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Date: 11/15/2020

Type of activity: Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) Nurse Touch Leader Case 2

Score: 100% Correct

The scenario in ATI Nurse Touch Leader presented a patient who fell and a nurse who

failed to document her post-fall assessment, the actions taken, and the patient’s and provider’s

response. I know in nursing it is quite important to display self-awareness, especially to manage

situations that involve incidents such as a patient’s fall. Also, I understand it is unethical to

receive gifts from patients or their family members. In a circumstance like this, the most

appropriate response by the nurse is to decline the gift. Besides, I understand the importance

of completing an incident report adequately, the role of the risk management in reviewing it to

identify any system flaws that need to be addressed, and the characteristics of a sentinel event.

By answering these questions correctly, I demonstrated evidence-based practice knowledge

about patient safety and management of escalating events. Another situation in this ATI

scenario involved delegation. I recognized the importance of collecting information about the

assignment before accepting or rejecting it and the progressive discipline process to improve

staff member’s performance and prevent future problems. I demonstrated good clinical

reasoning and decision making when performing a home-hazard appraisal to determine

potential sources of injury at the patient’s home.

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