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Hormones play a crucial part in developing human sexuality. Right before we
even born, hormones assist the process of our development. Hormones created the
biological make-up of the body by simply emphasizing the unique physiques and
chemicals, while these contributes to how we feel, think, and act. For me, human
sexuality shapes the sexuality not just biologically speaking but how the environment
acts their sexual and gender roles and norms. It is shaped by how these body
hormones influenced us and people around us. As hormonal theory of sexuality states,
hormones play a vital role in sexual differentiation, such exposure to hormones
especially the sexual hormones greatly impacts the sexual orientation that may be seen
later in maturation. These hormones can affect the mind and behavior by giving the
body such impulses and electric signals. Through those mechanisms, the way of human
even their sexuality can be afflicted, thus human relations and their thinking are also
In genetics, hormones greatly contribute to the development of chromosomes.
These chromosomes differentiate babies whether they are boys or girls depending how
their body created genitals. In society, norms were also labeled even they do not have
genitals. They are labeled because of human judgment and way of thinking which is I
think, a gender suppression. This will not define gender and sexuality. But sad reality, it
is still observed. This gender norms only confuses young ones how to act not to be fully
accepted but how to act based on what is accepted. Sexuality is an expression of
people how they truly are even it is away from being male and female. Sexuality and
gender orientations are also because of hormones. It is inside our system embedded in
every strand of DNA. It is something that we cannot control.

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