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Lazo, Myles N. AC-2A RelEd101 Mr.

Christian Feliciano August 25, 2020

1. What can you say about the life of St. Dominic de Guzman?
I myself was inspired by studying St. Dominic de Guzman’s life and the work of the Order
of Preachers. As a result, through more intensive spiritual reading I wanted to pursue my
spirituality further. I think a good place to start is to learn one's vocation. Reading about the
Dominicans' history and their continued success reminds me of the essential position religious
education can take in the spiritual life of even the layman. While we cannot all gain degrees in
theology, feeding the academic curiosity about our faith will bring us deeper into our
relationship with God and a greater understanding of his reality.
There are lessons in his inspirational experiences and challenges that gave me insight and
a much wider outlook on how to be a good servant not only to people but also to God. Love is
one of those lessons. Dominic says everybody needs to show love and compassion towards
others. St. Dominic teaches you should love others, as well as yourself. He showed his love
not only to his family and friends, but particularly to the strangers who can't afford to buy
food. Also, the idea of his selflessness to everybody. He no longer thinks about himself, and
supports all the people who need to be fed and teach in order to give them enlightenment. He
never failed to show his caring side to all those who need support. He is always eager to help
others, and to feed starving mouths. He also sold one of his excellent books to support those
seeking his support. He shows that a man has to show kindness to others just like God is
compassionate towards us.
There is also the humility of St. Dominic. He is so humble because even if he made a very
small or simple mistake, he asks the person to whom he made the mistake to forgive him.
Even though he becomes a priest, he still kept his feet on the ground, showing that he is not
different to anyone and everyone, and always a humble servant of the church and to the good
Lord above. I loved his hope for peace for it portrays that he believes that the war will end
eventually, and that all people will be secured. He hopes God will comfort all those who
struggle and are deeply impacted by the war. He hopes no people will be hungry and thirsty,
no people will struggle and everyone will enter God's Kingdom. He uses his Bible not just for
himself but also to teach the words of God to other people and the good news that will make
all people get better. He's not just a regular priest; he's also a preacher who helps people
strengthen their souls and have a closer relationship with God. I’ve also witnessed there his
passion for learning and using the Bible in his daily struggle in life. He also uses the Bible for
his questions to be answered and uses it as a tool for preaching the Church's teachings to
others. He is always thinking that everything is going to go well. He travels in positive
attitude with his companions hoping that all will be okay as long as they have the Bible and
God will not let anyone hurt them.
Knowing more about religion, or the lives of the saints people usually wish to imitate, will
also make us better prepared to evangelize when the time comes. While I may not be able to
know about the Theology or the Catechism, this course is a way for me to deepen my
knowledge of the faith and to be able to share it with others.
2. How could you apply the 4 Pillar of Dominican life as a Letranite?
Being both a Letranite and a God-oriented person, I will apply the 4 pillars of
Dominican life—Study, prayer, common life and preaching through the following;
I have understood that in order to be able to share the words or goodness of God
effectively I have to be intimately familiar with the Sacred Scriptures; I love doing that,
for to study is to find God. I will keep on listening deeply to our ministers’ preaches and
will explore more on God’s words as a religious duty along with meditation, fasting, and
other disciplines. Although other orders focused on manual work, I will divert my
attention to the study of the Old and New Testament Sacred Scriptures that is because I
know that many of the great scholars in the previous generations did that to live their life
effectively to the fullest.
I know that all good gifts is coming from God and that without His presence we cannot
do or make anything possible. I will keep on recognizing the best way to be in a
relationship with God, through a prayerful living of life while facing the challenges as a
student and as a daughter to my parents with Christ through Our Savior and He- the Holy
Spirit’s encouragement. It is God who’s providing all our needs, our life, the food we are
eating and so much more. From my devotional prayer I am able to deepen and revitalize
my relationship with God. I consider prayer as the center of the religious life I am living.
Though we may seldom be able to meet together, separated by such distance as we are,
I am keeping a strong hold on the fact that we are sharing in our brothers and sisters in
faith a common life. I am applying to life the thought that the Dominican family holds us
continually protected in prayer. This is all because are not created by God to walk alone,
we don't live to pray alone, we can't completely grasp God's mystery in isolation. My life
was not about uniformity but rather a celebration of the richness of unity. I will always
consider the common good and the fact that we need each other.
With the Pillar of preaching, I usually assume personal leadership here and behave
with compassion and integrity, I am living to create a lifetime commitment to serve God
and other people without expecting something in return. I continuously pay sufficient
attention to the teachings of the Bible and practicing those in my thoughts, words and
actions. I have the willingness to respond to the call to study and talk about matters on
love, peace, hope, faith, justice and lots of different matters that relates to God. I am ready
to share God’s goodness to a world which is almost dying. Not only by the successful and
strong sharing of the Word of God inspired by the Holy Spirit are we called to this mission
but also by doing acts of kindness and compassion, reaching out to the needy, elderly,
orphans, widows and those most in need of the grace of God. I am geared up to stand up
for the children's life still in the womb of their mother, for they are cherished by Our Lord
and have no voice of their own to protect themselves with.
I, you, and we are therefore expected to teach and share the grace, wisdom and truths
that God has revealed to us, with others. May the Lord God bless us always, arriba!!

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