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Narrow vs general AI:

1) Artificial intelligence today is properly known as narrow AI (or weak AI), in that it is designed to perform a
narrow task (e.g. only facial recognition or only internet searches or only driving a car).
2) However, the long-term goal of many researchers is to create general AI (AGI or strong AI). While narrow AI
may outperform humans at whatever its specific task is, like playing chess or solving equations, AGI would
outperform humans at nearly every cognitive task.

António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, reached the heart of the problem when he said in
November 2018 that

“technology should empower not overpower us”.

 The late Stephen Hawking famously expressed his secret fears that AI might one day take over, saying that
thinking machines “could spell the end of the human race.” There’s irony in his concerns considering that
Hawking had to rely on AI to give him the voice that allowed him to interact with the world

AI is future, we like it or not:


Learn from past and applied to future like eliminating poverty:

 It can, with its immense power and ability to learn, put an end to global poverty, find a cure for cancer and ensure
food security.
 The UAE, the only country in the world with an AI ministry, headed up a minister who is not yet 30 years old, has for
the past decade positioned itself as a global leader in embracing new technologies to improve the quality of life for
its population

Increase the global economy:

A study by Accenture (2017) reveals that by 2035 economic growth will double, due to artificial intelligence boosting
the productivity of labor by 40%.

Decision making time will be reduced:

 According to Deloitte (2019), artificial intelligence dramatically reduces decision time from 96 hours to 0
hours. Because of this, consumer satisfaction will increase, while employees can be turned to other, more
valuable tasks.

Benefits for the industries as increase in the production, lower labour and increased in accuracy

Customer service will be more efficient:


 The race to automate is forging ahead while people still ponder these questions, which will likely strike a
technological cold war between these two superpowers with the Middle East already deemed a ripe market for
investment for both countries.

1) Monopoly:

 Two countries are leading the AI development(total 9 companies)

o The US six are Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google, IBM, and Microsoft, all publicly-traded companies with a
“fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders”. It is primarily capitalism and the need to make a profit that is
driving their investment in AI according to Webb and not the need to rid the world of its problems.
o The Chinese three are Alibaba, Baidu and Tencent, although publicly-listed, they are headquartered in
China and are also viewed with a suspicious eye by policymakers in the US, who have already banned
telecoms infrastructure developer Huawei from operating in the country due to concerns over intellectual
property and sharing of data with the Chinese government.
 Each country has built algorithem that are according to his own culture and discriminate accordingly to a specific
group of people e.g America wants AI to have spy on Chines. So what does that system do when some other
countries would use such a system?it would still do the job of its developer
 Anja Kaspersen, former Head of Geopolitics and International Security at the World Economic Forum On the topic of AI, she
talks about AI potentially becoming weaponizable. In fact, the US and Chinese militaries are already investing in AI and
robotics, and it’s unlikely that they will reveal to the public how their AI weapons work. Russia, however, has already
unveiled their “Iron Man” military robot that aims to minimise risk to soldiers.

2) Job Loss

 According to an Oxford University study, technology will replace humans from doing all human jobs in just over a
century. Closer to our lifetime,
 the McKinsey Global Institute report on automation predicts that two-thirds of the world’s jobs, about 800 million,
will be lost to automation by 2030.
 While many argue that technology will create new jobs, it is unlikely to create enough for the ones it displaces.
According to the World Economic Forum, AI and machine learning will create 58 million jobs by 2022 and if it
continues at that pace until 2030, it will have created 464 million jobs.
 “Two thirds of the youth are likely to be unemployed and AI tends to take away first entrant jobs, the
easy jobs, so that is a challenge.”
 One website – – predicts the likelihood of losing your job to a robot. Taxi drivers are
at 89 per cent risk of being replaced by robots or AI and suggests an 88 per cent chance of automation within the
next two decades.
Compare that with a chief executive, which is just 1.5 per cent at risk.
 According to a new report from the World Economic Forum (WEF), artificial intelligence will create 133
million new jobs and cause 75 million jobs to be displaced in 2022.

3) Will widen the gap between wealthy and poor as poor will loss all the jobs and investors of AI will gain

Although AI will create jobs like date monitoring and managing data but all these are not jobs for poor labour but educated
ones and that will although uplift the middleclass but it will impact the poor class and lower middle class or the life of poor
will remain the same

4) Increase in terrorism as due job lessness specially in middle east due to higher young population

5) although it will make life easy but it will also cause an increase in the cybercrimes as the previous human generated viruses will
now be artificially intelligent and as a result and could bypass the detection and achieve there goal and could threat the personal
data theft that is a risk

6) Moreover, AI may be used for political and surveillance reasons leading to social manipulation.

“Such activities may undermine democratic rules and make social behaviours more radical, divide societies or even provoke
protests. For instance, deepfake technique enables spreading disinformation by forging audio and video files, leading to a situation
where people wouldn’t know which information they could trust, or would even believe untrue information,” says Albrycht.

7) privacy issue and sensitive info of browsing history ,prediction of human visits,activities in future though trace of data left
behind can be gained by hackers like the intelligence agencies

Whatever we do, wherever we are or live, we always leave a trace, and we must remember that AI-based
systems collect data, which can be analysed not only by intelligence agencies but also hackers, thus leading to
restriction of liberties and privacy around the world,

Regulations to monitor and control AI:

In the US, The White House Office of Science and Technology released the report Preparing for the Future of Artificial
Intelligence (2016) on AI regulation and the issues of fairness and transparency, bringing up following concerns:

o the need to prevent automated systems from making decisions that discriminate against certain groups or
o the need for transparency in AI systems, in the form of an explanation for any decision.
o the need for the workforce to become familiar with the ins and outs of the technology.

For instance, the German government has adopted provisions according to which if an accident involving an
autonomous car is unavoidable, then the vehicle must always choose material damage and save human beings.
A human-centric approach of AI is a must, wherever it is used. 

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