. 19:11) and has been chosen
LASTING Goo, EVERLASTING TO by him as the particular name to
EVERLASTING, Goo . . Both the Father identify the kind of life that he lives.
and the Son carry the exalted name- He being God, the · life he lives is
title, Eternal God. Both are exalted God's life; and his name (in the noun
2 19

sense) being Eternal, the kind of life -"Except a man and his wife enter
he lives is eternal life. Thus: God's into an everlasting covenant and be
life is eternal life; eternal life is God's married for eternity, while in this
life-the expressions are synonymous. probation, by the power and author'
Accordingly, eternal life is not a ity of the holy priesthood," the
name that has reference only to the Prophet says, they will cease to in-
unending duration of a future life; crease when they die; that is, they
immortality is to live forever in the will not have any children after the
resurrected state, and by the grace resurrection." Then with reference to
of God all men will gain this un- those who have been properly sealed
ending continuance of life. But only in marriage and who have thereafter
those who obey the fulness of the endured in righteousness until their
gospel law will inherit eternal life. callings and elections were made sure
(D. & C. 29 :43-44.) It is "the great- by revelation he adds: "But those
est of all the gilts of God" (D. & C. who are married by the power and
14:7), for it is the kind, status, type, authority of the priesthood in this
and quality of life that God himself life, and continue without commit-
enjoys. Thus those who gain eiernal ting the sin against the Holy Ghost,
life receive exaltation; they are sons [ their callings and elections having
of God, joint-heirs with Christ, mem- been made sure ihrough perfect de-
bers of the Church of the Firstborn; votion to the truth, they] will con-
they overcome all things, have all · tinue to increase and have children in
power, and receive the fulness of ·the the celestial glory." (Teachings, pp.
Father. They are gods. 300-301.)
The opposite of eternal lives is
Eternal Lives. See CELESTIAL MAR- eternal deaths. Those who come up
RIAGE, CHURCH OF THE FIRSTBORN, separately and singly in the resurrec-
DAUGHTERS OF Goo, ETERNAL LIFE, tion and who therefore do not have
EXALTATION, FuLNESS OF THE FATHER, spirit children eternally are said to
GODHOOD, JOINT-HEIRS WITH CHRIST, inherit "the deaths." (D. & C.
SALVATION, SoNs OF Goo. Those who 132:16-17, 25.)
gain eternal life {exaltation) also gain
eternal lives, meaning that in the Eternal One. See GREAT I AM.
resurrection they have eternal "in-
crease," "a continuation of the seeds," Eternal Progression. See CELESTIAL
a ''continuation of the lives." Their KINGDOM, CELESTIAL MARRIAGE,
spirit progeny will "continue as in- CHURCH OF THE FIRSTBORN, DAUGH-
numerable as the stars; or, if ye were TERS OF Gon, ETERNAL LIFE, ETERNAL
to count the sand upon the seashore LIVES, EXALTATION, FuLNEss OF THE
ye could not number them." (D. & C. FATHER, GODHOOD, }DINT-HEIRS WITH
131:1-4; 132:19-25, 30, 55.) CHRIST. Endowed with agency and

subject to eternal laws, man began his so continue "to all eternity, and ..
progression and advancement in pre- forever and ever." (D. & C. 132: 16-
existence, his ultimate goil.l being to 17.)
attain a state of glory, honor, and Those who gain exaltation, having
exaltation like the Father. of spirits. thus enjoyed the fulness of eternal
During his earth life he gains a mor- progression, become like God. It
tal body, receives experience in earth- should be realized that God is not
ly things, and prepares for a future progressing in knowledge, truth, vir-
eternity alter the resurrection when tue, wisdom, or any of the attributes
he will continue to gain knowledge of godliness. He has already gained
and intelligence. (D. & C. 130: 18- these things in their fulness. But he
19.) This gradually unfolding course is progressing in the sense that his
of advancement and experience-a creations increase, his dominions ex-
course that began in a past eternity pand, his spirit offspring multiply,
and will continue in ages future-is and more kingdoms are added to his
frequently referred to as a course of domains. (Doctrines of Salvation, vol.
eternal progression. I, pp. 5-10.)
It is important to know, however,
that for the overwhelming majority of Eternal Punishment. See ETERNAL
mankind, eternal progression has very DAMNATION.
definite limitations, and that even
for those who participate in eternal Eternal Round. See ONE ETERNAL
progression in its fullest sense there ROUND.
are limits to the doctrine. In the full
sense, eternal progression is enjoyed Eternal Torment. See ETERNAL
only by those who receive exaltation. DAMNATION.
Exalted persons gain the lulness of
the Father; they have all power, all Eternity. See ETERNAL, ETERNITY TO
knowledge, and all wisdom; they ETERNITY, IMMORTALITY, MORTALITY,
gain a fulness of truth, becoming one PRE - EXISTENCE, RESURRECTION, .RICHES
with the Father. } All other persons OF ·ETERNITY, TIME. In general,
are assigned lesser places in the man- eternity refers to the eternal worlds,
sions that are prepared, and their to the spheres of existence outside the
progression is not eternal and un- realm of time, those outside the tern~
limited but in a specified sphere. ( poral limitations circumscribing mar-
T here will be truths such persons ta! life on this earth. Spirit beings
never learn, powers they never pas- and immortal persons live in eternity;
sess. They are "ministering servants, mortal man lives in time. Eternity
to minister for those who are worthy goes on forever and is of infinite dura-
of a far more, and an exceeding, and tion; time is of finite prOportions,
an eternal weight of glory," and they beginning for each person . at birth

and ending at death. (D. & C. 38: 12, mortality and eternal life, will them-
20; 39:22; 72:3; 109:24; 132:17.) selves become exalted Parents and
Properly performed priesthood ordi- have a continuation of the seeds for-
nances are binding in time and in ever and ever. (D. & C. 132:19-25.)
eternity. (D. & C. 132:7, 18-19, 49.) In this sense, eternity becomes a
Faithful saints are promised the riches measure of eternal "time." Those
and the wonders of eternity (D. & C. past ages when all men dwelt in the
38:39; 67:2; 68:31; 76:8; 78:18); the presence of their Eternal Father were
sons of perdition are destined to go one eternity, and those future ages
"with the devil and his angels in when these spirit children will have
eternity." (D. & C. 76:33, 44.) gone on to exaltation, having spirit
Because he is an eternal Being, children of their own, will be another
God dwells "in the high and holy eternity.
place" in eternity. He is "the high }laving in mind this eternal, un-
and lofty One that inhabiteth eter- ending repetition of the eternal plan
nity, whose name is Holy." (Isa. of creation, redemption, and salvation,
57: 15.) He "sitteth upon his throne, it is plain what our Lord meant when
. .. is in the bosom of eternity, ... he said he was "from all eternity to
in the midst of all things." (D. & C. all eternity" (D. & C. 39:1), and also
88: 13.) And it is he who "looked when he said of himself, "From eter-
upon the wide expanse of eternity, nity to eternity he is the same, and his
and all the seraphic hosts of heaven, years never fail." (D. & C. 76:4.) In
before the world was made." (D. & C. other words Christ, as an eternal,
38:1.) exalted Being, never varies; from one
eternity to the next he is the same.
Eternity to Eternity. See CHRIST, From pre-existence to pre-existence
ENDLESS, ETERNAL, ETERNAL FA 8 his course goes on in one eternal
THER, ETERNAL Goo, ETERNAL LIFE, round, and so will it be with all
ETERNITY, EVERLASTING, EVERLASTING exalted beings. who become
TO EVERLASTING, IMMORTALITY, ONE gods will then be from eternity to
ETERNAL ROUND, PRE-EXISTENCE, RES- eternity, everlastingly ·the same, al-
URRECTION. As men view things from ways possessing the fulness of all
their mortal perspective, there was a things and multiplying their race
past eternity and there will be a without end. (Doctrines of Salvation,
future eternity. The past eternity vol. I, pp. 10-12.)
embraced the sphere of eternal exist-
ence which all men had as the spirit Ethics. See CHRIST, CHRISTIANITY,
offspring of exalted Parents in pre- LIGHT OF CHRIST. Principles of right
existence. The future eternity will conduct are called ethics. Ethical
be that eternal sphere in which the principles grow out of the teachings
righteous, having gained both im- of Christianity; some of them are in-

stilled into the consciences of men by heaven's sake." (Matt. 19:12.) Ap-
the light of Christ. The only real parently those who made themselves
superiority of the apostate sects of eunuchs were men who in false pagan
Christendom over their more openly worship had deliberately mutiliated
pagan counterparts is the fact that themselves in the apostate notion that
the Christi.a n sects ( though rejecting such would further their salvation. It
the doctrines, ordinances, and pow- is clear that such was not a true gos-
ers of the gospel) have nonetheless pel requirement of any sort. There
preserved many of the ethical teach- is no such thing in the gospel as
ings of Christ and the apostles. wilful emasculation; such a notion
The more gospel doctrines accepted violates every true principle of pro-
by a particular people, the higher are creation and celestial marriage.
their ethical standards. Thus the Those apostate priests who practice
highest manifestation of ethical celibacy have seized upon these words
achievement is found among the true of our Lord, falsely construing them
saints. to mean that there are some who have
made themselves celibates for the
Eucharist. See APOSTASY, SACRAMENT, kingdom's sake. Such is not only a
S ACRAMENTS, TRANSUBSTANTIATION . false but a ridiculous interpretation
One of the so-called sacraments of and merely shows the lengths to
the Catholic Church is the Eucluuist. which such apologists find it neces-
As administered by them this is ·an sary to go in search of scriptural
apostate form of the true ordinance justification for their unnatural way
of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. of life. If, as they say, the passage
The chief feature of the Eucharist- means what they claim, perhaps they
as they falsely suppose-is that bread should conform to it and make them-
and wine, on the principle. of tran- selves eunuchs rather than just
substantiation, turn literally into the abstain from marriage.
flesh and blood of our Lord. (James Eunuchs who are righteous and
Cardinal Gibbons, The Faith of Our keep the commandments are heirs of
Fathers, pp. 235-250.) the fulness of the Father's kingdom.
(Isa. 56:1-8.) One of the most dra-
Eunuchs. See CELIBACY. In a pas- matic conversions and baptisms re-
sage of uncertain accuracy and mean- corded in the scripture is that of the
ing, our Lord said: "There are some eunuch by Philip. (Acts 8:26-39.)
eunuchs, which · were so born from
their mother's womb: and there are Evangelical Ministers. See EVANGEL-
some eunuchs, which were made ISTS.
eunuchs of men: and there be
eunuchs, which have made them- Evangelists. See · MELCHIZEDEK
selves eunuchs for the kingdom of PRIES':P·IOOD, MISSIONARJES, PATRIARCH -


AL BLESSINGS, PATRIARCHAL ORDER, not inappropriate to speak of the

p ATRIARCHS, p ATRIARCH TO THE evangelical work of missionaries.
"An evangelist is a patriarch," the WOMAN. Scant knowledge is avail-
Prophet said, "even the oldest man able to us of Eve (the wile of Adam)
of the blood of Joseph or of the seed and her achievements in pre-existence
of Abraham. Wherever the Church and in mortality. Without question
of Christ is established in the earth, she was like unto her mighty hus-
there should be a patriarch for the band, Adam, in intelligence and in
benefit of the posterity of the saints, devotion to righteousness, during
as it was with Jacob in . giving his both her first and second estates of
patriarchal blessing unto his sons." existence. She was placed on earth
(Teachings, p. 151; Gen. 49; Acts in the same manner as was Adam,
21:8; Eph. 4:11-14; 2 Tim. 4:5.) the Mosaic account of the Lord creat-
Stake patriarchs are chosen pur- ing her from Adam's rib being merely
suant to the following revelation: "It figurative. (Moses 3:20-25.)
is the duty of the Twelve, in all large Eve was the first woman; she be-
branches of the church, to ordain came the mother of the whole human
evangelical ministers, as they shall be race, her very name signifying "moth-
designated unto them by revelation." er of all living." (Moses 4:26; I Ne.
(D. & C. 107:39.) The office of 5:11.) Strictly speaking it was she
Evangelist or Patriarch to the Church who first partook of the forbidden
is hereditary; it "was confirmed to be fruit, with the resultant change in the
handed down from father to son, and physical body from a state of immor-
rightly belongs to the literal descend- tality to mortality. Adam thereafter
ants of the chosen seed, to whom the partook in order to comply with the
promises were made." (D. & C. command lo multiply and fill the
I 07 :40-53.) earth with posterity. "Adam was not
2. Having lost the true knowledge deceived, but the woman being de-
of the priesthood and its offices, and ceived was in the transgression."
knowing nothing of patriarchal bless- (I Tim.2:14.)
ings as a necessary part of church Before the fall Eve was sealed to
administration, the false traditions of Adam in the new and everlasting
the sectarian world have applied the covenant of marriage, a ceremony
designation evangelist to traveling performed by the Lord before death
prea.chers, missionaries, and revival- entered the world and therefore one
ists. The sectarian theory is that destined to last forever. (Moses 3 :20-
evangelists travel to spread the gasp.el. 25.) After the fall the Lord said to
This usage of the term is so wide- her: "I will greatly multiply thy sor-
spread that even in the Church it is row and thy conception. In sorrow

thou shalt bring forth children, and life that God lives, or in other words
thy desire shall be to thy husband, everlasting life is exaltation. (Matt.
and he shall rule over thee." (Moses 19:29; John 3:16, 36; 5:24; 6:40, 47.)
4:22.) 2. Everlasting is also used to signify
One of the most perfect summaries the eternal, lasting, and enduring
of the plan of salvation ever given nature of some particular thing. For
fell from the lips of Eve: "Were it instance : the "everlasting covenant"
not for our transgression," she said, (D. & C. I: 15), "the everlasting gos-
"we never should have had seed, and pel" (D. & C. 36:5), "songs of ever-
never should have known good and lasting joy" (D. & C. 45:71), "an
evil, and the joy of our redemption, everlasting inheritance" (D. & C.
and the eternal life which God giveth 57:5), "the everlas ting hills." (D. &
· unto all the obedient." (Moses 5:11.) C. 133:31.)
Indeed, Eve is a joint-participant with
Adam in all his ministry, and will in- Everlasting Covenant. See NEW AND
herit jointly with him all the blessings EVERLASTING COVENANT .
appertaining to his high state of
exaltation. Everlasting Damnation. See ETERNAL
Everlasting. See CHRIST, ENDLESS,
ONE ETERNAL ROUND. I. In the same THER IN HEAVE N , Goo. One of Isaiah's
sense in which one of the Lord's great . Messianic prophecies names
names is Endless and another Eter- Christ as "The everlasting Father"
nal, so Everlasting is also an appella- (Isa. 9:6), an expression having ref-
tion of Deity. (Moses 1:3; 7:35; D. erence both to our Lord's everlasting
& C. 19:10.) He is called the Ever- godhood and to the special senses in
lasting God (Gen. 21 :33; Isa. 9:6; which he stands as the Father. Since
40:28; Jer. 10:10; Rom. 16:26; D. & C. God the Father is both an everlasting
133:34), signifying that he endures Being and the Father of the spirits
forever, for "his never fail." of men, he also may properly be
(D. & C. 76:4.) called the Everlasting Father,
Everlasting, used thus, is a noun
and not an adjective; it is the name Everlasting God, See CHRIST, ETER-
of the kind, status, and quality of NAL Gon, ETE RNITY TO ETERNITY,
existence enjoyed by an everlasting EVERLASTING FATHER, EVERLASTING TO
Being. Acoordingly, everlasting life EVERLASTING, Goo. Both the Father
(a synonym for endless life and eter- and the Son are known by the sacred
nal life) is the name of the kind of name-title, Everlasting God. (Gen.

21:33; Isa. 9:6; 40 :28; Jer. 10:10; continue everlastingly without end;
Rom. 16:26; D . & C. 133:34.) Car- from eternity to eternity they are the
rying as it does a connotation of same; and being perfected and exalted
eternal continuance and unending beings, their course never varies, nor
existence, this designation of Deity is there shadow of turning to the right
points up the sharp contrast between or the left.
the living Gods and the false and Our Eternal Father, of course, now
temporary gods of the world. has this kind of an existence. "There
is a God in heaven," the revelation
Everlasting Gospel. See GosPEL. says, of him "who is infinite and
eternal, from everlasting to everlast-
Everlasting Hell. See ETERNAL DAM- ing the same unchangeable God."
NATION. (D. & C. 20:17; 109:77.) Christ also
describes himself as being "from ever-
Everlasting King. See KING. lasting to everlasting." (D. & C. 61: 1;
Ps. 90:2; Doctrines of Salvation, vol.
Everlasting Life. See ETERNAL LIFE. I, pp. 10-12.)

Everlasting Punishment. See ETERNAL Everlasting Torment. See ETERNAL


Everlasting to Everlasting. See Evil. See AGENCY, DEVIL, EVIL ONE,

ETERNITY, ETERNITY TO ETERNITY, Evil is the opposite of good; it con-
EVERLASTING, EVERLASTING FATHER, sists in disobeying the laws of God.
EVERLASTING Goo, EXALTATION, FuL- It is of the devil. Everything which is
NEss OF THE FATHER, IMMORTALITY, fostered, inspired, and spread forth
ONE ETERNAL ROUND, PRE-EXISTENCE, by the power of the Evil One is in its
RESURRECTION. By gaining exaltation nature evil. Accordingly, evil is that
-which includes the fulness of the which is morally corrupt, wicked, and
Father and "a continuation of the bad; which neither edifies nor enlight-
seeds forever and ever"-men become ens; which chooses darkness and
"gods, because they have no end; secrecy to cover its doings; which is
therefore shall they be from everlast- destructive of faith, good morals, and
ing to everlasting, because they con- godly virtues; which is in opposition
tinue." (D. & C. 132:19-20.) That to all righteousness; which leads away
is, those who gain eternal increase, from God and from salvation. Evil is
who have unending spirit children in sin, transgression, unrighteousness,
the resurrection, have thereby become wickedness.
from everlasting to everlasting. Be- Philosophers and apostate religion-
cause of their eternal progeny they ists are forever seeking to find the

origin and purpose al evil, but until !or God cannot be tempted with evil,
they accept the gospel truths, they neither tempteth he any man." (Jas.
will never succeed. To understand the 1:13.)
na lure and source al evil, together The presence al evil in this. world,
with its place in the eternal scheme with the ever present possibility that
al things, it is necessary to know the each accountable person may do that
basic truths al the great plan of sal- which is evil, becomes a basic reality
vation. without which the great plan al sal-
As lar as men on this earth are con- vation would not operate. "It must
cerned, evil had its beginning in needs be, that there is an opposition
pre-existence. The Eternal . Father in all things," Lehi said. (2 Ne. 2:11.)
begat spirit children, ordained laws Without virtue in contrast to vice,
to ena hie them to progress, and en- good as the opposite al bad, and evil
dowed them with agency. Disobe- as the opponent of righteousness, men
dience to those laws was in its nature would not be able to overcome the
evil, and consequently without the lusts al the flesh and thus work out
possibility al committing evil there their own salvation in the kingdom al
could be no hope al progression God. Thus the existence but not the
toward exaltation. Lucifer and one- partaking ol evil is essential to the
third al the spirit heists al heaven attainment of salvation.
chose evil rather than good, !ailed to As part al the gospel plan, men
exercise their agency in righteousness, are commanded: "Forsake all . evil
and finally coming out in open rebel- and cleave unto all good" (D. & C.
lion against the Lord, they were cast 98:11); "cease to do evil" (D. & C.
out onto the earth and denied bodies. 124:116); "Keep yourselves from
(Moses 4: 1-4; Abra. 3:24-28; D. & C.
evil." (D. & C. 136:21.) "Deliver us
29:36-40; Rev. 12:7-13.)
from evil," is the approved petition
Continuing their rebellion against
for divine grace as it is found in the
God, their sell-appointed mission is
Lord's prayer. (Matt. 6:13.)
to entice men to violate the laws of
God and thereby commit evil and be "The wicked," those "who are
damned. Thus, as lar as this mortal evil," those who .choose "evil works
life is concerned, Lucifer is the author rather than good," shall be thrust
and creator al evil. "That which is down to hell to suffer the torments
evil cometh al the devil; !or the devil al the damned un ti! they have paid
is an enemy unto God, and fighteth the penalty !or their evil deeds.
against him continually, and in- (Alma 40:13-14.) At the.end al their
viteth and enticeth to sin, and to do imprisonment they shall come ,forth
that which is evil continually." in the resurrection of the unjust to
(Moro. 7:12.) "Let no man say when receive a telestial inheritance. (D. &
he is tempted, I am tempted al God: C. 76:17, 105-106.)

Evil One. See DEVIL, EVIL, EVIL SPIR- obedience and righteousness they
ITS. Satan is the Evil One, a name- might have seen angels and had the
title signifying that he is the communion of the Holy Spirit. All
embodiment of all evil and all wick- these things are governed by law.
edness, that he is in opposition to all Evil spirits control most of the so-
righteousness, and that he is the called religious worship in the world;
father of lies and the author of evil. for instance, the great creeds of
(2 Ne. 4:27; 9:28; Alma 46:8; Hela. Christendom were literally dictated
12:4; Ether 8:25.) "Light and truth by them to councils convened at their
forsake that evil one." (D. & C. call. They have played a substantial
93:37.) His mission is ."to destroy part in the formulation of the phi-
the souls of men." (Hela. 8:28.) losophies of the world; so-called
Sorceries, witchcrafts, magics, and scientific theories (particularly in the
every form of evil abomination are field of organic evolution) have been
wrought by "the power of the evil influenced by them. By hearkening
one." (Morm. 1:19.) to their promptings, leaders of nations
have led their peoples into wars and
Evil Spirits. See DEMONS, DEVILS, every sort of evil.
DMNATION, EVIL, EVIL ONE, EXOR- Whether they know it or not, Satan
CISM, GHOSTS, MAGIC, NECROMANCY, is and has been the master of all who
S1N, SORCERY, SPIRITUALISM, TEMPTA- live after the manner of the world.
TION, WITCHCRAFT. Lucifer is not Stalin, for instance ( though he may
alone; one-third of the spirit hosts not have been aware of the source of
of heaven, having been cast out with his ideas), received revelations from
hill), stand at his side to do his bid- evil spirits in the direction of the
ding. Their mission is to make war murderous and barbarous course he
with . the saints and to destroy the pursued both in his home Russia and
souls of all men. (Rev. 12.) Obvious- in the nations of the earth.
ly there are many evil spirits available To his saints the Lord says: "Ye
to seduce and lead astray each person are commanded in all things to ask
on earth. of God, who giveth liberally; and that
Acting in conformity with laws which the Spirit testifies unto you
which exist, evil spirits have power even so I would that ye should do in
to tempt men, to entice them to work all holiness of heart, walking upright-
wickedness, and to induce them to do ly before me, considering the end of
those things which are carnal, your salvation, doing all things with
sensual, and devilish. Revelations prayer and thanksgiving, that ye may
come to men just as easily from devils not be seduced by evil spirits, or doc-
as they do from holy sources. By re- trines of devils, or the commandments
bellion and wickedness men may com- of men; for some are of men, and
mune with evil spirits, whereas by others of devils." (D. & C..46:7.)

Evol_ution. See ADAM, ATONEMENT OF fish and creeping things, to the in-
CHRIST, ' CREATION, EARTH, EARTHS, sects and to all animated nature; each
FALLEN MAN, FALL OF ADAM, FIRST one possessing its own distinctive
MAN, GoD, MILLENNIUM, PRE-EXIST- lea tures, each requiring a specific
ENCE. Of the several theories, postu- sustenance, each having an organism
lated in one age or another to explain and faculties governed by prescribed
(without the aid of revelation) the laws to perpetuate its own . kind. So
origin of man and the various forms accurate is the formation of the var-
of · life, none has taken such hold or ious living creatures that an intelli-
found such widespread acceptance as gent student of nature can tell by any
the relatively modem so-called theory particular bone of the skeleton of an
of organic evolution. Stated generally, animal to what class or .order it
this theory assumes that over long belongs.
periods of times, and through a series " These principles do not change,
of changes, all present living organ- as represented by evolutionists of the
isms or groups of organisms have Darwinian school, but the primitive
acquired the morphological and ·phys- organisms of all living beings exist
iological characters which distinguish in the same form as when they first
them. The theory · assumes that all received their impress from their
present animals and plants have their Maker . ... If we take man, he is said
origin in other pre-existing types, the to have been made in the image of
distinguishable differences being due God, for the simple reason that he is
tC? modifications in successive genera- a son of God; and being his son, he
tions. One or more common origins is, of course, his o~spring, an emana-
for all forms of life are assumed. tion from God, in whose likeness, we
From the day of their first an- are told, he is made. He did not origi-
nouncement, these theories of organic nate from a chaotic mass of matter,
evolution found themselves in violent moving or inert, but came forth pos-
conflict with the principles of re- sessing, in an embryOtic state, all the
vealed religion as such are found faculties and powers of a God. And
recorded in the scriptures and ex- when he shall be perfected, and have
pounded by inspired teachers. (Man: progressed to maturity, he will be like
His Origin and Destiny, pp. 1-563; his Father-a God; being indeed his
Doctrines of Salvation, vol. I, pp. offspring. As the horse, the ox, the
139-151.) sheep, and every living creature, in-
President John Taylor wrote as cluding man, propagates its own
follows: "The animal and vegetable species and perpetuates its own kind,
creations are governed by certain so does God perpetuate his. . . .
laws, and are composed of certain "Paul, in speaking on the resurrec.:.
elements peculiar to themselves: This tion; refers to the different qualities
applies to inan, to the beasts, fowls, of flesh as follows: 'But God giveth

it a body as it hath pleased him, and accords with the revelations, ancient
to every seed his own body. All flesh and modem, which the Lord has
is not the same flesh: but there is one given on a variety of subjects which
kind of flesh of men, another flesh bear on this general theme; and it
of beasts, and another of fishes, and expresses the same views and perspec-
another of birds.' (I Car. 15:38-39.) tive found in the writings and ser-
"These different qualities seem to mons of Joseph Smith, Brigham
be inherent in the several species, as Young, Orson Pratt, Parley P. Pratt,
much so as the properties of silver, Charles W. Penrose, and many of our
gold, copper, iron, and other minerals early day inspired writers. President
arc inherent in the matter in which Joseph Fielding Smith, also, has writ-
they are contained, whilst herbs, ac- ten a scholarly work of 563 pages
cording to their kind, possess their (Man: His Orgin and Destiny)
specific properties, or as the leading wherein many of the statements of
properties of earth, air, and water, are our early teachers are quoted and to
distinct from one another; and hence, which book reference may be made
on physiological grounds, this prin- for both a scientific and religious
ciple being admitted, and it cannot analysis of the theory of organic
be controverted, it would be impos- evolution.
sible to take the tissues of the lower, The First Presidency of the Church
or, indeed, of any order of fishes, and (Joseph F. Smith, John R. Winder,
make of them an ox, a bird, or a man; and Anthon H. Lund), in November,
as impossible as it would be to take 1909, issued a formal pronouncement
iron and make it into gold, silver, or under the title, uThe Origin of Man,"
copper, or to produce any other in which, as they expressed it, is set
changes in the laws which govern any forth "the position held by the
kind of matter. And when the resur- Church" upon the subject of evolu-
rection and exaltation of man shall tion. After explaining the scriptural
be consummated, although more pure, passages relative to the creation and
refined and glorious, yet will he still pre-existence, this document con-
be in the same image, and have the cludes:
same likeness, without variation or "Adam, our great progenitor, 'the
change in any of his parts or facul- first man.' was, like Christ, a pre-
ties, except the substitution of spirit existent spirit, and like Christ he
for blood." (Mediation and Atone- took upon him an appropriate body,
ment, pp. 160-161.) the body of a man, and so became a
This aptly expressed and plainly 'living soul.' The doctrine of the
worded statement from President John pre-existence, revealed so plainly,
Taylor summarizes the official doc- particularly in latter-days, pours a
trine of the Church as to the falsity wonderful flood of light upon the
of the theory of organic evolution. It otherwise mysterious problem of man's


origin. It shows that man, as a spirit, than the human germ or embryo that
was begotten and born of heavenly becomes a man.
parents, and reared to maturity in "Man, by searching, cannot find
the eternal mansions of the Father, out God. Never, unaided, will he
prior to coming upon the earth in a discover the truth about the beginning
temporal body to undergo an ex- of human life. The Lord must reveal
perience in mortality. It teaches that himself, or remain unrevealed; and
all men existed in the spirit before any the same is true of the facts relating
man existed in the flesh, and that to the origin of Adam's race--God
all who have inhabited the earth alone can reveal them. Some of these
since Adam have taken bodies and facts, however, are already known,
become souls in like manner. and what has been made known it is
"It is held by some that Adam was our duty to receive and retain.
not the first man upon this earth, "The Church of Jesus Christ of
and that the original human being Latter-day Saints, basing its belief on
was a development from lower orders divine revelation, ancient and mod-
of the animal creation. These, how- em, proclaims man to be the direct
ever, are the theories of men. The and lineal offspring of Deity. God
word of the Lord declares that Adam himself is an exalted man, perfected,
was 'the first man of all men' (Moses enthroned, and supreme. By his
1:34), and we are therefore in duty almighty power he organized the
bound to regard him as the primal earth, and all th at it contains, from
parent of the race. It was shown to spirit and element, which exist co-
the brother of Jared that all men eternally with himself. He formed
were ere a ted in the beginning after every plant that grows, and every
the image of God; and whether we
animal that breaths, each after its own
take this to mean the spirit or the
kind, spiritually and temporally-
body, or both, it commits us to the
'that which is spiritual being in the
same conclusion: Man began life as
a human being, in the likeness of our likeness of that which is temporal,
heavenly Father. and that which is temporal in the
"True it is that the bcdy of man likeness of that which is spiritual.'
enters upon its career as a tiny germ He made the tadpole and the ape, the
or embryo, which becomes an infant, lion and the elephant; but he did
quickened at a certain stage by the not make them in his own image, nor
spirit whose tabernacle it is, and the endow them with Godlike reason and
child, after being born, develops into intelligence. Nevertheless, the whole
a man. There is nothing in this, animal creation will be perfected and
however, to indicate that the original perpetuated in the hereafter, each
man, the first of our race, began life class in its 'destined order or sphere,'
as anything less than a man, or less and will enjoy 'eternal felicity.' That

fact has been made plain in this and destiny of man and of all life--
dispensation. (D. & C. 77:3.) truths which are not taken into con-
"Man is the child of God, formed sideration by evolutionists in their
in the divine image and endowed theorizing and which, in most in-
with divine attributes, and even as the stances, are diametrically opposed to
infant son of an earthly lather and the speculative conclusions reached
mother is capable in due time of be- by them.
coming a man, so the undeveloped I. GOD: CREATOR AND RUL-
offspring of celestial parentage is ER OF MANY WORLDS.-While
capable, by experience through ages it is true that evolutionists may be
and aeons, of evolving into a God." divided between theistic and atheistic
(Man: His Origin and Destiny, pp. groups, yet even those professing
354-355.) belief in God consider him to be an
Obviously there never will be a indefinable force, essence, or power
conflict between truths revealed in of an incomprehensible nature. Ac-
the realm of religion and those discov- cording to revelation, however, he is
ered by scientific research. Truth is a personal Being, a holy and exalted
ever in harmony with itself. But ii Man, a glorified, resurrected Person-
false doctrines creep into revealed age having a tangible body of flesh
religion, these will run counter to the and bones, an anthropomorphic
discovered truths of science; and if Entity, the personal Father of the
false scientific theories are postulated, spirits of all men. (D. & C. 130:22-
these ultimately will be overthrown 23; Moses 6:51, 57; Abra. 3:22-24;
by the truths revealed from Him who Jos. Smith 2:16-19.)
knows all things. This Person, in whose image and
Sometimes persons having a knowl- likeness man is created, has ordained
edge of the revealed truths of sal va - the same plan of creation and salva-
tion and of the evolutionistic theories tion for this earth, and all the varie-
of the day keep these two branches ties of life on its face, that he has
of knowledge divided between sep- ordained with reference to the infinite
arate mental compartments. Their number of worlds elsewhere created
purpose seems to be to avoid resolving by him. (Moses I; D. & C. 76:22-24.)
the obvious conflicts which otherwise Obviously the eternal truths concern-
would arise. Truth, however, is truth, ing the nature of the true God and
and ultimately every believing person his creative enterprises have received
must channel his mental processes so no consideration in the formulation
that proper choices are made as be- of the theory of organic evolution.
tween the truths of salvation and the 2. PRE-EXISTENCE. -Life did
theories of men. Perhaps it will be not originate on this earth; it was
profitable to list a few of the basic, transplanted from other and older
revealed truths concerning the origin spheres. Men are the literal spirit

children, spirit offspring, of the Eter- paradisiacal glory. (Tenth Artide of

nal Father; they were born to' him Faith.)
as his spirit progeny, as spirit entities In its primeval, edenic state all of
having bodies made of a more pure the earth's surface was in one place
and refined substance than that com- (Moses 2:9); thorns, thistles, briars
prising these mortal tabernacles. and noxious weeds had not yet begun
Further, every form of life had a to grow on it; rather, all plant and
spirit existence in that eternal world animal life was desirable, congenial,
before it came to dwell naturally upon and designed to provide for man
the face of the earth; and that prior (earth's crowning inhabitant) a fruit-
existence, for all forms of life, was ful, peaceful garden in which to dwell.
one in which the spirit entity had It was not a condition attained by
the ·exact form and likeness of its progressive, creative evolvement from
present temporal body. Animals, less propitious. situations; it was crea-
plants, fowls, fishes, all forms of life tion in its glory, beauty, and perfec-
tion; hence, the Lord God pronounced
exsited as spirit entities in pre-
it "very good." The fall to present
existence; their number, extent, va-
conditions was to come later. (Parley
riety, and form were known with
P. Pratt, V oice of Warning, chapter
exactitude before ever the foundations
of this earth were laid. They were
Bearing on this general theme that
all destined to live in their time and the earth was created in its glory and
season upon this particular globe. perfection, in a higher type of exist-
(Moses 3:1-9; D. & C. 77:1-2.) There ence than it now enjoys, is the re-
was no chance whatever connected vealed fact that, as is the case with
with the creative enterprises. All man, the earth itself is passing
things were foreknown to that God through a plan of salvation. It was
who fathered man in his own image created (the equivalent of birth); it
and who created all other forms of fell to its present mortal or telestial
life for the benefit and blessing of state; it was baptized by immersion,
man. Evolutionary speculation takes when the universal flood swept over
no account of any such revealed its entire surface (Ether 13:2-11);
knowledge as this. it will be baptized by fire (the equiva-
3. EARTH CREATED IN A PAR- lent of baptism of the Spirit) in the
ADISIACAL STATE.-This earth, day when it is renewed and receives
when first it rolled forth from the its paradisiacal glory; it will die; and
Creator's hand, was in a paradisiacal finally it will be quickened ( or res-
or terrestrial state. This condition, urrected) and become a celestial
which does not now prevail, will be sphere. Evolutionary theories take no
restored when the earth is "renewed" account of any of this.
(made new again) and receives its 4. TEMPORAL CREATION OF

MAN AND ALL LIFE.-Adam and its nature. . . . The earth was so
Eve and all forms of life, both animal constructed that it was capable of
and plant, were created in immortal- existing as a living being to all eter-
ity; that is, when first placed on this nity, with all the swarms of animals,
earth, all forms of life were in a state fowls, and fishes that were first placed
of immortality. There was no death upon the lace thereof. . . . If there
in the world; death entered after the had been no sin, our lather Adam
fall. All things existed in a state of would at this day have been in the
primeval innocence. If conditions had Garden of Eden, as bright and as
not changed, death would not have blooming, as fresh and as fair, as ever,
entered the picture. Instead, as the together with his lovely consort Eve,
revelations express it, "All things dwelling in all the beauty of youth."
which were created must have re- (Man: His Origin and Destiny, pp.
mained in the same state in which 388-396.)
they were alter they were created; After this temporal creation, this
and they must have remained forever, creation of all forms of life in a state
and had no end." (2 Ne. 2:22.) of immortality, the Lord God issued
The recorded teachings of many of the decree that all created life should
the early brethren of the Church bear remain in the sphere in which it was
this same testimony. Orson Pratt, for alter it was created. Further, having
instance, has left us such apt expres- in mind the coming fall and conse-
sions as these: "When the Lord made quent entrance of death and mortality
the fowls of the air, and the fishes of into the world, the Lord in that first
the sea, to people the atmospheric primeval day commanded that all
heavens, or the watery elements, these forms of life, alter mortality entered
fowls and fishes were so constructed the picture, should bring forth pos-
in their nature as to be capable of terity, each after its own kind. (Moses
eternal existence . ... Man, when he 2; 3.) These principles accord with
was first placed upon this earth, was the one announced by Paul that "All
an immortal being, capable of eternal flesh is not the same flesh: but there
endurance; his flesh and bones, as is one kind of flesh of men, another
well as his spirit, were immortal and of beasts, another of fishes, and an-
eternal in their nature; and it · was other of birds." (! Cor. 15:39.)
just so with all the inferior creation II the revelations are true which
-the lion, the leopard, the kid, and say that all life was created in im-
the cow; it was so with the feathered mortality, then evolutionary theories
tribes of creation, as well as those that which necessarily assume there was
swim in the vast ocean of waters; all always death in the world are false.
were immortal and eternal in their 5. FALL OF ADAM AND ALL
nature; and the earth itself, as a living THINGS.-Before the fall there was
being, was immortal and eternal in neither death nor procreation. Plants,

animals, and nian would have con- the world. The temporal or natural
tinued living forever unless a change death means that body and spirit
of condition ·overtook them; and in separate, the spirit going to a world
their then immortal condition they of waiting spirits to await the day
could not have reproduced, each after of the resurrection, the body return-
its own kind. Death and procreation ing to the dust, the primal element,
pertain to mortality, that is, to the from which it was taken. The effects
status and type of existence attained of this fall passed upon all created
by all forms of life subsequent to the things. "Adam was appointed Lord
fall. of this creation," Qrson Pratt says,
Lehi said: "If Adam had not trans- Ha great governor, swaying the scepter
gressed he would not have fallen, but of power over the whole earth. When
he would have remained in the gar- the governor, the person . who was
den of Eden. And all things which placed to reign over this fair creation,
were created must have remained in had transgressed, all in his dominion
the same state in which they were had to feel the effects of it, the same
after they were created; and they must as a father or a mother, who trans-
have remained forever, and had no gresses certain laws, frequently trans-
end. And they would have had no mits the effects thereof to the latest
children; wherefore they would have generations." (Man: His Origin and
remained in a state of innocence, Destiny, p. 395.)
having no joy, for they knew no mis- Thus when man fell, the earth fell
ery; doing no good, for they knew together with all forms of life on its
no sin. But behold, all things have face . Death entered; procreation be-
been done in the wisdom of him who gan; the pro,bationary experiences of
knoweth all things. Adam fell that mortality had their start. Before this
men might be; and men are, that they fall there was neither mortality, nor
might have joy. And the Messiah birth, nor death, nor-for that matter
cometh in the fulness of time, that -did Adam so much as have blood in
he may redeem the children of men his veins ( and the same would be true
from the fall." (2 Ne. 2:22-26.) for other forms of life), for blood is
Eve expressed the same truth in this an element pertaining only to mor-
language: "Were it not for our trans- tality. (Man: His Origin and Destiny,
gression we never should have had pp. 362-365.)
seed, and never should have known Obviously, the whole doctrine of
good and evil, and the joy of our re- the fall, and all that pertains to it, is
demption, and the eternal life which diametrically opposed to the evolu-
God giveth unto all the obedient." tionary assumptions relative to the
(Moses 5:11.) origin of species.
Adam's fall brought temporal 6. ATONEMENT OF CHRIST.-
(natural) and spiritual death into Our Lord's atoning sacrifice is the

cornerstone on which the whole gos~ ordained mission and stand as the
pel of salvation rests. For this atone- first man of all men. He was placed
ment to come to pass, two things in the Garden of Eden, fell in due
were necessary : I. Christ had to come course from his state of immortality
into the world as the literal Son of and innocence, and became the first
an immortal, personal Father, a mortal flesh on earth. (Moses 2; 3.)
Father who had life in himself and There were no pre-Adamites. Any
from whom his offspring in· mortality assumption to the contrary runs
would inherit power over death (John counter to the whole plan and scheme
10:7-18) ; 2. The fall of Adam had of the Almighty in creating and
to . introduce temporal and spiritual peopling this earth.
death into the world, for the atone- As a mortal man, Adam held the
ment in its very nature was designed priesthood, had the fulness of the
to ransom all things that fell from the gospel, heard the voice of God and
effects of that fall. All forms of life saw his face, received the ministration
are ransomed from the temporal ef- of angels, held the keys of the king-
fects of the fall in that they are dom, enjoyed the gifts of the Spirit,
resurrected and become immortal. was as intelligent and wise as any
Now if Adam did not fall and bring man (save Jesus only) who has ever
death into the world, there would be lived; and, finally, having filled the
no need for the atoning sacrifice of full measure of his creation, he has
Christ. If there were no atonement gone on to his exaltation and glory
to ransom fallen beings and creatures in all things, and he will reign as a
from the effects of the fall, there prince and ruler over his posterity
would be no resurrection, no immor- forever. He and other men of his
tality, no salvation, no eternal life; day enjoyed abundant spiritual en-
and if all these things should vanish dowments and possessed physical
away, we could discard God himself, bodies superior to those of any men
and our faith would be vain. now on earth. Many, including
7. ADAM'S PLACE IN PLAN OF Adam, lived nearly a thousand years
SALVATION.-Father Adam was on earth. (Moses 6; D. & C. 107:40-
the mightiest and most intelligent 52.)
spirit son of God, save Jesus (Jeho- It is vain to belittle Adam and at-
vah) only, among all the pre-existent tempt to place him but a step ahead
hosts. (D. & C. 78:15-16.) When of some lower form of creature. Rev-
there was war in heaven following elation speaks to the contrary. And,
Lucifer's rebellion, Adam led the of course, the reasoning that concerns
armies of the righteous in casting out us here is: No Adam, no fall; no fall,
the rebels. (Rev. 12:7-10.) When no atonement; no atonement, no true
the populating of the earth was to religion, no purpose in life.
commence, Adam came to fill his fore- 8. AGE OF THE EARTH.-Evo•

lutionary theories assume that hun- EARTH AND LIFE THEREON.-

dreds of millions of years were According to evolutionary theories,
involved, first in the creation of the life will continue on this sphere with
earth as a habitable globe, and again such changes, mutations, and devel-
in the evolution of spontaneously gen- opments as circumstances and en-
erated, single celled forms of life into vironment require. Actually, however,
the complex and multitudinous forms future events involving the earth and
of life now found on its lace. We have all living things thereon will be as
rather specific scriptural indications dramatic and divergent from what
that the creative period was of rela- finite intellects might assume as past
tively short duration. The record events have been. Our knowledge of
says: "It was after the Lord's time, these future events-events in no
which was alter the time of Kolob" sense harmonious with progressive
(one day on which planet is equal to evolutionary development-gives us
a thousand years of our time); "for an entirely different perspective rela-
as yet the Gods had not appointed tive to the origin and development .of
unto Adam his reckoning." (Abra. species than the one assumed by evo-
5:13.) lutionists.
However, for our present purposes, For instance: Evolutionary theories
it is sufficient to know that the time have no place in them for the immi-
element since mortal life began on nent Second Advent .of our Lord, a
earth is specifically and pointedly coming which will usher in the mil-
made known. We are now nearing lennial era of peace. These theories
the end of the 6th thousand years give no consideration to the revealed
of this earth's "continuance, or its facts that the elements are to melt
temporal existence," and the millen - with fervent heat when Christ comes;
nial era will commence "in the begin- that "every corruptible thing, both of
ning of the seventh thousand years." man, or of the beasts of the field, or
(D. & C. 77.) That is, we are ap- of the fowls of the heavens, or of the
proaching the end of the 6th of the fish of the sea, that dwells upon all
periods of one thousand years each, the lace of the earth, shall be con·
all of which periods have occurred sumed" (D. & C. 101:24); that the
since the fall, since the earth became earth will then be renewed, returning
temporal, since it gained its telestial again to that paradisiacal state which
status, since it became the natural prevailed before the_!all; that the en-
earth that we know, since death and mity of man and of beasts will cease;
mortality entered the scene. Thus the and that there will be no more death
period during which birth, and life, as we know it, men living instead
and death have been occurring on this (freed from disease and sickness) un •
earth is less than 6,000 years. ti! they are an hundred years old
9. FUTURE DESTINY OF THE _w hen they will be changed to immor-

tality in the twinkling of an eye. which were not taken into account
(D. & C. 101:23-32.) by those who postulated those
Further: These theories take no theories. In addition to the consider-
account of the resurrection from the ations so far mentioned, attention
dead, that eventual status when all might be given to revelation, visions ,
men (and all forms of life, every liv- and angelic ministrations; to miracles,
ing thing that has ever breathed the signs, and gifts of the Spirit; to the
breath of life, every animal, fish, enjoyment of the gift of the Holy
fowl, or what have you!) will come Ghost by the faithful; to the truths
forth as immortal, resurrected beings comprising the plan of salvation; to
and creatures. (D. & C. 29:22-26; the decreed judgment according to
77: 1-3.) Nor do these theories give works, and the ultimate assignment
consideration to the fact that this of all resurrected men to kingdoms or
earth itself is to pass through changes degrees of glory hereafter.
equivalent to death and resurrection, There is no harmony between the
finally becoming a celestial sphere truths of revealed religion and the
which will burn like the sun in the theories of organic evolution.
firmament, a planet on whose surface
only celestial beings will then be able Exaltation. See CALIJNG AND ELEC-
to live. (D. & C. 88:14-28; 130:7-9.) TION SURE, CELESTIAL KINGDOM, CE-
How scrubby and groveling the in- LESTIAL MARRIAGE, CHURCH OF THE
tellectuality which, knowing that the FIRSTBORN, DAUGHTERS OF Goo, EN-
Lord's plan takes all forms of life DOWMENTS, ETERNAL LIFE, ETERNAL
from a pre-existent spirit state, LIVES, ETERNAL PROORESSION, FuL-
through mortality, and on to an ulti- NEss OF THE FATHER, GooHooo, IM-
mate resurrected state of immortality, MORTALITY, JOINT-HEIRS WITH CHRIST,
yet finds comfort in the theoretical KINGS, PERFECTION, PLURALITY OF
postulates that mortal life began in Goos, PLURAL MARRIAGE, PRIESTESSES,
the scum of the sea, as it were, and PRIBSTHOOD, PRIESTS, QUEENS, RE-
has through eons of time evolved to DEMPTION, SALVATION, SEALING Pow-
its present varieties and state! Do ER, SECOND CoMFORTER, SERVANTS OF
those with spiritual insight really Goo, SONS OF Goo. Celestial marriage
think that the infinite Creator of is the gate to exaltation, and exalta-
worlds without number would oper- tion consists in the continuation of
ate in this way? the family unit in eternity. Exaltation
10. EVOLUTION AND SPIRIT- is eternal life, the kind of life which
UAL THINGS IN GENERAL.- God lives. Those who obtain it gain
Merely to list the basic doctrines of an inheritance in the highest of three
the gospel is to point out the revealed heavens within the celestial kingdom.
truths which are inharmonious with (D. & C. 131:1-4.)
the theories of organic evolution and They have eternal increase, a con-

tinuation of the seeds forever and salvation of every creature which will
ever, a continuation of the lives, eter- be saved; and if we find one saved
nal lives; that is, they have spirit being in all existence, we may see
children in the resurrection, in rela- what others must be, or else not be
tion to which offspring they stand in saved.
the same position that God our "We ask, then, where is the pro-
Father stands to us. They inherit in totype? or where is the saved being?
due course the fulness of the glory We conclude, as to the answer of this
of the Father, meaning that they have question, there will be no dispute
all power in heaven and on earth. among those who believe the Bible,
(D. & C. 76:50-60; 93:1-40.) "Then that it is Christ: all will agree in this,
shall they be gods, because they have that he is the prototype or standard
no end; therefore shall they be from of salvation; or, in other words, that
everlasting to everl8sting, because he is a saved being. And ii we should
they continue; then shall they be continue our interrogation and ·ask
above all, because all things are sub- how it is that he is saved, the answer
ject unto them. Then shall they be would be-because he is a just and
gods, because they have all power, holy being; and if he were anything
and the angels are subject unto them." different from what he is, he would
(D. & C. 132:16-26; Doctrines of not be saved; for his salvation depends
Salvation, vol. 2, pp. 35-79.) on his being precisely what he is and
Although salvation may be defined nothing else; for if it were possible
in many ways to mean many thi:pgs, for him to change, in the least degree,
in its most pure and perfect definition so sure he would fail of salvation and
it is a synonym for exaltation. This lose all his dominion, power, author-
was the way in which the Prophet ity and glory, which constitute salva-
used it when he left us this inspired tion; for salvation consists in the
explanation: "Where shall we find glory, authority, majesty, power and
a prototype into whose likeness we dominion which Jehovah possesses
may be assimilated, in order that we and in nothing .e[se; and no being can
may be made partakers of life and possess it but himself or one like him."
salvation? or, in other words, where After quoting many passages of
shall we find a saved being? for if scripture, the record of the Prophet's
we can: find a saved being, we may teachings continues: "These teachings
ascertain without much difficulty of the Savior most clearly show unto
what all others must be in order to us the nature of salvation, and what
be saved. We think that it will not he proposed unto the human family
be a matter of dispute, that two beings when he proposed to save them-
who are unlike each other cannot be that he proposed to make them like
saved; for whatever constitutes the unto himself, and he was like the
salvation of one will constitute the Father; the great prototype of all

saved beings; and for any portion of trition of soul, frank confession of
the human family to be assimilated sin, and complete repentance there-
into their likeness is to be saved; and from, the transgressor's membership
to be unlike them is to be destroyed; is not taken from him. But "him that
and on this hinge turns the door of repenteth not of his sins, and con-
salvation." (Lectures on Faith, pp. fesseth them not," the Lord says, Hye
63-67.) shall bring before the church, and
do with him as the scripture saith
Exaltation for the Dead. See SALVA- unto you, either by commandment
TION FOR THE D EAD. or by revelation. And this ye shall do
that God may be glorified-not be-
Exaltation of Children. See SALVA- cause ye forgive not, having not com-
TION OF CHILDREN. passion, but that ye may be justified
in the e)'eS of the law, that ye may
Exalted Man. See AHMAN. not offend him who is your lawgiver
-Verily I say, for this cause ye shall
Excellence. See PERFECTION. do these things." (D. & C. 64:12-13.)
"The way of transgressors is hard."
Excommunication. See ANATHEMA, (Prov. 13:15.) When they tum from
ArosTASY, CHURCH COURTS, DISFEL- the light, their curse is far worse than
·LOWSHIPMENT, RESTORATION OF foR- it would have been had they never
MER BLESSINGS . Whenever, as is known the truth. (D. & C. 41:1;
presently the case, there is a separa- 76:29-37; 82:1-7; 104:8-9; 121 :13-
tion of Church and state, then the 25.) But ii they ha"e not sinned
highest punishment which the Church unto death, and ii they do repent,
can impose upon its members is there is yet hope. By baptism, en-
excommunication. This consists in trance can again be gained in the
cutting the person off from the Church kingdom of our Lord, and following
so that he is no longer a member. testing and faithfulness all their for-
Every blessing of the gospel is thereby mer blessings may be restored.
lost, and the excommunicated person
is "delivered unto Satan." (I Tim.. Exemplar. See CHRIST. Christ is the
1:20; Matt. 18:15-19; I Cor. 5:1-5.) great Exemplar. With reference to
Apostasy, rebellion, cruelty to "all covenants, contracts, bonds, obli-
wives and children, immortality, and gations, oaths, vows, performances,
all crimes involving moral turpitude, connections, associations, or expecta-
are among those which warrant ex- tions" (D. & C. 132:7)-that is, in
communication. The Lord imposes all things-he leads the way and sets
upon church officers the responsi- an example for his brethren. "Follow
bility to handle every such case of thou me," is his cry. (2 Ne. 31:10.)
transgression. II there is honest con- "What manner of men ought ye to

be?" he asked; and then answered: wounded." (Acts 19:11-16.) This

"Verily I say unto you, even as I am." scriptural account is symbolical of the
(3 Ne. 27:27.) final overthrow of all those who
practice exorcism.
Exhortations. See SERMONS.
Exorcists. See EXORCISM.
Exorcism. See DEVILS, SORCERY, SPm-
ITUALISM. In imitation of the true Expiation. See ADVOCACY, ATONEMENT
order whereby devils are cast ·out of OF CHRIST, EXPIATOR, INTERCESSION,
people, false ministers (having no MEDIATION, PROPITIATION, RECONCIL-
actual priesthood power) attempt to IATION. Our Lord's atoning sacrifice
cast them out by exorcism. This apos- complied with the law ·of expiation
tate practice was probably more com- in that, through his suffering and
mon anciently than it is now, because death, a way and means was provided
few apostate peoples today believe so that the guilt and sins of the faith-
either in miracles or in the casting ful might be extinguished. Expiation
out of literal devils. But over the is the act of making satisfaction or
years it has not been uncommon atonement for sin; it is the extinguish-
among Catholics and others for so- ing of guilt by suffering or penalty.
called priests to attempt to expel evil This is the very thing which Christ
spirits from persons or drive them did for all men, on conditions of re-
away from particular locations by pentance, when he took upon himself
incantations, conjuration, or adjura- the sins of the world.
tion. Commonly some holy name is
used in these false rituals.
Having seen Paul cast out devils in OF CHRIST, CHRIST, ExPIATION, INTER-
the power and majesty of his priest-
hood, "certain of the vagabond Jews,
ONCILER. Christ is the great Expiator,
exorcists, took" it upon themselves
to imitate the divine practice. Com- the one whose sufferings and death
manding the devil to come out of a paid the penalty for the sins of those
possessed person, they said: "We who believe and obey the laws of the
adjure you by Jesus whom Paul gospel. An expiator is one who ex-
preacheth." Thereupon the devil piates or extinguishes guilt by suffer-
said to the seven sorcerers who so ing the prescribed penalty, thus
acted: "Jesus I know, and Paul I atoning or making complete satisfac-
know; but who are yet' Then "the tion where the broken law is con-
man in whom the evil spirit was cerned.
leaped on them, and overcame them,
and prevailed against them, so that Extreme Unction. See ADMINISTRA-
they fled out of that house naked and TIONS, APosTASY, SACRAMENTS, UNc-


TION, One of the so-called sacraments sense an anointing unto death and
of the Catholic Church is called not unto life. According to the official
Extreme Unction. It is administered Catholic explanation, it is "spiritual
by a priest to one in danger of death medicine which diminishes the ter-
and includes both the apptication of rors of death, comforts the dying
oil to his organs of sense and the Christian, fortifies the soul in its final
recital of prayers. It is an apostate struggle, and purifies it for its passage
form of the true ordinance of admin- from time to eternity." (James Cardi-
istering to the sick, which true ordi- nal Gibbons, The Faith of Our
nance is effective in healing the sick Fathers, pp. 314-316.)
in the household of faith. But the
apostate perversion is in a very real Exultation. See BOASTING.

== lF = =
HERESY. All false doctrines are fables. GHOST, HOPE, KNOWLEDGE, LECTURES
That is, they are stories which have ON FAITH, Mm.ACLES, OBEDIENCE,
been imagined, fabricated, and in- PLAN OF SALVATION, REPENTANCE,
vented as opposed to the gospel which SALVATION, TESTIMONY, TRUTH. In
is real and true. (2 Pet. 1:16.) Apos- teaching the laws and principles sur-
tasy consists in turning from true rounding the subject of faith, Joseph
doctrine to fables. Paul said: "The Smith outlined his presentation under
time will come when they will not three heads: I. "Faith itself-what
endure sound doctrine; but after their it is"; 2. "The object on which it
own lusts shall they heap to them- rests"; and 3. "The effects which
selves teachers, having itching ears; flow from it."
And they shall turn away their cars
By way of definition, the Prophet
from the truth, and shall be turned
unto fables." (2 Tim. 4 :1-4; I Tim. taught that faith is "the first prin-
1:3-4; 4:7.) ciple in revealed religion, and the
foundation of all righteousness."
Fairies. See GHOSTS, After quoting Paul's affirmation,
"Now faith is the substance of things
Fairness. See JUSTICE. hoped for, the evidence of things not
seen" (Heb. 11:1) , he said, "From
Faith. See BAPTISM, BELIEF, CHARITY, this we learn that faith is the assur-
CHRIST, FIRST PRINCIPLES OF THE Gos- ance which men have of the existence

of things which they have not seen, in that general principle of faith
and the principle of action in all alone, that moving cause of action,
intelligent beings." Continuing his which causes the farmer to plant his
analysis, the Prophet affirmed: "Faith seed with the unseen hope that it will
is .. . the moving cause of all action bear grain. But there is faith unto
in . . . intelligent beings. And as salvation when Christ is the local
faith is the moving cause of all action point in which the unseen hope
in temporal concerns, so it is in spir- centers. Accordingly the Prophet
itual. . . . But faith is not only the explained "that three things ·are nec-
principle of action, but of power also, essary in order that any rational and
in all intelligent beings, whether in intelligent being may exercise faith
heaven or on earth . . . . Faith, then, in God unto life and salvation."
is the first great governing principle These he named as: I. "The idea that
which has power, dominion, and he actually exists"; 2. "A correct idea
authority over all things; by it they of his character, perfections, and
exist, by it they are upheld, by it they attributes"; and 3. "An actual knowl-
are changed, or by it they remain, edge that the course of life which he
agreeable to the will of God. Without is pursuing is according to his will."
it there is no power, and without It follows that a know ledge of the
power there could be no creation nor true and living God is the beginning
existence... . How would you define of faith unto life and salvation, "for
faith in its most unlimited sense? It faith could not center in a being of
is the first great governing principle whose existence we have no idea,
which h as power, dominion, and au- because the idea of his existence in
thority over all things." (Lecture s the first instance is essential to the
on Faith, pp. 1-8.) exercise of faith in him." (Lectures
Faith is based on truth and is pre- on Faith, p. 33.) So a belief in a
ceded by knowledge. Until a person false god can engender no faith in
gains a knowledge of the truth he the human breast. If a person believes
can have no faith. Alma said, "Faith that an idol is God, or that Deity is
is not to have a perfect knowledge of a power or essence that fills the im-
things; therefore if ye have faith ye mensity of space, or ii he has any
hope for things which are not seen, other false concept, he estops himself
which are true." (Alma 32:21; Ether from gaining faith, because faith is a
12:6.) Thus faith is a hope in that hope in that which is not seen which
which is not seen which is true, and is true. Faith ·and truth cannot be
accordingly it can enter the heart separated; if there is to be faith, there
of man only after he has received the must first be truth.
truth. Not only is a true knowledge of
Faith unto life and salvation cen- God a condition precedent to the
ters in Christ. There is no salvation acquirement of faith, but faith can .be

exercised only by those who conform so to everlasting"; 3. "He changes not,

to the principles of truth which come neither is there variableness with him,
from the true God who actually exists. and . . . his course is one eternal
For instance, the Prophet, discoursing round"; 4. "He is a God of .truth, and
upon the great plan of redemption cannot lie"; 5. "He is no respecter of
and the sacrifices offered to typify the persons"; and 6. "He is love." (Lec-
atoning sacrifice of our Lord, ex- tures on Faith, p. 39.) And any ideas
plained that Abel's sacrifice was men have relative to these character-
accepted because it conformed to the istics must be true, if faith is .to result.
true pattern. Then he said: "Cain As pertaining to the attributes of
offered of the fruit of the ground, and God, the Prophet said: "The real
was not accepted, because he could design which the God of heaven had
not do it in faith, he could have no in view in making the human family
faith, or could not exercise faith con- acquainted with his attributes, was,
trary to the plan of heaven. . . . As that they, through the ideas of the
the sacrifice was instituted for a type, existence of his attributes, might be
by which man was to discern the enabled to exercise faith in him, and,
great Sacrifice which God had pre- through the exercise of faith in him,
pared, to offer a sacrifice contrary to might obtain eternal life; for without
that, no faith could be exercised, be- the idea of the existence of the attri-
cause redemption was not purchased butes which belong to God the minds
in that way, nor the power of the of men could not have power to exer-
atonement instituted after that order; cise faith in him so as to lay hold
consequently, Cain could have no upon eternal life. The God of heaven,
faith; and whatsoever is not of faith, understanding most perfectly the
is sin." (Teachings, p. 58.) On this constitution of human nature, and
same principle no one can exercise the weakness of men, knew what was
faith in infant baptism, or in any necessary to be revealed, and what
baptism except by immersion, or in ideas must be planted in their minds
any ordinance or performance that in order that they might be enabled
does not conform to revealed truth, to exercise faith in him unto eternal
for no faith can be exercised "con- life." The attributes of God are listed
trary to the plan of heaven." as: Knowledge; Faith or Power; Jus-
The Prophet summarizes the char- tice; Judgment; M ercy; and Truth.
acter of God under six headings: I. (Lectures on Faith, pp. 42-49.)
"He was God before the world was Relative to the perfections of God,
created, and the same God that he the record says: "What we mean by
was after it was created"; 2. "He is perfections is, the perfections which
merciful and gracious, slow to anger, belong to all the attributes of his na-
abundant in goodness, and . . . he ture." (Lectures on Faith, p. 50.)
was so from everlasting, and will be That is, the perfection of God con-

sists in his possession of all knowledge, greater will be the endowment of

all power, all truth, and the lulness faith. Hence the Prophet says that
of all good things. (D. & C. 93:6-34.) to acquire faith men must gain the
Accordingly, ii a person accepts the actual knowledge "that the course of
false heresy that God is progressing life which they pursue is according
or increasing in any of these attri- to the will of God, in order that they
butes, that is, does not now possess may be enabled to exercise faith in
them in their lulness and perfection, him unto life and salvation. This
he places a bar across the path leading knowledge supplies an important
to a full measure of faith. "Without place in revealed religion; for it was
the knowledge of all things," for by reason of it that the ancients were
instance, as the Prophet expresses it, enabled to endure as seeing him who
"God would not be able to save any is invisible. An actual knowledge to
portion of his creatures; for it is by any person, that the course of life
reason of the knowledge which he has which he pursues is according to the
ol all things, from the beginning to will of God, is essentially necessary
the end, that enables him to give that to enable him to have that confidence
understanding to his creatures by in God without which no person can
which they are made partakers of obtain eternal life. It was this that
eternal life; and if it were not for the enabled the ancient saints to endure
idea existing in the minds of men all their afflictions and persecutions,
that God had all knowledge it would an.d to take joyfully the spoiling of
be . impossible for them to exercise their goods, knowing (not believing
faith in him." (Lectures on Faith, p. merely) that they had a more en-
44; Doctrines of Salvation, vol. I, pp. during substance." (Lectures on
1-17.) Obviously those who suppose Faith, p. 57; Heb. 10:34.)
there is a power or being greater than Miracles, signs, the gilts of the
God ( a necessary corollary of the Spirit, the knowledge of God and
false notion that God is gaining new godliness, and every conceivable good
knowledge or new truth or more thing-all these are the effects of
power), cannot have lull faith in faith; all of these come because faith
God because there is always the has become the ruling force in the
chance that the new knowledge will lives of the saints. Conversely, where
reverse the order of the past or that these things are not, faith is not.
the greater power will rescind the In Moroni's language, the reason
eternal decrees of God. why God "ceaseth to do , miracles
Faith is a gift of God bestowed as among the children.of men is because
a reward for personal righteousness. that they dwindle in unbelief, and
It is never given unless righteousness depart from the right way, and know
is present, and the greater the meas- not the God In whom they should
ure of obedience to God's laws the trust. Behold, I say unto you that

whoso believeth in Christ, doubting ing that ye shall receive, behold, it

nothing, whatsoever he shall ask the shall be done unto you." Mormon
Father in the name of Christ it shall then says that Christ "claimeth all
be granted him; and this promise those who have faith in him; and they
is unto all, even unto the ends of who have faith in him will cleave
the earth. For behold, thus said Jesus unto every good thing."
Christ, the Son of God, unto his dis- Then, alter showing that miracles
ciples who should tarry, yea, and also and the ministering of angels are an
to all his disciples, in the hearing of eternal part of the gospel of Christ,
the multitude: Go ye into all the he asks: "Have angels ceased to ap-
world, and preach the gospel to every pear unto the children of men? Or
creature; And he that believeth and has he withheld the power of the
is baptized shall be saved, but he that Holy Ghost from them? Or will he,
believeth not shall be damned; And so long as time shall last, or the earth
these signs shall follow them that shall stand, or there shall be one man
believe-in my name shall they cast upon the face thereof to be saved?
out devils; they shall speak with new Behold I say unto you, Nay; for it is
tongues; they shall take up serpents; by faith that miracles are wrought;
and ii they drink any deadly thing and it is by faith that angels appear
it shall not hurt them; they shall lay and minister unto men; wherefore,
hands on the sick and they shall re- if these things have ceased wo be
cover; And whosoever shall believe in unto the children of men, for it is
my name, doubting nothing, unto him because of unbelief, and all is vain.
will I confirm all my words, even For no man can be saved, according
unto the ends of the earth." (Morm. to the words of Christ, save they shall
9:20-25; Mark 16:15-20.) have faith in his name; wherefore,
Mormon taught similarly: "By the if these things have ceased, then has
ministering of angels, and by every faith ceased also; and awful is the
word which proceedeth forth out of state of man . ... If ye have not faith
the mouth of God, men began to in him then ye are not fit to be num-
exercise faith in Christ; and thus by bered among the people of his
faith, they did lay hold upon every church." (Moro. 7:25-39.)
good thing; and thus it was until the "When faith comes," the Prophet
coming of Christ. And alter that he said, "it brings its train of attendants
came men also were saved by faith with it-apostles, prophets, evangel-
in his name; and by faith, they be- ists, pastors, teachers, gifts, wisdom,
come the sons of God. And as sure knowledge, m i r a c l e s , healing,,
as Christ liveth he spake these words tongues, interpretation of tongues, etc.
unto our fathers, saying: Whatsoever All these appear when faith appears
thing ye shall ask the Father in my on the earth, and disappear when it
name, which is good, in faith believ- disappears from the earth; for these

are the effects of faith, and always Where faith is there will be some of
have, and always will, attend it. For the fruits: all gifts and power which
where faith is, there will the knowl- were sent from heaven, were poured
edge of God be also, with all things out on the heads of those who had
which pertain thereto - revelations, faith." (History of the Church, vol.
visions, and dreams, as well as every 5, p. 355.)
necessary thing, in order that the Showing that miracles and signs
possessors of faith may be perfected, follow faith and do not precede it,
and obtain salvation; for God must Moroni said: "Faith is things which
change, otherwise faith will prevail are hoped for and not seen; where-
with him. And he who possesses it fore, dispute not because ye see not,
will, through it, obtain all necessary for ye receive no witness until after
knowledge and wisdom, until he shall the trial of your faith. For it was by
know God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, faith that Christ showed himself unto
whom he has sent-whom to know is our fathers, alter he had risen from
eternal life." (Lectures on Faith, pp. the dead; and he showed not himself
70-71.) unto them until after they had faith
Again: "Because faith is wanting, in him; wherefore, it must needs be
the fruits are. No man since the that some had faith in him, for he
world was had faith without having showed himself not unto the world.
something along with -it. The ancients But because of the faith of men he
quenched the violence of fire, escaped has shown himself unto the world,
the edge of the sword, women re- and glorified the name of the Father,
ceived their dead, etc. By faith the and prepared a way that thereby
worlds were made. A man who has others might be partakers of the
none of the gifts has no faith; and he heavenly gift, that they might hope
deceives himself, if he supposes he for those things which they have not
has. Faith has been wanting, not seen. Wherefore, ye may also have
only among the heathen, but in pro- hope, and be partakers of the gilt,
fessed Christendom also, so that if ye will but have faith. Behold it
tongues, healings, prophecy, and was by faith that they of old were
prophets and apostles, and all the called after the holy order of God.
gifts and blessings have been want- Wherefore, by faith was the law of
ing." (Teachings, p. 270.) Moses given. But in the gift of his
"Miracles are the fruits of faith," Son hath God pr.epared a more excel-
the Prophet said on another occasion. lent way; and it is by faith that it
"Faith comes by hearing the word of hath been fulfilled. For if there be
God. If a man has not faith enough no faith among the children of men
to do one thing, he may have faith to God can do no miracle among them;
do another: if he cannot remove a wherefore, he showed not himself
mountain, he may heal the sick. until alter their faith .... And neither

at any time hath any wrought mir- therefore he saw Jesus; and he did
acles until after their faith; wherefore minister unto him." Indeed, "The
they first believed in the Son of God." Lord could not withhold anything
(Ether 12:6-18; Heb. 11.) from him, for he knew that the Lord
To gain faith men must first have could show him all things." (Ether
knowledge; then as their faith in- 3:19-26.)
creases, they come to a state where "And there were many whose faith
it is supplanted by perfect knowledge; was so exceeding strong, even before
and in any field in which perfect Christ came, who could not be kept
knowledge has been gained, "faith is from within the veil, but truly saw
dormant." (Alma 32:21-34.) For with their eyes the things which they
instance, a man first comes to a had beheld with an eye of faith, and
knowledge of the nature and kind they were glad." (Ether 12: 19.)
of being that Christ is, and he thereby Today as anciently the same effects
is enabled to gain faith in him. As flow from faith. "It is the privilege
a result he gains further knowledge of every elder to speak of the things
about Christ as an effect of faith and of God," the Prophet said, "and could
by revelation from the Holy Ghost. we all come together with one heart
This knowledge and this faith both and one mind in perfect faith the veil
increase, supplementing each other, might as well be rent today as next
until by the power of faith the veil week, or any other time." (Teachings,
is rent, the man sees Christ and p. 9; D. & C. 93:1.)
gains a perfect knowledge of him.
Then, as Alma expresses it, "in that Faith and Works. See Gooo WoRKS.
thing" his "faith is dormant" (Alma
32:34), although in other things his Faithfulness. See RIGHTEOUSNESS.
faith may not yet have blossomed
forth into perfect knowledge. Fallen Man. See ATONEMENT OF
The Brother of Jared is one who CHRIST, CARNALITY, DEVILISHNESS,
followed this course until he saw the FALL OF ADAM, MAN, MORTALITY,
Lord. As Moroni explained it, "Be- SENSUALITY, SPIRITUAL DEATH,
cause of the knowledge of this man WORLD. Alter the fall of Adam, man
he could not be kept from beholding became carnal, sensual, and devilish
within the veil; and he saw the finger by nature; he became fallen man.
of Jesus, which, when he saw, he fell (Moses 5:13; 6:49; Mosiah 16:1-4;
with fear; for he knew that it was the Alma 42:10; D. & C. 20:20.) All
finger of the Lord; and he had faith accountable persons on earth inherit
no longer, for he knew, nothing this fallen state, this probationary
doubting. Wherefore, having this state, this state in which worldly
perfect knowledge of God, he could things seem desirable to the carnal
not be kept from within the veil; nature, Being in this state, "the

natural man is an enemy to God," ness or of the Spirit. He had not yet
until he conforms to the great plan come to that state of mortal probation
of redemption and is born again to in which are found the testings and
righteousness. (Mosiah 3:19.) Thus trials requisite to a possible inheri-
all mankind would remain lost and tance of eternal life. As yet the lull
fallen forever were it not for the knowledge of good and evil had not
atonement of our Lord. (Alma 42:4- been placed before him; and, what
14.) was tremendously important in ·the
eternal scheme of things, he could
Fall of Adam. See ADAM, ATONE- have no children.
MENT OF CHRIST, CORRUPTION, DEATH, But all these conditions, in the
FALLEN MAN, MORTALITY, SPIRITUAL providences of the Almighty, were
DEATH. Adam, our first parent (I Ne. soon to· change. According to the
5:11), a "son of God" (Moses 6:22), foreordained plan, Adam was to fall;
was first placed on earth as an im- that is, ''. in the wisdom of him who
mortal being. His coming was the knoweth all things" (2 Ne. 2:24),
crowning event of the creation; and Adam was to introduce mortality and
as with him, so with every department all that attends it, so that the opp_or-
of creation-immortality reigned su- tunity for eternal progression and
preme. (2 Ne. 2:22.) There was no perfection might be offered to all the
death, no mortality, no corruption, spirit children of the Father.
no procreation. Blood did not flow In conformity with the will of the
in Adam's veinS, for he was not yet Lord, Adam fell both spiritually and
mortal, and blood is an element that temporally. Spiritual death entered
pertains exclusively to mortality. the world, meaning that man was
(Gen. 9:2-6; Lev. 17:10-15; Man: cast out of the presence of the Lord
His Origin and. Destiny, pp. 362- and· died as pertaining to the things
364.) Radical changes were in the of the Spirit which are the things of
offing for man, the earth, and all righteousness. Temporal death also
forms of life when the fall came. entered the world, meaning that man
In that first edenic day, Adam was and all created things became mortal,
still in the presence of God, with and blood became the life preserving
whom he walked and talked and from element in the natural body. In this
whom he received counsel and com- mortal condition it became possible
mandments. (Moses 3; 4,) He had for the body and the spirit to separate,
temporal life because his spirit was a separation which by definition is
housed in a temporal body, one made the natural or temporal death. (Alma
from the dust of the earth. (Abra. 42:6-12; D. & C. 29:40-42.)
5:7.) He had spiritual life because In this state of mortality, · subject
he was in the presence of God and to both spiritual and temporal ·death,
was alive to the things of righteous- man thus was in a position to be

examined relative to his worthiness power, worldly learning, political pre-

to inherit eternal life. He became ferment, or the gratification of
subject to corruption, disease, and sensual lusts their God. And virtual-
all the ills of the flesh. Spiritually he ly all the millions of apostate Chris-
was required to walk by faith rather tendom have abased themselves
than by sight; a knowledge of good before the mythical throne of a
and evil could now come to him by mythical Christ whom they vainly
actual experience; and being mortal suppose to be a spirit essence who is
he could now have children, thus incorporeal, uncreated, immaterial,
providing bodies for the pre-existent and three-in-one with the Father and
hosts. "Adam fell that men might Holy Spirit.
be." (2 Ne. 2:19-25; Moses 5:11;
6:45-48; Doctrines of Salvation, vol. False Doctrine. See DOCTRINE.
I, pp. 107-120.)
False Doctrines. See HERESY.
False Christs. See ANTICHRISTS,
Lord during his ministry foretold that FALSE CHrusrs, Goo, looLATRY, UN-
in the coming eras of apostate dark- KNOWN Goo. As pertaining to this
ness there would arise false prophets uni verse, there are three Gods: the
and false Christs who would deceive Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. All
many, even ii it were possible the other supposed deities are false gods.
very elect. Then he counseled: "If However, the mere worship of a
they shall say unto you, Behold, he is god who has the proper scriptural
in the desert; go not forth: behold, names does not assure one that he
he is in the secret chambers; believe is worshiping the true and living God.
it not." (Matt. 24:23-27; Mark 13:21- The true names of Deity, for instance,
23; Jos. Smith 2:21-26.) are applied to the false concepts of
Since then untold millions have God found in the apostate creeds of
worshiped before the thrones of false the day. "There is but one only liv-
Christs. Some deluded fanatics have ing and true God who is infinite in
bowed before persons professing to being and perfection," the Presby-
be saviors or to have the power to terian Confession of Faith correctly
confer salvation. Other hosts of mis- recites, and then proceeds to describe
guided souls have trekked to desert a false god who is "without body,
monasteries, to mountain hermitages, parts, or passions, immutable, im-
to Jesuit retreats, and to the meeting mense, eternal, incomprehensible,"
places of secret cults-all acting under and so forth. (Doctrines of Salvation,
the specious asumption that in the vol. I, p. 2.)
place of their choice they would find From the beginning of history the
Christ. Still others have made money, great masses of men have worshiped

false gods. Included in this category or the other (in some cases, part by
are the pagan idols and the Unknown one and part by the other) of these
God of sectarianism, and also the spirits. (Moro. 7.)
worship of science, the learning of the It should be understood that these
world, money, political power, armed two influences in the world are mani-
might, the lusts of the flesh, and the fest through the ministrations of
like. There is no salvation in the actual spirit personages from the un-
worship of false gods. For such false seen world. The power and influence
worship the Lord imposed the death wielded by Satan is exercised through
penalty in ancient Israel. (Deut. the host of evil spirits who do his
13 :6-1 1.) bidding and who have power, accord-
ing to laws that exist, to impress their
False Gospels. See GosPEL. wills upon the minds of receptive
mortals. On the other hand, much
Falsehood. See LIARS. of the power and influence of Deity
is exercised by and manifest through
False Preachers. See SERMONS. spirit beings who appear and give
revelation and guidance as the Lord's
False Prophets. See PROPHETS. purposes may require. In general, the
more righteous and saintly a person
False Religions. See CHURCH OF THE is, the easier it will be for him to
DEVIL. receive communications from heaven-
1y sources; and the more evil and
False Spirits. See DEVILS, DISCERN- corrupt he is, the easier will it be for
MENT, EVIL SPIRITS, GIFTS OF THE evil spirits to implant their nefariolls
SPIRIT, LIGHT OF CHRIST. T wo spirits schemes in his mind and heart.
are abroad in the earth-one is of The problem that most men have
God, the other of the devil. The spirit is to discern the spirits, so that they
which is of God is one that · leads to may know what is of God and what
light, truth, freedom, progress, and is not. The gift of discernment, that
every good thing; on the other hand, is the "discerning of spirits," is itself
the spirit which is of Lucifer leads to one of the gifts of the Spirit which
darkness, error, bondage, retrogres- comes from God. (I Cor. 12:10; D.
sion, and every evil thing. One spirit & C. 46 :23.) "Believe not every
is from above, the other from beneath; spirit," John counseled, " but try the
and that which is from beneath never spirits whether they are of God: be-
allows more light or truth or freedom cause many false prophets are gone
to exist than it can help. All religion, out into the world." ( 1 John 4:L)
philosophy, education, science, ·gov- How can we try the spirits? · By
ernment control- indeed, all things what tests shall it be known whether
- are influenced and governed by one they are of God or the devil? If a

messenger appears from the unseen knows the things of God, but by the
world, how shall we know whether Spirit of God, so no man knows the
he is a good spirit or an evil spirit? spirit of the devil, and his power and
When a revelation is received is it influence, but by possessing intelli-
one born of light or darkness? When gence which is more than human, and
trances, visions, tongues, enchant- having unfolded through the medium
ments, miracles, and related things of the priesthood the mysterious oper-
come to view, are they from above or ations of his devices.
beneath? When a philosophy is "A man must have the discerning
taught, a doctrine preached, a re- of spirits before he can drag into day-
ligion proclaimed, an educational light this hellish influence and unfold
theory espoused, how shall we know it unto the world in all its sou/-
whether it is true or false? destroying, diabolical, and horrid
"We may look for angels and re- co./ors; for nothing is a greater injury
ceive their ministrations," the Prophet to the children of men than to be
said, "but we are to try the spirits and under the influence of a false spirit
prove them, for it is often the case when they think they have the Spirit
that men make a mistake in regard of God. Thousands have felt the
to these things. God has so ordained influence of its terrible power and
that when he has communicated, no baneful effects. Long pilgrimages
vision is to be taken but what you have been undertaken, penances en-
see by the seeing of the eye, or what dured, and pain, misery and ruin
you hear by the hearing of the ear. have followed in their train; nations
When you see a vision pray for the have been convulsed, kingdoms over-
interpretation; if you get not this, thrown, provinces laid waste, and
shut it up; there must be certainty in blood, carnage and desolation are
this matter. An open vision will habiliments in which it has been
manifest that which is more impor- clothed.
tant. Lying spirits are going forth "As we have noticed before, the
in the earth. There will be great great difficulty lies in the ignorance
manifestations of spirits, both false of the nature of spirits, of the laws
and true. . Not every spirit, or by which they are governed, and the
vision, or singing, is of God." (Teach- signs by which they may be known;
ings, pp. 161-162.) if it requires the Spirit of God to
As part of a long discussion of true know the things of God; and the
and false spirits, and in explaining spirit of the devil can only be un-
how they may be distinguished, the masked through that medium, then
Prophet also said: "No man can do it follows as a natural consequence
this without the priesthood, and hav- that unless some person or persons
ing a knowledge of the laws by which have a communication, or revelation
spirits are governed; for as no man from God, unfolding to them the

operation of the spirit, they must False Worship. See WORSHIP.

eternally remain ignorant of these
principles; for I contend that if one Familiar Spirits. See SPIRITUALISM.
man .cannot understand these things
but by the Spirit of God, ten thou- Family. See CELESTIAL MARRIAGE,
sand men cannot; it is alike out of FAMILY ORGANIZATIONS, FAMILY RE-
the reach of the wisdom of the UNIONS, HOME, PATRIARCHAL CHAIN,
learned, the tongue of . the eloquent, PATRIARCHAL ORDER, TRIBES OF Is-
the power of the mighty. And we RAEL. Among the saints the family
shall at last have to come to this is the basic unit of the Church and
conclusion, whatever we may think of society, and its needs and preser·
of revelation, that without it we can vation in righteousness take prece-
neither know nor understand any- dence over all other things. True
thing of God, or the devil; and how- family organization is patriarchal in
ever unwilling the world may be to nature; it is patterned alter that
acknowledge this principle, it is evi- organization which exists in heaven
dent from the multifarious creeds and (Eph. 3: 15); it always consists of a
notions concerning this matter that husband and wife who have entered
they understand nothing of this into the new and everlasting covenant
principle, and it is equally as plain of marriage; and if the couple so
that without a divine communication united are blessed with children, they
they must remain in ignorance." too become members of the family.
(Teachings, pp. 204-206.) Adam and Eve set a proper and
It follows that the discerning of righteous pattern for all of their de-
spirits is and . can be practiced in scendants. As husband and wile,
righteousness only where the true married by God himself while yet in
Church and kingdom of God is found. the Garden of Eden (Gen. 2:22-25),
In the final analysis, it takes apostles, they became the first family-an
prophets, priesthood, the gift of the eternal family, for there was no
Holy Ghost, and a knowledge of death. Then came the fall, mortality
God's laws and the manner in which bega~, the power of procreation was
he operates, in order to separate the given, and Adam and Eve added
spirits into their two opposing camps. children to their family. They and
Only where these things are found such of their children as a bode in
can error be segregated from truth, the truth have since gone on in im-
because only there are the channels mortality and glory, and now as
of revelation open. resurrected beings, parents and chil-
dren together, cbmprise an eternal
False Teachers . . See PROPHETS. family unit in celestial glory. The
same is true of Abraham, Isaac, and
False Witnesses. See LIARS. Jacob, and the faithful saints who

were with Christ in his resurrection. I. They create family solidarity

(D. & C. 132:29-37.) and honor the patriarchal system.
Eternal families have their begin- Desires to work righteousness are
ning in celestial marriage here in enhanced, and members of the rising
mortality. Faithful members of them generations are encouraged to keep
continue in the family unit in eter- the commandments and look forward
nity, in the highest heaven of the to temple marriages and the lulness
celestial world, where they have of the blessings of the priesthood.
eternal increase. (D. & C. 131:1 -4; 2. They make it possible for large
132:16-32.) Perfect peace and a lull groups of saints, having a common
endowment of all good graces attend purpose, to pool their skills and means
such eternal families. By obedience in organized genealogical research.
to the laws of the gospel ( which are Incident to this research the prepara-
celestial laws), Latter-day Saint fam- tion of family histories is a proper
ilies begin here and now to enjoy and desirable enterprise.
much of that peace, joy, love, and 3. They keep current family gen-
charity which will be enjoyed in ealogical data.
eternal fulness in the exalted family 4. They make recreational oppor-
unit. tunities available to groups bound
It is also common to speak of the together by a common tie.
descendants of a common ancestor as
members of a family; the descendants Family Prayer. See PRAYER.
of President Joseph F. Smith, through
all their generations, for instance, Family Reunions. See FAMILY, FAM-
make up his family. Similarly, there ILY ORGANIZATIONS, RECREATION. In
is the family of Israel and of Abra- keeping with the spirit of love and
ham. The Church itself, composed unity which should always exist in
of a gathered remnant of Israel, is a Latter-day Saint families, it is proper
family. And as with individual fam- for families, both large and small, to
ilies, so with these great patriarchal hold frequent family reunions. Reg-
groups, faithful members of them will ular family organizations, as an aid
continue on as members of these great in carrying out their important work,
patriarchal families in eternity. should hold these affairs from time
to time. Sunday is not a proper day
Family Organizations. See BOOK OF for family reunions.
Church members who are descendants WELFARE PLAN, SIGNS OF THE TIMES.
of common ancestors should form I. Famines involving general scarcity
family organizations. These organi- of food and resulting in hunger and
zations serve four particular purposes: starvation, have been of frequent oc-

currence among nearly all peoples. or practice, an emphasis which twists

Such are among the probationary the truth as a whole out of perspec-
experiences ordained for the testing tive.
and trial of man. Sometimes they Through the ages religious fanat-
have come upon the rebellious; often ics have fought and died on the field
both the righteous and the wicked of battle in false causes; in the Church
have suffered under their curse. there are those who became fanatics
They are one of the ways the Lord on such things as the Word of Wis-
has of humbling his children so they dom, even to the point that they
will seek him and his help in their teach against the use of white bread,
temporal concerns. "How oft have I white flour, refined sugar, chocolate,
called upon you ... by the voice of and sometimes even milk, eggs, and
famines and pestilences of every cheese. Stable and sound persons
kind," he says. (D. & C. 43:25.) are never fanatics; they do not ride
Famines are among the signs of the gospel hobbies.
times, and the great Church Welfare
Plan is designed to help free men
from the effects of them.
compliance with the Lord's command
2. Spiritual famines are periods of that his saints are to continue in fast-
apostasy from the truth. "Behold, ing and prayer (D. & C. 88:76), the
the days come, saith the Lord God,
Church designates one day each
that I will send a famine in the land,
inonth (ordinarily the first Sunday of
not a famine of bread, nor a thirst
the month) as a fast day. "The law
for water, but of hearing the words
to the Latter-day Saints, as under-
of the Lord: And they shall wander stood by the authorities of the
from sea to sea, and from the north Church," President Joseph F. Smith
even to the east, they shall run to said, "is that food and drink are not
and fro to seek the word of the Lord, to be partaken of for 24 hours, 'from
and shall not find it." (Amos 8.1 1-
even to even,' and that the saints are
12.) to refrain from all bodily gratification
and indulgences. Fast day being on
Fanaticism. See GOSPEL HOBBIES, the Sabbath, it follows, of course, that
ZEAL. Fanaticism is the devil's sub-
all labor is to be abstained from ."
stitute for and perversion of true (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed., p. 243.)
zeal. It is exhibited in wildly extrav- The approved procedure is to eat the
agant and overzealous views and acts. evening meal on Saturday and then
It is based either on unreasoning abstain from food and drink until the
devotion to a cause, a devotion which evening meal on Sunday.
closes the door to investigation and
dispassionate study, or on an over Fasting. See FAST DAY, FAST MEET-
emphasis of some particular doctrine INGS, FAST OFFERINGS, PRAYER, TEST!-


MONY. As the · Church views it, form to the Lord's law and not be
fasting consists in the complete absti- done for hypocritical reasons. (Matt.
nence from food and drink. Fasting, 6:16-18; 3 Ne. 13:16-18.)
with prayer as its companion, is de- Compliance with the law of the
signed to increase spirituality; to last, President Joseph F. Smith said,
foster a spirit of devotion and love "would call attention to the sin of
of God; to increase faith in the hearts over eating, place the body in sub-
of men, thus assuring divine favor; jection to the spirit, and so promote
to encourage humility and contrition communion with the Holy Ghost, and
of soul; to aid in the acquirement of insure a spiritual strength and power
righteousness; to teach man his noth- which the people of the nation so
ingness and dependence upon God; greatly need. As fasting should al-
and to hasten those who properly ways be accompanied by prayer, this
comply with the law of fasting along law would bring the people nearer
the path to salvation. to God, and divert their minds once
Many specific reasons for lasting a month at least, from the mad rush
are found in the scriptures. It is a of worldly affairs and cause them to
general obligation imposed by revela- be brought into immediate contact
tion upon church members in good with practical, pure, and undefiled
standing. (D. & C. 59:13-14; 88:76; religion- to visit the fatherless and
Luke 5:33-35; 2 Cor. 6:5; 11 :27.) It the widow, and keep themselves un-
is itself a form of the true worship spotted from the sins of the world."
of God. (Luke 2:37; Acts 9:9; Alma (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed., pp. 237-
45:1; 4 Ne. 12.) It is proper to last 238.)
for the sick (2 Sam. 12:16); for spe- Extended fasts are proper on some
cial blessings (Mosiah 27 :22-23); to special occasions. Moses (Ex. 34:28),
gain a testimony (Alma 5:46); to Elijah (I Kings 19 :8), and Christ
gain revelation (Alma 17:3; 3 Ne. (Matt. 4:2) each fasted for 40 days
27:1; Ex. 34:28; Deut. 9:9, 18); for and nights. But ordinarily 24 hours
the conversion of non-members to should suffice, and those called upon
the truth (Alma 6:6; 17:9 ); for guid- to fast should be of such an age and
ance in the choice of church officers in such a sound condition of health
(Acts 13:3); as an accompaniment of that no impairment of mental or
righteous mourning and sorrow physical well-being will result.
(Alma 28:2-6; 30:2; Hela. 9: 10); as President Joseph F. Smith ex-
a means of sanctifying one's soul plained: "The Lord has instituted the
(Hela. 3:35); and for guidance along last on a reasonable and intelligent
the path leading to salvation. (Omni basis, and none of his works are vain
26.) Temples are houses of fasting. or unwise. His law is perfect in this
(D. & C. 88:119; 95:16; 109:8, 16.) as in other things. Hence, those who
To be acceptable lasting must con- can are required to comply thereto;

it is a duty from which they cannot the Spirit. Special fast meetings are
escape; but let it be remembered that held by families, groups of mission-
the observance of the fast day by aries, or others as special occasions
abstaining 24 hours from food and require.
drink is not an absolute rule, it is no
iron-clad law to us, but it is left with Fast Offerings. See CHURCH WELFARE
the people as a matter of conscience, PLAN, FASTING, OBLATIONS, PooR,
to exercise wisdom and discretion. TITHING . . One of the chief purposes
Many are subject to weakness, others of organized fasting by the Church is
are delicate in health, and others to enable the saints to contribute the
have nursing babies; of such it should food thus saved, or its equivalent in
not be required to fast. Neither money, to the care of the poor. Isaiah
should parents compel their little decried the ostentatious and hypocril"
children to fast. I have known chil- ical fasting practices of ancient Israel,
dren to cry for something to eat on and then gave them this word from the
fast day. In such cases, going with- Lord : "Is not this the fast that I have
out food will do them ·no good. chosen? . . . Is it not to deal thy
Instead, they dread the day to come, rea to the hungry, and that thou
and in place of hailing it, dislike it; bring the poor that are cast out to
while the compulsion engenders a thy house? when thou seest the naked,
spirit of rebellion in them, rather than t at ou cover im; and that thou
1 e not yseH rom ine own
a love for the Lord and their fellows."
(Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed., p. 244.) flesh?" (Isa. 58 :6-8.)
~ therefore, incumbent upon
every Latter-day Saint," President
Fast Meetings. See FASTING, FAST
Joseph F. Smith said, "to give to his
bishop, on fast day, the food that he
or his family would consume for the
pel dispensation it has been the
day, that it may be given to the
practice of the saints to "meet together
poor for their benefit and blessing;
oft, to fast and to pray, and to speak
or, in lieu of the food, that its equiva-
one with another concerning · the
lent amount, .or, if the person is
welfare of their souls." (Moro. 6:5.)
wealthy, a liberal donation, in money,
In this dispensation, it is the practice
be so reserved and dedicated to the
of the Church to designate one sac-
poor." ( Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed., p.
rament meeting a month as a fast
243; Mal. 3:8.)
meeting. In these meetings it is proper
to invite members of the congrega- Fatherhood of God. See FATHER IN
tion to express themselves by way of HEAVEN.
testimony, doctrine, confession, ex-
hortation, or the like, each member Father in Heaven. See ELDER BROTH-
arising to speak as he may be led by GOo,


GooHEAD, HOLY FATHER, MoTHER IN dishonest and which leads away from
HEAVEN, PRE-EXISTENCE, SPIRIT CHIL- the truth. In a similar sense Satan
DREN. God the Eternal Father, our is the master of sin (Mosiah 4: 14)
Father in Heaven, is an exalted, per- and the father of secret combinations
fected, and glorified Personage hav- and every evil thing. (2 Ne. 26:22;
ing a tangible body of flesh and bones. Hela. 6:26; Moro. 7:12.)
(D. & C. 130:22.) The designation
Father is to be taken literally; it Father of Lights. See FATHER IN
signifies that the Supreme Being is HEAVEN, Goo, HOLY FATHER, LIGHT
the literal Parent or Father of the OF CHRIST. "God is light, and in him
spirits of all men. (Heb. 12:9.) All is no darkness at all." (1 John 1:5.)
men, Christ included, were born as That is, he is the embodiment, au-
his children in pre-existence. (D. & thor, and source of light, or in other
C. 93:21-23; Moses l; 2; 3; 4; Abra. words the Father of Lights. (Jas.
3:22-28.) This is the reason men 1:17.) Similarly, Lucifer is the
are commanded to approach Deity Father of Darkness, of apostasy,
in prayer by saying, "Our Father iniquity, and every evil thing.
which art in heaven." (Matt. 6:9.)
It is on! y by understanding the real Father of Spirits. See FATHER IN
and literal sense in which God is HEAVEN.
our Father that we are able to under-
stand what is meant by the Father- Feast of the Passover. See PASSOVER.
hood of God and the Brotherhood of
Man. In addition to the fact that all Fiction. See FABLES.
men are brothers in the sense that
all have descended from Adam, they Figurative Expressions. See SYMBOL-
are also brothers in that they have ISMS.
the same personal Father who begat
them in the spirit. Our Lord had Filthiness. See SEX IMMORALITY.
reference to this when he said, "Go to
my brethren, arid say unto them, I Filthy Lucre. See RICHES.
ascend unto my Father, and your
Father; and to my God, and your Fire. See BAPTISM OF FIRE, FIRE AND
CHRIST. Use of fire in a miraculous
Father of Lies. See CAIN, DEVIL. manner has often attended the Lord's
Both Satan and Cain bear the title dealings with men. "Cherubim and
father of lies, both having been liars a flaming sword" (Moses 4:31; Gen.
from the beginning. (2 Ne. 9:9; Moses 3:24) barred Adam from returning
5:18-27.) The name signifies author- to his edenic home. A pillar of fire
ship and sponsorship of all that is guided ancient Israel by night (Ex.

13:2lc22; Ps. 78:14), and the fires taught that God dwells. in everlasting
on her sacrificial altars were never burnings, as will all the righteous
permitted . to go out . . (Lev. 6: 13.) who gain exaltation. (Teachings, p.
Elijah .called down fire from heaven 347; Isa. 33: 14-16.)
in his contest with the priests of Baal As pertaining to the righteous, the
( I Kings 18), and also to consume term fire is used to indicate a purify-
the soldiers sent by Ahab to arrest ing, . cleansing agent, but where the
him. (2 Kings I.) And at the time wicked are concerned it is used to
of Elijah's translation, "a chariot of signify destruction and the severity
fire, and horses of fire," appeared to of eternal torment. The scriptmes
transport him "by a whirlwind .into speak of the receipt of the gift of the
heaven." (2 Kings 2:11.) Holy Ghost as a baptism. of fire,
Heavenly fire has often been used meaning that sin and · iniquity are
by the Lord in giving miraculous burned out of the repentant person
manifestations to his prophets. (Gen. as though by fire. (3 Ne. 9:20.)
15:17; Ex. 3:2; 24:17; I Ne. 1:6.) The revelations also speak of the
Lehi and Nephi; sons of Helaman, day when tl)e Lord's vineyard .shall
"were encirded about as if by fire, ... be burned, a day when the righteous
and were not burned," as a means of shall be preserved, but one in which
protecting ·them in their ministry, a every corruptible thing shall be con,
miracle soon expanded to embrace sumed, in which the elements shall
"about three hundred souls." (Hela. melt with fervent heat and all things
5:23-49.) Fire from heaven encircled shall become n ew. (D. & C. IOI :23-
groups of worshipers in connection 25; Mal. 3; 4.) That . is the day in
with the ministry of the resurrected which the tares shall be burned (D.
Lord among the Nephites (3 Ne. & C. 101:66), in which the Lord will
17:23-24; 19:13-14), and the Three "consume the wicked with unquench-
Nephite disciples were cast into fiery able fire." (D. & C. 63:32-34, 54;
furnaces . and came out unharmed. Matt. 3:12; Luke 3:17.) Finally, all
(3 Ne. 28:21; 4 Ne. 32; Morm. 8:24.) those who .suffer the second death
~imilar protection was given Shad: shall suffer the vengeance of eternal
rach, Meshach, and Abednego when fire (D. & C. 63:17; 76:44, 105);
Nebuchadnezzar had them· cast into their torment shall be "as a lake of
a fiery furnace so hot that it slew th.e fire and brimstone, whose flame
handlers who carried out the deed. ascendeth up forever ·and ever.'~
(Dan. 3.) (Alma 12:17.)
,. Indeed the power of God is so
abundantly manifest through fiery Fire and Brimstone. See ETERNAL
demonstrations that Paul wrote, "Our DAMNATION, FIRE, SECOND COMING
Go.d .is a consuming fire." (Heb. OF CHRIST, SONS OF P~RDITION, SP!Rs
12:29; Deut. 4:24.) And the Prophet ITUAL DEATH. I. In ancient days the

wickedness and abominations prac- 29:22-23; Job 18:15; Ps. 11:6; Isa.
ticed in Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, 30:33.)
and Zeboim became so great that the 2. T he nature of burning brim-
Lord utterly destroyed those cities stone is such that it perfectly sym-
by raining fire and brimstone upon bolized to the prophetic mind the
them. (Gen. 10 : 19; 19:24-25; Hos. eternal torment of the damned. Ac-
11:8; Luke 17:29.) Similar destruc- cordingly we read that the wicked are
tion awaits the wicked in the day of "tormented with fire and brims.tone"
vengeance, the great and dreadful (Rev. 14:9-11; 19:20; 20: 10), or in
day of the Lord, for the Lord will other words that "their torment is
again rain upon the ungodly fire and as a lake of fire and brimstone, whose
brimstone from heaven. (Ezek. 38:22; flame ascendcth up forever and ever
Rev. 9:17-18; D . & C. 29:21.) and has no end." (2 Ne. 9: 16; Alma
Brimstone is sulfur, an easily 12:17.) This burning scene, a hor-
melted, very inflammable mineral rifying "lake of fire and brimstone,"
which burns with a blue flame and symbolizes "endless torment" (2 Ne.
emits a suffocating odor. "It is found 9:19, 26; 28:23; Jae. 6:10; Alma
in great abundance near volcanoes. 14:14; D. & C. 76:36); those who
The soil around Sodom and Gomor- find place therein are subject to the
rah abounded in sulphur [sulfur] second death. (Jae. 3: 11 ; D. & C.
and bitumen." (Peloubet's Bible Dic,- 63:17.) They suffer the vengeance of
tionary, p. 100.) eternal fire. (D. & C. 29:28; 43:33;
Nothing is quite so destructive of 76:44, 105.) When the sons of per-
dition come forth in the resurrection,
present mortal life as fire and brim-
they "rise to that resurrection which
stone. Living things as we know
is as the lake of fire and brimstone."
them cannot exist where these ele-
(Teachings, p. 361.)
ments are found. Nor is productivity
thereafter to be found in soil cursed Fires. See SIGNS OF THE TIMES.
with brimstone. Indeed, when the
Lord sought to impress upon ancient
Firmament. See CREATION. As used
Israel the curse of disobedience, he in the scriptures, firmamen t means
said that plagues and sickness would expanse. The firmament of heaven is
come upon their land until "the whole the expanse of heaven; it refers, de-
land thereof is brims tone, and salt, pending upon the context, to either
and burning, that it is not sown, nor the atmospheric or the siderial heav-
beareth, nor any grass groweth there- ens. (Gen. I; Moses 2; Abra. 4.) It
in, like the overthrow of Sodom, and is not true, as has been falsely sup-
Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim, posed, that the ancient prophets
which the Lord overthrew in his believed that the firmament was a
anger, and in his wrath." (Deut. solid arch between the lower and

upper waters in which the stars were Firstborn from the Dead. See FIRST-
set as so many stones in gold or silver. BORN.
Such was rather the apostate view
of the apostate Church . in the dark First Comforter. See HOLY GHOST.
ages. (Man: His Origin and Destiny,
pp. 468-474.) First Council of the Seventy. See
First and Last. See ALPHA AND OFFICES, SEVENTIES. Each quorum of
OMEGA, BEGINNING AND END, CHRIST, seventy is presided over by seven
ETERNITY TO ETERNITY, EVERLASTING presidents called a council. The First
TO EVERLASTING. Christ is the First Council of Seventy (sometimes called
and the Last. (D. & C, 110:4; Isa. the First Seven Presidents of Seventy)
41:4; 44:6; 48:12; Rev. 1:8-17; 2:8; presides over the first quorum of sev-
22: 13.) These terms are descriptive enty and in addition over all quo-
of his eternal timelessness; he is God rums and all seventies. Members of
everlastingly. As the First, the the First Council hold the keys of
thought is conveyed that he is pre- presidency over the seventies, are
eminent above all the earth's inhabi- General Authorities of the Church,
tants, both from the standpoint of and act under the direction of the
time (he being the Firstborn in the Council of Twelve. As with all
spirit), and from the standpoint of councils of seventy, all members are
power and dominion (he having be- equal in responsibility and presiden-
come a God in the beginning). As cy, though the 7th president (mean-
the Last, the concept is revealed that ing the senior of the group) presides
he will go on as God, continuing to over the others. (D. & C. 107:93-97.)
enjoy his lull pre-eminence, to all
eternity, everlastingly without end. First Estate. See PRE-EXISTENCE, SEC-
OND ESTATE. Both Abraham and
Firstborn. See CHRIST, CHURCH OF Jude speak of pre-existence as our
THE FIRSTBORN, FATHER IN HEAVEN, first estate, that is, it was the first
FIRST ESTATE, MOTHER IN HEAVEN, time we lived •as conscious identities.
ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, SPIRIT BIRTH, The spirits who were faithful in that
SPIRIT BODIES, WORD OF Goo. Christ first estate earned the right to be
is the Firstborn, meaning that he was born into this world and get mortal
the first Spirit Child born to God the bodies, bodies which would become
Father in pre-existence. (D. & C. the eternal habitation of the spirit
93:21; John I : 1-5; Rom. 8:29; Col. after the resurrection. (Abra. 3:22-
I: 15.) He is also the Firstborn from 28.) But the rebellious pre-existent
the Dead, which signifies that he was spirits, "the angels which kept not
the first person resurrected. (Col. their first estate" (Jude 6), have been
1:18.) denied bodies and the probationary

experiences of this second estate of Firstlings of Flock. See SACRIFICES.

First Man. See ADAM, FALLEN MAN,
FALL OF ADAM, FmsT MAN, FLESH, "Adam, who was the son of God"
FORBIDDEN FRUIT: Animals, fowls, (Moses 6:22), was "the first man of
fishes, and all forms of life were all men." (Moses 1:34; 3:7; 6:45;
created by the Lord with tangible, Abra. l:3;O.&C.84:16; I Ne.5:ll;
physical bodies of flesh and bones I Car. 15:45; Inspired Version, Luke
and were duly placed on this earth. 3:45; Man: His Origin and Destiny,
(Moses 2; 3.) When all other forms pp. 348-355.) There were no pre-
of life had been created naturally Adamites; the great archangel Mi-
upon the lace of the earth, and when chael, who descended from the courts
all things were in readiness, the of glory to be the father of the human
crowning creative enterprise of the race, was not the end-product of
Almighty was undertaken. Man was evolution. Indeed, there was no death
formed from the dust of the earth and in the world, either for man or for
placed here in a physical body of any form of life, until after the fall
flesh and bones to rule as governor of Adam. (2 Ne. 2:22.)
over all other creatures. This first man, from the standpoint
Yet the revealed account of the of ancestry and lineage, is also first
creation specifies that man was "the in point of pre-eminence, power, and
first flesh upon the earth." (Moses position. He stands next to Christ;
3:7.) The meaning of this is clear holds the "keys of salvation" (D. & C.
when two things are remembered: 78: 16) ; and ( under Christ) is the
I. That all things, man included, presiding high priest over all the
were first created in immortality. earth. (Teachings, p. 158.)
There was no death in the world
either for man or for any form of life First Presidency. See HIGH PRIESTS,
until alter the fall. (2 Ne. 2:22.) 2. PRESIDENT OF THE CHURCH, PruEsT-
That the word flesh, as used by the Hooo, PRIESTHOOD QUORUMS, PROPH-
Lord and his prophets in scores of ETS, REVELATORS, SEERS. From ancient
scriptures, means mortality. Adam times the supreme, directing power
fell and brought mortality into the and authority over the Church and
world. Thereafter the effects of his kingdom has rested with "a quorum
fall passed on all created things. of three presidents . . . who were
Adam thus became literally, not only ordained after the order of Melchiz-
the first man, but the first flesh edek, and were righteous and holy
( meaning mortal flesh) on earth. men." (D. & C. 107:29.) "Three
(Doctrines of Salvation, vol. I, pp. Presiding High Priests, chosen by the
77-78; 107-120.) body, appointed and ordained to that

office, and upheld by the confidence, pen tance and all ol the basic and
faith, and prayer ol the church, form fundamental truths which must be
a quorum ol . the Presidency ol the accepted and lived to gain peace in
Church." (D. & C. 107:22.) this life and eternal reward in the
As "the Presidency ol the High life to come.
Priesthood," they Halways" hold "the The Prophet also said: "The funda-
keys ol the kingdom" (D. & C. 81 :2), mental principles of our religion are
and "have a right to officiate in all the testimony of the apostles and
the offices in the church." (D. & C. prophets, concerning Jesus Christ,
107:9.) They are "the highest coun- that he died," was buried, and rose
cil of the church of God, and a final again the third day, and ascended
~ecision upon controversies in spii:it- into heaven; and all other things
ua1 matters. There is not any person which pertain to our religion are only
belonging to the church who is appendages to it. · But in connection
exempt from this council of the with these, we believe in the gift ol
church." (D. & C. 107:80-8 1.) the Holy Ghost, the power of faith,
Death of the . President of the the enjoyment ol the spiritual gifts
Church dissolves the First Presidency, according to the will ol God, the res-
his two counselors then ceasing to toration ol the house of Israel, and
function as members of that supreme the final triumph ol truth." (Teach-
body. As Joseph Smith expressed it : ings, p. 121.)
"The Twelve are not subject to any Thus the first principles of . the
other than the First Presidency, viz., gospel, the basic doctrines of salva-
myself, Sidney Rigdon, and Frederick tion, are the fundamental truths that
G. Williams, who are now my Coun-
have been revealed in plainness as
selors, and where I am not, there is
distinguished from the mysteries,
no First Presidency over the Twelve."
those things which have not as yet
(Teachings, pp. 105-106.)
been unfolded in ·their clarity and
perfection to mortal man. The
First Principles of the Gospel. See
Articles of Faith contain a summariza-
SALVATION; REPENTANCE. "It is the tion of some, but not all, of the basic
firsi principle of the gos pel," the and first principles ol the gospel.
Prophet taught, "to know !or a cer- Speakers and teachers are obligated
tainty the ·character · of God, and to to confine their expressions to the
know that we may converse with him doctrines that have been revealed in
as one man· converses with another." plainness. They are to "preach Jesus
(Teachings, p. 345:) After this prin- Christ and him crucified" (Teachings,
ciple comes that of the divine mission p. 10.9), and to "declare the first
and atoning sacrifice of our Lord, and principles, and let mysteries alone."
out of these two grow faith and re- (Teachings, p. 292.)

First Resurrection. See RESURRECTION. only," was destined to do more "for

the salvation of men in this world,
First Seven Presidents of Seventy. than any other man that ever lived
See FrnsT CouNCIL OF THE SEYE:NTY. in it." (D. & C. 135:3.) This vision
was the most important event that
First Vision. See DISPENSATION OF had taken place in all world history
THE FuLNESs OF TIMES, GooHEAD, from the day of Christ's ministry to
JOSEPH SMITH THE PROPHET, RESTORA- the glorious hour when it occurred.
TION OF THE GOSPEL, REVELATION, Our knowledge of God's dealings
SACRED GROVE, THEOPHANIES, VISIONS, with his children from the days of
WENTWORTH LETTER. That glorious Adam to the present leads us to be-
theophany which took place in the lieve that both the Father and the
spring of 1820 and which marked the Son have been manifested to other
opening of the dispensation of the prophets in other ages. Joseph Smith,
lulness of times is called the First himself, on at least two other occa-
Vision. It is rated as first both from sions saw these heavenly Beings in
the standpoint of time and of pre- vision (D. & C. 76:22-24; Teachings,
eminent importance. In it Joseph p. I 07), and Stephen beheld them as
Smith saw and conversed with the the murderous mob stoned him to
Father and the Son, both of which death. (Acts 7:54-60.) Indeed, it is
exalted personages were personally the privilege of those who attain the
present before him as he lay en- Second Comforter to have the Son
wrapped in the Spirit and overshad- "manifest the Father" unto them.
owed by the Holy Ghost. (Teachings, pp. 149- 151; John 14:23;
This transcendent vision was the D. & C. 130:3.) But our account of
beginning of latter-day revelation; it the First Vision is the only plain
marked the opening of the heavens scriptural record now extant which
alter the long night of apostate dark- details the personal appearance of
ness; with it was ushered in the the Father and the Son to mortal
great era of restoration, "the times of man.
restitution of all things, which God "Believing the word of God," the
hath spoken by the mouth of all his Prophet wrote in the Wentworth
holy prophets since the world began." Letter, "I had confidence in the dec-
(Acts 3:21.) Through it the creeds laration of James- 'If any of you
of apostate Christendom were shat- lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that
tered to smithereens, and because of giveth to all men liberally, and up-
it the truth about those Beings whom braideth not; and it shall be given
it is life eternal to know began again him.' (Jas. I :5.) I retired to a secret
to be taught among men. (John place in a grove, and began to call
17:3.) With this vision came the upon the Lord; while fervently en-
call of that Prophet who, "save Jesus gaged in supplication, my mind was

taken away from the objects with them, for they were all wrong; and
which I was surrounded, and I was the Personage who addressed me said
enwrapped in a heavenly vision, and that all their creeds were an abomina-
saw two glorious Personages, who tion in his sight; that those profes-
exactly resembled each other in fea- sors were all corrupt; that: 'they draw
tures and likeness, surrounded with near to me with their lips, but their
a brilliant light which eclipsed the hearts are far from me; they teach for
sun at noon day. They told me that doctrines the commandments of men,
all religious denominations were be- having a form of godliness, but they
lieving in incorrect doctrines, and deny the power thereof.' He again
that none of them was acknowledged forbade me to join with any of them;
of God as his Church and kingdom: and many other things did he say
and I was expressly commanded 'to unto me." (Jos. Smith 2:16-20.)
go not after them,' at the sarne time When Joseph Smith, then but a
receiving a promise that the fulness youth in his 15th year, went into the
of the gospel should at some future Sacred Grove to seek answer to the
time be made known unto me." Spirit-inspired question, "which of
(History of the Church, vol. 4, p. all the sects was right," he carried
536.) with him the mental vagaries taught
"I saw a pillar of light exactly over in the creeds of the day as to the
my head, above the brightness of the personality of God. He supposed, as
sun, which descended gradually until was then universally taught in apos-
it fell upon me," the Prophet also tate Christendom, that God was a
wrote. «When the light rested upon three-in-one Spirit that filled the im-
me I saw two Personages, whose mensity of space, incorporeal, un-
brightness and glory defy all descrip- created, immaterial, without body,
tion, standing above me in the air. parts, or passions. When he returned
One of them spake unto me, calling from that sacred spot, he had the sure
me by name, and said, pointing to knowledg-for his eyes had seen and
the other-This is My Beloved Son. the Holy Ghost (whose power had
Hear Him! also been felt on that sacred occasion)
"My object in going to inquire of had born record to his soul-that the
the Lord was to know which of all the Father and the Son were two glorified
sects was right, that I might know Personages in the express image of
which to join. No sooner, therefore, each other. (D. & C. 1_30:22.)
did I get possession of myself, so as If this inexperienced youth had
to be able to speak, than I asked the been seeking to fabricate some great
Personages who stood above me in the spiritual experience, he never in the
light, which of all the sects was right world would have oome back with a
-and which I should join. I was story that struck irreconcilably at all
answered that I must join none of the creeds of Christendom and all the

teachings he himself had so far re- more than introduce and bear record
ceived from his parents and others. of the Son.
In an attempt to deceive he might Evidences of the reality of the First
have said that an angel appeared, or Vision might be multiplied, but the
that some other miraculous event greatest proofs that it took place are
transpired, but never would it have the whisperings of the Spirit to the
occurred to him to rock the whole devout truth seekers and the estab-
religious foundation of the Christian lishment and triumph of The Church
world wtih such a startling claim as of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
that which he did make. And now- the Church which is founded and
wonder of wondersl- those who have grounded on the testimony that
attained greater spiritual enlighten- Joseph Smith saw God and was in
ment than was then prevalent dis- literal reality chosen to be his mighty
cover that the new revelation about latter-day Prophet.
God's personality is the same which
was from the beginning; it is the same Fish. See ANIMALS.
truth to which all the prophets bear
record . Flattery. See loLE WORDS, LIARS.
But even ii, by some inconceivable Flattery is the act of ingratiating one-
miracle, this one youth-in defiance self into another's confidence by ex-
of all the learning and teachings of cessive praise, or by insincere speech
the religious world-had stumbled and acts. It includes the raising of
upon the truth that God was a per- false and unfounded hopes; there is
sonal . Being, yet no rational mind always an element of dishonesty at-
would expect him to record the events tending it.
incident to the First Vision so that Flattery is a tool of Satan (D. & C.
those occurrences would be in perfect 10:25-29); he uses it to lead souls to
harmony with the laws of mediation, destruction. (2 Ne. 28:22.) Ministers
of false religions obtain the support
intercession, and advocacy. For in-
of their congregations in large meas-
stance, ii he had said that the Father
ure by flattery, in that by appeals
taught him certain truths (rather
to vanity and through other means
than saying that the Father intro-
they hold out false hopes of salvation
duced the Son and that the Son gave to their worshipers. For instance:
the actual direction to him), such Certain saved-by-grace-alone fanatics
would have shown his story to be flatter their followers into believing
false. Inexperienced as he was, he they can be saved through no act
could not have known that by God's other than confessing Christ with
eternal law it is everlastingly ordained their lips. Other professors of religion
that all revelation comes through flatter their adherents into believing
Christ and that the Father never does there will be a final harmony of all

souls with God and that none will the garment spotted by the flesh."
be damned. Still others flatter their (Jude 23.)
disciples with the false belief that
forgiveness of sins comes from confes- Flesh and Blood. See FLESH, FLESH
sion alone, or that souls may be re- AND BONES, MORTALITY. "The life
deemed from so-called purgatory by of .the flesh is in the blood" (Lev.
purchased prayers. "Flattery," the 17:11 ), that is, the mortal body lives
Prophet said, is "a deadly poison." only so long as the blood is present.
(Teachings, p. 137.) Spill the blood and mortality ceases.
Hence, flesh and blood means mor-
Flesh. See CARNALITY, CORRUPTION, tality . Our Lord's statement to Peter,
DEVILISHNESS, FALLEN MAN, FIRST "Flesh and blood hath not revealed
FLESH, FLESH AND BLOOD, FLESH AND it unto thee, but my Father which is
BONES, MORTALITY, SENSUALITY. Since in heaven" (Matt. 16: 17), meant that
flesh as we know it is all mortal flesh, no mortal person or power had given
and since fallen or mortal man is car- Peter his testimony; it had come from
nal, sensual, and devilish by nature the Father by revelation. "Flesh and
(Moses 5:13; Mosiah 3:1 9), the pro- blood," Paul says, "cannot inherit
phetic mind has always chosen the the kingdom of God; neither doth
term flesh to signify the carnality and corruption inherit incorruption." ( 1
se~suality common to unregenerate Cor. 15:50.) In other words: Mor-
human kind. "The works of the tality cannot inherit a celestial world,
flesh," as Paul lists them, "are these; for that is the dwelling place of
Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, immortal, incorruptible beings.
lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft,
hatr_ed, variance, emulations, wrath, Flesh and Bones. See FLESH, FLESH
strife, seditions, . heresies, Envyings, AND BLOOD, IM MORTALITY, RESURR,EC-
murders, drunkenness, revellings, and TION, SPIRITUAL Booms. In the same
such like: of the which I tell you sense that flesh and blood is used to
before, as I have also told you in time signify mortality, flesh and bones is
past, that they which do such things the scriptural phrase meaning immor-
shall not inherit the kingdom of God." tality, the state after the resurrection
(Gal.S :19-21.) when all men will have spiritual
"Though we walk in the flesh," bodies. Thus, appearing to his dis-
P.a ul also says, "we do not war after ciples after his resurrection, our
the flesh" (2 Cor. 10:3), that is, Lord said: "H andle me, and see; for
though we are in the world (of mor- a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as
tality), we are not of the world. ye see me have." (Luke 24:39.) In
Manifestly the saints are to "abstain exactly the same sense, "The Father
from fleshly lusts, which war against has a body of flesh and bones as
the soul" {I Pet. 2:1 1) , "hating even tangible as man's" (D. & C. 130:22),

for he too is a resurrected, immortal eat excepting only the tree of the
Being. knowledge of good and evil.
For disobedience to this command
Flood of Noah. See BAPTISM. In the death (or in other words mortality)
days of Noah the Lord sent a uni- was to enter the world. (Moses 3:17.)
versal flood which completely im- In order to have children it was nec-
mersed the whole earth and destroyed essary that they become mortal; and
all flesh except that preserved on the so in accordance with the divine plan
ark. (Gen. 6; 7; 8; 9; Moses 7:38-45; they partook of the forbidden fruit,
8; Ether 13:2.) "Noah was born to death and mortality entered the
save seed of everything, when the world, and the bodies of our first par-
earth was washed of its wickedness ents were so changed as to permit
by the flood." (Teachings, p. 12.) them to have offspring and thus fulfil
This flood was the baptism of the the purposes of the Lord in the crea-
earth; before it occurred the land was tion of the earth. (D. & C. 29 :40-44;
all in one place, a condition that will Moses 5:11; 2 Ne. 2:22-25.)
again prevail during the millennial What the real meaning is of the
era. (D. & C. 133:23-24.) expression forbidden fruit has not
There is no question but what been revealed, and it is profitless to
many of the so-called geological speculate. It is sufficient for us to
changes in the earth's surface, which know that Adam and Eve broke the
according to geological theories took law which would have permitted
place over ages of time, in reality them to continue as immortal beings,
occurred in a matter of a few short or in other words they complied with
weeks incident to the universal the law which enabled them to be-
deluge. (Man: His Origin and Des- come mortal beings, and this course
tiny, pp. 414-436.) of conduct is termed eating the for-
bidden fruit.
Floods. See S1GNS OF THE TIMES. One thing we do know definitely:
The forbidden fruit was not sex sin.
Forbidd·en Fruit. See ADAM, EVE, The view that immoral indulgence on
FALL OF ADAM. Our first parents, the part of our first parents consti-
Adam and Eve, were first created in tuted the forbidden fruit is one of the
a state of immortality; there was no most evil and wicked heresies in
death in the world as things were apostate Christendom. Adam and
then organized. (2 Ne. 2:22.) While Eve were married for eternity by the
in their immortal state they were Lord himself before the fall, and the
commanded to multiply and fill the command given them to have children
earth with posterity. (Moses 2:28.) was one directing the begetting of
They were also told that of every children in legal and lawful wedlock.
tree in the Garden of Eden they might (Moses 3:20-25.)

Foreign Missions. See M1ss10Ns. edek Priesthood was foreordained to

receive that high and holy order in
Foreordination. See AGENCY, ELEC- the pre-existent councils of eternity.
TION OF GRACE, PREDESTINATION, PRE- "This is the manner alter which they
EXISTENCE, RAcES OF MEN. To carry were ordained," he says. They were
forward his own purposes among men "called and prepared from the foun-
and nations, the Lord foreordained dation of the world according to the
chosen spirit children in pre-existence foreknowledge of God, on account of
and assigned them to come to earth their exceeding faith and good works
at particular times and places so that [ while yet living in pre-existence];
they might aid in furthering the di- in the first place [ that is, in pre-
vine will. These pre-existence ap- existence] being left to choose good
pointments, made "according to the or evil; therefore they having chosen
foreknowledge of God the Father" (l good, and exercising exceeding great
Pet. I :2) , simply designated certain faith, are called with a holy calling,
individuals to perform missions which yea, with that holy calling which was
the Lord in his wisdom knew they prepared with, and according to, a
had the talents and capacities to do. preparatory redemption for such."
The mightiest and greatest spirits Thus, he explains, Melchizedek Priest-
were foreordained to stand as proph- hood holders have been "prepared
ets and spiritual leaders, giving to the from the loundatoin of the world"
people such portion of the Lord's for their high callings. The Lord has
word as was designed for the day and prepared them "from eternity to all
age involved. Other spirits, such as eternity, according to his foreknowl-
those who laid the foundations of the edge of all things." (Alma 13:3-9.)
American nation, were appointed Speaking of foreordination to spir-
beforeh and to perform great works itual callings, the Prophet Joseph
in political and governmental fields. Smith said: "Every man who has a
In all this there is not the slightest calling to minister to the inhabitants
hint of compulsion; persons fore- of the world was ordained to that very
ordained to fill special missions in purpose in the Grand Council of
mortality are as abundantly endowed heaven before this world was. I sup-
with free agency as are any other pose that I was ordained to this very
persons. By their foreordination the office in that Grand Council."
Lord merely gives them the opportu- (Teachings, p. 365.) Abraham saw
nity to serve him and his purposes the hosts of pre-existent spirits. "And
if they will choose to measure up to among a1l these," he recorded, uwere
the standard he knows they are many of the noble and great ones;
capable of attaining. And God saw these souls that they
Alma taught the great truth that were good, and he stood in the midst
every person who holds the Melchiz- of them, and he said: These I will

make my rulers; for he stood among Joseph who was sold into Egypt
those that were spirits, and he saw spoke prophetically of Moses, and
that they were good; and he said unto Joseph Smith, and others, both by
me: Abraham, thou art one of them; name and by describing the fore-
thou wast cha.en before thou wast ordained missions to be performed by
born." (Abra. 3:22-23. ) them, hundreds of years before the
Jeremiah records a similar truth destined birth of those concerned
relative to his foreordination to be into mortality. (2 Ne. 3.) John the
"a prophet unto the nations" (Jer. Beloved's name, apostolic call, and
I :5), and Moses taught that the mission as the great Revelator were
whole host of spirits born in the revealed to Nephi long before John's
lineage of Jacob were before ap- birth. (I Ne. 14: 19-29.) In pre-
pointed to come through that chosen existence, before Jacob or Esau were
line. (Deut. 32: 7-8.) II was because born as mortal beings, the Lord de-
of their pre-existent training, election, creed, "The elder shall serve the
and foreordination that Christ was younger." (Rom. 9:10- 12.) The tem-
able to say of certain chosen ones, poral rule of Cyrus and the mission
"My sheep hear my voice, and I know he was to perform as it affected the
them, and they follow me." (John Lord's Israel, was foretold by Isaiah
10 :27.) long before the birth of that earthly
There is scriptural record of many ruler. (Isa. 44:28; 45.) The mission
other instances of specific foreordina - of Columbus to bring the American
tion. Christ, himself, was before nations to the knowledge of the old
chosen to come to this life as the Son world, and the Lord's dealings with
of God and Redeemer of the world the Gentile nations which should
(Moses 4:1-4; Abra. 3:27; I Pet. inhabit the areas thus re-discovered,
I: 19-20) , "the Lamb slain from the was all foreknown and foreordained.
foundation of the world." (Rev. (I Ne. 13.)
13:8.) Mary, the mother of our Lord, And what is true of these great
was before named for her sacred mis- leaders and episodes in the history
sion (I Ne. 11:18-20; Mosiah 3:8; of the Lord's religious and civic deal-
Isa. 7:14), and John the Baptist re- ings with mankind is also true of
ceived a pre-mortal commission to other political and religious leaders
prepare the way for the first coming and other great historical events. "I
of the Son of Man. (I Ne. 10:7-10; am God," the Lord said, "and there
Isa. 40:3; Matt. 3 :3.) The T welve is none like me, Declaring the end
who in their mortal life were destined from the beginning, and from ancient
to follow our Lord were seen in times the things that are not yet done,
vision by Nephi nearly 600 years saying, My counsel shall stand, and
before the assigned day of their mor- I will do all my pleasure." (Isa.
tal missions. ( I Ne. 11 :29, 34-36.) 46:9- 10.)

Forgiveness: See BAPTISM, REPENT- wrong, to cease completely from one's

ANCE, SACRAME NT, S1N. Forgiveness, evil acts, to flee from iniquity both
which includes divine pardon and of thought, word, and deed. "Put
complete · remission of sins, is avail- away the evil of your doings from be-
, able, on conditions of repentance, for fore mine eyes," saith the Lord, "cease
all men except those who have sinned to do evil; Learn to do well." (Isa.
unto death. (D. & C. 42:18, 79; 64:7.) 1:16-17.) "By this ye may know if
For. such there is no forgiveness, a man re pen teth of his sins-behold,
neither in this world nor in the world he will confess them and forsake
to come. (D. & C. 76:32-34; 132:27; them." (D. & C. 58:43.)
Matt. 12:31-32.) To accountable per- 3. CONFESSION OF SIN.-To
sons in the world, remission of sins gain forgiveness all sins must be con~
come by repentance and baptism of fessed to the Lord. The sinner must
water and of the Spirit. · For those open his heart to the Almighty and
who have once been cleansed in this with godly sorrow admit the error of
way and who thereafter commit sin- his ways and plead for grace. "I, the
but not unto death-(and all mem- Lord, forgive sins unto those who con-
bers of the Church are guilty of sin, fess their sins before me and ask
in either greater or lesser degree) the forgiveness , who have not sinned unto
law of for giveness embraces the fol- death." (D. & C. 64:7.) .
lowing requirements: Further, those sins which involve
I. GODLY SORROW FOR SIN.- moral turpitude-meaning serious
This includes an honest, heartfelt sins for which the court procedures
contrition of soul, a contrition born of the Church could be instituted so
of a broken heart and a contrite spir- that a person's fellowship or member-
it. It presupposes a frank, personal ship might be called in question-
acknowledgment that one's acts have such sins must be confessed to the
been evil in the sight of Him who is proper church officer. "To whom
holy. There is no mental reservation should confession be made?" President
in godly sorrow, no feeling that per- Stephen L Richards asked. "To the
haps one's sins are not so gross or Lord, of course, whose law has been
serious alter all. It is certainly more violated. To the aggrieved person or
than regret either because the sin has persons, as an essential in making
been brought to light or because some due retribution ii that is necessary.
preferential reward or status has been And then certainly to the Lord's rep-
lost because of it. Paul said: "Godly resentati,ve, his appcinted judge in
sorrow worketh repentance to salva- Israel, under whose ecclesiastical
tion, ... but the sorrow of the world jurisdiction the offender lives and
worketh death." (2 Car. 7:10.) holds membership in the kingdom.
2. ABANDONMENT OF . SIN.- "Is the offender justified in by-
This means to stop doing what is passing his immediate church author•

ity and judge, and going to those parable to that committed, as well as
who do not know him so well to make all other sin, and living before the
his confession? Almost universally, Church and the Lord in such manner
I think the answer should be No, as to win approbation of both. The
for the local tribunals are in position offender who has brought stigma and
to know the individual, his history affront to the ward, the stake or the
and environs far better than those mission should seek the forgiveness of
who have not had close contact with those he has thus offended. That may
him, and in consequence the local be had at times through the presiding
authorities have a background which authorities of the various divisions of
will enable them to pass judgment the Church. At other times it may
with more justice, and also mercy, be appropriate and quite necessary to
than might be reasonably expected make amends for public offenses and
from any other source. It follows that seek forgiveness before organizations
it is the order of the Church for con- of the people. The judges of Israel
fession to be made to the bishop, will determine this matter." (Con!.
which entails heavy and exacting re- Rep., Apr., 1954, pp. 10-13.)
sponsibilities on the part of the It should be clear that bishops and
bishop, the first of which is that every other church officers, when confes-
confession should be received and sions are made to them, do not forgive
held in the utmost confidence. A sins except in the sense that they for-
bishop who violates such a sacred give them as far as the Church is
confidence is himself guilty of an concerned; they remit any penalty
offense before God and the Church. which the Church on earth might
Where it becomes necessary to take impose; they adjudge that repentant
counselors into his confidence, as it persons are worthy of full fellowship
frequently does, and where it is nec- in the earthly kingdom.
essary to organize tribunals, the Normally a period of probation is
bishop should inform the confessor, involved before the earthly agent
and if possible obtain his permission determines to refrain from instituting
so to do. the procedures whereunder church
nWhy is confession essential? First, penalties are imposed. "This proba-
because the Lord has commanded it, tion serves a double purpose," Presi-
and secondly, because the offender dent Richards says. "First, and
cannot live and participate in the perhaps most important, it enables the
kingdom of God, to receive the bless- offender to determine for himself
ings therefrom, with a lie in his heart. whether he has been able to so mas-
"Now the confessed offender is not ter himself as to trust himself in the
left without hope, for he can obtain face of ever-recurring temptation; and
forgiveness by following the course secondly, to enable the judges to make
outlined, and by forsaking sins com- a more reliable appraisement of the

genuineness of repentance and worthi- always possible; virtue destroyed can-

ness for restored confidence." (Con!. not be brought back. Where literal
Rep., Apr., 1954, p. 12.) and actual restitution cannot be made,
Actual and ultimate forgiveness still all possible compensation must
comes only from the Lord in heaven. be given so that the one seeking for-
He of course on occasions forgave sins giveness will have complied with the
during his ministry (Matt. 9:2-8), law to the extent of his ability.
and he has by revelation in modern 5. OBEDIENCE TO ALL LAW.
times announced that certain persons -Complete forgiveness is reserved
were free from sin. (D . . & C. 29:3; for those only who turn their whole
31:5; 36:1; 50:36; 60:7.) The Proph- hearts to the Lord and begin to keep
et Enos received a personal revelation all of his commandments-not just
telling him· his sins were forgiven. those commandments disobeyed in the
(Enos 4-8.) Similar revelations past, but those in all fields. "He that
might come at any time to the Lord's repents and does the commandments
earthly agents, in which instances of the Lord shall be forgiven." (D.
they could and would remit the sins & C. !:32.) "I will forgive you of
of the repentant persons. But in the your sins with this eommandment-
true sense it would be the Lord for- that you remain steadfast in your
giving the sins, though he acted minds in solemnity and the spirit of
through the agency of his servants prayer, in bearing testimony to all
the prophets. (D. & C. 132:46-47; the world of those things which are
John 20:23.) communicated unto you." (D. & C.
This law of confession is not to be 84:61.)
confused with the apostate perversion Necessarily a -part of this full com-
of the true doctrine as such is found pliance with divine- law includes
in the degenerate practices of that forgiveness of one's neighbor of his
great church which is not the Lord's trespasses. (Luke II :1-4; 3 Ne. 13:9-
Church, that church which says: 15.) "Forgive us our debts, as we
"Come unto me, and for your money forgive our debtors." (Matt. 6:9-15.)
you shall be forgiven of your sins." "Forgive, and ye shall be forgiven."
(Morm. 8:32.) (Luke 6:37.) "My disciples, in days
4. RESTITUTION FOR SIN.- of old, sought occasion against one
Restitution means restoration; it is to another and forgave not one another
return the stolen property, to make in their hearts; and for this evil they
amends for the offense committed, to were afflicted and sorely chastened.
repair the damage done, to compen- Wherefore, I say unto you, that ye
sate for hardships imposed by one's ought to forgive one another; for he
acts. Ordinarily restitution is made that forgiveth not his brother his tres-
to the aggrieved party, but lull com- passes standeth condemned before the
pliance with this requirement is not Lord; for there remaineth in him the

greater sin. l, the Lord, will forgive triarchal blessings. Frivolous fortune
whom l will forgive, but of you it is telling games played at parties are,
required to forgive all men. And ye of course, relatively innocent past-
ought to say in your hearts-let God times, but real attempts to foretell the
judge between me and thee, and re- future and to delineate the destiny
ward thee according to thy deeds." and fate of persons or groups by
(D. & C. 64:8-11.) palmistry, phrenology, oards, tea
leaves, horoscopes, or any other
Fornication. See ADULTERY, DAMNA- astrological device-all these are
TION, SEX IMMORALITY, TELESTIAL contrary to revealed truth.
LAw. I. Illicit sexual intercourse on To Babylon the Lord sent this mes-
the part of an unmarried person is sage: For thy crime of self-exaltation,
called fornication. It is one of the and "for the multitude of thy sorcer-
grossest types of sex immorality, ies, and for the great abundance of
ranking close to adultery in wicked- thine enchantments," thou shalt be
ness. Men are commanded to abstain destroyed. Then, in mocking vein,
therefrom (1 Thess. 4:3), with the he challenged: "Stand now with thine
dire decree that fornicators shall not enchantments, and with the multitude
inherit the kingdom of God. ( I Cor. of thy sorceries, wherein thou hast
6:9-11.) The saints are "not to com- laboured from thy youth .... Let now
pany with fornicators" (I Cor. 5:9- the astrologers, the stargazers, the
13), unless such a person has repented monthly prognosticators, stand up,
with all his heart and gained forgive- and save thee from these things that
ness for his debasing crime. (D. & C. shall come upon thee." Then the
42:74-77.) Lord decreed that these fortune
2. In a spiritual sense, infidelity tellers "shall be as stubble; the fire
to and a forsaking of the true God shall burn them; they shall not de-
for false gods is also called fornica- liver themselves from the power of
tion. (2 Chron. 21:5-11.) the flame." (Isa. 47.) True it is that
serious fortune telling has no part in
Fortune Tellers. See FORTUNE TELL- God's kingdom.

Fowls. See ANIMALS.

Fortune Telling. See ASTROLOGY,
attempts at fortune telling are in- Freedom. See AGENCY, CML Gov-
spired by the devil. They are part of ERNMENT, CoNSTITUTION OF THE
his substitute for the true practice of UNITED STATES, INALIENABLE RIGHTS,
receiving revelation relative to future LIBERTY, TRUTH. Freedom is the
events, as for instance through pa- power and ability to choose for one-

self the course one will follow in all stitutional government should belong
fields of activity. It is an inalienable "to all mankind." (D. & C. 98:4 -10.)
right with which man has been en- Eventually they will, for freedom shall
dowed by his Creator. (D. & C. be enthroned during the millennial
98:4-8.) era. "Ye shall have no laws but my
Freedom is based on truth, and no laws when I come" (D. & C. 38:22),
man· is perfect!y free unless he has the Lord says, and his law is "the
knowledge of and abides in the truth. perfect law of liberty." (Jas. 1:25.)
"Ye shall know the truth, and the
truth shall make you free." (John Friends of God. See SERVANTS OF
8:32.) As long as man's beliefs, or Goo.
any part of them, are based on error,
he is not completely free, for the Fruits. See Gqoo WoRKS.
chains of error bind his mind. Free-
dom also results from righteousness Fulness of the Father. See CELESTIAL
because the captivity of sin is bond- MARRIAGE, CHURCH OF THE FIRSTBORN,
age. "Whosoever committeth sjn is D AUGHTERS OP Goo, ExALTATION,
the servant of sin" (John 8:34), "for GODHOOD, JOINT-HEIRS WITH CHRIST,
of whom a man is overcome, of the SALVATION, SoNs OF Goo. The expres-
same is he brought in bondage." (2 sion fulness of the Father has refer-
Pet. 2:19.) . ence to his position of power, glory,
Freedom of conscience, the freedom perfection, and godhood. The "ful-
to ·worship God according to the dic- ness of the glory of the Father"
tates of one's own conscience, is the consists in the possession of "all pow-
greatest of all freedoms. (Eleventh er, both in heaven and on earth.''
Article of Paith ; Alma 1:17; 21:22; (D. & C. 93:16-1 7.) God is an exalted
30:9.) The gospel gives freedom to Man, and exaltation consists in- having
men (Gal. 5:1 ), and the gospel itself the fulness of all powers, all attri-
is free. (Matt. 10:8; Rev. 21:6; 22:17; butes, and all perfections. (D. & C.
2 Ne. 26 :25-28.) 76; 93; 132.)
This American nation has been The plan of exaliation is one wher~
established by the Lord as the cham- under those who fill the lull measure
pion of freedom in the last days. (D. of their creation are able to progress
& C. 101:76-80.) The ancient prom- to that state wherein they will gain
ise was that the inhabitants of this the lulness of the Father. Christ is the
land should "be set up as a free people Exemplar; he went from grace to
by the power of the Father" (3 Ne. grace until finally after the resurrec-
21:4), so that th_e gospel could be tion he gained the fulness of . all
restored and the Lord's great things, _including the fulness of truth,
latter-day work accomplished. The knowledge, and power. (Matt. 28:18;
freedoms guaranteed under our con- D. & C. 93:6-30.)

Obedience to the whole law of the Fulness of the Gentiles. See SIGNS OF
whole gospel, including the crowning THE TIMES.
ordinance of celestial marriage, is the
way whereby the lulness of the Father Fulness of the Gospel. See GOSPEL.
may be gained. Those so married,
who keep their covenants, shall go on Fulness of Times. See DISPENSATION
"to their exaltation and glory in all OF THE FULNESS OF TIMES.
things, . . . which glory shall be a
fulness and a continuation of the Funerals. See CREMATION, DEATH,
seeds forever and ever. Then shall DEDICATION OF GRAVES, GRAVES,
they be gods." (D. & C. 132:6, 19-20; MouRNING. Religious services or
Doctrines of Savlation, vol. 2, pp. 24, funerals held in connection with
44-45, 62-63.) death are designed for the comfort,
Joseph Smith taught: "All those blessing, and edification of the living;
who keep his [the Father's] com- they have no effect whatever on the
mandments shall grow up from grace reward or condemnation of the de-
to grace, and become heirs of the parted. They are proper occasions on
heavenly kingdom, and joint-heirs which to preach the truths of salva-
with Jesus Christ; possessing the same tion; to testily of the reality of the
mind, being transformed into the resurrection; to give comfort, solace,
same image or likeness, even the ex-
and counsel to the bereaved; to hold
press image of him who frlls all in forth the assurance of immortality for
all; being filled with the fulness of
all men and the hope of eternal life
his glory, and become one in him,
for those who have kept the faith; to
even as the Father, Son and Holy
Spirit are one.... As the Son partakes mention the good qualities and
of the fulness of the Father through achievements of the departed. The
the Spirit, so the saints are, by the practice of wiping out every fault and
same Spirit, to be partakers of the magnifying every seeming virtue of
same fulness, to enjoy the same glory; faithless persons, as soon as they are
for as the Father and the Son are one, dead, however, leaves the false im-
so, in like manner, the saints are to pression that acceptance of the gospel
be one in them. Through the love and complete obedience to its stand-
of the Father, the mediation of Jesus ards while in this life are not
Christ, and the gift of the Holy Spirit, important. Extravagant statements,
they are to be heirs of God, and joint- promises, or assurances-unless clear-
heirs with Jesus Christ." (Lectures ly dictated by the Spirit-should not
on Faith, pp. 50-52; 3 Ne. 28: 10-11.) be made at funerals.


=== G ======== =
Gabriel. See ANGELS, ARCHANGELS, specious contention that "out of
ELIAS, KEYS OF THE KINGDOM. To Galilee ariseth no prophet." (John
play his part in the great restoration 7:52.)
of all things, Gabriel came in modem
times and conferred the keys of his Gambling. See APOSTASY, CARD
dispensation upon Joseph Smith. As PLAYING, LOTTERIES, RAFFLES. Gam-
with other angelic ministrants to this bling is the playing or gaming for
earth, Gabriel also spent his mortal money or other stakes with a view
probation here. He is Noah, the to getting something for little or noth-
one who stands next to Michael or ing. It partakes of the same spirit
Adam in the priesthood hierarchy. manifest by Lucifer in pre-existence
(Teachings, p. 157.) when he proposed to give salvation
We have Biblical evidence that to all men for nothing, that is to save
Gabriel ministered to Daniel (Dan. them as a free gilt without works.
8:16; 9:21); and that he appeared to (Moses 4:1-4.)
Zacharias, the lather of John the Gambling is in opposition to the
Baptist, and .to Mary, the mother of divine will; it is a wicked, evil prac-
our Lord. (Luke I :5-38.) There is tice, destructive of the filler sensitiv-
no foundation for the common sec- ities of the soul. No matter how
tarian tradition that it is he who will cloaked or disguised, and no matter
blow his horn to herald the resurrec- how professedly worthy an accom-
tion. Rather, as appears from latter- panying money raising scheme may
day revelation, it will be Michael the be, gambling is morally wrong and
archangel who shall sound the great will be avoided by all who are saints
trump at the great and coming day. in deed. As might be expected, that
(D. & C. 88:106-116.) great church whose foundation is
the devil (1 Ne. 13), encourages
Gadianton Robbers.See SECRET CoM-
gambling and frequently sponsors
gambling enterprises as a part of its
Galilean. See CHRIST, JESUS OF NAZ- fund raising programs.
ARETH. Christ is called the Galilean In every concern of life the ele-
(Matt. 21:11; Luke 23:5-7; John ment of chance is present, and this
7:41-42), because he lived in the city fact of itself does not classify an
of Nazareth in the Roman province enterprise as gambling. "The element
of Galilee. His prophetic powers of chance enters very largely · into
were belittled by the Jews on the everything we undertake," President

Joseph F. Smith said, "and it should tum again to the edenic state and
be remembered that the spirit in millennial conditions will exist. 01
which we do things decides very large- this restoration Isaiah said: "For the
ly whether we are gambling or are Lord shall comfort Zion: he will
entering into legitimate business comfort all her waste places; and he
enterprise." ( Gospel Doctrine, 5th will make her wilderness like Eden,
ed., p. 326.) and her desert like the garden of the
Lord; joy and gladness shall be found
Games of Chance. See GAMBLING. therein, thanksgiving, and the voice
of melody." (Isa. 51 :3; Ezek. 36:35.)
Gaming. See GAMBLING.
Garments. Garments are various
Garden of Eden. See ADAM, ADAM- articles of clothing used to dress the
ONDI·AHMAN, DEATH, FALL OF ADAM, body. They may be worn for utili-
MILLENNIUM, NEW HEAVEN AND NEW tarian or religious purposes or both.
EARTH. Adam and Eve, when first The Lord made "coats of skins" for
created, were placed in the Garden Adam and Eve to cover their naked-
of Eden, by which is meant they were ness. (Gen. 3:21.) Special ceremonial
given a home "eastward in Eden," and "holy garments" were worn by
in a garden which the Lord had Aaron and the priests. (Ex. 28; Lev.
planted on an earth which was para- 16; Ezek. 42:14.) Garments worn by
disiacal in nature. (Gen. 2; 3; Moses angels are "pure and white above all
3; 4.) As things were then consti- other whiteness." (D. & C. 20:6.)
tuted, death had not entered the To avoid pride, garments of mortals
should be "plain, and their beauty
world either for Adam and Eve or
the beauty of the work of th ine own
for any living creature; there was no
h ands." (D. & C. 42:40-42.)
procr~ation; and all things were in a
Much that is sacred and symbolical
state of pristine innocence and beau-
is taught by reference to garments.
ty. (2 Ne. 2:19-25.) It was the fall
Kings and rulers were identified
which brought death, mortality, and
anciently by their robes of scarlet and
all the present vicissitudes of life to purple; such a robe was placed on
man on earth. This glorious garden Christ in mocking derision by the
was located on the American con- soldiers. (Matt. 27:28-31; John 19:2-
tinent "where the City Zion, or the 5.) When our Lord comes again, as
New Jerusalem, will be built." (Doc- a sign of impending judgment, he
trines of Salvation, vol. 3, p. 74.) "shall be red in his apparel, and his
At the Second Coming of our Lord, garments like him that trcadeth in
"the earth will be renewed and re- the wine-vat." (D. & C. 133:46-51;
ceive its paradisiacal glory" (T enth Isa. 63 : 1-6.) It was the ancient cus-
Article of Faith), that is, it will re- tom to tear one's garments as a token

of great sorrow or abject humility, "Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed

a custom so hypocritically abused that is he that watcheth, and keepeth his
Joel commanded: "Rend your heart, garments, lest he walk naked, and
and not your garments." (Joel 2:13.) they see his shame." (Rev. 16:15.)
It was also the practice to sit in sack-
cloth and ashes as a token of great Gates of Hell. See CHAINS OF HELL,
sorrow and mourning. (Gen. 37:34.) HELL. Lucifer leaves the gates of hell
It was an ancient practice for the wide open so that all who will yield
Lord's prophets to take off their gar- to his enticements can enter that
ments and shake them as a sign that abode of darkness and sorrow. The
they were rid of the blood .and sins path of sin leads to the gates of hell;
of those to whom they had been sent unrepentant persons carry their own
to testily. (2 Ne. 9:44; Jae. 1:19; 2:2; sins which are the tickets of admis-
Mosiah 2:28; Morm. 9:35.) Similar sion granting entrance through those
symbolism is used in latter-day rev- mammoth gates.
elation : "Cleanse your hearts and Figuratively, these gates beckon to
your garments, lest the blood of this the unwary, inviting them tO enter,
generation be required a·t your and these gates of hell are said to
hands," the Lord says. (D. & C. prevail against those who by sin cast
112:33; 88:85; 135:5.) their lot with Lucifer and thus go
Clean garments are a sign of clean- to hell. But those who accept the
liness, perfection, and salvation. To gospel, join the Church, live in right-
gain salvation men must wash their eousness and faith, and endure to the
garments. in the blood of the Lamb. end, have the promise that the gates
(I Ne. 12:10; Alma 5:21-27; 7:25; of hell shall '!,Ot prevail against them.
]3:11-12; 3 Ne. 27:19; Rev. 6:11; (D . .& C. 10:69; 17:8; 18:5; 21 :6;
7:9-17.) Speaking of the saints, at 33:13; 98:22; 3 Ne. 11:39.) To Peter
the dedication of the Kirtland Tem- the Lord said that the gates of hell
ple, the Prophet prayed: "That our should never prevail against the rock
garments_may be pure, that we may of revelation. (Matt. 16:18.)
be clothed upon with robes of right-
eousness, with palms in our hands, Gate to Exaltation. See CELESTIAL
and crowns of glory upon our heads, MARRIAGE.
and reap eternal joy for all our suffer-
ings. (D. & C. 109:76.) Gate to Salvation. See BAPTISM.
"Thou hast a few names . .. which
have not defiled their garments; and Gathering of Israel. See ISRAEL,
they . shall walk with me in white: JEWS, LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL, MOSES,
for they are worthy. He that over- SCATTERING OF ISRAEL, TRIBES 9~
comet.h , the . same . shall be clothed ISRAEL. Through her establishment
in white raiment." (Rev. 3:4-5.) as a nation, her ancient . dispersion

among all the peoples of the earth, scattered over the known world; we
and her latter-day gathering together may well ask the question, Does not
again, the world is viewing the mir- Israel today constitute a large pro-
acle that is Israel. Scattered when portion of the human family? With
she forsook the Lord, rejected his this comprehensive view of the subject
statutes, and turned to unrighteous- of the scattering, we the better under-
ness, Israel is now being gathered as stand such passages as the following:
she turns back to the true God of her 'I will gather the remnant of my
fathers, stands fast again in the ever- flock out of all countries whither I
lasting gospel covenant, and turns her have driven them.' (Jer. 23:3.)"
heart to righteousness. (Teachings, (Compendium, p. 90.)
pp. 84-85, 92-93, 183, 231 -232; The gathering of Israel is first
Articles of Faith, pp. 328-344.) spiritual and second temporal. It is
"As general as was the scattering spiritual in that the lost sheep of
of Israel so must the gathering be. Israel are first "restored to the true
If the dispersion was over all the church and fold of God," meaning
earth, and among all nations, so the that they come to a true knowledge
gathering must be out of all nations, of the God of Israel, accept the gos-
and from all parts of the earth. pel which he has restored in latter-
"When we reflect that it is 32 cen- days, and join The Church of Jesus
turies since the enemies of Israel be- Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is
gan to oppress them in the land of temporal in that these converts are
Canaan; that about one-third of the then "gathered home to the lands
time they were a people in that land, of their inheritance, and ... estab-
they were, more or less, in bondage lished in all their lands of promise"
to their enemies; that 700 years before (2 Ne. 9:2; 25:15-18; Jer. 16:14-21),
the coming of Christ the Ten Tribes meaning that the house of Joseph will
were scattered throughout western be established in America, the house
Asia; that we have no record that any of Judah in Palestine, and that the
have as yet returned to the land of Lost Tribes will come to Ephraim in
their inheritance; that nearly 600 America to receive their blessings in
years before Christ the Babylonish due course. (D. & C. 133.)
captivity took place, and that, ac- However, the temporal gathering of
cording to the Book of Esther only Israel will not be completed before
a part of the Jews ever returned, but the Second Coming of the Son of
were scattered through the 127 prov- Man. "I beheld that the church of
inces of the Persian empire; that Asia the Lamb, who were the saints of
was the hive from which swarmed God," Nephi recorded relative to the
the nomadic tribes who overran Eu- last days, "were also upon all the face
rope; that at the destruction of Jeru- of the earth; and their dominions
salem by the Romans the Jews were upon the face of the earth were small,

because of the wickedness of the tuted in the heavens before the

great whore." (1 Ne. 14:12.) The foundation of the world, in the priest-
erection by the Church of temples hood, for the salvation of men, are
in distant lands is further evidence not to be altered or changed. All
that all the hosts of Israel who are must be saved on the same principles.
gathered into the spiritual fold will "It is for the same purpose that
not be assembled temporally. But God gathers together his people in
in due course "the Son of Man shall the last days, to build unto the Lord
come, and he shall send his angels a house to prepare them for the ordi-
before him with the great sound of a nances and endowments, washings
trumpet, and they shall gather to- and anointings, etc. One of the ordi-
gether the remainder of his elect from nances of the house of the Lord is
the four winds, from one end of baptism for the dead. _God decreed
heaven to the other." (Jos. Smith before the foundation of the world
1:37.) that that ordinance should be admin-
The purpose of the gathering of istered in a font prepared for that
IsraeHs twofold: I. To put the peoples purpose in the house of the Lord."
of living Israel in that environment (Teachings, p. 308.)
where they. may the better work out That Israel cannot be gathered in
their salvation, where they may have the latter-days, in fulfilment of the
the Gentile and worldly views erased host of ancient prophecies, without
from them, and where they may be revelation and direction from on high
molded into that pattern of perfect is evident to every thoughtful person.
righteousness which will please the Accordingly, the Lord restored the
Almighty; and 2. To enable the gath- ancient covenants again and sent
ered remnants of the chosen lineage Moses to deliver the keys of the gath-
to build temples and perform the ering of Israel and the leading of the
ordinances of salvation and exalta- Ten Tribes from the land of the
tion for their Israelitish ancestors who north. (D. & C. 110:11.) By virtue
lived when the gospel was not had of these keys the Prophet and his
on earth. successors, each in tum, have held
"It was the design of the councils the directive and presiding authority
of heaven before the world was," the relative to this great work. The Lord
Prophet taught, "that the principles has set his hand the second time to
and laws of the priesthood should be gather his people (D. & C. 133), and
predicated upon the gathering of the they are now beginning to assemble
people in every age of the world. from all nations at the mountain of
Jesus did everything to gather the the Lord's house. (Isa. 2:2-4.) In
people, and they would not be gath- due course all Israel will be gathered
ered, and he therefore poured out and the other tribes will receive their
curses upon them. Ordinances insti~ blessings from Ephraim whose status

is that of the firstborn. (D. & C. 133; secret from their enemies havi_ng long
Jer. 31:9.) since passed, the true names are now
The fact of the gathering of Israel, found in the Doctrine and Covenants.
under the direction of the President Two of the names which identified
of the Church who holds the keys, the Prophet himself were Gaze/am
is one of the great evidences of the and Enoch. (D. & C. 78:9; 82:11;
divine calling of The Church of Jesus 104:26, 43, 45, 46.) Presumptively
Christ of Latter-day Saints. Any these and other names used at the
church which does not understand same time have particular meanings;
the doctrine of the kingdom being it well could be that they are names
restored to Israel in an age after New taken from the pure language of
Testament times (Acts I :6) cannot Adam.
be the Lord's Church. With reference to the name Gazel-
The · glory of Israel's latter-day am, it is interesting to note that Alma
gathering is beginning to appear, and in directing Helaman to preserve both
it will not be long before the Ten the Urim and Thummim and the
Tribes will return (D. & C. 133) and plates containing the Book of Ether,
all things incident to this great work says that such record will be brought
will be fulfilled. Then the Lord's to light by the Lord's servant Gaze/-
promise as given by Jeremiah will em, who will use "a stone" in his
find complete fulfilment: "Behold, translation work. (Alma 37:21-23.)
the days come, saith the Lord, that It may be that Gaze/em is a variant
it shall no more be said, The Lord spelling of Gaze/am and that Alma's
liveth, that brought up the children reference is to the Prophet Joseph
of Israel out of the land of Egypt; Smith who did in fact bring forth
But, The Lord liveth, that brought up part at least of the Ether · record. Or
the children of Israel from the land it could be that the name Gazelem
of the north, and from all the lands (Gazelam) is a title having to do
whither he had driven them: and I with power to translate ancient rec-
will bring them again into their land ords and that Alma's reference was
that I gave unto their fathers." (Jer. to some Nephite prophet who brought
16:14-15.) the Book of Ether to light in the gold-
en era of Nephite history.
Gazelam. See AoAMIC LANGUAGE, Jo-
and unusual names were placed by SPIRIT PRISON, TARTARUS. Outside
the Prophet in some of the early rev- Jerusalem, to the south and west, lies
elations so that the individuals whom the Valley of Hinnom or Gehenna.
the Lord was then addressing would In the days of Isaiah and Jeremiah,
not be known to the world. The infants were sacrificed to Malech at
purpose for keeping these identities a Topheth or high place built in this

valley, causing it to take on a sinister identified. Hence, genealogical

significance and be called "the valley search is required.
of slaughter." (2 Kings 23:5, 10; .2 To aid its members in intelligent
Chron. 28:3; 33:6; Isa. 30:33; Jer. and effective research, the Church
7:31-34; 19:6, 11-15.) Thereafter maintains in Salt Lake City the
Gehenna was further desecrated as world's greatest genealogical ·society.
a garbage and rubbish heap and as Nearly all genealogical source ma-
a place where bodies of criminals terial of all the nations of the earth
were thrown out; to help prevent has been or is being microfilmed by
pestilence, ever-burning fires · were this society; scores of millions of dol-
kept · smoldering in this infested lars are being spent; and a reservoir of
refuse. h unclreds ol millions ol names and
Under these conditions, it was other data about people who lived in
natural for the prophetic mind to use past generations is available for study.
the term gehenna to signify the burn-
ings, torment, anguish, and unspeak- Genealogical Society. See GENEALOO-
able horrors of hell. Our Lord himself ICAL RESEARCH.

made frequent use of gehenna to sig-

nify hell and its attendant horrors. General Authorities. See APosTLES,

(Matt. 5 :22, 29:30; Mark 9:43-47; APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION, ASSISTANTS TO

Luke 12:5; Jas. 3:6.) H is statement,
"Where their worm dieth not, and
the fire is not quenched" (Mark
9:48), becoines even more expressive
BISHOP. In order of their precedence,
when viewed in the light ol the nu.-
beginning at the top, the general
merous crawling things and perpetual
authorities ol the Church include
burnings ol that Gehenna of which members of: The First Presidency,
his hearers had personal knowledge. Council of the Twelve, the Patriarch
to the Church, Assistants to the
Genealogical Research. Se.e ELIJAH Twelve, First Council of the Seventy,
THE PROPHET, FAMILY ORGANIZATIONS, and Presiding Bishopric. These breth-
SALVATION FOR THE DEAD, SIGNS OF ren are all delegated .general adminis -
THE -TIMES, VICARIOUS ORDINANCES. trative authority by the President of
Before vicarious ordinances of salva- the Church. That is, they are called
tion and exaltation may be performed to preach the gospel, direct church
for those who have died without a conferences, choose other church of-
knowledge of the gospel but who ficers, perform ordinations and se~-
presumably would have received it tings apart, and handle the properties
had the opportunity come to them, and interests ol the Church generally.
they must be accurately and properly The labors of their ministries are not

confined to stake, ward, or regional Society, Young Women's Mutual Im-

areas, but they have general jurisdic- provement Association, and Primary
tion in all parts of the Church. Association are each presided over by
Some general authorities are em- a president and two counselors, form-
powered. to do one thing and some ing a general presidency; the Deseret
another. All are subject to the strict Sunday School Union and the Young
discipline the Lord always imposes Men's Mutual Improvement Associa -
on his saints and those who preside tion are each presided over by a
over them. The positions they occupy general superintendent and two as-
are high and exalted. But the in- sistants, forming a general superin-
d.ividuals who hold these offices are tendency. These offices are filled with
humble men like their brethren in qualified and worthy brethren and
the Church. So well qualified and sisters who are called, for a time
trained arc the members of the and a season, to preside over and gov-
Church that there are many brethren ern the affairs of their respective
who could-if called, sustained, and organizations. The keys of such
set apart- serve effectively in nearly presidency are conferred upon them
every import&,nt position in the for the periods of their calls.
Though general authorities are General Boards. See AUXILIARY Oa-
authorities in the sense of having GANIZATIONS, CHURCH ORGANIZATION,
power to administer church affairs, GENERAL AUXILIARY OFFICERS, STAKE
they may or may not be authorities BOARDS. Each auxiliary organization
in the sense of doctrinal knowledge, is supervised by its general officers,
the intricacies of church procedures, assisted by a general board. These
or the receipt of the promptings of the boards, made up of specialists in the
Spirit. A call to an administrative
various fields of auxiliary organiza-
position of itself adds little knowledge
tion work, help initiate, plan, and
or power of discernment to an indi-
vidual, although every person called prepare the programs which are put
to a position in the Church does grow into operation in the various stakes.

in grace, knowledge, and power by The boards are counseling and ad-
magnifying the calling given him. visory bodies. They train and encour-
age stake and ward workers, but do
General Auxiliary Officers. See not preside over or direct the church
AUXILIARY ORGANIZATIONS, GENERAL service of these local officers.
of the various auxiliary organizations ·sEARCH, REcoRD KEEPING, SECOND
are sustained as the general auxiliary COMING OF CHRIST. Since generation
officers of the Church. The Relief means the act of producing or beget-

ting offspring, a generation of people The descendants of Noah's son

is composed of those who descend Japheth were called Gentiles (Gen.
from the same parents. The state- IO·: 1-5), and in this sense the de-
ment, "This is the book of the gen- scendants of Shem (ancestor of
erations of Adam" (Gen. 5:1), means Abraham) and of Ham (lather of the
in effect, "This is the •book of the negro race) would not be Gentiles.
descendants of Adam/' or "This is In the days of Abraham, the term was
the genealogy of those who sprang used to refer to those nations and
from Adam." peoples who had not descended from
In the sense of reproducing itself, him, with the added assurance that all
a generation is about 30 or 40 years. GenUles who should receive the gos-
(Job 42:16; I Ne. 12:11-12.) In the pel would be adopted into the ·lineage
sense of measuring time by the lives of Abraham and be accounted his
of men, a generation, since the Abra- seed. (Abra. 2:9-11.) The Prophet
hamic day, has been about 100 years. taught that those so adopted became
(Gen. 15:13-16; Ex. 12:40; 4 Ne. 18,
literally of the blood of Abraham.
22.) From this standpoint ol meas-
(T eachings, pp. 149-150.) In the
urement, a generation from the time
days of ancient Israel, those not of
ol Adam to the flood would have
the lineage of Jacob were considered
been nearly 1000 years. (Gen. 5.) A
to be Gentiles, although the Arabs
generation may be measured in terms
and other races of Semitic origin who
of the life of the oldest persons who
traced their lineage back to Abraham
live in a particular period. (D. & C.
would not have been Gentiles in the
45:30-31; 84:4-5.) It may also refer
strict Abrahamic use of the word.
to all contemporary people living in
a given age. (D. & C. 5:8-10.) Alter the Kingdom of Israel was
destroyed and the Ten Tribes were
Gentile Fulness. See SIGNS OF THE led away into Assyrian captivity,
TIMES. those of the Kingdom of Judah called
themselves Jews and designated all
Gentiles. See AooPTION, GATHERING others as Gentiles. It is this concepi
OF ISRAEL, HEATHENS, ISRAEL, JEWS, that would have been taught to Lehi,
SCATTERING OF I SRAEL, SIGNS OF THE Mulek and the other Jews who came
TIMES. Various meanings have been to the Western Hemisphere to found
attached to the name Gentiles in dif- the great Nephite and Lamanite
ferent ages, depending on the histor- civilizations. It is not surprising,
ical setting or the doctrinal teachings therefore, to find the Book of Mormon
involved. Literally the meaning is, repeatedly speaking of Jew and Gen-
"of the same clan or race,n and tile as though ·this phrase marked a
Biblical revisions frequently substi- division between all men; to find the
tute the word nations in its place. United States described as a Gentile

Nation· (I Ne. 13; 3 Ne. 21); and to up the ghost." (Matt. 27 :50; Hela.
find the promise that the Book of 14:21.) In referring to the third
Mormon would come forth "by way member of the Godhead the terms
of the Gentile." (Title page of Book Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit are used
of Mormon; D. & C. 20:9.) interchangeably.
Actually, of course, the house of 2. As part of the mythology and
Israel has been scattered among all false worship of apostate Christen-
nations, and Joseph Smith (through dom-particularly during the dark
whom the Book of Mormon was re- ages-the true concept of ghosts was
vealed) was of the Tribe of Ephraim. perverted so that disembodied spirits
At the same time the Prophet was of (ghosts) were conceived of as being
the Gentiles, meaning that he was a hideous and horrible denizens of an
citizen of a Gentile Nation and also unseen world who occasionally ap-
that he was _not a Jew. Members of peared in bodily likeness to torment
the Church in general are . both of and frighten mortals.
Israel and of the Gentiles. Indeed, Along with this twisting of the
the gospel h_as come forth in the last truth, concepts arose relative to
days in the times of the Gentiles and, apparitio,ns, goblins, specters, spooks,
in large measure, will not go to the sprites, eleves, fairies, and the like.
Jews until the Gentile /ulness comes Though these various mythological
in: (D. & C. 45:28-30.) phantoms do not exist in reality, be-
Having in mind the principle that lief in them arose initially out of the
Gen tiles are adopted in to the lineage true doctrine of ghosts and other
of Israel when they accept the gospel, actual beings of the unseen world.
and that those who fail to believe the Such appearances of spirit beings
truths of salvation (no matter what (supposed to be goblins, specters, and
their lineage) lose any preferential the like) as have actually occurred,
status they may have . had, it is not probably, have been appearances of
inappropriate in our day to speak of devils who never had a body rather
members of the Church as Israelites than of disembodied ghosts.
and unbelievers as Gentiles.
Gi& of Prophecy. See PROPHECY.
GHOST, SORCERY, SPIRIT Booms, Gi& of the Holy Ghost. See BAPTISM
a spirit. In death the spirit leaves HoLY GHOST, LAYING ON OF HANDS,
the body, or in other words the body SPIRIT OF THE LoRD, SPIRITUAL LIFE.
gives up the ghost. (Gen. 49:33; Acts "There is a difference between the
5:10; Jae. 7:20-21.) Of our Lord's Holy Ghost and the gift of the Holy
death, the scripture says he "yielded Ghost," the Prophet taught. (Teach-

ings, p. 199.) As the third member of of Mormon is true, or that Joseph

the Godhead, the Holy Ghost is a Smith is a Prophet of God, but unless
Personage of Spirit; the gift of the they repent and are baptized that
Holy Ghost, however, is the right, flash of testimony leaves them. They
based on faithfulness, to the constant never receive the continuing, renewed
companionship of that member of the assurance that comes from the com-
Godhead. It is the right to receive panionship of that Spirit Being whose
revelation, guidance, light, and truth mission it is to whisper truth to the
from the Spirit. "The presentation spirits within · men. (Teachings, pp.
or 'gift' of the Holy Ghost," Presi- 198-199.)
dent Joseph F. Smith said, "simply Further, the fact that a person has
confers upon a man the right to re- had hands laid on his head and a
ceive at any time', when he is worthy legal administrator has declared,
of it and desires it, the power and "Receive the Holy Ghost," does not
light of truth of the· Holy Ghost, guarantee that the gift itself has
although he may often be left to his actually been enjoyed. The Spirit
own spirit and judgment." (Gospel will not dwell in an unclean taber-
Doctrine, 5th ed., pp. 60-61.) nacle. (I Cor. 3:16-17; 6:19.) Those
Joseph Smith explained: "Cornelius who actually enjoy the gift or pre-
received the Holy Ghost before · he sentment of the Holy Ghost are the
was baptized, which was the convinc- ones who are born again, who have
ing power of God unto him of the become new creatures of the Holy
truth of the gospel, but he could not Ghost. (Mosiah 27:24-26.)
receive the gift of the Holy Ghost Even a righteous person is often left
until after he was baptized. Had he to himself so that he does not at all
not taken this sign or ordinance upon times enjoy the promptings of revela-
him, the Holy Ghost which convinced tion and light from the Holy Ghost.
him of the truth of God, would have "Every elder of the Church who has
left him. Until he obeyed these ordi- received the Holy Ghost by the laying
nances and received. the gift of the on of hands, by one having authority,
Holy Ghost, . by the . laying · on of has power to confer that gift upon
hands, according to the order of God, another; it does not follow that a
he could not have healed the sick man who has received the presenta-
or commanded an evil spirit to come tion or gift of the Holy Ghost shall
out of a man, and.- it obey him.n always receive the recognition and
(Teachings, p. 199.) · witness and presence of the Holy
In similar manner, in this day, Ghost himself; or he may receive all
many non-members of the Church, these, and yet the Holy Ghost not
"by the power of the Holy Ghost" tarry with him, but visit him from
(Moro. l0:4-5), learn that the Book time to time (D. & C. 130:23); and

neither does it follow that a man courage, and edify the faithful so
must have the Holy Ghost present that they will inherit peace in this
with him when he confers the Holy life and be guided toward eternal life
Ghost upon another, but he possesses in the world to .come. Their presence
the gift of the Holy Ghost, and it is proof of the divinity of the Lord's
will depend upon the worthiness of work; where they are not found, there
him unto whom the gift is bestowed the Church and kingdom of God is
whether he receives the Holy Ghost not. The promise is that they shall
or not." (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed., p. never be done away as long as the
61.) earth continues in its present state,
except for unbelief (Moro. 10:19),
Gilt of Tongues. See· ToNGUES. but when the perfect day comes and
the saints obtain exaltation, there
Gilts of God. See GIFTS OF THE will be no more need for them. As
SPIRIT. Paul expressed it, "When that which
is perfect is come, then that which
Gilts of the Spirit. See FAITH, GIFT is in part shall be done away." (I
GHOST, MIRACLES, PROPHECY, SAINTS, F ai thlul persons are expected to
S1cNs, TONGUES, V1s10Ns. By the seek the gifts of the Spirit with all
grace of God-following devotion, their hearts. They are to "covet ear-
faith, and obedience on man's part- nestly the best gilts" (I Car. 12:31;
certain special spiritual blessings D. & C. 46:8), to "desire spiritual
called gifts of the Spirit are bestowed gilts" (I Car. 14:1), "to ask of God,
upon men. Their receipt is always who giveth liberally." (D. & C. 46:7;
predicated upon obedience to law, but Matt. 7:7-8.) To some will be given
because they are freely available to all one gift; to others, another; and "unto
the obedient, they are called gilts. some it may be given to have all those
They are signs and miracles reserved gifts, that there may be a head, in
for the lai thful and for none else. order that every member may be
Moroni says that the gifts of Gcid profited thereby." (D. & C. 46:29.)
come from Christ, by the power of the From the writings of Paul (I Car.
Holy Ghost and by the Spirit of 12; 13; 14), and of Moroni (Moro.
Christ. (Moro. JO.) In other words, JO), and from the revelations received
the gilts come by the power of that by Joseph Smith (D. & C. 46), we
Spirit who is the Holy Ghost, but the gain a clear knowledge of spiritual
Spirit of Christ (or light of Christ) gilts and how they operate. Among
is the agency through which the Holy others, we find the following gilts
Ghost operates. named either in these three places
Their purpose is to enlighten, en- or elsewhere in the scriptures: the

gilt of knowing by revelation "that Gnashing of Teeth. See ANGER,

Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and WEEPING. In the literal sense, the
that he was crucified for the sins of gnashing of teeth consists in grinding
the world." (D. & C. 46:13) , and and striking the ·teeth together in
also the gilt of believing the testimony anger. T his expressive act, indicative
of those who have gained this rev- of hate and violent animosity, was
elation ; the gilts of testimony, of adopted by the prophets as the pro-
knowing that the _Book of Mormon verbial way of portraying the intensity
is true, and of receiving revelations; of the weeping, wailing, and sorrow
the gilts of judgment, knowledge, of the ungodly. Wicked men gnash
their teeth at the anointed of the Lord
and wisdom; of teaching, exhorta-
in this life. (Job 16:9; Ps. 35:16;
tion, ,and preaching; of teaching the 37:12; 112:10; Mark 9:18; Acts 7:54;
word of wisdom and the word of Alma 14:2!.) Then in eternity the
knowledge; of declaring the gospel wicked are cast into hell where there
and of ministry; the gilt of faith, in- is weeping, and wailing, and gnashing
cluding power both to heal and to be of teeth. (Mosiah 16:2; Alma 40: 13;
healed; the gilts of healing, work_ing D. & C. 19:5; 85:9; 101 :9; 124:8, 52;
of miracles, and prophesy; the view- 133:73; Matt. 8: 12; 13:42, 50; 22: 13;
ing of visions, beholding of angels and 24 :51; 25 :30; Luke 13:28.)
ministering spirits, and the discerning
of spirits; speaking with tongues, the Gnolaum. Se GNOLOM. In what
interpretation of tongues, . the in - appears to be a case of transliteration
terpretation of languages, and the gilt from the Egyptian of the Book of
of translation; the differences of ad- Abraham, the Prophet Joseph Smith
ministration in the Church and the has added the word gnolaum to the
diversities of operation of the Spirit; English language. Its meaning is
the gilt of seership, "and a gift which substantially synonymous with our
is greater can no man have." (Mosiah word eternal. Speaking of "two
8:16; Alma 9:21; D. & C. 5:4; 43:3-4; spirits" the Lord said to Abraham, as
Rom. 12:6-8.) And these are by no the Prophet has translated it, that
means all of the gilts. In the fullest they "have no beginning; they existed
sense, they are infinite in number before, they shall have no end, they
and endless in their manifestations. shall exist alter, for they are gnolauui,
or eternal." (Abra. :3:18. )
Gladness. See JoY. The Lord revealed a similar truth
to the Prophet by saying: "Intelli-
Glass. See UruM AND THUMMIM. gence, or the iight of truth, was not
created or made, neither indeed can
Glorying. See BOASTING. be." (D. & C. 93:29. ) Thus, intel-

ligence, or the light of truth, that is is one of the great pagan philosophies
the spirit element which Abraham which antedated Christ and the
says was organized to form intelli- Christian Era and which was later
gences or spirit children, was not commingled with pure Christianity
created or made. (Abra. 3:23.) It has to form the apostate religion that has
existed forever, and will exist to all prevailed in the world since the early
eternity, for it is gnolaum, or eternal. days of that era. Its chief interest
to the gospel student lies in the fact
Gnolom. See GNOLAUM. Joseph that the gnostic concept of God, in
Smith used this word in his famous large part, was the one adopted by
King Follett sermon in describing the the early church councils, with the
punishment of those who commit the result that modern Christians, as
unpardonable sin. Like gnolaum, it acceptors of these early creeds, are
is peculiar to Latter-day Saint theol- worshiping a pagan god to whom
ogy, and appears to have the same Christian names have been given.
root origin. "The Gnostics taught that there
The Prophet said: "There have existed from eternity," Elder B. H.
been remarks made concerning all Roberts explains, "a Being that em-
men being redeemed from hell; but bodied within himself all the virtues;
I say that those who sin against the a Being who is the purest light and
Holy Ghost cannot be forgiven in this is diffused throughout boundless space
world or in the world to come; they which they called Pleroma." In due
shall die the second death. Tho se course a celestial family was created,
Ylh_o commit the unpardonab in are the members of which were called
doomed to Gnolom-to dwell in hell, Aeons. One of these Aeons created
worlds without end. As they conc-;;;;t the earth, formed man with a vicious
;;nes of bloodshed in this world, so body, and tried to overthrow "the
they shall rise to that resurrection authority of the supreme God." Sal-
which is as the lake of fire and brim- vation to the Gnostics consisted in
stone. Some shall rise to the ever- restoring liberty to the "spirits now
lasting burnings of God; for God imprisoned in bodies," by dissolving
dwells in everlasting burnings, and the "fabric of the world."
some shall rise 10· the damnation of "When the followers of this phi-
their own filthiness, which is as losophy became converted to Chris-
exquisite a torment us the lake of tianity, they looked upon Jesus Christ
fire and brimstone." (Teachings, p. and the Holy Ghost as the latest
361.) Aeons or emanations from the Deity,
sent forth to emancipate men from
Gnosticism. See AGNOSTICISM, Aros- the tyranny of matter by revealing
TASY, CR.EEDS, FALSE Goos. Gnosticism to them the true God, to fit them-

through perfect knowledg<>-to enter UNKNOWN Goo. There are three

the sacred Pleroma. In connection Gods-the Father, Son, and Holy
with this, however, some of these Ghost-who, though separate in per-
Christian Gnostics held that Jesus sonality, are united as one in purpose,
had no body at all, but was an un· in plan, and in all the attributes of
substantial phantom that constantly perfection. Thus anything, in these
deceived the senses of those who fields, which is revealed with refer-
thought they associated with him. ence to any of them is equally true
Others of them said there doubtless of each of the others; and hence no
was a man called Jesus, born of hu- attempt need be made in these fields
man parents, upon whom one of the to distinguish between them.
Aeons, called Christ, descended at his By definition, . God (generally
baptism, having quitted the Pleroma meaning the Father) is the one su•
for that purpose; but who, previous _to preme and absolute Being; the ulti-
the crucifixion of the man Jesus, mate source of the universe; the all-
withdrew from him and returned to powerlul, all-knowing, all-good Crea·
Deity." (Outlines of Ecclesiastical tor, Ruler, and Preserver of all thingsc
History, pp. 183-194.) Of him, when considering the object
upon which faith rests, the Prophet
Goblins. See GHOSTS. observes "that God is the only su-
preme governor and independent
God. See ALMIGHTY Goo, CHRIST, Being in whom all lulness and per-
CONDESCENSION OF Gan, CREATOR, fection dwell; who is omnipotent,
CREEDS, ELOHIM, ENDLESS, ETERNAL, omnipresent, and omniscient; without
ExALTATION, FALSE Goos~ FATHER IN beginning of days or end of life; and
HEAVEN, FATHER OF LIGHTS, Goo AS that in him every good gilt and every
A SPIRIT, GODHEAD, GooHooo; Goo good principle dwell; and that he is
OF ABRAHAM, lsAAC, AND JACOB; Goo the Father of lights; in him the prin-
OF BATTLES, Goo OF Goos, Goo OF ciple of faith dwells independently,
ISRAEL, Goo OF NATURE, Goo oF and he is the object in whom the
SPIRITS, Goo OF THE WHOLE EARTH, faith of all other rational and ac-
Goo OF TRUTH, GRACE OF Goo, countable beings centers for life and
HIGHEST, HOLY FATHER, HOLY GHOST, salvation." (Lectures on Faith, p. 9.)
IDOLATRY, LORD, MAN OF CoUNSEL, "There is a God in heaven, who is
MAN OF HOLINESS, MOST HIGH, infinite and eternal, from everlasting
MOTHER IN HEAVEN, OMNIPOTENCE, to everlasting the same unchangeable
QMNIPllESENCE, OMNISCIENCE, ONLY God, the framer of heaven and earth,
BEGOTTEN SoN, PERSONIFICATION, PLU- and all things which are in them."
RALITY OF Goos, RIGHTEOUSNESS, SAL - (D. & C. 20:17.) He. is not a pro·
VATION, SoN OF Goo, THEOPHANIEs, gressive being in the sense that liberal

religionists profess to believe; he was in th_e early days of the great apostasy,
not created by man; and he was not it is common for apologists to point
a God of vengeance and war in Old to the statement in the King James
Testament times and a God of love Bible which says, "God is a Spirit."
and mercy in a later New Testament (John 4:22-24.) The fact is that this
era. He is the same yesterday, today, passage is mistranslated; instead, the
and forever. correct sta.tement, quoted in context
God is known only by revelation; reads: "The hour cometh, and now
he stands revealed or remains forever is, when the true worshippers shall
unknown. He cannot be discovered worship the Father in spirit and in
in the laboratory; or by viewing all truth; for the Father seeketh such to
immensity through giant telescopes, worship him. For unto such hath
or by cataloging all the laws of nature God promised his Spirit. And they
that do or have existed. A knowledge who worship him, must worship in
of his powers and the laws of nature spirit and in truth." (Inspired Ver-
which he has ordained does not re- sion, John 4:25-26.)
veal his personality and attributes to However, it is true that God may
men. This kind of knowledge comes be said to be a Spirit, but this state-
only by revelation from the Holy ment must be understood to mean
Chc;>st as a consequence of obedience that he is a Spirit in the same sense
to the laws and ordinances of the that a resurrected man is a spirit.
gospel. When the apostles, beholding the
Man's purpose in life is to learn resurrected Lord, "were terrified and
the nature and kind of being that God affrighted, and supposed that they
is, and then, by conformity to his had seen a spirit" (Luke 24:36-43),
laws and ordinances, to progress to there was not the slightest intimation
that high state of exaltation wherein that the "spirit" was a vaporous noth-
man becomes perfect as the Father is ingness that filled immensity. Spirits
perfect. (Matt. 5:48; Teachings, pp. are personages. God the Father is a
342-362.) glorified and perfected Man, a Per-
sonage of flesh and bones (D. & C.
God Almighty. See ALMIGHTY Goo. 130:22), in which tangible body an
eternal spirit is housed. It is in this
God as a Spirit. See APOSTASY, sense that God is a Spirit.
CREEDS, Goo. Apostate creeds teach
that God is a spirit essence that fills Godhead. See CHRIST, FATHER IN
the immensity of space and is every- HEAVEN, Goo, GonHooo, HoLY
where and nowhere in particular GHOST, PLURALITY OF Goos. Three
present. In a vain attempt to support glorified, exalted, and perfected per-
this doctrine, formulated by councils sonages comprise the Godhead or

supreme presidency of the universe. Prophet Joseph Smith in the Lectures

(Doctrines of Salvation, vol. I, pp. on Faith. "There are two personages
1-55.) They are: God the Father; who constitute the great, matchless,
God the Son; God the Holy Ghost. governing, and · supreme, power over
(First Article of Faith.) "Everlasting all things, by whom all things were
covenant was made between three created and made, that are created
personages," the Prophet said, "before and made, whether visible or invisible,
the organization of this earth, and whether in heaven, on earth, or in
relates io their dispensation of things the earth, under the earth, or
to men on the earth; these personages, throughout the immensity of space.
according to Abraham's record, are They are the Father and the Son-
called God the first, the Creator; God the Father being a personage of
the second, the Redeemer; and God spirit Tmeaning that he has a spirit-
the third, the witness or Testator." ual body which by revealed definition
(Teachings, p. 190.) is a resurrected body of flesh and
Though each God in the Godhead bones (I Cor. 15:44-45; D. & C.
is a personage, separate and distinct 88 :27) ] , glory, and power, possessing
from each of the others, yet they are ~II perfection and fulness; the Son,
"one God" (Testimony of Three who was in the bosom of the Father,
Witnesses in Book of Mormon), a personage of tabernacle, made or
meaning that they are united as one fashioned like unto man, or being in
in the attributes of perfection. For the form and likeness of man, or
instance, each has the lulness of rather man was formed after his
truth, knowledge, charity, power, likeness and in his image; he is also
justice, judgment, mercy, and faith. the express ·image and likeness of the
Accordingly they all think, act, speak, personage of the Father, possessing
and are alike in all things; and yet all the lulness of the Father, or the
they are three separate and distinct same [ulness with the Father; being
entities. Each occupies space and is begotten of him, and ordained from
and can be in but one place at one before the foundation of the world
time, but each has power and influ- to be a propitiation for the sins of all
ence that is everywhere present. The those who should believe on his name,
oneness of the Gods is the same unity and is called the Son because of the
that should exist among. the saints: flesh, and descended in suffering be-
(John 17; 3 Ne. 28:10-11.) low that which man can suffer; or,
Perhaps no better statement defin- in other words, suffered greater suf-
ing the Godhead and showing the re- ferings, and was exposed to more
lationship of its members to each powerful contradictions than any man
other has been written in this dis- can be.
pensation than . that given by the "But, notwithstanding .all this, he

kept the law of God, and remained forth upon all who believe on his
without sin, showing thereby that it name and keep his commandments.
is in the power of man to keep the "And all those who keep his com-
law and remain also without sin; and mandments shall grow up from grace
also, that by him a righteous judg- to grace, and become heirs of the
ment might come upon all flesh, and heavenly kingdom, and joint-heirs
that all who walk not in the law of with Jesus Christ; possessing the same
God may justly be condemned by the mind, being transformed into the
law, and have no excuse for their same image or likeness, even the ex-
sins. press image of him who fills all in all;
"And he being the Only Begotten being filled with the fulness of his
glory, and become one in him, even
of the Father, full of grace and truth,
as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit
and having overcome, received a ful-
are one." (Lectures on Faith, pp.
ness of the glory of the Father, pos-
sessing the same mind with the
Father, which mind is the Holy Spirit, Godhood. See CELESTIAL MARRIAGE,
that bears record of the Father and CHURCH OF THE FIRSTBORN, DAUGH-
the Son, and these three are one; or, TERS OF Gon, ETERNAL LIFE, ETERN AL
in other words, these three constitute LIVES, EXALTATION, fULNESS OP THE
the great, matchless, governing and FATHER, JOINT-HEIRS WITH CHRIST,
supreme, power over all things; by PLURALTI'Y OF Gons, SALVATION, SoNs
whom all things were created and OF Goo. That exaltation which the
made that were created and made, saints of all ages have so devoutly
and these three constitute the God- sought is godlwod itself. Godhood
head, and are one; the Father and the is to have the character, possess the
Son possessing the same mind, the attributes, and enjoy the perfections
same wisdom, glory, power, and ful- which the Father has. It is to do what
ness-filling all in all; the Son being he does, have the powers resident in
filled with the fulness of the mind, him, and live as he lives, having eter-
glory, and power; or, in other words, nal increase. (D. & C. 132:17-20, 37.)
the spirit, glory, and power, of the It is to know him in the full and
Father, possessing all knowledge and complete sense, and no one can fully
glory, and the same kingdom, sitting know God except another exalted
at the right hand of power, in the personage who is like him in all re-
express image and likeness of the spects. Those attaining this supreme
Father, mediator for man, being filled height are sons of God (D. & C.
with the fulness of the mind of the 76:50-60); they receive the fulness
Father; or, in other words, the Spirit of the Father and find membership
of the Father, which Spirit is shed in the Church of the Firstborn (D.

& C. 93:17-22); they are joint-heirs lasting power... . [Such persons are]
with Christ (Rom. 8:14-18), inherit- heirs of God and joint-heirs with
ing with him all that the Father hath. Jesus Christ. What is it? To inherit
(D. & C. 84:33-41.) They are gods. the same power, the same glory and
(Ps. 82:1, 6; John 10:34-36; Doctrines the same exaltation, until you arrive
of Salvation, vol. 2, pp. 35-79; Gospel at the station of a god, and ascend
Kingdom, pp. 27-30.) the throne of eternal power, the same
Joseph Smith said: "God himself as those who have gone before."
was once as we are now, and is an (Teachings, pp. 345-347.) Again:
exalted man, and sits enthroned in "Every man who reigns in celestial
yonder heavens! ... I am going to tell glory is a god to his dominions."
you how God came to be God. We (Teachings, p. 374,)
have imagined and supposed that God
was God from all eternity. I will re- God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
fute that idea, and take away the See CHRIST, Gon, Gon OF ISRAEL,
veil, so that you may see. . . . It is GREAT I AM, JEHOVAH. I. Christ is
the first principle of the gospel to the God of, our Fathers, the God of
know for a certainty the charncter of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. (D. & C.
God, and to know that we may con- 136:21-22; Ex. 3:1-16.) It was he
verse with him as one man converses who appeared to and covenanted with
with another, and that he was once Abraham (Abra. 2:6-11), who was
a· man like us; yea, that God himself, the one by whom salvation should
the Father of us all, dwelt on an come (I Ne. 6:4), and who was des-
earth, ·the same as Jesus Christ him- tined in due course to come into the
self did; and I will show it from the world and be crucified for the sins
Bible. . .. of the world. (I Ne. 19:7-17.)
"Here, then, is eternal life-to 2. Since Abraham, who had the
know the only wise and true God; fulness of the gospel, worshiped both
and you have got to learn how to be the Father and the Son, Peter and
gods yourselves, and to be kings and others have taken occasion, quite
priests to God, the same as all gods properly, to refer to the Father also
have done before you, namely, by as the God of our Fathers, the God
going from one small degree to of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob . (Acts
another, and from a small capacity 3:13; 5:30; 22:14.)
to a ,great one; from grace to grace,
from exaltation to exaltation, until God of Battles. See BATTLE OF THE
you attain to the resurrection of the GREAT Goo, CHRIST, Goo, LoRD OF
dead, and are able to dwell in ever- HosTs; WAR. Christ is the God of
lasting burnings, and to sit in glory, Battles. (D. & C. 98:23 -48; 105: 14.)
as do those who sit enthroned in ever- Anciently he commanded his people

lo engage in righteous wars ( Ex. we not believe that he had a Father

23:27-33; I Sam. 15:2-3), and when- also?" (Teachings, pp. 370, 373.) In
ever they were so engaged, he was this way both the Father and the
entreated of them and fought their Son, as also all exalted beings, are
battles. (I Chron. 5:20; 2 Chron. now or in due course will become
20:15; 32:7-8.) The whole Nephite Gods of Gods. (Teachings, pp. 342-
history is one of the Lord giving di- 376.)
rection to them in their battles,
whenever they sought such guidance God of Hosts. See LORD OF HosTs.
in· faith. In the day of his Second
God of Israel. See CHRIST, Goo,
Coming the promise is that he again
will fight the battles of his saints, "as
the God of Israel (I Ne. 19:7-17; 3
when he fought in the day of battle."
Ne. Il:7-17), the God of Jacob (Ps.
(Zech. 14:1-5; Ezek. 38; 39; Zeph.
146:5; Isa. 2:3; D. & C. 136:21), the
3:8.) Despite the false sensitivities
Lord God, the Mighty One of Israel
of those who cannot conceive of the
(D. & C. 36:1), the Lord God of the
meek and lowly Nazarene as a Man
Hebrews. (Ex. 3:18.) These names
of War (Ex. 15:3), yet the inspired
signify both that he came of Israel
answer to the query : Who is the
himself and also his personal, atten-
King of Glory? is, "The Lord strong
tive care toward that chosen race.
and mighty, the Lord mighty in
They point to his "great goodness
battle." (Ps. 24:8.)
toward the house of Israel, which he
hath bestowed on them according to
God of Gods. See EXALTATION, Goo,
his mercies, and according to the
multitude of his Iovingkindnesses."
"Every man who reigns in celestial
(Isa. 63:7-9; D. & C. 133:52-53.)
glory is a god to his dominions," the
Prophet said. (Teachings, p. 374.)
God of Jacob. See Goo OF ISRAEL.
Hence, the Father, who shall continue
to all eternity as the God of exalted God of. Jeshurun. See CHRIST, Goo
beings, is a God of Gods. Further, OF ISRAEL. Christ is the God of
as the Prophet also taught, there is Jeshurun (Deut. 33:26), meaning
"a God above the Father of our Lord that he is the God of Israel. Jeshurun
Jesus Christ . ... If Jesus Christ was or Jesurun, translated as upright one,
the Son of God, and John discovered is used by Moses and Isaiah as a
that God the Father of Jesus Christ symbolical name for Israel. (Deut.
had a Father, you may suppose that 32: 15; 33:4-5; Isa. 44:2.)
he had a Father also. Where was
there ever a son without a father? God of Nature. See CHRIST, Goo.
... Hence if Jesus had a Father, can Many who do not profess belief in

God as he is revealed in the scrip- God of This World. See CHILDREN

tures, or even as he is described in the OF DISOBEDIENCE, DEVIL, WORLD.
false creeds of sectarianism, yet rec- This world of carnality and lust, of
ognizing that law prevails in the every lascivious and ·evil thing, be-
universe and among all forms of life, longs to Satan. He created it; he is
speak of the manifestations of this its father and its god. All those who
law as the God of Nature. In reality, belong to it-all those who are carnal,
Christ is the God of Nature (l Ne. sensual, and devilish- are _his chil-
19:12), for it is in and through his dren, the children of disobedience.
almighty power that all things are The earth itself is the Lord's, and he
created, upheld, governed, and con- is its ruler; but the world (the cor-
trolled. rupt society on earth) is under the
rule of him who is the god of this
God of Our Fathers. See Goo OF world. "If our gospel be hid," Paul
ABRAHAM, I SAAC, AND JACOB. wrote, "it is hid to them that are lost:
In whom the god of this world hath
God of Spirits. See CHRIST, FATHER blinded the minds of them which be-
IN HEAVEN, Goo, PRE - EXISTENCE. Our li~ve not, lest the light of the glorious
Father in Heaven (Matt. 6:9) is the gospel of Christ, who is the image
God of Spirits (Num. 16:22; 27 :1 6) of God, should shine unto them."
or the Father of Spirits (Heb. 12:9), (2 Cor. 4:3-4.)
meaning that he is the literal Parent
of the Spirit Christ and of all other God of T ruth. See CHRIST, PERSON-
spirits. Inasmuch, however, as Christ IFICATION, TRUTH; WAY, TRUTH, AND
attained Godhood while yet in pre- LIFE. Christ is a God of T ruth (Ex.
existence, he too stood as a God to 34:6; Deut. 32:4; Ps. 31 :5), meaning
the other spirits, but this relationship he is the embodimMt and personifica-
was not the same one of personal tion of truth. In the same sense he is
parenthood that prevailed between the God of grace, mercy, love, right-
the Father and his offspring. eousness, charity, integrity, and all
of the attributes of godliness.
God of the Whole Earth. See CHRIST,
Goo OF lsRAEL. Christ is the God of Gods. See PLURALITY OF Goos.
the Whole Earth (Isa. 54 :5; 3 Ne.
11 :14), an appellation he carries to God's Life. See ETERNAL LIFE.
bear record of his universal interest
in all men and their salvation. He is God's Time. See TIME.
not alone the God of the Jews, or of
Israel, or of the Latter-day Saints, God-story. See GosPEL.
but of the whole earth and all life
on its face. God the Lord. See LORD Goo.

Gog and Magog. See ARMIES OF throw down the mountains; that there
HEAVEN, BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON, will be pestilence, blood, fire, and
BATTLE OF THE GREAT Goo, MILLEN- brimstone descend upon the armies;
NIUM, S ECOND CoMING OF CHRIST, that the forces of Gog and Magog
SUPPER OF THE GREAT Goo, WAR. will be destroyed upon the mountains
I. Our Lord is to come again in the of Israel; that the Supper of the Great
midst of the battle of Armageddon, God shall then take place as the
or in other words during the course beasts and fowls eat the flesh and
of the great war between Israel and drink the blood of the fallen ones;
Gog and Magog. At the Second and that the house of Israel will be
Coming all the nations of the earth seven months burying the dead and
are to be engaged in battle, and the seven years burning the discarded
weapons of war.
fighting is to be in progress in the
area of Jerusalem and Armageddon. In the light of all this and much
(Zech. Il; 12; 13; Rev. 16:14-21.) more that is prophetically foretold
The prophecies do not name the mod- about the final great battles in the
ern nations which will be fighting holy land, is it any wonder that those
for and against Israel, but the des - who are scripturally informed and
ignation Gog and Magog is given to spiritually enlightened watch world
the combination of nations which are events with great interest as troubles
seeking to overthrow and destroy the continue to foment in Palestine,
remnant of the Lord's chosen seed. Egypt, and the Near East?
The 38th and 39th chapters of 2. Gog and Magog, those nations
Ezekiel record considerable prophetic which combine as the assailants of
detail relative to this great war. It God's plans and purposes, will also
should be noted that it is to take come up in war and rebellion in the
place "in the latter years"; that it final battle of the Great God which
will be fought in the "mountains of is to take place at the end of the
Israel" against those who have been millennium plus a short season of
gathered to the land of their ancient preparation. (Doctrines of Salvation,
inheritance; that the land of Israel vol. 3, p. 45.) John describes this
shall be relatively unprotected, a war as follows: "And when the thou-
"land of unwalled villages"; that Gog sand years are expired, Satan shall be
and Magog shall come "out of the loosed out of his prison, And shall
north parts" in such numbers as "to go out to deceive the nations which
cover the land" as a cloud; that the are in the four quarters of the earth,
Lord will then come, and all men Gog and Magog, to gather them to-
shall shake at his presence; that there gether to battle: the number of whom
will be such an earthquake as has is as the sand of the sea. And they
never before been known, which will went up on the breadth of the earth,

and compassed the camp of the saints repent and join the true kingdom;
about, and the beloved city : and fire and no one is even subject to the
came down from God out of heaven, terms and provisions of the law of
and devoured them." (Rev. 20:7-9; mercy until he has first attained that
D. & C. 88:111-116.) saving grace which is offered through
the atoning sacrifice of our Lord.
Gold. See RICHES.
Gold Plates. See BooK OF MoRMON,
Golden Rule. "All things whatsoever BRASS PLATES, CUMORAH, SEALED
ye would that men should do to you, BooK. As we now have it, the Book
do ye even so to them : for this is the of Mormon is a translation of a por-
law and the prophets." (Matt. 7:12; tion of the Gold Plates. These plates
3 Ne. 14: 12.) This perfect code for came into being in the following way:
personal conduct, taken from our Nephi made two sets of plates which
Lord's sermon on the mount, is com- are known as the Large Plates of
monly referred to as the Golden Rule, Nephi and the Small Plates of Nephi.
a name which attempts to point up U pan the Large Plates he abridged
the transcendent wisdom of the coun-
the records of his lather, Lehi, and
sel involved. Sometimes the Golden
began a detailed history of his people,
Rule is paraphrased to say: Do unto
including their wars, contentions, the
others, as you would have them do
reign of their kings, and their gen-
unto you.
ealogy. The Small Plates he reserved
for sacred writings, prophecies, and
Golden Text. See JusncE, LovE,
things pertaining to the ministry.
MERCY. "What doth the Lord re- (I Ne. 1:17; 9; 19:1-6; 2 Ne. 4:14;
quire of thee, but to do justly, and 5:30, 33; Jae. 1:1-4.) These plates
to love mercy, and to walk humbly were handed down from prophet to
with thy God?" (Mic. 6:8.) To sig- prophet, and by about 130 B.C., some
nify the inherent · beauty and worth 370 years alter Lehi left Jerusalem,
of these words they are often referred the Small Plates were lull. (Omni
to as the golden text ol the Old Testa- 30.)
ment. Unfortunately they are in- Mormon made the Plates of Mor-
terpreted by many to mean that it is mon on which he abridged the Large
not necessary to believe any particular Plates ·01 Nephi and to which he
principles of the gospel or to submit added without abridgment· the Small
to baptism and the ordinances of sal- Plates of Nephi. (Words of Morm.
vation. The real truth is, of course, 1-11.) Both Mormon and Moroni
that no man can walk humbly with wrote some things of their own on
his God unless he keeps the counsels the Plates of Mormon, and Moroni
of that God including the direction to also wrote on them an abridgment of

J( history ta.ken from the Plates take place, however, until men exer-
of Ether. TI1us when the Gold Plates cise faith to the extent that the
were -placed in the HHl. Cumorah, Brother of fared did. (Ether 4.)
they contained o. record of both the
Nephites and the fared.hes;. Golgotha. See CHJus,·, CnuCIFtEo
Tbe Gold Plates, themselves, "wue ONE, CRUCCFIXIQN. Golgotha is the
of uniform size; each was sUghtly less Hebrew name of the !?lace outside
iu thickne.~s than 8. common sheet 0£ of Jerusalem where our Lord Wall
tln and was about eight inches in crucified; it correspon~ to Calvarv
width; and all were bound together whicb was taken from the Greek. The
by three rings, running through one apparent literal meaning of both
edge of the plates. Thus secured, they names is, plac8 of a skull. M!!tthew,
formed a book t1,bout sill'. inches in Mnrk. end John speak of Golgotha
thickness. A part of the volume, (Matt. i7,33; Ma,k 15,22; John
nbout one-third,, was sealed. 19:17) AS the place of crucifixion;
T h ey were covered on both sides with Luke names it as Calvary. (Luke
strange chara.ct~, small and beaut i- 23:33.) Each of the gospel accounts
speaking of Golgotha is so worded in
fully engraved." (George Q. Cannon,
the .Inspired Version flS to show that
Life of Joseph Smith, new ed., p. 45.)
"These charActcrs on the. plates were the name means a place of burial.
described by Moroni as "reformed (Inspired Version, Matt. 27:35; Mark
Egyptiwc" (/,'Iorm. 9,32-34.) 15:25; John 19:17.) The inference is
MO!'oni deposited the plates in the that Golgotha or Calvary prn.y have
Hill Cumorah in a.bout 421 A.O., been in an elevated location, but none
and theu as a resurrected being re- of the accpunts name it as C!ither a
vealed the hiding place to the hill or a mount. (Mark J,5;40; Luke
Prophet on September 22, 1823. Four 23:49.) 1'h.e actual location is un-
years later the Prophet was permitted known.
to obtain possession of them. but
t:he apt.ual translation Qf the portion Good. See Ac~HCY; EvlL, Coon
-we now have as the Boole of Mormon WOBJ.S. Good is the opposite. of evil,
did not take place until between April It is of God and consists in obedience
1 and June U, 1829. Thereafter the t o bis laws and conformity lo his
plates were .returned to the custody 111ind and will. That is good which
of Moroni. (Jos. Smitl1 2:27-65; D . is e<lif0ng, en lightening, and uplift-
'& C. 27':G; Doctrines of Salvation, wL ing; wbi\ili furthers tbe cause of- lib-
3, pp. 215-226.) In the Lord's own erty and truth; which speeds th~
due time the plates shall be returned spread of revcalC!d truth to the peoples
and the .sealed portion translated and of the world; which leads to the ac-
published to the world. This shall not quirement of faith, hope, cbruit}',

love, and all godly virtues; which is He shall feed his flock like a shep-
harmonious with the moral order of herd: he shall gather the lambs with
the universe; which guides men to his arm, and carry them in his bos-
keep the commandments of God, to om, and shall gently lead those that
grow in grace, and to work out their are with young." (Isa. 40:10-11; Jer.
salvation. The opposites of all these 31:10.)
things are evil. The parable of the lost sheep
"All things which are good cometh (Matt. 18:12-13; Luke 15:3-7) and
of God . . . . That which is of God the commands: "Feed my lambs .. ..
inviteth and enticeth to do good con- Feed my sheep" (John 21:15-17)
tinually; wherefore, every thing which exemplify the standing orders he has
inviteth and enticeth to do good, and given his other shepherds.
to love God, and to serve him, is
inspired of God." (Moro. 7:12-13.)
Good Works . . See ENDURING TO THE
WoRK. By believin.g the truths of
Good Shepherd. See ClirusT, PAS-
salvation, repenting of his sins, and
TORS. Christ is the Shepherd (Gen.
being baptized in water and of the
49:24; Ps. 23; 1 Pet. 2:25; Morm.
Spirit, the seeker after salvation places
5:17) , the Chief Shepherd (1 Pet.
himself on the strait and narrow path
5:4), the Great Shepherd (Heb.
which leads to eternal life. (2 Ne. 31.)
13:20), the True Shepherd (Hela.
Thereafter his progress up the path
15: 13), the Shepherd of Israel (Ps.
is achieved by the performance. of
80:1), the Good Shepherd. (D. & C.
good works.
50:44; John 10 :7-18; Alma 5:38-60;
After joining the Church, the com-
Hela. 7:18.) His saints are the sheep;
mandment is: ".Ye must press forward
his sheepfold is the Church of Jesus
with a steadfastness in Christ, having
Christ; and the day will come when
there will be "one God and one a perfect brightness of hope, and a
Shepherd over all the earth" (1 Ne: love of God and of all men. Where-
13:41), "and he shall feed his sheep, fore, if ye shall press forward, feast-
and in him they shall find pasture." ing upon the word of Christ, and
(1 Ne. 22:25.) endure to the end, behold, thus saith
For a pastoral people the symbol- the Father: Ye shall have eternal life."
ism attending all this is perfect. (2 Ne. 31 :20.) None attain salvation
"Behold, the Lord God will come "save it be those who have washed
with strong hand, and his arm shall their garments in my blood, because
rule for him: behold, his reward is of their faith, and the repentance of
with him, and his work before him. all their sins, and their faithfulness

unto the end," was Christ's message And to knowledge temperance; and
to the Nephites. (3 Ne. 27:19.) to temperance patience; and to pa-
Salvation comes in and through and tience godliness; And to godliness
because of the atoning sacrifice of brotherly kindness; and to brotherly
our Lord. It is through his grace that kindness charity." (2 Pet. 1:5-7.)
all men are redeemed from death and The immortal sermon of James on
offered the chance to "work out," in good works includes these statements:
addition, an inheritance in the celes- "What doth it profit, my brethren,
tial world. (Philip. 2:12.) Thus it is though a man say he hath faith, and
that men are not saved in "the king- have not works? can faith save him?
dom of heaven" by merely confessing . . . Faith, if it hath not works, is
the Lord Jesus with their lips, but dead, being alone.. .. For as the body
rather by doing the will of the Father without the spirit is dead, so faith
which is in heaven. (Matt. 7:21-22.) without works is dead also." (Jas.
And thus it is that they must be 2:14-26.)
"doers of the word, and not hearers Joseph Smith taught: "Let truth
only." (Jas. I :22.) and righteousness prevail and abound
Remission of sins comes in the first in you; and in all things be temper-
instance by repentance and baptism, ate; abstain from drunkenness, and
but it is retained by continued good from swearing, and from all profane
works. King Benjamin taught: "For language, and from everything which
the sake of retaining a remission of is unrighteous or unholy; also from
your sins from day to day, that ye enmity, and hatred, and covetousness,
may walk guiltless before God-I and from every unholy desire. Be
would that ye should impart of your honest one with another." (Teach-
substance to the poor, every man ings, p. 129.)
according to that which he hath, such Again: "If you wish to go where
as feeding the hungry, clothing the God is, you must be like God, or
naked, visiting the sick and adminis- possess the principles which God
tering to their relief, both spiritually possesses, for if we are not drawing
and temporally, according to their towards God in principle, we are
wants." (Mosiah 4:26.) Indeed the going from him and drawing towards
very religion of the saints consists in the devil. . . . If God should speak
visiting the fatherless and the widows from heaven, he would command you
in their affliction, and in keeping one- not to steal, not to commit adultery,
self unspotted from the world. (Jas. not to covet, nor deceive, but be faith-
1:26.) ful over a few things. As far as we
Peter counseled the baptized saints: degenerate from God, we descend to
"Giving all diligence, add to your the devil and lose knowledge, and
faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; without knowledge we cannot be

saved, and while our hearts are filled in the highest heaven her~after. It is
with evil, and we are studying evil, the covenant of salvation which the
there is no room in our hearts for Lord makes with men on earth.
good, or studying good. Is not God Literally, gospel means good tidings
good? Then you be good; if he is from God or God-story. Thus it is
faithful, then you be faithful. Add to the glad tidings or good news con-
your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, cerning Christ, his atonement, t}ie
and seek for every good thing." establishment of his earthly kingdom,
(Teachings, pp. 216-217.) and a possible future inheritance in
"Be not deceived; God is not his celestial presence. HAnd this is
mocked: for whatsoever a man s6w- the gospel," the Prophet recorded by
eth, that shall he also reap. For he way of revelation, "the glad tidings,
that soweth to his flesh shall of the which the voice out ·of the heavens
flesh reap corruption; but he that bore record unto us-That he came
soweth to -the Spirit shall of the Spirit into the world, even Jesus, to be cru-
reap life everlasting. And let us not cified for the world, and to bear the
be weary in we.// doing: for in due sins of the world, and to sanctify the
season we shall reap, if we faint not. world, and to cleanse it from all
As we have therefore opportunity, let unrighteousness; That through him
us do good unto all men, especially all might be saved whom the Father
unto them who are of the household had put into his power and made by
of faith." (Gal. 6:7-10.) him." (D. & C. 76:40-42.)
Ministering among the Nephites
Gospel. See ATONEMENT OF CHRIST, after his resurrection, our Lord pro-
CHRIST, CHURCH, CHURCH OF JESUS claimed: "Behold I have given unto
CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, Dxs- you my gospel, and this is the gospel
PENSATION OF THE FULNESS OF TIMES, which I have given unto you-that
D1sPENSATIONs, FrnsT PRINCIPLES oF I came into the world to do the will
THE GosPEL, LAw OF MosEs, MOR- of my Father, because my Father sent
MONISM, NEW AND EVERLASTING me. And my Father sent me that I
COVENANT, PLAN OF SALVATION, might be lifted up upon the cross; and
PRIESTHOOD, RESTORATION OF THE alter that I had been lifted up upon
GOSPEL, REVELATION, SAINTS, SALVA- the cross, that I might draw all men
TION, SALVATION FOR THE DEAD, SIGNS unto me, that as I have been lifted
OF THE TIMES, TESTIMONY, TRUTH. up by men even so should men .be
The gospel of Jesus Christ is the plan lifted up by the Father, to stand be-
of salvation. It embraces all of the fore me, to be judged of their works,
laws, principles, doctrines, rites, ordi- whether they be good or whether
nances, atts, powers, authorities, and they be evil-And for this cause have
keys necessary to save and exalt men I been lifted up; therefore, according

to the power of the Father I will draw progression and advancement. But
all men unto me, that they may be in the high spiritual sense in which
judged according to their works. the term is used in the revelations,
"And it shall come to pass, that the gospel is concerned with those
whoso repenteth and is baptized in particular religious truths by conform-
my name shall be filled; and if he ity to which men can sanctify and
endureth to the end, behold, him will cleanse their own souls, thus gaining
I hold guiltless before my Father at for themselves salvation in the eter-
that day when I shall stand to judge nal worlds.
the world. And he that endureth not Gospel principles were first made
unto the end, the same is he that is known to men in pre-existence, and
also hewn down and cast into the fire, the progression made there was as a
from whence they can no more re- result of obedience to them. Then
turn, because of the justice of the beginning with Adam, the first man,
Father. And this is the word which gospel dispensations have been given
he hath given unto the children of to men from time to time by the Al-
men. And for this cause he lulfilleth mighty. Two true gospels are spoken
the words which he hath given, and of in the revelations and have been
he lieth not, but fulfilleth all his revealed to men as occasions have
words. warranted; one is the fulness of the
"And no unclean thing can enter everlasting gospel (Rev. 14:6; D. & C.
into his kingdom; therefore nothing 14:10), the other is the preparatory
entereth into his rest save it be those gospel. (D. & C. 84:26-27.)
who have washed their garments in The fulness of the gospel consists
my blood, because of their faith, and in those laws, doctrines, ordinances,
the repentance of all their sins, and powers, and authorities needed to
their faithfulness unto the end. Now enable men to gain the fulness of sal-
this is the commandment: Repent, all vation. Those who have the gospel
ye ends of the earth, and come unto fulness do not necessarily enjoy the
me and be baptized in my name, that fulness of gospel knowledge or under-
ye may be sanctified by the reception stand all of the doctrines of the plan
of the Holy Ghost, that ye may stand of salvation. But they do have the
spotless before me at the last day. fulness of the priesthood and sealing
Verily, verily, I say unto you, this is power by which men can be sealed
my gospel." (3 Ne. 27:13-21; D. & C. up unto eternal life. The fulness of
39:5-6.) the gospel grows out of the fulness
In the broadest sense, all truth is of the sealing pawer and not out of
part of the gospel; for all truth is the fulness of gospel knowledge.
known to, is ordained by, and comes On the other hand, the preparatory
from Deity; and all truth is aidful to gospel is a lesser portion of the Lord's

saving truths, a portion which pre- unchangeable principle that has

pares and schools men for a future existed co-equal [i.e. coeval] with
day when the fulness of the gospel God, and always will exist, while
may be received, a portion which of time and eternity endure, wherever
itself is not sufficient to seal men up it is developed and made manifest."
unto eternal life or assure them an (Gospel Kingdom, p. 88.) The ful-
inheritance in the celestial world. ness of the gospel cannot be preserved
The preparatory gospel "is .the gospel in the written word. The scriptures
of repentance and of baptism, and bear record of the gospel, but the gos-
the remission of sins, and the law pel itself consists in the power of the
of carnal commandments." (D. & C. priesthood and the possession of the
84 :27.) It is a gospel system admin- gift of the Holy Ghost.
istered by the ·lesser or Aaronlc Priest- Just as there are false teachers,
hood. When the power to bestow the false religions, false prophets, and
Holy Ghost is enjoyed, which power false Christs, so there are false gos-
is reserved for holders of the Mel- pels. Paul proclaimed that all who
chizedek Priesthood, then the fulness preached any gospel except that re-
oi the gospel is manifest. John the ceived "by the revelation of Jesus
Baptist administered the preparatory Christ" should be accursed. ( Gal.
gospel; Christ came with the lulness I :6-12.) And the revealed test
of the Melchizedek Priesthood and whereby the true gospel may be iden-
restored the fulness of the gospel. tified is that revelations, visions, mir•
(John 1:26-27; Acts 19:1-6.) ' acles, signs, apostles, ·prophets, and
Our revelations say that the Book all the gilts of the Spirit will always
of Mormon contains the fulness of be · found in connection with it.
the gospel. (D. & C. 20:9; 27 :5; (Mark 16:14-20.) Where these signs
42: 12; 135:3.) This is true in the are found, there is the gospel of
sense that the Book of Mormon is a Christ; where these signs are not
record of God's dealings with a people found, there the gospel of Christ is
who had the fulness of the gospel, not.
and therefore the laws and principles "And ii it so be that the church is
leading to the highest salvation are built upon my gospel," the Lord
found recorded in that book. In the says, "then will the Father show forth
same sense the Bible and the Doctrine his own works in it. But if it be not
and Covenants contain the fulness of built upon my gospel, and is built
the gospel. upon the works of men, or upon the
As President John Taylor expressed works of the devil, verily I say unto
,1, . the scriptures "are simply records, you they have joy in .their works for
histories, commandments, etc. The a season, and by and by the end
gospel is a living, abiding, eternal, and cometh, and they are hewn down and

cast into the fire, from whence there unnatural. Every principle and prac-
is no return." (3 Ne. 27:10-11.) The iTcereveared from God is essential
true gospel of Jesus Christ was re- to man's salvation, and to place any
stored to earth in the last days one of them unduly in front, hiding
through the instrumentality of Joseph and dimming all others is unwise and
Smith. It is found only in The dangerous· it jeopardizes salvation,
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day for it darkens our minds and be-
Saints. clouds our understandings. Such a
view no matter to what point di-
Gospel Covenants. See COVENANTS. rected, narrows the vision, weakens
the spiritual perception, and darkens
Gospel Dispensations. See DISPENSA- the mind the result of which is that
TIONS. the person thus afflicted with this per-
versity and contraction of mental
Gospel Hobbies. See FANATICISM, vision places himself in a position to
OBEDIENCE, ZEAL. Salvation is won be tempted of the evil one, or, through
in and through conformity to the dimness of sight or distortion of vis-
whole gospel plan and not by spe- ion, to misjudge his brethren and give
cializing and centering on some cho- way to the spirit of apostasy. He is
sen field as though that field were the not square with the I ord
gospel. Religious or gospel hobbies "We have noticed this difficulty-
are dangerous signs of spiritual insta- that saints with hobbies are prone to
bility; they lead to fanaticism and judge' and condemn their brethren
sometimes even to apostasy and the and sisters who are not so zealous in
consequent loss of eternal life. the one particular direction of their
IJ' "Don't h ave hobbies " President pet theory as they are. The man with
the Word of Wisdom only in his
7 Joseph F. Smith counseled. "Hob-
bies are dangerous in the Church of brain, is apt to find unmeasured fault
~ They are dangerous because with every other member of the
they give undue prominence to cer- Church who entertains liberal ideas
tain principles or ideas to the detri- as to the importance of other doctrines
ment and dwarfing of others just as of the gospel.
important, just as binding, just as "There is another phase of this
saving as the favored doctrines or difficulty-the man with a hobby is
commaodments- apt to assume an 'I am holier than
"Hobbies give to those who encour- thou' position, to feel puffed up and
age them a false aspect of the gospel conceited, and to look with distrust,
of the Redeemer; they distort and if with no severer feeling, on his
·place out of harmony its principles brethren and sisters who do not so
~nd teachings. The point of view is perfectly live that one particular law.

This feeling hurts his fellow servants subjected to evaluation by "the spirit
and offends the Lord." (Gospel Doc-:: of man" (I Cor. 2: I 1-16), the con-
~ ine, 5th ed., pp. 116-Il7.) ~!~:~~:~e::~:~:~, ::d 1
Gospel of Abraham. See ELIAS. faith.
It is true that the four New Testa-
Gospel Ordinances. See ORDINANCES. ment gospels do present different
aspects of our Lord's personality and
Gospel Principles. See DOCTRINE: teachings. It appears that Matthew
was directing his gospel to the Jews.
Gospels. See BIBLE, BooK OF MOR- He presents Christ as the promised
MON, CHRIST, GOSPEL, INSPIRED VER- Messiah and Christianity as the ful-
SION OF THE BmLE, NEw TESTAMENT, filment of Judaism. Mark apparently
SCRIPTURE, STANDARD WoRKS. Ou; wrote with the aim of appealing to
Lord promised certain of his disciples the Roman or Gentile mind. Luke's
tj,at the Holy Ghost would teach gospel presents tile Master to the
them all things and would bring to Greeks, to those of culture and re-
their remembrances all that the Mas- finement. And the gospel of John is
ter had taught them. (John 14:26; · the account for the saints; it is pre-
15:26-27; 16:7-15.) Under this spirit eminently the gospel for the Church,
of inspiration and revelation, portions
for those who understand the scrip-
of our Lord's teachings and some of tures and their symbolisms and who
the historical events attending his are concerned with spiritual and eter-
nal things. Obviously such varying
birth, life, ministry, and death were
recorded. Accounts written by Mat- approaches have the great advantage
thew, Mark, Luke, and John have of presenting the truths of salvation
been preserved, and because they deal to people of different cultures, back- '
with the gospel or glad tidings which grounds, and experiences. But the
Christ preached, they are known as simple fact is that all of the gospel
the gospels. The first three, dealing authors wrote by inspiration, and all
in general with the same teachings had the same purposes: I. To testify
and historical events, are called the of the divine Sonship of our Lord;
synoptic gospels. The book of Third and 2. To teach the truths of the plan
Nephi in the Book of Mormon is of salvation.
sometimes called the fifth ga<pel. None of the gospels profess to do
Many volumes have been written more than present a fragmentary
by the scholars of the world analyz- account of the life and teachings- of
ing, comparing, dissecting, and crit- Christ. But such matters as were
icizing the gospels. As is always the recorded were true and correct as
case when "the things of God" are they first came from the pens of the_

inspired authors. The gospels, as UNITED STATES, GOVERNOR, INALIEN-

first written, were perfect scripture ABLE RIGHTS, KINGDOM OF Goo, MIL-
because they were inspired of the LENNIUM, PRIESTHOOD, THEOCRACY
Holy Ghost. (D. & C. 68:4.) But (THEARCHY). Adam and his posterity
since that primitive day, some of their were subject to the government of
beauty has been lost by translation God. They had the priesthood, the
from language to language, and also Church of Jesus Christ, and the king-
"many plain and precious things" dom of God on earth-the officers of
(! Ne. 13:23-35) have been deleted which administered in both civil and
and changed by evil and uninspired ecclesiastical affairs. In those days
persons. Yet, with it all, for literary God made the laws, revealed them to
excellence and the preservation of his servants, and they administered
inspired teachings, the gospels as they them by the spirit of inspiration. As
now stand in the King James Version aspostasy set in, however, various
of the Bible, excel almost all other groups usurped the powers of govern-
written matters. ment; the rule that had been legiti-
mate and righteous became illegiti-
Gospel Scholarship. See KNOWLEDGE. mate and errors and weaknesses crept
in. The righteous saints, however,
Gospel Standards. See OBEDIENCE. from Adam to the flood continued in
subjection to Him whose right it is
Gossiping. See BEARING FALSE Wrr- to rule and enjoyed the protection and
NESS, lnLE Won.os, LIARS. Gossip blessings of God's own government.
ordinarily consists in talebearing, in After the flood God again com-
spreading scandal, in engaging in fa- menced administering the affairs of
miliar or idle conversation dealing men through his own government,
personally with other people's affairs. but again apostasy was the order of
Frequently the reports are false; al- the day; soon the governments of men
most always they are so exaggerated prevailed in all parts of the earth.
and twisted as to give an unfair per- But among selected portions of men
spective; and in nearly every case the Lord continued to rule. The pa-
they redound to the discredit of the triarchs, the house of Israel, and the
persons under consideration. It fol- Nephites-all these from time to
lows that gossip is unwholesome, time enjoyed theocratic government.
serves no beneficial purpose, and Since the final Nephite degeneracy
should be shunned. and destruction, as far as we know,
there has been no people on earth
Government of God. See APOSTASY, who have been in direct civil and
CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER- ecclesiastical control of the true gov·
DAY SAINTS, CoNSTITUTION OF ernment of God. Rather Church and

state have been separated and admin- commenced. Through this Church
istered by separate agencies, except and kingdom a framework has been
in instances when apostate priest- built through which the full govern-
hoods have imposed false religions ment of God will eventually operate.
and governments upon nations. With the ushering in of the millen-
However, in a limited degree God nial era the present ecclesiastical
has continued to govern in and kingdom will be expanded into a
through the apostate and illegitimate political kingdom also, and tl:)en both
powers of the various nations. Kings civil and ecclesiastical affairs will be
have been exalted to thrones and administered through it. Then there
then thrust from their high positions will be two great world capitals, and
to further his eternal purposes. Na- the law shall go forth from Zion and
tions have risen and fallen; floods, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
(Isa. 2:1-4.)
famines, and desolations have been
sent to alter the course of history; Pending that glorious day, the
groups of people have been guided Lord's plan calls for a complete sep-
to discover and populate new lands aration of Church and state; no re-
and continents; and all things have ligious organization, whether true or
been so arranged that the Lord's pur- false, is to dictate affairs of state; if
poses would prevail. Israel was freed such were permitted, false religions
from Egyptian bondage; the nations would prevail, for they are in the ma -
of Canaan were driven out; the Ro- jority and will continue to be until
man Empire was overthrown; Colum- the wicked are swept off the earth by
bus was led to American soil; the the millennial cleansing.
hand of Deity was over the American
colonists; the American nation was Governor. See CHRIST, GOVERNMENT
set up with its constitutional guaran- OF Goo, KING, RULER. Christ is the
tees of freedom; and nations rose and Governor, the . Ruler, the King, the
fell as directed by an omnipotent One w_hose right it is to reign. Micah
power. Indeed, Daniel in revealing prophesied that in Bethlehem would
and in interpreting Nebuchadnezzar's "he · come forth" who was "to be
dream had forecast both the history ruler in Israel; whose goings forth
of nations and the frnal setting up, have been from of old, from everlast·
in the last days, of the kingdom of ing." (Mic. 5:2.) This prophecy as
God again on earth. (Dan. 2; Progress understood and quoted by the Jews
of Man, pp. 9-519.) was that out of Bethlehem "shall
With the restoration of the gospel come a Governor, that shall rule my
and the setting up of the ecclesiastical people Israel." (Matt. 2:6.) When
kingdom of God on earth, the restora- the government of God is perfected
tion of the true government of God during the millennium, he shall in-

deed stand as Governor, and "Of receive of his lulness, and be glorified
the increase of his government and in me as I am in the Father; there-
peace there shall be no end." He shall fore, I say unto you, you shall receive
reign "upon the throne of David," grace for grace." (D. & C. 93:6-20.)
and shall order and establish his
kingdom "with judgment and with Gratitude. See THANKSGIVING.
justice from henceforth even for ever."
(Isa. 9:7.) Graven Images. See WORSHIP


MouRNING, SHEOL. Since the grave
God's grace consists in his love, mer-
is the resting place of the mortal
cy, and condescension toward his
remains of deceased loved ones, com-
children. All things that exist are mon Christian decency and respect
manifestations of the grace of God. for the tender feelings of the mourn-
The creation of the earth, life itself, ers dictate that the site be chosen
the atonement of Christ, the plan of wisely and that it be properly main-
salvation, kingdoms of immortal glory tained. This feeling seems to have
hereafter, and the supreme gilt of been in the hearts of inspired men
eternal life-all these things come by of old. Abraham selected and pur-
the grace of him whose we are. chased a burial place for Sarah with
Grace is granted to men propor- great care and ceremony. (Gen. 23;
tionately as they conform to the 25:8-10.) Joseph of Arimathea ap-
standards of personal righteousness parently had his own tomb selected
that arc part of the gospel plan. Thus and prepared in advance, and into it
the saints are commanded to "grow the body of our Lord was lain. (Luke
in grace" (D. & C. 50:40), until they 23:50-56.)
are sanctified and justified, "through But a grave site is not, and was
the grace of our Lord and Savior never intended by the Lord to be,
Jesus Christ." (D. & C. 20:30-32.) a monument or a shrine or a place of
Grace is an attribute of perfection recurring religious meditation. It is
possessed by Deity (D. & C. 66:12; not a locale for worship or a place
84: 102), and Christ himself "received to pay inordinate devotion to the
grace for grace" until finally he memory of the departed. These things
gained the lulness of the Father. The breed ancestor worship and other
same path to perfection is offered to apostate misconceptions as to the real
man. "II you keep my command- position of death and burial in the
men ts," the Lord says, "you shall plan of salvation. Repeated and ex-

cessive placing of flowers on graves he said to the Jews, for instance, "Be-
partakes of this spirit. Obviously the fore Abraham was, I am" (John
Egyptian pyramids, apparently built 8:58), it was the same as saying,
as tombs for powerful Pharaohs, went "Before Abraham, was I AM, the
far beyond any reasonable reverence Everlasting God, he 'whose goings
or respect which should have been forth have been from of old, from
paid to deceased rulers. everlasting.'" (Mic. 5:2.)
There is, of course, nothing in a
grave except the dust, the element, Great Judge. See JUDGE OF ALL THE
from which the mortal body was EARTH.

made. The Spirit continues to live

and is in a world of spirits awaiting Great Shepherd. See Goon SHEPHERD.
the day of the resurrection. In that Great Spirit. See FALSE Goos, Goo.
glorious day the graves will be According to Lamanite traditions,
opened, and the bodies of all men will God is the Great Spirit. · It is obvious
be rescued from death. (2 Ne. 9:6- that by this designation the Laman-
16.) ites had in mind a p,;.onal being, for
King Lamoni mistakenly supposed
Graveside Prayers. See DEDICATION OF
that Ammon was the Great Spirit.
(Alma 18:2-28; 19 :25-27.) Both Am-
Great and Abominable Church. See mon and Aaron, using the same prin-
CHURCH OF THE DEVIL. ciple of salesmanship applied by Paul
on Mars Hill (Acts 17:22-31), taught
Greater Priesthood. See MELCHIZE- that the Great Spirit was the God
DEK PRIESTHOOD. who created the heavens and the
earth. (Alma 18:8-29; 22:8-11.) This
Great I AM. See CHRIST, ETERNITY same Lamanite concept that God is
TO ETERNITY, EVERLASTING TO EVER- the Great Spirit has existed among
LASTING. Christ is the Great I AM, the American Indians in modern
the I AM, the I AM THAT I AM, times.
meaning that he is the Eternal One,
the One "who is from all eternity to Greediness. See ALMSGM NG, CHAR -
all eternity" (D. & C. 39: l; Ex. 3:14), ITY, PooR, R1cH ES, SELFISHNESS . Since
the God who is "from everlasting to mortal man is being tested to see if
everlasting" (Ps. 90:2), whose course he will seek the riches of eternity
is one eternal round and who never rather than the transitory wealth of
varies or changes. ( I Ne. !0:17-20.) the world, it follows that greediness
"From eternity to eternity he is the -the avaricious grasping for an un-
same, and his years never fail" (D. reasonable amount of this world's
& C. 76:4), for he is the I AM. When goods-is a sin. (Prov. 1:19; 15:27;

21:26; Ezek. 22:12; Eph. 4:19; I Tim. guage, "if a man for conscience
3:3, 8; Jude 11.) The idle poor who toward God endure grief, suffering
lay hold on other men's goods be- wrongfully. For what glory is it, if,
cause their "eyes are full of greedi- when ye be buffeted for your faults,
ness" are condemned by the Lord. ye shall take it patiently? but if,
(D. & C. 56:17.) Similar condemna- when ye do well, and suffer for it,
tion rests. upon the saints who "seek ye take it patiently, this is acceptable
not earnestly the riches of eternity, with God." (I Pet. 2:19-20.)
but their eyes are full of greediness."
(D. & C. 68 :31.) Guardian Angels. See ANGELS, GIFT
Perhaps the most scathing denun- OF THE HOLY GHOST, LIGHT OF
ciation of greediness ever written is CHRIST, MINISTERING OF ANGELS, RE-
found in Isaiah's excoriation of the CORDING ANGELS. There is an old and
wickedness of apostate ministers. He false sectarian tradition to the effect
describes them as blind watchmen, that all men--0r if not that, at least
"greedy dogs which can never have the righteous-have guardian angels,
enough, .. . shepherds that cannot heavenly beings of some sort who
understand," ignorant ministers in- a!tend them and exercise some sort of
terested only in Hgain." (Isa. preserving and guarding care. It is
56:9-12.) This description accords true that there are many specific in-
perfectly with the angelic pronounce- stances in which angels, by special
ment _to Nephi: "Behold the gold, assignment, have performed particular
and the silver, and the silks, and the works whereby faithful people have
scarlets, and the fine-twined linen, been guarded and preserved. The
and the precious clothing, and the angel of the Lord's presence saved
harlots, are the desires of this great Israel (Isa. 63:7-9), and an angel
and abominable church." (I Ne. preserved Daniel when he was cast
13:8.) into the den of lions, for instance.
(Dan. 6:22.)
Grief. See MOURNING, SORROW, But to suppose that either all men
WEEPING. All men, as a necessary or all righteous men have heavenly
part of their mortal training, suffer beings acting as guardians for them
grief (D. & C. 123:7), our Lord him- runs counter to the basic revealed
self being no exception. (Isa. 53:3-4; facts relative to the manner in which
Mosiah 14:3-4.) Grief is a poignant the Lord exercises his benevolent
sorrow for some definite cause, as for watchfulness over his mortal chil-
instance the grief of righteous par- dren. The fact that angels have in-
ents because of the waywardness of tervened to preserve someone in a
their children, (I Ne. 18:17.) "This particular peril does not establish the
is thankworthy," in Peter's wise Ian- fact that all people generally have

guardian angels, anymore than the whereby they may receive such guid-
fact that angels have ministered to ance and enlightenment as will re-
selected prophets would prove that sult in their being guarded and
angels have ministered to all men. preserved in perilous circumstances.
Actually the preserving care of the (D. & C. 8:2-4.)
Lord is exercised through the Light Expressions of patriarchs or others
of Christ. (D. & C. 84:44-48; Moro. relative to guardian angels must be
7:12-19.) Every person born into the interpreted either as figu.rative state-
world is endowed with the guidance ments or as utterances having refer-
and enlightenment of this power. By ence to special instances of guarding
following its promptings God-fearing care of a miraculous nature, instances
persons frequently are guarded comparable to Daniel's experience in
against evils. Members of the Church, the lion's den. (Doctrines of Salvation,
in addition, have the gilt of the Holy vol. I, pp. 49-54.)
Ghost, a special heavenly endowment

= = IHI
Had-es. See GEHENNA, HELL, SPIRIT cized, praise ye the Lord. It . is a
PRISON, TARTARUS. In Greek the word liturgical ejaculation urging all to
for hell is hades; it is a place of outer join in praise of Jehovah, as in the
darkness where the spirits of the Christian hymn, "Christ the Lord is
wicked go at death to await the day risen today, Alleluia," or as in such
of their eventual resurrection. Sorrow, scriptural exultations as, "Alleluia:
anguish, and "the fiery indignation for the Lord God omnipotent reign-
of the wrath of God" attend those eth." (Rev. 19:1-6.) Many of the
cast down to this fate. (Alma 40: 13- Psalms begin or end with Hallelujah,
14; Luke 16:23.) translated, "Praise ye the Lord."
(Psalm 104; 106; Ill; 112; 113; 115;
Hailstorms. See SIGNS OF THE TIMES. 116; 117; 135; 146; 147; 148; 149;
Hallelujah. See HosANNA, }AH,
WORSHIP. Hallelujah (also rendered, UALISM, VISIONS. Opponents of gos-
halleluiah, alleluia, alleluiah) is a pel truths sometimes deride the saints
Hebrew word meaning praise /ah, or with the false charge that the visions
praise ye Jehovah, or, when angli- and spiritual manifestations received

by the prophets are hallucinations, stances. (3 Ne. 4:28-29.) "He that

that is, that as a result of disordered is hanged is accursed of God." (Deut.
nerves or mental derangement the 21 :23.) Peter's statements (and
manifestations, though seen, do not Paul's) that our Lord was "hanged
in reality exist. Actually a spiritual on a tree" do not mean that he was
manifestation could be an hallucina- executed by hanging, but that he was
tion; or either Deity or the devil crucified and placed on the
could give an actual vision; or in the (Acts 5:30; 10:39; Gal. 3: 13.)
absence of anything at all, still a false
claim to spiritual communion could Happiness. See JoY.
be made. Man's problem, at the peril
of his own salvation, is to determine Harem. See PLURAL MARRIAGE. Un-
the reality and source of spiritual der Moslem practices the wives and
communications. female relatives of a Mohammedan
are a harem. From the Christian
Ham. See CAIN, EGYPTUS, NEGROES, standpoint harems are frequently as-
PRE-EXISTENCE, PRIESTHOOD. Through sociated with sensuality and excess-
Ham (a name meaning black) "the a perspective that no doubt was and
blood of the Canaanites was pre- is justified in many instances. But
served" through the flood, he having harems have no part in the gospel.
married Egyptus a descendant of The Mohammedan practice of plural
Cain. (Abra. I :20-27.) Negroes are marriage is an ·apostate perversion of
thus descendants of Ham, who him- a true principle once properly in force
sell also was cursed, apparently for among their ancestors.
marrying into the forbidden lineage.
"Cursed be Canaan; a servant of Harlots. See CHURCH OF THE DEVIL,

servants shall he be unto his breth- SEX IMMORALITY. Literally an harlot

ren" (Gen. 9:25), said Noah of is a prostitute; figuratively it is any
Ham's descendants. These descend- apostate church. Nephi, speaking of
ants cannot hold the priesthood. harlots in the literal sense and while
giving a prophetic description of the
Hanging. See BLOOD ATONEMENT Catholic Church, recorded that he
DOCTRINE, CAPITAL PUNISHMENT, "saw the devil that he was the
MURDERERS. As a mode of capital foundation of it," that he "saw many
punishment, hanging or execution on harlots," and that among other things
a gallows does not comply with the "the harlots" were "the desires of
law of blood atonement, !or the blood this great and abominable church."
is not shed. It has been used, how- (I Ne. 13:6-8.) Then, speaking of
ever, as a means of execution among harlots in the figurative sense, he
the Lord's people under some circum- designated the Catholic Church as

"the mother of harlots" (I Ne. 13:34; to unite perfectly in spirit with the
14:15-17), a title which means that saints of all ages. Righteous harmony
the protestant churches, the harlot in the full godly sense prevails only
daughters which broke off from the in the congregations of the saints and
great and abominable church, would in the homes of the faithful families
themselves also be apostate churches. of Israel.
John saw and recorded similar
things. He wrote of the great and Hatred. See LOVE, PERSECUTION. Hate
abominable church as "the great is the opposite of love; in its full
whore that sitteth upon many wa- force it is to abhor, abominate, and
ters," and specified that "upon her detest; in lesser degree it is merely
forehead was a name written, MYS- to dislike or regard with displeasure.
TERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, Hatred is a proper and holy. emotion
THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS when channeled properly. "Hate the
AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE evil, and love the good." (Amos 5: 15.)
EARTH." (Rev. 17:1-5.) Manifestations of perfect hatred are
shown forth by Deity himself. "I the
Harmony. See PEACE, UNITY. Gospel Lord love judgment, I hate robbery,"
harmony consists in that agreement he says. (Isa. 61 :8.) One of the best
in belief, action, feeling, and senti- statements in the proverbs is: "These
ment which-born of the Spirit- six things doth the Lord hate: yea,
unites the saints as one. It is a gift seven are an abomination unto him:
of the Spirit, a special endowment A proud look, a lying tongue, and
to the saints. The gospel does not hands that shed innocent blood, An
bring and is not intended to bring heart that deviseth wicked imagina-
either peace or harmony to the world tions, feet that be swift in running to
in its present telestial state. "Think mischief, A false witness that speak-
not that I am come to send peace on eth lies, and he that soweth discord
earth," our Lord said. "I canie not among brethren." (Prov. 6:16-19.)
to send peace, but a sword. For I am Like persecution, hatred is · the
come to set a man at variance against heritage of the laithful. Our Lord
his father, and the daughter against told the Twelve: "Ye shall be hated
her mother, and the daughter in law of all men for my name's sake."
against her mother in law. And a (Matt. 10:22; 24:9.) Such a reaction
man's foes shall be they of his own to the Lord's ministers should cause
household." (Matt. 10:34-36.) But no surprise, as he said: "If the world
the gospel is designed to bring and hate you, ye know that it hated me
does in fact bring inner peace and before it hated you. If ye were of
harmony to the believing soul-a the world, the world would love his
harmony which enables the convert own: but because ye are not of the

world, but I have chosen you out of (D. & C. 35:9.) They are gilts of the
the world, therefore the world hateth Spirit (I Cor. 12:9, 28, 30), some
you." (John 15:18-19; 17:14.) persons having "faith to be healed,"
Proper hatred on the part of the others being endowed with "faith to
saints must be against evil and not heal." (D. & C. 46:19-20.) Healings
people. The gospel standard is: "Love are among the signs that follow true
your enemies, bless them that curse believers (D. & C. 84:68; 124:98),
you, do good to them that hate you, and the faithful elders have power to
and pray for them which despitelully perform healings whenever it is re-
use you, and persecute you." (Matt. quired of them by those who have
5:44; Luke 6:27.) faith to be healed. (D. & C. 24:13-
14.) As with other signs and mir-
Haunted Houses. See GHOSTS. acles, ii there are no healings among
church members, such people are not
Heatings. See ADMINISTRATIONS, the saints of God. And as with certain
FAITH, GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT, MIRACLES, other miracles, the devil has power
PRIESTHOOD, SIGNS. I. Miracles where- to perform some acts in imitation of
by diseases are cured and whereby the Lord's power.
physical and mental health are con- 2. Even more important than the
ferred by divine power are called healing of mentally and physically
heatings. For instance, our Lord in afflicted persons is the spiritual heal-
his mortal ministry went "forth ing of those who have been dead to
amongst men, working mighty mir- the things of righteousness. Those so
acles, such as healing the sick, raising healed are restored to a state of
the dead, causing the lame to walk, purity, integrity, and righteousness.
the blind to receive their sight, and Their healing comes about through
the deaf to hear, and curing all man- conversion to the truth and adherence
ner of diseases." (Mosiah 3:5.) to the principles of righteousness.
Faithful men in all ages-deriving Thus there is the scriptural promise
their power from that God who is that Christ "shall rise from the dead,
"the same yesterday, today, and for- with healing in his wings; and all
ever," in whom "there is no variable- those who shall believe on his name
ness neither shadow of changing,,, shall be saved in the kingdom of
who is "a God of miracles" (Morm. God." (2 Ne. 25:13; 26:9; Mal. 4:2.)
9:9-10)-have wrought as Christ did, That is, spiritual sickness and spir-
healing the sick, raising the dead, arid itual death vanish for those who tum
curing all manner of diseases, for the to him through whose atoning sacri-
Lord works "by healings." (3 Ne. fice all men have power to become
29:6.) whole spiritually, or in other words to
Healings come because of faith. be healed .from every spiritual ma!-

ady that would keep them out of the all his statutes, I will put none of
celestial world. Thus the Lord's call these diseases upon thee, which I
to all men is, "Return unto -me, and have brought upon the Egyptians: for
repent of your sins, and be converted, I am the Lord that healeth thee."
that I may heal you." (3 Ne. 9: 13; (Ex. 15 :26 Deut. 7:15; Alma 9:22;
Hos. 14:4.) D. & C. 89:18-21.) On the other
hand, it is by disobedience to God's
Health. See DEATH, DISEASES, HEAL- laws that diseases and afflictions
INGS, PHYSICIANS, WoRD OF W1s00M. come. (Deut. 28:27-28, 59-61; Mosiah
Joseph Smith taught that "it is the 17:16; Alma 15:3-5.)
will of God that man should repent Those who keep the command-
and serve him in health, and in the ments, in addition to being t_hereby
strength and power of his mind, in preserved in health and strength, will
order to secure his blessings." (Teach- have power, by faith, when disease
ings, p. 197.) Ordinarily a healthy, comes to be healed by the power of
vigorous person is · in a far better God.
position to work out his own salvation
and to be an effective instrument in Heart. See CoNTRn-E SP1Rn-.
rolling forth the great purposes of
Deity. Accordingly, the Lord has Heathens. See FALSE Goos, GENTILES,
given the Word of Wisdom and many IDOLATRY. Frequent Biblical passages
other laws of health by obedience speak of the heathen nations, meaning
to which -diseases may be avoided, in general those peoples and nations
health secured, and strength of mind worshiping idols and false gods. The
and body increased. Many of the term is used similarly in latter-day
requirements of the Mosaic law were revelation. The Lord speaks of re-
specifically revealed in order to en- deeming the heathen nations during
able a people, situated as the Israel- the millennium (D. & C. 45:54); of
ites then were, to enjoy health and the tolerable status of the heathen in
avoid plagues. (Lev. 11; 12; 13; 14; the day of judgment (D. & C. 75:22);
15; Deut. 23:10-14.) and of teaching the gospel to "the
In addition to obeying the laws of heathen nations, the house of Joseph"
health, however, physical well-being in that future day when his arm is
comes as a result of obedience to all revealed in power. (D. & C. 90 :9-ll.)
of the commandments. To Israel the The heathens are those who do not
Lord promised: "If thou wilt dili- even profess a knowledge of the true
gently hearken to the voice of the God as record is borne of him in the
Lord thy God, and wilt do that which scriptures. They worship idols or
is right in his sight, and wilt give other gods that are entirely false as
ear to his commandments, and keep distinguished from so-called Chris-

tian peoples who attempt to worship when their earth lives began. (John
the Lord, but who have totally false 6:38.) There was, of course, "war
concepts of the nature and kind of in heaven" (Rev. 12:7-9) when Lu-
being that he is. cifer and "a third part of the hosts of
heaven" (D. & C. 29:36) rebelled,
Heaven. See ARMIES OF HEAVEN, were cast out, and did "as lightning
CELESTIAL KINGDOM, FmMAMENT, fall from heaven." (Luke 10:18.)
HELL, KEYS OF THE KINGDOM, KING- 4. The place where translated
DOM oF Goo, KINGDOM oF HEAVEN, beings dwell is called heaven, al-
KINGDOMS OF GLORY, PARADISE, SPm.rr though they are not in the presence
WORLD, TELESTIAL KINGDOM, TERRES- of God. (D. & C. 110:13; 2 Kings
TRIAL KINGDOM, TRANSLATED BEINGS. 2:11.) "Their place of habitation is
I. Scriptural usage applies the term that of a terrestrial order" where they
heaven to the atmospheric heavens perform certain assigned duties pend-
that surround the earth or planet on ing the time when they shall be taken
which mortal man lives. Thus we "into the presence of God and into
read of "the thunder of heaven" (D. an eternal fulness." (Teachings, p.
& C. 87:6), "the fowls of heaven" 170.)
(D. & C. 89:14; 117:6), and the "new 5. Paradise may be said to be
heavens and a new earth" at the be- heaven in the sense that heaven is a
ginning of the millennium (Isa. place of peace, rest, and solace where
65: 17) and again in that day when the righteous go .at death. (Alma
the earth becomes an abode for 40:11-14; Luke 16:19-31.) Paradise
celestial beings. (D. & C. 29:23.) is not heaven, however, in the sense
2. In an infinitely broader sense of being an ultimate and eternal
heaven, the area surrounding our abode of the righteous, for those in
globe, is expanded to include the paradise are awaiting the day of their
sidereal heavens which fill the im- resurrection and assignment to a man-
mensity of space. Thus we find fre- sion of glory in the eternal world.
quent reference to "the stars of the 6. All of the kingdoms of glory-
heaven" (Gen. 22:17), and also such whether celestial, terrestrial, or te-
inspired statements as: "The heavens lestial-are sometimes called heaven.
declare the glory of God; and the Thus, prefacing his record of the
firmament sheweth his handywork." vision of the degrees of glory, the
(Ps. 19:1.) Prophet wrote: "From sundry revela-
3. Obviously the place where God tions which had been received, it was
dwells is heaven, for he is our Father apparent that many important points
in Heaven. (Matt. 6:9.) Accordingly touching the salvation of man had
all men, being his spirit offspring in been taken from the Bible, or lost
pre-existence, came down from heaven before it was compiled. It appeared

sell-evident from what truths were the other side of the Euphrates River;
left, that ii God rewarded every one the other, that it embraces the de-
according to the deeds done in the scendants .of Eber or Heber, one of
body, the term heaven, as in tended the. ancestors ·of Abraham. (Gen.
for the saints' eternal home, must 10:24.)
include more kingdoms than one." Abraham and Joseph were called
(D. & C. 76, section heading.) Hebrews (Gen. 14:13; 39:14-18), and
7. In its most important sense, then during the entire pre-Christian
heaven is the celestial kingdom of Era the whole house of Israel, in-
God. This is the sense in which it is cluding the members of all the tribes,
used, without exception, by prophets were so designated. Thus. the Ne-
and inspired men when they teach phites were Hebrews, and ii the same
the doctrines of salvation and exhort terminology were considered apt to-
their fellow men to conform to those day, the Latter-day Saints would bear
laws whereby salvation may be won. the same title. Since the Jews were
Amulek, for example, said: _"No un- the chief known portion of Israel at
clean thing can inherit the kingdom the dawn of the Christian Era, and
of heaven; therefore, how can ye be since most people consider them to
saved, except ye inherit the kingdom be the house of Israel itself, it has
of heaven? . . . And these are they become common in modern times to
that shall have eternal life, and salva- use the name Hebrew as a synonym
tion cometh to none else." (Alma for Jew.
I I :37 -40.) "In the celestial glory
there are three heavens or degrees." Heir of God. See CHRIST, JOINT-HEIRS
(D. & C. 131:1.) Those who gain WITH CHRIST. Christ is the Heir of
the highest are inheritors of exalta- God. (Matt. 21:33-41; Mark 12: 1-
tion. 12; Luke 20:9 -18; Rom. 4: 13-14;
Heb. I : 1-4.) By virtue thereof he
Heavenly City. See NEW JERUSALEM. was entitled to inherit and he did
receive all that the Father had. He
Heavenly Father. See FATHER IN gained every endowment, quality, at-
HEAVEN. tribute, perfection, power, and pos-
session, so that "in him dwelleth all
Hebrews. See ISRAEL, JEWS. Two the fulness of the Godhead bodily."
postulates are suggested as to the (Col. 2:9.) He has received the
origin of the name Hebrew: one, "fulness of the glory of the Father."
that it is derived from eber, "beyond, (D. & C. 93:4-20; Col. 1:19.)
on the other side,'.' Abraham and his
posterity being so named to distin- Heirship. See JOINT-HEIRS WITH;,
guish them from the races living on CHRIST.

Heirs of Promise. See CHILDREN OF is the spiritual death," he said, "shall

THE COVENANT. deliver up its dead; which spiritual
death is hell; wherefore, death and
Hell. See ANGUISH, BOTTOMLESS PIT, hell must deliver up their dead, and
CHAINS OF HELL, DAMNATION, ESCHA- hell must deliver up its captive spirits,
TOLOGY, GATES OF HELL, GEHENNA, and the grave must deliver up its
GRAVES, HADES, HEAVEN, IMMORTAL- captive bodies, and the bodies and
ITY, JUDGMENT DAY, MILLENNIUM, the spirits of men will be restored one
OUTER DARKNESS, PARADISE, PUNISH- to the other." (2 Ne. 9:10-12.) It
MENT, RESURRECTION, SHEOL, SONS was in keeping with this principle for
OF PERDITION, SPIRIT PRISON, SPIRIT- David to receive the promise : "Thou
UAL DEATH, SPIRIT WORLD, TARTARUS, wilt not leave my soul in hell." (Ps.
UPARDONABLE SIN. 1. That part of After their resurrection, the great
the spirit world inhabited by wicked majority of those who have suffered
spirits who are awaiting the eventual in hell will pass into the telestial
day of their resurrection is called kingdom; the balance, cursed as sons
hell. Between their death and resur- of perdition, will be consigned to par-
rection, these souls of the wicked are take of endless wo with the devil and
cast out into outer darkness, into the his angels. Speaking of the telestial
gloomy depression of sheol, into the kingdom the Lord says : "These are
hades of waiting wicked spirits, into they who are thrust down to hell.
hell. There they suffer the torments These are they who shall not be re-
of the damned; there they welier in deemed from the devil until the last
the vengeance of eternal fire; there is resurrection, until the Lord, even
found weeping and wailing and Christ the Lamb, shall have finished
gnashing of teeth; there the fiery in- his work. . . . These are they who
dignation of the wrath of God is are cast down to hell and suffer the
poured out upon the wicked. (Alma wrath of Almighty God, until the
40:11-14; D. & C. 76:103-106.) fulness of times." (D. & C. 76 :84-85,
Hell will have an end. Viewing I 06.) As to the sons of perdition,
future events, John saw that "death the revelation says that after their
and hell delivered up the dead which resurrection, '~they shall return again
were in them: and they were judged to their own place" (D. & C. 88:32,
every man acc6rding to their works." 102), that is, they shall go back to
(Rev. 20:13.) Jacob taught that this dwell in the lake of fire with Perdition
escape from death and hell meant the and his other sons. Thus those in
bringing of the body out of the grave hell "are the rest •Of the dead; and
and the spirit out of hell. "And this they live not again until the thousand
death of which I have spoken, which years are ended, neither again, until

the end of the earth." (D. & C. fate of liars (2 Ne. 9:34), of "all
88:101.) those who preach false doctrines"
Statements about an everlasting (2 Ne. 28:15), of those who believe
and endless hell (Hela. 6:28; Moro. the damnable doctrine of infant bap-
8: 13), are to be interpreted in the tism (Moro. 8:14, 21), of the rich
same sense as those about eternal and who will not help the poor (D. & C.
endless punishment. (D. & C. 19:4- 104:18; Luke 16:19-31), and of those
12; 76:44, 105.) who heap cursings on their fellow
Who will go to hell? This query men. (Matt. 5:22; 3 Ne. 12:22.)
is abundantly answered in the scrip- "The sectarian world are going to hell
tures. Since those going to a telestial by hundreds, by thousands and by
kingdom travel . to their destination millions," the Prophet said. (History
through the depths of hell and as a of the Church, vol. 5, p. 554.)
result of obedience to telestial law, it To catch souls in his snares and
follows that all those who live · a then drag them down to hell is the
telestial law will go to hell. Included plan and program of the devil. (D. &
among these are the carnal, sensual, C. 10:26; Alma 30:60.) One of his
and devilish-those who live after the latter-day wiles is to persuade men
manner of the world. Among them that there is neither a devil nor a hell
are the sorcerers, adulterers, whore- and that the fear of eternal torment
mongers (D. & C. 76:!03), false is baseless. (2 Ne. 28:21 -23.) But
swearers, "those that oppress the Christ, who holds "the keys of hell
hireling in his wages," the proud, and of death" (Rev. 1:18), and can
"and all that do wickedly." (Mal. 3; therefore control and abolish them,
4; 2 Ne. 9:27-39; 26:10.) has power to save and redeem men
Several specific groups of wicked from hell. (2 Ne. 33:6; Alma 19:29;
persons are singled out ~o receive the 26:13-14.) This he does on condi-
prophetic curse that their destination tions of repentance and obedience to
is the fires of hell. "The wicked shall his laws. But the unrepentant
be turned into hell, and all the na- "would be more miserable to dwell
tions that forget God," David pro- with a holy and just God, under ·a
claimed. (Ps. 9:17.) Sex sin is consciousiiess of" their "filthiness
rewarded with the torments of hell. befo,e him, than" they "would to
(2 Ne. 9:36; Prov. 7:6-27.) "Wo dwell with the damned souls in hell."
unto all those that discomfort my (Morm. 9:4.)
people, and drive, and murder, and 2. After death and hell have de-
testify against them, saith the Lord livered up the bodies and captive
of Hosts; a generation of vipers shall _spirits which were in them, then, as
not escape the damnation of hell." John. foresaw, "death and hell were
(D. & C. 121 :23.) Such also is. Jhe cast into the lake of fire." (Rev.

20:14.) This lake of fire, a figure and worship of one God without at
symbolical of eternal anguish and wo, the same time denying that others
is also called hell, but it is a hell can with equal truth worship different
reserved exclusively for the devil and gods. It is falsely taught in the sec-
his angels which includes the sons tarian world that Abraham, for in-
of perdition. (D. & C. 29:38; 88:113; stance, was a henotheist, that is, that
2 Pet. 2:4.) he worshiped the Almighty, but that
Speaking of this hell, and writing at the same time he considered that
of even ts to take place alter the res- other nations could worship their own
urrection and the judgment, and thus gods with equally beneficial results.
of a day after those going to a teles- This apostate view is erroneously
tial kingdom have come out of their considered to be one step advanced
hell, Jacob says: "And assuredly, as from polytheism and one step behind
the Lord liveth, for the Lord God the final type of monotheism that was
hath spoken it, and it is his eternal in process of evolving.
word, which cannot pass away, that
they who are righteous shall be Heredity. See ENVIRONMENT, PRE-
righteous still, and they who are EXISTENCE. In his eternal providences
filthy shall be filthy still; wherefore, and omniscient wisdom, an Almighty
they who are filthy are the devil and Deity has ordained laws whereby the
his angels; and they shall go away characteristics and qualities of par-
into everlasting fire, prepared for ents are transmitted to their de-
them; and their torment is as a lake scendents. From a mortal viewpoint
of fire and brimstone, whose flame this is called heredity. From an eter-
ascendeth up forever and ever and nal perspective it is the Lord's way
has no end." (2 Ne. 9:16.) of sending through particular line-
Thus, for those who are heirs of ages the very spirits who have devel-
some salvation which includes all oped the mental, spiritual, and other
except the sons of perdition (D. & C. qualifications entitling them so to be
76:44), hell has an end but for those born. The complexities and intra-
who have wholly given themselves cacies of the laws prevailing in this
over to satanic purposes there is no field are beyond finite capacity to
redemption from the consumin fires comprehend.
an torment of conscience. They go
on forever in the heli that is pre- Heresy. See APosTASY, DOCTRINE,
pared for them. ORTHODOXY, TRUTH. In the true gos-
pel sense, any opinion or doctrine in
Henotheism. See ATHEISM, DEISM, opposition to the revealed word of the
Goo, MONOTHEISM, POLYTHEISM, Lord as recorded in the standard
THEISM. Henotheism is the belief in works of the Church and as taught

by The Church of Jesus Christ of of God which is among you, taking

Latter-day Saints is an heresy. The the oversight thereof, not by con-
issue is not how many people may straint, but willingly; not for filthy
believe a teaching; it is whether the lucre, but of a ready mind; Neither
doctrine is true or false. (2 Pet. 2: I.) as being lords over God's heritage,
The whole Christian world, in the but being ensamples to the flock."
days of the Prophet, believed falsely (I Pet. 5:2-3; D. & C. 58:17.)
that God was a mystical spirit essence
that filled the immensity of space and Heterodoxy. See ORTHODOXY.
was everywhere and nowhere in par-
ticular present-all of which proved Hierarchy. See EQUALITY, GENERAL
only that they were all heretics, that AUTHORITIES, PRIESTHOOD, PRIESTHOOD
the apostasy was universal. Heresy is OFFICES. Among the saints · of God
false doctrine. perfect brotherhood and equality in
Even members of the true Church all things does or should exist. (D.
are guilty of the crime of heresy to & C. 78:3-7; 105:3-6.) There are no
the extent that they accept false views low or mean persons; all are the chi! -
which do not accord with the revealed dren of a loving Father; all are
word. "For there must be also her- candidates for salvation; and the Al-
esies among you, that they which are mighty is no respecter of persons.
approved may be made manifest Yet the Church is a kingdom, a theoc-
among you." (1 Car. 11:19; Gal. racy, a complex organization operated
5 :20.) One of the purposes of this by many officers serving in divers
mortal probation is to see how much capacities.
of the truth men will. believe when To maintain discipline and carry
they walk by faith rather than by the work forward, of necessity there
sight. There is no salvation in a false must be high and low offices; sen-
doctrine. iority must exist between those hold-
ing the same office; and the decisions
Heritage. See CHURCH OF JEsus of those holding higher positions must
CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, PE- prevail over the views of their broth-
CULIAR PEOPLE, SAINTS. The saints of ers who hold lesser positions. Each
God, the house of Israel, his chosen General Authority has his own rank
and peculiar people are the Lord's and position; ward bishops are sub-
heritage. He has chosen them as his ject to and give due deference to their
inheritance, as "a special people unto stake presidents; counselors in presi-
himself, above all people that are dencies do not rank with those whom
upon the face of the earth." (Deut. they assist; and so it is throughout the
7:6; Ex. 19:6; I Pet. 2:5, 9,) Peter whole organization of the Church.
counseled the elders: "Feed the flock The great body of administrative offi-

cers--each successive group serving its divine authenticity. Their work

according to rank and precedence-- is called higher criticism, though as
form a complex and perfect hierarchy. has aptly been said it should more
(D. & C. 107.) accurately be called destructive crit-
This same system prevails in heav- icism.
enly realms. A great celestial hier- Theories of the higher critics-
archy prevails. God stands at the based as they are on speculative evo-
head, with spirits, angels, and exalted lution, on speculative archeological
personages each ranking in their re- deductions, and on pure imagination
spective, assigned positions and -include such conclusions as:
spheres. That the books of the Bible (par-
ticularly the earlier Old Testament
High Council. See CHURCH CounTs, books) are not the revealed mind and
STAKE PRESIDENTS, TRAVELING PRE- will of the Lord, but rather they arc
SIDING HIGH CouNCIL. In each stake the compilations of various authors
a high council composed of 12 high and scribes who edited and wove to-
priests is organized to serve as a ju- gether the myths of pre-historic
dicial and administrative body. With peoples;
the stake presidency directing their That the Pentateuch or five books
considerations, high counpilors assist of Moses were compiled long after
in the trial of cases properly brought the day of Moses from four earlier
before them. (D. & C. 102; 107:37.) (and now unavailable) accounts-
Their work in the administrative field the "J" (Jehovistic), the "E" (Elo-
is to aid and assist the stake presiden- histic), the "P" (Priestly), and "D"
cy in regulating the various church (Deutcronomistic);
affairs and programs in the stake. That the Book of Isaiah, for in-
stance, was authored by two, three,
High Councilors. See HIGH COUNCIL. or four different persons living at
different tillles;
Higher Criticism. See APOSTASY, That as a result of the manner in
BmLE, EvoLUTION, REVELATION, SCRIP- which the Bible came into being, it
TURE. In modern times, the un- abounds in errors, contradictions, and
inspired Biblical scholars of the recorded myths, and that it is not
world-men without faith, without inspired in the sense that it came by
revelation, without the gift of the revelation from God;
Holy Ghost, without a knowledge of That early man could neither read
the plan of salvation; men who do nor write and was not endowed with
not accept Christ as the literal Son the same intellectual capacity which
of God-have studiously dissected the evolutionary processes have now
the Bible so as, in effect, to destroy given him;

That such Biblical accounts as per- theori~ of. these critics. For instance,
tain to the creation, fall of Adam, the Book of Mormon establishes the
Garden of Eden, flood of Noah, and divinity of.Isaiah's writings; the Book
confusion of tongues grew out of of Moses and the Book of Abraham
Assyrian and Babylonian myths and set forth the truth about God's an-
were incorporated into the Hebrew cient dealings with the people from
scriptures by ignorant or unenlight- the days of Adam· down; and many
ened scribes who thereby gave to sections ill the Doctrine and Cove-
myths , the sanctity of revelation; nants •pointedly refute the specific
That the earliest religion came into claims of the higher critics. An excel-
being as part of the evolutionary de- lent analysis of higher criticism is
velopment of man, that it included found on pages 490-515 of Man: His
the worship of many gods, and that Origin and Destiny by President
the concept of one supreme Deity was Joseph Fielding Smith.
only gradually accepted by the He-
brew peoples. Higher Priesthood. See MELCHIZEDEK
To a greater or lesser extent these PRIESTHOOD.
false theories are accepted and taught
in every sectarian church in Christen- Highest. See FATHER IN HEAVEN,
dom. They are interwoven in nearly Gon, MosT HIGH, SoN OF THE HIGH-
every article found in the Bible dic- EST. To ·the Father, "the highest of
tionaries common! y used by sectarian all" (D. & C. 76 :70) , is ascribed the
Christians. They are part and portion name, the Highest (Ps. 87:5; Luke
of the promised universal apostasy 1:32-35, 76; 2:14; 6:35; 19:38), thus
which the prophets specified would signifying that he is exalted above all
prevail in the last days. Occasionally others in standing, rank, dignity,
some of these views are even found power, and all things. Of the Father,
in the true Church and creep into he who is "the Son of the Highest"
lessons and class discussions. In the (Luke I :32), proclaimed: "My Father
final analysis they are doctrines of is greater than I." (John 14:28.)
the devil, doctrines which destroy
faith and prevent acceptance of the High Priest. See AUTHOR OF SALVA-
lull gospel of salvation. TION, CHRIST, HIGH PRIESTS. "Christ
Latter-day Saints who have gained is the great High Priest." (Teachings,
testimonies of the divinity of the p. 158; Heb. 3:1.) "Thou art a priest
Lord's great latter-day work know for ever after the order of Melchiz-
that the theories of the higher critics edek," are the words of one of the
are false. Scores of direct revelations great Messianic prophecies. (Ps.
given to the Pr_ophet Joseph Smith 1!0:4; Heb. 5:5-11; 7:14-17.) The
deny, categorically and bluntly, the designation of our Lord as the great

High Priest points to his position as held the higher priesthood. Among
the chief minister of salvation, as the the Nephites (Alma 4:4, 18) and in
author of salvation in the sense of the Church today this presiding high
having worked out the infinite and priest holds the ordained office · of
eternal atonement. (Heb. 2 :1-18; 5.) high priest of the Melchizedek order.
(D. & C. 107:22, 66.) In the meridian
High Priestesses. See HIGH PRIESTS, of time the apostate Jews were in
PRIESTESSES, PRIESTHOOD. There is no subjection to their self-appointed high
such thing in the true Church as a priests. (Matt. 26:3, 51, 57; Acts
high priestess. Where this office is 23 :4.) In accordance with the gov-
found in a church, it is an unauthor- ernmental arrangements existing in
ized and apostate innovation. Women particular periods, some of the high
do not hold the priesthood. priests would have exercised secular
as well as ecclesiastical powers.
High Priestly Prayer. See PRAYER. 2. One of the ordained offices in
the Melchizedek Priesthood is that
High Priests. See HIGH PRIEST, HIGH of a high priest. (D. & C. 20:67.)
PRIESTESSES, MELCHIZEDBK PRIEST- This office grows out of and is an
HOOD, PRESIDENT OF THE CHURCH, appendage to the higher priesthood.
PRIESTHOOD, PRIESTHOOD OFFICES (D. & C. 107:5.) Beginning in Adam's
PRIESTHOOD QUORUMS, PRIESTS, Quo~ day, whenever the Church has been
RUM PRESIDENTS. J. God's chief rep- organized and the fulness of the gos -
resentative on earth, the one who pel has been had by men, there have
holds the highest spiritual position in been high priests. (D. & C. 107:53;
his kingdom in any age, is called Alma 13.) These brethren have been
the high priest. This special designa- called to minister in spiritual things
tion of the chief spiritual officer of (D. & C. 107:18), to travel and
the Church has reference to the ad- preach the gospel (D. & C. 84:111),
ministrative position which he holds to perfect the saints and do all the
rather than to the office to which he things that a seventy, elder, or holder
is ordained in the priesthood. When of the Aaronic Priesthood can do.
these high priests served under the (D. & C. 68:19.)
law of Moses, they were ordained
priests of the Aaronic order. (Lev. Hill Cumorah. See CuMORAH.
21:10; 2 Kings 22:4.) However,
since there were times in ancient History. See BooK OF REMEMBRANCE,
Israel when the Melchizedek Priest- CH URCH HISTORIAN AND RECORDER,
hood was on earth-as in the days JOURNALS, RECORD KEEPING. History
of Elijah--there certainly would have is a written account of past events,
been instances when the high priests a record of human progress and ex-

perience; it generally deals with those flood? The confusion of tongues at

events affecting nations and peoples; the tower of Babel? What of the
and it is usually accompanied by a great Jaredite and Nephite nations
philosophical explanation of the that flourished on the American con-
causes behind the events. It is a tinent for some 2500 years? And
guide to progress and an aid to civ- what was taking place on this con-
ilization. (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. tinent for 1000 years before Colum-
2, pp. 197-200.) bus? Where are the lost tribes of
Contrary to what is generally as- Israel? Where did our Lord go when
sumed, and notwithstanding the fact he ministered to them in the meridian
that our libraries bulge with countless of time? How many times have the
volumes of so-called history, very Father and the Son appeared to men?
little is actually known of the real What visions and revelations ·have
history of the world. True history is been lost to our knowledge?
an almost unknown quantity. From Indeed, what is the real truth about
the standpoint of profane records, al- what is going on in some communist
most nothing is known of man's countries today? And such histories
origin; of his early life on earth; of as we do have, are they slanted as
the nations, kingdoms, and peoples communists slant history? What his-
that lived more than three or four tories shall we believe where Mormon
thousand years ago; of the ancient history is concerned? Those written
inhabitants of the American conti- by the enemies of the saints or by
nent; or even of the peoples of north- their friends? Shall we accept civil
ern Europe and of the orient in war histories by northern or southern
ancient and medieval times. sympathizers? ·
Laying revealed history aside-- From the beginning to now, the
where do we find the true story of the real history of the world has either
creation? Where is the record that been lost or so .twisted and perverted
identifies Adam and Eve as intelli- that comparatively speaking we know
gept, superior beings who are the very little. When the real history of
the world is written- as it will be
actual progenitors of all men? Who
by the spirit of inspiration-it will
knows anything of the 365 year his-
show God's dealings with men, the
tory of the City of Enoch, or of the
place the gospel has played in the
fact it was taken up into heav_en?
rise and fall of nations, and how eras
What is known of the fact that the of darkness and ·degeneracy have re-
continents and islands were all in one sulted from apostasy from the way of
place un ti! some 4000 or so years ago the Lord.
and that they were then divided?
Who knows about the universal Hobbies. See GosPEL HOBBIES.


OF IsRAEL, HoLY ONE OF JACOB, HoLY names is Holy, using the designation
ONE OF ZION, MAN OF HOLINESS, in the noun sense and not as an ad-
PURITY, RIGHTEOUSNESS, SANCTIFICA- jective. Thus Isaiah entoned: "Thus
TION. By compliance with the laws saith the high and lofty One that in-
and ordinances of the gospel, the habiteth' eternity, whose name is
saints have power to attain a state of Holy." (Isa. 57:15.) Obviously the
perfect holiness before the Lord. (D. purpose of the name is to convey to
& C. 60:7.) Such a state is one of man the concept of the supreme holi-
spiritual life, of godliness, of unim- ness and perfection embodied in him
paired innocence and proved virtue. who is the Son of Man of Holiness.
"Through the shedding of the blood (Moses 6:57.)
of Christ," the obedient gain a remis-
sion of their sins and "become hol Y, Holy City. See NEW JERUSALEM.
without spot." (Moro. 10:32-33; 3
Ne. 28:39; D. & C. 133:35.) Holy Father. See FATHER IN HEAVEN,
"Sanctify yourselves therefore, and
be ye holy: for I am the Lord your
I. This sacred title, Holy Father, is an
God." (Lev. 20:7.) "Practise virtue
appropriate and proper way to ad-
and holiness before me." (D. & C.
dress God the Father. In the revealed
38:24.) "Bind yourselves to act in
all holiness before me." (D. & C. dedicatory prayer of the Kirtland
43:9.) "Continue in faith and charity Temple, the Father is so designated
and holiness with sobriety." (I Tim. seven times. (D. & C. 109 :4, 10, 14,
2:15; 2 Cor. 7:1; Eph. 1:4; Heb. 22, 24, 29, 47.) The title bears record
12:10-14; D. & C. 20:69; 21:4; 46:7.) both of Deity's holy and perfected
status and his position as the Parent
Scores of different things pertaining
of the spirits of men.
to the Church and kingdom are re-
ferred to in the scriptures as being
2. In the Catholic Church the des-
ignation Holy Father is a title applied
holy, including lands, laws, prophets,
performances, priesthoods, and the to the Pope. Such usage is blasphe-
like. Strict command is laid upon the mous in nature.
Lord's ministers to "Give not that
Holy Ghost. See BAPTISM OP FmE,
which is holy unto the dogs." (Matt.
7:6; 3 Ne. 14:6.)


LAYING ON OF HANDS, LIGHT OF dividual or Person who is a member

CHRIST, PARACLETE, REVELATION, REv- of the Godhead, but the power or
ELATOR, SANCTIFIER, SIGN OF THE gift of that Personage. After Philip
DOVE, SPIRIT OF THE LORD, SPIRIT OF had baptized some converts in Sa-
TRUTH, SPIRITUAL LIFE, TESTATOR, maria, Peter and John were sent unto
TESTIMONY. I. The Holy Ghost is them, "Who, when they were come
the third member of the Godhead. down, prayed for them, that they
He is a Personage of Spirit, a Spirit might receive the Holy Ghost: (For
Person, a Spirit Man, a Spirit Entity. as yet he was fallen upon none of
He can be in only one place at one them: only they were baptized in the
time, and he does not and cannot name of the Lord.Jesus.) Then laid
transform himself into any other form they their hands on them, and they
or image than that of the Man whom received the Holy Ghost." (Acts
he is, though his power and influence 8:12-17.) Similarly Paul found some
can be manifest at one and the same .converts in Ephesus who supposed
time through all immensity. (D. & C. they had been baptized by a legal
130:22-23; Teachings, p. 190, 275- administrator. To them Paul said,
276; Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed., pp. "Have ye received the Holy Ghost
59-62.) since ye believed?" Finding they were
He is the Comforter, Testator, Rev- misinformed as to their church status,
elator, Sanctifier, Holy Spirit, Holy Paul arranged for a proper baptism.
Spirit of Promise, Spirit of Truth, Then "when Paul had laid his hands
Spirit of the Lord, and Messenger of upon them, the Holy Ghost came on
the Father and the Son, and his com- them; and they spake with tongues,
panionship is the greatest gilt that and prophesied." (Acts 19 :1-7.) In
mortal man can enjoy. His mission both of these instances the scriptur$s
is to perform all of the functions ap- speak of receiving the Holy Ghost,
pertaining to the various name-titles meaning the receipt and enjoyment
which he bears. Because he is a Spirit following baptism of the gift anJ
Personage, he has power-according power of the Holy Ghost. Nephi
to the eternal laws ordained by the spoke similarly when he said that the
Father-to perform essential and Holy Ghost "is the gift of God u';;;
unique functions for men. In this all those who diligently seek him, .as
dispensation, at least, nothing has well in times of old as in the time il,';;i
been revealed as to his origin or des- he should manifest himself unto the
tiny; expressions on these matters are children of men." (I Ne. 10:17.)
both speculative and fruitless.
2. Sometimes the designation Holy Holy Interpreters. See UruM .AND
Ghost is used to mean, not the In- THUMM!M.

Holy Kiss. See SALUTATIONS. Christ's holiness with the pointed

realization that he came forth from
Holy Messiah. See CHRIST, HOLY, and is the Son of God, he is called the
HoLY ONE, HOLY ONE OF Goo, HOLY Holy One of God. It was by this
ONE OF ISRAEL, HOLY ONE OF JACOB, name that a devil addressed him,
HOLY ONE OF ZION, MESSIAH. Christ when that unclean spirit was com-
is called by his name, the Holy Mes- manded to leave his enforced tenancy
siah, when the purpose is to bring to in a stolen tabernacle. (Mark 1:24;
mind both his holy and perfected state Luke 4:34.)
and his position as Deliverer and
King. (2 Ne. 2:6, 8.) Holy One of Israel. See CHRIST, Goo
Holy One. See CHRIST, HouNEss, ONE OF Goo, HoLY ONE oF JAcoB,
OF ISRAEL, HOLY ONE OF JACOB, HOLY Holy One of Israel, an appellation
ONE OF ZION. Christ is the Ho ly One, signifying that he is both the embodi-
a designation signifying that he is a ment of holiness and the God of
holy, pure, sanctified Person, One Israel who came into the world
who was and is without sin, who had through the lineage of that chosen
no need for repentance, and who people. This particular name was in
stands perfect in all things. "I am constant and popular usage anciently.
the Lord, your Ho! y One, the erea tor It is found 40 times in the Book of
of Israel, your King." (Isa. 43:15; Mormon and over 30 in the O Id
49:7; Ps. 16:10; Acts 2:27; 3:14; Testament, but it is not found of
13:35; 2 Ne. 9:20, 41; 3 Ne. 26:5; record in either the New Testament
Morm. 9:5, 14; D. & C. 78:16.) or the Doctrine and Covenants. (2
"Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord of Ne. 25:29; 30:2; Omni 26; Ps. 89:18;
hosts: the whole earth is full of his Isa. 43:14; Ezek. 39:7.)
glory." (Isa. 6:3.) "Holiness unto the
Lord" w_ill be emblazoned on useful Holy One of Jacob. See CHRIST, Goo
, itep,s of every sort in that millennial OF ISRAEL, HOLY, HOLY ONE, HOLY
day when the Holy One reigns per- ONE OF Goo, HoLY ONE OF ISRAEL,
"sonally upon the earth. (Zech. 14:20- HOLY ONE OF ZION. References to
) !.) Christ as the Holy One of Jacob have
substantially the same meaning as
Holy One of God. See CHRIST, HoLY, those which designate him as the
HoLY ONE, HoLY ONE OF IsRAEL, Holy One of Israel. (Isa. 29:23; 2
HOLY ONE OF JACOB, HoLY ONE OF Ne. 27:34.) They invite attention
ZroN. To couple the concept of to our Lord's holiness and his position

as the God of Jacob, a God who was is, the power given him to ratify and
born in the flesh as the literal de- approve the righteous acts of men so
scendant of that ancient patriarch. that those acts wjll be binding on
earth and in heaven. "All covenants,
Holy One of Zion. See CHRIST, HoLY, contracts1 bonds, obligations, oaths,
HoLY ONE, HoLY ONE OF Goo, HoLY vows, performances, connections, as -
ONE OF ISRAEL, HOLY ONE OF JACOB, sociations, or expectationst must be
ZION. To speak of Christ as the Holy sealed by the Holy Spirit of Promise,
One of Zion is to point attention both if they are to have "efficacy, virtue,
to his holiness and to the especial or force in and after the resurrection
and personal relationship that exists from the dead; for all contracts that
between him and his Zion. (D. & C. are not made unto this end have an
78:15.) When the perfect Zion- end when men are dead." (D. & C.
composed solely of the pure in heart 132:7.)
(D. & C. 97 :21)-is again established To seal is to ratify, to justify, or to
on earth, then the presence of the approve . .Thus an act which is sealed
by the Holy Spirit of Promise is'6ne
Lord will be felt there as his presence
which is ratified by the Holy Ghost;
was found in the ancient city of that
it is one which is approved by the
name. (Moses 7 :16-19, 62-64.)
Lord; and the person who has taken
Holy Order of God. See MELCHIZE- the obligation upon himself is justi-
fied by the Spirit in the thing he has
done. The ratifying seal of approval
Holy Priesthood after the Order of is put upon an act only if those en-
the Son of God. See MELCHIZEDEX tering the contract are worthy as a
result of personal righteousness to
receive the divine approbation. They
'Holy Scriptures. See BIBLE. "are sealed by the Holy Spirit of
promise, which . the Father sheds
Holy Spirit. See SPIRIT OF THE LORD. forth upon all those who are just and
true." (D. & C. 76 :53.) II they are
Holy Spirit of Promise. See GIFT OF not just and true and worthy the
THE HOLY GHOST, HOLY GHOST, ratifying seal is withheld.
JUSTIFICATION. The Holy Spirit of When any ordinance or Contract
Promise is the Holy Spirit promised is sealed by the Spirit, it is approved
the saints, or in other words the Holy with a promise of reward, provided
Ghost. This name-title is used in unrighteousness does not thereafter
connection with the sealing and rat- break the seal, remove the ratifying
ifying power of the Holy Ghost, that approval, and cause of the prom-

ised blessing. (Doctrines of Salvation, which he is "sealed up unto eternal

vol. I, p. 55; vol. 2, pp. 94-99.) Seals life" (D. & C. 131 :5; 132:18-26) , in
are placed on contracts through right- which he receives "the promise ..
eousness. of eternal life" (D. & C. 88:3-4), in
The operation and power of the which he is "sealed up unto the day
Holy Spirit of Promise is best illus- of redemption" (D. & C. 124: 124;
trated by the ordinance and contract Eph. I: 13)-yet with it all, these
of baptism. An unworthy candidate great promises are secured only ii the
for baptism might deceive the elders "performances" are sealed by the
and get the ordinance performed, but Holy Spirit of Promise.
no one can lie to the Holy Ghost and
get by undetected. · Accordingly, the Holy Writ. See ScRIPTURE.
baptism of an unworthy and unre-
pentant person would not be sealed Homage. See OBEISANCE.
by the Spirit; it would not be ratified
by the Holy Ghost; the unworthy Home. See CELESTIAL MARRIAGE,
person would not be justified by the ExALTATION. It is common to speak
Spirit in his actions. If thereafter he of the Latter-day Saint home, mean-
became worthy through repentance ing not just the dwelling place of the
and obedience, the seal would then family, but the family institution it-
be put in force. Similarly, if a worthy self. This usage considers a Mormon
person is baptized, with the ratifying home to be one bound together for
approval of the Holy Ghost -attending eternity by the sealing power of the
the performance, yet the seal may be priesthood; one in which love abounds
broken by subsequent sin. because all members of the family
These principles also apply to every believe and obey the gospel law; one
other ordinance and performance in in which the lather holds the priest-
the Church. Thus if both parties are hood, blesses his wife and children,
"just and true," if they are worthyJ and stands as a true patriarch to his
a ratifying seal is placed on their posterity; one where there are daily
temple marriage; if they are un- family prayers, where charity, faith,
worthy, they are not justified by the and devotion abound, where there is
Spirit and the ratification of the Holy chastity and perfect cleanliness of
Ghost is withheld. Subsequent worthi- mind and body; one from which
ness will put the seal in force, and young men go forth as missionaries
unrighteousness will break any seal. to carry the message of salvation to
Even if a person progresses to that our Father's other children; one in
state of near-perfection in which his which all the members serve in the
calling and election is made sure, in Church, keep the commandments of

God, and enjoy the rich outpourings Honor. See OBEISANCE, REVERENCE,
of the Spirit. It is in and through WORSHIP. To honor another person
the eternal family (or as is colloquial- is . to hold him in high esteem, · to
ly said, the home) that men gain accord .him respectful regard because
perfect peace in this life and a hope of his high worth; in the case of Deity
of eternal life hereafter. these feelings are coupled with rever-
ential worship and necessarily pre-
Homicide. See MURDERERS. suppose that God is deserving of all
glory and adulation because he has
almighty power. His honor is his
Homosexuals, See SEX IMMORALITY.
power. (D. & C. 29:36.)
Who is deserving of honor? Paul
answers: "Unto the King eternal, i~-
TRUTH, UPRIGHTNESS. Perfect hon- mortal, invisible, the only wise God,
esty is one of the invarying character- be honour a_n d glory for ever and
istics exhibited by all who are worthy ever." (1 Tim. 1:17; 6:16.) And with
to be numbered with the saints of his view all the prophets accord.
God. Honest persons are fair and (Rev. 5:13; 7:12; 19:1; D. & C. 20:36;
truthful in speech, straightforward in 65:6; 76:119; 84:102; 109:77.) Fur-
their dealings, free from deceit, and ther: "All men should honour the
above cheating, stealing, misrepre- Son, even as they honour the Father.
sentation, or any other fraudulent .H e that honoureth not the Son hon-
action. _Honesty is the companion of oureth not the Father which hath
truth, dishonesty of falsehood; hon- sent him." (John 5:23.)
esty is of God, dishonesty of the devil_, fualted .b~ings . '\".ho .become like
for he was a liar from the beginning. God. shall inherit all . the honors of
(D. & C. 93:52; 2 Ne. 2:18.) _his kingdom. (D. & C. ,43:25; 75:5;
All men are commanded to be [24:55; 128:12, 23.) Those who serve
honest. as one of the requisites for as _his_prophets .among men are de-
working out their salvation. (D. & C. serving c:if . .attention . and honor.
51:9; 97:8; Rom. 13:13; 2 Car. 13:7; (Matt. 13:57; Mark 6:4; John 4:44.)
Philip. 4:8; I Thess. 4:12; Heb. 13:18: "Honour thy father and thy mother";
l Pet. 2: 12; Thirteenth Article of such is a divine decree that has been
Faith.) Those who are honest !n repeated over- and over, again by the
heart readily accept the gospel and .its Lord's prophets. (Ex. 20:12; Deut.
truths. (D. & C. 8:1; 11:10; 135:7.) 5:16; Matt. 15:4; 19:19; Mark 7:10:
Honest men should be sought for _to 10:19; Luke 18:20; Eph. 6:2; I Ne.
administer the civil law. (D. & C. 17:55; Mosiah 13:20.) "Honour ,all
98:10.) men. Love the brotherhood: Fear

God. Honour the king." (I Pet. ~ - It is not a flimsy, ~

2:17; Rom. 13:7.) desire, one without assurance that the
Men receive honors either from ~ d consummation will be re-
God or from their fellow men. As far ceived, but a desire coupled with full
as the recipients are concerned, in expectation of receiving the coveted
the eternal perspective, the honors of reward. Paul, for instance, was not
men count for nothing. They may hesitant in affirming that he lived,
result in some transitory glory in this "In hope of eternal life, which Gocj,
world, but in eternity no honors will that cannot lie, promsied before the
world began" (Tit. I :2), and Peter
remain except those conferred by
assured all the elect that "by the
Deity. "I receive not honour from
resurrection of Jesus Christ from the
men," our Lord said. (John 5:41;
dead," their "lively hope" of "an
Alma 60:36.) " If I honour myself, inheritance incorruptible, and unde-
my honour is nothing: it is my Father filed, and that fadeth not away, re-
that honoureth me; of whom ye say, served in heaven" for the saints, had
that he is your God." (John 8:54.) been renewed or "begotten" again.
Similarly, ~ .man is able 19 take '!U (1 Pet. 1:1-5.)
ponor of the priesthoocj o, the ~ Ho e is alwa s centered in Christ
! ! ! l _ ~ h 0 1 s ~ ~d (Ps. 31:24; 42:5, 11; 43:5; 146:5) ;
~ ~ ( Heb-,--5:4.) - - it always ertains to salvation in the
How is it possible to gain honor kingdom of God (Lam. 3:26; Acts
from God? "If any man serve me, let 24:15; Rom. 8:24-25; Heb. 11:l ; Col.
him follow me; and where I am, there 1 :5, 23); and without hope there can
shall also my servant be: if any man be no salvation. Speaking to the Lord,
serve me, him will mi/ Father hon- Moroni said: "Thou hast prepared a
our." (Tohn 12:26.) "I, the Lord, am house for man, yea, even among the
~ if~! and gracious unto those who mansions of thy Father, in which man
fear me. and delight to honor those might have a more ex~ ;
who serve me in righteousness and wherefore man hope, or he can-
in tr11tb unto the en~." (D. & C. not receive an inheritance i~ e
76:5.) Honor is the reward of which thou hast prepared." (Ether
obedience. 12:32.)
There is only one true hope (Eph.
Ho e. See CHARITY, DESIRES, ETER- 4:4) , "that blessed hope" (Tit. 2: 13),
NAL L~~ I~ , and the saints are commanded to
PRISONERS 0--;-JfOPE, SALVATIQN . ~ acguire it. ·(D. & C. 6:19; Alma
used in the revelations, hope is the 7:24.) It is one of the essential qual-
desire of faithful people to gain eter- ifications for those who labor in the
nal salvation in the kingdom of God ministry (D. & C. 4:5); ~

assist in the Lord's work without it.

hold I say unto you that he cannot
(D. & C. 12:8; 18:19); those who have faith and hope, save he shall
have it are not ashamed of the testi- be meek, and lowly of heart. If so
mony they bear (Rom. 5:5); rather, his faith and hope is vain for none
they are commanded to "be ready i.s acceptable before God, save the
always to give _an answer to every meek and lowly in heart." (Moro.
man" for the hope that is in them. 7:40-44.)
(I Pet. 3:15.) Moroni quoted the words. of Ether
l Hope is born of righteousness. ~ ~ : "By faith all things are

fulfilled- Wherefore, whoso· believ-
...:,~ o~;:\ ~! h~:~:ct:~~~~ b~/ ~d~ ~ Go~ wit~ e
wic ed shall erish." P, ov. 10 :28; for a better world, y~ , even a place
4:32.) The hope of the wicked at the . right hand of God, which ho pe
"shall be as the giving up of cometh o f faith, maketh an anchor
the ghost." (Job. 11 :20.) Hope is to the souls of men, which would
found through the gospel; the scrip- make them sure and ~
tures themselves have been~ ways abounding in good works, ~
that men "might have hope" (Rom. led to glorify God." Then Moroni
15:4); and angels minister unto man explained that "faith is things which
to confirm that hope. (D. & C. are hoped for and not seen," ~
128:21.) And those who gain the full that Christ had revealed himself to
hope of eternal life purify themselves ~ . "that they might hope for those
even as Christ is pure. (I John 3:1-3.) things which they have not seen.
Faith and hope are inseparable. Wherefore, ye may also have hope,
Hope enables men to have faith in and be partakers of the gift, if ye will
the first instance and then because but have faith." (Ether 12:3-9.)
of faith that hope increases u n ~ Hope thus is · one of the gifts of the
vation is gained. HHow is it that ye ~ "Now the God of hope fill
J can attain unto faith, save ye shall you with all joy and peace in belicv-
--;Q::- have hope?" Mormon asks. ~ ~ " Paul prayed for the Roman
• what is it that ye shall hope for? Saints, "that ye may abound in hope,
Behold I . say unto you that e shall through the power of the Holy
ave hope through the atonement .of Ghost." (Rom. 15:13.)
Christ and the power of his resurrec-
tion, to be raised unto life eternal. Hopelessness. See DESPAIR.
and this because of your faith in him
according to the promise. Wherefore, Hope of Israel. See CHRIST, HOPE,
if a man have faith he must needs ISRAEL, NEW JERUSALEM, RESURR_E_C -
.h ave hope; for without faith there TION. An , eternal inheritance in an
cannot be any llQllf, And again b);)- eternal promised . land was the hope

of Israel. Paul, who found himself dance of peace." (Ps. 37:9-11.) Our
persecuted and in chains "for the Lord renewed this same promise dur-
hope of Israel" (Acts 28:20), said to ing his -mortal ministry. (Matt. 5:5.)
King Agrippa: "I stand and am Isaiah recorded the words of the Lord
judged for the hope of the promise Jehovah, "Thy dead men shall live,
made of God unto our fathe rs : Unto together with my dead body shall they
which promise our twelve tribes, in- arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell
stantly serving God day and night, in dust: !or thy dew is as the dew of
hope [in a day yet future] to come. herbs, and the earth shall cast out
For which hope's sake, king Agrippa, the dead." (Isa. 26:19.)
I am accused of the Jews. Why should The Lord set Ezekiel "down in the
it be tho_u ght a thing incredible with midst of the valley which was lull of
you, that God should raise the dead?" bones," and had him foretell in
(Acts 26:6-8.) detail relative to the resurrection.
The hope of Israel, from olden days "Son of man," the Lord then said to
and through all her generations, was him, "these bones are the whole
that the house and people and nation house of Israel: behold, they say, Our
of Israel would be eternal, · that bones are dried, and our hope is lost:
through the resurrection they would we are cut off for our parts. There-
inherit their promised land forever. fore prophesy and say unto them,
(Acts 23:6; 24:15, 21.) Abraham; Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, 0
Israel's lather, was promised the land my people, 1 will open your graves,
of Canaan for himself and his pos- and cause you to come up out of your
terity forever (Gen. 12:1-10), but graves, and bring you into the land
during his lifetime Abraham never of Israel. And ye shall know that I
actually received his inheritance. am the Lord, when I have opened
(Acts 7.) T):ie hope of Israel was your graves, 0 my people, _and
that Abraham and his posterity would brought you up out of your graves.
yet enter into their promised inheri- And shall put my spirit in you, and
tance. ye shall live, and I shall place you
David kept Israel in remembrance in your own land: then shall ye know
of their future hope by saying: that I the Lord have spoken it, and
"Evildoers shall be cut off: but those performed it, saith the Lord." (Ezek.
that wait upon the Lord, they shall 37:1-14.)
inherit the earth. For yet a little Paul said of Abraham and the
while, and the wicked shall not be: prophets that they "looked for a city
yea, thou shalt diligently consider his which hath foundations, whose build-
place, and it shall not be. But the er and maker is God," but that "These
meek shall inherit the earth; and all died in faith, not having received
shall delight themselves in the abun- the promises, but having seen them

afar off, and were persuaded of them, the builders refused" who yet became
and embraced them, and confessed "the head stone of the comer." (Ps.
that they were strangers and pilgrims 118:22-26.)
on the earth. For they that say such
things declare plainly that they seek Hosanna Shout. See HOSANNA, SoL-
a country, .. . a better country, that EMN ASSEMBLIES, TEMPLES. At the
is, an heavenly." (Heb. II :8-16.) dedicatory services of temples and _in
The triumph and hope of Israel is certain other solemn assemblies, the
yet future: In part it will be realized saints follow the pattern set by the
during the millennial era, but the Prophet Joseph Smith at the dedica-
final inheritance, the fulfilment of tion of the Kirtland Temple and give
the hope in the eternal sense, will the hosanna shout. (History of the
come after this earth becomes a ce- Church, vol. 2, pp. 427-428.) While
lestial sphere, for in that day "the standing, ordinarily with faces toward
poor and the meek of the earth shall the east, and while waving white
inherit it." (D. & C. 88:17.) handkerchiefs with. each word or
phrase of praise, the united congre-
Horoscopes. See FORTUNE TELLING. gation exults:
Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna,
Hosanna. See HALLELUJAH, HosAN·
To God and the Lamb;
Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna,
To God and the Lamb;
Hosanna-a word of Hebrew origin, Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna,
meaning literally, save now, or save To ·God and the Lamb;
we pray, or save we beseech thee- Amen, Amen, Amen!
is both a chant of praise and glory to
God and an entreaty for his blessings.
Hot Drinks. See Wano OF WISDOM.
It is taken from the 118th Psalm, and
was the exulting cry of the multitude
House of Israel. See TRIBES OF ISRAEL.
as our Lord rode triumphantly into
Jerusalem over the palm brnnches of
House of Jacob. See TRIBES OF IsliAEL.
his well-wishers. 41 Hosanna to the
son of David," they criei., "Blessed
House of Pray·er. See TEMPLES.
is he that cometh in the name of the
Lord; Hosanna in the highest."
(Matt. 21:9-15; Mark 11:9-10; John House of the Lord. See TEMPLES.
12:13.) Their song of prayer and
praise thus rendered was almost ver ~ Human Sacrifices. See SACRIFICES.
batim what their forbears had sung
in Messianic vein of the "stone which Human Slavery. See SLAVERY.

Humility. See MEEKNESS, PATIENCE. Rev. 19:7-9; 21:2.) As a Husband

All progress in spiritual things is he shall deal intimately, with tender-
conditioned upon the prior attain- ness and compassion, toward the
ment of humility. Pride, conceit, remnant of his people who have re-
haughtiness, and vainglory are of the turned to enjoy millennial rest with
world and stand as a bar to the re- him.
ceipt of spiritual gifts.
We are commanded to be humble. Husbandman. See TRUE VINE .

(D. & C. 105:23; 112:10; 124:97, l03;

Hymns. See Music.
Jas. 4:6, 10.) "Always retain in re-
membrance, the greatness of God, Hypnotism. See SORCERY, WrrcH-
and your own nothingness, and his CRAFT. In answer to the question,
goodness and long-suffering towards "Shall we practice hypnotism," Pres-
you, unworthy creatures," King Ben- ident Francis M. Lyman of the Coun-
jamin taught, "and humble yourselves cil of the Twelve wrote: "Hypnotism
even in the depths of humility, calling is a reality, and though some who
on the name of the Lord daily, and claim to have this mysterious power
standing steadfastly in the faith." are only tricksters, yet others do really
(Mosiah 4:11.) hypnotize those who submit to them.
Humility must accompany repent- From what I understand and have
ance to qualify a person for baptism seen, I should advise you not to prac-
(D. & C. 20:37); it is required of all tice hypnotism. For my own part I
engaged in gospel service (D. & C. could never consent to being hypno-
12:8); is an essential attribute for tized or allowing one of my children
all who embark in the service of God to be. The free agency that the Lord
(D. & C. 4:6); precedes the acquir- has given us is the choicest gift we
ing of wisdom from the Spirit (D. & have. As soon, however, as we permit
C. 136:32-33); is needed to qualify another mind to control us, as that
the righteous to see God (D. & C. mind controls its own body and
67: IO); and without it no one can functions, we have completely sur-
gain entrance to the kingdom of God rendered our free agency to another;
hereafter. (2. Ne. 9:42.) and so long as we are in the hypnotic
spell-and that is as long as the
Husband. See BRIDEGROOM, BRIDE OF hypnotist desires us to be--we give
THE LAMB, CHRIST, MARRIAGE SUPPER no consent in any sense whatever to
OF THE LAMB. Christ (the Bride- anything we do. The hypnotist
groom) shall claim his bride (the might influence us to do good things,
Church), celebrate the marriage sup- but we could receive no benefit from
per,. and become the Husband of his that, even if we remembered it after
wife. (Isa. 54:5; Jer. 31 :32; Eph. 5:23; coming out of the spell, for it was

not done voluntarily. The hypnotist Hypocrisy. See APOSTASY, W1cicEo-

might also influence us to do absurd NESS. In the true gospel sense, hypoc-
and even shocking, wicked things, for risy · consists either in the false
his will compels us." (Era, vol. 6, p. assumption of virtue, righteousness,
420.) President Lyman then com- and goodness, or in the false assump-
pares the restraint on free agency tion of the right and ·power to preach
enjoined by hypnotism to the attempt the principles of the gospel.
of Lucifer in pre-existence to gain Thus if a person knows what is
acceptance for a plan that would right and makes open profession of
compel men to be saved.
conforming thereto and yet .does not
Hypnotism is a power whereby one
in reality live the gospel law, he is a
man can exercise an unrighteous
hypocrite. If a teacher advocates the
dominion over another which is con-
payment of tithing, but does not him-
trary to the commandments of God.
It is an abomination. Those who self pay an honest tithing, he is a
practice it have been likened unto hypocrite. If a person prays and seeks
"the charmers, soothsayers, sorcerers, temporal and spiritual blessings from
and idolaters of ancient times." (Con!. the Lord, and then turns away the
Rep. Apr., 1902, pp. 75-78; Oct., 1903, naked and needy and fails to visit
pp. 41-42.) the sick and afflicted, he is a hypo-
Reputable doctors sometimes use crite. He has professed religion, but
hypnotherapy, a limited form of hyp- not practiced it. (Alma 34:17-29.)
notism, in connection with the prac- Our Lord said: "Woe unto you,
tice of their profession. Their sole scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for
apparent purpose is to relieve pain ye are like unto whited sepulchres,
and aid patients in perfecting their which indeed appear beautiful out-
physical well-being. It is claimed ward, but are within full of dead
that there are many people who have men's . bones, and of all uncleanness.
been benefited materially by this Even so ye also outwardly appear
practice and that the ills normally righteous unto men, but within ye
attending hypnotical practices have are full of hypocrisy and iniquity."
not resulted. This medical practice
(Matt. 23:27-28; Isa. 32:6.)
of hypnotism obviously does not carry
the same opprobrium that attaches to Thus also those who profess to be
hypnotism in general; but, equally lights to the world and to lead people
obviously, even this restricted use of in the paths of righteousness, but
hypnotical powers for beneficial pur- who are not in reality the Lord's true
poses could well open the door to legal administrators, are hypocrites,
many of the same evil results and in consequence of their false assump-
practices· that have and do attend the tion of authority. In other words, as
practice of hypnotism in general. specified in both the Bible and. the

Book of Mormon, ministers in the hypocrites, for, thus saith the Lord,
false and apostate churches of Chris- I will bring them to judgment. . . .
tendom are called hypocrites. (Morm. The hypocrites shall be detected and
8:38; I Tim. 4:1-4.) shall be cut off, either in life or in
Hypocrites shall be damned. "Wo death, even as I will." (D. & C. 50:6-
unto them that are deceivers and 8; IOI :90; 124:8.)

II ~ ========
I AM. See GREAT I AM. Idleness in both temporal and spir-
itual pursuits must be overcome by
I AM THAT I AM. See GREAT I AM. those who seek salvation. "Thou shalt
Ideas. See MIND. not idle away thy time," the Lord
says, "neither shalt thou bury thy
Idiocy. See YEARS OF AccouNTABIL- talent that it may not be known."
(D. & C. 60: 13; 90:31.) "Cease to
be idle." (D. & C. 88:124.) "Refrain
Idleness. See CHURCH WELFARE from idleness." (Alma 38:12.) Those
PLAN, DOLE, EMPLOYMENT, IDLE called to the ministry are not to be
WoRDs, WORK. Neither temporal nor idle, but are to labor with their
spiritual salvation can be gained might. (D. & C. 75:3.)
without work, and idleness is a griev-
ous sin. Idlers-those who waste
Idlers. See IDLENESS.
time in doing nothing, who are lazy,
indolent, slothlul-"shall be had in
remembrance before the Lord" (D. & Idle Thoughts. See THOUGHTS.
C. 68:30-31); for the sin of idleness
they are to be excommunicated from Idle Words. See FLATTERY, GossrP-
the Church unless they repent and
mend their ways. (D. & C. 75:29.) PROFANITY, THOUGHTS. Man will be
One of the reasons the Lord destroyed judged by his words. (Alma 12:14.)
Sodom was for her sin of "abundance They reveal what is in his heart,
of idleness." (Ezek. 16:49.) Idleness "for out of the abundance of the
and abominable practices always go heart the mouth speaketh. A good
together; for such the Lamanites were man out QI the good treasure of the
cursed. (I Ne. 12:23; 2 Ne. 5:24.) heart bringeth forth good things:
Idleness breeds idolatry. (Alma I :32.) and an evil man out of the evil

treasure bringeth forth evil things. are supposedly enlightened by Chris-

But I say unto you, That every idle tianity and modem civilization. Pa-
word that men shall speak, they gans frequently have idols of wood,
shall give account thereof in the day stone, or metal. Roman Catholics
of judgment. For by thy words thou have graven images which, according
shalt be justified, and by thy words to their official statement, they wor-
thou shalt be condemned." (Matt. ship. Akin to these most obvious
12:34-37; Luke 6:45.) types of idolatry is the worship of
Idle words take many forms: fool- money, power, worldly learning, the
ish talking and jesting (Eph. 5:4), gratification of lust, and the like.
light speeches (D. & C. 88:121),
curses (Jas. 3:9), profane and vain Idols. See IDOLATRY.
babblings (I Tim. 6:20), fables and
endless genealogies (I Tim. 1:4), Idumea. See SECOND COMING OF
vain janglings (I Tim. 1:6), profan- CHRIST. Idumea or Edom, of which
ity, vulgar stories, blasphemy, and Bozrah was the principal city, was a
the like. nation to the south of the Salt Sea,
"How vain and trifling," the through which the trade route ( called
Prophet said, "have been our spirits, the King's Highway) ran between
our conferences, our councils, our Egypt and Arabia. The Idumeans or
meetings, our private as well as pub- Edomites were a wicked non-lsrael-
lic conversations-too low, too mean, itish people; hence, traveling through
too vulgar, too condescending for the their country symbolized to the pro-
dignified characters of the called and phetic mind the pilgrimage of men
chosen of God." (Teachings, p. 137.) through a wicked world; and so,
"II any man offend not in word, the Idumea meant the world.
same is a perfect man, and able also In two graphic passages outlining
to bridle the whole body . . . . Who the destructions incident to the Sec-
is a wise man and endued with ond Coming, Isaiah speaks of the
knowledge among you? let him shew sword of judgment falling upon Idu-
out of a good conversation his works mea or Edom, and in one of them he
with meekness of wisdom." (Jas. specifies that the Lord's garments
3:2-13.) shall be red as he comes from Bozrah
(Isa. 34; 63), all of which destructions
Idolaters. See IDOLATRY. are confirmed by latter-day revela-
tion (D. & C. 133), as also is the
Idolatry. See APosTASY, FALSE Goos, fact that Idumea is the world. (D. &
Con, UKNOWN · Goo, WoRSHIP OF C. 1:36.)
IMAGES. Idol worship prevails among
nearly all uncivilized, pagan ·peoples Ignorance. See EoucATION, KNOWL-
and also among portions of those who EDGE, TRUTH . An ignorant person is


one who is uninformed and lacking of the world. (john 17:3; l Cor.
in knowledge. Ignorance is both gen- 1:17-31; 2.)
eral and specific. A person who lacks An especial obligation rests upon
the common knowledge that every- the saints to overcome ignorance and
one should possess is ignorant in the gain knowledge of the truth. "Let
general sense; if he is merely un- him that is ignorant," the Lord said
informed on some particular matter, through Brigham Young, "learn wis-
he is ignorant in the particular sense. dom by humbling himself and calling
Where the gospel is concerned, upon the Lord his God, that his eyes
though everyone is ignorant on many may be opened that he may see, and
specific doctrinal points, yet none of his ears opened that he may hear;
the saints should be ignorant of the For my Spirit is sent forth into the
general, basic truths of salvation. world to enlighten the humble and
Where the opportunity to gain knowl- contrite, and to the condemnation of
edge exists, ignorance is a sin. the ungodly." (D. & C. 136:32-33.)
In large part the worship of apos-
tate Christendom is performed in Illegitimacy. See SEX IMMORALITY.
ignorance, as much so as was the
worship of the Athenians who bowed Illiteracy. See APOSTASY.
before the Unknown God, and to
whom Paul said: "Whom therefore Illness. See DISEASES.
ye ignorantly worship, him declare I
unto you." (Acts 17:22-34.) But Images. See WORSHIP OF IMAGES.
where the sectarians are concerned
they have the Bible, and in spite of Imagination. See THOUGHTS.
the creeds of their lathers they have
an obligation to replace ignorance Immaculate Conception Theory. See
with light and truth. Unless they do CHRIST, MARY, ORIGINAL S1N THEORY,

so, they are not blameless before God. VIRGIN BIRTH. From the moment of
(Mosiah 3:20-22.) her conception, Mary, the mother of
Joseph Smith's inspired statement, our Lord, in the false Catholic view
"It is impossible for a man to be of things, is deemed to have been
saved in ignorance" (D. & C. 131:6) , free from the stain of original sin.
means in ignorance of Jesus Christ This supposed miraculous event is
and the saving truths of the gospel. called the doctrine of the immaculate
It has no reference whatever to ig- conception. After reciting the univer-
norance of specialized scientific ·or sal prevalence of so-called original
historical truths. Salvation comes sin, Cardinal Gibbons says: "The
through the knowledge of God and Church, however, declares that the
his laws and not through the learning Blessed Virgin Mary was exempted

from the stain of original sin by the Immortality. See ATONEMENT OF

merits of our Savior Jesus Christ; and CHRIST, ELEMENTS, ETERNAL LIFE,
that, · consequently, she was never for FALL OF ADAM, FLESH AND BONES,
an instant subject to the dominion INCORRUPTION, KINGDOMS OF GLORY,
of Satan. This is what is meant by MORTALITY, SALVATION, SALVATION BY
the doctrine of the Immaculate Con- GRACE, SPIRITUAL BODIES, REDEMP -
ception." (James Cardinal Gibbons, TION, RESURRECTION. I. Adam and all
The Faith of Our Fathers, p. 220.) forms of life were first created in
The virgin birth has reference to the immortality . There was no death in
birth of Christ and is a true doctrine; the world until after the fall . (2 Ne.
the immaculate conception has refer- 2:22-24.) When Adam fell, becoming
ence to the birth of Mary and is a the first mortal flesh on earth (Moses
false doctrine. 3:7), mortality and the consequent
death that flows from such a status
Immanence. See LIGHT OF CHRIST. of existence passed upon all forms
of life. (Doctrines of Salvation, vol.
Immanent God. See LIGHT OF CHRIST. I, pp. 72-127.) This original immor-
tality was designed to continue only
Immanuel. See CHRIST, VmGIN
until the fall; it was not to be of
BIRTH. Christ is Immanuel, Emman-
unending duration; it ceased when
uel, the King Immanuel (D. & C.
mortality began.
128:22), signifying literally, God is
2. Immortality is to live forever
with us. This designation, used by
in the resurrected state with body and
Isaiah in a great Messianic prophecy
spirit inseparably connected. The
(Isa. 7:14), alluded to by Micah as Lord's work and glory is to bring
referring to the birth of our Lord to pass both the immortality and the
(Mic. 5:3), and specifically named eternal life of man (Moses I :39): all
by Matthew as having reference to are resurrected to a state of immor-
the Virgin Birth (Matt. 1:18-25), tality, those who believe and obey
signifies that Christ as God would the gospel plan go on "in immortality
be born into mortality of a virgin and unto eternal life." (D. & C. 29 :42-
would be with men to save and 43.) Immortality is a free gift which
redeem them. comes by grace alone without works
on man's part; eternal life, "the great-
Immaterialism. See ATHEISM.
est of all the gifts of God" (D. & C.
Immersion. See BAPTISM. 14:7), results from "obedience to the
laws and ordinances of the Gospel."
Immodesty, See SEX IMMORALITY. (Third Article of Faith; I Car. 15:42-
54; 2 Tim. 1:10; Doctrines of Sal-
Immorality. See SEX IMMORALITY. vation, vol. 2, pp. 4-10, 24, 309-310.)

Immortality is not a gift reserved In its declaration of belief regard-

for man alone. Every living thing will ing governments and laws in general,
come forth in the resurrection with the Church has put its official stanip
immortality (D. & C. 29 :22-25), and of approval upon the political phi-
even the earth itself, when quickened losoph y of inalienable rights. (D . &
with a celestial glory, will become an C. 134:5.) These rights belong to all
immortal globe. (D. &C. 77 :l ; 88 :1 6- mankind, no matter under what gov-
26.) ernment they live, and as far as the
American nation is concerned, the
Immortal Soul. See SouL. constitution of the United States is
designed to protect men in their
Impartiality. See JUSTICE. rights and privileges. (D. & C. 98 :4-
10. )
Imps. See DEVILS.
Incantations. See EXORCISM, MAGIC,
tions is meant the use of spells or
Inalienable Rights. See AGENCY, BILL verbal charms, which are . chanted,
OF RIGHTS, CoNSTITUTION OF THE spoken, or sung, as part of the ritual
UNITED STATES, FREEDOM, L IBERTY, of magic. Though these incantations
LIGHT OF CHRIST. As a natural and - when seen among primitive tribes
automatic inheritance from their which openly espouse magical prac-
Creator, all men are born into the tices as their religion-are looked
world .with certain inalienable rights, upon with tolerant revulsion by en-
rights which cannot be surrendered, lightened people, yet those same peo-
transferred, or alienated. T he Dec- ple (strangely!) will themselves
laration of Independence lists life, worship amid the foreign language
liberty, and the pursuit of happiness incantations of the priests of that
as among these. In the full sense they great church which is not the Lord's
include every natural and inherent church. If there is any difference
right necessary for the working out between these two examples of in-
of one's salvation in the kingdom of cantations, it is only one of slight
God. Freedom of thought and of degree.
worship, freedom of speech and of
preaching the •gospel, freedom to in- Incarnate God. See CHRIST, ONLY
vestigate the truth, to worship God BEGOTTEN SoN. Christ is the Incar -
according to the dictates of one's own nate God . T hat is, he is the Lord
conscience, to earn a temporal liveli- Omnipotent, a God "from all eternity
hood-these are among our inalien - to all eternity," and yet he came down
able rights. from heaven and dwelt "in a taber-

nacle of clay." (Mosiah 3:5.) Though pendence is essential if there is to be

he had attained Godhood, yet he was absolute freedom of worship. (D. & C.
thereafter invested with flesh and 44.) Anyone whose support comes
took upon himself the bodily ·nature from another person or agency is to a
and form of a mortal man. (Mosiah greater or lesser degree subject to the
15.) "I was in the world and made will and control of the supporting
flesh my tabernacle, and dwelt among power. Hence the Lord revealed the
the sons of men," he said. (D. & C. principles of consecration, steward-
93:4; John 1:1-5, 14.) ships, storehouses, and the united
order, so that, as he said, "the church
Incarnation. See I NCARNATE Goo. may stand independent above all
other creatures beneath the celestial
Incommunicable Name. See TETRA- world." (D. & C. 78:14.)
Independent Branches. See BRANCHES.
Incontinence. See P ASSIONS.
Incorruption. See CORRUPTION, IM-
TION , SPIRITUAL BODIES. As used in Righteous indignation is an attribute
the scriptures, incorruption is descrip- of Deity. It consists in · a deep, in-
tive of the status of physical perfection tense, and righteous anger aroused
enjoyed by immortal beings. Mortal by the mean, shameful, petty, and
bodies are corruptible; they are sub- wicked acts of men. For instance :
ject to change and decay, eventually "It shall come to pass, because of the
deteriorating and going back to the wickedness of · the world, that I will
mortal element from which they were take vengeance upon the wicked, for
created. Thus in the resurrection they will not repent; for the cup of
they will be raised from an earthly mine indignation is lull." (D. & C.
state of corruption to a heavenly state 29:17; 35: 14; 43:26; 56:I; 87:6; 88:88;
of incorruption . D isease, pain, decay, 97:24; IOI: 10-11 ; 109:52; 124:52.)
and physical deformity will all van- Indignation is poured out as a result
ish away. (2 Ne. 9:7; Mosiah 16:10; of wickedness (D. & C. 124:48); it
Alma 40:2; 41 :4; I Cor. 15:42-54.) is avoided when men keep the com-
mandments. (D. & C. 98:22, 47.)
Indebtedness. See DEBT. Righteous indignation also swells
up in the hearts of the prophets be-
Independence. See AGENCY, BONDAGE, cause of the wickedness of the world
CHURCH WELFARE PLAN, DEBT, FREE- and because professing saints partake
DOM. Temporal and economic inde- of the spirit of rebellion of the .world.

Indignation coming from anger which was selling indulgences throughout

has been aroused in unrighteousness Germany. One of these indulgences
is' to be shunned; it is a passion to read as follows: "May our Lord Jesus
be bridled. Christ have mercy on thee, N.N.,
and absolve thee by the merits of his
Indulgences. See APOSTASY, CHURCH passion! And I in virtue of the apos-
OF THE DEVIL, REPENTANCE, SUPER- tolic power that has been confided in
EROGATION. One of the most evil and me, absolve thee from all ecclesias-
devilish practices of that great church tical censures, judgments, and pen-
which is not the Lord's church- that alties which thou mayst have
church whose foundation is the devil incurred; moreover, from all ex-
(l Ne. 13)- is the past and present cesses, sins and crimes that thou
issuing of indulgences. However, per- mayst have committed, however great
suasively Cardinal Gibbons and other and enormous they may be, and from
modern apologists may attempt to ex- whatsoever cause, were they even re-
cuse and explain away what they pre- served for our most holy lather the
tend were merely gross abuses of their pope and for the apostolic see. I blot
supposedly true practice, the fact is out all the stains of inability and all
that indulgences, in reality and prac- marks of infamy that thou mayst have
tice, consist in the formal remission drawn upon thyself on this occasion.
of past, present, and future sins upon I remit the penalties that thou
payment of the prescribed amount of shouldst have endured in purgatory.
filthy lucre. (James Cardinal Gib- l restore thee anew to participation
bons, Faith of Our Fathers, pp. 307- in the sacraments of the church. I
313.) incorporate thee afresh in the com-
The Holy Ghost speaking by the munion of saints, and re-establish
mouth of Moroni described indul- thee in the purity and innocence
gences by saying: "There shall be which thou hadst at thy baptism. So
churches built up that shall say: that in the hour of death, the gate
Come unto me, and for your money by which sinners enter the place of
you shall be for given of your sins." torments and punishments will be
(Morm. 8:32.) The sale of indul- closed against thee, and, on the con-
gences is one of the chief ways in trary, the gate leading to the paradise
which the church of the devil makes of joy shall be open. And if thou
"merchandise" of the "souls of men." shouldst not die for long years, this
(Rev. 18: 12-13.) grace shall remain unalterable until
Luther's break with the mother thy last hour shall arrive. In the
church arose out of his controversy name of the Father, Son, and Holy
with an adulterous and profligate Ghost. Amen. Friar John Tetzel,
papal emmissary named Tetzel who Commissary, has signed this with his

own hand." (Outlines of Ecclesias- birth into the kingdom of God (mean-
tical History, pp. 170, 225-228, 247, ing both the Church on earth and
257.) the celestial kingdom in heaven), and
since little children are already alive
Industriousness. See WORK. in Christ ·because of his atoning sac-
rifice, they do not need to be born
Infant Baptism. See AccouNTABILlTY again to spiritual things. Further:
Baptism follows repentance and is
CuN1c BAPTISMS, ORIGINAL SrN for the remission of sins, and be-
THEORY, REDEMPTION, REPENTANCE, cause little children cannot sin and
SALVATION, SALVATION OF CHILDREN, have no need of repentance, the false
STILLBORN CHILDREN, YEARS oF Ac- practice of infant baptism is of no
couNTABILITY. No more damnable avail. (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 2,
doctrine was ever taught by those pp. 49-57.)
professing to be ministers of Christ Among a host of pointed denuncia-
than that of infant baptism (pedo- tions of infant baptism, Mormon said:
baptism); end no more severe con- "It is solemn mockery before God,
demnation was ever heaped on the that ye should baptize little children.
heads of false teachers than has been ... He that supposeth that little chil-
showered upon those who teach and dren need baptism is in the gall of
believe in this evil practice. (Moro. bitterness and in the bonds of
8:5-26.) This wicked notion assumes iniquity; !or he hath neither faith,
that all men are born in sin and that hope, nor charity; wherefore, should
to be cleansed from this original sin he be cut off while in the thought, he
they must be baptized. The road to must go down to hell. For awful is
hell, it is said, is paved with the skulls the wickedness to suppose that God
of infants not a span long because saveth one child because of baptism,
such were not baptized before death. and the other must perish because he
In fact the Catholic Church goes so hath no baptism. Wo be unto them
far as to require baptism for unborn that shall pervert the ways of the
children. (Catholic Encyclopedia, Lord after this manner, for they shall
vol. 2, pp. 258-274.) Original sin perish except they repent. . . . He
attaches at the moment of conception, that saith that little children need
they teach, and in the event of an baptism denieth the mercies -of
abortion or miscarriage, the fetus or Christ, and setteth at naught the
blood clot must be baptized. (Paul atonement of him and the power of
Blanshard, American Freedom and his redemption. Wo unto such, for
Catholic Power, pp. I 10-111, 121- they are in danger of death, hell,
122.) and an endless · torment." (Moro.
Actually, baptism is a spiritual re- 8:5-26.)

Infidelity. See SEX IMMORALITY. results from disobedience, is of the

devil, _leads to hell, destroys men's
Infidels. See AGNOSTICISM; APOSTASY, souls; it is the great chain which
ATHEISM. Those who do not belong keeps men in the prison of darkness,
to an accepted system of religion are away from the saving light of the
classed as infidels. Thus to Christians gospel.
all non-Christians are infidels; and This is the day when "the world
to Mohammedans all non-Moham- is ripening in iniquity" (D. & C.
medans are so designated. Unfaith- 18:6), when the promise is being
fulness to Christianity or to the fulfilled that "iniquity shall abound"
marriage vows of chastity are also (D. & C. 45:27), when "the whole
classed as infidelity. earth groans under the weight of its
iniquity." (D. & C. 123:7.) "And the
Infinite God. See OMNIPOTENCE. rebellious shall be pierced with much
sorrow; for their iniquities shall be
Information. See KNOWLEIXiE. spoken upon the housetops, and their
secret acts shall be revealed." (D. &
Ingratitude. See ATONEMENT OF C. 1:3. )
sins, none is so prevalent as the sin Initiative. See AGENCY . Initiative,
of ingratitude. It consists in failure the sell-reliance and energy to under-
to keep the commandments of God. take new enterprises and to do the
Men have been "bought with a price" work ahead, is a wholesome and up-
(I Car. 6:20; 7 :23; 2 Pet. 2: 1), the lifting characteristic. It is not meet
price of the blood and suffering of that men should be commanded in
our Lord. Because they have been all things. They are expected to
so purchased, they are redeemed from make such wise use of their agency as
death and have opportunity to gain to "be anxiously engaged in a good
eternal life. Since they now belong cause, and do many things of their
to the Lord, he having paid so great own free will, and bring to pass much
a price for them, it is his right to righteousness." (D. & C. 58:26-29.)
expect them to keep the command-
ments. By failing to do so they mani- Innocence. See BAPTISM, CLEANLI-
fest gross ingratitude for all that has NESS, SALVATION OF CHlLDREN, YEARS
been done for them. (Doctrines of OF AccouNTABILITY. In the gospel
Salvation, vol. I, pp. 131-133.) sense, innocence is the state of purity
and freedom from sin which men
Iniquity. See DESPAIR, S1GNS OF THE must possess to gain salvation in the
TIMES, S1N, WICKEDNESS. Iniquity is kingdom of God. (Alma 11:37.)
sin, wickedness, unrighteousness; it Little children live in a state of per-

feet innocence and consequently are no such thing as an inquisition; such

saved without works on their part. runs counter to the whole principle
"Every spirit of man was innocent ~n of free agency. Excommunication or
the beginning; and God having re- disfellowshipment were then the su-
deemed man from the fall, meri be, preme penalties imposed upon her-
came again, in their infant state, etics. But as the darkness of the
innocent before God." (D . . & C. great apostasy began to cover the
93:38.) But "those who are account- earth, and as Lucifer gained an in-
able and capable of committing sin, creasingly strong control over the
. they must repent and be bap- minds of men, he began to introduce
tized, and humble themselves as their the principles of compulsion and un-
little children, arid they shall all be
righteousness which he had cham-
saved with their little children."
pioned in the war in heaven.
(Moro. 8:10.)
By the 12th century the devil had
such control over men, and his church
Inquisitions. See APOSTASY, CHURCH
was so entrenched, that formal in-
quisitions were underway in various
In the Roman Catholic Church the
systematic pursuit of heresy and the nations. These tyrannical and evil
punishment of heretics is called in- ecclesiastical courts--on the merest
quisition. "The Inquisition," as de- breath of suspicion - imprisoned,
fined in the Encyclopedia Britannica, burned at the stake, and confiscated
is "the name given to the ecclesias- the properties of untold thousands
tical jurisdiction dealing both in the who were falsely or otherwise sus-
middle ages and in later times with pected of unorthodox beliefs. Even
the detection and punishment of down to the 19th century in some
heretics and all persons guilty of any places (1834 in Spain), these inqui-
offence against Catholic orthodoxy. sitions were institutions of murder,
(Lat. inquisitio, an inquiry.) plunder, and confiscation.
"It is incorrect to say that the In- These inquisitions were particularly
quisition made its appearance in the effective in France, Italy, and Spain,
13th century complete in all its although from 1480 on the Spanish
principles and organs: It was the Inquisition was more of a national
result of, or rather one step in, a than a papal institution. Less in-
process of evolution, the beginnings quisit~rial tyranny was manifest in
of which are to be traced back to the England, Germany, and the Balkan
fourth century at least." (Encyclope- states. In Mexico City, in the na-
dia Britannica, 1946 ed., vol. 12, p. tional archives, then~ are now more
377.) than 1500 large, dictionary-size vol-
In the primitive Church there was umes recording the cases tried in the

Mexican Inquisition, an extension of heads and ten horns. And the woman
the Spanish Inquisition. was arrayed in purple and scarlet
Although the confiscation of the colour, and decked with gold and pre-
real and personal property of her- cious stones and pearls, having a
etics was a lesser punishment than golden cup in her hand full of abom-
life imprisonment and death, it was, inations and filthiness of her fornica-
in a very real sense, the practice tion: And upon her forehead was a
which caused the civil powers to up- name written, MYSTERY, BABY-
hold the actions of these iniquitous LON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER
papal courts. Properties were usually OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINA-
divided between the papacy and the TIONS OF THE EARTH. And I
state. As the Britannica says, "Con- saw the woman drunken with the
fiscation was, indeed, most profitable blood of the saints, and with the
to the secular princes, and there is blood of the martyrs of Jesus. . . .
no doubt that the hope of consider- The seven heads are seven moun-
able gain was what induced many tains, on which the woman sitteth.
princes to uphold the inquisitorial [The seven hills of Rome.] .. . The
administration, especially in the days waters which thou sawest, where the
of the decay of faith. The resistance whore sitteth, are peoples, and mul-
of the south of France to the Cape- titudes, and nations, and tongues.
tian monarchs was to a large extent And the woman which thou
sawest is that great city, which reign-
broken owing to the decimation of the
eth over the kings of the earth." (Rev.
bourgeoisie by the Inquisition and
17; 18.)
their impoverishment by the extor-
tions of the" confiscating officers.
Insanity. See YEARS OF AccouNTA·
(Encyclopedia Britannica, 1946 ed.,
vol. 12, pp. 377-383.)
Reading of the Catholic inquisition-
al practices of the middle ages makes
one feel how mild and conservative
(I) John's language was when he re- Inspiration. See GIFT OF THE HOLY
GHOST, REVELATION. Inspiration is a
corded that he saw "the great whore
that sitteth upon many waters: With form and degree of revelation. It is
whom the kings of the earth have revelation that comes from the still
committed fornication, and the in- small voice, from the whisperings of
habitants of the earth have been made the Spirit, from the promptings of the
drunk with the wine of her fornica- Holy Ghost. All inspiration is rev-
tion. . . . And I saw a woman sit elation, but all revelation does not
upon a scarlet coloured beast, lull come by inspiration alone. The dif-
of names of blasphemy, having seven ference is one of kind and degree. The

appearance of God to .a mortal or the James Version of the Bible to form

opening of the visions of eternity to what is now commonly referred to as
him, though attended by inspiration, the Inspired Version of the Bible.
are in fact revelation of .a higher (D. & C. 35:20; 42:56-60; 45:60-61;
order. 73:3-4; 93:53; 94:10; 104:58; 124:89.)
"I will tell you in your mind and This inspired revision of the an-
in your heart, by the Holy Ghost, cient scriptures was never completed
which shall come upon you and which by the Prophet, and up to the present
shall dwell in your heart," the Lord time none of his successors have been
says. There he adds: "Now, behold, directed by the Lord to carry the
this is the spirit of revelation." (D. work forth to its final fruition. Pres -
& C. 8:2-3.) It is also the spirit of ident George Q. Cannon has written:
inspiration; these two are one ~rld the "On the 2nd day of February, 1833,
same in this kind of a case. Members the Prophet completed, for the time
of the Church have the gift of the being, his inspired translation of the
Holy Ghost, which is the right and New Testament. No endeavor was
power, based on faithfulness, to have made at that time to print the work.
the constant companionship of that It was sealed up with the expectation
member of the Godhead, that is, it is that it would be brought forth at a
the right and power to walk in the later day with other of the scriptures.
light of continuous inspiration and Joseph did not live to give to the
revelation. world an authoritative publication of
these translations. But the labor was
Inspired Version of the Bible. See its own reward, bringing in the per-
APOCRYPHA, BmLE, BOOK OF MoR- formance a special blessing of broad-
MON, DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS, KING ened comprehension to the Prophet
JAMES VERSION OP THE BIBLE, LosT and a general blessing of enlighten-
ScRIPTURE, PEARL OF GREAT PrucE, ment to the people through his sub-
REVELATION, ScniPTURE, STANDARD sequent teachings."
WORKS. As all informed persons Again : "We have heard President
know, the various versions of the Brigham Young state that the Prophet
Bible do not accurately record or per- before his death had spoken to him
fectly preserve the words, thoughts, about going through the translation
and intents of the original inspired of the scriptures again and perfecting
authors. (Eighth Article of Faith; it upon points of doctrine which the
I Ne. 13.) In consequence, at the Lord had restrained him from giving
command of the Lord and while act- in plainness and fulness at the time
ing under the spirit of revelation, the of which we write." (George Q. Can-
Prophet corrected, revised, altered, non, Life of Joseph Smith, new ed.,
added to, and deleted from the King pp. 147-148; History of the Church,

vol. I, p. 324; Sidney B. Sperry, of new doctrinal knowledge and

Knowledge is Power, pp. 9-61.) historical data. The revised 24th
Such changes as the Prophet made chapter of Matthew is also found in
in the Bible were done, in the main, the Pearl of Great Price.
by topics or subjects. He did not go Most of the Prophet's · corrections
from Genesis to Revelation and make were made in Genesis, Matthew,
all needed corrections in every pas- Mark, Luke, and the first six chapters
sage as he came to it. True, in many of John. Some important . doctrinal
passages all necessary changes were changes were made in Exodus and
made; in others he was "restrained" other Old Testament books. Very
by the Spirit from giving the full and little was done in Acts, but a reason-
clear meaning. As with all revealed able number of corrections were made
knowledge, the Lord was offering in the various Epistles and in Rev-
new truths to the world, "line upon elation. In all cases where major
line, precept upon precept; here a changes were made, the student with
little, and there a little." (D. & C. spiritual insight can see the hand of
128:21.) Neither the world nor the the Lord manifest; the marvelous
saints generally were then or are now flood of light and knowledge revealed
prepared for the fulness of Biblical through the Inspired Version of the
knowledge. The Lord was operating Bible is one of the great evidences of
in conformity with the principle ex- the divine mission of Joseph Smith.
plained by Alma: "It is given unto The fact that some changes were
many to know the mysteries of God; made in a particular passage or chap-
nevertheless they are laid under a ter does not mean that all needed
strict command that they shall not corrections were given even in that
impart on! y according to the portion portion of the Bible. Important
of his word which he doth grant unto changes were made in several thou-
the children of men, according to the sand verses, but there are yet
heed and diligence which they give thousands of passages to be revised,
unto him." (Alma 12:9.) clarified, and perfected. After his
Such Biblical revisions as have been work of revision, the Prophet fre-
made may be used with safety, and quently quoted parts of the King
parts of these are now published by James Version, announced that they
the Church in its standard works. contained errors, and _gave clarified
The first 151 verses of the Old Testa- translations-none of which he had
ment, down .to Genesis 6:13, are pub- incorporated into his prior revisions
lished as the Book of Moses in the of the Bible.
Pearl of Great Price. But as restored There will be a not too distant day
by the Prophet the true rendition con- when all necessary changes shall be
tains about 400 verses and a wealth made in the Bible, and the Inspired

Version-as then perfected-shall go A man of integrity is sound, incor-

forth to the world. It is with the .full ruptible, and particularly strict about
Biblical account as it is with the full fulfilling the trusts reposed in him by
Book of Mormon record-both are others. The highest manifestation of
now hidden from the world and will integrity is exhibited by those who
so remain until, as the Lord said: "I conform their conduct to the terms
shall see fit in mine own wisdom to of those gospel covenants and prom-
reveal all things unto the children of ises which they have made. Integrity
men." (2 Ne. 27:22.) goes hand in hand with uprightness
and righteousness, and the Lord
Instinct.See INTUITION, LIGHT OF loves those who have integrity of
CHRIST,M1Nn. Instinct, as found in heart. (D. & C. 124:15, 20.) "The
men and animals, is the natural and integrity of the upright shall guide
involuntary urging to some particular them" (Prov. 11:3) , and "The just
action. Reason and intelligence, as man walketh in his integrity: his
men ordinarily define these terms, children are blessed after him."
do not seem to be involved. Rather, (Prov. 20:7.)
whenever a particular stimuli is given,
an automatic or instinctive · action Intellect. See MIND.
Actually what men call instinct is Intellectuality. See MIND, PRE-EXIST-
simply one of the manifestations of ENCE, SPIRITUALITY. Those powers of
the Light of Christ. It is through this the mind by which men are enabled
light or power that the Lord "giveth to know, reason, and think are _col-
life to all things," and it is by this lectively called the intellect. Intellec-
means that "all things are governed." tuality is the measure of the intellect,
(D. & C. 88:13.) Thus as part of the the degree of mentality a person has,
implanting of life in living creatures, the extent of one's ability to use his
this same light ord3:ins instinctive mind.
actions and reactions to preserve and There is no sufficient secular ex-
perpetuate that life. planation for the mind of man. · Such
understanding is found only in the
Institutes of Religion. See RELIGIOUS gospel. By compliance with divine
EDUCATION. law the agency-endowe.d spirit chil-
dren of the Eternal Father developed
Integrity. See HONESTY, JUSTICE, talents _and abilities along various
RIGHTEOUSNESS. The complete devel- lines, including the power to · think,
opment of man's moral character in reason, and understand. The meas-
conformity with principles of justice ure of intellectuality thus earned by
and uprightness is termed integrity. obedierice , is the exact amount

which men have at the time of their he is entirely devoid of the least glim-
birth into mortality. Accordingly mering of intelligence. An intelligent
some men have great mental ability person is one who applies his knowl-
in one field and some in another. edge so as to progress in the things
All accountable persons have suf- of the Spirit; he glories in righteous-
ficient innate capacity to know right ness. (Way to Perfection, pp. 225-
from wrong and to work out their 231.) "Whatever principle of intel-
salvation in the kingdom of God. But ligence we attain unto in this life, it
it is spirituality, not intellectuality, will rise with us in the resurrection.
Which is of prime importance in the And ii a person gains more knowledge
salvation of man. Intellectuality of and intelligence in this life through
itself has no saving virtue; it is only his· diligence and obedience than
when it is coupled with spirituality another, he will have so much the
that the greatest benefits result. advantage in the world to come."
(D. & C. 130:18-19.)
Intelligence. See INTELLIGENCES, 2. Intelligence, or light and truth,
KNOWLEDGE, LIGHT, RIGHTEOUSNESS, is also used as a synonym for spirit
SPIRIT ELEMENT, TRUTH, WISDOM. element. Scriptures using both terms
I. In the gospel sense, intelligence is speak of the self-existent nature of the
far more than the capacity to know substance involved. (D. & C. 93:29;
and understand, and the intelligent 131:7-8.) Abraham calls the pre-
man is one who does much more than existent spirits "the intelligences that
acquire knowledge. "The glory of were organized before the world was 1'
God is intelligence, or, in other words, (Abra. 3:22) because the intelligences
light and truth," the Lord says. were organized intelligence or in
"Light and truth forsake that evil other words the spirit bodies were
one." (D. & C. 93:36-37.) Thus in- born from spirit element.
telligence is the light and truth which
comes from_Christ who is the way, Intelligences. See INTELLIGENCE, PRE·
the life, the light, and the truth of EXISTENCE, SPmIT BIRTH, SPIRIT Boo-
the world. ms, SPIRIT CHILDREN, SPmrr ELEMENT.
Knowledge can be obtained and Abraham used the name intelligences
used in unrighteousness; Satan gains to apply to the spirit children of the
his power on this principle. But in- Eternal Father. The intelligence or
telligence presupposes the wise and spirit element became intelligences
proper use of knowledge, a use that after the spirits were born as individ-
leads to righteousness and the ulti- ual entities. (Abra. 3:22-24.) Use
mate attainment of exaltation. The of this name designates both the
devil has tremendous power and in- primal element from which the spirit
fluence because of his knowledge, but offspring were created and also. their

inherited capacity to grow in grace, chief illustrations of his pleadings on

knowledge, power, and intelligence behalf of his brethren.
itself, until such intelligences, gaining Further, the Spirit of Christ
the fulness of all things, became like "maketh intercession for us with
their Father, the Supreme Intelli- groanings which cannot · be uttered"
gence. (Rom. 8:26-27), or, as the Prophet
more aptly phrased it, "The Spirit
Intemperance. See PASSIONS. maketh intercession for us with striv-
ing which cannot be expressed."
(Teachings, p. 278.) It is, of course,
Intents of the Heart. See THOUGHTS.
the Light of Christ and not the Holy
Ghost which strives ·with men. And
Intercession. See AnvocACY, ATONE· even as Christ makes intercession for
all men, so his saints should suppli-
cate, pray, and intercede before the
RECONCILIATION. To Christ the Father throne of Grace in behalf of all men
has given "power tO .make intercession with a view to hastening the purposes
for the children of men" (Mosiah of the Lord among men. (I Tim.
15:8), that is, he has the role of in• 2:1.)
terceding, of mediating, of praying,
petitioning and entreating the Father Intercessor. See ADVOCATE, ATONE-
to grant mercy and. blessings to men. MENT OF CHRIST, CHRIST, EXPIATOR,
(Rom. 8:34; Heb. 7:25.) Lehi said: I NTERCESSION, MEDIATOR, PROPITIATOR,
''He shall make intercession for all RECONCILER. Christ is the great
the children of men; and they that Intercessor, the One who intercedes
believe in ·him shall be saved. And and mediates between God and men.
because of the intercession for all, all His advocacy, prayers, petitions, and
men come unto God; wherefore, they entreaties are made for all men and
stand in the presence of him, to be especially for those who love and
judged of him according to the truth serve him. (John 17; 3 Ne. 19.)
and holiness which is in him." (2 Ne.
2:9-10.) Intercessory Prayer. See INTERCESSION .
One of the great Messianic proph •
ecies foretold that Christ would make Interest. See UsuaY.
"intercession for the transgressors."
(Isa. 53: 12; Mosiah 14:12.) His great Interpretation of Tongues. See
Intercessory Prayer, excerpts of which TONGUES.
are found in the 17th chapter of John,
with some of the same petitions later Intolerance. See TOLERANCE.
being repeated on behalf of the
Nephites (3 Ne. 19), is one of the Intoxication. See DRUNKENNESS.

Intuition. See CONSCIENCE, DISCERN- who believed the revelations of the

MENT, DMNATION, GIFT OF THE HOLY Lord and who died before Lehi's
GHOST, INSTINCT, LIGHT OF CHRIST. colony divided into Nephite and La-
Philosophers use the term intuition manite groups. (I Ne. 16:34-35.)
to describe a truth or rule of conduct 2. Ishmael was the son of Abraham
that is known automatically and and Hagar and the progenitor of a
without reasoning. By this is meant posterity of Ishmaelites that "shall
that whatever knowledge is involved not be numbered for multitude."
was received by some indefinable in- (Gen. 16:7-12; 17:20.)
sight or spiritual perception. Thus all "The sons of Ishmael peopled the
accountable persons, innately within north and west of the Arabian penin-
themselves and independent of any sula, and supposedly formed the chief
outward teaching, know that it is element of the Arab nation, the
wrong to commit murder. wandering Bedouin tribes. They are
Actually this knowledge comes to now mostly Mohammedans, who look
man from God as a free gilt by the to him as their spiritual father, as the
operation of the Light of Christ, the Jews look to Abraham. Their lan-
same Spirit which "giveth light to guage, which is generally acknowl-
every man that cometh into the edged to have been the Arabic
world." (D. & C. 84:46.) The saints commonly so called, has been adopted
who enjoy the gilt and companion- with insignificant exceptions through-
ship of the Holy Ghost might also out Arabia." (Peloubet's Bible Dic-
know things intuitively by revelation tionary, p. 278.)
from that member of the Godhead,
and persons who have subjected Israel. See AooPTION, BELIEVING
themselves to Lucifer might have in- BLooo, ELECTION OF GRACE, FonE-
formation given them intuitively by ORDINATION, GATHERING OF ISRAEL,
the evil powers of divination. GENTILES, HEBREWS, JEWS, LEVITES,
I. Jacob's name was changed to Israel,
Ishrnaelites. See BooK OF MoRMON, "for as a prince," the divine decree
NEPHITES AND LAMANITES. I. That announced, "hast thou power with
portion of the Lamanites who were God and with men, and hast pre-
lineal descendants of the sons of vailed." (Gen. 32:24-30; 35:9-13;
Ishmael were sometimes called Ish- Hos. 12: 1-5.) Literally, the name
maelites. (Jae. 1:13-14; 4 Ne. 37-39.) Israel means contender with God,
Ishmael himself was a righteous man the sense and meaning indicating one

who has succeeded in his supplication Holy Ghost, he said, "is more pow-
before the Lord, who has enlisted as erful in expanding the mind, enlight-
a soldier of God, who has become a ening the understanding, and storing
prince of God. the intellect with present -knowledge,
2. By divine command the name of a man who is of the literal seed
was applied to the 12 tribes collec- of Abraham, than one that is a Gen-
tively. (Gen. 49:28; Ex. 3:16.) Hun- tile, though it may not have hall as
dreds of millions of persons have thus much · visible effect upon the body;
been Israelites, heirs of the promises for as the Holy Ghost falls upon one
made to their lathers. This great of the literal seed of Abraham, it is
host, called while on earth to be a calm and serene; and his whole soul
peculiar people (Ex. 19:5-6; Deut. and body are only exercised by the
14:2; I Pet. 2:9), were also a separate pure spirit of intelligence; while the
and distinct group in pre-existence. effect of the Holy Ghost upon a Gen-
(Deut. 32:7-9.) Those mortal Israel- tile, is to purge out the old blood,
ites who are faithful in all things, and make him actually of the seed of
who obey the lull law of the gospel, Abraham. That man that has none
will continue on as members of the of the blood of Abraham (naturally)
house of Israel in a future eternity, must have a new creation by the Holy
there ruling as kings and priests for - Ghost." (Teachings, pp. 149-150.)
ever in the patriarchal chain. In the same way in which Gentiles
3. Those who accept the gospel by righteousness are adopted into the
become of the house of Israel regard- house of Israel-so that the promises
less of what their literal blood ances- made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
try may have been. Because the blood become their inheritance-those who
of Israel has been scattered among the are literally of the house of Jacob may
Gentile nations, nearly all who came lose their blessings by unrighteous-
into the Church are in greater or ness. "They are not all Israel, which
lesser degree of the house of Israel are of Israel," Paul said, for "They
literally. But ii someone whose blood which are the children of the flesh,
was wholly of Gentile lineage were these are not the children of God."
converted, he would be adopted into (Rom. 9:6-8.)
the lineage of Abraham and Jacob
and become of the house of Israel.
(Abra. 2:9-11.) Israelites. See TRIBES OF IsRAJ;L.
That this adoption involves a literal
change in the convert's blood was Israelitish Covenant. See ABRAHAMIC
plainly taught by the Prophet. The COVENANT.


Jack-Mormons. See MORMONS. Mor- Jahweh. See YAHWEH.

mons who are lukewarm, indifferent
Jaredites. See BooK OF MORMON.
to their covenants, not valiant in · de-
Those who were descendants of Jared
fense of the faith, who are members
and his associates-a chosen people
of the Church in name but not in
whose language was preserved by
deed, are sometimes colloquially called
faith at the time of the confusion of
Jack-Mormons. Those in this cat-
tongues, when the people attempted
egory, unless they repent and keep
to build the Tower of Babel-were
the commandments, shall fail to gain
called Jaredites . An abridgment of
an inheritance in the celestial world
their history and of the Lord's deal-
even though their names have been
ings with them is contained in the
listed on the records of the Church
Book of Ether. Some of . the greatest
in this life. (D. & C. 76:79.)
heavenly manifestations ever vouch-
safed to man were given to the
Jacob. See ISRAEL.
Brother of Jared. (Ether l; 2; 3; 4.)
Jacobites. See BooK OF MORMON, Jareditish Dispensations. See DISPEN-
tion of the Nephites who were lineal
descendants of Jacob the younger Jealous. See CHRIST, PERSONIFICATION.
brother of Nephi were sometimes To keep ever before his people the
called Jacobites. (Jae. 1:13-14; 4 Ne. exacting and exclusive devotion which
37-39.) . he requires of them, and acting on the
principle of personification, our Lord
Jah. See CHRIST, JEHOVAH, LORD, uses the word Jealous as one of his
YAHWEH. Jaw (Hebrew Yah) is a names. "For thou shalt worship no
contracted form of Jehovah, Jahveh, other god: for the Lord, whose name
or Yahweh-all of which names have is Jealous, is a jealous God." (Ex.
reference to Christ, the God of Israel. 34:14.) Among other things, use of
"Sing unto God, sing praises to his this name is a complete refutation of
name: extol him that rideth upon the sectarian heresy (found in the
the heavens by his name JAH, and creeds) that Deity is devoid of pas-
rejoice before him." (Ps. 68:4.) In sions. (Ex. 20:5; Deut. 4:24; 5:9;
a number of Old Testament passages 6:15; Josh. 24:19.)
use of the name Jah to designate
Christ has been translated Lord. (Ex. Jehovah. See AooNAI, CHRIST, ELO-
15:2; 17:16; Ps. 89:8; Isa. 38:11.) HIM, GREAT I AM, JAH, LORD, TETRA-

GRAMMATON, YAHWEH. Christ is Christ to John the Revelator. (Rev.

Jehovah; they are one and the same 1:13- 18.)
Person. The word / ehovah itself is
the anglicized form of the H ebrew Jesus. · See CHRIST, JESUS OF NAZ-
Yahweh, which refers to the God of ARETH. Taken from the Hebrew
Israel. To Abraham the Lord said: Y eshua, Jesus is a masculine personal
"I am the Lord thy God . . . . My name meaning Jehovah is salvation
name is Jehovah." (Abra. 2:7-8.) or deliverance; and accordingly, with
Later he revealed himself to Moses supreme propriety, it was chosen ·and
and others by the same name. (In- revealed as the personal name of our
spired Version, Ex. 6:3; Ps. 83: 18; Lord. (Luke 1:31.) This namc,-
Isa. 12 :2.) In general, in the King also found as Jeshua, Joshua, and
James version of the Bible, the name Jehoshua-apparently was a common
one among the ancient Jews. Variants
Jehovah has been translated Lord.
of the name include Hosea, Ho shea,
The death and resurrection of
and Oshea-all meaning deliverance.
Jehovah (and the consequent resur-
Though it was a common name
rection of all men) is foretold in
anciently, its use by the Lord God
Isaiah in these words: "In the Lord
Omnipotent as his personal name
JEHOVAH is everlasting strength. has given it a sacred connotation for
... Thy dead men shall live, together all succeeding generations. (Acts
with my dead body shall they arise.
·2 :36.) Accordingly its profane and
Awake and sing, ye that dwell in repetitious use, as well as the un-
dust: for thy dew is as the dew of fortunate modern practice among cer-
herbs, and the earth shall cast out the tain peoples of using it as a given
dead. . . . The earth also shall dis- name for children, is not in keeping
close h er blood, and shall no more with the true spirit of reverence and
cover h er slain." (Isa. 26 :3, 19, 21.) worship.
In this dispensation Christ ap-
peared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Jesus of Nazareth. See CHRIST, GAL-
Cowdery under his name Jehovah and ILEAN, JEsus, NAZARENE. Because he
accepted the Kirtland Temple as a lived in Nazareth of Galilee, Christ
house of the Lord. In this revealed was referred to by friend and foe alike
account his appearance is described as Jesus of Nazareth. (Matt. 21:11;
in detail. (D. & C. 110:1-10.) It is Mark 1:24; Luke 18:37; 24:19; Acts
interesting to note that comparable 3:6.)
detailed descriptions were given of
the appearance of the God of Israel Jews. See GENTILES, HEBREWS, I SRAEL,
to Moses and the elders of Israel (Ex. KINGDOM OF ISRAEL, NEPHITES AND
24:9-10), and of the appearance .of LAMANITES, SIGNS OF THE TIMES,

ThrnEs OF ISRAEL. Although the term John the Baptist. See AARONIC PRIEST-
Jew comes from the Hebrew yehudi, HOOD, BAPTISM, ELIAS, RESTORATION
"one belonging to Judah," it has al- OF THE GosPEL. Few prophets rank
ways been used to identify a much with John the Baptist. Among other
larger group than those who are of things, his ministry was foretold by
the tribe of Judah. Citizens of the Lehi (I Ne. 10:7-10), Nephi (I Ne.
Kingdom of Judah, no matter what 11 :27; 2 Ne. 31 :4-18), and Isaiah
their tribal affiliation, were called (Isa. 40:3); Gabriel came down from
Jews or sometimes Judeans. Lehi and the courts of glory to announce John's
Ishmael, though descendants of Jo- coming birth (Luke I :5-44); he was
seph, were Jews (Doctrines of Salva- the last legal administrator, holding
tion, vol. 3, pp. 262-264; 2 Ne. 30:4; keys and authority under the Mosaic
33:8); Paul was a Jew, but his tribe dispensation (D. & C. 84 :26-28); his
was Benjamin (Acts 21 :37-39; 22 :3; mission was to prepare the way be-
Rom. 11:1; Philip. 3:5); and the fore, baptize, and acclaim the divine
present day Lamanites are Jews. (D. Sonship of Christ (John I) ; and in
& C. 19:27; 57:4.) Christ was a Jew, modem times, on the 15th of May,
and he taught that "salvation is of 1829, he returned to earth as a res-
the Jews" (John 4:22), meaning that urrected being to confer the Aaronic
through that chosen race had come Priesthood upon Joseph Smith and
the prophets, the priesthood, and the Oliver Cowdery. (Jos. Smith 2 :66-
Redeemer himself. Our present 75; D. & C. 13.)
Bible, for instance, has come to us Asked about our Lord's statement,
by way of the Jews. (2 Ne. 29.) "Among those that are born of
Rebellious Jews opposed our Lord women there is not a greater prophet
in his ministry and finally brought than John the Baptist: but he that
about his crucifixion. Thereafter they is least in the kingdom of God is
were scattered among all nations, but greater than he" (Luke 7:28), the
when they "begin to believe in Prophet Joseph Smith explained:
Christ" and turn to righteousness, "First. He was entrusted with a
they will be gathered back into the divine mission of preparing the way
true sheepfold. (2 Ne. 30:7; 25: 15- before the face of the Lord. Whoever
18; 1 Ne. 19:13-17.) The conversion had such a trust committed to him
of the Jews as a people, however, will before or since? No man.
not take place until after the Second "Secondly. He was entrusted with
Coming of the Son of Man. (D. & C. the important mission, and it was
45:51-53; Zech. 12:10-14; 13:6.) required at his hands, to baptize the
Son of Man. Whoever had the honor
JHVH, JHWH. See TETRAGRAM- of doing that? Whoever had so great
a privilege and glory? Whoever led

the Son of God into ·the waters of As the literal Son of God-the First-
baptism, and had the privilege of born in the spirit, the On!y Begotten
beholding the Holy Ghost descend in the flesh-Christ is the natural
in the form of a dove, or rather in the heir of his Father. It thus became his
sign of the dove, in witness of that right to inherit, receive, and possess
administration? . .- . all that his Father had. (John 16:15.)
"Thirdly. John, at that time, was And his Father is possessor of all
the only legal administrator in the things: the universe; all power, wis-
affairs of the kingdom there was then dom, and goodness; the fulness of
on the earth, and holding the keys truth and knowiedge; and an infinity
of power. The Jews had to obey his of all good attributes. By heirship and
instructions or be damned, by their by obedience, going from grace to
own law; and Christ himself fulfilled grace, the Son attained these same
all righteousness in becoming obedient things. (D. & C. 93:5-17.)
to the law which he had given to By obedience to the fulness of gos-
Moses on the mount, and thereby pel law, righteous men are adopted
magnified it and made it honorable, into the family of God so that they
instead of destroying it. The son of also become . heirs, joint-heirs with
Zacharias wrested the keys, the king- Christ (Rom. 8:14-18; Gal. 3:26-29;
dom, the power, the glory the 4:1-7), inheritors of all that the
Jews, by the holy anointing and Father hath. (D. & C. 84:33-41.) In
decree of heaven." his famous King Follett Sermon,
In explaining how the least in the speaking of those who "shall be heirs
kingdom of heaven was greater than of God and joint-heirs with Jesus
John, the Prophet said: "Whom did Christ," the Prophet asked what their
Jesus have reference to as being the glory should be. Answering his own
least? Jesus was looked upon as hav- query, he described joint-heirship as
ing the least claim in God's kingdom, inheriting "the same power, the same
and [seemingly] was least entitled glory and the same exaltation, until
to their credulity as a prophet; as you arrive at the station of a God,
though he .had said-'Re that is con- and ascend the throne of eternal
sidered the least among you is greater power, the same as those who have
than John- that is I myself."' gone before." (Teachings, p. 347.)
(Teachings, pp. 275-276.) A joint-heir is one who inherits
equally with all other heirs including
Joint-heirs with Christ. See CELESTIAL the Chief Heir who is the Son. Each
MARRIAGE, CHURCI-J: OF THE FIRST· joint-heir has an equal and an un-
BORN, DAUGHTERS OF Gan, EXALTA- divided portion of the whole of every'
TION, FULNESS OF THE FATHER, thing. If one knows all things, so
Gooaooo, SALVATION, SoNs OF Goo. do all others. If one has all power,

so do all those who inherit jointly Young are following some other
with him. If the universe belongs to course. This claim is the most utter
one, so it does equally to the total of norisense, and members of the Church
all upon whom the joint inheritances should not be so gullible as to go
are bestowed. along with nomenclature which fur-
Joint-heirs are possessors of all thers the false claims of an apostate
things. (D. & C. 50:26-28.) All organization. (Doctrines of Salvation,
things are theirs for they have exal- vol. I, p. 261.)
tation. (D. & C. 76:50-60.) They are
Joseph Smith the Prophet. See BooK
made "equal" with their Lord. (D. &
C. 88: !07.) They gain all power
both in heaven and on earth and
receive the lulness of the Father, and
all knowledge and truth are theirs.
(D. & C. 93: 15-30.) They are gods.
(D. & C. 132:20.) Celestial marriage
is the gate to this high state of exal-
providences of Almighty God, and
tation. (Doctrines of Salvation, vol.
according to the plan before ordained
2, pp. 24, 35-39; D. & C. 131:1-4; ·
in the councils of eternity, Joseph
Smith, Jr. , was boi-n into mortality,
December 23, 1805. As a pre-existent
Josephites. See BooK OF MonMON, spirit he had ranked with Adam and
NEPHITES ANO LAMANITES, REORGAN- Abraham. In that prior existence, by
IZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF diligence and obedience, he gained
LATTER DAY SAINTS. I. That portion the spiritual stature and capacity
of the Nephites who were lineal de- which entitled him to be foreordained
scendants of Joseph the younger to stand as the head of the greatest
brother of Nephi were sometimes of all gospel dispensations.
called Josephites. (Jae. 1:13-14; 4 Ne. So great was his assigned mission,
37-39.) with reference to the "restitution of
2. It has been a common practice, all things" (Acts 3:21), that holy
over the years, for representatives of prophets spoke of him, by name,
the Reorganized Church of Jesus thousands of years before his mortal
Christ of Latter Day Saints to call birth. (2 Ne. 3.) And as to the mighty
themselves Josephites and to call the work to be started by him-there are
members of the true Church Brigham- as many prophecies foretelling it as
ites. Their objective, of course, is to there are about any other single sub-
make it appear that they follow the ject, not even excepting the host ol
Prophet Joseph Smith, but that the prophetic utterances about our Lord
,iaints who came west with Brigham and his redemptive sacrifice.

In the spring of 1820, when the has again become available to men. It
hour had come for the ·opening of the is because of Joseph Smith that salva-
final gospel dispensation, young Jo- tion is again available to mortal men.
seph, then 14½ years of age, beheld "Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer
in glory the Father and the Son. of the Lord, has done more, save
Thereafter Moroni visited him; he Jesus only, for the salvation of men
received, translated, and published in this world, than any other man
the ancient Nephite record; other that ever lived in it." (D. & C. 135:3.)
messengers came bringing keys, pow-
er, priesthood, and authority; revela- Journals. See BooK OF REMEMBRANCE,
tions in great number were showered RECORD KEEPING. Members of the
upon him; and by the . power and Church should keep accurate family
commandment of the Lord Omnipo- records of births, marriages, deaths,
tent he organized again on earth blessing of children, baptisms, ordi-
God's literal kingdom, The Church of nations, and items of this sort which
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. pertain to their own welfare and
Finally, having done all things well which may be of benefit to posterity.
-as had been before ordained and There is no particular obligation to
appointed-he sealed his testimony keep a daily journal or diary, but
with his blood; was taken home to special worthwhile events should be
that God who gave him breath; and recorded and preserved. (Doctrines of
now-enthroned in eternal glory- he Salvation, vol. 2, pp. 204-206.)
continues his appointed labors on the
Lord's errand. Joy. See CHEERFULNESS, RE101c1NG,
To the Church the Lord com- SALVATION. "Men are, that they might
manded: "Give heed unto all his have joy." (2 Ne. 2:25.) That is, the
words and commandments which he very purpose of man's creation is to
shall give unto you as he receiveth enable him to gain joy; it is the ob-
them, walking in all holiness before ject and end of existence. The process
me; For his word ye shall receive, as of acquiring this joyful state of hap'
if from mine own mouth, in all pa- piness began in pre-existence. It was
tience and faith." (D. & C. 21:4-5.) there that "all the sons of God
Joseph Smith's greatness lies in the shouted for joy" (Job 38:7) at the
work that he did, the spiritual ca- prospect of coming to earth and un-
pacity he developed, and the witness dergoing the probationary experience
he bore of the Redeemer. Since the thereof.
keys of sal v.a tion were restored to the Here in mortality men gain joy
Prophet, it is in and through and only by obedience to gospel law, the
because of his latter-day mission that gospel itself being the "good tidings
the full redemptive power of the Lord of great joy, which shall be to all

people." (Luke 2:10.) Indeed, the (Teachings, p. 295.) Christ himself

great results of gospel obedience are endured all things, including the
"righteousness, and peace, and joy cross, "for the joy that was set before
in the Holy Ghost." (Rom. 14:17.) him" (Heb. 12 :2), and he has ob-
"Happiness is the object and design tained a fulness of joy. (3 Ne. 17 :20;
of our existence," the Prophet said, 28:10.)
"and will be the end thereof, if we
pursue the path that leads to it; and Judah. See JEWS.
this path is virtue, uprightness, faith-
fulness, holiness, and keeping all the Judeans. See JEWS.
commandments of God." (Teachings,
pp. 255-256.) Judge of All the Earth. See CHRIST,
Joy is a gift of the Spirit. It comes JUDGES, JUDGMENT, JUDGMENT DAY,
from the Holy Ghost, is granted to JUDGME NTS OF Goo. Christ is the
those who gain a remission of their Judge of all the Earth, "For the
sins (Mosiah 4:3, 20; Alma 22:15), Father judgeth no man, but hath
and there is great joy in heaven when committed all judgment unto the
sinners repent. (Luke 15:7; D. & C. Son." (John 5:22; Ps. 50:6; Acts
18: 13-16.) It is in the Lord that the 10 :42.) His judgment is administered
saints rejoice (Ps. 97: 12), and he in with perfect justice (Isa. 9:7); "with
turn rejoices over the righteous. righteousness shall he judge the poor,
(Deut. 30:9.) In the latter-days and reprove with equity for the meek
Israel "shall come to Zion, singing of the earth." (Isa. II :4.) "As I
with songs of everlasting joy." (D. & hear, I judge," he said, "and my
C. 45:71; 66: II; 101: 18; 109:39; judgment is just; because I seek not
133:33; Isa. 51:11.) mine own will, but the will of the
Obtaining exaltation consists in Father which hath sent me." (John
gaining a fulness of joy; it is to enter 5:30.) In the coming day of judg-
into the joy of the Lord. (D. & C. ment, when He judges whose judg-
51:19.) The saints are to "reap eter- ment is just, perfect justice will be
nal joy" for all their sufferings (D. & administered to all men. "Shall not
C. 109:76), though their joy is not the Judge of all the earth do right?"
to be full in this life. (D. & C. (Gen. 18:25; Ps. 94:1 -2.)
101:36.) A fulness of joy is found
only among resurrected, exalted Judges. See JUDGE OF ALL THE EARTH,
beings. (D. & C. 93:33.) "Those who JUDGES IN ISRAEL, JUDGMENT, JUDG-
have died in Jesus Christ may expect MENT DAY. Men are ntheir own
to enter into all that fruition of joy judges" in the sense that they elect
when they come forth, which they "to do good or do evil," consequently
possessed or anticipated here." developing certain kinds of bodies and

attributes, both of which they will of righteousness, with crowns upon

have restored to them again in the their heads, in glory· even as I am,
resurrected stale. (Alma 41; D. & C. to judge the whole house of Israel,
88:16-32.) But there will also be even as many as have loved me and
judges who dispense justice to others. kept my commandments, and none
Christ is the great and eternal Judge else." (D. & C. 29:12.)
of all. (John 5:22; Acts 10:42.) "Ye Some 600 years before the first
must all stand before the judgment- coming of our Lord, an angel told
seat of Christ," Mormon wrote, "yea, Nephi, "The twelve apostles of the
every soul who belongs to the whole Lamb ... are they who shall judge
human family of Adam; and ye must the twelve tribes of Israel; wherefore,
stand to be judged of your works, the twelve ministers of thy seed shall
whether . they be good or evil." be judged of them; for ye are of the
(Morm. 3:20.) house of Israel. And these twelve
Under Christ, selected agents and ministers whom thou beholdest shall
representatives shall sit in judgment judge thy seed." (I Ne. 12:9-10.)
upon specified peoples and nations. Then to ·those 12 Nephite ministers,
Scriptural intimations indicate that the resurrected Lord said: "Ye shall
there will be a great judicial hier- be judges of this people, according to
archy, each judge acting in his own the judgment which I shall give unto
sphere of appointment and in con- you, which shall be iust. Therefore,
formity with the eternal principles of what manner of men ought ye to
judgment which are in Christ. When be? Verily I say unto you, even as I
John wrote of that day of judgment am." (3 Ne. 27:27; Morm. 3:19.)
incident to the Second Coming of our Nor is this principle of placing eter-
Lord, he said: "I saw thrones, and nal judgment in the hands of the
they sat upon them, and iudgment Lord's agents, who have undergone
was given unto them." (Rev. 20:4.) the testing of mortality along with
Our Lord promised his 12 apostolic those who are to be judged, limited
ministers in Jerusalem that when he to the Jewish and Nephite Twelves.
came in glory, they also should "sit Paul said that the saints should judge
upon twelve thrones, judging the both the world and angels ( I Cor.
twelve tribes of Israel." (Matt. 19:28; 6 :2-3); and the faithful elders have
Luke 22:30.) "It hath gone forth this promise relative to those who re-
in a firm decree, by the will of the ject their testimony, "Know this, that
Father, that mine apostles, the Twelve in the day of iudgment you shall be
which were with me in my ministry iudges of that house, and condemn
at Jerusalem, shall stand at my right them; And it shall be more tolerable
hand at the day of my coming in a for the heathen in the day of judg-
. pillar of fire, being clothed with robes ment, than for that house." (D. & G.

75:21-22; Matt. 10:14-15.) Daniel From the death of King Mosiah to

has left us the assurance that when the ministry of Christ among them,
the Ancient of Days sits in that great the Nephites were also ruled by
council at Adam-ondi-Ahman that judges. (Mosiah 29.) Alma the
then judgment will be given to the younger was elected as the first Chief
saints of the Most High. (Dan. 7:22.) Judge, and he was also the presiding
We have every reason to expect High Priest over the Church. After
that the saints and the world will be he left the judgment seat to devote
judged by the apostles and prophets himself exclusively to the work of the
sent to carry the message of salvation ministry, the civil and ecclesiastical
to them; and that the great hierarchal
powers were vested in separate hands.
chain of judgment with Christ at the
(Alma 4.)
head, will include Adam and the
prophets of all ages, Peter and the
In this day, in civil matters the
saints are subject to the powers that
apostles of all ages, and all the elders
of the kingdom of all ages who have be, and will so continue until He rules
kept their covenants, died in the faith, whose right it is. But in ecclesiastical
and who are entitled therefore, as matters, the Lord has restored his
the Lord said, "to receive a crown of system of judges with the bishop
righteousness, and to be clothed upon, being the judge in Israel, having pow-
even as I am, to be with me, that we er, as it was anciently, "to divide the
may be one" (D. & C. 29:13.) lands of the heritage of God unto his
children; And to judge his people by
Judges in Israel. See BISHOPS, BISH- the testimony of the just, and by the
OPS COURT, ISRAEL, JUDGES, JUDG- assistance of his counselors, according
MENT. From Moses to Samuel, Israel to the laws of the kingdom which are
was governed by judges. While Israel
given by the prophets of God." (D.
was still in the wilderness, Moses was
& C. 58:14-22; 64:37-40.)
the chief judge, who heard the hard
causes, standing "for the people to
God-ward," and under him were
judges of thousands, of hundreds, of
fifties, and of tens. (Ex: 18.) Seventy JuDGMENT DAY, JuooMENTS OF Goo,
elders also stood with him to bear JusncE, RIGHTEOUSNESS. Judgment
the burdens of the people. (Num. 11.) consists in the power to arrive at a
Proportionately as Israel was faith- wise and righteous decision and in
ful, this system prevailed until Saul the execution of that decision, to the
was anointed king. Then the civil blessing of the righteous and the con-
power was vested in the kings while demnation of the wicked. • It is an
the spiritual powers remained in the attribute .of Deity. "The Lord is a
prophets who governed the Church. God of judgment." (Isa. 30:18.)

"The Lord shall endure for ever: he for the exercise of faith and confidence
hath prepared his throne for judg- in God, and they are enabled by faith
ment. ... The Lord is known by the to lay hold on the promises which
judgment which he executeth." (Ps. are set before them, and wade through
9:7, 16.) "Righteousness and judg- all the tribulations and afflictions to
ment are the habitation of his which they are subjected by reason of
throne.." (Ps. 97:2.) "He is the Rock, the persecution from those who know
his work is perfect : for all his ways not God, and obey not the gospel of
are judgment: a God of truth and our Lord Jesus Christ, believing that
withou t iniquity, just and right is in due time the Lord will come out
he." (Deut. 32: 4.) "I will execute in swift judgment against their en-
judgment : I am the Lord." (Ex. emies, and they shall be cut off from
12:12; Ps. 89:14; Isa. 61:8.) "Judg- before him; and that in his own due
ment goeth before the lace of· him time he will bear them off conquerors,
who . sitteth upon the throne and and more than conquerors, in all
govemeth and executeth all things." things." (Lectures on Faith, pp. 45-
(D. & C. 88:40.) 46.)
Men must have knowledge of the Judgment is manifest in all of the
attribute of judgment in God if they Lord's doings. "Zion shall be re-
are . to· have faith and gain salvation. deemed," for instance, "with judg-
"Without the idea of the existence of ment, and her converts with right-
this attribute . iii the Deity," the eousness." (Isa. 1:27.) To aid in
Prophet says, "it would be impossible perfecting their lives, nien are com-
for men to exercise lai th in him for manded to "seek judgment" (Isa.
life and salvation, seeing that ·it is I : 17) of the kind administered by the
through the exercise of this attribute Lord, having ever before them the
that the faithful in Chris( Jesus are realization, "FOr with what judgment
delivered out of the hands of those ye judge, ye shall be judged." (Matt.
who•seek iheir destruction; for if God 7:2.)
were not to come out in swift judg-
ment against the workers of iniquity Judgment Bar. See JUDGMENT DAY.
and tlie powers of darkness, his saints
could not be Saved; for it is by judg- Judgment Day. See BooK OF LIFE,
ment .t hat. the Lord delivers his saints CELESTIAL LAW, ESCHATOLOGY, JUDGE

out of the hands of all their enemies, OF ALL THE EARTH, JUDGES, JUDG-
and those who reject the gospel of MENT, JUDGMENTS OF Goo, MILLEN -
our Lord Jesus Christ. But no sooner NIU M, RESURRECTION, S ECOND COMI NG
is the idea of th.e existence of this OF CHRIST~ SIGNS OF THE TIMES,
att.ribute planted in the minds of SPIRIT WORLD, TEL£STIAL LAW, T ER-
men, than it gives power to the mind RESTRIAL LAW, WORLD. I. Whenever

the judgments of God are poured out similarly called upon to face a day
upon men, it is a· day of judgment, a of judgment.
day of vengeance, a day when in a 2. Death itself is an initial day of
very realistic sense the books have judgment for all persons, both the
been opened, the condemned persons righteous and the wicked. When the
found wanting, and a just punishment spirit leaves the body at death, it is
meted out to them. taken home to that God who gave it
Inspired history bounds in illustra- life, meaning that it returns to live
tions of this type of judgment day. in the realm of spiritual existence.
For the entire population of the (Eccles. 12:7.) At that time the
spirit undergoes a partial judgment
earth, except those on the ark, the
and is assigned an inheritance in par-
flood of Noah was a day of judgment
adise or in hell to await the day of
and destruction. (Gen. 7:11-24; I
the first or second resurrection. The
Pet. 3:20-21.) Judgment day came
righteous go to paradise, "a state of
to Sodom and Gomorrah when the
happiness, ... a state of rest, a state
Lord rained fire and brimstone upon of peace, where they shall rest from
them (Gen. 18; 19 ), and it came 10 all their troubles and from all care,
Pharaoh and his Egyptian hosts and sorrow." The wicked are "cast
when they were subjected to the out into outer darkness; there shall
plagues and were finally drowned in be weeping, and wailing, and ~nash-
the Red Sea. (Ex. 7; 8; 9; 10; 11; 14.) ing of teeth, and this because of their
Korah and his band stood before the own iniquity, being led captive by the
judgment bar when the earth opened will of the devil." (Alma 40:11-14;
and swallowed them, and their 14,700 Luke 16:19-31.)
sympathizers who died of the plague 3. Christ's Second Coming will be
were likewise judged and found a day of judgment for all those then
wanting. (Num. 16.) living and for the righteous dead
It was judgment day for the Amal- (and in a sense for the wicked dead
ekites when Israel, at the Lord's also). "When the Son of man shall
command, utterly destroyed them and come in his glory, and all the holy
all their property. (I Sam. 15.) The angels with him, then shall he sit
rebellious Nephites destroyed in the upon the throne of his glory: And
tempests, earthquakes, whirlwinds, before him shall be gathered all na-
and fires at the time of the crucifixion tions: and he shall separate them one
faced their judgment day. (3 Ne. 8; from another, as a shepherd divideth
9; 10.) People in the world today, his sheep from the goats: And he shall
suffering in the wars and perils the set the sheep on his right hand, but
Lord has decreed should prevail in the goats on the left." (Matt. 25 :31-
the last days (D. & C. 63:32-36), are 46.)

"I will come near to you to judg- beheaded for the witness of Jesus,
ment," the Lord says, speaking of his and for the word ol God, and which
Second Coming, "and I will be a had not worshipped the beast, neither
swift witness against the sorcerers, and his image, neither had received his
against the adulterers, and against mark upon their .foreheads, or in their
false swearers, and against those that hands; and they lived and reigned
oppress the hireling in his wages, the with Christ a thousand years." The
widow, and the fatherless, and that wicked, he saw, "lived not again until
turn aside the stranger from his right, the thousand years were finished."
and fear not me, saith the Lord of (Rev. 20:3-6; D. & C. 88:95-99.)
hosts." (Mal. 3:5.) 4. After all men have been resur-
That is the day when every per- rected the day ol the great final
son then living shall find answer to iudgment will come. Every living
the queries, "Who may abide the day soul shall then stand before God, the
of his coming? and who shall stand books will be opened, and the dead
when he appeareth?" In that day "he will be judged out ol those things
shall sit as a refiner and purifier" written in the books, according to
(Mal. 3:2-3); "all the pro_ud, yea, and their works. (Rev. 20:11-15.) "And it
all that do wickedly" (Mal. 4:1), shall come to pass," Jacob said, "that
shall be burned as stubble. "And when all men shall have passed from
every corruptible thing, both of man, this first death unto •life, insomuch
or of the beasts of the field, or of the as they have become immortal, they
fowls of the heavens, or of the fish of must appear before the judgment-
the sea, that dwells upon all the lace seat ol the Holy One ol Israel; and
of the earth, shall be consumed." then cometh the judgment, and then
(D. & C. 101:24.) must they be judged according to the
"I have trodden the winepress holy judgment ol God." (2 Ne. 9:15-
alone, and have brought judgment 16.)
upon all people," our Lord will say 5. Though there are specific times
at the day of his Second Coming. To and formal occasions designated as
the wicked that judgment day is a days ol judgment, in the final analysis
"day of vengeance"; to the righteous every day is a day of iudgment for
it is a year of redemption, for they every person, and every man is his
shall abide the day. (D. & C. 133:50- own judge. By obedience to celestial,
53.) terrestrial, or telestial law men there·-
01 the judgment to take place at by develop celestial, terrestrial, or
the Second Coming, John wrote: "I telestial bodies, which particular kind
saw thrones, and they sat upon them, ol bodies are then restored to them in
and judgment was given unto them : the resurrection. (D. & C. 88:16-33.)
and I saw the souls ol them that were "It is requisite with the justice ol

God that men should be judged ac- the last to be resurrected, will have
cording to their works," Alma says, bodies capable of receiving no glory
"and ii their works were good in this and will be cast out with the devil
life, and the desires of their hearts and his angels forever. (D. & C.
were good, that they should also, at 88:98-102.)
the last day, be restored unto that No one has yet been resurrected
which is good. And ii their works with any kind of a body except a
are evil they shall be restored unto celestial. Those who were with Christ
them for evil." (Alma 41 :3-4.) The in his resurrection will all have eter-
kind of body gained in this life and nal inheritance in his celestial pres-
restored to a person in the resurrec- ence. (D. & C. 133:54-56.) Though
tion determines the degree of glory there is yet to be a day of formal
inherited in eternity. Thus men are judgment for all men, yet there is
"their own judges," Alma concludes, no question, for instance, of the re-
for by their daily acts they judge or ward that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob
choose "whether to do good or do will receive in that day. "They have
evil." (Alma 41:7.) entered into their exaltation, accord-
It is very evident that men will not ing to the promises, and sit upon
have to await the day of final judg- thrones, .and are not angels but are
ment-the formal occasion when gods," the revelation records. (D. &
every living soul will stand before the C. 132:29-37.) The same is true of
judgment bar, an event that will not Adam, Enoch, Noah, Moses, and the
take place until the last soul has been faithful saints from the beginning
resurrected-to learn their status and to the day of Christ.
the degree of glory they are to receive
in eternity. Those who are living a Judgment Seat of Christ. See JUDG-
telestial law will be swept off the MENT DAY.
earth at the Second Coming. (D. & C.
101:24; Mal. 3; 4.) Those who come Judgments of God. See AlloMINATION
forth in the morning of the first res- oF DESOLATION, Acrs OF Goo, Goo,
urrection, who "are Christ's, the first JUDGMENT 0AY, JUSTICE, SIGNS OF THE
fruits," will have celestial bodies and TIMES. In all ages the Lord pours
go to a celestial kingdom. "Those out his judgments upon the children
who are Christ's at his coming" will of disobedience. Famines, captivity,
come forth with terrestrial bodies and plagues, floods, lightnings, hailstorms,
go to a terrestrial kingdom. Similarly pestilences, tempests, earthquakes,
those coming forth in the beginning wars, fire and brimstone raining from
of the second resurrection will have heaven- all these and infinitely more
telestial bodies and go to a telestial are sent of God upon men who for -
kingdom, while the sons of .perdition, sake him and his laws. (Lev. 26;

Deut. 28; 29; 30; 3 Ne. 8; 9; IO; D. accompanies violation of that law.
& C. 43:25; 63:32-33; 88:88-91. ) Justice deals with the unbending,
Obviously these judgments come upon invariable results that always and
peoples and nations to punish them ever flow from the same causes. It
for their rebellion and to humble carries a connotation of righteous-
them that peradventure they will ness, fairness, impartiality. It em-
turn to righteousness. And obviously braces the principle and practice of
also a righteous minority group may just dealing, of conformity to a course
be called upon to suffer with those of perfect rectitude, of adherence to
who are receiving a just reward for a standard of complete integrity.
their unholy deeds. (Teachings, pp. Justice is one of the attributes of
162-163; Dan. 11: 35.) God. "Publish the name of the
Though the judgments of God con- Lord," Moses proclS:imed, "ascribe ye
sist in outpourings of wrath and greatness unto our God. He is the
vengeance upon those immediately Rock, his work is perfect: for all his
subject to them, as they affect the ways are judgment: a God of truth
great body of the Lord's children and without iniquity, just and right
(both those in pre-existence and is he." (Deut. 32:3-4.) " Justice and
those in mortality), they are acts of judgment are the habitation of thy
mercy. What a curse it would have throne: mercy and truth shall go be-
been, for instance, for righteous pre- fore thy lace," the psalmist wrote.
existent spirits to h ave been sent to (Ps. 89: 14.) "There is no God else
earth as the children of the inhabi- beside me," the Lord says, "a just
tants of Sodom and Gomorrah where God and a Saviour." (Isa. 45:21;
every evil abomination was en-
Zeph. 3:5; Zech. 9:9; Rev. 15:3-4.)
throned. What ch ance would they Both faith in God and salvation
have had to walk in the paths of in his kingdom are attainable because
uprightness? of the justice of God and because men
gain a knowledge of this particular
Justice. See E _Q UALITY, EQUITY, HON- attribute of Deity. "It is also nec-
ESTY, I NTEGRITY, JUDGMENT, JUSTIFI- essary, in order to the exercise of
CATION, MERCY, RIGHTEOUSNESS, faith in God unto life and salvation,"
SALVATION FOR THE D EAD, UPRIGHT- the Prophet taught, "that men should
NESS. That which conforms to the have the idea of the existence of the
mind and will of God and is right- attribute ;ustice in him; for without
eous and proper before him is iust. the idea of the existence of the attri-
A just punishment, for instance, is bute justice in the Deity men could
one that is deserved because the recip- not have confidence sufficient to place
ient violated the law, thus meriting themselves under his guidance and
the particular penalty that always dire_ction; for they would be filled with

fear and doubt lest the judge of all disobedience. The way of escape is
the earth would not do right, and through the atonement of our Lord,
thus fear or doubt, existing in the the redemption that is thus offered
mind, would preclude the possibility taking effect "only on conditions of
of the exercise of faith in him for repentance."
life and salvation. But when the idea Alter setting forth how this great
of the existence of the attribute jus- "plan of mercy" operates, Alma rea-
tice in the Deity is fairly planted in soned as follows: "Now, repentance
the ·mind, it leaves no room for doubt could not come unto men except there
to get into the heart, and the mind were a punishment, which also was
is enabled to cast itself upon the eternal as the life of the soul should
Almighty without fear and without be, affixed opposite to the plan of
doubt, and with the most unshaken happiness, which was as eternal also
confidence, believing that the judge as the life of the soul. Now, how
of all the earth will do right." (Lec- could a man repent except he should
tures on Faith, p. 45.) sin? How could he sin if there was
According to the terms and con- no law? How could there be a law
ditions of the great plan of redemp- save there was a punishment? Now,
tion, justice demands that a penalty there was a punishment affixed, and
be paid for every violation of the a just law given, which brought re-
Lord's laws. This necessarily must be morse of conscience unto man. Now,
so or this mortal existence could not if there was no law given-ii a man
fulfil its purpose as a probationary murdered he should die--would he
and preparatory state. Since mortal be afraid he would die ii he should
man is on probation to prepare him- murder? And also, if there was no
self for eternity, and since he is law given against sin men would not
endowed with the great gift of free be afraid to sin. And if there was no
agency, it follows that he must be law given, ii men sinned what could
held accountable for his disobedience. justice do, or mercy either, for they
Otherwise this sphere of existence would have no claim upon the crea-
would not provide the test nor give ture?"
the experience which would qualify Then Alma returns to his explana-
him to return to the presence of God tion as to how the law of mercy and
hereafter. of justice is made operative because
Now, all mankind is in a fallen of repentance and the atoning sac-
state and has pursued a course of dis- rifice of our Lord. "But there is a
obedience; therefore, in the mercy of law given, and a punishment affixed,"
God, a way must be provided "to he says, "and a repentance granted;
appease the demands of justice" and which repentance, mercy claimeth;
escape the just penalties attached to otherwise, justice claimeth the crea-

ture and executeth the law, and the in the doctrine of salvation for the
law inflicteth the punishment; if not dead, the Prophet said : "While one
so, the works of justice would be de- portion of the human race 'is judging
stroyed, and God would cease to be and condemning the other without
God . . . . Behold, justice exerciseth mercy, the Great Parent of the uni-
all his demands, and also mercy verse looks upon the whole of the
claimeth all which is her own; and human family with a fatherly care
thus, none but the truly penitent are and paternal regard; he views them
saved." (Alma 42; D. & C. 88:40.) as his offspring, and without any of
Thus it is that the justice of God those contracted feelings that influ-
divides "the wicked from the right- ence the children of men, causes 'his
eous," the wicked going to an "awful sun to rise on the evil and on the
hell," to suffer the eternal torment good, and sendeth rain on the just
of the second death, and the righteous and on the unjust.' (Matt. 5:45.) He
going to the kingdom of God. (I Ne. holds the reigns of judgment in his
15:30-35; Jae. 6: 10; Mosiah 2:38; hands; he is a wise Lawgiver, and
Alma 12:32; D . & C. 88:35.) Justice will judge all men, not according to
and judgment are the penalty affixed the narrow, contracted notions of
for disobedience (D. & C. 82:4); men, but 'according to the deeds done
none are exempt from the justice of in the body whether they be good or
God (D. & C. 107:84); and perfect evil,' or whether these deeds were
justice will be administered to all men done in England, America, Spain,
in the day of judgment. (2 Ne. 9:46.) Turkey, or India. H e will judge them,
Perhaps no doctrine of the gospel 'not according to what they have not,
better illustrates the eternal justice but according to what they have,'
of God than the doctrine of salvation those who have lived without law,
for the dead. Only a small part of will be judged without law, and
the earth's inhabitants have so much those who have a law, will be judged
as heard the name of Christ during by that law.
their mortal probations, with only a "We need not doubt the wisdom
yet smaller portion of them having and intelligence of the great Jehovah;
opportunity to accept the fulness of he will award judgment or mercy to
the principles of salvation. And yet all nations according to their several
in the wisdom and justice of the Om- deserts,. their means of obtaining in-
nipotent, every soul will have a just telligence, the laws by which they
and fair opportunity to hear the are governed, the facilities afforded
gospel preached and acept its saving them of obtaining correct information,
truths. and his inscrutable designs in relation
Speaking about the justice of the to the human family; and when the
great Lawgiver as such is manifest designs of God shall be made mani-

fest, and the curtain of futurity be into and performed in righteousness

withdrawn, we shall all of us even- so that the Holy Spirit can justify
tually have to confess that the Judge the candidate for salvation in what
of all the earth has done right." has been done. (I Ne. 16:2 Jae. 2 :13-
(Teachings, p. 218.) 14; Alma 41:15; D. & C. 98; 132:1,
62.) An act that is justified by the
Justification. See HoLY SPIRIT OF Spirit is one that is sealed by the Holy
PROMISE, SALVATION BY GRACE, SANC· Spirit of Promise, or in other words,
TIFICATION. In summarizing the plan ratified and approved by the Holy
of salvation, Adam taught: "By the Ghost. This law of justification is the
water ye keep the commandment; by provision the Lord has placed in the
the Spirit ye are justified, and by the gospel to assure that no unrighteous
blood ye are sanctified." (Moses performance will be binding on earth
6:60.) And on the day the Church and in heaven, and that no person
was organized in this dispensation, will add to his position or glory in
writing by way · of revelation, the the hereafter by stealing an unearned
Prophet recorded : "We know that blessing.
justification through the grace of our As with all other doctrines of sal-
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is just vation, justification is available be-
and true." (D. & C. 20:30.) Com- cause of the atoning sacrifice of
pliance with this basic doctrine of Christ, but it becomes operative in
the gospel, the law of justification, is the life of an individual only on con-
ditions of personal righteousness. As
thus essential to salvation. Indeed,
one of the great religious contentions Paul taught, men are not justified
among the squabbling sects of an by the works of the Mosaic law alone
apostate Christendom is whether men any more than men are saved by
are justified by faith alone, without those works alone. The grace of God,
works, as some erroneously suppose
manifest through the infinite and
Paul taught (Acts 13:38-39; Rom. eternal atonement wrought by his
3:19-28; 4:5; 5:1 -10; Gal. 2: 15-21; Son, makes justification a living real-
ity for those who seek righteousness.
2 Ne. 2:5), or whether they are justi-
(Isa. 53:11; Mosiah 14:11.)
fied by works of righteousness as
James explained. (Jas. 2:14-26.) Just One. See CHRIST, HoLY ONE,
What then is the law of justifica- JUSTICE. Christ is the Just One (Acts
tion? It is simply this: "All covenants, 3:14), signifying that perfect justice,
contracts, bonds, obligations, oaths, equity, judgment, and impartiality
vows, performances, connections, as- are em bodied in his person.
sociations, or expectations" (D. & C.
132:7), in which men must abide to Juvenile Delinquency. See SIGNS OF
be saved and exalted, must be entered THE TIMES.


= = IK
Keeper of the Gate. See CHRJST, Doon shall open, and none shall shut; and
OF THE SHEEP, PEARLY GATES; WAY, he shall shut, and none shall open."
TRUTH, AND LIFE. Christ is the (Isa. 22:22.) Centuries later, speak-
Keeper of the Gate. He it is who shall ing of himself, our Lord said to John:
admit men into the . presence of the "These things saith he that is holy,
Father. (D. & C. 132: 12.) He opens he that is true, he that hath the key
the gate to the righteous and bars of David, he that openeth, and no
it to the wicked. Sectarian traditions man shutteth; and shutteth, and no
placing Peter or anyone else as guard- man openeth." (Rev. 3:7.) Thus, the
ian of the pearly gates are false, for key of David is the a.bsolute power
Christ "employeth no servant there; resident in Christ whereby his will
and there is none other way save it is expressed in all things both tem-
be by the gate; for he cannot be de- poral and spiritual.
ceived, for the Lord God is his name."
(2 Ne. 9:41-43.) Keys. See CHURCH OF JEsus CHRIST
OF DAVID. From the day of Adam the EN, PmESTHOOD. Two different usages
term key has been used by inspired of the term keys are found in the
writers as a symbol of power and revelations. One has reference to the
authority. Keys are the right of pres- directive powers whereby the Church
idency, and the one holding them or kingdom and all its organizations
holds the reigns of government. In are governed, the keys of the kingdom
ancient Israel, David was a man of being the powers of presidency. The
blood and battle whose word was law other usage refers to the means pro-
and whose very name was •also a vided whereby something is revealed,
symbol of power and authority. Ac- discovered, or made manifest. Thus
cordingly, when Isaiah sought to con- Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery
vey a realization of the supreme, were given the keys to translate and
directive control and power resident bring hidden scriptures to light. (D.
in our Lord, the Son of David, he & C. 6:24-28.) And thus Joseph held
spok'e these words in the Lord's name: "the keys of the mysteries, and the
"And the key of the house of David revelations which are sealed" (D. &
will I lay upon his shoulder; so he C. 28:7; 35: 18; 64:5), meaning that

he had the power and means at his That is a key. You who hold the
disposal to bring these things to light priesthood have the key or the au-
and reveal them to the world. thority, the right, the power or priv-
Similarly the higher priesthood ilege to preach the gospel of Jesus
"holdeth the key of the mysteries of Chrsit, which is the gospel of repent-
the kingdom, even the key of the ance and of baptism by immersion for
knowledge of God" (D. & C. 84:19- the remission of sins." (Gospel Doc-
22), for it is only in and through and trine, 5th ed., p. 142.)
because of that priesthood that the
mysteries of the kingdom can be Keys of Salvation. See CHRIST,
learned and the knowledge of God EXALTATION, KEYS, KEYS OF THE KING-
obtained. The keys of the ministering DOM, SALVATION, SE_ALING POWER.
of angels are resident in the Aaronic Those having power to open the door
Priesthood (D. & C. 13; 107:20), and to salvation are said to hold the keys
the Melchizedek Priesthood holds of salvation, that is they are able to
"the keys of all the spiritual blessings make salvation available to other
of the church-To have the privilege men. These keys center in Christ, for
of receiving the mysteries of the king- salvation comes in and through his
dom of heaven, to have the heavens name only (Mosiah 3:16-18), arid
opened unto them, to commune with he directs how this great gilt may be
the general assembly and church of obtained and by whom.
the Firstborn, and to enjoy the com- Adam, as the presiding high priest
munion and presence of God the over the earth, holds "the keys of
Father, and Jesus the mediator of the salvation under the counsel and di-
new covenant." (D. & C. 107: 18-19.) rection of the Holy One" (D. & C.
President Joseph F. Smith said: 78:16), and accordingly all the affairs
"What is a key? It is the right or of the kingdom of God on earth for
privilege which belongs to and comes all ages are administered under
with the priesthood to have communi- Adam's direction and supervision.
cation with God. Is not that a key? Under him the heads of the various
Most decidedly. We may not enjoy dispensations and the prophets called
the blessings, or key, very much, but in those eras have had power to ad-
the key is in the priesthood. It is the minister salvation to men. (D. & C.
right to enioy the blessing of com- 7.) The President of The Church of
munication with the and the Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
privilege and authority to holds the keys of salvation for all men
in the ordinances of the gospel of now living because he is the only one
Jesus Christ, to preach the gospel of by whose authorization the sealing
repentance, and of baptism by im- power of the priesthood can be used
mersion for the remission of sins. to seal men up to salvation and

exaltation in the kingdom of God. mission, the president of a quorum,

(D. & C. 132:7.) each holds the keys of the labors per·
formed in that particular body or
Keys of the Kingdom. See ADAM· locality. His priesthood is not in-
ONDI-AH MAN, CHURCH OF JESUS creased by this special appointment,
CHRIST OF LATIER-DA y SAJNTS, ELIAS, for a seventy who presides over a
ELIJAH THE PROPHET, GABRIEL, JOHN mission has no more priesthood than
THE BAPTIST, JOSEPH SMITH THE a seventy who labors under his direc-
PROPHET, KEYS, KEYS OF SALVATION, tion; and the president of an elders
KEYS OF THE MINISTERING OF ANGELS, quorum, for example, has no more
K1NGDOM OF Goo, KINGDOM or- priesthood than any member of that
quorum. But he holds the power of
MosEs; PETER, JAMES, AND JoHN; directing the official labors
PRIESTHOOD, RAPHAEL. Keys are the in the mission or the quorum, or in
right of presidency, the directing, other words, the keys of that division
controlling, governing power. The of that work. So it is throughout al.l
keys of the kingdom are the power, the ramifications of the priesthood- a
right, and authority to preside over distinction must be carefully made
the kingdom of God on earth ( which between the general authority and
is the Church) and to direct all of the directing of the labors performed
its affairs. by that authority." (Gospel Doctrine,
5th ed., p. 136.)
President Joseph F. Smith taught:
"Every man ordained to any degree of Through the ages various prophets
the priesthood has this authority have held various keys, by virtue of
delegated to him. But it is necessary which they have been empowered to
that every act performed under this use their priesthood to perform spe-
authority shall be done at the proper cified labors. Adam holds the keys
time and place, in the proper way, of presidency over all dispensations
and after the proper order. T he power and is the presiding high priest (un-
of directing these labors constitutes der Christ) over all the earth. (D. &
the keys of the priesthood. C. 78 :1 6; Teachings, pp. 157-158,
"In their lulness, the keys are held 169.) Noah stands next to Adam in
by only one person at a time, the priesthood authority ( T eachings, pp.
Prophet and President of the Church. 157), and alter these two come all
He may delegate any portion of this the heads of the different gospel dis-
power to another, in which case that pensations, together with a host of
person holds the keys of that par- other mighty prophets. For example:
ticular labor. Thus, the president of Elijah held the keys of the sealing
a temple, the president of a stake, the power in ancient Israel (D. & C.
bishop of a ward, the president of a 27:9; 110:13-16; Mal. 4:5-6), as did

Nephi the son of Helaman among the these were held by Peter and the
Nephites in the early years of the ancient apostles (Matt. 16:19; 18:18),
Christian Era. (Hela. IO :4-10.) One and accordingly those so endowed
man named Elias held the keys of have power to govern all the affairs
authority in the days of Abraham of the earth!y kingdom and direct
(D. & C. 110:12), while to another the administration of all the ordi-
bearing the same name has been nances of salvation and exaltation for
"committed the keys of bringing to worthy recipients. (D. & C. 35:25;
pass the restoration of all things spo- 42:69; 65; 90:2-3; 97:14; 115:19.)
ken by the mouth of all the holy "The keys of the kingdom, . . .
prophets since the world began, con- belong always unto the Presidency
cerning the last days." (D. & C. of the High Priesthood" (D. & C.
27:6.) 81 :2), and only one man on . earth
Moroni holds "the keys of the at a time, the President of the Church,
record of the stick of Ephraim" (D. can exercise them in their fulness.
& C. 27:5); John the Baptist the keys (D. & C. 132:7.) This necessarily
of the Aaronic Priesthood and the must be so because keys are the right
gospel of repentance (D. & C. 13; of presidency and there cannot be
84:26-28); Moses those whereby the two equal heads, otherwise the Lord's
priesthood may be used to gather house would not be a house of order
Israel and lead the Ten Tribes from but of confusion. (D. & C. 132:8-12.)
the lands of the north (D. & C. All of the keys of the kingdom, how-
110:11) ; Peter, James, and John hold ever, are conferred upon every man
the keys of the kingdom and of the sustained as a member of the Council
dispensation of the lulness of times of the Twelve. (D. & C. 112:14-34;
(D. & C. 27:12-13; 128:20); and 124:128.) Thus when a member of
Raphael ( whose mortal identity has the Council of the Twelve becomes
not been revealed) holds the keys of the senior apostle of God on earth,
his dispensation. (D. & C. 128:21.) he can exercise in their fulness the
All of these and others-" divers keys which theretofore have lain
angels, from Michael or Adam down dormant in him. (Doctrines of Sal-
to the present time"-have come in vation, vol. 3, pp. 125-159.)
the last days, "all declaring their dis- The keys of the kingdom-the right
pensation, their rights, their keys, and power to govern the Lord's affairs
their honors, their majesty and glory, for and on his behalf-have been
and the power of their priesthood." held by prophets in all ages, but when
(D. & C. 128:21.) Thus Joseph the Lord comes to reign personally
Smith and his successors have been upon the earth during the millennial
and are possessors of all of the keys era, he will take back the keys. Those
of the kingdom of heaven, even as who have h eld them will make an

accounting to him of their steward- Keystone of Mormonism. See BOOK OF

ships at the place called Adam-ondi- MORMON.
Ahman, at which gathering . Christ
will receive "dominion, and glory, Kindness. See LOVING-KINDNESS. In
and a kingdom, that all people, na- their pursuit of godly graces the saints
tions, and languages, should serve are exhorted, "And be ye kind one
him. " (Dan. 7:13 -14.) Eventually in to another, tenderhearted, forgiving
the celestial day, "the keys of the one another, even as God for Christ's
kingdom shall be delivered up again sake hath forgiven you." (Eph. 4:32;
unto the Father." (In spired Version, D. & C. 4:6; 121:42.) Kindness
Luke 3:8.) embraces an interest in another's
welfare and a disposition to be help-
Keys of the Ministering of Angels.
ful. The kind are tender, gracious,
benevolent, well-disposed, and ,ex-
hibit sympathy and humaneness
same sense that the Melchizedek
toward their fellow men.
Priesthood holds "the key of the
knowledge of God" (D. & C. 84:19),
and "of all the spiritual blessings of King. See CHRIST, GOVERNOR, KING -
the church" in that holders of that DOM OF Goo, KING OF GLORY, KING
priesthood may · "have the heavens
opened unto them" and "enjoy the KINGS, KING OF THE JEWS, KING OF
communion and presence of God the
Father, and Jesus the mediator of the is the King. (Ps. 5:2; 10: 16; 44:4;
new covenant" (D. & C. 107:18-19), 47:6-7; 89: 18; Isa. 6:5; 43: 15; Jer.
so the Aaronic Priesthood holds the 23:5; 46 :18; I Tim. 1:17.) By this
keys of the ministering of angels. is meant that he is the Ruler, Law-
(D. & C. 13; 84:26-27; 107 :20.) That giver, and Sovereign in whom all
is, the Aaronic Priesthood opens the power rests. As King he rules over the
door to the ministering of angels, or heavens and the earth and all things
in other words, those holding the that are in them (Alma 5:50); and
lesser priesthood are in a position to also, in a particular. sense, he rules
have angels minister unto them. Wil- over the kingdom of God on earth
ford Woodruff, for instance, said: "I which is the Church and over the
had the administration of angels kingdom of God in heaven which
while holding the office of a priest." is the celestial kingdom.
(Discourses of W ilford Woodruff, p.
298.) Kingcraft. See CML GOVERNMENTS,
Keys of the Priesthood. See KEYS OF THEOCRACY (THEARCHY) . Earthly
THE KINGDOM . kings rule and reign by usurped power

and not by divine right. Their thrones is the kingdom of God on earth.
have been set up by the power of the Nothing more needs to be done to
sword, are bathed in blood, and shall establish the kingdom. (D. & C. 35:27;
tumble to the earth when the Al- 38:9, 15; 50:35; 62 :9; 65; 136:41.)
mighty makes "a full end of all The kingdom is here, and it is the
nations." (D. & C. 87:6.) same kingdom which Daniel said
It is true that the Lord on occa- would be set up in the last days.
sions, in the pre-Christian Era, ad- (Dan. 2:44-45.) This same kingdom
ministered righteous and theocratic has been set up in past ages whenever
government through kings, but no the gospel has been on earth, for the
such approved kingly government has plan of salvation is the gospel of the
existed among men for some 2000 kingdom. The Church and kingdom
years. Such a system, in which the are one and the same.
king is the Lord's representative, is Joseph Smith taught: "Some say
patterned after the true kingdom of the kingdom of God was not set up
God and is proper government, but on the earth until the day of Pente-
even then the moment an unrighteous cost, and that John did not preach the
king gains the throne, the blessings baptism of repentance for the remis-
and freedoms of such a system die sion of sins; but I say, in the name
out. As King Mosiah said, "Because of the Lord, that the kingdom of God
all men are not just it is not expe- was set up on the earth from the
dient that ye should have a king or days of Adam to the present time.
kings to rule over you. For behold, Whenever there has been a righteous
how much iniquity doth one wicked man on earth unto whom God re-
king cause to be committed, yea, and vealed his word and gave power and
what great destruction!" (Mosiah authority to administer in his name,
29.) Pending the day in which He and where there is a priest of God-
shall again reign, whose right it is, a minister who has power and au -
the saints are obliged to be subject thority from God to administer in the
to the powers that be.
ordinances of the gospel and officiate
Kingdom of Ephraim. See KINGDOM
in the priesthood of God, there is the
OF ISRAEL. kingdom of God.
"Where there is no kingdom of
Kingdom of God. See CELESTIAL God there is no salvation. What con-
KINGDOM, CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST stitutes the kingdom of God? Where
OF LATTER-DAY SA1NTS, COMMON CoN- there is a prophet, a priest, or a right-
SENT, KEYS OF THE KINGDOM, KING- eous man unto whom God gives his
DOM OF HEAVEN, MILLENNIUM. I. oracles, there is the kingdom of God;
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- and where the oracles of God are not,
day Saints as it is now constituted there the kingdom of God is no-t . ...

14 Whcncverme.n can find out future setting up of the! kingdom of

will of God and fi.nd an rulrninlsb'ator God on earth., they h ave reference to
legally authorized from Go.d~ there is the mil.lcnnlal day when "The king-
the kingdom of God; but where these doms of I.his world are become the
are .not, the kingdom ol God Ls not. kingdoms of our Lord, and of his
All the ordinances, systems, !llld ad- Christ; and he shall reign for ever
ministrations, on the earth are of no and ever." (Rev. 11: 15.) Dauicl also
use to the children of men, unless saw the day when "the saints of the
they are ordained and authorized of most High sholl take the kingdom,
God; for no~~ng will save a man but and possess the kingdom for ever,
even for ever and ever." (Dan. T:18,
22, 27.) The Prophet prayed that the
o, present ecdesisstical kingdom of God
The Clmrch (ol" "ldrigdo1n) is not on earth might roll forth that the
a democracy, Jegislation is not macted future polHJca.l aod millennial king-
by the body of people composhlg the dom of God on earth might come.
organlzntio11; they d6 l'lot ma"ke the (D, & C. 65; Doctrines of Salvation,
laws governing themselves. The vol. J, pp. 229-246.)
Church is Q kingdom. The Lord 3. In the t>tcrnal worlds, the cetes-
Jesus Cbrin is the Eternal King, and iilli /cingdqm ls the kfogdom of God,
the Ptesident of the Churd1, the and that kingdom docs. not reach
mouthpiece of God on eartl1, Is the down to ioclude either a terrestrial
earthly king, All things come ro the ~gd,om. or a telestiol kingclo1n. (D.
dlUrch from tbe King of· the k.fngdo111 & C. 20:29: Moses 6:57; 2 Ne. 9:18,
in heaven. through tht'.! king of the 23; Luke 13:28-29: John 3:3-5.) The
gospel .i.s designed to prepare men £or
kingdom on earth. There is, of
an lnh~lt:,.nce h1 the celestial king-
course, the democratic principle of
dom of God; persons can gain admit-
e,omm6n consent wbereuoder the
tance to the lower kingd6nts wlthOtJl
people may 11ceept ot reject whGt the
obt!dlence to the law of-Christ. (D. ~
Lord offers to them. ,-\cceptance C. 88, I 6-29.)
brings salvation; rejection leads t6
damnation. Kingdom o( H eaven. See Cl!USTIAL
2. During the millennium the KiNGOOM~ Cn URCH OP Ji;sus CHRIST
kf,tgdom of God wiU continue on OF LAnl!R-DAT SArNTs, H RAVEN", KEYS
e11,,:th, but iil that day it will be both OF THE KINGDOM, 1.GNGOOM OP Goo,
nn eccfosia..slitxd a11tl a political king- Mlw.ENNIUM, PARABLES, l , Tl1e king•
dQm. Thal is, th!.! Church (.which is dam. of heaven is the celestial kingdom
the. kingdom) ',\/ill have the rule and of God, the place where Our Father
government of- ll)e world given to it in H eaven dwells, the highest glory
When inspired teachers speak of the In eternity, lhe pl11ce where f~it):iful

saints go, ii they endure in righteous- Jesus Christ is likened" unto such and
ness to the end. (D. & C. 6:37; 10:55; such. (Matt. 13.)
58:2; Alma 11 :37-40; Matt. 7:21-23.) 3. Kingdom of heaven is also used
2. There is a kingdom of heaven to identify the political kingdom that
both in heaven and on earth. When- will be set up on earth during the
ever the Lord's true Church is on millennial era, the kingdom that will
earth-possessing as it does the reign over all the earth when the
power and way whereby man may Lord has made a lull end of all na-
gain the kingdom of heaven in the ions. (D. & C. 65; 87:6.) It is for
eternal worlds-that Church on earth this hallowed kingdom that the right-
is also called the kingdom of heaven. eous pray when they plead, "Thy
Thus in the meridian of time, as the kingdom come." (Matt. 6:10; Doc-
foundations of Christianity were trines of Salvation, vol. I, pp. 229-
being laid again among men, our 230.)
Lord, his apostles, and John the Bap-
tist, all went forth with the message: Kingdom of Israel. See ISRAEL, KING ·
"Repent ye: for the kingdom of DOM OF Gon, LosT TRIBES OF ISRAEL,
heaven is at hand." (Matt. 3:2; 4:17; TRIBES OF IsRAEL. Beginning with
10:7.) That is, Repent and come into the reign of Saul (about 1095 B.C.),
the Church, for it is the kingdom Israel became a kingdom and so con-
of heaven on earth. tinued until .her final destruction as
In line with this the Lord gave a nation. After the death of Solomon
Peter and all the apostles "the keys (about 975 B.C.), however, the king-
of the kingdom of heaven" (Matt. dom was divided. The tribe of Judah
16: 19; 18 : 18), meaning that they and part of the tribe of Benjamin,
maintaining their allegiance and fol-
were given the_ directive and control-
lowing Rehoboam, son of Solomon,
ling power over the kingdom which
became known as the Kingdom of
is the Church. The same pattern has
Judah; the rest of the Israelites, com-
been followed in this dispensation. monly called the Ten Tribes, followed
Elders have gone out proclaiming re- Jeroboam and were known as the
pentance, "for the kingdom of heaven Kingdom of Israel, or sometimes as
is at hand" (D. & C. 33: 10; 39: 19; the Kingdom of Ephraim, alter their
42:7), and the keys of the kingdom most prominent tribe.
have again been co'mmitted unto man Two and a hall centuries later
on earth. (D. & C. 65:1-2; 81:1-2.) (about 721 B.C.), the Ten Tribes
When our Lord spoke in parables, were taken captive by Shalmanezer
saying, "The kingdom of heaven is and were transplanted as a people
likened" unto such and such, he was into Assyria. From thence, in due
saying the same thing as though he course, they were led away into the
had used the words, "The Church of north countries, and being lost to the

knowledge of men ( I Ne. 22:4), have lennial era is ushered in, the Lord
been designated since as the Lost will make a lull end of all nations
Tribes. In 600 B.C. Lehi and others (0. & C. 87 :6) and the political
left Jerusalem to begin their journey kingdom also will be given to Israel.
to the Americas; shortly thereafter, In that day, saith the Lord, " I will
Nebuchadnezzar overran Jerusalem, make them one nation in the land
destroyed the Kingdom of Judah, and upon the mountains of Israel; and
carried the remaining remnants of one king shall be king to them all :
Israel into Babylonian bondage. Sev- and they shall be no more two· na-
enty years later, under Cyrus the tions, neither shall they be divided
Persian, the)' were perm itted to return into two kingdoms any more at all:
to their native h abitats and to rebuild Neither shall they defile themselves
the Temple at Jerusalem, where they any more with their idols, nor with
continued to be known as the people their detestable things, nor with any
of Israel although in reality they were of their transgressions: but I will save
somewhat less than two of the tribes them out of all their dwellingplaces,
of that once mighty nation. (Articles wherein they have sinned, and will
of Faith, pp. 314-316.) It was among cleanse them: so shall they be my
the descendants of this part of Israel people, and I will be their God."
that our Lord ministered while in (Ezek. 37 :22-23.) In that day, as
mortality. Isaiah foretold, "The envy also of
On the occasion of the resurrected Ephraim shall depart, and the ad-
Lord's formal ascension to his Father, versaries of Judah shall be cut off:
he was asked by the apostles: "Lord, Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and
wilt thou at this time restore again Judah shall not vex Ephraim." (Isa.
the kingdom to Israel?" (Acts I :6.) 11 :13.)
His questioners, familiar with the
prophetic assurances of the restoration Kingdom of Judah. See KINGDOM OF
of ·Israel to all her former glory and ISRAEL.
prominence, were obviously anxious
_to have that triumphant day grow out Kingdom of the Devil. See CHURCH
of their ministry. This restoration of OF THE DEVIL.
the kingdom of Israel, ·however, as
they were told then and on other Kingdoms of Glory. See CELESTIAL
.occasions, was ·to take place .as part K1NGOOM, HEAVEN, KINGDOM OF Goo,
of the "restitution of all things" (Acts KINGDOM OF H EAVEN, MANSIONS, SAL-
3: 19-21) in the last days. VATION, TELESTIAL KINGDOM, TERRES-
On Apri!'6, 1830, the ecclesiastical TRIAL KINGDOM. Contrary to what an
kingdom of God on earth was set up apostate Christendom has believed
and the initial restoration of the king- and supposed down through centuries
dom of Israel effected. · When the mil- of Satan-born darkness, there are in

eternity kingdoms of glory to which celestial law he has developed a celes-

all resurrected persons ( except the tial body. (D. & C. 88:16-32.) The
sons of perdition) will eventually go. glory to be received by individuals in
These are named: celestial, terrestrial, the kingdoms of glory hereafter will
and telestial-the glory of each being be in direct proportion to their obe-
beyond mortal comprehension. (D. dience and diligence in this life (D.
& C. 76; I Cor. 15:39-42; Rev. 21.) & C. 130:18-19), for all men will be
However, only the celestial king- judged in accordance with their par-
dom is the kingdom of God where the ticular works. (Rev. 20:13.)
faithful saints will gain their eternal
inheritance. All who fall short of the Kingdoms of This World. See CML
glory of eternal life will in greater or GOVERNMENTS.
lesser degree be damned ( even though
they dwell in a kingdom of glory), King Follett Sermon. See JosEPH
for their eternal progress will be SMITH THE PROPHET, SERMONS. At
limited, and they can never go on to the April, 1844, conference of the
an eternal fulness in the Father's Church the Prophet Joseph Smith
presence. (D. & C. 132:16-17.) preached his greatest sermon and one
Rewards granted individuals in of the greatest sermons ever delivered
eternity will vary between and within by mortal man. Speaking before
kingdoms. Only those who are sealed 20,000 saints, while moved upon by
in the new and everlasting covenant the Holy Ghost, he delivered the fu.
of marriage and who thereafter keep neral sermon of Elder King Follett,
the terms and conditions of that cove- in which he revealed the nature and
nant will attain the highest of three kind of being that God is and told
heavens within the celestial kingdom. how man, as a joint-heir with Christ,
(D. & C. 131 :1-4.) Inhabitants of may become like the Father. (Teach-
the telestial kingdom will differ in ings, pp. 342-362.) ·-
glory among themselves "as one star Commenting on this mighty dis-
differs from another star in glory." course Elder B. H. Roberts said: "The
(D. & C. 76:98; I Car. 15:41.) Sim- Prophet lived his life in crescendo.
ilar variations will exist among in - From small beginnings, it rose in
heritors of the terrestrial kingdom. breadth and power as he neared its
(D. & C. 76:71-79.) close. As a teacher he reached the
Revealed statements that those climax of his career in this discourse.
quickened with a portion of the glory After it there was but one thing more
of the respective kingdoms shall then he could do-seal his testimony with
receive a fulness of the glory con- his blood. This he did three months
cerned, mean (for instance) that no later." (Teachings, p. 356, In.)
one can gain admission to the celes-
tial kingdom unless by obedience to King Immanuel. See IMMANUEL.

King James Version of the Bible. See early English versions included
APOCRYPHA, BmLE, BooK OF MoRMON, Matthew's in 1537, Taverner's in
CAN ON OF SCRIPTURE, DOCTRINE AND 1539, the Great Bible of 1539, the
CoVENANTS, I NSPIRED VERSION OF THE Geneva Bible of 1557 (also called the
BIBLE, LOST SCRIPTURE, PEARL OF Breeches Bible from its use of the
GREAT PRICE, SCRIPTURE, STANDARD word "breeches" in Genesis 3 :7), the
WORKS. Various versions of the Bible Bishop's Bible of 1568, and finally the
have found common usage among King James or Authorized Version
portions of the earth's inhabitants in 1611.
from time to time. Among them are The Douay Bible is the English
these: The Septuagint was the Greek version of the old Vulgate. First pub-
version of the Old Testament used lished in 1609-10 it is the Roman
by the Greek speaking world from Catholic version for English speaking
the 3rd century B. C. down through peoples. Since the King James Bible,
the formative period of the Christian there has been published, among
Church. It was the version used by Protestant peoples, the Revised Ver-
the early apostles and, according to sion (in 1881) and the Revised
tradition, was prepared by 70 learned Standard Version (completed in
Jews of Alexandria, hence the name 1952.) There have also been many
Septuagint meaning Version of the published translations by individ-
Seventy. The Vulgate was a Latin uals. (J. Paterson Smyth, How We
version of the Bible prepared by Got Our Bible, pp. I-153.)
Jerome under a commission received Not all versions of the Bible are or
from the Pope in 382 A.D. It was in have been al equal worth. In large
common use for over a thousand measure the hand of the Lord has
years; the Gutenberg Bible, published been manifest in the preservation of
in 1452 A.D., was the first printed his word among men. Though trans-
edition of the Vulgate. lators and custodians of Bible manu -
Wycliffe's Bible, the first English scripts have enjoyed unabridged
version of the whole Blble, was trans- agency in their work, those of some
lated from the Vulgate beginning in ages have been endowed with greater
1382. Tyndale translated the New inspiration and the possessors of
Testament and parts of the Old, his more integrity than those of other
New T estament of 1525 being the ages.. The great perversion of the
first one ever published in English. scriptures under the hands of that
A great part of his translation is re- great church which is not the Lord's
tained in the Authorized Version. Church took place primarily in the
Coverdale's Bible of 1535 was the early centuries of the Christian Era.
first complete English printing. Lu- The English translations preceding
ther's German translation was forth- the Authorized Version were prepar-
coming about the same time. Other atory in nature, that is, they pa\led

the way and laid the groundwork for questioned the divinity of Christ and
the literary, historical, and doctrinal his mission. As a consequence, many
masterpiece which was to come forth of these versions throw doubt on his
under the aegis of King James. Divine Sonship and question basic
Certainly the King · James Version doctrines of the gospel. It is no won-
is by all odds the greatest of the der that the King James Version has
completed English translations. Schol- been and remains the official version
ars universally acclaim it as contain- of The Church of Jesus Christ of
ing as forceful, direct, and majestic Latter-day Saints. This official usage
prose as has ever been coined in the most assuredly will not be changed
English language. But more impor- un ti! such time as the Lord directs
tant than this, it was the Bible which that the needed corrections in the
the Lord was preparing for use by his Inspired Version be completed. CJ.
Prophet who should lay the founda- Reuben Clark, Jr., Why the King
tions of the mighty work of latter- James Version, pp. 1-441.)
day restoration. As a consequence,
Joseph Smith read, respected, rever- King of Glory. See CHRJST, KING,
enced, and taught the King James LoRD OF GLORY. Christ is the King
Version, "as far as it is translated of Glory (Ps. 24), a title signifying
correctly." (Eighth Article of Faith.) his status as King and Ruler and also
Whenever he found Biblical quota- the transcendent glory that attends
tions in the Book of Mormon ( they him and his marvelous works.
having been copied from the brass
plates and preserved by the Nephite King of Heaven. See CHRIST, HEAV-
prophets), he rendered them into EN, K1NG, MELCHIZEDEK. Christ is
English in the exact language of the the King of Heaven (2 Ne. 10:14;
King Jam~s Version, except in in- Alma 5:50; Dan. 4:37) or Heavenly
stances in which the language of that bear record of his high and exalted
version did not convey accurately the kingly status. Melchizedek, the · great
original thought. It was on the King high priest and prototype of the Son
James Version that the Prophet of God, was also called the King of
worked when he corrected portions Heaven, meaning King of Peace, by
of the Bible by the spirit of revelation, King (Mosiah 2:19), titles which
always preserving the existing lan- his people. (Inspired Version, Gen.
guage unless a thought change was 14:36.)
English versions that have come King of Israel. See CHRJST, HoLY
forth since the King James Version, ONE OF IsRAEL, KING. Christ is the
and particularly the Revised Stand- King of Israel (Isa. 44 :6; John 1:49;
ard Version, have been translated by 12:13), meaning both that he as the
individuals and groups who have Eternal King would be born of the

lineage of Israel and that he would personally on earth. (Tenth Article

rule on the throne of David over the of Faith.)
house of Israel forever. (Luke 1.:31- Accordingly, when our Lord came
33.) ministering among the Jews and pro-
claiming his divine Sonship, the
King of Jacob. See KING OF ISRAEL. great query in the minds of the people
was whether this was the promised
King of Kings. See CHRIST, Goo OF King. He was believed to be of the
Goos, KtNG, KtNGS, LoRD OF LoRDs. lineage of David. (Matt. 1:1-16;
Christ is the King of Kings (I Tim Luke 3 :23-38.) On one occasion the
6:15; Rev. 17:14; 19:11-16), a title people sought to make him king by
signifying far more than the mere force. (John 6:15.) On another the
fact that he as the Eter.nal King holds multitudes hailed him publicly as the
dominion over mere earthly kings. King of Israel. (Matt. 21:1-11; Luke
Rather, those who gain exaltation are 19:28-40; John 12:12-16.) Pilate
ordained kings and queens, priests asked him: "Art thou the King of the
and priestesses, to rule and reign in Jews?" to which query he received
the house of Israel forever. (Rev. I :6; an affirmative answer, with the qual-
5: 10.) Christ as the chief of all ifying explanation: "My kingdom is
exalted beings continues to hold do- not of this world" (John 18:33-37;
minion and sway over these other Luke 23:1-4), a doctrine that our
exalted kings and saints and conse- Lord had also taught previously.
quently reigns as King of Kings and (Luke 22:24-30.) Then Pilate, when
King of Saints forever. (Rev. 15:3.) the Jews chanted, "We have no king
but Caesar," ordered the crucifixion
King of Saints. See KING OF KINGS. and the placing of a writing above our
Lord's head reading: "JESUS OF
KING. Though rejected and crucified JEWS." (John 19:14-22.)
by them, Christ was and is the King At the Second Coming the Jews
of the fews. Messianic prophecies had shall be converted, recognize him
foretold the glorious reign of a great whom they crucified, and "lament be-
King, the King of Israel. (Zech. 9:9- cause they persecuted their king."
10.) The Jews were looking forward (D. & C. 45:51-53; Zech. 12:10-14;
to a temporal reign In which all na- 13:6.)
tions of the earth would go up from
year to .year "to worship the King, King of Zion. See CHRIST, KING,
the Lord of hosts," in Jerusalem ZION. Christ is the King of Zion
(Zech. 14:16-21), an event which in (Moses 7:53), a title ·signifying his
reality is to occur during the mil- high status as the King who shall
lennium when Christ, the King, reigns reign over his chosen Zion forever.

During the millennium, after the re- a lesser sense gospel knowledge deals
turn of Enoch's Zion of old, the Lord with all truth, for all truth comes
will reign personally on earth, and he from God, and in the ultimate sense
will be King and Lawgiver to his it is all part of the gospel.
saints. (D. & C. 38 :21-22; 45 :59.) Knowledge is an attribute of Deity
and is possessed by him in its ful-
Kings. See CALLING AND ELECTION ness. "Known unto God are all works
SURE, CELESTIAL MARRIAGE, ENDOW - from the beginning of the world."
MENTS, EXALTATION, MELCHIZEDEK (Acts 15:18.) "Remember the for -
PRIBSTHOOD, PRIESTESSES, PRIESTS, mer things of old : for I am God, and
QUEENS. Holders of the Melchizedek there is none else; I am God, and
Priesthood have power to press for- there is none like me, Declaring the
ward in righteousness, living by every end from the beginning, and from
word that proceedeth forth from the ancient times the things that are not
mouth of God, magnifying their call- yet done, saying, My counsel shall
ings, going from grace to grace, until stand, and I will do all my pleasure."
through the fulness of the ordinances (Isa. 46 :9-10.)
of the temple they receive the fulness An understanding that God knows
of the priesthood and are ordained all things, and that there is nothing
kings and priests Those so attaining which he does not know, is essentially
shall rule and reign in the house of necessary • for man to have in order
Israel forever. They shall have exalta- to exercise faith and gain salvation.
tion and be kings, priests, rulers, and As the Prophet said: "Without the
lords in their respective spheres in knowledge of all things God would
the eternal kingdoms of the great not be able to save any portion of his
King who is God our Father. (Rev. creatures; for it is by reason of the
1:6; 5:10.) knowledge which he has of all things,
from the beginning to the end, that
Kneeling in Worship. See PRAYER. enables him to give that understand-
ing to his creatures by which they are
Knowledge. See CHRIST, FAITH, Gos- made partakers of eternal life; and if
PEL, HOLY GHOST, IGNORANCE, INTEL- it were not for the idea existing in the
LIGENCE, PROPHECY, REVELATION, minds of men that God had all knowl-
SALVATION, TESTIMONY, TRUTH, WIS- edge it would be impossible for them
DOM. Gospel knowledge deals primar- to exercise faith in him." (Lectures
ily with a clear perception of the on Faith, p. 44.) Not only does the
truths about God and his laws, the Father know all things, but so like-
laws governing his dealings with his wise does the Son (D. & C. 38:2;
offspring, the laws which if obeyed 93:26), and the Holy Ghost. (D. & C.
will enable these offspring to gain 35:19; 42:17.)
salvation _in the presence of God. In The process of gaining salvation

consists in growing in knowledge until laster than he gets knowledge," he

a state of godhood is reached. "The had reference not to the temporal
relationship we have with God," the knowledge flowing from research, but
Prophet said, "places us in a situation to the eternal knowledge coming· by
to advance in knowledge. He has revelation, "for it needs revelation to
power to institute laws to instruct the assist us," he continued, "and give us
weaker intelligences, that they may knowledge of the things of God."
be exalted with himself, so that they (Teachings, p. 217.) Similarly, when
might have one glory upon another, he said, "It is impossible for a man
and all that knowledge, power, glory, to be saved in ignorance" (D. & C.
and intelligence, which is requisite 131 :6), he meant there could be no
in order to save them in the world salvation in ignorance of Jesus Christ
of spirits." (Teachings, p. 354.) and the saving principles of the gos-
All types of knowledge however pel. "The principle of knowledge is
are not of equal worth, all do not the principle of salvation," he said
reward the acquirer with equal on another occasion. "This principle
ress toward exaltation. Knowledge of can be comprehended by the faithful
the arts and sciences-of mathemat- and diligent; and every one that does
ics, chemistry, history, medicine, and not obtain knowledge sufficient to be
the like-have no bearing whatever saved will be condemned. T he prin-
on attainment of salvation. It is the ciple of salvation is given us through
knowledge of God and his laws that
the knowledge of Jesus Christ."
leads to high reward in the hereafter.
(Teachings, p. 297.)
(2 Ne. 9:28-29, 42.) But ii the right-
eous man has knowledge of temporal One of the signs of the times is
things, so much the better, for he that at "the time of the end: many
can use that knowledge in furthering" shall run to and fro, and knowledge
the spread of the particular knowl- shall be increased" (Dan. 12:4); that
edge that does have saving value. men shall be "Ever learning, and
And it is for this reason that the saints never able to come to the knowledge
are commanded to seek knowledge of the truth." (2 Tim. 3:7.) But
in all fields. (D. & C. 88:77-81, 118; the saints are expected to specialize in
93:53; D octrines of Salvation, vol. I, the knowledge of the truth, the
pp. 290-306.) knowledge that makes known the
It is the knowledge of God that mysteries of the kingdom and the
brings salvation. "And this is life wonders of eternity (D. & C. 76:1-
eternal, that they might know thee 10), the knowledge that will rise with
the only true God, and Jesus Christ, them in the resurrection and be of
whom thou hast sent." (John 17:3; such a nature as to give them advan-
D. & C. 93:6-28; 132:24.) When the tage in the world to come. (D. & C.
Prophet said, "A man is saved no 130:18-19.) This kind of knowledge

is a result of righteousness
and comes enlarged in proportion to the heed
by revelation. (John 7:17.) and diligence given to the light com-
The Holy Ghost is the revealer of municated from heaven to the intel-
saving knowledge. "God shall give lect," Joseph Smith said, "and that
unto you knowledge by his Holy the nearer man approaches perfection,
Spirit, yea, by the unspeakable gift the clearer are his views, and the
of the Holy Ghost," the revelation greater his enjoyments, till he has
says, even knowledge "that has not overcome the evils of his life and lost
been revealed since the world was every desire for sin; and like the
until now; Which our forefathers ancients, arrives at that point of faith
have awaited with anxious expecta- where he is wrapped in the power
tion to be revealed in the last times, and glory of his Maker and is caught
which their minds were pointed to up to dwell with him. But we con-
by the angels, as held in reserve for sider that this is a station to which
the fulness of their glory; A time to no man ever arrived in a moment:
come in the which nothing shall be he must have been instructed in the
withheld, whether there be one God government and laws of that kingdom
or many gods, they shall be manifest." by proper degrees, until his mind is
(D. & C. 121 :26-28.) capable in some measure of compre-
ln fact, the Melchizedek Priesthood hending the propriety, justice, equal-
is the key to the knowledge of God ity, and consistency of the same."
because it is in and through that (Teachings, p. 51.)
priesthood that men receive the gih
of the Holy Ghost. (D. & C. 84:19.)
Kolob. See ASTRONOMY. Ko/ob
And those who grow in the knowledge
means "the first creation." It is
of God until they gain a "perfect
knowledge of God" cannot be kept the name of the planet "nearest to
within the veil and they are permitted the celestial, or the residence of God."
to see the Lord. {Ether 3: 19-20, 25; It is "first in government, the last
D. & C. 93:1.) pertaining to the measurement of
All men who gain exaltation even- time. . . One day in Kolob is equal
tually arrive at the status where they to a thousand years according to the
have all truth and know all things. measurement of this earth." (Book
(D. & C. 93 :26-28.) But this is not of Abraham, pp. 34-35; Abra. 3:3-9.)
gained in a moment; it is a long proc- The time spent in the creative events
ess of advancement and education. connected with this earth was meas-
"We consider that God has created ured "after the Lord's time, which
man with a mind capable of instruc• was after the time of Kolob." (Abra.
tion, and a faculty which may be 5:13.)


~ IL
Labor Troubles. See SIGNS OF THE women, the descendants of all these,
TIMES. and upon all who were "led away by
the Lamanites," and who mingled
Lady. See ELECT LADY. their seed with the seed of that people.
(Alma 3:6-10.)
Lake of Fire and Brimstone. See FIRE Then near the close of the 4th
AND BRIMSTONE. century after Christ, .Mormon proph-
esied of yet greater curses to come
upon · the seed of the then warring
Lamanite Curse. See APOSTASY, BOOK
nations. "This people shall be scat-
tered, and . shall become a dark, a
filthy, and a loathsome people, be-
DEATH. Because they rebelled against
yond the description of that which
the truth, a twofold curse came upon
ever hath been amongst us, yea, even
the Lamanites:
that which hath been among the La-
I. They were cut off from the
mani tes, and this because of their
presence of the Lord and thus died
unbelief and idolatry." (Morm. 5 :15;
spiritually. Scales of darkness cov-
D. & C. 3:16-20.)
ered their eyes because they did not
accept the saving principles of the During periods of great righteous-
gospel. They became apostates and ness, when groups of Lamanites ac-
the descendants of . apostates. (I Ne. cepted the gospel and turned to the
2:21-24; 2 Ne. 4:4-6; Alma 9:13-14.) Lord, the curse was removed from
2. "After they had dwindled in them. Thousands of Lamanites were
unbelief," that is, after they had for- converted "and the curse of God did
saken. the Church and the gospel, no more follow them" in the days of
"they became a dark, and loathsome, Aaron and Ammon and their breth-
and a filthy people, full of idleness ren. (Alma 23:5-9, 17-18.) Some 20
and all manner of abominations." years before the personal ministry of
(I Ne. 12:23.) So that they "might Christ among them, the curse was
not be enticing" unto the Nephites, removed from a group of Lamanite
"the Lord God did cause a skin of converts and they became white like
blackness to come upon them." (2 the Nephites. (3 Ne. 2: 15-16.) From
Ne. 5:20-25; Alma 3:14-16.) the time of Christ's ministry among
During Book of Mormon times the them until nearly 200 A.D. there
curse fell upon Laman, Lemuel, the were no Lamanites for all had become
sons of Ishmael, the Ishmaelitish "the children of Christ, and heirs to

the kingdom of God." (4 Ne. 17-20, 27:19; Morm. 9:6; Ether 13:10-11.)
38.) In honor of the Lamb, a great choir
When the gospel is taken to the of I 00,000,000 voices of the redeemed
Lamanites in our day and they come shall sing this new song (Rev. 5:9-
to a knowledge of Christ and of their 13):
fathers, then the "scales of darkness" Thou wast slain,
fall from their eyes; "and many gen- And hast redeemed us to God by thy
erations shall not pass away among blood
them, save they shall be a white and Out of every kindred, and tongue,
delightsome people." (2 Ne. 30:6.) and people, and nation;
Finally, before the judgment bar of And hast made us unto our God kings
God, all who have been righteous, and priests:
Lamanites and Nephites alike, will be And we shall reign on the earth . ..
free from the curse of spiritual death Worthy is the Lamb that was slain
and the skin of darkness. (Jae. 3:5-9.) To receive power, and riches, and
Lamanites. See NEPHITES AND LA- And strength, and honour, and glory,
and blessing. .
Blessing, and honour, and glory, and
Lamb of God. See ATONEMENT OF power,
CHRIST, CHRIST, SACRIFICES, SONG OF Be unto him that sitteth upon the
THE LAMB. Christ is "the Lamb of throne,
God, which taketh away the sin of the And unto the Lamb for ever and ever.
world." (John I :29, 36; D. & C. 76:85;
88:106; I Ne. 13.) He is "the Lamb Lamb's Book of Lile. See BooK OF
slain from the foundation of the LIFE.
world" (Rev. 13:8) , the "lamb with-
out blemish and without spot: Who Lamb's Wile. See BRIDE OF
verily was foreordained before the LAMB.
foundation of the world" (I Pet.
1:19) to be the Savior and Redeemer, Lamentation. See MoURNING.
the One who would work out the
infinite and eternal atonement. As Language of Adam. See ADAMIC
a Lamb, he was sacrificed for men, LANGUAGE.
and salvation comes because of the
shedding of his blood. (Mosiah 3: 18.) Language of Prayer. See PRAYER.
Those who gain salvation are the
ones who "have washed their robes, Languages. See AoAMIC LANGUAGE,
and made them white in the blood of TONGUES. It is reasonable to suppose
the Lamb." (Rev. 7: 14; 12: 11; I Ne. that in the approximately 1757 years
12:11; Alma 13:11; 34:36; 3 Ne. between the fall and the confusion

of tongues at the tower of Babel there Last Day. See JUDGMENT DAY, LAST
would have been some perversion and DAYS, WORLD. A great day of judg.
change in the pure language of Adam. ment, a day of dividing the sheep
This would have been particularly from the goats, a day when the in-
pronounced among early apostate habitants of all nations will be placed
groups. It is clear, however, that all on the Lord's right hand or on his
people who lived during that early left, will take place at his Second
period could understand each other, Coming. (Matt. 25 :31-46.) · This is
for in a general. sense, "The whole called "the last great day of judg-
earth was of one language, and of ment" which is to take place "at the
one speech." ( Gen. I I : I.) end of the world" as that world · is
Following the confounding of the known to us. (D. & C. 19:3.) It is
language of the people ( Gen. 11 :9), the last day of preparati0n, of pro-
only the Jaredites retained a tongue bation, for those who will then be
patterned after that of Adam. (Ether judged; but life and days as such will
1:33-43; 12:24.) All others had their continue, for there is no end to either.
language confounded. Since that day The last day is the one of which the
there obviously have been many lan- revelation speaks when it says: "In
guage and dialect changes. The King the beginning of the seventh thousand
James Version of the Bible has been years will the Lord God sanctify the
orie of the great stabilizing influences earth, and complete the salvation of
in the English language. One of the man, and judge all things, and shall
chief reasons for giving the gift of redeem all things, except that which
tongues is to enable the elders to he hath not put into his power."
teach the gospel to those of different (D. & C. 77:12.) After this last day,
languages. the last day of this earth's continu-
Presumptively people in the spirit ance in its present mortal status, life
world continue to speak the same lan- will continue on during the millen-
guage they spoke in this life, although nial era.
we may suppose that the faithful
saints will soon gain a remembrance Last Days. See SECOND CoMING OF
or a knowledge of the celestial lan- CHRIST, SIGNS OF THE TIMES. Our
guage which they spoke in pre-exist- earth was originally created in a para-
ence. They will then have a much disiacal state; with Adam's fall and
greater power of expression. consequent expulsion •from Eden, the
earth also fell and became mortal.
Larceny. See STEALING.
When our Lord comes to usher in the
Large Plates of Nephi. See GoLD millennium, "We believe ... that the
PLATES. earth will be renewed and received its
paradisiacal glory." (Tenth Article of
Lasciviousness. See SEX IMMORALITY. Faith.) To and including the millen-

nial period, the earth enjoys a "con- taught: "Blessed are ye that weep
tinuance" or "temporal existence" of now: for ye shall laugh." (Luke 6:21,
7,000 years duration. (D. & C. 77 :6, 25.)
12.) That period of time just preced- Our Lord's ministers, however, are
ing the millennium is named the last commanded: "Cast away your idle
days. It is the specified time, period, thoughts and your excess of laughter
or age in which the necessary pre- far from you." (D. & C. 88:69.) Their
requisites to the Second Coming will main concerns should be centered
occur. The last days are the days ol ar0und "the solemnities of eternity"
the dispensation ol the fulness ol (D. & C. 43:34), with laughter being
tinies, the days when the signs of the reserved for occasional needed diver-
Second Coming are shown forth, the sion. Laughter on the sabbath day
days of "restitution of all things, which is expressly curtailed (D. & C. 59:15),
God hath spoken by the mouth of all and while worshiping and studying
his holy prophets since the world be- in the school of the prophets, the
gan." (Acts 3:21.) We are now living elders were commanded to abstain
in that period of time, and the great "from all laughter." (D. & C.
restitution (or restoration) is in 88: 121.) This same abstinence should
process. prevail in sacrament meetings and in
all solemn assemblies.
Last Judgment. See JUDGMENT DAY. 2. Laughter is also used to connote:
(a) skepticism, as illustrated by the
Last Supper. See SACRAMENT. reactions of Abraham and Sarah to
the promise of Isaac's birth (Gen.
Latin Vulgate. See KING JAMES VER- 17:17; 18:13-15; 21:6); and (b)
SION OF THE BIBLE. scorn and derision, as when the right-
eous are mocked for their good deeds
Latter-day Revelation. See REVELA- and intentions. (Alma 26:23; 2 Kings
TION. 19:21; Neh. 2:19; Job 12:4; Matt.
9:24; Mark 5:40; Luke 8:53.) This
Latter-day Saints. See MORMONS. kind of laughter is inspired ol and
practiced by the devil. When calam-
Laughter. See CHEERFULNESS, JoY, ities befall the inhabitants of the
LIGHT-MINDEDNESS, LIGHT SPEECHES, earth, "the devil laughcth, and his
REVERENCE, SOLEMNITY. I. Joyful angels rejoice." (3 Ne. 9:2.) At the
laughter meets with divine approval, Second Coming ol Christ, "they that
and when properly engaged in, it is have laughed"-in this scornful and
wholesome and edifying. Incident to derisive manner-"shall see their
the normal experiences ol mortality, folly. And calamity shall cover the
there is "A time to weep,-and a time mocker, and the scorner shall be con-
to laugh." (Eccles. 3:4.) Our Lord sumed." (D. & C. 45:49-50.)

There isJ of course, righteous scorn seasons; And their courses are · fixed,
and derision as well as evil, and ac- even the courses of the heavens and
cordingly the Lord and his saints the earth, which comprehend the
properly laugh at the wicked. (Ps. earth and all the planets." (D. & C.
37: 13; 52:6.) "He that sitteth in the 88:38, 42-43.)
heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall Once a law has been ordained, it
have them in derision." (Ps. 2:4.) thereafter operates automatically;
that is, whenever there is compliance
Law. See CELESTIAL LAW, CHRIST, with its terp:is and conditions, the
GOSPEL, LAWGivER, LAW OP MOSES, promised results accrue. The law of
LAWS OF THE LAND, LIGHT OF CHRIST, gravitation is an obvious example.
OBEDIENCE, RIGHTEOUSNESS, TELES- Similarly, compliance with the law
TIAL L,1.w, TEN COMMANDMENTS, of faith always brings the gilts of the
TERRESTRIAL LAW. I. Christ is the Spirit. By obedience to celestial law
Law (3 Ne. 15:9), meaning that he men automatically qualify for a ·celes-
is the personification and embodiment tial inheritance in eternity; by open
of law; that acting in the power and rebellion against law, they automat-
authority of his Father he has given ically assure themselves of a place in
a law to all things (D. & C. 88:42); a kingdom which is not a kingdom of
that he himself governs and is gov- glory. (D. & C. 88:21-34.)
erned by law; that the Light of Christ 3. Generally throughout the scrip•
is the "law by which all things are tures the term law has reference to
governed" (D. & C. 88:13); that it "the law of the Lord." (Ps. I: 1-2.)
is he who gave the law of Moses, and That is, it means the statutes, judg-
the law of the gospel, and the laws ments, and principles of salvation
of science, and all laws that ever have revealed by the Lord from time to
been or ever ·will be revealed. time. In ancient Israel, for instance,
2. All things are governed by law; the law was the law of Moses-which
nothing is exempt. In the eternal was a preparatory gospel, a law of
perspective there is no such thing as restrictions and ordinances. To us the
chance; in the divine economy the law is the law of Christ-which is the
same invarying result always flows fulriess of the gospel or "the perfect
from the same cause. These prin- law of liberty." (J as. I :25.)
ciples are immutable, eternal, everlast- There is no whim, chance, or ca-
ing; they apply to all things both price in the operation of gospel law.
temporal and spiritual. "Unto every Divine blessings always result from
kingdom is given a law; and unto obedience to the law upon which their
every law there are certain .bounds receipt is predicated. (D. & C. 130 :20-
also and conditions." Christ "hath 21.) "For all who will have a blessing
given a law unto all things, by which at my hands shall abide the law
they move in their times and their which was appointed for that bless-

ing, and the conditions thereof, as the Lord is our king; he will save
were instituted from before the foun- us." (Isa. 33:22.)
dation of the world .... Will I appoint
unto you, saith the Lord, except it Law of Carnal Commandments. See
be by law, even as I and my Father LAW OF MOSES.
ordained unto you, before the world
was? I am the Lord thy God; and I Law of Consecration. See CoNSECRA-
give unto you this commandment-
that no man shall come unto the
Father but by me or by my word, Law of Forgiveness. See FORGIVENESS.
which is my law, saith the Lord."
(D. & C. 132:5-12.) Law of Moses. See AARONIC PRIEST-
"The law of the Lord is perfect, HOOD, GOSPEL, LEVITES, MOSES, SAL-
converting the soul: the testimony of VATION BY GRACE. To Moses the Lord
the Lord is sure, making wise the first gave the higher priesthood and
simple. The statutes of the Lord are revealed the lulness of the gospel. But
right, rejoicing the heart: the com- Israel rebelled and manifest such gross
mandment of the Lord is pure, en- unworthiness that their God took
lightening the eyes. The fear of the from them the power whereby they
Lord is clean, enduring for ever: the could have become a kingdom of
judgments of the Lord are true and priests and of kings and gave them
righteous altogether. More to be de- instead a lesser law, a 1aw of carnal
sired are they than gold, yea, than commandments, a preparatory gospel,
much fine gold: sweeter also than a schoolmaster to bring them to Christ
honey and the honeycomb. Moreover and the fulness of his gospel. He gave
by them is thy servant warned: and them instead the law of Moses. (D.
in keeping of them there is great & C. 84:17-28; Gal. 3; Heb. 4:2;
reward." (Ps. 19:7-11.) Inspired Version, Ex. 34:1-2.)
Moses received by revelation many
Lawful Heirs according to the Flesh. great gospel truths, as for instance
See MELCHIZEDEK PRIESTHOOD. the Ten Commandments recorded in
the 20th chapter of Exodus. These
Lawgiver. See CHRIST, GosPEL, JUDGE gospel truths, being eternal in their
OF ALL THE EARTH, KING, LAW OF nature, are part of the lulness of the
MOSES, RULER, SHILOH. Christ is the everlasting gospel; they have always
Lawgiver (D. & C. 38:22; 45:59; been in force in all dispensations.
64:13; Gen. 49:10; Jas. 4:12); "he They are part of "the law of Christ."
hath given a law unto all things." (D. & C. 88:21.) But the particular
(D. & C. 88:42.) "I am the law," things spoken of in the scriptures as
he said. (3 Ne. 15:9.) "The Lord is the law of Moses were the ordinances
our judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, and performances that were "added

because of transgressions." (Gal. explained, "and were it not for the

3: 19.) They were the "divers wash- atonement, which God himself shall
ings, and carnal ordinances, · imposed make for the sins and iniquities of
on them until the time of reforma- his people, . . . they must unavoid-
tion." (Heb. 9:10.) They were "the ably perish, notwithstanding the law
law of commandments contained in of · Moses." (Mosiah 13:27-28.)
ordinances." (Eph. 2:15.) In great Rather, as Nephi taught, the law was
detail they are recorded in Exodus, given to. prove to the people "the
Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteron~ truth of the coming of Christ; for,
omy, and were preserved on the brass for this end hath the law of Moses
plates which the Nephites took with been given; and all things which
them. (I Ne. 4:15-16.) have been given of God from the be-
Abinadi said that the law of Moses ginning of the world, unto man, are
was given to point the attention of the typifying of him." (2 Ne. 11:4.)
the people forward to Christ and that Paul also found it necessary to teach
all things in it "were types of things with great force that men are saved
to come." Israel was given, he said, by the grace of God, "Not of works,"
"a very strict law; for they were a that is, the works of the law of Moses.
stiffnecked people, quick to do ini- (Eph. 2.)
quity, and slow to remember the Lord At any time in ancient Israel when
their God; Therefore there was a law the Melchizedek Priesthood was oper-
given them, yea, a law of perform- ative and when the people were
ances and of ordinances, a law which enjoying its blessings-even though
they were to observe strictly from they continued to keep the formalities
day to day, to keep them in remem- of the law of Moses- the law itself
brance of God and their duty towards became dead to them. The Nephites,
him." (Mosiah 13:27-32.) Paul said for instance, prior to the ministry of
"the law was our schoolmaster to our Lord among them, had only the
bring us unto Christ." (Gal. 3:24.) Melchizedek Priesthood, and during
It was ~'the law of carnal command- that entire 600 year period they kept
ments" (D, & C. 84:27; Heb. 7:16) the law of Moses. (2 Ne. 5:10; Jar. 5;
because it was given to teach those Mosiah 2:3.) They, of course, had
belonging to the chosen race to bridle the lulness of the gospel, and thus
their passions, to overcome the lusts Nephi recorded: "It is by grace that
of the flesh, to triumph over carnal we are saved, after all we can do.
things, and to advance to the place And, notwithstanding we believe in
where the Spirit of the Lord could Christ, we keep the law of Moses, and
have full flow in their hearts. look forward with steadfastness unto
Salvation is in Christ and not in Christ, until the law shall be ful-
the law of Moses. "Salvation doth filled. For, for this end was the law
not come by the law alone," Abinadi given; wherefore the law hath become

dead unto us, and we are made alive that endureth to the end will I give
in Christ because of our faith; yet we eternal life." (3 Ne. 15:4-9.)
keep the law because of the command-
ments." (2 Ne. 25:23-25.) Law of the Mourner. See MOURNING.
In Christ the law of Moses, that is,
the law of carnal commandments, was Law of Witnesses. See AARomc
fulfilled. The great and eternal gospel PRIESTHOOD, ASSISTANT PRESIDENT OF
truths revealed through Moses re- THE CHURCH, DISPENSATIONS, KEYS
mained in force, but the lesser law OF THE KINGDOM, MELCHJZEDEK
that had pointed the attention of the PRIESTHOOD, PRIESTHOOD, RESTORA -
people forward to the coming of the TION OF THE GOSPEL, WrrNESSES OF
Lord became a dead letter. "Think THE BooK OF MORMON. Whenever the
not that I am come to destroy the Lord reveals the gospel, confers priest-
law or the prophets," our Lord pro- hood or keys upon men, or sends a
claimed. "I am not come to. destroy message to a people, he acts in accord -
but to fulfil; For verily I say unto you, ance with the law of witnesses which
one jot nor one tittle hath not passed he himself ordained. This law is:
away from the law, but in me it hath "In the mouth of two or three wit-
all been fulfilled." (3 Ne. 12:17-18.) nesses shall every word be estab-
"Behold, I say unto you that the lished." (2 Car. 13:1; Deut. 17:6;
law is fulfilled that was given unto 19:15; Matt. 18:15-16; John 8:12-
Moses. Behold, I am he that gave 29.)
the law, and I am he who covenanted Never does one man stand alone in
with my people Israel; therefore, the carrying the burden· of the Lord's
law in me is fulfilled, for I have come message and warnings to the world.
to fulfil the law; therefore it hath an In every dispensation, from Adam to
end. Behold, I do not destroy the the present, two or more witnesses
prophets, for as many as have not have always joined their testimonies,
been fulfilled in me, verily I say unto thus leaving their hearers without
you, shall all be fulfilled. And be- excuse in the day of judgment should
cause I said unto you that old things the testimony be rejected.
have passed away, I do not destroy Joseph Smith, for instance, con-
that which hath been spoken con- formed perfectly to the law of wit-
cerning things which are to come. For nesses in that someone else was
behold, the covenant which I have always with him when priesthood or
made with my people is not all ful- keys were being conferred by heaven-
filled; but the law which was given 1y messengers. Both he and Oliver
unto Moses hath an end in me. Be- Cowdery had the Aaronic Priesthood
hold, I am the law, and the light. conferred upon them by John the
Look unto me, and endure to the Baptist (D. & C. 13); both were pres-
end, and ye shall live; for unto him ent when Peter, James, and John

brought back the Melchizedek Priest- has been manifest in the creation of
hood (D. & C. 20:2-3; 27 :12-13); some of these civil governments as in
both were present when Elias,, Moses, the case of the United States. · How-
and Elijah came · with the keys of ever, this inspiration h as · not made
their dispensations (D. & C. 110:11- the government of the United States
16); and so it was with reference to synonymous with the government of
every key, power, and authority that God, and so today we find civil law
the Lord restored anew in this final administered by men and spiritual
dispensation- someone was always law by the Church. Under present
with the Prophet so that two wit- conditions there is and should be a
nesses could leave a binding testi- complete separation of Church and
mony to the world. state, and under these conditions the
It was to fulfil perfectly the law saints are and should be subject to
of witnesses that H yrum Smith was the laws of the land. (D. & C. 134.)
chosen to replace Oliver Cowdery "Let no man break the laws of the
when he fell from grace. And when land," the Lord said, speaking of the
the time came to seal the testimony laws prevailing in the United States,
of the Lord's witnesses with their own "for he that keepeth the laws of God
blood, both testators went to their hath no need to break the laws of the
death in Carthage Jail so that their land. Wherefore, be subject to the
testimony is in full force for all men. powers that be, until he reigns whose
(Doctrines of Salvation, vol. I, pp. right it is to reign, and subdues all
203-228.) enemies under his feet." (D. & ·c.
58:21-22.) . Paul gave similar coun-
Laws. See CoMMANDMENTS. sel, even for the autocratic govern-
ments of his day. (Rom. 13:1-7; Tit.
Laws of the Land. See CmL GoVERN- 3:1.)
MENTS, CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED Obviously, however, situations can
STAT-ES, KINGCRAFT, LAW, OBEDIENCE, arise in which civil power can com-
THEOCRACY (THEARCHY), In a per- mand an act which so sets at naught
fect theocracy, when the government the Lord's decrees as to require his
of God functions as the Lord original- saints to follow his law rather than
ly ordained, both civil and spiritual the lesser worldly requirement. When
laws are ordained by God and are commanded to preach no more in the
administered through his agents. It name of Christ, Peter and John re-
was so in the days of Adam; it will plied: "Whether it be right in the
be so in the millennium: But because sight of God to hearken unto you
of apostasy, men have declined to be more than unto God, judge ye. For
governed by God directly and have set we cannot but speak the things which
up instead civil governments of their we have seen and heard." (Acts
Inspiration and divine guidance 4: 13-21.) Similarly, Daniel continu~d

to worship the true God, though the 5 :22.) Setting apart to positions of
law prohibited prayer to any but presidency, administration, or special
Darius (Dan. 6), and the three He- responsibility comes in the same way.
brew captives continued their proper (Fifth Article of Faith; Num. 27: 18-
worship though their rebellion against 23; Deut. 34:9.) Formal blessings are
Nebuchadnezzar's law meant the conferred by the laying on of hands
fiery furnace for them. (Dan. 3.) (D. & C. 20:70; Matt. 19:13-15; Acts
9:17), and the healing of the sick
Laying on of Hands. See ADMINIS- and the casting out of devils are often-
TRATIONS, CoNFmMATION, GIFT OF THE time accomplished in accord with this
HOLY GHOST, OnorNATIONS. Special same formality. (D. & C. 42:44; 66:9;
blessings, anointings, sealings, con- Mark 5:23; 6:5; 16: 18; Luke 4:40-
firmations, ordinations, callings, heal- 41; 13:11 -13; Acts 28:8; Jas. 5: 14-16.)
ings, endowments, offices, and graces
are conferred by the laying on of Lay Ministry. See MINISTERS.
hands by the Lord's legal administra-
tors. As with all of the Lord's pre- Lectures. See SERMONS.
scribed procedural requisites, the
proffered blessings come only when Lectures on Faith. See DOCTRINE AND
the designated formalities are ob- CoVENANTS, FAITH, SCHOOL OF THE
served. (Teachings, pp. 198-199.) PROPHETS. From 1835 to 1921 all
Following baptism in water, the editions of the Doctrine and Cove-
bestowal of the Holy Ghost takes nants contained some lesson material
place by the laying on of hands of the called the Lectures on Faith. These
elders. (D. & C. 20:41 , 58, 68; 35:6; lectures, seven in number, were pre-
49:13-14; Acts 8:14-19; 19:1 -7; I pared by the Prophet for study in the
Tim. 4:14; 2 Tim. 1:6.) Those who school of the elders in Kirtland in
receive this conferral, in a very real 1834-1835, and also for publication
sense, have the hand of the Lord laid in the Doctrine and Covenants. They
upon them. For instance, to Edward were not themselves classed as revela-
Partridge the Lord said: "I will lay tions, but in them is to be found some
my hand upon you by the hand of my of the best lesson material ever pre-
servant Sidney Rigdon, and you shall pared on the Godhead; on the char-
receive my Spirit, the Holy Ghost, acter, perfections, and attributes of
even the Comforter, which shall teach God; on faith, miracles, and sacrifice.
you the peaceable things of the king- They can be studied with great profit
dom." (D. & C. 36:1-2.) by all gospel scholars. (Doctrines of
"According to the order of God," Sa/vatum, vol. 2, pp. 303-304; vol. 3,
ordination to offices in the priesthood p. 194.)
is performed by the laying on of
hands. (Alma 6:1; Acts 6:5-6; 1 Tim. Legal Administrators. See MINISTERS.

Legends. See MYTHOLOGY. speak of the ordained, adult, male

members of the tribe as the Levites.
Leisure. See RECREATION. These priesthood bearers were chosen
as the Lord's ministers "instead of
Lemuelites. See Boox OF MORMON, the firstborn of .all the children of
NEPHITES AND LAMANITES. That por- Israel," and Aaron and his sons pre-
tion of the Lamanites who were lineal sided over them. (Num. 8.) Charge
descendants of Lemuel the older of the tabernacle of the congregation
brother of Nephi were sometimes was given to them. (Num. 3; 4.)
called Lemuelites. (Jae. 1:13-14; 4 They participated in the offering of
Ne. 37-39.) sacrifices (2 Chron. 29), lived on the
tithes of the people (Num. 18), and
Lesser Priesthood. See AARomc did not receive an inheritance of land
PRIESTHOOD. with the other tribes. (Josh. 18:7.)
Members of this tribe will again in
Letters of Commendation. See EPIS- this final dispensation offer their tra-
TLES · OF COMMENDATION. ditional sacrifices to the Lord as part
of the restoration of all things. (D.
Levi. See AARON, AARONIC PRIEST- & C. 13; Teachings, pp. 172-173.)
TRIBES OF ISRAEL. As the 3rd son of Levitical Order. See AARoNic PRIEST-
J<1cob and Leah, Levi stands as the HOOD.

head of one of the tribes of Israel.

(Gen. 29:34.) For their valiance in Levitical Priesthood. See AARONIC
defending the cause of righteousness, PRIESTHOOD.

as for instance in the matter of the

molten calf (Ex. 32), the qualified, Levity. See .LAUGHTER.
mri.le descendants of Levi were chosen
to hold the priesthood and serve as Lewdness. See SEX IMMORALITY.
the Lord's ministers in Israel. (Num.
3; 4; 8.) Liahona. See Boox OF MoRMON, WIT-
Levites. See A.ARONIC PRIESTHOOD, Lehi found in his tent door a ball
AARONITES, LEVI, SACRIFICES. In a gen- or director or compass, made of fine
eral sense, all of the descendants of brass and curious workmanship, on
Levi are Levites, just as all the de- which there were two spindles to
scendants of Ephraim are Ephraim- point the course the Nephites should
ites. Moses and Aaron were Levites follow in the wilderness. Also from
in this sense. But since the Levites, time to time messages were written
as a tribe, were honored with the on it by divine power giving counsel
lesser priesthood, it was common to and guidance. This divine compass,

called the Liahona, worked according of "the good shepherd" are part of
to the faith of the Nephites, and its the devil's fold, and then he added,
use typified the faith which men must Hwhosoever denieth this is a liar."
have to follow the words of Christ (Alma 5:38-40.) Sherem confessed,
which lead to eternal life. (I Ne. after being smitten, "I have lied unto
16:10, 26-30; 2 Ne. 5:12; Mosiah God; for I denied the Christ." (Jae.
1:16; Alma 37 :38-45.) It was handed 7: 19; Alma 12:3.) False teachers are
down from generation to generation liars. (Rev. 2:2.) Conversely, Moroni
among the Nephites, was hid up with concluded some of his expositions of
the gold plates, and was seen by the truth by saying, "I lie not."
Joseph Smith and the Three Wit- (Moro. IO :26-27.) In other words,
nesses in this dispensation. (D. & C. to teach true doctrine is to tell the
17:1.) truth, and to teach false doctrine is to
Liars. See BLASPHEMY, DEVIL, HON- Members of the true Church are
ESTY, ThUTH. In the general dealings classified as liars if they do not be-
of men, those who knowingly utter lieve the gospel truths and obey the
or act out falsehoods are liars. This gospel standards. Certainly their
is also true in the gospel sense. But false outward profession of that god-
according to scriptural standards the liness or saintliness which should
sin of lying also branches out to in- attend church membership becomes
clude a much larger group of persons. a living lie if they do not walk in the
Scripturally, anything that in its na- light. John taught: "He that saith,
ture is untrue and is therefore de- I know him [Christ] , and keepeth
signed to deceive is a lie. Those who not his commandments, is a liar, and
believe in false doctrines are thus the truth is not in him.... Who is a
guilty of believing a lie, and those liar but he that denieth that Jesus
who propagate these untruths are is the Christ?" (I John 2:4, 22.) "If
guilty of lying. any man say, I love God, and hateth
For instance: The creeds of apos- his brother, he is a liar." (I John
tate Christendom teach untruths 4:20; 5:IO.)
about God, and the scriptures say Since truthfulness is an attribute
that those who accept these creeds that is perfected in Deity, it follows
"have inherited lies." (Jer. 16:16-21.) that God is a Being who cannot lie.
Those who accept any of the doctrines (D. & C. 62:6; Enos 6; 3 Ne. 27:18;
of the apostate churches are said to Ether 3:12; Titus 1:2; Heb. 6:18.)
"believe a lie." (2 Thess. 2: 1-12.) Similarly, "the Spirit speaketh the
The process of apostasy consists in truth and lieth not." (Jae. 4: 13.)
changing "the truth of God into a Lucifer, on the other hand, "was a liar
lie." (Rom. 1:25.) Alma taught that from the beginning" (D. & C. 93:25),
all who do not hearken to the voice "is the lather of all lies" (2 Ne.
! 402

2:18; 9:9; Ether 8:25; John 8:44), 21 :4.) The Israelitish words, "Pro-
and entices men to become liars. claim liberty throughout all the land
(2 Ne. 28:8.) But men are com- unto all the inhabitants thereof"
manded by the Lord not to lie ·(D. (Lev. 25: IO), were aptly chosen by
& C. 10:25-28; 42:21; 3 Ne. -26:32; the early American patriots to be cast
Col. 3:9), for liars "shall be thrust on the Liberty Bell. The constitution
down to hell" (2 Ne. 9:34), shall of the United States is designed to
suffer the . second death (D. & C. guarantee liberty and all inalienable
63: 17; Rev. 21 :8), and receive a final rights to "all the inhabitants" of this
inheritance in the telestial kingdom. choice land. (D. & C. 98:4-9;
(D. & C. 76:103.) In Nephite times IOI :76-80; 109:54.)
liars were also punished by the civil
law (Alma 1:17), and there are some Licentiousness. See SEX IMMORALITY.
civil and criminal proceedings today
based on deceit and fraud. (D. & C. Lies. See LIARS.
power of choice, is found only where The life of the body is in the soul;
there is adherence to gospel prin- that is, the conscious, sentient, know-
ciples. The gospel is "the perfect law ing, intelligent part of the human
of liberty." (Jas. 1:25; 2:12.) By personality is resident in the spirit, in
accepting the gospel, men become par- the eternal part of man, in the part
takers of "the glorious liberty of the which is · the literal offspring of an
children of God" (Rom. 8:21), lib- Omnipotent Father. And as it is with
erty from the bondage of sin, the man, so it is with animals, fowls,
darkness of error, the lusts of the fishes, and every living creatUre, and
flesh. "Where the Spirit of the Lord even with the earth itself-all have
is, there is liberty." (2 Cor. 3:17.) life; and in each instance the life is
"Stand fast therefore in the liberty resident in the spirit part of the
wherewith Christ hath made us free," created thing, for "all things were
Paul counseled, "and be not en• before created; but spiritually were
tangled again with the yoke of bond- they created and made." (Moses
age." (Gal. 5:1; D. & C. 88:86.) 3:7.) Lile is manifest in four distinct
This American nation, in the prov- states of existence.
idences of the Almighty, is "a land I. PRE-EXISTENT LIFE. - Life
of liberty" (2 Ne. 10:11), to be in- began with the birth of the spirit in
habited by "a free people." (3 Ne. pre-:-existence; it began when the spirit

element (or intelligence) was so ar- great probationary period of eternal

ranged as to become one of "the existence, in the sense that "this life
intelligences that were organized be- is the time for men to prepare to meet
fore the world was." (Abra. 3:22.) God" (Alma 34:32), this life becomes
Any notion or theory that life, or the most important part of all eter-
ego, or agency, existed for each in- nity. In it we take the final examina-
dividual prior to the time of the spirit tion for all the life we lived in
birth is pure speculation, wholly un· pre-existence, and in it we take the
supported by any correctly understood entrance examination which will de-
and properly interpreted scripture. termine the kingdom of glory we shali
Lile began for man and for all inherit in the life hereafter.
created things at the time of their But in the sense that spiritual real-
respective spirit creations. Before ities and qualifications far excel
that there were only the spirit ele- temporal things in importance, this
ments from which the Almighty life is not of great worth as compared
would in due course create life. In with the gospel and salvation. "All
the sense that spirits never die or go they who suffer persecution for my
out of existence, life is unending or name, and endure in faith," the Lord
eternal. says, "though they are called to lay
2. MORTAL LIFE.-lt is this down their lives for my sake yet shall
state of existence to which reference they partake of all this glory [that
is usually made when the term life of the millennial era]. Wherefore,
is used. Mortal life consists in the fear not even unto death; for in this
temporary union of body and spirit. world your joy is not lull, but in me
The natural or temporal death is your joy is full. Therefore, care not
brought to pass by the separation of for the body, neither the life of the
body and spirit. In this sense life body; but care for the soul, and for
ceases when death comes. Thus the the life of the soul." (D. & C. IOI :35-
revelations speak of the end of life 37; 103:27-28.) Our Lord, of course,
(D. & C. 19:25, 32), of preserving the "gave his own life" as part of the
life of some (D. & C. 25:2; 63:3), and great plan of redemption. (D. & C.
of laying down one's life in the gos- 34 :3.) "Greater love hath no man
pel cause. (D. & C. 98:13-14.) Life than this, that a man lay down his
and death are set forth as two opposite life for his friends." (John 15:13.)
things (D. & C. 50:5, 8), and men It was also in accordance with this
are expected while in this life to gain principle, which compares the rela~
knowledge and intelligence so that tive worth of temporal and spiritual
their acquirements can be restored to things, that our Lord said to the Ne-
them in the life to come. (D. & C. phite Twelve: "Take no thought for
130:18- 19.) your life, what ye shall eat, or what
In the sense that mortality is the ye shall drink; nor yet for your body,

what ye shall put on. Is not the life is no end to life. Christ, for instance,
more than meat, and the body than is Hwithout beginning of days or end
raiment?" (3 Ne. 13:25; Matt. 6:25.) of life." (D. & C. 78:16.) Resurrected
"The life of the flesh is in the beings "shall not any more see death."
blood" (Lev. I 7: II), meaning that (D. & C. 88: 116.)
according to the laws which are or-
dained, mortal life ceases when the Lile of the World. See LIGHT OF LIFE.
blood is shed. But in the full and
eternal sense, life exists in the world Light. See GosPEL, · INTELLIGENCE,
in and through and because of Christ. LIGHT OF CHRIST, LIGHT OF LIFE,
He is the life of the world. (D. & C. LIGHT OF THE WORLD, ·OBEDIENCE,
10:70; 12:9; 34:2; 39:2; 45:7; 3 Ne. SALVATION, TRUTH. Gospel light is
9:18; 11:11; Ether 4:12; John 1:4; the mental and spiritual enlighten-
14:6.) "In him was the life of men ment from God which enables men to
and the light of men." (D. & C. receive truth and knowledge and gain
93:9.) Except for the light of Christ, salvation, Light is an attribute of
the life-giving power which proceeds Deity and shines forth from him; in
from his presence to fill the immensity him it is found in its fulness and per-
of space (D. & C. 88: 12), life and fection. "God is light, and in him is
being would cease. He is literally the no darkness at all" (I John 1:5); he
light of the world and the life of the is "the Father of lights." (Jas. 1:17.)
world in that life and light come be-
Christ is the light of the world, and
cause of him and without him they
the gospel is his message of light and
would not exist.
salvation to all men. "I have sent
mine everlasting covenant into the
-At death the eternal spirit merely
world," he said, speaking of the res-
steps out of the mortal tabernacle
and enters a world of waiting spirits toration of the gospel, "to be a light
to await the day of the resurrection. to the world, and to be a standard for
The spirit, which lived before in pre- my people, and for the Gentiles to
existence, lives on alter death. In seek to it." (D. & C. 45:9.) Where
this sense, there is no death and there the gospel is there is light; where the
are no dead. Our departed fellow gospel is not darkness prevails. In
mortals only seem dead unto us be- telling his disciples the signs of his
cause they have gone into another Second Coming, our Lord said :
realm of existence where we can no "When the times of the Gentiles is
longer see and associate with them. come in, a light shall break forth
4. IMMORTAL LIFE.-By defi- among them that sit in darkness, and
nition immortality is to live forever it shall be the fulness of my gospel."
in a resurrected state, body and spirit (D. & C. 45:28-29, 36.) The light
being inseparably . connected. There of the great latter-day Church is "a

standard for the nations." (D. & C. never known the truth. (D. & C.
115:5; 124:9.) 41:1.) "For of him unto whom much
Whenever the gospel is on earth, is given much is required; and he
it is the true light. (! John 2:8.) who sins against the greater light
Those who accept the gospel of Christ shall receive the greater condemna-
are thus called "out of darkness into tion." (D. & C. 82:3; Alma 9:23;
his marvellous light." (! Pet. 2:9; 45 :12.) Sons of perdition are those
Alma 26:3, 15.) Paul was sent to the who have known the fulness of light
Gentiles, "To open their eyes, and and have then come out in open re-
to turn them from darkness to light" bellion against the Author of light.
(Acts 26:18), "the light of the glori- (D. & C. 76:31-49; Teachings, pp.
ous gospel of Christ, . . . the light 357-358.) Light forsakes any who are
of the knowledge of the glory of God." unrepentant, and they lose even that
(2 Cor. 4:4-6.) Those who accept the which they may have received. (D.
gospel have their souls "illuminated & C. I :33.) Satan is the king of dark-
by the light of the everlasting word." ness; light flees from him. (D. & C.
(Alma 5:7.) Our Lord "brought life 93:36-37.)
and immortality to light through the Light comes from God (2 Ne.
gospel." (2 Tim. 1:10.) 31 :3), and the cry of righteous men
On the other hand, those who reject has always been, "O send out thy
the gospel reject the light and con- light and thy truth: let them lead
tinue to walk in darkness. (Hela. me." (Ps. 43:3.) The Lord's word is
13:29.) "Because they yield unto the a light to the path of the faithful
devil and choose works of darkness (Ps. 119:105) , and men are com-
rather than light, therefore they must manded to "walk in the light of the
go down to hell." (2 Ne. 26: 10) "And Lord." (Isa. 2:5; John 11 :9-10;
this is the condemnation, that light 12:35.) Parents are commanded to
is come into the world, and men loved bring up their children "in light and
darkness rather than light, because truth." (D. & C. 93:40-42.) Light
their deeds were evil. For every one is a protection against evil of every
that doeth evil hateth the light, sort, and the saints should "put on
neither cometh to the light, lest his the armour of light." (Rom. 13: 12.)
deeds should be reproved. But he There are two great scriptural tests
that doeth truth cometh to the light, which show whether men have the
that his deeds may be made manifest, light and are walking therein, one
that they are wrought in God." (John pertaining to beliefs, the other to con -
3:19-21; D. & C. 10:21; 29:45; 93:31- duct. Isaiah challenged false teach-
32.) ers with this test: "To the law and to
Those who reject the light alter the testimony: ii they speak not
they have received it are more to be according to this word, it is because
condemned than those who have there is no light in them." (Isa. 8:20.)

And John, speaking particularly to Light-mindedness. See LAUGHTER,

members of the Church, those upon LIGHT SPEECHES, RECREATION, SOLEM-
whom "the true light now shineth," NITY. In connection with his com-
said: "He that saith he is in the light, mand to build a house of God and
and hateth his brother, is in darkness conduct a school of the prophets
even until now. H e that loveth his therein, the Lord commanded his
brother abideth in the light, and there ministers to cease from light speeches,
is none occasion of stumbling in him. laughter, and light-mindedness. ( D.
But he that hateth his brother is in & C. 88: 121.) Obviously the elders
darkness, and walketh in darkness, of Israel, while engaged on the Lord's
and knoweth not whither he goeth, solemn and sober business, must avoid
bec~use that darkness hath blinded those trifling and frivolous things
his eyes." (I John 2:8-11.) which make up light-mindedness.
Light leads to salvation; it edifies Theirs is an awesome responsibility
and uplifts. "And that which doth while so engaged, for they are dealing
not edify is not of God, and is dark- with the souls of men. The divine
ness. That which is of God is light; injunction here given is not to be
and he that receiveth light, and con-
construed to enjoin proper and whole-
some relaxation and recreational
tinueth in God, receiveth more light;
activities. These latter have the Lord's
and that light groweth brighter and
approval. (D. & C. 136:28.)
bright.e r until the perfect day." (D.
& C. 50:23-24.) "And if your eye Lightnings. See SIGNS OF THE TIMES.
be single to my glory, your whole
bodies shall be filled with light, and
Light of Christ. See CHRIST, CoN -
there shall be no darkness in you; and SCIENCE, HOLY GHOST, LIGHT, LIGHT
that body which is filled with light OF LIFE, L IGHT OF THE WORLD, S PIRIT
comprehendeth all things." (D. & C. OF THE Lonn. Christ is "the true light
88:67.) "In me shall all mankind that lighteth every man that cometh
have light, and that eternally, even into the world." (D. & C. 93:2; John
they who shall believe on my name." 1:9.) This enlightenment is admin-
(Ether 3:14.) "If we walk in the istered to all men through the Spirit
light, as he is in the light, we have of Christ, or the Spirit of the Lord,
fellowship one with another, and the or the Light of truth, or the light of
blood of Jesus Christ his Son clearn- Christ-all of which expressions are
eth us from all sin." ( I John 1:7.) synonymous. This Spirit fills the
The saved shall walk in the light immensity of space, is in all things,
forever (Rev. 21 :24) and rejoice in and is not to be confused with the
the light of the countenance of their Personage of Spirit known as the Holy
God. (Ps. 4:6; D. & C. 88:56, 58; Ghost (or Spirit of the Lord). (Doc-
3 Ne. 19:25.) trines of Salvation, vol. I, pp. 38-54.)

The light of Christ is the Spirit of OF CHRIST, LIGHT OF THE WORLD.

the Lord which leads men to accept I. Christ is the light of life. Life exists
the gospel and join the Church so in and through and because of the
that they may receive the gilt of the light of Christ-"The light which is
Holy Ghost. Men are commanded to in all things, which giveth life to all
"live by every word that proceedeth things, which is the law by which all
forth from the mouth of God. For things are governed." (D. & C.
the word of the Lord is truth, and 88:13.) Without this light of life, the
whatsoever is truth is light, and what- planets would not stay in their orbits,
soever is light is Spirit, even the vegetation would not grow, men and
Spirit of Jesus Christ. And the Spirit animals would be devoid of "the
giveth light to every man that cometh breath of life" (Gen. 2:7), and life
into the world; and the Spirit en- would cease to exist. (D. & C. 88:50.)
lighteneth every man through the 2. Christ is also the light of life
world, that hearkeneth to the voice in a special sense for those who obey
of the Spirit." (D. & C. 84:44-46.) his gospel law. "In him was life; and
Those who hearken to this Spirit the life was the light of men." (John
come into the Church, receiving "of 1:4.) "I am the light of the world:
the Spirit of Christ unto the remis- he that followeth me shall not walk
sion of their sins." (D. & C. 20:37; in darkness, but shall have the light
84:47-48; Alma 19:6; 26:3; 28:14.) of life." (John 8: 12.)
Men are born again by following the
light of Christ to the point where they Light of the World. See CHRIST, Ex-
receive the actual enjoyment of the EMPLAR, LIGHT, LIGHT OF CHRIST,
gift of the Holy Ghost. (Mosiah LIGHT OF LIFE. I. Christ is the light
27:24-31; Alma 36.) (John I :7-9; 12:35-36, 46), "the light
It is because of the light of Christ which shineth in darkness, and the
that all men know good from evil darkness comprehendeth it not" (D.
and enjoy the guidance of what is & C. 6:21; 10:58; 11: 11; 34:2; 39:2;
called conscience. (Moro. 7:12-19.) 45:7; John 1:5), "a light which can-
It is the Spirit by means of which God not be hid in darkness" (D. & C.
is omnipresent; it is the light which 14:9); "I will be a light unto them
enables Christ to be in all things, forever, that hear my words." (2 Ne.
and through all things, and round 10:14; Ps. 27:1.) He is the light of
about all things. It gives life to all the world (John 8:12; 9:5), "the life
things, is the law by which they are and light of the world" (D. & C.
governed, and the power of God is 10:70; 11 :28; 12:9; 34:2; 39:2; 45:7;
manifest through it. (D. & C. 88:6- Mosiah 16:9; Alma 38:9; 3 Ne. 9:18;
13.) 11:11); "in him was the life of men
arid the light of men." (D. & C.
Light of Life. See LIFE, LIGHT, LIGHT 93:9.) He was "A light to lighten

the Gentiles" (Luke 2:32; Isa. 42:6), and Barnabas were sent to be a light
and it was foretold of those among to the Gentiles (Acts 13:47), as are
whom he should minister: "The also the elders in this .day. (D. & C.
people that walked in darkness have 86: 11.) Indeed, the elders are "set
seen a great light: they that dwell in to be a light unto the world, and to
the land of the shadow of death, upon be the saviors of men" (D. & C.
them hath the light shined." (Isa. 103:9), and church officers are set
9:2; 51 :4; Hosea 6:5.) to be "a light unto the church." (D.
When our Lord says, "I am the & C. 106:8.) False teachers are those
light, and the life, and the truth of who "set themselves up for a light
the world" (Ether 4: 12), he is teach- unto the world, that they may get
ing that he is the source of life, light, gain and praise of the world; but they
and truth; that he sets the perfect seek not the welfare of Zion." (2 Ne.
example in their use; and that all 26:29.)
men must look to him for these
things. "Behold, I am the law, and Light of Truth. See INTELLIGENCE.
the light. Look unto me, and endure
to the end, and ye shall live; for unto Light Speeches. See IDLE WORDS,
him that endureth to the end will I LAUGHTER, LIGHT-MINDEDNESS, REC-
give eternal life." (3 Ne. 15:9.) "Be- REATION, S ACRAMENT MEETINGS, SO-
hold I am the light; ·I have set an LEMNITY. Light speeches, loud speech,
example for. you." (3 Ne. 18:16.) laughter, and light-mindedness were
Those who gain eternal life shall walk forbidden in the school of the proph-
in the light of their Lord forever. ets, the school where the officers and
(Isa. 60: 19-20; Rev. 21 :23; 22:5.) ministry of the Church were to be
2. Faithful saints are also the light taught. (D. & C. 88: 118-141. ) That
of the world. "Ye are the light of the was an occasion when "the solemni-
world," our Lord said to his ancient ties of eternity" (D. & C. 43:34)
disciples. "Let your light so shine should rest upon the minds of all who
before . men, that they may see your participated. The same principle ap-
good works, and glorify your Father plies to all sacramental and instruc-
which is in heaven." (Matt. 5:14-16; tional meetings held in the Church:
3 Ne. 12:14-16.) "Ye are my dis- Entertainment, levity, frivolity, and
ciples; and ye are a light unto this trifling matters are highly offensive
people." (3 Ne. 15:12.) "Hold up to the Spirit on such occasions. They
your light that it may shine unto the are not occasions for laughter and
world. Behold I am the light which joking, but for serious consideration
ye shall hold up-that which ye have of the eternal principles of salvation,
seen me do." (3 Ne. 18:24.) and anything else is out of place.
John the Baptist "was a burning and Speakers who deliver light, frivolous
a shining light" (John 5:35); Paul talks on these occasions will be held

accountable for their idle words before is, the form or plan of the thing, did
the judgment bar. (Matt. 12:36.) not exist in the mind of Deity. ~
idea or intelligence existing with God
Lineage. See PATRIARCHAL BLESSINGS. from all eternity is what Plato called
_the Lo gos-the word or intelligence
Lion of the Tribe of Judah. See of Deity." (Outlines of Ecclesiastical
CHRIST, SHILOH, SON OF DAVID, STEM History, pp. 186-193.)
OF JESSE. Christ is the Lion of the In that early period of the Chris-
Tribe of Judah. (Rev. 5:5.) When tian Era, when pagan philosophies
Father Jacob gave Judah his patriar- were being mingled with the doctrines
chal blessing, Judah was likened both of the gospel to form the apostate
to a lion's whelp and to an old lion Christianity, attempts were made to
and was promised that the sceptre harmonize these theories of men with
should not depart from his descend - the gospel concept of Christ being the
ants until the coming of Christ. (Gen. Word of God. It was out of these
49:8-12.) Accordingly, to denominate attempts, and the consequent squab-
our Lord as the Lion of the Tribe bling over the rank of the so-called
of Judah is to point to his position Logos in the Trinity, that the early
as a descendant of Judah, to his mem- councils drafted the creeds which have
bership in that tribe from which kings since been the basis for the false sec-
were chosen to reign, and also to show tarian notions about D eity.
his status as the most pre-eminent
of all that house, as the one who bore Long-suffering. See PATIENCE.
the banner of the tribe so to speak.
WoRD OF Goo. Among the pagan phi- NESS. I. Both the Father and the Son,
losophies extant in the early days of as omnipotent and exalted personages,
the Christian Era was one called the are commonly known by the name-
New Platonic, a philosophy based pri- title Lord. (Ps. 110:1; Matt. 22:41-
marily on the views of Plato. "Every- 46.) Embraced within this appellation
thing which exists in heaven or in is the concept that they are supreme
earth, except Deity and unorganized in authority and sovereign over all,
matter, according to Plato's philos- that they are the rulers and governors
ophy, had a beginning-there was a of all things. Since it is Christ in par-
time when it did not exist; but there ticular, however, through whom Deity
never was a time when the idea, that operates where men and their affairs

are concerned, it follows that most Lord Jehovah. See JEHOVAH.

scriptural references to the Lord have
reference to him. (D. & C. 76:1; Isa. Lord Jesus. See JESUS.
43:14; 49:26; Luke 2:11; Acts 10:36;
Philip. 2:11.) Lord of Glory. See CHRIST, KING OF
2. There are about 150 Biblical GLORY, Lono. Christ is the Lord of
instances in which the name lord is Glory (! Cor. 2:8; Jas. 2:1), a name
given to men, the intent being to con· given him to signify the transcendent
vey especial honor or reverence on glory which attends him in his ca·
the one so designated. Similar usage pacity of Lord of all.
prevails in the British caste system in
this day. Lord of Hosts. See BATTLE OF THE
Lord Almighty. See ALMIGHTY Goo. SABAOTH, RocK OF HEAVEN. Christ is
the Lord of Hosts (1 Chron. 17 :24;
Lord God. See CHRIST, Goo, LORD. Ps. 24:10; Isa. 6:5; Zech. 14: !6'.T7;
By uniting the sacred names Lord Mal. 1:14), meaning that he is a man
of war (Ex. 15:3), a God of battles
and God into such reverential com-
(Ps. 24:8), a leader of his saints in
binations as God the Lord or Lord
days of conll.ict and carnage. It was
God (Moses 3:4), superlative expres-
sion is made of the majesty, ·omnipo- so anciently; it is so today; it will be
so in the future, particularly in the
tence, and glory of Deity. These
coming battle of the great day of
names-used, as the various scriptural
God Almighty. (Zech. 14:3; Rev.
contexts show, with reference to both
16:14; 20:8.) There are more than
the Father and the Son-are also
50 Book of Mormon references which
sometimes expanded to be, among speak of the Lord of Hosts, an equal
others: Lord God of Abraham (Gen. number in the Old Testament, and a
28:13), Lord God of Israel (Ex. dozen such references in the Doctrine
32:27), Lord God of Elijah (2 Kings and Covenants.
2:14), Lord God of our fathers (2
Chron. 20:6), Lord God of hosts, Lord of Lords. See CHRIST, EXALTA·
(I Kings 19:10), and Lord God Al- TION, Goo, GooHooo, Goo OF Goos,
mighty (Rev. 4:8; 11:17; 15:3; 16:7; KING OF KINGS, LoRD, PLURALITY OF
D. & C. 109:77; 121:4.) Goos. Both the Father and the Son
are properly known by the title Lord
Lord God Almighty. See ALMIGHTY of Lords, a designation that means lit-
Goo. erally what it says. (Deut. 10:12-22;
l Tim. 6:15; Rev. 17:14; 19:16.) The
Lord God of the Hebrews. See Goo purpose of this name is not simply to
OF ISRAEL. reveal that Christ, for instance, is the

Lord of mortal persons who are wages, and gathereth fruit unto life
ranked as lords, but rather it is to eternal." (John 4:35-36.)
show that he is Lord and God to
others who themselves also are Lords Lord of the Sabbath. See CHRIST,
and Gods in their own right. Thus LoRD, SABBATH. Christ is the Lord
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob ( among of the Sabbath (Mark 2:23-28; Luke
others) "have entered into their exal- 6:1-12); he gave it, and he directs
tation, according to the promises, and what men must do thereon to be
sit upon thrones, and are not angels saved. (Ex. 16:29; D. & C. 59:9-20.)
but are gods." (D. & C. 132:29, 37.) The Sabbath bears record of Christ:
Since exalted beings themselves be- from Adam to Moses it was the 7th
come Lords and Gods, and since they day to signify that our Lord rested
still stand in subjection to Christ their on that day from his creative labors
Lord and their God, it follows that he (Ex. 20:8-11); from Moses to Christ,
is a Lord of Lords. Whatever is true the Sabbath day was a different day
of him is also true of his Father, and each year to commemorate our Lord's
in due course it will be true of all leading of the children of Israel out
exalted beings. of bondage (Deut. 5:12-15); and
from then until now the Sabbath has
been the first day of the week to point
Lord of Sabaoth. See CHRIST, LoRD,
attention to our Lord's resurrection
LoRD OF HOSTS. Christ is the Lord
on that day.
of Sabaoth. (Isa. I :9; Rom. 9:29; Jas.
5:4; D. & C. 87:7; 88:2; 98:2.)
Lord of the Vineyard. See CHRIST,
Sabaoth is a Hebrew word meaning
hosts or armies thus, Jehovah Sabaoth
parable of the laborers in the vine-
means the Lord of Hosts. Also, as yard, Christ is the Lord of the Vine-
revealed to the Prophet, "The Lord of yard who sends forth laborers to
Sabaoth, ... is by interpretation, the prune and work in his vineyard.
creator of the first day, the beginning (Matt. 20:1 -16.) In the parable of
and the end." (D. & C. 95:7.) the wicked husbandmen, his Father
is the Lord of the Vineyard who sends
Lord of the Harvest. See CHRIST, many servants and finally his own
LoRD, LoRD OF THE VINEYARD. Christ Son-all of which laborers are ill
is the Lord of the Harvest (Matt. treated or slain by the husbandmen.
9:36-38); the elders of Israel are the (Matt. 21 :33-46.) In both parables
laborers who thrust in their sickles "the vineyard of the Lord of hosts is
to reap (D. & C. 4); the harvest is the house of Israel." (Isa. 5:1-7.)
one of souls, souls who shall have In this dispensation the Lord's
eternal life. (Matt. 13:24-30; D. & C. vineyard covers the whole earth, and
86:1-7.) "He that reapeth receiveth the laborers are going forth to gather

scattered Israel before the appointed CovENANTS, EPISTLES, Gorn PLATES,

day of burning when the vineyard INPffiED VERSION OF THE BIBLE, NEW
will be purified of corruption. (D. & TESTAMENT, OLD TESTAMENT, PEARL
C. 33:2-7; 72:2; 75:2-5; IOI :44-62; OF GREAT PRICE, SCRIPTURE, SEALED
135:6.) BooK, STANDARD WORKS. Only a small
part of the recorded revelations and
Lord Omnipotent. See CHRIST, LoRD, scriptural writings of the past are now
OMNIPOTENCE. Christ Is the Lord available to men. That great body
Omnipotent (Mosiah 3:5, 17-18, 21; of revealed truth which is missing-
5:2, 15; Rev. 19:6), meaning that as without question a collection of scrip-
Lord of all he has all power. ture far greater in quantity than the
scriptures now extant-is lost scrip-
Lord Our Righteousness. See CHRIST, ture, meaning that it is lost to the
LoRD, RIGHTEOUSNESS. Christ is known knowledge of men.
by the name, The Lord Our Right- Many passages and even whole
eousness (Jer. 23:5-6; 33: 16), signify- books of scripture have been lost
ing that as the personification of through the carelessness or wickedness
righteousness hin;,self, he has made it of_ the record keepers. (I Ne. 13.)
possible, through his atoning sacri- Even some of the revelations given
fice, for his saints to attain a state in this dispensation have been lost,
of like purity and sanctification. as for instance the 116 manuscript
pages of the Book of Mormon (D. &
Lords. See PLURALITY OP Goos. C. 10) and the account of the words
spoken by the angelic ministrants
Lord's Day. See SABBATH. who restored the Melchizedek Priest-
hood. There are also· many revela-
Lord's Prayer. See PRAYER. tions, known in former days, which
are lost in the sense that the Lord
Lord's Scourge. See SIGNS OF THE withholds them from this generation
TIMES. pending such time as men acquire
the faith an_d righteousness .which
Lord's Supper. See SACRAMENT. will entitle them to receive the added
truths. When men gain the same
Lord's Table. See SACRAMENT. faith enjoyed by the Brother of
Jared; for instance, the sealed por-
Lord's Time. See TIME. tion of the Book of Mormon-a vol-
ume of scripture known to the
Lost Scripture. See APOCRYPHA, BIBLE, Jaredites and Nephites in certain ages
BooK OF ENOCH, BooK OF . JosEPH, of their histories (Mosiah 28:llal9;
BOOK OP MORMON, BOOK OF REMEM- Alma 63:12; Ether 4:1-7)-will
BRANCE, BRASS PLATES, DOCTRINE AND again be revealed. (Ether 4:1-7.)

Adam kept a Book of Remem- 8:19-20; 15:Il; 3 Ne. 10:16) and

brance, only a few fragmentary state- also the writings of Joseph who was
ments from which have come down sold into Egypt. (2 Ne. 3,)
to us. (Moses 6:5.) We have no Reference is made in both the Old
authentic records of the writings of and New Testaments to books and
Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, epistles which are not now available.
Jared, Methusaleh, or Noah-all of These include : Book of the Covenant
whom lived before the flood and all (Ex. 24:4, 7); Book of the Wars of
of whom were great preachers of the Lord (Num. 21:14); Book of
righteousness. (Moses 6; 8.) The Jasher (Josh. 10:13; 2 Sam. 1:18);
portion of Enoch's prophecies and A Book of Statutes (I Sam. 10:25);
preachings that has been revealed to Book of the Acts of Solomon ( I Kings
us is small. (Moses 6; 7; D. & C. 11:41); Books of Nathan and Gad
l07:56-57.) Such scriptures as were (1 Chron. 29:29; 2 Chron. 9:29);
written or possessed by Shem, Mel- Prophecy of Ahijah and Visions of
chizedek, Esaias, Gad, Jeremy, Elihu, Iddo (2 Chron. 9:29; 12:15; 13:22);
Caleb, and Jethro are unknown to Book of Shemaiah (2 Chron. 12:15);
us today. (D. & C. 84:7-13.) Indeed Book of Jehu (2 Chron. 20:34); Acts
there may be many races and peoples, of Uzziah, written by Isaiah (2 Chron.
whose very existence is unknown in 26:22); Sayings of the Seers (2
the modern world, who had revela- Chron. 33:19); an epistle of Paul to
tions and scripture given to them. the Corinthians (I Cor. 5:9); an
We have only a minor part of the epistle of Paul to the Ephesians (Eph.
scriptures had by the Jaredites. 3 :3); an epistle of Paul to the Lao-
(Ether 1:1-5; 4:1-7.) There were diceans (Col. 4:16); Epistle of Jude
many records in the hands of Mor, (Jude 3); and the Prophecies of
mon when he compiled, abridged, and Enoch (Jude 14).
wrote the Book of Mormon, none of The prophecy that Christ should be
which records are known to us now. a Nazarene (Matt. 2:23) and the
(Words of Morm. 1-11.) It is re- prediction, known to the scribes in
ported by President Brigham Young our Lord's day, that Elias must re-
that there was in the Hill Cumorah store all things before the coming of
a room containing many wagon loads Christ (Matt. 17:10), are illustrations
of plates. (Journal of Discourses, vol. of lost scripture. And there are many
19, p. 38.) The Brass Plates con- apocryphal books now in existence
tained many passages and books that which in their original state were
are not in the Old Testament as we inspired scripture.
have it. (I Ne. 13:23.) Among these This is the great era of restoration
were the Books of Zenos, Zenock, and in it all things shall be restored
Neum, and Ezias (I Ne. 19:l0-16; that have been known in all former
Jae. 5; 6:1; Alma 33:3-17; 34:7; Hela. dispensations. All the truths had in

ages past shall be restored, though doctrine than the sectarian claim that
this does not mean every lost scripture the Bible ( or any other book for that
shall again come forth. If substan- matter) contains all of the word of
tiaily identical truths were revealed God. The Bible, great and valuable
to successive prophets, there would as it is, is only a drop in an ocean
be no especial need to restore both of scripture. The voice of the Lord
records. to those who complain when added
But many lost scriptures already scripture is brought to light is:
have been restored, and much more "Wherefore murmur ye, because that
is yet to come. We have already been ye shall receive more · of my word?"
given the Book of Mormon, and the (2 Ne. 29:8.)
sealed portion of the plates shall in
due course come forth. When the Lost Souls. See DESTRUCTION OF THE
lost tribes of Israel return, they shall SouL.
bring with them their scriptures.
(2 Ne. 29:12-14; D. & C. 133:26-35.) Lost Tribes of Israel. See GATHERING
Indeed, the Lord speaks unto "all OF ISRAEL, ISRAEL, KINGDOM OF l~RAEL,
nations" and they write his word, SCATTERING OF Is~EL, TRIBES OF
and when the nations run together lsRAEL. When Shalmanezer overran
their testimonies of the truth run to· the Kingdom o/ Israel (about 721
gether also. (2 Ne. 29.) This age of B. C.), he carried the Ten Tribes
restoration is the age in which nations comprising that kingdom captive into
are running together, that is, coming Assyria. From thence they were led
in contact with each other and in into the lands of the north and have
ma~y instances becoming one nation. been called the Lost Tribes because
Some of the restored scriptures have they are lost to the knowledge of
been given again by direct revelation. other people. (I Ne. 22:4.) "We
It was in this way that the Book of have no knowledge of the location or
Moses came and that the corrections condition of that part of the Ten
were made in the Inspired Version of Tribes who went into the north
the Bible. Other scriptural restora- country." (Compendium, p. 88.)
tions have. taken place by means of Esdras, ·an apocryphal writer, re-
inspired translation. The Book of cords this version of their escape from
Mormon and the Book of Abraham Assyria: ''Those are the ten tribes,
came in this way. When the Brass which were carried away prisoners
Plates come forth, they obviously out of their own land in the time of
will come by translation. (Alma Osea the king, whom Salmanasar the
37:1-12.) Presumptively there are king of Assyria led away captive, and
many records yet to come forth by he carried them over the waters, and
means of translation. (D. & C. 9:2.) so came they into another land. But
There is nci more false or absurd they took this counsel among them-

selves, that they would leave the mul- deceive the Assyrians they started as
titude of the heathen, and go forth if to return to Canaan, and when they
into a further country, where never had crossed the Euphrates, and were
mankind dwelt, That they might out of danger from the hosts of the
there keep their statutes, which they Medes and Persians, then they turned
never kept in their own land. And their journeying feet toward the polar
they entered into Euphrates by the star. Esdras states that they entered
narrow passage of the river. For the in at the narrow passages of the
most High then shewed signs for River Euphrates, the Lord staying
them, and held still the flood, till they the springs of the flood until they
were passed over. For through that were passed over. The point on the
country there was a great way to go, River Euphrates at which they crossed
namely, of a year and a half: and the would necessarily be in its upper por-
same region is called Arsareth. Then tion, as lower down would be too far
dwelt they there until the latter times; south for their purpose.
and now when they shall begin to "The upper course of the Euphrates
come, The Highest shall stay the lies among lofty mountains and near
stream again, that they may go the village of Pastash, it plunges
through." (Apocrypha, 2 Esdras through a gorge formed by precipes
13:40-47.) more than a thousand feet in height
Commenting on this, Elder George and so narrow that it is bridged at
Reynolds has written: "They deter- the top; it shortly afterwards enters
mined to go to a country where never the plains of Mesopotamia. How
men dwelt, that they might be free accurately this portion of the river
from all contaminating influences. answers the description of Esdras of
That country could only be found in the narrows, where the Israelites
the north. Southern Asia was al- crossed.
ready the seat of a comparatively "From the Euphrates the wandering
ancient civilization. Egypt flourished host could take but one course in
in northern Africa, and southern Eu- their journey northward, and that
rope was rapidly filling with the was along the back or eastern shore
future rulers of the world. They had, of the Black Sea. All other roads were
therefore, no choice but to turn their impassable to them, as the Caucasian
faces northward. The fust portion of range of mountains with only two
their journey was not however north; or three passes throughout its whole
according to the account of Esdras, extent, ran as a lofty barrier from
they appear to have at first moved in the Black to the Caspian Sea. To go
the direction of their old homes, and east would take them back to Media,
it is possible that they originally and a westward journey would carry
started with the intention of return- them through Asia Minor to the coasts
ing thereto, or probably in order to of the Mediterranean. Skirting along

the Black Sea, they would pass the other parts until the spirit of proph-
Caucasian range, cross the Kuban ecy revealed its existence?" ( Are We
River, be prevented by the Sea of of Israel, pp. 10-11.)
Azof from turning westward and The Lost Tribes are not lost unto
would soon reach the present home the Lord. In their northward jour-
of the Don Cossaks." (Reynolds, Are neyings they were led by prophets
We of Israel, pp. 27-28.) and inspired leaders. They had their
"Is it altogether improbable that in Moses and their Lehi, were guided
that long journey of one and a half by the spirit of revelation, kept the
years, as Esdras states it, from Media law of Moses, and carried with them
the land of their captivity to the the statutes and judgments which the
frozen north, some of the backsliding Lord had given them in ages past.
Israel rebelled, turned aside from the They were still a distinct people many
main body, forgot their God, by and hundreds of years later, for the res-
by mingled with the Gentiles and urrected Lord visited and ministered
became the leaven to leaven with the among them following his ministry
promised seed all the nations of the on this continent among the Nephites.
earth? The account given in the (3 Ne. 16:1-4; 17:4.) Obviously he
Book of Mormon of a single family taught them in the same way and
of this same house, its waywardness, gave them the same truths which he
its stiffneckedness before God, its gave · his followers in Jerusalem and
internal quarrels and family feuds on the American continent; -and · ob-
are, we fear, an example on a small viously they recorded his teachings,
scale of what most probably happened thus creating volumes of scripture
in the vast bodies of Israelites who comparable to the Bible and Book of
for so many months wended their Mormon. (2 Ne. 29 :12-14.)
tedious way northward. Laman and In due course the Lost Tribes of
Lemuel had, no doubt, many coun- Israel will return and come to the
terparts in the journeying Ten Tribes. children of Ephraim to receive their
And who so likely to rebel as stub- blessings. This great gathering will
born, impetuous, proud and warlike take place under the direction of the
Ephraim? Re hellion and backsliding President of The Church of Jesus
have been so characteristically the Christ of Latter-day Saints, for he
story of Ephraim's career that we can holds the keys of "the gathering of
scarcely conceive that it could be Israel from the four parts of the·earth,
otherwise and yet preserve the Unities and the leading of the ten tribes from
of that people's history. Can it be the land of the north." (D. & C.
any wonder then that so much of the 110: 11.) Keys are the right of pres-
blood of Ephraim has been found idency, the power to direct; and by
hidden and unknown in the midst of this power the Lost Tribes will -return,
the nations of northern Europe and with "their prophets" and thdr scrip-

tures, to "be crowned with glory, a lot falls, as it appears he did in

even in Zion, by the hands of the the case of Laman and his endeavor
servants of the Lord, even the chil- to get the brass plates.
dren of Ephraim." (D. & C. 133:26- According to the King James Ver-
35.) sion of the Bible, Saul asked the Lord,
At the October, 1916, general con- "Give a perfect lot," in determining
ference of the Church, Elder James where guilt lay in connection with
E. Talmage made this prediction: his unadvised adjuration. (I Sam. 14.)
"The tribes shall come; they are not If this account is correct, it means that
lost unto the Lord; they shall be Saul was asking the Lord to give rev-
brought forth as hath been predicted; elation by the casting of lots . . Prob-
and I say unto you there are those ably the marginal rendition of the
now living-aye, some here present- statement is much nearer the truth.
who shall live to read the records of It reads: "And Saul said: Jahweh,
the Lost Tribes of Israel, which shall
God of Israel, why hast thou not an-
be made one with the record of the
swered thy servant this day? II the
Jews, or the Holy Bible, and the rec-
guilt be in me or in Jonathan my
ord of the Nephites, or the Book of
son, Jahweh, God of Israel, give Urim;
Mormon, even as the Lord hath pre-
but if thus thou say: It is in my
dicted; and those records, which the
people Israel; give Thummim." (I
tribes lost to man but yet to be found
Sam. 14:41.)
again shall bring, shall tell of the
visit of the resurrected Christ to them, In choosing an apostolic witness to
after he h ad manifested himself to succeed Judas, the other apostles
the Nephites upon this continent." "appointed two," asked the Lord to
(Articles of Faith, p. 513.) "shew whether of these two thou hast
chosen," and then "gave forth their
Lots. See DMNATION, REVELATION. lots." (Acts l :20-26.) II this was an
In the absence of a direct manifesta- actual instance of the casting of lots,
tion of the divine will and when then the Lord was revealing by this
absolute impartiality is desired, it is means that Matthias was his choice
the approved gospel custom to reach to serve in the Council of the Twelve.
decisions by casting lots. In ancient The statement, "gave forth their lots,"
Israel the inheritances of the tribes however, may well mean that they
were determined by lot. (Num. 26:55; voted and Matthias was the winner.
33:54; 36:2.) The same procedure is When a high council organizes itself
to be followed in latter-day Israel. as a court to hear a case, the order in
(D. & C. 85:7.) Lehi's sons cast lots which they speak and for whom is
to see who should go to Laban to get determined by drawing lots, that is,
the brass plates. (I Ne. 3: 11. ) Ob- they "cast lots or ballot." (D. & C.
viously the Lord may control where 102:12-34.)

Lotteries. See GAMBLING, RAFFLES. is found on! y among those who love
Lotteries are one of the most flagrant their fellow men. "II a man say, I
forms of gambling. Ordinarily they love God, and hateth his brother, he
are organized enterprises · in which is a liar : for he that loveth not his
lots or chances are sold . with prize brother whom he hath seen, how can
winners being chosen by drawings. he love God whom he hath not seen?
The fact that lotteries are often spon- And this commandment have we from
sored by governments, social and him, That he who loveth God love his
civic organizations, and even some brother also." (I John 4:20:21.)
apostate churches merely shows the Love is always associated with and
low moral standards of these organ- manifest thn;mgh service. "Thou
izations. shalt love the Lord thy God with all
thy heart, with all thy might, mind,
Love. See CHARITY, CoNDESCENSION and strength; and in the name of
OF Gan, GRACE OF Goo, HATRED, Jesus Christ thou shalt serve him.
LOVING-KINDNESS, MERCY, SERVICE. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy-
Many attributes and feelings are em- sell." (D. & C. 59:5-6.) "II thou
braced in gospel love: devotion, loves! me thou shalt serve me and
adoration, reverence, tenderness, mer- keep all my commandments." (D. &
cy, compassion, condescension, grace, C. 42:29; John 14:15.) "II a man
service, solicitude, gratitude, kind- love me, he will keep my words.: and
ness. Love's chief manifestation is my Father will love him, and we will
seen in the grace of God as this is come unto him, and make our abode
found in the infinite and eternal with him. He that loveth me not
atonement. "For God so loved the keepeth not my sayings." (John
world, that he gave his only begotten 14:23-24; D. & C. 130:3.) "This is
Son, that whosoever believeth in him love, that we walk alter his command-
should not perish, but have everlast- ments." (2 John 6.)
ing life." (John 3:16; D. & C. 34:3.) Love is the foundation for peace
So infinite and limitless is the love of and righteousness in this life and for
God, as manifest through the crea- salvation in the life hereafter. (I Cor.
tion and redemption of all things, that 2:9; 8:3; I John 3:14; D. & C.
John aptly crowned his own teachings 76':116.) Faith operates by love.
on love by saying, "God is love" (Gal. 5:6.) The saints of God are
(I John 4:7-21) , that is, the lulness recognized by the love they manifest
of perfect love is embodied in him. one for another (John 13:34-35),
The highest manifestation of love and the absence of love among men
on man's part is seen in his devotion is one of the signs of the great apos-
to God (Deut: 6:4-9); the next, in tasy. (Matt. 24:12.) Love is partic-
his attitude toward his fellow men. ularly important in the family unit.
(Matt. 22:34-40.) But love of God "Thou shalt love thy wile with all

thy heart, and shalt cleave unto her cultivates the attribute of loyalty-
and none else." (D. & C. 42:22; Eph. loyalty to the truth, to the Church
5:25, 28, 33; Col. 3:19.) itsell, to the gospel of salvation, to
The members of the Church who sacred covenants made with the Lord,
keep the commandments have this to the brethren of the priesthood, to
promise: "Who shall separate us from the apostles and prophets whom God
the love of Christ? shall tribulation, has sent, to family and friends, to the
or distress, or persecution, or famine, civil government, and to every right-
or nakedness, or peril, or sword? ... eous principle. Loyalty to true prin-
Nay, in all these things we are more ciples is of God, disloyalty of Lucifer.
than conquerors through him that Brethren and sisters who are loyal
loved us. For I am persuaded"-Paul and true to the Lord's plan and pur-
is speaking-"that neither death, nor poses are the ones chosen to admin-
life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor ister his affairs on earth and the ones
powers, nor things present, nor things who shall be honored by him in his
to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor eternal kingdom hereafter.
any other creature, shall be able to
separate us from the love of God, Lucifer. See DEVIL. This name of
which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Satan means literally lightbearer or
(Rom. 8:35-39.) shining one. It is thus intended to
convey a realization of his high status
Loving-kindness. See KINDNESS, LoVE, of prominence and authority in pre-
MERCY. Old Testament reference is existence before his rebellion and fall.
found to the loving-kindness of the (D. & C. 76:25-27; Isa. 14: 12-20;
Lord. The connotation is one of Luke 10:18; 2 Ne. 2:17-18.)
steadfast love; it signifies the kindly,
merciful, and loving relationship that Lusts. See CARNALITY, DEVILISHNESS,
exists between God and those who FALLEN MAN, PASSIONS, SENSUALITY,
keep his commandments. For in- SEx IMMORALITY. Lusts are the sin-
stance, the saints who abide the day ful and impure desires to which fallen
of the Second Coming "shall mention man is heir. Mortality is the desig-
the loving kindness of their Lord, and nated portion of eternity in which
all that he has bestowed upon them man is given the privilege of wres-
according to his goodness, and accord- tling with the lusts of the flesh to
ing to his loving kindness, forever determine whether he will be worthy
and ever." (D. & C. 133:52-53; Isa. of the companionship of pure, right-
63:7-9.) eous, and lust-free personages in
eternity. (Gal. 5:16-26; Tit. 3:3; Jas.
Loyalty. See DEVOTION, LoVE, OBE- 1:14-15; 2 Pet. 1:4; 2:10; Jude 18.)
DIENCE, RIGHTEOUSNESS. Every faith- "Abstain from fleshly lusts, which
ful member of the Church enjoys and war against the soul." (I Pet. 2: 11.)

"Cease ... from all your lustful de- pertaining to sex immorality are the
sires." (D. & C. 88:121.) "For all most damning and unholy. "He that
that is in the world, the lust of the looketh on a woman to lust alter her,
flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and or ii any shall commit adultery in
the pride of life, is not of the Father, their hearts, they shall not have the
but is of the world. And ·the world Spirit, but shall deny the faith and
passeth away, and the lust thereof: shall fear." (D. & C. 63:16; 42:23;
but he that doeth the will of God 3 Ne. 12:28; Matt. 5:28.)
abideth for ever." (I John 2:15-17.)
Of all the lusts of the flesh, those Lying. See LIARS.

Madonna. See MAR!oLATRY, MARY. and Bethlehem in search of the Christ

Madonna (Latin for my lady) is a Child is sometimes recited as a visit
designation originally applied by of three Magi. (Matt. 2.) Actually
Catholics to Mary the mother of our there is no historical basis for the pre-
Lord. It is a title now in general vailing legend that they were from
usage among most Christians and the apostate Persian cult or that they
common! y refers to a picture or statue were three in number. It is much
of Mary, usually with the infant more probable that they were devout
Jesus. men who knew of our Lord's coming
advent, including the promise that
a new star would arise, and that they
came as prophets of any age would
STAR OF BETHLEHEM. To a priestly
have done to worship their King. It
caste or order of ancient Media and
is clear that they were in tune with
Persia was applied the name Magi. the Lord and were receiving revela-
Their religion centered around star- tion from him, for they were "warned
gazing and astrology; they worshiped of God in a dream that they should
fire, had a religion filled with taboos not return to Herod." (Matt. 2:12.)
and spells and were versed in magic.
The very word magic is · one which Magic. See DIVINATION, FORTUNE
was used originally to designate the TELLING, MAGI, Mm.ACLES, NECRO-
ritual and learning practiced by Per- MANCY, SOOTHSAYERS, SORCERY, SPm.-
Matthew's account of "wise men WIZARDS. In imitation of true religion
from the east" coming to Jerusalem with its miracles, signs, and gifts of

the Spirit, Satan has substitute rit- their religious language, the Catholics
uals and practices called magic. At- refer to Mary's inspired song of
tempts by unauthorized and therefore thanksgiving and praise as the Mag-
powerless ministers to duplicate the nificat. (Luke I :46-55.)
miraculous wonders of true religion
results in the degenerate worship of Magog. See GoG AND MAGOG.
magic. In its nature magic is the art
which produces effects by the assist- Major Prophets. See PROPHETS.
ance of supernatural beings or by a
mastery of secret forces in nature; Maker. See CHRIST AS THE FATHER.
magicians ( those skilled in magic)
~re necromancers, sorcerers, conjurers, Man. See ADAM, AHMAN, ANGELS,
and the like. ANGLO- MAN, DEVIL, DEVILS, Gon,
Magic has flourished among apos - GonHooo, MAN OF HoLINESS, Mon-
tate peoples in all ages. The magicians TALITY, PLURALITY oF Gans, PRE -
of Pharaoh's court had power given EXISTENCE, WoMAN. Commonly we
them from Satan to duplicate many are in the habit of considering man
of the miracles wrought by Moses. as a human being only and stopping
(Gen. 41 :8, 24; Ex. 7: 11, 22; 8:7, there. Actually the gospel perspective
18-19; 9:11.) The court of Babylon is far broader. In the language of
supported a great corps of magicians. Adam, two of the names of God the
(Dan. 1:20; 2:2-27; 4:7-9; 5:11.) In Father are, Man of Holiness, and
the latter part of their history, among Man of Counsel (Moses 6:57; 7:35);
the Nephites, "there were sorceries, that is, God is a holy Man, a Man
and witchcrafts, and magics; and the who is perfect in counsel. All beings
power of the evil one was wrought who are his offspring, who are mem-
upon all the face of the land." (Morm. bers of his family, are also men. This
1:19; 2:10.) As part of modem Ca- applies to the pre-existent spirits,
tholicism, particularly as that great including those who rebelled and
apostate religion is manifest in the were cast out with Lucifer to· suffer
less advanced nations of the earth, eternally as sons of perdition (Isa.
magic plays an official and extensive 14: 16) ; to embodied spirits living on
role in worship. Special curative and earth as mortal men; to translated
protective powers, for instance, are beings such as those who are await-
supposed to attach to items blessed ing the day of their resurrection; and
by priests. to the beings whom we call angels,
beings who either as spirits or having
Magicians. See MAGIC. tangible bodies are sent as messengers
to minister to mortal men.
Magnificat. See MARY. In keeping Even mortal man has a higher
with their custom of using Latin as status than a finite perspective some-

times gives him. Speaking of such This Manifesto is published in the

earth-bound creatures the scriptures Doctrine and Covenants. It is a rev-
say: "What is man, that thou art elation in the sense that the Lord
mindful of him? ·and the son of man, both commanded President Woodruff
that thou visitest him? For thou hast to write it and told him what to
made him a little lower than the write. It is not, however, the same
angels, and hast crowned him with type of revelation found in most of
glory and honour." (Ps. 8:4-5.) The the sections of the Doctrine and
marginal reading, giving a more ac- Covenants in that the language,
curate translation, reads: "Thou hast though inspired, is not that of the
made him but little lower than God Lord speaking in the first person.
(meaning Elohim)." Man and God "The Lord showed me by vision
are of the same race, and it is within and revelation exactly what would
the power of righteous man to become take place if we did not stop this
like his Father, that is to become a practice," President Woodruff said.
holy Man, a Man of Holiness. "He has told me exactly what to do.
. . . I saw exactly what would come
Manger. See BABE OF BETHLEHEM. to pass if there was not something
done. I have had this spirit upon me
Manifestations. See VISIONS. for a long time. But I want to say
this: I should have let all the temples
Manifesto. See CELESTIAL MARRIAGE, go out of our hands; I should have
DOCTRINE AND CoVENANTS, KEYS OF gone to prison myself, and let every
THE KINGDOM, PLURAL MARRIAGE. other man go there, had not the God
President Wilford Woodruff issued an of heaven commanded me to do what
official declaration on October 6, I did do; and when the hour came
1890, known as the Manifesto which that I was commanded to do that, it
withdrew from the saints the priv- was all clear to me. I went before the
ilege of "contracting any marriage Lord, and I wrote what the Lord told
forbidden by the law of the land." me to write." (Discourses of Wilford
(D. & C. pp. 256-257.) According Woodruff, pp. 208-218.)
to the Lord's law the priesthood
cannot be used for any purpose Mankind. See MAN.
without the authorization and ap-
proval of the one holding the keys of Manna. See BREAD OF LIFE, CHRIST.
the kingdom of God on earth. Since Upon ancient Israel, manna was
these keys are vested in the President showered as bread from heaven both
of the Church, no person can use that to save them temporally and to typify
priesthood to seal a plural wife to the spiritual salvation they could at-
another person without the approval tain through Christ who was to come
of the President. (D. & C. 132:7.) as the Bread of Life. (Ex. 16; Num.

II :6-9.) The partaking of manna by Man of Holiness. See FATHER IN

the children of Israel was a sign be- HEAVEN, Goo, HOLINESS, HoLY, HOLY
tween them and God "that man doth ONE, MAN OF CouNSEL, SoN OF MAN.
not live by bread only, but by every God the Father is a Holy Man, an
word that proceedeth out of the exalted, perfected, and glorified Per-
mouth of the Lord doth man live." son. Lile eternal is gained through
(Deut. 8:3.) a knowledge of the nature and kind
"I am the bread of life," our Lord of being that he is. Hence, when he
said. "He that cometh to me shall revealed himself to Father Adam, the
never hunger; and he that believeth first man, he chose words which, "in
on me shall never thirst. . . . I am the language of Adam," identified him
that bread of life. Your lathers did eat as "Man of Holiness." (Moses 6:57.)
manna in the wilderness, and are By this name he signifies both his
dead. This is the bread which cometh position as a Man and his status as
down from heaven, that a man may the embodiment of holiness and per-
eat thereof, and not die. I am the fection. II we still spoke the Adamic
living bread which came down from language, the words we would use
heaven: ii any maffeat of this bread, to specify our Father in Heaven would
he shall live for ever." (John 6:35, mean Man of Holiness.
48-51.) Those who eat of this "hid-
den manna" shall gain eternal life. Man of Righteousness. See RIGHT-

(Rev. 2: 17.) EOUSNESS.


Man of Counsel. See CouNsELOR,
Lucifer is the man of sin, spoken of by
HOLINESS. One of the revealed names
Paul who was to be revealed in the
of God the Father is Man of Counsel
last days before the Second Coming of
(Moses 7:35), a designation signifying our Lord. (2 Thess. 2:1 -12.) He is
that he is a Man and that the per- the one of whom men shall say: "Is
fection of counsel and direction come
this the man that made the earth to
from him. In similar manner, he tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
might be called Man of Wisdom, Man That made the world as a wilderness,
of Righteousness, Man of Power, Man and destroyed the cities thereof; that
of Love, or any other name-title opened not the house of his prison-
which points attention to the perfec- ers?" (Isa. 14:12-20.)
tion and beauty of a particular one Joseph Smith, by revelation, in-
of the godly attributes embodied in his serted into Paul's account about the
Person. man of sin, these words: "He it is
who now worketh, and Christ suf-
Man of Galilee. See GALILEAN. fereth him to, work, until the time is

fulfilled that he shali be taken oul believe that in eternity all men will
of the way." (Inspired Version, 2 go either to a heaven of eternal bliss
Thess. 2: 7.) That is, Satan was then or a hell of eternal torment is a doc-
committing havoc among inen, and he trine that offends the sense of justice
would continue to do so until the of every reasonable man. It is in flat
ushering in of the millennial era contradiction to the revealed principle
when he would be bound. that men will be judged according to
Paul's promise that the man of sin their works and that as their works
must be revealed before our Lord have varied so will their rewards.
could return for the millennial era (Rev. 20:12-14; Luke 19:16-26.)
has been abundantly fulfilled. Lu- Our Lord said, "In my Father's
cifer's wicked plans, purposes, and house are many mansions"-a truth
works have been revealed or manifest so sell-evident that he added: "If it
from time to time, from the day of were not so, I would have told you."
Paul to the present. At a conference (John 14:2.) The Prophet said the
of the Church held June 3, 1831, "the meaning of this passage was, "In my
man of sin was revealed," in that some Father's kingdom are many king-
of the brethren were overcome by doms." Then he added, "I do not
devils whom the Prophet rebuked and believe the Methodist doctrine; ol
cast out. (History of the Church, vol. sending honest men and noble-
I, p. 175.) minded men to hell, along with the
As far as mortal men are concerned, murderer and adulterer . . . . There
all those who become the agents and are mansions for those who obey a
tools of the devil, who are used by celestial law, and there are other
him to further his interests and pur- mansions for those who come short
poses on earth are also men of sin. of the law, every man in his own
The presiding officer of that particular order." (Teachings, p. 366.)
church which is singled out from all
others as the church of the devil is, Man's Time. See TIME.
therefore, a man of sin in a most
particular and pointed sense. He is Maranatha. See ANATHEMA.
the head of the most abominable ol
all churches, the one founded by the Mariolatry. See APOSTASY, CHURCH
devil personally. (I Ne. 13.) OF THE DEVIL, looLATRY, MARY, WOR-
SHIP OF IMAGES. In a very real sense
Man of War. See Goo OF BATTLES. Catholics worship the Virgin Mary,
carrying their adulations to the point
Mansions. See CELESTIAL K1NGDOM 1 of idolatry:___a practice which is
HEAVEN, KINGDOM OF Goo, KINGDOMS called Mariolatry. The exalted station
OF GLORY, SALVATION, TELESTIAL held by the Mother .of the Son of
KINGDOM, TERRESTRIAL KINGDOM. To God places her in a class with Adam,

Abraham, Christ, and the greatest and the learned, the wise and the
of the Father's offspring. But the ex- noble; And after that cometh the day
travagant and hypocritical praise of my power; then shall the poor,
heaped upon her by apostate peoples the lame, and the blind, and the deal,
who suppose that it is she instead come in unto the marriage of the
of God who hears prayers, and that Lamb, and partake of the supper of
prayers are answered through her the Lord, prepared for the great day
intercession, rather than through the to come." (D. & C. 58:6-11; 65 :3.)
grace and advocacy of Christ-all this Soon the scripture shall be fulfilled
is a wicked and evil doctrine. which saith: "The marriage of the
Lamb is come, and his wile hath made
Mark of the Beast. See SIGN OF THE herself ready. And to her was granted
CROSS. that she should be arrayed in fine
linen, clean and white: for the fine
Marriage. See CELESTIAL MARRIAGE. linen is the righteousness of saints.
And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed
Marriage Supper of the Lamb. See are they which are called unto the
BRIDEGROOM, BRIDE OF THE LAMB, marriage supper of the Lamb." (Rev.
CHRIST, HUSBAND. In this dispensation 19:7-9.)
the Bridegroom, who is the Lamb of
God, shall come to claim his bride, Martyrdom. See APOSTASY, CHURCH
which is the Church composed of the OF THE DEVIL, ENDURING TO THE END,
faithful saints who have watched for PERSECUTION. In the gospel sense,
his return. As he taught in the par- martyrdom is the voluntary accept-
able of the marriage of the king's ance of death at the hands of wicked
son, the great marriage supper of the men rather than forsake Christ and
Lamb shall then be celebrated. (Matt. his holy gospel. It is the supreme
22:1-14.) earthly sacrifice in which a man cer-
The elders of Israel by preaching tifies to his absolute faith and to the
the message of the restoration are desires for righteousness and for
inviting men to come to that supper. eternal life which are in his heart.
"For this cause I have sent you," the Martyrs of religion are found in
Lord says to his missionaries, "that every age in which there have been
a least of fat things might be prepared both righteous and wicked people on
for the poor; yea, a least of fat things, earth. Christ himself was a martyr
of wine on the lees well refined, that who voluntarily laid down his life,
the earth may know that the mouths according to the Father's plan, that
of the prophets shall not fail; Yea, immortality and eternal life might
a supper of the house of the Lord, become available for his brethren.
well prepared, unto which all na- (John 10 :10-18.) "Greater love hath
tions shall be invited. First, the rich no man than this, that a man lay

down his life for his friends." (John will not be silenced in this final age
15:13.) of warning and judgment. The great
Many apostles, prophets, and saints apostate Church is and shall be
have been martyred for the gospel "drunken with the blood of the saints,
cause. (Matt. 23:29-33; Luke 11:47- and with the blood of the martyrs of
51; Acts 7; 22:20; Hela. 13:24-28; Jesus." (Rev. 17:6.)
D. & C. 135.) The Prophet and Pa- True martyrs of religion receive
triarch of this dispensation laid down eternal life. "Whoso layeth down his
their lives in the gospel ca use, as life in my cause, for my name's sake,
literally thousands of others have shall find it again, even life eternal."
done. Men, women, and children, (D, & C, 98:13; Mark 8:35; John
young and old, weak and strong, sick 12:25; Rev, 2: 10,) But the mere lay-
and well, were driven by the .thou- ing down of one's life standing alone
sands from Missouri and Illinois, is not gospel martyrdom. Both the
many to early and untimely deaths righteous and the wicked have and
as a direct result of the persecutions do sacrifice their lives for friends or
and diseases thus heaped upon them. country without gaining thereby any
Is a saint any less a martyr ·who is hope or assurance of exaltation.
driven from a sick bed into blizzards Those ~n the other hand who have
to freeze and die than he would have the truth and who could escape death
been had an assassin's -bullet brought by denying it are the martyrs who
merciful death in a brief destroying shall receive a martyr's reward-
moment? eternal life. When they seal their
Thousands who· have lived in this testimony with their blood, they are
dispensation shall find place with honored and their murderers are con-
"the martyrs under the altar that demned. (D, & C, 136:39,)
John saw." (D. & C, 135:7,) They
shall be classed with those who "loved Mary. See ANNUNCIATION, CHRIST,
not their lives unto the death" (Rev, I MMACULATE CONCEPTION THEORY,
12:11); they are "the souls of them MAGNIFICAT, MARIOLATRY, VIRGIN
that were slain for the word of God, BIRTH, Our Lord's mother, Mary, like
and for the testimony which they Christ, was chosen and foreordained in
held," (Rev, 6:9.) They shall "rest pre-existence for the part she was des-
yet for a little season, until their fel - tined to play in the great plan of
lowservants also and their brethren, salvation. Obviously she was the most
that should be killed as they were, intelligent and noble female spirit of
should be fulfilled." (Rev. 6:11.) all the offspring of the Father, just
Martyrdom is not a thing of the as Christ held a like status among all
past only, but of the present and of the male spirits. There was only one
the future, for Sa tan has not yet been Christ and only one Mary, and each
bound, and the servants of the Lord was destined to play a supreme role

in the eternal plan of redemption. wickedness. Secret combinations be-

As two closely associated persons, gan with Cain, Satan first administer-
they are of like caliber and will and ing the oaths unto him. After taking
do enjoy like rank in the eternal Satan's oath Cain exulted: "Truly
scheme of things. I am Mahan, the master of this great
Mary's name and mission were re- secret, that I may murder and get
vealed to holy prophets centuries gain." Accordingly, "Cain was called
before her mortal birth. (I Ne. Master Mahan, and he gloried in his
11:13-21; 2 Ne. 17:14; Mosiah 3:8; wickedness." (Moses 5:16-55.) Down
Alma 7:10; Isa. 7:14.) As a virgin through all succeeding ages there
she gave birth to a Son whose Father have been groups, organizations,
was the Almighty God. (Matt. 1:18- churches, and governments having
25; Luke 1:26-38.) While the Holy similar secret oaths and objectives-
Ghost rested upon her, she gave forth all inspired by Satan and all confer-
one of the greatest songs of praise in ring upon their participants the
the scriptures. (Luke I :46-55.) As equivalent of the title, Master Mahan.
the wife of Joseph, she was also the
mother of other sons and daughters. Masturbation. See SEX IMMORALITY.
(Matt. 13:55-56; Mark 6:3; Gal.
I: 19.) She beheld the crucifixion of Matter. See ELEMENTS.
her Son, and on that dread occasion,
by his command, she turned to John Meats. See WoRD OF WISDOM.
the Beloved for her continued support
and care. (John 19:25-27.) Mediation. See ADVOCACY, ATONE-
the Master, meaning he stood as a RECONCILIATION. Our Lord's mission
teacher, ruler, and commander. "Ye was to bring to pass "the great me-
call me Master and Lord: and ye say diation of all men," meaning that in
well," he said, "for so I am." (John his capacity as Mediator he had power
13:13.) After his ascension into to intervene between God and man
heaven, he was called by Paul, the and effect a reconciliation. This me-
Master in heaven. (Eph. 6:9; Col. diation or reconciliation was affected
4:1.) through his atoning sacrifice, a sac-
rifice by means of which sinful men-
Master Mahan. See CAIN, MURDER- by the proper use of agency- rnn
ERS, SECRET CoMBINATIONS. This wash away their guilt and place them-
designation was applied to Cain, selves in harmony with God. Men
Lamech, and others in earliest times, "are free to choose liberty and eternal
signifying their mastery of the secrets life, through the great mediation of
of committing murder and other gross all men, or to choose captivity and

death, according to the captivity and concerning the promises made to

power of the devil." (2 Ne. 2:27.) Abraham and his seed. Now Chrisi
Those choosing obedience receive the is the mediator of life; for this is the
Holy Ghost, are reconciled to God promise which God made unto Abra-
in this world, and continue in his ham." (Inspired Version, Gal. 3: 19-
presence in the world to come. 20.)
Moses was the mediator o( the old
Mediator. See AovOCATE, ATONE- covenant or testament; Jesus is the
MENT OF CHRIST, GHRIST, Exl?IATOR, Mediator of the new covenant or tes-
I NTERCESSOR, MEDIATION, MOSES, PRO- tament. (D. & C. 76:69; 107:19; Heb.
PITIATOR, RECONCILER. Just as there 8:6; 9: IS; 12:24; Inspired Version,
are two gospels (the preparatory gos- Heb. 9:15.) But in this age of the
pel and the fulness of the gospel), earth there is only one law offered
and just as there are two laws ( the to people and that is the law of Christ
law of Moses and the law of Christ), or the law of the gospel. H ence, to
s0 there are two mediators- Moses gain salvation, all · men must "come
and Christ. "For the law was given unto the knowledge of the truth which
through Moses, but life and truth is in Christ Jesus, who is the Only
came through Jesus Christ. For the Begotten Son of God, and ordained
law was after a carnal commandment, to be a Mediator between God and
to the administration of death; but man; who is one God, and hath power
the gospel was after the power of an over all men. For there is one God,
endless life, through Jesus Christ, the and om, mediator between God and
Only Begotten Son, who is in the men, the man Christ Jesus; Who gave
bosom of the Father." (Inspired Ver- himself a ransom for all, to be testi-
sion, John 1:17-18.) fied in due time." (Inspired Version,
A mediator is one who interposes I T im. 2:4-6.) Lehi, in teaching the
himself between parties at variance law of mediation, spoke similarly:
to reconcile them, an office Moses "Look to the great Mediator," he
filled as for instance when he pleaded said, "and hearken unto his great
for the people in the golden call in- commandments; and be faithful un:to
cident (Ex. 32:30-35), and an office his words, and choose eternal life,
which Christ filled as part of his great according to the will of his Holy
atoning sacrifice. Hence the revealed Spirit." (2 Ne. 2:28.)
statement that Moses "was ordained
by the hand of angels to be a mediator Medicine. See PHYSICIANS.
of this first covenant, (the law). Now
this mediator was not a mediator of Medicine Men. See AMERICAN IN-
the new covenant; but there is one DIANS, APOSTASY, BOOK OF MORMON,
mediator of the new covenant, who CONJURE MAN, NEPHITES AND LA-
is Christ,. as it is· written in the law MANIT~~- /\!llone; the vario11s \!"ibes

of American Indians certain men have Mount, as given both to the Jews and
been or are called medicine men. to the Nephites, Christ promised that
Their furictions in the tribes are both the meek shall inherit the earth.
spiritual and medicinal. They care (Matt. 5:5; 3 Ne. 12:5.) David gave
for the sick by means of herbs and the same assurance to ancient Israel.
the like, and they perform chants, (Ps. 37: I I.) Few virtues have such
''.sings," and other ceremonies to ward inherent worth as meekness, for the
off evil, entice divine favor, heal the meek are the god/earing and the
sick, obtain rain, gain victory in righteous. They are the ones who
battle, and so forth. willingly conform to the gospel stand-
Obviously the "ministry" in which ards, thus submitting their wills to
these Lamanites are engaged is a de- the will of the Lord. They are not
generate, apostate, and perverted form the fearful, the spiritless, the timid.
of the original ministry of elders, pa• Rather, the most forceful, dynamic
triarchs, and other righteous saints personality who ever lived-He who
among their ancestors. Many of the drove the. money changers from the
chants and usings" which have been temple, and with violence threw
handed down from time immemorial down their merchandising equipment
among them are said to tell the stories (Matt. 21:12-13)-said of Himsell, "I
of Adam and Eve, the flood, the col- am meek and lowly in heart." (Matt.
onization of America by their Hebrew 11:29.)
forebears, the ministry of the Great Meekness is a fruit of the Spirit.
White God among their progenitors, (Gal. 5:23.) The Lord has said that
and the like. his grace is sufficient for the meek in
this life (Ether 12:26), and that in
Mediums. See SEANCES, SPIRITUALISM, eternity they shall have an inheri-
WrrcHCRAFT. Mediums are witches; tance in the celestial kingdom. (Ps.
they are persons who have so trained 149:4.) When the earth is sanctified,
and schooled themselves in sorcery cleansed from all unrighteousness, and
and spiritualism that they have ready prepared for celestial glory, then the
access to and communion with evil meek shall claim their promised inher-
spirits. In modern spiritualism they itance. (D. & C. 88:16-32.)
are the ones who conduct seances and
who profess to call back the dead and Meetinghouses. See CATHEDRALS,
receive messages from them. In the CHAPELS, T ABBRNACLBS, TEMPLES.
main, of course, the messages received Houses of worship erected in wards
are from devils and not from the and branches of the Church are com-
departed dead. monly called meetinghouses. Nor-
mally they include an assembly hall
Meekness. See HUMILITY, KINDNESS, (or chapel) where sacrament meet-
PATIENCE. In the Sermon on the ings and other meetings of worship

are held, a recreational hall ( often unto this priesthood are made like
including gymnasium facilities); class unto the Son of God, abiding a priest
rooms for study purposes, and offices continually." (Inspired Version; Heb.
for bishops and other church officers. 7: 3.)
Alma tells us that "Melchizedek
Melchizedek. See AARON, MELcmz- was a king over the land of Salem;
EDEK PruESTHOOD. To the man Mel- and his people had waxed strong in
chizedek goes the honor of having iniquity and aqomination; yea, they
his name used to identify the Holy had all gone astray; they were full of
Priesthood after the Order of the Son all manner of wickedness; But Mel-
o/ God, thus enabling men "to avoid chizedek having exercised mighty
the too frequent repetition" of the faith, and received the office of the
name of Deity. (D .. & C. 107:2-4.) high priesthood according to the holy
Of all God's ancient high priests order of God, did preach repentance
"none were greater." (Alma 13:19.) unto his people. And behold, they
His position in the priestly hierarchy did repent; and Melchizedek did
of God's earthly kingdom was above establish peace in the land in his days;
that of Abraham (Heb. 7:4-10), his therefore he was called the prince of
contemporary whom he blessed (Gen. peace, for he was the king of Salem;
14:18-20; Heb. 7:1; Inspired Version, and he did reign under his father."
Gen. 14:17-40), and upon whom he (Alma 13 :17-18.)
conferred the priesthood. (D. & C. Paul, very obviously knowing much
84:14.) more about Melchizedek than he hap-
Indeed; so exalted and high was the pened to record in his epistles, gave
position 'Of Melchizedek in the eyes as an illustration of great faith some
of the Lord and of his people that unnamed person who "wrought right-
he stood as a prototype of the Son eousness, obtained promises, stopped
of God himself, the Son who was to the mouths of lions, Quenched the
arise "after- the similitude of Mel- violence of fire." (Heb. 11 :33-34.)
chisedec." (Heb. 7:15.) Both bore From the Prophet's inspired additions
the titles, .Prince of Peace and King. to the Old Testament we learn that
of H eaven-meaning King of Peace Paul's reference was to Melchizedek.
(Alma 13:18; Inspired Version, Gen. "Now Melchizedek was a man of
14:33, 36)-and both were joint-heirs faith, who wrought righteousness; and
of · the Father's kingdom. "For this when a .child he feared God, and
Melchizedek was ordained . a priest stopped the mouths of lions, and
alter ·the order of the Son of God, quenched the violence of fire." (In-
which order was without father, wi_th- spired Version, Gen. 14:26.)
out mother, without descent, having There is a false tradition to the
neither beginning of days, nor end of. effect that Melchizedek was the same
1/fe. An<!, all thos e who are ordq(ned person as Shem the son of Noah ..

That this was not the case is seen

from the revelation which says:
"Its institution wl prior to 'the
foundation of this ea th, or the morn-
"Abraham received the priesthood ing stars sang toge er, or the sons
from Melchizedek, who received it of God shouted for 'oy,' and is the
through the lineage of his fathers, highest and holiest priesthood, and
even till Noah." (D. & C. 84:14.) In is alter the order of he Son of God,
other words, there were at least two and all other pries oods are only
generations between Melchizedek and parts, ramifications, wers and bless•
Shem, and they could not have been ings belonging to th same, and are
more closely related than great-grand- held, controlled, an directed by it.
father and great-grandson, ii the re- It is the channel th,ough which the
lationship was that close. Almighty commence revealing his
glory at the beginnin of the creation
Melchizedek Priesthood. See AARONIC of this earth, and t ough which he
PRIESTHOOD, APOSTLES, APOSTOLIC has continued to rev I himself to the
SUCCESSION, CELESTIAL MARRIAGE, children of men to e present time,
CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER- and through which he will make
DAY SAINTS, ELDERS, ENDOWMENTS, known his purposes to the end of
EXALTATION, GOSPEL, HIGH PRIESTS, time." (Teachings, . 166-167.)
KEYS, MELCHIZEDEK, ORDINATIONS, "All other authorities or offices in
PATRIARCHS, PERFECTION; PETER, the church are appendages to this
JAMES, AND JonN; PRIESTHOOD, PRIEST- priesthood. . . . The Melchizedek
HOOD OFFICES, PRIESTHOOD QUORUMS, Priesthood holds the right of presi-
QUORUM PRESIDENTS, REST OF THE dency, and has power and authority
Lon• , SANCTIFICATION, SEVENTIES. To over all the offices in the church in
avoid the too frequent repetition of the all ages of the world, to administer
name of Deity, the Holy Priesthood in spiritual things . . .. The power and
after the Order of the Son of God authority of the higher, or Melchiz-
is called the Melchizedek Priesthood. edek Priesthood, is to hold the keys
(D. & C. 107:1-4.) his "Melchiz- of all the spiritual blessings of the
edek Priesthood con prehends the church-To have the privile ge of re- ,~,
Aaronic or Levitical riesthood, and ceiving the mysteries of the kingdom -, .-
is the grand head, and olds the high- Q heaven, to have the heavens opened
est authority which ertains to the unto them, to commune with the en-
priesthood, and the ke s of the king- ~ mbl and church o the
dom of God in all ag of the world Firstborn and to enioy the com-
to the latest posterity on the earth; munion and presence of God the
and is the channel thr ugh which all ~ , and esus the mediator o the
knowledge, doctrine, t e plan of sal- ~ nt." (D. & C. l07:5 ,
vation and every impo tant matter is !§.;;ill. )
rev1a«/ed from heaven. faer ything qp e~rth is subjec\ tq

the power and authority of the Mel- Alma says that those "ordained
chizedek Priesthood. When He reigns unto the high priesthood of the holy
whose right it is, this power will be order of God" were "in the first
manifest Without restriction and all place/' that is in pre-existence; "on
nations will bow to the gospel rod. the same standing with their breth-
The Melchizedek Priesthood "is a ren," meaning that initially all had
perfect law of theocracy, and stands equal opportunity to progress through
as God to give laws to the people, righteousness. But while yet in the
administering endless lives to the sons eternal worlds, certain of the off-

* and daughters of Adam." (Teachings,

p. 322.) ·
Even under the present circum-
stances with apostate powers ruling
on earth, the Lord's decree ·is still in
spring of God, "having chosen good,
and exercising exceeding great faith,"
were as a consequence H called and
prepared from the foundation of the
world according to the foreknowledge
force "that every one being ordained of God" to enjoy the blessings and
after this order and calling should powers of the priesthood. These
have power, by faith to break moun- priesthood calls were made "from the
tains, to divide the seas, ~ foundation of the world," or in other
~ to turn them out of their words faithful men held ~
~ To put at de fiance the armies power and authority first in pre-
o f nations, to divide the earth, 1£ existence and then again op earth.
break every band, to stand in the (Alma 13.) "Every man who has a
presence of God; to do all things ac- calling to minister to the inhabitants
cording to his will, according to his of the world was ordained to that
command, subdue principalities and very purpose in the Grand Council
powers; and this by the will of the of heaven before this world was."
Son of God which was from be fo re (Teachings , p. 365.)
the foundation of the world." (In- As pertaining to mortality, the
spired Version Gen. 14:30-31.) priesthood was first given to Adam.
Like God himself, the Melchizedek (Moses 6:67-68.) He stands at the
Priesthood is eternal and everlasting head as the presiding high priest
in nature. "The priesthood is an ( under Christ) over all the earth for
everlasting principle, and existed with all ages. (Teachings, pp. 157-158.)
God from eternity, and will to eter- This priesthood of the holy order
nity, without beginning of days or continued with his worthy descend-
end of years." (Teachings, pp. 157- ants without a break until the day of
158, 323; D. & C. 84:17; Inspired Moses. (D. & C. 84:5-16; 107:41-53.)
Version, Heb. 7:1-3.) Adam and Through Moses the Lord attempted to
others obtained the prie~ set up the house of Israel as a king-
the creation, before the world was dom of priests of the holy order, with
~ ," (Teach ings, p. 157.) each man and his family enjoying

the lull blessings of the patriarchal office, and in this manner the Lord
order and priesthood. (Ex. 19:5-6; took the priesthood from the earth.
Deut. 7:6.) But Israel rebelled, re- (Rev. 12.)
jected the higher Jaw, and the Lord In June, 1829, by divine appoint-
took Moses and the fulness of the ment, Peter, James, and John came
priesthood from them. (Inspired Ver- to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery
sion, Ex. 34: 1-2; D. & C. 84:17-25.) and conferred upon them the Mel-
From then until the personal minis- chizedek Priesthood. (D. & C. 27:12-
try of our Lord among men, the 13.) By the hands of Elijah and
Aaronic Priesthood continued as the others of the prophets, also, an addi-
most prevalent authority of God on tional revelation of the priesthood
earth. (D. & C. 84:26-28.) was given, meaning that these ancient
There were at many times, how- prophets came with keys and powers
ever, and may have been at all times, which authorized the use of the priest-
prophets and worthy men in Israel hood for additional purposes. (D. &
who held the Melchizedek Priesthood. C. 110:11-16; 128:17-21; Jos. Smith
Joseph Smith said, "All the prophets 2:38.) This priesthood-with all its
had the Melchizedek Priesthood and powers, parts, keys, orders, and ram-
were ordained by God himself," that ifications-is now fully operative
is, those persons so honored held their among m.en . Again there is a kingdom
authority by special dispensation, for of priests on earth, and the divine
the general priesthood rule found promise is that this situation will con-
among the people was the Levitical tinue, the priesthood never again
order. (Teachings, p. 181; Doctrines being lost. (D. & C. 65.)
of Salvation, vol. 3, pp. 80-102.) Those who are faithful in their
Among those ancient Israelites who priesthood callings in this life shall
were blessed with the lulness of the continue on in their holy authoriza-
higher priesthood were the Nephites. tions in eternity; they shall remain
(Alnia 13.) forever "priests and kings"; their des-
When Christ came, he being a high tiny is to stand as "priests of the Most
priest forever alter the order of Mel- High, after the order of Melchizedek,
chizedek (Heb. 2:17-18; 3:1; 5:6, 10; which was after the order of Enoch,
6:20; 7:15-17, 21), this holy order which was after the order of the Only
was again spread forth among the Begotten Son." (D. & C. 76:56-57.)
people. (John 15:16; I Pet. 2:5, 9.) As compared to the Aaronic Priest-. • l,
Under apostolic direction a kingdom hood, as administered in ancient -#Or
of priests again was found on earth. Israel, the order of Melchizedek did
But after the apostles ceased to min- not come "by descent from father and
ister among mortals, there was no one mother." (Teachings, p. 323.) That
left holding the keys to authorize a is, the right to this higher priesthood
person to b~ ordained to· any priestly was not inheri~ed in the -Same way ~s.

was the case with the Levites and sons be entitled, as of right, to the same
of Aaron. Righteousness was an ab- priesthood inheritance that he had
solute requisite for the conferral of won. "In thee (that is, in thy Priest-
the higher priesthood. This "order hood),". the Lord said to him, "and
came, not by man, nor the will of ~Y seed (that is, thy Priestho~
man; neither by father nor mother; for I give unto thee a promise that
neither by beginning of days nor end this right shall continue in thee, and
of ·years; but of God; And it was in th y seed after thee (that is to say,
delivered unto men by the calling of the literal seed, oe the seed of the
his own voice, according to his own k£!!Jt) shall all the families of the
will, unto as many as believed on his earth be blessed, even with the bless-
name." (Inspired Version, Gell. ings of the Gos pel, ~ e
14:28-29; Heb. 7:1-3.) blessings of salvation, even of life
/ But each righteous spirit called to eternal." (Abra. 2:11.) - -- -
..,:P:- minister in priestly offices has been Accordingly, the seed of Abraham
ordained to come through a particular "are lawful heirs, accordi~g to the
~ - Consequently it has become flesh," of the priesthood and its bless-
the right of those holding special in- ings. Though they "have been hid
heritance in the Lord's chosen lineage from the .world with Christ in God,"
to receive the priesthood, provided yet in the restoration of all things
they are obedient and faithful. Thus the priesthood is again being given
Abraham "sought for the blessings of to them because of their "lineage."
the lathers," and by righteousness (D. & C. 86:8-11.) They are the
"became a rightful heir, a High Priest, ones "unto whom rightly belongs the
holding the right belonging to the priesthood," and all that appertains
fathers." The priesthood, he says, to it. (D. & C 113:6.)
"was conferred upon me from the Conversely, gospel blessings are
fathers; it came down from the la- denied the rebellious who persecute
thers, from the beginning of time, yea, the saints. "They shall not have
even from the beginning, or before right to the priesthood, nor their pos-
the foundations of the earth to the terity alter them from generation to
present time, even the right of the generation." (D. & C. 121 :21.) In
firstborn, on the first man, who is this connection it · should be noted,
Adam, our first lather, through the also, that those spirits sent to earth
lathers, unto me. I ·sought for mine through the lineage of. Cain and of
appointment unto the Priesthood ac- H am are absolutely denied the priest,
cording to the appointment of God hood as far as this .mortal life i.s
unto the fathers concerning the seed." concerned. (Abra. 1:21-27.)
(Abra. 1:1-4.) Without the Melchizedek Priest,
Thereafter Abraham ·received · tj,.e hood salvation in the kingdom of God
promise that his seed after him would would no,t be available for . men on

earth, for the ordinances of salvation with Christ, receiving and possessing
-the laying on of hands for the gift the fulness of the Father's kingdom.
of the Holy Ghost, for instance- "And all those who are ordained unto
could not be authoritatively per- this riesthood are made like unto
formed. Thus the presence or the the Son of God, abiding a priest
absence of this priesthood establishes continually." (Inspired Version, Heb.
the divinity or falsity of a professing 7 :3.)
church. It "continueth in the church Indeed, everything connected with
of God in all generations," and it the higher priesthood is designed to
"administereth the gospel and holdeth point man's attention to spiritual
the key of the mysteries of the king- things and to mark the course leading
dom, even the key of the knowledge to eternal life. By means of it faith-
of God" (D. & C. 84:17-19), whom ful men enter· into the rest of the
to know is eternal life. (John 17:3.) Lord, "which rest is the fulness of
If there is no Melchizedek Priesthood his glory." Because of it they have
on earth, the true Church is not power to sanctify their souls, ~
here and the gospel of Christ is not sanctified inherit the celestial world.
available to men. But where the When men take a priesthood calling
Melchizedek Priesthood is, there is the upon themselves, they covenant to
kingdom, the Church, and the /ulness magnify it, and in return they are
of the gos~ ---- promised "all that my Father hath,"
This higher priesthood is designed meaning exaltation. "And this is
to enable men to gain exaltation in according to the oath and covenant
the highest heaven in eternity. Paul which belongeth to the priesthood."
says it is ordained "after the power of (D. & C. 84:17-42; 88:21; Heb. 7.)
an endless life." (Heb. 7:16.) The* All these blessings are reserved for
Prophet says, "The power of the Mel- those who obtain "the fulness of the
chizedek Priesthood is to have the priesthood," meaning the fulness of
ower o 'endless lives'; for the ever- the blessin s of the riesthood. These
lastin covenant cannot ~ " blessings are found only in the -;;;;
(Teachings, p. 322.) Perfection can les o God. (D. & C. 124:28, 34, 42;
be gained only in and through and 127:8.) "There are certain key words
because of this priesthood. "I advise and signs belonging to the priesthood
all to o on to perfection, and search which must be observed in order to
dee er into the m s t e r i ~ obtain the blessing;" (Teachin s
ness," the Prophet said. "A man can !.fill.) These, of course, are revealed
~ othing for himself u~ only in the temples. "Washings,
direct him in the right way; ~ anointings, endowments, and the com-
the riesthood is for that purpose." munication of keys," the Prophet
(Teachin s . 364.) Through this ~~ are essential to enable one "lll
priesthood men become joint-heirs secure the /ulness of. those blessings

which have been prepared for the learn this one lesson-That the rights
Church of the Firstborn, and come of the priesthood are inseparably con-
up and abide in the pr~ nected with the powers of heaven,
Elohim in the eternal worlds." and that the powers of heaven cannot
(Teachin gs P. 237.) Celestial mar- be controlled nor handled only upon
riage itself is an "order of the priest- the principles of righteousness." (D.
hood" without which no one can gain & C. 121 :34-46.)
~ fulness of glory in the eternal
worlds. (D. & C. 131:1-4; 132.) T he Memory. See MIND.
elders of Israel who have married out
of the temple "have defiled the priest- Mercy. See CHARITY, CONDESCENSION
h.ood, and the covenant of the OF Goo, GRACE OF Goo, JUDGMENT,
priesthood." . (Neh. 13:25-30.) ..:6::. JusncE, LovE. In the gospel sense,
" Thos e holding the fulness of !h'e mercy consists in our Lord's forbear-
Melchizedek Priesthood are kings and ance, on certain specified conditions,
p_riests of the Most High God, holding from imposing punishments that,
the ke,1s of power and blessing." except for his grace and goodness,
(Teachin gs p. 322.) " I f a man gets would be the just reward of man.
a fulness of the priesthood of God, ~ Because mercy is an attribute of
ha, to get it in the same way that Deity (Ex. 33:19; Rom. 9:15-18; 2
Jesus Christ obtained it, and that was Cor. I :3; Eph. 2:4; I Pet. I :3), men
by kee ping all the co~ are thereby enabled to have faith in
and obeying all the ordinances of him unto life and salvation. They
the house of the Lord . ... All men must have "the idea of the existence
who become heirs of God and ioint- of the attribute of mercy in the
heirs with [esus Christ will have to Deity," the Prophet says, "in order to
receive the fulness of the ordinances exercise faith in him for life and sal-
of his kingdom; and those who will vation; for without the idea of the
not receive all the ordinances will existence of this attribute in the Deity,
come short of the fulness of that glory, the spirits of the saints would faint
ii the11 do not lose the whole." in the midst of the tribulations, afflic-
( T eachings, pp. 308-309.) tions, and persecutions which they
Unfortunately, "there are many have to endure for righteousness'
called, but few are chosen." That is sake. But when the idea of the exist-
to say; many are called to the priest- ence of this attribute is once estab-
hood, but few are chosen for eternal lished in the mind it gives life and
life. (D. & C. 95 :5-6, 12.) "And why energy to the spirits of the saints,
are they not chosen? Because their believing that the mercy of God will
hearts are set so much upon the be poured out upon them in the midst
things of this world, and aspire to of their afflictions, and that he will
the honors of men, · that they do not ~qmpassionate them in their suffer-

ings, and that the mercy of God will Israel, as part of this great restora-
lay hold of them and secure them in tion, is to come because of the "great
the arms of his love, so that they will mercies" of the Lord. (Isa. 54:7.)
receive a full reward for all their suf- Indeed, the "voice of mercy" to scat-
ferings . ... And as mercy is ... an tered Israel and to all men in our day
attribute of the Deity, his saints can is that the gospel has been restored
have confidence that it will be exer- and the way opened whereby they
cised towards them, and through the may escape the calamities to be
exercise of that attribute towards them poured out upon the ungodly. (D. &
comfort and consolation will be ad- C. 43:25.)
ministered unto them abundantly, But mercy is not showered pro-
amid all their afflictions and tribula- miscuously upon mankind, except in
tions." (Lectures on Faith, pp. 46-47.) the general sense that it is manifest
No cry of thanksgiving and relief in the creation and peopling of the
seems to come more gratefully from earth and in the granting of immor-
the prophetic voice than the comfort- tality to all men as a free gilt. Rather,
ing exclamation, "His mercy end~reth mercy is granted (because of the
for ever/" (1 Chron. 16:34, 41; 2 grace, love, and condescension of
Chron. 5:13; 7:3, 6; Ezra 3:11; Ps. God), as it is with all blessings, to
106:1; 107:1; 118:1-4; 136; Jer. those who comply with the law upon
33:11.) Certainly his mercy is mani- which its receipt is predicated. (D.
fest in all his doings-his creative & C. 130:20-21.) That law is the law
enterprises and his hand-dealings in of righteousness; those who sow right-
all ages with all people. (Ps. 136.) eousness, reap mercy. (Hos. 10:12.)
The atoning sacrifice of our Lord, There is no promise of mercy to the
upon which all things rest, came be- wicked; rather, as stated in the Ten
cause of his infinite mercy. (D. & C. Commandments, the Lord promises
29: I.) Through his condescension, to show mercy unto thousands of them
grace, and mercy he has visited the that love him and keep his command-
children of men and given great ments. (Ex. 20:6; Dan. 9:4; D. & C.
promises to them. (2 Ne. 4:26; 9:53.) 70:18.)
The great era of restoration, the era The great Sinaitic proclamation,
when men again "will hear what from the Lord's own mouth, an-
God the Lord will speak," the era nounced: "The Lord, The Lord God,
when "Truth shall spring out of the merciful and gracious; longsu/Jering,
earth; and righteousness .shall look and abundant in goodness and truth,
down from heaven," is described as Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiv-
one in which, "Mercy and truth are ing iniquity and transgression and sin,
met together; righteousness and peace and that will by no means clear the
have kissed each other." (Ps. 85:8- guilty; visiting the iniquity of the
1I.) The latter-day gathering of fathers upon the children, and upon

the children's children, unto the third were for these conditions, mercy
and to . the fourth generation." (Ex. could not take effect except it should
34:6-7.) destroy the work of justice. Now the
Mercy is a gilt the Lord reserves work of justice could not be destroyed;
for his saints and their weaknesses ii so, God would cease to be God.
(D. & C. 38:14; 50:16; 64:4); it is And thus we see that all mankind
reserved for the meek, they who are were fallen, and they were in the
the god-fearing and the righteous grasp of justice; yea, the justice of
(D. & C. 97:2); because of it, they God, ·which consigned them forever
will be remembered in the day of to be cut off from his presence. And
wrath. (D. & C. 101:9.) Because of now, the plan of mercy could not be
mercy men are enabled to repent (D. brought abo_ut except an atonement
& C. 3:10), and when the elders of should be made; therefore God him-
Israel "confess their sins with humble self atoneth for the sins of the world,
hearts," a merciful God forgives them to bring about the plan of mercy, to
of those sins. (D. & C. 61:2.) In- appease the demands of justice, that
deed, the Lord's people may well ask God might be a perfect, just God, and
themselves, "What doth the Lord a merciful God also . . . .
require of thee, but to do justly, and "There is a law given, and a pun-
to love mercy, and to walk humbly ishment affixed, and a re_pentance
with thy God?" (Mic. 6:8.) granted; which repentance, mercy
Justice demands that for every bro- claimeth; otherwise, justice claimeth
ken law a penalty must be paid, for the creat~re and executeth the law,
"How could there be a law save there and the law inflicteth the punishment;
was a punishment?" And since all ii not so, the works of justice would
men have sinned, all are in the grasp be destroyed, and God would cease
of justice. Accordingly, all men must to be God. But God ceaseth not to
pay the penalty for their transgres- be God, and mercy claimeth the pen-
sions unless they can find a super- itent, and mercy cometh because of
vening power which will wash away the atonement; and the atonement
their sins and free them from the bringeth to pass the resurrection of
penalty, unless someone else pays a the dead; and the resurrection of the
ransom for them. That ransom is dead bringeth back men into the pres-
offered to all men in and through the ence of God; and thus they are re-
atoning sacrifice of Christ. stored. into his presence, to be judged
"Therefore, according to justice," ~ccording to their works, according tO
as Alma explains, "the plan of re· the law and justice. For behold, justice
demption could not be brought about, exerciseth all his demands, and a_lso
only on conditions of repentance of mercy claimeth all which is her own;
men in this probationary state, yea, and thus, none but the truly penitent
this preparatory state; for except it are saved. What, do ye suppose that

mercy can rob justice? I say unto you, the reward of those who conform to
Nay; not one whit. II so, God would the plan of mercy. "Surely goodness
cease to be God." (Alma 42: 13-26.) and mercy shall follow me all the days
Because of the atonement, mercy of my life: and I will dwell in the
"overpowereth justice, and bringeth house of the Lord for ever." (Ps.
about means unto men that they may 23:6.)
have faith unto repentance. And thus So infinite in scope is the plan of
mercy can satisfy the demands of mercy that it applies to the living
justice, and encircles them in the and the dead. Those who do not have
arms of safety, while he that exer- the opportunity to subject themselves
cises no faith unto repentance is by repentance to the plan of mercy
exposed to the whole law of the de- while in this life, but who would have
mands of justice; therefore only unto done so had the opportunity been
him that has faith unto repentance afforded them, will have their chance
is brought about the great and eternal in the spirit world; they shall then
plan of redemption." (Alma 34:15- b_e saved from the grasp of justice and,
16.) "Mercy hath compassion on reaping the lull blessings of mercy,
mercy and claimeth her own; justice shall go on to celestial reward.
continueth its course and claimeth its "There is never a time when the
own." (D. & C. 88:40.) spirit is too old to approach God," the
Mercy hath no claim'' on any man Prophet said. "All are within the
unless and until he repents and turns reach of pardoning mercy, who have
to the Lord. (Mosiah 2:38 -39.) How- not committed the unpardonable sin,
ever, "If ye will repent, and harden which hath no forgiveness, neither in
not your hearts," saith God, ccthen this world, nor in the world to come.
will I have mercy upon you, through There is a way to release the spirits
mine Only Begotten Son; Therefore, of the dead; that is by the power and
whosoever repenteth, and hardeneth authority of the priesthood-by bind-
not his heart, he shall have claim on ing and loosing on earth. This doc-
mercy through mine Only Begotten trine appears glorious, inasmuch as
Son, unto a remission of his sins; and it exhibits the greatness of divine
these shall enter into my rest." (Alma compassion and benevolence in the
12:33-34.) extent of the plan of human salva-
Mercy is thus for the repentant, tion." (Teachings, pp. 191-192.)
faithful member of the Church and
for no one else. All others fail to Meridian of Time. See DrSPENSA-
escape the clutches of justice. "Blessed SATIONS.
are the merciful: for they shall obtain
mercy." (Matt. 5:7.) "Be ye there- Meridian of Time. See DISPENSA-
fore merciful, as your Father also is TIONS, LAST DAYS, MILLENNIUM,
merciful." (Luke 6:36.) Salvation· is TIME. Our Lord's mortal ministry

took place in the meridian of time. Mesmerism. See HYPNOTISM.

(Moses 5:57; 6:57, 62; 7 :46; D. & C.
20:26; 39:3.) Time, as measured by Message of the Restoration. See
man according to the revolutions of CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-
this earth, began after the creation DAY SAINTS, DISPENSATION OF THE
of Adam and his placement in the FULNESS OF TIMES, GOSPEL, JOSEPH
Garden of Eden. (Abra. 5: 13.) The SMITH THE PROPHET, M1ss10NARIES,
meridian is the middle or high point MORMONISM, NEW AND EVERLASTING
of the day; the sun passes the merid- CovENANT, RESTORATION oF THE Gos-
ian at noon. Thus the meridian of PEL, TESTIMONY, TRUTH . Three
time is the middle or high point of great truths comprise the message of
that portion of eternity which is con- the restoration and must be accepted
sidered to be mortal time. by all men in this day if they will
The best Biblical scholars conclude save themselves in the kingdom of
that from Adam to the birth of Christ God: I. That Jesus Christ is the literal
Son of God, the Redeemer of the
was about 4004 years. We know
world, he through whom salvation
from latter-day revelation that the
comes for men in all ages; 2. That
millennial era is to commence "in the
Joseph Smith is the revealer of the
beginning of the seventh thousand
knowledge of Christ and of salvation
years" of this earth's temporal con- in this age, that he was called to stand
tinuance. (D. & C. 77:12.) We know
as a legal administrator and hold
also that between the end of the mil-
the keys of salvation for all men of
lennium and the final celestialization this dispensation; and 3. That The
of the earth there is to be "a little Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
season" of time, and then time as we Saints is the Lord's Church and king-
measure and know it wiU cease. (D. dom on earth, "the only true and liv-
& C. 88:110-116.) From all this it ing church upon the face of the whole
is reasonable to conclude that this earth" (D. & C. I :30), the only or-
"little season" will last 1000 years; ganization having the power to teach
if this conclusion is correct, then our the gospel and aqminister in its
Lord's ministry took place, in the most ordinances.
literal sense of the word, in the This is the message which our mis-
meridian of time. (Doctrines of Sal- sionaries carry to the world. As far
vation, vol. I, p. 81.) as the printed word is concerned, men
gain a testimony that the message is
Merodach. See BEL, FALSE Goos. true by studying the Book of Mor-
Apparently Merodach is another natrle mon. That book is a witness of the
for the famous Babylonian god Bel divinity of Christ; hence, anyone who
or Belus, whose downfall Jeremiah gains the knowledge by revelation
predicted. (Jer. 50:1-2.) from the Holy Ghost that the Book

of Mormon is true, also gains at the message of salvation restored through

same time a testimony from the same the Prophet has also been sent to be
source that Christ is the Lord. Now a messenger before the Lord's face
if the Book of Mormon is true, then to prepare the way before him. (D.
Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God, & C. 45:9.)
for the book was translated from
plates delivered to him by a resur- Messenger of Salvation. See ATONE-
rected being. And if Joseph Smith MENT OF CHRIST, CHRIST, MESSENGER
was ministered to by one resurrected OF THE COVENANT. Christ is the
personage, if he was commanded by Messenger of Salvation, meaning that
revelation to translate the Book of he was sent by his Father to bring
Mormon, and if he was a Prophet, it salvation to men by working out the
follows that he received other revela- infinite and eternal atonement. (3 Ne.
tions, that other messengers minis- 27:13-22.)
tered to him, giving keys and
authority, and that he was com- Messenger of the Covenant. See
manded to set up this Church and ANGEL, MESSENGER BEFORE THE LoRD,
kingdom; and therefore, this is the MESSENGER OF SALVATION, NEW AND
Lord's Church. Thus the whole mes- EVERLASTING CoVENANT. Our Lord
sage of the restoration stands or falls is the Messenger of the Covenant.
on the truth or falsity of the Book of (Mal. 3:1.) He came in h is Father's
Mornion. name (John 5:43), bearing his Fa-
ther's message (John 7:16-17), to
Messenger before the Lord. See fulfil the covenant of the Father that
CHRIST, ELIAS, GOSPEL, RESTORATION a Redeemer and Savior would be pro-
OF THE GOSPEL, SECOND COMING OF vided for men. (Moses 4:1-3; Abra.
CHRIST, SIGNS OF THE TIMES. Before 3:27-28.) Also, through his ministry
both the first and second comings of the terms of the everlasting covenant
our Lord, he sent a messenger to pre- of salvation became operative; the
pare the way before him. In the message he taught was that salvation
meridian of time that messenger, "the comes through the gospel covenant.
voice of one crying in the wilderness,
Make straight the way of the Lord" Messengers. See ANGELS.
(John I :23; Isa. 40:3), was John the
Baptist. In the dispensation of the Messiah. See ANOINTED ONE, CHRIST,
fulness of times that messenger was HOLY MESSIAH, MESSIAHSHIP, MES-
the Prophet Joseph Smith, to whom SIANIC PROPHECIES, MESSIAS.Christ is
John came giving the authority of the Messiah, a Hebrew name meaning
the preparatory priesthood. (D. & C. Anointed One and carrying in the
13; Mal. 3: 1; Doctrines of Salvation, popular mind the assurance that he
vol. I, pp. 191 -1 95.) T he gospel or would come as King, Deliverer, and

Savior to Israel. He is called the The Old T estament abounds in

Messiah more than 30 times in the these Messianic prophecies, often
Book of Mormon (I Ne. 10:4-17; couching them in language and sym-
12: 18; 2 Ne. I : 10), but strangely bolism which, though seemingli ob-
enoug!J. the name does not appear in scure to the spiritually untutored,
its Hebrew form in the New Testa- was plain and clear to those to whom
ment, and it is found in only one Old the prophecies came. (2 Ne. 25 :4-7.)
Testament passage. (Dan. 9:25-26.) But the greatest, plainest, and most
It is found in three different revela- glorious Messianic prophecies, by all
tions in the Doctrine and Covenants. odds, were given by the Nephite
(D. & C. 13; 19:27; 109:67.) prophets and are found in the Book
of Mormon.
Messiahshlp. See CHRIST, JOINT-HEIRS Examples of some of the many
WITH CHRIST, MESSIAH. There is only Messianic prophecies are found in
one Messiah (2 Ne. 25:18), and his the following outline:
status as the Anointed One, the prom-
Many details concerning his birth
ised Savior, is what constitutes his
into mortality were foretold. Isaiah
Messiahship. Others do not and can-
not attain a status of Messiahship (for and Nephi foresaw that his mother
they are not born, as Christ was, would be a virgin (Isa. 7: 14; I Ne.
inheriting life in themselves from an II; 14-21; 2 Ne. 17:14); Isaiah also
Immortal Parent), though others may noted particularly the power and do-
become joint-heirs with him in his minion to which the new born Child
Father's kingdom. would ·be heir. (Isa. 9:6-7; 2 Ne.
19:6-7.) King Benjamin and Alma
Messianic Prophecies. See CHRIST, both foretold the name of his mother
MESSIAH, PROPHECY, PROPHETS. All (Mosiah 3:8; Alma 7:10), and Micah
of the prophets from Adam to John and Alma named the place of his
the Baptist foretold the coming of birth. (Mic. 5:1-3; Alma 7:10.) From
Christ as the Messiah, Savior, King, earliest days it had been foreknown
Deliverer, and Redeemer-the very that he would be the Seed of Eve.
Son of God. Indeed, the very nature (Gen. 3:15.) Jacob, Daniel, Nephi,
of the prophetic office was and is to Samuel the Lamanite, and Nephi the
bear record of Christ and of the sal- son of Nephi the son of Helaman,
vation that comes through his atoning each in turn, gave specific prophetic
sacrifice; and the fact that the•proph- data as to the time of the promised
ets who preceded him spoke, as moved birth. (Gen. 49:10; Dan. 9:25-26;
upon by the Holy Ghost, of his com- 1 Ne. 19:7-8; Hela. 14; 3 Ne. !.)
ing birth, ministry; mission, death, Hosea foretold his sojourn in
resurrection, and glorification is the Egypt (Hos. 11 :10), and a prophet
very thing that made them prophets. whose records have been lost to us
(Mosiah 13:33.) specified that he would be called a

Nazarene because Nazareth would be deed the whole law of Moses, and all
the main city of his abode. (Matt. the ordinances forming part of it,
2:23.) were operated in such a way as to
Assurance that he would come in point attention to the coming of the
due course is of frequent scriptural God of Israel in the flesh. (Mosiah
record. (I Ne. I; IO; Mosiah 15; Alma 3:14-15; 13:30-35; Hela. 8:14-16.)
7:7-13.) Balaam, who appears not Around his crucifixion, death, and
to have been of Israelitish lineage, resurrection many ancient prophecies
gave Israel one of her greatest Mes- are centered. Isaiah, David, Nephi,
sianic prophecies (Num. 24), and Nephi the son of Helaman, and Sam-
Moses spelled out that the coming uel the Lamanite, for instance, speak
Messiah would be a prophet like unto pointedly of the fact that God himself,
Moses himself. (Deut. 18:15-22; Acts having come into mortality, would
3:22-26; 7:37; 3 Ne. 20:23-26.) die. (Ps. 16:10; Isa. 26:19-21; 53:9;
In rather elaborate detail much of Acts 13:35; I Ne. 10:11; 11 :32-34;
his mission and ministry among men Hela. 8:19-20; 14.) That this death
was outlined. (Isa. 42:1-7; 52:13-14; should result from crucifixion was
53; 61: 1-3; I Ne. 11 :28-36; Mosiah fore-revealed by Isaiah, Nephi, Jacob
3:5-1 0.) Provisions of the law of the brother of Nephi, and Enoch,
atonement were amply taught, (Isa. among others. (Isa. 22:21-25; I Ne.
53:4-12; Hos. 13:14; 2 Ne. 9; Mosiah 11:32-34; 19:I0-13;2Ne. l0:3;Moses
3; 15; 16; Alma 34.) His position as 7:55.) And the glorious resurrection
the Son of God (Alma 33; Hela. 8:14- of our Lord was spoken of on many
24; Ps. 2); his rejection by the people occasions. (Isa. 25:8-9; 26:19-21;
(Isa. 8:13-17; I Ne. 19:7-1 3; 2 Ne. Hela. 14.)
18:13-17; Mosiah 3:5-10); his bap-
tism (I Ne. 10:7-10; 11:27); his Messias. See CHRIST, MESSIAH. Mes-
divine kingship (Isa. 32:1; 33:17); sias is the Greek form of the Hebrew
his governmental dominion and rights Messiah, and it is this Greek rendition
including his heirship to the throne that is found in the only New Testa-
of David (Isa. 9:6-7; 16:5; 2 Ne. ment passages using this particular
19 :6-7); the priesthood he would hold name of our Lord. (John 1:41; 4:25.)
(Ps. 110); his status as the light of This Greek-inspired translation is not
the world (Isa. 9:2; 2 Ne. 19:2); as found elsewhere in the scriptures.
the rock of offense (Isa. 28:16; Rom.
9:33) and the stone which the build- MIA. See MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT
ers rejected (Ps. 118:22); and his AssOCIATIONS.
ministry to the spirits in prison (Isa.
24:22; 42:7; 61: 1-3; Moses 7 :38-39) Michael the Archangel. See ADAM,
- all these things found particular ANCIENT OF DAYS, BATTLE OF THE
place in the prophetic promises. In- GREAT Goo, WAR IN HEAVEN. Our

great prince, Michael, performs the (D. & C. 107:54.) He will sit in
greatest work of any man (save Jesus council at this same place just prior
only) in the eternal plan of salvation to the great and dreadful day of the
and progression. In pre-existence Lord; those of all ages who have
Michael was the most intelligent, served under his direction in the min·
powerful, and mighty spirit son of istry will give an accounting of their
God, excepting only the Firstborn, stewardships; and the Son of Man
under whose direction and pursuant will come and receive from Adam and
to whose counsel he worked. The all others a final accounting. (D. & C.
name Michael apparently, and with 116; Dan. 7:9-14, 21-22, 26-27.)
propriety, means one "who is like Michael contended with the devil
God." over the body of Moses (Jude 9);
In the creation of the earth, Mi- ministered comfort to the Prophet
chael played a part second only to Daniel (Dan. 10:13, 21); appeared
that of Christ. When Lucifer rebelled to Joseph Smith to detect "the devil
and there was war in heaven, it was when he appeared as an angel of
Michael who led the hosts of the light," and to confer keys and author-
faithful in casting Satan out. (Rev. ities (D. & C. 128:20-21); and will
12:7-9.) When the time came to peo- hereafter partake of the sacrament
ple the earth, the spirit Michael came with Christ and other righteous per-
and inhabited the body formed from sons on earth. (D. & C. 27:11.)
the dust of the earth, the living soul We know also that he was with
thus created being known as Adam. Christ in his resurrection (D. & C.
As the first man he filled his fore- 133:54-55); that "at the time of the
ordained destiny of standing as the end" he shall fight the battles of the
presiding high priest (under Chr_ist) saints (Dan. 11:40; 12:1); that all
over all the earth. It is through him the dead shall come forth from their
that Christ is revealed, that all . rev- graves at the sound of his trump (D.
& C. 29:26); that he will lead the
elation comes, that the Lord's affairs
on earth are directed during the pre- armies of heaven against the hosts of
millennial era. (Teachings, pp. 157- hell in the final great battle when
159, 167-169.) He holds the keys of Lucifer is cast out eternally (D. & C.
salvation for all men of all ages. (D. 88:110-116); and that he does all
& C. 78:16.)
things "under the counsel and direc-
tion of the Holy One, who is without
Three years · previous to Adam's
beginning of days or end of life."
mortal death he met in the Valley of
(D. & C. 78:16.)
Adam-ondi-Ahman with his right-
eous descendants. "And the Lord Middle Ages. See DARK AGES.
appeared unto them, and_they rose up
and blessed Adam, and called him Mighty God of Jacob. See Goo OF
Michael, the prince, the archangel." ISRAEL.

Mighty One of Israel. See Goo OF known to the saints of all ages as the
ISRAEL. millennium. Important events and
conditions to precede, attend and fol-
Millennium. See AnAM-ONDI-AHMAN, low the millennial era include the
ELATION, SECOND CoMING OF CHRIST, NIUM.-During the first 6000 years
SIGNS OF THE TIMES, TIMES OF RE- of this earth's temporal continuance,
FRESHING. Just as century · means a the Lord is administering the affairs
period of JOO years so millennium of his earthly kingdom through
means a period of 1000 years. This agents, stewards, prophets, and ap-
earth, according to the divine plan, pointed servants to whom he gives
is passing through a mortal or tem- the keys and authority to direct such
poral existence of seven millenniums affairs. Adam is the Lord's chief
or 7000 years. (D. & C. 77:6-7.) agent in governing the affairs of this
During the first six of these ( covering earth. The heads of the gospel dis-
a total period of 6000 years from the pensations and all of the prophets
time of the fall of Adam) conditions who have served in those blessed eras
of carnality, corruption, evil, and have been and are subject to this first
wickedness of every sort have pre- man of all men.
vailed upon the earth. Wars, death, When the time approaches for
destruction and everything incident Christ to come and reign personally
to the present telestial state of exist- upon earth for the millennial period,
ence have held sway over the earth then Adam and all those subordinate
and all life on its lace. to him who have held keys and
When the 7th thousand years com- authority will meet in the Valley of
mence, however, radical changes will Adam-ondi-Ahman. There an ac-
take place both in the earth itself and counting will be made of all steward-
in the nature and type of existence ships; Christ will come and receive
enjoyed by all forms of life on its back the keys; and there will be
face. This will be the long hoped for "given him dominion, and glory, and
age of peace when Christ will reign a kingdom, that all people, nations,
personally upon the earth; when the and languages, should serve him."
earth will be renewed and receive its (Dan. 7:14.) Following this all will
paradisiacal glory; when corruption, be in readiness for our Lord to reign
death, and disease will cease; and personally upon the earth, and he will
when the kingdom of God on earth soon thereafter come to usher in the
will be fully established in all its great millennial era.
glory, beauty, and perfection. (Tenth 2. SECOND COMING USHERS
Article of Faith.) This is the period IN MILLENNIUM.-We are not

living in the millennium now; nor do die in the Lord, from henceforth,
millennial conditions now prevail when the Lord shall come, and old
upon the earth; nor will they until things shall pass away, and all things
Christ comes and the earth is renewed become new, they shall rise from the
and receives its paradisiacal glory. dead and shall not die alter, .and
(Tenth Article of Faith.) Christ's shall receive an inheritance before the
coming will mark the beginning of the Lord, in the holy city." (D. & C.
millennium. The changes in men, 63 :49.)
all forms of life, and the earth itself, 4. RIGHTEOUSNESS WILL
which will be incident to the new NOT HASTEN MILLENNIUM.-
order of things, will take place in the The time for the beginning of the
day of that coming. millennium is fixed. It has been def-
"In mine own due time," saith the _initely set and · is known to the Fa-
Lord, "will I come upon the earth ~ It cannot be advanced by the
in judgment, and my people shall be righteousness of the saints nor the
redeemed and shall reign with me on repentance of people in the world.
earth. For the great Millennium, of Nor can it be postponed either be-
which I have spoken by the mouth of cause of increasing wickedness or for
my servants, shall come." (D. & C. any reason. By definition the mil-
43:29-30.) Again: " I will reveal my-
~ the 7th period of 1000
self from heaven with power and great
years duration to which this earth is
glory, with all the hosts thereof, and
subject. It will commence when
dwell in righteousness with men on
Christ comes, and his coming is set
earth a thousand years, and the
wicked shall not stand." (D. & C. by revelation to be in the beginning
29:11.) of the 7th thousand years of this
3. F I RS T RESURRECTION earth's temporal existence. (D. & C.
Many persons have already come As a matter of fact, the Second
forth from the grave in their resur- Coming of Christ (and thus the
rected and glorified bodies. All the ushering in of the millenial era) will
righteous saints who lived from the occur in a day of war and wickedness,
day of Adam to the day of Christ of carnality, corruption, and abomina-
were with him in his resurrection. tion such as the world h as never be-
(Matt. 27:52-53; D. & C. 133 :54-55; fore seen. The cup of man's iniquity
H ela. 14:25.) To us, however, the will be full , and the fury and scourge
first resurrection, the resurrection of of the Lord will then be poured out
the just, will come with the return without measure upon all nations.
of our Lord and the commencement (Ezek. 38; 39; Joel 2; 3; Zech. 12; 13;
of .his millennial reign. 14; Mal. 3; 4; D. & C. 29; 45; 64:23-
"Yea, and blessed are the dead that 25; 133.)


-Incident to the commencement of ushering in of the millennium, "the
the millennial era, the earth ( the earth will be renewed and receive its
Lord's vineyard) will be burned. paradisiacal glory" (Tenth Article of
Every corruptible thing will be con- Faith); that is, it will return to the
sumed. (D. & C. l01:24); all the edenic, terrestrial state which existed
proud and they that do wickedly shall when the Lord God finished the crea-
be burned as stubble (Mal. 4:1; D. tive enterprise and pronounced every-
& C. 29:9; 64:23-25; 133:63-64 ); the thing that he had made, "very good."
sinners will be destroyed (Isa. 13:9- (Gen. I :31.) In that primeval day,
14) ; and there will be an entire sep- thorns, thistles, briars, and noxious
aration of the righteous and the weeds had not yet made their appear-
wicked. (D. & C. 63:54.) Those only ance (Gen. 3: 18); there were no
shall be able to abide that day who deserts and unfruitful places, no bar-
are worthy to live on a paradisiacal ren and unproductive mountains, but
or terrestrial sphere. the whole earth was a delightful gar-
6. DAY OF JUDGMENT COM- den; all the earth's land surface was
MENCES MILLENNIAL ERA.- in one place, the seas in another; and
With the return of our Lord in the death had not entered the scene, but
clouds of heaven, in all the glory of immortality reigned in every depart-
his Father's kingdom, to usher in the ment of creation. (2 Ne. 2:22.) Then
millennial era of peace, will come the came the fall of Adam and with it
first great formal day of judgment. the beginning of the present telestial
At that day shall be gathered before order of things. (Man: His Origin
him all the nations of the living, and and Destiny, pp. 380-397.)
he shall separate the sheep from the The millennium is the age of re-
goats, rewarding the righteous with newal and regeneration when the
an inheritance in his Father's king- Lord will Hcreate new heavens and a
dom and cursing the wicked with new earth." So sweeping will be the
everlasting punishment. (Matt. 25:31 - changes, so radical the differences in
46.) At that day the Twelve who the order of things, that the former
were •with the Lord in Jerusalem shall heavens and earth "shall not be re-
be in glory, even as he, and shall membered, nor come into mind."
judge the righteous hosts of "the (Isa. 65:17.) It will be a "day of
whole house of Israel." (D. & C. transfiguration," a day "when the
29:9-13.) And beginning at that earth shall be transfigured" (D. & C.
day, the worthy saints, having been 63:20-21), a day when the continents
resurrected with celestial bodies, shall and islands shall again "become one
live and reign on earth a thousand land ," when the mountains and val-
years. (Rev. 20:4.) leys will no longer be found (D. & C.

133:22-24), when all things will re- sufficiently righteous to abide the day
turn to their state of paradisiacal of the Lord's coming (Mal. 3; 4), a
glory. day when the elements shall melt
Our revelations tell us that when with fervent heat and all things
the Lord comes, the "element shall become new.
melt with fervent heat; and all things However, Satan shall be bound (D.
shall become new." (D. & C. 101 :25.) & C. 43:31; 45:55; 84 :100; 88:110-
And Peter used this gospel truth as .a 111; Rev. 20:1-3, 7) , and for a thou-
basis for this powerful exhortation: sand years he "shall not have power
"But the day of the Lord will come to tempt any man." (D. & C. 101:28.)
as a thief in the night; in the which Accordingly, "children shall grow up
the heavens shall pass away with a without sin unto salvation" (D. & C.
great noise, and the elements shall 45:58), and righteousness and peace
melt with fervent heat, the earth also be everywhere present. It was this
and the works that are therein shall concept that caused Nephi to write,
be burned up. Seeing then that all speaking of the period after the com-
these things shall be dissolved, what mencement of the millennium, that:
manner of persons ought ye to ·be in "Because of the righteousness of his
all holy conversation and godliness, people, Satan has no power; where-
Looking for and hasting unto the fore, he cannot be loosed for the space
coming of the day of God, wherein of many years; for he hath no power
the heavens being on fire shall be dis- over the hearts of the people, for they
solved, and the elements shall melt dwell in righteousness, and the Holy
with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, One of Israel reigncth." (I Ne.
according to the promise, look for 22:26.)
new heavens and a new earth, where- "And when the thousand years are
in dwelleth righteousness. Wherefore, expired, Satan shall be loosed out of
beloved, seeing that ye look for such his prison" (Rev. 20:7), "that he may
things, be diligent that ye may be gather together his armies. . . . And
found of him in peace, without spot, then cometh the battle of the great
and blameless." (2 Pet. 3:10-14.) God; and the devil and his armies
8. MILLENNIAL BINDING OF shall be cast away into their own
SATAN.-It is an utterly false and place, that they shall not have power
heretical notion to suppose that be- over the saints any more at all."
cause men voluntarily turn to right- (D. & C. 88:110-114.)
eousness Satan will thereby be bound 9. MILLENNIAL ATTAINMENT
and the thousand year era of peace OF PEACE ON EARTH.-Not until
brought to pass. The millennium the Prince of Peace comes to reign
will be brought about by power; the personally on earth will there be
wicked will be destroyed; and those peace, and it will only come .then
only will remain on earth who were because carnal, wicked, and lustful

people have been burned as stubble fostered; men will continue to care
by the brightness of his coming. (Mal. for their own needs, handle their own
3; 4; D. & C. 29:9; 64:23-25; 133:63- affairs, and enjoy the lull endowment
64; Jos. Smith 2:37.) It will only of free agency. Speaking a pure lan-
come because on the new earth the guage (Zeph. 3:9), dwelling in peace,
"enmity of man" shall cease from living without disease, and progress-
before the Lord's lace. (D. & C. ing as the Holy Spirit will guide, the
101:26.) Wars come because of lust advancement and perfection of society
(Jas. 4:1-2), and will continue until during the millennium will exceed
lustful men are swept from the earth. the wildest dreams.
When Christ comes "he shall judge "And he that liveth when the Lord
among the nations, and shall rebuke shall come, and hath kept the faith,
many people: and they shall beat blessed is he; nevertheless, it is a p-
their swords in to plowshares, and pointed to him to die at the age of
their spears into pruninghooks: na- man. Wherefore, children shall grow
tion shall not lilt up sword against up until they become old; old men
nation, neither shall they learn war shall die; but they shall not sleep in
any more." (Isa. 2:4; Micah 4:3; 2 the dust, but they shall be changed
Ne. 12:4.) in the twinkling of an eye." (D: &·c.
"For they that are wise and have
paradisiacal earth "the enmity of
received the truth, and have taken the
beasts, yea, the enmity of all flesh,
shall cease." (D. & C. 101:26.) All Holy Spirit for their guide, and have
animals shall mingle together in not been deceived-verily I say unto
peace, and the appetites of the car- you, they shall not be hewn down
nivorous beasts shaU be changed so 'and cast into the fire, but shall abide
that the grass of the field becomes the the day. And the earth shall be given
common diet of the animal world. unto them for an inheritance; and
(Isa. 11 :6-9; 65:25.) they shall multiply and wax strong,
II. MORTALITY CONTINUES and their children shall grow up
DURING MILLENNIUM. - Great without sin unto salvation." (D. & C.
and marvelous though the changes 45:57-58.)
will be incident to life during the mil- "Be ye glad and rejoice for ever in
lennial era, yet mortality as such will that which I create: for, behold, I
continue. Children will be born, create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her
grow up, marry, advance to old age, people a joy. And I will rejoice in
and pass through the equivalent of Jerusalem, and joy in my people : and
death. Crops will be planted, har- the voice of weeping shall be no mo{e
vested, and eaten; industries will be heard in her, nor the voice of crying.
expanded, cities built, and education

"And they shall build houses, and the Lord said to Isaiah, "an infant of
inhabit them; and they shall plant days, nor an old man that hath not
vineyards, and eat the fruit of them. filled his days : for t.he child shall die
They shall not build, and another an hundred years old; but the sinner
inhabit; they shall not plant, and being an hundred years old shall be
another eat: for as the days of a tree accursed." (Isa. 65:20.)
are the days of my people, and mine In our day the Lord has revealed:
elect shall long enjoy the work of "And there shall be no sorrow be-
their hands. They shall not labour cause· there is no death. In that day
in vain, nor bring forth for trouble; an infant shall not die until he is
for they are the seed of the · blessed old; and his life shall be as the age
of the Lord, and their offspring with of a tree; And when he dies he shall
them." (Isa. 65:18-23.) not sleep, that is to say in the earth,
"But they shall sit every man under but shall be changed in the twinkling
his vine and under his fig tree; and of an eye, and shall be caught up, and
none shall make them afraid: for the his rest shall be glorious." (D. & C.
mouth of the Lord of hosts hath IOI :29-31.)
spoken it." (Micah 4:4.) 13. ALL THINGS REVEALED
CEASE DURING MILLENNIUM. pre-millennial age we have the lul-
-Physical bodies of those living on ness of the gospel, meaning that we
earth during the millennium will not have the fulness of the authority and
be subject to the same ills that attend sealing power whereby man can be
us in our present sphere of existence. sealed up unto eternal life and become
Men in that day will still be mortal; an inheritor of the lulness of eternal
children will be .born to them; spirits reward in our Father's kingdom. But
coming into the physical or natural we do not have the fulness of truth;
bodies born in that day will then go many glorious gospel doctrines have
through their mortal probation as been known and taught in previous
we are now going through ours. dispensations which have not as yet
Those born during the millennium been restored to us. Such was the
will not be immortal, that is, their case, for instance, with Enoch and his
bodies and spirits will not be insep• people, with certain of the Jaredites,
arably connected as is the case with and with the Nephite people follow-
resurrected beings. But their bodies ing the ministry of Christ among
will be changed from conditio.ns as them.
they now .exist so that disease cannot But with the dawning of the mil-
attack them, and death as we know lennium, the restoration of all things,
it cannot intervene to cause a separa- "which God hath spoken by the
tion of body and spirit. mouth of all his holy prophets since
"There shall be no more thence," the world began," shall be completed.

(Acts 3:21.) As Nephi expressed it, god, and we will walk in the name of
"All things which have been revealed the Lord ·our God for ever and ever "
unto the children of men shall at that (Micah 4:5.)
day be revealed." (2 Ne. 30:15-18; During the millennium, however,
D. & C. 121:26-32.) The sealed part the Lord will use the forces of nature
of the Book of Mormon, for one thing, to turn people's attention to the truth.
probably will not come forth until the "Whoso will not come up," said
millennium. Zechariah, "of all the families of the
In addition, millennial revelations earth unto Jerusalem to worship the
will bring to light truths never before King, the Lord of hosts, even upon
manifest to any mortal. "When the them shall be no rain." (Zech. 14: 16-
Lord shall come, he shall reveal all 19.) Joseph Smith said, "The heathen
things-Things which have passed, nations who will not come up to wor-
and hidden things which no man ship will be visited with the judg-
knew, things of the earth, by which it ments of God, and must eventually
was made, and the purpose and the be destroyed from the earth." (Teach-
end thereof-Things most precious, ings, p. 269.)
things that are above, and things that 15. MILLENNIAL CONVER -
are beneath, things that are in the SION OF ALL TO TRUTH.-With
earth, and upon the earth, and in the destruction of the wicked and the
heaven." (D. & C. 101 :32-34.) fall of the great and abominable
14. NON - MEMBERS OF Church (D. & C. 29:21; 88:94)-
CHURCH DURING MILLEN- events destined to accompany the
NIUM.-Since all who are living at ushering in of the millennium- the
least a terrestrial law-the law of conversion of men to the truths of the
honest , uprightness, and integrit - gospel will become easy. In due
will be able to a i e t,e day of our course every living soul on earth will
Lord's coming there will be non- come to the knowledge of the truth,
members of the Church on earth dur- "for the earth shall be full of the
mg the miJ!ennium. (Doctrines of knowledge of the Lord, as the waters
Salvation, vol. I, pp. 86-87; vol. 3, pp. cover the sea." (Isa. 11:9; Hab. 2:14.)
63-64.) Honest and upright people This means that when "all things
who have been deceived by the false shall be made known unto the chil-
religions and false philosophies of the dren of men" (2 Ne. 30:15-18), they
world will not have their free agency all shall accept the gospel, for the
abridged. They wili continue to be- knowledge of God is found only by
lieve their false doctrines until they revelation through the power of the
voluntarily elect to receive gospel priesthood. (D. & C. 84:19 -22.)
.!!&!!!:. Speaking of the millennial pe- This will be the day when the great
riod, Micah said "All people will promise to Israel is fulfilled: "And
walk every one in the name of his they shall teach no more every man

his neighbour, and every man his "The kingdom and dominion, and
brother, saying, Know the Lord: for the greatness of the kingdom under
they shall all know me, from the least the whole heaven, shall be given to
of them unto the greatest of them, the people of the saints of the most
saith the Lord: for I will forgive their High, whose kingdom is an everlast-
iniquity, and I will remember their ing kingdom, and all dominions shall
sin no more." (Jer. 31 :34.) serve and obey him." (Dan. 7:27; D.
This, also, shall be the day wherein & C. 65; Doctrines of Salvation, vol.
men shall be so close to the Lord I, pp. 229-230.)
that, "Whatsoever any man shall ask, Until that glorious day when the
it shall be given unto him" (D. & C. Lord shall make "a lull end of all
IOI :27), the day in which before men nations" (D. & C. 87 :6), . when he
call, the Lord wlll answer, and while shall reign "whose right it is to reign,"
they are yet speaking, he will hear. the saints are commanded to "be sub-
(Isa. 65:24.) ject to the powers that be." (D. & C.
16. THE MILLENNIAL KING- 58 :22.) But in that day the whole
DOM OF GOD ON EARTH.- The system of government will be changed.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Christ having previously come in the
Saints is the kingdom of God on earth; clouds of heaven to Adam-ondi-
it is the kingdom which shall never Ahman-where "there was given him
be destroyed or left to other_ people; dominion, and glory, and a kingdom,
it is the kingdom which shall break that all people, nations, and lan-
in pieces and consume all other king- guages, should serve him" (Dan.
doms; and it shall stand forever. 7: 13-14)-shall then take over the
(Dan. 2:44.) But for the present it reigns of government personally. "Ye
functions as an ecclesiastical kingdom shall have no laws but my laws when
only. I come, for I am your lawgiver," he
With the millennial advent, the has said. (D. & C. 38:22.) To the
kingdom of God on earth will step Prophet he said of those who would
forth and exercise political jurisdiction inhabit the millennial earth: "For the.
over all the earth as well as ecclesias- Lord shall be in their midst, and his
tical jurisdiction over its own citizens. glory shall be upon them, and he will
When the saints pray, according to be their king and their lawgiver."
the Lord's pattern, "Thy kingdom (D. & C. 45:59.)
come. Thy will be done in earth, as At this time there will be two world
it is in heaven" (Matt. 6: 10), they capitals, "for otit of Zion shall go
are petitioning the Father to send the forth the law, and the word of the
political or millennial kingdom so Lord from Jerusalem." (Isa. 2:3;
that complete righteousness, both Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 3, pp. 66-
civically and religiously, will prevail 72.) · That resurrected personages will
on earth. That will be the day when, have positions . of power and respon-

sibility in the kingdom is evident beings. Genealogical records unknown

from John's millennial statement: to us will then become available.
"And hast made us unto our God Errors committed by us in sealings or
kings and priests: and we shall reign other ordinances will be rectified, and
on the earth." (Rev. 5:10; 20:4.) Of all things will be arranged in proper
this the Prophet Joseph Smith said: order. Temple work will be the great
"Christ and the resurrected saints will work of the millennium. (Doctrines
reign over the earth during the thou- of Salvation, vol. 2, pp. 251-252.)
sand years. They will not probably 18. END OF MILLENNIUM
dwell upon the earth, but will visit AND OF THE EARTH.-When the
it when they please, or when it is thousand years are ended Satan shall
necessary to govern it." (Teachings, be loosed, men again shall begin to
p. 268.) Obviously many govern- deny their God, and rebellion shall
mental offices will be filled by mortal well up in the hearts of many. For
persons living on the earth. a little season the devil will be free
17. TEMPLE WORK DURING to gather together his armies, even
MILLENNIUM. - Salvation cannot the hosts of hell; and then the final
be gained except through baptism of battle will be fought in which Satan
water and of the Spirit, nor can exal- (who is Perdition) together with all
tation be achieved except through his sons shall be cast out forever.
temple endowments and the sealing (D. & C. 29:22-29; 43:31; 88:II0-Il5;
of families together for eternity. These Rev. 20:7-10; 2 Ne. 9:16.) Then
saving and exalting ordinances are
will come the end of the earth as it is
performed vicariously in the temples
now constituted, for it will attain its
for the worthy dead who did not have
opportunity to receive them in this final destiny as a celestial sphere, and
life. the meek shall inherit it forever. (D.
& C. 88:16-20.)
We are commanded to go to with
our might, collect all the accurate
genealogical data we can, and per- Mind. See CONSCIENCE, GIFT OF THE
form these saving and exalting ordi- HOLY GHOST, INTELLIGENCE, LIGHT '
nances for our worthy ancestors. OF CHRIST, SouL. The sentient, con-
Obviously, due to the frailties, in- scious, and intelligent part of man-
capacities, and errors of mortal men, the part that perceives, feels, wills,
and because the records of past ages and thinks-is called the mind. To
are often scanty and inaccurate, this those who rule an Omnipotent Crea-
great work cannot be completed for tor out of their views, who suppose
every worthy soul without assistance that all things exist by mere evolu-
from on high. The millennial era tionary chance, the mind of mart is
is the time, primarily, when this as- an inexplicable mystery. But to those
sistance will be given by resurrected who know about God and his eternal

purposes, it is clear that the mind of among the apostate Jews, glorying in
man rests in the eternal spirit. the honors of men, sought "to . be
.. The mind was present with the called of men, Rabbi, Rabbi," (which
pre-existent spirit; it ·will be present is Master). But our Lord, condemn-
with the disembodied spirit in the ing them for their false pride, ac-
sphere immediately following mortal- claimed: "Be not ye called Rabbi:
ity. Man's intelligence is in his spirit for one is your Master, even Christ;
and not in the natural or mortal body. and all ye are brethren." (Matt. 23:7-
Thus we find the Prophet speaking of 8.) "And call no one your creator
"the mind or the intelligence which upon the earth, or your heavenly
man possesses," and of using as Father; for one is your creator and
synon·ymous terms, "the soul, the heavenly Father, even . he who is in.
mind of man, the immortal spirit heaven. Neither be ye called masters;
[i.e. the intelligence]." (Teachings, for one is your master, even he whom
pp. 352-353.) your heavenly Father sent, which is
In every age the first and great Christ; for he hath sent him among
commandment has been: "Thou shalt you that ye might have life. But
love the Lord thy God with all thy he that is greatest among you shall
heart, with all thy might, mind, and be your servant. And whosoever shall
strength; and in the name of Jesus exalt himself shall be abased of him;
Christ thou shalt serve him." (D. & and he that shall humble himself shall
C. 59:5; 2 Ne. 25:29; Moro. 10:32; be exalted of him." (Inspired Version,
Matt. 22:36-38.) All saints are ex-
Matt. 23:6-9.)
pected to be of one mind (2 Cor.
13:11; Philip. 1:27; I Pet. 3:8), and Similarly in the apostate sects of
that mind is to be "the mind of modern Christendom, it becomes a
Christ." 1 Cor. 2:16; Philip. 2:5.) The matter of self-seeking pride for pro-
spirit of revelation consists in having fessing ministers to hear themselves
thoughts placed in one's mind by the addressed as Monsignor, Father, Holy
power of the Holy Ghost (D. & C. Father, Reverend (sometimes pre-
8:2-3; Enos 10), and when anyone ceded by the modifying terms Very
speaks under the influence of the Holy or Right), Padre, Your Grace, and so
Ghost the scriptural expressions thus forth. Some of the same spirit pre•
uttered are "the mind of the Lord." vails in professional and educational
(D. & C. 68:2-4.) circles where many seek to be known
as Professor, Doctor, or the like. ·
Mind of Christ. See UNITY. In the true Church, which is the
brotherhood of Christ, worldly titles
Ministerial Titles. See APOSTASY, have a hollow ring. It is an immeas-
BRETHREN, CLERGY, ELDERS, HOLY urably greater compliment for a doc-
FATHER, RABBI. Religious leaders tor of medicine or philosophy to be

addressed as Brother or Elder than as of strong faith and a firm mind in

Doctor or Professor. every form of godliness. And the office
Even where the approved and re- of their ministry is to call men unto
vealed religious titles are concerned, repentance, and to fulfil and to do
reverence for sacred things dictates the work of the covenants of the
that their indiscriminate usage be Father, which he hath made unto
avoided. A member of the Council the children of men, to prepare
of the Twelve, for instance, should the way among the children of men,
not be addressed as Apostle Smith, but by declaring the word of Christ unto
as Elder or Brother Smith. the chosen vessels of the Lord, that
Every male church officer may ap- they may bear testimony of him."
propriately be addressed as Brother. (Moro. 7:30-31.)
On special and form al occasions there By the ministering of angels to men
is propriety in calling a member of in modern times the Lord's great work
the First Presidency, or of a stake of restoration is being accomplished.
presidency, or the president of the By this means the Book of Mormon
Council of the Twelve, or a mission came forth (D. & C. 20:8-12); by it
president as President. A ward bishop the gospel of salvation was restored
or a member of the Presiding Bishop- to earth. (Rev. 14:6-7; D. & C. 20:35;
ric may properly be addressed as 133:36-40.) It was under the hands
Bishop. Members of the Council of of angelic ministrants that the Aaron-
the Twelve, the Patriarch to the ic and Melchizcdek powers were con-
Church and all stake patriarchs, the ferred again upon men (D. & C. 13;
assistants to the Twelve, members of 20: 12-13); because they heard the
the First Council of the Seventy, and voice of angels men again were com-
all quorum presidents may properly missioned to use the keys of the king-
be addressed as Elder or Brother. dom (D. & C. 110:11-16; 128:20-21);
(Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 3, pp. and by the ministering of angels the
120-123.) world is called to repentance. (D. & C.
Ministering of Angels. See AARONIC Indeed, from Adam to the present
PRIESTHOOD, ANGELS, GIFrs OF THE moment, whenever men have had
SPIRIT, KEYS OF THE MINISTERING OF sufficient faith, angels have minis-
ANGELS, MINISTERING SPIRITS, MINIS- tered unto them. So invarying is this
TRY. "Angels speak by the power of principle that it stands forth as the
the Holy Ghost; wherefore, they speak conclusive test of the divinity of any
the words of Christ." (2 Ne. 32:3.) organization on earth. If angels min-
They are ministers of Christ. "They ister to a people, they are the Lord's
are subject unto him, to minister people, and his kingdom is with them.
according to the word of his com- If angels do not minister unto them,
mand, showing themselves unto them they are not the Lord's people, and

his kingdom is not with them. (Moro. belonged to it" (D. & C. 130:5), and
7:27-38.) Judged by this standard at the time of this particular minis-
every church or professing religious tration there were as yet no resur-
group on earth is apostate excepting rected or translated personages.
only The Church of Jesus Christ of 2. After the resurrection is com-
Latter-day Saints. pleted, when the spirits and bodies of
The practice of the ministering of all personages connected with this
angels is not limited to mortality. In earth have been inseparably con-
eternity those in the terrestrial king- nected, there will no longer be min-
dom will be ministered to by those of istering spirits within the literal
the celestial, and those in the teles- meaning of that term. But at that
tial by angels sent to them from the future day the title will be applied
terrestrial world. (D. & C. 76:86-88.) to resurrected personages who have
assignments to minister to certain
Ministering Spirits. See MINISTERING other resurrected beings who were
OF ANGELS, MINISTERS, MINISTRY, their former fellow mortals. For in -
SPIRIT BODIES, TRANSLATED BEINGS. stance, resurrected persons in the
1. Joseph Smith "explained the differ- terrestrial kingdom will serve as min-
ence between an angel and a minis- istering spiritS to other resurrected
tering spirit: the one a resurrected persons in the telestial kingdom. (D.
or translated body, with its spirit min- & C. 76:88; Heb. 1:14.)
istering to embodied spirits-the other
a disembodied spirit, visiting and Minister of Salvation. See CHRIST,
ministering to disembodied spirits. MINISTERS, SALVATION. Christ is the
Jesus Christ became a ministering Minister of Salvation (Rom. 15:8;
spirit (while his body was lying in Gal. 2:17; Heb. 8) , meaning that
the sepulchre) to the spirits in prison, through his mediation and atoning
to fulfil an important part of his mis- sacrifice the whole plan and system
sion, without which he could not have of salvation becomes operative.
perfected his work, or entered into
his rest. Alter his - resurrection he Ministers. See CLERGY. MINISTERIAL
appeared as an angel to his disciples." TITLES, MINISTERING OF ANGELS,
(Teachings, p. 191; D. & C. 129.) MINISTERING SPIRITS, MINISTER OF
The angel who appeared to _Adam SALVATION, MINISTRY, O VERSEERS,
to query him about his obedience to PASTORS, PRIESTHOOD OFFICES, SHEP-
the law of sacrifice was a ministering HERDS. In the gospel sense, ministers
spirit (Moses 5:5-8), that is, he was are the Lord's authorized and legally
an unembodied spirit from pre-exist- commissioned servants whose mission
ence. This we know because "there it is to act for the salvation of their
are no angels who minister to this fellow men. They are . priesthood
earth but those who do belong or have holders who are directed to preach

the gospel and administer the ordi- the word of truth, by the power of
nances thereof. (Fifth Article of God, by the armour of righteousness
Faith.) Thus deacons, teachers, and on the right hand and on the left,
elders are standing ministers (D. & C. By honour and dishonour, by evil
84:111; 124:137), seventies are trav- report and good report: as deceivers,
eling ministers (D. & C. 107:97), and yet true; As unknown, and yet
patriarchs are evangelical ministers well known; as dying, and, behold,
(D. & C. 107:39), and so on through we live; as chastened, and not killed;
all the offices of the priesthood, all As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as
are designed for a special ministry. poor, yet making many rich; as hav-
True ministers are called of God ing nothing, and yet possessing all
by revelation; they hold the priest- things." (2 Cor. 6:4-10; I Tim. 4;
hood, teach the true gospel, and serve Mal. 2:5-7.)
in conformity with the program of
the Church. Any professing preach- Ministry. See CHURCH OF JESUS
ers, ministers, pastors, or ecclesiastical CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, Gos-
administrators- by whatever designa- PEL, MINISTERS, PRIESTHOOD. Brethren
tion they may go-who are without holding the priesthood are called to
the priesthood, and who do not teach the ministry. As the Lord's agents,
the true doctrines of salvation, are his ambassadors, they serve him by
false ministers and will be rewarded serving their fellow men. The various
according! y. offices in the priesthood are so de-
From the sectarian view, the true signed that ministers will be available
Church has a lay ministry, meaning to perform all the diverse and special-
that bishops and other church officers ized labors which aid the rolling forth
do not receive financial compensation of the Lord's purposes. (Eph. 4: 11-
for their work; their temporal neces- 14.)
sities are provided through secular Those legally called to the minis-
pursuits. From the Lord's view, his try, following in the footsteps of their
Church is a "kingdom of priests" in Master, are sent forth to: Testily of
which every worthy and qualified man Christ, bear record of Joseph Smith
is a minister. (Ex. 19:5-6; Deut. 7:6; and his successors, and proclaim the
I Pet. 2 :5-9.) divinity of "the only true and living
"The ministers of God," Paul church upon the face of the whole
wrote, serve "in much patience, in earth" (D. & C. 1:30); to declare
afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, glad tidings, preach the gospel, and
In stripes, in imprisonments, in tu- teach the truths of salvation; to seek
mults, in labours, in watchings, in the lost, call the wicked to repentance,
lastings; By pureness, by knowledge, and condemn the unrepentant; to
by longsuffering, by kindness, by the heal the sick, comfort the bereaved,
Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned, By and refresh the weary; to enlighten

the bewildered, enliven the indiffer- world does not believe in the present
ent, and teach the ignorant; to per- performance of miracles; and, for that
form the ordinances of salvation, matter, a large segment of Christen-
exercise the gilts of the Spirit, and do dom goes farther and denies com-
all things ( as directed by their Mas- pletely or spiritualizes away the
ter) which will spread the hope of recorded miracles of the Bible.
salvation among men. "And there were great and marvel-
ous works wrought by the disciples of
Minor Prophets. See PROPHETS. Jesus," the Book of Mormon record
says of gospel miracles during the
Miracles. See FAITH, GIFTS OF THE period following our Lord's ministry
SPIRIT, HEALINGS, MAGIC, PRIESTHOOD, among the Nephites, "insomuch that
SIGNS. In the broadest sense,· miracles they did heal the sick, and raise the
embrace all those events which are dead, and cause the lame to walk, and
beyond the power of any presently the blind to receive their sight, and
known physical power to produce. the deaf to hear; and all manner of
They are occurrences which deviate miracles did they work among the
from the known laws of nature and children of men; and in nothing did
which transcend our knowledge of they work miracles save it were in the
those laws. In this sense atomic ex- name of Jesus." (4 Ne. 5; Mosiah 3:5;
plosions, now commonplace, would 15:6.) These events, among others,
have been classed as miracles in a less are typical of those that have always
scientifically advanced society; and transpired when the true Church has
in this sense the churches of the world been on earth.
accept miracles. As gilts of . the Spirit (D. & C.
But in the gospel sense, miracles 46:21; I Cor. 12:10, 29; Moro. 10:12),
are · those occurrences wrought by the miracles are always performed' among
power of God which are wholly be- people who .have faith. (D. & C.
yond the power of man to perform. 45:8.) "For I am God, and mine
Produced by a supernatural power, arm is not shortened; and I will show
they ·are marvels, wonders, signs, miracles, signs, and wonders, unto all
which cannot be duplicated by man's those who believe on my name. And
present powers or by any powers whoso shall ask it in my name in
which he can obtain by scientific ad- faith, they shall cast out devils; they
vancements. Miracles in the gospel shall heal the sick; they shall cause
sense are gifts of the Spirit; they take the blind to receive their sight, and
place when the Lord on his own mo- the deaf to hear, and the dumb to
tion manifests his powers or when speak, and the lame to walk." (D. &
man by faith prevails upon Deity to C. 35:8-9.) Indeed, so common is the
perform supernatural events. In this working of these and other .miracles
literal . gospel sense the Christian among the true saints of God that the

Lord gave this caution by revelation: times wrought by the evil power.
"Require not miracles, except I shall (Rev. 13: 14; 16:14; 19:20.)
command you, except casting out One of the great identifying char-
devils, healing the sick, and against acteristics of apostate churches is their
poisonous serpents, and against deadly denial of miracles. "They deny the
poisons; And these things ye shall not power of God, the Holy One of Israel;
do, except it be required of you by and they say unto the people: Heark-
them who desire it." (D. & C. 24:13- en unto us, and hear ye our precept;
14.) for behold there is no God today, for
Faith and righteousness are the the Lord and the Redeemer hath done
powers by which miracles are wrought his work, and he hath given his power
(2 Ne. 26:13; Mosiah 8:18), and mir- unto men; Behold, hearken ye unto
acles are not manifest until after the my precept; if they shall say there
foundation of faith has been securely is a miracle wrought by the hand of
built. (Ether 12: 15-16, 18.) Miracles the Lord, believe it not; for this day
he is not a God of miracles; he hath
cease when wickedness prevails among
done his work." (2 Ne. 28:5-6.) The
a people (Morm. 1:13); their absence
coming forth of the Book of Mormon
is thus conclusive proof of the apos-
was reserved for "a day when it shall
tate status of any church or people.
be said that miracles are done away."
"There was not any man who could
(Morm. 8:26.)
do a miracle in the name of Jesus,"
But the judgments of God shall
the Nephite record states, "save he
rest upon all those who deny his
were cleansed every whit from his
power. "Yea, wo unto him that shall
iniquity." (3 Ne. 8:1.)
deny the revelations of the Lord, and
Miracles are one of the great evi- that shall say the Lord no longer
dences of the divinity of the Lord's worketh by revelation, or by proph-
work. They are the signs which al- ecy, or by gifts, or by tongues, or by
ways follow the true believers. (Mark healings, or by the power of the Holy
16:14-20; Morm. 9:20-25.) Where Ghost! Yea, and wo unto him that
there are true miracles, there is the shall say at that day, to get gain, that
true Church; where these miracles there can be no miracle wrought by
are not, there the true Church is not. Jesus Christ; for he that doeth this
Our Lord's miracles during his mortal shall become like unto the son of per-
ministry stood as a sign of his divine dition, for whom there was no mercy,
calling. (John 3:2; Hela. 16:4; 4 Ne. according to the word of Christi" (3
31.) But miracles standing alone, Ne. 29:6-7.)
without other accompaniment, are "Do we not read that God is the
not conclusive proof that divine ap- same yesterday, today, and forever,
proval rests upon a church or people. and in him there is no variableness
False and spurious miracles are some- neither shadow of changing? And

now, if ye have imagined up unto his angels ·are miserable creatures (2

yourselves a god who doth vary, and Ne. 9:9, 46; D. & C. 76:48), and they
in whom there is shadow of changing, seek to drag men down to their own
then have ye imagined up unto your- miserable state. (2 Ne. 2:5, 18, 27.)
selves a ·god who is not a God of Those who inherit damnation will be
miracles . .. . miserable forever (Mosiah 3:25; Alma
"And who shall say that Jesus 9:11; 26:20; 41:4; 42:1, 26; Hela.
Christ did not do many mighty mir- 3:29; 5: 12; 7: 16; 12:26; Morm. 8:38),
acles? And there were many mighty and as a matter of fact an unclean
miracles wrought by the hands of the person "would be more miserable to
apostles. And if there were miracles dwell with a holy and just God, under
wrought then, why has God ceased a consciousness" of his filthiness be-
to be · a God of miracles and yet be fore him, than "to dwell with the
an unchangeable Being? And behold, damned souls in hell." (Morm. 9:4-
I say unto you he changeth not; if 5.) It is through the atoning sacri-
so he would cease to be God; and he fice of Christ that men escape eternal
ceaseth not to be God, and is a God misery with the devil and his angels
of miracles." (Morm. 9:9-20.) in eternity. (2 Ne. 9:6-9.) And it is
"Has the day of miracles ceased? through righteousness in this life that
Or have angels ceased to appear unto they will escape misery in the world
the children of men? Or has he with- to come. "Go to now, ye rich men,"
held the power of the Holy Ghost James wrote of those who make gold
from them? Or will he, so long as their god, "weep and howl for your
time shall last, or the earth shall miseries _that shall come· upon you."
stand, or there shall be one man upon (Jas. 5:1.)
the face thereof to be saved? Behold
I say unto you; Nay; for it is by faith Missing Scripture. See LosT SCRIP-
that miracles are wrought; and it is TURE.
by faith that angels appear and min-
ister unto men; wherefore, if these Missionaries. See CoNVERSION, EL-
things have ceased wo be unto the DERS, GosPBL, MESSAGE OF THE -· RES-
children of men, for it is because of TORATION, MISSIONS, SAVIORS OF MEN,
unbelief, and all is vain." (Moro. SEVENTIES, TESTIMONY. Every mem-
7:28-38.) ber of the Church is a missionary,
with the responsibility of teaching the
Misery. See GRIEF, SORROW, WoEs . gospel by word and deed to our
Unrighteousness breeds misery, a Father's other children. This respon-
state of great distress and wretched- sibility arises through church mem-
ness, a state opposite to one of. jo)' bership alone, without the receipt of
and happiness. (2 Ne. 2:11, 23; Alma any special call. Church members are
3:26;. 40:15, 17, 21.) The devil and under .covenant,· made in the waters of


baptism, uto stand as witnesses of sion presidency). Stake and regional

God at all times and in all things, and mission presidents, as with other offi-
in all places that ye may be in, even cers in the stakes and wards, devote
until death." (Mosiah 18:9.) They full chu rch service time to their call-
are subject to the divine pronounce- ings, but are also engaged in the
ment: "It becometh every man who normal temporal pursuits. Presidents
hath been warned to warn his neigh- of foreign missions are called by the
bor." (D. & C. 88:81.) First Presidency and devote their lull
Further, scores of thousands of the time to the missionary ministry. They
saints have, are, and will serve for - direct both the proselyting work and
mally in the stake, regional, and for- preside over (as a stake president does
eign missions. Stake and regional in a stake) all of the programs of the
missionaries serve on a part or full Church in the missions.
time basis in the stakes. Part time
missionaries are also called from Missions. See CHURCH ORGANIZATION,
among the local saints in the missions. DISTRICTS, MISSIONARIES, MISSION
Foreign missionaries drop their tern· PRESIDENTS. Stake, regional, and for-
poral pursuits, travel to the nations eign missions form a part of the
of the earth, and for periods of two organization of God's earthly king-
or three years, without financial help dom. Stake missions are proselyting
from the Church, devote their lull agencies, within the stakes; regional
time to proclaiming the message of missions are special proselyting agen-
the restoration. cies, made up of a number of stakes,
One of the great evidences of the so that the message of the restoration
divinity of the great latter-day work can be presented with more effect to
is that hundreds of thousands of the minority and foreign speaking groups.
saints have or will go at a moment's As the name suggests, foreign missions
notice, at their own expense, to the are the ecclesiastical areas of the
ends of the earth, to testify of Christ Church located outside of the stakes.
and the restoration of the gospel Their purpose is to proselyte and also
through Joseph Smith. (D. & C. to carry on the programs of the
133:36-40.) No other church can Church in a manner comparable to
duplicate or come in any way close the way these things are done in the
to this record of service. stakes. For administrative reasons,
both stake, regional, and foreign mis-
Mission Presid'ents. See CHURCH OR- sions are divided into districts, and
GANIZATION, MISSIONARIES, MlsSIONS. in the case of foreign missions these
Presiding officers in missions are mis- districts are broken down into
sion presidents. They hold the keys branches.
of their ministry and are assisted by
two counselors ( thus forming a mis- Modern Revelation. See REVELATION.


Modesty. See CHASTITY, WORLD. Mod• proud in thy heart; let all thy gar-
esty in dress is one of the identifying ments be plain, and their beauty the
characteristics of true saints. It is an beauty of the work of thine own
aid in preserving chastity and an
outward sign that the modest person hands." (D. & C. 42:40.)
is imbued with humility, decency,
and propriety. Immodesty in dress is Money. See RICHES.
worldly, excites passions . and Iusts 1
places undue emphasis on sex and Monotheism. See ATHEISM, DEISM,
lewdness, and frequently encourages Goo, HENOTHEISM, PLURALITY OF
and invites petting and other immoral Goos, PoLYTI-IEISM, THEISM . Mono-
practices. It is an outward sign that theism is the doctrine or belief that
the immodest person has become there is but one God. If this is prop-
hardened to the finer sensitivities of erly interpreted . to mean that the
the Spirit and been overcome by a Father, Son, and Holy Ghost-each of
spirit of vanity and pride. Low-necked whom is a separate and distinct godly
dresses and those which do not ade- personage--are one God, meaning one
quately cover. the body, for instance, Godhead, then true saints are mono•
are obviously destructive of decency. theists. Professing Christians consider
Extremes of dress of any kind are themselves monotheists as ·distin•
of doubtful propriety. Costly and guished from polytheists, those pagan
elaborate elothing in general is any- peoples who believe in a host of gods
thing but indicative that the wearer whose powers :e·xercised only in
has overcome the world and is walk- their own fields.
ing humbly before the Lord. On the It is falsely supposed in the sectar-
other hand old-fashioned, somber, ian world that monotheism is the
uniform-type elothing worn by fanat- contribution of the Hebrew people to
ical members of some small religious the religious philosophy of the world.
sects is wholly unbecoming and in- They contend that belief in one su-
dicative of gross instability of charac- preme God began with Abraham,
ter. was farther established by Moses, but
Speaking as moved upon by the was not fully taught nor underst6od
Spirit, Paul:_counseled "that women until Amos and the later prophets.
adorn themselves in modest apparel, Actually, of course, the true knowl-
with shamefacedness and sobriety; edge of God was first revealed to
not with broided hair, or gold, or Adam and was known to all the saints
pearls, or costly array; But (which from his day to Abraham.
becometh women professing godli- Pagan tribal gods were the creation
ness) with good works." (1 Tim. of the imaginations of apostate peo-
2:9-10.) In our day the Lord has ples, just as the creeds and apostate
spoken similarly: "Thou shalt not be views of God which prevail iri modern

Christendom are the result of for- which contains the fulness of the
saking the truth. When Moses issued gospel, the same gospel which is in
the great prociamation-11 Hear, 0 the Bible-they do not recoil from the
Israel: The Lord our God is one designation of their views as Mor-
Lord" (Deut. 6:4)-he was but re- monism. Rather they take every hon-
iterating a great truth known to all orable opportunity to herald these
the prophets who preceded him. views to the worId, for they are the
pure, unadulterated Christianity of
Months. See TIME. old. Mormonism is Christianity;
Christianity is Mormonism; they are
Moon. See ASTRONOMY. one and the same, and they are not
to be distinguished from each other
Morality. See CHASTITY. in the minutest detail.
"Mormonism is . . . a revelation
More Sure Word of Prophecy. See from the heavens to man, introducing
CALLING AND ELECTION SURE. a new dispensation to the human
family," President John Taylor says.
Mormon Bible. See BooK OF MoR- "It is the religion that Adam, Enoch,
Noah, Melchizedek, Abraham, Lot,
Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Jesus, and the
Mormonism. See BOOK OF MORMON, apostles had, . . . and that Lehi,
CHRISTIANITY, CHURCH OF JESUS Nephi, Alma, Moroni, Mormon, and
CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, Gos- a host of others had. . . . It had its
PEL, JOSEPH SMITH THE PROPHET, origin from God . . . . It is the phi-
PLAN OF SALVATION, RESTORATION OF losophy of the heavens and the earth,
THE GOSPEL. To the fulness of the of God, and angels, and saints."
everlasting gospel, revealed anew in (Gospel Kingdom, pp. 1-10.)
this final dispensation, the world has
given the nickname Mormonism. Mormon Pioneers. See MORMONS.
This nam<>-eonferred upon the be- "Go as pioneers ... to a land of
liefs and doctrines of the saints and peace," the Lord commanded Brig-
used by its original coiners as an ham Young and the select group who
opprobrious epithet-is in no sense were going with him to prepare the
offensive to members of The Church way for the Mormon colonization of
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. the western frontier. (D. & C. 136.)
In all probability, the term Christian- Arriving in the Salt Lake Valley, July
ity (a synonym for Mormonism) had 21-24, 1847, this group (consisting
a similar beginning in the meridian originally of 147 men, three women,
of time. and two children) became the first
Since the Latter-day Saints believe of many. Soon the whole intermoun-
the Book of Mormon-a volume tain west was a hive of pioneering

activity as the Mormon Pioneers laid his mortal Nephite ministry, he died
the foundation for a home for the and went to the paradise of God.
saints in the tops of the mountains. (Moro. 10:34.) Then in modern
(Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 3, pp. times, as a resurrected being, because
327 -362.) It has become common to he held "the keys of the record of the
refer to all who came west prior to stick of Ephraim" (D. & C. 27:5),
the opening up of the railroad in he came to the Prophet and revealed
1869 as pioneers. the Book of Mormon. This coming
was in partial fulfilment of John's
Mormons. See BOOK OF MORMON, vision of another angel flying in the
CHRISTIANS, CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST midst of heaven to commit the ever-
OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, GOSPEL, MOR- lasting gospel to man. (Rev. 14:6-7;
MONISM, SAINTS. Mormon was the D. & C. 133:36-40.)
ancient Nephite prophet who abridged
and compiled the sacred records of his Moroni's Promise. See BooK OF MoR-
people under the title The Book of
Mormon. This inspired book, con-
taining a record of God's dealings Mortality. See CARNALITY, CoRRUP•
with a people who had the lulness of TION, DEATH, DEVILISHNESS, ELE-
the gospel, is accepted by The Church MENTS, FLESH AND BLOOD, IMMORTAL-
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints ITY, MAN, SENSUALITY. Man as now
as scripture. Accordingly, u_nofficially constituted has a mortal body, one
and by way of nickname, members of subject to death, corruption, and all
this restored Church have become of the ills of the flesh. Mortality is
known as Mormons, a name which that state of existence during which
is in no sense offensive or objection- body and spirit are temporarily joined
able to them. Mormons are true together; immortality is that future
Christians; their worship is the pure, resurrected state in which body and
unadulterated Christianity authored spirit are inseparably connected. (D.
by Christ and accepted by Peter, & C. 93:33.) In the resurrection all
James, and fohn and all the ancient men will be raised from mortality to
saints. immortality, from corruption to in-
corruption. (I Cor. 15:53-54; Mosiah
Morning St_ars. See STARS OF HEAVEN. 16:10; Alma 12:12; 41:4.)
Our present mortal bodies are com-
Moroni. See ANGELS, BOOK OF MoR- posed of flesh, blood, and spirit. "The
MON, KEYS OF THE KINGDOM, REs- life of the flesh is in the blood" (Lev.
TORATION OF THE GosPEL, SncK OF 17:11), meaning that if the blood is
EPHRAIM. To Moroni the Lord gave shed, the spirit leaves the body, death
the privilege and power to bring to occurs, and the body decays (for it is
light the Book of Mqrmon. Following corruptible) and goes back to the

dust from which it was created. By ISRAEL, KEYS OF THE KINGDOM, LAW
undergoing the experiences of mortal• OF MOSES, TEN CoMMANDMENTS. In
ity, spirits gain bodies which will be prophetic power, spiritual insight, and
restored to them in the resurrection; leadership qualifications, Moses ranks
also they are tried and tested to see with the mightiest men who have
if they will keep the commandments ever lived. All succeeding generations
of God while living in this probation- have classed him as the great law-
ary state. giver of Israel. The miracles and
Translated beings live in a state ol majesty attending his ministry can
mortality, but changes are "wrought scarcely be duplicated. Indeed, his life
upon their bodies" so that they will and ministry stand as a prototype of
not taste of death. (3 Ne. 28:36-40.) the mortal life and ministry of our
"Yc shall never endure the pains of Lord himself. So great was Moses
death," the Lord told the Three Ne- that even Christ is described as a
phites, who like John the Beloved Prophet like unto. this ancient leader
were translated, "but when I shall of Israel's hosts. (Deut. 18:15-19;
come in my glory ye shall be changed Acts 3:22-23; 3 Ne. 20:23.)
in the twinkling of an eye from mor- We know from the accounts in
tality to immortality." (3 Ne. 28:8.) Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and
Persons continuing to live on earth Deuteronomy, and from the Book of
when Christ comes, and those born Moses, of some of the great works of
during the entire millennial period, this ancient seer. Some of the great
will be mortal, but they too will have truths known to him, including his
changes made in their bodies so that account of the erea tion (Moses 1; 2;
disease and death will not affect them 3; Gen. I; 2), have been preserved to
as it now affects mortal beings. us. It is clear that he was translated
"Children shall grow up until they and taken into heaven without tasting
become old; old men shall die; but death so that, with Elijah, another
they shall not sleep in the dust, but translated being, he could return on
they shall be changed in the twinkling the Mount of Transfiguration and give
of an eye." (D. & C. 63:51; 101 :30-31; keys and authority to Peter, James,
Isa. 65:20.) and John. (Matt. 17:1 -13; Alma
45:18-19; Teachings, p. 158; Doc-
Mortal Soul. See SouL. trines of Salvation, vol. 2, pp. I 07 ·
112.) And we know that he had part
Mosaic Dispensation. See DrsPENSA· with Christ in the first resurrection.
(D. & C. 133:54-55.)
But the importance of the ministry
Mosaic Law. See LAW OF MosEs. of Moses to men now living lies pri-
marily in his return to earth in mod-
Moses. See ANGELS, GATHERING OF em times to carry out his part in the

great restitution of all things. (Acts speaks irt his name as though he were
3:19.) On the 3rd of April in 1836 the Father, and therefore (having the
h e appeared to Joseph Smith and Ol- lulness of the Father) h e thinks it
iver Cowdery in the Kirtland Temple "not robbery to be equal with God."
and committed unto them the keys (Philip. 2:6.)
of the gathering of Israel and the
leading of the Ten Tribes from the Most High God. See MosT HmH.
land of the north. ( D. & C. l!0:11.)
These were the special powers and Motherhood. See MOTHERS IN IsRAEL.
endowments · that rested with the
kingdom in his day, and by virtue of Mother in H eaven. See ETERNAL
their restoration men are now author- LIVES, EXALTATION, FATHER IN HEAV-
ized to use the priesthood for these EN, MOTHERS IN I SRAEL, PRE-EXIST-
great purposes. The fact that hun- ENCE. Implicit in the Christian verity
dreds of thousands of scattered Israel that alr men are the spirit children of
have been gathered from all nations an Eternal Father is the usually un-
to the tops of the mountains is vis - spoken truth that they are also the
ible proof that Moses did return and offspring of an Eternal Mother. An
that the keys which he first exercised exalted and glorified Man of Holiness
in his mortal ministry are again being (Moses 6:57) could not be a Father
used by his successors in interest, the unless a Woman of like glory, per-
modern prophets. fection, and holiness was associated
with him as a Mother. The begetting
Most High. See CHRIST, CHRIST AS of children makes a man a father and
THE FATHER, FATHER IN H EAVEN, a woman a mother whether we are
HIGHEST, SoN OF THE HIGHEST. Both dealing with man in his mortal or
the Father and the Son bear the name immortal state.
the Most High. (Deut. 32:8-9; Isa. This doctrine that there is a Mother
14:14; Mark 5:7; D. & C. 36:3; 39:19; in Heaven was affirmed in plainness
76:57.) This designation connotes a by the First Presidency of the Church
state of supreme exaltation in rank, (Joseph F. Smith, John R. Winder,
power, and dignity; it indicates that and Anthon H. Lund) when, in
each of these Gods is God above all. speaking of pre-existence and the
Obviously the Father is the Most origin of man, they said that "man,
High God in the literal sense for he as a spirit, was begotten and born of
is the God of the Son as well as the heavenly parents, and reared to ma-
God of all men. (John 20:17.) The turity in the eternal mansions of the
Son, however, is the Most High God Father,,, that man is the "offspring
in the sense that by divine investiture of celestial parentage," and that "all
of authority, h e is endowed with the men and women are in the similitude
power and authority of the Father, of the universal Father and Mother,

and are literally the sons and daugh- (Man: His Origin and Destiny, p.
ters of Deity." (Man: His Origin and 129.)
Destiny, pp. 348-355.)
This glorious truth of celestial par- Mother of Harlots. See HARLOTS.
entage, including specifically both a
Father and a Mother, is heralded Mothers in Israel. See CELESTIAL
forth by song in one of the greatest MARRIAGE, EXALTATION, ISRAEL,
of Latter-day Saint hymns. 0 My Mon-IER IN HEAVEN, PATRIARCHAL
Father by Eliza R. Snow, written in BLESSINGS, PATRIARCHAL ORDER. In
1843, during the lifetime of the the patriarchal blessings of faithful
Prophet, includes this teaching: women the inspired promise is some-
times found that they shall be moth-
In the heavens are parents single? ers in Israel. This expression has
No; the thought makes reason stare/ reference to either or both of the fol-
Truth is reason, truth eternal, lowing states: motherhood in the
Tells me I've a Mother there. house of Israel here in mortality;
motherhood among exalted beings in
When I leave this frail existence, eternity, among those for whom the
When I lay this mortal by, family unit continues, those who shall
Father, Mother, may I meet you rule and reign forever in the house
In your royal courts on high? of Israel. Motherhood in this life
Then, at length, when I've completed brings forth mortal offspring; in eter-
All you sent me forth to do, nity it will bring forth spirit children.
With your mutual approbation, (D. & C. 131:1 -4; 132:19-32.)
Let me come and dwell with you. Faith and devotion to the truth on
the part of the mothers in Latter-day
Mortal persons who overcome all Israel in rearing their children in light
things and gain an ultimate exaltation and truth is one of the greatest in-
will live eternally in the family unit centives to righteousness that can be
and have spirit children, thus becom- given.
ing Eternal Fathers and Eternal
Mothers. (D. & C. 132: 19-32.) In- Mountain of the Lord's House. See
deed, the formal pronouncement of RESTORATION OF THE GoSPEL, TEM-
the Church, issued by the First Pres- PLES. The mountain of the Lord's
idency and the Council of the Twelve, house is the mountain where the
states: "So far as the stages of eternal temple of God is built. Isaiah proph-
progression and attainment have been esied: "It shall come to pass in the
made known through divine revela- last days, that the mountain of the
tion, we are to understand that only Lord's house shall be established in
resurrected and glorified beings can the top of the mountains, and shall
become po.rents of spirit offspring." be exalted above the hills; and all

nations shall flow unto it. And many Mourning. See DEATH, DESPAIR,
people shall go and say, Come ye, and FASTING, FUNERALS, GNASHING OF
let us go up to the mountain of the TEETH, GRAVES, GRIEF, SACKCLOTH
Lord, to the house of the God of Ja- AND ASHES, SIGNS OF THE TIMES,' Sm;.-
cob; and he will teach us of his ways, EMN ASSEMBLIES, SORROW, WEEPING.
and we will walk in his paths: for I. Wholesome and proper mourning
out of -Zion slrall go forth the law, -mourning based on sound gospel
and the word of the l.o.rd;J.wm ' ew, knowledge-is a profitable and en-
salem." (asa-. ,2' 2-3;• Mic., 4:1°2;,2 Ne. nobling part of life. Men are com-
J2:2-3.) manded to fast, and pray, and mourn:
This great prophecy, as is often the all these are essential parts of true
case, is subject to tbe law of multiple worship. (Alma 30:2; Hela. 9:10.)
fulfilment. I. The Salt Lake Temple "Thou shalt live together in love,"
is the one foreseen by Isaiah; it has the Lord says! Hinsomuch that thou
been b~il t "in the top of the moun- shalt weep for the loss of them that
tains," and representatives of all die, and more especially for those that
nations are flowing unto it to learn have not hope of a glorious resurrec-
of God and his ways. 2. But the day tion." (D. & C. 42:45.) Thus Abra-
is yet future when the Lord's house ham mourned for righteous Sarah
is to be built on that "Mount Zion" (Gen. 23:2), and thus all Israel
which is "the city of New Jerusalem" mourned for Moses ..(Deut. 34:8.) At
in Jackson County, Missouri. (D. & such times of deep sorrow, when
C. 84:2-4.) Mount Zion, itself, will death overtakes a loved one, tbe feel-
be tbe mountain of tbe Lord's house ingS of a compassionate person be-
in the day when that glorious temple come tender, the veil between tbe
is erected. 3\ \¥hen the Jews flee Uht0 living and the dead grows thinner,
Jerusalem, it will be "unto the moun- and things of eternity and of the
tains of tbe Lord's house" (D. & C~ Spirit sink deeper into the soul. De-
133:13), for a holy temple is to be sires for righteousness are thus built
built there also as part of the work up in the hearts of the bereaved.
of the great era of restoration~ (Ezek. Righteous mourning is not confined
'37 :24;28:) to periods of great sorrow. It is part
The law cannot go forth from Zion of the saintly way of life, and in the
and the word of the Lord from Jeru- waters of baptism the saints make
salem, in the full millennial sense tbat solemn covenant "to mourn with those
Isaiah foresaw and specified, until that mourn." (Mosiah 18:9.) "Call
these two great future temples are your solemn assembly," the Lord told
constructed in the old and new Jeru- tbe early members of the Church,
salems. (Isa. 2; Mic. 4; 2 Ne. 12.) "that your fastings and your mourn-
ing might come ,up into the ears of
~fount . Ziori. See Z10N. the Lord." (D. & C. 95:7.) During

the periods when righteousness power to escape most of the calami-

reigned in ancient Israel, that chosen ties and mourning of the world. "Let
people "walked mournfully before the Zion rejoice, while all the wicked shall
Lord of hosts." (Mal. 3:14; 3 Ne. mourn." (D. & C. 97:18-28; 101:11-
24: 14.) And Jacob, speaking of the 14; Isa. 51:1 1; 2 Ne. 8:11. ) Of those
life of the Nephites, their tribulations who find fault with the Lord's doings,
and lonely wanderings, said: "We did he has said: "Fools mock, but they
mourn out our days." (Jae. 7:26.) shall mourn." (Ether 12:26.)
"Blessed are they that mourn: for
they shall be comforted." (Matt. 5:4; Mulekites. See BOOK OF MORMON,
2. Mourning takes place in un- About 11 years after Lehi left Jerusa-
righteousness, and is displeasing to the lem, the city was destroyed by the
Lord, when bereaved persons refuse Babylonians. Zedekiah, king of Ju-
to find comfort and solace in the gos- dah, was captured, and all his sons
pel teachings. Excessive sorrow over except M ulek were slain before his
the death of a loved one shows spir- eyes. (2 Kings 25:7; Hela. 8:20-22.)
itual instability. It appea rs, for But the Lord led Mulek and a group
example, that the daughters of Ish- of other Jews to an inheritance in
mael permitted themselves to mourn the American promised land. (Hela.
inordinately over the death of their 6: 10.) In keeping with Book of Mor-
father. (I Ne. 16:35-36.) Certainly mon terminology, their nation and
most of the ritualistic mourning, the people have become known among
elaborate displays of sorrow, the Latter-day Saints as the Mulekites,
hiring of special mourners, the cut- although that name is not found in
ting of the flesh as a sign of sorrow the Book of Mormon. They founded
(Lev. 19:28), and so on, are all out- the city of Zarahemla, which was
side the bounds of decent and dig- discovered in due course by Mosiah
nified mourning. The true gospel and his people, and thereafter the
perspective is seen in Job's statement : Mulekites were joined with and be-
"The Lord gave, and the Lord hath came known as Nephites . (Omni 13-
taken away; blessed be the name of 19; Mosiah 25.)
the Lord." (Job I :21.)
One of the signs of the times is the Murderers. See APOSTASY, CAIN, CAP-
mourning that shall prevail in the last ITAL PUNISHMENT, S ECRET COMBINA-
days among the wicked, mourning TIONS, SIGNS OF THE TI MES. "Thou
that will come because of the calam- shalt not kill." (Ex. 20:13.) "Thou
ities and plagues that shall be poured shalt do no murder." (Matt. 19: 18.)
out without measure. (D. & C. 45:49; Murder, the unlawful killing of a
87 :6; 98:9; 11 2:24; Zech. 12: 10-14.) human being with malice afore-
By righteousness the saints have thought or under such circumstances

of criminality that the malice is pre- mighty works of God in leading and
sumed, "is a sin unto death" (I John preserving his people. Religious mu-
5: 16-17), a sin for which there is sic, by all odds, is the greatest music
"no forgiveness" (D. & C. 42:79) , of the ages. What is there to com-
meaning that a murderer can never pare-in rhythmic beauty, poetic
gain . salvation. "No murderer hath sublimity, and inspired teachings-
eternal life abiding _in him." (I John with the Psalms of David?
3: 15.) He cannot join the Church by "Praise the Lord with singing, with
baptism; he is outside the pale of re- music, with dancing, and with a
deeming grace. prayer of praise and thanksgiving,"
The call to repentance and baptism is the divine command. (D. & C.
which includes murderers (3 Ne. 30) 136:28.) "For my soul delighteth in
has reference to those who took life the song of the heart," the Lord says,
while engaged in unrighteous wars, "yea, the song of the righteous is a
as did the Lamanites, because they prayer unto me, and it shall be an-
were compelled to do so, and not be- swered with a blessing upon their
cause they in their hearts sought the heads." (D. & C. 25:12.) One of the
blood of their fellow men. On the great promises of the restoration is:
other hand, the Jews on whose hands "The righteous shall be gathered out
the blood of Christ was found were
from among all nations, and shall
not invited to repent and be baptized.
come to Zion, singing with songs of
(Acts 3: 19-21.)
everlasting joy." (D. & C. 45:71;
Murderers are forgiven eventually
66:11; 101 :18; 109:39; 133:33.)
but only in the sense that all sins are
forgiven except the sin against the Good music is eternal. Angelic
Holy .Ghost; they are not forgiven in choirs brightened the pre-existent
the sense that celestial salvation is heavens with their hymns of praise.
made available to them. (Matt. 12:31- Who can conceive of the heavenly
32.) Alter they have paid the lull melodies heard in the courts above,
penalty for their crime, they shall go "When the morning stars sang to-
on to a telestial inheritance. (Rev. gether, and all the sons of God
22:15.) shouted for joy?" (Job 38:7.) Or
whose souls would not have been mel-
low_ed by the celestial strains an -
OF THE LAMB, WORSHIP. From the nouncing the birth of our Lord,
beginning, both vocal and instru- "Glory to God in the highest, and on
mental music has been a vital and earth peace, good will toward men"?
important part of divine worship. ,(Luke 2:14.) And what saint is there
Gieat songs and psalms have come who does not look forward to the day
from the pens of inspired poet-proph- when his "immortal spirit may join
ets in every age to memorialize the the choirs above in singing the praises

of a just God"? (Mosiah 2:28; Morm. is one of the great musical composi-
7:7; Rev. 14:2-3.) tions of the ages. Many religious
Music is given of God to further his Christmas carols are edifying and en-
purposes. Sweet melodies mellow the nobling. There is ample appropriate
souls of men and help prepare them music which furthers the cause al
for the gospel. After men receive the righteousness, without turning to that
truth, songs of praise to Deity help which only partially meets the proper
to sanctify and cleanse their souls. standard.
It follows that the best and greatest
music is that in which, by both note Mutual Improvement Associations.
and word, God is praised and his see AUXILIARY ORGANIZATIONS,
truths are extolled. On the other CHURCH ORGANIZATION, GENERAL
hand, music can be used for sensuous BOARDS, PRIESTHOOD, RECREATION,
and carnal purposes. To accomplish STAKE BOARDS. Two great auxiliary
the Lord's aims both word and melody organizations are provided to aid the
must be edifying and lead to whole- priesthood in leading the youth of
some thoughts and emotions. There Zion to temporal and spiritual sal-
is vulgar as well as virtuous music. vation. These organizations are the
Wholesome light music designed Young Men's Mutual Improvement
primarily to entertain has its place. Association, and the Young Women's
So do the heavy classical pres en ta tions Mutual Improvement Association.
that appeal to the more musically Under the direction of their executive
gifted. But in meetings set apart to heads, as assisted by general and stake
worship the Lord, the saints should boards, these organizations carry on
sing songs which teach the gospel and intelligent and comprehensive pro-
enhance faith. Beautiful melodies grams in the wards and branches,
alone do not suffice; the word-message programs which are aidlul in the
must also conform to true principles. development of the personalities and
Truths taught in the hymns should talents of Zion's youth.
be as accurately presented as they are President Joseph F. Smith summar-
in the scriptures themselves. ized the purposes and work of the
Songs that build faith and testi- Mutual .Improvement Associations in
mony and that teach the message of these words: "The systematic work
the restoration include such numbers now being done by the quorums of
as: Come, Come Ye Saints; Now Let priesthood provides our young men
Us Rejoice; We Thank Thee O God with the necessary teachings in for-
for a Prophet; and The Spirit of God. mal theology and trains them in the
Many of the great Christian hymns duties that pertain to their callings
of all churches bear true witness of in the priesthood.
Christ and teach sound doctrine. "There is, however, a strong need
Handel's great oratorio, the Messiah, among the young men [and women]

of the Church to have an organization regular class work in ethics and prac·
and meetings which they themselves tical religion, literature, science, his-
conduct: in which thei may learn to tory, biography, art, music, civil
preside over public assemblies, to ob- government - supplemented by de-
tain a practice necessary to express bates, oratorical and musical Contests,
themselves before the public, and to lectures, essays, writing for publica-
enjoy themselves in studying and tion, reading and speaking under the
practicing civil, social, scientific, re~ auspices of the organization, -and if
ligious and educational affairs. necessary carried on in departments
"The Young Men's [and Women's] under instructors capable of special-
Mutual Improvement Associations, izing in their particular lines.'' (Gos-
therefore, should be strengthened and pel Doctrine, 5th ed., pp. 390-391.)
their efficiency increased in order to
offset and counteract the tendency Mysteries. See DOCTRINE, FmsT PRIN·
now so prevalent to establish private CIPLES OF THE GOSPEL, GOSPEL,
clubs, secret and social organizations, KNOWLEDGE, STANDARD WORKS. I. A
and select educational societies . . . . mystery is something which cannot be
"The field to be occupied is re- explained, either because it is beyond
ligious, social and educational. The human comprehension in general, or
religious work is not to be formally because some particular man has not
theological in its nature, but rather learned enough to understand it.
to be confined to the limits outlined Accordingly, some matters of doctrine,
by President Brigham Young, when pWlosophy, or science may be a mys-
the organizations were first estab- tery to one person and not to another.
lished: 'Let the keynote of your work When a thing is understood it is no
be the establishment in the youth of longer a mystery. In the eternal sense
an individual testimony of the truth there are no mysteries; all things are
and magnitude of the great Latter- known to and understood by Deity;
day work, and the development of the and there will be no mysteries among
gifts within them.' In other words, exalted beings, for they too shall know
to obtain a testimony of the truth, all things.
and to learn to declare and express A knowledge of the mysteries of
that testimony, and to develop all God comes by obedience to gospel
noble gilts within them. law. "It is given unto many to know
HThe social includes control of var- the mysteries of God," Amulek taught.
ious public and private amusements; "He that will harden his heart, the
musical, dramatic and other enter- same recciveth the lesser portion of
tainments and festivals; field sports, the word; and he that will not harden
athletic tournaments, excursions and his heart, to him is given the greater
other varieties of social gatherings. portion of the word, until it is given
"The educational should include unto him to know the mysteries of

God until he know them in full." ear heard, nor yet entered into the
(Alma 12:9-11.) heart of man." (D. & C. 76:5-10.)
"If thou shalt ask," the Lord said 2. There is also a restricted and
in this day, Hthou shalt receive rev- limited usage of the expression mys-
elation upon revelation, knowledge teries; it is more of a colloquial than
upon knowledge, that thou mayest a scriptural usage, and it has reference
know the mysteries and peaceable to that body of teachings in the spec-
things-that which bringeth joy, that ulative field, those things which the
which bringeth life eternal. ... For Lord has not revealed in plainness
unto you it is given to know the mys- in this day. It is to these things that
teries of the kingdom, but unto the reference is made when the elders are
world it is not given to know them." counseled to leave the mysteries alone.
(D. & C. 42:61-65; 6:7, II; 8:11; "Oh, ye elders of Israel, hearken to
11:7.) my voice," the Prophet said, "and
"Thus saith the Lord-I, the Lord, when you are sent into the world to
am merciful and gracious unto those preach, tell those things you are sent
who fear me, and delight to honor to tell; preach and cry aloud, 'Repent
those who serve me in righteousness ye, for the kingdom of heaven is at
and in truth unto the end. Great shall hand; repent and believe the gospel.'
be their reward and eternal shall be Declare the first principles, and let
their glory. And to them will I reveal mysteries alone, lest ye be overthrown.
all mysteries, yea, all the hidden mys- Never meddle with the visions of
teries of my kingdom from days of old, beasts and subjects you do not under-
and for ages to come, will I make stand." (Teachings, p. 292.)
known unto them the good pleasure
of my will concerning all things per- Mysticism. See UNITY. Mysticism is
taining to my kingdom. Yea, even the belief that direct spiritual union
the wonders of eternity shall they with God is possible through medita-
know, and things to come will I show tion upon him and his laws and
them, even the things of many gen- through surrender to his will. In
erations. And their wisdom shall be theory this is true; man can become
great, and their understanding reach one with Deity by learning his laws,
to heaven; and before them the wis- surrendering to his will, and keeping
dom of the wise shall perish, and the his commandments. It is possible to
understanding of the prudent shall have personal revelation, to gain
come to naught. For by my Spirit knowledge from God by direct spir-
will I enlighten them, and by my itual insight, to be a prophet of God.
power will I make known unto them But this means accepting Jesus as the
the secrets of my will-yea, even those Christ and Joseph Smith as his proph-
things which eye has not seen, nor et; it means coming into the fold of

Christ which is named The Church ularly harmful; often it forms the
of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. basis for great literature, immortal
In practice, the so-called mystics of dramas, and interesting study. But
the world are seeking union with God unfortunately it also often becomes
through their own mental aberrations the set of beliefs to which men adhere
and outside the true gospel frame- in seeking to satisfy their innate
work. Their brand of mysticism is an desires to worship.
apostate religion, one created in imi- Christianity, as known and prac-
tation of the true system of salvation, ticed in the apostate churches of the
one that will never lead them to their world, is in fact the greatest assem-
professed goal. blage of mythical beliefs ever de-
vised. Except for its ethical teachings,
Mythology. See APOSTASY. Mythology it does not come much nearer the
is a substitute for and a perversion of truth than the Lamanite legends .un-
true religion. It includes the legends covered by Cortez and his followers,
of a people, their religious beliefs, the or than the Greek, Roman, or Norse
notions they have as to their origin, mythology. A myth is a myth wheth-
gods, and heroes, and the record of er it parades under Biblical names or
the dramatic events of their history. openly acclaims itself to be the fig-
As long as it is correctly labeled and ment of someone's imagination.
identified as fiction, it is not partic-

===. N miracles (D. & C. 84:66-73), speak

Name of Christ. See CHRJST, REVER-
ENCE. Jesus Christ is the name given prophecies (D. & C. 130: 12), and
of the Father whereby salvation and do all things. (D. & C. 46:31.)
all things incident thereto may be Use of the name of Christ centers
attained. (Acts 4:12; Mosiah 3:17.) one's faith in him and constitutes a
It is the name the saints take upon solemn affirmation as to where all
them in the waters of baptism (D. & power and authority lies. For God
C. 18:21-25; 20:37); the name by the Father "hath highly exalted him,
which they are called (Alma 5:37- and given him a name which is above
38; 3 Ne. 27 :3-10), in which they every name: That at the name of
worship (D. & C. 20:29), and which Jesus every knee should bow, of things
they use to seal their prayers (D. & C. in heaven, and things in earth, and
50:31); it is the name in which the things under the earth; And that
saints serve God (D. & C. 59:5), work every tongue should confess that

Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of tice among apostate peoples, but the
God the Father." (Philip. 2:9-1 I.) Lord calls it an abomination and ex-
pressly commands Israel to avoid it.
Names of Christ. See CHRIST. (Deut. 18:9-14.)

Naming of Children. See BLESSING Negroes. See CAIN, HAM, PRE - EXIST-
the pre-existent eternity various de-
Nations. See RACES OF MEN. grees of valiance and devotion to the
truth were exhibited by different
Natural Death. See DEATH. groups of our Father's spirit offspring.
One-third of the spirit hosts of heaven
Natural Patriarchs. See PATRIARCHS. came out in open rebellion and were
cast out without bodies, becoming the
Natural Rights. See INALIENABLE devil and his angels. (D. & C. 29:36-
RIGHTS. 41; Rev. 12:3-9.) The other two-
thirds stood affirmatively for Christ;
Nature. See Goo OF NATURE. there were no neutrals. To stand neu-
tral in the midst of war is a philo-
Nazarene. See CHRIST, )Esus OF NAZ- sophical impossibility. The Lord said:
ARETH. Christ is the Nazarene. "He that is not with me is against
Matthew had access to a Messianic me; and he that gathereth not with
prophecy which has not been pre- me scattereth abroad." (Matt. 12:30.)
served for our day, which enabled him Of the two-thirds who followed
to write of our Lord: "He came and Christ, however, some were more val-
dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that iant than others. Adam and all the
it might be fulfilled which was spo- prophets so distinguished themselves
ken by the prophets, He shall be by diligence and obedience as to be
called a Nazarene." (Matt. 2:23.) foreordained to their high earthly
missions. (Abra. 3:20-24.) The whole
Necking. See SEx IMMORALITY. house of Israel was chosen in pre-
existence to come to mortality as
Necromancy. See DMNATION, FoR- children of Jacob. (Deut. 32:7-8.)
TUNE TELLING, MAGIC, OccuLTISM, Those who were less valiant in pre-
SOOTHSAYERS, SORCERY, SPIRITUALISM, existence and who thereby had cer-
WITCHCRAFT. Necromancy is that tain spiritual restrictions imposeQ.
form of divination which attempts to upon them during mortality are
foretell the future by consultation known to us as the negroes. Such
with the dead. Sometimes the term is spirits are sent to earth through the
enlarged to include magic in general. lineage of Cain, the mark put upon
It is and has been a common prac- him for his rebellion against God and

his murder of Abel being a black skin. Gentiles. (Matt. 15:24.) He sent his
(Moses 5 :16-41; 7:8, 12, 22.) Noah's apostles out initially with the same
son Ham married Egyptus, a descend- restriction (Matt. 10:5-6), and it was
ant of Cain, thus preserving the ne- with some difficulty that he persuaded
gro lineage through the flood. (Abra. them to go to all men when the period
1:20-27.) of Israel's prior rights had expired.
Negroes in this life are denied the (Mark 16:15; Acts 10.)
priesthood; under no circun_istances The negroes are not equal with
can they hold this delegation of other races where the receipt of cer-
authority from the Almighty. (Abra. tain spiritual blessings are concerned,
I :20-27.) The gospel message of sal- particularly the priesthood and the
vation is not carried affirmatively to temple blessings that flow therefrom,
them (Moses 7:8, 12, 22), although but this inequality is not of man's
sometimes negroes search outtfie origin. It is the Lord's doing, is based
truth, join the Church, and become on his eternal laws of justice, and
by righteous living heirs of the ce- grows out of the lack of spiritual
lestial kingdom of heaven. ~ valiance of those concerned in their
~l£ham Young and others have first estate. Certainly the negroes as
taugh.t that in ilie future eternity children of God are entitled to equal-
worthy and qualified neg:roes wi!l ity before the law and to be treated
receive the priesiliood and every gos- with all the dignity and respect of
~ Iessi~ available to any man. any member of the human race.
(Way to Perfection, pp. 97-11 1. ) Many of them certainly live according
The present status of the negro to higher standards of decency and
rests purely and simply on the foun- right in this life than do some of their
dation of 'pre-existence. Along with brothers of other races, a situation
all races and peoples he is receiving that will cause judgment to be laid
here what he merits as a result of ~'to the line, and righteousness to the
the long pre-mortal probation in the plummet" (Isa. 28:17) in the day of
presence of the Lord. The principle judgment.
is the same as will apply when all
men are judged according to their Nephite Dispensations. See DrSPEN-
mortal works and are awarded varying SATIONS.
statuses in the life hereafter.
In this connection it should be Nephites and Lamanites. See AMER·
noted that other nations, also, have ICAN INDIANS, BooK OF MoRMON,
had lesser restrictions placed on them ISHMAELITES, JACOBITE$, JAREDITES,
as pertaining to receipt of the gospel }Ews, JosEPHITES, LAMANrrE CuasE,
truths in this life. Christ limited his LEMUELITES, MuLEKITES, ZoRAMITES.
ministry to the lost sheep of the house Almost from the very day in 600 B.C.
of Israel and did not preach to the in which Lehi, his family and friends,

began their journey toward their manites which included a dark skin.
American promised land, there was a (2 Ne. 5:21-25.) Then as large cities
sharp division within the group. and nations developed, the terms Ne-
Those who were faithful members of phite and Lamanite became matters
the Church, who believed the revela- of ancestry and nationality rather
tions and sought to keep the com- than identifications of particular be-
mandments of God, chose to call liefs. Accordingly there were periods
themselves Nephites alter Nephi their when groups of Lamanites were more
mightiest prophet. Those who were faithful to the truth than their Ne-
rebellious, whose minds were dark- phite kindred. And there were also
ened by unbelief, who were apostates periods when the believing Lamanites
from the Church, chose to call them- joined with the Nephites, became a
selves Lamanites after Laman, the white and a delightsome people again,
most forceful and powerful member and were again called Nephites. (3
of their group. Ne. 2:14-16.)
The Nephite group included Lehi During the period following the
and Sariah, Nephi's sisters, and the ministry of our Lord among the an-
families of Nephi, Sam, Jacob, and cient Americans, the Nephites and
Zoram. (2 Ne. 5.) That portion of Lamanites ceased to exist as separate
the Nephites who were descendants of groups; rather; all men "were in one,
Jacob, Joseph, and Zoram were some- the children of Christ, and heirs to
times called Jacobites, Josephites, and the kingdom of God." (4 Ne. 17.)
Zoramites. The Lamanite group in- Then when the great apostasy set
cluded the families of Laman and in "there arose a people who were
Lemuel, and the families of the sons called the Nephites, and they were
of Ishmael. Lemuelites and lshmael- true believers in Christ; and among
ites, accordingly, were portions of the them were those who were called by
larger colony of Lamanites. (J ac. the Lamanites-Jacobites, and Joseph-
1:13-14; 4 Ne. 37-39.) When the ites, and Zoramites; Therefore the _
Mulekite civilization later joined with true believers in Christ, and the true
the Nephites, the whole group were worshipers of Christ, (among whom
thereafter known by the more prom· were the three disciples of Jesus who
inent name, Nephites. (Mosiah 25.) should tarry) were called Nephites,
Thus the designation Nephites and and Jacobites, and Josephites, and
Lamanites was originally a means of Zoramites. And it came to pass that
identifying true believers on the one they who rejected the gospel were
hand and apostates from the faith on called Lamanites, and Lemuelites,
the other. Alter the separation into and Ishmaelites." (4 Ne. 36-38.)
groups had occurred, however, to In their latter end the Nephites
avoid intermarriage between them, (speaking now of the white skinned
the Lord placed a curse upon the La- group and calling them Nephites from

the standpoint of ancestry and nation- ence to its terms and conditions, and
ality) became more corrupt and that same compliance will bring the
wicked than the Lamanitcs and were same reward in all future ages. Each
destroyed, as a people and nation, in time this everlasting covenant is re-
the great continent-wide wars that vealed it is new to those of that dis-
came upon them. (Morm. 6.) There pensation. Hence the gospel is the
were many Nephite groups, however, new and everlasting covenant.
who were not destroyed in the final All covenants between God and
conflict, and these ( with possible man are part of the new and e~erlast-
exceptions) have since mingled them- ing covenant. (D. & C. 22; 132:6-7.)
selves with the Lamanites, the result- Thus celestial marriage is "a new
ing peoples being known to the world and an everlasting covenant" (D. &
as the American Indians. (I Ne. C. 132:4) or the new and everlasting
13:30; 2 Ne. 3:1-3; 9:53; Alma 45:13- covenant of marriage. (Doctrines of
14; D . & C. 3:16-19.) Salvation, vol. I, pp. 152-166.) Some
covenants, however, have force and
Neutrals in Heaven. See NEGROES. validity in all dispensations; baptism
is one of these. (D. & C. 22.) Other
New and Everlasting Covenant. See covenants are made for special pur-
AnRAHAMIC COVE NANT, CELESTIAL poses in particular dispensations; cir-
MARRIAGE, CHILDREN OP THE CoVE- cumcision is this type of a covenant.
That the everlasting covenant
would be restored in the last days is
amply attested in the revelations. (D.
& C. I :22.) Through Jeremiah the
Lord promised to "make a new cove-
PEL, SALVATION. God's covenant of nant with the house of Israel, and
salvation is the fulness of the gospel. with the house of Judah," a covenant
(D. & C. 39: 11; 45:9; 66:2; 133:57.) which would lead to . that glorious
When men accept the gospel, they inillennial condition in which "they
thereby agree or covenant to keep the shall teach no more every man his
commandments of God, and he prom- neighbour, and every man his brother,
ises or covenants to give them salva- saying, Know the Lord: for they shall
tion in his kingdom. all know me, from the least of them
The gospel is the everlasting cove- unto the greatest of them, saith the
nant because it is ordained by Him Lord." (Jer. 31:31-34.) Ezekiel said
who is Everlasting and also because it that this would be "an everlasting
is everlastingly the same. In all past covenant with them," one that would
ages salvation was gained by adher- be made in the day when the Lord

set his sanctuary (temple) "in the called the new covenant. (D. & C.
midst of them." (Ezek. 37:26.) 84:57.)
Apostasy consists in breaking the
everlasting covenant. (D. & C. I :15.) New Creatures of the Holy Ghost.
Isaiah said the universal apostasy See BORN AGAIN.
would come because men had
"transgressed the laws, changed the New Earth. See NEW HEAVEN AND
ordinance, broken the everlasting NEW EARTH.
covenant." (Isa. 24:5.) Those who
break their covenants are condemned New Heaven and New Earth. See
more severely than they would have CREATION, EARTH, HEAVEN, MILLEN-
been had they never made the initial NIUM, RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS,
contract with the Lord. (D. & C. 41 :!; TIMES OF REFRESHING. This expres-
82:2; 132:27.) In covenant-keeping sion, new heaven and new earth, is
there is salvation; in covenant-break- used in two distinct senses in the
ing, damnation. (D. & C. 76:101; scriptures: I. It has reference to the
132:5, 15-27.) millennial, paradisiacal, or renewed
earth and heavens that will prevail
New Birth. See BORN AGAIN. after the Second Coming of Christ
(Tenth Article of Faith; Isa. 65:17-25;
New Covenant. See BOOK OF MoR- 66:22-24; D. & C. 101:23-31); and 2.
MON, CovENANTS, LAW OF MosEs, In other instances it has reference to
MEDIATOR, NEW AND EVERLASTING the celestial heaven and earth that
COVENANT, NEW TESTAMENT, OLD will prevail in the day when the
TESTAMENT. In comparing the old Father and the Son rnake this planet
Mosaic covenant with the gospel their habitation. (D. & C. 29:22-25;
which had been newly restored in his 77: I; 88: 16-32; Rev. 21.) The term
day, Paul calls the gospel the new heaven is used to mean the atmos-
covenant. Jesus is designated as the pheric rather than the sidereal
Mediator of the new covenant. (Heb. heavens.
8; 9; IO; 12:22-24; D. & C. 76:69;
107:19.) Frorn a Biblical standpoint New Jerusalem. See HOPE OF ISRAEL,
the record of the new covenant is MILLENNIUM, NEW HEAVEN AND NEW
found in the New Testament (which EARTH, RESURRECTION, TRANSLATED
document more literally and accurate- BEINGS, ZmN. As far as we now know,
ly should be called the New Cove- Jerusalem was first founded as a city
nant) . Since the Book of Mormon after the flood. It is mentioned in
also contains the provisions of .the Abraham's day under the name
new covenant, the covenant which Salem, a term meaning peace. (Gen.
replaced the one previously in force 14:18; Ps. 76:2.) Melchizedek was
under the law of Moses, it also is king in the land of Salem, and be-

cause · he established peace "he was the Jews are to assemble there, and
called ihe prince of peace" ( Alma the fi.nal great battles which attend
13:17-18), the "King of peace." (Heb. the Second Coming of the Son of Man
7:1-2.) In the original Hebrew the are to take place at Jerusalem.
proper name was Shiloam, "which (Teachings, p. 17; Zech. 12; 13; 14.)
signifies righteousness and peace." And then during the millennial era
(Teachings, p. 321.) But however this rebuilt Jerusalem is to be one of
designated, Jerusalem was a holy and two great world capitals, "for out of
sacred city to the Lord's people Zion shall go forth the law, and the
anciently; through all her long his- word of the Lord from Jerusalem."
tory, ancient Israel looked to Jeru- (Isa. 2:3.)
salem as the holy city. In due course In addition to the rebuilding of the
it became the chief city of our Lord's Jerusalem of old, the latter-days are
ministry, and it is now sacred to three to see the initial building of a New
great world religions-Judaism, Chris- Jerusalem on the American continent,
tianity, and Islam. a city which like its ancient counter-
During her long history Jerusalem, part will be a holy city, a Zion, it city
spirituaUy, has soared to .the heights of God. (3 Ne. 20:22.) This New
and sunk to the depths. Thousands Jerusalem is to be builr ht· The
of prophets have ministered in her Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
streets, the visions of eternity have Saints; Jackson County, Missouri, . is
been poured out upon her inhabi- the spot designated by revelation for
tants, and the teachings of the gospel its construction. (D. & C. 28; 42:8-9,
have sanctifi.ed her inhabitants. On 30-42; 45:66-67; 52:2, 42-43; 57:1-5;
the other hand, in apostate periods, 58:7, 44-58; 84:2-5.) It shall be built
she has slain the living prophets and when the Lord directs. (Doctrines of
rejected their teachings, while build- Salvation, vol. 3, pp. 66-79; D. & C.
ing the sepulchres of those whom 124:49-54.)
their fathers had rejected and slain. This New Jerusalem on the Amer-
(Matt. 23:13-39; Luke 13:33-35.) ican continent will be built by the
Indeed, so great is to be the wicked·- saints on earth and it will also come
ness in latter-day Jerusalem that down from heaven. Moroni recorded
"spiritually" she "is called Sodom and that America "was the place of the
Egypt." (Rev. JI :8.) New Jerusalem, which should :come
But even more important than her down out of heaven, and the holy
past glory, her historical position, and sanctuary of the Lord. •Behold, Ether
her religious influence, is the part saw the days of Christ, and he spake
( dear to the hearts of the prophets) concerning a New Jerusalem · upon
which Jerusalem is yet to play in the this land. And he spake also concern-
destiny of the world. In the last days ing the house of Israel, and the Jeru-
the Jerusalem of old is to be rebuilt, salem from whence Lehi should come

-alter it should be destroyed it should Enoch saw the latter-day restora-

be built up again, a holy city unto the tion of the gospel and the subsequent
Lord; wherefore, it could not be a building of the New Jerusalem.
new Jerusalem for it had been in a "Righteousness and truth will . I
time of old; but it should be built up cause to sweep the earth as with a
again, and become a holy city of the flood, to gather out mine elect from
Lord; and it should be built unto the the lour quarters of the earth, unto a
house of Israel. And that a New place which I shall prepare," the Lord
Jerusalem should be built up upon told him, "an Holy City, that my
this land, unto the remnant of the people may gird up their loins, and
seed of Joseph. . . . be looking forth for the time of my
"The remnant of the house of coming; for there shall be my taber-
Joseph shall be built upon this land; nacle, and it shall be called Zion, a
and it shall be a land of their inheri· New Jerusalem. And the Lord said
tance; and they shall build up a holy unto Enoch: Then shalt thou and all
city unto the Lord, like unto the Jeru- thy city meet them there, and we will
salem of old; and they shall no more receive them into our bosom, and they
be confounded, un ti! the end come shall see us; and we will fall upon
when the earth shall pass away. And their necks, and they shall fall upon
there shall be a new heaven and a our necks, and we will kiss each
new earth; and they shall be like unto other." (Moses 7:60-63.) Thus it is
the old save the old have passed away, that the New Jerusalem shall be built
and all things have become new. by the saints and shall also come
"And then cometh the New Jeru - down from heaven.
salem; and blessed are they who dwell Events to transpire alter the mil-
therein, for it is they whose garments lennial era and before the earth be-
are white through the blood of the comes a celestial sphere have not been
Lamb; and they are they who are revealed. We do have an account,
numbered among the remnant of the however, of "the holy Jerusalem, de-
seed of Joseph, who were of the house scending out of heaven . from God"
of Israel. And then also cometh the a second time, that is, after the earth
Jerusalem of old; and the inhabitants has become a celestial planet. John
thereof, blessed are they, for they have refers to this celestial city in Rev-
been washed in the blood of the elation 3:12 and then gives a some-
Lamb; and they are they who were what detailed description of it in the
scattered and gathered in from the 21st chapter of the same book.
lour quarters of the earth, and from Having in mind these glorious
the north countries, and are partakers truths relative to the millennial New
of the fulfilling of the covenant which Jerusalem and the celestial city of the
God made with their lather, Abra- same name, knowing that Enoch's
ham." (Ether 13:3-11.) Zion had been taken to heaven and

would return again, the ancient A testament is a solemn covenant.

prophets "looked for a city which hath The gospel is the Lord's testament
foundations, whose builder and maker (covenant) of salvation. When the
is God," confessing the while "that gospel was revealed in the meridian
they were strangers and pilgrims on of time, it replaced the old · Mosaic
the earth." And God "hath prepared covenant-and old testament · which
for them a city" (Heb. II :9-16), that had been in force for some 1500 years
is, he has prepared it for those who - and so the new revelation was
gain salvation, for such "come unto called the new testament. Sectarian
mount Sion, and unto the city of the religionists today assume, erroneously,
living God, the heavenly Jerusalem." that the gospel was being revealed for
(Heb. 12:22.) the first time by Christ arid his apos-
tles, and· they therefore conclude that
New Name. See CELESTIAL KINGDOM, the new order was replacing all that
CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATIER- had gone before in all ages. Actually,
DAY SAINTS, EXALTATION, RESTORATION of course, all of the prophets, pa- ·
OF THE GosPEL. 1. "Those who come triarchs, and saints from the day of
into the celestial kingdom" shall be Adam to Moses ·had the lulness of
given a white stone whereon is writ- the gospel, the same gospel which
ten a new name. The white stone was restored by our Lord and his dis-
"will become a Urim and Thummim ciples.
to each individual who receives one, But compared . to what the Jews
whereby things pertaining to a higher then had, the gospel was a new cove-
order of kingdoms will be made nant. Accordingly we find Jesus
known .... The new name is the key teaching the symbolism of thc...sacra-
word." (D. & . C. 130:10-11; Rev. ment by speaking ·of his'blood "of the
2:17.) new testament." (Matt. 26:28; Mark
2. To latter-day Israel, the scat- 14:24; Luke . 22:20; I Cor. 11 :25.)
tered remnant destined to be gathered That is, he . was instituting a new
in the great era of restoration, the covenant of sacrament which replaced
Lord said: "Thou shalt be called by the old covenant or testament of sac-
a new name, which the mouth of the rifice. Thus also we find Paul ( as
Lord shall name." (Isa. 62:2; 65:15.) his words have now been preserved
It may well ·be that the new name, a jn the King James version . of the
name necessarily limited to latter-day Bible) writing in one place of "J!'Sus
usage, is The Church of Jesus Christ the mediator .of the .new ·:covenant"
of Latter-day Saints. (D. & C. 115:4.) (Heb. 12:24) and in another 0 of '.'the
mediator of the new testament."
New Testament. See APOCRYPHA, (Heb. 9:15.) · The meaning _is . the
BmLE, EPISTLES, GosPELS, NEW CovE- same in each -case; modern transla-
N'ANT, SCRIPTURE, STANDARD . WORKS. tions of the Bible use the word cove-

nant rather than testament in nearly lore the discovery of America by Co-
every instance. lumbus, but presumably did not exist
The authentic records reciting much on these western continents. Actually,
of the historical development and in the beginning all the land was in
preserving much of the doctrinal one place, and there were no conti-
teachings of the early church author- nents or islands. (Gen. I :9; Moses
ities have come to be known as the 2:9; D. & C. 133:22-24.) And from
New Testament. There are in this the day of Adam to the flood great
volume of scripture a total of 27 civilizations inhabited the lands which
books. It is common to classify Mat- now are in the western hemisphere.
thew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts Alter the division of the land surface
as historical books, though they into continents, the inhabitants of
abound in doctrinal matters; there are the continents had little knowledge of
21 books listed as epistles; and the each other. The great Jaredite and
Book of Revelation is reserved in an Nephite civilizations flourished in
apocalyptic category by itself. what is now called the new world.
All of the books of the New Testa-
ment were inspired of the Holy Ghost Nicene Creed. See APOSTASY, Aro,.
and were perfect scripture as origi- TLES CREED, ATHANASIAN CREED,
nally written. Though they have not CREEDS. Following the military
been preserved to us in their original achievements which established him
and perfect form, yet their teachings as the sole Roman emperor, and in
are to be accepted as true and accurate an attempt further to solidify the
except in those cases in which mat- empire, politically, civically, and re-
ters have been clarified by latter-day ligiously, Constantine called a council
revelation. We know from latter-day of Catholic bishops to meet at Nicaea
revelation and from the teachings of in 325 A.D. The primary work as-
the Prophet that the New Testament signed them was to adopt a creed
books were written by the persons which would settle the then political-
whose names they bear, the specious ly explosive problem of Arianism-a
theorizing of higher criticism to the concept that the Son had been
contrary notwithstanding. created by the Father, was subordi•
nate to him, and was therefore un-
New World. See CREATION, EARTH, equal as to eternity, power, and glory.
FLOOD OP NOAH, GARDEN OF EDEN, "The Council was opened by Con-
JAREDITES, NEPHITES AND LAMANITES, stantine with the greatest solemnity,"
WoRLD, ZION. Modern scholars call says the Catholic Encyclopedia. "The
the western hemisphere the new emperor waited un ti! all the bishops
world, reaching this conclusion from had taken their seats before making
the fact that civilization of a sort his entry. He was clad in gold and
existed on the eastern hemisphere be- covered with precious stones in the

fashion of an Oriental sovereign. A it: "The business of the Council

chair of gold had been made ready having been finished, Constantine
for him, and when he had taken his celebrated the twentieth anniversary
place the bishops seated themselves. of his accession to the empire, and
Alter he had been addressed in a hur- invited the bishops to a splendid re-
ried allocution, the emperor made an past, at the end of which each of them
address in Latin, expressing his will received rich presents. Several days
that religious peace should be estab- later the emperor commanded that a
lished." final session should be held, at which
The following is a literal transla- he assisted in order to exhort the
tion, as published by the Catholic bishops to work for the maintenance
Church, of the Nicene Creed then of ·peace; he· commended himself to
adopted: their prayers, and authorized the
"We believe in one God the Fa- fathers to return to their dioceses."
ther Almighty, Maker of all things (Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. I I, pp.
visible and invisible; and in one Lord 44-45.)
Jesus Christ, the only begotten of the The current version of this creed is
Father, that is, of the substance of called the Niceno-Constantinopolitan
the Father, God of God, light of light, Creed and was probably adopted by
true God of true God, begotten not the Council of Constantinople in 381
made, of the same substance with the A.D. The following is a liieral trans-
Father, through whom all things were lation of this version, the parenthesis
made both in heaven and on earth; indicating words altered or added
who for us men and for our salvation according to modern Catholic liturgi-
descended, was inearn ate, and was cal use:
made man, suffered and rose again the "We believe (I believe) In one God,
third day, ascended into heaven and the Father Almighty, maker of heaven
cometh to judge living and dead. And and earth, and of all things visible
in the Holy Ghost. Those who say: and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus
There was a time when He was not, Christ, the only begotten Son of God,
and He was not before He was begot- and born of the Father before all ages.
ten; and that He was made ·out of (God of God) light of light, true God
nothing; or who maintain that He is of true God. Begotten not made, con-
of another hypostasis or another sub- substantial to the Father, by whom all
stance [ than the Father], or that the things were made. Who for us men
Son of God is created, or mutable, or and for our salvation came down
subject to change, [them] the Cath- from heaven. And was incarnate of
olic Church anathematizes." the Holy Ghost and of the Virgin
The Catholic account of the council Mary and was made man; was cru-
then gives this statement of the posi- cified also for us under Pontius Pilate,
tion of Constantine with reference to suffered and was buried; and the third

day he rose again according to the plies to any period of ignorance,

Scriptures. And ascended into heaven, unbelief, or apostasy (such as the dark
sitteth at the right hand of the Father, ages). (Rom. 13 :12; D. & C. 112:23.)
and shall come again with glory to Periods of adversity and affliction are
judge the living and the dead, of also so considered. (Isa. 21: 12.)
whose Kingdom there shall be no end. 3. Further, night is a term applied
And ( I believe) in the Ho! y Ghost, to death or more accurately the spirit
the Lord and Giver of life, who pro- existence that follows life. "After this
ceedeth from the Father (and the day of life, which is given us to pre-
Son), who together with the Father pare for eternity, behold, if we do not
and the Son is to be adored and glori- improve our time while in this life,
fied, who spake by the .Prophets. And then cometh the night of darkness
one holy, catholic and apostolic wherein there can be no labor per-
Church. We confess (I Confess) one formed." (Alma 34:33; John 9:4.)
baptism /or the remission of sins.
And we look for (I look for) the res- Noachian Dispensation. See D1sPEN-
urrection of the dead and the life of SATIONS.
the world to come. Amen." (Catholic
Encyclopedia, vol. II, pp. 49-50.) Nonbelievers. See BELIEVERS .

Night. See DAY, SEASONS, TIME. I. Non-Christians. See CHRISTIANS.

That period from dusk to dawn, when
the sun is below our horizon, is called Non-Mormons. See MORMONS.
night. (Matt. 27:64.)
2. The designation night also ap- Nurses. See PHYSICIANS.

Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood. thing, in attestation of the truth of

See OATHS. a statement or of a sworn determina-
tion to keep a promise. These state-
Oaths. See BLASPHEMY, PROFANITY, ments, usually made in the name of
Vows. In ancient dispensations, par- the Lord, by people who valued their
ticularly the Mosaic, the taking of religion and their word above their
oaths was an approved and formal lives, could be and were relied upon
part of the religious lives of the peo- with absolute assurance. (Num. 30.)
ple. These oaths were solemn appeals Oaths were common among the
to Deity, or to some sacred object or Nephites, prior to the ministry of the

resurrected Lord among them. Nephi than these cometh of evil." (Matt:
guaranteed the freedom of Zoram, for 5:33-37; 3 Ne. 12:33-37; Jas. 5: 12.)
instance, by using in his oath the No such restriction on oath taking,
solemn language, "as the Lord liveth; however, applies to Deity. Both in
and as I live." (I Ne. 4:32-33; Alma ancient and modern .times he has
44.) Abraham took an oath of his spoken to his saints with an oath.
servant to gain assurance that a prop- (D. & C. 124:47.) The great cove-
er wile would be selected for Isaac. nant made with Abraham that . in
( Gen. 24.) Joseph bound the children him and in his seed all generations
of Israel with an oath to carry his should be blessed was made by God
bones out of Egypt. (Gen. 50:24-26.) with an oath in which Deity swore
While the oaths of the saints h ave in his own name (because he could
furthered righteous purposes, similar swear by no higher) that the covenant
swearing by the wicked has led to would be fulfilled. (Gen. 17; Deut.
great evil. Wicked oaths, made by 7:8; 29: 10-15; Luke 1:67-75; Heb.
profane and blasphemous persons, 6:13-20.) Similarly, God swore to
have been the cause of much of the David, "with an oath, . . . that of
evil that has befallen mankind. These the fruit of his loins, according to the
evil oaths, first administered by Satan flesh, he would raise up Christ to sit
to Cain (Moses 5:28-33, 49-51), have on his throne." (Acts 2:29-32.) God
been preserved in secret, oath-bound also swore, with an oath, that the
organizations ever since. (Hela. 6:30; Son should be a priest forever aher
Ether 9:5.) the order of Melchizedek. (Ps. I 10:4;
Beginning in the meridian of time Heb. 7:20-21, 28.)
the law whereunder oaths might be In similar manner, everyone who
taken in righteousness was annulled~ has the Melchizedek Priesthood con-
and . the saints were commanded to ferred ·upon him, receives it with an
refrain from their use. "Ye have heard oath and a covenant. (D. & C. 84:33-
that it hath been said by them of old 41.) That is, in each instance, the
time, Thou shalt not forswear thyself, Lord swears with an oath that the
but shalt perform unto the Lord .thine person so honored shall be a priest
oaths," Christ said. "But I say unto forever alter the order of Melchizedek
you, Swear not at all; neither by and shall have eternal life. (D. & C.
heaven; for it is God's throne: Nor 76:54-60.) This oath, as well as all
by the earth; for it is his footstool: others which the Lord makes with
neither by Jerusalem; for it is the city men and for their benefit, must be
of the great King. Neither shalt thou made in righteousness if it is to be
swear by thy head, because thou canst binding on earth and in heaven. An
not make one hair white or black. oath, to have "efficacy, virtue, or
But let your communication be, Yea, force in and after the resurrection
yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more from the dead," must be "sealed by

the Holy Spirit of promise," which done, and the glory be thine forever."
takes place only in the event of per- (Moses 4 :2.)
sonal righteousness on the part of The very purpose al the creation of
the one in whose behalf the Lord this earth was to provide a place
utters the oath. (D. & C.132:7.) where the spirit children of the Fa-
ther, having received their mortal
Obedience. See AGENCY, CELESTIAL bodies, could be tried and tested. "We
LAW, CoMMANDMENTS, DISOBEDIENCE, will prove them herewith," the divine
Gooo WoRKs, GosPEL, LAw, RrGHT- decree reads, "to see ii they will do
EousNEss, SALVATION, TELESTIAL LAw, all things whatsoever the Lord their
TERRESTIAL LAW. Obedience is the God shall command them." (Abra.
first law of heaven, the cornerstone 3:25.) The Lord created men, placed
upon which all righteousness and pro- them on earth, "And gave unto them
gressjon rest. It consists in compliance commandments that they should love
with divine law, in conformity to the and serve him, the only living and
mind and will of Deity, in complete true God, and that he should be the
subjection to God and his commands. only being whom they should wor-
ship." (D. & C. 20:19.) The whole
To obey gospel law is to yield obe-
system of creation and existence is
dience to the Lord, to execute the
thus centered around the eternal
commands of and be ruled by him
principle of obedience to law.
whose we are.
One of Adam's great religious acts
Obedience is possible because of has become the classical illustration
two things: I. Laws were ordained of perfect obedience. This first man
by Deity so that his spirit children of all men was commanded by the
by conformity to them might progress Lord to offer the firstlings of his
and become like him; and 2. The chil- flocks as a sacrifice, which he did.
dren of God were endowed with Thereupon an angel appeared to him
agency, the power and ability to and asked: "Why dost thou offer sac-
either obey or disobey the divine will. rifices unto the Lord? And Adam said
Obedience and disobedience thus had unto him: I know not, save the Lord
their beginnings in pre-existence, the commanded me." Then the angel
obedient spirits being the ones who told him the purpose and significance
kept their first estate and the dis- of sacrifice. (Moses 5 :5-8.) It should
obedient ·the ones who were cast out be noted that obedience preceded re-
with Lucifer and his hosts. The per- ceipt of the new revelation.
fect formula for obedience was stated It is interesting to note, also, that
by our Lord in the pre-existent coun- it was in connection with the law
cil when he volunteered to follow the of sacrifice that another of the great
Father's plan and be the Redeemer classical illustrations of obedience was
of the warId: "Father, thy will be given. Saul, having disobeyed coun-

sel by not destroying the cattle of the brethren. As the great Exemplar he
Amalekites, choosing rather · to offer was baptized to witness "tinto the
them in sacrifice to the Lord, received Father that he would be obedient
this rebuke from the Prophet Samuel: unto h im in keeping his command-
"Hath the Lord as great delight in ments;" (2 Ne. 31 :7.) In all things
burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in his obedience was perfect. As Paul
obeying the voice of the Lord? Be- wrote: "Though he were a Son, yet
hold, to obey is better than sacrifice, learned he obedience by the things
and to hearken than the fat of rams. which he suffered; And being made
For rebellio;, is as the sin of witch- perfect, he became the author of eter-
craft, and stubbornness is as iniquity nal salvation unto all them that obey
and idolatry." (I Sam. 15 :22-23.) him." (Heb. 5:8-9.)
All men are commanded to believe
the gospel, repent ol their sins, enter Obeisance. See PRAYER, REVERENCE,
in at the gate· of baptism, get on WORSHIP . Showing of obeisance con-
the strait and narrow path, and en- sists in bowing down before another
dure to •the end in righteousness by person in token of respect, submission,
obedience to all the laws and ordi- or reverence. Among ancient peoples,
nances of the gospel. They thereby with t}leir caste systems, it was an
attain a hope of eternal life in the accepted custom. Moses "did obei-
kingdom of God. (2 Ne. 31; 3 Ne. sance" to his lather-in-law (Ex.
27: 13-22.) By baptism they make a 18:7), and the sheaves of his bethren
solemn covenant to serve God "and "made obeisance" to his sheaf in the
keep his commandments" (Mosiah dream of Joseph. (Gen. 37:7-9.)
18:7-10), which covenant they re- But this practice has no place in
new each time they partake of the a modern free society. Members of
sacrament. (D. & C. 20:77-79.) the Church are all brethren and sis,
Man's love of God is measured in ters, and though they respect and
terms of obedience and service. "If honor each other · in both . civil and
ye love me, keep my command- ecclesiastical positions, they neither
ments," our Lord proclaimed. (John bow, scrape, nor curtsy to each other.
14:15.) All blessings flow from obe- Such also is or should be the rule
dience to law. (D. & C. 130:18-21.) where government officials are con-
And since man has been created and cerned; the false genuflections and
redeemed by the Lord, that holy being bowing deference found in kingly
is certainly entitled to expect his . own rituals are . archaic hangovers from
handiwork to abide by the counsels the past and have no place in a society
which he gives from time to time. of free men.
(Mosiah 2:20-24.) Obeisance, however, is .a true and
Christ, himself, set the perfect proper part of the worship of the
example of obedience for all his Eternal King. Faithful people have

always bowed down when worshiping Occultism. See ALCHEMY, ASTROLOGY,

the Lord. (Gen. 24:52; Num. 22:31.) DMNATION, MAGIC, SORCERY. Occult -
Prayer is properly made on bowed ism has reference to the hidden and
knees. (Alma 46:13; Hela. 7:10; 3 mysterious powers subject to the
Ne. 1:11.) Nephi the disciple bowed control of those who engage in divina-
himself before Jesus (3 Ne. 11:19), tion, alchemy, astrology, sorcery, and
who in turn bowed himself before the magic. Practice of occultism in any
Father. (3 Ne. 19: 19, 27.) In mock- form is contrary to revealed truth and
ing desecration of sacred worship, the should be a voided.
tormentors of our Lord bowed before
him as they "platted a crown of Offenses. See PERSECUTION, SECOND
thorns" upon his head. (Matt. 27 :29; ESTATE, TRIBULATIONS. I. As part of
Mark 15:19.) There is a coming day their mortal pro~ation, righteous men
when every knee shall bow to Christ are called upon to suffer offenses.
(D. & C. 76:110), even as "all things That is, injuries, assaults, affronts,
bow in humble reverence" before the and outrages are committed against
Father. (D. & C. 76:93.) them. They suffer because of the sins
and crimes of others. But the fact
Oblations. See FAST OFFERINGS, SAB- that offenses must needs be, in no way
BATH, S ACRAMENTS, S ACRIFICES, Vows. mitigates the punishment of those
Both ancient and modern Israel were guilty of offending the Lord's little
commanded to offer their oblations ones. (Matt. 18:6-7; Luke 17:1-2.)
unto the Lord. (Lev. 7 :38; 2 Chron. 2. Speaking of an offense as a stum-
31 :14.) In the highest spiritual sense, bling block, our Lord was a Rock of
the offering of an oblation consists offense unto the unbelieving and re-
in giving lull devotion to the Lord, bellious. (Isa. 8:1 3-17; Rom. 9:33;
of offering him a broken heart and a I Pet. 2:8.)
contrite spirit. (D. & C. 59:8-12; 3
Ne. 9: 19-20.) In a lesser and more Offerings. See OBLATIONS.
temporal sense, an oblation is the
offering of sacrifices, or of last offer- Offices in the Priesthood. See PRIEST-
ing, or of any charitable contribution HOOD O FFICES.
to the Church. (Ezek: 44:30.) Isaiah
spoke of vain oblations meaning the Offspring of David. See SoN OF DAVID.
ritualistic offering of sacrifices when
the spirit and meaning of the ordi- Oil. See CoNsECRATION OF O1L.
nance and offering had been lost.
(Isa. I: 13.) Ezekiel foretold that Old Covenant. See NEW CoVENANT.
oblations would again be ottered hy
Israel in the day of gathering (Ezek. Old T estament. See APOCRYPHA,

MENT, Sc'RIPTURE, STANDARD WORKS. God's dealings with men and theh
Because the records of God's dealings temporal and spiritual needs.
with men from .the day of Adam to T he Book of Mormon 'a nd other
the coming of Christ were supposed to latter-day revelations throw a great
pertain to an old· patriarchal-Mosaic flood of light on Old Testament writ-
testament or covenant which was dqne ings. For instance, these modern
away in Christ, these records were scriptures frequently quote, para-
called the Old Testament. Choice of phrase, endorse, or interpret specific
the title is based on Paul's statement passages of scripture recorded in the
that the Jews, though engaged "in pre-Christian Era. To illustrate·:
the reading of the old testament," yet Higher critics teach that .there were
were not able. to understand that two or three Isaiahs all of whose writ-
Mosaic testament. (2 Cor. 3:l-18.) ings are combined in the · Book of
Actually, of course, the law of car- Isaiah. But the Book of Mormon
nal commandments, the law of per- quotes sufficiently from the writings
formances and ordinances revealed of Isaiah to establish conclusively that
through Moses, was an old covenant one man only is the author of the
as compared with the gospel restored book of that name. Again: The 38th
by Jesus and his apostles. But this and 39th chapters of Ezekiel tell of
new testament or covenant, this re- many great events to precede and at-
stored gospel, ':Va,s the same testament tend the Second Coming of Christ,
that had been in force between God and the 29th section of the Doctrine
and his people from Adam to Moses and Covenants pointedly identifies
in both the old and the new worlds. these ancient prophecies as pertaining
However, so long as it is properly de- to the last days. Further: The Book of
fined and understood the designation Moses in the Pearl of Great Price is a
Old Testament is acceptable for the revealed confirmation. of the author-
ancient scriptural record to which it ship and truth of the forepart of the
has .been applied. · Book of Genesis.
As we now have it the Old Testa- There are in fact, not hundreds, but
ment contains 39 books, variously thousands of instances in which mod-
classified by analysts as the law, the ern revelation confirms the truth of
prophets, the wisdom books, and the ancient revelation. And . when the
historical books; or, as legal, historical, ancient accounts are read under the
prophetic, wisdom, and devotional inspiration of the Spirit, and in the
literature; or, in some other way. light of the more . perfectly preserved
These classifications are artificial, de- modern revelations, we find a great
pending on the fancies and views of treasure house of revealed truth. It is
the critics who create them. The var- no wonder that our Lord told the Ne-
ious books themselves are part of a phites "to search . . . the words of
complex and interwoven account of Isaiah" and the prophets (3 Ne.,23:1-

5), and that he told the Jews to Omnipresence. See Goo, LIGHT OF
"search the scriptures" (John 5:39), CHRIST, OMNIPOTENCE, OMNISCIENCE.
meaning the Old Testament. God is omnipresent (Lectures on
Faith, p. 9); he is the Immanent God,
Old World. See NEW WORLD. the indwelling Presence in all immen-
sity. "In him we live, and move, and
Olive Oil. See CoNSECRATION OF OIL. have our being." (Acts 17:28.) "He is
above all things, and in all things,
Omega. See ALPHA AND OMEGA. and is through all things, and is
round about all things; and all things
Omegus. See ALPHA AND OMEGA, are by him, and of him, even God,
ALPHUS, CHRIST. One of the name- forever and ever." (D. & C. 88:41.)
titles of Christ is Omegus (D. & C. It is by reference to this true doc-
95:17), a derivative of the Greek trine of omnipresence that the sectar-
Omega. Use of this title emphasizes ian world attempts to justify their
the eternal continuance of Christ in false and apostate creeds which de-
his exalted station as the Eternal One scribe Deity as a vague, ethereal,
forever. immaterial essence which fills the
immensity of space and is everywhere
Omens. See SIGNS. and nowhere in particular present.
God himself, of course, is a personal
Omnipotence. See EXALTATION, FuL- Being in whose image man is created.
NESS OF THE FATHER, Goo, LORD (Gen. 1:26; 5:1; Moses 2:26; 6:9),
OM NIPOTENT, OMNIPRESENCE, OMNIS - but he is also an immanent Being,
CIENCE. God is omnipotent (Lectures meaning that the light of Christ shines
on Faith, pp. 9, 43-45, 50-51); he is forth from him to fill all space. This
the Lord Omnipotent (Mosiah 3:7), "light proceedeth forth from the pres-
the Lord God Omnipotent. (Rev. ence of God to fill the immensity of
19:6.) Omnipotence consists in having space-The light which is in all
unlimited power, and God has all things, which giveth life to all things,
power, and there is no power which he which is the law by which all things
does not have. (D. & C. 19:3, 14, 20; are governed, even the power of God
20 :24; 61: I; 93: 17; Matt. 28: 18; I Ne. who sitteth upon his throne, who is in
9:6; Mosiah 4:9; Alma 12:15; 26:35; the bosom of eternity, who is in the
Morm. 5:23; Ether 3:4.) Those who midst of all things." (D. & C. 88: 12-
obtain exaltation will gain all power 13.)
and thus themselves be omnipotent. God is the Creator; the power, light,
(D. & C. 76:95; 88: 107; 132:20.) influence, and spirit that goes forth
from his person to fill all immensity is
Omnipotent God. See LORD OMNIPO- a creature of his creating. Thus it "1as
TENT. that Paul, speaking of apostate peo-

pies, said they had "changed the truth cannot exercise sufficient faith in him
of God into a lie, and worshipped and to gain salvation until they divest
served the creature more than the themselves of their false beliefs. Jo-
Creator, who is blessed for ever." seph Smith said: "Without the knowl-
(Rom. 1:25.) edge ol all things God would not be
able to save any portion ol his crea-
Omniscience. See Goo, KNOWLEDGE, tures; . . . and if it were not for the
OMNIPOTENCE, OMNIPRESENCE, Wrr;- idea existing in the minds of men that
DOM. God is omniscient. (Lectures on God had all knowledge it would be
Faith, pp. 9, 43-45, 50-51; Doctrines impossible for them to exercise faith in
of Salvation, vb!. I, pp. 5-10.) Om- him." (Lectures on Faith, p. 44.)
niscience consists in having unlimited
knowledge. God knows all things (2 Onanism. See SEX IMMORALITY.
Ne. 9:20; D. & C. 38:1-2; 88:7-13);
possesses "a fulness of truth, yea, even One Eternal Round. See ETERNAL,
of all truth" (D. & C. 93:11 , 26); ETERNITY TO ETERNITY, EVERLASTING,
"has all power, all wisdom, and all EVERLASTING TO EVERLASTING, LAW.
understanding" (Alma 26:35); is in- God governs by law-wholly, com-
finite in understanding (Ps. I47 :4-5); pletely, invaryingly, and always. He
comprehends all things (Alma 26 :35; has ordained that identical results
D. & C. 88 :41); and "hath given a always flow from the same causes.
law unto all things." (D. & C. 88 :42.) There is no respect of persons . with
"It is not because the Lord is him, and he is a Being "with whom
ignorant of law and truth that he is is no variableness, neither shadow of
able to progress, but because of his turning." (Jas'. I :17; D. & C. 3:1-2.)
knowledge and wisdom," President Hence, the Lord's "course is one eter-
Joseph Fielding Smith has written. nal round, the same today as yester-
"The Lord is constantly using his day, and forever." (D. & C. 35:1.)
knowledge in his work. And his great For example: "He that diligently
work is in bringing to pass the im- seeketh shall find; and the mysteries
mortality and eternal life of man. By of God shall be unfolded unto them,
the creation of worlds and peopling by the power of the Holy Ghost, as
them, by building and extending, he well in these times as in times of
progresses, but not because the ful- old, and as well in times of old as in
ness of truth is not understood by times to come; wherefore, the course
him." (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. I, of the Lord is one eternal round."
p. 10; ,D. & C. 84:38; 93 :16-17; Matt. (I Ne. 10:19.)
28 :18; Moro. 7:22.)
Those who falsely and erroneously One Hundred Forty-lour Thousand.
suppose that God is progressing in See CHURCH . OF THE FIRSTBORN,
knowledge and gaining new truths EXALnTioN, MILLENNIUM, SEALED IN


Z10N. At his Second Coming, "the SoN, CHRIST, SoN, SoN OF Goo. Christ
Lamb shall stand upon Mount Zion, is the Only Begotten (Moses I :6, 17,
and with him a hundred and forty- 21, 33; 2:1, 26-27; 3: 18; 4:1), the
/our thousand, having his Father's Only Begotten Son (Jae. 4:5, I I; Alma
name written on their foreheads." 12:33 -34; 13:5; D. & C. 20:21; 29:42;
(D. &C. 133:IS;Rev. 14:1-5.) These 49:5; 76:1 3, 25; John 1:18; 3: 16), the
144,000 are Gods, as the name on O nly Begotten of the Father. (Moses
their foreheads specifies; their callings 5:9.) These name-titles all signify
and elections have been made sure; that our Lord is the only Son of the
they are exalted personages; they are Father in the flesh. Each of the words
"redeemed from among men, . . . And is to be understood literally: Only
in their mouth was found no guile: for means only; Begotten means begotten;
they are without fault before the and Son means son. Christ was be-
throne of God." (Rev. 14:4-5.) They gotten by an Immortal Father in the
same way that mortal men are be-
have attained perfection.
gotten by mortal fathers .
These brethren, 12,000 from each
of the tribes of Israel-excepting for
Open Rebellion. See REBELLION.
some unspecified reason the tribe of
Dan (Rev. 7:2-8) - "are high priests,
Opposition in All Things. See
ordained unto the holy order of God,
to administer the everlasting gospel; AGENCY. ..::.b~
for they are they who are ordained
Oracles. See FmsT PRESIDENCY,
out of every nation, kindred, tongue, PROPHETS, R EVELATION, REVELATORS,
and people, by the angels to whom SEERS, TE MPLES, V1s10Ns. 1. Revela~
is given power over the nations of the tions given by God throuI T is
earth, to bring as many as will come ~ t s are oracles. (Acts 7:38; Rom.
to the church of the Firstborn." (D. ~ ; H eb. 5: I2TThe ~ s id~
& C. 77: 9-1 1.) They are part of "a are a pointed "to receive the oracles
great multitude, which no man could for the~ rch."(D.&C.
number"-all of whom shall have 124:126.) Whert these revelations or
membership in the Church of the ~ are given to the people, the
Firstborn and therefore be exalted recipients are under solemn obligation
beings. (Rev. 7:9-17; Heb. 12:22-24.) to walk in the light thus manifest.
"And all they who reeeive the oracles
Only Begotten. See ONLY BEGOTTEN of God, let them beware how they
SoN. hold them lest they are accounted .as
a light thing, and are brought under
Only Begotten of the Father. See condemnation thereby, and stumble
O NLY BEGOTTEN SON. and fall wh~n the storms descend, and

the winds blow, and the rains descend, roll in perfect unity and harmony
and beat upon their house." (D. & C. through boundless immensity. (D. &
90:5.) C. 88:42-45.) Earths are created _and
2. Men who receive revelations or pass on to their eternal states on the
oracles for the eo le are themselves appointed split second of eternal time.
called oracles. (2 Sam. 16:23.) Mem- It is the will of the Lord that man,
~ First Presidenc , Council in his sphere, should walk in the same
of the Twelve and the Patriarch to orderly and harmonious way that the
the Church-b~cause the are a - Gods walk, without confusion, con-
pointed and sustained as prophets, tention, or irregularity of conduct.
~ . and revelators to the Church- (3 Ne. 6:4; Acts 21:24; D. & C.
are known as the living oracles. All 129:7.) "Behold, mine house is a
those who preach the gospel have the house of order, saith the Lord God,
obligation to do it by revelation so and not a house of confusion." (D. &
that they themselves, as they teach, C. 132:8.) "All things must be done
are acting as oracles to their hearers. in order." (Mosiah 4:27; D. & C.
"If any man speak," Peter said, "let 20:68; 28:13; 58:55; 107:84.) Men
him speak as the oracles of God." are specifically commanded to set
( !. Pet. 4:11.) --:-- - - - - their houses and families in order so
3. In a general sense, any s8.cred that peace and conformity to the
place where oracles are received is Divine will shall result. (D. & C.
called an oracle. A temple is an oracle 90 : 18; 93:43-44, 50.) The temple
in this sense, with the ho! y of holies itself, according to the Lord's stand-
therein being specifically so desig- ard, is a "house of order" (D. & C.
nated. (l]gng_s____§__J_&; 8:6; 2 Chron. 88: I 19; 109:8) , so perfectly and prop-
4:20; Ps. 28:2.) Sacred revelations er! y are all things done therein.
~ raclesgiven in such places war-
rant designating the place itself as Order of Aaron. See AARONIC PRIEST-
an oracle, that is, as a house where HOOD.
~ ~ ceived. (D. & C.
124:39.) - - - Order of Enoch. See UNITED ORDER.

Ordained Patriarchs. See PATRIARCHS. Order of Melchizedek. See MELcHiz-

DIENCE. In the eternal economy of Ordinances. See BAPTISM, BAPTISM
Deity all things are done in wisdom FOR THE D EAD, BAPTISM OF FmE,
and in order; everything is arranged BLESSING OF CHILDREN, CELESTIAL
harmoniously, systematically, as part MARRIAGE, COMMANDMENTS, CoNSE-
of a perfect pattern. The heavenly CRATION OF OIL, DEDICATION OF
bodies, in all their infinite numbers, GRAVES, ENDOWMENTS, GIFT OF THE


HOLY GHOST, LAW, LAYING ON OF graves, are not ordinances of salva-

HANDS, OBEDIENCE, ORDINATIONS, tion, but are performed for the com-
PASSOVER, PATRIARCHAL BLESSINGS, fort, consolation, and encouragement
God's decrees, his laws and command- PRIESTHOOD, QUORUM PRESIDENTS.
ments, the statutes and judgments Proper modern usage of terms con-
that issue from him, are called his forms to this pattern: Priesthood is
ordinances. The covenant of the conferred upon an individual; he is
saints, when they "promise to keep ordained to office in the priesthood;
all the commandments and statutes of and he is set apart to a position of
the Lord" is: "We will walk in all presidency or administration. Thus a
the ordinances of the Lord." (D. & C. man has the Melchizedek Priesthood
136:2-4.) conferred upon him; he is ordained
Indeed, the whole world shall be an elder in that priesthood; and he is
judged by their conformity, or lack of set apart as president of an elders
it, to the laws of the Lord. "He that quorum. Similarly a man is ordained
prayeth, whose spirit is contrite, the an apostle, but set apart a member
same is accepted of me ii he obey of the Council of the Twelve; he is
mine ordinances. He that speaketh, ordained a bishop, but set apart to
whose spirit is contrite, whose lan- preside over a ward; he is ordained an
guage is meek and edifieth, the same high priest, but set apart to preside
is of God if he obey mine ordinances," over a stake or to serve as President
the Lord says: (D. & C. 52:15-16.) of the Church.
Apostasy is the result when men stray Keys go with setting apart and not
from the Lord's ordinances. (D. & C. with ordination. A man receives no
I: 15; Isa. 24 :5.) keys when he is ordained an elder,
2. Among his laws and command- but he does when set apart as a quo-
ments, the Lord has provided certain rum president. H e gains no keys
rites and ceremonies which are also when ordained a seventy, but such are
called ordinances. These ordinance- given to him when he is set apart
rites might be pictured as a small to serve in the First Council of Sev-
circle within the larger circle of enty or in the presidency of any
ordinance-commandments. Most of seventies quorum.
these rites and ceremonies, as illus- In the early days of this dispensa-
trated by baptism and celestial mar- tion, however, the word ordain was
riage, are essential to salvation and used in a dual sense that included
exaltation in the kingdom of God; both ordinations (as we now classify
some of them, such as the blessing them) and also the ordinance of
of children and the dedication of setting apart to office. Thus the rev-

elations speak of men being ordained for sin, an apostate Christendom has
high councilors (D. & C. 20 :67), or the false doctrine of original sin. Al-
members of the First Presidency (D. though the scriptures abundantly
& C. 107:22), and women were or- show "that men will be punished for
dained to executive· positions in the their own sins, and not for Adam's
auxiliary organizations. Our present transgression" (Second Article ol
usage is that persons are set apart to Faith; Articles of Faith, pp. 57-73),
these positions. (Doctrines of Salva- the apostate view is that all men are
tion, vol. 3, p. I 06.) tainted with sin and denied blessings
Performance of the ordinances ol because ol Adam's fall.
ordination and setting apart are essen- "Original sin," according to Cath-
tial parts ol church administration. olic theology, is "the hereditary stain
(Filth Article of Faith.) Secret con-
with which we are born on account
ferral of authority through these
ol our origin or descent from Adam.
ordinances cannot be. "It shall not
be given to any one," the Lord says, . . . Original sin is the privation of
"to go forth to preach my gospel, or sanctifying grace in consequence of
to build up my church, except he be the sin ol Adam," and it can only be
ordained by some one who has au- "effaced by baptism." (Catholic En-
thority, and it is known to the church cyclopedia, vol. II, pp. 312-315.)
that he has authority and has been Infant baptism, therefore, is a neces-
regularly ordained by the heads of the sary corallary to the doctrine of
church." (D. & C. 42:11.) Ordina- original sin. Since "those who die in
tions and settings apart must comply original sin are deprived of the happi-
with the law of common consent. ness of heaven" (Catholic Encyclo-
(D. & C. 20:65.) pedia, vol. 2, pp. 258-274), according
to their view, it is easy to see why they
Organic Evolution. See EVOLUTION. think infants must be baptized. One
false doctrine begets another.
Organization. See CHURCH ORGAN-
IZATION. Origin ol Man. See AoAM .

Original Sin Theory. See AccouNTA- Orthodoxy. See BELIEF, BELIEVING

OF CHRIST, BAPTISM, FALL OF ADAM, true sense, orthodoxy consists in be-
IMMACULATE CoNcEPTION THEORY, lieving that which is in harmony with
INFANT BAPTISM, REDEMPTION, RE- the scriptures. Thus gospel orthodoxy
PENTANCE, SALVATION, SALVATION OF requires belief in the truths of sal-
CHILDREN, YEARS OF AccouNTABILITY. vation as they hav~ been revealed in
In contrast to the doctrines of free this dispensation·. through Joseph
agency and personal accountability Smith, and as they are understood

and interpreted by the living oracles of the name of Deity, and it signifies
who wear the mantle of the Prophet. our personal acceptance of him ns
Orthodoxy is the opposite of hetero- Lord and God.
doxy or of believing heretical doc-
trines. Outer Darkness. See HELL, SPIRIT
There are degrees of orthodoxy PRISON. Hell is referred to as outer
exhibited by members of the Church. darkness. At death the spirits of the
Those who believe the whole law- wicked "shall be cast out into outer
and who believe it sanely, sensibly, darkness; there shall be weeping, and
realistica1ly, according to . its true wailing, and gnashing of teeth, and
meaning and purport-are completely this because of their own iniquity,
orthodox. Those who intermingle being led captive by the will of the
gospel truths with the educational or devil. Now this is the state of the souls
philosophical theories of the world of the wicked, yea, in darkness, and a
have not yet attained perfect ortho- state of awful, fearful looking for the
doxy, the orthodoxy which is essential fiery indignation of the wrath of God
to salvation. upon them; thus they remain in this
state, as well as the righteous in par-
Ouija Boards, See MEDIUMS, PLAN- adise, until the time of their resurrec-
CHETTE, SEANCES, SPIB.ITUALISM. Ouija tion." (Alma 40:13-14.)
boards are trade-marked devices used So complete is the darkness pre-
by spiritualist mediums in receiving vailing in the minds of these spirits,
messages from evil spirits. Marked so wholly has gospel light been shut
with the alphabet and various signs, out of their consciences, that they
and having a planchette with a point- have lost the knowledge of a resur-
er instead of a pencil, the boards are rection and of continued advancement
used by mediums at seances to spell through the saving grace of Christ.
out words and otherwise receive an- Hell is literally a place of outer dark-
swers to questions. Use of ouija ness, darkness that hates light, buries
boards is a wicked and evil thing; truth, and revels in iniquity.
communion with Satan is involved;
and those who use the deviFs tools, Overcoming All Things. See EXALTA-
soon fmd themselves in complete sub- TION.
jection to him to whom they turn for
revelation and guidance. Overseers. See BISHOPS, BRANCH
ENCE. One of the appropriate and DENTS. An overseer in the Church
reverential titles properly applied to is a bishop, pastor, shepherd, branch
Christ is Our Lord. This terminology president, or stake president---one
helps avoid the too frequent repetition appointed to superintend the Lord's

work in some part of his vineyard, the .flock, over the which the Holy
one who overlooks the work of Ghost hath made you overseers, to
certain laborers therein. To the bish- feed the church of God, which he
ops in his day, Paul said: "Take heed hath purchased with his own blood."
therefore unto yourselves, and to' all (Acts 20:28.)

Pagan Gods. See FALSE Goos. 12:12-16.) Among the true saints
this practice finds no followers. Ex•
Pagans. See HEATHENS. ccpt for such transcendent events as
the birth of a God ( celebrated by
Pageantry. See ORDINANCES, RECREA- Christmas), or the resurreCtion. of
TION. Some apostate churches have Christ ( celebrated by Easter), there
worship services in which elaborate is no need to hark back to former dis-
pageantry, pomp, and display are pensations for great events to . mem-
presented. Catholic ceremonies with orialize. There is no more call to
their images, altars, miters, robes, celebrate Palm Sunday in this dispen ·
genuflections, and _latin incantations sation than there is to celebrate the
are of this sort. In the true Church passage of Israel through the Red
pageantry is a form of recreation and
Sea or the stopping of the sun by
entertainment and not of solemn
Joshua. Rather the Latter-day Saints
worship. Certain formalities attend
memorialize the transcendent events
the performance of sacred ordinances,
of their era, such things as the com-
but these formalities are beautiful in
their simplicity and do not consist in
ing of John the Baptist, the restoration
of the Melchizedek Priesthood, the
the unsubstantial, empty show and
conferral of the sealing keys by Elijah,
display of those who deliberately
encase their worship in mystery.
and the organization of the Church
again on earth.
Palm Sunday. See EASTER. Sectar-
ians traditionally celebrate the Sunday Pantheism. See ATHEISM, DEISM,
before Easter as Palm Sunday in com- FALSE Goos, Goo. Pantheism is in
memoration of our ~ord's triumphal effect the worship of nature. It as-
entry into Jerusalem. (Matt. 21: 1-11; sumes that the universe and all the
Mark ll:l-11; Luke 19:28-40; John phenomena existing in .it, ipcludinR

man and nature, are the ever-chang~ mand that they shall not impart only·
ing manifestation of God. It is the according to the portion of his word
doctrine that there is no God except which he doth grant unto the children
the great forces and laws which are of men, according to the heed and
manifested in the existing universe. diligence which they give unto him."
Such apostate concepts are the end (Alma 12:9.) The difference in re-
result of the philosophy which wor- ceptiveness to the truth of the Jews,
ships and serves the creature more among whom our Lord ministered in
than the Creator. (Rom. I :25.) mortality, and the Nephites, to whom
he went after his resurrection, is no~
Parables. See CHRIST, STANDARD where better shown than in the fact
WORKS. Our Lord used parables on that he gave at least 40 parables to
frequent occasions during his minis- the Jews, but he taught the Nephites,
try to teach gospel truths. His pur- not in parables, but in plainness.
pose, however, in telling these short
Paraclete. See AnvocATE, CHRIST,
stories was not to present the truths
of his gospel in plainness so that all
Ghost is considered by scholars to be
his hearers would understand. Rather
the Paraclete, because the Greek word
it was so to phrase and hide the doc•
paraclete, as used in John 16:7, is
trine involved that only the spiritual•
translated Comforter (meaning the
ly literate would understand it, while
Holy Ghost). Literally, this Greek
those whose understandings were
word means, "an advocate or inter ~
darkened would remain in darkness. cessor summoned to aid." The same
(Matt. 13:10-17; Inspired Version, word, as found in I John 2: I, is trans-
Matt. 21 :34.) It is never proper to lated Advocate, the context clearly
teach any person more than his spir- indicating that the Advocate involved
itual capacity qualifies him to assim- is Christ.
ilate. For instance: Jesus first gave If by Paraclete is meant one who
and then partially interpreted the aids and helps another, then the Holy
parable of the wheat and the tares Ghost could be so named. But if the
(Matt. 13:24-30, 36-43), and yet its intent is to refer to an advocate or
full meaning was so obscure that a intercessor, then the term must apply
special interpretive revelation was to Christ. He, and not the Holy
required in modem times. (D. & C. Ghost, is the Advocate with the Fa-
86.) ther. Sectarian views of the Godhead
The principle involved which ne- and of the distinguishable missions of
cessitates the policy of teaching by the respective members thereof are
parables is found in Amulek's state- incomprehensibly garbled.
ment: "It is given unto many to
know the mysteries of God; neverthe- Paradise. See ABRAHAM'S BosoM,
less they are laid under a strict com.- HEAVEN, HELL, SPIRIT PRISON, SPIRIT


Wonw. That part of the spirit world ing, of course, that such teaching and
inhabited by righteous spirits who are answers would be given, as is nearly
awaiting the day of their resurrection always the case, by the mouths of his
is called paradise. It is "a state of servants appointed so to serve.
happiness, : .. a state of rest, a state If the Bible is correctly translated,
of peace, where they shall rest from Paul had a spiritual experience in
all their troubles and from all care, which he was "caught up into para-
and sorrow." (Alma 40:11-14; 4 Ne. dise" (2 Cor. 12:4), though it may
14; Moro. 10:34; D. & C. 77:2, 5.) be that this should read that he was
Then, in the day of the first resur- caught up to the celestial world, re-
rection, ''the spirits of the ·righteous" ceiving a comparable manifestation to
shall be reunited with their bodies, that vouchsafed to by the Three
and in immortal glory "the righteous Nephites. (3 Ne. 28:13-15.)
shall have a perfect knowledge of
their enjoyment, and their righteous- Paradisiacal Earth. See NEW HEAVEN
ness, being clothed with purity, yea, AND NEW EARTH.
even with the robe of righteousness."
(2 Ne. 9: J3,J4.) Paschal Lamb. See SACRIFICES.
"When men are prepared, they are
better off to go hence." the Prophet Passion of Christ. See ATONEMENT OF
said. "The spirits of the just are CHRIST, CHRIST. Our Lord's sufferings
exalted to a greater and more glorious -the pain, torture, crown of thorns,
work; hence they are blessed in their scourging, and final crucifixion-
departure to the world of spirits. which he endured between the night
Enveloped in flaming fire, they are of the Last Supper and his death on
not far from us, and know and under- the cross are collectively spoken of
stand our thoughts, feelings, and mo- as the Passion of Christ. (Acts I :3.)
tions, and are often pained therewith." The sectarian world falsely suppose
(Teachings, p. 326.) that the climax of his torture and suf-
"To day shalt thou be with me in fering was on the cross (Matt. 27 :26-
paradise" (Luke 23 :43), is a state- 50; Mark 15:1-38; Luke 23:1-46;
ment our Lord is purported to have John 18; 19:1-18)-a view which
made to the thief on the cross. Ac- they keep ever before them by the
tually, as the Prophet explains, "there constant use of the cross as a re-
is nothing in the original word in ligious symbol. The fact is that in-
Greek from which this was taken that tense and severe as the suffering was
signifies paradise; but it was-This on the cross, yet the great pains were
day shalt thou be with me in the endured in the Garden of Geth-
world of spirits: then I will· teach semane. (Matt. 26:36-46; Mark
you all about it and answer your 14:32-42; Luke 22:39-46; John 18:1.)
inquiries" (Teachings, p. 309), mean- It was there that he trembled because

of pain, bled at every pore, and suf- assertions. A God without passions
fered both in body and in spirit, and cannot exist, for he would neither love
would that he "might not drink the his children, hate their evil ways, or
bitter cup." (D. & C. 19:15-19; Mo- be importuned by their pleas for
siah 3:7.) It was there he suffered mercy; he would sit tranquilly by,
for men, taking upon himself their being neither moved nor affected by
sins on conditions of repentance. (D. any occurrence, reacting neither to
& C. 18:10-15.) good or evil, and hence able to bestow
no rewards and impose no penalties.
P assions. See ANGER, HATRED, LOVE,
As Lehi said, he would "have van -
PASSION OF CHRIST. Emotional feel- ished away." (2 Ne. 2 :11 -13.)
ings of love, ardor, affection, hate, Appetites, desires, and passions
anger, bitterness, and the like, are which incite to evil are part of the
collectively called passions. To ex- nature of mortal man. (Acts 14: 15;
hibit these or kindred emotions is to Jas. 5: 17; Alma 50:30.) Fallen man
show passion. To be passionless is is by nature carnal, sensual, and dev-
to display neither anger, love, or other ilish. (Moses 5: 13; D. & C. 20:20;
emotion; it is to be tranquil and un- Mosiah 3:19; Alma 42:10.) One of
moved. Passions are of two kinds: the great purposes of mortality is to
I. Holy passions such as love, hatred test him and see if he will bridle his
of evil, and righteous anger, which passions. (Alma 38:12.) Inconti-
incite to godliness; and 2. Unholy nency, which is lack of restraint and
passions such as jealousy, hate, and failure to bridle one's passions (par-
unbridled sex desires, which lead men ticularly where sex desires are con-
downward. cerned), is one of the modem day
Passions appertain to and are a part signs proving the great apostasy. (2
of every stage of existence; spirits in Tim. 3:3.)
pre-existence, mortal men, and im-
mortal beings all are subject to pas- Passover. See DAY OF PENTECOST,
sions of one sort or another. God SACRAMENT, SACRIFICES. To commem-
himself is the embodiment, in perfec- orate Israel's deliverance from Egyp-
tion, of every holy and pure passion. tian bondage, the Lord commanded
He is a jealous God (Ex. 20:5), so his people to keep the feast of the
much so that Jealous is his very name. passover, a celebration pointing par-
(Ex. 34: 14.) He is a God of love ticularly to the fact that the angel
(I John 4:7-21); he hates evil abom- of destruction passed over the homes
inations (Prov. 6:16-19), and so forth. of the faithful sons of Jacob, when the
The falsity of statements in sec- firstborn in all the families of Egypt
tarian creeds that their Deity is with- were slain. (Ex. 12. )
out body, parts, and passions, is only It was during the week of this feast,
exceeded by the absurdity of such 1500 years alter the exodus,

that our Lord was crucified. Just be- ren called pastors ·were · appointed to
fore his betrayal he had partaken of preside over two or · more mission
the least with his disciples, using it conferences (meaning districts) in
as the occasion to introduce the ordi- Great Britain. (Doctrines of Salva-
nance of the sacrament to the Church. tion, vol. 3, pp. 108-109.) There
(Matt. 26; Mark 14; Luke 22.) must, of necessity, be pastors in the
Keeping of the passover, with its true Church of God. (Eph. 4:11-14;
sacrifices and unleavened bread, Sixth Article of Faith.)
ended (except among apostate peo-
ples) with the sacrifice of "Christ our Patience. See HUMILITY, MEEKNE·s-s :
passover." The saints were to keep To fill the full measure and purpose
the least only in a spiritual sense, as of our mortal probation, we must
Paul said: "Let us keep the least, not have patience. This mortal existence
wtih old leaven, neither with the is the Lord's silting sphere, the time
leaven of malice and wickedness; but when we are subject to · trials, testing,
with the unleavened bread of sin- and tribulations. Future rewards will
cerity and truth." (I Car. 5:6-8.) be based on our patient endurance of
all things.
Pastors. See _B ISHOPS, BRANCH PRESI- "The patience of the saints" con-
DENTS, MINISTERS, OVERSEERS, Quo- sists in bearing or enduring pains,
RUM PRESIDENTS, SHEPHERDS, STAKE trials, and persec1:1tions (even unto
PRESIDENTS. A pasior is a shepherd death), without complaint and with
of a flock. As used in the Church, a equanimity. (Rev. 13:10; 14:12.) It
pastor is any church officer or min - was the Master himself who said: "In
ister who is in charge of congrega· your patience possess ye your souls"
tion or ecclesiastical unit of the (Luke 21 :19), and anyone who yields
Church. When the scattered sheep of his whole soul and being to the Lord
the house of Israel are gathered in the ''becometh as a child, submissive,
last days, then will be fulfilled the meek, humble, patient, full ol love,
Lord's promise to them: "I will give willing to submit to all things which
you pastOrs according to mine heart, the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him,
which shall feed you with knowledge even as a child doth submit to his
and understanding." (Jer. 3:15.) father." (Mosiah 3:19.)
A pastor is not an ordained office Patience, also, involves an exercise
in the priesthood. Anyone ser_ving as of forbearance under provocation as
a bishop, branch president, stake illustrated in the celestial principle,
president, or even quorum president "whosoever shall smite thee on thy
-being called to feed his flock with right cheek, turn to him . the other
knowledge and understanding- might also." (Matt. 5:38-42; 3 Ne. 12:38-
properly be called a pastor. In the 42.) Patience in righteousness leads
early days of this dispensation, breth- to perfection and eternal life. Thus

Paul wrote that "by patient contin- plate an inspired declaration of the
uance in well doing" the saints "seek lineage of the recipient, and also,
for glory and honour and immor- where so moved upon by the Spirit,
tality, [and] eternal life." (Rom. an inspired and prophetic statement
2:7.) And by revelation in our day of the life mission of the recipient,
the Lord commanded: " Continue in together with such blessings, cautions,
patience until ye are perfected" (D. and admonitions as the patriarch may
& C. 67:13); "And seek the lace of be prompted to give for the accom-
the Lord always, that in patience ye plishment of such life's mission, it
may possess your souls, and· ye shall being always made clear that the real-
have eternal life." (D. & C. 101:38.) ization of all promised blessings is
conditioned upon faithfulness to the
Patriarchal Blessings. See EVANGE- gospel of our Lord, whose servant the
LISTS, PATRIARCHS, PATRIARCH TO -THE patriarch is. All such blessings are
CHURCH, PROPHECY, REVELATION. recorded and generally only one such
Nearly every member of the Church is blessing should be adequate for each
a literal descendant of Jacob who gave person's life. The sacred nature of
patriarchal blessings to his 12 sons, the patriarchal blessing must of neces-
predicting what would happen to sity urge all patriarchs to most earnest
them and their posterity after them. solicitation of divine guidance for
(Gen. 49; T eachings, p. 151.) As their prophetic utterances and su-
inheritors of the blessings of Jacob, perior wisdom for cautions and ad-
it is the privilege of the gathered monitions."
remnant of Jacob to receive their own
patriarchal blessings and, by faith, to Patriarchal Chain. See ADAM-Goo
be blessed equally with the ancients. THEORY, ANCIENT OP DAYS, BIRTH-
Patriarchal blessings may be given by RIGHT, CELESTIAL MARRIAGE, EXALTA-
natural patriarchs, that is by lathers TION, ISRAEL, PATRIARCHAL ORDER.
in Israel who enjoy the blessings of Those who shall hereafter rule and
the patriarchal order, or they may be reign in eternity as exalted beings will
given by ordained patriarchs, spe- form a patriarchal chain which will
cially selected brethren who are begin with Father Adam and spread
appointed to bless worthy church out until every exalted person is
members. (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. linked in. Exaltation consists in the
3, pp. 169-172.) continuation of the family unit in
The First Presidency (David 0 . eternity, and every family which so
McKay, Stephen L Richards, J. Reu- continues will find its proper place in
ben Clark, Jr.), in a letter to all stake the eternal, organizational framework
presidents, dated June 28, 1957, gave which the Almighty has ordained.
the following definition and explana- None will be forgotten. Unworthy
tion: uPatriarchal blessings contem.., mortal links will be discarded in eter-

nity, for there is no family in which and the office descended from father
all generations will attain exaltation; to son. This order of priesthood itself
later generations of worthy families was called the patriarchal order. As
will be welded into the links formed an order of the priesthood it is pre-
by their ancestors who became worthy served in the Church today only
of a like exaltation with them. All where the office of Patriarch to the
those alter the day of Abraham ( of Church is concerned. From the days literal lineage they may be) of Aaron to the coming of John the
who so live as to be worthy of a place Baptist a modified system of patri-
in this great patriarchal chain will archal administration existed where
be welded into Abraham's lineage and ecclesiastical affairs were concerned
shall rise up and bless him as their in that Aaron and his descendants,
father. (Abra. 2:9-11.) and also the larger group of Levites
themselves, administered in certain
Patriarchal Order. See ADAM-Goo church affairs. (Doctrines of Salva-
THEORY, ANCIENT OF DAYS, BmTH- tion; vol. 3, pp. 80-87, ·101-106, 160-
TION, ISRAEL, PATRIARCHAL CHAIN, Administration of church affairs is
PruESTHOOD. The Lord's government necessarily on a different basis in our
is patriarchal in nature. The family day, but the most important part of
unit is the center. In pre-existence he the patriarchal order is preserved for
was the Father of spirits, and all men worthy members of the Church. Those
are literally brothers and sisters in married in the temple•In the new and
the spirit. With the placing of man everlasting covenant of marriage enter
on earth, the Lord began by pattern- into the patriarchal order and be-
ing earthly government alter that come inheritors of all the blessings of
which is heavenly. A perfect theo- Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and all the
cratic, patriarchal system was set up patriarchs. If the participating par-
with Adam at the heaq. This system ties abide in the eternal marriage
prevailed in large measure among covenant, they shall reap the full
righteous men from Adam to the blessings of patriarchal heirship in
establishment of Israel in her prom- eternity where the patriarchal order
ised land, when the people prevailed will be the order of government and
upon the Lord to let them be ruled rule.
by kings as were the apostate gentile
nations. Patriarchs. See EVANGELISTS, MEL-
In these early days the church gov- CHIZEDEK PRIESTHOOD, PATRIARCHAL
ernment itself was also patriarchal in BLESSINGS, PATRIARCHAL ORDER, PA-
nature. From Adam to the flood the TRIARCH TO THE CHURCH, PRESIDENT
presiding church officer was always OF THE CHURCH, PRIESTHOODJ PRIEST-
both a high priest and a patriarch, HOOD OFFICES, PRIESTHOOD QUORUMS.


I. One of the ordained offices in the 2:11; D. & C. 86:8-11 ), were both
Melchizedek Priesthood is that of a ordained and natural patriarchs. (D.
patriarch or evangelist. (D. & C. & C. 107:38-53.)
107:39.) This office grows out of
and · is an appendage to the higher Patriarch to the Church. See EvAN-
priesthood. (D. & C. 107:5.) The GELISTS, GENERAL AUTHORITIES, PA-
office of patriarch to the Church is TRIARCHAL BLESSINGS, PATRIARCHS.
conferred as a result of lineage and Joseph Smith, Sr., father of the Proph-
worthiness; stake patriarchs are cho- et, was the first patriarch to the
sen and ordained by the apostles with- Church in this dispensation. He was
out respect to lineage. Patriarchs are chosen by revelation and ordained on
also high priests. (D. & C. 107 :39- December 18, . J833. "Blessed of the
53.) Their special priestly assignment Lord is my father," the Prophet said
is to give patriarchal blessings to by way of blessing on that occasion,
members of the Church, but they can "for he . .. shall be numbered among
also perform any duty of a high priest, those who hold the right of patri-
seventy, elder, or holder of the Aaron- archal priesthood, even the keys of
ic Priesthood. that ministry . ... He shall be called
2. In addition to ordained patri- a prince over his posterity, holding
archs, there are also natural pa- the keys of the patriarchal priesthood
triarchs. Every holder of the higher over the kingdom of God on earth,
priesthood who has entered into the even the Church of the Latter-day
patriarchal order of celestial marriage Saints, and he shall sit in the general
-thereby receiving for himself the assembly of patriarchs, even in coun-
blessings of the patriarchs Abraham, cil with the Ancient ol Days when
Isaac, and Jacob-is a natural pa- he shall sit and all the patriarchs with
triarch to his posterity. him and shall enjoy his right and
Even in the eyes of the world, the authority under the direction ol the
great spiritual leaders, who in the Ancient of Days." (Teachings, pp.
main lived before the days of Moses, 38-39, 151.)
are known as patriarchs because of This ordination marked the res-
their status as heads or princes of toration of the calling of "evangelical
their famil ies. It is probably in this ministers" again on earth, an order
sense that Peter spoke of "the pa- of priesthood which "was confirmed
triarch David" (Acts 2:29), and that to be handed down from lather to
Stephen designated the sons of Jacob son," one which "rightly belongs to
as "the twelve patriarchs." (Acts the literal descendants of the chosen
7:8-9.) It may be, however, that all seed, to whom the promises were
of those before Moses who are con- made." Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan,
sidered by the world to be patriarchs, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methu-
a, Abraham (Heb. 7 :4; Abra. I : 1-4; selah, Lamech, and Noah all enjoyed

the rights and powers of this priest- the punishment of the guilty; and
hood calling. (D. & C. I 07 :38-53.) that to the laws all men owe respect
And in modern times it descended and deference, as without them peace
from Joseph Smith, Sr., to . his son, and harmony would be supplanted
Hyrum Smith (D. & C. 124:91-96), by anarchy and terror." (D. · & C.
and has continued on in that rightful 134:5-6.)
lineage to the present time. (Doc- Patriotic responses of the saints .in
trines of Salvation, vol. 3, pp. 160- the payment of taxes, in bearing arms,
183.) in obeying the laws of the land, and
Of the patriarch to the Church th_e in responding to government appeals
Lord says: "He shall hold the keys in general, all testily that patriotism
of the patriarchal blessings upon the is both precept and practice among
heads of all my people." (D. & C. church members.
124: 92.) As one of the General
Authorities, the patriarch to the Paul. See CELIBACY.
Church stands next in rank to the
members - of the Council of the Peace. See M1~LENNIUM, PRINCE OF
Twelve. PEACE, WAR. !.·Peace, meaning free-
dom from war, has been the hope and
Patriotism. See CML GovERNMENTS, desire of the righteous among all
CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES, nations in all ages. They have always
KINGCRAFT, LOYALTY. Among the been under command •to "seek peace,
true saints, patriotism is a part of and pursue it" (Ps. 34: 14), to "re-
religion. Pending that glorious mil- nounce war and proclaim peace" (D.
lennial day when theocratic govern- & C. 98:16), and to "have peace one
ment shall be restored, members. of with another." (Mark 9:-50; Rom.
the Church know that they are and 12:18; 1 Tim. 2:2; Mosiah 4:13.)
necessarily must be subject to and "Blessed are the peacemakers: for
supporters of civil authority. they shall be called the children of
In its formal declaration regarding God." (Matt. 5:9:)
governments and laws in general the But since this earth is in a fallen
Church affirms: "We believe that all and telestial state--so that any who
men are bound to sustain and uphold abide on it have power to live a teles-
the respective governments in which tial law, which is the law of wicked-
they reside, while protected in their ness and carnality~peace .has been
inherent and inalienable rights by found .only for limited•times among a
the laws of such governments. . . : few of its inhabitants. For two gen-
We believe that every · man should erations there was . peace among the·
be honored in his station, rulers and Nephites because . the . wicked had
magistrates as su·ch, being placed for been destroyed. (3 Ne. 10:12; 4 ·Ne.
the protection of the innocent and 1-25.) Righteous as •the saints were

in the days of Enoch, however, there 6:15.) "Peace I leave with you, my
were wars, for the saints dwelt in the peace I give unto you: not as the
midst of wicked people. (Moses 7: 13- world giveth, give I unto you. Let not
15.) your heart be troubled, neither let it
In the last days, above all other be afraid." (John 14:27; 16:33.)
eras, there is to be no peace on earth. Those who gain this peace in this life
On November I, 1831, the Lord said: shall die in peace (D. & C. 45:46),
"The hour is not yet, but is nigh at continue in peace in the paradise of
hand, when peace shall be taken God (Alma 40:12), and then rise in
from the earth, and the devil shall the resurrection to inherit eternal
have power over his own dominion." peace in the kingdom of God. "Learn
(D. & C. I :35.) In 1894, President that he who doeth the works of right-
Wilford Woodruff, speaking as the eousness ;hall receive his reward, even
Lord's - mouthpiece on earth, an- peace in this world, and eternal life
nounced that peace was taken from in the world to come." (D. & C.
the earth and that great wars and 59:23.)
desolations would be poured out. 3. There is to be no peace in the
There will be no peace on earth religious field until the millennial
again until the Prince of Peace comes, day when all men come to a unity
destroys the wicked, and ushers in of the faith, until they all accept the
the millennial era. There may be a gospel and join The Church of Jesus
few years of limited peace for a few Christ of Latter-day Saints. (Eph.
people; there will be periods of armed 4:II-16.) "For what fellowship hath
neutrality while men prepare for in-
righteousness with unrighteousness?
evitable conflicts; but universal peace,
and what communion hath light with
the era when men "shall beat their
darkness? And what concord hath
swords in to plowshares, and their
Christ with Belia!? or what part hath
spears into pruninghooks," the day
when "nation shall not lift up sword he that believeth with an infidel?
against naiion, neither shall they And what agreement hath the temple
learn war any more" (Isa. 2:4), shall of God with idols?" (2 Car. 6:14-16.)
not come until the wicked are burned Our Lord affirmed: "Think not that
as stubble and only the righteous re- I am come to send peace on earth:
main. (Mal. 4; Doctrines of Salvation, I came not to send peace, but a sword.
vol. 3, pp. 48-52.) For I am come to set a man at vari-
2. Inner spiritual peace, "the peace ance against his father, and the
of God, which passeth all understand- daughter against her mother, and the
ing" (Philip. 4:7), is a gilt of God to daughter in law against her mother
the obedient. (Ps. 37 :37; I 19: 165; in law. And a man's foes shall be they
Isa. 26:3; 48:18, 22; 57:21; Rom. 8:6; of his own household." (Matt. 10:34-
10:15; 14:17-19; I Cor. 14:33; Eph. 36; Luke 12:49-53.)

Pearl of Great Price. See BmLE, placed in them by the great lawgiver
BooK OF MoRMON, CHURCH OF JEsus of ancient Israel. But by direct rev-
CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTs, Doc- elation in modem times the Lord has
TRINE AND CoVENANTS, GOSPEL, KING· restored through the Prophet many
ooM oF Goo, SCRIPTURE, STANDARD of the great truths lost from the early
WORKS. I. According to our Lord's Mosaic scriptures. ,
parable, the kingdom of heaven-that The Book of Moses, a work contain-
is, the kingdom of God on earth, or ing eight chapters and covering the
in other words The Church of Jesus same general period and events as are
Christ of Latter-day Saints-is the found in the first six chapters of Gen-
pearl of great price. Because men esis, contains much of this restored
cannot accept the gospel without also truth. The !st and 7th chapters of
accepting as a divine institution the Moses are entirely new revelations
Lord's Church or kingdom on earth, having no counterpart in Genesis.
it is also common to speak of the gos- The other chapters in Moses cover the
pel as the pearl of great price. To same events recorded in the first six
gain the money to buy this pearl of chapters of Genesis, but the account
exceeding worth, honest truth seekers revealed in latter-days has been so
willingly sell all that they have. enlarged, contai~s so much new ma-
(Matt. 13:45-46.) The purpose of
terial, and so radically changes the
this parable is to show the incal-
whole perspective of the Lord's deal-
culable value of that kingdom through
which the gospel of salvation is ings with Adam and the early pa-
triarchs that for all practical purposes
it may be considered as entirely new
2. This expression, Pearl of Great
Price, has also been adopted as the matter. The whole view of the crea-
title of a volume of latter-day scrip- tion of all things; of pre-existence and
ture, a volume containing a choice the purpose of life; of Adam and his
selection of the revelations, transla- fall; of the primeval revelation of the
tions, and narrations of the Prophet gospel to man; of the terms and con-
Joseph Smith. As now published the ditions in accordance with which sal-
Pearl of Great Price contains the fol- vation is offered to the living and the
lowing : dead; of Enoch, his ministry · and
a. Book of Moses-Contrary to the his establishment of Zion; and of
false notions of the higher critics, Noah, his priesthood and ministry
Moses personally is the author of the -the whole view and perspective
Pentateuch or first five books of the relative to all these things is rad-
Old .Testament. (1 Ne. 5:11.) In their ically changed by the new revelations
present form, however, these five in the Book of Moses. This book,
books no longer contain many of the which is also contained in the Proph-
teachings and doctrines originally et's Inspired Version of the Bible, is

one of the most important documents Aaronic Priesthood. The Articles of

the Lord has ever revealed. Faith are a brief summary of some of
b. Book of Abraham-This work the basic doctrines of the Church.
was translated by the Prophet from a Some added items were published
papyrus record taken from the cata- in early editions of the Pearl of Great
combs of Egypt, a record preserved by Price. The first edition, published in
the Lord to come forth in this day 1851 in England by Elder Franklin
of restoration. (Milton R. Hunter, D. Richards, also contained sections
Pearl of Great Price Commentary, 77 and 87 of the Doctrine and Cove-
pp. 6-35.) Abraham was the original nants, and extracts from sections 20,
author, and the scriptural ~ccount 27, and I 07, and the hymn, "O Say
contains priceless information about What Is Truth?" The first American
the gospel, pre-existence, the nature edition, published in 1878, also con-
of Deity, the creation, and priesthood, tained the revelation on marriage,
information which is not otherwise section 132 of the Doctrine and Cove-
available in any other revelation now nants.
extant. It should be remembered that in
c. Writings of Joseph Smith-Three the early days of the Church the rev-
extracts from the Prophet's writings elations were not published and dis -
are here included: one, an extract seminated as widely as at present.
from the Inspired Version of the Alter the Doctrine and Covenants was
Bible; the second, extracts from the brought up to date, it was no longer
history of Joseph Smith; and the third, necessary to publish duplicating items
the statement of belief now called in the Pearl of Great Price. All edi-
the Articles of Faith. The quotation tions since 1902 of this latter scripture
from the Inspired Version · is our have contained only the books of
Lord's discourse on the Second Com- Moses and Abraham and the extracts
ing and signs of the times, which from the Prophet's writings. (Milton
begins with the last verse of the 23rd R. Hunter, Pearl of Great Price Com-
chapter of Matthew and continues mentary, pp. 41-47.)
through the 24th · chapter. The ac-
count of the Prophet's own history Pearly Gates. See CELESTIAL KING-
records his ancestry; recites the ·eveilts DOM, KEEPER OF THE GATE, NEW
incident to the religious revivalism JERUSALEM. To enter the Pearly
around Palmyra in the spring of 1820; Gates means to gain admittance to the
tells of the appearance of the Father celestial kingdom. The expression is
and the Son to him; reports the ap- based on John's vision of the celestial
pearances of Moroni and tells of the earth onto which he saw "the holy
coming forth of the Book of Mormon; Jerusalem, descending out of heaven
and records the visitation of John the from God.... And the twelve gates
Baptist and the restoration of the were twelve pearls: every several gate

was of one pearl." (Rev. 21:10-27.) some of his followers through ·· peep
Since pearls were considered by the stones or crystal balls. An instance
ancients as among the most precious of this copying of the true order
of gems and were highly esteemed occurred in the early days of this
for their orriamental value, it was dispensation. Hiram Page had such 11
quite natural for the Lord so to sym- stone and was professing to have rev-
bolize the beauty and excellence of elations for ·the upbuilding of . Zion
admission to his eternal presence. and the governing of the · Church.
Oliver Cowdery and some others
Peculiar People. See HERITAGE, MoR- were wrongly influenced thereby in
MONS, SAINTS. In every age the Lord's consequence of which Oliver was com-
people are classified by the world as a manded by .revelation: · "Thou shalt
pecu1iar people, a designation which take thy brother, Hiram Page, be-
the saints accept and in which they tween him and thee alone, and tell
rejoice. (Ex. 19:6; Deut. 7:6; 14:1; him that those things which he hath
I Pet. 2:5, 9.) They are peculiar, written from that stone are not of
distinctive, unusual, not like any other me, and that Satan deceiveth him."
people, because they have overcome (D. & C. 28:11.}
the world. Their doctrines, practices,
and whole way of life runs counter Penance. See APOSTASY, · FORGIVENESS,
to the common course of mankind. REPENTANCE, SACRAMENTS. One of
To illustrate: It is peculiar to be- the so,called sacraments of the Cath-
lieve in and ·receive latter-day revela- olic Church is called penance. It
tion; to heal the sick; to raise the dead; consists, as they suppose, in so-called
to abstain from tea, coffee, tobacco, repentance or contrition for sin, in
and liquor; to have visions; to pay confession to. a p,iest, and in absolu-
one-tenth of one's interest annually tion (forgiveness) from the sin.
as tithing; to marry for eternity; to (James Cardinal · Gibbons, The Faith
go on missions; to serve in the minis- of Our Fathers, pp. 277-306.) As thus
try without financial pay-and so on administered, this so-called sacrament
through all the beliefs and practices is an apostate form of the true
of the true saints. doctrine and procedures · governing
repentance, confession, and the at-
Pedobaptism. See INFANT BAPTISM. tainment of the forgiveness of sins.

Peep Stones. See DEVIL, REVELATION, Penitence. See CONTRITE SPIRIT, Hu-
of the true order of heaven whereby itence implies sorrow ·and genuine
seers receive revelations from God regret for sins; it is a ·state Of mind
through a Urim and· Thummim, the that makes a person receptive to the
devil gives his own revelations to ·gospel message and to full conipli-

ance with the law of repentance. To Cain the Lord said: "Satan desir-
(Alma 32:6-8.) Those who do re- eth to have thee; . .. and it shall be
pent become truly penitent in the unto thee according to his desire.
gospel sense. They are the only ones And thou shalt rule over him; For
who are able to know and under- from this time forth thou shalt be the
stand the things of God ( Alma lather of his lies; thou shalt be called
26:21 ), and to receive that lull meas- Perdition; for thou wast also before
ure of joy which is available to the the world." (Moses 5:18-25.)
saints. (Alma 27:1 7-18; 29:10.)
Mercy shall be granted the penitent Perfection. See CELESTIAL MARRIAGE,
in the day of judgment, and "none ETERNAL LIFE, EXALTATION, RIGHT-
but the truly penitent are saved." EOUSNESS, SANCTIFICATION. Perfection
(Alma 42:23-24.) is of two kinds-finite or mortal, and
infinite or eternal. Finite perfection
Pentateuch. See PEARL OF GREAT may be gained by the righteous saints
PRICE. in this life. It consists in living a god-
fearing life of devotion to the truth,
Pentecost. See DAY OF PENTECOST. of walking in complete submission to
the will of the Lord, and of putting
Perdition. See CAIN, DEVIL, SoNs OF first in one's life the things of the
PERnmoN. Two persons, Cain and kingdom of God. Infinite perfection is
Satan, have received the awesome reserved !or those· who overcome all
name-title Perdition. The name sig- things and inherit the fulness of the
nifies that they have no hope what- Father in the mansions hereafter. It
ever of any degree of salvation, that consists in gaining eternal life, the
they have wholly given themselves kind of life which God has in the
up to iniquity, and that any feeling highest heaven within the celestial
of righteousness whatever has been world.
destroyed in their breasts. Both had Many scriptures exhort the saints
great administrative ability and per- to be perfect in this life, an attain-
suasive power in pre-existence, but ment which will lead to eternal per-
both were rebellious and iniquitous fection hereafter, unless by subsequent
from eternity. (D. & C. 76:25-27; 2 rebellion and wickedness a departure
Ne. 2:17-18.) Both came out in open is made from the strait and narrow
rebellion against God having a per- path. Even the sanctified are com-
fect knowledge that their course was manded to beware lest they fall from
contrary to all righteousness. grace. (D. & C. 20:31-34.)
Satan was denied a tabernacle for "He that walketh in a perfect way,
his spirit body, but Cain has gained he shall serve me," the Lord says.
one, an:d as a consequence has a po- (Ps. 101 :6. ) Ancient.Israel was com-
sition of pre-eminence over the devil. manded: "Thou shalt be perfect with

the Lord thy God." (Deut. 18:13.) had walked in the path of perfect
Paul wrote about, "them that are righteousness before the Lord. (Alma
perfect" (I Car. 2:6); commanded 13:10-12.)
the living saints to, "Be perfect, be When our Lord told the Jews, "Be
of good comfort, be of one mind, live ye therefore perfect, even as your
in peace" (2 Car. 13:11); said mod- Father which is in heaven is perfect"
estly that he himself was not "al- (Matt. 5:48), he was speaking of
ready perfect," but exhorted "as many ultimate eternal perfection in his
as· be perfect" to "press toward the Father's kingdom. Alter his own res-
mark for the prize of the high calling urrection and whe"n "all power" had
of God ' in Christ Jesus." (Philip. been given him "in heaven and in
3: 12-15.) That is, the perfect saints earth" (Matt. 28: 18), he amplified
were to endure to the end in right- his exhortation by saying, "I would
eousness so as to merit the eternal that ye should be perfect even as l ,
perfection that is assured by such a or your Father who is in heaven is
course. perfect." (3 Ne. 12:48.)
The rich young man, desiring to In this supreme sense no one is
find the course leading to eternal life, perfect except the Lord and those who
was given similar counsel by the Mas- are like him. Joint-heirs with Christ
ter: "II thou wilt be perfect, go and -those who receive, possess, and in-
sell that thou hast, and give to the herit equally with him in his Father's
poor, and thou shalt have treasure kingdom-are thus the only ones who
in heaven: and come and follow me." attain unto perfection. "Every one
(Matt. 19:15-22.) Alter gaining fi- that is perfect shall be as his m_aster."
nite perfection and laying up treas- (Luke 6:40.) They become possessors
ures in heaven, he was yet commanded of all things because they walked in
to follow Christ to gain the ultimate that light which grows "brighter and
goal. brighter until the perfect day." (D.
James gave the saints one practical & C. 50:24-29.) They overcome all
measuring rod whereby their mortal things, inherit all things, gain all that
perfection could be measured: "II any the Father hath, and enjoy the ful-
man offend not in word, the same is ness of his kingdom. (D. & C. 76:54-
a perfect man, and able also to bridle 60; 84:33-40; 93:20-28.)
the whole body." (Jas. 3:2.) Joseph Smith taught that the attri-
Noah (Gen. 6:9), Seth (D. & C. butes of God are knowledge, faith or
107:43), and Job (Job 1:1) are all power, justice, judgment, ·mercy, and
listed as perfect men. The same truth. Then as to his perfections he
would be true of a host of prophets, said: "What we mean by perfections
apostles, and saints in the various dis- is, the perfections which belong to all
pensations. Alma says "there were the attributes of his nature." (Lec-
many, exceeding great many" who tures on Faith, pp. 42-50.) Thus God

is a perfect being because he is the shall suffer persecution." (2 Tim.

embodiment of all good attributes in 3: 12.) This persecution will consist
their lulness and perfection. Any in ill treatment and oppression, in
being who becomes perfect-"even as acts of persistent and cruel hostility,
your Father which is in heaven is heaped upon them because of their
perfect" (Matt. 5:48), that is who religious beliefs. When the true
has the kind and extent of perfection Church is overcome by the world- as
enjoyed by Deity-must be like God. it was in the early days of the Chris-
Christ is the example. "He re- tian Era-harsh and bitter persecu-
ceived a fulness of truth, yea, even tion slackens, although the divergent
of all truth 1' (D. & C. 93:26), so groups of Satan's kingdom still quar-
John tells us. That is, the attribute rel and fight among themselves.
of truth was perfected in him in the Persecution is a tool of Satan by
eternal sense and there was not any- which he continues among mortal
thing which he did not know. II men men the war of rebellion he began
become perfect, they must do so on in pre-existence. He recognizes the
the same basis, progressing until they true' Church, and in his open rebel-
gain all truth, all knowledge, and all lion does all he can to persuade those
the attributes of Deity in their per- who follow him to fight against the
fection. (D. & C. 93:20-28.) Only truth and to destroy those who be-
those who keep all the command- lieve it. The restored truth is always
ments and for whom the family unit preached "in the midst of persecution
continues in eternity will merit per- and wickedness" (D. & C. 99:1), and
fection. (D. &C. 131:1-4; 132:16-32.) "the fear of persecution and the cares
This kind of perfection comes not by of the world" cause many "to reject
the Levitical Priesthood (Heb. 7:11), the word." (D. & C. 40:2.)
nor can we without our worthy dead Since Satan is the father of per-
attain unto this high status. (Heb . . secution, it follows that he works
11:40.) most effectively through those of his
mortal agents who have the closest
Perils. See SIGNS OF THE TIMES. ties with him. Accordingly, as far as
persecutions heaped by one group of
Perjury. See BEARING FALSE WITNESS. religionists upon another are con-
cerned, the severest and most wicked
Persecution. See APOSTASY, CHASTEN· persecutions of all the ages have been
ING, CHASTISEMENT, HATRED, SIGNS OF fostered, promoted, and carried :out
THE TIMES. Persecution is the heri- by that great Church which is not
tage of the faithful. As long as teles- the Lord's Church. She is "the great
tial conditions prevail among men, persecutor of the church"; she is "the
the saints may rest assured that "all apostate, the whore, even Babylon,
that will live godly in Christ Jesus that maketh all nations to drink of

her cup, in whose hearts the enemy, they are sometimes permitted to come
even Satan, sitteth to reign"; she is upon the chosen people "in conse-
the one, after the apostles were "fallen quence of their tr8nsgressions." Yet
asleep," who sowed the tares with the the true saints have the assurance
wheat. (D. & C. 86.) that the Lord will own them and
Indeed, persecution shall cease at "will not utterly cast them off." (D.
the Second Coming because she shall & C. 101 :1 -9.)
then be destroyed. "That great On the other hand: "Cursed are
church, the mother of abominations, all those that shall lift up the heel
that made all nations drink of the against mine anointed, saith the Lord,
wine of the wrath of her fornication, and cry they have sinned when they
that persecuteth the saints of God, have not sinned before me, saith the
that shed their blood-she who sit- Lord, but have done that which was
teth upon many waters, and upon meet in mine eyes, and which I com-
the islands of the sea-behold, she is manded them. But tJ,ose who cry
the tares of the earth; she is bound transgression do it because they are
in bundles; her bands are made the servants of sin, and are the _chil-
strong, no man can loose them; there- dren of disobedience themselves.
fore, she is ready to be burned." (D. "And those . who swear falsely
& C. 88:94.) against my servants, that they might
Christ (John 5: 16), his apostles bring them into bondage and death-
(John 15:20), and the prophets cil Wo unto them; because they have
all ages have been particular targets offended my little ones they shall be
of persecution. "Blessed are they severed from the ordinances of mine
which _are persecuted for righteous- house. Their basket shall not be lull,
ness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom their houses and their barns shall per-
of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men ish, and they themselves shall be
shall revile you, and persecute you despised by those that flattered them.
and shall say all manner of evil They shall not have right to the
against you falsely, for my sake. Re- priesthood, nor their posterity alter
joice, and be exceeding glad: for great them from generation to generation.
is your reward in heaven: for so It had been better for them that a
persecuted they the prophets which millstone had been hanged about
were before you." (Matt. 5:10-12; 3 their necks, and they drowned in the
Ne. 12: 10-12.) On_ the other hand, depth of the sea.
one of the marks of a true saint is "Wo unto all ·those that discom fort
that he does not engage in the per- my people, and drive, and murder,
secution of others. (Matt. 5:44; Rom. and testify against them, saith the
12:14; 1 Cor. 4 :12; 3 Ne. 12:44.) Lord of Hosts; a generation of vipers
Persecutions have the effect of shall not escape the damnation of
cleansing and perfecting the saints; hell. Behold, mine eyes see and know

all their works, and I have in reserve and baptism; or he is integrity, char-
a swift judgment in the season there- ity, obedience, and sanctification. And
of, for them all; For there is a time Christ is the Everlasting Hills, the
appointed for every man, according as Atomic Bomb, the Barren Desert, or
his works shall be." (D. & C. 121:11- any other inanimate object which
25.) might be chosen to teach a great truth
about him. But none of these things
Personification. See CHRIST, Goo. are literal. Where ideas and attri-
Deity frequently uses the principle of butes are concerned Deity is the em-
personification in revealing to men the bodiment and incarnation of them.
nature and kind of exalted Beings Where inanimate objects are chosen
whom they worship as the Father and as his names, they are chosen to teach
the Son. That is, the Lord adopts that as they perform a ceriain tem-
as his own the names of various poral function, so the Lord of heaven
inanimate objects, as also those of var- performs a similar spiritual function
ious abstract ideas or desirable attri- which is symbolized by the temporal.
butes, in order to point up particular By virtue of this principle of person-
aspects of his personality and powers. ification our language is greatly en-
The inanimate objects so named are riched and our knowledge of Deity
not God, nor are the ideas or attri- marvelously expanded.
butes; rather these things typify some-
thing about Deity, or certify that he Pestilence. See SIGNS OF THE TIMES.
is the embodiment or incarnation of
the particular idea or attribute which Peter, James, and John. See ANGELS,
he chooses to personify. ELIAS, KEYS OF THE KINGDOM, MEL-
Thus "God is love" (I John 4:8), CHIZEDEK PnmSTHOOD, RESTORATION OF
and "God is light." (I John I :5.) THE GosPEL. From .Peter, James, and
Christ is "the way, the truth, and the John-Christ's chief ministers in the
life" (John 14:6), "the resurrection, meridian of time-have come in mod-
and the life" (John 11 :25), "the life em times the powers, keys, and
and the light of the world" (D. & C. authorities whereby the affairs of
11:28), "the Word" (John!:!), and God's earthly kingdom are regulated.
"the law." (3 Ne. 15:9.) Christ is These three, who were the First Pres-
also named: Holy (Isa. 57:15), Faith- idency of the Church in their day
ful and True (Rev. 19:11), Chosen (D. & C. 81:1-2) , received the keys
(Moses 4:2; 7:39), Righteous (Moses of the kingdom from the Savior,
7:45), Rock (Deut. 32:4), Vine (John Moses, and Elias on the Mount of
15:1-5), Branch (Jer. 23:5-6), Bread Transfiguration. (Matt. 17:1-13;
of Life (John 6: 35), and the Morning Teachings, p. 158.) Then in June,
Star. (Rev. 22:16.) 1829, they appeared to Joseph Smith
Similarly God is faith, repentance, and Oliver Cowdery and conferred

upon them the following three things: mind overspreading life and forging
I. The Melchizedek Priesthood; 2. chaos into unity," another modern
The keys of the kingdom of God, in- philosopher, Will Durant, says. It
cluding · the great commission to includes "all questions that vitally
preach the gospel in all the world; affect the worth and significance of
and 3. The keys of the dispensation human life," including "the realm
of the fulness of times. (D. & · C. of ethics, and . · .. the nature of the
27:12-13; 128:20.) At that appear- good life/' (Will Durant, Mansions
ance, Peter and James were resur-- of Philosophy, p. ix.) "Only philos-
rected beings; John was translated. ophy can give us wisdom," he also
opines. "Philosophy accepts the hard
Petting. See SEx IMMORALITY. and · hazardous tasl< of dealing. with
problems . .. . like good and evil,
Phantoms. See GHOSTS. beauty· and ugliness, order and free-
dom, life and death." (Will Durant,
Philanthropy. See ALMSGIVING, CHAR- Story of Philosophy, pp. 2-3.)
ITY, Philanthropy is the love of mane Every basic text on philosophy, such
kind, the desire to help them, to better as Mr. Durant's Mansions of Philos-
their condition and status; it is com- ophy, will contain, among other
monly exhibited through organized things, discussions relative to: God
charitable undertakings. Philanthrop- and immortality; morals, morality, and
ic feelings are found among decent immorality; matter, life, and mind;
and upright people everywhere. But existence, ethics, and truth; reason,
in its highest and most perfect form, instinct, and materialism; life and
philanthropy is found in the ·gospel dea~; love; marriage, and social re-
and exhibited through the programs lations; the quest of happiness; the
of the Church. The gospel of Jesus elements of character; freedom, the
Christ is the perfect system for bet- function of religion, and Christianity.
tering mankind temporally, spiritual- It should be evident to everyone
ly, physically, morally, and in every who has even a casual knowledge of
respect. God, the gospel, and the laws of sal-
vation, that philosophy is in effect a
Philosophy. See GosPEL, MORMON - religion which, ruling out revelation,
ISM, PLAN OF. SALVATION, SALVATION. attempts to decide eternal realities by
"Philosophy is the account which the reason alone. In large. part it is an
human mind gives to itself of the con- attempt to explain, Where we came
stitution of the world," says Emerson, from, Why we are here, and Where
the modern philosopher. (Cited, Or- we are going, without reference to
son F. Whitney, Saturday .Night the revelations of the Almighty.
Thoughts, p. 265.) "We shall define Philosophy is a · system of genera./
philosophy as total perspective, beliefs and dews about God, exist-

ence, right and wrong, agency, im- tends that men should exercise faith
mortality, and so forth-all of which in him so as to be healed, but he
views rule out the true and living also intends that men should use the
God and the revelations that come agency and intelligence he has given
through his prophets. Philosophers, them, in both preventing and curing
it is true, may profess to believe in sickness. It is proper that the sick
God, but their beliefs will be of the should "be nourished with all tender-
apostate variety; they will worship ness, with herbs and mild food." (D.
laws, forces, or the ethereal spirit & C. 42:43.) The Book of Mormon
essence described in the creeds of sec- speaks "of the excellent qualities of
tarianism. the many plants and roots which God
True philosophy is found only in had prepared to remove the cause of
and through the gospel of Christ. It diseases." (Alma 46:40.)
is a philosophy revealed from heaven. It follows that physicians and
In it firm answers are found to all nurses are a valuable and essential
of the problems of the philosophers part of our society. Indeed, legitimate
of the world. It answers the eternal, healing arts have been practiced from
Whence? Why? Whither?, of the early days, and our Lord in his min-
speculative thinker, and the answers istry seems to have countenanced the
are true because they are the answers work of physicians. (Luke 4:23.) His
of Deity. statement, "They that be whole need
not a physician, but they that are
Phrenology. See FonTUNE TELLING. sick" (Matt. 9:12; Mark 2:17; Luke
5:31; Moro. 8:8), though intended
Physical Creation. See CREATION. to teach a great truth about repent-
ance and baptism, nonetheless is a
direct approval of physicians minister-
HEALTH, Wano OF WISDOM. Two ing to the sick.
false and extreme views are commonly
held among apostate peoples as to Pilgrimages. See PILGRIMS, SHRINES,
the value and place of physicians in WoRSHIP. Journeys to shrines for
society. Most people rely entirely on the purpose of worship are called
doctors and medical science where pilgrimages. Neither shrines nor pil-
health is concerned and make no at- grimages are a part of true worship
tempt to seek the healing power of as practiced by the true saints. God
the Lord. (2 Chron. 16:12.) Some is worshiped in spirit and in truth in
others reject hospitalization and all places and at all times. (John
medicinal aid, supposing that it is 4:24.) After the loss of pure Chris-
only by divine aid that health will tianity and before the 4th century,
or can be restored. apostate Christendom inaugurated
Actually, of course, the Lord in- the practice of pilgrimages of worship

to Bethlehem, the Mount of Olives, Isaiah said of Satan that he should

and such places. "be brought down to hell, to the
Aaronic Priesthood boys and others sides of the pit." (Isa. 14: 15.) Refer-
in this dispensation sometimes take ring to our Lord's future visit to the
organized excursions to historic sites, spirits in prison while his body lay
but such are for historical and recre- in the tomb (I Pet. 3:18-21 ), Isaiah
ational purposes; there .is no thought said of the wicked : "They shall be
that some special virtue will attach gathered together, as prisoners are
to worship by performing it at t.hese gathered in the pit, and shall be shut
places. up in the prison, and alter many days
shall they be visited." (Isa. 24:22.)
Pilgrims. See IDUMEA, PLAN OF SAL- Zechariah alluded to the vicarious
VATION. Literally, a pilgrim is a stran- baptism that frees repentant spirits
ger or traveler passing through a from their prison when he said: "By
field. Thus men are "strangers and the blood of thy covenant I have sent
pilgrims on the earth," that is, they forth thy prisoners out of the pit
are strangers here who are traveling wherein is no water." (Zech. 9:11.)
from one eternity to the next, from
pre-existence to immortality. (D. & C. Pity. See COMPASSION.
45:11-14; Heb. 11:8-13; I Pet. 2:11.)
Man's sojourn on earth constitutes the Plagues. See SIGNS OF THE TIMES.
period of his pilgrimage. (Gen. 47:9;
Ps. 119:54.) Planchette. See MEDIUMS, OUIJA
Pioneers. See MORMON PIONEERS. itualist mediums use a small h eart-
shaped board called a planchette ·in
Piousness. See REVERE NCE. receiving messages from evil spirits.
This board rests on two casters with
Pit. See BOTTOMLESS Prr, HADES, a vertical pencil at a third point.
HELL, SHEOL, SPIRIT PRISON. The With the hands of two persons rest-
term pit is used as a synonym for the ing lightly upon it, the board moves
following terms: hell, hades, sheol, without conscious effort, and the pen-
spirit prison. (Ps. 30:3; 88:4-6.) Each cil traces answers to questions on a
of these . has reference to the prison - paper. Us e of a planchette is a wicked
like dwelling place of wicked spirits and evil thing because it involves
wherein they await their coming forth communion with Satan.
in the last resurrection. Terming this
place the pit lays special emphasis on Planets. See EARTHS.
its nature as a prison, a prison in
ancient times commonly having been Plan of Exaltation. See PLAN OF SAL-
a pit. VATION.


Plan of Redemption. See PLAN OF all the rest of his spirit offspring could
SALVATION. progress to exaltation. The Firstborn
accepted and conformed to the plan
Plan of Salvation. See ATONEMENT of the Father-"Father, thy will be
OF CHRIST, BAPTISM, ENDURJNG TO done, and the glory be thine forever"
THE END, FAITH, GtFT OF THE HOLY (Moses 4:2)-as did all the rest of
GHOST, GOSPEL, JUDGMENT DAY, his righteous spirit children; and all
KINGDOMS OF GLORY, MORTALITY, played their respective and assigned
OBEDIENCE, PERFECTION, PRE-EXIST- parts in carrying the great plan for-
RESURRECTION, SALVATION, SALVATION Training for eventual salvation
FOR THE DEAD. "God himself," the began for each person at the time of
Prophet says, "finding he was in the his spirit birth. Following a long
midst of spirits and glory, because he period of pre-existent, probationary
was more intelligent, saw proper to schooling, this earth was created to
institute laws whereby the rest could be a place where the hosts of spirits
have a privilege to advance like him- who kept their first estate might come,
self. The relationship we have with receive mortal bodies, and undergo
God places us in a situation to ad- further testing and trials. (Moses 4: 1-
vance in knowledge. He has power 4; Abra. 3:22-28.)
to institute laws to instruct the weaker At death the eternal spirits go to a
intelligences, that they may be exalted spirit sphere to gain further experience
with himself, so that they might have and then finally they come up in the
one glory upon another, and all that resurrection, stand before the judg-
knowledge, power, glory, and intel- ment bar, and are awarded their
ligence, which is requisite in order to places in the kingdoms of glory which
save them in the world of spirits." are prepared. (Alma 40; 41; D. & C.
(Teachings, p. 354.) Thus the plan 76.) Christ is the Redeemer as a
of salvation (of redemption, and of result of whose atoning sacrifice the
exaltation) comprises all of the laws, terms and conditions of this great plan
ordinances, principles, and doctrines of redemption become operative for
by conformity to which the spirit the remainder of mankind, many of
offspring of God have power to pro- whom also play lesser parts in the
gress to the high state of exaltation great scheme and plan of the Father.
enjoyed by the Father. The plan of salvation, for men in
The plan of salvation was ordained this life, is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
by the Father. It is not the plan of It comprises all of the laws, ordi-
Christ or of Adam or any of the other nances, and performances by con-
of the Father's children. Rather, it formity to which mortal man is
was ordained by the Father so that empowered to gain eternal life in the
Christ his Firstborn Spirit Son and kingdom of God. Since the fall of

Adam, man has been carnal, sensual, exists. To us, speaking in the proper
and devilish by nature. (Moses 5: 13; infinite sense, these three are the only
6:49; Alma 42:10; Mosiah 16:1-4; Gods we worship. But in addition
D. & C. 20 :20.) By conforming to there is an infinite number of holy
the plan of salvation, man has power personages, drawn from worlds with-
to put off the natural man, to be born out number, who have passed on to
again as a new creature of the Holy exaltation and are thus gods.
Ghost, and to become "a saint Paul taught, "There be gods many,
through the atonement of Christ the and lords many," adding that "to us
Lord." (Mosiah 3: 16-19.) there is but one God, the Father, of
The steps in this plan are: I. Faith whom are all things, and we in him;
in the Lord Jesus Christ; 2. Repent- and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom
ance; 3. Baptism by immersion under are all things, and we by him. How-
the hands of a legal administrator; beit there is not in every man that
4. The laying on of hands for the gilt knowledge." (I Cor. 8:4-7; D. & C.
of the Holy Ghost, also under the 121 :28-32.) The Prophet comment-
hands of a legal administrator; and ing on this passage said : "Paul had
5. Enduring in righteousness to the no allusion to the heathen gods. I
end of the mortal probation. (Fourth have it from God, and get over it if
Article of Faith; 2 Ne. 9:23-24, 31; you can. I have a witness of the Holy
3 Ne. 27:19-21; D. & C. 20:29.) Ghost, and a testimony that Paul had
no allusion to the heathen gods in
Plants. See ANIMALS. the text." (Teachings, p. 371.)
The Prophet also taught-in ex-
Plates of Ether. See Gow PLATES. plaining John's statement, "And hath
made us kings and priests unto God
Plates of Mormon. See Gow PLATES. and his Father" (Rev. I :6)-that
there is "a god above the Father of
Plates of Nephi. See Gow PLATES. our Lord Jesus Christ. .. . lf Jesus
Christ was the Son of God, and John
Playing Cards. See CARD PLAYING. discovered that God the Father of
Jesus Christ had a Father, you may
Plurality of Gods. See ADAM-Goo suppose that he had a Father also.
THEORY, CHRIST, FALSEGoos, FATHER Where was there ever a son without a
IN HEAVEN, GODHEAD, GODHOOD, father? And where was there ever a
HoLY GHOST, POLYTHEISM, Three lather without first being a son?
separate personages-Father, Son, Whenever did a tree or anything
and Holy Ghost-comprise the God- spring into existence without a pro-
head. As each of these persons is a genitor? And everything comes in
God, it is evident, from this stand- this way. Paul says that wljich is
point alone, that a plurality of Gods earthly is in the likeness of that which

is heavenly. Hence ii Jesus had a shall hearken unto these things."

Father; can we not believe that he (Jacob 2:27-30.)
had a Father also?" (Teachings, pp. From such fragmentary scriptural
370-373.) records as are now available, we learn
that the Lord frequently did com-
Plural Marriage. See ADULTERY, mand his ancient saints to practice
ARTICLE ON MARRIAGE, CELESTIAL plural marriage. Abraham, Isaac, and
MARRIAGE, CHASTITY, CoNCUBINES, Jacolr-among a host of others (D.
KEYS OF THE KINGDOM, MANIFESTO, & C. 132)-conlormed to this en-
PRIESTHOOD, SEALING PowER. Accord- nobling and exalting principle; the
ing ·to the Lord's law of marriage, it whole history of ancient Israel was
is lawful that a man have only one one in which plurality of wives was
wile at a time, unless by revelation the divinely accepted and approved
the Lord commands plurality ol order of matrimony. Millions of those
wives in the new and everlasting cove- who entered this order have, in and
nant. (D. & C. 49:15-17.) Speaking through it, gained for themselves
of "the doctrine of plurality of wives," eternal exaltation in the highest
the Prophet said: "I hold the keys of heaven of the celestial world.
this power in the last days; for there In the early days of this dispensa-
is never but one on earth at a time tion, as part of the promised restitution
on whorl\ the power and its keys are of all things, the Lord revealed the
conferred; and I have constantly said principle of plural marriage to the
no man shall have but one wife at a Prophet. Later the Prophet and lead-
time, unless the Lord directs other- ing brethren were commanded to enter
wise." (Teachings, p. 324.) into the practice, which they did in all
The Lord, by the mouth of his virtue and purity of heart despite the
Prophet Jacob, gave similar direction consequent animosity and prejudices
to the Nephites: "For there shall not of worldly people. Alter Brigham
any man among you have save it be Young led the saints to the Salt Lake
one wile; and concubines he shall Valley, plural marriage was openly
have none; For I, the Lord God, de- taught and practiced until the year
light in the chastity of women. And 1890. At that time conditions were
whoredoms are an abomination be- such that the Lord by revelation with-
for_e me; thus saith the Lord of Hosts. drew the command to continue the
Wherefore, this people shall keep my practice, and President Wilford
commandments, saith the Lord· of Woodruff issued the Manifesto di-
Hosts, or cursed be the land for their recting that it cease. (Discourses of
sakes. For if I will, saith the Lord of Wilford Woodruff, pp. 213-218.)
Hosts Hraise up seed unto me, I will Obviously the holy practice will com-
command my people; otherwise they mence again alter the Second Coming

of the Son of Man and the ushering and death, of war and peace, of the
in of the millennium. (Isa. 7.) mountains, forests, and plains, and so
Plural marriage is not essential to forth.
salvation or exaltation. Nephi and It is falsely supposed by uninspired
his people were denied the power to religious scholars that Yahweh or
have more than one wile and yet they Jehovah was the tribal God of the
could gain every blessing in eternity Hebrew peoples, that he gradually
that the Lord ever offered to any came to have pre-eminence over the
people. In our day, the Lord sum- gods of other nations, and that he was
marized by revelation the whole doc- finally accepted as the One Supreme
trine of exaltation and predicated it Being. The fact is, however, that
upon the marriage of one man to one monotheism did not grow out of poly-
woman. (D. & C. 132:1-28.) There- theism, rather polytheistic concepts
after he added the principles relative are apostate perversions of the origi-
to plurality of wives with the ex- nal truth about God ;._,hich was
press stipulation that any such mar- revealed to Adam and the ancient
riages would be valid on!y ii patriarchs.
authorized by the President of the It should be remembered that poly-
Church. (D. & C. 132:7, 29-66.) theism has reference to pagan deities
Any who pretend or assume to to whom reverence, devotion, and
engage in plural marriage in this day, worship are given. It is not to b.e
when the one holding the keys has confused with the gospel truth that
withdrawn the power by which they there are "gods many, and lords
are performed, are guilty of gross many, But to us there is but one God,
wickedness. They are living in adul- the Father, ... and one Lord Jesus
tery, have already sold their souls to Christ." (1 Cor. 8:4-7.) The saints
Satan, and ( whether their acis are are not polytheists.
based on ignorance or lust or both)
they will be damned in eternity. Poor. See ALMSGMNG, CHURCH
Politeness. See CouRTESY. ent telestial order of things, there will
always be poor people, those who do
Polygamy. See PLURAL MARRIAGE. not have sufficient of this world's
goods to satisfy their just needs and
Polytheism. See APOSTASY, ATHEISM, wants. Provision is ·always made by
DEISM, FALSE Goos, Goo, HENO- true saints for the care of their less
THEISM, MONOTHEISM, PLURALITY OF economically fortunate brethren. In
Goos, THEISM. Primitive and pagan modern times this is done primarily
peoples often believe in and worship through the great Church Welfare
many supposed gods. They imagine Plan.
that there are gods of birth, marriage, Whether people are rich or poor

ordinarily does not establish whether shall be with him, and he shall re-
they are righteous or wicked. The ward every man, and the poor shall
wealthy and the poverty stricken are rejoice; And their generations shall
found both in and out of the Church; inherit the earth from generation to
and the Lord in his infinite wisdom generation, forever and ever." (D.
tests various of his saints with the & C. 56:17-20.)
perils of poorness and others with
the snares of worldly riches. It is Potentate. See CHRIST, KING, RULER.
true, however, as the entire Nephite Christ "is the blessed and only Po-
history testifies, that when the saints tentate" (I Tim. 6:15), meaning that
become rich in worldly wealth, they all earthly power of kings and rulers
frequently become proud and haughty shall in due course fade away, and
and fall into apostate practices and he shall stand as the only supreme
evils. It is harder for a rich man to Sovereign and Ruler of all mankind.
keep the commandments and gain
salvation than it is for a poor man. Potter. See CHRIST. Christ is the
(Matt. 19:16-26.) great Potter (Jer. 18:1-6), meaning
that he governs in the affairs of men
The "poor of this world" who are
so as to mould and shape earthen hu-
"rich in faith'' are "heirs of the king-
man vessels into vessels of honor and
dom" and shall be saved (Jas. 2:1-9);
service to him. "We are the clay, and
the unrighteous poor, however, shall
thou our potter; and we all are the
be damned. The righteous poor shall
work of thy hand." (Isa. 64:8.) "O
not remain so forever, for in eternity
house of Israel, cannot I do with you
they shall inherit the earth and all
as this potter?" he asked. "Behold,
things shall be theirs. (D. & C. 88:17-
as the clay is in the potter's hand,
22.) "Wo unto you paor men, whose
so are ye in mine hand, 0 house of
hearts are not broken, whose spirits
Israel." (Jer. 18:6.)
are not contrite, and whose bellies
Similarly, as is sometimes done,
are not satisfied, and whose hands are
not stayed from laying hold u pon our Lord might be described as the
great Physician, Healer, Engineer,
other men's goods, whose eyes are
Chief Scout, Foreman, Builder, or the
full of greediness and who will not
like-all showing his pre-eminence in
labor with your own hands! But
the field concerned, and all pain ting
blessed are the poor who are pure in
attention to his power to deal in the
heart, whose hearts are bro ken, and
spiritual field with human souls as
whose spirits are contrite, for the these mortal counterparts deal in their
s ia l see t e mg om o o coming temporal pursuits.
in power and great glory unto their
deliverance; for the fatness of · the Poverty. See PooR.
earth shall be theirs. For behold, the
·Lord shall come, and his recompense Power. See OMNIPOTENCE.


Praise the Lord. See HALLELUJAH. the approved pattern of proper prayer.
They are to be addressed to the Fa-
Prayer. See AMEN, FAITH, FASTING, ther; should always be made in the
Goo, HALLELUJAH, MuSic, NAME OF name of Jesus Christ; must be rever-
CHRIST, PRAYER BOOKS, REVERENCE, ential and worshipful in nature,
SACRAMENT MEETINGS, THANKSGMNG, which requirement includes use of
WORSHIP. To prat/ is to speak with the language of prayer (the pronouns
God, either vocally or b)' forming__tlig thee and thine, for instance, never
thoughts involved in the mind. you and uour) · and above all they
Prayers may properly include ex~- must be offered in sincerity of heart,
sions of praise, thanksgiving, and with real intent and purpose, and
~ ey are e so emn occa- must come from the lips of those who
s1ons durmg which the children of have broken hearts and contrite s ir-
God petition their Eternal Father for its; an na y, L ey s ou d be closed
those things, both temporal and spir- with the word Amen. As a token of
~:~~mwhi: ~e~ /'Ji~ :~:i~;et:~ :~ reverence and respect, when occasion
this mortal probation. Prayers are :::~~ t:;;it;!~~ld be made from a
occasions of confession - occasions
when in humility and contrition, hav- There is nothing in the gospel that
ing broken hearts and contrite spirits, is better designed to keep the atten-
the saints confess their sins to Deity tion of men centered on God, on
and im plore him to grant his cleans- righteousness, and on their duties
ing forgiveness. than is prayer. Every thought, word,
Prayer has been a part of the gos- and act is influenced or governed by
pel from the be innin . "Thou shalt the nature and extent of one's com-
o all that thou doest in the name munion through prayer with Deity.
of the Son," an angel declared to Over and over again the revelations
Adam, "and ou shalt repent and command: Watch and pray always,
call upon God in t e ame o e on lest ye enter into temptation. (Matt.
orevermore. (Moses 5:8.) This 26:41; Mark 13:33; 14:38; Luke
~ ential if men are to be 21 :36; 22:40, 46; D. & C. 10:5.) "Ye
saved; there is no salvation withou t must pray always, and not faint,"
grayer. How could a man set his Nephi told his brethren. "Ye must
lieart on righteousness, so as to work not perform any thing unto'theLord
out his salvation, without communing save in the first place ye shall pray
by prayer with him who is the author unto the Fat her in the name of
of righteousness? C hrist, that he will consecrate thy
Prayers of the saints are expected to per formance unto thee, that thy per-
conform to a prescribed standard of formance mat/ be for the welfare of
divine excellence; they should fit into ,thy soul." (2 Ne. 32:9.)

It is common to classify prayers as about too many matters not directly

public and private or secret. Family involved in the particular meeting.
prayers and those offered as blessings One's own secret prayers can be as
a-n the food at mealtime would be long· as the individual cares to make
considered private prayers. Those them; Enos, for instance, took occa -
spoken at formal gatherings, and in sion to pray all day and on into the
which one person acts as mouth for night. (Enos 4.)
the congregation, are public prayers. "Pray in your families unto the
An opening prayer in a formal meet- Father, always in my name," our
ing is sometimes called the invocation Lord said, "t at your wives and your
(because the blessings of the Lord children ~ be blessed." (3 Ne.
upon that particular meeting are 18:21.) It is the counsel of the
being sought or invoked), and the Church that family prayer should
closing prayer is often referred to as take place twice daily, ordinarily be-
the benediction (because a final short fore the morning and evening meals.
statement of blessing and comfort is Where there are several members of
being made). a family, and particularly where chil-
Certain formalities and restrictions dren are involved, these family
apply to public prayers which are prayers should not include the bless-
not in force where private prayers are ing on the food; such should be a
concerned. Public prayers should be separate prayer, offered as the family
short and ordinarily should contain sits around the table and after they
no e ressions except those which have risen from their knees in con -
' t?ertain to the needs and circumstances nection with the more formal and
surrounding the particular meeting extended prayer. There would be no
~ They are not sermons impropriety, however, in a man and
or occasions to disclose the oratorical his wife alone ( there being then no
or linguistic abilities of the one acting children who need the training and
~ President Francis M. Ly- experience involved) to includ~e
man was wont to say that no occasion blessing on the food in t e forma1✓/
is so important that tw~ family prayer. 4'
would not open it and 30 seconds Individuals-;;; groups of Latter-day
9Q§LJLThis is not meant to be an Saints when eatin!( in public places,
inflexible rule, but it is a wise guide ii conditions are sufficiently quiet and
to show the importance o! brevity in reverential, may with propriety offer
public prayers. a blessing on the food. II circum-
Unfortunately the all too common stances are such that it does not seem
practice in the Church in conference appropriate so to do, however, the
sessions, sacrament meetings, and the food is eaten with a thankful heart,
like, is for those saying the prayers to and it is considered that the private
take entirely too much time and pray prayers o! the individuals concerned

have already asked for all of the bless-

ings needed for that particular day. ness ...
Each individual should, of course, ~ l unto a man, i e s a !ra.)L..
have his -own secret prayers, ordinar~ and not with real intent of heart; ye'!,
ily night and morning. :n,.e scrip- and it profiteth him nothing. ~
tures speak of prayers "morning, God receiveth none such." (Moro.
mid-day and evening." (Alma 34:21; 7:6-9.) Rather men are commanded
Ps. 55:17; Dan. 6:10.) The command, to "pra unto the Father 'th all' the
Pray always, means a prayer should energy" .of their hearts with all the
always be in the hearts of the faith - strength that their whole souls pos-
ful and that frequent secret prayers sess. Moro. 7:48.)
should be spoken. "And when thou prayest thou shalt
Our Lord's instruction to the Ne- not do as the hypocrites, for they love
phites was: "Verilv, verilv · I say unto to pray, standing in the synagogues
you, ye must watch and pra y always, and in the comers of the streets, that
lest ye be tempted by the devil and they may be -seen of men. Verily I
ye be led away captive by him. And say untp you, they have their reward.
. as I have prayed among you even so But thou, when thou prayest, enter
shall ye pray in my church, among into thy closet, and when thou hast
my people who do repent and are shut thy door, ·pray to thy Father
baptized in my name. Behold I am who is in secret; and thy Eather, who
the light; I have set an~ seeth in secret, shall reward thee
you .... Behold, verily, verily, I say openly. But when ye pray, use not
urrto you, ye must watch and pray vain repetitions, as the heathen, for
always lest ye enter into temptation; they think that they shall be heard
for Satan desireth to have you, that for their much speaking. Be not ye
he may sift you as wheat. ~ therefore like unto them, for your
ye must always pray unto the Father Father knoweth what things ye have
in my name; ·And whatsoever ye shall need of before ye ask him.
ask the Father in my name which "After this manner therefore pray
is right . believing that ye shnll re· ye: Our Father who art in .heaven,
ceive behold it shall be given unto hallowed . be thy name. Thy will be
you." (3 Ne. 18:15-20.) done on earth as it is in ~eaven. And
~ be binding and efficacious forgive us our debts, as we forgive
prayer must be offered in faith and our debtors. And lead us not into
with real -intent. "For behold, God temptation, but deliver us from evil.
(! hath said a man being evil cannot do For thine is the kingdom, and the
that w i is goo ; or i e o ere power, and the glory, forever. Amen."
a gift;. or .prayeth unto God, except (3 Ne. 13:5-1 3; Matt. 6:5-13.)
he shall ·do it with real intent it prof- "Do. not pray .as the Zoramites ,do,
iteth him nothing. For behold, it is for .ye have s.een that they pray to be

heard of men, and to be praised for the devil, who is an enemy to all
their wisdom. Do not say: 0 God, I righteousness. Cry unto him over the
thank thee that we are better than crops of your fields, that ye may
our brethren; but rather say: 0 Lord, prosper in them. Cry over the flocks
forgive my unworthiness, and remem- of your fields, that they may increase.
ber my brethren in mercy-yea, ac- But this is not all; ye must pour out
knowledge your unworthiness before your souls in your closets, and your
God at all times." (Alma 38:13-14.) secret places, and in your wilderness.
Further: "Pray for them who de- Yea, and when you do not cry unto
spitefully use you and persecute you." the Lord, let your hearts be full,
(3 Ne. 12:44; Matt. 5:44.) drawn out in prayer unto him contin-
Formal, written prayers which are ually for your welfare, and also for the
recited-either by professing priests welfare of those who are around you."
as part of religious services or by Then, in effect, he counsels that men
individuals in doing penance or seek- must live as they pray and work the
ing grace-are a wicked abomination. works of righteousness in order to gain
They are utterly devoid of the true the blessings for which they pray.
spirit of prayer; almost without ex- (Alma 34:17-29.)
ception they are rattled off without Perfect prayers are those which are
real intent; and their use keeps men inspired, in which the Spirit reveals
from searching their own hearts in the words which should be used. (3
an attempt to pray in faith according Ne. 19:24.) "And if ye are purifi ed
to an approved pattern so that actual and cleansed from all sin, ye shall ask
blessings may be gained from Deity. w hatsoever you will in the name of
With few exceptions these recited Jesus and it shall be done. But know
pieces of senseless jargon are worse this, it shall be given you w hat you
than no prayers at all. shall ask." (D. & C. 50:29-30.)
. % What blessings should be sought by Jesus spoke the greatest prayers
W prayer? Amulek has given this in- ever uttered, prayers so much beyond
spired answer: "Call upon his holy the interpretative power of mere words
name, that he would have mercy upon that they were not recorded. "He
you; Yea, cry unto him for mercy; himself also knelt upon the earth,"
for he is mighty to save. Yea, hum- the record says, "and behold he
ble yourselves, and continue in prayer prayed unto the Father, and the
unto him. Cry unto him when ye are things which he prayed cannot be
in your fields, yea, over all your flocks. written, and the multitude did bear
Cry unto him in your houses, yea, record who heard him. And after this
over all your household, both morn- manner do they bear record: The
ing, mid-day, and evening. Yea, cry eye hath never seen, neither hath the
unto him against the power of your ear heard, before, so great and mar-
enemies. Yea, cry unto him against velous things as we saw and heard

Jesus speak unto the Father; And no in this way. The First Vision and
tongue can speak, neither can there many of the great revelations of this
be written by any man, neither can dispensation came as a direct result
the hearts of men conceive so great of fervent prayer. "The Spirit shall
and marvelous things as we both saw be given unto you by the prayer of
and heard Jesus speak; and no one faith." (D. & C. 42:14.) Salvation
can conceive of the joy which filled itself is a fruit of prayer. "Pray one
our souls at the time we heard him for another, that ye may be healed.
pray for us unto the .Father." (3 Ne. The effectual fervent prayer of a
17:15-17.) righteous man availeth much." (Jas.
Among recorded prayers those ut- 5: 16.) "He that observeth not his
tered by our Lord are the greatest. prayers before the Lord in the season
The .Lord's Prayer stands as a model thereof, let him be had in remem-
of perfect expression. (3 Ne. 13:9-13; brance before the judcre of my people."
Matt. 6:9-13.) · The high priestly or (D. & C. 68:33.)
_intel'Cessory ,prayer, as it has variously
been called, though the record we Prayer Books. See APOSTASY, PRAYER.
have is obviously fragmentary, ranks Many apostate churches publish
as a superlative example of divine prayer books containing prayers and
prayer. (John 17.) Similar interces- other forms for use in public and pri-
sory pleadings were made on behalf vate worship. These formal prayers
of the Nephites. (3 Ne. 19.) violate the true spirit and purpose of
There are a few approved formal prayer, do not lead professing wor-
written prayers in the Church. These shipers along the path leading to
include dedicatory prayers offered salvation, and are conducive of that
when temples are presented to the state of mind which keeps praying
Lord-the prayer of dedication for people from struggling for that faith
the Kirtland Temple being given by' and inspiration which will benefit
direct revelation (D. & C. 109)-and them spiritually.
the sacramental prayers · which are
always spoken exactly as found in Preaching. See SERMONS.
the revelation. (D. & C. 20:77-79.)
Other than formal revealed prayers, Pre-Adamites. See FrnsT MAN.
all prayers should be extemporaneous,
spoken according to the best inspira- Predestination. See AGENCY, FoRE·
tion ·of the one acting as mouth. ORDINATION. Predestination is the
Every good gilt comes to those who devil's substitute for the true doctrine
through faith and prayer are enabled of foreordination. Just as Lucifer
to abide the law upon which its re- "sought to destroy the agency of man"
ceipt · is · predicated. All things both in pre-existence (Moses 4:3), so
temporal and spiritual are available through his ministers here he has

taught a doctrine, based on scrip- commonly used to describe the pre-

tural distortions, of salvation and mortal existence of the spirit children
damnation without choice on the part of God the Father. Speaking of this
of the individual. Predestination is prior existence in a spirit sphere, the
the false doctrine that from all eter- First Presidency of the Church (Jo-
nity God has ordered whatever comes seph F. Smith, John R. Winder, and
to pass, having especial and particular Anthon H. Lund) said: "All men and
reference to the salvation or damna- women are in the similitude of the
tion of souls. Some souls, according universal Father and Mother, and are
to this false concept, are irrevocably literally the sons and daughters of
chosen for salvation, others for dam- Deity"; as spirits they were the "off-
nation; and there is said to be nothing
spring of celestial parentage." (Man:
any individual can do to escape his
predestined inheritance in heaven or
His Origin and Destiny, pp. 351, 355.)
in hell as the case may be. These spirit beings, the offspring of
exalted parents, were men and wom -
It is true that the words predesti-
nate and predestinated are found in en, appearing in all respects as mortal
the King James translation of some of persons do, excepting only that their
Paul's writings (Rom. 8:29-30; Eph. spirit bodies were made of a more
1:5, II) , but Biblical revisions use pure and refined substance than the
the words foreordain and foreor- elements from which mortal bodies
dained, which more accurately con- are made. (Ether 3:16; D. & C.
vey Paul's views. However, even as 131:7-8.)
the King James Version renders the To understand the doctrine of pre-
passages, there is no intimation of existence two great truths must be
any compulsion or denial of free accepted: I. That God is a personal
agency, for one of the dictionary defi- Being in whose image man is created,
nitions of foreordination is predestina- an exalted, perfected, and glorified
tion, meaning the prior . appointment Man of Holiness (Moses 6:57), and
(in pre-existence) of particular per- not a spirit essence that fills the im-
sons to perforrµ designated labors or mensity of space; and 2. That matter
gain particular rewards. or element is self-existent and eternal
in nature, creation being merely the
Pre-existence. See AGENCY, CouNCIL organization and reorganization of
IN HEAVEN, ELECTION OF GRACE, FA- that substance which "was not created
THER IN HEAVEN, FmsT EsTATE, FoRE- or made, neither indeed can be." (D.
ORDINATION, INTELLIGENCES, MOTHER & C. 93:29.) Unless God the Father
IN HEAVEN, SPIRIT BIRTH, SPIRIT was a personal Being, he could not
Booms, SPIRIT CHILDREN, SPIRIT ELE- have begotten spirits in his image,
MENT, STARS OF HEAVEN, WAR IN and if there had been no self-existent
HEAVEN. Pre-existence is the term spirit element, there would have been

no substance from which those spirit beast, and every other creature which
bodies could have been organized. God has created." (D. & C. 77:2.)
From the time of their spirit birth,
the Father's pre-existent offspring Prejudice. See APOSTASY. Prejudice is
were endowed with agency and sub- a preconceived judgment, usually un-
jected to the provisions of the laws reasoning and biased in n ature, which
ordained for their government. They is based on insufficient knowledge.
had power to obey or disobey and It is one of the chief tools of Satan.
to progress in one field or another. By it he keeps the minds of the whole
sectarian and pagan worlds so riveted
"The first principles of man are self-
existen t with God," the Prophet said. on their false creeds and myths that
"God himself, finding he was in the most people resist the light of restored
midst of spirits and glory, because truth when it shines plainly before
he was more intelligent, saw proper
them. Indeed, few things are more
to institute laws whereby the rest self-damning, more destructive of
progress, more conducive to apostasy
could have a privilege to advance like
himself." (Teachings, p. 354.) and spiritual darkness, than the
smothering mantle of prejudice which
The pre-existent life was thus ·•
now envelopes almost the whole
period- undoubtedly an infinitely
earth. The continual prayer of the
long one-----of probation, progrl:5sion,
saints is that the prejudices of the
and ·schooling. The spirit hosts were
world "may give way before the
taught and given E!xperiences in var-
truth," so that the gospel cause may
ious administrative capacities. Some
roll forth. (D. & C. I 09 :56.)
so exercised their agency and so con-
formed to law as to become "noble Unfortunately prejudice exists to
some extent even within the Church,
and great"; these were foreordained
with the result that perfect oneness
before their mortal births to perform
and unity does not yet prevail among
great missions for the Lord in this
the saints; and there are sometimes
life. (Abra. 3:22-28.) Christ, the
resultant instances of unfairness and
Firstborn, was the mightiest of all the
inequity in the operation of chu:ch
spirit children of the Father. (D. & programs and the treatment of m-
C. 93:21·-23.) Mortal progression and
dividuals. True saints learn to live
testing is a continuation of what
above these little difficulties and to
began in pre-existence.
cast prejudices out of their minds so
.Every form of life had an existence that they more effectively may aid in
in a spirit form before being born rolling forth the Lord's great latter-
on this earth . (Moses 3 :5-7. ) In each day work.
instance the spirit creation was "in
the likeness of that which is temporal; Pre-mortal Life. See PRE·EX.ISTENCE .
. . . 'the spirit of man in the likeness
of his person, as also the spirit of the Preparatory Gospel. See GOSPEL,

Presbyters. See ELDERS. dency so that many brethren and

sisters .of proved worthiness and lead-
Presidency. See B1SHOPRIC, CouNSEL- ership may enjoy the blessings of
ORS, FrnsT CouNCIL OF SEVENTY, FIRST service in God's kingdom.
KEYS, KEYS OF THE K!NGOOM, Quo- President of the Aaronic Priesthood.
Operation of the Church and king-
dom of God on earth is upon the President of the Church. See APOS-
principle of presidency. That is, the TOLIC SUCCESSION, FIRST PRESIDENCY,
Lord selects and the saints sustain HIGH PRIESTS, PROPHETS, REVELATORS,
presidencies to direct the affairs of the SEERS. Upon the President of the
various church organizations. Mem-
Church the Almighty bestows the
bers of these presidencies are given
highest office and the greatest gilts
the keys of their respective callings,
by virtue of which they are empow- that mortal man is capable of receiv-
ered to preside over and direct the ing. He is the earthly king of the
affairs of the organization concerned. kingdom of God, the supreme officer
Except in special cases, the powers of the Church, the "President of the
of presidency are exercised by a presi- High Priesthood of the Church; Or,
dent and two counselors. The su- in other words, the Presiding High
preme powers of presidency rest with Priest over the High Priesthood of
the First Presidency of the Church. the Church." (D. & C. 107:65-66.)
Upon the disorganization (by death His duty is "to preside over the whole
of the President) of this highest quo- church, and to be like unto Moses-
rum in the Church, the Council of Behold, here is wisdom; yea, to be a
the Twelve becomes and operates as seer, a revelator, a translator, and a
the First Presidency, pending the prophet, having all the gifts of God
time that the Presidency as such is which he bestows upon the head of
formally reorganized. the church." (D. & C. 107:91-92;
Stake presidencies . preside over 21:1.)
stakes, ward bishoprics over wards, He is the one man on earth at a
quorum presidencies over quorums, time who can both hold and exercise
and auxiliary organization presiden- the keys of the kingdom in their lul-
cies (in some instances called super- ness. (D. & C. 132:7.) By the author-
intendencies) over the respective ity vested in him, all ordinances of
auxiliary organizations. Except where the gospel are performed, all teaching
the General Authorities of the Church of the truths of salvation is author-
are concerned, it is the practice of the ized, and except for him salvation
Church to rotate the privilege and would not be available to men of his
responsibility of organization presi- day.

The President of the Church i~ the bishops, the Presiding Bishop is one
mouthpiece of God on earth. Thus of the General Authorities of the
saith the Lord: "Thou shalt give heed Church. He sits as a judge in Israel,
unto all his words and commandments is responsible for many of the tem-
which he shall give unto you as he poral concerns of the kingdom (D. &
receiveth them, walking in all holi- C. 107 :68-74), receives consecrations
ness before me; For his word ye shall for the care of the Lord's poor (D.
receive, as if from mine own mouth, & C. 42:31-33; 51:5, 12-13), and is
in all patience and faith." (D. & C. called to travel and preach as an aid
21:4-5.) to building up the kingdom. (D. &
C. 84:112-116.)
Presiding Bishop. See AARON, AARON•
To "the firstborn among the sons of Presiding High Council. See TRAVEL·
Aaron" belongs the legal right to ING PRESIDING HIGH CouNCIL.
serve as the President of the Aaronic
Presiding High Priests.. See HIGH
Priesthood and the Presiding Bishop
of the Church, "For the firstborn holds
the right of the presidency over this
Presiding Patriarch. See PATRIARCH
priesthood, and the keys or authority
of the same." This is the office which
Aaron held anciently; the right to it
is hereditary; it descends from worthy
VANITY. As spoken of in the revela-
father to worthy son in the same way tions, pride is the opposite of humility.
that the office of Patriarch to the It is inordinate self-esteem arising
Church does. But in the absence of because of one's position, achieve-
a revelation to the President of the ments, or possessions; and it has the
Church, designating the lineage and effect of centering a person's heart
person to hold this high position of on the things of the world rather than
bishopric and Levitical presidency, the things of the Spirit. (I John 2:15-
the First Presidency chooses "a high 17.) As humility, which is an attri-
priest of the Melchizedek Priesthood" bute of godliness possessed by true
to hold the office. In this event two saints, leads to salvation, so pride,
counselors are also called to serve in which is of the devil, leads to damna-
the Presiding Bishopric. (D. & C. tion. (2 Ne. 28:15.) "God resisteth
68:14-21; 107:15-17, 68-78.) the proud, but giveth grace unto the
As a holder of the keys of presi- humble." (Jas. 4:6; I Pet. 5:5.)
dency over the Aaronic Priesthood of Latter-day prevalence of pride in
the Church and thus over all other the hearts of men is one of the sure

proofs that apostasy and unrighteous- hood and priestcralt arc two opposites;
ness prevail on the earth. (Rom. one is of God, the other of the devil.
1:28-32; 2 Tim. 3 :1-7; 2 Ne. 28:10- Apostasy is born of priestcralts (2
15; Morm. 8 :28-36.) The Lord hates Ne. 10:5; 3 Ne. 16 :10; D . & C. 33 :4) ,
"a proud look." (Prov. 6: 16-19.) for those who engage in them follow
"Pride goeth before destruction, and vain things, teach false doctrines, love
an haughty spirit before a fall." riches, and aspire .to personal honors.
(Prov. 16: 18.) Pride among the in- (Alma 1:12, 16.) Men are com-
habitants of Sodom was one of the manded to repent of their priestcralts
(3 Ne. 30:2), and eventually, in the
chief reasons for her destruction.
millennial day, these great evils will
(Ezek. 16:49.) Pride is wickedness,
be done away. (3 Ne. 21: 19.)
and those who are proud are living a
telestial law and will be utterly de-
Priestesses. See CALLING AND ELEC-
stroyed at the Second Coming of
Christ. (Isa. 2:12; Mal. 4:1; I Ne.
22:15; 3 Ne. 25:1; D. & C. 29:9;
64:24; 133:64.) HOOD, PRIESTS, Q U EENS. W omen do
Pride is such a gross evil that the not have the priesthood conferred
scriptures abound in counsels against upon them and are not ordained to
it. "Be not proud." (Jer. 13: 15.) offices therein, but they are entitled
"Beware of pride." (D. & C. 23:1; to all priesthood blessings. Those
25:14; 38:39.) Repent of pride. (D. women who go on to their exaltation,
& C. 56:8.) Cease from pride. (D. & ruling and reigning with husbands
C. 88: 121.) "Thou shalt not be who are kings and priests, will them-
proud in thy heart." (D. & C. 42:40.) selves be queens and priestesses. They
will hold positions of power, author-
Priestcraft. See APOSTASY, PRIEST- ity, and preferment in eternity.
HOOD, PRIESTS. Nephi said that the
Lord "commandeth that there shall Priesthood. See AARONIC PRIESTHOOD,
be no priestcrafts; for, behold, priest- KEYS, KEYS OF THE KINGDOM, LEVITES,
crafts are that men preach and set MELCHI:ZEDEK PRIESTHOOD, MINISTERS,
themselves up for a light unto the ORDINATIONS, PRIESTCRAFT, PRIEST-
world, that they may get gain and HOOD OFFICES, PRIESTHOOD QUORUMS,
praise of the world; but they seek not QUORUM PRESIDENTS. As pertaining
the welfare of Zion." (2 Ne. 26:29.) to eternity, priesthood is the eternal
Thus false priests, professing minis- power and authority of Deity by
ters, those claiming but not possess- which all things exist; by which they
ing priesthood, are engaged, to a are created, governed, and controlled;
greater or lesser degree, in the iniqui- by which the universe and worlds
tous practice of priestcralt. Priest- without number have come rolling

into .existence; by which the great to speak .of the two great orders of
plan of creation, redemption, and priesthood as priesthoods; hence, the
exaltation operate throughout immen- revealed statement, "There are, in
sity. It is the power of God. (Dis- the church, two priesthoods, namely,
courses, new ed., p. 130; Gospel the Melchizedek and Aaronic, includ-
Kingdom, p. 129.) ing the Levitical Priesthood." (D. &
As pertaining to man's existence on C. 107:1 ; Doctrines of Salvation, vol.
this earth, priesthood is the power 3, pp. 80-183.)
and authority of God delegated to
man cin earth to act in all things for Priesthood Callings. See PRIESTHOOD
the salvation of men. It is the power OFFICES.
by which the gospel is preached; by
which the ordinances of salvation are Priesthood Covenant. See MELCHIZE-
performed so that they will be bind- DEK PRIESTHOOD.
ing ·on earth and in heaven; by which
men are sealed up unto eternal life, Priesthood of Aaron. See AARONIC
being assured of the fulness of the PRIESTHOOD.
Father's kingdom hereafter; and by
which in due course the Lord will Priesthood of Elias. See AARONrc
govern the nations of the earth and PRIESTHOOD, ELIAS, PRIESTHOOD. The
all that pertains to them. (Gospel lesser or Aaronic Priesthood is the
Doctrine, 5th ed., pp. 136-200.) Priesthood of Elias; that is to say, it
As there is only one God and one is a preparatory priesthood, one that
power of God, it follows that there goes before something that is greater
is only one priesthood, the eternal (D. & C. 84:107), one that schools
priesthood. Thus the Prophet taught: and trains a person for the greater
"All priesthood is Melchizedek, but or Melchizedek Priesthood. Joseph
there are different portions or degrees Smith taught: "The spirit of Elias is
of it." (Teachings, p. 180.) Also "Its to prepare the way for a greater rev-
institution was prior to 'the founda- elation of God, which is the Priest-
tion of this earth, or the morning hood of Elias, or the Priesthood that
stars sang together, or sons of God Aaron was ordained unto. And when
shouted for joy,' and is the highest God sends a man into the world to
and holiest priesthood, and is after prepare for a greater work, holding
the order of the Son of God, and all the keys of the power of Elias, it was
other priesthoods are only parts, ram- called the doctrine of Elias, even from
ifications, powers and blessings be- the early ages of the world." (Teach-
longing to the same and are held, ings, pp. 335-336.)
controlled, and directed by it."
(Teachings, p. 167.) Priesthood Offices. See AARONic
It is, however, proper and common PRIESTHOOD, APOSTLES, BISHOPS, COM-

ON CoNSENT, DEACONS, ELDERS, they grow out of the priesthood, they

EVANGELISTS, GENERAL AUTHORITIES, are supplemental to it, they are less
HIGH PRIESTS, LEVITES, MELCHIZEDEK than the priesthood in importance.
PRIESTHOOD, MINISTERS, ORDINATIONS, (D. & C. 84:29-30; 107:5.) It fol-
OVERSEERS, PASTORS, PATRIARCHS, PA- lows that it is greater and more im-
TRIARCH TO THE CHURCH, PRESIDENT portant to hold the Melchizedek
OF THE CHURCH, PRESIDING BISHOP, Priesthood, for instance, than it is to
PRIESTHOOD QUORUMS, PRIESTS, Quo- hold any office in that priesthood. It
RUM PRESIDENTS, SEVENTIES, SHEP- is greater, accordingly, to hold the
HERDS, TEACHERS. There are in the Melchizedek Priesthood than to hold
Melchizedek Priesthood the following the office of elder or of an apostle,
offices: elder, seventy, high priest, though, of course, no one could be
patriarch or evangelist, and apostle; either an elder or an apostle without
in the Aaronic Priesthood: deacon, first possessing the higher priesthood.
teacher, priest, and bishop. Each Further, there is no advancement
office is an ordained calling or as- from one office to another within the
signment to serve, on a basis of pri- Melchizedek Priesthood. Every elder
mary responsibility, in a specified holds as much priesthood as an apos-
field of priestly responsibility. tle or as the President of the Church,
The priesthood is greater than any though these latter officers hold
of its offices. No office adds any greater administrative assignments in
power, dignity, or authority to the the kingdom. It follows, also, that any
_priesthood. All offices derive their holder of the Melchizedek Priesthood
rights, prerogatives, graces, and pow~ could perform any priestly function
ers from the priesthood. This prin- he was appointed to do by the one
ciple may be diagramed byclivliling holding the keys of the kingdom.
a circle into segments. I he priesthood Normally a priesthood bearer works
is the circle; the segments of the circle in the particular segment of the
are the callings or offices in the priesthood circle in which his pri-
priesthood. Anyone who serves in a mary responsibility lies. ( Gospel Doc-
segment of the circle must possess the trine, 5th ed., pp. 148-149; Teachings,
power of the whole circle. No one can p. 112.)
hold an office in the p r i e s ~ The multifarious duties to be per-
out first holding the priesthood. formed in the Church require special-
Thus it is that priesthood is con- ists in various fields of endeavor;
ferred upon worthy individuals, and some persons are endowed with
they are then ordained to offices in talents that permit them to work
the priesthood; and thus it is that all effectively in one field and some in
offices in the priesthood and in the another. Hence there are offices in
Church are specifically designated as the priesthood, all of which are tran-
appendages to the priesthood; that is, scendently important; and the eye

cannot say to another member of Priesthood Quorums. See AARoNic

the body, I have no need for thee, PnrnSTHoon, APosTouc SuccESSION,
or I am greater than thee. (D. & C. DEACONS, ELDERS, FIRST PRESIDENCY,
84:106-111; I Cor. 12:14-31; Doc- HIGH PRIESTS, MELCHIZEDEK PRIEST-
trines of Salvation, vol. 3, pp. 103- HOOD, PRIESTHOOD, PRIESTHOOD OF-
Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery SEVENTIES, TEACHERS. Bearers of the
were ordained elders on April 6, 1830, priesthood living in the various eccle-
thus obtaining the first ordained siastical units of the Church are
offices in the Church in this dispen- divided into organizational units
sation. Peter, James, and John had called quorums. Thus 12 deacons
conferred the Melchizcdek Priesthood form a quorum of deacons; 24 teach-
upon them in June, 1829, but there ers, a quorum of t~ach"ers; 48 priests,
were no offices in the priesthood until a quorum of priests; 96 elders, a quo-
after the organization of the Church. rum of elders; 70 seventies, a quorum
It is not possible to hold an office of seventy; the high priests living in
in an organization that does not exist. a stake area, a quorum of high priests;
Later, other offices came as the needs 12 apostles, the quorum of the
of the ministry required. (Doctrines Twelve; and _three high priests, the
of Salvation, vol. 3, pp. 147-149.) quorum of the First Presidency. (D.
Ordinations to offices must conform & C. 107:21-37; 124:125-145.)
to the law of common consent. (D. Other special groups with adminis-
& C. 20:65.) trative responsibility are also called
Those receiving priesthood offices quorums. Thus the "standing high
have the obligation to labor with zeal councils, at the stakes of Zion," that
and energy in their particular call• is all stake high councils taken to-
ings. (D. & C. 84:109-110; 107:99- gether, "form a quorum" with certain
100.) It is by magnifying one's call- specified powers. "The high council
ing in the higher priesthood that men in Zion" also is itself a quorum. (D.
obtain exaltation in the eternal & C. 107:36-37.) Similarly all stake
worlds, (D. & C. 84:33-41.) Priest· high councils could be so designated,
hood offices exist in time and in eter- as also ward bishoprics and the Pre-
nity, and those who magnify their siding Bishopric. Indeed, when the
callings in this life will continue on Lord named lour brethren to· direct
as- ministers of Christ holding offices the affairs of the Nauvoo House he
in the priesthood in the realms to called the group so selected "the
come. (Rev. 4; D. & C. 77; 124: 130; quorum of the Nauvoo House." (D.
Gospel Kingdom, pp. 182-184.) & C. 124:56-63, 117.) In this sense
any group of priesthood be~rers des-
Priesthood of Melchizedek. See MEL- ignated tp perform a special labor
CHIZEDEK PRIESTHOOD. could be considered a quorum.

There are three great quorums in One so designated (if he is a true

whose hands the power rests to pre- priest) must in fact hold the priest-
side over the Church and direct all hood; yet the designation priest,
its affairs. The first is the "quorum when so used, has no reference to any
of the Presidency of the Church"; the particular office in the priesthood.
second is the quorum of the Twelve, Thus among the Nephites it was the
"And they form a quorum, equal in practice to consecrate priests and
authority and power" to the Presi- teachers, give them administrative
dency; and the third is the Seventy, responsibility, and send them out to
meaning the first quorum of seventy preach, teach, and baptize. (Mosiah
and not just the First Council of the 23:17; 25:19; 26:7; Alma 4:7; 15:13;
Seventy, "And they form a quorum, 23: 4.) These priests and teachers
equal in authority to that of the held the Melchizedek Priesthood
Twelve special witnesses or Apostles." (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 3, p. 87.)
(D. & C. 107:21-26.) The meaning Apostate peoples, in imitation of the
of this revelation, setting forth the true gospel order, sometimes refer to
order of succession in the Church, is their unauthorized ministers as
that the Twelve are equal with the priests. Such designations have ref-
Presidency in the sense that all the erence, as the case may be, to par-
power of the Presidency rests with ticular offices in the apostate
them in the event there is no Presi- organizations or to the general concept
dency organized at a particular time. that anyone ministering in religious
The same is true of the Seventy. As affairs is a priest. Thus we speak of
long as the superior quorum is or- Catholic priests, of the priests of
ganized, there is no equality of powers Christendom, of the priests of Baal,
and authority. There can never be or of the priests of wicked King Noah.
two equal heads in the kingdom of (Mosiah II.)
God. The decisions of the Twelve 2. Aaron and his sons were ap•
or the Seventy would have to be pointed priests of the Aaronic order.
unanimous to have full validity. (D. The remainder of the qualified Le·
& C. 107:27-32.) vites functioned in capacities com-
parable to present day teachers and
Priests. See .AARONIC PRIESTHOOD, deacons. (Ex. 28; 29; Lev. 8; 9; IO;
CALLING AND ELECTION SURE, CELES- Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 3, pp. 83-
TIAL MARRIAGE, E NDOWMENTS, EXAL- 94, 111-114.) Priests of the Aaronic
TATION, HIGI-I PRIESTS, KINGS, LEVITES, order served in ancient Israel from
MELCHIZEDEK PRIESTHOOD, PRIEST- the days of Aaron to the coming of
ESSES, PRIESTHOOD, PRIESTHOOD OF- John the Baptist. (D. & C. 84:26-27.)
FICES, PRIESTHOOD QUORUMS, QUEENS, Zacharias, the father of John, was
QUORUM PRESIDENTS, TEACHERS. I. legally serving as a priest in Israel
In general terms a priest is a minister. when Gabriel came to announce the

coming birth of the Lord's forerunner. 20.) Since there was no Aaronic
(Luke 1:5-25.) The right to ordina- Priesthood among the Nephites in
tion as priests was hereditary; it was Alma's day ( there being none of the
confined exclusively to the designated lineage empowered in pre-meridian
lineage. Those so ordained offered times to hold that priesthood), there
sacrifices and ministered in the divers was no need to distinguish between
ordinances of the law of carnal· com- priests of the lesser and greater priest-
mandments. One of them served as hoods. Similarly, there being no lesser
the high priest (of the Aaronic Priest- priesthood in Abraham's day, Mel-
hood) in Israel, holding an office chizedek-who held the greater
comparable to that of Presiding priesthood and in whose name it has
Bishop in the Church today. ever thereafter been called-was
3. One of the ordained offices in identified as " the priest of the most
the Aaronic Priesthood in the Church high God." (Gen. 14:18; Heb. 7:1.)
today is that of a priest. (D. & C. David prophesied similarly of the
18:32; 20:60.) As with "all other priesthood which our Lord would
authorities or offices in the church," hold, saying, "Thou art a priest for
the office of a priest is an appendage ever after the order of Melchizedek."
to the priesthood. (D. & C. 107:5.) (Ps. 110:4; Heb. 5:6.)
Those so appointed are legal adminis- 5. Those who endure in perfect
trators empowered from on high "to faith, who _receive the Melchizedek
preach, teach, expound, exhort, and Priesthood, -and who gain the bless-
baptize, and administer the sacrament, ings of the temple (including celestial
And visit the house of each member, marriage) are eventually ordained
and exhort them to pray vocally and kings and priests. These are offices
in secret and attend to all family given faithful holders of the Melchiz-
duties." They umay also ordain other edek Priesthood, and in them they
priests, teachers, and deacons." They will bear rule as exalted beings during
"take the lead of meetings when there the millennium and in eternity. (Rev.
is no elder prese11;t," and can perform 1:6; 5:10.)
any priesthood function that can be
done by a teacher or deacon. (D. & C. Primary Association. See AUXILIARY
4. Book of Mormon prophets gave TION, GENERAL BOARDS, PRIESTHOOD,
the title priest to officers known in STAKB BOARDS. Young children receive
this dispensation as high priests. That special guidance, teaching, and social
is, they were priests of the Melchiz- experience through the Primary Asso-
edek Priesthood, or as Alma expressed ciation, one of the great auxiliary
it, "the Lord God ordained priests, organizations of the Church. Under
after his holy order, which was after the direction of its executive heads, as
the order of his Son." (Alma 13: 1- aided by general and stake boards,

the Primary operates units in all the marginal reading, perhaps more ac-
wards and branches of the Church. curately, gives it: "On earth peace
For proselyting purposes primaries among men of good will"; or, "On
are often organized by missionaries earth peace among men in whom he is
without reference to other church well pleased."
organizations. Children are graduated In the gospel of the Prince of Peace
from the primary organizations to the are found the principles by obedience
Mutual Improvement Associations to which peace can be obtained by
and the priesthood quorums. any righteous person. ·Peace comes
from the Spirit of the Lord. But the
Primitive Church. See CHURCH. final and enduring peace for all men
on earth will not · arrive until the
Prince. See PRINCE OF PEACE. Second Coming of the Prince of Peace,
his coming in power and glory to
Prince of Devils. See DEVIL. This usher in the millennial era.
title for Satan conveys the realization
that there is rule and government Prince of the Power of the Air. See
in the kingdom of the devil. Lucifer DEVIL, Goo OF THIS WoRLD, WoRLD.
is at the head, a prince of devils, and Paul applies this name to Satan,
under him is an extended and complex having apparent reference to his po-
organization-all working for the de- sition as the god of this world, that
struction of the souls of men. When is, the person who rules in worldly
our Lord cast out devils, the rebel- and carnal things. Before their con -
lious Jews accused him of doing it version, the Ephesian Saints "walked
by the power of the prince of devils. according to the course of this world,"
(Matt. 9:32-34; 12:22-30; Mark 3:22- he said, Haccording to the prince of
27.) the power of the air, the spirit that
now ·worketh in the children of dis-
Prince of Peace. See CHRIST, P EACE. obedience: Among whom also we all
This title of our Lord signifies one of had our conversation in times past
the most glorious aspects both of his in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the
gospel and of his governmental reign. desires of the flesh and of the mind;
Prophesying in Messianic vein, Isaiah and were by nature the children of
called him the Prince of Peace and wrath, even as others." (Eph. 2:2-3.)
said, "Of the increase of his govern- This title, prince of the power of
ment and peace there shall be no the air, appears to be an idiomatic
end." (Isa. 9 :6-7.) The heavenly expression that no doubt had more
hosts /ang in glorious exultation at pointed meaning to the Ephesians
his birth, "Glory to God in the high - than it does to us. It seems, however,
est, and on earth peace, good will to place emphasis on Satan's influence
toward men" (Luke 2:14); or as the over persons who live after the man -

ner of the world, those who revel in be wrought out by the blood of Christ
the lusts of the flesh. He is the prince as part of the everlasting covenant, a
of the children of disobedience, the redemption that would be complete
children of wrath. only after baptism for the dead had
been performed for them in this mor-
Prince of This World. See DEVIL, Goo tal sphere where there is water.
oF THIS WORLD, Wonm. Satan's po- As part of the great mission of our
sition of influence and power in the Lord was the command, "To open the
world-the world of carnality, lust, blind eyes, to bring out the prisoners
and corruption, the world the saints from the prison, and them that sit
are commanded to forsake, the world in darkness out of the prison house."
that will end when the millennium (Isa. 42:7; Ps. 142:7; 146:7.) He was
commences-is indicated by his title, sent, "to bind up the brokenhearted,
prince of this world. (John 12:31; to proclaim liberty to the captives,
14:30; 16:1 1.) He rules here in this and the opening of the prison to them
world; it is not without reason that that are bound." (Isa. 61: l-3; Luke
he boasted of having all the kingdoms 4:16-21.) And as Peter taught, while
of the world at his disposal. (Matt. our Lord's body lay in the tomb, his
4:9.) Spirit "wertt and preached unto the
spirits in prison." (I Pet. 3:18-22;
Principles. See DOCTRINE. 4:6; D. & C. 76:73-74; Gospel Doc-
trine, 5th ed., pp. 472-476; Doctrines
Printing. See SIGNS OF THE TIMES . of Salvation, vol. 2, pp. 129-180.)
"Let the dead speak forth ·anthems
Prisoners. See SPIRIT PrusoN. of eternal praise to the King Imman -
uel, who hath ordained, before the
Prisoners of Hope. See BAPTISM FOR world was, that which would enable
THE D EAD, BOTTOMLESS PIT, HOPE, us to redeem them out of their prison;
SALVATION FOR THE DEAD, SPIRIT Pms- for the prisoners shall go free." (D.
ON, SPmrr WORLD. Zechariah, with & C. 128:22.)
apt spiritual insight, used the term
"prisoners of hope" to describe those Probationary Estate, See SECOND
in the spirit prison, those of whom ESTATE.
the Lord said, "By the blood of thy
covenant I have sent forth thy pris- Profanity. See AFOSTASY, BLASPHEMY,
oners out of the pit wherein is nO VuLGARITY. Profanity embraces any
water." (Zech. 9: 11-12.) That is, language that shows contempt for
though held captive in the spirit holy things, that breathes a spirit of
prison, these prisoners of hope looked irreverence or blasphemy, or that is
forward with desire and expectation vulgar in nature, thus leaving a men-
to their redemption, a redemption to tal impression of unclean and un-

wholesome things. Profanity is an prophecy came not in old time by the

evidence of a diseased soul. "Out of will of man: but holy men .of God
the abundance of the heart the mouth spake as they were moved by the Holy
speaketh." (Matt. 12:34; 15:10-20; Ghost." (2 Pet. I :20-21.) Prophecy
Mark 7:1-23; Luke 6:45.) The most is thus a gift of the Spirit (D. & C.
wicked of all profanity is that which 46 :22) , and wo unto him, the Lord
blasphemes the name of Deity, defy- says, who denies the spirit of proph-
ing the divine injunction: "Thou shalt ecy. (D. & C. 11:25.)
not take the name of the Lord thy Belief in and the manifestations of
God in vain; for the Lord will not the spirit of prophecy are two of the
hold him guiltless that taketh his great evidences of the divinity of the
name in vain." (Ex. 20:7.) great latter-day work in which the
saints are engaged. "W.e believe in
Progression. See ETERNAL PROGRES- the gilt of . .. prophecy" (Seventh
SION. Article of Faith), and every legal ad-
ministrator in the Church who
Prophecy. See CALLING AND ELECTION preaches the gospel or administers
SURE, CHRIST, GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT, gospel ordinances must be called of
HOLY GHOST, P ROPHETS, R EVELATION, God "by prophecy" (Fifth Article of
VISIONS. The inspired utterances oi Faith), meaning that the call must
prophets are called prophecy. These come by revelation from the Holy
declarations may pertain to the past, Ghost.
present, or future. New truths or Every member of the Church-act-
unknown events may be revealed in ing in submission to the laws and
them, or they may contain expressions system which the Lord has ordained-
which confirm and give added witness is expected to have the gilt of proph-
to truths already revealed and testi- ecy. It is by this gilt that a testimony
fied to by other prophets. In their of the truth comes. "Follow after
most dramatic form they are declara- charity, and desire spiritual gifts,"
tions of things to come, things which Paul exhorted, " but rather that ye
no mortal power could have made may prophesy. . . . He that proph-
manifest. esieth speaketh unto men to edifica-
Prophecy is the announcement of tion, and exhortation, and comfort.
something that has been revealed to . . . L et the prophets speak two or
a prophet; it always comes by the three, and let the other judge. II any
power of the Holy Ghost. The scrip- thing be revealed to another that
tures are recorded prophecy. Peter sitteth by, let the first hold his peace.
gave this inspired rule for their in- For ye may all prophesy one by one,
terpretation : "Knowing this first, that that all may learn, and all may be
no prophecy of the scripture is of comforted. And the spirits of the
any private interpretation. For the prophets are subject to the prophets.

For God is not the author of confu- him as, "Jesus of Nazareth, which was
sion, but of peace, as in all churches a prophet mighty in deed and word
of the saints.... Wherefore brethren, before God and all the people."
covet to prophesy, and forbid not to (Luke 24:19.)
speak with tongues." (I Cor. 14.) By every test Christ was the great-
est of the prophets. He was a teacher,
Prophet. See CHRIST, MESSIANIC revealer, and witness of the truth.
PROPHECIES, PROPHECY, PROPHETS. (John 18:37.) The Holy Ghost was
Christ himself is The Prophet of his constant companion. Speaking of
Israel. Moses so designated -him in himself he said: "He whom God hath
one of the great Messianic prophecies. sent speaketh the words of God: for
(Dent. 18:15-19.) And our Lord, God giveth not the Spirit by meas-
ministering as a resurrected Personage ure unto him." (John 3:34.) He had
among the Nephites, said: "Behold, the knowledge and testimony of his
I am he of whom Moses spake, saying: own Divine Parentage and mission,
A prophet shall the Lord your God and he bore repeated record thereof.
raise up unto you of your brethren,
(Matt. 26:63-68; 27 :40-43; Luke
like unto me; him shall ye hear in all
23:2-3; John 4:24-26; 8:18-29; 9:35-
things whatsoever he shall say unto
38; 10:7-36.) These are the things
you. And it shall come to pass that
every soul who will not hear that that a man must° do to be ranked as
prophet shall be cut off from among a prophet.
the people." (3 Ne. 20:23; John 6: 14;
Acts 3:22-23; Jos. Smith 2:40.) Prophet of the Highest. See CHRIST,
Our Lord made frequent reference JOHN THE BAPTIST, PROPHECY, PROPH·

to his own prophetic status. For in- ETS. John the Baptist was specially
stance: I. "No prophet is accepted in selected out from among all the
his own country" (Luke 4:16-30); prophets to be called the prophet of
2. "A prophet is not without honour, the Highest. (Luke I :76.) As the
but in his own country, and among forerunner of the Lord, the one cho-
his own kin, and in his own house" sen in pre-existence to prepare the
(Mark 6:1-6; Matt. 13:53-58; John way before him (I Ne. 10:5-10),
4:44); and 3. "I must walk to day, John's prophetic witness of Christ
and to morrow, and the day follow- was, "Behold . the Lamb of God!"
ing: for it cannot be that a prophet (John 1:29-36.) Our Lord's o~
perish out of Jerusalem." (Luke testimony of John was: "Among those
13:33.) Many of those among whom that are born of women there is not
he ministered ranked him as a prophet a greater prophet than John the
(Matt. 14:5; 21:11, 46; John 4:19; Baptist: but he that is least in the
7 :40, 52; 9: 17), and the believing dis: kingdom of God is greater than he:"
c!ples on the Emmaus Road described (Luke 7:28.)

Asked to explain John the Baptist's did Jesus have reference to as being
exalted rank among the prophets, the least? Jesus was looked upon as
Joseph Smith answered: "First. He having the least claim in God's king-
was entrusted with a divine mission dom, and [seemingly] was least en-
of preparing the way before the lace titled to their credulity as a prophet;
of the Lord. Whoever had such a as though he had said-'He that is
trust committed to him before or considered the leas t among you is
since? No man. greater than John-that is I myself.'"
"Secondly. He was entrusted with (Teachings, pp. 275-276.)
the important mission, and it was
required at his hands, to baptize the Prophets. See APOSTLES, CHRIST,
Son of Man. Whoever had the honor HOLY GHOST, PROP HECY, PROPHET,
of doing that? Whoever had so great PROPHET OF TH E HIGHEST, REVELA-
a privilege and glory? Whoever led TION, SCHOOL OF THE PROPHETS, SEED
the Son of God into the waters of OF C1-IRIST, SEERS, T ESTIMONY. A
baptism, and had the privilege of prophet is a person who knows by
beholding the Holy Ghost descend personal revelation from the Holy
in the form of a dove, or rather in the Ghost that Jesus Christ is the Son
sign of the dove, in witness of that of God, "for the testimony of Jesus
administration? . . . is the spirit of prophecy." (Rev. 19: 10;
"Thirdly. John, at that time, was Teachings, pp. 119, 312.) According-
the only legal administrator in the ly, every prophet bears record of
affairs of the kingdom there was then Christ. "To him give all the prophets
on the earth, and holding the keys witness" (Acts 10:43; Jae. 4:4) , and
of power. The Jews had to obey his if a professing minister of salvation
instructions or be damned by their is not a witness for Christ, he is not
own law; and Christ himself fulfilled a prophet.
all righteousness in becoming obedient Nothing more than the testimony
to the law which he had given to of Jesus is needed to make a person
Moses on the mount, and thereby a prophet; and ii this revealed knowl-
magnified it and made it honorable, edge has not been received, a person
instead of destroying it. The son of is not a prophet, no matter how many
Zacharias wrested the keys, the king- other talents or gilts he may have.
dom, the power, the glory from the But when a person has received rev-
Jews, by the holy anointing and de- elation from the Spirit certifying to
cree of heaven, and these three rea- the divinity of Christ, he is then in a
sons constitute him the greatest position to press forward in righteous,-
prophet born of a woman." ness and gain other revelations in-,
Then the Prophet explained how eluding those which foretell future
"he that is least in the kingdom of events. On this basis, should the
God" is greater than John. "Whom necessity arise, those who are prop}l-..

ets are in a position where they receive an inheritance in eternity.

"could prophesy of all things." And, fellow sojournerers upon earth,
(Mosiah 5:3.) it is your privilege to purify your-
Prophets in all ages, accordingly, selves and come up to the same glory,
have taken frequent occasion to fore- and see for yourselves, and know for
tell the lu ture. "Search the revela - yourselves. Ask, and it shall be given
tions of God," Joseph Smith said. you; seek and ye shall find; knock,
"Study the prophecies, and rejoice and it shall be opened unto you."
that God grants unto the world seers (Teachings, pp. 12- 13.)
and prophets. They arc they who saw The mission of prophets is not
the mysteries of godliness; they saw alone to foretell the future. Even
the flood before it came; they saw more important is the witness they
angels ascending and descending upon bear to the living of the divinity of
a ladder that reached from earth to Christ, the teachings they give of the
heaven; they saw the stone cut out plan of salvation, and the ordinances
of the mountain, which filled the which they perform for their fellow
whole earth; they saw the Son of God men. All of the great prophets are
come from the regions of bliss and possessors of the Melchizedek Priest-
dwell with men on earth; they saw hood; as legal administrators some
the Deliverer come out of Zion, and have possessed keys enabling them to
turn away ungodliness from Jacob; administer the fulness of gospel
they saw the glory of the Lord when ordinances.
he showed the transfiguration of the There are, of course, ranks and
earth on the mount; they saw every grades of prophetic responsibility and
mountain laid low and every valley authority. Every member of the
exalted when the Lord was taking Church should be a prophet as per-
vengeance upon the wicked; they saw taining to his own affairs. "Would
truth spring out of the earth, and God that all the Lord's people were
righteousness look down from heaven prophets, and that the Lord would
in the last days, before the Lord came put his spirit upon them!" was the
the second time to gather his elect; prayer of Moses. (Num. 11:29.)
they saw the end of wickedness on Prophecy is one of the gilts of the
earth, and the Sabbath of creation Spirit to which all the saints are en-
crowned with peace; they saw the end titled (I Cor. 12: JO), and faithful
of the glorious thousand years, when members of the Church are exhorted
Satan was loosed for a li ttle season; to "covet to prophesy." (I Cor.
they saw the day of judgment when 14 :39.)
all men received according to their Those who hold offices in the
works, and they saw the heaven and Church, however, should. be prophets
the earth flee away to make room for both as pertaining to their own affairs
the city of God, when the righteous and the affairs of the organizatio'!

over which they preside. A quorum Baptist were two of the greatest
president should be a prophet to his prophets, and we do not have any
quorum, a bishop to his ward, a stake of their writings. We know that
president to his stake. Members of Adam (Moses 6:5), Enoch, Joseph
the First Presidency and Council of the son of Jacob (2 Ne. 3), Zenos
the Twelve, and the Patriarch to the (Jae. 5), Zenock (Alma 33: 15), Neum
Church are all sustained as prophets, (I Ne. 19:10), and many other
seers, and revelators to the Church. prophets wrote many things which
Any new revelation for the Church have not come down to us in our
would, of course, be presented to the days. We can only speculate as to
people by the President of the what Methusaleh, Lamech, Noah,
Church, he being the mouthpiece Shem, Melchizedek, Esaias, Gad,
of God on earth. (D. & C. 21 :1-7.) Jeremy, Elihu, Caleb, and a great host
"Surely the Lord God will do nothing, of known prophets may have written.
but he revealeth his secret unto his Further, there are prophets by the
servants the prophets." (Amos 3:7.) thousands who have lived and died
Apostles and prophets are the foun- of whom we have no knowledge
dation upon which the organization whatever.
of the true Ch11rch rests. (I Car. The mere statement that there are
12:28; Eph. 2:20.) Where there are and have been true prophets is also
no apostles and prophets there is no an assertion that there are and have
divine Church, but where these of- been false prophets. Our Lord's
ficers are found, there is the Church council, "Beware of false prophetsu
of Christ in all its glory, beauty, and (Matt. 7:15), is pointed instruction
perfection. The inspired promise is to weigh the claims of the prophets,
that these officers will remain in the accepting the true, rejecting the false.
Church "Till we all come in the unity "When a man goes about prophesy-
of the faith, and of the knowledge ing, and commands men to obey his
of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, teachings," the Prophet taught, "he
unto the measure of the stature of the must either be a true or false prophet.
fulness of Christ." (Eph. 4: 13.) False prophets always arise to oppose
The sectarian practice of calling the true prophets, and they will
some .of the Old Testament authors prophesy so very near the truth that
major prophets and others minor they will deceive almost the very
prophets is one of the many apostate chosen ones." (Teachings, p. 365.)
notions engulfing erring Christendom. Joseph Smith also said: "II any per-
In large part this division is based son should ask me if I were a prophet,
on the amount and literary excellence I should not deny it, as that would
of such of the writings of the proph- give me the lie; for, according to John,
ets concerned as have been .preserved the testimony of Jesus is the spirit
in the Bible. Elijah and John the of prophecy; therefore, ii I profess to

be a witness or teacher, and have not works and the spirit of discernment
the spirit of prophecy, which is the and inspiration that is in those who
testimony of Jesus, I must be a false actually enjoy the gift of the Holy
witness; but if I be a true teacher and Ghost.
witness, I must possess the spirit of President Joseph Fielding Smith has
prophecy, and that constitutes a said : " It makes no difference what is
prophet; and any man who says he written or what anyone has said, if
is a teacher or preacher of righteous- what has been said is in conflict with
ness, and denies the spirit of proph- what the Lord h as revealed, we can
ecy, is a liar, and the truth is not in set it aside. My words, and the teach-
him; and by this key false teachers ings of any other member of the
and impostors may be detected." Church, high or low, if they do not
(Teachings, p. 269.) square with the revelations, we need
With all their inspiration and not accept them. Let us have this
greatness, prophets are yet mortal matter clear. We have accepted the
men w ith imperfections common io four standard works as the measuring
mankind in general. They have their yardsticks, or balances, by which we
opinions and prejudices and are left measure every man's doctrine.
to work out their own problems with- "You cannot accept the books writ-
out inspiration in many instances. ten by the authorities of the Church
Joseph Smith recorded that he "vis- as standards of doctrine, only in so far
ited with a brother and sister from as they accord with the revealed word
Michigan, who thought that 'a in the standard works.
prophet is always a prophet'; but I "Every man who writes is respon-
told them that a pro-phet was a sible, not the Church, for what he
prophet only when he was acting as writes. If Joseph Fielding Smith
such." (Teachings, p. 278.) Thus the writes something which is out of har-
opinions and views even of prophets mony with the revelations, then every
may contain error unless those opin- member of the Church is duty bound
ions and views are inspired by the to reject it. If he writes that which
Spirit. Inspired statements are scrip- is in perfect harmony with the re-
ture and should be accepted as such. vealed word of the Lord, then it
(D. & C. 68:4.) should be accepted." (Doctrines of
Since "the spirits of the prophets Salvation, vol. 3, pp. 203-204.)
are subject to the prophets" (1 Cor.
14:32), whatever is announced by the Prophet's Time. See TIME.
presiding brethren as counsel for the
Church will be the voice of inspira- Propitiation . See ADVOCACY, ATONE-
tion. But the truth or error of any MENT OP CHRIST, EXPIATION, INTER-
uninspired utterance of an individual CESSION, MEDIATION, RECONCILIATION.
will have to be judged by the standard Our Lord's atoning sacrifice brought

the provisions of the law of propitia- others, for instance, first remonstrated
tion into lull force. That is, he and protested in the most solemn
appeased the demands of divine jus- manner against the almost unbeliev-
tice and effected a reconciliation be- able wickedness of the Roman
tween God and man. As John wrote Church, and then finally, in good
to the saints: "Jesus Christ the right- conscience, had no choice but to sever
eous . . . is the propitiation for our their affiliation with such a fount of
sins: and not for our's only, but also corruption. This Protestant revolu-
for the sins of the whole world." (I tion was inspired of God; it was one
John 2:1-2.) Similarly, Paul taught of the necessary occurrences which
that men are justified freely by God's prepared the way for the restoration
grace "through the redemption that of the gospel.
is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath Members of The Church of Jesus
set forth to be a propitiation through Christ of Latter-day Saints are not
faith in his blood, to declare his right- Protestants, and the Church itself is
eousness for the remission of sins not a Protestant church. The true
that are past, through the forbear- Church is not a dead branch broken
ance of God." (Rom. 3:24-25.) from a dead tree; it is a living tree
planted again by revelation in the
vineyard of the Lord, and it shall
Propitiator. See AovocATE, ATONE-
grow and flourish long alter the vine-
yard has been burned and every dead
branch and vine has been consumed
Christ is the great Propitiator in that
as stubble.
his mission is one of propitiation, of
reconciliation, of appeasing the de-
mands of divine justice by taking Proxy Ordinances. See VICARIOUS
upon himself the sins of the repent- ORDINANCES.

Psalms. See Music.
Protestants. See APOSTASY, GosPEL,
Members of the various sects of that DEVIL, PHYSICIANS. No doubt psy-
portion of apostate Christendom chiatry-the study and treatment of
which broke off from the Roman mental disorders-has some virtue
Catholic Church during the Refor- and benefit in certain cases. But in
mation in the 16th century, as also practice, in many instances, it is in
the members of those sects which effect a form of apostate religion
have since broken off from these origi- which keeps sinners from repenting,
nal dissenting groups, are called gaining forgiveness, and becoming
Protestants. Martin Luther and candidates for salvation.

To illustrate: An individual may plicit in the whole gospel philosophy

go to a psychiatrist for treatment be- of free agency, of personal account-
cause of a serious guilt complex and ability for sins, and of degrees of
consequent mental disorder arising glory in the eternities, is the doctrine
out of some form of sex immorality- of rewards for righteousness and pun-
masturbation, for instance. It is not ishment for sin. (Second Article of
uncommon for psychiatrists in such Faith.)
situations to persuade the patient that Punishment implies subjection to
masturbation itself is not an evil; that a penalty as a result of wrongdoing.
his trouble arises from the false The Lord ordains the laws, affixes
teachings of the Church that such a the punishments, and metes out a
practice is unclean; and that, there- just retribution to the disobedient.
fore, by discarding the teaching of (Alma 42.) "He has given a law;
the Church, the guilt complex will and where there is no law given there
cease and mental stability return. In is no punishment; and where there
this way iniquity is condoned, and is no punishment there is no con-
many people are kept from complying demnation." (2 Ne. 9:25.) Converse-
with the law whereby they could be- ly, where the Lord's law has been
come clean and spotless before the given, punishment always follows
Lord- in the process of which they disobedience. (Amos 3:1-2.)
would also gain the mental and spir- Penalties are invoked by men for
itual peace that overcomes mental the violation of their laws (Alma
disorders. 1:17-18; 30: 10-11; D. & C. 134) and
by God for the violation of his.
Pulpits. See MEETINGHOUSES, TEM- "Eternal punishment is God's pun-
PLES . Raised desks or stands called ishment. Endless punishment is
pulpits are commonly erected in God's punishment." (D. & C. 19: 11 -
church buildings to be used as places 12; Matt. 25:46.) The unjust shall
from which sermons arc delivered. In be ,punished in the day of judgment
the Kirtland and some other temples (2 Thess. I :9; 2 Pet. 3:9), with the
built in this dispensation pulpits have sons of perdition reaping the fulness
been placed on one side of the assem- of everlasting punishment. (D. & C.
bly rooms for officials of the Mclchiz- 76:44-48; Heb. 10:29.)
edek Priesthood and on the other for
officers of the Aaronic Priesthood. Purification. See PURITY.

Punishment. See AGENCY, CHASTEN - Purifier. See CHRIST, HOLY GHOST,

AND BRIMSTONE, HELL, JUDGMENT Christ is the Purifier because it is in
DAY, JUSTICE, KINGDOMS OF GLORY, and through him and his atoning
SPIRIT PRISON, SPIRITUAL DEATH. Im- sacrifice that the righteous become

pure, clean, spotless, and qualified to classed among the pure in heart (D.
dwell in his presence. It is by his & C. 136:37), but they are all under
power and command that the Holy command to purify their hearts (D.
Ghost operates. (3 Ne. 27:19-21.) & C. 88:74; 112:28; Jas. 4:8); to be
He is also the embodiment of the at- examples in purity (I Tim. 4:12);
tribute of purity, and the very plan to prove themselves worthy "by pure-
of salvation itself consists in purifying ness" (2 Cor. 6:6); to center their
oneself even as he is pure. (I John thoughts on "whatsoever things are
3:1 -3; Moro. 7:48; D. & C. 35:21.) pure" (Philip. 4:8); and to purify
At his Second Coming "he shall sit themselves as Christ is pure. (I John
as a refiner and purifier of silver: and 3 :1 -3.) It is the Lord's design and
he shall purify the sons of Levi" and purpose to have a pure people. (Tit.
all others who are worthy to be so 2:14; D. & C. 43:14; 100:16.)
cleansed. (Mal. 3:3; 3 Ne. 24:3; D. Many of the present day saints and
& C. 128:24.) many in former days, however, at-
2. The Holy Ghost is also a .Puri- tained the status of the pure in heart.
fier in that, because of Christ and Many of the Nephite saints yielded
the atonement, this Spirit member of themselves to the Lord "even to the
the Godhead has power given him to purifying and the sanctification of
cleanse, sanctify, and purify the hu- their hearts." (Hela. 3:35.) Alma
man soul. (3 Ne. 27:19-21.) says that among the ancients "there
were many, exceeding great many,
Purity. See BAPTISM, CLEANLINESS, who were made pure and entered into
FORGIVENESS, PERFECTION, PURlFIER, the rest of the Lord." (Alma 13:11-
SANCTIFICATION. Those who love the 12.) Peter said that the hearts of
Lord, and who seek to do his will, some of the Gen tiles were purified
have as their objective the cleansing, by faith (Acts 15:9), and to the saints
purifying, and sanctifying of their that same apostle wrote: "Seeing ye
own souls. The pure in heart are have purified your souls in obeying
those who are free from moral de- the truth through the Spirit unto un-
filement or guilt; who have bridled feigned love of the brethren, see that
their passions, put off the natural man ye love one another with a pure
and become saints through the atone- heart fervently." (I Pet. I :22.) The
ment (Mosiah 3:19); who have been hearts of Joseph Smith and Sidney
born again, becoming the sons and Rigdon were pure at the time they
daughters of Christ (Mosiah 5:7); received the vision of the degrees of
who are walking in paths of upright- glory. (D. & C. 76: 116.) And even-
ness and virtue and seeking to do all tually, in this life, the hearts of the
things that further the interests of saints generally will be pure, for Zion
the Lord's earthly kingdom. is to be redeemed by the pure in
Most of the saints cannot yet be heart. (D. & C. 101:18.) Indeed,

"this is Zion- the pure in heart." 24; Dan. 12: 10), enter into the rest
(D. & C. 97:21.) of the Lord (Alma 13: 12), possess
The very process of working out all things (D. & C. 50:28-29), be
one's sal vation consists in the cleans - one in Christ (3 Ne. 19:28-29), and
ing and purifying of the human soul. have exaltation. (I John 3:1-3; Moro.
Men must change from their "carnal 7:48; D. & C. 35:21.)
state" to a pure state in which they One of the chief identifying char-
have been forgiven of their sins, that acteristics of a saint is that he has a
is, "purified" through "the atoning pure mind. (2 Pet. 3:1.) "Unto the
blood of Christ." (Mosiah 4 :2.) T he pure all things are pure: but unto
pure in heart shall see God (Matt. them that are defiled and unbelieving
5:8; 3 Ne. 12:8; D. & C. 97: 16), be is nothing pure; but even their mind
saved in his kingdom (D . & C. and conscience is defiled." (Tit. I :15. )
124:54; 131 :8; 2 Ne. 9: 14; Alma 5:21,

Quarrels. See CONTENTION. woman, will be a god. As such they

will rule over their dominions forever.
PRIESTS. If righteous men have power preserved the account of the ministry
through the gospel and its crowning among the ancient .inhabitants of
ordinance of celestial marriage fo be- America of n white God called Quetz-
come kings and priests to rule in alcoatl. One of the most accurate and
exaltation forever, it follows that the authentic sources of the secular his-
women by their side (without whom tory of America, for the period before
they cannot attain exaltation) will Columbus, w~s written by Ixtlilxochitl
be queens and priestesses. (Rev. I :6; near the close . of the 16th century.
5: I 0.) Exaltation grows out of the H is material, gained from ancient
eternal union of a man and his wife. hieroglyphic writings handed down
Of those whose marriage endures in from his ancestors, contains such
eternity, the Lord says, "Then shall statements as these:
they be gods" (D. & C. 132:20) ; that "Quetzalcoatl was a favorably dis-
is, each of them, the man and the posed man, of grave aspect, white and

bearded. His dress was a long tunic." Quorum of the Twelve. See APOS-
He was "just, saintly and good." He TOLIC SuccESSION.
taught "by deeds and words the path
of virtue . . . forbidd ing them their Quorum Presidents. See AARONIC
vices and sins, giving laws and good PRIESTHOOD, APOSTLES, APOSTOLIC
doctrine." "H e told them that in SuccEss10N, BtsHOPS, COMMON C ON-
time to come, . . . he would return, SENT, D EACONS, ELDERS, FIRST
and then his doctrine would be re- PRESIDENCY, HIGH PRIESTS, K EYS,
ceived." (Milton R. Hunter and MELCH IZEDEK PRIESTHOOD, ORDINA-
Thomas Stuart Ferguson, Ancient TIONS, PRESIDENT OF THE CHURCH,
A merica and the Book of Mormon, PRESIDING B1s1-t0P, PRIESTHOOD OF-
pp. 195-222; Hunter, Archaeology FICES, PRIESTS, SEVENTIES, TEACHERS.

and the Book of Mormon, vol. 2, "Of necessity there are presidents, or
Christ in Ancient America.) presiding officers growing out of, or
It is well known that one of the appointed of or from among those
chief reasons for the relatively easy who are ordained to the several of-
conquest of Mexico by Cortez was the fices in these two priesthoods," that
belief, almost universal among the is, the Aaronic and Melchizedek
Aztecs, that he was the great white Priesthoods. (D. & C. 107:21.) These
God returning as he had promised. presidents hold the keys of presidency
over their respective quorums and
(William H. Prescott, T he Conquest
of Mexico.) are obligated to sit in council with
their fellow quorum members, "teach-
Almost without exception Latter-
ing them the duties of their office,"
day Saints have associated these tra-
"edifying one another, as it is given
ditions with the ministry of the resur-
according to the covenants." (D. & C.
rected Christ among the Nephites.
107:85- 100.) Quorum presidents are
President John Taylor, for instance, to lead their quorum members to eter-
h as written: "The story of the life of nal life in the kingdom of God.
the Mexican divinity, Quetzalcoatl, To carry on the diverse duties of
closely resembles that of the Savior; the ministry, various provisions exist
so closely, indeed, that we can come as to the kind and type of presidents
to no other conclusion than that and presidencies there should be in
Quetzalcoatl and Christ are the same the different quorums and organiza-
being. But the history of th e former tions. The President of the Church
has been handed down to us through and his two counselors constitute the
an impure Lamanitish source, which First Presidency, and they preside
has sadly disfigured and perverted the over and direct all the affairs of the
original incidents and teachings of kingdom. The president of the
the Savior's life and ministry." Twelve, without counselors, directs
(Mediation and Atonement, p. 194.) the affairs of that quorum. The First

Council of the Seventy, consisting of Church; ward bishoprics direct their

seven presidents, presides over the respective wards and are · the presi-
first quorum of seventy (when such dency of the Aaronic Priesthood
is in existence) and also over all quo- therein. Stake presidencies preside
rums of seventy in the Church. Each over their stakes, mission presidencies
quorum of seventy is also presided over their missions, branch presiden-
over by seven equal presidents, with cies over their branches, and the
the senior of the group of presidents various auxiliary organization heads
presiding over the other six. over their divers organizations. All
Quorums of high priests, elders, things are systematically and prop-
teachers, and deacons are each pre- erly arranged and organized in God's
sided over by a president and two earthly kingdom. (D. & C. 107:21,37,
counselors. Ward bishops serve as 85-100; 124:125-145.)
presidents of priests quorums; accord-
ing to the revelation they are entitled Quorums. See PRIESTHOOD QuoRUMS.
to have "counselors for priests." The
Presiding Bishopric is the head of Quorum Secretaries. See CLERKS.
the Aaronic Priesthood of the entire

Rabbi. See CHRIST, MASTER. Among is your Master, even Christ; and all
the ancient Jews three titles of re- ye are brethren." (Matt. 23:<'. 08.)
spect, each indicating a different
degree of honor, were Used to mean Rabboni. See RABBI.
master, teacher, doctor, or interpreter
of the law. These were: Rab meaning Races of Men. See CASTE SYSTEM,
master; Rabbi meaning my master; GENTILES, HEATHENS, ISRAEL, NE~
and Rabboni my lord and master. GROES, NEPHITES AND LAMANITES,
Christ was frequently referred to as PRE-EXJSTENCE. All races of men stem
Rabbi (John 1:38, 49; 3:2; 6:25), and from certain common ancestors.
on some occasions as Rabboni. (John Adam and Eve are our first parents
20:16.) ( 1 Ne. 5:11), "And they have brought
Our Lord was highly critical of forth children; yea, even the family
those who sought honors of men, de- of all the earth." (2 Ne. 2:20.) Noah
siring "to be called of men, Rabbi, occupies a like position of parenthood
Rabbi." To his saints he commanded: over humankind. All but the mem-
"But be not ye called Rabbi: for one bers of his family were · destroyed in

the flood; and of his three sons, Shem, the number of the children of Israel."
Ham, and Japheth "was the whole (Deut. 32:8.) Not only Israel, but
earth overspread." (Gen. 9:19.) all groups were thus foreknown and
Racial degeneration, resulting in their total memberships designated in
differences in appearance and spirit- the pre-mortal life. Paul spoke sim-
ual aptitude, has arisen since the fall. ilarly when he averred that God
We know the circumstances under "hath made of one blood all nations
which the posterity of Cain (and later of men for to dwell on all the face of
of Ham) were cursed with what we the earth, and hath determined the
call negroid racial characteristics. times before appointed, and the
(Moses 5: 16-41; 7:8, 12, 22; Abra. bounds of their habitation." (Acts
1:20-27.) The Book of Mormon ex- 17:26.)
plains why . the Lamanites received
dark skins and a degenerate status. Racial Segregation. See CASTE SYS-
(2 Ne. 5:21-23.) II we had a full TEM.
and true history of all races and na-
tions, we would know the origins of Raffles. See GAMBLJNG, Lll'ITERIES.
all their distinctive characteristics. In Raffles are a form of lottery and as
the absence of such detailed informa- such are gambling. Ordinarily raffling
tion, however, we know only the practices call for a number of per-
general principle that all these sons to pay, in shares, the value or
changes from the physical and spirit- assumed value of something, and then
ual perfections of our common parents to determine by chance which one
have been brought about by apostasy shall have it. President Joseph F.
from the gospel truths. (Doctrines of Smith counseled: "No kind of chance
Salvation, vol. I, pp. 148-151; vol. 3, game, guessing contest, or raffling
pp. 313-326.) device can be approved in any enter-
The race and nation in which tainment under the auspices of our
men are born in this world is a direct church organizations.
result of their pre-existent life. All "The desire to get something of
the spirit hosts of heaven deemed value for little or nothing is perni-
worthy to receive mortal bodies were cious; and any proceeding that
foreordained to pass through this strengthens that desire is an effective
earthly probation in the particular aid to the gambling spirit, which has
race and nation suited to their needs, proved a veritable demon of destruc-
circumstances, and talents. "When tion to thousands. R is king a dime in
the Most High divided to the nations the hope of winning a dollar in any
their inheritance, when he separated game of chance is a species of gam-
the sons of Adam," Moses said with bling.
reference to pre-existence, "he set the "Let it not be thought that raffling
bounds of the people according to articles of value, offering prizes to

the winners in guessing contests, the Raising the Dead. See DEATH.
use of machines of chance, or any
other device of the kind is to be al - Ramah. See .CuMORAH.
lowed or excused because the money
so obtained ·is to be used for a good Ransom. See ATONEMENT OF CHRJST.
purpose. The Church is not to be
supported in any degree by means Rape. See SEX IMMORALITY.
obtained through gambling . ...
"President Young onCe said to Sis- Raphael. See ANGELS, ARCHANGELS,
ter Eliza R. Snow: 'Tell the sisters not KEYS OF THE KINGDOM, TRANSLATED
to raffle. II the mothers raffle, the BEINGS. As part of the restitution of
children will gamble. Raffling is all things, Raphael, an angelic min-
gambling.' ... Some say: 'What shall istrant, a personage who held keys
we do? We have quilts on hand-we of power during his mortal ministry,
cannot sell them, and we need means returned to earth in modern times and
to supply our treasury, which we can conferred the keys of his dispensation
obtain by raffling for the benefit of upon Joseph Smith. (D. & C. 128:21.)
the poor.' Rather let the quilts rot The Bible contains no mention of
o-n the shelves than adopt the old Raphael; the apocryphal book of
adage, ' The end will sanctify the T obias, however, contains this state-
ment: "I am the Angel Raphael, one
means.' As Latter-day Saints, we
of the seven, who stand before the
cannot afford to sacrifice moral prin-
Lord." (Tob. 12:15.)
ciple to financial gain." ( Gospel
As to Raphael's mortal identity we
Doctrine, 5th ed., p. 327.)
can only speculate. We do know the
In answer to the query, "Is it proper personages, however, who restored
to raffle property for the benefit ·of the keys exercised in the various great
missionaries?" President Smith said dispensations mentioned in the Bible,
emphatically, No. Then he gave this with the exception of the dispensation
suggestions with reference to a horse of Enoch. An inference thus arises
involved in a particular case. "Let that Raphael may be Enoch or some
everybody give a dollar, and let the other great prophet from his dispen-
donors decide by vote to what worthy sation. If this assumption is correct,
man, not of their number, the horse then the keys restored by Raphael
shall be given. No chance about that would be those enjoyed by the saints
- it is pure decision, and it helps the in Enoch's day including, perhaps,
people who wish to buy chances solely the power whereby men may be trans-
for the benefit of the missionary to lated.
discourage the gambling propensities
of their natures." (Gospel Doctrine, Ratification. See HOLY SPIRIT OF
5th ed., p. 326.) PROMISE.


Reaping the Earth. See SIGNS OF THE "Alter ye have known and have been
TIMES. taught all these things, if ye should
transgress and go contrary to that
Reason. See MIND. which has been spoken, that ye do
withdraw yourselves from the Spirit
Rebaptism. See BAPTISM. of the Lord, that it may have no place
in you to guide you in wisdom's paths
Rebellion. See DAMNATION, DISOBE- that ye may be blessed, prospered, and
DIENCE, LAW, SONS OF PERDITION, preserved-I say unto you, that the
STUBBORNNESS, WAR IN HEAVEN, man that doeth this, the same cometh
WICKEDNESS. Rebellion against God out in open rebellion against God;
is open, wilful resistance to and de- therefore he listeth to obey the evil
fiance of his authority. Lucifer and spirit, and becometh an enemy to all
one-third of the hosts of heaven came righteousness; therefore, the Lord has
out in open, organized rebellion in no place in him, for he dwelleth not
pre-existence. (Rev. 12:7-10.) Those in unholy temples. Therefore if that
in this life who, having the light be- man repenteth not, and remaineth
fore them, succumb to the entice - and dieth an enemy to God, the de-
ments of the devil become rebels. mands of divine justice do awaken his
(Mosiah 3:Il-12.) "The Lord re- immortal soul to a lively sense of his
deemeth none such that rebel against own guilt, which doth cause him to
him and die in their sins; yea, even
shrink from the presence of the Lord,
all those that have perished in their
and doth fill his breast with guilt,
sins ever since the world began, that
and pain, and anguish, which is like
have wilfully rebelled against God,
an unquenchable fire, whose flame
that have known the commandments
ascendeth up forever and ever."
of God, and would not keep them;
these are they that have no part in (Mosiah 2:36-38; Alma 3:18; Morm.
the first resurrection." (Mosiah 2:15.) ls it any wonder that Samuel
15:26.) said: "Rebellion is as the sin of witch-
craft." (l Sam. 15:23.)
Rebellion leads to damnation.
There is no mercy for those who know Ordinarily the saints begin to tra-
the will of God and who do not do it. verse the path of rebellion by defying
"Wo unto him that has the law the will of God in lesser things, and
given," Jacob said, "yea, that has all then as their consciences and feelings
the commandments of God, like unto become hardened, increasing rebellion
us, and that transgresseth them, and becomes the established order. For a
that wasteth the days of his proba- member of the Church to use tea,
tion, for awful is his state!" (2 Ne. coffee, tobacco, or liquor is to rebel
9:27.) against the Lord and his law. Wilful
King Benjamin spoke similarly: absence from sacrament meeting is

rebellion; so likewise is failure to pay ordinances of the temples, he is given

an honest tithing. a recommend certifying as to his
The degree of condemnation at- worthiness to gain the desired bless-
tending rebellion depends upon the ings.
nature of the defiance and the light
enjoyed by the rebel. The Lord's Reconciler. See ADVOCATE, ATONE-
anger is kindled against all the re- MENT OF CHRIST, CHRIST, EXPIATOR,
bellious. (D. & C. 56:1; 63:2.) In due INTERCESSOR, MEDIATOR, PROPITIATOR.
course they shall be pierced with Christ is the great Reconciler in that
much sorrow (D. & C. 1:3, 8) and through his atoning sacrifice power is
cut off from the land of Zion. "The given men to become reconciled to
rebellious are not of the blood of God, to be absolved from all guilt,
Ephraim." (D. & C. 64:35-36.) and to be in harmony with his mind
Those who have a perfect knowl- and will.
edge of the truth and who then come
out in open rebellion will become Reconciliation. See ADVOCACY, ATONE-
sons of perdition. "That which break- MENT OF CHRIST, EXPIATION, INTER-
eth a law, and abideth not by law, CESSION, MEDIATION, PROPITIATION.
but seeketh to become a law unto it- Through the Lord's atoning sacrifice,
self, and willeth to abide in sin, and reconciliation between God and man
altogether abideth in sin, cannot be is possible. (Jae. 4:11.) In other
sanctified by law, neither by mercy, words, man is ransomed from a state
justice, nor judgment. Therefore, of sin and spiritual darkness and re-
they must remain filthy still." (D. & stored to one of harmony and unity
C. 88:35.) with Deity. To those who by faith
had become new creatures of the
Recommends. See EPISTLES OF COM- Holy Ghost, Paul wrote: God "hath
MENDATION. It is the practice of the reconciled us to himself by Jesus
Church to issue certificates, commonly Christ, and hath given to us the min•
called recommends, in order to iden- istry of reconciliation; To wit, that
tify persons as members of the Church God was in Christ, reconciling the
or to certify to their worthiness to world unto himself, not imputing their
receive certain ordinances or blessings. trespasses unto them; and hath com-
For instance, when a church member mitted unto us the word of reooncil-
moves from one ecclesiastical jurisdic- iation. Now then we are ambassadors
tion to another, a recommend is sen~ for Christ, as though God did beseech
to his new presiding officer identify- you by us: we pray you in Christ's
ing him as a member of record in the stead, be ye reconciled to God." (2
Church; or, when a worthy church Cor. 5:17-20; Rom. 5:8-12; 11:15;
member desires to obtain a patriarchal Heb. 2:17.) Jacob gave similar ooun•
blessing or participate in the sacred sel: ''Reconcile yourselv~ to the will

of God, and not to the will of the compliance with those respective laws.
devil and the flesh; and remember, (D. & C. 88:16-32.) Thus President
alter ye are reconciled unto God, that John Taylor taught : "Man himself
it is only in and through the grace is a self-registering machine, his eyes,
of God that ye are saved." (2 Ne. his ears, his nose, the touch, the taste,
10 :24; 25:23; 33:9.) and all the various senses of the body
are so many media whereby man lays
Recorders. See RECORD KEEPING. up for himself a record which per-
haps nobody else is acquainted with
Recording Angels. See ANGELS, Boox but himself; and when the time comes
OF LIFE, CELESTIAL Booms, GUARDIAN for that record to be unfolded, all men
ANGELS, TELESTIAL Boorns, TERRES- that have eyes to see, and ears to
TRIAL Boorns. From the fact that hear, will be able to read all things
records are kept in heaven (such as as God himself reads them and com-
the Book of Lile), we deduce that prehends them, and all things, we are
there must necessarily be recording told, are naked and open before him."
angels; that is, some ministering serv- (Gospel Kingdom, p. 36.)
ants must be assigned there to keep
the records. Knowing what we do of Record Keeping. See Boox OF LrFE,
the importance of record keeping, and BooK OF REMEMBRANCE, BooK OF THE
knowing that our affairs in this life LAW OF Goo, CHURCH H1sTORIAN AND
have been formulated in accordance RECORDER, CLERKS, GENEAL(X;ICAL
with a heavenly pattern, we can sup- RESEARCH, HISTORY, STANDARD
pose tha_t many records are kept by WORKS. Tremendous importance at-
those beyond . the veil. This view, taches to record keeping in the
however, cannot rationally be ex- Church and among the families of
tended (as it is among some sectar- the saints. From a historical stand-
ians) to the point of supposing that point it is also important among
every word of mortals is recorded. No peoples of the world. (Doctrines of
angel is assigned to follow every per- Salvation, vol. 2, pp. 197-215.) Rec-
son around and keep a record of his ord keeping began with Adam who
every utterance. (Doctrines of Sal- learned to read and write by the spirit
vation, vol. I, p. 54.) of inspiration and who kept a book
As a matter of fact, however, man of remembrance in his own language.
is his own recording angel in a very (Moses 6:5-6.)
real sense. That is, his thoughts, Inspired writing is scripture and
words, and deeds have a direct and as such points the direction in which
discernible affect on his body. By men must travel to gain peace here
compliance with a telestial law, a man and salvation hereafter. The Book
creates a • telestial body; terrestrial of Mormon, as an example, is an
and celestial bodies are created by inspired record of God's dealings with

the ancient inhabitants of the Amer- was conferred only upon the Levites,
ican continent. The accounts of the "the children of the priests . .. .sought
visioris and revelations, the doctrinal their register among those that were
teachings, the prophecies concerning reckoned by genealogy, but they were
the last days, the witness which it not found: therefore were they, as
bears of the divinity of our Lord, to- polluted, put from the priesthood."
gether with the historical data con- (Ezra 2:61-62.)
tained in it-all this is of inestimable
worth to the children of men. That Records. See RECORD KEEPING.
no needful prophecy or teaching
should be left out of it, the resur- Recreation. See DANCING, IDLENESS,
rected Lord commanded the Nephites MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATIONS,
to add certain prophecies of Samuel SABBATH, WoRK. Recreation is an
the Lamanite which thus far they essential and vital part of the gospel
had failed to record as part of their of salvation-a gospel which makes
sacred records. (3 Ne. 23.) provision for every need of man, both
Records of the performance of temporal and spiritual. After a person
sacred ordinances must always be has • performed his assigned or ap-
kept. Summarizing his explanation of pointed labors-both in making a
the sealing power-the power that living and in service on the Lord's
binds on earth and seals in heaven- errand- it is edifying, relaxing, and
the Prophet wrote: "In all ages of the proper to ·enjoy the diversion ol
world, whenever the Lord has given a wholesome recreation. The Church
dispensation of the priesthood to any itself, through its Mutual Improve-
man by actual revelation, or any set ment Associations and other .organ-
of men, this power has always been izations, provides and supervises
given. Hence, whatsoeVer those men extensive recreational, dancing, and
did in authority, in the name of the athletic programs.
Lord, and did it truly and faithfully, Wholesome recr.eation may include
and kept a proper and faithful record parties, banquets, dinners,·games, ath-
of the same, it became a law on earth letic endeavors, and contests, dramas,
and in heaven, and could-not be an- dances, concerts, radio and television
nulled, according to the decrees of programs, picnics, outings, camping
the great Jehovah." (D. & C. 128:9.) trips, hunting and fishing trips, and
From the genealogical standpoint vacations in general. But just as there
record keeping is vital. Vicarious are imitations of all good things, so
ordinances can be performed only for there are many unwholesome and
those properly identified. Blessings improper attempts to provide recrea-
are sometimes denied those whose tion. Diversion sought through cock-
genealogies are lost. In the days of tail parties, beer halls, saloons, card
Ezra, when the Aaronic Priesthood playing, or vulgar entertainments of

whatever sort should be avoided. "cometh to redeem those who will be

Excessive participation in even whole - baptized unto repentance, through
some recreation is also unwise. faith on his name." (Alma 9:27.)
Nephi explained that though "the
Redeemer. See CHRJST, DELIVERER, Lord surely should come to redeem
REDEMPTION, SAVIOR. Christ is the his people," yet "he should not come
Redeemer (Isa. 41:14; 54:5; Alma to redeem them in their sins, but to
37:9; 3 Ne. 10:10; D. & C. 15:I; redeem them from their sins. And
18 :47) because it is he who worked he hath power given unto him from
out the redemption, which ransoms the Father to redeem them from their
and redeems men from the effects of sins because of repentance; therefore
the fall of Adam. He is so named he hath sent his angels to declare the
near Iy a score of times in both the tidings of the conditions of repent-
Old Testament and the Doctrine and ance, which bringeth unto the power
Covenants and more than 40 times in of the Redeemer, unto the salvation
the Book of Mormon. of their souls." (Hela. 5: 10- 11. ) Mor-
mon said that the redeemed, being
Redemption. See ATONEMENT OF "found guiltless" would "sing cease-
CHRIST, ETERNAL LIFE, EXALTATION, less praises with the choirs above."
FALL OF ADAM, IMMORTALITY, INTER- (Morm. 7:7.) Abinadi explained that
CESSION, MEDIATION, REDEEMER, RES - those who "dwell with God ... have
URRECTION, SPIRITUAL DEATH. Re- eternal life, being redeemed by the
demption is of two kinds: conditional Lord." (Mosiah 15:21-25.)
and unconditional. Conditional re- The Lord says that the unbelieving
demption is synonymous with exal- "cannot be redeemed from their
tation or eternal life. It comes by the spiritual fall, because they repent
grace of God coupled with good works not" (D. & C. 29:42-45), ~
and includes redemption from the Brother of Je ed because of his right-
effects of both the temporal and spir- ~ ness, was told by the Lord: "Ye
itual fall. Those so redeemed become are redeemed from the fall; therefore
sons and daughters in the Lord's ye are brought back into m resence·
kingdom and inherit all things. And t ere ore I show myself unto you.
this is the chief sense in which the Behold, I am he who was prepared
term redemption is used in the scrip- from the foundation of the world to
tures. (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 2, redeem my people. Behold, I am
pp. 9-13.) Jesus Christ." (Ether 3:13-14.) Full
Thus: Lehi taught that "redemp- redemption is a blessing reserved for
tion cometh in and through the Holy the saints. (D. & C. 35:26; 45:46;
Messiah, .. . unto all those who have 133:52.)
a broken heart and a contrite spirit." Unconditional redemption is re-
(2 Ne. 2:6-7.) Alma said that Christ demption from the effe<:ts of the tem-

para! but not the spiritual fall. It free from dross. (3 Ne. 27:19-21.)
consists in obtaining the free gift of His cleansing power "is like a refiner's
immortality but being denied "the fire, ... And he shall sit as a refiner
eternal life which God giveth unto all and purifier of silver" in that great
the obedient." (Moses 5:11.) It day when he comes to . judge the
comes by grace alone without works. world. (Mal. 3:2-3; 3 Ne. 24:2-3; D.
Speaking in this sense, the Lord says, & C. 128:24.)
"The resurrection from the dead is
the redemption of the soul." (D. & C. Reformation. See SrGNS OF THE TiMES.
88:14-17, 99; Alma 12:25; Morm.
9: 12-14.) It is in this sense that the Regeneration. See BAPTISM, BORN
Lord redeems or "saves all the works AGAIN, TIMES OF REFRESHING. Bap-
of his hands, except those sons of per- tism is called "the washing of regen-
dition who deny the Son after the eration" (Tit. 3:5), because it is the
Father has revealed him." (D. & C. ordinance through which sins are
76:43.) washed away and men are regener-
The redemption ( meaning the ated, renewed, or born anew to the
mere fact of resurrection standing things of the Spirit.
alone) saves all others from death,
hell, the devil, and endless torment. Regeneration of the Earth. See TIMES
(2 Ne. 9:25-26.) But the sons of OF REFRESHING.
perdition, following their resurrec-
tion, are cast out with "the devil and Regional Missions. See MISSIONS.
his angels" where "their torment is
as a lake of fire and brimstone, whose Reincarnation. See PLAN OF SALVA-
flame ascendeth up forever and ever TION, PRE-EXISTENCE, RESURRECTION.
and has no end." (2 Ne. 9: 13-16.) Reincarnation or the transmigration
Then "they- shall be as though there of souls- the rebirth of the same
had been no redemption made; for spirits in new bodily forms in suc-
they cannot be redeemed according cessive ages-is a false doctrine origi-
to God's justice; and they cannot die, nating with the devil. (Teachings, pp.
seeing there is no more corruption." 104-105.) It runs counter to the
(Alma 12:18.) whole system and plan of salvation
whereunder spirits are born in pre-
Refiner. See CHRIST, HoLY GHOST, existence, are permitted to pass
PURIFIER, SECOND CoMING OF CHRIST. through a mortal probation, and then
Christ is the Refiner. (Isa. 48:10; in due course become immortal, in-
Zech. 13:9; I Ne. 20:10.) His mis- corruptible, and eternal in nature.
sion is to cleanse, purify, and refine It is appointed unto men once to be
the human soul so that it can return born, "once to die" (Heb. 9:27), once
to hi~ h\h~r'~ kingdom in purity, to be resurrected, and thereafter to

"die no more." (Alma 11:45; 12:18; thropic and respectable ladies; and
D. & C. 63:49.) we are well assured from a knowledge
of those pure principles of benevo-
Rejoicing. See CHEERFULNESS, Joy, lence that flow spontaneously from
THANKSGMNG. Faithful saints feel their humane and philanthropic
great delight and are uplifted in body bosoms, that with the resources they
and in spirit because of the blessings will have at command, they will fly
of the gospel. Theirs is a status of to the relief of the stranger; they will
joy and rejoicing which comes because pour in oil and wine to the wounded
of obedience to gospel law. (D. & C. heart of the distressed; they will dry
52:43.) "Lilt up thy heart and re- up the tears of the orphan and make
joice." (D. & C. 25:13.) "Rejoice the widow's heart to rejoice." (HistoTlj
evermore." (I Thess. 5:16.) of the Church, vol. 4, p. 567.)
"This is a charitable society, and
Relief. See CHURCH WELFARE PLAN. according to your natures," the
Prophet said to the members of the
Relief Society. See AUXILIARY OR- Relief Society. "It is natural for fe-
GANIZATIONS, CHURCH ORGANIZATION, males to have feelings of charity and
CHURCH WELFARE PLAN, GENERAL benevolence. You are now placed in
BOARDS, PRIESTHOOD, STAKE BOARDS. a situation in which you can act ac-
Chief among the auxiliary organiza- cording to those sympathies which
tions of the Church is the Relief God has planted in your bosoms....
Society, a church organization of "You will receive instructions
adult women whose purpose is to through the order of the priesthood
work for the temporal and spiritual which God has established, through
salvation of all the women of the the medium of those appointed to
Church. Under the direction of its lead, guide and direct the affairs of
executive heads, as aided by general the Church in this last dispensation;
and stake boards, the Relief Society and I now turn the key in your be-
operates units in all the wards and half in the name of the Lord, and this
branches of the Church. Many of its Society shall rejoice, and knowledge
charitable works are coordinated with and intelligence shall flow down from
and operated as part of the Church this time henceforth; this is the be-
Welfare Plan. ginning of better days to the poor
Among its objectives, the Prophet and needy, who shall be made to re-
said, "is the relief of the poor, the joice and pour forth blessirtgs on your
destitute, the widow and the orphan, heads." (History of the Church, vol.
and for the exercise of all benevolent 4, pp. 605-607.)
purposes." Its membership is made "This is an organization that was
up, he continued, "of some of our established by the Prophet Joseph
most intelligent, humane, philan- Smith," President Joseph F. Smith

said. "It is, therefore, the oldest auxil- to keep himself unspotted from the
iary organization of the Church, and world." (Jas. l :27.)
it is of the first importance. It has not Thus religion is more than theol-
only to deal with the necessities of the ogy, more than a knowledge of Deity
poar, the sick and the needy, but a and the system of salvation revealed
part of its duty-and the larger part, by him; it is the actual practice of
too-is to look after the spiritual wel- the revealed precepts. Religious peo-
fare and salvation of the mothers and ple · are "doers of the word, and not
daughters of Zion; to see that none hearers only." (Jas. I :22-26.) "If
is neglected, but that all are guarded theology be theory, then religion is
against misfortune, calamity, the practice; if theology be precept, re-
powers of darkness, and the evils that ligion is example." (Articles of Faith,
threaten them in the world. It is the pp. _3-6.)
duty of the Relief Societies to look True religion, the religion of Jesus
after the spiritual welfare of them- Christ, was instituted of God for the
selves and of all the female members benefit of man, and it is found -0nly
of the Church." (Gospel Doctrine, in The Church of Jesus Christ of
5th ed., p. 385.) Latter-day Saints. (D. & C. I :30;
134:4; !35:7.) False religion-made
of fragments of the truth mixed with
error-is found in the Christian sects
and among pagan worshipers. There
SHIP. True religion is the true and is no salvation in a false religion.
revealed worship of the true God; all Even such good works as may be per-
other systems of religion are false. In formed by those who have not ac-
its pure · and perfect form religion is cepted the fulness of the truth-
found only among those members of though such works will not go un-
the Church who practice their profes- rewarded-are not acts of religion
sions, who live the gospel, who walk which are accounted unto men for
uprightly before the Lord, who con- righteousness in the sense of assuring
form their lives to gospel standards, them of a celestial inheritance. (Moro.
who sanctify their souls, and who 7.) But those saints who first profess
thereby gain peace in this life and and believe the true doctrines and
have a sure hope of eternal life here- who then practice their religion
after. To members of the Church shall be saved.
who had accepted the knowledge of
God and believed the doctrines of Religious Education. See AUXILIARY
salvation, James said: "Pure religion ORGANIZATIONS, KNOWLEDGE, PRIEST-
and undefiled before God anli the HOOD QuoRUMS. Sirice man is saved
Father is this, To visit the fatherless no faster than he gains knowledge of
ancl widows in their affliction, and Christ and the saving principles of

his gospel (Teachings, p. 217), and Their learning is gained "by study
since it is impossible for a man to and also by faith." (D. & C. 88: 118. )
be saved in ignorance of God and They teach one another the doctrines
his eternal laws (D. & C. 131:6), it of the kingdom and the laws of the
follows that the true Church makes gospel, and they seek a knowledge
extensive and elaborate provision for of all the sciences, philosophies, and
the religious education of its members. histories, that they may more effec-
The Church does not maintain tively carry out the great mission
theological seminaries, according to assigned to them. (D. & C. 88:77-81.)
the sectarian pattern, in which se- Where the true saints are con-
lected individuals are trained for cerned, they excel all others in knowl-
ministerial careers. There is no paid edge and wisdom because they have
ministry in the Church, and the sal- the mind of Christ (I Car. 2); they
vation of church members depends on are taught from on high by the
individual knowledge of the truths of Spirit. "By the unspeakable gilt of
salvation rather than on the knowl- the Holy Ghost," God gives unto
edge that a scholarly minister may them knowledge, "that has not been
have. But the Church does maintain revealed since the world was until
schools, colleges, and universities in now." (D. & C. 121:26.) The mys-
which all types of learning are avail- teries of the kingdom are theirs, and
able, and it does maintain seminaries the wonders of eternity are distilled
and institutes of religion in church upon their souls. (D. & C. 76:1 -10;
owned buildings adjacent to public 121 :45-46.)
institutions of learning so that stu-
dents may study gospel truths in their Religious Hobbies. See GosPEL HoB-
free school periods or at hours before BIES.
or alter the regular school schedules.
But even more important than Religious Syncretism. See APOSTASY,
these special educational provisions is GNOSTICISM. With the exception of
the fact that all of the priesthood the restored gospel, every system of
quorums and the auxiliary organiza- religion in the world today is born
tions are so set up and arranged that of religious syncretism. That is, all
they are teaching agencies for gospel existing religious systems have resulted
truths. Standing counsel also exists from the mingling of previous! y exist-
for all individual members of the ing systems; they have been created
Church to search the scriptures and by the reconciliation and union of
study the principles of the gospel in a host of different principles, prac-
private and on their own initiative. tices, and beliefs.
Taken as a whole, the saints are Revealed religion is the only pure
the best informed group on earth in and perfect system of worship. But
both religious and secular fields. alter the Lord has spoken there are

always those who take pleasure in membrance of all" their "wickedness,

compromising the truth with the yea, a remembrance that" they "have
ways of the world. Modern Christian set at defiance the commandments of
sects espouse religious systems that God." (Alma 5:18.)
have grown out of revealed Christian-
ity as such was diluted, intermixed, Renaissance. See SIGNS •F THE TIMES.
and amalgamated with such pagan
philosophies as gnosticism. These Renewing of the Earth. See NEW
very pagan philosophies had them- HEAVEN AND NEW EARTH.
selves been born of previously existing
systems as these had intermingled Reorganitcs. See REORGANIZED
with prior revelations of the gospel. CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER
Much of this syncretism has been DAY SAINTS.
traced and outlined by Milton R.
Hunter in The Gospel Through the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ
Ages. of Latter Day Saints. See APOSTASY,
COMMON CONSENT. Following the
Remnants of Israel. See GATHERING martyrdom of the Prophet and Pa-
OF ISRAEL. triarch, June 27, 1844 (D. & C. 135),
a number of small cults and sects
Remorse. See ANGUISH, CONSCIENCE, came into being composed of a few
HELL, REPENTANCE, SORROW. Just as dissident, unfaithful, and apostate
righteousness begets joy, so wicked - members of the Church-members
ness breeds remorse. (Alma 29:5.) who did not have the faith, testimony,
Hence, the ungodly suffer a prolonged and devotion to follow Brigham
and insistent self-reproach; the pain- Young and the Twelve and to stand
ful sting of conscience wraps them firm against the bitter mobocracy of
in intense mental suffering; a poig- the day. In 1860 a number of these
nant uneasiness is born of their sense factions and splinter groups united
of personal guilt. Remorse of con- under the leadership of "young Jo-
science results from the violation of seph," a son of the martyred seer, to
divine law. (Alma 42:18.) "A man form what has become known as the
is his own tormentor and his own Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ
condemner." (Teachings, p. 357.) As of Latter Day Saints, which now has
Alma taught, the wicked shall be its headquarters at Independence,
"brought before the tribunal of God" Missouri.
with their "souls filled with guilt and Some of the most unstable and con-
remorse, having a remembrance of tentious men of the day-Zenas H.
all" their "guilt, yea, a perfect re- Gurley, Jason W. Briggs, and Wil-

liam Marks-became the organizers from being "tossed to and fro, and
of this Reorganite Church. This so- carried about with every wind of
called Reorganized Church, now the doctrine." (Eph. 4: 14.) They have
largest apostate faction claiming deleted more than a score of the rev-
origin in the revelations given Joseph elalions in the Doctrine and Cove-
Smith, actually gained so few of the nants, with current agitation among
members from the original Church many of their members for additional
organized by the Prophet that it is deletions. Their chief doctrinal stum-
almost a misnomer to describe the bling blocks are salvation for the
new organization as a faction of the dead, celestial marriage, and temple
original. ' work in general.
President Joseph Fielding Smith has To some degree the spirit of ani-
written: "In 1852, when Jason W. mosity and bitterness manifest by
Briggs and Zenas H. Gurley combined members of the Reorganized Church
their Strangite forces, the membership against the true Church •is dying
was about 100 souls, most of whom down. "One of a city, and two of a
were converts made for Mr. _Strang. family" (Jer. 3:14), as it were, their
In 1860 when 'young Joseph' assumed more alert and intelligent members
the leadership, the membership was are being converted to the truth and
300 souls, most of whom were con- are joining the Church. As the rising
verts that had never belonged to the generation comes to power and in-
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day fluence it is to be expected that the
Saints." By 1894-50 years after the number of conversions to the truth
death of the Prophet-according to will increase.
their own claims, the Reorganite peo-
ple had not been able to induce as Repentance. See ATONEMENT OF
many as a thousand original church CHRIST, BAPTISM, CONTRITE SPIRITS,
members to join their cult. By actual FAITH, FORGIVENESS, JUSTICE, MERCY,
count, "almost the entire membership PENITENCE, PLAN OF SALVATION, RE-
of the Church as it stood in 1844, is MORSE, SALVATION, SIN. Because all
accounted for in the following of accountable men are stained by sin
President Brigham Young and the (Eccles. 7:20; Rom. 3:10; I John
Twelve." (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. I :8-10), and because no unclean
!, pp. 247-273.) thing can enter into the kingdom of
As is commonly the case in the heaven (Alma 11:37; 3 Ne. 27:19;
apostate churches of the world, the Moses 6:57), a merciful God has or-
beliefs and doctrines of the Reorgan- dained the law of repentance whereby
ized Church are in a constant state the human soul may be cleansed and
of change and alteration. They have conditioned for eternal life in his
no true apostles and prophets at everlasting presence. Repentance is
their head to keep their members the process whereby a mortal soul-

unclean and stained with the guilt person is saved from suffering. "I,
of sin-is enabled to cast off the God, h ave suffered these things for
burden of guilt, wash away the filth all, that they might not suffer if they
of iniquity, and become clean every would repent; But if they would not
whit, entirely free from the bondage repent they must suffer even as I;
of sin. (D. & C. 58:42-43; 64:3-13; Which suffering caused myself, even
Isa. 1:16-20; Ezek. -18:19-31; 33:7- God, the greatest of all, to tremble
20.) because of pain, and to bleed at every
To gain forgiveness through re- pore, and to suffer both body and
pentance · a person must have a con- spirit." Hence comes the Lord's im-
viction of guilt, a godly sorrow for perative command to repent. (D. &
sin, and a contrite spirit. He must C, 19:4-20.) Where there is no re-
·desire to be relieved of the burden pentance, the · law of justice takes
of sin, have a fixed determination to precedence and remission of sins is
forsake his evil ways, be willing to gained through suffering rather than
confess his sins, and forgive those as a gift of God through the blood
who have trespassed against him; he of Christ. (Alma 42:22-24.)
must accept the cleansing power of Every encouragement •is given to
the blood of Christ as such is offered men to repent. The very plan of sal-
through the waters of baptism and vation offered to the world is a "gos-
the conferral of the Holy Ghost. pel of repentance." (D. & C. 13;
(Articles of Faith, pp. 109-116.) 84:27.) The elders of Israel go forth
Repentance is essential to salvation; with the command, "Say nothing bur
without it no accountable person can repentance unto this generation." (D.
be saved in the kingdom of God. (D. & C. 6:9; II :9; 14:8.) The saints are
& C. 20:29; Moses 6:52-53, 57; 3 Ne. chastened to bring them to repent-
9:22.) It is a prerequisite to baptism ance (D. & C. 1:27; 98 :21), and
and hence to membership in the king- scourges and desolation are poured
dom of God on earth. (D. & C. 18 :41; out upon the wicked to humble them
20:71; 33 :11; 49:13.) I_t is a require- as a condition precedent to repent-
ment made of every accountable ance. (D. & C. 5: 19.) All men every-
person, that is of those "having where are commanded to repent so
knowledge" (D. & C. 29:49), and that they may gain salvation. (D. &
parents are obligated to teach re- C. 18:9-22; 20 :29; 133: 16.)
pentance to their children to qualify This life is the time that is given
them for baptism when they reach for men to repent and prepare to
the years of accountability. (D. & C. meet God. Those who have oppor·
68:25-27.) tunity in this life to accept the truth
"Every man must repent or suffer." are obligated to take it; otherwise, full
In the event of repentance, the law salvation will be denied them. Hopes
of mercy prevails, and the penitent of reward through so-called death-

bed repentance are vain. As Amulek and that our first parents were being
said: "II ye have procrastinated the directed to fill up the earth again
day of your repentance even until with posterity.
death, behold, ye have become sub- Actually, there are two accepted
jected to the spirit of the devil, and and established definitions of replen-
he doth seal you his; therefore, the ish. One meaning is to stock with
Spirit of the Lord hath withdrawn animals or persons in the first in-
from you, and hath no place in you, stance, that is, to fill; the other mean-
and the devil hath all power over ing is to fill again or to stock anew.
you; and this is the final state of the In the original Hebrew the verb used
wicked." (Alma 34:31-35.) was mole, meaning fill, to fill, or make
Repentance is easy or difficult of full. This same verb is translated
attainment by various people, de- fill in the command, "Be fruitful, and
pending upon their own attitude and multiply, and fill the waters in the
conduct, and upon the seriousness of seas, and let fowl multiply in the
the sins they have committed. earth. " (Gen. I :22.)
Through rebellion men sometimes H ence the accurate meaning of the
place themselves in a position in command given our first parents was:
which the Lord's Spirit will no longer "Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill
strive with them, and when this oc- the earth with posterity, that is, pro-
curs there is little hope for them. vide bodies for the spirits in pre-
(D. & C. 1:33; I Ne. 7:14; 2 Ne. existence." Most translations, other
26:Il ; Morm. 5:16; Ether 2:15.) For than the King James Version, use the
those who have once basked in the word fill rather than replenish in this
light and who thereafter come out in text. Because the word replenish does
open rebellion, there is no repent- mean fill, however, and because the
ance whatever. (Heb. 6:4-8.) T hey Church uses the King James Version
have sinned unto death, and for such of the Bible, it was quite natural
there is no forgiveness. (I John 5: 16.) for the Prophet to use the same word,
that is, replenish, in the books of
Replenish the Earth. See CREATION, Moses and of Abraham. (Joseph
EVOLUTION, FmsT MAN. Our scrip- Fielding Smith, Answers to Gospel
tural accounts, as these are rendered Questions, pp. 208-211.)
in English, say that God commanded
Adam and Eve: "Be fruitful, and Respect of Persons. See EQUALITY,
multiply, and replenish the earth, and Jm:x;MENT, JUSTICE, RIGHTEOUSNESS.
subdue it." (Gen. I :28; Moses 2:28; God is no respecter of persons (D. &
Abra. 4:28.) Some have falsely con- C. I :35; 38: 16), meaning that every
cluded from this that Adam and Eve person who complies with a law re-
were not the first inhabitants of the ceives the blessing ordained to attend
earth, that there were pre-Adamites, such obedience. For instance, 'when

the Gentiles exercised the requisite thing else; we are not disturbed by
faith, they received the Holy Ghost, every wind ol doctrine, or by the
though that great blessing had there- cunning and craftiness of men who
tofore been reserved for the house ol lie in wait to deceive." It is 11 rest from
Israel. (Acts 10:34-35; 3 Ne. 20:27.) the religious turmoil ol the world;
Many ol the apostate doctrines ol from the cry that is going forth, here
so-called Christendom are based on and there-lo, here is Christ; lo, there
the assumption that God is a respecter is Christ." (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed.,
ol persons and a partial being, as for pp. 58, 125-126.) The rest ol the
instance infant baptism (Moro. 8:12) Lord, in eternity, is to inherit eternal
and the false teaching that the day life, to gain the fulness ol the Lord's
ol revela lion and miracles has ceased. glory. (D. & C. 84:24.)
(Morm. 9:7-25.)
Man also is commanded not to re- Restoration ol All Things. See CREA·
spect persons. To Moses the Lord TION, DISPENSATION OF THE FULNESS
said, "Ye shall not respect persons in OF TIMES, EARTH, FALL OF ADAM,
judgment" (Deut. I: I 7); every per- MILLENNIUM, RESTORATION OF THE
son, both great and small, should be GOSPEL, TIMES OF RESTITUTION. This
treated equally and impartially. (Lev. earth and all tha I pertains to it, in-
19:15; 2 Chron. 19:7; Job. 34:19.) cluding every, form ol lile on the face
thereof, was first created in a terres-
Restitution ol All Things. See REs- trial or. paradisiacal state. Incident to
TORATION OF ALL THINGS. the !all ol Adam, the earth itsell and
all life ~n its face fell to their present
Rest ol the Lord. See CONVERSION, telestial state. Since the fall, addi-
EXALTAJ:ION, PRIESTHOOD, TESTIMONY. tional physical degeneracy has oc-
True saints enter into the rest of the curred in the bodily constitution ol
Lord while in this lile, and by abiding man. Also alter the !all, the gospel
in the truth, they continue in that or plan ol salvation, in all its beauty
blessed state until they rest with the and perfection, was revealed to man
Lord in heaven. (Moro. 7:3; D. & C. from time to time in successive dis-
84:17-25; Matt. 11:28-30; Heb. 3:7- pensations.
19; 4:1-11.) The rest ol the Lord, Now the great restoration of all
where mortals are concerned, is to things is the return ol the earth, and
gain a perfect knowledge ol the di- all that pertains to it, including every
vinity ol the great latter-day work. form ol life, back to the primeval and
"It means entering into the knowledge perfect state which prevailed when
and love ol God, having faith in his all things fust rolled from their Crea-
purpose and in his plan, to such an tor's hands and were pronounced,
extent that we know we are right, "Very good." (Gen. 1:31.) The most
and that we are not hunting for some- important part ol this great restora-

tion of all things is, of course, the . be driven back to its place in the
restoration of the gospel, but in the north, the continents shall become
eternal sense all of the Lord's deal- one land again, every valley shall be
ings are part of his gospel plan. exalted, every mountain shall be made
(Joseph Fielding Smith, The Restora- low, and the earth shall cease bring-
tion of All T hings, pp. 6-319.) ing forth thorns and noxious weeds,
"We believe ... that the earth will but shall become as the garden of
be renewed and receive its paradisia- the Lord. (D. & C. 133:20-31, 44.)
cal glory." (Tenth Article of Faith;
D. & C. 101:23-31 ; Isa. 65:17-25.) Restoration of Former Blessings. See
Thus conditions which prevailed in ExcoMMUNICATJON. Temple and
the Edenic day forecast similar con- priesthood blessings, as well as all
ditions that will again prevail during others pertaining to the Church, are
the millennial era; and a revealed lost upon excommunication. In the
knowledge of millennial conditions event of repentance and subsequent
gives an understanding of analagous rebaptism, all or part of these former
conditions that prevailed when the blessings-those pertaining to the
earth enjoyed its first paradisiacal priesthood, to endowments, and to
status. The same conditions will not sealings-may be restored by a mem-
prevail in every detail, but certain ber of the Council of the T welve upon
basic things will be similarly ar- authorization of the President of the
ranged. Church. Excommunicated men who
Adam and Eve were placed in Eden have not had their endowments re-
in immortality; there was no death ceive and advance in the priesthood
for them or for any form of life until by conferral and ordination as in the
after the fall. (2 Ne. 2:22.) During first instance.
the millennium, death as we know it
will cease, meaning that men will Restoration of the Gospel. See ABRA-
not die until they are an hundred HAMIC COVENANT, CHURCH OF JESUS
years old; animals will also return to CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, D 1s -
their pristine type of life, the enmity PENSATION OF THE FU LNESS OF TIMES,
of all forms of life ceasing and the ELIAS, GATHERING OF I SRAE L, GOSPEL,
lion eating straw like the ox. (D. & C. JOSEPH S MITH THE PROPHET, KING-
101:24-31; Isa. 11:6-9; 65:17-25.) DOM OF Goo, RESTORATION OF ALL
In neither period will sorrow, disease, T HINGS, TIMES OF RESTITUTION, ZION.
or sickness be present. Since the gospel was first given to
When the earth was first created Adam, each time it was thereafter
all the land was in one place and lost by apostasy and then revealed
there were no mountains and valleys to man again has been a restoration
of the kind that now exist. At the of the gospel. Our Lord in his per-
Second Coming of Christ the sea will sonal ministry, for ins tance, restored

the original gospel, the same plan the true gospel are recorded. (D. & C.
of salvation which he had revealed 133:36-40.) John the Baptist, Peter,
to Adam in the beginning. But when James, and John, Michael, Raphael,
men in this day speak of the restora- Gabriel, Elias, Moses, Elijah, and
tion of the gospel, they mean the "divers angels" (D. & C. 128:20-21),
final great restoration which has all came in fulfilment of this promise
now taken place as part of the restora- because they restored the priesthood
tion of all things. This dispensation and keys whereby the gospel is ad-
is the age of restoration to which all ministered and made operative in the
the ancient prophets look forward. lives of men. (D. & C. 13; 27:12-1 3;
In it all things are to be restored 88:1 03- 104; II0: Il -16.)
"which God hath spoken by the Among those things to be restored
mouth of all his holy prophets since as part of the gospel or as necessary
the world began." (Acts 3: 19-21.) accompaniments to the restoration are
All things are being gathered to- the following:
gether in one in Christ. (Eph. 1:10.) I. GOSPEL KNOWLEDGE. -
Gospel restoration is accomplished Until the true doctrines of Christ
in the same way in which the gospel are known, man cannot conform his
was first revealed to Adam; that is: life to that high standard of personal
I. Angelic ministrants are sent from righteousness whereby salvation may
heaven to declare it; 2. God declares be gained. Much of this gospel knowl-
its truths by his own voice; and 3. edge has ·already been restored by
The gilt of the Holy Ghost is given way of the Book of Mormon, the host
to men. (Moses 5:58.) Foreseeing of latter-day revelations, and the
the final great restoration of the gos- manifestations of the Spirit to the
pel, the ancient apostle wrote: "And faithful. Many more gospel truths
I saw another angel fly in the midst are, of course, yet to be revealed.
of heaven, having the everlas ting (Ninth Article of Faith; D. & C.
gospel to preach unto them that dwell IOI :32-34; 121 :26-32; 132:66.)
on the earth, and to every nation, and 2. OPENING OF THE HEAV-
kindred, and tongue, and people." ENS. - This transcendent change
(Rev. 14:6.) from the condition that had prevailed
This angel of the restoration ~as a during the long night of apostate
composite angel, meaning -that a darkness took place in the spring of
number of angels were destined to I 820 with the appearance of the
participate in the events which nec- Father and the Son to the Prophet.
essarily must take place to complete (Jos. Smith 2.) Since then visions,
the restoration. Moroni came in ful- revelations, and the ministering of
filment of this promise, because he angels have been the common heri-
effected the restoration of the Book tage of the faithful, a status which
of Mormon wherein the doctrines of will continue "so long as time shall

last, or the earth shall stand, or there 7. TRUE CHURCH AND KING-
shall be one man upon the face there- DOM.-In all ages the gospel has
of to be saved." (Moro. 7:36.) been administered by and through
3. PRIESTHOOD AND KEYS.- the formal organization of the Church,
These have already come again in and until the church organization
their lulness. All of the priesthood was perfected the restoration was not
and all of the keys needed to save complete. (D. & C. 84:2.) The gen-
and exalt men in the highest heaven eral framework of the organized
have now been given. (D. & C. 13; kingdom was set up on the 6th of
27:12-13; 110:11-16; 128:20-21.) April in 1830, and the organization
4. COMING OF ELIAS. - This was perfected by about April, 1844,
mighty prophet holds "the keys of when all of the powers and keys had
bringing to pass the restoration of all been conferred upon the Council of
things spoken by the mouth of all the Twelve so that the Church be-
the holy prophets since the world be- came a self-perpetuating body in
gan, concerning the last days." (D. accordance with the divine pattern.
& C. 27:6; 77:9, 14-15; Matt. 17: 11; 8. APOSTLES, PROPHETS, AND
Mark 9: 12.) These keys have already CHURCH OFFICERS.-"God hath
been conferred upon man, and such set some in the church, first apostles,
things as have not already been re- secondarily prophets." (I Cor. 12:28.)
vealed will be made known "in due These and other officers are to con-
time." (D. & C. 132:40, 45.) tinue in the true Church as long as
5. GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST. there are prospective candidates for
-Receipt of this gift, as far as an salvation who need the guidance of
individual is concerned, is the heart such officers. (Eph. 4:11-14.) Mani-
and core of the restoration, for it is festly these officers must serve in the
by the power of the Holy Ghost that era of restoration. "And I will restore
men are sanctified so as to be quali- thy judges as at the first, and thy
fied for a celestial inheritance. (3 Ne. counsellors as at the beginning," saith
27:19-21.) By virtue of the restora- the Lord, for "Zion shall be redeemed
tion of the higher priesthood and its with judgment, and her converts with
keys this gilt is again bestowed upon righteousness." (Isa. I :26-27.)
faithful converts to the truth. 9. GATHERING OF ISRAEL.-
6. GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT.- (! Ne. 15:19-20; 2 Ne. 3:13, 24; D.
These gifts-visions, revelations, mir- & C. 45:17; Acts 1:6.) By this is
acles, healings, the ministering of meant: (a) Conversion of the scat-
angels, tongues, and so forth-are tered remnants of Jacob to the true
always showered upon the true saints, Church (2 Ne. 9:2); "And the gospel
and their presence constitutes a sign of Jesus Christ shall be declared
that the gospel has been restored. among them; wherefore, they shall
(Mark 16:16-20.) be restored unto the knowledge of

their lathers, and also to the knowl- Resurrected Lord. See RisEN LoRD.
edge of Jesus Christ, which was had
among their lathers" (2 Ne. 30:5; Resurrection. See ATONEMENT OF
Morm. 9:36); and they shall come CHRIST, CELESTIAL BODIES, ETERNAL
again "unto the knowledge of the LIFE, FALL OF AoAM, FLESH AND
covenant" made with their fathers. BONES, HELL, IM MORTALITY, INCOR-
(3 Ne. 5:25; 21.) (b) Their assem- RUPTIO~, JUDGMENT DAY, K:JNGDOMS
bling to Zion or Jerusalem as the OF GLORY, PARADISE, REDEMPTION,
case may be. (Tenth Article of Faith; SALVATION, SoNs OF PERDmoN, SPIR-
D. & C. 110:11; 2 Ne. 25:11; 30:8; ITUAL Booms, SPIRIT WORLD, SntL-
It is only through the ordinances of BEINGS. The resurrection is the crea-
his holy house that the Lord deigns tion of an immortal soul; it consists in
to "restore again that which was lost the uniting or reuniting of body and
unto you, or which he hath taken spirit in immortality. (Doctrines of
away, even the fulness of the priest- Salvation, vol. 2, pp. 258-30 I.) A
hood." (D. & C. 124:28; 127:8; resurrected being is one for whom
128:17.) body and spirit are inseparably con-
11. REDEMPTION OF ZION.- nected in a state of incorruption, a
(D. & C. 103:13-29.) When this state in which there never again can
glorious event, the redemption . of be decay (corruption) or death (sep-
Zion, has been accomplished, all will aration of body and spirit). (I Cor.
be in readiness for the restoration of 15; Alma 11:37-46; 12:12-18.) Res-
the Zion of old to the earth. (Moses urrected beings have bodies of flesh
7:60-64.) and bones, tangible, corporeal bodies,
Restored Church. See CHURCH OF bodies that occupy space, digest food,
JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS. and have power, outwardly, to appear
as mortal bodies do. (Luke 24.)
Restorer. See CHRIST, ELIAS, RESTORA- Nothing is more absolutely uni-
TION OF THE GosPEL. When Christ versal than the resurrection. Every
came in the meridian of time, he living being will be resurrected. "As
came as the great Restorer, the one in Adam all die, even so in Christ
who brought back again to earth the shall all be made alive.'\ ( I Cor.
fulness of the gospel, for he then gave 15:22.) Those who live and die be-
again the same truths he had given fore the millennial era, all in their
originally to righteous saints of old. proper order, will have their bodies
Christianity did not begin a mere and spirits reunited in resurrected
2000 years ago; it existed first in immortality. The righteous who live
eternity, an/I then had its beginning after the Second Coming shall be
on earth with Father Adam. changed from mortality to immortality

in the twinkling of an eye, their bod- rection must needs come unto man
ies and spirits being united insep- by reason of the fall." (2 Ne. 9:6;
arably. Morm. 9:12-13.)
"Yea, and blessed are the dead "Behold, the day cometh that all
that die in the Lord, from henceforth, shall rise from the dead and stand
when the Lord shall come, and old before God," Amulek said, "and be
things shall pass away, and all things judged according to their works. Now,
become new, they shall rise from the there is a death which is called a
dead and shall not die after, and shall temporal death; and the death of
receive an inheritance before the Christ shall loose the bands of this
Lord, in the holy city. And he that temporal death, that all shall be
liveth when the Lord shall come, and raised from this temporal death."
hath kept the faith, blessed is he; (Alma 11:41-42; 40:2-4.)
nevertheless, it is appointed to him This doctrine of a universal resur-
to die at the age of man. Wherefore, rection was known and taught from
children shall grow up until they the beginning. (Moses I :39.) The
become old; old men shall die; but choice of Christ in the councils of
they shall not sleep in the dust, but eternity to come down to earth as the
they shall be changed in the twinkling Son of God and work out the infinite
of an eye. Wherefore, for this cause and eternal atonement was based on
preached the apostles unto the world the foreknowledge of God-knowl-
the resurrection of the dead." (D. & edge which he also imparted to his
C. 63 :49-52.) spirit children-that immortality was
Two events of transcendent impor- to be guaranteed and eternal life
tance make possible the resurrection: offered to all men. (Moses 4:1-4.)
l. The fall of Adam; and 2. The re- Immediately after the fall, angels
demptive sacrifice of the Son of God. came to Adam teaching that through
Adam's fall brought temporal or the promised redemption of the Only
natural death into the world; that is, Begotten all "might be raised in im-
as a result of Adam's fall mortality mortality unto eternal life, even as
was introduced, and mortality is the many as would believe." (D. & C.
forerunner of death. Christ's redeem- 29:42-50; Moses 5:6-15.)
ing sacrifice ransomed men from the Enoch saw the restoration of the
effects of Adam's fall in that mortality gospel in our day and received from
is replaced by immortality, or in other the Lord this promise: "And right-
words in that the dead come forth in eousness will I send down out of
the resurrection. "For as death hath heaven; and truth will I send forth
passed upon all men, to fulftl the mer- out of the earth [meaning the Book
ciful plan of the great Creator," Ja- of Mormon], to bear. testimony of
cob taught, "there must needs be a mine Only Begotten; his resurrection
power of resurrection, and the resur- from the dead; yea, and also the res-

urrection of all men." (Moses 7:62.) 40.) To those who have lived since
Job (Job 19:25-27), David (Ps. 16:9- that day, the first resurrection is yet
11 ; 17:15), Daniel (Dan. 12:1 -3), future and will take place at the time
Ezekiel (Ezek. 37:1- 14), and many of of the Second Coming. (D. & C.
the ancient prophets bore testimony 88 :96-102.) We have no knowledge
of the resurrection. Jehovah ( who that the resurrection is going on now
is Christ), speaking through Isaiah, or that any persons have been res-
said of the house of Israel: "Thy dead urrected since the day in which Christ
men shall live, together with my dead c~me forth excepting Peter, James,
body shall they arise. Awake and and Moroni, all of whom had special
sing, ye -that dwell in dust: for thy labors to perform in this day which
dew is as the dew of herbs, and the necessitated tangible resurrected bod-
earth sh all cast out the . dead." ( Isa. ies.
26:19.) Though all men are assured of a
Christ was the firstfruits of the res- resurrection, all will not be resur-
urrection (I Cor. 15 :23), and because rected at the same time, and there will
of his resurrection, "by the powet of be varying degrees of glory for im-
God," all men shall come forth from mortal persons. All will come forth
the grave. (Morm. 9:13.) The right- from the grave, c'But every man in
eous dead who lived from the day his own order" (1 Cor. 15:23), as
of Adam to the time when Christ Paul expresses it. Joseph Smith said:
broke the bands of death "were with "In the resurrection, some are raised
Christ in his resurrection." (D. & C. to be angels, others are raised to be-
133:54-55.) "And the graves were come gods." (Teachings, p. 312.)
opened; and many bodies of the saints T wo great resurrections await the
which slept arose, And came out of inhabitants of the earth: one is the
the graves after his resurrection, and first resurrection, the resurrection of
went into the holy city, and appeared life, the resurrection of the just; the
unto many." (Matt. 27:52-53; Hela. other is the second resurrection, the
14:25.) All who were with Christ resurrection of damnation, the resur-
in his resurrection, and all who have rection of the unjust. (John 5:28-29;
so far been resurrected, have come Rev. 20; D. & C. 76.) But even within
forth with celestial bodies and will these two separate resurrections, there
have an inheritance in the celestial is an order in which the dead will
kingdom. (D. & C. 88:96-102.) come forth. Those being resurrected
To those who lived before the res- with celestial bodies, whose destiny
urrection of Christ, the day of his is to inherit a celestial kingdom, will
coming forth from the dead was come forth in the morning of the first
known as the first resurrection. Abin- resurrection. Their graves shall . be
adi and Alma, for instance, so con- opened and they shall be caught up
sidered it. (Mosiah 15:21-25; Alma to meet the Lord at his Second Com-

ing. They are Christ's, the firstfruits, final destiny is to inherit a telestial
and they shall descend with him to glory. (D. & C. 76:81-112.)
reign as kings and priests during the Finally, in the latter end of the
millennial era. (D. & C. 29:13; 43:18; resurrection of damnation, the sons
76:50-70; 88 :97-98; I Thess. 4:16· of perdition, those who "remain filthy
17; Rev. 20:3-7.) still" (D. & C. 88:102) , shall come
"And after this another angel shall forth from their graves. (2 Ne. 9:14-
sound, which is the second trump; 16.) "Then is the time when their
and then cometh the redemption of torments shall be as a lake of fire
those who are Christ's at his coming; and brimstone, whose flame ascend-
who have received their part in that eth up forever and ever; and then is
prison which is prepared for them, the time that they shall be chained
that they might receive the gospel, down to an everlasting destruction,
and be judged according to men in according to the power and captivity
the flesh." (D. & C. 88:99.) This is of Satan, he having subjected them
the afternoon of the first resurrection; according to his will. Then, I say
it takes place after our Lord has unto you, they shall be as though
ushered in the millennium. Those there had been no redemption made;
coming forth at that time do so with for they cannot be redeemed accord-
terrestrial bodies and are thus des- ing to God's justice; and they cannot
tined to inherit a terrestrial glory in die, seeing there is no more corrup-
eternity. (D. & C. 76:71-80.) tion." (Alma 12:17-18.)
At the end of the millennium, the Bodily perfection will come to all
second resurrection begins. In the men as a free gift in the resurrection.
forepart of this resurrection of the un- But even though all persons are raised
just those destined to come forth will from mortality to immortality, from
be "the spirits of men who are to be corruption to incorruption, so that
judged, and are found under con- disease and physical impairment are
demnation; And these are the rest no longer found, the mere fact of res-
of the dead; and they live not again urrection does not give peace of mind,
until the thousand years are ended, the know ledge of God, a hope of eter-
neither again, until the end of the nal life, or any of the great spiritual
earth." (D. & C. 88:100-101.) These blessings which flow from gospel
are the ones who have earned telestial obedience. These blessings are not
bodies, who were wicked and carnal free gifts. Except for the free gift of
in mortality, and who have suffered immortality (which comes by grace
the wrath of God in hell "until the alone and includes bodily or physical
last resurrection, until the Lord, even perfection), all rewards gained in the
Christ the Lamb, shall have finished eternal worlds must be earned. That
his work." (D. & C. 76:85.) Their perfection sought by the saints is

both temporal and spiritual and comes fruits of their labors or their works,
only as a result of lull obedience. which have been evil; and they drink
Amulek taught: "The spirit and the dregs of a bitter cup." (Alma
the body shall be reunited again in 40:23-26.)
its perfect form; both limb and joint As seen from these scriptures, the
shall be res tored to its proper frame, resurrection is a restoration, both a
even as we now are at this time; and restoration of body and spirit and a
we shall be brought to stand before restoration to the individual of the
God, knowing even as we kn~w now, same mental and spiritual acquire-
and have a bright recollection of all ments and attitudes he had in this
our guilt. Now, this restoration shall life. As Alma further expressed it, the
come to all, both old and young, both resurrection or restoration will "bring
bond and free, both male and female, back again evil for evil, or carnal for
both the wicked and the righteous; carnal, or devilish for devilish-good
and even there shall not so much as for that which is good; righteous for
a hair of their heads be lost; but every that which is righteous; just for that
thing shall be restored to its perfect which is just; merciful for that which
frame, as it is now, or in the body, is merciful. . . for that which ye
and shall be brought and be arraigned do send out shall return unto you
before the bar of Christ the Son, and again, and be restored; therefore, the
God the Father, and the Holy Spirit, word restoration more fully con-
which is one Eternal God, to be demneth the sinner, and justifieth
judged according to their works, him not at all." (Alma 41:13-15.)
whether they be good or whether they It was in accordance with this prin-
be evil. " (Alma 11 :43-44.) ciple that the Prophet wrote by way
Alma spoke similarly: "The soul of revelation: "Whatever principle of
shall be restored to the body, and intelligence we atta in unto in this life,
the body to the soul; yea, and every it will rise with us in the resurrec-
limb and joint shall be restored to its tion. And if a person gains more
body; yea, even a hair of the head knowledge and intelligence in this
shall not be lost; but all things shall life through his diligence and obe-
be restored to their proper and per- dience than another, he will have so
fect frame. . . . And then shall the much the advantage in the world to
righteous shine forth in the kingdom come." (D. & C. 130: 18-19. ) Those
of God. But behold, an awful death who "are raised to become gods"
cometh upon the wicked; for they die (Teachings, p. 312) will progress
as to things pertaining to things of until they receive "a fulness of truth,
righteousness; for they are unclean, yea, even of all truth," un ti! they are
and no unclean thing can inherit the "glorified in truth" and know "all
kingdom of God; but they ·are cast things." (D. & C. 93:26-28.) The
out, and consigned to partake of the fulness of the Father which includes

"all power, both in heaven and on John also saw resurrected beasts in
earth" (D. & C. 93:16-17) is not heaven, and the revelation specifically
gained by exalted beings until after says they were "individual beasts ..
the resurrection. in their destined order or sphere of
Just as the creative and redemptive creation, in the enjoyment of their
power of Christ extend to the earth eternal felicity." (D. & C. 77:3.)
and all things thereon, as also to the Speaking .on this subject the Prophet
infinite expanse of worlds in immen- said: "John saw the actual beast in
sity, so the power of the resurrection heaven.... John saw beings there of
is universal in scope. Man, the earth, a thousand forms, that had been
and all life thereon will come forth saved from ten thousand times ten
in the resurrection. And the resur- thousand earths like this-strange
rection applies to and is' going on in beasts of which we have no concep-
other worlds and other galaxies. tion: all might be seen in heaven.
Thus saith the Lord: "And the end The grand secret was to show John
shall come, and the heaven and the what there was in heaven. John
earth shall be consumed and pass learned that God glorified himself by
away, and there shall be a new saving all that his hands had made,
heaven and a new earth. For all old whether beasts, fowls, fishes or men;
things shall pass away, and all things and he will glorify himsell with them.
shall become new, even the heaven "Says one, 'I cannot believe in the
and the earth, and all the fulness salvation of beasts.' Any man who
thereof, both men and beasts, the would tell you that this could not
fowls of the air, and the fishes of the be, would tell you that the revelations
sea; And not one hair, neither mote, are not true. John heard the words
shall be lost, for it is the workman- of the beasts giving glory to God, and
ship of mine hand." (D. & C. 29:23- understood them. God who made the
25.) beasts could understand every Ian- ·
John the Revelator saw "the earth, guage spoken by them. The four
in its sanctified, immortal, and eter- beasts were four of the most noble
nal state" (D. & C. 77: I), that is, animals that had filled the measure
in its resurrected state. "The earth of their creation, and had been saved
abideth the law of a celestial king- from other worlds, because they were
dom, for it filleth the measure of its perfect: they were like angels in their
creation, and transgresseth not the sphere. We are not told where they
law-Wherefore, it shall be sancti- came from, and I do not know; but
fied; yea, notwithstanding it shall die, they were seen and heard by John
it shall be quickened again, and shall praising and glorifying God." (Teach-
abide the power by which it is quick- ings, pp. 291-292.)
ened, and the righteous shall inherit No man can conceive of the glory
it." (D. & C. 88:25-26.) that may be attained through the res-

urrcction. God himself, the Father tain spiritually receptive persons; he

of us all, is a glorified, exalted, im- speaks audibly by his own voice, on
mortal, resurrected Man! (Teachings, occasions, to those whose ears are
pp. 312, 345-346; D. & C. 130:22.) attuned to the divine wave length;
angels are sent from his presence to
Resurrection and the Life. See minister to deserving individuals;
CHRIST, ETERNAL L IFE, I MMORTAL- dreams and visions come from him
ITY, P ERSONIFICATION, RESURRECTION. to the faithful; he often speaks by the
Christ is the Resurrection and the still small voice, the voice of the Spirit,
Life. This designation points to the the voice of prophecy and revelation;
fact that resurrection (which is im- he reveals truth by means of the Urim
mortality) and life ( which is eternal and Thummim; and he gives his mind
life) come because of him and his and will to receptive mortals in what-
atoning sacrifice. Hence on the prin- ever ways seem appropriate as cir-
ciple of personification he could cumstances require.
properly say: ur am the resurrection, 2. PERSONAL REVELATION.-
and the life: he that believeth in me, Every devoted, obedient, and right-
though he were dead, yet shall- he eous person on earth h as and does
live: And whosoever liveth and be- receive revelation from God. Revela-
lieveth in me shall never die." (John tion is the natural inheritance of all
11 :25-26.) the faithful. "No man can receive the
Holy Ghost," the Prophet said, "with-
Retrogression of Nations. See Aros- ~ g revelations . The Holy
Ghost is a revelator." (Teachings, p.
328.) God is no respecter of persons,
Revelation. See GIFT OF THE HoLY meaning that the gilt of the Holy
GHOST, I NSPIRATION, MINISTERING _OF Ghost, always and invariably, will be
ANGELS, MIRACLES, ORACLES, PROPH- poured out upon all those who abide
ECY, P ROPHETS, REVELATOR, REVELA- the law entitling them to that divine
TORS, SCRIPTURE, SEERS, SIGNS, SIGNS companionship. (Acts JO.) That
OF THE TIMES, TESTIMONY, UruM AND Being Hwith whoni is no variableness,
THUMMIM, VISIONS. I. NATURE neither shadow · of turning" (Jas.
OF REVELATION.-As used in the 1: 17) always bestows the same reward
gospel, "revelation signifies the mak- for obedience to the same law.
ing known of divine truth by com- To the faithful the Lord promises:
munication from the heavens." "Assuredly as the Lord liveth, who is
(Articles of Faith, pp. 296-313.) Rev- your God and your Redeemer, even
elation comes from God to man in so surely shall you receive a knowl-
various appointed ways, accbrding to edge of whatsoever things you shall
the laws ordained by the Almighty. ask in faith with an honest heart,
The Lord appears personally to cer- believing that you .shall receive, .. •

'tea, behold, I will tell you in your taining to my kingdom. Yea, even the
mind and in 11our heart, bit the Ho l_,j wonders of eternity shall they know,
Ghost, which shall come upon you and things to come will I show them,
and which shall dwell in your heart. even the things of many generations.
Now, behold, this is the spirit of rev- And their wisdom shall be great, and
elation." (D. & C. 8:1-3; 46:7; Matt. their understanding reach to heaven;
7:7-S;Jas. 1:5.) This is the way and before them the wisdom of the
testimony is gained, as in the case of wise shall perish, and the understand -
Enos (Enos 1-10), and the way all ing of the prudent shall come to
men can learn of the truth of the Book naught. For by my Spirit will I en-
of Mormon. (Moro. 10:3-5.) Mission- lighten them, and by my power will
aries are to bear record of those things I make known unto them the secrets
which have been revealed to them. of my will- yea, even those things
(D. & C. 58:63.) which eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Knowledge is revealed to the saints nor yet entered into the heart of
by the Holy Ghost (D. & C. 121 :26- man." (D. & C. 76:5-10.)
32), and when they speak as moved Paul wrote: "Eye hath not seen,
upon by that member of the Godhead, nor ear heard, neither have entered
the resultant expressions are scrip- into the heart of man, the things
ture. (D. & C. 68:1-4.) "If thou shalt which God hath prepared for them
ask," the Lord said to the Prophet that love him. But God hath revealed
(and it applies in principle to all the them unto us by his Spirit: for the
saints), "thou shalt receive revelation Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the
upon revelation, knowledge upon deep things of God . ... But the nat-
knowledge, that thou mayest know ural man receiveth not the things of
the mysteries and peaceable things- the Spirit of God: for they are fool -
that which bringeth joy, that which ishness unto him: neither can he
bringeth life eternal." (D. & C. 42: 61; know them, because they are spirit-
59:4.) ually discerned. But he that is spirit-
"Thus saith the Lord-I, the Lord, ual judgeth all things, yet he himself
am merciful and gracious unto those is judged of no man. For who hath
who fear me, and delight to honor known the mind of the Lord, that
those who serve me in righteousness he may instruct him? But we have
and in truth unto the end. Great shall the mind of Christ." (I Car. 2:9-10,
be their reward and eternal shall be 14-16; 14:6, 26, 30; 2 Car. 12: 1-4;
their glory. And to them I will reveal D. & C. 76:Il4-Il8.)
all mysteries, yea, all the hidden mys- Every person who is sufficiently
teries of. my kingdom from days of old, faithful has the categorical promise
and for ages to come, will I make that God himself will appear to him.
known unto them the good pleasure "Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall
of my will concerning all things per- come to pass that every soul who for-

saketh his sins and cometh unto me, mended Peter for his testimony; "flesh
and calleth on mY. name, and obeyeth and blood hath not revealed it unto
my voice, and keepeth my command- thee, but my lather which is in
ments, shall see my lace and know heaven," he said, "and upon this rock
that I am." (D. & C. 93:1.) This has Iwillbuildmy church." (Matt.16:17-
reference to the personal appearance 18.) Commenting upon this the
of God to mortal beings. (D. & C. Prophet said, "What rock? Revela-
67:10-14.) Many righteous persons tion." (Teachings, p. 274.)
have complied with th_e law of faith But the Lord's house is a house
involved and received this promised of order and not a house of confusion.
revelation. (Ether 3:19-26.) (D. & C. 132:8.) Where the Church
With reference ' to their own per- is concerned revelation comes only
sonal affairs, the saints are expected through the appointed channels. No
(because they have the gilt of the one but the President of the Church,
Holy Ghost) .to gain personal revela- who holds and exercises the fulness
tion and guidance rather than to run of the keys, can announce revelation
to the First Presidency or some other to the Church. "No one shall be
church leaders to be told what to do. appointed to receive commandments
"It is a great thing to inquire at the and revelations in this church except-
hands of God, or to come in to his ing my servant Joseph Smith, fun.,
presence," the Prophet said, :'and we
for he receiveth them even as Moses.
feel fearful to approach-him on sub- . . . For l have given him the keys
jects that are of little or no conse-
of the mysteries, and the revelations
quence, to satisfy the queries of
which are seal,ed, until I shall appoint
individuals, especially about things
unto them another in his stead." (D.
the knowledge of which men ought
& C. 28:2-8; 25:9; 90: 14; 94:3;
to obtain in all sincerity, before God,
for themselves, in humility by the 100:11; 107:91-92.)
prayer of faith, and more especially a It is true that all members of the
teacher or a high priest in the Council of the Twelve are appointed
Church." (Teachings, p. 22.) and sustained to serve as prophets,
3. REVELATION FOR THE seers, and revelators to the Church
CHURCH.-Our Lord's true Church (Teachings, p. 109), but as with all
is established and founded upon rev- of the keys of the kingdom which they
elation. Its identity as the true receive in connection with the holy
Church continues as long as revela- apostleship, the power to rece~ve and
tion is received to direct its affairs, promulgate revelations lies dormant
for the gates of hell can never pre- in them unless and until one of them
vail against that power of faith and becomes the President of the Church.
righteousness which pulls down rev- Since keys are the right of presidency,
elations from heaven. Jesus they can only be exercised in their

fulness by one man on earth at a time. for anyone to minister without it,"
(D. & C. 132:7.) the Prophet taught. (Teachings, p.
Every person properly appointed I 60.) Without revelation the very
and sustained to act in an official existence of God and of the plan of
capacity in the Church is entitled to salvation would be unknown, and
the spirit of revelation to guide the without revelation there would be no
particular organization or group over legal administrators to perform the
which he presides. The "Presidency ordinances of salvation with binding
are over the Church," the Prophet effect on earth and in heaven. "Great
said, "and revelations of the mind and marvelous are the works of the
and will of God to the Church, are Lord," Jacob said. "How unsearch-
to come through the Presidency. This able are the depths of the mysteries
is the order of heaven, and the power of him; and it is impossible that man
and privilege of this priesthood. It should find out all his ways. And no
is also the privilege of any officer in man knoweth of his ways save it be
this Church to obtain revelations, so revealed unto him; wherefore, breth-
far as relates to his particular calling ren, despise not the revelations of
and duty in the Church." (Teachings, of God." (Jae. 4:8; Jarom 2; Omni
p. Ill.) 25.)
This system of promulgating rev- That revelation must come in the
elations through the established head very age and to the very people who
of the Lord's earthly work is so un- are to be saved is also sell-evident.
bending and inflexible that it stands "Could we read and comprehend all
as a test to establish the truth or that has been written from the days
falsity of purported revelations. of Adam, on the relation of man to
''There is iwne other appointed unto God and angels in a future state, we
you to receive commandments and should know very little about it,"
revelations until he be taken," the said the Prophet. "Reading the ex-
Lord said of the Prophet. "And this perience ~f others, or the revelations
shall be a law unto you, that ye re- given to them, can never give us a
ceive not the teachings of any that comprehensive view of our condition
shall come before you as revelations and true relation to God. Knowledge
or commandments; And this I give of these things can only be obtained
unto you that you may not be de- by experience through the ordinances
ceived, that you may know they are of God set forth for that purpose.
not of me." (D. & C. 43:2-7; Doc- Could you gaze into heaven five min-
trines of Salvation, vol. I, pp. 283- utes, you would know more than you
289.) would by reading all that ever was
4. NO SALVATION WITHOUT written on the subject." (Teachings,
REVELATION.-"Salvation cannot p. 324.)
come without revelation; it is in vain 5. REVELATION SAVES OR

DAMNS.-The receipt of revelation tolic era the heavens have been sealed
by individuals or peoples does not as- and that revelation has ceased. In
sure salvation to the favored recip- reality souls are just as precious in
ients. Salvation is gained by enduring the sight of God today as they ever
in faith and devotion lo the end; it were, and revelation is still poured out
is the reward of righteousness. "Al- in abundance so that souls may be
though a man may have many revela- led to salvation.
tions, and have power to do many "And again I speak unto you who
mighty works, yet if he boasts in his deny the revelations of God," pro-
own strength, and sets at naught the claimed Moroni, "and say that they
counsels of God, and follows after the are done away, that there are no rev-
dictates of his own will and carnal elations, nor prophecies, nor gifts, nor
desires, he must fall and incur the healing, nor · speaking with tongues,
vengeance of a just God upon him." and the interpretation of tongues;
(D. & C. 3:4.) Behold I say unto you, he that denieth
Indeed, the receipt of revelation these things knoweth not the gospel
may lead to damnation as well as of Christ; yea, he has not read the
to salvation. "For of him unto whom scriptures; if so, he does not under-
much is given much is required; and stand them. For do we not read that
he who sins against the greater light God is the same yesterday, today, and
shall receive the greater condemna- forever, and in him there is no vS:ri-
tion. Ye call upon my name for ableness neither shadow of changing?"
revelations, and I give them unto you; (Morm. 9:7-9.)
and inasmuch as ye keep not my say- Nephi wrote: "Wo be unto him
ings, which I give unto you, ye be- that shall say: We have received the
come transgressors; and justice and word of God, and we need no more
judgment are the penalty which is of the word of God, for we have
affixed unto my law." (D. & C. 82:3- enough! For behold, thus saith the
4.) In fact the greatest of all 'pen- Lord God: I will give unto the chil-
alties, that of being cast out with the dren of men line upon line, precept
devil and his angels in eternity, is upon precept, here a little and there a
reserved for "those sons of perdition little; and blessed are those who heark-
who deny the Son after the Father en unto my precepts, and lend an ear
has revealed him." (D. & C. 76:43.) unto my counsel, for they shall learn
6. LATTER-DAY REVELATION. wisdom; for unto him that receiveth
-Devout persons of all Christian I will give more; and from them that
faiths readily -accepted the truth that shall say, We have enough, from them
revelation was poured out upon the shall be taken away even that which
faithful, from age to age, from Adam they have." (2 Ne. 28:29-30.)
to the days of Christ's apostles. They "Kn.ow ye n9t that there are more
suppose, however, that since the apos- nations than one? Know ye not that

I, the Lord your God, have created and ii any man has found for a fact
all men, and that I remember those that the Bible contains all that God
who are upon the isles of the sea; and ever revealed to man, he has ascer-
that I rule in the heavens above and ta ined it by an immediate revelation,
in the earth beneath; and I bring other than has been previously writ-
forth my word unto the children of ten by the prophets and apostles. But
men, yea, even upon all the nations through the kind providence of our
of the earth? Wherefore murmur ye, Father a portion of his word which
because that ye shall receive more of he delivered to his ancient saints, has
my ward? ... And because that I have fallen into our hands, is presented to
spoken one word ye need not suppose us with a promise of a reward if
that I cannot speak another; for my obeyed, and with a penalty if dis-
work is not yet finished; neither shall obeyed." (Teachings, p. 61.)
it be until the end of man, neither Through the whole Bible there are
from that time henceforth and for- passages of scripture-hundreds and
ever. Wherefore, because that ye hundreds of them-reciting promises
have a Bible ye need not suppose that and recording covenants made by
it contains all my words; neither need God with his chosen people, all of
ye suppose that I have not caused which are to be fulfilled in the last
more to be written." (2 Ne. 29:7-10.) days, and none .of which can come to
"Does it remain for a people who pass without revelation. (Teachings,
never had faith enough to call down pp. 70-71; Doctrines of Salvation,
one scrap of revelation from heaven, vol. I, pp. 274-279.) There is no
and for all they have now are in - other single subject about which the
debted to the faith of another people Bible has as much to say as about
who lived hundreds and thousands the glorious things which are to take
of years before them, does it remain place in the dispensation of the ful-
for them to say how much God has ness of times-all of which things
spoken and how much he has not shall be attended by revelation. It is
spoken?" the Prophet Joseph Smith no wonder that the Lord has said:
asked. "We have what we have, and nDeny not the spirit of revelation, nor
the Bible contains what it does con- the spirit of prophecy, for wo unto
tain: but to say that God never said him that denieth these things." (D.
anything more to man than is there & C. 11:25.)
recorded, would be saying at once For the future, there is to be new
that we have at last received a revela- revelation that will dwarf into com-
tion; for it must require one to ad- parative insignificance all the knowl -
vance thus far, because it is nowhere edge now revealed from heaven.
said in that volume by the mouth of When the sealed portion of the Book
God, that he would not, after giving of Mormon comes forth it will "re-
what is there contained, speak again; veal all things from the foundation of

the world unto the end thereof," and the Church. (D. & C. l02:2, 9, 23;
in this final dispensation, "all things l07:39; 128:11.)
shall be revealed unto the children of President Wilford Woodruff said:
men which ever have been among the "Where are the revelations of Pres-
children of men, and which ever will ident Young? Do you find them on
- be even unto the end of the earth." record? Only a few; but the Holy
(2 Ne. 27:I0-11, 22; 30:18.) "In that Ghost and the revelations of God
day when the Lord shall come, he were with Brigham Young from the
shall reveal all things-Things which day that he received this gospel until
have passed, and hidden things which the day that he laid down his life and
no man knew, things of the earth, his tabernacle was carried to the
by which it was made, and the pur- grave. There was no necessity par-
pose and the end thereof-Things ticularly · for Brigham Young to give
most precious, things . that are above, written revelation, only in a few in-
and things that are beneath, things stances. So with John Taylor. So
that are in the earth, and upon the with Wilford Woodruff. And so in a
earth, and in heaven." (D. & C. great measure probably with all who
IOI :32-34.) . may follow us, until the coming of
7. CHURCH ADMINISTERED the Son of Man. But are we without
BY REVELATION. - Since The revelation? We are not. We know
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day our duty, and in a measure we know
Saints is the Lord's true Church; and what lies before us . . . . I traveled
since the Lord's Church must be with Brigham Young at home and
guided by continuous revelation if it abroad, and I never saw a day in my
is to maintain divine approval; and life but what he had the spirit and
since we have the unqualified prom- power of revelation of God with him.
ise that this Church and kingdom is This power was with him when he
destined to remain on earth and pre- came to this land. I was with him
pare a people for the Second Coming when h e laid the foundations of our
- we could safely conclude (ii we had temples, and when he laid out the
no other evidence) that the Church city of Salt Lake. He did all these
today is guided by revelation. (Doc- things by the inspiration and Spirit of
trines of Salvation, vol. 1, pp. 279- Almighty God." (Discourses of Wil-
283.) It is true that not many revela- ford Woodruff, pp. 55-56.)
tions containing doctrinal principles The presence of revelation in the
are now being written, because all Church is positive proof th'a t it is the
we are as yet capable and worthy to kingdom of God on earth. And be-
receive has already been written. But cause the Lord is no respecter of per-
the Spirit is giving direct and daily sons he will give to any person, who
revelation to the presiding Brethren abides the law entitling him to know,
in the administration of the affairs of personal revelation of the divinity of

the Church and of the fact that it is may know the truth of all things."
being led by revelation today. Indeed, (Moro. 10:5.)
for those who accept all the revela-
tions which God gives in any partic- Revelators. See FIRST PRESIDENCY,
ular day there is peace and joy and HOLY GHOST, ORACLES, PROPHETS,
a hope of salvation. For those who REVELATION, SEERS, VISIONS. Anyone
reject these revelations there awaits who receives revelation from the Lord
the damnation of hell. and conveys the revealed truth to an-
From the mouth of the Prophet we other is a revelator. Joseph Smith was
have this plain statement: "The plea a revelator to Sidney Rigdon (D. &
of many in this day is, that we have C. l 00: Il); the beloved disciple, be-
no right to receive revelations; but cause of the great revelations he left
if we do not get revelations, we do for the world, is known as John the
not have the oracles of God; and if Revelator. (D. & C. 77:2; 128:6.) The
they have not the oracles of God, they President of the Church is a revela-
are not the people of God . But say tor for the Church (D. & C. 107:92;
you, What will become of the world, 124:94, 125),.as also are the members
or the various professors of religion of the First Presidency, the Council
who do not believe in revelation and of the Twelve, and the Patriarch to
the oracles of God as continued in the Church.
his Church in all ages of the world,
when he has a people on earth? I tell Reverence. See HoNOR, MINISTERIAL
you, in the name of Jesus Christ, they TITLES, OBEISANCE, WORSHIP. True
will be damned; and when you get and acceptable worship is always at-
into the eternal world, you will find it tended by feelings of deepest rever-
will be so; they cannot escape the ence-feelings of awe, great respect,
damnation of hell." (Teachings, p. and godly fear. Men are to "serve
272.) God acceptably with reverence and
godly fear." (Heb. 12:28.) Before his
Revelator. See HOLY GHOST, REVELA- throne "all things bow in humble
TION, REVELATORS, TESTATOR, TESTI- reverence, and give him glory forever
MONY. "The Holy Gost is a and ever." (D. & C. 76:93.) "Holy
Revelator," the Prophet said. "No and reverend is his name." (Ps.
man can receive the Holy Ghost Ill:9.)
without receiving revelations." Reverence is due not only to God
(Teachings, p. 328.) Those who en- and his holy name, but to his laws,
joy the companionship of the Holy his gospel, his covenants, his proph-
Ghost have the spirit of revelation. ets, his ordinances, his temples, his
(D. & C. 8:2-3.) A testimony of the priesthood, and all the things he has
gospel comes from the Holy Ghost. revealed and given for the salvation
"By the power of the Holy Ghost ye and blessing of his children. It was

"out of respect or reverence to the riches enter into the kingdom of God,"
name of the Supreme Being, to avoid our Lord taught. "For it is easier for
the too frequent repetition of his a camel to go through a needle's eye,
name," that" the ancient saints called than for a rich man to enter into the
the Higher Priesthood alter Melchiz- kingdom of God." (Luke 18:18-27;
edek. (D. & C. 107:4.) Matt. 19: 16-26; Mark 10 :17-27.)
"Keep my sabbaths, and reverence Also: " Lay not up . for . yourselves
my sanctuary,'' is his command to treasures upon earth, where moth and
Israel. (Lev. 19:30; 26:2.) · Blessings rust doth corrupt, · and where thieves
await "those who shall reverence" break through and steal: But lay up
him in his house. (D. & C. 109:21.) for yourselves treasures in heaven,
Obviously the most decorous conduct where neither moth nor rust doth
-unmarred by loud laughter, un- corrupt, and where thieves do not
necessary conversation, untoward ac- break through nor steal : For where
tions of any sort, or even by evil your treasure is, there will your heart
thoughts-is essential to reverencing be also." (Matt. 6:19-21.)
the Lord's sanctuary. And what is Paul left us this pointed exhorta-
said of his temples is also true of his tion: "We brought nothing into this
meetinghouses. world, and it is certain we can carry
nothing out. And having food and
Reverend. See MINISTERIAL TITLES. raiment let us be therewith content.
But they that will be rich fall into
Riches. See PooR, RrcHES OF ETER, temptation and a snare, and into
NITY. As with all men, those who many foolish and hurtful lusts, which
have riches will be judged according drown men in destruction and per-
to their works and gain either salva- dition. For the love of money is the
tion or damnation as they may chance root of all evil: which while some
to merit. But the nature of fallen coveted after, they have erred from
man is such that in the overwhelming the faith, and pierced themselves
majority Of cases riches are far more through with many sorrows. But thou,
of a hindrance than a help in attain- 0 man of God, flee these things; and
ing peace in this world and eternal follow alter righteousness, godliness,
life in the world to come. According- faith, love, patience, meekness." (I
ly prophets in all ages have warned Tim. 6:7-11.)
against "the cares of this world, and James spoke similarly: "Go to now,
the deceitfulness of riches" (Mark ye rich men, weep and howl for your
4:19; Matt. 13:22; Luke 8:14), lest miseries that shall come upon you.
men love the things of this world Your riches are corrupted, and your
more than the riches of eternity and garments are .motheaten. Your gold
thereby lose their souls. and silver is cankered; and the rust
"How hardly shall they that have of them shall be a witness against

you, and shall eat your flesh as it By latter-day revelation the Lord
were fire. Ye have heaped treasure has said: "Wo unto you rich men,
together for the last days. Behold, that will not give your substance to
the hire of the labourers who have the poor, for your riches will canker
reaped down your fields, which is of your souls; and this shall be your
you kept back by fraud, crieth: and lamentation in the day of visitation,
the cries of them which have reaped and of judgment, and of indignation:
are entered into the ears of the Lord The harvest is past, the summer is
of sabaoth." (Jas. 5:1-4.) ended, and my soul is not saved! (D.
An ancient wise man counseled: & C. 56:16.)
"Give me neither poverty nor riches; "Seek not for riches but for wis-
feed me with food convenient for me: dom, and behold, the mysteries of
Lest I be lull, and deny thee, and God shall be unfolded urito you, and
say, Who is the Lord? or lest I be then shall you be made rich. Behold,
poor, and steal, and take the name he that hath eternal life is rich."
of my God in vain." (Prov. 30:8-9.) (D. & C. 6:7.)
The Nephite prophet Jacob warned:
"Wo unto the rich, who are rich as
Riches of Eternity. See ETERNAL LIFE,
to the things of the world. For be-
ETERNITY, RICHES. To the faithful
cause they are rich they despise the
saints the Lord has promised the
poor, and they persecute the meek,
riches of eternity. (D. & C. 38:39;
and their hearts are upon their treas-
67:2; 68:31; 78:18.) These consist
ures; wherefore, their treasure is their
in obtaining eternal life and all that
God. And behold, their treasure shall
perish with them also." (2 Ne. 9:30, is included therein. "Behold, he that
42.) hath eternal life is rich." (D. & C.
6:7; 11:7; 43:25.) Accordingly, those
On another occasion Jacob taught:
"Think of your brethren like unto who gain the riches of eternity will
yourselves, and be familiar with all have a continuation of the family unit
and free with your substance, that in eternity (D. & C. 132); they will
they may be rich like unto you. But progress from grace to grace until they
before ye seek for riches, seek ye for know all things, have all power, and
the kingdom of God. And alter ye are possessors of all the attributes of
have obtained a hope in Christ ye godliness in their perfection (D. & C.
shall obtain riches, ii ye seek them; 50:26-29; 93:6-35); and in addition,
and ye will seek them for the intent because they inherit all that the
to do good-to clothe the naked, and Father hath (D. & C. 76:50-60;
to feed the hungry, and to liberate 84: 38), they will possess lands and
the captive, and administer relief to kingdoms and the good things of the
the sick and the afflicted." (Jae. earth, the things which we view as
2:17-19.) wealth and riches from our mortal

perspective. (D. & C. 38:20; 88:16- and just; they acquire the attributes
29.) of equity, integrity, rectitude, and
But the riches of eternity must be justice; they attain a state of godli-
earned. "Lay not up for yourselves ness.
treasures upon earth," the Lord said, Righteousness brings to pass eter-
"where moth and rust doth corrupt, nal progression. It was the more
and where thieves break through and righteous portion of the. pre-
ea!: But lay up for yourselves existence who kept their first estate
~asures in heaven, where neither and gained the right to come to earth
oth nor rust doth corrupt, and where and receive bodies. Here in mortality
ieves do not break through nor it is the righteous who accept the
:!al: For where· your treasure is, gospel, live its principles, gain the
ere will your heart be also." (Matt. companionship of the Holy Ghost,
19-21.) By developing through gos- and enjoy the peace that passeth un-
,] obedience the attributes of godli- derstanding. Between death and the
•ss in this life, man is assured that resurrectionf the souls of the righteous
will have these godly graces re- find peace and rest in paradise, while
>red to him again in the resurrection the souls of the wicked-those who
,Ima 41:13-15); and thus, having are spiritually dead, meaning dead
d up treasures in heaven, he will "as to things pertaining unto right-
oeive the riches of eternity in the eousness" (Alma 12:16; Hela. 14:18)
1rld 1 to come. -suffer the damnation of hell in
outer darkness. (Alma 40 :11 -14.)
Righteous. SEE PERSONIFICATION. Then in the day of judgment the
righteous have righteousness restored
Righteousness. See CELESTIAL LAw, to them again. (Alma 41:14; Hela.
HEAVEN, Goo, GosPEL, INTEGRITY, Finally, in a state of glorious im-
JUSTICE, LAW, OBEDIENCE, PERFEC-' mortality, "shall the righteous shine
TION, SALVATION, SANCTIFICATION, SoN forth as the sun in the kingdom of
OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, WICKEDNESS. 1. their Father." (Matt. 13:43; 25:46.)
Plainly and simply stated, righteous· "Behold, the righteous, the saints of
ness is the quality and type of living the Holy One of Israel, they who have
that results from obedience to the believed in the Holy One of Israel,
laws and ordinances of the gospel. they who have endured the crosses
No persons are wholly righteous; by of the world, and despised the shame
walking in the light and obeying the of it, they shall inherit the kingdom
celestial law to the extent of theiI of God, which was prepared for them
abilities, however, the saints attain from the foundation of the world, and
a high degree of righteousness; their their .joy shall be full' forever." (2
conduct becomes blameless, upright, Ne. 9·:18; Alma 34:36; 40 :25; I Pet.

4:18; D. & C. 29:27; 76:5.) This fruits of them that slept" ( 1 Cor.
earth, as a glorified, celestial sphere, 15:20; Col. 1:18), and to emphasize
shall be the home of the righteous. the reality of his resurrection with a
(D. & C. 88:16-26.) tangible body of flesh and bones
All of this glory, honor, and pos- (Luke 24:36-48), Christ is often
sible future reward is attainable called the Risen Lord. (Luke 24 :34.)
because of the atoning sacrifice of
Christ. (Rom. 5:18-19.) It is only Robbery. See HONESTY, STEALING,
those who gain the fulness of salva- WICKEDNESS. I. To rob is to commit
tion who will receive the lull reward theft; it is to deprive a person of
promised by our Lord in the Sermon something by force or intimidation.
on the Mount: "Blessed are they "Thou shalt not defraud thy neigh-
which do hunger and thirst alter bour, neither rob him." (Lev. 19: 13.)
righteousness: for they shall be filled." Robbery should be punished by the
(Matt. 5:6.) law of the land (D. & C. 42:84;
2. Since Christ is the Son of Right- 134:8); those guilty of it shall suffer
eousness (2 Ne. 26:9; 3 Ne. 25:2; with the damned in hell, be denied a
Ether 9:22), it follows that God his place in the kingdom of God, and
Father is named Righteousness. This find their final destiny in a sphere
is in keeping with the general prin- no higher than the telestial world.
ciple whereunder members of the 2. False ministers and those per-
Godhead reveal themselves under sons who seek salvation on some other
names which point men's attention terms than those the Lord has laid
to characteristics and attributes which down are classified by him as thieves
are perfected in Deity. Thus God and robbers. They are seeking to
being the embodiment of righteous- gain salvation by deceit and fraud, to
ness chooses that as a name for him- rob God of that eternal reward which
self to certify such truth to his chil- he has decreed shall be conferred only
dren on earth. In like manner he on his terms. "He that entereth not
might call himself Wisdom, Love, by the door into the sheepfold, but
Power, Counsel, Faith, or a great climbeth up some other way, the
number of such type of names. This same is a thief and a robber," he said.
is the same practice as that which (John 10:1-8.) Also, with particular
causes Christ to use the word Holy reference to false ministers, he said:
as one of his names. (Isa. 57:15.) "All that ever came before me who
testified not of me are thieves and
Rights. See INALIENABLE RIGHTS. robbers." (Inspired Version, John
Risen Lord. See CHRIST, LoRD, REs- Describing the apostate conditions
URRECTION. To point attention to his of latter-day churches, Nephi said:
pre-eminent position as "the first- "Their churches have become cor-

rupted. . . They rob the poor be- and for a snare to the inhabitants of
cause of their fine sanctuaries; they Jerusalem. And many among them
rob the poor because of their fine shall stumble, and fall, and be broken,
clothing." (2 Ne. 28:12-13.) This is and be snared, and be taken." (Isa.
particularly true in those nations in 8:14-15.) Both Paul (Rom. 9:33)
which the Catholic Church is the and Peter (I Pet. 2:7-8) record the
dominant religious group. lulfilment of this prophecy.
3. Members of the Church who do
not pay an honest tithing are robbers Rock of Offence. See RocK OF
(Mal. 3:7-12), and the Lord will HEAVEN.
judge them according to the deeds
done in the flesh. Roman Catholic Church. See
Robbing God. See TITHING.
Root of David. See CHRIST, LION OF
Robes of Righteousness. See GAR- THE TRIBE OF JuoAH, SoN OF DAVID,
is the Root of David. (Rev. 5:5;
Rock. See ROCK OF HEAVEN. 22: 16.) This designation signifies
that he who was the Son of David
Rock of Ages. See RocK OF HEAVEN. was also before David, was pre-
eminent above him, and was the root
Rock of Heaven. See CHRIST, LORD or source from which the great king
OF HosTs, STONE OF ISRAEL. Christ in Israel gained his kingdom and
is the Rock (Deut. 32:3-4, 18, 30-31; power.
I Cor. 10:1-4), or the Rock of Heav-
en. (Moses 7:53.) Such name-titles Royal Law. See CHURCH WELFARE
carry a connotation of strength and PLAN.
stability (I Sam. 2:2), as for instance
when David exulted: "The Lord is Ruler. See CHRIST, GOVERNOR, KING,
my rock, and my fortress, and · my LAWGIVER, SHILOH. Christ is the Ruler,
deliverer; The God of my rock; in meaning that he has the natural and
him will I trust: he is my shield, and legal right to rule and reign over the
the horn of my salvation, my high earth and all flesh on its face. (D. &
tower, and my reluge, my saviour." C. 38:21-22; 41 :4; 58 :20.) It is only
(2 Sam. 22:1-4; 23:3; Ps. 18: 1-3, 31.) because of apostasy and rebellion that
One of Isaiah's great Messianic he is kept from ruling in the hearts
prophecies was that the promised of men in the present state of things.
Messiah would be "for a stone of During the millennium he will reign
stumbling and for a rock of offence to personally upon the earth. (Tenth
both the houses of Israel, for a gin Article of Faith.)

Sabaoth. See LoRo OF SABAOTH. Sabbath was kept on a different day

each year. From the days of the early
Sabbath. See DAY, SACRAMENT MEET- apostles to the present, the Sabbath
INGS, SYMBOLISMS, TEN COMMAND- has been the first day of the week,
MENTS, WORK. Pursuant to divine the Lord's Day, in commemoration
command men are to rest from all of the fact that Christ came forth
temporal work and to worship the from the grave on Sunday. (Acts
Lord one day each week. This day 20:7.) The Latter-day Saints keep
-no matter which day of the week is the first day of the week as their
involved- is called the Sabbath, from Sabbath, not in imitation of what
the Hebrew shabbath meaning day any peoples of the past have done,
of rest. The rest, though important, but because the Lord so commanded
is incidental to the true keeping of them by direct revelation. (D. & C.
the Sabbath. What is more impor- 59.)
tant is that the Sabbath is an holy Sabbath observance was a sign be-
day-a day of worship, one in which tween ancient Israel and their God
men turn their whole souls to the whereby the chosen people might be
Lord, renew their covenants with known (Neh. 13:15-22; Isa. 56:1-8;
him, and feed their souls upon the Jer. 17:19-27; Ezek 46:1-7); death
things of the Spirit. was the decreed penalty for violation
Sabbath observance is an eternal of it. (Ex. 31:12-17.) And the matter
principle, and the day itself is so of Sabbath observance remains to
ordained and arranged that it bears this day as one of the great tests
record of Christ by pointing partic- which divides the righteous from the
ular attention to great works he has worldly and wicked.
performed. From the day of Adam Sunday being the Lord's Day, it
to the Exodus from Egypt, the Sab- is a day on which men should do the
bath commemorated the fact that Lord's work, and do it exclusively.
Christ rested from his creative labors There should be no work of a tem-
on the 7th day. (Ex. 20:8-11.) From poral nature. no recreation, no un-
the Exodus to the day of his resurrec- necessary travel, no joy riding, and
tion, the Sabbath commemorated the the like. The Sabbath is a day for
deliverance of Israel from Egyptian affirmative spiritual worship, aside
bondage. (Deut. 5:12-15.) As Sam- from which, "thou shalt do none other
uel Walter Gamble has pointed out thing, only let thy food be prepared
in his Sunday, the True Sabbath of with singleness of heart." (D. & C.
God, this necessarily means that the 59:13.)

Sacerdotalism. See PRIESTHOOD. Sacer- by prayer and supplications, with

dotalism is the doctrine that special fasting, and sackcloth, and ashes:
powers and rights necessary to the And I prayed unto the Lord my God,
ministry are conferred by ordination. and made my confession." (Dan.
Obviously this is a true principle. "A 9:3-4; Isa. 58:5; I Kings 21:17-29.)
man must be called of God, by proph- Sackcloth and ashes ( accompanied
ecy, and by the laying on of hands, by the fasting, prayer, and turning to
by those who are in authority, to the Lord that attended their ·use)
preach the Gospel and administer in became a symbol of the most sincere
the ordinances thereof." (Fifth Article and humble repentance. By the
of Faith.) mouth of Abinadi, the Lord said of
King Noah's wicked followers, "Ex-
Sackcloth and Ashes. See FASTING, cept they repent in sackcloth and
MOURNING, SORROW, WEEPING. A ashes, and cry mightily to the Lord
coarse, dark cloth made of hair of their God, I will not hear their
camels and goats and used anciently prayers, neither will I deliver them
for making sacks and bags was called out of their afflictions." (Mosiah
sackcloth. It was also used for making I I :25; Hein. 11 :9.) It was by re-
the rough garments worn by mourn- penting in sackcloth and ashes that
ers, and so it became fixed in the Nineveh was saved following the dire
prophetic mind as a symbol for sor- predictions of Jonah. (Jonah 3:5-6.)
row and mourning. If was the cus- Our Lord said of Chorazin and Beth-
tom for mourners, garbed in sackcloth, saida, "If the mighty works had been
either to sprinkle ashes upon them- done in Tyre and Sidon, which have
selves or to sit in piles of ashes, been done in you, they had a great
thereby showing their joy had per- while ago repented, sitting in sack-
ished or been destroyed. (Gen. 37 :34; cloth and ashes." (Luke 10:13.)
Esther 4:1-3; Isa. 61:3; Jer. 6:26.)
The use of sackcloth and ashes Sacrament. See ATONEMENT OF
anciently was also a token of hu- CHRIST, BAPTISM, PRIESTS, SACRAMENT
mility and ·penitence. When righteous MEETINGS, SACRAMENTS, SACRIFICES,
persons used the covering of sack- SYMBOLISMS, TRANSUBSTANTIATION. To
cloth and the sprinkling of ashes to replace the ordinance of sacrifice
aid them in attaining the spiritual (which pointed the attention of the
strength to commune with Deity, sa'ints forward to the coming sacrifice
their usage was always accompanied of the Son of God), our Lord during
by fasting and prayer. Daniel, for his mortal ministry instituted the
instance, prefaced the record of one ordinance of the sacrament ( to point
of his great petitions to the throne the attention of his saints, after his
of grace with this explanation: "I set death, back to the great atoning sac-
my face unto the Lord God, to seek rifice which he had wrought) .

Assembling his apostles in an upper and spilled blood of Him who was
room on the occasion of the Feast of crucified for the sins of the world; 2.
the Passover ( a least which itself To take upon themselves the name
symbolized many of the events which of Christ and always remember him;
were to attend his coming sacrifice), and 3. To keep the commandments of
"And as they were eating, Jesus took God, that is, to "live by every word
bread and brake it, and blessed it, that proceedeth forth from the mouth
and gave to his disciples, and said, of God." (D. & C. 84:44.)
Take, eat; this is in remembrance of As his part of the contract, the
my body which I give a ransom for Lord covenants: I. That such worthy
you. And he took the cup, and gave saints shall have his Spirit to be with
thanks, and gave it to them, saying, them; and 2. That in due course they
Drink ye all of it. For this is in re- shall inherit eternal life. (D. & C.
membrance of my blood of the new 20:75-79; Moro. 4; 5.) "Whoso eateth
testament, which is shed for as many my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath
as shall believe on my name, for the eternal life; and I will raise him up
remission of their sins." (Inspired at the last day." (John 6:54.) In the
Version, Matt. 26:22-25; Mark 14:20- light of these covenants, promises, and
25; Luke 22:17-20; King James Ver- blessings, is it any wonder that the
sion, Matt. 26:26-29; Mark 14:22-25; Lord commanded: "It is expedient
Luke 22:15-20.) that the church meet together often
By partaking of the sacrament, to partake of bread and wine in the
worthy saints renew the covenant remembrance of the Lord Jesus." (D.
previously made by them in the wa- & C. 20:75; Doctrines of Salvation,
ters of baptism (Mosiah 18:7-10); vol. 2, pp. 338-350.)
unbaptized children, being without "Ye shall not suffer any one know-
sin, are entitled and expected to par- ingly to partake of my flesh and blood
take of the sacrament to prefigure unworthily, when ye shall minister
the covenant they will take upon it," the Lord commanded, "For
themselves when they arrive at the whoso eateth and drinketh my flesh
years of accountability. Worthy par- and blood unworthily eateth and
takers of the sacrament put themselves drinketh damnation to his soul." (3
in perfect harmony with the Lord. Ne. 18:28-29.) And Paul added:
(3 Ne. 18.) As indicated by our "For this cause many are weak and
Lord's statement they gain "the re- sickly among you, and many sleep."
mission of their sins." (Inspired Ver- ( I Cor. II :23-30.) Apostates and
sion, Matt. 26:24.) unrepentant members of the Church
Those who partake of the sacra- thus reap damnation by mocking God
ment worthily thereby put themselves in unworthily partaking of the sacra-
under covenant with the Lord: I. To ment.
always remember the broken body Bread and wine or water are "the

emblems of the flesh and blood of ceive instruction in the doctrines of

Christ" (D. & C. 20:40); expressions the kingdom; to worship the Almighty
relative to the partaking of his flesh in song, prayer, and _sermon.
and blood are figurative and not lit- Lectures, concerts, talks on any sub-
eral. The so-called doctrine of tran- jects except the doctrines of the gos-
substantiation which teaches that all pel, and entertainment of any sort
who partake of the sacrament are lit- are wholly out of place and should
erally eating the body and drinking not be pei'mitted in sacrament meet-
the blood of Christ is a wicked and ings. T hese meetings are designed to
ridiculous apostate innovation. be reverent, solemn occasions to which
Few ordinances or performances in the Spirit of the Lord may come with-
the Church act as a greater incentive out restraint, and as a result of which
to personal righteousness than worthy the saints will be built up in faith,
partaking of the sacrament. Those testimony, •and desires to serve God
who partake of the sacramental em- and keep his commandments. To the
blems-having a comprehension of extent that sacrament meetings fall
the covenant involved-are marking short of these high standards they
for themselves a course which will become a mockery of what the Lord
result in obedience, holiness, and intended them to be. (Doctrines of
sanctification. Such persons-having Salvation, vol. 2, pp. 340-344.)
placed themselves in the spirit of
prayer, humility, and worship which Sacraments. See COVE NANTS, FASTING,
attend sacramental administrations- FAST MEETINGS, OBLATIONS, S ACRA-
become the ones who gain peace in MENT M EETINGS, Vows. I. To his
this life and eternal life in the world saints the Lord commands: "Go to the
to come. house of prayer and offer up thy
sacraments upon my holy day. . . .
Sacrament Meetings. See CONFER- On this, the Lord's day, thou shalt
ENCES, FAST M EETINGS, SABBATH, offer thine oblations and thy sacra-
SOLEMN ASSEMBLIES. To comply with ments unto the Most High." (D. & C:
the revelation in which the Lord com- 59:9-12; 62:-!; "89: 5.) A sacrament
mands his saints, "Go to the house is a spiritual covenant between God
of prayer and offer up thy sacraments and man. In the Church the Lord
upon my holy day" (D. & C. 59:9), has provided the ordinance of the
the Church directs the holding of sacrament-with the solemn cove-
weekly sacrament meetings in all its nants which attend it- as the occasion
organized units. These are the most when these personal sacraments shall
solemn and sacred meetings in the be offered up, that is when personal
Church. Their purpose is to enable covenants shall be made by those who
the saints to renew their covenants love the Lord.
by partaking of the sacrament; to re- The saints offer up their sacraments

when they covenant with the Lord, dispensation of the fulness of times.
as part of the ordinance of the sac- (Jos. Smith 2: 15-20.)
rament, to always remember his Son, Ever s•ince, this chosen site, hal-
to take upon them the name of Christ, lowed by Deity's personal presence,
and to keep the commandments of has been known by the saints as the
God. Any personal sacraments, that Sacred Grove. It is not a shrine in ·
is, covenants or determinations to the sense that many apostate churches
serve God, may be included in the have shrines, nor is there any sanc-
vows thus made when one partakes tity now attached to the trees and
of the sacrament. land there located. But it is a spot
2. In apostate churches, the sac- held sacred in the hearts of those who
raments are said to be certain re- believe the truths of salvation, be-
ligious ceremonies or rites. Both cause they glory in the transcenclent
Roman and Greek Catholics name event which there took place.
seven so-called sacraments: baptism,
confirmation, eucharist, penance, ex- Sacrifice. See CoNSECRATI0N, OBEDI-
treme unction, holy orders, and matri- ENCE, PLAN OF SALVATION, SACRIFICES,
mony. Protestants generally name SECOND ESTATE. Sacrifice is the
only two: baptism and the Lord's crowning test of the gospel. Men are
Supper. In the true Church the rites tried and tested in this morta pro-
and ceremonies of the gospel are not bation to see if the will put first in
classified or categorized as sacraments. t err rves t e thin s of t e kin dam
o Go . alt. 6:33.) To gain eter-
Sacred Grove. See FIRST V1s10N, Jo- nal life, they must be willing, if called
SEPH SMITH THE PROPHET, SHRINES. upon, to sacrifice all things for the
In the spring of 1820, Joseph Smith, gospel. "If thou wilt be perfect,"
Jr., then in his 15th year, was living Jesus said to the rich youn° man "go
with his father's family in the town- and sell that thou hast, and give to
ship of Palmyra, New York. A short the poor, and thou shalt have treasure
distance west of the family home was in heaven: and come and follow me.H
a grove of large trees. It was to a Hearing this injunction, Peter said:
secluded spot in this wooded area that "Behold, we have forsaken all, and
the young man was led by the Spirit followed thee; what shall we have
when he determined within himself therefore?" To this query our Lord
to seek wisdom from God as to which replied: "Every one that hath for-
of all the churches was right and saken houses, or brethren, or sisters,
which he should join. It was there or father, or mother, or wife, or chil-
that the Father and the Son person- dren, or lands, for my name's sake,
ally appeared to him, in accordance shall receive an hundredfold, and
with their eternal plan, .for the hour shall inherit ever/a.sting life." (Matt.
had come for the ushering in of the 19:16-29; D. & C. 132:55.)

Joseph Smith taught the law of not, nor will not seek his face in vain.
sacrifice in these words: "For a man Under these circumstances then he
to lay down his all, his character and can obtain the faith necessary for him
reputation, his honor, and applause, to lay hold on eternal life.
his good name among men, his houses, "It is vain for persons to fancy to
his lands, his brothers and sisters, his themselves that they are heirs with
wife and children, and even his own those, or can be heirs with them, who
life-------<:ounting all things but filth and have offered their all in sacrifice, and
dross for the excellency of the knowl- by this means obtained faith in God
edge of Jesus Christ-requires more and favor with him so as to obtain
than mere belief or supposition that eternal life, unless they, in like man-
he is doing the will of God; but actual ner, offer unto him the same sacri-
knowledge, realizing that, when th.ese fice, and through that offering obtain
sufferings are ended, he will enter the knowledge that they are accepted
into eternal rest, and be a partaker of him. . . .
of the glory of God. . . . "From the days of righteous Abel
HA religion that does not re uire to the present time, the knowledge
the · sacri ce of all things never has that men have that the y are accepted
power sufficient to produce the aith ·in the sight of God is obtained by
necessary to ead ] unto li fe and offering sacrifice . .
salvation; for, from the istence "Those, then, who make the sacri-
~ e faith necessary unto the fice, will have the testimony that their
enjoyment of life and salvation never course is pleasing in the sight of God;
could be obtained without the sacri- and those who have this testimony
fice of all earthly things. It was will have faith to lay hold on eternal
through this sacrifi ce, and this only, life; and will . be enabled, through
that God has ordained that men faith, to endure unto the end, and
sh ould enioy eternal life; and it is receive the crown that is laid up for
through the medium of the -~ them that love the appearing of our
of all earthly things that men do Lord Jesus Christ. But those who do
actually know that they are doing not make the sacrifice cannot enjoy
the things that are well pleasing in this faith because men are depend-
the sight of God. When a man has ent upon this sacrifice in order to
offered in sacrifice all that he has obtain this faith: therefore, they can-
for the truth's sake, not even with- not lay hold upon eternal life, because
holding his life, and believing before iiie revelations of God do not guaran-
God that he has been called to make tee unto them the authority so to do,
this sacrifice because he seeks to do and w ithout this guarantee faith
, his will, he does know, most assuredly, could not exist." (Lectures on Faith,
that God does and will accept his pp. 58-bU.)
sacrifice and offering, and that he has Sacrifice pertains to mortality; in

the eternal sense there is none. Sac-

rifice involves giving up the things
of this world because of the promises
of blessings to be gained in a better
world. In the eternal perspective ways so arranged as to point attention
there is no sacrifice in giving up all iooiirI::orcl's sacri ce. The sacrificial
things- even including the laying offering made in connection with the
down of one's life-if eternal life is Passover, the killing of the Paschal
gained through such a course. (D. & Lamb, for instance, was so arranged
C. 98: 13-15.) that a male lamb of the first year,
one without spot or blemish, was
Sacrifices. See ATONEMENT OF CHRIST, chosen; in the offering the blood was
CHRIST, LEVITES, SACRAMENT, SACRI- spilled and care was taken to break
FICE,SYMBOLISMS. Alter Adam and no bones-all symbolical of the man-
Eve were cast out of the Garden of ner of Christ's death. (Ex. 12.) Many
Eden, the Lord "gave unto them com- sacrificial details were added to the
mandments, that they should worship law as it operated in the Mosaic dis-
the Lord their God and should offer pensation, but the basic principles
the fi rstlings of their flocl<S, for an governing sacrifices are part of the
. offering unto the Lord. And Adam gospel itself and preceded Moses and
was obedient unto the commandments the lesser order which came through
of the Lord. And after many days him.
an angel of the Lord appeared unto The offering of sacrifices as a gen-
Adam, saying: Why dost thou offer erally practiced ordinance of the gos-
sacrifices unto the Lord? And Adam pel ended with the sacrifice of Christ;
said unto him: I know not, save the the sacrament became the newly
Lord commanded me. And then the established ordinance which served
angel spake, saying : This thing is a the same purpose that sacrifices had
similitude of the sacrifi ce of the Only theretofore served.
Begotten of the Father which is ull Amulek, in teaching the doctrine
o grace and truth. Wherefore, thou of the atonement, included this ex-
shalt do all that thou doest in the planation about sacrifice : "It is ex-
name of the Son, and thou shalt re- pedient that there should be a great
pent and call upon God in the name and last sacrifice; yea, not a sacrifice
of the Son forevermore." (Moses of man, neither of beast, neither of
5:5-8,) any manner of fowl; for it shall not
Thus sacrifice was first instituted be a human sacrifice; but it must be
an infinite and eternal sacrifice. Now
there is not any man that can sacri-
fice his own blood which will atone
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the· sins of another. Now, ii a

man murdereth, behold will our law, ness those offerings which they made
which is just, take the life of his in ancient days. (D. & C. 13.)
brother? I say unto you, Nay. But Malachi foretold that such offerings
the law requireth the life of him who would be attended to again in the
hath murdered; therefore there can day of the Second Coming of Christ.
be nothing which is short of an in- (Mal. 3: 1-4.) Joseph Smith, com-
finite atonement which will suffice menting upon Malachi's prophecy,
for the sins of the world. Therefore, explained how this could be: "It is
it is expedient that there should be generally supposed that sacrifice was
a great and last sacrifice; and then entirely done away when the great
shall there be, or it is expedient there sacrifice, the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus
should be, a stop to the shedding of was offered up, and that there will be
blood; then shall the law of Moses no necessity for the ordinance of sac-
be fulfilled; yea, it shall be all ful - rifice in [ the J future; but those who
filled, every jot and tittle, and none assert this are certainly not acquainted
shall have passed away. And behold, with the duties, privileges and author-
this is the whole meaning of the law, ity of the priesthood, or with the
every whit pointing to that great and prophets.
last sacrifice; and that great and last "The offering of sacrifice has ever
sacrifice will be the Son of God, yea, been connected and forms a part of
infinite and eternal." (Alma 34: 10- the duties of the priesthood. It began
14; 2 Ne. 2:7.) Paul taught at some with the priesthood, and will be con-
length, though not so plainly, these tinued until after the coming of
same truths. (Heb. 7; 8; 9; IO.) Christ, from generation to generation.
To the Nephites, the risen Lord We frequently have mention made
commanded: "Ye shall offer up unto of the offering of sacrifice by the serv-
me no more the shedding of blood; ants of the Most High in ancient days,
yea, your sacrifices and your burnt prior to the law of Moses; which ordi-
offerings shall be done away, for I nances will be continued when the
will accept none of your sacrifices and priesthood is restored. with all its
your burnt offerings. And ye shall authority, power and blessings..
offer for a sacrifice u nto me a broken "These sacrifices, as well as every
heart and a contrite spirit." (3 Ne. ordinance belonging to the priesthood,
9:19-20.) will, when the Temple of the Lord
T o complete the restoration of all shall be built, and the sons of Levi
things, apparently on a one-time be purified, be fully restored and at-
basis, sacrifices will again be offered tended to in all their powers, rami-
in this dispensation. John the Baptist, fications, and blessings. This ever
for instance, brought back the com- did and ever will exist when the
mission and power whereby the sons powers' of the Melchizedek Priesthood
of Levi shall offer again in righteous- are sufficiently manifest; else how can

the restitution of all things spoken HOLINESS, MORMONS, PROPHETS, SALT

of by the holy prophets be brought to OF THE EARTH, SANCTIFICATION. Faith~
pass. It is not to be understood that ful members of the Church and king-
the law of Moses will be established dom of God on earth are called saints
again with all its rites and variety (I Ne. 14:12, 14; Acts 9:32, 41; Eph.
of ceremonies; this has never been I: I), a title signifying that they have
spoken of by the prophets; but those been cleansed by baptism and are
things which existed prior to Moses' pure and clean before the Lord. (2
day, namely sacrifice, will be contin- Ne. 9: 18.) Ancient Israel, for in-
ued." (Teachings, pp. 172-173; (Doc- stance, consisted of a "congregation of
trines of Salvation, vol. 3, p. 94.) saints" (Ps. 149:1), and the term is
As a natural historical development, one of the most frequently used des-
perverted and apostate forms of sacri- ignations of the Lord's people. Paul,
fice found place among the apostate in speaking of the Second Coming of
portions of humankind. The most our Lord, pointedly recorded that the
abominable of all these perversions of true believers in the last days would
the truth has been the offering of be called saints, for Christ "shall
human sacrifices. Even the house of come to be glorified in his saints, and
Judah, at one apostate period, offered to be admired in all them that be-
its sons and daughters as sacrifices lieve." (2 Thess. I: 10.) The only true
to the god Molech. (Jer. 7:29-34.) saints in this day are thus members
Captive Nephite women and children of The Church of Jesus Christ of
were offered in sacrifices to idols by Latter-day Saints. Saints are named
the Lamanites in some of the final nearly 40 times in the Old Testament,
struggles of those then apostate rem- over 60 times in the New Testament,
nants of Israel. (Morm. 4:14-15, 21.) about 30 times in the Book of Mor-
The Aztecs offered scores of thousands mon, and over 70 times in the
of human sacrifices in the days of Doctrine and Covenants.
Cortez. The plan of salvation consists in
False and apostate sacrifices, as putting off "the natural man," who
with all perversions of the truth, have "is an enemy to God," and in becom-
no saving power. "The things which ing Ha saint through the atonement
the Gentiles sacrifice," Paul said, of Christ the Lord." Saints are "sub-
"they sacrifice to devils, and not to missive, meek, humble, patient, full
God." (I Cor. 10:20.) of love, willing to submit to all things
which the Lord seeth fit to inflict
Sacrificial Lamb. See LAMB OF Goo. upon" them. (Mosiah 3:19.)
The saints from the beginning on
Saints. See BELIEVERS, BRETHREN, down who had preceded our Lord in
CHRISTIANS, CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST death were with him in his resurrec-
OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, DISCIPLES, tion. (Matt. 27:51-53; Hela. 14:25;

3 Ne. 23:9-11; D. & C. 133:53-55.) Have salt in yourselves, and have

Saints who have lived since then will peace one with another." (Mark 9:50;
be resurrected in the coming first res- Matt. 5:13; Luke 14:34-35; 3 Ne.
urrection (D. & C. 43:18), will be 12:13.)
with Christ in · the great events inci- Only the saints of God who keep
dent to his Second Coming (I Thess. the commandments are the salt of
3:13; Jude 14; D. & C. 133:56), and the earth. "When men are called
finally "all the saints shall dwell with unto mine everlasting gospel, and
God." (Moro. 8:26.) covenant with an everlasting cove~
nant," the Lord says, "they are ac-
Salem. See NEw JERUSALEM. counted as the salt of the earth and
the savor of men; They are called to
Salt of the Earth. See SACRIFICES, be the savor of men; therefore, if that
SAINTS. Among the ancient Hebrews salt of the earth lose its savor, behold,
salt was an indispensable element it is thenceforth good for nothing
having both temporal and spiritual only to be cast out and trodden under
uses. It was used as a preservative, the feet of men." (D. & C. IOI :39-40;
in seasoning food, and in all animal 103:9-10.) Salt is the symbol; "it is
sacrifices. (Lev. 2: 13; Ezek. 43:24; a covenant of salt." (Num. 18:19.)
Mark 9 :49-50.) So essential was it
to the sacrificial ordinance that it was Salutations. See OBEISANCE. Among
the symbol of the covenant made be- the saints, saluta.tions of kindness, re-
tween God and his people in connec- spect, and love are the accepted order.
tion with that sacred performance. (Luke 1:40; Rom. 16; 1 Pet. 5:13.)
(Lev. 2:13; Num. 18:19; 2 Chron. They are the natural outgrowth of the
13:5.) true fellowship which is part of the
Accordingly, our Lord's siatement, brotherhood of Christ. Similar greet-
made first to the Jews and then to ings are found among all peoples.
that other great body of Hebrews, the The usual greeting in Arabic among
Nephites, that they had power "to be Moslems is, "Peace to you"; the reply
the salt of the earth," takes on great -"To you, peace."
significance. (Inspired Version, Matt. In commanding the saints to build
5:15; 3 Ne. 12:13.) They had power, the Kirtland Temple, the Lord speci-
in other words, to be the seasoning, fied that it should be "a house of
savoring, preserving influence in the God; That your incomings may be
world, the influence which would in the name of the Lord; that your
bring peace and blessings to all others. outgoings may be in the name of the
It was this concept that caused our Lord; that all your salutations may
Lord to say such things as, "Salt is be in the name of the Lord, with up-
good: but if the salt have lost his salt- lifted hands unto the Most High."
ness, wherewith will ye season it? (D. & C. 88:119-120; 109:9, 19.)

Salutations used in the School of the This kind of salvation eventually

Prophets included these words: " I will come to all mankind, excepting
salute you in the name of the Lord only the sons of perdition. In their
Jesus Christ, in token or reme~brance case, after their resurrection, "they
of the everlasting covenant." (D. & shall return again to their own place"
C. 88: 133-135.) To the Romans, (D. & C. 88:32); alter coming forth
Paul gave the counsel: "Salute one in immortality and standing before
another with an holy kiss." (Rom. the judgment bar, because they are
16:16.) Our Lord condemned the "filthy still, . . . they shall go away
scribes and Pharisees for their osten- into everlasting fire, prepared for
tatious and insincere salutations. them; and their torment is as a lake
(Matt. 23:7; Mark 12:38.) of fire and brimstone, whose flame
ascendeth up forever and ever and
Salvation. SEE ATONEMENT OF CHRIST, has no end." (2 Ne. 9:13-16.) They
CELESTIAL Boorns, CELESTIAL GLORY, are resurrected, but they are not
CELESTIAL KINGDOM, CELESTIAL LAW, redeemed from the devil. "They shall
CELESTIAL SPIRITS, DAMNATION, ELI- be as though there had been no re-
JAH THE PROPHET, ETERNAL LIFE, demption made; for they cannot be
ETERNAL LIVES, EXALTATION, Gon- redeemed according to God's justice;
HOOD, HEAVEN, IMMORTALITY, INTER- and they cannot die, seeing there is
CESSION, JOSEPH SMITH THE PROPHET, no more corruption." (Alma 12:18.)
JUDGMENT DAY, K1NGOOM OF Goo, Thus it is that the Lord "saves all the
KINGDOMS OF GLORY, MANSIONS, ME- works of his hands, except those sons
DIATION, PERFECTION, PLAN OF SALVA- of perdition who deny the Son after
TION, REDEMPTION, RESURRECTION, the Father has revealed him." (D. &
SALVATION BY GRACE, SALVATION FOR C. 76:40-48.) All others are saved
THE DEAD, SALVATION OF CHILDREN, from death, hell, the devil, and end-
SAVIOR, SECOND CHANCE THEORY, less torment. (2 Ne. 9:18-27.)
TELESTIAL BODIES, TELESTIAL GLORY, But this is not the salvation of
TELESTIAL KINGDOM, TELESTIAL LAW, righteousness, the salvation which
TERRESTRIAL BODIES, TERRESTRIAL the saints seek. Those who gain only
GLORY, TERRESTRIAL KINGDOM, TER- this general or unconditional salva-
RESTRIAL LAW. I. Unconditional or tion will still be judged according to
general salvation, that which comes their works and receive their places
by grace alone without obedience to in a terrestrial or a telestial kingdom.
gospel law, consists in the mere fact They will, therefore, be damned; their
of being resurrected. In this sense eternal progression will be cut short;
salvation is synonymous with immor- they will not fill the lull measure of
tality; it is the inseparable connection their creation, but in eternity will be
of body and spirit so that the resur- ministering servants to more worthy
rected personage lives forever. persons.

2. Conditional or individual sal- meaning · is synonymous with exalta•

vation, that which comes by grace tion or eternal life and consists in
coupled with gospel obedience, con- gaining an inheritance in the highest
sists in receiving an inheritance in the of the three heavens within the ce-
celestial kingdom of God. This kind lestial kingdom. With few exceptions
of salvation follows faith, repentance, this is · the salvation of which the
baptism, receipt of the Ghost, scriptures speak. It is the salvation
and continued righteousness to the which the saints seek. It is of this
end of one's mortal probation. (D. which the Lord says, "There is no
& C. 20:29; 2 Ne. 9:23-24.) All others gift greater than the gift of salvation."
are damned, for as Amulek said: (D. & C. 6:13.) This full salvation
"How can ye be saved, except ye in- is obtained in and through the con-
herit the kingdom of heaven?" Fur- tinuation of the family unit in eter-
ther·: Christ "shall come into the nity, and those who obtain it are
world to redeem his people; and he gods. (D.&C.131:1-4; 132.)
shall take upon him the transgres- Full salvation is attained by virtue
sions of those who believe on his of knowledge, truth, righteousness,
name; and these are they that shall and all true principles. Many condi-
have eternal life, and salvation cometh tions must exist in order to make such
to none else. Therefore the wicked salvation available to men. Without
remain as though there had been no the atonement, the gospel, the priest-
redemption made, except it be the hood, and the sealing power, there
loosing of the bands of death; for would be no salvation. Without con-
behold, the day cometh that all shall tinuous revelation, the ministering of
rise from the dead and stand before angels, the working of miracles, the
God, and be judged according to their prevalence of gifts of the spirit, there
works." (Alma 11:37-41.) would be no salvation. If it had not
Even those in the celestial kingdom, been · for Joseph Smith and the res-
however, who do not go on to exalta- toration, there would be no salvation.
tion, will have immortality only and There is no salvation outside The
noi eternal life.· Along with those of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
the telestial and terrestrial worlds they Saints. (Doctrin~s of Salvation, vol.
will be "ministering servants, to min- 2, pp. 1-350.)
ister for those who are worthy of a
far more, and an exceeding, and an Salvation by Grace. See ATONEMENT
eternal weight of glory." They will OF CHRIST, ETERNAL LIFE, EXALTA-
live "separately and singly" in an TION, GRACE OF GOD, IMMORTALITY,
unmarried state "without exaltation, RESURRECTION, SALVATION. Since all
in their saved condition, to all eter- good things come by the grace of God
nity." (D. & C. 132:16-17.) (that is, by his love, mercy, and con-
3. Salvation in its true and full descension), it follows that salvation

itself-in all its forms and degrees- the laws and ordinances of the gospel.
is bestowed because of this infinite (Third Article of Faith.) Those who
goodness . However, one of the most gain it are "raised in immortality unto
damnable doctrines of an apostate eternal life." (D. & C. 29:43; 2 Ne.
Christendom is the concept that man 9:22-24.) Immortality comes by
can gain salvation (meaning in the grace alone, but those who gain it
kingdom of God) by grace alone and may find themselves damned in eter-
without obedience. This doctrine of nity. (Alma 11:37-45.) Eternal life,
the devil has the obvious effect of the kind of life enjoyed by eternal
lessening the determination- of an beings in the celestial kingdom, comes
individual to conform to all of the by grace plus obedience. And the
laws and ordinances of the gospel, very opportunity to follow the course
such conformity being essential if the of good works which will lead to that
sought for reward is in reality to be salvation sought by the saints comes
gained. also by the grace of God. (Doctrines
Immortality is a free gift and comes · of Salvation, vol. 2, pp. 306-31 I.)
without works or righteousness of any Thus Nephi wrote: "Be reconciled
sort; all men will come forth in the to God; for we know that it is by grace
resurrection because of the atoning that we are saved, after all we can
sacrifice of Christ. (I Cor. 15:22.) do." (2 Ne. 25:23.) Again: "Recon-
In and of itself the resurrection is a cile yourselves to the will of God, and
form of salvation meaning t_h at men not to the will of the devil and the
are thereby saved from death, hell, flesh; and remember, after ye are rec-
the devil, and endless torment. (2 Ne. onciled unto God, that it is only in
9:17-27.) "O the wisdom of God, and through the grace of God that
his mercy and grace! For behold, if ye are saved." (2 Ne. 10:24.) And
the flesh should rise no more our thus Moroni recorded: "Come unto
spirits · must become subject to that Christ, and be perfected in him, and
angel who fell from before the pres- deny yourselves of all ungodliness;
ence of the Eternal God, and became and if ye shall deny yourselves of all
the devil, to rise no more." (2 Ne. ungodliness, and love God with all
9:8.) In this sense, the mere fact of your might, mind and strength, then
resurrection is called salvation by is his grace sufficient for you, that by
grace alone . Works are not involved, his grace ye may be perfect in Christ;
neither the works of the Mosaic law and if by the grace of God ye are
nor the works of righteousness that perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise
go with the lulness of the •gospel. deny the power of God. And again,
Salvation in the celestial kingdom if ye by the grace of God are perfect
of God, however, is not salvation by in Christ, and deny not his power,
grace alone. Rather, it is salvation then are ye sanctified in Christ by
by grace coupled with obedience to the grace of God, through the shed-

ding of the blood of Christ, which is of himself could not bring it to pass]:
in the covenant of the Father unto Not of works, lest any man should
the remission of your sins, that ye boast [meaning that salvation cannot
become holy, without spot." (Moro. come by the works of man, and spe-
10:32-33.) cifically not by the works or perform-
Paul had occasion to teach the ances of the Mosaic dispensation].
Ephesian Saints that salvation in the For we are his workmanship; created
kingdom of God did not result from in Christ Jesus unto good works,
the ordinances and performances which God hath -before ordained that
(meaning, the works) of the Mosaic we should walk in them [meaning
dispensation, but that it came because that obedience is essential to celestial
of the grace of God coupled with salvation]." Paul then goes on to
faith and gospel obedience (meaning, compare the performances (works)
the works inherent in gospel obedi- of the Mosaic day, that is, "the law
ence). The passage, though not pre- of commandments contained in ordi-
served for us with the same clarity nances," with the gospel requirement
as is common through most of the that obedience is essential to salva -
body of holy writ, is nevertheless tion, explaining that only "by the
plain and clear to those having an blood of Christ" can man be recon-
understanding of the doctrine of sal- ciled unto God. (Eph. 2.)
vation by grace.
"God, who is rich in mercy," Paul Salvation for the Dead. See BAPTISM
explained, "for his great love where:. FOR THE D EAD, ELIJAH TH E PROPHET,
with he loved us, Even when we were H ELL, PLAN OF SALVATION, SALVATION,
dead in sins, hath quickened us to- SAVIORS ON MOUNT ZION, SECOND
gether with Christ, (by grace ye are CHANCE THEORY, SPIRIT PRISON,
saved [meaning in the celestial king- S PIRIT WORLD, TE MPLE ORDINANCES,
dom]); And hath raised us up to- TE MPLES, VICARIOUS ORDINANCES.
gether, and made us sit together in There is no death, and there are no
heavenly places in Christ Jesus dead, unto the Lord-all are alive
[ meaning in the celestial kingdom J: unto him. "God is not the God of
That in the ages to come he might the dead, but of the living" (Matt.
shew the exceeding riches of his grace 22:32), our Lord said with reference
in his kindness toward us through to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, who
Christ Jesus. For by grace are ye had long before died as men count
saved through faith [meaning salva- death, but who were alive as the Lord
tion in the celestial kingdom]; and views things in his eternal perspective.
that not of yourselves: it is the gilt Since the Lord views man's progress
of God [meaning that salvation in from the pre-existent state to an even-
the kingdom of God is predicated on tual inheritance in one of the degrees
the atonement of Christ and that man of glory as one continuing course, it

is not material (from the eternal per- Salvation of Beasts. See RESURREC
spective) whether the opportunity to TION.
accept the gospel of salvation comes
in this mortal sphere or in the spirit Salvation of Children. See AccoUNT-
world hereafter. Sometime after birth ABILITY, ATONEMENT OF CHRIST,
into this life and before the resurrec- EXALTATION, INFANT BAPTISM, ORIGI-
tion and judgment, every living soul NAL SIN THEORY, REDEMPTION, RE-
will hear the gospel message and be PENTANCE, RESURRECTION, SALVATION,
judged by his reaction thereto. The
millions who pass to the spirit world
without receiving an opportunity dur- to the wicked heresies prevailing in
ing mortality to hear the truths of an apostate Christendom, little chil-
salvation will receive their chance dren are saved through the atonement
of Christ, without any act on their
subsequent to what men call death.
part or on the part of any other person
The great principles and procedures for them. "Every spirit of man was
whereby the saving truths of the gos- innocent in the beginning," the Lord
pel are offered to, accepted by, and says, meaning that in the morning of
made binding upon the departed dead, pre-existence, in the day of their
comprise the doctrine of salvation for spirit birth, before some began to use
the dead. Pursuant to this doctrine their agency to break divine law, all
the principles of salvation are taught the spirit offspring of the Father were
in the spirit world, leaving the ordi- innocent, pure, untainted with sin.
nances thereof to be performed in this Then the Lord adds: "And God hav-
life on a vicarious~proxy basis. By ing redeemed man from the fall, men
accepting the gospel in the spirit became again, in their infant state,
world, and because the ordinances of innocent before God." (D. & C.
salvation and exaltation are performed 93:38.) That is, because of the grace
vicariously in this world, the worthy of God, manifested through the aton-
ing sacrifice of our Lord, all spirits
dead can become heirs of the fulness
begin their mortal life in a state of
of the Father's kingdom. Salvation innocence and purity without sin or
for the dead is the system whereunder taint of any sort attaching to them.
those who would have accepted the "Little children are redeemed from
gospel in this life had they been per- the foundation of the world through
mitted to hear it, will have the chance mine Only Begotten," the Lord has
to accept it in the spirit world, and revealed. "Wherefore, they cannot
will then be entitled to all the bless- sin, for power is not given unto Satan
ings which passed them by in mortal- to tempt little children, until they
ity. (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 2, begin to become accountable before
pp. 100-196.) me." (D. & C. 29:46-47.) Children,

as spirits, are in the presence of God of it, and mourn the loss, but we do
before birth, and since they begin not mourn as those without hope."
their mortal life innocent and free (Teachings, pp. 196-197.)
from sin, it follows that if they die Many scriptures attest to the truth
before they arrive at the years of of these principles. "Little children
accountability, they are still in the are whole, for they are not capable
state of purity and innocence which of committing sin; wherefore the
entitles them to go back into the pres- curse of Adam is taken from them in
ence of God and have salvation. me, that it hath no power over them"
In recording a glorious vision of (Moro. 8:8), the Lord told Mormon.
the celestial kingdom, received Jan- Speaking of children, the Inspired
uary 21, 1836, the Prophet included Version records: "Jesus hath said,
this statement: ''.And I also beheld Such shall be saved." (Inspired Ver-
that all children who die before they sion, Matt. 19:13.) Abinadi taught:
arrive at the years of accountability, "Little children also have eternal life."
:;e ;::::n_)~ ~~:a~~~~;!~! :.in1~~j (Mosiah 15:25.) They are thus in a
Obviously, this applies to children of favored category, much as are the
all races and nationalities. (Doctrines spirits who will be born during the
of Salvation, vol. 2, pp. 49-57.) millennium, in the day when "chil-
•The Prophet also taught: "The dren shall grow up without sin unto
Lord takes many away even in in- salvation." (D. & C. 45:58.)
fancy, that they may escape the envy Not only will little children be
of man, and the sorrows and evils of saved in the celestial kingdom of God,
this present world; they were too but they will be heirs of exaltation in
pure, too lovely to live on earth; that kingdom. (Doctrines of Salvation,
therefore, if rightly considered in- vol. 2, pp. 49-57.) On this point the
stead of mourning we have reason Prophet said: "They will there enjoy
io re1oice as they are delivered from the fulness of that light, glory and
evil, and we shall soon have them intelligence, which is prepared in the
again .. .. All children are redeemed celestial kingdom." (Teachings, p.
by the blood of Jesus Christ, and the 200.) To inherit the fulness is to
moment that children leave this have exaltation.
world, they arc taken to the bosom Every principle governing the sal-
ol Abraham. The only difference vation of little children applies with
beiweentheold and young dying is, equal force to persons of any age who
one lives longer in heaven and eternal do not arrive at the years of account-
l!ght and glory than the other and js ability, for "he that hath no under-
freed a little sooner from the miserable standing, it remaineth in me to d9
w icked world. _Notwithstanding all according as it is written" the Lorg
ifiis glory, we for a moment lose sight says. (D. & C. 29:50.)

Sanctification. See BAPTISM OF FrnE, by the grace of God, through the

BORN AGAIN, HOLINESS, HOLY GHOST, shedding of the blood of Christ, which
JUSTIFICATION, SALVATION, SANCTIFIER. is in the covenant of the Father unto
To be sanctified is to become clean, the remission of your sins, that ye
pure, and spotless; to be free from the become holy, without spot." (Moro.
blood and sins of the world; to become 10:32-33.)
a new creature of the Holy Ghost, To the saints the continual cry of
one whose body has been renewed by the gospel is: Sanctify yourselves.
the rebirth of the Spirit. Sanctifica- (D. & C. 39:18; 43:9, II, 16; 133:4;
tion is a state of saintliness, a state Lev. 11:44; I Pet. 1:15.) This is
attained only by conformity to the accomplished by obedience to the
laws and ordinances of the gospel. "law of Christ" (D. & C. 88:21 , 34-
The plan of salvation is the system 35), and is possible because of his
and means provided whereby men atoning sacrifice. (D. & C. 76:41.)
may sanctify their souls and thereby And "all those who will not endure
become worthy of a celestial inheri- chastening, but deny me," saith the
tance. Lord, "cannot be sanctified." (D. &
Sanctification is a basic doctrine of C. 101:5.)
the gospel (D. & C. 20:31-34); in- Those who are faithful in magnify-
deed, the very reason men are com- ing their callings in the Melchizedek
manded to believe, repent, and be Priesthood "are sanctified by the
baptized is so they "may be sanctified Spirit unto the renewing of their
by the reception of the Holy Ghost," bodies." (D. & C. 84 :33.) Speaking
and thereby be enabled to stand spot- of a great host who attained this state
less before the judgment bar of of sanctification in early days, Alma
Christ. (3 Ne. 27:19-21.) said: "They were called after this
Moroni summarized the plan of holy order, and were sanctified, and
salvation in these words: "Come unto their garments were washed white
Christ, and be perfected in him, and through the blood of the Lamb. Now
deny yourselves of all ungodliness; they, after being sanctified by the
and if ye shall deny yourselves of all Holy Ghost, having their garments
ungodliness, and love God with all made white, being pure and spotless
your might, mind and strength, then before God, could not look upon sin
is his grace sufficient for you, that save it were with abhorrence; and
by his grace ye may be perfect in there were many, exceeding great
Christ; and if by the grace of God many, who were made pure and en-
ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in tered into the rest of the Lord their
nowise deny the power of God. And God." (Alma 13:11-12.) Those who
again, if ye by the grace of God are attain this state of cleanliness and
perfect in Christ, and deny not his perfection are able, as occasion may
power, then are ye sanctified in Christ require, to see God and view the

things of his kingdom. (D. & C. 84:23; atonement of Jesus Christ." (D. & C.
88:68; Ether 4:7.) The Three Ne- 74.)
phites "were sanctified in the flesh, This earth, in · due course, will at~
that they were holy, and that the tain "its sanctified, immortal, and
powers of the earth could not hold eternal state." (D. & C. 77: I, 12;
them." (3 Ne. 28:39.) 130:9.) In that day, when it becomes
By attaining sanctification in this a celestial sphere, "the poor and the
life (D. & C. 105:31, 35-36), and by meek of the earth shall inherit it.
continuing to abide in the trllth, men Therefore, it must needs be sanctified
attain an eventual inheritance with from all unrighteousness; that it may
the sanctified in the celestial world. be prepared for the celestial glory."
(D. & C. 76:21; 88:2, 116.) "And (D. & C. 88: 17-26.)
unto him that repenteth and sancti-
fieth himself before the Lord shall Sanctifier. See BAPTISM OF FIRE, BORN
be ·given eternal life." (D. & C. AGAIN, HOLY GHOST, SANCTIFICATION.
133:62.) Even sanctified persons, The Holy Ghost is the Sanctifier. It
however, have no absolute guarantee is through his power as a Spirit Being
that they will be saved. "There is a that men may be sanctified and
possibility that man may fall from washed clean from all sin. (Alma
grace and depart from the living God; 13:11-12; 3 Ne. 27:19-21; D. & C.
Therefore let the church take heed 84:33.)
and pray always, lest they fall into
temptation; Yea, and even let those Sanctuaries. See TEMPLES.
who are sanctified take heed also."
(D. & C. 20:32-34.) Satan. See ADVERSARY, DEVIL.Satan
Sanctification is a personal reward is a formal Hebrew name for the devil
that follows personal righteousness. and means adversary, signifying that
The good works of one person cannot he wages open war with the truth and
be transferred to another. The un · all who obey its principles.
believing husband is not sanctified by
the wife, nor the unbelieving wile Savages. See APOSTASY.
by the husband, as it is erroneously
supposed that Paul taught. ( I_ Cor. Savior. See CHRIST, DELIVERER, RE-
7:14.) In reality, as we know from DEEMER, SALVATION, SAVIORS OF MEN,
latter-day revelation, Paul was ex- SAVIORS ON MouNT ZION: Christ is
pressing some personal opinions about the Savior. (Isa. 45:15; Luke 2:11;
social conditions in his day, which I Ne. 13:40; Morm. 3: 14; D. & C.
opinions were designed to controvert 43:34.) "The Faiher sent the Son to
the heresy that "little children are be the Saviour of the world." (I John
unholy." In fact, "little children are 4:14.) He came "to save that which
holy, being sanctified through the was lost" (Matt. 18:11), not to save

people in their sins but from their filled mission. Those of his brethren
sins, to bring salvation to all "who who perform, vicariously, for others-
believe on his name." (Alma II :37- meaning for those who have died
45.) He is the Savior because of the without a knowledge of the gospel-
atonement; it is that redemptive sacri- the saving ordinances which they can-
fice which guarantees immortality to not perform for themselves are called
all and assures the obedient of eter- savior-s on Mount Zion. It was of
nal life. them that Obadiah spoke when he
said: "And saviours shall come up on
Savior of the World. See SAVIOR. mount Zion; . . . and the kingdom
shall be the Lord's." (Obad. 21.)
Saviors of Men. See MESSAGE OF THE Speaking of the turning (or bind-
RESTORATION, M1ss10NARrns, SALVA- ing) of the hearts of the lathers to
TION, SAVIOR, SAVIORS ON MOUNT the children through the mission of
Z10N. By preaching the gospel of sal- Elijah, the Prophet said: "The keys
vation to the world, the saints become are to be delivered, the spirit of Elijah
the saviors of men. Through this mes- is to come, the gospel to be estab-
sage, a message of faith in the Eternal lished, the saints of God gathered,
Savior, men may be saved from ever- Zion built up, and the saints to come
lasting destruction and delivered from up as saviors on Mount Zion.
the evils which are to come upon the "But how are they to become sa-
wicked. Of his saints the Lord said: viors on Mount Zion? By building
"They were set to be a light unto the their temples, erecting their baptismal
world, and to be the saviors of men; fonts, and going forth and receiving
And inasmuch as they are not the all the ordinances, baptisms, confir-
saviors of men, they are as salt that mations, washings, anointings, ordi-
has lost its savor, and is thenceforth nations, and sealing powers upon
good for nothing but to be cast out their heads, in behalf of all their pro-
and trodden under loot of men." (D. genitors who are dead, and redeem
& C. 103:9-10.) them that they may come forth in the
first resurrection and be exalted to
Saviors on Mount Zion. See ELIJAH thrones of glory with them; and
THE PROPHET, SALVATION FOR THE herein is the chain that binds the
DEAD, SAVJOR, SAVIORS OF MEN, SEAL- hearts of the fathers to the children,
ING PowER. Christ our Savior through and the children to the fathers, which
his atoning sacrifice did for us, vicar- fulfils the mission of Elijah." ( Teach-
iously, what we could not do for ings, p. 330.)
ourselves. Both literally and figura -
tively he is to stand upon Mount Scapegoat. See ATONEMENT OF
Zion in glory, receiving honor and CHRIST, SYMBOLISMS. In ancient Is-
dominion because of his perfectly ful - rael, "once a year," the High J?riest

(of the Aaronic Priesthood) selected before thine enemies: thou . . . shalt
a goat by lot to be a scapegoat. Then be removed into all the kingdoms of
he confesssed over the scapegoat's the earth . ... And thou shalt become
head "all the iniquities of the children an astonishment, a proverb, and a
of Israel," and sent it away "into the byword, among all nations whither
wilderness" to bear "all their iniqui- the Lord shall lead thee ... . And the
ties unto a land not inhabited." (Lev. Lord shall scatter thee among all
16.) This ordinance was a Mosaic people, from the one end of the earth
requirement done in similitude of the even unto the other; and there thou
fact that Christ would atone for the shalt serve other gods, which neither
sins of the world and bear the ini- thou nor thy fathers have known,
quities of those who would repent and even wood and stone." (Deut. 28:25,
confess their sins to the Lord. (Mosiah 37, 64.) "I will sift . the house of
13:29-3 1.) Israel among all nations." (Amos 9:9;
Zech. 10: 9.) "The house of Israel,
Sca.ttering of Israel. See GATHERING sooner or later, will be scattered upon
OF ISRAEL, ISRAEL, JEWS, LOST TRIBES all the face of the earth, and also
OF I SRAEL, NEPHITES AND LAMANITES, among all nations. And behold, there
TRIBES OF ISRAEL. "II a complete his- are many who are already lost from
tory of the house of Israel were the knowledge of those who are at
written, it would be the history of Jerusalem. Yea, the more part of all
histories, the key of the world's his- the tribes have been led away; and
tory for the past twenty centuries" they are scattered to and fro upon
(Compendium, p. 85) and more, for the isles of the sea; and whither they
Israel has been scattered among all are none of us knoweth, save that we
the nations of the earth and has acted know that they have been led away."
as a leavening and enlightening in- (I Ne. 22 :3 -5.)
fluence wherever her scattered rem-
nants have found lodgement. (Articles Schisms. See SECTS.
of Faith, pp. 314-327.) Israel, mean-
ing those comprising all 12 of the Scholarship. See KNOWLEDGE.
tribes, was scattered and afflicted be-
cause of unrighteouness and rebellion School of the Prophets. See DOCTRINE,
against the Lord and his covenants. K NOWLEDGE, PROPHETS, SALVATION,
(Lev. 26; Deut. 28; Jer. 16: 11-13.) TRUTH, WASHING OF FEET. In the
The world-wide nature of the dis- early days of this dispensation the
persion of Israel is foretold and ex- Lord commanded the brethren to
plained in many scriptures. For "teach one another the doctrine of
instance : "I will scatter you among the kingdom." They were to learn
the heathen." (Lev. 26:33.) "The all things pertaining to the gospel and
Lord shall cause thee to be smitten the kingdom -of ·God that it was ex-

pedient for them to know, as also the Prophet says : "I exhorted the
things pertaining · to the arts and brethren to faithfulness and diligence
sciences, and to kingdoms and na- in keeping the commandments of God,
tions. They were to "seek learning, and gave much instruction for the
even by study and also by faith," and benefit of the saints, with a promise
were to build a ho! y sanctuary or that the pure in heart should see a
temple in Kirtland, which among heavenly vision; and alter remaining
other things was to be "a house of a short time in secret prayer, the
learning." (D. & C. 88:74-81, I 18- promise was verified; for many pres-
122.) ent had the eyes of their understand-
As part of the then existing ar- ing opened by the Spirit of God, so
rangement to fulfil these commands, as to behold many things; I then
the Lord directed the setting up of blessed the bread and wine, and dis-
the school of the prophets (D. & C. tributed a portion to each. Many of
88:122, 127-141), also called "the the brethren saw a heavenly vision of
school of mine apostles" (D. & C. the Savior, and concourses of angels,
95: 17), meaning apostles who were and many other things, of which each
special witnesses of the name of one has a record of what he saw."
of Christ and not apostles ordained (History of the Church, vol. I, pp.
to that office in the Melchizedek 334-335.)
Priesthood, for at this time (1833) This chief school of the prophets
there were no ordained apostles~ continued in Kirtland for some years.
This particular and chief school of The Prophet wrote of it again in
the prophets was in fact organized October, 1835 (History of the Church,
among the leading brethren of the vol. 2, p. 287), and provision was
Church in the winter of 1832-1833 in made for its conduct in the .Kirtland
Kirtland with the Prophet Joseph Temple. (D. & C. 95:17.) Another
Smith as its presiding officer. (D. & school of th.e prophets, or school of
C. 90:7, 13.) Members of the school the elders, or "the school in Zion"
were carefully selected; were admitted (D. & C. 97:1-6), was conducted
to membership by the ordinance of pursuant to direct revelation, by Elder
washing of feet; were welcomed to the Parley P. Pratt in Jackson County,
sessions by a special, revealed, and Missouri. Concerning this school of
holy salutation; were pronounced the prophets, Elder Pratt says: "In
"clean from the blood of this genera- the latter part of the summer (1833)
tion"; and in the course of their and in the autumn, I devoted almost
schooling received great knowledge my entire time in ministering among
and marvelOus spiritual manifestation. the churches, holding meetings, visit-
(History of the Church, vol. I, pp. ing the sick, comforting the afflicted
322-323.) and giving counsel. A school of elders
Of the session held March 18, 1833, organized, over which I was

called to preside. This class, to the When the Latter-day Saints prog-
number of about 60, met for instruc- ress again to that high state of unity
tions once a week. The place of and spirituality in which they will
meeting was in the open air, under be entitled to the blessings of schools
some tall trees, in a retired place in of the prophets, such again will be
the wilderness, where we prayed, held. If this does not take place be-
preached and prophesied, and exer- fore the millennium, ·we may rest
cised ourselves in the gifts of the Hal y assured that such holy schools, with
Spirit. Here great blessings were all their formalities and spiritual man-
poured out, and many great and mar- ifestations, will again operate during
velous things were manifested and that era of blessedness and spiritual
taught. The Lord gave me great wis - perfection.
dom, and enabled me to . teach and
edify the elders, and comfort and en- Science and Religion. See GosPEL,
courage them in their preparations RELIGION, SIGNS OF THE TIMES, T HE-
for the great work which lay before OLOGY, TRUTH. Is there a conflict
us. I was also much edified and between science and religion? T he
strengthened. To attend this school answer to this basic query depends
I had to travel on foot, and some- entirely upon what is meant by and
times with bare feet at that, about accepted as science and as _ religion.
six miles. This I did. once a week It is common to say there is no such
besides visiting and preaching in five conflict, meaning between true science
or six branches a week." (History of and true religion-for one truth never
the Church, vol. 1, pp. 400-401 fn.) conflicts with another, no matter
Similar schools were held among what fields or categories the truths
the saints in the west, beginning in are put in for purposes of study. But
1867 and continuing on into the early there most certainly is a conflict be-
70's, although these schools were more tween science and religion, if by
in the nature of theological classes, science is meant (for instance) . the
rather than schools of the prophets theoretical guesses and postulates of
which followed the formal organiza- the organic evolutionists, or if by re-
tional requirements set forth in the ligion is meant the apostate creeds
revelation. (D. & C. 88:127-141.) and dogmas of the Catholic, Prot-
President Brigham Young presided estant, and pagan worlds. "Opposi-
over the school held in Salt Lake City. tions of science falsely so called" were
After a short period these schools in causing people to err "concerning the
the west were discontinued, and gos - faith" even in the days of Paul. (I
pel teaching today is done mainly Tim. 6:20-21.)
through church schools, priesthood There is, of course, no conflict be-
quorums, and the various auxiliary tween revealed religion as it has been
organizations. restored in our day and those scien-

tific realities which have been estab- If it is written and accepted by the
lished as ultimate truth. The mental Church, it becomes part of the scrip-
quagmires in which many students tures or standard works and ever
struggle result from the acceptance of thereafter may be read and studied
false scientific theories as ultimate with profit. Much of what is in the
facts, which brings the student to the scriptures was given orally in the first
necessity of rejecting conflicting truths instance and was thereafter recorded
of revealed religion. If, for example, either by the uttering prophet or an
a student accepts the untrue theory inspired scribe. Other portions of
that death has been present on the what is in holy writ were written by
earth for scores of thousands or mil - the inspired authors by way of rev-
lions of years, he must reject the elation and commandment.
revealed truth that there was no death The elders ol the Church are sent
either for man or animals or plants forth "to proclaim the everlasting
or any form of life until some 6000 gospel, by the Spirit of the living
years ago when Adam fell. God," and they are commanded to
As a matter of fact, from the eternal "speak as they are moved upon by
perspective, true science is a part of the Holy Ghost. And whatsoever
the gospel itself; in its broadest signif- they shall speak when moved upon
ication the gospel embraces all truth. by the Holy Ghost shall be scripture,
When the lull blessings ol the mil- shall be the will of the Lord, shall be
lennium are poured out upon the the mind of the Lord, shall be the
earth and its inhabitants, apostate word ol the Lord, shall be the voice
science and apostate religion will be of the Lord, and the power of God
swept aside, and all supposed conflicts unto salvation." (D. & C. 68:l-4.)
between science and religion will
vanish away. Scriptures. See STANDARD WORKS.

Scientific Progress. See SIGNS OF THE Sealed Book. See BooK OF MORMON,
the remarkable prophecies concerning
Scoffers. See APOSTASY. the coming forth of the Book of Mor-
mon is the sealed book prophecy.
Scripture. See BIBLE, BooK OF MoR- Isaiah foresaw that a portion ol the
MON, CANON OF SCRIPTURE, DOCTRINE gold plates would be sealed; that the
AND COVENANTS, HOLY GHOST, LOST words of the unsealed part would be
SCRIPTURE, PROPHECY, PROPHETS, delivered to a learned man; that the
REVELATION, STANDARD WoRKS. Any learned man would say he could not
message, whether written or spoken, read a sealed book; that the book itself
that comes from God to man by the would be delivered to an unlearned
power of the Holy Ghost is scripture. man; and that it would then be trans-

lated by the gift and power of God. power, it follows that John's descrip-
(Isa. 29 : 11-12; Inspired Version, Isa. tion of placing a seal in the fore-
29:11-26; 2 Ne. 27:6-22.) The ful- head is not just apocalyptic imagery
filment of this prophecy is found in but a literal description of what takes
the circumstances surrounding the place. As with other sacred things,
translation of the Book of Mormon however, the devil has a substitute
and the taking of the characters to seal to place; he puts a mark in the
Professor Charles Anthon who "foreheads" of his followers also.
averred, "I cannot read a sealed (Rev. 13:16-18.)
book." (Jos. Smith 2:63-66.)
In the sealed portion of the plates Sealing Anointings. See ADMINISTRA-
is recorded a history of the world TIONS.
from the beginning to the end there-
of. It shall come forth in that day Sealing Power. See CALLING AND
when the Lord shall see fit "to reveal ELECTION SURE, CELESTIAL MARRIAGE,
all things unto the children of men." ELIJAH THE PROPHET, ENDOWMENTS,
Sealed in Forehead. See CALLING AND FOR THE DEAD, TEMPLES. Whenever
ELECTION SURE, CELESTIAL MARRIAGE, the fulness of the gospel is on earth,
ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FOUR the Lord has agents to whom he gives
THOUSAND, SECOND CoMFORTER. John power to bind on earth and seal eter-
foresaw that in the latter-days the nally in the heavens. (Matt. 16: 19;
servants of God would plead with 18:18; Hela. 10:3-10; D. & C. 132:46-
the Lord to stay the tide of desolation 49.) This sealing power, restored in
and destruction "till we have sealed this dispensation by Eliiah the
the servants of 0°u r God in their fore- Prophet (D. & C. 2:1 -3; 110:13-16),
heads." (Rev. 7:3; 9:4; Ezek. 9:4-6.) is the means whereby "All covenants,
With the restoration of the gospel, contracts, bonds, obligations, oaths,
the power has again been given to seal vows, performances, connections, as~
men up unto eternal life (D. & C. sociations, or expectations" attain
I :8-9; 68:12; 77:8-9), to place a seal "efficacy, virtue, or force in and after
on them so that no matter what hap- the resurrection from the dead." (D.
pens in the world, no matter what & C. 132:7.)
desolation sweeps the earth, yet they All things that are not sealed by
shall be saved in the day of the Lord this power have an end when men
Jesus. (D. & C. 88:84-85; 109:38, 46; are dead. Unless a baptism has this
124: 124; 131 :S; 132: 19, 46, 49.) enduring seal, it will not admit a
Since these sealing blessings are person to the celestial kingdom; unless
conferred by the laying on of hands an eternal marriage covenant is sealed
of those who hold the keys of this by this authority, it will not take the

participating parties to an exaltation they assemble to receive spirit commu-

in the highest heaven within the nications through their mediums.
celestial world.
All things gain enduring force and Sea of Glass. See URIM AND THUM-
validity because of the sealing power.
So comprehensive is this power that
it embraces ordinances performed for Seasons. See DAY, NIGHT, SIGNS OF
the living and the dead, seals the THE TIMES, TIME. I. Seasons of the
children on earth up to their lathers year (summer, fall, winter, and
who went before, and forms the en- spring) are first referred to in the
during patriarchal chain that will Bible as being in existence alter the
exist eternally among exalted beings. flood. "While the earth remaineth"
( Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 2, pp. (meaning in its present or fallen
115-128.) state) the Lord promised Noah, "seed-
time and harvest, and cold and heat,
Sealings. See CELESTIAL MARRIAGE, and summer and winter, and day and
SEALING POWER, TEMPLE ORDINANCES, night shall not cease." (Gen. 8:22.)
VICARIOUS ORDINANCES. Those ordi- The inference is that it was not until
nances performed in the temples alter the flood that it became necessary
~hereby husbands and wives are to plant in a particular time so that
sealed together in the marriage union a harvest might be reaped. Presump-
for time and eternity, and whereby tively before that earth-changing
children are sealed eternally to par- event both seedtime and harvest pre-
ents, are commonly referred to as vailed at all times the year around.
sealings. In the infinite mercy and Seasons as we know them with their
justice of an omnipotent God, these varied climatic and other conditions
ordinances are ava ilable for righteous come about because the axis of the
living persons and on a proxy basis earth is tilted 23½ degrees. Revealed
for the dead also. Consequently the knowledge of all the great changes
expressions sealingsfor the living and the earth has undergone is not pres-
sealings for the dead are in common ently available to men. We do know
usage in the Church. that the earth was created in a para -
disiacal or terrestrial state; that it fell
Sealings for the Dead. See SEALINGS. to its present telestial condition; that
it will be renewed and receive again
Sealings for the Living. See SEALINGS. its paradisiacal glory during the mil-
lennium; and that eventually it is to
Seances. See MEDIUMS, SPmrruALISM, become a celestial sphere.
WITCHES SABBATH. Much of the false Some have speculated that the
worship of spiritualists is done at earth's axis tipped, possibly incident
seances; these are meetings in which to the flood, so that seasons as we

know them had their beginning. This a natural body and raised a spiritual
speculation would account for some body. "There is a natural body, and
of the so-called pre-historical periods there is a spiritual body," he says.
during which, according to geologists "And so it is ·written, The first man
and others, climatic conditions on the Adam was made a living soul; the last
earth were radically different from Adam was made a quickening spirit.
those that have prevailed during . . . The first man is of the earth,
known time periods. This line of earthy: the second man is the Lord
speculation also assumes that when from heaven. . . . And as we have
the millennial era commences, when borne the image of the earthy, we
the whole earth again becomes a gar- shall also bear the image of the
den, that the axis thereof will return heavenly." (I Cor. 15:44-49.)
to its upright position so that seasons
in the sense that they now exist will Second Chance Theory. See BAPTISM
2. Seasons are also periods in which OF SALVATION, REPENTANCE, SALVA-
particular events are to occur. Thus TION, SALVATION FOR THE DEAD, SPIRIT
the latter-days are the times and sea- PRISON, SPIRIT WORLD, VICARIOUS
sons when the signs of the times will ORDINANCES. There is no such thing
be shown forth, when the great events as a second chance to gain salvation
precedent to the Second Coming of by accepting the gospel in the spirit
our Lord will take place. world after neglecting, failing, or re-
fusing to accept it in this life. It is
Second Adam. See ADAM, CHRIST, true that there may be a second
I MMORTALITY, RESURRECTION. Christ chance to hear and accept the gospel,
is the Second Adam. As the first mor- but those who have thus procrasti-
tal man is called Adam (Moses 1:34), nated their acceptance of the saving
so the first Man to come forth in res- truths will not gain salvation in the
urrected immortality is also called celestial kingdom of God.
Adam, or more specifically the Second Salvation for the dead is the system
Adam. Adam's mortal body was a by means of which those who "die
natural body, Christ's immortal one a without a knowledge of the gos pel"
spiritual body, meaning a body in (D. & C. 128:5) may gain such
which flesh and bones and spirit are knowledge in the spirit world and
inseparably connected. (D. & C. then, following the vicarious perform-
88:26-28; 93 :33.) ance of the necessary ordinances, be•
Paul uses this comparison between come heirs of salvation on the same
Adam and Christ to teach some of basis as though the gospel truths had
the basic truths about the resurrec- been obeyed in mortality. Salvation
tion, to teach some of the basic events for the dead is limited expressly to
that take place when a body is sown those who do not have opportunity in

this life to accept the gospel but who performed." (Alma 34:31-35; 2 Ne.
would have taken the opportunity had 9:27; 3 Ne. 28:34; Luke 9:62.)
it come to them. An application of this law is seen
"All who have died without a in the words of the resurrected Christ
knowledge of this gospel," the Lord to the Nephi tes. "Therefore come
said to the Prophet, "who would have unto me and be ye saved," he said
received it if they had been permitted in repeating with some variations the
to tarry, shall be heirs of the celestial Sermon on the Mount he had pre-
kingdom of God; also all that shall viously given the Jews, "for verily I
die henceforth without a knowledge say unto you, that except ye shall keep
of it, who would have received it with my commandments, which I have
all their hearts, shall be heirs of that commanded you at this time, ye shall
kingdom, for I, the Lord, will judge in no case enter into the kingdom of
all men according to their works, heaven." (3 Ne. 12:20.) Thus salva-
according to the desire of their tion was forever denied those Nephites
hearts." (Teachings, p. 107.) unless they gained it by virtue of
This is the only revealed principle their obedience during mortality. On
by means of which the laws pertain- the same basis, there is no such thing
ing to salvation for the dead can be as salvation for the dead for the
made effective in the lives of any Latter-day Saints, those who have
persons. There is no promise in any been taught ( or, at least, had oppor-
revelation that those who have oppor- tunity to learn) the truths of salva-
tunity in this life to accept the gospel, tion.
and who do not do it, will have an- Those who have opportunity to
other chance in the spirit world to accept the gospel in this life and who
gain salvation. On the contrary, do not do it, but who then (by some
there is the express stipulation that miracle of conversion) do accept it
men cannot be saved without accept- when they hear it in the spirit world
ing the gospel in this life, if they are will go not to the celestial, but to the
given opportunity to accept it. terrestrial kingdom. This includes
"Now is the time and the day of those to whom Noah preached.
your salvation," Amulek said. "For "These arc they . . . who are the
behold, this life is the time for men spirits of men kept in prison, whom
to prepare to meet God; yea, behold the Son visited, and preached the
the day of this life is the day for men gospel unto them, that they might be
to perform their labors .... For after judged according to men in the flesh;
this day of life, which is given us to Who received not the testimony of
prepare for eternity, behold, if we do Jesus in the flesh, but afterwards
not improve our time while in this received it." (D. & C. 76:72-74.)
life, then cometh the night of dark- Thus the false and heretical doc-
ness wherein there can be no labor trine that people who fail to live the

law in this life (having had an oppor- 23; D. & C. 88:3-4; 130:3.) ~ ~
tunity so to do) will have a further _Holy Spirit of Prowise is not the ·,r
chance of salvation in the life to come Second Comforter." (Doctrines oj
is a doctrine of the devil, a doctrine Salvation, vol. I, p. 55.)
that lulls its adherents into carnal
security and thereby denies them a Second Coming of Christ. See ABOM-
hope of eternal salvation. (Doctrines INATION OF DESOLATION, JUDGMENT
of Salvation, vol. 2, pp. 181-196.) DAY, LAST DAYS, MILLENNIUM, SIGNS
Second Comforter. See CALLING AND Goo. No event has transpired on
ELECTION SURE, COMFORTER, ExALTA· earth, since the very day of creation
TION, HoLY GHOST. Alter a man so itself, which is destined to have such
devotes himself to righteousness that a transcendent and recognizable affect
his calling and election is made sure, on man, the earth, and all created
"then it will be his privilege to re- things as the imminent return of the
ceive the other Comforter;" the Son of Man will have.
Prophet says. "Now what is this The scriptures detail the events to
other Comforter? It is no more nor attend two different appearances of
less than the Lord Jesus Christ him- the Lord among men. One appear-
sell; and this is the sum and substance ance came in the meridian of time
of the whole matter; that when any when he descended below all things,
man obtains this last Comforter, he ministered unto his fellow men, and
will have the personage of Jesus worked out the infinite and eternal
Christ to attend him, or appear unto atonement. The other is promised for
him from time to time, and even he the last days when, having ascended
will manifest the Father unto him, above all things, he will return in
and they will take up their abode glory, to reign in the midst of his
with h im, and the visions of the saints.
heavens will be opened unto him and At his first coming, Christ was born
the Lord will teach him lace to lace, of Mary; grew to maturity; ministered
and he may have a perfect knowledge among men; bore record of his Father;
of the mysteries of the kingdom of called the Twelve and ordained them;
God; and this is the state and place organized his Church; was crucified,
ilie ancient saints arrived at when died, and rose again the third day;
they had such glorious visions- appeared to his disciples as a tangible
Isaiah, Ezekiel John u pon the Isle Being having a body of flesh and
of Patmos St. Paul in the three bones which he invited them to feel
heavens, and all the saints who held and handle, lest they think him to
communion with the general assembly be only a Spirit.
and Church ol· the Firstborn." Finally, in the presence of his dis-
TTeach ings, pp. 150-151; John 14: 16- ciples, "while they beheld, he was

taken up; and a cloud received him signs of the times. To those in dark-
out of their sight. And while they ness he will come suddenly, unex-
looked stedfastly toward heaven ·as he pectedly, "as a thief in the night,"
went up, behold, two men stood by but to "the children of light" who
them in white apparel; Which also "are not of the night, nor ·of dark-
said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ness," as Paul expressed it, that day
ye gazing up into heaven? this same will not overtake them "as a thief."
Jesus, which is taken up from you into They will recognize the signs as cer-
heaven, shall so come in like manner tainly as a woman in travail fore-
as ye have seen him go into heaven." knows the approximate time of her
(Acts 1:9-11.) child's birth. (1 Thess. 5:1-6.) Now
This Second Coming-a return of let us list some of the signs and won-
the .same personal Being who first ders destined to precede and accom-
ministered in humility, meekness, and pany the Second Coming. Among
lowliness (D. & C. 130:1-2)-will be them are the following :
in power and great glory with the I. UNIVERSAL APOSTASY. -
hosts of heaven attending. At that Between the original day of our Lord's
day "the glory of the Lord shall be ministry among men and his glorious
revealed, and all flesh shall see it Second Coming, there was to be a
together." (Isa. 40:5.) He will come, universal falling away from the faith
"not in the form of a woman, neither once delivered to the saints. Dark-
of a man traveling on the earth" (D. ness was to cover the earth and gross
& C. 49:22), but in his might, power, darkness the. minds of the people,
and dominion to take vengeance on until the earth would be "defiled un-
the ungodly and reward the righteous. der the inhabitants thereof." Men
But before that day, certain prom- were to transgress the laws, change
ised signs and wonders are to take the ordinances, break the everlasting
place, an understanding of which will covenant. It would be "as with the
give those who wait for him an assur- people, so with the priest." (Isa .. 24.)
ance as to the approximate time of There were to be false christs, false
his return. prophets, and false doctrines, deceiv-
It is true that no man knoweth the ing, if it were possible, even the very
day nor the hour of his retum-"no, elect. (Matt. 24.) "Let no man de-
not the angels of heaven, but my ceive you by any means," Paul cau-
Father only" (Matt. 24:36), as he tioned the Thessalonian Saints who
himsel! expressed it-but those who apparently believed that the Second
treasure up his word will not be de- Coming was even then at the door,
ceived as to the time of that glorious "for that day shall not come, except
day, nor as to the events to precede there come a falling away first, and
and to attend it. (Jos. Smith I :37.) that man of sin be revealed, the son
The righteous will be able to read the of perdition; Who opposeth and exalt-

eth himself above all that is called mation among all peoples. This was
God, or that is worshipped; so that he to take place just before the hour of
as God sitteth in the temple of God, God's judgment is come, just before
shewing himself that he is God.'.' (2 the .hour of the return .of the Son of
Thess. 2:1-4.) Man. (Rev. 14:6-7.)
-From the beginning prophets have HERALDED TO WORLD. - Not
foretold _events scheduled to · attend only was the one ·true gospel to be
the restoration of all things in the last restored in the last days, but that very
days. Peter, for instance, explained gospel-not some perverted fragment
that this age of restoration-an age of it to be found in the apostate
yet future from•his day-would com- churches of the world-was to be
mence prior to the Second Advent of preached in all the world. "This
our Lord. Speaking of "the times of Gospel of the Kingdom," our Lord
refreshing"-that is, the day of ·the said of the restored gospel, "shall be
Second Coming, the day when the preached in all ·the world, for a wit-
earth is to be renewed (as part of the ness unto all nations, and then shall
restoration of all things) and receive the end come, or the destruction of
again its paradisiacal glory-he said the wicked.'' (Jos. Smith 1:31; Matt.
that the Lord, at that day, would 24:14.)
"send Jesus Christ, which before was On November 3, 1831-less than
preached unto you: Whom the heaven 17 months after the Church and king-
must receive until the times of resti- dom had been set up again"and while
tution of all things, which God hath it was still a small and unknown
spoken by the mouth of all his holy organization-the Lord said through
prophets since the war Id began." the Prophet Joseph Smith: "I have
(Acts 3:19-21.) This era ·of restora- sent forth mine angel flying through
tion is the same as the era or periOd the midst of heaven, having the ever-
known as the dispensation of the lasting gospel, who hath ' appeared
fulness of times in which the Lord unto some and hath committed it unto
has promised to "gather ·together in man, who shall appear unto niariy
one all things in Christ." (Eph. 1: 10.) that dwell on the earth. And this
3. RESTORATION OF THE gospel shall be preached unto every
GOSPEL- As part of the restoration nation, and kindred, and tongue, and
of all things, : the fulness of the gos- people. An.d the ser.vants·of God·shall
pel with all its saving powers and go forth, saying with a- loud voice:
graces was to be : returned to earth Fear. God and give glory to him, for
shortly before ·the great and dreadful the hour of his judgment is come;
day of the Lord. John saw. in vision And worship him that made heaveri,
the bringing back of this gospel by arid earth,. and the sea,.·and the foun -
angelic ministration .and . its .: procla- tains of . waters--Calling·. upon .·the

name of the Lord day and night, the gathering of latter-day Israel is
saying: 0 that thou wouldst rend the pre-millennial. With the restoration
heavens, that thou wouldst come of the gospel (the Church itself as
down, that the mountains might flow organized on April 6, 1830, being the
down at thy presence." (D. & C. ecclesiastical kingdom of God on
133:36-40.) earth) the scattered remnants of
If Joseph Smith had not been a Israel have begun to come to a knowl-
prophet, how would he have dared edge of their true Shepherd and to
proclaim, at that day of the yet small return to his fold. The ancient prom-
beginning of this latter-day work, ise was that when this gathered rem-
that the very truths of salvation re- nant would establish "the house of
stored through his instrumentality th God of Jacob" in the last days in
would be heralded to all the world the tops of the mountains, with the
as a witness unto all people that the righteous of all nations flowing unto
coming of our Lord was near? it, then Christ would come, the
5. COMING FORTH OF BOOK millennial era commence, and all
OF MORMON.-Also as part of the nations beat their swords into plow-
promised restoration of all things, the shares. (Isa. 2:1-4.)
Book of Mormon was destined to come That will be the day when com-
forth as a sign that the winding up plete answer will be found to the
scene is near. Isaiah links together query, "Lord, wilt thou at this time
the apostasy, restoration, and coming restore again the kingdom to Israel?"
forth of the Book of Mormon (Isa. (Acts 1:2-8), for the return of the
29); Ezekiel prophesies similarly rel- Messiah will bring the political king-
ative to the Book of Mormon, the dom of God on earth; then the
latter-day gathering of Israel, and kingdoms of this world will become
the erection of a holy sanctuary or the kingdom of our God and of his
temple in Jerusalem. (Ezek. 37.) Christ, and he shall reign forever and
Moroni tells of its coming forth under ever. (Rev. 11:15.) The restoration
latter-day conditions that are part of the keys of the gathering of Israel
of the signs of the times, part of the by Moses to Joseph Smith and Oliver
signs to occur precedent to the coming Cowdery on April 3, 1836, causes us
of our Lord (Morm. 8); and the res- to know that the fulfilment of all the
urrected Lord himself taught the covenants made to ancient Israel is
Nephites that the coming forth of soon to come to pass. (D. & C.
this mighty record to their descend- 110:11.)
ants would be one of the great signs 7. COMING OF ELIJAH.-When
of the fulfilling of the covenants in Elijah came to Joseph Smith and
the last days. (3 Ne. 21.) Oliver Cowdery on April 3, 1836, in
6. RESTORATION OF KING- fulfilment of the ancient promise
DOM TO ISRAEL.-In part, at least, (Mal. 4:5-6), that ancient prophet

concluded his bestowal of the keys of unknown to men of former days; of

the sealing power with this assurance: evil, iniquity, wickedness, turmoil,
"By this ye may know that the great rapine, murder, crime, and commotion
and dreadful day of the Lord is near, among men almost beyond compre-
even at the doors." (D. & C. 110: 13- hension. (Matt. 24; Luke 21; D. & C.
16.) If that day was near in 1836, 29; 43; 45; 86; 87; 88:86-98; 133;
how much more so is it today? Jos. Smith l; Mal. 3; 4.)
LORD'S FACE.-"Behold, I will AND ON EARTH.-"He that feareth
send my messenger, and he shall pre- me shall be looking forth for the great
pare the way before me," the Lord day of the Lord to come, even for the
declared through Malachi relative to signs of the coming of the Son of Man.
his glorious Second Coming, "even And they shall see signs and wonders,
the messenger of the covenant, whom for they shall be shown forth in the
ye delight in: behold, he shall come, heavens above, and . in the earth be-
saith the Lord of hosts." Thereafter: neath. And they shall behold blood,
"The Lord, whom ye seek, shall sud- and fire, and vapors of smoke. And
denly come to his temple." (Mal. 3.) before the day of the Lord shall come,
Both Joseph Smith through whom the the sun shall be darkened, and the
everlasting covenant was restored moon be turned into blood, and the
( and John the Baptist who ministered stars fall from heaven." (D. & C.
unto •him) and the gospel covenant 45:39-42; 29: 14; Joel 2:30-31; Matt.
itself have been sent in fulfilment of 24:29.)
this promise. (D. & C. 45 :9.) 11. THE GENERATION OF
BE FULFILLED.-Many revelations is that the day and hour of our Lord's
summarize the signs and world con- coming ~re and will remain unknown,
ditions, the wars, perils, and commo- such being an incentive to all to
tions of the last days. Preceding our watch and be ready at all times. But
Lord's return, the prophetic word true it also is that those who watch
tells of plagues, pestilence, famine, for that great and dread day are
and disease such as the world has expected to read the signs of the
never before seen; of scourges, tribu- times so as to know the approximate
lation, calamities, and disasters with - time of his coming. President Wilford
out parallel; of strife, wars, rumors Woodruff taught that we do know
of wars, blood, carnage, and desola- the generation when · he will come.
tion which overshadow anything of (Discourses of Wilford Woodruff, p.
past ages; of the elements being in 253.)
commotion with resultant · floods, "I was once praying very earnestly
storms, fires, whirlwinds, earthquakes to know the time of the coming of the
-all of a proportion and intensity Son of Man," the Prophet Joseph

Smith recorded on April 2, 1843, -and the children so born would be

"when I heard a voice repeat the fol- members of that same rising genera-
lowing: Joseph, my son, ii thou livest tion of which the Prophet spoke.
until thou art eighty-five years old, Now if these children lived to the
thou shalt see the lace of the Son of normal age of men general! y, they
Man; therefore let this suffice, and would be alive well past the year
trouble me no more on this matter. 2000 A.D.
"I was left thus, without being able This reasoning takes on added sig-
to decide whether this coming referred nificance when considered in connec-
to the beginning of the millennium tion with the revelation which states
or to some previous appearing, or categorically that Christ will come "in
whether I should die and thus see his the beginning af the seventh thousand
lace. I believe the coming of the Son years" of the earth's temporal ·con-
of Man will not be any sooner than tinuance. (D. & C. 77:6, 12.) We,
that time." (D. & C. 130:14-17.) of course, do not know exactly how
Four days later, April 6, 1843, at many years elapsed between Adam
the General Conference of the and the birth of Christ, but suppose
Church, while the Spirit rested upon it to have been 4004; nor can we be
him, the Prophet said: "Were I going certain, from historical sources, how
to prophesy, I would say the end many years have passed since. But
would not come in 1844, 5, or 6, or reading these inspired statements in
in forty years. There are those of connection with the signs of the times
the rising generation who shall not which we can interpret, it is plain
taste death till Christ comes." that the day of the coming of the
The rising generation is the one Son of Man is not far distant.
that has just begun. Thus, technical- But back to the sermon of the
ly, children born on April 6, 1843, Prophet. In it he made reference to
would be the first members of the the voice which spoke to him relative
rising generation, and all children to the time of the Second Coming
born, however many years later, to and then said: "I prophesy in the
the same parents would still be mem- name of the Lord God, and let it be
bers of that same rising generation. It written-the Son of Man will not
is not unreasonable to suppose that come in the clouds of heaven till I am
many young men had babies at the eighty-five years old.... The coming
time of this prophecy and also had of the Son of Man never will be-
other children as much as 50 or 75 never can be till the judgments spa-
years later, assuming for instance that ken of for this hour are poured out:
they were married again to younger whwh judgments are commenced.
women. This very probable assump- Paul says, Ye are the children of the
tion would bring the date up to, say, light, and not of the darkness, that
the 2nd decade in the 20th century that day should overtake you as a

thief in the night. (I Thess. 5:2-6.) to his appearance .at the great and
It is not the· design of the Almighty dreadful day, for that coming will be
to come upon the earth and crush it when he sets his foot upon the Mount
and grind it to powder, but he will of Olivet in the midst of the final
reveal it ·to his servants the prophets. great war. The temple appearance
''Judah must return, Jerusalem must was fulfilled, in part at least, by his
be rebuilt, and the temple, and water return to the Kirtland Temple on
come out from under the temple, and April 3, 1836; and it may well be that
the waters of the Dead Sea be healed. he will come again, suddenly, to
It will take some time to rebuild the others of his temples, more particular-
walls of the city and the temple, &c.; ly that which will be erected in
and all this must be done before the Jackson County, Missouri.
Son of Man will make his appearance. In this connection it is worthy of
There will be wars and rumors of note that whenever and wherever the
wars , signs in the heavens above and Lord appears, he will come suddenly,
on the earth beneath, the sun turned that is "quickly, in an hour you think
in to darkness and the moon to blood, not." (D. & C. 51:20.) His oft re-
earthquakes in divers places, the seas peated warning, "Behold, I come
heaving beyond their bounds; then quickly" (D. & C. 35:27), means that
will appear one grand sign of the Son when the appointed hour arrives, he
of Man in heaven. But what will the will come with a speed and a sudden·
world do? They will say it is a planet, ness which will leave no further time
a comet, etc. But the Son of Man for preparation for that great day.
will come as the sign of the coming 13. THE COMING AT ADAM-
of the Son of Man, which will be ONDI-AHMAN.- Before the great
as the light of the morning cometh and dreadful day of the Lord; before
out of the east." (Teachings, pp. the day when Christ is to come and
286-287.) reign personally on earth as King of
12. LORD'S SUDDEN COMING kings and Lord of lords; before the
TO HIS TEMPLE.-Malachi re- day when he will administer the af-
corded the promise, speaking of lat- fairs of his earthly kingdom in a
ter-day events, that "The Lord, whom direct, personal manner, and not
_, ye seek, shall suddenly come to his through the type of stewardships
temple." (Mal. 3:1.) Certainly the which now prevail; our Lord will
Almighty is not limited in the number come to .receive back the keys and
of appearances and returns to earth authorities whereunder his stewards
needed to fulfil the scriptures, usher have governed for him. This will
in the final dispensation, and con- take place at Adam-ondi-Ahman,
summate his great latter-day work. which is Spring Hill, Daviess County,
This sudden latter-day appearance Missouri. (D. & C. 116.)
in the t~lllple doos not have reference Daniel wrote of the Son of Man

being brought before the Ancient of ley shall be exalted, and every moun-
Days (who is Adam, our Father), and tain and hill shall be made low: and
there our Lord would have "given the crooked shall be made straight,
him dominion, and glory, and a king- and the rough places plain: And the
dom, that all people, nations, and glory of the Lord shall be revealed,
languages, should serve him: his do- and all flesh shall see it together: for
minion is an everlasting dominion, the mouth of the Lord hath spoken
which shall not pass away, and his it." (Isa. 40:4-5; D. & C. 49:23;
kingdom that which shall not be Ezek. 38:19-20.)
destroyed." (Dan. 7 :9-14.) The Lord "shall command the great
This is the occasion of which the deep, and it shall be driven back into
Prophet Joseph Smith speaks when the north countries, and the islands
he says that Adam "will call his chil- shall become one land; And the land
dren together and hold a council with of Jerusalem and the land of Zion
them to prepare them for the coming shall be turned back into their own
of the Son of Man. He (Adam) is place, and the earth shall be like as
the father of the human family, and it was in the days before it was di-
presides over the spirits of all men, vided. And the Lord, even the Savior,
and all that have had the keys must shall stand in the midst of his people,
stand before him in the grand coun- and shall reign over all flesh." (D.
cil. This may take place before some & C. 133:23-25.) This will be the
of us leave this stage of action. The day when there shall be a new heaven
Son of Man stands before him, and and a new earth, when ilie earth will
there is given him glory and do- be renewed and receive 1ts parad1-
minion. Adam delivers up his stew- siacal glory, when the great millen-
ardship to Christ, that which was nium will be ushered in. (Isa.
delivered to him as holding the keys 65:ll-25; D. & C. 101:23-32; Ienth
of the universe, but retains his stand- Article of Faith.)
ing as the head of the human family." 15. ARMAGEDDON: "THE
(Teachings, p. 157; Way to Perfec- BATTLE OF THAT GREAT DAY
tion, pp. 287-291.) After this has OF GOD ALMIGHTY" (Rev. 16:14-
happened Christ will be ready to 21).- The greatest war, slaughter,
come and reign personally on earth. carnage, bloodshed, and desolation of
14. PHYSICAL CHANGES OF all the ages will be in full swing at
EARTH AT SECOND COMING.- the very hour when Christ returns.
Great changes are in store for the "There shall be a time of trouble,"
earth and all things on its face when says Daniel, "such as never was since
our Lord comes in glory. "Not many there was a nation even to that same
days hence and the earth shall trem- time." (Dan. 12:1.)
ble and reel to and fro as a drunken All the nations of the earth shall
man."(D. & C. 88:87.) "Every val- be gathered at Jerusalem, at .Arma,

geddon, in the valley of Jehoshaphat, shall tremble at thy presence-When

the valley of decision. It will be "A thou doest terrible things, things they
day of darkness and of gloominess, a look not for ....
day of clouds and of thick darkness, "And it shall be said: Who is this
as the morning spread upon the that cometh down from God in
mountains." The hosts of Gog and heaven with dyed garments; yea,
Magog, the armies assembled to bat- from the regions which are not
tle, shall be "a great people and a known, clothed in his glorious ap-
strong; there hath not been ever the parel, traveling in the greatness of
like, neither shall be any more after his strength? And he shall say: I
it, even to the years of many gen- am he who spake in righteousness,
erations. A fire devoureth before mighty to save.
them; and behind them a flame burn- "And the Lord shall be red in his
eth : the land is as the garden of Eden apparel, and his garments like him
before them, and behind them a des- that treadeth in the wine-vat. And
olate wilderness; yea, and nothing so great shall be the glory of his pres-
shall escape them ." (Joel 2:2-3.) ence that the sun shall hide his face
Jerusalem "shall be taken, and the in shame, and the moon shall with-
houses rifled, and the women rav- hold its light, and the stars shall be
ished" (Zech. 14:2), and all things hurled from their places.
shall be in commotion. Then shall "And his voice shall be heard: I
the Lord set his foot upon the Mount have trodden the wine press alone,
of Olives, fight the battles of his and have brought judgment upon all
saints, take vengeance on the wicked, people; and none were with me; And
bring peace to the earth, and reign I have trampled them in my fury, and
as "king over all the earth." (Ezek. I did tread upon them in mine anger,
38; 39; Dan. 11; 12; Joel 2; 3; Zech. and their blood have I sprinkled upon
12; 13; 14; D. & C. 133.) my garments, and stained all my
16. THE GREAT AND DREAD- raiment; for this was the day of
FUL DAY OF THE LORD.-To the vengeance which was in my heart.
wicked the Second Coming will be a (D. & C. 133:41-51.)
great and dreadful day, a day of sor- 17. THE YEAR OF THE LORD'S
row and desolation, a day of burning REDEEMED.-To the righteous who
and vengeance, a day of judgment have waited for him and kept his
which the wicked shall not abide. laws, the Second Coming will be a
"For the presence of the Lord shall day devoutly to be desired, a day of
be as the melting fire that burneth, peace and redemption, a day when
and as the fire which causeth the injustice will cease and wickedness be
waters to boil. 0 Lord, thou shalt banished, a day when the vineyard
come down to make thy name known will be cleansed of corruption and its
to thine adversaries, and all .nations rightful Ruler reign in the midst of

his saints. "Yea, when thou comest he shall stand upon the mount of
down, and the mountains flow down Olivet, and upon the mighty ocean,
at thy presence, thou shalt meet him even the great deep, and upon the
who rejoiceth and worketh righteous- islands of the sea, and upon the land
ness, who remembereth thee in thy of Zion. And he shall utter his voice
ways. For since the beginning of the out of Zion, and he shall speak from
world have not men heard nor per- Jerusalem, and his voice shall be heard
ceived by the ear, neither hath any among all people." (D. & C. 133:20-
eye seen, 0 God, besides thee, how 21.)
great things thou hast prepared for 19. VINEYARD TO BE BURNED
him that waiteth for thee.... AT HIS COMING.-Malachi asked:
"And now the year of my redeemed "Who may abide the day of his com-
is come; and they shall mention the ing? and who shall stand when he
loving kindness of their Lord, and all appeareth?" (Mal. 3 :2.) In answer
that he has bestowed upon them ac- he said that Christ would come in
cording to his goodness, and according judgment and · be a swift witness
to his loving kindness, forever and against sorcerers, adulterers, false
ever." (D. & C. 133:44-62.) swearers, and all who live alter the
18. PLACES OF THE LORD'S manner of the world, all who live a
RETURN.-These are many. He has telestial law. All these-the proud
already come suddenly to his temple. and the wicked-would be as stubble
(Mal. 3:1; D. & C. 36:8.) Soon he when "the day cometh, that shall
will meet with his stewards, who have bum as an oven." (Mal. 3; 4.)
held the leys of his kingdom, at
Using the same type of language
Adam-ondi-Ahman. (D. & C. I 16;
as Malachi had done, the Lord in
Dan. 7:9-14.) In the midst of the
our day announced: "Behold, now it
greatest war of all the ages, when all
nations are gathered together at is called today until the coming of
Jerusalem, "Then shall the Lord go the Son of Man, and verily it is a
forth, and fight against those nations, day of sacrifice, and a day for the
as when he fought in the day of bat- tithing of my people; for he that is
tle. And his feet shall stand in that tithed shall not be burned at his com-
day upon the mount of Olives, which ing. For after today cometh the
is before Jerusalem on the east, and burning-this is speaking alter the
the mount of Olives shall cleave in manner of the Lord-for verily I .say,
the midst thereof toward the east and tomorrow all the proud and they that
toward the west, and there shall be a do wickedly shall be as stubble; .and
very great valley." (Zech. 14:3-4.) I . will burn them up, for I am the
Following this, apparently he will Lord of Hosts; · and I will not spare
make a host of successive appearance.! any that remain in Babylon. Where-
in all parts of the earth. "For behold, fore, if ye believe me, ye will labor

while it is called today." (D. & C. Ete1nal Father, was our first estate or
64:23-25.) first sphere of life as conscious iden-
Every corruptible thing shall be tities, so this mortal sphere is our
consumed in this day of burning. The second estate. Those who were faith-
elements shall melt with fervent heat ful in their first estate earned the right
and all things shall become new, that to pass through this second sphere
is, the earth will be renewed and of activity; they were "added upon."
receive its paradisiacal glory. (D. & Lucifer and his angels have been de-
C. JOI :23-31.) nied a second estate of existence and
20. RESURRECTION AND are now and will ever remain as
JUDGMENT ATTEND SECOND spirits. Those who by righteousness
COMING.-At his coming, the Lord and obedience Hkeep their second
will sit in judgment on all nations, estate shall have glory added upon
dividing the sheep from the goats, their heads for ever and ever."
sending some to everlasting punish- (Abra. 3:22-28.)
ment and others to life eternal. (Matt.
25:31-46.) At his coming, also, those Second Resurrection. See RESURREC-
who have earned the right to come
forth in the resurrection of the just
will nse from their graves and inherit Secretaries. See CLERKS.
tlle1r places 1n a celest1al or a terres-
trial kingdom. (D. & C. 88:95-99.) Secret Combinations. See APOSTASY,
HAnd take heed to yourselves, lest at MUNISM, MASTER MAHAN, MURDER -
any time your hearts be overcharged ERS. Beginning in the days of Cain
with s-µrfeiting, and drunkenness, and and continuing through all genera-
cares of this life, and so that day come tions, whenever · there have been
upon you unawares. For as a snare unrighteous and apostate peoples on
shall it come on all them that dwell earth, Satan has revealed unto them
on the face of the whole earth. Watch his oaths, vows, and secret combina-
ye therefore, and pray always, that tio ns. Cain first took upon himself
ye may be accounted worthy to the secret oaths as they were admin-
escape all these things that shall come istered by Satan; then he killed Abel.
to pass, and to stand before the Son Murder, plunder, robbery, power, the
of man." (Luke 21:34-36.) destruction of freedom, and the perse-
cution of the saints have been the
Second Death. See SPIRITUAL DEATH. objectives of these societies ever since.
(Moses 5: 16-59; 6: 15; Hela. 6: l7-4L)
Second Estate. See FIRST ESTATE, These secret societies flourished be-
MORTALITY. As.Jife in our pre-existent fore the flood; they gained great
home, life as spirit offspring of the strength among the Jaredites on this

continent; the Gadianton robbers and point: all will join hands to fight the
the Lamanites reveled in them in truth and stand in opposition to The
Nephite days; and they are had in Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
all parts of the earth today. "It hath Saints. (Jos. Smith 2:20-25.)
been made known unto me," Moroni Existence of the sects of Christen-
wrote, "that they are had among all dom is proof positive of the universal
people." (Ether 8:20.) apostasy. Truth is one; Christ is not
Reliable modern reports describe divided; those who enjoy the Spirit,
their existence among gangsters, as all speak the same things; there are
part of the governments of commu- no divisions among them; but they are
nist countries, in some labor organ- "perfectly joined together in the same
izations, and in parts of that great mind and in the same judgment."
church which is not the Lord's (I Cor. 1:10-13.) When Joseph
Church. Speaking of these latter-day Smith retired to the Sacred Grove, it
conditions Moroni said to people now was to ask the Lord which of all the
living: "The Lord commandeth you, sects was right and which he should
when ye shall see these things come join. The answer: "I must join none
among you that ye shall awake to a of them, for they were all wrong."
sense of your awful situation, because (Jos. Smith 2: 14-20.)
of this secret combination which shall But the apostate nature of the
be among you .... For it cometh to creeds and teachings of the sects in
pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh no sense means that all sectarians,
to overthrow the freedom of all lands, as individuals, are living in gross un-
nations, and countries." (Ether 8: 14- righteousness without desiring to
26.) know and live the truth. "There are
many yet on the earth among all sects,
Secrets. See MYSTERIES. parties, and denominations," the
Prophet wrote by way of revelation,
Sectarians. See SECTS. "who are blinded by the subtle crafti-
ness of men, whereby they lie in wait
Sects. See APOSTASY, CHRISTlANITY, to deceive, and who are only kept
CREEDS, FrnsT VxsmN, HARLOTS. Divi- from the truth because they know
sion and dissension, contention, con- not where to find it." (D. & C.
fusion and discord-these are among 123:12.)
the prevailing characteristics of the
kingdom of the devil; and they are Security. See CHURCH WELFAiffi
nowhere better illustrated than in the PLAN, OBEDIENCE, SIGNS OF THE
sects of Christendom. These various TIMES. It is instinctive !or mortal
sects or denominations-all holding men to seek security, to strive for a
to their particular creeds and prac- state of existence in which they will
tices-will never unite, except on one be free from fear, want, danger, and

anxiety. Most men rely on riches, concerning the coming of the Lord-
power, and influence to give assurance I say unto you, that all those who
of security, just as nations of men have hearkened unto their words, and
rely on armies, weapons, treaties, and believed that the Lord would redeem
alliances. But all of these can give his people, and have looked forward
only a fleeting and partial sense of to that day for a remission of their
security. Disasters, disease, plagues, sins, I say unto you, that these are
famines, and wars, with all their at- his seed, or they are the heirs of the
tendant evils, can sweep man-made kingdom of God. For these are they
security away in one fell swoop. Real whose sins he has borne; these are
security-temporal, physical, spiritual, they for whom he has died, to redeem
mental, moral-comes only by obe- them from their transgressions. And
dience to the laws of God. There is now, are they not his seed? Yea, and
no peace of mind or freedom from are not the prophets, every one that
fear except in righteous living; and has opened his mouth to prophesy,
such temporal blessings as can be that has not fallen into transgression,
assured in a wicked world are found I mean all the holy prophets ever
in and through the Church Welfare since the world began?. I say unto
Plan and the economic laws of the you that they are his seed." (Mosiah
Church. 15:I0-13.)
Thus the seed of Christ are those
Security Program. See CHURCH WEL- who are adopted into his family, who
FARE PLAN. by faith have become his sons and
his daughters. (Mosiah 5:7.) They
Seduction. See SEX IMMORALITY. are the children of Christ in that they
are his followers and disciples and
Seed of Abraham. See IsRAHL. keep his commandments. (4 Ne. 17;
Morm. 9:26; Moro. 7:19.)
Seed of Christ. See AooPTION, CHRIST,
One of Isaiah's great Messianic ACLES, PROPHETS, REVELATION, REv-
prophecies says of our Lord: "When ELATORS, UruM AND THUMMIM, V1-
thou shalt make his soul an offering SIONS. From among the Lord's
for sin, he shall see his seed." (Isa. prophets and revelators certain highly
53:10.) Abinadi quotes this proph- spiritual ones are chosen to act as
ecy, asks the question, "Who shall be seers, and as such, as occasion may
his seed?" and then gives this in- require, they have the right to use
spired answer: "Behold I say unto the Urim and Thummim. A seer is a
you, that whosoever has heard the prophet selected and appointed to
words of the prophets, yea, all the pqssess and use these holy interpre-
holy prophets who have prophesied ters. (Mosiah 8:13; 28:16.) Joseph

Smith, the great seer of latter-days Seer Stones. See URIM AND THUM-
(2 Ne. 3:6-11; D. & C. 21:1; 124:125; MIM.
127:12; 135:3), for instance, trans-
lated the Book of Mormon and re- Segregation. See CASTE SYSTEM.
ceived many revelations by means of
the Urim and Thummim. Selfishness. See GREEDINESS. Selfish -
"A seer is greater than a prophet. ness consists in caring unduly or
. . . A seer is a revelator and a prophet supremely for oneself; it is one of the
also; and a gift which is greater can lusts of the flesh which must be over-
no man have, except he should possess come by those who gain salvation. A
the power of God, which no man can; selfish person clings to his own com-
yet a man may have great power fort, advantage, or position at ·the
given him from God. But a seer can expense of others. Men are com-
know of things which are past, and manded to repent of their pride and
also of things which are to come, and selfishness. (D. & C. 56:8.) In prac-
by them shall all things be revealed, tice the way to do this is to serve in
or, rather, shall secret things be made the Church and make generous finan-
manifest, and hidden things shall cial contributions to sustain its
come to light, and things which are programs.
not known shall be made known by
them, and also things shall be made Sell-reliance. Properly understood
known by them which otherwise and practiced, self-reliance is a desir-
could not be known. Thus God has able saintly virtue; when it leaves the
provided a means that man, through Lord out of the picture, however, it
faith, might work mighty miracles; becomes a vice that leads men from
therefore he becometh a great ben- the paths of righteousness. The saints,
efit to his fellow beings." (Mosiah for instance, should have confidence
8:15-18.) in their own abilities, efforts, and
The President of the Church holds judgments to make a living, to in-
the office of seership. (D. & C. crease in faith and the attributes of
107:92; 124:94, 125.) Indeed, the godliness, to work out their salvation,
apostolic office itself is one of seer- to pass all the tests of this mortal
ship, and the members of the Council probation. They should know that
of the Twelve, together with the Pres- the Lord has not placed his children
idency and Patriarch to the Church, in positions beyond their capacities
are chosen and sustained as prophets, to cope with, that the normal trials
seers, and revelators to the Church. and tribulations of life are part of
If there are seers among a people, the eternal system. Ordinarily mem-
that people is the Lord's. Where there bers of the Church should make their
are no seers, apostasy prevails. (Isa. own personal decisions, using the
29:10; 2 Ne. 27:5.) agency the Almighty has given them,

without running to their bishops or the natural o~ sensual man and be-
others for direction. coming saints. (Mosiah 3:19.)
But with it all, man of himself is
not wholly self-sufficient. He is not Septuagint. See KING JAMES VERSION
to trust solely in his own strength, nor OF THE BIBLE .
in the arm of flesh. The Lord is his
Counselor and Deliverer, upon whom Sepulcher. See GRAVES.
he .must · rely for guidance, direction,
and inspiration. If the' great Creator Seraphim. See ANGELS, CHERUBIM,
had not stepped forward to redeem HIERARCHY. Seraphs are angels who
the creatures of his creating, the reside in the presence of God, giving
whole plan of salvation would be void continual glory, honor, and adoration
and the most perfect manilesta tions to him. "Praise ye him, all his angels:
of self-reliance would have no worth. praise ye him, all his hosts." (Ps.
148:2.) It is clear that seraphs in-
clude the unembodied spirits of pre-
existence, for our Lord "looked upon
Sensuality. See CARNALITY, CoRRUP- the wise expanse of eternity, and all
the seraphic hosts of heaven, before
the world was made." (D. & C. 38: I.)
MORTALITY. Natural or sensual men
Whether the name seraphs also ap·
are enemies to God, because they are
plies to perfected and resurrected
ruled by passions and appetites raiher
angels is not clear. While petitioning
than by the Spirit. (Mosiah 3 :19.) on behalf of the saints, the Prophet
They are friends of the world, and prayed that "we may . mingle our
"the friendship of the world is enmity voices with those bright, shining
with God." (Jas. 4 :4.) That which is seraphs around thy throne, with
sensual is carnal and base; it relates acclamations of praise, . singing Ho-
to the body rather than the Spirit. sanna to God and the Lamb!" (D.
Thus sensuality embraces free indul- & C. 109:79.)
gence in sensual, fleshly pleasures- In Hebrew the plural of seraph is
lewdness, licentiousness, lascivious- seraphim or, as incorrectly recorded
ness. Since the fall, men in their in the King James Version of the
natural state have been carnal, sen- Bible, seraphims. Isaiah saw seraphim
sual, and devilish. (D. & C. 20:20; in vision and heard them cry one to
Moses 5:1 3; 6:49;-Mosiah 16:1-4.) another, "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord
The gospel of salvation is not carnal of hosts; the whole earth is full of
or sensual. (D. & C. 29:35.) Rather, his glory." (Inspired Ve rs ion, Isa.
the plan of salvation consists in over- 6:1-8.) The fact that these holy
coming the world, in overcoming car- beings were shown to him as having
nality and sensuality, in putting off wings was simply to symbolize their

"power, to move, to act, etc." as was There are two requisites for a good
the case also in visions others had sermon: I. The speaker teaches the
received. (D. & C. 77 :4.) saving tru ths of the gospel only; and
2. He speaks by the power of the Holy
Seraphs. See SERAPHIM. Ghost. "Teach the principles of my
gospel," the Lord commands, "which
Sermon on the Mount. See SERMONS. are in the Bible and the Book of
Mormon, in the which is the lulness
Sermons. See CONFERENCES, EPISTLES, of the gospel. . . And these shall be
KING FOLLETT SERMON, KNOWLEDGE, their teachings, as they shall be di-
PROPHETS, REVELATION, SACRAMENT rected by the Spirit. And the Spirit
MEETINGS . Since it pleases God, "by shall be given unto you by the prayer
the foolishness of preaching to save of faith; and if ye receive not the
them that believe" (I Car. 1:21), it Spirit ye shall not teach." (D. & C.
follows that he sends preachers to 42:12-14.) Nephi said: "When a
teach his saving truths. This preach- man speaketh by the power of the
ing is presented primarily in sermons, Holy Ghost the power of the Holy
but it may be woven into lessons, Ghost carrieth it unto the hearts of
talks, discourses, speeches, orations, the children of men." (2 Ne. 33:1.)
lectures, addresses, and ordinary con - To qualify as preachers of right-
versations. eousness the elders of Israel must:
Preaching and gospel sermons have I. Know the doctrines of the gospel;
been part of the gospel order from and 2. So live that the Holy Ghost
the beginning. Alter naming the great can enlighten their minds and loosen
patriarchs from Adam to Enoch, their tongues when they stand before
Moses comments : "And they were the people. "Neither take ye thought
preachers of righteousness, and spake beforeharnl what ye shall say," is the
and prophesied, and called upon all divine decree, "but treasure up in
men, everywhere, to repent; and faith your mirnls continually the words of
was taught unto the children of men." life, and it shall be given you in the
(Moses 6:23.) The Sermon on the very hour that portion that shall be
Mount (Matt. 5; 6; 7; 3 Ne. 12; 13; meted unto every man." (D. & C.
14), the King Follett Sermon (Teach- 84:85; Matt. 10:19-20.)
ings, pp. 342-362), and the angel's To read a written sermon, except
sermon to King Benjamin on the under very unusual circumstances, is
atonement of Christ (Mosiah 3) are a mockery of sacred things. There
among the greatest sermons ever de- may be a few instances in which ser-
livered. It is the order of the Church mons may be read, just as there are
that the major portion of the time in a few formal occasions when prayers
conferences and sacrament meetings may be read, as for instance at the
should be used for sermons. dedication of temples. On some radio

and television broadcasts written ser- 12:9; 20:2; D. & C. 76:28; 88:110.)
mons may be appropriate, and there Choice of the name is excellent, in-
is no impropriety in little children dicating as it does a cunning, sly,
reading written talks. But in the ab- subtle, and deceitful craftiness.
sence of some compelling reason for
making an exception to what the Serpents. See BRAZEN SERPENT,
Lord has commanded, a written ser- DEVIL, QUETZALCOATL, SERPENT. Ser-
mon does no more than bear record pents have been used among both
that the preacher has neither the Christian and pagan peoples as a sym-
knowledge to draw on, the faith to bol of both good and evil. (Milton R.
rely on the Spirit, nor the ability to Hunter, Archaeology and the Book
attune himself to the spirit of inspira· of Mormon, vol. 2; Christ in Ancient
lion. America.) Lucifer, who tempted Eve
Every experienced cider has spoken through the mouth of a serpent (Gen.
on occasions when the spirit of in- 3), is called "the great dragon," and
spiration has rested upon him, when "that old serpent" (Rev, 12:7-17;
by the power of the Holy Ghost 20:2), thus giving foundation to the
thoughts have come into his mind, use of serpents as an evil symbol.
and wo~ds have fallen from his lips, Moses, by command of the Lord raised
which were new to him. Many direct a brazen serpent before Israel, in
revelations are given to the Lord's similitude of the fact that Christ
agents as they stand on their feet, would be lifted up on the cross (Num.
relying on the Spirit, preaching the 21:4'.9; John 3:14-15; A_lma 33:19-
gospel. 22; Hela. 8:14-15) , thus giving foun-
Just as there are false prophets and dation to the use of serpents as a
false Christs, so there are false teach- good symbol. Among the apostate
ers and false preachers. (Words of descendants of Lehi, Quetzalcoatl, the
Morm. 15-16.) Anyone who professes leathered serpent, became a symbol
to preach the gospel but who does for the great White God who had
not have the Spirit, and who does not ministered among their ancestors.
teach the true principles of salvation,
and who is not a legal administrator Servant. See CHRIST, FATHER IN
endowed with power from on high, is HEAVEN, MINISTER OF SALVATION,
a false preacher. SERVANTS OF Goo. Christ is the Fa-
ther's Servant. One of the great
Serpent. See D EVIL, .IJRAGON, SER- Messianic prophecies so designates
PENTS. Since the day in which Satan him. (Isa. 42:1-8; Matt. 12:14-21.)
spoke by the mouth of the serpent to Usage of this term teaches that he is
entice Eve to partake of the forbid- subject to the Father in all things,
den fruit (Moses 4:5-21 ), Satan has that he came into the world to do the
been called "that old serpent." (Rev. will of the Father, and that it is by

the power of the Father that he in eternity. Persons for whom the
accomplished his mission. (3 Ne. family unit continues become the sons
27:13-16; D. & C. 76:40-43; John of God, members of his family; those
5:30; 6:38.) It should be remembered who remain .unmarried in eternity
that in the sense in which the des- will, as angels and not gods, be "min-
ignation is here used, the Servant istering servants, to minister for those
shall be as his Lord, thus inheriting who are worthy of a far more, and
the fulness of all things for himself. an exceeding, and an eternal weight
"Where I am, there shall also my of glory." (D. & C. 132: 16-17, 25.)
servant be." (John 12:26.)
Service. See Gooo WoRKS, OBEDI-
SoNs OF Goo. I. Those who choose means dedication of oneself to right-
to serve the Lord and who keep his eousness to the extent that a person
commandments are called his serv- accepts the gospel, obeys its laws, and
ants. After they have been tried and works in the church organizations.
tested and are found faithful and true Service is synonymous with keeping
in all things, they are called no longer the commandments of God; it is the
servants, but friends. (John 15:14- child of love. "If thou loves! me thou
15.) His friends are the ones he will shalt serve me and keep all my com-
take into his kingdom and with whom mandments." (D. & C. 42:29.)
he will associate to all eternity. (D. "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God
& C. 93:45-46.) They receive the with all thy heart, with all thy might,
adoption of sonship. "And because ye mind, and strength; and in the name
are sons, God hath sent forth the of Jesus Christ thou shalt serve him."
Spirit of his Son into your hearts, (D. & C. 59:5; 20:19, 31, 37.) Our
crying, Abba, Father. Wherefore Lord's ministry is the perfect example
thou art no more a servant, but a son; of service. "I am among you as he
and if a son, then an heir of God that serveth," he said. (Luke 22:27;
through Christ." (Gal. 4:6-7.) Thus Matt. 20:26-28.) His service was
those who are servants of God here rendered to his fellow men; and
gain exaltation hereafter. "when ye are in the service of your
2. Those who do not choose to fellow beings ye are only in the serv-
serve the Lord, who do not keep his ice of your God." (Mosiah 2:16- 17.)
<;ommandments, and who do not re- Diligent service in God's earthly
ceive the ordinances of his house, shall kingdom assures the servant of eter-
be servants to all eternity. (D. & C. nal life in the kingdom of God in
76 :112.) They did not choose to be heaven. (D. & C. 76:5-10.) Those
his servants here and so he will re- who serve God are righteous; those
quire ministering servitude from them who do not are unrighteous. (Mal.

3:18; · 3 N e. 24:18.) And the Lord edek Priesthood is that of a seventy.

requires the whole heart of a man. Seventies are elders with all the
"Therefore, 0 ye that embark in the powers of elders, plus a special call
service of God, see that ye serve him and ordination " to preach the gospel,
with all your heart, might, mind and and to be especial witnesses unto the
strength , that ye may stand blame- Gentiles an d in all the world." (D.
less before God at the last day. & C. I 07 :25.) As the Lord's "travel-
Therefore, ii ye have desires to serve ing ministers" they are sent "unto the
God ye are called to the work." (D. Gentiles first and also unto the Jews."
& C. 4:2-3.) (D. & C. 107:97.) The office ol a
In the ultimate sense, there are only seventy is an appendage to the higher
two beings to whom service is ren- priesthood. (D. & C. 107:5.)
dered;.God or the devil. By keeping Speaking of · the First Quorum of
the commandments men serve God Seventy, the Lord says: "The Sev-
and further his interests; by !ailing enty are to act in the name of the
to obey his law, they "serve the devil, Lord, under the direction ol the
who is the master of sin." (Mosiah T welve or the traveling high council,
4:14; Alma 5:37-42.) "No man- can in building up the church and reg-
serve two masters: for either he will ulating all the affairs of the same in
h ate the one, and love the other; or all nations, first unto the Gentiles
else h e will hold to the one, and de- and then to the Jews. . . . It is the
spise the other. Ye cannot .serve God duty of the traveling high council to
and mammon." (Matt. 6:24;· 3 Ne. call upon the Seventy, when they
13:24.) When the mammon of this need assistance, to fill th e several calls
world takes .precedence, in a man's for preaching and administering the
heart, over the things of righteousness, gospel, instead of any others." (D.
that man, most assuredly, is not serv- & C. 107:34, 38.)
ing God. "Ch oose you this day whom It appears from the Old Testament
ye will serve." (Josh . 24 : 15; Alma •account that at least from the days
30 :8.) of Moses the elders ol Israel have
been ordained seventies and given
Setting Apart. See ORDINATIONS. special priesthood blessings and obli-
gations. It was "seventy of the elders
Seven Presidents of Seventies. See ol Israel" who went up with Moses,
FIRST COU NCIL OF SEVENTY. Aaron, Nadab, and Abihu and "saw
the God ol Israel," thus certainly be-
Seventies. See MELCHIZEDEK PRIEST- coming especial witnesses of his name.
HOOD, M1ss10NARIES, PRIESTHOOD, (Ex. 24:1-11.) And when the Lord
PRIESTHOOD OFFICES, PRIESTHOOD gave Moses additional administrative
QUORUMS, QUORUM PRESIDENTS. One help to aid in bearing the burdens of
of the ordained offices in the Melchiz- the multitudes of Israel, it was the

seventy whom he chose. "I will come intent is honorable and sanctifying.
down and talk with thee," the Lord But without the bonds of marriage,
said to Moses, "and I will take of the sexual indulgence is a debasing sin,
spirit which is upon thee, and will abominable in the sight of Deity."
put it upcn them; and they shall bear (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed., p. 309.)
the burden of the people with thee, Sex immorality is made up of
that thou bear it not thyself alone." offenses against God of all kinds and
Those seventy became mighty proph- degrees. All are evil and damning in
ets in Israel. (Num. II.) their nature, with some, however,
In the meridian of time, our Lord being much more so than others.
"appointed other seventy also, and "We are of the opinion there are more
sent them two and two before his grades or degrees of sin associated
face into every city and place, whither with the improper relationship of the
he himself would come." He gave sexes than of any other wrongdoing
them pointed missionary direction, of which we have knowledge," Pres-
they performed their la hors, the very ident Smith also said. "They all in-
devils were subject unto them, and volve a grave offense-the sin against
they rejoiced because their names chastity, but in numerous instances
were written in heaven. (Luke 10:1- this sin is intensified by the breaking
24.) The indication is clear that these of sacred covenants, to which is some-
"other seventy" were in addition to times added deceit, intimidation, or
previous quorums organized for like actual violence.
purposes. (D. & C. 107:95.) "Much as all these sins are to be
denounced and deplored, we can our-
Sex Immorality. See ADULTERY, D AM· selves see a difference both in intent
NATION, FORNICATION, TELESTIAL LAW. and consequence between the offense
Every normal person has planted in of a young couple, who, being be-
his physical being certain sexual ap- trothed, in an unguarded moment,
petites and desires; one of the chief without premeditation fall into sin,
purposes of this mortal probation is and that of the man, who having en-
to see whether man will bridle these tered into holy places and made sacred
passions and use them only as author - covenants, plots to rob the wife of his
ized and approved by Deity. Hence neighbor of her virtue either by cun-
the commands: On the one hand- ning or force and [who] accom-
"Be fruitful, and multiply, and re- plishes his vile intent." (Gospel
plenish the earth" (Gen. I :28); and Doctrine, 5th ed., p. 310.)
on the other- "Thou shalt not com- Virtue may be lost by degrees; and
mit adultery." (Ex. 20:14.) Or, as chastity may be destroyed a step at
President Joseph F. Smith expressed a time. Immodesty, necking, and pet-
it: "Sexual union is lawful in wed- ting, themselves a form of sex im-
lock, and if participated in with right morality, frequently lead to much

grosser offenses. Every degree and today than the fri ght ful affliction of
type of lewdness, lasciviousness, and sexual sin. It vitiates the very foun-
licentiousness; of concupiscence, pros- tains of life, and bequeaths its foul
titution, and whoredoms; of sodomy, effects to the yet unborn as a legacy
onanism, and homosexuality; of mas- of death. It lurks in hamlet and city,
turbation, incontinence, and perver- in the mansion and in the hovel as
sion; of rape, seduction, and infidelity; a ravening beast in wait for prey; and
of adultery, fornication, and unclean• it skulks through the land in blas-
ness-all these things, as well as many phemous defiance of the laws of God
others, are condemned by divine edict and of man." (Era, vol. 20, p. 739.)
and are among Lucifer's chief means Further: "Like many bodily dis -
of leading souls to hell. Fine distinc· eases, sexual crime drags with itself
tions between them are of no par- a train of other ills. As the physical
ticular moment and are not necessary effects of drunkenness entail the de-
to observance of the divine laws in- terioration of tissue, and disturbance
volved. Counsel in the field of of vital functions, and so render the
chastity is simply: Be Chaste/ body receptive of any distemper to
"And now we desire with holy zeal which it may be exposed, and at the
to emphasize the enormity of sexual same time lower the powers of resist-
sins," President Joseph F. Smith has ance even to fatal deficiency, so does
said. "Though often regarded as unchastity expose the soul to divers
insignificant by those not knowing the spiritual maladies, and rob it of both
will of God, they are in his eyes an resistance and rec.uperative ability.
abomination; and if we are to remain The adulterous generation of Christ's
his favored people, . they must be day were deaf to the voice of truth,
shunned as the gates of hell. The evil and through their diseased state of
results of these sins are so patent in mind and heart, sought after signs
vice, crime, misery and disease that and preferred empty fable to the
it would appear that all, young and message of salvation.
old, must perceive and sense them. "We accept without reservation or
They are destroying the world. If qualification t\J.e affirmation of Deity,
we are to be preserved we must abhor through an ancient Nephite prophet:
them, shun them, not practice the 'For I, the Lord God, delight in the
least · of them, for they weaken and chastity of women. And whoredoms
enervate, they kill man spiritually, are an abomination before me; thus
they make him unfit for the eompany saith the Lord of Hosts.' (Jae. 2:28.)
of the righteous and the presence of "We hold that sexual sin is second
God." (Go spel Doctrine, 5th ed., pp. only to the shedding of innocent blood
275-276.) in the category of personal crimes;
Again : "No more loathsome cancer and that the adulterer shall have no
disfigures the body and soul of society part in the exaltation of the blessed."

(Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed., pp. 309- Church in which he is responsible

310.) for the spiritual or temporal well-
being of any of the Lord's children
Sexual Desires. See SEX IMMORALITY. is a shepherd to those sheep. The
Lord holds his shepherds accountable
Sexual Perversions. See SEx IMMOR- for the safety (salvation) of his sheep.
( Ezek. 34.) To all his shepherds the
command is: "Feed my lambs . .. .
Shaman. See MEDICINE MEN. Feed my sheep." (John 21:15-17;
D. & C. 112:14.)
Sheepfold of Israel. See SHEPHERDS.
Hebrew the word for hell is sheol; SIAH. Christ is Shiloh. (Inspired Ver-
it is the gloomy abode of departed sion, Gen. 50:24.) One of the great
spirits; it is the place the wicked go Messianic prophecies is found in the
to await the day of their eventual patriarchal blessing given by Jacob
resurrection. The Prophet wrote of to Judah in these words: "The sceptre
"the dark and benighted dominion shall not depart from Judah, nor a
of Sheol" (D. & C. 121 :4); the con- lawgiver from between his feet, until
notation surrounding its usage is one Shiloh come; and unto him shall the
of evil, sorrow, and anguish. In some gathering of the people be." (Gen.
instances the Authorized Version of 49: l 0.) The sense and meaning is
the Bible translates sheol as grave that when kingly authority was con-
(Gen. 44:29, 31; Job 7:9; Ps. 30:3), !erred in Israel, it would rest with the
or pit. (Num. 16:30, 33; Job 17:16.) tribe of Judah "until he come whose
right it is" to hold kingly authority,
Shepherd. See Gooo SHEPHERD. that is until Shiloh the great Law-
giver should inherit the throne of his
Shepherd of Israel. See Gooo SHEP- father David. (Luke I :32-33.) Ja•
HERD. cob's promise saw fulfilment in the
normal course of historical events.
Shepherds. See BISHOPS, BRANCH (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. I, pp.
PRESIDENTS. The house of Israel is Shrines. See ALTARS, APOSTASY, TEM-
the choice sheepfold of the Lord, and PLES, WoRSHIP OF IMAGES. Worship-
those appointed to care for the sheep ing at shrines is an established part
are the Lord's shepherds. Thus any- of apostate religions; among pagans
one serving in any capacity in the and Catholics it occupies a particular-

ly prominent devotional position . At Jesus said to the woman at the well

many of their shrines, Catholics wor- who inquired whether God should be
ship images of Mary or others of their worsh iped in that mountain or in
so-called saints. Frequently their Jerusalem: "Woman, believe me, the
shrines are boxes containing some hour cometh, when ye shall neither
sacred relic as the heart or forearm in th is mountain, nor yet at Jeru-
or some bone from one of their saints. salem, worship the Father. . . . But
Shrines were very common among the hour cometh, and now is, when
ancient Mediterranean peoples. Mar- the true worshippers shall worship
ket places in Greek and Roman cities the Father in spirit and in truth : for
were littered with them. The shrines the Father seeketh such to worship
of "Diana of the Ephesians," which him." (John 4:20-23.)
caused Paul so much trouble, were
probably miniature silver images of Sickn ess. See D1sEASES.
the goddess in her temple. (Acts
19:24-41.) Sign of Jonah . See SIGN OF JoNAS.
Shrines play no part in true wor-
ship. The saints go to temples and Sign of Jonas. See CHRIST, RES UR -
meetinghouses, kneel before holy RECTION, SYMBOLISM S. Our Lord
altars, perform sacred ordinances, and refused to give the wicked and adul-
are there taught the doctrines of sal- terous Jews any sign proving his
vation. But they do not worship at divine Sonship, except the sign of
these places because the place itself is Jonas (Jonah). This was that "as
sacred, or because some holy being has Jonas was three days and three nights
once stood there, or because a bone in the whale's belly; so shall the Son
or hank of hair of a dead person has of man be three days and three nights
been exhumed and is there displayed. in the heart of the earth." (Matt.
Moses, Elias, Elij ah, and the resur- 12 :38-41; 16:4.)
rected Lord Jesus himself, have all Thus Jonah's burial in and coming
stood in this dispensation in the Kirt- forth from the "great fish " (Jonah
land T emple, but that building is no 1:15-17; 2) symbolizes the death,
more a shrine to the saints than is burial, and resurrection of Christ, so
any other building. The Father and that "as Jonas was a sign unto the
the Son both stood in the Sacred Ninevites, so shall also the Son of
Grove in the spring of 1820, but this man be to this generation." (Luke
greatest of all recorded theophanies 11 :29-30.) By repenting and believ-
did not make that grove of trees a ing Jonah, wicked Nineveh was
shrine. saved; by repenting and believing
True worship does not depend upon Christ, the wicked Jews could have
the place of devotion, but upon the freed themselves from sin. And the
righteousness of the worshiper. As miracle of the resurrection, symbolized

by the sign of Jonas, stands as a wit- of baptism, and had the privilege of
ness against them that they rejected beholding the Holy Ghost descend
their God. in the form of a dove, or rather in
the sign of the dove, in witness of that
Sign of the Cross. See APOSTASY, administration. 11
CHRIST, CRoss. As part of their wor- Then the Prophet gives this ex-
ship, members and priests of that planation: "The sign of the dove was
great church which is not the Lord's instituted before the creation of the
Church make the sign of the cross. world, a witness for the Holy Ghost,
In doing so they draw a cross in the and the devil cannot come in the sign
air with the right hand beginning at of a dove. The Holy Ghost is a per-
their foreheads. Their purpose is to sonage, and is in the form of a
show devoutness in worship or to personage. It does not confine itself
consecrate and bless persons or objects. to the form of the dove; but in sign
This religious formality is without of the dove. The Holy Ghost cannot
scriptural or divine warrant. Indeed be transformed into a dove; but the
many sec in it at least a partial ful- sign of a dove was given to John to
filment of John's vision in which he signify the truth of the deed, as the
saw that the great apostate beast dove is an emblem or token of truth
would cause "all, both small and and innocence." (Teachings, pp. 275-
great, rich and poor, free and bond, 276.)
to receive a mark in their right hand, It appears that the sign of the dove
or in their foreheads: And that no was given to John to show that the
man . might buy or sell, save he that Holy Ghost had been given; and, if
had the mark, or the name of the the translation in Luke is correct it
beast, or the number of his name." also appears that the Holy Ghost
(Rev. 13.) ( who is a personage of Spirit) de-
scended in "bodily shape" and that
Sign of the Dove. See HoLY GHOST. descent was "like a dove."
When John baptized Jesus, "he saw
the Spirit of God descending like a Sign of the Son of Man. See SECOND
dove, and lighting upon him." (Matt. COMING OF CHRIST, SIGNS, SIGN-SEEK-
3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11.) Luke's ac- ING, SIGNS OF TI-IE TIMES, SON OF
count says, "The Holy Ghost de- MAN. Among the heavenly signs and
scended in a bodily shape like a dove wonders of the last days, one is to
upon him." (Luke 3:21 -22.) Two stand out particularly as the harbin-
Book of Mormon passages speak of ger of the coming of our Lord. It is
the Holy Ghost coming down "in the singled out and known as the sign
form of a dove." (I Ne. I 1:27; 2 Ne. of the Son of Man. (Jos. Smith I :36;
31 :8.) The Prophet said that John Matt. 24:29-30.) "There will be wars
"led the Son of God into the waters and rumors of wars ," the

said, "signs in the heavens above ar:id name, doubting nothing, unto him
on the earth beneath, the sun turned will I confirm all my words, even
into darkness and the moon to blood, unto the ends of the earth." (Morm.
earthquakes in divers places, the seas 9:24-25; Ether 4 :18; Mark 16-:16-20;
heaving beyond their bounds; then 1 Cor. 14:22; D. & C. 68:8-12;
will appear one _grand sign of the Son 84:6-4-72; 124:98.)
of Man in heaven. But what will the Signs flow from faith. They may
world do? They will say it is a planet, incidentally have the effect of
a comet, etc. But the Son of Man strengthening the faith of those who
will come as the sign of the coming . are already spiritually inclined, but
of the Son of Man, which will be as their chief purpose is not to convert
the light of the morning cometh out people to the truth, but to reward
of the east." (Teachings, pp. 286- and bless those already converted.
287.) When this sign is given, how - "Faith cometh not by signs, but signs
ever, it will be known to and follow those that believe," the Lord
identified by the Prophet of God on says. "Yea, signs come by faith, not
earth. (Teachings, pp. 279-280.) by the will of men, nor as they please,
but by the will of God. Yea, signs
Signs. See BELIEF, FAITH, GIFTS OF come by faith, unto mighty works,
THE SPIRIT, HEALING$, MIRACLES, for without faith no man pleaseth
SIGN OF THE SON OF MAN, SIGN-SEEK- God; and with whom God is angry
ING, SIGNS OF THE TIMES. Gifts of the he is not well pleased; wherefore,
Spirit which the Lord bestows upon unto such he showeth no signs, only
those who believe and obey the gospel in wrath unto their condemnation."
of Christ are called signs. That is, (D. & C. 63:9-11.)
their receipt stands as an evidence Faith that is based on signs alon,
or sign of the presence of that faith is weak and ineffective. It continual-
which results from believing the truth. ly demands added and greater signs
Signs are wonders and miracles; they to keep it alive, and those relying on
always and invariably are manifest to such visible supernatural guidance
and among the faithful saints. soon begin "to be less and less aston-
In every gospel dispensation, the ished at a sign or a wonder from
saints have had this promise: "These heaven" until they are in danger of
signs shall follow them that believe- disbelieving all they have "heard and
in my name shall they cast out devils; seen." (3 Ne. 2:1.) Thus belief based
they shall speak with new tongues; on supernatural experiences is less
they shall take up serpents; and if to be desired than that which stands
they drink any deadly thing it shall on its own feet. "Blessed are they that
not hurt them; they shall lay hands have not seen, and yet have believed."
on the sick ·and they shall recover; (John 20:29.)
And whosoever shall believe in my Signs are sacred grants of divine

favor reserved for the faithful and TASY, DEVIL, SIGNS, SIGNS OF THE
concerning which the recipients are TIMES. Because signs-miracles, gifts
commanded not to boast. "A com- of the Spirit-always follow belief in
mandment I give unto them," the the true gospel, it is inevitable that
Lord says, "that they shall not boast nonbelievers who are in open rebel-
themselves of these things, neither lion against the truth (subject as they
speak them before the wor Id; for are to the direction and promptings
these things are given unto you for of Satan) should attempt to disprove
your profit and for salvation." (D. & the Lord's work by taunting his min-
C. 84:73.) isters with the challenge: Show us a
And as with nearly every good and sign. Our Lord himsell was mocked
proper gift, Satan has an evil and in this manner. (John 2:18; 6:30.)
ugly substitute. "Signs and lying Actually, sign-seeking-a favorite
wonders" (2 Thess. 2:9-12) are the pastime and enterprise of evilly dis-
stock in trade of false prophets (Matt. posed persons-is an evidence of su-
24:24; Mark 13:22), a fact which preme and gross wickedness on their
establishes the truth that signs, stand- part. "An evil and adulterous gen-
ing alone, do not establish that divine eration seeketh after a sign," the
approval rests upon a particular peo- Master said. (Matt. 12:39; 16:4; Mark
ple. Unless there are signs, belief in 8:12; Luke 11:29.) And from the
the true gospel is not established, but Prophet we have this account of one
the Lord will always have other evi- of his experiences: "When I was
dences also to bear record of his work. preaching in Philadelphia, a Quaker
Various other usages of the desig- called out for a sign. I told him to
nation signs are also of scriptural be still. Alter the sermon, he again
record. For instance, certain heavenly asked for a sign. I told the congre-
phenomena are so designated, in order gation the man was an adulterer; that
that their promised occurrence will a wicked and adulterous generation
stand as a witness of a future event. seeketh after a sign; and that the Lord
(Hela. 14:1-7.) A sign is also some- had said to me in a revelation, that
thing that is performed as a token or any man who wanted a sign was an
memorial of an event which properly adulterous person. 'It is true,' cried
should be remembered. The rainbow one, 'for I caught him in the very
is given as a sign that the Lord will act,' which the man afterwards con-
not again destroy the earth by water. fessed when he was baptized."
(Gen. 9:8-17.) The feast of unleav- (Teachings, p. 278.) Sherem (Jae. 7)
ened bread was a sign to ancient and Korihor (Alma 30) stand as the
Israel of their deliverance from Egyp- classical illustrations of the activities
tian bondage. (Ex. 13:1-10.) and late of sign-seekers.
Even among the saints there occa-
Sign-seeking. See ADULTERY, APos- sionally are those spiritually weak

persons who seek signs. To them the heaven," he rebuked and derided
Lord says: "He that seeketh signs them by asking, "Can ye not discern
shall see signs, but not unto salvation. the signs of the timesr' (Matt. 16:1-
Verily, I say unto you, there are those 4.) To the faithful elders carrying
among you who seek signs, and there the message of salvation to the world
have been such even from the begin- in this dispensation, the Lord has
ning; But, behold, faith cometh not by given this promise: "Unto you it shall
signs, but signs follow those that be- be given to know the signs of the
lieve.;, As pertaining to those without times, and the signs of the coming
faith, the Lord "showeth no signs, of the Son of Man." (D. & C. 68:11.)
only in wrath unto their condemna- As used in these scriptures, signs
tion." (D. & C. 63:7-11; Alma 32:17- are the recognizable events or occur-
18.) rences which identify present and
To seek the gilts of the Spirit which portend future events. They
through faith, humility, and devotion are omens, prodigies, wonders, and
to righteousness is not to be confused marvels of abnormal occurrence.
with sign-seeking. The saints are Times means the age, era, period, or
commanded to "covet earnestly the dispensation involved. Thus the signs
best gifts." (I Cor. 12:31.) But im- of the times for our age or dispensa-
plicit in this exhortation is the pre- tion are the marvelous events-differ-
sumption that those so seeking will ing in kind, extent, or magnitude
do so in the way the Lord has or- from events of past times-which
dained. For instance, the gift of testi- identify the dispensation of the ful-
mony is obtained through a course of ness of times and presage the Second
desire, study, prayer, and practice. Advent of our Lord. (Joseph Fielding
Indeed, whenever a person abides the Smith, Signs of the T imes; Doctrines
law entitling him to receive a gilt, of Salvation, vol. 3, pp. 19-37.)
that gift is then freely bestowed upon By the power of the Holy Ghost the
him. faithful saints are able to discern the
signs of the times, signs preparatory
Signs of the Times. See ABOMINATION to and part of this final great dis-
OF DESOLATION, LAST DAYS, SECOND pensation, and among them are the
COMING OF CHRIST. In every age the following:
Lord sends forth clearly discernible I. SPIRIT TO BE POURED OUT
signs and warnings so that those who ON ALL FLESH.-This promise, as
are spiritually inclined can know of pertaining to the last days, was made
his hand-dealings with men. In the by Joel and renewed by Moroni when
meridian of time, when Jewish tempt- he appeared to the Prophet Joseph
ers, members of "a wicked and adul- Smith on Sept. 21, 1823. (Joel 2:28 -
terous generation," came desiring that 32; Jos. Smith 2:41.) It has reference,
"he would shew them a sign from not to the Holy Ghost, but to the

pouring out of the Spirit of Christ, use and spread of printing. Civil and
the spirit or light which enlighteneth ecclesiastical tyrants feared the loss
every man born into the world. Those of their ill-held and evilly-exercised
who hearken to this spirit and are powers should knowledge and truth
led by its strivings come to the knowl- be made available to people generally.
edge of the truth, accept the gospel, "We must root out printing," said the
and receive the gilt of the Holy Ghost. Vicar of Croydon from his pulpit, "or
(D. & C. 84:44-48.) printing will root us out." (Progress
It was this spirit, the Light of of Man, pp. 206-215.)
Christ, which prepared the way for But the destined ascendancy of
the opening of the dispensation of the truth was inevitable. Thomas Paine's
fulness of times. Working in the Rights of Man, for instance, was one
hearts of men in the dark ages, it of the major forces in uniting the
caused them to seek light, to translate American colonists in their revolu-
the Bible, to break away (partially, tionary struggle for freedom. But real
at least, from that great church freedom of the press itself was not
which is not the Lord's Church. This assured for ·any reasonable segment of
is the spirit, inspiring good men and mankind until the final adoption of
honest truth seekers in every nation, the Constitution of the United States
which has led to the great discoveries, in 1789.
inventions, and technological ad- 3. PROTESTANT REFORMA-
vances of our modern civilization- TION AND AGE OF RENAIS-
achievements withheld from former SANCE. - With the revival of
dispensations and made known only learning and the rebirth in man's
in the last days. breast of a thirst for truth, the dark
2. DISCOVERY AND USE OF ages were doomed. Beginning in the
PRINTING. -Few tools were more 14th century, the Lord began to
effective than printing in paving the prepare those social, educational, re-
way for the great revival of learning, ligious, economic, and governmental
for the .religious reformation, and for conditions under which he could more
the breaking of the Catholic grip of easily restore the gospel for the last
death on peoples and nations. With- time among men. The spirit of in-
out the discovery of movable type in spiration rested upon Wycliffe, Huss,
about 1440 A.D. the barrier of gross Luther, Zwingli, Calvin, Knox, and
darkness covering the apostate world others, causing them to rebel against
could scarce have been pierced. One the satanic evils of Catholicism and
of the first books published was the seek to make the Bible and other
Gutenberg Bible in 1456 A.D. truth available to all who would re-
Perhaps no important discovery in ceive such. The age of Renaissance
world history ever laced such intense and Reformation were part of the
and bitter opposition as arose over the Lord's program preparatory to usher-

ing in his great latter-day work. was established as a nation by the

(Progress of Man, pp. 196-237.) Lord for two chief reasons: I. So that
4. DISCOVERY AND COLONI- the Book of Mormon, containing as
ZATION OF AMERICA.-The lat- it does the fulness of the gospel, might
ter-day discovery and colonization of come forth with its message of salva-
the American nation was part of the tion to both Jew (which includes the
divine plan. This land, "choice above Lamanites) and Gentile. 2. So that
all other lands" (Ether 2:7-12), has the Lord's true Church might be set
been reserved in all ages for the par- up again on earth, and thus have
ticular peoples permitted to inhabit the way opened up for the fulfilling
it. In the latter-days these inhabi- of the covenants made by the Lord
tants were to come from the nations with the house of Israel.
of the Gentiles. The resurrected Lord, in speaking
Nephi saw the foundation of a to the Nephites of the signs whereby
great and abominable church among it might be known when the great
the nations of the Gentiles-a .church latter-day work would commence,
"most abominable above all other said that the Gentiles would be estab-
churches," a church whose founda- lished in this land "as a free people
tion was the devil, a church separated by the power of the Father," so that
from the seed of his brethren, the the Book of Mormon record might
Lamanites, by many waters. He also come forth, and so "that the covenant
beheld that the Spirit of God, mean- of the Father may be fulfilled which
ing the Light of Christ, came down he h ath covenanted with his people,
and wrought upon a man among the 0 house of Israel. " (3 Ne. 21 :4.)
Gentiles (Columbus), inspiring and The nation so set up was to be on
impelling him to lead out in the dis- "a land of liberty unto the Gentiles."
covery of America. It was to be a nation in which no
Then Nephi saw the same spirit, kings would be raised up, a nation
"that it wrought upon other Gen- which would be fortified "against all
tiles; and they went forth out of other nations," so that all who fought
captivity, upon the many waters." against it "shall perish, saith God.
Following this view of the coloniza- For he that raiseth up a king against
tion of America, Nephi saw the Rev- me shall perish, for I, the Lord, the
olutionary War, with the new king of heaven, will be their king,
inhabiters of this new land being de- and I will be a light unto them for-
livered by "the power of God," while ever, that hear my words." (2 Ne.
the wrath of God rested upon "their 10:9-19.)
mother Gentiles." (I Ne. 13:1-19.) 6. TRANSLATIONAND PRINT-
AMERICAN NATION.-We know edge of the truths found in the Bible,
by re; elation that the United States the Lord could not have brought to

pass his latter-day purposes. During 8. LATTER-DAY REVELATION.

the dark ages reading, writing, and a - No sign of the times is more dra-
knowledge of the scriptures were matic or expressive of such marvelous
confined, almost without exception, wonderment as revelation; and no
to the clergy of the apostate church sign is deserving of such attentive
al the day. Because the people lacked consideration by man as the opening
the knowledge of the truth they were of the heavens in latter-days. The
more easily kept in bondage by their voice of God is heard again. The
civil and ecclesiastical overlords. And Father and the Son appeared person-
so the translation and printing of the ally to the Prophet. Angels again
Bible became a mighty force opening ministec to the faithful. The gilt of
the door to progression and advance- the Holy Ghost is poured out on
ment in every field. (J. Paterson thousands al righteous church mem-
Smyth, How We Got Our Bible.)
bers. The President of the Church
7. ESTABLISHMENT OF U. S. stands as a prophet, seer, and revela-
CONSTITUTION. - According to
tor to his people. Visions, revelations,
the Lord's plan of agency and free-
gilts of the Spirit abound. By all
dom, certain "inherent and inalien-
these means the predictions of the
able rights" belong to "all mankind."
ancient scriptures as pertaining to the
Hence, the Lord's interest in civil
government; for, "No government
last days are being fulfilled. What
can exist in peace, except such laws could anyone ask more as a sign of
are framed and held inviolate as will the times?
secure to each individual the free 9. COMING FORTH OF THE
exercise of conscience, the right and BOOK OF MORMON.-One of the
control of property, and the protec- great evidences of the Lord's good-
tion of life." (D. & C. 98 :4-IO; 134.) ness, mercy, and condescension
Free agency under law is of God; toward his children on earth is found
coercion and anarchy are of Lucifer. in the coming forth of the Book of
The Constitution, as the supreme law Mormon, a book containing a record
of the land, is designed to protect men of God's dealings with peoples and
in their natural and inalienable rights. nations on the American continent
Hence, it "should be maintained for who had the lulness of the gospel.
the rights and protection of all flesh. The price in faith, toil, and blood
. And for this purpose," saith the which first preserved and then brought
Lord, "have I established the Consti- forth this record in our day is in-
tution of this land, by the hands of calculable. Many prophets foretold
wise me11 whom I raised up unto this events surrounding its preparation,
very purpose, and redeemed the land preservation, and final coming forth
by the shedding of blood." (D. & C. in the latter-days as a sign that the
IOI :76-80.) times of restitution of all things had

commenced. (Isa. 29; Ezek. 37; 2 Ne. 12. RESTORATION OF THE

3; 27; 29; 3 Ne. 21; Morm. 8.) GOSPEL-From the very beginning
10. OPPOSITION TO THE the Lord's prophets have known and
BOOK OF MORMON.-Strange as spoken about the final restoration of
it may seem to present day enemies the gospel in the last days. Isaiah
of the truth, their very opposition to devoted so many whole chapters to
the receipt of more of the word of the the great era of restoration and the
Lord by way of the Book of Mormon events to transpire therein that he
is one of the signs of the times. Their might well be called the ancient
opposition, summarized in the canting prophet of the restoration. (Isa. 2; 4;
chant, "A Bible! A Bible! We have 5; 10; 11; 13; 18; 24; 29; 33; 34; 35;
got a Bible, and there cannot be any 51; 52; 54; 60; 63; 64; 65; 66.)
more Bible," brings forth this severe The promised restoration, destined
rebuke from the Lord: "Thou fool, to come by revelation and angelic
that shall say: A Bible, we have got a ministration, was seen by John as
Bible, and we need no more Bible. taking place just before the day of
. . . Wherefore murmur ye, because judgment. (Rev. 14:6-8; D. & C.
that ye shall receive more of my 133:36-41. ) Indeed, the promised
word?" (2 Ne. 29.) restoration is so extensively inter-
II. RESTORATION OF KEYS twined with the whole concept of the
AND PRIESTHOOD. - Without last days that no one can really be-
priesthood (which is the power and lieve these are the last days without
authority of God delegated · to man believing also that the Lord has spo-
on earth to act in all things for the ken again and is bringing to pass his
salvation of men), and keys (which strange act.
are the right and power of presidency, 13. MESSENGER TO PRECEDE
the right to direct the manner in SECOND COMING. - "Behold, I
which priesthood is to be used, and will send my messenger, and he shall
the means by which the door is prepare the way before me," the Lord
opened for the gospel cause) the said speaking of his Second Coming.
covenants of the Lord pertaining to (Mal. 3:1-6.) Both John the Baptist
the last days could not be fu lfilled . and the Prophet Joseph Smith have
Thus the restoration of the priesthood ministered in our day in fulfilment
and its keys becomes a sign that the of this ancient prediction. (Doctrines
work reserv,ed for the dispensation of of Salvation, vol. 1, pp. 191-195.) The
dispensations has commenced. John gospel itself is, also, a messenger pre-
the Baptist, Peter, James, and John, paring the way before the face of the
Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Elijah, Lord. (D. & C. 45:9.)
Elias, Moses, and Moroni have all 14. CHURCH AND KINGDOM
come restoring their keys, powers, and SET UP AGAIN.-The Church of
authorities. (D. & C. 13; 27; 128.) Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is

the kingdom of God on earth. It is shall cover the earth as the waters
the kingdom set up without man's cover the sea (Isa. 11:9; Hab. 2:14),
hands (meaning by revelation from and pending tha_t blessed consumma-
heaven), and it was to come forth tion the present marvelous growth,
in the days of certain kings who expansion, and stability of the Church
reigned subsequent to the days of the will shine forth as one of the signs
Roman Empire; that is, it was to be of the times.
set up in the last days. (Dan. 2:31- 16. GATHERING OF ISRAEL.-
45.) The keys of the kingdom were After the Church had been organized
given to Joseph Smith and Oliver and perfected in New Testament
Cowdery in June, 1829, and the for- times, alter the apostles had been
mal organization of the kingdom took ordained and commissioned to carry
place on April 6, 1830. (D. & C. 20; the message of salvation to all the
128:20.) earth, alter the resurrected Christ had
15. GROWTH OF THE spent 40 days with his disciples
CHURCH.-For our day the Church schooling them in all things necessary
was set up with this decree: It would for their ministry, after all this and
stand forever; never again would more, there yet remained one great
there b~ universal apostasy; the king - promised event about which the dis-
dom would never be . destroyed, left ciples had not been informed.
to other people, or sink into oblivion. Having in mind the many prophetic
This time the gospel and plan of sal- declarations relative to the gathering
vation would remain; the newly of scattered Israel, and on the occa-
established kingdom would in due sion of our Lord's ascension into
course break in pieces all earthly heaven, the apostles asked: "Lord,
kingdoms and would remain forever. wilt thou at this time restore again
(Dan. 2:44.) the kingdom to Israel?" In reply the
Enoch saw that the restored king- Lord said: "It is not for you to know
dom would. remain on earth to pre- the times or the seasons, which the
pare a people for the Second Coming Father hath put in his own power."
of the Lord. (Moses 7:60-66.) In (Acts 1:6-11.) In other words, the
confirming the known truth that the promised gathering of Israel was yet
keys of the kingdom had been com- future; it was to occur in a time sub-
mitted to man on the earth, the Lord sequent to New Testament times; the
gave the irrevocable_ assurance that full restoration of the kingdom to
the gospel would roll forth "until it Israel was reserved for the last days.
has filled the whole earth." (D. & .C. The keys of that gathering were
65.) There will be an eventual mil- conferred upon Joseph Smith and
lennial day when every living soul Oliver Cowdery by Moses on April
on earth will belong to the true 3, 1836, in the Kirtland Temple (D.
Church, for the knowledge of God & C. 110:11), and since that day the

scattered remnants of Jacob have been portions of scattered Israel, the por-
leaving friends and temporal pursuits tions found in the great Gentile
in all nations, and with the spirit of nations of the earth) have the oppor-
gathering resting mightily upon them, tunity to accept the gospel and gain
assembling with the saints who com- salvation before that right is to be
prise the hosts of Latter-day Israel. given, in any substantial degree, at
The drawing power of the Church least, to the Jews. When the times
from all nations is one of the marvels of the Gentiles are fulfilled, then the
of the ages. gospel will go to the Jews.
17. TEN TRIBES TO RETURN. Obviously the fulfilling o!' the times
-So far, the gathering of Israel has of the Gentiles will not come at a
been limited primarily to the scat- specified moment; it will involve a
tered sheep of Ephraim (who is period of time. We are living in that
ranked as the firstborn and as having transition period. Our Lord told his
the birthright), and to a few of Ma- disciples, speaking of the signs of his
nasseh, Judah and other tribes. But Second Coming, that "Jerusalem shall
the time is near when the lost tribes be trodden down of the Gentiles, until
"who are in the north countries shall the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled."
come in remembrance before the (Luke 21:24; D. & C. 45:24-30; In-
Lord," and shall come to Zion "with spired Version, Luke 21 :24-32.) In
songs of everlasting joy," to be December, 1917, General Allenby of
crowned . with blessings by those of Great Britain captured Jerusalem al-
Ephraim who stand at the head. most without opposition, and for the
(D. & C. 133:26-34.) first time in nearly 1900 years that
18. TIMES OF GENTILES BE- city came out from under infidel or
ING FULFILLED.-Taking the dis- Gentile domination and was made
pensation of the meridian of time as available for the return of the Jews.
a starting point, the gospel was 19. RETURN OF JUDAH TO
preached first to the Jews and there- JERUSALEM.-Judah is commanded
after to the Gentiles. Then dropping to flee to Jerusalem in the last days
down to the dispensation of the ful- (D. & C. 133:13), and their return
ness of times we find the gospel is given as one of the signs that the
message going first to the Gentiles, times of the Gentiles is being ful-
with a promise that it will hereafter filled. (D. & C. 45:25.) To effect this
go to the Jews. Thus the first shall return of the Jews to their native
be last and the last first. (1 Ne. Palestine, the Lord has begun to work
13:42.) by what appear to men as natural
Now this era in which the Gentiles causes. When England received the
have precedence in receiving the gos- mandate of Palestine, Mr. Balfour,
pel is called the times of the Gentiles. secretary of state for foreign affairs,
In it the non-Jews (meaning the other issued a declaration of sympathy with

Jewish Zionist aspirations. Great is yet to be the great era of temple

sums were spent by Britain and others work and temple building. Isaiah
to industrialize Palestine, renew the foretold that the house of the Lord
fertility of her soil, and build up her would be established in the tops of the
civilization. Hundreds of thousands mountains, in the American Zion,
of Jews returned to the land of their and that scattered Israel would flow
fathers and now an Israeli nation unto it just before the Second Coming.
itself has been established there. (Isa. 2:1-5.) Micah repeated the
20. JEWS TO BEGIN TO BE- same prophecy. (Micah 4:1-7.) Ezek-
LIEVE IN CHRIST.-"And it shall iel foretold the placing of a similar
come to pass that the Jews which are holy sanctuary among gathered Israel
scattered also shall begin to believe in Palestine in the last days. (Ezekiel
in Christ; and they shall begin to 37.) And the Lord has given us re-
gather in upon the lace of the land." newed assurance that this same
(2 Ne. 30:7,) Much of the old Jewish temple is to be erected in "the moun-
bitterness against Christ has ceased; tains of the Lord's house" in Jeru-
many now accept him as a great salem. (D. & C. 133 :13.)
Rabbi, though not the Son of God. This latter-day building of temples
A few have accepted him in the lull -holy sanctuaries apart from the
sense, coming into the true Church world where sacred ordinances can be
along with the gathered remnants of performed for the salvation and exal-
Ephraim and his fellows. tation of men-even as such temples
But the great conversion of the were built and such ordinances per-
Jews, their return to the truth as a formed anciently (D. & C. 124:25-
nation, is destined to follow the Sec- 42), is one of the great evidences of
ond Coming of their Messiah. Those the divinity of this great latter-day
able to abide that day, in their ex- work as well as one of the great signs
tremity and mourning, will ask: of the last days.
"What are these wounds in thine 22. LORD TO COME SUDDEN-
hands and in thy feet? Then shall LY TO TEMPLE.-Malachi pre-
they know that I am the Lord; for served for us the promise that the
I will say unto them: These wounds Lord would sudden! y come to his
are the- wounds with which I was temple in the last days prior to the
wounded in the house of my friends. great and dreadful day of the Lord,
I am he who was lifted up. I am an event which actually took place,
Jesus that was crucified. I am the Son as far as the Kirtland Temple is con-
of God." (D. & C. 45:51-52; Zech. cerned, on the 3rd of April in 1836.
12:8-14; 13:6.) (Mal. 3:1; D. & C. 110:1-10.) This
21. BUILDING OF LATTER- is one of those prophetic utterances
DAY TEMPLES.-This final dispen- destined for dual fulfilment, however,
sation is now and in greater measure and the Lord yet again shall come

suddenly to others of his temples, the earth.... And thou shalt become
including the great temple to be an astonishment, a proverb, and a
erected in Jackson County. byword, among all nations whither
23. SPIRIT OF ELIJAH AND the Lord shall lead thee." (Deut. 28.)
GENEALOGICAL RESEARCH. - Similar predictions of their scattering
A great change has taken place in and suffering were also made by our
this dispensation relative to genealogi - Lord during his ministry. (Luke
cal; since the coming of 21:20-24; D. & C. 45:18-32.) And
Elijah, the hearts of people every- as we view present and past events,
where, both in the Church and out, in what nations and kingdom have
have turned to their lathers. The they not become a hiss and a by-
time when genealogical societies were word? Where have they not been
first organized to any appreciable treated as the offscourings of the
extent ties in so closely with the time earth?
of Elijah's return that it constitutes Yet with it all a remnant was to
competent and relevant evidence that be preserved as a peculiar and distinct
Elijah actually came. (Doctrines of people. (What a miracle it is that
Salvation, vol. 2, pp. 117-128.) the Jewish people continue as a dis-
24. PERSECUTION OF THE tinct race in spite of all their perse-
SAINTS.-Where the gospel is, there cution and suffering!) And when
will be opposition and persecution, for Jerusalem was no longer trodden
Lucifer will not stand idly by while down of the Gentiles, when the lulness
the work of God rolls forward. Hence, of the Gentiles was fulfil led, they
the saints have been tormented, were to return to the land of their
pushed about, persecuted, reviled. fathers. In Germany, Russia, Poland,
The Missouri persecutions are one and many nations, they have been
of the blackest pages in American slaughtered, burned, driven, and
history. Persecution is the heritage scourged; yet they have maintained
of the faithful; when men join the their .distinctive race and are now and
Church, it commences; when they will continue to return to Jerusalem.
leave the truth, their persecutors be- Indeed, their very persecutions have
. come their friends. helped cause them to flee unto Jeru-
JEWS.-Because they rejected the 26. TRUE GOSPEL TO BE
truth and failed to keep the com- PREACHED IN ALL THE WORLD.
mandments of the Lord, all the -Mormon missionaries work a mod-
curses enumerated by Moses came ern miracle in carrying again to the
upon the Jews. "The Lord shall world the same identical gospel
cause thee to be smitten before thine preached by Christ and his apostles.
enemies," he said, so that thou "shalt (Jos. Smith 1:3 1; D. & C. 133:37.)
be removed into all the kingdoms of Where else is there any church or

organization which can call upon 28. SCIENTIFIC AND INVEN-

scores of thousands of its members to TIVE PROGRESS. - The promised
volunteer two or three or more years latter-day increase of knowledge and
of their lives, pay their own expenses, learning is evidenced by the many
and go forth carrying a message to inventions, engineering marvels, and
the world? "And the voice of warning mechanical undertakings of modern
shall be unto all people, by the times. We have already seen the dis-
mouths of my disdples, whom I have covery and world-wide use of radio,
chosen in these last days. And they television, telephones, and wireless;
shall go forth and none shall stay of steam engines, automobiles, air-
them, for I the Lord have commanded planes, and railroads; of electricity,
them." (D. & C. 1:4-5.) atomic energy, and destructive weap-
27. WORLDLY KNOWLEDGE ons; of medicinal advances, surgical
TO INCREASE.-Never in the entire achievements, and wonder drugs.
history of the world has there been Apparently some of the ancient
anything to compare, even in slight prophets were even permitted to see
degree, with the great flood of world- the latter-day use of airplanes and
ly knowledge that has swept the globe armored tanks (Rev. 9:5-10), of
in modern times. Marvelous advances trains and automobiles (Nah. 2:3-5),
have taken place in every field-scien- and perhaps other achievements, and
tific, historical, sociological, artistic, to make records of their visions in
medicinal, governmental, economic, such descriptive terms as were then
inventive, atomic, judicial, and so on available to them.
ad infinitum-all of which has been 29. DISEASE, PLAGUE, PESTI-
according to the great foreordained LENCE TO SWEEP EARTH.-
plan for man on earth. These ad- Despite medical advances, people are
vances were withheld and reserved to suffer from diseases, plagues, and
for the final age of the earth's tem- pestilences of undreamed proportions
poral continuance. At "the time of in the last days. Men's hearts shall
the end," said Daniel, "many shall fail them. (Luke 21:26.) New and
run to and fro, and knowledge shall unheard of diseases will attack the
be increased." (Dan. 12:4.) But this human system. After the times of the
great increase of latter-day knowledge Gentiles comes in there shall be an
was not foreseen as leading men to overflowing scourge, and "a desolat-
faith, testimony, and ultimate salva- ing sickness shall cover the land."
tion. For nin the last days," said (D. & C. 45:31.) Also: "I the Lord
Paul, men shall be "Ever learning, God will send forth flies upon the
and never able to come to the knowl- face of the earth, which shall take
edge of the truth," that is, the truth hold of the inhabitants thereof, and
about God and salvation. (2 Tim. shall eat their flesh, and shall cause
3:1-7.) maggots to come in upon them; And

their tongues shall be stayed that of thunderings, and the voice of light-
they shall not utter against me; and nings, and the voice of tempests, and
their flesh shall fall from off their the voice of the waves of the sea
bones, and their eyes from their heaving themselves .. beyond their

sockets." (D. & C. 29:18-19.) T he bounds.'' (D. & C. 88:89-90.) In our

plagues and pestilences of the past day there are to be dust storms, whirl-
will. be as nothing compared to what winds, tornadoes, floods, 8.nd "a
is yet to be as the great winding up great hailstorm sent forth to destroy
scene approaches. the crops of the earth.'' (D. & C.
30. ELEMENTS IN COMMO - 29: 16.) And finally, incident to the
T ION.-Our earth has been and will final change back to its paradisiacal
be subject to various physical condi- state, the very globe itself shall
tions during the course of its existence. "tremble and reel to and fro as a
When first created, it came forth in a drunken man." (D. & C. 88 :87.)
terrestrial or paradisiacal status, all 31. DISASTERS AND CALAM-
land being in one place; then came ITIES TO ABOUND.-Perils and
the fall and the resultant telestial calamities, daily instances of _turmoil
conditions now prevailing; and mighty and viol~nt death, and an increasing
changes were most certainly wrought flood of · disasters and dangers are
by the universal flood and in the day symptomatic of the times. For in-
when the continents were divided. stance: "There are many dangers
We are now approaching the day upon the waters, and more especially
when the earth is to be renewed and hereafter," the saints learned by rev-
returned to its paradisiacal glory and elation back on August 12, 1831, fol -
when the islands are to become one lowing Elder William W. Phelps'
land · again. daylight vision of the destroyer riding
Conditions and circumstances des- upon the lace of the Missouri River.
tined to prevail during this final "For I, the Lord, have decreed in
pre- millennial period call for great mine anger many destructions upon
commotion and upheaval among the the waters; yea, and especially upon
very elements. This is the day when these waters .... Behold, I, the Lord;
"there shall be famines, and pesti- in the beginning blessed the waters;
lences, and earthquakes , in divers but in the las t days, by the mouth
places" (Jos. Smith I :29; D. & C. of my servant John, I cursed the
45:33); when there shall be "the waters. · Wherefore, the days will
testimony of earthquakes, that shall come that no· flesh shall be safe upon
cause groanings in the midst of her the waters." (D. & C. 61 :4-5, 14-15.)
[ the earth] , and men shall fall upon 32. STRIKES, ANARCHY, VIO-
the ground and shall not be able to LENCE, TO I NCREASE.- Not only
stand.''. This . is the day when we do disasters and perils abound · be-
shall hear "the .testimony of the voice cause ol the unsettled conditions 61

the elements, but that same spirit of (Luke 23:29.) And all these iniqui-
unrest is found among men them- ties receive anything but deterrence
selves. The Lord's decree for this age from the common run of movies, radio
is: "The whole earth shall be in com- and television broadcasts, comic
motion." (D. & C. 45:26.) Signs of books, and other cheap and degrading
this commotion arc seen daily in the so-called literary efforts.
untempered strikes and labor troubles 34. WITHDRAWAL OF SPIRIT
that rock the economic world; in the FROM WICKED.-That spirit which
violence, compulsion, and destruction enlightens every person born into the
of property that attend these strikes; world, which was poured out in abun-
in the unholy plots against our free- dant measure to guide in bringing
doms and free institutions; in the about latter-day progress and ad-
anarchy, rebellion, and crime that vancements, is now being withdrawn
flow from great political movements from the wicked. "I, the Lord, am
which seek to destroy the agency of angry with the wicked; I am holding
man and overthrow the governments my Spirit from the inhabitants of the
of the world by force and violence. earth" (D. & C. 63:32), "for my
Communism and every other brutal Spirit shall not always strive with
and evil association or form of govern - man, saith the Lord of Hosts." (D.
ment are signs of the times. & C. 1:33.)
33. LATTER-DAY WICKED- Wickedness begets wickedness just
NESS.-Our Lord's epigrammatic as righteousness leads to an increase
announcement, "Iniquity shall in righteousness. When men rebel,
abound" (Jos. Smith 1:30), as he the spirit ceases to strive with them;
described latter-day conditions, per- finally they are left entirely to their
fectly summarizes the prevailing world own devices and to the influence of
condition. Crime and licentiousness the devil, and then they are ripe for
of every sort are the common diet of destruction. This is the course that
a large portion of the inhabiters of worldly people are now following;
our globe. Murder, robbery, rape, the day of destruction will come at
whoredoms, every form of sex im- the Second Coming, for then the cup
morality, and all forms of crimes of iniquity of the wicked will be full.
against persons and property truly Righteous nations of the past, turn-
abound. Juvenile delinquency is a ing from the Lord to iniquity, have
problem of substantial magnitude. followed this same course. Of the
Birth control is one of the great evils Jaredites it is written: "The Spirit
of the day. This is the time when the of the Lord had ceased striving with
prediction of the Lord is fulfilled that them, and Satan had lull power over
men should say: "Blessed are the bar- the hearts of the people; for they were
ren, and the wombs that never bare, given up unto the hardness of their
and the paps which never gave suck." hearts, and the blindness of their

minds that they might be destroyed." ilar announcement was repeated on

(Ether 15:19.) A similar condition December 6, 1832. (D. & C. 86 :5.)
came upon the Nephites. (Moro. These angels have now begun their
8:28; 9:4.) In this day the spirit will work. This we learn through the
continue to be w ithdrawn until the spirit of inspiration that rested upon
whole vineyard will be burned, and President Wilford Woodruff. June
the righteous only will escape destruc- 24, 1894, he said: "God has held the
tion. angels of destruction for many years,
35. PEACE TAKEN FROM lest they should reap down the wheat
EARTH.-On November I, 1831, with the tares. But I want to tell
the Lord said : "The hour is not yet, you now, that those angels have left
but is nigh at hand, when peace shall the portals of heaven, and they stand
be taken from the earth, and the devil over this people and this nation now,
shall have power over his own do- and are hovering over the earth wait-
minion." (D. & C. 1 :35.) Later Elder ing to pour out the judgments. And
George A. Smith left us this apt state- from this very day they shall . be
ment: "Peace is taken from the earth, poured out. Calamities and troubles
and wrath and indignation among are increasing in the earth, and there
the people is the result; they care not is a meaning to these things .... Great
for anything but to quarrel and de- changes are at our doors. The next
stroy each other. The same spirit that 20 years will see mighty changes
dwelt in the breasts of the Nephites among the nations of the earth."
(Discourses of Wilford Woodruff, p.
during the las t battles that were
230.) It is interesting to note that
fought by them on this continent,
almost 20 years later to the day, June
when they continued to fight until 28, 1914, the Archduke Ferdinand of
they were exterminated, is again on Austria was assassinated, thus initiat-
earth and is increasing." (Journal ing the first World War.
History, Sept. 23, 1855.) Never again 37. WARS AND RUMORS OF
will there be peace on earth until the WARS.-"I have sworn in my wrath,
Prince of Peace (returning in power and decreed wars upon the face of the
and glory to destroy the warring na- earth," the Lord has said as pertain-
tions) comes to bring it. ing to our day, "and the wicked shall
36. ANGELS NOW REAPING slay the wicked, and fear shall come
THE EARTH. -In a revelation given upon every man." (D. & C. 63:33.)
January 2, 1831 , the Lord announced: Again: "For behold, and lo, venge-
"The angels are waiting the great ance cometh speedily upon the un-
command to reap down the earth, to godly as the whirlwind; and who shall
gather the tares tha t they may be escape it? The Lord's scourge shall
burned; and, behold, the enemy is pass over by night and by day, and
combined." (D. & C. 38:12.) A sim- the report thereof shall vex all people;

yea, it shall not be stayed until the riots, bloodshed, hunger, commotion,
Lord come; For the indignation of the turmoil, and panics. These are all
Lord is kindled against their abom- signs of the times.
inations and all their wicked works." 39. APOSTATE DARKNESS
(D. & C. 97:22-24.) COVERS EARTH.-With all their
On Christmas day, 1832, the Lord vaunted claims of being religious and
said that beginning with the rebellion with all their veneer of piety, the
of South Carolina, war would be generality of men in the last days are
poured out and would roll forth until to be in apostate darkness and sub-
it had "made a lull end of all na- ject to every form of evil. Any show
tions." (D. & C. 87.) Warfare as we of godliness is to be in form only,
know it, modern warfare, commenced not in substance. As Paul wrote to
with the Civil War. Probably there Timothy: "This know also, that in
has not been a day since April 12, the last days perilous times shall
1861, when the first shots were fired come. For men shall be lovers of
on Fort Sumpter, in which there has their own selves, covetous, boasters,
not been both war and preparation proud, blasphemers, disobedient to
for war going on at some place on parents, unthankful, unholy, Without
earth. When a shaky peace comes in natural affection, trucebreakers, false
one place, blood begins to flow in accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers
another, which condition will con- of those that are good, Traitors,
tinue until it is climaxed by the great heady, highminded, lovers of pleas-
war when the Lord will have gathered ures more than lovers of God; Having
all nations together in the Valley of a form of godliness, but denying the
Decision, and he himself will come to power thereof." (2 Tim. 3:1-5.) Also:
fight the battles of the righteous. "The time will come when they will
38. FAMINES, DEPRESSIONS, not endure sound doctrine; but after
AND ECONOMIC TURMOIL.- their own lusts shall they heap to
Because of iniquity and greed in the themselves teachers, having itching
hearts of men, there will be depres- ears; And they shall turn away their
sions, famines, and a frantic search ears from the truth, and shall be
for temporal security-a security turned unto fables." (2 Tim. 4:3-4.)
sought without turning to the Lord Nephi spoke similarly in these
or obeying his precepts. We may words: "Behold, in the last days, or
expect to see the insatiable desire to in the days of the Gentiles-yea,
get something for nothing result in behold all the nations of the Gentiles
further class legislation and more and also the Jews, both those who
socialistic experiments by govern- shall come upon this land [America]
ments. Economic inequalities will and those who shall be upon other
certainly give rise to further class lands, yea, even upon all the lands of
warfare and bickering. There will be the earth, behold, they will be drunk-

en with iniquity and all manner of facts, when all but the very elect are
abominations-And when that day deceived. Of this day our Lord said:
shall come they shall be visited of the "There shall also arise false Christs,
Lord of H osts, with thunder and with and false prophets, and shall show
earthquake, and with a great noise, great signs and wonders, insomuch,
and with storm, and with tempest, that, if possible, they shall deceive
and with the flame of devouring fire." the very elect, who are the elect
(2 Ne. 27:1-2.) according to the , covenant." (Jos.
By modern revelation we are told: Smith 1:22; Rev. 13: 13- 14. )
"Darkness covereth the earth, and Moroni, writing with fervor and in
gross darkness the minds of the peo- power, described conditions that
ple, and all flesh has become corrupt would exist when the Book of Mor-
before my face. Behold, vengeance mon should come forth. Among other
cometh speedily upon the inhabitants things he said: "It shall come in a
of the earth, a day of wrath , a day day when it shall be said that mir-
of burning, a day of desolation, of acles are done away; and it shall come
weeping, of mourning, and of lam: even as .if one should speak from the
entation; and as a whirlwind it shall dead. And it shall come in a day
come upon all the face of the earth, when the blood of saints shall cry
saith the Lord." (D. & C. 112:23-24.) unto the Lord, because of secret com-
Every observant person sees abun- binations and the works of darkness.
dant present day evidence that these "Yea, it shall come in a day when
promised latter-day conditions now the power of God shall be denied, and
prevail. Men are blind to· spiritual churches become defiled and be lilted
things because their deeds are evil. up in the pride of their hearts; yea,
The philosophies of men (as, for even in a day when leaders of
example, evolution) find followers, churches and teachers shall rise in the
while the revealed truths of the gos- pride of their hearts, even to the envy-
pel are shunned. Who can claim ing of them who belong to their
that the "form of godliness" now pre- churches.
vailing has brought men near to that "Yea, it shall come in a day when
righteousness which is of him who there shall be heard of fires, and
said: "Ye shall be ho! y: for I the Lord tempests, and vapors of smoke in for-
your God am holy"? (Lev. 19:2.) eign lands; And there shall also be
40. MANY FALSE CHURCHES heard· of wars, rumors of wars, and
IN LATTER-DAYS. -This is the earthquakes in divers places.
great day of Satan's power. It is the "Yea, it shall come in a day when
day of false Christs, false prophets, there shall be great pollutions upon
false miracles, false religions, false the face of the earth; there shall be
doctrines, false philosophies. It is a murders, and robbing, and lying, and
day when fables take precedence over deceivings, and whoredoms; and all

manner of abominations; when there ("as it was in the days of Noah, so

shall be many who will say, Do this, it shall be also at the coming of the
or do that, and it mattereth not, for Son of Man") he is here! "For in
the Lord will uphold such at the last such an hour as ye think not, the Son
day. But wo unto such for they are of Man cometh." (Jos. Smith I :40-
in the gall of bitterness and in the 48.)
bonds of iniquity. 42. SIGNS ON EARTH AND IN
"Yea, it shall come in a day when HEAVENS.-"And it shall come to
there shall be churches built up that pass that he that feareth me shall
shall say: Come unto me, and for be looking forth for the great day of
your money you shall be forgiven of the Lord to come, even for the signs
your sins." (Morm. 8:26-41.) of the coming of the Son of Man.
41. REFUSAL OF MEN TO And they shall see signs and wonders,
BELIEVE SIGNS OF TIMES.-The for they shall be shown forth in the
very fact that men refuse to believe heavens above, and in the earth be-
the many signs of the times is itself neath. And they shall behold blood,
one of the signs promised to precede and fire, and vapors of smoke. And
the advent of our Lord. Peter proph- before the day of the Lord shall come,
esied of this, saying: "There shall the sun shall be darkened, and the
come in the last days scoffers, walking moon be turned into blood, and the
alter their own lusts, And saying, stars fall from heaven." (D. & C.
Where is the promise of his coming? 45:39-42; Joel 2:30-31.)
for since the fathers fell asleep, all Perhaps atomic and hydrogen
things continue as they were from the bombs are a prelude to a yet greater
beginning of the creation." (2 Pet. fulfilment of this revelation. Certain-
3:3-4.) That is, in effect, these scof- ly modern wonders as now seen in
fers are saying, "Why be so gullible the heavens and on earth-even those
as to believe that earthquakes, floods, created by man's hands without (from
famines, pestilence, wars. iniquity, and the standpoint of the world) divine
all similar conditions are signs of the interposition - had no counterpart
last days? Have not these same con- either in kind or degree in days of
ditions existed from the beginning old.
And how many there are, like the AS THE ROSE.-As part of the
Jews of old, who fail to discern the Lord's covenant people, a part on
signs of the times! (Matt. 16:1-4.) whom a curse fell because of the
"Christ delaycth his coming," they iniquity of their fathers, the Laman-
say. (D. & C. 45:26.) Men eat and ites are yet to stand as a sign that
drink, marry and are given in mar- the end is near. In March, 1831, the
riage, the common affairs of day to Lord revealed: "Before the great day
day living continue, until suddenly of the Lord shall come, Jacob shall

flourish in the wilderness, and the him: his dominion is an everlasting

Lamanites shall blossom as the rose. dominion, which shall not pass away,
Zion shall flourish upon the hills and and his kingdom that which shall
rejoice upon the mountains, and shall not be destroyed." (Dan. 7.) · The
be assembled together unto the place place where this gathering will take
which I have appointed." (D. & C. place has been specified by revelation
49:24-25.) (D. & C. 116), and so imminent is its
Some Lamanites, gathered into the occurrence that the Prophet Joseph
fold of Christ, have already blossomed Smith was led to remark, "This may
forth with all the fruits of righteous- take place before some of us leave
ness appertaining to the gospel; the this stage of action." (Teachings, p.
scales of darkness have begun to drop 157.)
from their eyes, according to . the 45. FINAL GREAT WAR TO
promises (2 Ne. 30:6); and they will ATTEND SECOND COMING.-
yet, as a people, become as white, Our Lord will come in the midst of
delightsome, and desirable as their the greatest war the world has ever
Nephite brethren ever were. Already known. All nations will be gathered
Jacob . (with Ephraim at the head) together at Jerusalem. The armies
has flourished in the wilderness where of the earth will be assembled in the
Brigham Young led her, a wilderness Valley of Decision. Apparently those
which has since also begun . to blos- engaged in the conflict (possibly
som as the rose. And already Zion counting those in direct support of
has flourished upon the hills, rejoiced the fighting forces, meaning those
in the mountains, and commenced to making the armaments as well as
assemble together in the appointed those using them) will total 200,000,-
places. 000. This will be the day when again
44. THE GATHERING AT the abomination of desolation will
ADAM - ONDI - AHMAN. - Before be fulfilled. (Zech. 12; 13; 14; Joel 3;
the great and dreadful day when the Ezek. 38; 39; Rev. 9; D. & C. 29:14-
Lord is to return-"In flaming fire 21 ; Jos. Smith 1:32.) World condi-
taking vengeance on them that know tions which point toward a time when
not God, and that obey not the gospel the armies of the world shal1 wage
of our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Thess. war in the Holy Land are of great
I :8)-there is to· be an appearance concern to the saints, for at the height
at a place called Adam-ondi-Ahman. of that conflict Christ will come and
There Adam, the Ancient of Days, the great millennial era will be ush-
will sit in council with his children; ered in.
there Christ will come, and to him 46. SORROW AND FEAR PRE-
shall be given "dominion, and glory, CEDE AND ACCOMPANY SEC-
and a kingdom, that all people, na- OND COMING.-As the signs of
tions, and languages, should the times unfold, as the plagues and

desolations of the last days multiply, & C. 88:94; 29:21; Ezek. 38; 39; Rev.
"There shall be weeping and wailing 17; 18.)
among the hosts of men." (D. & C. 48. SPECIAL MISSION IN JERU-
29:15.) Fear of the future shall in- SALEM OF TWO LATTER-DAY
crease in the hearts of the wicked PROPHETS.-There are to be "two
until they shall call on the rocks and witnesses, . . . two prophets that are
the hills to fall on them and hide to be raised up to the Jewish nation
them "from the lace of him that sit- in the last days, at the time of the
teth on the throne, and from the restoration." They are "to prophesy
wrath of the Lamb: For the great day to the Jews alter they are gathered
.of his wrath is come; and who shall and have built the city of Jerusalem
be able to stand?" (Rev. 6:12-17; in the land of their lathers." (D. & C.
Luke 23:30-31.) Alter the Lord fi- 77:15.) "And I will give power unto
nally comes, the spirit of grace and my two witnesses," the Lord says,
supplication shall be poured out on "and they shall prophesy a thousand
the remaining Jews; they shall learn two hundred and threescore days,
that they crucified their King; and clothed in sackcloth."
then "they shall mourn for him, as "These have power to shut heaven,"
one mourneth for his only son, and the record continues, "that it rain not
shall be in bitterness for him, as one in the days of their prophecy: and
that is in bitterness for his firstborn." have power over waters to tum them
(Zech. 12:10-14.) to blood, and to smite the earth with
47. FALL OF THE GREAT AND all plagues, as often as they will. And
ABOMINABLE CHURCH.-One of when they shall have finished their
the final great events of our age is to testimony, the beast that ascendeth
be the fall and utter destruction of out of the bottomless pit shall make
that great church which is not the war against them, and shall overcome
Lord's Church, that great church them, and kill them. And their dead
"which is most abominable above all bodies shall lie in the street of the
other churches." (I Ne. 13:5.) "That great city, which spiritually is called
great church, the mother of abom- Sodom and Egypt, where also our
inations, that made all nations drink Lord was crucified. And they of the
of the wine of the wrath of her for- people and kindreds and tongues and
nication, that persecuteth the saints nations shall see their dead bodies
of God, that shed their blood- she three days and an hall, and shall not
who sitteth upon many waters, and suffer their dead bodies to be put in
upon the islands of the sea-behold, graves. And they that dwell upon
she is the tares of the earth; she is the earth shall rejoice over them, and
bound in bundles; her bands are made make merry, and shall send gilts one
strong, no man can loose them; there - to another; because these two proph-
fore, she is ready to be burned." (D. ets tormented them that dwelt on the

earth. And alter three days and an their necks, and they shall fall upon
half the spirit of life from God entered our necks, and we will kiss each other;
into them, and they stood upon their And there shall be mine a bode, and
feet; and great fear fell upon them it shall be Zion, which shall come
which saw them. And they heard a forth out of all the .creations which I
great voice from heaven saying unto h ave made; and . for the space of a
them, Come up hither. And they thousand years the earth shall rest."
ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and (Moses 7:63-64.)
their. enemies beheld them." (Rev. 51. CHRIST TO REIGN PER-
49. WICKED TO BE BURNED reveal myself from heaven with power
AS STUBBLE.-As the fmal sign of and great glory, with all the hosts
the times, the final event incident to thereof, and dwell in righteousness
the ushering in of a new age, the with men on earth a thousand years,
vineyard (earth) is to be burned. The and the wicked sh all not stand." (D.
wicked · shall be as stubble; every cor- & C. 29:11.) This will be the final
ruptible thing shall be consumed; the consummation of the age; the world
elements shall melt with fervent heat; (as now constituted) will end; for
only those livi ng at least a terrestrial "The kingdoms of this world are be-
law will be permitted to remain on come the kingdoms of our Lord, and
earth. (Mal. 4; D. & C. 29:9-10; of his Christ; and he shall reign for
63:34, 54; 101 :23-31; 133:63-64.) ever and ever." (Rev. 11: 15.)
PLETED.-With the ushering of the
millennial era, the final restitution Simony. See APOSTASY, CHURCH OF
of all things will be completed. We THE DEVIL. Simony is the evil and
will have a new heaven and a new satanic practice of buying church
earth-a paraclisiacal earth, one in offices and various other forms of
which the sea has returned to its ecclesiastical preferment. It is no part
place in the north, with the conti- of the gospel, has never been prac-
nents becoming one land again. (D. ticed in the true Church in any age,
& C. 101:23-31; 133 :22-25; Isa. 65:17- but is found in the apostate sects of
25.) the world and particularly in that
The New Jerusalem will be built great church which is singled out as
up and Enoch's returning city will "most abominable above all other
join with it, as the Lord said unto churches." (I Ne. 13.) The name is
Enoch: "Then sh alt thou and all thy derived from Simon the sorcerer
city meet them there, and we will ( commonly called by the scholars
receive them into our bosom, and they Simon Magus, meaning Simon the
shall see us; and we will fall upon magician), because he-having seen

miracles performed under the hands statements were addressed to members

of the ancient apostles-sought to buy of the Church who had received the
from Peter the power to confer the gospel law.
gilt of the Holy Ghost. (Acts 8:9-24.) Elder Orson F. Whitney made this
This wicked and worldly practice explanation: "Sin is the transgression
was particularly prevalent in ancient of divine law, as made known through
Catholic history. Strict laws were the conscience or by revelation. A
enacted in England prohibiting and man sins when he violates his con-
penalizing acts of simony, but in science, going contrary to light and
countries such as the United States, knowledge-not the light and knowl-
where church and state are separated, edge that has come to his neighbor,
simony has not been made a criminal but that which has come to himself.
offense. He sins when he does the opposite of
Those who are guilty of this offense what he knows to be right. Up to
are subject to the curse hurled by that point he only blunders. One may
Peter at the original Simon: "Thy suffer painful consequences for on! y
money perish with thee, because thou blundering, but he cannot commit
hast thought that the gilt of God may sin unless he knows better than to do
be purchased with money. Thou hast the thing in which the sin consists.
neither part nor lot in this matter: One must have a conscience before
for thy heart is not right in the sight he can violate it." (Saturday Night
of God. . . . Thou art in the gall of Thoughts, p. 239.) "Where there is
bitterness, and in the bond of in- no law given there is no punishment;
iquity." (Acts 8:20-23.) and where there is no punishment
there is no condemnation." (2 Ne.
Sin. See ABOMINATIONS, BAPTISM, 9:25.) "He that knoweth not good
FORGIVENESS, INFANT BAPTISM, I N- from evil is blameless." (Alma 29:5.)
IQUITY, ORIGINAL SIN T H EORY, Sin cannot be committed unless laws
REPENTANCE, SIN UNTO DEATH, are ordained (Alma 42: 17) and unless
TRANSGRESSION, UNPARDONABLE SIN, people have knowledge of those laws
W1cKEDNESS. What is sin? John said : so that they can violate them. Adam
"All unrighteousness is sin." (I John and Eve could not commit sin while
5:17.) Also: "Whosoever committeth in the Garden of Eden, although laws
sin transgresscth also the law: for of conduct had aheady been estab-
sin is the transgression of the law." lished, because the knowledge of good
(1 John 3:4.) Paul taught: "What- and evil had not yet been given them.
soever is not of faith is sin." (Rom. Unless they had partaken of the fruit
14 :23.) James explained : "To him of the tree of the knowledge of good
that knoweth to do good, and doeth and evil "they would have remained
it not, to him it is sin." (Jas. 4:17.) in a state of innocence, having no
It should be noted that all of these joy, for they knew no misery; doing

no good, for they knew no sin." (2 saved in your sins." (Alma 11:37.)
Ne. 2:23.) Repentance, baptism, and enduring
This is the same principle used by in righteousness to the end comprise
our Lord in condemning the wicked the course whereby sins are remitted.
Pharisees: "If ye were blind, ye Exaltation consists in inheriting
should have no sin: but now ye say, "all things." (D. & C. 76:54-60.)
l-Ve see; therefore your sin remain- "But no man is possessor of all things
eth." (John 9:41.) It is on this prin- except he be purified and cleansed
ciple also that little children "cannot from all sin." (D. & C. 50:28.) To
sin . . . un ti! they begin to become those who have gained a remission of
accountable," because in their inno- their sins, the Lord commands:
cent state they are without "knowl- "Abide ye in the liberty wh erewith
edge." (D. & C. 29:46-50; Moro. 8:8.) ye are made free; entangle not your-
Sin is of the devil. "Whatsoever is selves in sin, but let your hands be
evil cometh from the devil." (Alma dean, until the Lord comes." (D. &
5:40.) He is "the master of sin" C. 88:86.)
(Mosiah 4: 14), "the author of all Forgiveness of sins comes in and
sin" (Hela. 6:30); he "is an enemy through and because of the atoning
unto God, and fighteth against him sacrifice of Christ : "If we walk in
continually and inviteth and enticeth the light, as he is in the light, we
to sin, and to do that which is evil have fellowship one with another, and
continually." (Moro. 7:12.) . During the blood of . Jesus Christ his Son
the millennium, when Satan is bound, cleanseth us from all sin. If we say
"children shall grow up without sin that we have no sin, we deceive our-
unto salvation." (D. & C. 45:58.) selves, · and the truth is not in us. JI
By committing sin men place them- we confess our sins, he is faithful and
selves in subjection to Satan (D. & C. just to forgive us our sins, and to
29 :40); they become his servants and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
receive "wages of him." (Alma 5:38- If we say that we have not sinned,
43.) "Whosoever committeth sin is we make him a liar, and his word is
the servant of sin." (John 8:34.) not in us." (I John 1:7-10.)
Christ is the only person who ever For those who love the Lord and
lived who was without sin. (D. & C. desire salvation, Nephi's great cry of
45:4; Heb. 4:14-15; I Pet. 2:21-22.) exultation _is a fitting slogan: "Awake,
"All [others] have sinned, and come my soul/ No longer droop in sin.
short of the glory of God." (Rom. Rejoice, 0 my heart, and give place
3:23; 5:12; D. & C. 109:34.) On no more for the enemy of my soul."
man's part, the process of gaining (2 Ne. 4:28.)
salvation is one of cleansing himself
from sin so as to stand clean before Sin against the Holy Ghost. See UN-
God at the last day. "Ye cannot be PARDONABLE SIN.


Sincerity. See HONESTY. Sincerity is death, as to things pertaining unto

a saving virtue only when it is righteousness, being dead unto all
grounded on truth; gospel sincerity good works." (Alma 5:41-42.) "The
consists in centering one's whole wages of sin is death." (Rom. 6:23.)
heart and mind on the truth. It is "If any man see his brother sin a
the opposite of double-mindedness, sin which is not unto death, he shall
deceit, and hypocrisy. (Philip. I: 10; ask, and he shall give him life for
I Pet. 2:1-2.) Sincere adherence to them that' sin not unto death. There
false principles keeps a person from is a sin unto death: I do not say that
salvation. No matter how honestly he shall pray for it. All unrighteous-
and genuinely a person may believe, ness is sin: and there is a sin not unto
for instance, that Deity is a three-in- death." (I John 5: 16-17.) "I, the
one spirit essence that fills the im- Lord, forgive sins unto those who
mensity of space, such belief does not confess their sins before me and ask
make it so. To gain salvation men forgiveness, who have not sinned unto
must "fear the Lord, and serve him death." (D. & C. 64:7.) "For if we
in sincerity and in truth." (Josh. sin wilfully after that we have re-
24: 14; Eph. 6:24.) ceived the knowledge of the truth,
there remaineth nc> more sacrifice for
Sin of Adam. See TRANSGRESSION OF sins, But a certain fearful looking
AoAM. for of judgment and fiery indignation,
which shall devour the adversaries."
Sin unto Death. See AoULTERY, (Heb. 10:26-27.) "All manner of sin
MURDERERS, S1N, SONS OF P ERDITION, and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto
UNPARDONABLE Sm. Those who turn men : but the blasphemy against the
from the light and tru th of the gos- Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto
pel; who give themselves up to Satan; men, . . . neither in this world, neither
who enlist in his cause, supporting in the world to come." (Matt. 12:31-
and sustaining it; and who thereby 32.)
become his children- by such a In the sense that "no murderer
course sin unto death. For them there hath eternal life abiding in him" ( I
is neither repentance, forgiveness, nor John 3:15), that is, that no murderer
any hope whatever of salvation of can ever ga in the celestial kingdom,
any kind. As children of Satan, they murder also is a sin unto death. Mur-
are sons of perdition. "Whosoever derers can never again enjoy spiritual
bringeth forth evil works, the same life. It appears that there are some
becometh a child of the devil, for he circumstances under which adultery,
hearkeneth unto his voice, and doth in this sense, is also a sin unto death,
follow him. And whosoever doeth as witness th~ Prophet's declaration:
this must receive his wages of him; "If a man commit adultery, he can-
therefore, for his wages he receiveth not receive the celestial kingdom of

God. Even if he is saved in any king- slavery is not consonant with the
dom, it cannot be the celestial principles of agency, freedom, and
kingdom." (History of the Church, justice found in the gospel of Christ.
vol. 6, p. 81; Doctrines of Salvation, "It is not right that any man should
vol. 2, pp. 92-94.) It may be that be in bondage one to another." (D.
there are other abominable things & C. IOI :79.) It is the great apostate
which men in certain circumstances. Babylon that makes merchandise of
can do which will bar them eternally "slaves, and souls of men.,, (Rev.
from the receipt of spiritual life. 18:13.)
The fact that the gospel is in the
Sion. See ZION. world in periods when slavery is le-
gally practiced, with the result that
Sisters. See BRETHREN. the ·gospel must take cognizance of its
existence and make certain regula -
Skepticism. See DOUBT. tions with reference thereto, does not
mean in the slightest degree that true
Slander. See BACKBITING, BEARING Christianity approves of slavery. "We
FALSE WITNESS, DEVIL, GOSSIPING. believe it just to preach the gospel
Where the gospel is concerned, slan- to the nations of the earth, and warn
der consists in the malicious circula- the righteous to save themselves from
tion of lies and false reports about the corruption of the world; but we
the Church and its members, about do not believe it right to interfere
the doctrines of salvation as they with bond-servants, neither preach
have been revealed in this day, and the gospel to, nor baptize them con-
about the teachings of the latter-day trary to the will and wish of their
prophets. (Rom. 3:8.) masters,' nor to meddle with or in-
Slander is of the devil; the very fluence them in the least to cause
word devil itself comes from the them to be dissatisfied with their sit-
Greek diabolos which means a slan- uations in this life, thereby jeop-
derer. It is natural, therefore, that ardizing the lives of men; such
slanderous reports against the Church interference we believe to be unlaw-
have their origin, most generally, ful and unjust, and dangerous to the
among the apostate branches of Chris- peace of every government allowing
tendom-among the branches and human beings to be held in servi-
sects which considered collectively tude." (D. & C. 134:12.)
are all part of the church of the
devil. Slanderers are fools who shall Slothfulness. See DILIGENCE, IDLE-
be damned. (Ps. 101:5; Prov. 10:18.) NESS, OBEDIENCE. To be slothful is
to be lazy, indolent, idle, inactive,
Slavery. See AGENCY, BONDAGE, sluggish, slow. Slothfulness is the
CASTE SYSTEM, FREEDOM. Human opposite of diligence. True saints are

not slothful either in their business nature of these assemblies is shown in

affairs (Rom. 12: 11) or in their spir- Joel's cry: "Sanctify ye a fast, call a
itual pursuits. (Heb. 6:11-12; Alma solemn assembly, gather the elders
37:41-46.) The slothful servant is and all the inhabitants of the land
classified as unprofitable to the Master into the house of the Lord your God,
because he does not use the talents and cry unto the Lord." (Joel 1:14;
with which he has been endowed, 2:15-17.)
no matter in what field those talents 2. In modern Israel solemn assem-
lie. (Matt. 25: 14-30.) blies have been called in temples from
"Set in order your houses; keep time to time as the Lord has revealed
slothfulness and uncleanness far from or as his Spirit has indicated. As of
you." (D. & C. 90:18.) Those who old, their purpose is one of solemn
keep a commandment with slothful- worship, when by fasting, prayer, and
ness are damned. (D. & C. 58:26-29.) faith the saints can draw near to the
Those who are slothful in working in Lord and receive an outpouring of
their priesthood callings shall not be his Spirit. They are not held for the
counted worthy of a celestial inheri- world or before the world, but are
tance. (D. & C. 107:99-100.) for those who have sanctified and
purified themselves before the Lord.
Small Plates of Nephi. See Gow (D. & C. 88:70-82, 117; 95:7; 108:4;
PLATES. 109:6-10; 124:39; 133:6.) Dedicatory
services for temples have always been
Smith, Joseph. See JosEPH SMITH THE solemn assemblies.
Solemnity. See LAUGHTER, LIGHT-
Sodomy. See SEx IMMORALITY. ship of God is conducive of and should
be done in solemnity. Proper decorum
Solemn Assemblies. See HOSANNA in sacrament meetings, for instance, is
SHOUT, REVERENCE, SOLEMNITY. I. In one of solemnity, of formal dignity, of
ancient Israel, as part of their Mosaic reverence and devotion. The things
worship, frequent solemn assemblies of God are of eternal import. "Let
were held. (Lev. 23:36; Num. 29:35; the solemnities of eternity rest upon
Deut. 16:8; 2 Chron. 7:9.) They were your minds." (D. & C. 43:34.) All
held in connection with their sacrifices dealings with Deity should be in
and leasts. (Neh. 8: 18; Isa. I: 10-14; solemnity; preaching is to be done "in
Ezek. 45:17; 46:11.) Jerusalem was solemnity of heart." (D. & C. 100:7.)
the city of their solemnities or set Missionaries are commanded: "Re-
feasts. (Isa. 33:20.) The worshipful main steadfast in your minds in

solemnity and the spirit of prayer, who gain the lulness of his Father's
in bearing testimony to all the world kingdom, who stand with him in
of those things which are communi- glory on Mount Zion, shall sing a
cated unto you." (D. & C. 84:61.) new song (Rev. '14:1-3); "they shall
Alma's frequent injunction to his sons sing the song of the Lamb, day and
was, "Be sober." (Alma 37:47; 38: 15.) night forever and ever." (D. & C.
133:56.) As revealed to John (Rev.
Solomon's Temple. See TEMPLES. 15:3-4), these are at least some of
the words:
Great and marvellous are thy works,
Lord God Almighty;
Christ is The Son, meaning the Son Just and true are thy ways,
of God. (2 Ne. 30:2; 31:13, 18; Alma Thou King of saints.
5:48; 12:33; D. & C. 130:22; Matt. Who shall not fear thee, 0 Lord,
II :27.) As the Offspring of the And glorify thy name?
Father, inheriting from him the pow- For thou only art holy:
ers of immortality, he was and is For all nations shall come
able to do all things which his Father And worship before thee;
commanded. To him all men turn For thy judgments are made maniiest.
for all that they are or ever hope to
be. In to his hands the Father has Songs of Zion. See Music.
given all things. "T hou shalt do all
that thou doest in the name of the Son of David. See CHRIST, KEY OF
Son, and thou shalt repent and call DAVID, RooT OF DAVID, SoN OF Goo,
upon God in the name of the Son SoN OF JosEPH, SoN OF MARY. Christ
forevermore." (Moses 5:8.) is the Son of David, meaning that he
was born in mortality as the literal
Son Ahman. See AHMAN, CHRIST, seed and descendant of King David.
SoN OF MAN, SoNs AHMAN. Since Our Lord's mortal mother, Mary, was
Ahman is the'name of God the Father told by Gabriel: "Thou shalt con-
in the pure language spoken by Adam, ceive in thy womb, and bring forth a
Son Ahman is the name of his Only son, and shalt call his name JESUS.
Begotten Son. In two of the revela- He shall be great, and shall be called
tions published in the Doctrine and the Son of the Highest: and the Lord
Covenants he so designates •himself. God shall give unto him the throne
(D. & C. 78:20; 95:17.) of his father David: And he shall
reign over the house ol,Jacob for ever;
Song of the Lamb. See CHRIST, LAMB and of his kingdom there shall be no
OF Goo, Music. Those who are re- end." (Luke I :31-33.) Both Joseph,
deemed by the blood of the Lamb, his foster Father, and Mary, his literal

and natural mother, were of the house SoN OF MARY, SoN OF RIGHTEous-
and lineage of David. (Matt. 1:1-17; NEss, SoN OF THE ETERNAL FATHER,
Luke I :26-38; 2:4; 3:23-38.) SoN OF THE EVERLASTING Goo, SoN
That the promised Messiah would OF THE HIGHEST, SoN OF THE LIVING
be a descendant and heir of David Goo, SONS OF Goo. I. "What think
was well known among the Jews in ye of Christ? whose son is he?" (Matt.
the meridian of time, a fact which 22:42.) The true and revealed answer
caused them falsely to suppose that is: Christ is the Son of God; and he
during his earthly ministry he would has been so designated from the be-
reign with temporal power and do- ginning to show the personal, inti-
minion as David had done. (Matt. mate, family relationship that exists
1:1; 9:27; 12:23; 15:22; 20:30-31; between him and his Father. (I Ne.
21:9, 15; Mark 10:47-48; 12:35-37; l0:17; 2 Ne. 25:12, 19; Alma 7:10;
Luke 18:38-39; 20 :41-44; John 7:42.) 3 Ne. 9:15; D. & C. 6:21; Matt.
Hence, they were .able correctly to 27:43; John 10:36; Moses 6:54.)
answer our Lord's query as to the God the Father is a perfected,
paternity of Christ by saying he would glorified, holy Man, an immortal Per-
be, "The Son of David." But they sonage. And Christ was born into
were completely confounded when he the world as the literal Son of this
pressed the issue further by referring Holy Being; he was born in the same
to David's great Messianic prophecy personal, real, and literal sense, that
that Christ would come through Da- any mortal son is born to a mortal
vid's lineage and also be David's lather. There is nothing figurative
Lord. "How then doth David · in about his paternity; he was begotten,
spirit," our Lord asked, "call him conceived and born in the normal and
Lord, saying, The Lord said unto my natural course of events, for he is the
Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till Son of God, and that designation
I make thine enemies thy footstool? means what it says. (I Ne. II.)
II David then call him Lord, how is 2. Father Adam, the first man, is
he his son?" (Matt. 22:41-46.) In also a son of God (Luke 3:38; Moses
their apostate darkness these Jews 6:22, 59), a fact that does not change
were unable to envision the reality the great truth that Christ is the Only
that their promised Messiah would be Begotten in the flesh, for Adam's
born both as the Son of David and entrance into this world was in im-
the Son of the Highest. mortality. He came here before death
had its beginning, with its consequent
Son of God. See BELOVED SoN, CAR- mortal or flesh-status of existence.
DAVID, SoN OF JosEPH, SoN OF MAN, SON OF MARY. When Jesus began his

active ministry he was "about thirty Testament references to Christ as the

years of age, being (as was supposed) Son of Man have a similar meaning,
the son of Joseph." (Luke 3:23.) that is, that they convey the thought
That is, he was considered by the of his manhood rather than of his
people to be "the son of Joseph." divinity. Actually all of these scrip-
(John I :45.) Though Joseph did sire tures stand as witnesses of the kind
sons, they were only the half-brothers of Being that his Father is. Latter-
of our Lord, and the husband of Mary day revelation also makes frequent
was in reality only the foster and not reference to our Lord as the Son of
the natural parent of Jesus. (Matt. Man, generally in a context telling
12:46; 13:55; Gal. I: 19.) of his glorious Second Coming. (D. &
C. 45:39; 49:6, 22; 58:65.)
HEAVEN, Goo, MAN OF HoLINEss, Son of Mary. See CHRIST, MARY, SoN
SoN, SoN An MAN, SoN OF Goo. Christ OF DAVID, SoN OF Goo, SoN OF Jo-
is the Son of Man, meaning that his SEPH, VIRGIN BIRTH. Christ is the
Father (the Eternal God!} is a Holy Son of Maru. (Matt. 1:18-25; Luke
Man. "In the lang.u age of Adam, I :26-38; Mosiah 3:8.) Mary was "the
Man of Holiness" is the name of God, mother of the Son of God, after the
"and the name of his Only ·Begotten manner of the flesh .. . . She was car-
is the Son of Man, even Jesus Christ, ried away in the Spirit" (I Ne. 11 : 18-
a righteous Judge, who shall come in 19), was "overshadowed" and con-
the meridian of time." (Moses 6:57.) ceived "by the power of the Holy
Thus Christ is the Son of Man of Ghost" (Alma 7:9-10)-but the Holy
Holiness or more briefly put, the Son Ghost is not the Father of Christ-
of Man. Accordingly, when he asked and when the Child was born, he was
his disciples, "Whom do men say that "the Son of the Eternal Father." (I
I the Son of man am?" (Matt. 16 : 13), Ne. 11:21.)
he was conveying precisely the same
thought as he would have done by Son of Peace. See GOSPEL, LIGHT OF
saying, "Whom do men say that I CHRIST, MESSAGE OF THE RESTORATION,
the Son of God am?" for that God PEACE. In instructing the seventies
who is his Father is a Holy Man. of his day, our Lord said: "Into what-
There are more than 100 instances soever house ye enter, first say, Peace
in which the Old T estament applies be to this house. And if the son of
the title son of man to mortal per- peace be there, your peace shall rest
sons, obviously doing so to emphasize upon it : if not, it shall turn to you
the relative weakness of man as com- again." (Luke 10:5-6.) In other
pared .to Deity. As a consequence words, the ambassadors of truth were
the sectarian world has falsely as- to test the spirits of the people, giving
sumed that the more than 70 N ew blessings to those who were spiritual-

ly inclined and who sought peace and the Everlasting pre-eminence and
righteousness and denying those bless- power of the Deity who is his Father.
ings to the rebellious.
Spiritually discerning elders in this Son of the Highest. See CHRIST,
dispensation have the same divine HIGH EST, MosT H1c1-1, SoN OF Gon.
insight. When they carry the mes- Christ is the Son of the Highest .
(Luke I :32.) Gabriel so announced
sage of salvation to an honest, up-
him to Mary. Both his own divine
right, truth seeking people, a people
Sonship and the supremacy of the
in whose hearts the son of peace is
Father in the Godhead are shown by
found, the elders fmd a rich harvest.
the usage of this name-title.
But when they seek to convert those
who are not seeking peace and light, Son of the Living God. See CHRIST,
the elders can discern the spirit of SoN OF Goo. Christ is the Son of
unbelief. Then their peace returns the Living God. (D. & C. 42:1; 55:2;
to them again, and a harvest of souls 68:25; Morm. 5:14; 9:29; Matt.
is not gained. 16: 16.) U se of this appellation bears
record of his divine Sonship and of
Son of llighteousness. See CHRIST, the present, conscious, active exist-
RIGHTEOUSNESS, SoN OJ' Goo. Christ ence of his Father. A Living God is
is the Son of Righteousness. (2 Ne. one who is alive today, who gives
26:9; 3 Ne. 25 :2; Ether 9:22; Mal. current revelat ion, and who is just
4 :2.) This name-title conveys to the as much interested in the souls of men
mind that he is the Offspring of him today as he was anciently-all of
who is the embodiment of righteous- which runs counter to the apostate
ness and perfection, whose very name view that the day of revelation has
is Righteousness. ceased.

Son of the Morning. See DEVIL, Lu-

Son of the Eternal Father. See
CIFER. This name-title of Satan indi-
CHRIST, SoN or- Goo. Christ is the
cates he was one of the early born
Son of the Eternal Father (I Ne.
spirit children of the Father. Always
11:21; 13:40), a name-title calling
used in association with the name
attention both to his divine Sonship
Lueifer, son of the morning also ap-
and to the Eternal nature of his
parently signifies son of light or son
of prominence, meaning that Satan
held a position of power and authority
Son of the Everlasting God. See in pre-existence. (D. & C. 76:25-27;
CHRIST, SoN OF Goo. Christ is the Isa. 14:12-20.)
Son of the Everlasting G od. (I Ne.
II :32.) Usage olthis designation cer- Sons Ahman. See AHMAN, SoN
tifies to his divine Sonship and to AHMAN. As Ahman is the name of

the Father and Son Ahman identifies EXALTATION, FULNESS OF THE F ATHER,
his Only Begotten in the flesh, so GODHOOD, JOINT -HEIRS WITH CHRIST,
Sons Ahman is the name, taken from PRE -EXISTE NCE, SALVATION, SERVANTS
the pure language, which is given to OF Goo. In one sense, the sons of God
men. This usage of words is both are the spirit offspring of the Father,
powerful and expressive. It identifies the ones who "shouted for joy" when
the Father as a Holy Man, specifies "the foundations of the earth" were
that he has a Son who is like him, laid. (Job38:l -7.) Butinamorepar-
and points to the ultimate goal which ticular and express sense, they are the
righteous men may attain, that of ones who accept Christ and his laws
becoming joint-heirs with Christ. Men and press forward in devotion to truth
and God are of the same race, and and righteousness, li ving "by every
those men who overcome all things, word that proceedeth forth from the
being joint-heirs with Son Ahman, mouth of God" (D. & C. 84:44), until
become eventually, as he has become, they become new creatures of the
like their Eternal Father. (Rom. Holy Ghost and arc thus spiritually
8: 14-17; 1 John 3: 1-3; D. & C. begotten of God. They become by
76 :50-70; 132.) adoption "the children of Christ, his
sons, and his daughters" (Mosiah
Sons of Belia!. See BELIAL, DEVIL, 5:7), and also, through him, they
FALSE Cons. In ancient times it was are begotten sons and daughters unto
common for the chosen people to refer his Father. (D. & C. 76:22-24.)
to those among them who turned to Those who receive the gospel and
the worship of false gods and the prac- join The Church of Jesus Christ of
tices of iniquity as sons or children of Latter-day Saints have power given
Belia/. They were sons of Satan in them to become the sons of God. (D.
the sense that they followed his en- & C. 11 :30; 35:2; 39 :1-6; 45:8; John
ticements and su bjected themselves 1:12.) Sonship does not come from
to his will . Our Lord spoke similarly church membership alone, but ad-
to certain wicked Jews when he said: mission into the Church opens the
"Ye are of your father the devil, and door to such high status, if it is fol -
the lusts of your father ye will do." lowed by continued faith and devo-
(John 8:44.) Moses gave pointed in- tion. (Rom. 8:14-18; Gal. 3:26-29;
structions relative to the temporal 4 : 1-7.) The sons of God are members
destruction of those led away by the of his family and, hence, are joint-
en!icements of the children of Belia!. heirs with Christ, inheriting with him
(Deut. 13.) the fulness of the Father. (D. & C.
93:17-23.) Before gaining entrance
Sons of God. See ADOPTION, BASTARDS, to that glorious household, they must
CELESTIAL MARRIAGE, CHURCH OF THE receive the higher priesthood (Moses
F IRSTBORN, D AUGHTERS OF Goo, 6:67-68), magnify their callings

therein (D. & C. 84:33-41 ), enter into Those in this life who gain a perfect
the new and everlasting covenant of knowledge of the divinity of the gos-
marriage (D. & C. 131:1-4; 132), pel cause, a knowledge that comes
and be obedient in all things. (Doc- only by revelation from the Holy
trines of Salvation, vol. 2, pp. 8-9, Ghost, and who then link themselves
37-41, 59, 64-65.) Those who become with Lucifer and come out in open
the sons of God in this life (I John rebellion, also become sons of perdi-
3:1-3) are the ones who by enduring tion. Their destiny, following their
in continued righteousness will be resurrection, is to be cast out with the
gods in eternity. (D. & C. 76 :58.) devil and his angels, to inherit the
same kingdom in a state where "their
Sons of Levi. See Levites. worm dieth not, and the fire is not
quenched." (D. & C. 76:32-49;
Sons of Moses and Aaron. See AARON, 29:27-30; Heb. 6:4-8; 2 Pet. 2:20-22;
AooPTION, MELCHIZEDEK PRIESTHOOD, 2 Ne. 9:14-16; Doctrines of Salvatio_n,
MosEs. Faithful holders of the Mel- vol. I, pp. 47-49; vol. 2, pp. 218-225.)
chizedek Priesthood, no matter what Joseph Smith said: "All sins shall
their natural lineage, become by be forgiven, except the sin against the
adoption the sons of Moses and Aaron. Holy Ghost; for Jesus will save all
(D. & C. 84:6, 31-34.) except the sons of perdition." (Teach-
ings, p. 358.)
Sons of Perdition. See CAIN, DAM·
Sm. Lucifer is Perdition. He became PROPHETS, SEERS, SORCERY, SPIRITUAL-
such by open rebellion against the ISM . A soothsayer is one of Satan's
truth, a rebellion in the face of light substitutes for a seer or a prophet.
and knowledge. Although he knew His mission is to foretell the future
God and had been taught the provi- by the power of the evil one. Such
sions of the plan of salvation, he de- false prophets were common anciently
fied the Lord and sought to enthrone in the Eastern nations (Isa. 2:6; Dan.
himself with the Lord's power. (Moses 2:27; 5:11; 2 Ne. 12:6), but they
4:1-4.) He thus committed the un- were not permitted in Israel (Josh.
pardonable sin. In rebellion with him 13: 22), and the penalty for practicing
were one-third of the spirit hosts of soothsaying was death. (Lev. 20:6,
heaven. These all were thus followers 27.) When the final latter-day
(or in other words sons) of perdition. triumph of Israel is achieved the Lord
They were denied bodies, were cast has promised to cut off witchcrafts
out onto the earth, and thus came and soothsayers out of the land. (3
the devil and his angels-a great host Ne. 21:16; Mic. 5:12.)
of sons of perdition. Paul, the apostle, during his min-

istry, had a dramatic experience with 8:9-11; 13:6-8), and its power is pre·
a soothsayer. In this instance the vailing with great success over much
false foreteller was a female, a "dam- of the earth today. (Rev. 9:20-21.)
sel possessed with a spirit of divina- Indeed, by her power and sorceries,
tion ... which brought her masters the great and abominable church has
much gain by soothsaying." To the deceived all nations in the last days.
great embarrassment of Paul and Silas (Rev. 18:23.)
she followed them calling out: "These But at the Second Coming of the
men are the servants of the most high Lord sorcerers will be destroyed (Mal.
God, which shew unto us the way of 3:5; 3 Ne. 24:5); they shall b~ cast
salvation," thus associating her evil into that hell which is prepared for
practice with the true powers of God's them (D. & C. 63:17; Rev. 21:8);
ministers. Of necessity Paul cast the and finally, having paid the utmost
evil spirit out of her, and her power farthing for their crimes, they shall
of soothsaying ceased. (Acts 16:16- be debased with a telestial inheritance
18.) in eternity. (D. & C. 76:103; Rev.

MANCY, SOOTHSAYERS, SPIRITUALISM, necessary part of his mortal probation,

man is subjected in this life to experi•
CRAFT, WIZARDS. Use of power gained ences involving both joy arid sorrow.
from the assistance or control of evil (2 Ne. 2:21-23.) In sorrow, as the
scriptures frequently use the term,
spirits is called sorcery. Frequently
there is an element of suffering and
this power is used in divination,
affliction, of toil and labor and
necromancy, and witchcraft. In effect
trouble, as well as of grief and sad-
a sorcerer worships Satan rather than
ness. "I will greatly multiply thy
God and uses such power as Satan sorrow and thy conception," the Lord
can give him in a vain attempt to said to Eve. "In sorrow [ that is, with
imitate the power of God. suffering attending] thou shalt bring
Sorcery has been a sinful evil in all forth children." To Adam he said:
ages. It was present in the courts of "Cursed shall be the ground for thy
Pharaoh (Ex. 7: II) and Nebuchad- sake; in sorrow. [ that is, with toil and
nezzar. (Dan. 2:2.) Israel's prophets labor attending] shalt thou eat of it
inveighed against it. (Isa. 47; 57:3; all the days of thy life." (Moses 4:22-
Jer. 27:9.) Apostate Nephites rev- 23; Gen. 3: 16-17; Jer. 49:24; Hos.
elled in its mysteries. (Alma I :32; 13:13; John 16:21.)
Morm. 1:19.) Peter and John fought Our Lord himself was "a man of
its evils in their ministries (Acts sorrows, and acquainted with grief"

(Isa. 53:3-4; Mosiah 14:3-4), meaning During the millennium and for those
that he both suffered pain and had who come forth in the resurrection of
sadness and disappointment caused the just, "there shall be no sorrow,"
by the unbelief of his fellow mortals. as we now know it, "because there is
Similarly the hearts of the saints no death." (D. & C. 101:29; Rev.
Hflow out with sorrow" because of the 21:4.)
calamities and burdens placed upon For the wicked, however, sorrow
their number by wicked persecutors. multiplies. "The rebellious shall be
(D. & C. 109:45-48; 123:7.) To his pierced with much sorrow; for their
saints, the Lord counsels: "If thou art iniquities shall be spoken upon the
sorrowful, call on the Lord thy God housetops, and their secret acts shall
with supplication, that your souls be revealed." (D. & C. 1:3; 133:70;
may be joyful." (D. & C. 136:29.) 136:35.) And then in eternity they
Paul speaks of "godly sorrow" shall continue to suffer sorrow to all
which brings to pass repentance and eternity in the sense of remorse of
of "the sorrow of the world" which conscience. (Alma 40:26.)
leads to death. (2 Car. 7:6-16.)
Godly sorrow presupposes penitence. Soul. See INTELLIGENCE, MIND, MoR-
and contrition of soul; it is an essen- TALITY, PRE-EXISTENCE, RESURRECTION,
tial part of repentance and the for- SPIRIT CHILDREN, SPIRIT WORLD. I.
giveness of sins. The sorrow of the Spirit beings are souls; the two terms
world is that which comes to the un- are synonymous. The spirits in pre-
godly whose iniquities are exposed; existence were souls. (Abra. 3:23.)
it is that which comes because a just Alter the spirit leaves the body and
God sends calamities and destructions goes into the spirit world to await
upon the wicked. the day of the resurrection, it is still
But sorrow is soon surmounted by designated as a soul. (Alma 40:11-
the righteous. Sorrows imposed upon 14.)
the saints by the rebellious are soon 2. A mortal soul, however, consists
swallowed up in the joy of ministerial of a body and spirit united in a tem-
service. Translated beings are no porary or mortal union. The natural
longer subject to sorrow, "save it be body is the house or tabernacle of
for the sins of the world" (3 Ne. the eternal soul or spirit. "The Gods
28:9); the same is true of those who formed man from the dust of the
have attained the resurrection of the ground, and took his spirit ( that is,
just. When the spirits of the right- the man's spirit), and put it into him;
eous go to paradise they are in , "a and breathed into his nostrils the
state of happiness, . . . a state of breath of life, and man became a
rest, a state of peace, where they shall living soul." (Abra. 5:7.)
rest from all their troubles and from 3. An immortal soul is a resurrected
all care, and sorrow." (Alma 40:12.) personage, one who has been raised

from mortalily to immortality, one for monism Unveiled. (Francis W. Kirk-

whom body and spirit have become ham, A New Witness for Christ in
inseparably connected. "And the America, vol. I, pp. 130, 298-308,
spirit and the body are the soul of 337-370.)
man. And the resurrection from the In 1886 the D eseret News published
dead is the redemption of the soul." the entire manuscript, under the title,
(D. & C. 88 :15-16; Alma 40:23.) The Manuscript Found, and it is now
available to any who care to read it.
Sovereign. See POTENTATE. After comparing this manuscript with
the Book of Mormon the publishers
Spaulding Manuscript. See BooK OF concluded: "Alter carefully perusing
MoRMON. One of the early attempts both books, we believe we can truth-
to disprove the divine origin of the fully assert that there is not one sen-
Book of Mormon was the specious tence, one incident, or one proper
falsehood - manufactured out of name common to both, and that the
whole cloth without the slightest oft boasted similarity in matter and
foundation in fact- that Joseph Smith nomenclature is utterly false. No two
copied the historical parts of the Book books could be more unlike; in fact
of Mormon from a manuscript written Mr. Spaulding's Manuscript Story no
by Solomon Spaulding and .that Sid- more resembles the Book of Mormon
ney Rigdon wrote the doctrinal parts. than Gulliver's Travels is like the
This explanation was fabricated when gospel of St. Matthew."
enemies of the truth began to realize
there was great intrinsic merit in the Speaking in Tongues. See TONGUES.
Nephite record, a fact which forced
them to change their earlier explana- Special Witnesses. See APOSTLES.
tions that the book was made up of
senseless jargon written by an igno- Specters. See GHOSTS.
rant and illiterate farm boy.
Actually, however, it is a known Speeches. See SERMONS.
and established historical fact that
Sidney Rigdon had nothing whatever Spells. See MAGIC.
to do with the preparation of the Book
of Mormon and he ·never so much as Spirit. See SPIRIT ELEMENT.
saw Joseph Smith until after the pub-
lication of that book. And fortunately Spirit Birth. See BORN AGAIN, FATHER
the so-called Spaulding Manuscript, IN HEAVEN, PRE- EXISTENCE, SPIR1T
long lost from the knowledge of men, BODIES, SPIRIT CHILDREN, SPIRIT ELE-
was found in 1844 among papers that MENT. I. In the literal sense, the
had been in the hands of Mr. E. D. expression spirit birth has reference
Howe, publisher of Hurlburt's Mor- to the birth of the spirit in pre-

existence. Spirits are actually born in the resurrection to form immortal

as the offspring of a Heavenly Father, or spiritual bodies.
a glorified and exalted Man. They Animals, fowls, fishes, plants, and
will be born in a future eternity to all forms of life were first created as
future exalted beings for whom the distinct spirit entities in pre-existence
family unit continues. (D. & C. before they were created "naturally
131:1-4; 132:19-24, 29-32.) upon the face of the earth." That is,
2. In a figurative sense, the expres- they lived as spirit.entities before com-
sion spirit birth has reference to those ing to this earth; they were spirit
who are born again of the Spirit, who animals, spirit ·birds, and so forth.
have become new creatures of the (Moses 3: 1-9.) Each spirit creation
Holy Ghost. (John 3:3-12; Mosiah had the same form as to outward
27:24-31.) appearance as it now has in mortality
- "the spirit of man,'' the revelation
Spirit Bodies. See PRE-EXISTENCE,
specifies, being "in the likeness of his
person, as also the spirit of the beast,
and every other creature which God
UAL Boorns, SPIRIT WoRLD. Our spirit
has created." (D. & C. 77:2.)
bodies had their beginning in pre-
existence when we were born as the
spirit children of God our Father. Spirit Children. See ETERNAL LIVES,
Through that birth process spirit ele-
ment was organized into intelligent
STARS OF HEAVEN. I. All men in pre-
entities. The bodies so created have existence were the spirit children of
all the parts and organs of mortal God our Father, an exalted, glorified,
bodies. The Brother of Jared saw and perfected Man. "The Father has
Christ's spirit finger and then his a body of flesh and bones as tangible
whole spirit body. "I am Jesus as man's" (D. & C. 130:22); the off-
Christ," that glorious Personage said. spring born to him in that primeval
"This body, which ye now behold, is sphere had bodies of spirit element.
the body of my spirit; ... and even "I was · in the beginning with the
as I appear unto thee to be in the Father, and am the Firstborn," Christ
spirit will I appear unto my people says of himself; and of all men, his
in the flesh." (Ether 3:14-17.) spirit brethren, he says, "Ye were
We had spirit bodies in pre-exist- also in the beginning with the Fa-
ence; these bodies . are now housed ther." (D. & C. 93:21-23.)
temporarily in mortal tabernacles; 2. In a future eternity, spirit chil-
during the period between death and dren will be born to exalted, perfected,
the resurrectio·n, we will continue to glorified couples for whom the family
live as spirits; and finally spirit and unit continues. The very glory of
body will be inseparably connected exalted beings is to have "a fulness

and a continuation of the seeds forever Spirit Offspring. See SPIRIT CHILDREN.
and ever." (D. & C. 132:19-25, 29-32;
131:1-4.) Spirit of God. See SPIRIT OF THE LoRD.

Spirit Creation. See CREATION. Spirit of Jesus Christ. See LIGHT OF

Spirit Element. See ELEMENTS, IN-
Spirit of Prophecy. See PROPHECY.
DREN. "There is no such thing as
Spirit of the Lord. See CHRIST, FIRST-
immaterial matter," the Prophet tells BORN, Ho,r:Y GHOST, LmHT OF CHRIST.
us. "All spirit is matter, but it is more Three separate and distinct meanings
fine or pure, and can only be dis- of the title, Spirit of the Lord, are
cerned by purer eyes; We cannot see found in the revelations: I. It has ref-
it; but when our bodies are purified erence to the spirit body of Christ
we shall see that it is all matter." our Lord, the body which he had
(D. & C. 131:7-8.) This spirit ele- from the time of his birth as the First-
ment h as always existed; it is co- born of the Father until he was born
eternal with God. (Teachings, pp. of Mary in mortality; 2. It is used to
352-354.) It is also called intelligence mean the Spirit of Jesus Christ, or
or the light of truth, which "was not
light of truth, or light of _Christ-the
created or . made, neither indeed can
Spirit which is impersonal and fills
be." (D. & C. 93:29.)
the immensity of space, the Spirit
Speaking of pre-existent spirits, which is the agency by means of
Abraham calls th em "the intelligences which God governs and controls in
that were organized before the world all things; and 3. It also is a synonym
was." (Abra. 3:22-24.) Thus, por- for the Holy Ghost, that Spirit entity
tions of the sell-existent spirit element or personage of Spirit who is a mem-
is born as spirit children, or in other ber of the godhead.
words the intelligence which cannot To gain a sound gospel understand-
be created or made, because it is sell- ing, the truth seeker must determine
existent, is organized into intelligences. in each scriptural passage what is
meant by such titles as Spirit, Holy
Spirit of Contention. See CONTENTION. Spirit, Spirit of the Lord, Spirit of
God, Spirit of truth. In many in-
Spirit of Discernment. See DISCERN·
stances this is not difficult; in some
cases, however, abbreviated scriptural
Spirit of Elias. See ELIAS. accounts leave so much room for
doubt that nothing short of direct
Spirit of Elijah. See ELIJAH THE revelation can identify precisely what
PROPHET . is meant. We know, for instance, that

the Spirit personage who appeared to of intelligence that permeates the

the Brother of Jared was the Spirit universe and gives to the spirits of
Christ, for he so identified himself. men understanding, just as Job said.
(Ether 3.) But when we read the (Job. 32:8; D. & C. 88:3-13.) . ..
account of the appearance of "the "The Holy Ghost is a personage al
Spirit of the Lord" to Nephi (I Ne. Spirit, he constitutes the third person
II), we are left to our own interpre- in the Trinity, the godhead. The
tive powers to determine whether the gift or presentation of the Holy Ghost
messenger is the Spirit Christ or the is the authoritative act of conferring
Holy Ghost. Presumptively it is the him upon man. The Holy Ghost in
Spirit Christ ministering to Nephi person may visit men, and will. visit
much as he did to the Brother of those who are worthy, and bear wit-
Jared, for such is in keeping with the ness to their spirit of God and Christ,
principle of advocacy, intercession, but may not tarry with them. The
and mediation, the principle that all
Spirit al God which emanates from
personal appearances of Deity to man
Deity may be likened to electricity,
since the fall of Adam, excepting
or the universal ether, ... which fills
appearances of the Father and the
the earth and the air, and is every-
Son together, have been appearances
of Christ. where present. It is the power of
God, the influence that he exerts
President Joseph F. Smith said:
"The Holy Ghost as a personage of throughout all his works, by which he
Spirit can no more be omnipresent can effect his purposes and execute
in person than can the Father or the his will, in consonance with the laws
Son, but by his intelligence, his of free agency which he has conferred
knowledge, his power and influence, upon man. By means al his Spirit
over and through the laws of nature, every man is enlightened, the wicked
he is and can be omnipresent through- as well as the good, the intelligent and
out all the works of God. It is not the ignorant, the high and the low,
the Holy Ghost who in person light- each in accordance with his capacity
eth every man who is born into the to receive the light; and this Spirit
world, but it is the light of Christ, or influence which emanates from
the Spirit of truth, which proceeds God may be said to constitute man's
from the source of intelligence, which consciousness, and will never cease to
permeates all nature, which lighteth strive with [righteous] man, until
every man and fills the immensity of man is brought to the possession of
space. You may call it the Spirit of the higher intelligence which can only
God, you may call it the influence come through faith, repentance, bap-
of God's intelligence, you may call tism for the remission of sins, and
it the substance of his power; no mat- the gilt or the presentation of the
ter what it is called, it is the spirit Holy Ghost by one having authority."

( Gospel D octrine, 5th ed., pp. 61 - Spirit of truth, who came into the
62.) world, because the world was made
The Spirit which is the Holy Ghost by him"; that he was called the Spirit
is a revelator; by his power men gain of truth because he was "full of grace
testimonies of the truth. (Moro. 10:3- and truth." (D. & C. 93:6-11; John
5; John 14:26; 16: 13-14; I Cor. 2.) 1:1 -18; Inspired Version, John 1:1 -
His mission is to bear record of the 19.) Men partook of some of the same
Father and the Son (John 15:26; 2 Spirit of truth in pre-existence that
Ne. 31: 18), and to sanctify and filled the Firstborn, . for they "were
cleanse the souls of the righteous. (3 also in the beginning with the Father;
Ne. 27:19-2l.) The Spirit which is that which is Spirit, even the Spirit
the light of Christ is sent to strive of truth." (D. & C. 93:23. )
with men (D. & C. I :33), and to give As the Spirit of truth, our Lord is
the guidance which results in the the revealer and dispenser of truth.
great inventions and discoveries. This "My voice," he says, "is Spirit; my
is the Spirit which the Lord is with- Spirit is truth; truth abideth and hath
holding from the world (D. & C. no end; and ii it be in you it shall
63:32), not the H oly Ghost which abound." (D. & C. 88:66.) And speak-
the world never had. (John 14:17.) ing of himself as the Spirit of truth,
This light of Christ is the Spirit which though now a resurrected and glori-
is being poured out upon all flesh in fied personage, he said : "The Spirit
the last days, according to Joel's prom- of truth is of God. I am the Spirit
ise. (Joel 2:28-29; Jos. Smith 2:41.) of truth, and John bore record of me,
The light of Christ is the agency or saying: He received a lulness of truth,
power used by the Holy Ghost in yea, everi of all truth." (D. & C.
administering his affairs and in send- 93:26.)
ing forth his gifts. (Moro. 10: 17; 2. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of
Doctrines of Salvation, vol. I, pp. 38- truth, a title signifying that part of
55.) his mission is to guide the saints to
all truth, and that by his power the
Spirit of Truth. See CHRIST, FrnsT- truth of all things may be known.
BORN, HOLY GHOST, I NTELLIGENCE, (Moro. 10:5.) He is the "Comforter,
LIGHT OF CHRIST, PRE-EXISTENCE, .. the Spirit of truth; whom the
TRUTH. I. Christ is the Spirit of world cannot receive" (John 14: 16-
truth, a title first given him in pre- 17), for he manifests himself on!y to
existence where as the Firstborn Spirit those who keep the commandments.
Son of the Father he attained god- His mission is to testily of Christ.
hood and became the Creator of all (John 15:26.)
things. John bore record that our "When he, the Spirit of truth, is
Lord "was in the beginning, before come," our Lord said to the apostles
the world was"; that he. was "the of old, "he will guide you . into all

truth: for he shall not speak of him- spirits in prison "the Lord went not
self; but whatsoever he shall hear, in person among the wicked and dis-
that shall he speak: and he will shew obedient who had rejected the truth,"
you things to come. He shall glorify but that he went "declaring liberty
me: for he shall receive of mine, and to the captives who had been faith -
shall shew it unto you." (John 16:13- ful," to the vast assemblage of the
14; D. & C. 6:15; 107:71.) Indeed, righteous, for they "had looked upon
so completely is his mission associated the long absence of their spirits from
with bearing witness of the truth that their bodies as a bondage." ( Gospel
John said of him, "The Spirit is Doctrine, 5th ed., pp. 472-476.)
truth." (I John 5:6.) The elders are 2. In a more particular sense, how-
to receive from the Comforter the ever, the spirit prison is hell, that
word of truth, in the Spirit of truth, portion of the spirit world where the
and to teach it by the same Spirit wicked dwell. (Moses 7:37-39.) Be-
to those who will receive it "as it is fore Christ bridged the gulf between
preached by the Spirit of truth." (D. paradise and hell-so that the right-
& C. 50:17-21.) eous could mingle with the wicked
3. In one instance, spirit of truth and preach them the gospel-the
( as contrasted with spirit of error) wicked in hell were confined to loca-
is used in the scriptures to signify the tions which precluded them from
influence or persuasive power of truth mingling with the righteous in para-
(as contrasted with the similar mean- dise. Abraham told the rich man in
ing of spirit of error). (I John 4:6.) hell that between him and Lazarus
( who was in paradise) there was a
Spirit Prison. See HELL, PARADISE, great gulf fixed so that none could
SALVATION FOR THE DEAD, SPIRIT go from paradise to hell or from hell
WoRLD. I. Since disembodied spirits to paradise. (Luke 16:19-31.)
cannot gain a fulness of joy until their Now that the righteous and the
resurrection (D. & C. 93:33-34), they wicked in the spirit world have power
consider their habitation in the spirit to associate together, the particular
world as one of imprisonment, and sense in which hell is a spirit prison
so the whole spirit world (including is in that those who there dwell are
both paradise and hell) is a spirit imprisoned by darkness, unbelief,
prison. It was to the righteous spirits ignorance, sin, and the chains of hell.
in prison, those who were in paradise, As rapidly as they can overcome these
that our Lord preached while his body obstacles-gain light, believe truth,
was in the tomb. (I Pet. 3:18-21; acquire intelligence, cast off sin, and
4:6; D. & C. 76:73-74.) break the chains of hell-they can
In the vision of the redemption of the hell that imprisons them
the dead, President Joseph F. Smith and dwell with the righteous in the
saw that during his ministry to the peace of paradise.

Spirit Rappings. See SPIRITUALISM. OF AccoUNTABILITY. Spiritual death

is to be cast out of the presence of
Spirits (Evil). See EVIL SPIRITS. the Lord, to die as to the things of
righteousness, to -die as to the things
Spirits (False) . See FALSE SPIRITS. of the Spirit. Spirit beings as such
never die in the sense of annihilation
Spirits in Prison. See SPIRIT PRISON. or in the sense that their spirit bodies
are disorganized; rather, they con-
Spiritual Blindness. See DEAFNESS. tinue to live to all eternity either as
spirits or as resurrected personages.
Spiritual Bodies. See FLESH AND (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 2, pp.
SPIRIT Booms. Resurrected beings are But those spirit offspring of the
spiritual personages having bodies of Father who do not respond to spir-
flesh and bones. Mortal bodies are itual impressions, and who are in re-
blood _bodies, "For the life of the flesh bellion against the things of the
is in the blood" (Lev. 17:11); immor- Spirit, are considered as dead until
tal bodies are spiritual bodies. Speak- such time as they progress to the point
ing of death and the resurrection, at which spiritual light can be re-
Paul says : "It is sown a natural body; ceived. The revelations describe spir-
it is raised a spiritual body. There is itually dead beings who are living in
a natural body, and there is a spirit- lour different estates of existence.
ual body." (1 Cor. 15:44.) Confirm- I. SPIRITUALLY DEAD UN-
ing this truth, we find the Lord saying EMBODIED SPIRITS.-Lucifer and
in latter-day revelation: "For not- one third of the spirit hosts of heaven
withstanding they die, they also shall were not receptive to the true order
rise again, a spiritual body." (D. & C. of things in pre-existence. They did
88:27.) Spiritual bodies are tangible not respond to the Spirit of truth, arid
bodies, such as Christ had following in due course came out in open re-
his resurrection (Luke 24:36-43); bellion against God. They were
they are not to be confused with spirit thrust down to earth and are dead as
bodies. pertaining to things of righteousness.
Their lot is to wallow in wickedness
Spiritual Deafness. See DEAFNESS. to all eternity. They are spiritually
dead eternally. (D. & C. 29:36-40;
Spiritual Death. See AN NIHILATION, 76:25-29; 2 Ne. 2:17.)
FALL OF ADAM, FIRE AND BRIMSTONE, T ALS.-By yielding to temptation
GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST, HELL, and partaking of the forbidden fruit,
SALVATION OF CHILDREN, SONS OF Adam became subject to the will of
PERDITION, SPIRITUAL LIFE, YEARS the devil. For his transgression he

was cast out of the Garden of Eden. unto spiritual life through baptism
Thus "he became spiritually dead,'' and the receipt of the gilt of the Holy
because he was out of the presence of Ghost. Little children, however, are
the Lord and no longer had com- alive in Christ, meaning spiritually
munion with Deity either personally alive (Moro. 8:8-26), "for power is
or by means of the Spirit. Conse- not given unto Satan to tempt little
quently he was not alive to the things children, until they begin to become
of the Spirit, which are the things accountable" (D. & C. 29:46-50), and
of righteousness; and he remained in where there is no sin there can be no
this state until he was born again of spiritual death.
the Spirit through baptism, thus re- 3. SPIRITUALLY DEAD DIS -
ceiving the gift of the Holy Ghost EMBODIED SPIRITS. - When the
and thereby being again in the pres- wicked depart this life, they arc "cast
ence of God. (D. & C. 29 :40-45.) out into outer darkness," into hell,
"Our first parents were cut off both where "they have no part nor portion
temporally and spiritually from the of the Spirit of the Lord," where they
presence of the Lord," Alma taught. are spiritually dead . (Alma 40: 13-
"Therefore, as the soul could never 14.) They remain spiritually dead in
die, and the fall had brought upon hell until the day of their resurrection
all mankind a spiritual death as well (D. & C. 76: 103-112), until "death
as a temporal, that is, they were cut and hell" deliver up the dead which
off from the presence of the Lord, are in them, so that they may be
it was expedient that mankind should judged according to their works. (Rev.
be reclaimed from this spiritual death. 20:12-13.)
Therefore, as they had become carnal, Speaking of this deliverance, Jacob
sensual, and devilish, by nature, this says that the Lord "prepareth a way
probationary state became a state for for our escape from the grasp of this
them to prepare; it became a prepar- awful monster; yea, that monster,
atory state. And now remember, my death and hell, which I call the death
son, if it were not for the plan of re- of the body, and also the death of
demption, (laying it aside) as soon as the spirit. And because of the way
they were dead their souls were mis- of deliverance of our God, the Holy
erable, being cut off from the presence One of Israel, this death, of which I
of the Lord." (Alma 42:7-11.) Re- have spoken, which is the temporal,
demption from this spiritual death is shall deliver up its dead; which death
made possible through the atoning is the grave. And this death of which
sacrifice of Christ. I have spoken, which is the spiritual
Thus "all mankind," meaning all death, shall deliver up its dead; which
who have arrived at the years of spiritual death is hell; wherefore,
accountability, arc spiritually dead, death and hell must deliver up their
and they so remain until they attain dead, and hell must deliver up its cap-

tive spirits, and the grave must deliver the presence of the Lord, are consid-
up its captive bodies, and the bodies ered as dead, both as to things tem-
and the spirits of men will be restored poral and to things spiritual. But
one to the other; and it is by the behold, the resurrection of Christ re-
power of the resurrection of the Holy deemeth mankind, yea, even all man-
One of Israel." (2 Ne. 9:10-12.) kind, and bringeth them back into
4. SPIRITUAL DEATH FOR the presence of the Lord . .Yea, and
RESURRECTED PERSONAGES.- it bringeth to pass the condition of
Spiritual death ceases for those spirits repentance, that whosoever repenteth
who come up out of hell to receive the same is not hewn down and cast
an inheritance in the telestial world. into the fire; but whosoever repenteth
(D. & C. 76:98-112.) Although those not is hewn down and cast into the
in _the telestial world do not receive fire; and there cometh upon them
the fulness of reward, they do re- again a spiritual death, yea, a second
ceive "of the Holy Spirit through the death, for they are cut off again ru
ministration of the terrestrial," and to things pertaining to righteousness."
consequently they are in the presence (Hela. 14:15-18.)
of the Lord (in this sense) and are Thus, eventually, all are redeemed
no longer spiritually dead. (D. & C. from spiritual death except those who
76:81-88.) Pending the day when have "sinned unto death" (D. & C.
they come forth in the second resur- 64:7) , that is, those who are destined
rection they are spiritually dead; they to be sons of perdition. John teaches
"have their part in that lake which this by saying that after cjeath and
burneth with fire and brimstone, hell have delivered up the dead which
which is the second death" (D. & C. are in them, then death and hell shall
63:17-18), but when they come out be "cast into the lake of fire. This
of hell, spiritual death ceases for is the second death." (Rev. 20: 12-
them. 15.) And thus the Lord said in our
Samuel the Lamanite explained day that the sons of perdition are
this principle by teaching: Christ "the only ones on whom the secon,d
"surely must die t hat salvation may death shall have any power" (D. & C.
come; yea, it behooveth him and 76: 37) , meaning any power after the
becometh expedient that he dieth, to resurrection.
bring to pass the ·resurrection of the Alma says that alter the resurrec-
dead, that thereby men may be tion the righteous shall "shine forth
brought into the presence of the Lord. in the kingdom of God. But behold,
Yea, behold, this death bringeth to an awful death cometh upon the
pass the resurrection, and redeemeth wicked; for they die as to things per-
all mankind from the first death-that taining to things of ri_ghteousness; for
spiritual death; for all maI)_kind, by they are unclean, · and no unclean
the !all of Adam being cut off from thing can inherit the kingdom of God;

but they are cast out, and consigned orgies would obviously be the spirits
to partake of the fruits of their labors of wicked and depraved persons who
or their works, which have been evil; because of their previous wickedness
and they drink the dregs of a bitter in mortality had wholly subjected
cup." (Alma 40:25-26.) Alter the themselves to the dominion of Lucifer.
resurrection they "shall be filthy still; Righteous spirits would have nothing
. . and their torment is as a lake of but contempt and pity for the devil-
fire and brimstone, whose flame inspired attempts of mediums to make
ascendeth up forever and ever and contact with them.
has no end." (2 Ne. 9: 14- 16.) The classical account of Saul re-
sorting to the witch of Endor in a
Spiritual Fall. See FALL OF ADAM. vain attempt to divine the future-
because the Lord would no longer
Spiritual Gifts. See GIFTS OF THE answer his queries by revelation- is
SPIRIT. no exception. (I Sam. 28.) From the
account in the Inspired Version of the
Spiritualism. See DMNATION, EVIL Bible it is clear that the witch- who
SPIRITS, FORTUNE TELLING, GHOSTS, had a familiar spirit and could com-
HALLUCINATIONS, HYPNOTISM, MAGIC, mune with evil spirits-did not bring
MEDIUMS, NECROMANCY, OmJA up Samuel; and Saul did not see the
BOARDS, SEANCES, SOOTHSAYERS, SOR- spirit of that deceased prophet. Sam-
CERY, TRANCES, WITCHCRAFT, Wu.- uel did not speak to Saul, as the King
ARDS. One of the forms of witchcraft James Version erroneously says, but
is called spiritualism. This doctrine, the medium told Saul that she saw
that departed spirits hold intercourse Samuel, and then she introduced the
with mortals, is one of Satan's substi- message by saying: "These are the
tutes for the true doctrine of com- words of Samuel unto Saul." That is,
munion with angels and righteous the medium was following the com-
spirits in paradise. According to the mon practice of all mediums; she was
practices of the spiritualists, supposed in contact with devils (who have
communion with the dead is exhibited great knowledge and know some fu -
by physical phenomena, as by rap- ture events), and she reported their
ping, or during abnormal mental message as falsely coming from right-
states, as in trances. eous Samuel. (l nspired Version, I
It is true that mediums do make Sam. 28.)
contact with spirits during their Isaiah's famous statement on the
seances. In most instances, however, falsity of spiritualism is: "And when
these spirits are the demons or devils they shall say unto you: Seek .unto
who were cast out of heaven for re- them that have familiar spirits, and
bellion. Such departed spirits as be- unto wizards that peep. and mutter-
come involved in these spiritualistic should .not a people seek unto .their

God for the living to hear from the personal revelation and enjoy the
dead? To the law and to the testi- frequent promptings of the Holy
mony; and if they speak not according Ghost, They are always sought for
to this word, it is because there is rio to serve as patriarchs and in other
light in them." (2 Ne. 18:19-20; Isa. positions of church responsibility and
8: 19-20; Inspired Version, Isa . .8: 19- leadership, It is not uncommon
20.) among the true saints to hear such
Thus, no matter how sincerely ~e- expressions as, "President McKay is
diums may be deceived into thinking a very spiritual man." The thought
they are following a divinely approved behind this is that he has so lived as
pattern, they are in fact turning unto to overcome worldliness and put him-
devils "for the living to hear from self in tune with spiritual and eternal
the dead." . Those who are truly spir- things. He has been born again.
itually inclined know this by personal All men do not come into this world
revelation from the true Spirit; fur- with the same inclination tow8.rd or
ther, the information revealed from receptiveness of spiritual things. One
devils through mediums is not accord- of the greatest endowments a mortal
ing to "the law and to the testimony." inan can receive is the gift of spirit-
Accordingly, though some true facts uality, the talent and ability to recog-
may be found in it, yet its acceptance nize and cleave unto the truth. "My
~nd use has the effect of leading sheep hear my voice, and I know
souls Into the clutches of those evil them, and they follow me," our Lord
powers which give the data. said, (John 10:27.) That is, his sheep
Spiritualism is among the vilest of so lived in pre-existence 'as to develop
abominable and iniquitous practices. the gift of spirituality there; then
(Deut. 18:9-14.) It is the worship coming to mortality, they brought
of devils rather than of God. In that talent with them, and conse-
ancient Israel death was the penalty quently they find it easy to believe
for such practices. "A man also or and follow the true Shepherd.
woman that hath a familiar spirit, or
that is a wizard, shall surely be put Spiritual Life. See BoRN AGAIN, ETER-
to death." (Lev. 20:27; Ex. 22: 18.) NAL LIFE, GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST,
OF THE SPIRIT, OBEDIBNCE, PERFEC- "We have passed from death unto life,
TION, RIGHTEOUSNESS. Spiritu(llity is because we love the brethren," John
that state of holiness, purity, and rel- wrote. "He that loveth not his
ative perfection which enables men· brother abideth in death." (I John
to enjoy the near-con~tant coni.pan- 3: 14,) The life here spoken of is
ionship , of the Lord's Spirit; truly spi_ritual life; , the death, spir!
spiritual men walk in the light of death, In the same sense that spir-

itual death is to be cast out of the Spirit World. See HEAVEN, HELL,
presence of the Lord, to be dead to PARADISE, SALVATION FOR THE DEAD,
the things of righteousness, to be dead SPIRIT PrusoN. By spirit world is
to the promptings and whisperings of meant the abiding place of disembod-
the Spirit, so spiritual life is to be ied spirits, those who have passed
in the presence of the Lord, to be from pre-existence to mortality and
alive to the things of righteousness have also gone on from this temporal
and of the Spirit. Our Lord had ref- world to another sphere to await the
erence not to temporal but to spiritual day of their resurrection, final re-
life and death when he said to Mar- demption, and judgment. This world
tha: HI am the resurrection, and the is divided into two parts: paradise
life: he that believeth in me, though which is the abode of the righteous,
he were dead, yet shall he live: And and hell which is the abode of the
whosoever liveth and believeth in me wicked. (Alma 40:11-14.)
shall never die." (John 11 :25-26.) Until the death of Christ these two
Little children are spiritually alive spirit abodes were separated by a
until they arrive at the years of great gulf, with the intermingling of
accountability. (Moro. 8:8-26.) Then their respective inhabitants strictly
they die spiritually unless they are forbidden. (Luke 16: 19-31.) Alter
born again (D. & C. 29:45-50), un- our Lord bridged the gulf between the
less by baptism they are born of water two (I Pct. 3:18-21; Moses 7:37-39),
and of the Spirit (John 3:3-5), unless the affairs of his kingdom in the spirit
they become new creatures of the world were so arranged that right-
Holy Ghost, gaining the companion- eous spirits began teaching the gospel
ship of that member of the Godhead. to wicked ones. (Gospel Doctrine, 5th
Those who enjoy the gift of the ed., pp. 472-476.) Now the spheres
Holy Ghost are spiritually alive; they that were two worlds have become
are in the presence of God (for the one. "Hades, sheol, paradise, spirits
Holy Ghost is a member of the God- in prison, arc all one: it is a world of
head and is one with the Father and spirits," the Prophet said. (Teachings,
the Son). II they continue faithful p. 310.)
in this life, they will continue to enjoy The spirit that enters the body be-
spiritual life in the world to come, fore birth, leaves it at death, and
that is they will be in the personal immediately finds itself in the spirit
presence of God and have spiritual world. That world is upon this earth,
or in other words eternal life. (Doc- (Discourses, new ed., pp. 376-381.)
trines of Salvation, vol. 2, pp. 216- Joseph Smith said: "The spirits of the
230.) just ... are not far from us. (Teach -
ings, p. 326.) Alter all men are res-
Spirituous Liquors. See WoP.D urrected, the spirit worl4 wU.I ~
WISD()M, without iniulb.ite.nts,

Lile and work and activity all con- Sprites. See GHOSTS.
tinue in the spirit world. Men have
the same talents and intelligence there Stake Boards. See AUXILIARY OR-
which they had in this life. They GANIZATIONS, CHURCH ORGANIZATION,
possess the same attitudes, inclina- GENERAL BoARDS, STAKES. Each auxil-
tions, and feelings there which they iary organization operates its pro-
had in this life. They believe the grams within the various _stakes with
same things, as far as eternal truths the help and counsel of stake boards.
are concerned; and unless they have These boards consist of worthy and
overcome by righteousness, they are qualified specialists in the various
still subject io the temptations of the details of the auxiliary work con-
devil. Amulek said: "That same spirit cerned. Board members give aid and
which doth possess your bodies at the counsel and he! p to train ward
time that ye go out of this life, that auxiliary organizat~on workers in their
same spirit will have power to pos- duties. They do not preside over the
sess your body in· that eternal world." ward workers or direct the manner in
(Alma 34:34.) Thus ii a man has the which the work in the wards shall be
spirit of charity and love of the truth done.
in his heart in this life, that same
spirit will possess him in the spirit Stake Clerks. See CLERKS.
world. If he has the spirit of un-
belief and hate in his heart here, so Stake Mission Presidents. See M1ss10N
will it be with him when he passes PRESIDENTS.
through the door into the spirit world.
The great work in the world of Stake Missions. See M1ss10Ns.
spirits is the preaching of the gospel
to those who are imprisoned by sin Stake Organization. See CHURCH OR-
and false traditions. The faithful
elders who depart this life continue
their labors for the salvation of their Stake Patriarchs. See PATRIARCHS.
brethren in the spirit world: Those
who would have received the gospel Stake Presidency. See STAKE PRESI-
in this life, ii the opportunity had DENTS.
come to them, will repent and receive
it in the next life and will thereby Stake Presidents. See OVERSEERS, PAS-
become heirs of salvation. TORS, SHEPHERDS, STAKES. Each stake
of Zion is presided over by a stake
Spontaneous Generation. See EvoLU • president to whom is delegated the
keys of the kingdom as pertaining to
that stake. He is the presiding high
Spooks. S~~ G~rs. f prie&t in the stake and is responsible

for and directs all the programs of and strength, which sustain and up-
the Church within his stake area. hold the restored Zion, are called
Stake presidents are chosen by the stakes. They are the rallying points
General Authorities as they are moved and the gathering centers for the
upon by revelation. In accordance remnants of scattered Israel. (D. & C.
with the law of common consent, the 68:25-26; 82:13-14; 101:17-21; 115:6,
names of persons selected are pre- 18; 124:134; 133:9.) In area they
sented to the body of the stake for a cover from a few blocks to many
sustaining vote, following which the miles; in membership they comprise
chosen stake head is set apart to his from a few to several thousand
high ministerial position. The stake saints; in organization they are .di-
presidency consists of the stake presi- vided into smaller units called wards
dent and two counselors. Stake clerks and (in some instances) branches.
are not members of this presidency.
Standards of the Gospel. See OBEDI-



WAll.Ds, ZION. In prophetic imagery, Standard to the Nations. See ENSIGN
Zion is pictured as a great tent upheld TO THE NATIONS.
by cords fastened securely to stakes.
Thus Isaiah, envisioning the latter- Standard Works. See BmLE, Boox OF
day glory of Israel, gathered to her MORMON, CANON OF SCRIPTURE,
restored Zion, proclaimed : "Enlarge DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS, LosT
the place of thy tent, and let them SCRIPTURE, PEARL OF GREAT PRICE,
stretch forth the curtains of thine REVELATION, SCRIPTURE, TRUTH. By
habitations: spare not, lengthen thy the standard works of the Church is
cords, and strengthen thy stakes; For meant the following four volumes of
thou shalt break forth on the right scripture: The Bible, Book of Mor-
hand and on the left.. . . For a small mon, Doctrine and Covenants, and
moment have I forsaken thee; but Pearl of Great Price. Acceptance of
with great mercies will I gather thee." the Bible is coupled with a reserva-
(Isa. 54:2-7.) And of the millennial tion that it is true only insofar as
Zion, Isaiah exulted: "Look upon translated correctly. (Eighth Article
Zion, the city of our solemnities: ... of Faith.) The other three, having
a tabernacle that shall not be taken been revealed in modern times in
down; not o_ne of the stakes thereof English, are accepted without quali-
shall ever be removed, neither shall fication. Their perfection in any other
any of the cords thereof be broken." language, however, is subject to a
(Isa. 33:20.) reservation as to how well the trans-
In keeping with this symbolism, lation actually conveys the original
the great .areas of church population thought.

These lour volumes of scripture are Star of Bethlehem. See ASTROLOGY,

the standards, the measuring rods, the CHRIST, MAGI. .O ur Lord's birth into
gauges by which all things are judged. mortality was accompanied by the ap-
Since they are the will, mind, word, pearance of a new star in the heavens.
and voice of the Lord (D. & C. 68:4), One of Samuel the Lamanite's Mes-
they are true; consequently, all doc- sianic prophecies foretold this heaven-
trine, all philosophy, all history, and ly sign (Hela. 14:5), and the Nephites
all matters of whatever nature with knew of the promised birth because
which they · deal are truly and ac- they saw the new star that ·arose
curately presented. The truth of all according to Samuel's word. (3 Ne.
things is measured by the scriptures. 1:21.)
That which harmonizes with them h is apparent that some other
should be accepted; that which is con- prophet in the old world had made a
trary to their teachings, however similar prophecy, for when the wise
plausible it may seem for the moment, men came from the east to Jerusalem
will not endure and should be re-
seeking the "King of the Jews," they
said, "We have seen his star in the
The books, writings, explanations,
east, and are come to worship him."
expositions, views, and theories of
After these men had -been questioned
even the wisest and greatest men,
either in or out of ·the Church, do not by Herod, the star of Bethlehem, "the
rank with the standard works. · Even star_, which they saw in the east, went
the writings, teachings, and opinions before them, till it came and stood
of the prophets of God are acceptable over where the young child was.
only to the extent they are in har- When they saw the star, they rejoiced
mony with what God has revealed with exceeding great joy." (Matt. 2.)
and what is recorded in the standard
works. When the living oracles Stars. See ASTRONOMY.
speak in the name of the. Lord or
as moved upon by the Holy Ghost, Stars of Heaven. See BRIGHT AND
however, their utterances are scrip- MORNING STAR, PRE-EXISTENCE, SPIRIT
ture; those utterances are then bind- CHILDREN. In figurative language, the
ing upon all who hear, and whatever spirit hosts in pre-existence are re-
is said will without any exception be ferred to as the stars of heaven. The
found to be in harmony with the "third part of the hosts of heaven"
standard works. The Lord's house is who followed Lucifer (D. & C. 29:36)
a house of order, and one truth never are called by John "the third part
contradicts another. (Doctrines of of the stars of peaven." (Rev.12:4.)
Salvation, vol. 3, pp. 203-204.) Isaiah's account of Lucifer's rebellion
quotes that powerful spirit as S"-ying
Stargazers, $ee ASTROLOGY. in his heart, "I will ascend into

heaven, I will exalt my throne above they shall come forth to receive no
the stars of God. . . . I will be like higher than a telestial inheritance.
the most High." (Isa. 14:12-14.)
That is, Satan sought pre-eminence Stem of Jesse. See BRANCH, CHRIST,
over all the spirit children of the SoN OF DAVID, SoN OF Goo. Christ is
Father; he sought to be a ruler over the Stem of Je sse (Isa. I I: 1-5; D. & C.
them and to attain the Lord's own 113 :1-2), by which is meant that our
honor and glory. (Moses 4:1-4.) Lord came as a descendant of that
Deity used similar imagery with noble Israelite who sired David the
reference to his spirit children when King. (Ruth 4:17.)
he queried Job: "Where wast thou
when I laid the foundations of the Stewards. See STEWARDSHIPS.
earth? ... When the morning stars
sang together, and all the sons of God Stewardships. See BISHOPS STORE-
shouted for joy?" (Job 38:4-7.) The HOUSES, CHURCH WELFARE PLAN,
morning stars were the pre-eminent CONSECRATION, TITHING, UNITED OR-
spirits, "the noble and great ones," DER. Under the law of consecration,
those who served valiantly in pre- as it operated through the United
existence and who were "chosen" Order, church members consecrated,
before they were born to perform conveyed, and deeded all their prop-
mighty works here in mortality. erty to the Lord's agent. Then they
(Abra. 3:22-24.) received back to use in supporting
their own family a stewardship (D.
Statutes. See COMMANDMENTS. & C. 42:32; 70:3, 9; 72:3; 82: 17;
104:11), a portion (D. & C. 51:4),
Stealing. See HONESTY, ROBBERY, TEN or an inheritance. (D. & C. 51 :4;
COMMANDMENTS, W1cKEDNESS. "Thou 57: 15.) Each steward managed his
shalt not steal; and he that stealeth own stewardship, conveying back to
and will not repent shall be cast out." the Lord's storehouse any surplus
(D. & C. 42:20; 59:6; Ex. 20:15; Matt. which accrued. (D. & C. 42:33-34,
19:18; 2 Ne. 26:32.) That is, the 55; 70:7-10.)
unrepentant thief is to be excommu- Underlying this principle of stew-
nicated from the Church. ardship is the eternal gospel truth
Thieves "shall be delivered up unto that all things belong to the Lord.
the law of the land." (D. & C. 42:85.) "I, the Lord, stretched out the heav-
They shall not inherit the kingdom ens, and built the earth, my very
of God. (I Cor. 6:9-11.) Rather, handiwork; and all things therein are
they shall be thrust down to hell to mine. . .. Behold, all these properties
suffer the wrath of God until the res - are mine, . . . And if the properties
urrection of damnation, at which time are mine, then ye ar-e stewards; oth~ ..

wise ye are no stewards." (D. & C. interesting speculation has been in-
104: 14, 55-56.) dulged in to show how logical it was
It is by the wise use of one's stew- for the Spirit to direct Ezekiel to use
ardship that eternal life is won. "It the particular imagery here chosen
is required of the Lord, at the hand to teach the great truth involved.
of every steward, to render an (Hugh Nibley, An Approach to the
account of his stewardship, both in Book of Mormon, pp. 271-287.)
time and in eternity. For he who is The Book of Mormon is the stick
faithful and wise in time is accounted of Ephraim in that it is a record of
worthy to inherit the mansions pre- God's dealings with a people who
pared for him of my Father." (D. & were of the tribe of Ephraim; it is
C. 72:3-4; 51: 19.) the stick of Joseph in the hands of
Ephraim in that it records God's deal-
Stick of Ephraim. See BooK OF MoR- ings with the tribe of Joseph, the
MON, GOLD PLATES, MORONI. Ezekiel, record of which came forth by way
in foretelling the preparation and of latter 0 day Ephraim and is now in
coming forth of the Book of Mormon, the hands of church members who
called it the stick of Ephraim, and nearly all are of Ephraim. (D. & C.
the stick of Joseph in the hand of 27:5.)
Ephraim. In similar imagery he called
the Bible the stick of Judah. The Stick of Joseph. See STICK OF EPH-
promise was that these two records
would become one stick in the Lord's
hand in the d~y of the gathering of Stick of Judah. See STICK OF EPHRAIM.
Israel. (Ezck. 37:15-28.)
"Here then was a symbol," Elder Stillborn Children. See BIRTH, SAL-
Orson Pratt said, "represented before VATION OF CHILDREN. When the
their eyes in language that could not fetus is born dead, it is said to be a
be misunderstood; it was a symbol stillbirth. Such an occurrence gives
of two records; for it is well known rise to anxiety on the part of mothers,
that records were kept in ancient in particular, as to whether the still-
times on parchment; rolled upon born baby h ad in fact become a living
sticks, the same as we keep our maps soul, whether the partially or nearly
at this day. All the prophecies of formed body had become the home
Jeremiah for many years were written of a pre-existent spirit, and whether
and rolled round a stick, and were such a body will be resurrected.
called a book; so in Ezekiel these These are matters not clearly an-
sticks represent two records, one the swered in the revelations so far
record of the tribe _of Joseph, and the available for the guidance of the saints
other of Judah." (Journal of D is - in this dispensation. No doubt such
courses, vol. 2, pp. 290-291.) Much things were plain! y set forth in those

past dispensations when more of the child." (Doctrines of Salvation, vol.

doctrines of salvation were known 2, pp. 280-281.)
and taught than have been revealed
so far to us. Stone of Israel. See CHRIST, RocK OF
However, based on the truths now HEAVEN, SoN OF Goo. Christ is the
known by revelation and in harmony Stone of Israel. (Gen. 49:24.) "I am
with the general knowledge we have the good shepherd, and the stone of
of the mercy and justice of that In- Israel. He that buildeth upon this
finite Being in whose divine economy rock shall never fall." (D. & C.
nothing is ever lost, we may suppose 50:44.) Christ is thus the stone or
with confident certainty that the eter- foundation upon which all men must
nal spirit enters the body an appre- build. 01 him the psalmist proph-
ciable time prior to a normal birth, esied: "The stone which the builders
and therefore that stillborn children refused is become the head stone of
will be resurrected. That masterful the corner." (Ps. 118:22; Matt. 21 :42;
document on the origin of man by the Mark 12:10-11; Luke 20:17-18.)
First Presidency of the Church (Jo- Peter used this truth to teach that the
seph F. Smith, John R. Winder, and saints "as lively stones" should build
Anthon H. Lund) appears to bear "a spiritual house," with Christ, the
out this concept by stating : "The Stone of Israel, as the foundation. (I
body of man enters upon its career Pet. 2:1-9.)
as a tiny germ or embryo, which be-
comes an infant, quickened at a Storehouses. See BrsHOPS STORE-
certain stage by the spirit whose taber- HOUSES.
nacle it is, and the child, after being
born, develops into a man." (Man: Straight and Narrow Path. See
His Origin and Destiny, p. 354.) BAPTISM, ETERNAL LIFE, EXALTATION,
President Brigham Young taught OBEDIENCE, REPENTANCE, SALVATION,
that "when the mother feels life come STRAIT GATE. The course leading to
to her infant, it is the spirit entering eternal life is both strait and straight.
the body preparatory to the immortal It is straight because it has an in-
existence"; and President Joseph variable direction-always it is the
Fielding Smith gave it as his opinion same. There are no diversions,
"that these little ones will receive a crooked paths, or tangents leading to
resurrection and then belong to us." the kingdom of God. It is strait
"Stillborn children should not be because it is narrow and restricted, a
reported nor recorded as births and course where lull obedience to the
deaths on the records of the Church," lull law is required. Straightness has
he said, "but it is suggested that par- reference to direction, straitness to
ents record in their own family width. The gate is strait; the path is
records a name for each such stillborn both strait and straight. (2 Ne. 9:41;

31:9, 17-1 8; 33 :9; Alma 37:44-45; employeth no servant there; and

Hela. 3 :29-30; 3 Ne. 14:13-14; 27:33; there is none other way save it be
D. & C. 22; 132:22; Matt. 7:13-14; by the gate; for he cannot be deceived,
Luke 13:23-24; Heb. 12: 13; Jer. for the Lord God is his name." (2
31:9.) Ne. 9:41-43.) In April, 1830, when
Thus by entering in at the strait some who had previously been bap-
gate ( which is repentance and bap- tized in other churches desired to
tism) a person gets on the "straight unite with the Church without re-
and narrow path which leads to eter- baptism, the Lord said by way of rev-
nal life." (2 Ne. 31:17-18.) Only elation: "Although a man should be
members of The Church of Jesus baptized an hundred times it availeth
Christ of Latter-day Saints are on him nothing, for you cannot enter in
the straight and narrow path, and at the strait gate by the law of Moses,
only that portion of them will be neither by your dead works. . . .
saved in the kingdom of God who Wherefore, enter ye in at the gate,
traverse the path, that is, who endure as I have commanded, and seek not
in obedience to the end. (2 Ne. 31: 17- to counsel your God." (D. & C. 22.)
21.) In a second and even more par-
ticular sense, the Lord uses the term
Strait Gate. See BAPTISM, CELESTIAL strait gate to apply to -celestial mar-
MARRlAGE, ETERNAL LIFE, EXALTA- riage, such being the ordinance plac-
TION, KINGDOM OF Goo, OBEDIENCE, ing one on the path "that leadeth
REPE NTANCE, S ALVATION, S TRAIGHT unto the exaltation and continuation
AND NARROW P ATH. To enter in at of the lives." (D. & C. 132:22;
the strait gate is to forsake the 131:1-4.)
world, repent of one's sins, and be
baptized· under the hands of a legal Strife. See CONTENTION.
administrator, thus getting on the
straight and narrow path which leads Strikes. See SIGNS OF THE TIMES.
to eternal life . (2 Ne. 31 :1 7-18; 3 Ne.
14:13-14; 27 :33; Matt. 7:13-14; Luke Strong Drinks. See WoIID OF WISDOM.
13 :23-24.) The strait gate opens the
door or gate to the kingdom of God Stubbornness. See REBELLION, WICK-
on earth (which is the Church) and EDNESS. In the gospel sense, stub-
to the kingdom of God in heaven bornness is a fixed, resolute, and
(which is the celestial kingdom). It unyielding adherence to false prin-
is a narrow, restricted, limited en- ciples. It is akin to rebellion and is a
trance and "few there be that find it." form of gross wickedness. (Deut. 9:27;
Entrance requirements are set by Judges 2:19; Ps. 78:8; Prov. 7:11.)
the Lord; "and the keeper of the gate Samuel said: "Rebellion is as the sin
is the Holy One of Israel; and he of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as

iniquity and idolatry." (I Sam. fact know right from wrong, the same
15:23.) Stubbornness against parental as most killers do. "No murderer
teachings and the standards of Israel hath eternal life abiding in him." (I
was punishable by death under the John 3:15.)
Mosaic law. (Deut. 21:18-21.)
Stubborn people will be damned, Sun. See ASTRONOMY.
unless they forsake their course of
obstinacy, turn to humility, and are Sunday. See SABBATH.
"baptized without stubbornness of
heart." (Alma 32:14-17.) After bap- Sunday School. See AuxILIARY OR-
tism, as part of working out their GANIZATIONS, CHURCH ORGANIZATION,
salvation, the saints must strive to GENERAL BOARDS, PRIESTHOOD, STAKE
shake off every particle of stubborn- BOARDS. Largest among the auxiliary
ness against any of the laws and ordi- organizations of the Church is the
nances of the gospel. Sunday School, a church organization
which is designed to teach the truths
Succession in the Presidency. See of the restored gospel in purity and
APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION. perfection to the whole Church. Un-
der the direction of its executive heads,
Sufferings of the Ungodly. See HELL. as aided by general and stake boards,
the Sunday School operates units in
Suicides. See MURDERERS. Suicide is all the wards and branches of the
murder, pure and simple, and mur- Church. Every member of the Church,
derers are damned. There is no more the General Authorities only excepted,
justification for self-murder than for from three years and upwards should
the wilful destruction of another. be a member of the Sunday School
There is a common and supposedly organization in his ward or branch.
compassionate tendency on the part "The object of our Sunday Schools
of many to reason that all who com- and the object of our church schools,"
mit suicide must be mentally unbal- President Joseph F. Smith said, "the
anced and that therefore they arc not great, the paramount object, is to
accountable for their crimes. If in a teach our children the truth, teach
particular instance a person commit- them to be honorable, pure-minded,
ting suicide is so mentally clouded virtuous, honest and upright, and
that he cannot tell right from wrong, enable them, by our advice and coun-
then he is not accountable for his sel and by our guardianship over
act, any more than he would be had them, until they reach the years of
he taken the life of someone else. But accountability [maturity], to become
the great probability is that nearly all the honorable of the earth, the good
self-murderers- though they may be and the pure among mankind, the
depressed and mentally ill-do in virtuous and the upright, and those

who shall be worthy to enter the Christianity itself was falsely sup-
house of God and not be ashamed of posed to be a superstition. (Acts
themselves in the presence of angels, 25:19.)
ii they should come to visit them." Among almost all primitive peoples
(Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed., p. 387.) there are mariy superstitious beliefs
and practices. Even among the sup-
Sun of Righteousness. See SoN OF posedly enlightened of modern times
RIGHTEOUSNESS, much of the same · degenerate ·form
of belief and worship prevails. Ca-
Supererogation. See APOSTASY, tholicism, particularly as it is found
CHURCH OF THE DEVIL, INDULGENCES. in the more backward nations, is the
Supererogation is the apostate Cath- modern religion of superstition.
olic doctrine that some people perform Examples of its superstitious beliefs
more good works than are necessary and practices are found in the use of
for their own salvation, that these charms, worship of images, revering
excesses of righteousness build up a of relics, baptism of unborn fetuses,
reservoir of good works in heaven, the supposed appearances of Mary to
and that the Catholic hierarchy on children and others, the presumed
earth can sell the surplus to wicked changing of the sacramental elements
people, with the result that sinners into the literal flesh and blood of
can be saved ii someone has the Christ, and hundreds of other like
money to buy them their place in vagaries.
hca ven. This devilish doctrine is the
philosophical basis used to ·justify the Supper of the Great God. See ABOM-
selling of indulgences. (New Schaff- INATION OF DESOLATION, SECOND COM-
Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious ING OF CHRIST, SIGNS OF THE TIMES.
Knowledge, vol. 11, pp. 165-1 66; Those with refined senses find it dif-
Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. 10, pp. ficult to conceive of the desolation,
202-208.) destruction, and death that will pre-
vail during the final great battles
Superstition. See DELUSION, DMNA- ushering in Christ's reign of peace.
TION, SORCERY, SPIRITUAUSM, WITCH- So great shall be the slaughter and
CRAFT. Religious beliefs and practices mass murder, the carnage and gore,
based on fear and credulity ( often the butchery and violent death of
including belief in the power of_ warring men, that their decaying
omens, signs, charms, and the like) bodies "shall stop the noses of the
have degenerated into the field of passengers," shall be a task of
superstiticm. To Paul the mysterious mammoth proportions merely to dis-
worship of the Athenians was super- pose of them. Then shall Ezekiel's
stitution. (Acts 17:22.) From the prophecy be fulfilled that every
worldly wise Roman point of view, feathered fowl and every beast of the

field shall assemble to "eat the flesh things which are on the earth, and
of the mighty, and drink the blood things which are in the earth, and
of the princes of the earth." (Ezek. things which are under the earth,
39.) And then shall the cry go forth both above and beneath: all things
of which John wrote: "Come and bear record of me." (Moses 6:63.)
gather yourselves together unto the By way of illustration: Sacrifices
supper of the great God; That ye may were performed in "similitude of the
eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh sacrifice of the Only Begotten of the
of captains, and the flesh of mighty Father." (Moses 5:7.) We partake
men, and the flesh of horses, and of of the sacrament in remembrance of
them that sit on them, and the flesh the broken flesh and spilled blood
of all men, both free and bond, both of our Lord. (Luke 22:13-20; D. & C.
small and great." (Rev. 19:17-18.) 20:77-79.) Baptism is performed by
That all this is an actual, literal sup- immersion to typify the death, burial,
per, an horrible but real event yet to and resurrection of our Redeemer.
be, has been specifically confirmed in (Rom. 6:1-6.) Moses lifted the
latter-day revelation. (D. & C. 29: 18- brazen serpent before Israel to point
21.) their attention forward to the day
when their God would be lilted up
Sustaining of Officers. See COMMON upon the cross. (John 3: 14-15; Hela.
CoNSENT. 8:13-15.) The manna, or bread from
heaven, was sent to foreshadow and
Swearing. See PROFANITY. bear record of the coming day when
Christ, the Bread of Life, would come
Sword. See WAR. down from heaven. (John 6:30-58.)
Indeed, the whole Mosaic Law, in
Symbolisms. See CHRIST. Gospel all its parts and portions, was so or-
understanding and literature is glori- dained as to bear record of the lu ture
ously enhanced and beautified by the coming of Jehovah in the flesh.
abundant use of symbols and figura- (Mosiah 13:29-35.)
tive expressions. Since Christ is the Abraham was obedient to the com-
center of the gospel system and the mand to offer up Isaac, "which is a
one through whom salvation comes, similitude of God and his Only Be-
most of the basic symbolical repre- gotten Son." (Jae. 4:5.) The Sabbath
sentations tie into him and his aton- Day, from Adam to Moses, bore record
ing sacrifice. "Behold, all things have that Christ the Creator had rested
their likeness, and all things are from his labors on the 7th day (Ex.
ere a ted and made to bear record of 20:8-11); from Moses to Christ's
me, both things which are temporal, mortal ministry, it pointed attention
and things which are spiritual; things to the deliverance of Israel from
which are in the heavens above, and Egyptian bondage by the power of the

Holy One of Israel (Deut. 5:12-15); 460 or 480 of them in Jerusalem alone,
and from the day of his resurrection though this may be an exaggeration.
to the present, the Lord's Day has Frequent reference is found in the
been holy in commemoration of his New Testament to synagogues, but
coming forth as the fi.rstfruits of them there is only one Old Testament ref-
that slept. (D. & C. 59:9-17.) And erence (Ps. 74:8), and that is one
so illustrations might be multiplied which the scholars question. That
at great length-all showing how var- houses of worship among the ancient
ious gospel ordinances and perform- Jews were called synagogues, however,
ances bear record of Christ or of some we learn from the Book of Mormon.
great truth that centers in him. (2 Ne. 26:26.) That book makes
more than a score of references to
Sympathy. See CoMPASSION. them in that part of the record which
Synagogues. See MEETINGHOUSES, deals with events preceding the com·
TEMPLES. Among ancient Hebrew ing of our Lord in the flesh.
peoples, houses of worship were called
synagogues. These buildings were the Syncretism. See RELIGIOUS SYNCRE·
equivalent of ward meetinghouses or
stake tab.ernacles among the Latter-
day Saints. There were said to be Synoptic Gospels. See GosPELS.

Tabernacle of the Congregation. See designed for preaching to assemblies

TEMPLES. rather than for class room study. In
the early days of the Church in this
Tabernacles. See CATHEDRALS, MEET· dispensation it was the practice to
INGHOUSES, TEMPLES. I. Anciently a erect a stake tabernacle in each stake.
tabernacle was a tent (Isa. 4:6), and The · world-famous Mormon Taber-
hence a temporary house of worship nacle is located on Temple Square
was a tabernacle. -The tabernacle of in Salt Lake City.
the congregation, however, was a 2. To connote the temporary res-
temple, a name which it also carried. idence of the eternal spirit i_n a mortal
(I Sam. 1:9; 3:1-18.) Modern usage body, that body is referred to as a
has enlarged the term tabernacle to mortal tabernacle or tabernacle of
include large permanent houses of clay. (Mosiah 3:5; Alma 7:8; Moro.
worship which in th~ir nature are 9:6.) "The elements are the taber-

nacle of God; yea, man is the tab- virtue finds itself transformed into a
ernacle of God, even temples; and vice.
whatsoever temple is defiled, God
shall destroy that temple.'; (D. & C. Talents. See FoREORDINATION.
Tartarus. See GEHENNA, HADES,
Taboos. In imitation of the gospel HELL, SHEOL, SPIRIT PRISON.In one
practice of forbidding certain evil instance in the New Testament the
practices and things to the saints for classical Greek word tartarus is used
their benefit and blessing, apostate to mean hell. Peter used it in refer-
religions make use of taboos. These ence to the abode of "the angels that
sinned'' and were cast out in the war
are supposed to be sacred interdictions
in heaven (2 Pet. 2:4), perhaps select-
laid upon the use of certain words or
ing it rather than the usual hades,
things or the performance of certain
shoe/, or gehenna because these latter
actions. They are found among races
usually designate the abode of wicked
of primitive culture and are manifest
mortals in the realm following this
in many modem sects of so-called life.
Christendom. To illustrate: Servile
work on the Sabbath is forbidden to
Tattooing. Tattoos are permanent
the saints; in contrast, planting crops
marks or designs made on the skin
when the moon is full might be taboo by puncturing it and filling the punc-
in some primitive tribes. Or, prayers tures with indelible ink. The practice
to any but the true God are forbidden is a desecration of the human body
by gospel law; but in Babylon prayers and should not be permitted, unless
to any but the golden image erected all that is involved is the placing of
to Nebuchadnezzar were taboo. (Dan. a blood type or an identification
3.) In modem times, the eating of number in an obscure place. (Deut.
meat on Friday or the reading of the 14:1.) Latter-day Saint servicemen
Book of Mormon by Catholics are the in particular are counseled to avoid
strictest of taboos. the pitfalls of tattooing. Persons who
are tattooed are not, however, denied
Tactfulness. See CouRTESY, HON- the ordinances and blessings of the
ESTY, KINDNESS. In the sense of using temples.
wisdom and kindness in dealings with
others, tactfulness is an edifying and Tea. See Worm OF W1sooM.
desirable quality. It is born of the
refining influence of the Spirit. But Teachers. See AARONIC PRIESTHOOD,
where deceit, dishonesty, and so- LEVITES, MELCHIZEDEK PRIESTHOOD,
called polite lying enter the picture, PRIESTHOOD, PRIESTHOOD OFFICES,
what otherwise might have been a PRIESTHOOD QUORUMS, QUORUM PRES-


IOENTS, SERMONS, WARD TEACHERS. teacher. (D. & C. 18:32; 20:60.) As

I.Those appointed to serve as instruc- with all other authorities or offices
tors in the church organizations- in the church the office of a teacher is
those whose responsibilities are to an appendage to the priesthood. (D.
conduct classes, present gospel les- & C. 84:30; 107:5.) Together with
sons, guide class members in paths the deacons, teachers are appointed
of righteousness-are called teachers. "to watch over the church, to be
Both men and women, priesthood standing ministers unto the church."
bearers and non-priesthood bearers, (D. & C. 84:111.) "The teacher's
may serve in these positions from duty is to watch over the church al-
time to time. ways, and be with and strengthen
2. Among the Nephites, brethren them; And see that there is no in-
holding the Melchizedek Priesthood iquity in the church, neither hardness
were selected, consecrated teachers, with each other, neither lying, back-
and given teaching and administrative biting, nor evil speaking; And see
powers and responsibilities. (I Ne. that the church meet together often,
2:22; 2 Ne. 5:19; Mosiah 23:17; and also see that all the members do
25:19; 26:7; Alma 4 :7.) They had their duty. ... They are .. . to warn,
jurisdiction over the churches and, expound, exhort, and teach, and ·in-
along with the priests, were "to vite all to come unto Christ." But
preach and to teach the word of God." they do not "have authority to bap-
(Alma 23:4.) They had power to tize, administer the sacrament, or lay
baptize (Alma 15:13) , a privilege not on hands." (D. & C. 20:53-59.)
enjoyed by teachers in the Aaronic In all things teachers are to be dil-
Priesthood. (D. & C. 20:58.) igent, working with their might. (D.
It should be noted that those con- & C. 38 :40.) They are under express
secrated pr.iests and teachers · among command that their teachings shall
the Nephites were not receiving offices consist of the truths of the gospel
in the lesser priesthood, for there was found recorded in the scriptures. (D.
no Aaronic Priesthood among the & C. 42:12.) Ward teaching is one
Nephites from the time Lehi left Jeru- of the assignments given to teachers
salem down to the ministry of Christ to enable them to discharge their
among them. From the time of Aaron divinely imposed responsibilities; they
to the coming of our Lord, the can, of course, function also in all of
Aaronic Pri~thood was an hereditary the duties of the deacons.
priesthood; it was conferred only upon There is no Biblical passage which
the Levites, none of whom journeyed makes it plain that persons in Old
with lather Lehi and his colony. or New Testament times were or-
(Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 3, p. 87.) dained to the office of a teacher in
3. One of the ordained offices in either the Aaronic or Melchizedek
the Aaronic Priesthood is that of a Priesthood. References to teachers in

the Bible apparently refer to persons ence to the flesh of various forms of
who acted as preachers or instructors. life, thus using a sell-evident truth
(Acts 13:1; 1 Cor. 12:28-29; Eph. to establish in the minds of the Cor-
4:11.) inthians that there is also a distinction
in the kinds of bodies that men have.
Telepathy. See GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT, The fact that some of these are teles-
THOUGHTS. There is no such thing bodies has been lost from the
among mortal beings as mental King James Version of the Bible. The
telepathy-that is, the transmission Inspired Version, however, restores
of thoughts from one person to an- the lost phrases, explaining that there
other without communication through are "celestial bodies, and bodies ter-
the senses. Men's thoughts are secret restrial, and bodies telestial; but the
and cannot be pried into by other glory of the celestial, one; and the
men, or for that matter by devils. terrestrial, another; and ·the telestial,
"There is none else save God that another." (Inspired Version, I Cor.
knowest thy thoughts and the intents 15:40.)
of thy heart." (D. & C. 6:16; 1 Cor. Most accountable men on earth
3:20; Heb. 4:12; Mosiah 24:12.) have telestial bodies because they live
However, the Lord can and does a telestial law, that is the law of car-
on occasion reveal to his prophets the nality and worldliness. These bodies
thoughts and intents of the hearts of will be quickened in the resurrection
men. "By the help of the all-powerful with telestial glory, which is found
Creator of heaven and earth," Jacob in a telestial kingdom. (D. & C.
said to his Nephite brethren, "I can 76:81-112; 88:16-32.)
tell you concerning your thoughts."
(Jae. 2:5; Alma 10: 17.) This reveal- Telestial Glory. See TELESTIAL Boo-
ing of the thoughts of another is one IES, TELESTIAL KINGDOM, TELESTIAL
of the gifts of the Spirit; it is akin to LAW, SALVATION. That glory granted
the spirit of prophecy; it comes · by the inhabitants of. the lowest kingdom
the power of God and not of man. of glory is called glory. In
(Alma 12:3, 7; 18: 16-20, 32; Hela. the infinite mercy of a beneficent
9:41.) Our Lord during his ministry Father it surpasses all mortal under-
frequently exercised the power to read standing, and yet it is in no way com-
the thoughts of those among whom he parable to the glory of the terrestrial
labored. (Matt. 9:4; 12:25; Luke 5:22; and celestial worlds. Telestial glory
6:8; 9:47; 11:17; 24:38; 3 Ne. 28:6.) is typified by the stars of the firma-
ment, and "as one star differs from
Telestial Bodies. See TELESTIAL another star in glory, even so differs
GLORY, TELESTIAL KINGDOM, TELES- one from another in glory in the te-
TIAL LAW, SALVATION . "All flesh is not lestial world" (D. & C. 76:81-112;
the same flesh," Paul says, with refer- I Cor. 15:41), meaning that all who

inherit the telestial kingdom will not terms and conditions. Those who do
receive the same glory. not worship the true and living God
and who do not affirmatively main-
Telestial Kingdom. See TELESTIAL tain high moral standards of upright-
BODIES, TEI:ESTIAL GLORY, TELESTIAL ness and integrity are as a result
LAW, SALVATION. Most of the adult conforming their lives to the provi-
people who have lived from the day sions of telestial law. (D. & C.
of Adam to the present time will go 76:81-112; Mal. 3; 4.)
to the telestial kingdom. The inhabi- All the inhabitants of the earth are
tants of this lowest kingdom of glory living at least a telestial law, unless,
will be "as innumerable as the stars perchance, there are some who are in
in the firmament of heaven, or as the open rebellion against the truth,
sand upon the seashore." They will some who wilfully break the law,
be the endless hosts of people of all abide not in it, but seek to become
ages who have lived after the manner a law unto themselves, choosing to
of the world; who have been carnal, abide in sin, and altogether ·abiding
sensual, and devilish; who have cho- therein. (D. & C, 88:35.) Such, of
sen the vain philosophies of the world course, will be sons of perdition in
rather than accept the testimony of eternity and will inherit "a kingdom
Jesus; who have been liars and which is not a kingdom of glory."
thieves, sorcerers .and adulterers, (D. & C. 88:24.)
blasphemers and murderers. (D. & C.
76:81-1 12; Rev. 22: 15.) Their num- Tempests. See SIGNS OF THE TIMES.
ber will include "all the proud, yea,
and all that do wickedly" (Mal. 4: 1), Temple Marriage. See CELESTIAL
for all such have lived a telestial law. MARRIAGE.
"And th ey shall be servants of the
Most High; but where God and Christ Temple Ordinances. See BAPTISM FOR
dwell they cannot come, worlds with- THE D EAD, CELESTIAL MARRIAGE, EN-
out end." (D. & C. 76: 11 2.) D0WMENTS, EXALTATION, ORDINANCES,
DOM, SALVATION, WoRLo. A telestial pel ordinances are of such a sacred
glory, found only in a telestial king- and holy nature that the Lord author-
dom, is reserved for those who de- izes their performance only in holy
velop telestial bodies, such bodies sanctuaries prepared and dedicated
resulting naturally from obedience to for that very purpose. Except in cir-
telestial law. (D. & C. 88: 16-32.) cumstances of great poverty and
This law is the law of the world, and distress, these ordinances can be per-
worldly people are conforming to its formed only in temples, and hence

they are commonly called temple tuaries wherein sacred ordinances,

ordinances . rites, and ceremonies are performed
Baptism for the dead, an ordinance which pertain to salvation and exalta-
opening the door to the celestial king- tion in the kingdom of God are called
dom to worthy persons not privileged temples. They are the most sacred
to undergo gospel schooling while in places of worship on earth; each one
mortality, is a temple ordinance, an is literally a House of the Lord, a
ordinance of salvation. All other house of the great Creator, a house
temple ordinances-washings, anoint- where he and his Spirit may dwell,
ings, endowments, sealings-pertain to which he may come, or send his
to exaltation within the celestial king- messengers, to confer priesthood and
dom. Celestial marriage is the gate keys and to give revelation to his
to the highest of three heavens within people.
the celestial world. (D. & C. 131:1-4.) From the days of Adam to the pres-
All of these ordinances of exalta- ent, whenever the Lord has had a
tion are performed in the temples for people on earth, temples and temple
both the living and the dead. Their ordinances have been a crowning fea-
essential portions have been the same ture of their worship. "My people are
in all dispensations when the lulness always commanded to build" temples,
of the sealing power has been exer- the Lord says, "for the glory, honor,
cised by the Lord's prophets. (D. & C. and endowment" of all the saints.
124:28-41.) They were given in mod- (D. & C. 124 :39-40.) These temples
em times to the Prophet Joseph Smith have been c'Ostly and elaborate build-
by revelation, many things connected ings whenever the abilities of the
with them being translated by the people have permitted such; . nothing
Prophet from the papyrus on which is too good for the Lord, and no sac-
the Book of Abraham was recorded. rifice is too great to make in his serv-
(Book of Abraham, pp. 34-35.) ice. But in the days of poverty, or
when the number of true believers
Temple Recommends. See RECOM- has been small, the Lord has used
mountains, groves, and wilderness lo-
cations for temple purposes. Endow-
Temples. See BAPTISM FOR THE DEAD, ments, for instance, following the
CATHEDRALS, CELESTIAL MARRIAGE, latter-day exodus, were first given on
ENDOWMENTS, EXALTATION, GENEA- Ensign peak. (Doctrines of Salvation,
L(X;ICAL RESEARCH, MEETINGHOUSES, vol. 2, pp. 231-257.)
PRIESTHOOD, RECOMMENDS, SACRIFICES, Our knowledge of holy sanctuaries
SALVATION FOR THE DEAD, SEALING which existed before the day of Moses
POWER, SEALINGS, SIGNS OF THE TIMES, is slight. We do know that as soon
TABERNACLES, TEMPLE ORDINANCES, as Moses led Israel out of Egyptian
VrcARIOUS ORDINANCES. I. Holy sane- bondage. detailed instructions were

received to build and use a portable temple that the people assembled to
temple or tabernacle, not for general await the personal ministry among
assembly and meetings, but for the them of the resurrected Lord. (Hela.
performance of holy ordinances. It l0:8; 3 Ne. 11:1; James ·E. Talmage,
appears that initially there was in The House.of the Lord, pp. 1-333.) ·
ancient Israel a provisional tabernacle Pursuant to revelation and com-
(Ex. 33:7-11); that thereafter the mandment, the saints built the first
people donated of their riches and the temple of this dispensation at Kirt-
tabernacle of the congregation was land, Ohio. (D. & C. 88:119.) There-
built (Ex., chapters 25 to 31 -and 35 in keys and authorities were restored
to 40); that this tabernacle was set and a partial endowment was given.
up at various places in Israel after (D. & C. 110.) Thereafter temples
they entered their promised land have been built in Nauvoo, in west-
(Josh. 18:1-3; Judges 18:31; 21:2; I ern America, in foreign lands, and on
Sam. 1:3, 24; 4; 7:1-2; 21:1-6; I the . islands of the sea; and the day
Chron. 21:28 -30; 2 Chron. 1:3-6); will come when temples will dot the
that while the tabernacle was at earth, for the great work of the mil-
Gibeon, David erected another tab- lennial era centers around and in
ernacle, in his own city, to house the these holy edifices. The temple erectec,l
Ark of the Covenant (I Sam. 4: l0- in Salt Lake City lulfils Isaiah's
22; 5; 6; 7: 1-2); that with the material prophecy that "the Lord's house shall
collected by David, Solomon built the be established in the top of the moun-
great temple in Jerusalem (1 Chron. tains." (Isa. 2:1-4; Micah 4:1-2.)
22:5-19; I Kings 5: 13-18; 2 Chron., Ezekiel's promise. that the Lord's
chapters 3 to 7); that Cyrus of Persia sanctuary will be established in the
sponsored the_return of captive Judah holy land is yet to be fulfilled. (Ezek.
from Babylonian bondage to rebuild 37:21-28.)
the temple, a structure called the The inspired erection and proper
temple of Zerubbabel (Ezra· 1:1-4); use of te_mples is one of the great evi-
and that the so-called temple of dences of the . divinity of the Lord's
Herod, the temple in Jerusalem at the work. Without revelation they can
time of our Lord's ministry, was in neither be built nor used. Where
process of being rebuilt at that time. there are temples, with the spirit of
(John 2:20.) revelation resting upon those who
A temple was built among the Ne- administer therein, there the Lord's
phites shortly alter their arrival in people will be found; wh•re these are
America. (2 Ne. 5:16; Jae. 1:17; 2:2, not, the Church and kingdom and the
11.) Nearly 500 years later the Ne- truth of heaven are not. Temples are
phites are known still to have had a to continue until this earth becomes
temple (Mosiah 1:18; 2:1-7; 7:17; a celestial sphere, when, as it appears
11:10-12; 19:5), and it was .to the from the revelations, their purposes

will have been served and they will the Garden of Eden. (D. & C. 29:36-
no longer be needed. (Rev. 21 :22.) 40.) And all accountable men since
2. To point up the sacred and holy his day, in greater or lesser degree,
nature of the human body, the Lord have been overcome by temptation
calls it a temple. "Know ye not that and become sinners. (I John 1:7-10.)
ye are the temple of God, and that The atonement, the gospel, and the
the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? II plan of salvation are designed to free
any man defile the temple of God, men from past sins and give them
him shall God destroy; for the temple power to resist temptation, in the
of God is holy, which temple ye are." future.
(I Cor. 3:16-17; 6:19; 2 Cor. 6: 16; T emptation- though its existence
D. & C. 93:35; Alma 7:21; 34:36; is essential to God's plan-is not of
Hela. 4:24.) God, but is of the devil. (Alma 34:39;
3 Ne. 6:17.) "Blessed is the man that
Temporal Bodies. See MORTALITY. endureth temptation: for when he is
tried, he shall receive the crown of
Temporal Death. See DEATH. life, which the Lord hath promised
to them that love him. Let no man
Temptation. See AccouNTABILITY, say when he is tempted, I am tempted
AGENCY, D EVIL, Evn., Goon, PLAN OF of God: for God cannot be tempted
S ALVATION, SIN, YEARS OF ACCOUNT- with evil, neither tempteth he any
ABILITY. Overcoming temptation is an man: But every man is tempted, when
essential and necessary part of work- he is drawn away of his own lust, and
ing out one's salvation. Mortal man enticed. Then when lust hath con-
tempted like as we are, yet [he re- ceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin,
is by nature carnal, sensual, and dev- when it is finished, bringeth forth
ilish (Alma 42:10) , meaning that he death." (Jas. I: 12-15.)
has an inherent and earthly inclina- The saints should pray always lest
tion to succumb to the lusts and pas- they enter into temptation. (3 Ne.
sions of the flesh. This life is the 18:18; D. & C. 61 :39.) The meaning
appointed probationary estate in of the petition, "Lead us not into
which it is being determined whether temptation, but deliver us from evil"
he will fall captive to temptations or (Matt. 6:13; Luke 11:4; 3 Ne. 13:12),
rise above the allurement of worldly is : Suffer us not to be led into greater
things so as to merit the riches of temptation than we can bear, but
eternity. deliver us from evil.
Christ himself "was in all points Little children are without sin be-
mained] without sin." (Heb. 4:15; cause "power is not given unto Satan
D. & C. 20:22; Mosiah 3:7.) Adam to tempt little children, until they
was "tempted of the devil," and yield- begin to become accountable before
ing thereto found himself cast out of me." (D. & C. 29:47.) The Three

Nephites, having overcome and being tablets, found Israel reveling in idol-
"sanctified in the flesh," are beyond atrous worship, he broke the tablets.
the power of Satan, and he cannot Thereafter, "The Lord said unto
tempt them. (3 Ne. 28:39.) Similarly, Moses, Hew thee two other tables of
when the righteous saints go to para- stone, like unto the first, and I will
dise, they will no longer be tempted, write upon them also, the words of
but the wicked in hell are subject to the law, according as they were writ-
the control and enticements of Lucifer. ten at the first on the tables which
thou brakest; but it shall not be
according to the first, for I will take
Tempter. See DEVIL. Lucifer is the
away the priesthood out of their
tempter. Such name signifies his aim
midst; therefore my holy order, and
of leading all men to do evil, to for-
the ordinances thereof, shall ·not go
sake righteousness, and to follow that
before them; for my presence shall not
carnal existence which will take them
go up in their midst, lest I destroy
to hell.
them. But I will give unto them the
law as at the first, but it shall be after
Ten Commandments. See ADULTERY
the law of a carnal commandment·
for I have sworn in my wrath, tha;
NESS, Goo, GosPEL, LAW OF MosEs,.
~ey shall not enter into my presence,
mto my rest, in the days of their pil-
grimage." (Inspired Version, Ex.
In all gospel dispensations, beginning 34:1-2.)
with the Adamic, the Lord has re-
Thus the 2nd revelation to Moses
vealed the great governing principles
of the Ten Commandments was as
to which all mortal men are subject
part of the law of carnal command-
and by which they will be judged.
ments. The major difference between
These revelations have always includ-
the two revelations is in the reason
ed the basic laws summarized in what
assigned for honoring the Sabbath
is known as the Ten Commandments.
day. While they lived under the law,
These eternal principles have all been
ratified and given renewed force by the Sabbath was to Israel an occasion
latter-day revelation. (Doctrines of to commemorate their deliverance
Salvation, vol. I, p. 96.) from Egyptian bondage (Deut. 5: 12-
Moses received the Ten Command- 15) rather than to point their atten-
ments twice. (Ex. 20; Deut. 5.) Both tion back to the hallowed period of
times they were written by the finger rest that followed the six days of
of the Lord on tablets of stone. The creative work when the earth was
first time they were revealed as part made. (Ex. 20:8-11.)
of the fulness of the gospel, but when
Moses, returning with the sacred Tenderness. See CoMPASSION.


Tenets. See DocrruNE. TRIAL LAW, SALVATION. To the

terrestrial kingdom will go: I. Ac-
Ten Tribes of Israel. See LosT TRIBES countable persons who die without
OP ISRAEL. law ( and who, of course, do not
accept the gospel in the spirit world
Terrestrial Bodies. See TERRESTRIAL under those particular circumstances
GLORY, TERRESTRIAL KINGDOM, TER- which would make them heirs of the
RESTRIAL LAW, SALVATION. By obe- celestial kingdom); 2. Those who
dience to terrestrial law men develop reject the gospel in this life and who
terrestrial bodies and spirits, thus reverse their course and accept it in
conditioning themselves to be quick- the spirit world; 3. Honorable men
ened in the resurrection with terres- of the earth who are blinded by the
trial glory, which is found in a craftiness of men and who therefore
terrestrial kingdom. (D. & C. 76:71- do not accept and live the gospel law;
80; 88: 16-32.) As is the case with the and 4. Members of The Church of
development of celestial bodies, those Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who
who gain terrestrial ones have bodies have testimonies of Christ and the
as different from other kinds of flesh divinity of the great latter-day work
as one form of life differs from an- and who are not valiant, but who
other. (l Cor. 15:39-42.) are instead lukewarm in their devo-
tion to the Church and to righteous-
Terrestrial Glory. See TERRESTRIAL ness. (D. & C. 76:71-80.)
attaining a terrestrial .kingdom will Booms, TERRESTRIAL GLORY, TERRES-
be inheritors of terrestrial glory which TRIAL KINGDOM, SALVATION. To attain
differs from celestial glory "as that of a terrestrial kingdom it is necessary
the moon differs from the sun in the to abide a terrestrial law, which con-
firmament." (D. & C. 76:71; I Car. sists in living an upright, honorable
15:41.) In effect they bask, as does life but one that does not conform to
the moon, in reflected glory, for there the standards whereby the human
are restrictions and limitations placed soul is sanctified by the Spirit. (D. &
on them. They <'receive of the pres- C. 76:71-80; 88:16-32.)
ence of the Son, but not of the fulness
of the Father" (D. & C. 76:77), and Territory of Deseret . . See DESERET.
to all eternity they remain unmarried
and without exaltation. (D. & C. Testament. See NEW TESTAMENT.
Terrestrial Kingdom. See TERRESTRIAL MEDIATOR. I. In legal usage, a testa-
Boorns, TERRESTRIAL GLORY, TERRES- tor is one who leaves a valid will or

testament at his death. The will or Testimony. See CoN'vERSION, FAITH,

testament is the written document GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT, GosPEL, HoLY
wherein the testator provides for the GHOST, KNOWLEDGE, LAW OF WIT-
disposition of his property. As used NESSES, MORMONISM, PROPHECY, .REv-
in the gospel sense, a testament is a ELATION, TRUTH. A testimony of the \
covenant. Jesus is the Mediator of gospel is the sure knowledge, received
the new covenant or testament, that by revelation from the Holy Ghost,
is of the gospel which came to replace of the divinity of the great latter-day
the law of Moses. (Heb. 9:15; 12:24; work. In former dispensations a testi- /
D. & C. 107:19.) many was the revealed knowledge of
Paul mixed these legal and gospel the divinity of the work in that day.
definitions to teach a basic doctrine. A testimony in this day automatically
Speaking of Christ's death, and the includes the assurance of the truth
gifts in. effect willed to men in and of the same gospel in all former ages
through that death, he said: "For when it has been on earth. /
where a testament is, there must also II the sole source of one's know!- \
of necessity be the death of the testa- edge or assurance of the truth of the
tor. For a testament is of force after Lord's work comes from reason, or
men are dead: otherwise it is of no logic, or persuasive arg~ment that
cannot be controverted, it is not a
strength at all while the testator
testimony of the gospel. In its nature
liveth." (Heb. 9:16-17.) In other
a testimony is limited to knowledge \/
words, Christ had to die to bring sal-
that comes by revelation, "for the
vation. The testament or covenant
testimony of Jesus is the spirit of
of salvation came in force because of prophecy" (Rev. 19:10), and anyone
the atonement worked out in connec- gaining that knowledge from the Holy
tion with that death. Christ is the Ghost could, if. the Lord willed, re-
Testator. His gilt, as would be true ceive knowledge of future events also
of any testator, cannot be inherited and prophecy of them. /
until his death. Christ died that Three great truths must be included\
salvation might come; without his in every valid testimony: I. That
death, he could not have willed either Jesus Christ is the Son of God and
immortality or eternal life to men. the Savior of the world (D. & C.
2. The Holy Ghost is the Testator,
by which is meant that it is his !unc-
tion to testify and bear record of the
!~~~~:t 2~1T~;~ J:;::gi~::: :: /
gospel was restored in this dispensa-
Father and the Son. (2 . Ne. 31:18.) tion; and 3. That The Church of
In Abraham's record this 3rd member Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is
of the Godhead was called "God the "the only true and living church upon
third, the witness Testator." the lace of the whole earth." (D. & C /
(Teachings, p. 190.) 1:30.) .

Embraced within these great re- to that law upon which the receipt
vealed assurances are a host of others, of such knowledge is predicated. This
as that the Book of Mormon is true, is the formula: I. He must desire to
that .holy messengers restored keys know the truth of the gospel, of the
and priesthood to men in this day, Book of Mormon, of the Church, or

✓ and that the present leadership of the of whatever is involved. 2. He must

Church has the right and power to study and learn the basic facts rela-
direct the Lord's work on earth. To tive to the matter involved. "Search
bears one's testimony is to make a the scriptures." (John 5:39.) "Search
solemn declaration, affirmation or at - these commandments." (D. & C.
testation that personal revelation has I :37.) 3. He must practice the prin-
been received certifying to the truth ciples and truths learned, conforming
of those realities which comprise a his life to them. "My doctrine is not
'- testimony. mine, but his that sent me. If any
' The prophets of all ages have borne man will do his will, he shall know
testimonies, as for instance: Christ of the doctrine, whether it be of God,
(John 4:25-26; 10:25, 36), Job (Job or whether I speak of myself." (John
19:25), Peter (Matt. 16:13-20; John 7:16-1 7.) 4. He must pray to the
6:68-69), Joseph Smith and Sidney Father in the name of Christ, in faith,
Rigdon. (D. & C. 76:22-24.) After and the truth will then be made mani-
citing the witnesses of other prophets fest by revelation "by the power of
to establish the truth of his teachings, the Holy Ghost. And by the power
/ Alma then bore this testimony: "And of the Holy Ghost ye may know the
this is not all. Do ye not suppose that truth of all things." (Moro. 10:3-5;
I know of these things myself? Be- I Cor. 2.)
hold, I testify unto you that I do With the receipt of a testimony '
know tha t these things whereof I have comes the obligation to bear witness
spoken are true. And how do ye to the world of the divinity of the
suppose that I know of their surety? Lord's work. Part of the covenant
Behold, I say unto you they are made made in the waters of baptism is that
kn.own unto me by the Holy Spirit the new converts will "stand as wit-
of Gad. Behold, I have lasted and nesses of God at all times and in all
prayed many days that I might know things, and in all places that ye may
these things of myself. And now I be in, even until death." (Mosiah
do know of myself that they are true; 18:9.) "It becometh every man who
for the Lord God hath made them hath been warned to warn his neigh-
manifest unto me by his Holy Spirit; bor." (D. & C. 88:81.) All the elders
and this is the spirit of revelation of Israel have a missionary respon-
\ _which is in me." (Alma 5:45-46.) sibility. (D. & C. 58:47; 66:7; 100 :1 0;
, Any accountable person can gain 124:7.) The apostles and the seventy
a testimony of the gospel by obedience have a particular and especial respon-
71 0

sibility in this field. (D. & C. 107:23- MONY. Those sacrament meetings to
25; I 12.) The testimony of the elders which members of the Church are
is followed by the testimony of calam- expected to come fasting, and in
ities. (D. & C. 43:18-29; 88:88-90.) which they are privileged to bear
Blessings and cleansing power are testimonies of the truth and speak and
given the faithful who bear testimony teach as moved upon by the Spirit,
to the world. (D. & C. 62:3; 84:61; are often called testimony meetings.
\ 136 :34-40. ) Missionaries and other special
In the justice of God, every person church groups often hold special testi-
will have the opportunity to gain a mony meetings to promote the special
testimony of the truth, either in this work in which they are engaged.
life or in the spirit world before the Rich outpourings of the Spirit are
day of the resurrection. (D. & C. 1:2.) frequently manifest in such meetings,
Those who have their opportunity in and as a result faith and devotion
this life, and who do not take it, may are increased in the hearts of the
receive a second opportunity in the spiritually inclined who participate in
spirit world, but they will not have them.
a second chance to gain salvation by
their belated acceptance of the truth. Tetragrammaton. See ELOHIM, Goo,
Rather, they will go to a terrestrial JEHOVAH. Taken from the word
kingdom because they "received not tetragram, which means four letters,
the testimony of Jesus in the flesh, but tetragrammaton means the particular
afterwards received it." (D. & C. four consonant letters used in ancient
76:73-74.) Hebrew to signify the sacred and
; /Men are not saved by virtue of a "incommunicable name" of D eity. In
testimony alone. (D. & C. 3:4.) But later Jewish tradition this name was
a testimony is the beginning of real not pronounced except with the vowel
spiritual progress. With it comes a points of Adonai or Elohim, so that
greater obligation to serve God, keep according to the scholars the true
his commandments, and walk with pronunciation was lost. The four
V the light that has been received. (D. consonants · are variously written
& C. 82 :2-4.) It is only those who IHVH, JHVH, JHWH, YHVH, and
are valiant in testimony who work YHWH, and the words reconstructed
out their salvation. Those "who are by adding vowel points are variously
not valiant in the testimony of Jesus" supposed to be Jahaveh, Jahvah,
are assigned an inheritance, not in Jahve, Jahvch, Yahve, Yahveh,
the kingdom of God, but in the ter- Yahwe, and Yahweh. The name
'Zestrial kingdom. (D. & C. 76:79.) Jehovah is thought by scholars to be
a false reconstruction of the incom-
Testimony Meetings. See FAST MEET- municable name. From latter-day
INGS, SACRA M ENT MEETINGS, TESTI- revelation, however, we learn that

Jehovah is the English form of the brethren, that ii you should render all
actual .name by which the Lord Jesus the thanks and praise which your
was known anciently. (D. & C. 110:3; whole soul has power to possess, to
Abra. 2:8.) that God who h as created you, and
has kept and preserved you, and has
Thanksgiving. See HALLELUJAH, Mu- caused that ye should rejoice, and
sic, PRAYER, WORSHIP. True worship has granted that ye should live in
includes thanksgiving to God- the peace one w ith another-I say unto
acknowledging and confessing with you that ii ye should serve him who
joy and gladness of the benefits and has created you from the beginning,
mercies which he bestows upon his and is preserving you from day to day,
children. "Know ye that the Lord by lending you breath, that ye may
he is God: . Enter into his gates live and move and do according to
with thanksgiving, and into his courts your own w ill , and even supporting
with praise: be thankful unto him, you from one moment to another- I
and bless his name." (Ps. 100:3-4.) say, ii ye should serve him with all
"Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, your whole souls yet ye would be
and thanksgiving, and honour, and unprofitable servants." (Mosiah 2: 19-
power, and •might, be unto our God 21.)
for ever and ever." (Rev. 7:12.)
Men should "live in thanksgiving Thearchy. See THEOCRACY (THEAR-
daily." (Alma 34:38.) In prayer, CHY).
song, and by walking uprightly be-
fore him, they should render thanks Theft. See STEALING.
to the Lord for the very fact of crea-
tion and existence; for the redeeming Theism. See ATHEISM, DEISM, Goo,
sacrifice of Christ which ransoms all H ENOTI-IEISM, MONOTHEISM, POLY-
men from death and offers eternal life THEISM. Theism is simply the belief
to the faithful; for the gospel, the in the existence of a God or gods; it
priesthood, the Church and kingdom, carries a connotation of a belief in
and the assurance that the family unit monotheism in that it places one god
will continue in eternity; for the gift as supreme in th e universe.
of the Holy Ghost, living oracles to
guide the saints, and freedom to wor- Theocentric. See Goo. That which
ship God ·according to the dictates has God for its center and assumes
of conscience; for temporal and spirit- divine sovereignty is theocentric, as
ual propserity and all the good things a theocentric life or a theocentric
of life. universe.
"O how you ought to than)<: your
heavenly King!" was the counsel of Theocracy (Thearchy). See GovERN -
King Benjamin. "I say unto you, my oF Gon, KINGDOM OF Gon.


Thearchy or theocracy is government exaltation so that they become gods

by the immediate direction of God (D. & C. 132:20) , the term theogony
through his ministers and representa- takes on a meaning for the Latter;-
tives. A state governed in this manner day Saints which is far beyond any-
is called a theocracy. This was the thing that the world has supposed.
original earthly government, Adam
serving as the great presiding high Theology. See - Goo, K NOWLEDGE,
priest th rough whom the laws of the RELIGION, STANDARD WORKS, WOR-
Lord, both temporal and spiritual, SHIP . In . defining the science of
were revealed and administered. This theology and in setting forth its com-
type of government apparently con- prehensive nature, Elder James E.
tinued among the righteous portion Talmage has written: . "The word
of mankind from the days of Adam to theology is of Greek origin; it comes
Enoch and the taking of Zion to the to us from Theos, meaning God, and
Lord's bosom. logos-a treatise, or discourse, signify-
The great patriarchs alter the flood ing by derivation, therefore, collated
-Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and knowledge of Deity, or the science
others-appear to have had this type that teaches us of God, implying also
of government. Righteous portions .of the relation existing between him and
the Jareditish peoples were undoubt- his creatures. The .term is of ancient
edly governed on this system. Cer- usage, and may be traced to pagan
tainly ancient Israel in the days · of sources. Plato and Aristotle speak of
Moses and the judges operated on a theology as the doctrine of Deity. and
theocratic basis, and the same system divine things . • .
prevailed among the Nephite portion "The ultimate boundaries of the
of Lehi's descendants during most of science, if boundaries there be, : are
their long history. When Qhrist beyond the capacity of man to survey.
comes to reign personally on earth Theology deals with Deity, the foun-
during the millennial era, a perfect tain of knowledge, the source of wis-
theocratic government will prevail. dom; with the proofs of the existence
( D. & C. 38 :20-22; 58:20-22.) of . a Supreme Being, and of .other
supernatural personalities; wit_h the
Theogony. See EXALTATION, GENERA- conditions under which, and the
TION, GooHooo, Goos. The term means by -which, divine revelation is
theogony has reference to the genera- imparted; with the principles
tion or genealogy of the gods. In governing the creation of worlds; with
view of the revealed latter-day knowl- the laws of nature in all their varied
edge of how, as the Prophet expressed manifestations. Primarily, theology
it, "God came to be God" (Teachings, is the science that deals with . God
p. 345), and of the power which and religion; it presents the facts of
righteous men have to go on .to .their observed .and revealed truth in order_ly

array, and indicates the means of & C. 93: I; Ether 3; Teachings, pp.
their application in the duties of life. 149-151.)
Theology then has to do with other
facts than those that are specifically Theosophy. See CHURCH OF THE
called spiritual; its domain is that of D EVIL, PHILOSOPHY, REVELATION, SAL-
truth. VATION. T heosophy (from the Greek
"The industrial pursuits that ben- theos, God; and sophia, wisdom) is
efit mankind, the arts that please and the name given to various apostate
refine, the sciences that en large and philosophies wh ich teach that truth is
exalt the mind- these are but frag- gained from God by direct revelation,
ments of the great tho ugh ye t uncom- intuition, inspiration, or some sort of
pleted volume of truth that has come religious ecstasy. Many of the beliefs
to earth from a source of eternal and are derived from Brahmanism and
infinite supply. A complete survey Buddhism, including the false doctrine
of theology, therefore, would embrace of the transmigration of souls.
all known truths." (A rticles of Faith, The principle of receiving revealed
pp. 3-6.) truth from Deity is of course part of
the very foundation of true religion.
Theophanics. See CHRIST, FrnsT V1- But as this is taught and viewed by
s10N, Goo, VtsroNs. Visible m anifesta- the theosophists it is simply the devil's
tions of God to mortal men are called substitute for one of the true doctrines
theophanies. That is, in a theophany of the gospel. Such revelation as
the Lord is seen in the same literal comes through theosophy is not of
sense in which he was manifested to God.
the ancient prophets. The appearance
of the Father and the Son to Joseph Thief in the Night. See SECOND CoM -
Smith was one of the most glorious ING OF CHRIST.
theophanies of all the ages. (Jos.
Smith 2:16-20.) Thieves. See STEALING.
From the days of Adam to the pres-
ent the Lord has freely manifested his Thoughts. See 0 ES1RES, I DLE WORDS,
personal Self to righteous men. In- JUDGMENT D AY, LIGHT- MINDEDNESS .
deed, because he is no respecter of T houghts are the ideas, concepts,
persons, the same faith and devotion judgments, imaginations, fancies,
is always rewarded with the same opinions, dispositions, and intentions
blessing; and so he has said "that that arise in the hearts and minds of
every soul who forsaketh his sins and men. The power to think is an in-
cometh unto me, and calleth on my heritance which all men receive be-
name, and obeyeth my voice, and cause they are the spirit children of
keepeth my commandments, sh all see an Omnipotent Father. It is the spirit
my face and know that I am." (D. that thinks, not the mortal tabernacle.

The manner in which this power is this people," saith the Lord, "even
used (including the thoughts that the fruit of their thoughts." (Jer.
come into their minds) depends on 6:19.) It was only alter "God saw
the manner in which men exercise the that the wickedness of man was great
agency with which they have been in the earth, and that every imagina-
endowed by their Creator. tion of the thoughts of his heart was
The thoughts of the Lord are in- only evil continually" (Gen. 6:5),
finite, eternal, and perfect, for he that he sent the flood of Noah to
knows all things and has all power. cleanse the earth.
"My thoughts are not your thoughts, On the other hand, "The thoughts
neither are your ways my ways, saith of the righteous are right." (Prov.
the Lord. For as the heavens are 12:5.) They are at the root of all
higher than the earth, so are my righteous action; wise words and deeds
ways higher than your ways, and my flow from them; and a righteous judg-
thoughts than your thoughts." (Isa. ment will be given because of them.
55:8-9; Ps. 33:11; 92:5.) Man's Men are what their thoughts make
thoughts are open to the view and them. "As he thinketh in his heart,
knowle_dge of the Lord. (D. · & C. so is he." (Prov. 23:7.) Our thoughts
6:16; 33 :1; Mosiah 24:12; Alma will reward or condemn us before the
18:32; Job 42:2; Ps. 94:11; 139:2; judgment bar. (Alma 12:12-14.) The
Heb. 4:12.) To his prophets also righteous and the wicked are divided
this power is given as occasion re~ by their thoughts, and the secret
quires. (Jae. 2:5; Alma 10:17; 12:3, thoughts of men will be revealed in
7; 18: 16, 18, 20; Hela. 9:41.) Christ the judgment. (D. & C. 88:109.)
frequently exercised his power to read Righteous thoughts lead to salvation,
the thoughts of those among whom he wicked thoughts to damnation.
ministered. (Matt. 9:4; 12:25; Luke "A fanciful and flowery and heated
5:22; 6:8; 9:47; 11:17; 3 Ne. 28:6.) imagination beware of," the Prophet
Evil thoughts are sin. (Prov. 15:26; said, "because the things of GOd are
24:9.) They are an abomination in of deep import; and time, and ex-
themselves, and they lead to further perience, and careful and ponderous
wickedness. Evils are not committed and solemn thoughts can only find
until they have been thought out in them out." (Teachings, p. 137.)
the heart. "For from rwithin, out of Part of man's mortal probation is
the heart of men, proceed evil to see ii he can control his thoughts
thoughts, adulteries, fornications, in accordance with righteous prin-
murders, Thefts, covetousness, wick- ciples. The saints are commanded,
edness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil "Cast away your idle thoughts" (D.
eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness." & C. 88:69), which obviously includes
(Mark 7:21-22; Matt. 15 :19; Luke all evil .thoughts, all those that do not
6:45.) "Behold, I will bring evil upon edify, and all that are unproductive.

Thoughts are idle if they do not work gain new thoughts by revelation from
to further man's peace in this life the Holy Ghost. When they speak
and eternal reward in the next. about the Lord and his laws, they are
King Benjamin counseled his peo- enabled to do so without reading a
ple: "If ye do not watch yourselves, prepared essay. "Neither take ye
and your thoughts, and your words, thought beforehand what ye shall say;
and your deeds, and observe the com- but treasure up in your minds contin-
mandments of God, and continue in ually the words of life, and it shall
the faith of what ye have heard con- be given you in the very hour that
cerning the coming of our Lord, even portion that shall be meted unto every
unto the end of your lives, ye must man." (D. & C. 84:85; 100:5-6; Matt.
perish." (Mosiah 4: 30.) Paul taught 10:19; Mark 13:11; Luke 12:11.)
that the saints must bring "into cap-
tivity every thought to the obedience Three Nephites. See BOOK OF MOR-
of Christ." (2 Car, 10:5.) To be MON, NEPHITES AND LAMANITES,
saved men must repent of their evil TRANSLATED BEINGS. Three of the
thoughts. (Acts 8:18-24.) "Let the Nephite disciples, desiring to continue
wicked forsake his way, and the un- their apostolic ministry of bringing
righteous man his thoughts: and let souls unto Christ, received this prom-
him return unto the Lord, and he ise from the Lord: "Ye shall never
will have mercy upon him; and to taste of death; but ye shall live to
our God, for he will abundantly behold all the doings of the Father
pardon." ( Isa. 55: 7.) unto the children of men, even until
Men should think on the things of all things shall be fulfilled according
righteousness. They should meditate to the will of the Father, when I shall
upon the great truths which the Lord come in my glory with the powers of
has revealed. "Let virtue garnish thy heaven." (3 Ne. 28:7.)
thoughts unceasingly." (D. & C. They were to be free from pain and
121 :45.) Above all, men should think sorrow ( except for the sins of the
of the Lord and his infinite goodness. world), and were to minister, "as the
"Look unto me in every thought" angels of God," unto the Jews, Gen-
(D. & C. 6:36), is his plea. (Alma tiles, scattered tribes of Israel, "and
37:36.) "For how knoweth a man unto all nations, kindreds, tongues,
the master whom he has not served, and people." (3 Ne. 28.) They con-
and who is a stranger unto him, and tinued their ministry among the
is far from the thoughts and intents Nephites for some 300 years, until the
of his heart?" (Mosiah 5:13.) time of Mormon, when they were
Those who "commit" their "works finally withdrawn because of the
unto the Lord," have power to con- wickedness of the people. (4 Ne. 30-
trol and establish their thoughts. 37; Morm. 1:13-16.) Unbeknowns
(Prov. 16:3.) They have power to to the world, they are continuing their

assigned min.istry at this time, and heirs with him-who have been
there _have been occasions when they "crowned with the glory of his
have appeared to members of the might," and "made equal with him"
Church in this final dispensation. It (D. & C. 88:107) - then shall they
is the common practice in the Church als.o sit upon their thrones and even
tq call them the Three Nephites. sit down with our Lord on his throne.
"T o him that overcometh will I grant
Three Witnesses. See WITNESSES OF to sit with me in my throne, even as
THE BooK OF MORMON. I also overcame, and am set down
with my Father in his throne." (Rev.
Thriftiness. See EMPLOYMENT, IDLE- 3:21.) Enoch foresaw this state of
NESS, WonK. Waste is sin, thriftiness exaltation and said: "Thou art God,
a virtue. To his saints the Lord has . . . thou hast made me, and given
given "the fulness of the earth," in- unto me a right to thy throne."
cluding everything in and upon it, (Moses 7:59.)
with the provision that "all these In token of their kingship, sover-
things" are "to be used, with judg-
eignty, and dominion, exalted beings
ment, not to excess, neither by
shall sit on thrones in eternity. "All
extortion." (D. & C. 59: 16-20.)
thrones and dominions, principalities
Accordingly members of the Church
and powers, shall be revealed and set
should practice economy and exercise
good management over their monies forth upon all who have endured val-
and properties. iantly· for the gospel of Jesus Christ."
(D. & C. 121:29. ) "Abraham ..
hath entered into his exaltation and
sitteth upon his throne," as also have
other righteous saints of former ages.
PRIESTS, QUEENS. In the eternal
(D. & C. 132 :29, 37.)
sense, thrones are reserved for exalted
persons who rule and reign as kings In the day of judgment, when the
and queens in the highest heaven of saints "shall judge angels" (I .Cor.
the celestial world. It is in such a 6:3) , they shall sit upon thrones. "I
sphere that "God, even the Father, saw thrones, and they sat upon
reigns upon his throne forever and them," John recorded, "and judgment
ever." (D. & C. 76:92; Rev. 20:1 1.) was given unto them." (Rev. 20:4.)
Alter Christ has presented up the The T welve who were with Christ
kingdom to his Father, "Then shall in his ministry "shall sit upon twelve
he be crowned with the crown of his thrones, judging the twelve tribes of
glory, to sit on the throne of his Israel." (Matt. 19:28.)
power to reign forever and ever." (D.
.& C. 76:108.) Thummim. See URIM AND THUM-
Then shall all those who are joint-

Time. See DAY, DISPENSATION OF THE time of Kolob; for as yet the Gods
FuLNEss OF TIMES, ETERNITY, MERID- had not appointed unto Adam his
IAN OF TIME, MORTALITY, NIGHT, reckoning." (Abra. 5:13.)
SEASONS. I. Any measurable part of 2. As contrasted with eternity, time
eternity is referred to as time. The is the period of mortal probation that
periods of duration involved in the begins for each person with birth into
rotation and other movements of the this world and ends with the natural
various planets and heavenly bodies or temporal death. (D. & C. 39:22;
form the unit of measurement of 72:3; 132:7, 18; Rom. 8:18.)
time. Thus a 24 hour period is a day 3. Time is also any season, age, or
of time on this earth, and 365 days period when a particular event is
are a year of time. "In answer to the destined to occur. "The time shall
question-Is not the reckoning of come when the knowledge of a Savior
God's time, angel's time, prophet's shall spread throughout every nation,
time, and man's time, according to the kindred, tongue, and people." (Mo-
planet on which they reside? I an- siah 3:20; Eccles. 3: 1-2.) "This life
swer, Yes," the Prophet said. (D. & C. is the time for men to prepare to meet
130:4-5.) God." (Alma 34:32.)
Time exists and is measured on all
planets, and a knowledge of the times Times. See TIMES OF R ESTITUTION .
and laws governing the heavenly
bodies is yet to come forth in this Times and Seasons. See SIGNS OF THE
dispensation. "If there be bounds set TIMES.
to the heavens or to the seas, or to
the dry land, or to the sun, moon, Times of Refreshing. See DISPENSA-
or stars-All the times of their rev- TION OF THE FuLNEss OF TIMES, MIL-
olutions, all the appointed days, LENNIUM, NEW HEAVEN AND NEW
months, and years, and all the days of EARTH, RESTORATION OF ALL THINGS.
their days, months, and years, and Peter spoke of the times of refreshing
all their glories, laws, and set times, which should come from the presence
shall be revealed in the days of the of the Lord at the Second Coming of
dispensation of the fulness of times." Christ. (Acts 3:19-21.) His statement
(D. & C. 121:30-31.) has the same meaning as the one in
Some of this revelation has already the Tenth Article of Faith which re-
taken place. For instance: We know cords that "the earth will be renewed
that on Kolob, where the Lord's time and receive its paradisiacal glory."
prevails, a day is 1,000 years of our This occurrence is "the regeneration"
time. (Abra. 3:4; 2 Pet. 3:8.) Thus which shall take place "when the Son
it is that the time element in the crea~ of man shall sit in the throne of his
tion of this earth was reckoned "after glory." (Matt. 19:28.) It is also "the
the Lord's time, which was after the day of transfiguration .. . When the

earth shall be transfigured." (D. & C. Times of the Gentiles. See SIGNS OF
63:20-21.) THE TIMES.
This earth was ere ated in a new
or paradisiacal state; then, incident
to Adam's transgression, it fell to its
present telestial state. At the Second
Coming of our Lord, it will be re-
newed, regenerated, refreshed, trans-
figured, become again a new earth, a
paradisiacal earth. Its millennial
status will be a return to its pristine
state of beauty and glory, the state
that existed before the fall .

Times of Restitution . See DrsPENSA-

Peter taught that the Second Coming
of the Son of Man cannot take place
"until the times of restitution of all
things, which God hath spoken by
T ithing is a lesser law, consecration
,the mouth of all his holy prophets
the greater. "The Lord revealed to
since the world began." (Acts 3: 19-
his people in the incipiency of his
21.) T he phrase times of restitution work a law which was more perfect
~eans the age or era of restoration; than the law of tithing. It compre-
it is that period in the earth's history hended larger things, greater power,
known as the dispensation of the ful- and a more speedy accomplishment
ness of times, for in that era all things of the purposes of the Lord. But the
are to be restored. (Eph. I: 10.) people were unprepared to live by it,
It should be noted that Peter docs and the Lord, out of mercy to the
not say that all thi ngs must be re- people, suspended the more perfect
stored before Christ comes, but that law, and gave the law of tithing, in
the age; era, period, or times in the order that there might be means in
earth's history in wh ich restoration the storehouse of the Lord for the
is to take place must itself commence. carrying out of the purposes he had
That era did begin in the spring of in view : for the gathering of the poor,
1820, but all things will not be re- for the spreading of the gospel to the
vealed until after . Christ comes. (D. nations of the earth, for the main-
& C. 101 :32-34.) tenance of those who were required

to give their constant attention, day

in and day out, to the work of the
Lord, and for whom it was necessary
to make some provision. Without this
law these things could not be done,
neither could temples be built and
maintained, nor the poor fed and
clothed, Therefore the law of tithing
is necessary for the Church, so much
so that the Lord has laid great stress
upon it." (Gospel Doctrine, 5th ed.,
p. 225.)
Payment of an honest tithing is
essential to the attainment of salva-
tion in the celestial kingdom. Indeed,
the law of consecration itself is the
celestial law of property and money, "The law ol tithing is a test by
and to gain the celestial world man which the people as individuals shall
must be able to abide this higher law, be proved. Any man who fails to
to say nothing of the lesser law of observe this principle s a e own
tithing. (D. & C. 88:21-22; 105:5.) as a man w o is indi erent to the
Accordingly, tithing becomes one of welfare ol Zion, who neglects his duty
the great tests of the personal right- as a member of the Church ... He
eousness of church members. "Bv this neglects to do that which would en-
princi le" President Joseph F. Smith title him to receive the blessings and
says, <'the loyalty of the people of ordinances of the gospel." ( Gospel
this Church shall be put to the test Doctrine, 5th ed., pp. 225-226.)
By this principle it shall be · known Both temporal and spiritual bless-
who is for the kingdom of God and ings are poured out upon the honest
who is against it. By this principle tithepayer as a result of his obedience
it shall be seen whose hearts are set to that law. By such obedience he
on doing the will of God and keeping gains the spirit of inspiration in tem-
his commandments, thereby sanctify- poral and spiritual pursuits so that
ing the land ol Zion unto God and in the end he is ahead financially and
who are opposed to this princi le and temporally, to say nothing ol the
ave cut themselves o rom t spiritual growth that always attends
ings o ion. There is a great deal such a course. (Gospel Doctrine, 5th
ol importance connected with this ed., pp. 226-228.)
principle, for by it it shall be known Through the mouth ol Malachi the
whether we are faithful or unfaith- Lord said: "Bring ye all the tithes
ful. In this respect it is as essential into the storehouse, that there may

be meat in mine house, and prove the manner of the Lord- for verily
me now herewith, saith the Lord of I say, tomorrow all the proud and
hosts, if I will not open you the win- they that do wickedly shall be as
dows of heaven, and pour you out a stubble; and I will burn them up, for
blessing, that there shall not be room I am the Lord of Hosts; and I will
enough to receive it. And I will re- not spare any that remain in Baby-
buke the devourer for your sakes, and lon. Wherefore, if ye believe me, ye
he shall not destroy the fruits of your will labor while it is called today."
ground; neither shall · your vine cast (D. & C. 64:23-25; Mal. 4:1.)
her fruit before the time in the field, Strictly speaking there is no such
saith the Lord of hosts. And all na- thing as a part tithing. Tithing is a
tions shall call you blessed: for ye tenth, and unless a person contributes
shall be a delightsome land, saith the the tenth, he has only made a con-
Lord of hosts." (Mal. 3:10-12.) tribution to the tithing funds of the
Members of the Church who do Church. Somewhat inappropriately
not pay an honest tithing thereby the term part-tithepayer is used with
deny themselves of . the promised reference to those making such con-
blessings and in addition are con- tributions.
demned as covenant breakers, for in
the waters of baptism they have Tithing Settlement. See TITHING. At
covenanted to keep the command- the end of each year certain conyen ~
ments of God, including tithing. ient days are set apart for tithing
(Mosiah 18:8-10.) As a matter of settlement. On these days church
fact, this covenant breaking, this steal- members are privileged to go over
ing from Deity of his tenth, classes their personal tithing records with
them among those who live a telestial their bishop, and to receive counsel
law and who will be burned at the from him, so that the tithing status
Second Coming. "Will a man rob of each member is clearly known both
God? Yet ye have robbed me. But to him and his ecclesiastical judge.
ye say, Wherein have we robbed As a matter of wisdom, tithing should
thee? In tithes and offerings. Ye are be paid when Income is received,
cursed with a curse: for ye have though it is possible to comply with
robbed me, even this whole nation." the law by a lump sum contribution
(Mal. 3'8-9.) at the time of tithing settlement.
"Behold, now it is called today until
the coming of the Son of Man, and Titles. See MINISTERIAL TITLES.
verily it is a day of sacrifice, and a
day for the tithing of my people; for Tobacco. See WoRD OF WISDOM.
he that is tithed shall not be burned
.a t his coming. For after today cometh Tolerance. See AGENCY, BIGOTRY,
the burning-this is speaking after BROAD-MINDEDNESS. Gospel tolerance

tempers the zeal of .the saints so that 46:24-25; I Cor. 12:10, 28, 30; 14.)
they put up with and allow the false These gifts have been manifest among
religious beliefs and practices of apos- the saints in every age (Omni 25;
tate peoples. Men are entitled to Alma 9:21; 3 Ne. 29:6; Morm. 9:7),
worship and believe as they choose, and they are desirable and useful in
and no matter how false and absurd the Lord's work. "Let the gilt of
apostate notions may be, they are tol - tongues be poured out upon thy
erated by the saints. (Eleventh people, even cloven tongues as of
Article of Faith.) fire, and the interpretation thereof,"
This divine provision for the exer- the Prophet prayed at the dedication
cise of the agency of man is in sharp of the Kirtland Temple. (D. & C.
contrast with the official Catholic 109:36.)
view. Their view, as authoritatively Tongues and their interpretation
promulgated by them, is that "no one are classed among the signs and mir-
has a genuine right, as far as God's acles which always attend the faithful
law is concerned, to profess any re- and which stand as evidences of the
ligion except the Catholic religion," divinity of the Lord's work. (Morm.
and therefore (from their standpoint) 9:24; Mark 16:17; Acts 10:46; 19:6.)
there is no such thing as tolerance for In their more dramatic manifestations
the views of others. (Paul Blanshard, they consist in speaking or interpret-
American Freedom and Catholic ing, by the power of the Spirit, a
Power, pp. 289 -306.) tongue which is completely unknown
All men have weaknesses; none are to the speaker or interpreter. Some-
perfect. Accordingly, in their personal times it is the pure Adamic language
relations with each other, the Lord which is involved. Frequently these
expects men to bear with the infirm- gifts are manifest where the ordinary
ities and shortcomings of each other. languages of the day are concerned
(D. & C. 42:43-44, 52; 46: 13-14.) in that the Lord's missionaries learn
But proper tolerance extends, not to to speak and interpret foreign lan-
sin, but to sinners. Neither the Lord guages with ease, thus furthering the
nor the saints can "look upon sin with spread of the message of the restora-
the least degree of allowance." (D. & tion. When the elders of Israel, often
C. 1:31.) in a matter of weeks, gain fluency in
a foreign tongue, they been
Tombs. See GRAVES. blessed with the gift of tongues.
An ideal and proper use of tongues
Tongues. See DAY OF PENTECOST, was shown forth on the day of Pente-
G1FTS OF THE SPIRIT, MIRACLES, SIGNS. cost. By using this gift the apostles
Two of the gifts of the Spirit are were enabled to speak in their own
speaking in tongues and interpretation tongue and be understoood by persons
of tongues. (Moro. 10:15-16; D. & C. of many different tongues. (Acts 2:1-

18.) Indeed, "the gilt of tongues by Tongues and their interpretation

the power of the Holy Ghost in the are given for special purposes under
Church," as the Prophet said, "is for special circumstances. There are a
the benefit of the servants of God host of gifts that are far more im-
to preach to unbelievers, as on the day portant and in the use of which there
of Pentecost." (Teachings, p. 195.) is less chance for deception. The gilts
"Be not so curious about tongues," of exhortation, of preaching, of ex-
the Prophet also said . . "Do not speak pounding doctrine, of teaching the
in tongues except there be an inter- gospel-though not nearly so dra-
preter present; the ultimate design of matic-are far greater and of more
tongues is to speak to foreigners, and value than tongues. "In the church
if persons are very anxious to display I had rather speak five words with my
their intelligence, let them speak to understanding, that by my voice I
such in their own tongues [that is, in might teach others also," Paul
the tongues of the foreigners]." averred, "than ten _thousand words
(Teachings, pp. 247-248.) in an unknown tongue." (1 Car.
Caution should always attend the 14:19.)
use of the gift of tongues. "It is not As with other spiritual gifts, tongues
necessary," for instance, "for tongues "never will be done away," as long
to be taught to the Church partic- as the earth remains in its present
ularly, for any man that has the Holy state, "only according to the unbelief
Ghost, can speak of the things of God of the children of men." (Moro.
in his own tongue as well as to speak 10: 19.) But in the ultimate perfect
in another; for faith comes not by day the gilts pertaining to tongues
signs, but by hearing the word of "shall cease." (I Cor. 13:8.) Ob-
God." (Teachings, pp. 148-149.) viously in that final glorious day when
"l/ anything is taught by the gift of the saints know all things (which
tongues, it is not to be received includes a perfect knowledge of all
for doctrine." (Teachings, p. 229.) languages) it will no longer be either
"Speak not in the gift of tongues with- necessary or possible to speak in
out understanding it, or without tongues and give interpretation there-
interpretation. The devil can speak to.
in tongues; the adversary will come
with his work; he can tempt all Torment. See FrnE AND BRIMSTONE.
classes; can speak in English or
Dutch. Let no one speak in tongues Tornadoes. See SIGNS OF THE TIMES.
unless he interpret, except by the con-
sent of the one who is placed to pre- Tower of Babel. See }AREDITES.
side; then he may discern or interpret,
or another may." (Teachings, p. 162, Traditions. See DOCTRINE, GOSPEL,


WORKS, TRUTH. Religious traditions sufficient to refute heresy; it is falsely

are the laws, regulations, beliefs, supposed to have been established
doctrines and practices which are originally by Christ and his apostles
handed down ( usually orally) from and to have been handed down from
one generation to another. Tradi- generation to generation from them.
tions are either true or false. If It is obvious that the devil can have
they are in accord with the scrip- a real field day in spreading false
tures, they are true; ii they go doctrine when oral traditions are
contrary to the written, revealed word, given the force of divine law.
they are false. If they pertain to mat- As with all apostate peoples, false
ters on which the revelations are traditions existed among the Jews,
silent, they may be true or false, and causing our Lord to ask: "Why do ye
in such cases there is danger in accept- also transgress the commandment of
ing them. The Lord has given suf- God by your tradition?" and then to
ficient in writing to guide men to say of that apostate people that their
salvation without the necessity of worship was vain because they taught
turning to fields of religion not cov- for doctrine the commandments of
ered in the written word. men. (Matt. 15:1-9; Mark 7:1-8.) It
True gospel teachings which can is interesting to note that one of the
be amply supported from the revela- false traditions had among the Jews
tions are sometimes referred to as anciently was that "little children are
traditions whether these teachings are unholy," which is the same apostate
presented orally or in writing. The concept held by the Catholics and
Book of Mormon frequently contrasts many Protestants at this day. (D. &
the true traditions of the Nephites, C. 74.)
which led to salvation, with the false
traditions of the Lamanites, which Traitors. See APOSTASY, REBELLION,
led to destruction. (Alma 3:8; 23:5; SONS OF PERDITION, U NPAROONABLE
24:7; 3 Ne. I :9-11.) Paul exhorted SIN. Gospel traitors are those who
the saints to "stand fast, and hold forsake the truth, betray the cause of
the traditions which ye have been Christ, and use their power in the
taught, whether by word, or our camp of Lucifer the enemy. Traitors
epistle." (2 Thess. 2:15; 3:6.) are the worst kind of apostates; they
The most common usage of the not only slip away themselves from
term, however, associates it with false the path of righteousness, but they
and apostate views. (Gal. I: 14; Col. give aid and comfort to the enemy
2:8; 1 Pet. 1:18; D. & C. 93:39.) and enlist affirmatively in his cause.
Among the Catholics, traditions con- Luci~er was a traitor in pre-exist-
sist in the code of doctrine and dis- ence. Judas is the prototype of all
cipline which is independent of the mortal traitors. (Luke 6: 16.) In
written word, but is considered to be large part the persecutions and trials

heaped upon the saints have · their recovering in· some degree, I went
origin with apostate-traitors. (Teach- home." (Jos. Smith 2:20.)
ings, pp. 66-68; D. & C. 122:3; 135:7.)
Traitors will be damned. Speaking Transfiguration. See HoLY GHOST,
of traitors in general, those who be- MILLE NNIUM, TI MES OF REFRESHING,
tray any cause no . matter what it is, TRANSLATED BEINGS. Transfiguration
the Prophet said: "As the Lord lives, is a special change in appearance and
God never will acknowledge any nature which is wrought upon a per-
traitors or apostates. Any man who son or thing by the power of God.
will betray the Catholics will betray This divine transformation is from
you; and ii he will betray me, he will a lower to a higher state; it results
betray you." (Teachings, p. 375.) in a more exalted, impressive, and
glorious condition.
Trances. See DREAMS, REVELATION, Our Lord "was transfigured before"
VISIONS. Sometimes prophets go into Peter, James, and John, w.hile on the
trances in connection with the receipt mount, "and his face did shine as the
of visions. That is, they are so com- sun, and his raiment was white as the
pletely overshadowed by the Spirit light." (Matt. 17:1-13; Mark 9:2-13;
that to outward appearances normal 2 Pet. 1:16-19.) Luke describes this
bodily functions are suspended. Such event by saying, "As he prayed, the
was the case with Balaam when he fashion of his countenance was al-
saw the coming of Christ and the tered, and his raiment was white and
triumph of Israel. (Num. 24.) Peter glistering." (Luke 9 :28-36.) It was
"fell iilto a trance" when he received on this occasion that Peter, James, and
the vision commanding him to take John, also, "were transfigured before"
the gospel to the Gentiles. (Acts l0:9- Christ, received from him and from
48.) Paul "was in a trance" when Moses and Elias the keys of kingdom
the Lord came to him with the com- (Teachings, p. 158) , and saw in vision
mand to leave Jerusalem and carry the transfiguration of the earth in the
the message of salvation to the Gen- millennial day. (D. & C. 63:20-21;
tiles. (Acts 22:17-21.) Teachings, p. 13.)
A similar experience happened to By the power of the Holy Ghost
the Prophet Joseph Smith in connec- many prophets have been transfigured
tion with the 'First Vision; he was not so as to stand in the presence of God
in control of all his bodily powers and view the visions of eternity.
when the Father and the Son ap- Speaking of such an occasion in his
peared to him. "When I came to life, Moses recorded: "Now mine own
myself again, I found myself lying eyes have beheld God; but not my
on my back, looking up into heaven," natural, but my spiritual eyes, for my
he said. "When the light had · de- natural eyes could not have beheld;
parted, I had no strength; but soon for I should have withered and died

in his presence; but his glory was law without committing a sin, as in
upon me; and I beheld his lace, for the case of Adam and Eve in the
I was transfigured before him." Garden of Eden. (2 Ne. 2:22-23.)
(Moses 1:11; D. & C. 67:11.) On
another occasion, when Moses came Transgression of Adam. SEE AGENCY,
down off the mount, having com- FALL OF ADAM, FORBIDDEN Fnurr, SIN,
muned with the Lord for 40 days and TRANSGRESSION. It is proper and
nights, "the skin of his face shone/' according to the scriptural pattern to
so that he had to "put a vail on his speak of the transgression of Adam,
face" as he talked with the children but not the sin of Adam. (D. & C.
of Israel. (Ex. 34:29-35.)
20:20; 29:40; Job 31:33; Rom. 5:14;
Similarly, when the Three Nephites I Tim. 2:14; Alma 12:31; Second
"were caught up into heaven, and
Article of Faith.) Lehi says, for in-
saw and heard unspeakable things,"
stance, "II Adam had not transgressed
they were transfigured. "Whether
he would not have fallen." Then he
they were in the body or out of the
explains that while in their state of
body, they could not tell; for it did
innocence in the Garden of Eden,
seem unto them like a transfiguration
of them, that they were changed from Adam and Eve "knew no sin." (2 Ne.
this body of flesh into an immortal 2:22-23.) Knowledge of good and
state, that they could behold the evil is an essential element in the
things of God." (3 Ne. 28:13-17.) commission of sin, and our first par-
Paul had a similar experience (2 Cor. ents did not have this knowledge until
12:1-4), as also did Joseph Smith and alter they had partaken of the fruit
Sidney Rigdon. (D. & C. 76; Teach- of the tree of know ledge of good and
ings, p. 107.) evil.

Transfiguration of the Earth. See Translated Beings. See ANGELS,

SION OF ADAM. In a general sense During the first 2200 or so years of
and in most instances the terms sin the earth's history-that is, from the
and transgression are synonymous, fall of Adam to the ministry of Mel-
although the use of the term trans- chizedek-it was a very common
gression lays emphasis on the viola- occurrence for faithful members of
tion of the law or rule involved the Church to be translated and taken
whereas the term sin points up the into the heavenly realms without
wilful nature of the disobedience. tasting death. Since that time there
There are situations, however, in have been occasional special instances
which it is possible to transgress a of translation, instances in which a

special work of the ministry required tained peace in Salem, and was called
it. the Prince of peace. And his people
Enoch and his people were trans- wrought righteousness, and obtained
lated, probably just a few years alter heaven, and sought for the city of
Adam's death. (Moses 7:18-21 , 31, Enoch which God had before taken,
63, 69; D. & C. 38:4; 45: 11-1 4; separating it from the earth, having
84 :99-100; Gen. 5:22-24; Heb. 11 :5.) reserved it unto the latter days, or
It is apparent from the abbreviated the end of the world. " (Inspired Ver-
account of the Lord's dealings with sion, Gen. 14 :32-34.)
Enoch and his people that Zion was As far as we know, instances of
a very great and populous city, hav- translation since the day of Melchiz-
ing perhaps many thousands or eyen edek and his people have been few
millions of inhabitants. (Moses 7.) and far between . After recording that
Methuselah, the son of Enoch, was not Enoch was translated, Paul says that
translated, "that the covenants of the Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and their
Lord might be fulfilled, which he seed after them (they obviously
made to Enoch; for he truly cove- knowing wh at had taken place as
nanted with Enoch that Noah should pertaining to the people of Melchiz-
be of the fru it of his loins." (Moses edek and others) "looked for a city
8:2.) But during the nearly 700 years which hath foundations, whose
from the translation of Enoch to the builder and maker is God" (Heb.
flood of Noah, it would appear that 11 :5-1 0), that is, they "sought for the
nearly all of the faithful members of city of Enoch which God had before
the Church were translated, for "the taken." (Inspired Version, Gen.
Holy Ghost fell on many, and they 14:34.) But as Paul said, and as the
were caught up by the powers of Lord confirmed by latter-day revela-
heaven into Zion." (Moses 7:27.) tion, even these ~'holy men . . . found
That this process of translating the it not because of wickedness and
righteous saints and taking them to abom inations; And confessed they
heaven was still going on after the were strangers and pilgrims on the
flood among the people of Melchiz- earth; But obtained a promise that
edek is apparent from the account in they should find it and see it in their
the Inspired Version of the Bible. flesh." (D. & C. 45 :11-14; Heb.
Speaking of the faith and righteous- ll:ll-1 6.)
ness of those holding the Melchizedek Moses, Elijah, and Alma the
Priesthood in that day, the account younger, were translated. T he Old
says : "And men having this faith, Testament account that Moses died
coming up unto this order of God, and was buried by the hand of the
were translated and taken up into Lord in an unknown grave is an
heaven. And now, Melchizedek was a error. (Deut. 34:5-7.) It is true that
priest of this order; therefore he ob- he may have been "buried by the

hand of the Lord," if that expression ings, p. 170.) But since the inaugura-
is a figure of speech which means tion of the great work of proclaiming
that he was translated. But the Book the gospel to the spirits in prison,
of Mormon account, in recording that almost every righteous person in the
Alma "was taken up by the Spirit," Church has been permitted, in due
says, "the scriptures saith the Lord course, to die and go to an assigned
took Moses unto himself; and we sup- labor in the spirit world.
pose that he has also received Alma However, for special purposes a
in the spirit, unto himself." (Alma few persons who have lived in the
45:18-19.) It should be remembered Christian Era have been translated.
that the Nephites had the Brass Our Lord said on one occasion,
Plates, and that they were the "scrip- "There be some standing here, which
tures" which gave the account of shall not taste of death, till they see
Moses being taken by way of transla- the Son of man coming in his king-
tion. As to Elijah, the account of his dom." (Matt. 16:28; Mark 9:1; Luke
being taken in "a chariot of fire . 9:27.) The Lord may have had refer-
by a whirlwind into heaven," is ma- ence to these or other translated per-
jestically set out in the Old Testa- sons when he said in March, 1831,
ment. (2 Kings 2.) "All are under sin, except those which
Moses and Elijah were translated I have reserved unto myself, holy men
so that they could come with bodies that ye know not of." (D. & C. 49:8.)
of flesh and bones to confer keys upon Possibly John was present when the
Peter, James, and John on the mount original statement was made. In any
of transfiguration, an event destined event John was translated. (John
to occur prior to the beginning of the 21:20-23; Rev. 10; D. & C. 7; 77:14.)
resurrection. (Matt. 17: 1-6; Teach- And on the American continent,
ings, p. 158; Doctrines of Salvation, among the Nephites, three of the
vol. 2, pp. 107-111.) The reason for Twelve were also given power over
the translation of Alma has not been death so that they could continue
revealed. their ministry until the Second Com-
Before our Lord, in the meridian ing. (3 Ne. 28.)
of time, opened the door to the There are no other known instances
preaching of the gospel to the spirits of translation during the Christian
in prison (Moses 7:36-40; I Pet. Era, and unless there is some special
3:18-20), many of the righteous saints reason which has not so far been re-
were translated and thus given other vealed, it is not likely that there will
ministries to perform pending the day be any more translations before the
of their final redemption. The Second Coming. During the millen-
Prophet says that translated beings nial era, however, all men will live
are "held in reserve to be ministering in a state comparable in many respects
angels unto many planets." (Teach- to the state of translated beings. (D.

& C. 101:23-31; Isa. 11:1-9; 65:17- Spirit, that they may rest from their
labours; and their works do follow
them.' (Rev. 14: 13.)
~;\! :
, -~ /Now the doctrine of translation
power which belongs to this [the "They rest from their labors for a
long time, and yet their work is held
~o ~:~C:!~de~i~~i;~::~d;:;!':s:tJ,:; in reserve for them, that they are
the doctrine of translation was a permitted to do the same work after
doctrine whereby men were taken thy receive a resurrection for their
immediately into the presence of bodi~s." (Teachings, pp. 170-171.)
God, and into an eternal fulness, but It is from the account of the trans-
this is a mistaken idea. Their place lation of the Three Nephites that we
of habitation is that of the terrestrial gain most of our knowledge of the
order, and a place prepared for such present ministry among men of trans-
characters He held in reserve to be lated beings. It is very evident that
ministering angels unto many planets, such persons "never taste of death;
and who as yet have not entered into ... never endure the pains of death";
so great a fulness as those who are that they have undergone a change
resurrected from the dead. 'Others in their bodies, "that they might not
were tortured, not accepting deliver- suffer pain nor sorrow save it were
ance; that they might obtain a better for the sins of the world"; that they
resurrection.' (Heb. II :35.) were holy men, nsanctified in the
"Now it was evident that there was flesh"; "that the powers of the earth
a better resurrection, or else God could not hold them"; that "they are
would not have revealed it unto Paul. as the angels of God/' ministering to
Wherein then, can it be said a better whomsoever they will; that they
resurrection? This distinction is made "shall be changed in the twinkling
between the doctrine of the actual of an eye from mortality to immor-
resurrection and translation: transla- tality" at the Second Coming; and
tion obtains deliverance from the tor- that they shall then inherit exaltation
tures and sufferings of the body, but in the kingdom of God. (3 Ne. 28.)
their existence will prolong as to the This final change from mortality to
labors and toils of the ministry, before immortality is in effect their death,
they can enter into so great a rest for all men die, even those who are
and glory. alive when Christ comes, and those
"On the other hand, those who who will live during the millennium.
were tortured, not accepting deliver- "Children shall grow up until they
ance, received an immediate rest from become old," the Lord says of the
their labors. 'And I heard a voice millennial era. "Old men shall die;
from heaven saying unto me, Write, but they shall not sleep in the dust,
Blessed are the dead which die in the but they. shall be changed in the
Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the twinkling of an eye." (D. & C. 63:49-

52; IOI :23-31.) It is interesting to the belief more plainly, it is that the
note that John in recording the Lord's sacramental emblems literally turn
promise to him, apparently knew that into the flesh and blood of Christ-
he should not "taste" death or "en- not just flesh and blood (an absurdity
dure" the pains thereof, yet knew in itsell), but into the actual flesh
that he would pass through a change and blood of Him who died that we
equivalent to death. "Then went this might live. The doctrine is a sort of
saying abroad among the brethren, religious cannibalism which partakes
that that disciple should not die," measurably of the same spirit, and
John says, "yet Jesus said not unto is enshrouded by the same blanket of
him, He shall not die; but, If I will satanic darkness, as the murderous
that he tarry till I come, what is that blood drinking orgies of the most
to thee?" (John 21 :20-23.) degenerate pagan peoples.
All translated beings accordingly As a ma tier of fact, the doctrine is
receive what amounts to an instanta- so elaborately defined and set forth
I neous death and resurrection. Those by the Catholics as to specify that the
who were translated before th~ priest who alone drinks the wine, as
~rect10n of our Lord were ~ well as the lay person who eats the
hrist in his resurrection." (D. & C. wafer but tastes not the wine, are both
)~ Those who have been trans- taking into their bodies the literal life
lated since the resurrection of Christ blood and the literal dead flesh of
shall continue to live as mortals untll the Crucified One. No attempt is
the Second Coming when they shall made by proponents of this heresy to
receive their immortal glory. ~ explain how the recurring "miracle"
be res11rrected noLttanslated-be.ings, occurs; it is a "blessed mystery," they
who shall relnrn with the city of say. (James Cardinal Gibbons, The
\~ Faith of Our Fathers, pp. 235-250.)
In effect, in administering their
Transmigration of Souls. See REIN- sacramental mass, Catholic priests
CARNATION. are supposedly bringing Christ back
to life so that he can be sacrificed
Transubstantiation. over again through the mass, thus
SACRAMENT. One of the most ob- making his own literal flesh and
viously false, absurd, and ridiculous blood available for repeated cannibal -
doctrines espoused by that great istic consumption. Such views are so
church which is not the Lord's far removed from sense and reason
Church is that of transubstantiation. that they should be rejected as hid-
This dogma is that the "Real Pres- eous absurdities even in the absence
ence" of Christ is manifest in the of revelations refuting them. But so
bread and wine used in the sacrament plainly is the way of truth set forth in
of the Lord's Supper; or, to summarize the revelations that even such a far-

fetched vagary as this is denied in rifice he was foreordained to make.

plain words. "Christ was once offered (John 1:29.) H e is the Bridegroom
to bear the sins of many," Paul says. to whom the Church will be married
(Heb. 9:27-28.) "We are sanctified at the Second Coming-but not liter-
through the offering of the body of ally. (Matt. 25:1-13; Rev. 21:2.) He
Jesus Christ once for all. . . This is Hthe bright and morn ing star''-
man, after he had offered one sacrifice but not literally. (Rev. 22: 16.) When
for sins for ever, sat down on the right John saw him in vision, "out of his
hand of God." (Heb. 10:10-12.) mouth went a sharp twoedged sword"
In justification of their views, be- - but not literally. (Rev. 1:13- 18.)
lievers in transubstantiation point to He is Alpha and Omega, the first and
the scriptural accounts of the Last the last letters of the Greek alphabet
Supper (when the sacrament was -but not literally. (Rev. 1:11.) He
instituted)_which purport to preserve- is the Door of the sheep-but not lit-
as our Lord's words the expressions: erally. (John 10:7-9.) He is the Good
"Take, eat; this is my body"; and, Shepherd- but not literally. (John
"Drink ye all of it; For this is my 15:1.) He is the True Vine-but not
blood." (Matt. 26:26-28.) They also literally. (John 15:1. ) He is the
refer to such figurative expressions Branch-but not literally. (Zech.
as those found in the sermon on the 3:8.) All these titles are figurative
Bread of Life which say that men expressions that teach some great
must eat the flesh and drink the blood truth about him and his missions.
of the Son of God, if they are to be Similarly, men must eat his flesh,
saved and have God dwell in them. but no more literally than he himself
(John 6:54-56.) had acted in eating the meat that his
The accounts of the Last Supper disciples knew not of. And similarly
are, of course, mistranslated, presum- men must drink his blood, but no
ably with malice. (I Ne. 13.) What more literally than would the Samar-
Christ actually said was, "Take, eat; itan woman at the well have drunk
this is in remembrance of my body literal water had she been willing to
which I give a ransom for you"; and, drink of the living waters which he
"Drink ye all of it. For this is in re - had to offer. (John 4:4-38.)
membrance of my blood." (Inspired
Version, Matt. 26 :22-24.) Traveling Presiding High Council.
And as to figurative descriptions See APosTLES, ArosTOLic Su ccEsSION,
used in connection with Christ, there Fmsr P RESIDENCY, HIGH CouN CIL.
are a host of them in the scriptures. "The T welve are a T raveling Presid -
H e is the Lamb of God-not that he ing High Council, to officiate in the
is literally a sacrificial animal, but name of the Lord, under the direction
that such a figure so beautifully sym- of the Presidency of the Church,
bolizes the infinite and eternal sac- agreeable to the institution of heaven;

to build up the church, and regulate heads of the tribes of Israel. They
all the affairs of the same in all na- were: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah,
tions, first unto the Gentiles and Issachar, and Zebulun, the sons of
secondly unto the Jews." (D. & C. Leah; Dan and Naphtali, the sons of
107:33.) Bilhah; Gad and Asher, the sons of
Zilpah; Joseph and Benjamin, the
Treason. See TRAITORS. sons of Rachel. (Gen. 29; 30.) These
same 12 received from their lather
Treasures in Heaven. See RICHES OF Jacob patriarchal blessings, foretelling
ETERNITY. the destinies of their descendants.
(Gen. 49.)
Trespasses. See TRANSGRESSION. However, Jacob also blessed Eph-
raim and Manasseh, the sons of
Trials. See AFFLICTIONS, SECOND Joseph, and adopted them as his own.
ESTATE, SORROW, TEMPTATION, TRIB- "Behold, they are mine," the record
ULATIONS. Man has been placed on says, "and the God of my fathers shall
earth in a mortal body for the express bless them; even as Reuben and
purpose of undergoing trials, including Simeon they shall be blessed, for they
hardship, suffering, and temptation. are mine; wherefore they shall be
(Abra. 3 :25-26.) This is particularly called after my name. (Therefore they
true of the saints, those who espouse were called Israel.) And thy issue
the cause of truth and go forth on which thou begettest alter them, shall
the Lord's errand. (2 Cor. 8:2; Heb. be thine, and shall be called after the
II :36; I Pet. I :6-9; 4: 12-13; Ether name of their brethren in their in -
12:6; D. & C. 105:19.) "I will prove heritance, in the tribes; therefore they
you in all things," the Lord says, were called the tribes of Manasseh
"whether you will abide in my cove- and of Ephraim." (Inspired Version,
nant, even unto death, that you may Gen. 48:5-6.)
be found worthy." (D. & C. 98:14; Thus Joseph inherited a double por-
IOI :4.) "My people must be tried in tion of Israel, and because the Lord
all things, that they may be prepared chose the Levites to be his ministers
to receive the glory that I have for (Ex. 32:25-29; Num. 8) an inheri-
them, even the glory of Zion; and he tance was given to both Ephraim and
that will not bear chastisement is not Manasseh in the promised land.
worthy of my kingdom." (D. & C. (Num. I; Josh. 13:14, 33; 14:1 -5.)
136:31.) When John recorded his vision of
the special mission for 12,000 of each
Tribes of Israel. See BIRTHRIGHT, of the tribes of Israel, he named Levi,
ISRAEL, KINGDOM OF ISRAEL, LOST Manasseh, and Joseph (meaning Eph-
TRIBES OF ISRAEL, NEPHITES AND LA- raim) in the list and for some reason
Jacob's 12 sons became the that is not apparent left out the tribe

of Dan. (Rev. 7; D. & C. 77:11.) is this the case in the last days. (D.
Scholars speculate that "the tribe of & C. 29:8; Matt. 24:29.)
Dan is not mentioned, perhaps be-
cause of a Jewish tradition that Anti- Tribunals. See CHURCH CouRTS.
christ was to come from that tribe."
(Dummelow, The One Volume Bible Trinity. See GooHEAD.
Commentary, p. 1079.)
True Shepherd. See'Goon SHEPHERD.
Tribulations. See AFFLICTIONS, SIGNS
OF THE. TIMES. As part of their mortal True Vine. See CHRIST, PERSONIFI-
probation the saints are called upon CATION. Christ is the True Vine, his
to pass through tribulations, that is Father is the Husbandman, his proph-
to undergo severe afflictions, distress, ets are the branches, and the fruit
and deep sorrow. (D. & C. 78:14; which the branches bear is eternal
109:S; 112:13; 122:5.) "In the world life for the souls of men. (John IS: 1-
ye shall have tribulation," .our Lord 8.) Thus without the Father there
said. (John 16:33.) would be no Christ, without Christ
"Tribulation worketh patience" there would be no prophets, without
(Rom. 5:3; 12:12; D. & C. 54:10), prophets there would be no fruit of
and it is only "through much tribu- eternal life.
lation" that men may "enter into the
kingdom of God." (Acts 14:22.) "He Truth. See CHRIST, GoSPEL, HoLY
that is faithful in tribulation, the GHOST, INTELLIGENCE, KNOWLEDGE,
reward of the same is greater in the LIGHT, MORMONISM, REVELATION,
kingdom of heaven. Ye cannot behold SPIRIT OF TRUTH, TESTIMONY. 1.
with your natural eyes, for the pres- Christ Is the Truth, meaning that he
ent time, · the design of your God is the perfect embodiment of all truth.
concerning those things which shall "I am the way, the truth, and the life"
come hereafter, and the glory which (John 14:6; Ether 4:12); "I am the
shall follow after much tribulation. Spirit of truth." (D. & C. 93:26.) He
For after much tribulation come the is the champion of truth, the revealer
blessings." (D. & C. 58:2-4; 103 :12.) of truth, the advocate of truth. His
Exalted beings are described in these word is truth and all his works con-
words: "TheSe are they which came form thereto. "He is full of grace and
out of great tribulation, and have truth" (2 Ne. 2:6; John 1:14, 17;
washed their robes, and made them D. & C. 93: II), and he came into the
white in the blood of the Lamb." world to "bear witness unto the
(Rev. 7:14.) The saints glory in trib- truth." (John 18:37.)
ulation. (Rom. 5:3; D. & C. 127:2.) 2. To Pilate's query, "What is
Afflictions are also poured out upon truth?" (John 18:38), there is no
the wicked. (Rom. 2:9.) Particularly recorded ·answer. But explicit scrip-

tural definitions are found elsewhere. other truth in every other field.
Truth is an attribute of Deity, of the Truth never conflicts with truth.
"Lord God of truth." (Ps. 31:5.) He Truth is not relative; it is absolute.
is "longsuffering, and abundant in What is true in one eternity is true
goodness and truth" (Ex. 34:6), "a in the next. The knowledge men
God of truth and without iniquity, have of the truth may be great at one
just and right is he." (Deut. 32:4; D. time and slight in another, or the
& C. 84: 102; 109:77; Alma 5:48; 9:26; reverse, but the quantity of ultimate
13:9.) truth is neither added to nor dimin-
The Lord's "law is the truth" (Ps. ished from by revelations received
119: 142), all his "commandments or discoveries made. For instance:
are truth" (Ps. 119:151), all his Jesus Christ is the Son of God and
"works are truth" (Dan. 4:37), his salvation is based on his atoning sac-
scriptures are truth (Dan. 10:21), rifice. Accountable persons can be
and his "word is truth." (John saved only on conditions of faith,
17:17.) "The word of the Lord is repentance, baptism, receipt of the
truth, and whatsoever is truth is light, gilt of the Holy Ghost, and enduring
and whatsoever is light is Spirit, even in righteousness to the end. These
the Spirit of Jesus Christ." (D. & C. are eternal, absolute truths. They
84:45.) The Book of Mormon is an apply to every living person from
illustration of the truth, for, "as your Adam to the last man. There is noth-
Lord and your God liveth it is true." ing relative about them. Similarly:
(D. &C. 17:6; Moses 7:62; Ps. 85:11; Joseph Smith was the anointed of the
D. & C. 128:19.) "Truth is knowl- Lord in the restoration of the gospel
edge of things as they are, and as they in latter-days. The Church of Jesus
were, and as they are to come." (D. Christ of Latter-day Saints is the
& C. 93:24.) Truth thus conforms to Lord's kingdom on earth and the
reality, is centered in God, and is as only place where salvation may be
enduring as Deity himself. found. Again these are absolute,
Truth is absolute and eternal; it eternal, ultimate truths.
endureth forever. (D. & C. I :39; The only field in which men have
88:66; Ps. 100:5; 117:2.) It never the assurance that there is any meas-
varies; what is true in one age is true urable knowledge of ultimate truth is
in every age. The theories of men in the field of revealed religion. Cer-
(scientific or otherwise) vary from tainly there are many scientific discov-
discovery to discovery and are in a eries which are pure truth, but there
continuing state of flux, unless they are also many scientific theories in
chance on a particular point to reach which fact and hypothesis are inter-
ultimate truth. Then there is no mingled. There are also many truths
more change, and the truth discovered in all churches, but the measure of
is in complete harmony with every truth required to assure salvation is

found only in the Church where God missions is to reveal truth. (Jae. 4:13;
has placed it according to his own D. & C. 79:2; 91:4-6.) "When he,
will. Mormonism, so-called, is thus a the Spirit of truth, is come, he will
synonym for truth. "Have the Pres- guide you into all truth," our Lord
byterians any truth?" the Prophet said. (John 16:13.) A testimony of
asked. "Yes. Have the Baptists, the gospel comes by revelation from
Methodists, etc., any truth? Yes. the Holy Ghost; the truth of the Book
They all have a littl.e truth mixed of Mormon is known by this same
with error. We should gather all the means; "And by the power of the
good and true principles in the world Holy Ghost ye may know the truth
and treasure them up, or we shall not of all things." (Moro. 10:3-5.)
come out true Mormons." (Teach - Finally, those who gain exaltation
ings; p. 316.) will receive "a fulness of truth, yea,
Men are saved if they believe the even of all truth," even as Christ did.
truth, but damned if they believe not "And no man receiveth a fulness
the truth. (2 Thess. 2:11-13.) To gain unless he keepeth his commandments.
salvation they must worship, "in He that keepeth his commandments
spirit and in truth, the true and the receiveth truth and light, until he is
living God." (Alma 43:10; John glorified in truth and knoweth all
4:23-24.) Apostasy results when men things." (D. & C. 93:26-28.)
reject the truth (I Tim. 6:3-5; 2 Tim.
4:3-4; 2 Pet. 2:1-2; I John I :8), and Truthfulness. See HONESTY.
one of the signs of the times is that
men "in the last days" are "Ever Turmoil. See SIGNS OF THE TIMES.

learning, and never able to come to

Twelfth-day. See EPIPHANY.
the knowledge of the truth." (2 Tim.
3:1-7.) Twelve Apostles. See APOSTLES.
"The Holy Ghost is a revelator."
(Teachings, p. 328.) One of his great Types and Shadows. See SYMBOLISMS.

= = UI = =
Unbelievers. See BELIEVERS. Unchristian-like Conduct. See CHRIS-
Unchangeableness. See ETERNITY TO In a general sense, unchristian-like
ETERNITY. conduct means any course of action
inharmonious with the high stand-
Unchastity. See SEX IMMORALITY. ards of the gospel. Specifically, how-

ever, it is an expression used to refer CONSECRATION, STEWARDSHIPS, TITH·

to adultery or some other gross form ING. In order to live the law of con-
of sex immorality, the commission of secration, the early saints in this
which warrants excommunication dispensation set up the United Order
from the true Christian Church. as the legal organization to receive
consecrations, convey stewardships
Uncleanness. See SEX IMMORALITY. back to donors, and to regulate the
storehouses containing surplus prop-
Unction. See ExTREME UNCTION, erties.
GIFT OF THE HoLY GHOST. I. Liter- The United Order is not a com-
ally, an unction is the act of anoint- munal system; it is not one under
ing, as with oil for medicinal purposes; which all things are held in common.
figuratively, it is an anointing from Rather, alter a person has made his
on high, meaning that those so en- consecration, the Lord's agent forth-
dowed receive the gift of the Holy with reconveys to the donor "as much
Ghost. Thus John said of the saints,
as is sufficient for himself and fam-
"Ye have an unction from the Holy ily" (D. & C. 42:32), each "accord-
One, and ye know all things" (1 John
ing to his family, according to his
2:20), that is, they had received the circumstances and his wants and
Holy Ghost so that the spirit of rev-
needs" (D. & C. 51 :3), "inasmuch as
elation and knowledge rested with his wants are just." (D. & C. 82:17.)
Early attempts to operate various
2. Unction has also come to mean
united orders failed, but the law of
that quality in language which ex-
consecration must yet be put into lull
cites sober and fervent emotion or
force, and so the United Order or its
religious fervor. Olten the result is
equivalent must again be brought into
a simulated fervor or emotional gush.
being. It appears that operation of
Thus unctuous speech is that which
the present Church Welfare Plan may
breathes a smugly or ingratiatingly
be the beginning of this.
sentimental pretense of spirituality or
Elder Albert E. Bowen has written:
attitude. It is a type of canting, hypo-
"The. Welfare Plan as an integral
critical exuberance common to a
part of the church organization is a
certain class of sectarian ministers
striking counterpart to the pattern
and against which Christ's true min-
laid down in the early revelations
isters must be on guard.
concerning the care of the saints. One
Understanding. See KNOWLEDGE. tenth of the increase annually of
members is consecrated to the needs
Ungodliness. See WICKEDNESS. of the Church-a true and irrevocable
consecration-augmented by the last
United Order. See BISHOPS STORE- offering. There is not a consecration
HOUSES, CHURCH WELFARE PLAN, of all with 'inheritances' given back,

but there is a retention of individual as thou, Father, art in me, and I in

possessions, with a duty of 'steward- thee, that they also may .be one in us:
ship' reaching out to the tithe, and .. ; And the glory which thou gavest
the fast and the sundry contributions me I have given them; that they may
for the building up of the Church, be one, even as we are .one: I in them,
sustaining its missionary system, its and thou in me, that they may be
temples, houses of worship and the made perfect in one." (John 17:21-
like. There are the storehouses, where 23.)
are kept something comparable to the To all his saints he has said in this
'residues' being surplus accumula- day: "Be one; and if ye are not one
tions, multiplied by the vast com- ye are not mine." (D. & C. 38:27.)
modity productive power which grows Also : That he was crucified for "as
out of free will offerings in time .and many as will believe on my name,
labor. There are. the bishops charged that they may become the sons of
with the same duties of receiving the God, even one in me as I am one in
contributions or consecrations, which- the Father, as the Father is one in
ever name we prefer, preserving them me, that we may be one." (D. & C.
and caring for the material needs . of 35:2.) To the Three Nephites he
the sick or distressed. It is not .as- said: "Ye shall have fulness of joy;
serted that the Welfare Plan is the and ye shall sit down in the kingdom
United Order, but perhaps there is a of my Father; yea, your joy shall be
much greater nearness of approach lull, even as the Father hath given
than we have been accustomed to me fulness of joy; and ye shall be even
think. Safe it is to say that a com- as I am, and I am even as the Father;
plete living of the law governing this and the Father and I are one." (3 Ne.
Plan, and the practice of the principles 28:10.)
involved, would make transition to the This unity among all the saints,
organization of the United Order not and between them and the Father and
too difficult." (Albert E. Bowen, The the . Son, is reserved for those who
Church Welfare Plan, p. 145.) gain exaltation and inherit the· fulness
of the Father's kingdom. Those who
United States of America. See CoN- attain it will all know the same things;
STITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. think the same thoughts; exercise the
same powers; do the same acts; re~
Unity. See ExALTATION, GooHEAD, spo.nd in the same way to the same
PERFECTION, SoNs OF Goo. Perfect circumstances; beget the same kind
unity is found through the gospel and of offspring; rejoice in the same con-
comes by full obedience to all of the tinuation of the seeds forever; create
truths of salvation. Our Lord's great the same type of . worlds; enjoy the
plea, made on behalf of his ancient same eternal fulness; and glory in the
apostles, "That they all may be one; same eXaltation.

All this is the eventual unity that today, the Elders of Israel go forth
is to be achieved. But even now in among so-called Christian peoples
man's feeble mortal state he can yet who are worshiping an Unknown
attain unity in thought, desires, pur- God ( who chances to have the same
poses, and the like-such unity com- names as the true and living God),
ing to those who have the constant and the elders proceed to reveal the
companionship of the Holy Ghost. true nature of God, as though they
Those so united have, in Paul's ex- are explaining what the people al-
pressive language, "the mind of ready believe.
Christ." (I Car. 2:16.) In reality, the God of the saints
is a Known God who has revealed
Universe. See ASTRONOMY, CREATION, himself to modem men; the Deity of
EARTHS, GODHEAD. Except by revela- the sectarian Christians is an Un-
tion man has no way of knowing the known God, who does not appear to
extent and immensity of the universe. men, though in some vague way he
We may assume that it consists of that is supposed to have done so anciently.
whole system of worlds and galaxies The saints say that it is life eternal
seen in our greatest telescopes, plus to know the only true God and Jesus
much more that remains unknown Christ whom he hath sent (John
and undiscovered. But over it all God 17:3); apostate Christendom says-
the Father reigns in supreme omnipo- officially and formally in the accepted
tence. Some concept of the extent of and approved creeds- that God is
his creations may be gained from immaterial, uncreated, and incom -
Enoch's statement, HWere it possible prehensible.
that man could number the particles The only similarity between the
of the earth, yea millions of earths Known and the Unknown Gods is
like this, it would not be a beginning that they both bear the same names,
to the number of thy creations; and and the profession is made that they
thy curtains are stretched out still." both have the same characteristics
(Moses 7:30.) and attributes. For that matter the
Athenians probably ascribed to their
Unknown God. See APOSTASY, Unknown God many of the same
CREEDS, FALSE - Goos, Goo, IDOLATRY. characteristics and attributes that the
Finding on Mars hill "an altar with sectarians aScribe to the mysterious
this inscription, TO THE UN- all-pervading essence which they sup-
KNOWN GOD," Paul took occasion pose is their God. Acceptance of the
to reveal to the Athenians the true gospel, in large measure, consists_ in
nature of the living God, as though coming to the true knowledge of God,
he were merely giving them a correct in replacing apostate views aborit an
understanding .of what they already Unknown God with the light of
believed. (Acts 17:22-31.) Similarly heaven so that the convert begins to

know God and the Son who was sent Christ himself," the Prophet said.
of God. (T eachings, p. 357.) The wicked and
ungodly will suffer the vengeance of
Unmortal. See IMMORTALITY, MoR- eternal fire in hell until they finally
TALITY. There are two kinds of im- obey Christ, repent of their sins, and
mortality: I. Adam was an immortal gain forgiveness therefrom. Then
being in the Garden of Eden because they shall obtain the resurrection and
death had not entered the world; this an inheritance in the telestial and not
type of immortality was followed by the celestial kingdom. (D. & C.
mortality; and 2. Resurrected beings 76:81- 107.) Those who have com-
are immortal, meaning that their mitted the unpardonable sin, however,
bodies and spirits are inseparably will not be redeemed from the devil
connected, and they can never die. and instead, after their resurrection,
In an attempt to distinguish the will be cast out as sons of perdition
immortality of Eden from the immor- to dwell with the devil and his angels
tality of eternity the word unmortal in eternity. (D. & C. 76:30-49.)
has been coined and applied to Commission of the unpardonable
Adam's pre-mortal . state. If this
sin consists in crucifying unto oneself
usage helps in understanding condi-
the Son of God afresh and putting
tions as they actually are and were, it
him to open shame. (Heb. 6:4-8; D.
has its advantages; but actually, every
& C. 76:34-35.) To commit this un-
important word has more than one
pardonable crime a man must receive
definition, and the fact that immor-
tality is used in more senses than one the gospel, gain from the Holy Ghost
is not confusing to informed persons. by revelation the absolute knowledge
of the divinity of Christ, and then
Unpardonable Sin. See CHRIST, HoLY deny "the new and everlasting cove-
GHOST, SIN, SoNS OF PERDITION. Our nant by which he· was sanctified,
Lord told the Jews that eventually calling it an unholy thing, and doing
-either in this world or in the world despite to the Spirit of grace."
to come-all sins would be forgiven (Teachings, p. 128.) He thereby
except the blasphemy against the commits murder by assenting unto
Holy Ghost. (Matt. 12:31-32; Mark the Lord's death, that is, having a
3:28-30; Luke 12:10.) This sin or perfect knowledge of the truth he
blasphemy against the Holy Ghost is comes out in open rebellion and places
thus the unpardonable sin. himself in a position wherein he
Particular note should be taken in would have crucified Christ knowing
this connection of the fact that for - perfectly the while that he was the
giveness of sins does not there by Son of God. Christ is thus crucified
confer celestial salvation upon a per- afresh and put to open shame. (D.
son. "All will suffer until they obey & C. 132:27.)

"What must a man .do to commit rightness is the quality which carries
the unpardonable sin?" the Prophet men along a straight path of honesty
asked. "He must receive the Holy and duty. Only those who are doing
Ghost, have the heavens opened unto their lull duty to their Creator, by
him, and know God, and then sin keeping his commandments and walk-
against him. After a man has sinned ing in accordance with his laws, have
against the Holy Ghost, there is no developed that uprightness which the
repentance for him. He has got to gospel teaches. Uprightness is an at-
say that the sun does not shine while tribute of God. (Ps. 25:8; 92:15.)
he sees it; he has got to deny Jesus Men are · commanded to repent,
Christ when the heavens have been walk uprightly, and sin not. (D. & C.
opened unto him, and to deny the 5:21; 18:31; 46:7.) Parents are to
plan of salvation with his eyes open teach their children "to walk upright-
to the truth of it; and from that time ly before the Lord." (D. & C. 68:28.)
he begins to be an enemy. This is Only the upright will be welcome in
the case with many apostates of The Zion (D. & C. 61 :16), and all things
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day shall work together for their good.
Saints. (D. & C. 90:24; 100 :15.) Mercy shall
"When a man begins to be an en- be their inheritance (D. & C. 109:1)
emy to this work, he hunts me, he and salvation their reward. (Ps. 15:1-
seeks to kill me, and never ceases to 2; Prov. 28:18; Isa. 33:14-16.)
thirst for my blood. He gets the spirit
of the devil-the same spirit that they Urim ·and Thummim. See BooK OF
had who crucified the Lord of Lile- MORMON, GOLD PLATES, PEEP STONES,
the same spirit that sins against the REVELATION. From time to . time, as
Holy Ghost. You cannot save such his purposes require, the Lord person-
persons; you cannot bring them to ally, or through the ministry of
repentance; they make open war, like appointed angels, delivers to chosen
the devil, and awful is the conse- prophets a Urim and Thummim to
quence." (Teachings, p. 358.) be used in receiving revelations and
Among other things, this statement in translating ancient records from
from the Prophet, explodes forever unknown tongues. With the approval
the mythical fantasy that the sons of of the Lord these prophets are per-
perdition .are so few they can be mitted to pass these instruments on
numbered on the fingers of the hand. to their mortal successors.
A Urim and Thummim consists of
Unquenchable Fire. See FmE AND two special stones called seer stones
BRIMSTONE. or interpreters. The Hebrew words
urim and thummim, both plural,
Uprightness. See HONESTY, INTEG- mean lights and perfections. Pre-
RITY, JUSTICE, fuGHTEOUSNESS. Up- sumably one of the stones is called

Urim and the other Thummim. Ordi- trines of Salvation, vol. 3, pp. 222-
narily they are carried in a breastplate 226.)
over the heart. (Ex 28:30; Lev. 8:8.) President Joseph Fielding Smith,
Because of the sacred nature of with reference to the seer stone and
these holy instruments, they have not the Urim and Thummim, has writ-
been viewed by most men, and even ten: "We have been taught since the
the times and circumstances under days of the Prophet that the Urim
which they have been held by mor- and Thummim were returned with
tals are not clearly set forth. Un- the plates to the angel. We have no
doubtedly they were in use before the record of the Prophet having the
flood, but the first scriptural reference Urim and Thummim after the organ-
to them is in connection with the rev- ization of the Church. Statements of
elations given the Brother of Jared. translations by the Urim and Thum-
(Ether 3:21-28.) Abraham had them mim alter that date are evidently
in his day (Abra. 3: 1-4), and Aaron errors. The statement has been made
and the priests in Israel had them that the Urim and Thummim was
from generation to generation. (Ex. on the altar in the Manti T emple
28 :30; Lev. 8:8; Num. 27:21; Deut. when that building was dedicated:
33:8; I Sam. 28:6; Ezra 2:63; Neh. The Urim and Thummim so spoken
7:65.) There is no record that Lehi of, however, was the seer stone which
brought a Urim and Thummim to this was in the possession of the Prophet
continent, but King Mosiah had one Joseph Smith in early days. This seer
prior to the discovery of the Book stone is now in the possession of the
of Ether, and it was handed down Church." (Doctrines of Salvation, vol.
from prophet to prophet. (Omni 20- 3, p. 225.)
21; Mosiah 8: 13-19; 21:26-28; 28:11- When Moroni first revealed to the
20; Alma 63:12; Ether 4:1-7.) Prophet the existence of the gold
Joseph Smith received the same plates, he also said "that there were
Urim and Thummim had by the two stones in silver bows-and these
Brother of Jared for it was the one stones, fastened to a breastplate, con-
expressly provided for the translation stituted what is called the Urim and
of the Jaredite and Nephite records. Thummim-deposited with the plates;
(D. & C. 10:1; 17:1; Ether 3:22-28.) and the possession and use of these
It was separate and distinct from the stones were what constituted 'seers'
one had by Abraham and the one in ancient or former times; and that
had by the priests in Israel. The God had prepared them for the pur-
Prophet also had a seer stone which pose of translating the book." (Jos.
was separate and distinct from the Smith 2:35, 59, 62.) Ammon said of
Urim and Thummim, and which these same stones: "The things are
(speaking loosely) has been called by called interpreters, and · no man can
some a Urim and Thummim. (Doc- look in them except he be com-

manded, lest he should look for that will be made known." (D. & C.
he ought not and he should perish. 130:6-11.)
And whosoever is commanded to look
in them, the same is called seer." Usury. See CHURCH WELFARE PLAN,
(Mosiah 8:13; 28:13-16.) DEBT. In Biblical times, lending on
The existence and use of the Urim usury was synonymous with charging
and Thummim as an instrument of interest on a loan. Under the social
revelation will continue among circumstances then prevailing both
exalted beings in eternity. From the money and property could be put out
inspired writings of the Prophet we to usury, and the payments were
learn that angels "reside in the pres- made either in produce or money. In
ence of God, on a globe like a sea of modern times usury ordinarily has
glass and fire, where all things for reference to an unconscionable or
their glory are manifest, past, present, exorbitant rate of interest.
and future, and are continually before Under the old Mosaic law, ancient
the Lord. The place where God re- Israel was forbidden to charge usury
sides is a great Urim and Thummim. when lending to their fellow church
This earth, in its sanctified and im- members, but there was no such re-
mortal state, will be made like unto striction when loans were made to
crystal and will be a Urim and others. This special restriction was
Thummim to the inhabitants who part of what we would call the then
dwell thereon, whereby all things existing welfare plan; it was one of
pertaining to an inferior kingdom, or the ways the more affluent persons in
all kingdoms of a lower order, will Israel were expected to aid their less
be manifest to those who dwell on it; fortunate brethren. (Ex. 22:25; Lev.
and this earth will be Christ's. Then 25:35-38; Deut. 23:19-20.) Our Lord
the white stone mentioned in Revela- apparently approved the practice of
tion 2: I 7, will become a Urim and charging usury (Matt. 25: !4-30; Luke
Thummim to each individual who 19:12-27), and there is no modern
receives one, whereby things pertain- day restriction on charging reason-
ing to a higher order of kingdoms able interest rates.

Vainglory. See BOASTING, PRIDE, VAN- ments. It is manifest through boasting
ITY. Vainglory is an excessive pride or undue vaunting of oneself. "Let
in one's own performances or attain- nothing be done through strife or

vainglory," Paul taught, "but in low- GLORY. As commonly used today,

liness of mind let each esteem other vanity means shallow · pride. Biblical
better than themselves." (Philip. 2:3.) passages relative to vanity, however,
have been translated from original
Valiantness. See DEVOTION, ENDUR-
words having the meanings of empti-
ING TO THE E ND, Gooo WORKS, ness, fruitlessness, and worthlessness.
OBEDIENCE. Valiant means fearless, The Hebrew word translated vanity
valorous, brave, courageous. Those in David_'s s.tatement, ."How long will
"Who are ·not valiant in the testimony ye love vanity" (Ps. 4:2), for instance,
of Jesus," assuming they are other- is one which indicates a sense of
wise worthy, go to the terrestrial empty failure. This same Biblical
kingdom. (D. & C. 76:79.) That is, meaning of vanity seems to have been
members of the Church who have carried over into the modern revela-
testimonies, who know by personal tions. (D. & C. 20:5; 84 :54-55.)
revelation from the Holy Ghost that
the work is true, but who do not take Veneration. See R EVERENCE.
an affirmative, courageous stand
against the world, and in favor of the Vengeance. See DAMNATION, PuN~
Church, shall go to the terrestrial ISHMENT, REPENTANCE, SECOND
kingdom (assuming they are other- COMING OF CHRIST. V engeance is
wise worthy of such reward). Such retribution; it is the infliction of pun-
persons are "lukewarm, and neither ishment in return for an injury or
cold nor hot." (Rev. 3: 14-18.) They offense. It is imposed by the Lord
belong to the Church but do not mag- (D. & C. 3:4; Mosiah 17; 3 Ne.
nify their callings in the priesthood, 21:20-21) , upon the wicked (D. & C.
act diligently in the offices to which 29:17; 97:22, 26), including specific-
they are appointed, pay their tithing, ally those who reject latter-day rev-
honor the Sabbath day, and the like. elation (Tea'chings, p. 54), and it may
They are hearers of the word, not be avoided by repentance. (D. & C.
doers. CJ as. I :22.) 98 :47-48.)
On the other hand: "All thrones Men are forbidden to execute
and dominions, principalities and vengeance upon their fellow men,
powers, shall be revealed and set forth unless by revelation (acting in the
upon all who have endured valiantly capacity of the Lord's agents) they
for the gospel of Jesus Christ." (D . are sent forth to do his appointed
& C. 121:29.) will. (D . . & .C. 98 :23-48.) Ancient
Israel, for instance, was commanded
Valley of Decision. See SECOND CoM- to execute the Lord's vengeance upon
ING OF CHRIST. the Amalekites. (l Sam. 15:2-3.)
Aside from such unusual and seldom-
Vanity. See BOASTING, PRIDE, VAIN- occurring situations, however, the de-

cree is that vengeance, ~ecompense, MENT OF CHRJST, BAPTISM FOR THE

and judgment come from the Lord DEAD, ENDOWMENTS, ORDINANCES,
himself. (Morm. 3:14-15; 8:20; Deut. PLAN OF SALVATION, SALVATION, SAL-
32:35, 41; Ps. 94: I; Heb. 10:30.) VATION FOR THE DEAD, SEALINGS,
It is the wicked, not the righteous, TEMPLE ORDINANCES, TEMPLES. Sal-
who swear vengeance upon their en- vation itself is based on the vicarious
emies. (Alma 25:1.) To the saints, atoning sacrifice of Christ. Through
the command is: "Pray for your en- his suffering, death, and resurrection,
emies in the Church and curse not immortality comes to all men and
your foes without: for vengeance is eternal life to those who obey the full
mine, saith the Lord, and I will re- gospel law. He acted on man's behalf,
pay. To every ordained member, and that is, vicariously, paying the penalty
to all, we say, be merciful and you for our sins on condition of repent-
shall find mercy. Seek to help save ance, ransoming us from the effects
souls, not to destroy them." (Teach- of Adam's fall.
ings, p. 77.) In conformity with this pattern of
When the blood of righteous people vicarious service, the gospel law
is · shed, that blood cries from the enables worthy members of the
ground unto the Lord for vengeance. Church to act on behalf of their
(Alma 1:13; 20:18; 37:30; 60:10; dead ancestors in the performance of
Morm. 8:40-41; Ether 8:22, 24.) And the ordinances of salvation and exal-
in his own time and way the Lord tation. Baptism is essential to sal-
will recompense those who murder, vation in the celestial kingdom,
persecute the saints, and work un- endowments and sealings to an exal-
righteousness. They shall "suffer the tation therein. The living saints,
vengeance of eternal fire." (D. & C. acting on a proxy basis, perform these
76:105; Jude 6.) The Second Coming ordinances for and in behalf of those
of our Lord is the great day of venge- who have died and who did not have
ance; at that day he shall return, "In an opportunity while in this life to
flaming fire taking vengeance on them receive the ordinances personally.
that know not God, and that obey (D. & C. 128; Doctrines of Salvation,
not the gospel." (2 Thess. 1:7-9; Isa. vol. 2, pp. 129-180.)
35:4; 63; Luke 21:22; D. & C. 85:3;
112:24; 133:50-51.) Vicarious Salvation. See SALVATION

Veracity. See HONESTY.

Vileness. See WICKEDNESS.

Versions of the Bible. See KING JAMES Virie. See TRUE VINE.
Vineyard. See LoRD .OF THE VINE-
Vicarious Ordinances. See ATONE- YARD.


Violence. See SIGNS OF THE TIMES. away when faith dies out. (I Sam.
3:1; Isa. 29:9-14.) Thus they stand
Virgin Birth. SEE ANNUNCIATION, as an evidence of the divinity of the
BIRTH, CHRIST, IMMACULATE CONCEP- Lord's work in any age. If the Lord
TION THEORY, MARY. Our Lord is is giving .visions and revelation to . a
the only mortal person ever born to people, such group constitutes . the
a virgin, because he is the only per- people of God. II visions and·revela- •
son who ever had an immortal Father. tions are not being received by any
Mary, his mother, "was carried away church or people, then that group is
in the Spirit" (1 Ne. 11:13-21), was not the L_ord's people. By this test
"overshadowed" by the Holy Ghost, the identity of the true Church . is
and the conception which took place known. (Moro. 7:30-38.)
"by the power of the Holy Ghost" Actual personages from .the unseen
resulted in the bringing forth of the world frequently appear to mortals in
literal and personal Son of God the visions. In the First Vision, the
Father. (Alma 7: 10; 2 Ne. 17: 14; Isa. Prophet beheld and conversed with
7:14; Matt. 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38.) the Father and the Son. (Jos. Smith
Christ is not the Son of the Holy 2:15-20.) "The _Lord came unto
Ghost, but of the Father. (Doctrines Abram in a vision," promised him
of Salvation, vol. I, pp. 18-20.) Mod- seed (Gen. 15), and made covenant
ernistic teachings denying the virgin with him. (Gen. 17.) Similarly, "God
birth are utterly and completely spake unt.o Israel in the visions of the
apostate and false. night," authorizing him "to go down
into Egypt." (Gen. 46:1-4.) Paul
Virgin Mary. See MARY. saw the risen Lord in vision (Acts
9:1-9; 26:12-19), even as the weep-
Visions. See DREAMS, FrnsT V1s10N, ing women at the empty tomb saw
GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST, GIFTS OF "a vision of angels" saying . their Lord
THE SPIRIT, HOLY GHOST, MINISTERING had risen from the dead. (Luke 24:1-
PROPHETS, REVELATION, SEERS, THE - Moses and Elijah personally ap-
OPHA NIES, TRANCES. Through super- peared on the Mount of Transfigura-
natural means, by the power of the tion where they were seen by Peter,
Holy Ghost, devout persons are per- James, .and John in vision. (Matt.
mitted to have visions and to see 17:1-9.) · When Moses, Elijah, Elias,
within the veil. They are enabled and the . Lord Jehovah .stood before
to see spiritual personages and to vfew Joseph and Oliver in the Kirtland
scenes hidden from ordinary sight. Temple, they were seen in .vision be-
These visions are gifts of the · Spirit. cause "the .veil was taken" from their
(Seventh Article of Faith.) mortal eyes. (D, &: C. llO.) On
They come by faith and vanish August 12, 1831, on the Missouri

River, "Elder William W. Phelps, in salem after he and his people had left
daylight vision, saw the destroyer that wicked city. (2 Ne. I :4.) Moroni
riding in power upon the lace of the opened to the view of the Prophet the
waters." (Heading, D. & C. 61.) An hiding place of the plates in Cumorah.
angel came to Amulek "in a vision" (Jos. Smith 2:42.) Daniel foresaw the
and commanded him to receive Alma. great gathering at Adam-ondi-Ahman
(Alma 8:20.) (Dan. 7:9-14), and Ezekiel saw the
Power is also given to the Lord's resurrection of the house of Israel.
prophets to see and converse with (Ezek. 37:1-10.) The kingdoms of
heavenly beings in vision, though glory in the eternal worlds were
such divine personages are not at the opened to the view of the Prophet
time in the immediate and personal (D. & C. 76); Abraham and Moses
presence of the one receiving the beheld the infinite multitude of the
vision. Being "overcome with the Lord's creations (Moses I; 2; 3; Abra.
Spirit," Lehi, for instance, "was car- 3; 4; 5); and Enoch and Abraham
ried away in a vision, even that he saw the hosts of pre-existent spirits.
saw the heavens open, and he thought (Moses 6:36; Abra. 3:22-25.)
he saw God sitting upon his throne, Images, figures, and symbolical rep-
surrounded with numberless con- resentations are often portrayed in
courses of angels in the attitude of visions as a means of conveying gospel
singing and praising their God." (I truths. Lehi and Nephi both learned
Ne. I :8.) Joseph Smith and Sidney much by seeing the tree of life, the
Rigdon "beheld the glory of the Son,
rod of iron, the straight and narrow
on the right hand of the Father, and path, and so on. (I Ne. 8; I I.) Peter
received of his lulness; And saw the
learned that the gospel was to go to
holy angels, and them who are sancti-
the Gentiles when the Lord showed
fied before his throne, worshiping
God, and the Lamb, who worship him him the vision of the unclean animals
forever and ever." (D. & C. 76:20- and commanded him to kill and eat.
21.) Stephen saw "the heavens (Acts 10:9-48; 11:1-18.) Paul learned
opened, and the Son of man standing that he should take the message of
on the right hand of God." (Acts salvation to Macedonia when he saw
7:51-56.) In his glorious vision of in vision a man praying and asking
the celestial world, given January 21, for gospel light. (Acts 16:9-10.) Dan-
1836, the Prophet also saw "the blaz- iel was informed of the history of
ing throne of God, whereon was nations and kingdoms by the beasts
seated the Father and the Son." and figures shown him representing
(Teachings, p. 107.) those kingdoms. (Dan. 7; 8; 9; 10.)
By visions the Lord reveals past, In contrast, John the Revelator saw
present, and- future events. Nephi actual beasts in heaven to establish
saw in vision the destruction of Jeru- in his mind the truth that animals

are resurrected and dwell in h eavenly both on the Lord's day and on all
spheres. (Teachings, pp. 289-292.) days (D. & C. 59:8-12); and once
Visions serve the Lord's purposes offered, they are to be kept. (D. & C.
in preparing men for salvation. By 108:3; Num. 30:2; Eccles. 5:4-5.)
them knowledge is revealed (2 Ne. When vows are made in righteous-
4:23), conversions are made (Alma ness, they are sealed by the· Holy
19:1 6), the gospel message is spread Spirit of promise, and the Lord's
abroad, the church organization is blessings attend their performance.
perfected (D. & C. 107:93), and right- (D. & C. 132:7.)
eousness is increased in the hearts of As with all true principles, apostate
men. And visions are to increase an'd perversion is an ever present threat
abound in the last days, for the Lord where vows are concerned. A vow to
has promised to pour out his "spirit do an evil thing leads to damnation
upon all flesh," so that "old men shall as rapidly as a vow to do a righteous
dream dreams," an d "young men shall thing leads to salvation. Unrighteous
see visions." (Joel 2:28-32.) Jews, for instance, avoided the obliga-
tion to honor their parents and pro-
Voodooism. See SORCERY. Voodooism vide temporal sustenance for them
is a barbaric negro religion consisting (Ex. 20: 12; 1 Tim. 5:8) by falsely
largely of sorcery. Originating in vowing to use their property for some
Africa, it is now found chiefly among other purpose so that it would .not
H aitian negroes. be available for parental support.
(Matt. 15:3-9; Mark 7:6-1 3.)
Voting in the Church. See CoMMON
CoNSENT. Vulgarity. See PROFANITY. Refine-
ment, decency, and an increase in
Vows. See OATHS, OBLATIONS, SACRA· spiritual sensitivity always attend
MENT~. As an incentive to greater obedience to divine law; vulgarity,
personal righteousness, it is a whole· rudeness, and coarseness in conduct
some and proper thing for the saints or speech are found where the Spirit
to make frequent vows to the Lord. of the Lord has not attained lull sway
These are solemn promises to perform in the hearts of men. Through the
some duty, refrain from some sin, gospel men have power to overcome
keep some commandment, or press that which is vulgar, common, and
forward in greater service in the worldly, and to attain the state of
kingdom. Thus Jacob vowed to accept refinement and purity which will
Jehovah as his God and to pay an enable them to enjoy a celestial
honest tithing (Gen. 28:20-22) , and society.
Hannah vowed to give Samuel to the
Lord for his service. (1 Sam. 1 :9-18.) Vulgate. See KI NG JA MES VERSION OF
The saints should offer their vows THE BIBLE.


Wagers. See GAMBLING. tinue to increase in severity and

wickedness until the final great strug-
War. SEE ARMIES OF HEAVEN, BATILE gle at Armageddon when our Lord
OF ARMAGEDOON, BATTLE OF THE will return to cleanse the earth and
GREAT Goo, Goo OF BATTLES, Goo usher in the millennial reign of peace.
AND MAGOG, PEACE, SECOND COMING Although all wars are in their na-
OF CHRIST, SIGNS OF THE TIMES, SUP- ture evil, yet the fact is that they do
PER OF THE GREAT Goo, WAR IN exist and that the Lord uses them to
HEAVEN. War is probably the most further his purposes. Indeed, because
satanic and evil state of affairs that of the wickedness of men, he has in
can or does exist on earth. It is or- his wrath "decreed wars upon the
ganized and systematic murder, with lace of the earth, and the wicked shall
rapine, robbery, sex immorality and slay the wicked, and fear shall come
every other evil as a natural attend- upon every man." (D. & C. 63:33.)
ant. War is of the devil; it is born Sell defense is as justifiable where
of lust. (Jas. 4:1.) II all men were war is coilcerned as where one man
righteous, there would be no war; seeks to take the life of another, with
and there will be none during the the obvious conclusion that (from the
millennium (Isa. 2:1-5) and in the standpoint of those called upon to
eternal kingdom of God. engage in armed conflict) some wars
Because Lucifer rebelled and sought are righteous and others are unright-
the throne of God, there was war in eous. Righteous men are entitled,
heaven among the pre-existent spirits. expected, and obligated to defend
(Isa. 14:12-20; Rev. 12:7-9; Moses themselves; they must engage in bat-
4: 1-4; Abra. 3:28.) Since the fall of tle when there is no other way to
man, lustful and telestial conditions preserve their rights and freedoms and
have prevailed and wars have multi- to protect their families, homes, land,
plied. Words are incapable of ex- and the truths of salvation which
pressing the human depravity that they have espoused.
has accompanied war in every age, In many wars, perhaps most, both
but the era of time known as the last sides are equally at fault and neither
days is the one in which the most is justified. But there have been and
extensive and wicked of all wars have yet will be wars in which the balances
been and will be fought. Modem of eternal justice will show that one
warfare began with the American side had the favor of Deity and the
Civil War, and it has and will con- other did not. Obviously when Enoch

led the armies of the saints against out through warfare will rest upon
their enemies, with the power of God those who foment and cause the wars.
being manifest to the degree that The soldier who is required to take
mountains fled and rivers turned from life and spread desolation will be
their courses to aid the saints, there guiltless before the throne of the Just
was a right and a wrong side in the Judge, whether that single individual
conflict. (Moses 7:13-16.) When fought for or against the Lord's
Joshua led the armies of Israel against purposes.
the kings of the Amorites, with the
Lord staying the sun in the heavens Ward Bishops. See BISHOPS.
so that Israel could carry' on the
slaughter, there was a right and a Ward Clerks. See CLERKS.
wrong side to the war. When Moroni
rent his coat and wrote upon it-"ln Ward Organization. See CHURCH
memory of our God, our religion, and ORGANIZATION.

freedom, and our peace, our wives,

and our children"-and thereby ral- Wards. See BRANCHES, CHURCH OR·
lied the Nephites to battle, he had GANIZATION, STAKES. The basic eccle-
the Lord on his side. (Alma 46.) siastical district or church unit in and
In the American Revolution the through which the programs of the
Lord was with the colonists and Church are administered is the ward.
poured out h is wrath upon Great Several wards form a stake ol Zion.
Britain and those who opposed the A bishop is the presiding ward of-
Americans. (I Ne. 13:17-19.) The ficer; all Aaronic Priesthood quorums
preservation of the American union are ward quorums; and substantially
through the great Civil War was a all of the actual operation of all the
just cause. World Wars I and II were programs of the Church takes place
both righteous wars as far as the allies in the ward rather than in some larger
were concerned, and the Lord's pur- or higher unit.
poses were furthered by the victorious Members of a ward form a congre-
parties. Those nations defending gation ol the saints. They meet to-
Israel in the coming Armageddon will gether frequently for spiritual and
find the God of Battles allied with social purposes. It is by faithfulness
them, and the assemblage marching and service in ward organizations (in
under the banner of Gog and Magog the main) that the Lord's saints work
will be the rebels against righteous- out their salvation.
It must be clearly understood, how- Ward Teachers. See CHURCH CoURTS,
ever, that the responsibility for the PRIESTHOOD, TEAC:HER_S, WARDS. Upon
loss of life and desolations poured the priesthood bearers rests the obli-

gation "to preach, teach, expound, came out in open rebellion against the
exhort"; to Hvisit the house of each Father. The rebels "sought to destroy
member, exhorting them to pray the agency of man" and to modify
vocal! y and in secret and attend to all the Father's plan so that salvation
family duties; . . . to watch over the would come automatically to all who
church always, and be with and passed through mortality. (Moses
strengthen them; And see that there 4:1-4; Abra. 3:24-28; D. & C. 29:36-
is no iniquity in the church, neither 38; Isa. 14: 12-20; Luke IO: 18.) Their
hardness with each other, neither ly- rebellion against light and truth and
ing, backbiting, nor evil speaking." their refusal to subscribe to the terms
(D. & C. 20:42-54.) and conditions laid down by the
To aid them in the discharge of Father whereby salvation might be
these responsibilities, it is the practice gained is called by John the war in
of the Church to send priesthood heaven. (Rev. 12:4-9.)
brethren out as ward teachers (branch The same inspired writer then goes
teachers in branches) to visit the on to explain that after Satan was
homes of all church members each cast out onto the earth he was given
month. These brethren go out two power "to make war with the saints,
by two, frequently one holding the and to overcome them." (Rev. 12;
lesser priesthood going with a pos- 13.) The warfare of the saints on
sessor of the Melchizedek Priesthood. earth (Eph. 6:10-18; 2 Tim. 4:7-8)
When this ward teaching is done is a continuation of the war in heaven.
properly, it complies with all phases It is a war between truth and error,
of the revelation, brings about con- between light and darkness, between
version to the truth, increases right- the Church of the Lamb and the apos-
eousness among the saints, and leads tate sects of the world, between Christ
souls to eternal salvation. and Satan. Those who followed Lu-
cifer in pre-existence were the spirits
Ward Teaching. See WARD TEACH- who chose to believe false doctrines
about how to gain salvation; those
who believe in false systems of salva-
War in Heaven. See AGENCY, ARMIES tion in this life, in like manner, are
OF HEAVEN, COUNCIL IN HEAVEN, permitting themselves to be overcome
DEVIL, HEAVEN, MICHAEL THE ARCH- by Satan in the war on earth.
ANGEL, PLAN OF SALVATION, PRE- There were, of course, no neutral
EXISTENCE, WAR. Following the spirits in the war in heaven, any more
pre-existent choosing of Christ and than there are or can be neutrals in
the rejecting of Lucifer to be the Re- this life where choices between right-
deemer in the great plan of salvation, eousness and unrighteousness are
Satan and one-third of the spirit involved. "He that is not with me is
hosts destined for life on this earth against me," saith the Lord, "and he

that gathereth not with me scattcreth eternal life that is found only in and
abroad." (Matt. 12:30; I Ne. 14: 10; through the gospel, what a great tem-
Alma 5:38-40.) poral blessing it has been to the
scores of thousands of converts who
Warning the World. See MESSAGE OF have already gathered from the be-
nighted nations of the world to the
TORATION OF THE GOSPEL, WATCHMEN, valleys of the saints!
WORLD. In the dispensation of the
fulness of times, the members of the Warning Voice. See WARNING THE
true Church are directed by the Lord WORLD.

to warn the world of the desolation

and destruction that is to be poured Washing of Feet. See ENDOWMENTS,
out without measure upon the wicked SCHOOL OF THE PROPHETS, TEMPLE
and ungodly. (D. & C. I :4; 63:37, 57- ORDINANCES. I. Our_Lord performed
58; 84 :114; 109:41; 112:5; 124:106; the gospel ordinance of washing of
134:12.) "For this is a day of warn- feet on the occasion of the last supper.
ing, and not a day of many words. After the supper, he girded himself
For I, the Lord, am not to be mocked with a towel, poured water in a basin,
in the last days." (D. & C. 63:58.) and washed and wiped the feet of
"lt bccometh every man who hath the apostles. (John 13:1-17.) The
been warned to warn his neighbor." Inspired Version of the Bible inserts
(D. & C. 88:81.) the explanation, "Now this was the
Part of the warning message is an custom of the Jews under their law;
invitation to forsake the world, accept wherefore, Jesus did this that the law
the truths of salvation, gather with might be fulfilled." (Inspired Version,
the saints, and receive the folness of John 13:10.)
the blessings of the gospel. "And let However, after the ordinance had
your preaching be the warning voice, been performed, our Lord said: "Ye
every man to his neighbor, in mildness call me Master and Lord: and ye say
and in meekness." (D. & C. 38:41.) well; for so ·I am. If I then, your
When the missionaries or other mem- Lord and Master, have washed your
bers of the Church offer the gospel to feet; ye also ought to wash one an-
the people of the world, they thereby other's feet. For I have given you
raise the warriing voice. an example, that ye should do as I
All who heed the warning shall have done to you. Verily, verily, I
escape desolation and misery in the say unto you, The servant is not
world to come, and many of them greater than his lord; neither he that
have also been freed from the destruc- is sent greater than he that sent him.
tions and plagues that are sweeping If ye know these things, happy are
the .earth in the last days. Without ye ii ye do them." (John 13: 13-17.)
ev(!n considering the assurance of Thus our Lor\\ c\iq two things in

the performance of this ordinance: President of the Church. In com-

!. He fulfilled· the old law given to pliance with this revelation the
Moses; and 2. He instituted a sacred Prophet on January 23, 1833, washed
ordinance which should be performed the feet of the members of the school
by legal administrators among his of the prophets. "By the power of
true disciples from that day forward. the Holy Ghost I pronounced them
As part of the restoration of all all clean from the blood of this gen-
things, the ordinance of washing of eration," he recorded. (History of the
feet has been restored in the dispen- Church, vol. 1, pp. 322-324; vol. 2,
sation of the fulness of times. In p. 287.)
keeping with the standard pattern of Later apostles were called and or-
revealing · principles and practices dained, and on November 12, 1835,
line upon line and precept upon pre- the Prophet addressed them, as per-
cept, the Lord revealed his will con- taining to the washing of feet where
cerning the washing of feet little by they were concerned: "The item to
little until the full knowledge of the which I wish the more particularly
endowment and all temple ordinances to call your attention tonight is the
had been given. ordinance of washing of feet. This we
December 27, 1832, this command [meaning the Twelve] have not done
W8.s given to "the first laborers ·in as yet, but it is necessary now, as
this last kingdom": "Sanctify your- much as it was in the days of the
selves; yea; purify your hearts, and Savior; and we must have a place
cleanse your hands and your feet be- prepared, that we may attend to this
lore me, that I ni.ay make you clean; ordinance aside from the world.
That I may testify unto your Father, "We have not desired as much from
and your God, and my God, that you the hand of the Lord through faith
are clean from the blood of this and obedience, as we ought to have
wicked generation." (D. & C. 88 :74- done, yet we have enjoyed great bless-
75.} On that same occasion the com- ings, and we are not so sensible of
mand came to organize the school this . as we should be. . .. We must
of the prophets, .with the express.stip- have all things prepared, and call
ulation that "ye shall not receive any our solemn assembly as the Lord has
among you into this school save he commanded us, that we may be able
is clean from the blood of this gen- to accomplish his great work, and it
eration; And he shall be received by must be done in God's own way. The
the ordinance of the washing of feet, house of the Lord must be prepared,
for unto this end was the ordinance and the solemn assembly called and
of the washing of feet instituted." organized in it, according to the order
(D. & C. 88:127-141.) of the house of God; and in it we must
In the case of this school the ordi- attend to the ordinance of washing
nance is to be performed by the of feet. It was never intended for any

but official members. It is calculated leading brethren, including the First

to unite our hearts, that we may be Presidency, Council of the · T welve,
one in feeling and sentiment, and that bishoprics, and presidents of quorums,
our faith may be strong, so that Satan participated in the ordinance of wash-
cannot overthrow us, nor have any ing of feet. (History of the Church,
power over us here. vol. 2, pp. 426, 430-431.)
"The endowment you are so It should be remembered that the
anxious about, you cannot compre- endowment given in the Kirtland
hend now, nor could Gabriel explain Temple was only a partial endow-
it to the understanding of your dark ment, and that the full endowment
minds; but strive to be prepared in was not performed until the sain ts
your hearts, be faithful in all things, had established themselves in Nauvoo.
that when we meet in the solemn (Doctrines of Salvation, vol. 2, pp.
assembly, that is, when such as God 241-242.) The full endowment-re-
shall name out of all the official mem- ferred to in the revelation dated Jan-
bers shall meet, we must be clean uary 19, 184 1 (D. & C. 124:36-41)
every whit. . . . The order of the - including washings and anointings,
house of God has been, and ever will except under unusual circumstances;
be, the same, even after Christ comes; is designed to be administered in the
and after the termination of the temples of the Lord.
thousand years it will be the same; Thus the knowledge relative to the
and we shall finally enter into the washing of feet has been revealed step
celestial kingdom of God, and enjoy by step in this day until a lull knowl-
it forever." (History of the Church, edge is now incorporated in the re-
vol. 2, pp. 308-309.) vealed ordinances of the Lord's house.
On Sunday, March 27, 1836, as Obviously the apostate peoples of the
part of the dedicatory services of the world, being without revelation to
Kirtland Temple, the congregation guide them, cannot comply with our
sang that glorious hymn, "The Spirit Lord's command given on the oCca -
of God Like a Fire is Burning!" One sion of the last supper.
verse, as then sung, was: 2. Under certain circumstances,
when moved upon by the Spirit but
We'll wash and be washed, and with
not otherwise, the elders are to cleanse
oil be anointed,
their feet as a witness against those
Withal not omitting the washing of
who reject their testimqny. "And in
· feet; whatsoever place ye shall enter, and
For he that receiveth his penny ap-
they receive you not ~n my name, ye
pointed shall leave a cursing instead of a
Must surely be clean at the harvest
blessing, by casting off the dust of
of wheat. your feet against them as a testimony,
On March 29 and 30, 1836, the and cleansing your feet by the way-

side." (D. & C. 24: 15; 75:20; Matt. way to turn from it; if he do not turn
10:14-15; Mark 6:11; Luke 9:5; from his way, he shall die in his
10:10-12; Acts 13:51.) iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy
"He that receiveth you not, go soul." (Ezek. 33:1-9.)
away from him alone by yourselves,
and cleanse your feet even with water, Waters of Judah. See BAPTISM. Isaiah
pure water, whether in heat or in says that the "house of Jacob" has
cold, and bear testimony of it unto "come forth out of the waters of
your Father which is in heaven, and fudah" (Isa. 48: I) , a statement of
return not again unto that man. And great interest to Latter-day Saints in
in whatsoever village or city ye enter, view of the fact that his words as
do likewise. Nevertheless, search dil- recorded on the brass plates added
igently and spare not; and wo unto the phrase, "or out of the waters of
that house, or that village or city that baptism" (I Ne. 20:1), thus preserv-
rejecteth you, or your words, or your ing in purity an Old Testament text
testimony concerning me." (D. & C. about baptism.
84: 92-94; 99 :4.)
Way, Truth, and Life. See CHRIST,
pacity as elders, prophets, ambassa- the way, the truth, and the life," our
dors, and ministers, the Lord's agents Lord proclaimed. He is the Way in
are watchmen upon the tower. Their that it is in and through him that sal-
obligation is to raise the warning vation comes; Hno man cometh unto
voice so that the sheepfold of Israel the Father, but by me," he said. (John
shall stand secure from the dangers 14:6.) He is the Truth because he is
and evils of the world. the embodiment and personification
"O son of man, I have set thee a of that holy attribute. (Alma 5:48.)
watchman unto the house of Israel," And he is the Life because in him the
the Lord told Ezekiel, for instance, light of life centers; except for him
"therefore thou shalt hear the word and his power there would be no
at my mouth, and warn them from existence; should he withdraw the
me. When I say unto the wicked, 0 light of life, death would gain an
wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if immediate victory; and without him
thou dost not speak to warn the there would be neith~r immortal life,
wicked from his way, that wicked man nor eternal life, which is life in
shall die in his iniquity; but his blood unending glory.
will I require at thine hand. Never-
theless, if thou warn the wicked of his Weaknesses. See HUMILITY, OM-


All men have weaknesses

N IPOTE NCE. their weaknesses as rapidly as they
-some in one field, some in another.
No man is strong in every field. "I
give unto men weakness' that they Wealth. See RrcHES.
may be humble," the Lord said, "and
my grace is sufficient for all men that Week. See SABBATH.
humble themselves before me; for if
they humble themselves before me, Weeping. See G NASHING OF T EETH,
and have faith in me, then will I make GRIEF, MOURNING, SACKCLOTH AND
weak things become strong unto ASHES, SIGNS OF TH E TIMES, SORROW,
them." (Ether 12:27, 35-4 1; D. & C. WoEs. Weeping is a part of righteous
50: 16; 135:5.) mourning, a~ when Abraham wept
Those chosen by the Lord to do for Sarah (Gen. 23:2), or as when
his work are, in the eyes of the world- our Lord wept ·at the tomb of Lazarus.
ly wise, " the weak things of the (John 11:1-46; 20: 11.) "There is ...
world"; but they labor with the prom- A time to weep, and a time to laugh."
ise that they shall "confound the (Eccles. 3: 1'4.) "Blessed are ye that
things which are mighty." (I Cor. weep now : for ye shall laugh. . . .
1:19-31; D. & C. 1:19, 24; 124:I; Woe unto you that laugh nowl for
133:58-59.) "I call upon the weak ye shall mourn and weep." (Luke
things of the world, those who are 6:21-25.) True saints "weep with
unlearned and despised, to thrash the them that weep." (Rom. 12:15.) God
nations by the power of my Spirit; wept, and the heavens wept, when
And their arm shall be my arm, and Lucifer and his hosts were cast out.
I will be their shield and their buckler; (Moses 7 :28-29.)
and I will gird·· up their loins, and There are both tears of sorrow and
they shall fight manfully for me." tears of joy. (D. & C. 128:23.) When
(D. & C. 35:13-14, 17.) the heart is touched with feelings of
The fact that all men, even the tenderness, compassion, and love,
greatest of the prophets, have weak- tears of joy may flow. The resur-
nesses is in no sense justification_ for rected Lord, ministering among the
failure to stri ve for excellence in all Nephites, beholding their supreme
fields of endeavor. All men have ap- faith and devotion, said: "Blessed are
petites of one kind or another, but ye because of your faith. And now
this is · no juStification, for instance, behold, my joy is full. And when he
for using tea, coffee, tobacco, or had said · these words, he wept, and
liquor. The Word of Wisdom is the multitude bare record of it." (3
"adapted to the capacity of the weak Ne. 17:20-21.)
and the weakest of all saints, who are Weeping shall prevail among the
or can be called saints." (D. & C. wicked in the last days, for calamities
89:3.) Men are obligated to overcome shall be poured out upon them be:

cause of their iniquities. (D. & C. Latter-day Saints, of which I have the
29 : 15; 45:53; ll2:24.) "Weep not honor, under God, of being the found-
for me, but weep for yourselves, and er," the Prophet said.
for your children," our Lord told the It was in this letter that the Prophet
daughters of Jerusalem as he fore- left us one of his two recorded ac-
saw the future desolations that would counts of the First Vision; in it he
befall them and their seed. (Luke tells of Moroni's visits and the coming
23:27-31.) Among the damned souls forth of the Book of Mormon; it is
in hell "there shall be weeping, and from this document that we gain the
wailing, and gnashing of teeth, and Prophet's description of the gold
this because of their own iniquity, plates, his account of the Book of
being led captive by the will of the Mormon peoples, and of the .ministry
devil." (Alma 40:13-14; Mosiah 16:2; of apostles and prophets among them;
Hela. 13:32-33; Jas. 5:1-6; D. & C. it is here that he recounts the circum-
19:5; 101:89-91; 133:73.) stances surrounding the organization
of the Church, the inhuman persecu-
Welfare Farms. See CHURCH WEL- tions (particularly in Missouri) that
FARE PLAN. attended the saints, and the founding
of Nauvoo.
Welfare Plan. See CHURCH WELFARE It is from the Wentworth Letter
PLAN. that we get the 13 concise doctrinal
statements known as the Articles of
Welfare Projects. See CHURCH WEL- Faith. And it is in this letter that we
FARE PLAN. h ave recorded one of the Prophet's
most plain and expressively worded
Welfare Regions. See CHURCH WEL- prophecies: "No unhallowed hand can
FARE PLAN. stop the work from progressing; per-
secutions may rage, mobs may com-
Wentworth Letter. See ARTICLES bine, armies may assemble, calumny
may defame, but the truth of God
will go forth boldly, nobly, and in-
JosEPH SMITH THE PROPHET. One of dependent, till it has penetrated every
the choicest inspired documents ever continent, visited every clime, swept
written is the Wentworth Letter. every country, and sounded in every
First published in the Times and Sea- ear, till the purposes of God shall be
sons d March I, 1841, it was written accomplished, and the Great Jehovah
by the Prophet Joseph Smith to Mr. shall say the work is done." (History
Wentworth, editor and proprietor of of the Church, vol. 4, pp. 535-541.)
the Chicago Democrat. "I have writ-
ten the following sketch of the rise, Western Hemisphere. See NEW
progress, persecution, and faith of the WORLD.

Whirlwinds. See S rGNS OF TI-IE TIMES. never was happiness." (Alma 4 1: IO-
I I.)
Whisky. See WoRD OF WrsDOM. "God is angry with the wicked."
(Ps. 7:Il; D. & C. 63:32.) H e has
White Stone. See NEW NAME. promised to take vengeance upon
them. (D. & C. 29 : 17.) "Great de-
structions await the wicked." (D. &
Whitsuntide. Set:: D AY OF PENTECOST.
C. 34 :9.) At the Second Coming
there wiil be !'an entire ·separation of
Whored·oms. See SEX IMMORALITY. the righteous and the wicked" (D. &
C. 63:54 ), meaning that every person
Whoremongers. See SEX IMMORALITY. living a telestial law will be destroyed.
(D. & C. 101:24.) That is the day
Wickedness. See APOSTASY, DAMNA· which "shall burn as an oven; and
TION, DISOBEDIENCE, I NIQUITY, RE- all the proud, yea, and all that do
BI:=LLION, SIN, TELESTIAL LAW, wickedly, shall be stubble" (Mal.
TERRESTRIAL LAW. I. In nearly every 4 :1) , the day when the Lord "with
scriptural instance, the term wicked- the breath of his lips," shall "slay
ness is used to describe the sinful, the wicked." (Isa. l l :4.)
ev il , and immoral practices of those An awful hell awaits the wicked.
"'.ho live a telestial law, who are car- (I Ne. 15:29; Alma 40 :14.) "The
nal, sensual, and devilish, who live wicked shall be turned into hell, and
after the manner of the world, being all the nations that forget God." (Ps.
subject to its lusts and passions. The 9: 17.) They "shall go away into un-
wicked are the depraved, the vicious, quenchable fire." (D. & C. 43:33.)
the evil peisons whose conduct is But none of the desolations of this
inharmonious with the divine stand- life nor the torments of the next need
ards. come upon the wicked; if they will
Wicked acts proceed from the hearts but turn to righteousness, they will
of men, with the result that they con- escape these things. "Let the w icked
taminate .both body and spirit. (Mark forsake his way, and the unrighteous
7:20-23.) "There is no peace, saith man his though ts: and let him return
the Lord, unto the wicked." (Isa. unto the Lore!, and he will have mercy
48:22; I Ne. 20 :22.) They are "in upon him; and to our God, for he will
the gall of bitterness and in the bonds abundantly pardon." (Isa. 55:7.)
of iniquity; they are without God in "H ave I any pleasure at all that the
the world, and they have gone con- wicked should die? saith the Lord
trary to the natur~ of God; therefore, God: and not that he should return
they are in a state contrary to the from his ways , and live?" (Ezek.
nature of happiness." In effect they 18:23.) "II the wicked res tore the
suffer •hell on earth. "Wickedness pledge, give again that he had robbed,

walk in the statutes of life, without This is the sense in which there
committing iniquity; he shall surely will be wickedness on the earth dur-
live, he shall not die. None of his ing the millennium. Telestial wicked-
sins that he hath committed shall be ness will have ceased with the
mentioned unto him: he hath done destruction of every corruptible thing,
that which is lawful and right; he and those who have lived a terrestrial
shall surely live." (Ezek. 33: 15-16.) standard-though not wicked in the
2. In the lull gospel sense even lull worldly sense-shall be classified
those who are living a terrestrial law, as wicked because they have fallen
and who accordingly will not be de- short of the celestial standard.
stroyed at the Second Coming of
Christ, are classified as wicked. In Wisdom. See GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT,
this sense only those who have ac- INTELLIGENCE, KNOWLEDGE, REVELA-
cepted the gospel and are living its TION, TRUTH, WISDOM BOOKS, WISDOM
precepts, that is who are living a OF THE WoRLD, Wano OF WisooM.
celestial law, find place among the Wisdom is knowledge of those true
righteous. It was in this sense that principles by conformity to which
John spoke when he said, "We know men receive divine favor. It presup-
that we are of God, and the whole poses a wise and proper use of
world lieth in wickedness." (I John knowledge, a sound and discerning
5: 19.) That is, the saints who had judgment in the affairs of life and
forsaken the world were righteous; conduct. It is an attribute of Deity,
everyone else was wicked; for none in whom it is found in its fulness and
but the saints were living a celestial perfection. "He has all power, all
law, the law of the gospel. wisdom, and all understanding."
It was also in this special sense of (Alma 26:35; 37:12; Mosiah 4:6, 9;
the word that Deity spoke in our day: D. & C. 76:2; Rev. 5 :12; 7:12.)
"The whole world lieth in sin, and Wisdom is a gilt of the Spirit (D.
groaneth under darkness and under & C. 46: 17); it ·comes from God by
the bondage of sin. And by this you revelation. "He that lacketh wisdom,
may know they are under the bond- let him ask of me," the Lord said,
age of sin, because they come not "and I will give him liberally and
unto me. For whoso cometh not unto upbraid him not." (D. & C. 42:68.)
me is under the bondage of sin. And It was on this principle that Joseph
whoso receiveth not my voice is not Smith sought the Lord and received
acquainted with my voice, and is not the vision which ushered in the dis-
of me. And by this you may know pensation of the lulness of times. (Jos.
the righteous from the wicked, and Smith 2:11-20; Jas. l :5-6.)
that the whole world groaneth under The course of wisdom is the course
sin and darkness even now." (D. & C. of obedience; there is no wisdom in
84:49-53.) wickedness. "The fear of the Lord

is the beginning of wisdom : a good BIBLE, WISDOM. It appears to have

understanding have all they that do been a popular ancient custom for
his commandments." (Ps. 111:10.) the accepied wise men of the day to
"Learn '3/isdom in thy youth; yea, formulate gems of wisdom in proverb
learn in thy youth to keep the com- form and to record their discourses
mandments of God:" (Alma 37:35.) on moral and ethical problems. These
"Seek not for riches but for wisdom, writin gs are commonly called the
and behold, the mysteries of God shall wisdom books. They include: Job,
be unfolded unto you, and then shall Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes-from the
you be made rich. Behold, he that Bible; Wisdom of Jesus the Son of
hath eternal life is rich." (D. & C. Sirach or Ecclesiasticus, and Wisdom
6:7; 11 :7; Prov. 16: 16.) The Lord's of Solomon-from the Apocrypha.
promise to the righteous is that "their
wisdom shall be great, and their un- Wisdom of the World. See APOS-
derstanding reach to heaven." (D. TASY, EVOLUTION, HIGHER CRJTICISM,
& C. 76 :9.) KNOWLEDGE, W1~DOM, WORLD . Two
Solomon is the symbol of wisdom: kinds of wisdom are described in the
"I have given thee a wise and an scriptures: I. True wisdom, that
understanding heart; so that there which is revealed by the Spirit and
was none like thee before thee, leads to righteousness and peace; 2.
neither alter thee shall any arise like False wisdom, the wisdom of the
unto thee." (I Kings 3:12.) As a world, which leads in carnal paths
result Solomon "spake three thousand and away from the things of eternal
proverbs: and his songs were a thou- worth.
sand and five. And he spake of trees, The wisdom of the world results
from the cedar tree that is in Lebanon from the uninspired reflections, re·
even unto the hyssop that springeth search, and discoveries of men. It is
out of the wall: he spake also of composed of partial and fragmentary
beasts, and of fowl, and of creeping truths mixed with error. Theorizing
things, and of fishes. And there came and hypothecating commonly accom-
of all people to hear the wisdom of pany it. This type of wisdom includes
Solomon, from all kings of the earth, the philosophies and learning of men
which had heard of his wisdom." (I which are destructive of faith. Astrol-
Kings 4 :32-34.) ogy, organic evolution, the so-called
But Solomon did not endure to the higher criticism which denies the di-
end; his wisdom vanished away. He vinity of Christ, and any supposed
apostatized from the Church, wor- knowledge which rules God out of
shiped false gods, and incurred the the picture, falls in this category.
wrath of a just God. (I Kings II.) The wisdom of the world is transi-
tory; it will vanish away. But the
Wisdom Books. See APOCRYPHA, wisdom of God is eternal; it will en-

dure forever. Scientific theories who has entered into a compact with
change with every new discovery, but Satan, who is a sorcerer or sorceress.
the wisdom revealed from God is Modernly the term witch has been
eternal truth. (Doctrines of Salvation, limited in application to women.
vol. I, pp. 320-324.) There are no witches, of course, in
"Hath not God made foolish the the sense of old hags flying on broom-
wisdom of this world?" Paul asked. sticks through October skies; such
Then with great inspiration he ex- mythology is a modernistic spooling
plained how the things of the Spirit of a little understood practice that
take precedence over the learning of prevailed in all the apostate king-
men. (l Cor. l:18-31; 2; 3:18-23.) doms of the past and which even now
Jacob wrote similarly: "O that cun- is. found among many peoples. (Deut.
ning plan of the evil one! 0 the vain- 18:9-14; 2 Kings 9:22; 21 :6; 2 Chron.
ness, and the frailties, and the foolish- 33:6; Isa. 19:3; Gal. 5:20; Morm.
ness of men! When they are learned l:19; 2:10.) Modern spiritualism, for
they think they are wise, and they instance, is one of the more refined
hearken not unto the counsel of God, forms of witchcraft.
for they set it aside, supposing they "When thou art come into the land
know of themselv~s, wherefore, their which the Lord thy God giveth thee,"
wisdom is foolishness and it profiteth the God of Israel said to his people,
them not. And they shall perish. But "thou shalt not learn to do after the
to be learned is good if they hearken abominations of those nations. There
unto the counsels of God." (2 Ne. shall not be found among you any
9:28-29, 41-43.) one that maketh his son or his daugh-
ter to pass through the fire, or that
Wise Men. See MAGI. useth divination, or an observer of
times, or an enchanter, or a witch, Or
Witchcraft. See CONJURE MAN, DIV- a charmer, or a consulter with fa-
INATION, EVIL . SPIRITS, EXORCISM, miliar spirits, or a wizard, or a necro-
FORTUNE TELLING, HYPNOTISM, I N- mancer. For all that do these things
CANTATIONS, MAGIC, MEDICINE MEN, are an abomination unto the Lord:
MEDIUMS, NECROMANCY, SOOTHSAY- and because of these abominations
ERS, SORCERY, SPIRITUALISM, SUPER- the Lord thy God doth drive them
STITION, WrrcH DocroRs, WITCHES out from before thee. Thou shalt be
SABBATH, WIZARDS . One of the most perfect with the Lord thy God. For
evil and wicked sects supported by these nations, which thou shalt pos-
Satan is that which practices witch- sess, hearkened unto observers of
craft, such craft involving as it does times, and unto diviners: but as for
actual intercourse with evil spirits. A thee, the Lord thy God hath not suf-
witch is one who engages in this craft, fered thee so to do." (Deut. 18:9-14.)
who practices the black art of magic, Lest his people Israel be led to hell

by practicing all these abominations Witches Sabbath. See MEDIUMS,

-and all of them are part and por- SEANCES, SORCERY, WITCHCRAFT. A
tion of the craft of witches-the Lord witches sabbath, according to medie-
decreed: "Thou shalt not suffer a val demonology, was imagined to be
witch to live." (Ex. 22: 18.) First ex- a midnight assembly in which
communication and then death by witches, sorcerers, and demons joined
stoning was the penalty. (Lev. 20:6, together to celebrate their evil orgies.
27.) It should be .noted that the try- Such orgies no doubt have taken place
ing, convicting, and executing of among peoples steeped in the myster-
so-called witches during the middle ies of witchcraft. Probably the nearest
ages and in early American history thing to them among modern and
was a wholly apostate and unwar- supposedly civilized peoples are the
ranted practice. It is probable that seances in which spiritualist mediums
none, or almost none, of those unhap- actually hold intercourse with devils.
pily dealt with as supposed witches
were persons in actual communion Witnesses. See LAW OF WITNESSES.
with evil .spirits. Their deaths illus-
trate the deadly _extremes to which Witnesses of the Book of Mormon.
the principles of true religion can be See BooK OF MoRM ON, GoLD PLATES,
put wh en administered by uninspired LAW OF WITNESSES. To fulfil the law
persons. of witnesses, the Lord commanded
Witchcraft is one of the "works .of others in addition to the Prophet to
the flesh" (Gal. 5:19-20), and. in that bear record of the divinity of the Book
day when the glory of Israel is fully of Mormon. Two groups, known as
restored the Lord has promised to the Three Witnesses and as the Eight
cut off witchcrafts and to destroy Witnesses, hav.e left their solemn
soothsayers out of the land. (3 Ne. testimonies, testimonies which are
21:16; Mic. 5:12.) published with each copy of the book
Witch Doctors. See CoNJURE MAN, itself. The Three Witnesses were
shown the Gold Plates by the Angel
WITCHCRAFT. So-called witch doctors Moroni, and they heard the voice of
are found among primitive peoples. God bear record that the translation
These ministers of false religious prin- was correct. They also saw the breast-
ciples frequently engage in practices plate, the sword of Laban, the Urim
of magic and sorcery. Their ostensible and Thummim, and the Liahona.
aim, as among the Kaffirs of Africa, The Eight Witnesses were shown the
is one of detecting or "smelling out" Plates by the Prophet, and they left
witches and of counteracting their their testimony of what their eyes had
magic spells and influence. seen and their hands had felt.
In the Book of Mormon itself the
Witches. See WITCHCRAFT. promise is made that witnesses would

be provided. (2 Ne. II :3; 27: 12; should withdraw himself from us,
Ether 5:2-4.) Knowing this, Oliver believing, as he expressed himself, that
Cowdery, David Whitmer, and Mar- his presence was the cause of our not
tin Harris were moved by an inspired obtaining what we wished for. He
desire to be chosen as such special accordingly withdrew from us, and
witnesses of the book's divinity. The we knelt down again, and had not
Prophet, at their solicitation, inquired been many minutes engaged in prayer,
of the Lord and received a reply that when presently we beheld a light
these brethren could have the desire above us in the air, of exceeding
of their hearts. (D. & C. 17.) brightness; and behold, an angel
"Not many days alter the above stood before us. In his hands he held
commandment was given," the the plates which we had been praying
Prophet says of the revelation naming for these to have a view of. H e turned
the Three Witnesses, "we four, viz~, over the leaves one by one, so• that we
Martin Harris, David Whitmer, Ol- could see them, and discern the en-
iver Cowdery and myself, agreed to gravings thereon distinctly. He then
retire into the woods, and try to addressed himself to David Whitmer,
obtain, by fervent and humble prayer, and said, 'David, blessed is the Lord,
the fulfilment of the promises given and he that keeps his command-
in the above revelation-that they ments'; when, immediately afterwards,
should have a view of the plates. We we heard a voice from out of the
accordingly made choice of a piece bright light above us, saying, 'These
of woods convenient to Mr. Whitmer's plates have been revealed by the
house, to which we retired, and hav- power of God, and they have been
ing knelt down, we began to pray in translated by the power of God. The
much faith to Almighty God to be- translation of them which you have
stow upon us a realization of these seen is correct, and I command you
promises. to bear record of what you now see
"According to previous arrange- and hear.'
ment, I commenced by vocal prayer "I now left David and Oliver, and
to our Heavenly Father, and was fol- went in pursuit of Martin 1-Iarris,
lowed by each of the others in suc- whom I found at a considerable dis-
cession. We did not at the first trial, tance, fervently engaged in prayer.
however, obtain any answer or mani- He soon told me, however, that he
festation of divine favor in our behalf. had not yet prevailed with the Lord,
We again observed the same order of and earnestly requested me to join
prayer, each calling on and praying him in prayer, that he also might
fervently to God in rotation, but with realize the same blessings which we
the same result as before. had just received. We accordingly
"Upon this, our second failure, joined in prayer, and ultimately ob-
Martin Harris proposed that he tained our desires, for before we had

yet finished, the same vision . was Wizardry. See WIZARDS.

opened to our view, at least it was
again opened to me, and I once more Wizards. See D1v 1NATION, MAGIC,
beheld and heard the same things; SORCERY, S PIRITUALISM, WITCHCRAFT.
whilst at the si:tme inoment, Martin A wizard is a sorcerer, one who has
Harris cried out, apparently in an magical skills, who engages in witch-
ecstasy of joy, ''Tis enough; 'tis craft, who communes w ith familiar
enough; mine eyes have beheld; mine spirits. Spiritualism is a form of
eyes have beheld'; and jumping up, wizardry. The practice of wizardry is
he shouted, 'Hosanna,' blessing God, an abomination (Lev. 19:31 ; Deut.
and otherwise rejoiced exceedingly." 18:9- 12) , and in ancient Israel the
(History of tlie Church, vol. 1, pp. penalty therefor was death. (Lev.
54-55.) 20:6, 27.)
These Three Witnesses later left
the Church and became enemies of Woes. See GRIEF, MISERY, SORROW.
the Prophet, but throughout their In a host of scriptures the Lord and
entire lives each of them remained his prophets speak of woes coming
steadfast in bearing testimony of the upon individuals or multitudes be-
cause of failure to abide some pre-
di vinity of the Book of Mormon. Ol-
scribed standard of divine excellence.
iver Cowdery and Martin Harris, in
The meaning is that deep or incon-
their . latter years, returned to the
solable grief or misery will attend the
Church and died in full fellowship. commission of some proscribed act, the
(Doctrines o f Salvation, vol. 1, pp. omission of some required duty, or
222-228.) that such penalty will grow out of an
Although the Three Witnesses and ungodly course of conduct. For in-
the Eight Witnesses are in a class by stance: "Wo unto the liar, for he shall
themselves-for their testimonies shall be thrust down to hell." (2 Ne. 9:34.)
rise up to condemn the unbelieving "Wo unto that house, or that village
and rebellious before the judgment or city that rejecteth you, or your
seat of Christ-yet there are or will words 1 or your testimony concerning
be 10,000 times 10,000 other witnesses me." (D. & C. 84:94.) "Woe is unto
to testily with equal surety of the me, ii I preach not the gospel!" (I
truth of the Book of Mormon. Every Cor. 9:16.) "Woes shall go forth,
person who will abide the law en- weeping, wailing and gnashing of
titling him to know of the truth of teeth, yea, to those who are found
this N ephite record shall gain per· on my left hand." (D. & C. 19:5.)
sonal revelation from the Holy Ghost
of its divinity, thus becoming a per- Woman. See EvE, MAN. As Adam
sonal witness of its truth. (Moro. was the first man of all men, the
10:3-5.) primal parent of the human race

(Moses 1:34), so Eve his wife, was Lord. For as the woman is of the
"the mother of all living," and "the man, even so is the man also by the
first of all women." (Moses 4:26.) The woman; but all things of God." (I
figurative account of her creation Cor. 11:7-12.)
says, "She shall be called Woman, In the true Patriarchal Order man
because she was taken out of man." holds the priesthood and is the head
(Moses 3:23.) of the household of faith, but he can-
Setting the pattern for all her not attain a fulness of joy here or
daughters for all ages, Eve's mortal of eternal reward hereafter alone.
mission included two special assign- Woman stands at his side a joint-
ments: I. She was to be an help meet inheritor with him in the fulness of
for. her husband (Moses 3:20); and all things. Exaltation and eternal
2. She was to bring forth children. increase is her lot as well as his. (D.
"I will greatly multiply thy sorrow & C. 131:1"4.) Godhood is not for
and thy conception," the Lord said. men only; it is for men and women
"In sorrow thou shalt bring forth together. (D. & C. 132:19-20.)
children, and thy desire shall be to
thy husband, and he shall rule over Word. See WoRD OP Goo.
thee." (Moses 4:22.) Thus woman's
primary place is in the home, where Word of God. See CHRIST, CREATOR,
she is to rear children and abide by Lcx:ms, REVELATION, SCRIPTURE. 1.
the righteous counsel of her husband. Christ is the Word (John 1:1-5, 14),
Peter counseled: "Ye wives, be""in the Word of Life (I John 1:1), the
subjection to your own husbands,,, Word of God (Rev. 19:11-16), the
wearing simple, unadorned apparel, Word of God's Power (Moses 1:32)
"For after this manner in the old time -all of which titles signify that the
the holy women also, who trusted in words of salvation are in him; that
God, adorned themselves, being in he carries his Father's word to all
subjection unto their own husbands: men; that he is the executive and
Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling administrator who does the will of
him lord: whose daughters ye are, as the Father; that the Father speaks
long as ye do well." (I Pet. 3:1 -6.) and his word is executed by the Son.
Paul taught: Man "is the image and (D. & C. 93:8.)
glory of God: but the woman is the Use of the title, Word of God, is
glory of the man. For the man is not usually in connection with the crea-
of the woman; but the woman of the tive enterprises of the Son. (John
man. Neither was the man created 1:1-5; Moses I :32-35.) · The clear
for the woman; but the woman for meaning is that God speaks his word,
the man .... Nevertheless neither is which the Son, by the power of the
the man without the woman, neither Spirit, puts into operation, and there-
the woman without the man, in the by becomes himself the Word. (Moses

2:5, 16; 3:7; 4:3; Jae. 4:9; Monn. side of the Word of Wisdom is a com-
9:17; D. & C. 29:30.) mand to abstain from tea, coffee,
2. By the word of God is also meant tobacco, and liquor.
the scriptures, the revelations, the Abstinence from these lour things
message of salvation which God sends has been accepted by the Church as
by the mouths of holy men called a measuring rod to determine the per-
to his ministry. H ence, we find such sonal worthiness of church members.
counsel as that given by Paul to Tim- When decisions are made relative to
othy: "Preach the word; be instant the granting of temple recommends
in season, out .of season; reprove, or approving brethren for church
rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering positions or ordinations, inquiry is
and doctrine." (2 Tim. 4:2.) made relative to these lour items.
Obviously the standard of judg-
Word of Lile. See Wom OF Goo. ment must be uniform throughout the
Church, and looil officers are not at
Word of Wisdom. See DISEASES, liberty to add other items to this list.
DRUNKENNESS, HEALTH, PHYSICIANS. However, there are many other sub-
A revelation given to Joseph Smith, stances which have a harmliif" effect
February 27, 1833, containing a part on the human body, though such
of the revealed counsel in the field of p articular things are not spec1tica!!£
health, because it begins, "A Word prohibited by the Word of W isdom.
of Wisdom, for the benefit of ... the Certamly the partaking of cola drinks,
church" (D. & C. 89:1), is now com- tliough not included within the meas-
monly known as the Word of Wis- uring standard here set out, is in
dom. As a revealed law of health, v10lation of the spirit of the Word
dealing particularly with dietary mat- of Wisdom. Harmful drugs of a!!Y
ters, it contains both positive and sort are in a like category.
negative instructions. Its affirmative Some unstable people become[
~t::~~na!1v~r!:e~~o~:t~ : , , : : ::~
animals; its prohibitions direct man
:e:~:~. 1
the Word of Wisdom is not the gos-
to refrain from th~ use of certain pel, and the gospel is not the Wordl
specified harmful things. (D. & C. of Wisdom. As Paul said, "The king-
89.) dom of God is not meat and drink;
Three types of things are prohibited but righteousness, and peace, and
to man by the Word of Wisdom- joy in the Holy Ghost." (Rom.
tobacco, strong drinks, and hot drinks. 14:17.)
By strong drinks is meant alcoholic There is no prohibition in Section
beverages; ~ 89, for instance, as to the eating of
.!'!l!lwet'~ own_ st'!_tement, mean lea white bread, using white flour, white
~ sugar, cocoa, chocolate, eggs, milk,

meat, or anything else, except items made to be used, with judgment, not
c~assified under the headings, te!!,_ to excess, neither by extortion." (D.
coffee, to bacco, and liquor. As a mat- & C. 59:16-20.)
When first given the Word of Wis-
men should not eat meat, are not dom was not a commandment, but
;;;:;rained of God, such counsel being it has since been made one. "Give
_listed by Paul as an evide~ ce of apos- heed to this Word of Wisdom," Pres-
~ God has created meats," he ident Joseph F. Smith said. "It was
says, "to be received with thanksgiv- given unto us 'not by command~
ing of them which believe and know but by the word of President Brigham
the truth." (I Tim. 4:3.) If some Young, it was made a commandment
particular food or drink disa ~ unto the saints." (Gospel Doctrine,
an m ivi ual then that person should 5th ed., p. 365.) The Prophet him-
act accordingly without reference to self gave this decision : "No off icial
the prohibitions in this particular !aw member in this Church is worthy to
of health. hold an off ice alter having the Word
~ the Word of Wisdom is of Wisdom properly taught him, and
only a small part of the revealed truth he, the off icial member, neglecting
relative to health and the use of food to comply with and obey it." (Teach-
and drink. For instance, months be- ings, p. 117.)
fore the Word of W isdom was re-
Obedience to this divine law
vealed, the Lord said this to his saints;
brings many temporal and spiritual
"The fulness of the earth is yours,
blessings. Physical well-being and
the beasts of the field and the fowls
increased temporal prosperity are
of the air, and that which climbeth
among the temporal advantages. In
upon the trees and walketh upon the
earth; Yea, and the herb, and the the spiritual field, those who observe
good things which come of the earth, this law "shall find wisdom and great
whether for food or for raiment, or treasures of knowledge, even hidden
for houses, or for barns, or for or- treasures." (D. & C. 89:19.) In other
chards, or for gardens, or for vine- words, through the cleanliness result-
yards; Yea, all things which come of ing from keeping this law of health,
the earth, in the season thereof, are and by "walking in obedience to the
made for the benefit and the use of commandments" (D. & C. 89:18),
man, both to please the eye and to the saints will qualify for the compan-
gladden the heart; Yea for food and ionship of the Holy Spirit, with great
for raiment, for taste and for smell, spiritual endowments coming as a
to strengthen the body and to enliven result thereof. (Gospel Doctrine, 5th
the soul. And it pleaseth God that ed., pp. 365-368.)
he hath given all these things unto
man; for unto this end were they Words. See loLE Woaos.

Work. See CHURCH WELFARE PLAN, 2. The social conditions created by

DOLE, EMPLOYMENT, Gooo WoRKS. such of the inhabitants of the earth
Work is the great basic principle as live carnal, sensuous, lustful lives,
which makes all things possible both and who h ave not put off the natural
in time and in eternity. Men, spirits, man by obedience to the laws and
angels, and Gods use their physical ordinances of the gospel.
and mental powers in work. "My Christ said : "I am not of the
Father worketh hitherto, and I work," world." (John 17:16.) " I have over-
Jesus announced. (John 5: 17.) Also: come the world." (John 16:33:) To
"I must work the works of him that his apostles h e said : "If ye were of
sent me, while it is day." (John 9:4.) the world, the world would love his
•Without work there would be own: but because ye are not of the
neither existence, creation, redemp- world, but I h ave chosen you out Of
tion, salvation, or temporal necessi- the world, therefore the world hateth
ties for mortal man. D eity worked you." (John IS : 19.)
six days in the creation of this earth All mortals who arrive at the years
and then rested on the seventh. (Ex. of accountability are of the world
20:8-1 I.) The Father's work and unless they put off the n atural man,
glory is to bring to pass the immortal- become new creatures of the Holy
ity and eternal life of man. (Moses Ghost, and gain the rebirth of the
I :39.) Our Lord's mission was to Spirit. Alma taught that since the
work out the infinite and eternal fall of Adam all mankind has "be-
atonement. (3 Ne. 27: 13-17. ) Man come carnal, sensual, and devilish,
is commanded to work both tem- by nature." (Alma 42: IO.)
porally and spiritually- to work out The angelic ministrant to King
his salvation with fear and trembling Benja~in said: "The natural man is
before God (Philip. 2: 12), and to an enemy to God, and has been from
earn his living by the sweat of his the fall of Adam, and will be, forever
lace until he returns to the ground. and ever, unless he yields to the en-
(Gen. 3 :1 9.) Work is a blessing that ticings of the Holy Spirit, and putteth
brings salvation, idleness a curse that off the natural man and becometh a
assures damnation. saint through the atonement of Christ
the Lord." (Mosiah 3: 19.)
Works. See Goon WORKS. Members of the Church h ave the
goal of overcoming the world. "Love
World. See BABYLON, EARTH, not the world," John said, "neither
EARTHS, MILLENNIUM, SECOND CoM- the things that are in the world. II
ING OF CHRIST. At least two distinct any man love the world, the love of
meanings are found in the scripture the Father is not in him. For all that
for the world. I. The earth or planet is in the world, the lust of the flesh,
upon which we dwell (Moses 1:33.) ; and the lust of the eyes, and the pride

of Jile, is not of the Father, but is of 4:10; Luke 4:8; Ex. 34:14; Mosiah
the world. And the world passeth 18:25; D. & C. 20:17-19.) No one
away, and the lust thereof: but he can worship the Father without also
that doeth the will of God abideth worshiping the Son. "All men should
for ever." (I John 2:15-17.) honour the Son, even as they honour
James wrote: "Ye adulterers and the Father. He that honoureth not
adulteresses, know ye not that the the Son honoureth not the Father
friendship of the world is enmity with which hath sent him." (John 5:23.)
God? whosoever therefore will be a It is proper to worship the Father,
friend of the world is the enemy of in the name of the Son, and also to
God." (Jas. 4:4.) worship the Son. "Believe in Christ,
The end of the world is the end and deny him not; and Christ is the
of unrighteousness or of worldliness Holy One of Israel; wherefore ye must
as we know it, and this will be bow down before him, and worship
brought about by "the destruction him with all your might, mind, and
of the wicked." (Jos. Smith I :4.) strength, and your whole soul; and
When our world ends and the mil- if ye do this ye shall in nowise be cast
lennial era begins, there will be a out." (2 Ne. 25:16, 29.)
new heaven and a new earth .. (Isa. True worship presupposes a knowl-
65:17-25; D. & C. 101:23-24.) Lust, edge of the truth about God and his
carnality, and sensuousness of every laws. Jesus told the Samaritan woman
sort will cease, for it will be the end at the well: "Ye worship ye know not
of the world. what: we know what we worship: for
salvation is of the Jews." (John 4:22.)
Worlds. See EARTHS. Our Lord revealed anew some of the
writings of John-writings which ex-
Worship. See HoNoR, OBEISANCE, plained how Christ himself had
PRAYER, REVERENCE, THANKSGMNG, worked out his own salvation, finally
WORSHIP OF IMAGES. Worship con- receiving all power in heaven and on
sists in paying divine honors to a earth-and then he said: "I give unto
deity. This religious reverence and you these sayings that you may
homage falls into two categories- understand and know how to worship,
true worship and false worship, the and know what you worship, that you
one based on gospel truth and leading may come unto the Father in my
to salvation, the other consisting of name, and in due time receive ·of his
an intermixture of truth and error and fulness." (D. & C. 93:6-20.) Unless
leading to damnation. men know God and his laws they
The Father and the Son are the cannot "worship him in spirit and
objects of all true worship. "Thou in truth" (John 4:24), and there is
shalt worship the Lord thy God, and no salvation in any other kind of
him only shalt thou serve." (Matt. worship.

Deity is worshiped in prayer, song, Worship of Images. See APosTASY,

sermon, and testimony; by the making FALSE Goos, looLATRY, T EN CoM-
of covenants, offering of sacrifices, MANDMENTS. Catholics worship im-
performance of ordinances, and the ages- not just false gods or a concept
participation in religious rituals and of Deity which is apostate and untrue
ceremonies; he is worshiped by man's -but out and out, plainly and simply
act of believing divine truths, by his stated, they worship the actual
being converted to them in their lul- images of the so-called saints which
ness; he may be worshiped in thought, everywhere found in their ca-
word, and deed. But the most per- thedrals and other buildings. In their
fect of all worship comes from those own encyclopedia they make careful
who first believe the gospel, who recitation of their belief that there
then participate in its outward forms, are two kinds of worship, the supreme
and who finally keep the standards adoration reserved for Deity only and
of personal righteousness that apper- the lesser adoration and worship
tain to it. given the images of their saints and
Obedience is the true measure of such symbols as the cross:
true worship. "In vain they do wor- "Something must be said about the
ship me, teaching for doctrines the Catholic principles concerning the
commandments of men." (Matt. 15:9; worship of sacred 'images," the Cath-
Mark 7:6-8.) "Give unto the Lord olic Encyclopedia says under the sub-
the glory due unto his name; worship heading, Principles of Image-Worship,
the Lord in the beauty of holiness." in an article entitled Images. "Wor-
(Ps. 29:2.) Without personal right- ship by no means implies only the
eousness, without the beauty of supreme adoration that may be given
holiness, there is no true worship. only to God."
Most of the worship in the world is Then consideration is given to the
false worship because it rejects the command, "Thou shalt not make unto
lulness of the restored truth, does not thee any graven image, or any like-
cling to Christ and his gospel stand- ness of any thing that is in heaven
ards, substituting rather a form of above, or that is in the earth beneath,
godliness which denies the power or that is in the water under the
thereof. (Jos. Smith 2:19.) To the earth: T hou shalt not bow down thy-
extent that false worship turns away self to them, nor serve them" (Ex.
from God, it turns to the devil, so 20:4-5) , and it is explained that this
that men actually (though often un- part of the T en Commandmenis has
knowingly, for they are in apostate been abolished. They say it is not
darkness) worship the dragon (Rev. part of natural law and was discon-
13:4, 15; 14:9), idols (Isa. 2:8), tinued along with the law of Moses.
money, and the like. The reason given is that no one can

"prove the inherent wickedness of cesses which consisted in praying to

making a graven thing." the image itself. It is, of course, well
Their analysis is summarized with understood that Catholic prayers are
these four principles: I. "It is forbid - addressed to the saint, before whose
den to give divine honour or worship image the worshiper kneels, with the
to the angels and saints, for this be- hope that such saint will intercede
longs to God alone." 2. "We should with Mary and with the Lord. (Cath-
pay the angels and saints an inferior olic Encyclopedia, vol. 7, pp. 670-
honour or worship, for this is due to 672.)
them as the servants and special
friends of God." . 3. "We should give Worthiness. See OBEDIENCE, R1GHT-
to relics, crucifixes and holy pictures EOUSNESS, SALVATION. In gospel usage,
a relative honour, as they relate to worthiness has reference to meriting
Christ and his saints and are me- a blessing or reward because of obe,
morials of them." 4. "We do not pray dience to that law upon which its
to relics or images, for they can receipt is predicated. Worthiness is
neither see nor hear nor help us." determined solely on the basis of per-
In spite of this formal assertion that sonal righteousness. (D. & C. 41 :6;
the worship of images should not 50:34; 51:4-5; 67:14; 90:26.) For
include the offering of prayers to instance: Accountable persons who
them, it is well known that in prac- have faith and repent of their sins
tice great hosts of Catholics have are worthy of baptism; church mem-
prayed and do now pray to the image bers who have "a godly walk and
itself. Even the Catholic Encyclopedia conversation" are worthy to partake
itself admits: "The customs by which of the sacrament (D. & C. 20:69);
we show our 'respect and worshipful and those who keep all of the stand-
honour' for holy images naturally ards of the Church are worthy of the
vary in different countries and at dif- blessings of the temple.
ferent times . Only the authority of Salvation itself is the crowning re-
the Church has occasionally stepped ward of worthiness (Rev. 3:4; D. & C.
in, sometimes to prevent a spasmodic 105:35-36; 107: 100), and it is Christ
return to Iconoclasm, more often to himself-together with those, who
forbid excesses of such signs of rev- being "like him" (I John 3:1-3) are
erence as would be misunderstood and "joint-heirs" with him (Rom. 8:14-
give scandal." 17)-who are and shall be "Worthy
In other words, when the level of ... to receive power, and riches, and
intelligence has been such among the wisdom, and strength, and honour,
people of a nation as to cause them and glory, and blessing." (Rev. 5:12.)
to revolt at the pagan absurdity of On the other hand unworthiness
praying to the image itself, the Cath- deprives men of blessings; those who
olic hierarchy has forbidden the ex- attempt to gain blessings in unworthi-

ness are damned. "Whoso eateth and 14:25.) Such was the case with the
drinketh my flesh and blood unworth- Jaredites, the Nephites, and the in-
ily eateth and drinketh damnation to habitants of Sodom and Gomorrah,
his soul." (3 Ne. 18:29; I Cor. II :29.) for instance; such will be the case
"See that ye are not baptized un- with the wicked at the Second Com-
worthily; see that ye partake not of ing. The "fiery indignation of the
the sacrament of Christ unworthily; wrath of God" will continue to be
but see that ye do all things in worthi- poured out upon the wicked in hell
ness." (Morm. 9:29.) until the day of their resurrection.
(Alma 40:14; Rev. 14:10; D. & C.
Wrath._ See ANGER, INDIGNATION. 19:15; 76:106-107.) Then, to all
Deity manifests wrath as one of his eternity, those :Subject to the second
attributes. It is an accompaniment of death shall be "vessels of wrath,
anger; indignation is its emotional doomed to suffer the wrath of God,
basis; inherent in it is the purpose with the devil and his angels in eter-
and intent of meting out a just pun- nity." (D. & C. 76: 33, 38.)
ishment upon those whose acts have When exhibited by mortals, wrath
caused it to be aroused. The wrath frequently implies rage and leads
of God does not fall upon the right- those so emotionally exercised to seek
eous, but upon the wicked. (D. & C. revenge for real or supposed wrongs.
I :9; 59:21.) "Instead of blessings, Paul lists wrath as one of the works
ye, by your own works, bring cursings, of the flesh (Gal. 5: 19-20) and.coun-
wrath, indignation, and judgments sels, "Let not the sun go down upon
upon your own heads, by your follies, your wrath." (Eph. 4:26, 31; 6:4;
and by all your abominations, which Col. 3:8.) Obviously, no matter what
you practise before me, saith the the provocation, the gospel is not to
Lord." (D. & C. 124:48.) be preached with strife or in wrath.
When men are "ripened in in- (D. & C. 60:7, 14.)
iquity," then the fulness of the Lord's
wrath comes upon them, and they are
destroyed in the flesh. (Ether 2:8-9; Wrongdoing. See SIN.

Xmas. See CHRISTMAS. Since the uncommon to find Christmas abbre-

letter X has been accepted as an ab- viated as Xmas, Christian as Xn or
breviation for Christ, it is not Xtian, and Christianity as Xty. These

abbreviations do not partake of the something closely associated with him,

real spirit of reverence that should and accordingly their use should be
attend a reference to Deity, or to discouraged.

Yahweh. See CHRIST, JAH, JEHOVAH, received into the church of Christ
LoRn, T ETRAGRAMMATON. Yahweh is unless he has arrived unto the years
believed to be the most accurate re- of accountability before God, and is
construction of the Hebrew word capable of repentance." (D. & C.
meaning Jehovah (who is Christ). 20:71.)
Other reconstructions of this name of Attainment of the age and state of
Deity are: Yahwe, Yahve, Yahveh, accountability is a gradual process.
Jahweh, and Jahveh. Thus the Lord says that "power is
not given unto Satan to tempt little
Years. See TIME. children, until they begin to become
accountable before me." (D. & C.
Years of Accountability. See AccouNT- 29:47.) Children who develop nor-
ABILITY, AGENCY, BAPTISM, I NFANT mally become accountable "when
BAPTISM, OruGINAL SIN THEORY, SAL- eight years old" (D. & C. 68 :27), and
VATION OF CHILDREN, TEMPTATION. they are then subject to the law of
When a child reaches the age at baptism. Obviously ii children or
which he has sufficient mental, spirit- adults do not develop mentally to the
ual, and physical maturity to be held point where they know right from
accountable before God for his acts, wrong and have the normal intellect
he is said to have arrived at the years of an accountable person, they never
of accountability. He then knows arrive at the years of accountability
right from wrong. and can exercise no matter how many actual years they
his agency to do good or evil. Ac- may live. Such persons, though they
cordingly he must pay the penalty for may be adults, are without the law,
his sins, unless he gains a remission cannot repent, are under no con-
of them through repentance and hap- demnation, "and unto such baptism
tism, "For all men must repent and availeth nothing." (Moro. 8:22.) Be-
be baptized, and not only men, but cause they have no "understanding"
women, and children who have ar- it remains for the Lord "to do accord-
rived at the years of accountability." ing as it is written'' concerning them
(D. & C. 18:42.) "No one can be (D. & C. 29:48-50), that is, save them

through the power of his redemptive Lord's commandments are not griev-
sacrifice. (Moro. 8:22.) ous. (I John 5:3.)

YMMIA. See MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT Young Men's Mutual Improvement

AssocIATIONS. Association. See MUTUAL IMPROVE-
Yoke of Christ. See CHRIST, GosPEL,
OBEDIENCE, SERVICE. To keep the Young Women's Mutual Improve-
commandments and serve with fide!- ment Association, See MuTUAL Ii.1-
ity and devotion in the · Church is PROVEMENT AssocIATIONS.
to wear the Yoke of Christ, the yoke
of service and devotion, Those who Yuletide. See CHRISTMAS.
love the Lord and desire salvation
willingly shoulder this yoke, thereby YWMIA. See MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT
finding rest to their souls (Matt. i\ssocIATIONS.
II :28-30) and discovering that the

Zeal. See DEVOTION, DILIGENCE, meaning the true knowledge of salva-
D UTY, ENDURING TO THE END,· FANAT- tion, is false and unprofitable. · (Rom.
ICISM, OBEDIENCE. True zeal is an 10:2.) Before his conversion Paul
attribute of godliness which ·men manifest zeal "not according to
acquire thro.Ugh participation in the knowledge" when he persecuted the
callse of righteousness. It consists in Church. (Philip. 3:4-7.)
being earnestly, intensely, and "anx-
iously engaged in a good cause." (D. Zion. See HOLY O NE OF ZroN, MIL-
& C. 58:27; Gal. 4: 18.) It is ~cquired LENNIUM, SECOND COMING OF CHRIST,
following acceptance of the truth, STAKES, TRANSLATED ' BEINGS, ZION-
godly sorrow for sin, and true re- ISM. I. Zion is .the na~e given by the
pentance. (2Cor. 7:10-11.) Members Lord to his saints; it is the name by
of the Church are obligated to "be which the Lord's people are always
zealous" in the cause of Christ. (Rev. identified. Of the saints in Enoch's
3:19.) day the record says: "And the Lord
False zeal is that religious devotion called his people ZION, because they
and enthusiasm which is not · based were of one heart and one mind, and
on truth. A zeal toward God which dwelt in righteousness; and there was
is "not according to knowledge," no poor among them.'' (Moses 7:18.)

"This is Zion -THE PURE IN city. (2 Sam. 5:6,7; l Kings 8 :1. )

HEART," he said in this day. (D. & Solomon built his temple in Zion.
C. 97:21. ) Thus The Church of 4. The New Jerusalem to be built
Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is in Jackson County, Missouri, is also
Zion. Join ing the Church is becoming called the City of Zion . or Zion.
a citizen of Zion. D ozens of revelations in the ·D octrine
Many revelations speak of Zion in and Covenants speak about this 'zion.
this sense. Before the organization of (Doctrines of $.alvation, vol. 3, pp.
the Church, the command was given '66-79.) Isaiah and other of the
to a number of brethren, "Seek to ancient prophets have much to say
bring forth and establish the cause both about it and about the Jer_u salem
of Zion." (D. & C. 6:6; 11 :6; 12:6; of old which shall be restored in
14 :6.) On the day of its organization, grandeur and beauty in the las t days.
the Lord commended the Prophet for These two great cities, dual worhl
his diligence, prayers, and labors in capitals, are needed to fulfil the great
bringing forth Zion. (D. & C. 21:7- millennial promise: "Out of Zion
8.) After its organization various shall go forth the law, and the word
brethren were commanded to labor of the Lord from Jerusalem." (i s_a.
in Zion with all their power and 2:3.) .
strength. (D. & C. 24 :7; 30:11; 5. Joseph Smith announced at the
93:53.) April, 1844, general conference of the
2. After the Lord had called his Church that •all of North and South
people Zion, Enoch "built a city that 1merica comprise the land of Zion
was called the City of Holiness, even (Teachings, p. 362), a land "choice
Zion." This ''Zion, in process of above all other lands" (I ~e. 2 :20;
time," after 365 years, "was taken up !!ther I :42) , a land upon which the
into heaven, .. . for God received it scattered remnant of Israel is com-
up into his own bosom; and from manded to gather. (D. & C. 133;
thence went forth the saying, ZION D_octrines of Salvation, vol. 3, pp.
IS FLED ." Between that time and 72-75.)
the flood '!many" persons "were 6. At the Second Coming, "the
caught up by the powers of heaven Lamb shall stand upon Mount Zion,
into Zion." It is this City of Zion and with h im a hundred and forty-
which is to return in the last days, four thousand, having his Father's
probably shortly alter the ushering name written on their foreheads."
in of the millennial era. (Moses'7: 18~ (D. & C. 133' 1.8; Re-v. 14'1-5.) The
69; ,D. & C. 38:4.) .M_2_~nJ, ~i_<Ln spo_ke_n of is identified
.3. At least from the days of King by latter-day revelation as the New
David, the name Zion was applied to ,Jerusalem to be built in Jackson
one of the hills upon which Jerusa- County, Missourb (D. & C. 84 :1-4.)
lem is built or ~later) to the entire 7, Paul uses the term Mount Zion

to refer to the abode of exalted beings, on May 14, 1948, the Jewish National
those who overcome all things and Council proclaimed a Jewish state in
inherit the lulness of the l'athcr's Palestine to be called Israel. Since
kingdom: To them he says: "Ye are then there has been considera hie
come unto mount Sion, and unto the tumult and difficulty in that area-
city of the living God, the heavenly all but a prelude of greater difficul-
Jerusalem, and to an innumerable ties destined to take place there.
,c ompany of angels, To the genercl All this is a harbinger of the great
assembly and church of the firstborn," gathering which will involve the ulti-
(Heb. 12:22-24.) mate conversion and sanctification of
the chosen of Judah. (D. & C.
Zionism. See GATHERING OF ISRAEL, 133:35.) The great day is ahead, a
JEWS, MILLENNIUM, SECOND COMING day in which the Jewish people will
OF CHRIST, SIGNS OF THE TIMES, ZION. be gathered because they believe in
One of the living miracles of the ages the very Messiah whom their forbears
is the preservation of the Jewish peo- rejected, a day in which they will
ple as a distinct race and the restless be gathered into the sheepfold of
anxiety in the hearts of so many of Israel, join The Church of Jesus
them to return to the land of their Christ of Latter-day Saints, and build
lathers. This modern movement to a temple in Jerusalem from which the
resettle the house of Judah in Pal- word of the Lord can go forth. The
estine is called Zionism. It · gains great and coming gathering will be
impetus from the many Old Testa- under the direction of him who holds
ment prophecies which tell of the the keys of the gathering of Israel,
latter-day return of Judah to their the President of the Church.
Governing in the affairs of men and Zoramites. See BooK OF MORMON,
controlling the destinies of nations, NEPHITES AND, LAMANITES. I. That
as he does, the Lord is using this portion of the Nephites who were
Zionism movement to prepare the lineal descendants of Zoram, the
way for the great gathering of Judah servant of Laban, were . sometimes
that is yet to be. In the midst of called Zoramites. (Jae. 1:13-14; 4 Ne.
World War I (Nov. 2, 1917), in the 37-39.)
Balfour Declaration, the British gov- 2. An apostate Nephite named
ernment went on record as favoring, Zoram (possibly a descendant of the
"the establishment in Palestine of a original Zoram) founded a sect called
national home for the Jewish people." Zoramites in the days of the Republic,
On November 29, 1947, the General about 74 B.C. (Alma 30:59; 31:1.)
Assembly of the United Nations pro- Alma and Amulek labored as mis-
posed the partition of Palestine into sionaries among the Zoramites (Alma
an Arab and a Jewish state. Then 31; 32; 33; 34; 35), Amulek delivering

to them that great sermon which next life for those who do not take
spells out the doctrine that there is their opportunity to receive the truth
no second chance for salvation in the in this life. (Alma 34:31-35.)


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