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Max Weber is one of the philosophers best able to explain to us the peculiar
economic system we live within called Capitalism.
Weber grew up to see his country convulse by the dramatic changes of the
Industrial Revolution. Cites were exploding in size, vase companies were forming
and new managerial elite were replacing the old aristocracy.
Weber spent his life analyzing these changes and he developed some key ideas in
which he can better understand the working and future of capitalism.
The standard view was that capitalism begun as a result of developments in
technology, especially, steam power. But Weber proposed something more
interesting that what actually made capitalism possible was a set of ideas. Not
just any religious idea, capitalism was created by- Protestantism, specifically
In his great work Protestant Ethic and the spirit of capitalism (1905), Weber laid
out some of the ideas why he believed protestant Christianity had been so critical
to capitalism.
- Protestantism makes you feel guilty

In weber’s analysis Catholics have it relatively easy. They are able to confess their
transgressions at regular intervals and cleanse by priest but no such purification
are available to Protestants who believe that only God can be able to forgive
them. He wouldn’t make his intentions known until the Day of Judgment.
Until then Weber alleged Protestants are left with feelings of anxiety, as well as,
life long guilty desires to prove their virtue to a severe, all seeing, but silent God.
- God likes hard work

In Weber’s eyes Protestant feeling of guilt were diverted into an obsession of

hard work. This is what he called- THE PROTESTANT WORK ETHIC.

The sins could only be erased by constant work. There were far fewer festivals
and days of rest in Protestantism- God did not like time off.

- All work is holy

Catholics had limited their conception of holy work to the activities of

priest, monks and nuns but now the Protestants declared that the work of
any kind could be done in the name of God. Even jobs like garbage
collectors and book keeping.

- It’s the community, not the family that counts.

In the catholic countries, the family was and often still is, - everything but
protestants took a less but relevant view of the family.
Calvinist, believed in pre destination, a precise number of souls would go to
heaven. The lucky ones have had places reserved by God. However, most
Calvinist were terrified that there would be no seats awaiting them in
paradise. They were always on the look out for signs that they were saved.
One clear indication that they were on the guest list was that they were
actually contributing to their community through their work.

In his book, Protestant ethic and spirit of capitalism, Weber states Calvinist
needs to reassure themselves through their industry was an important fact
to the growth of capitalism in Northern Europe. They built up businesses
that generate wealth but at the same time live thrifty lives. They reinvested
any surplus and so helped fuel capitalism. Eventually, capitalism would
have a life and momentum of its own but according to Weber at least its
initial impetus came from a theological source.

Weber argued that the Spirit of capitalism lay behind the unplanned growth
of capitalism in the 19th Century. He defines the spirit as the believe as
pursuing ever increasing profit from economic activity.

Importantly, Weber believed that this spirit does not tolerate greed, but
rather encourages hard work to make and invest profits. Capitalist should
refrain from living luxuriously but should always prioritize work.
Weber believed that this spirit develops directly from ascetic
Protestantism. Ascetic believes required that people renounce physical
pleasure and comfort in pursuit of greater spiritual fulfillment. In
particular, Weber considered ascetic Protestantism idea as a “ calling” This
is a notion that humans have one task set by God and one proves one’s
faith to God by working at it.
In addition Weber pays particular attention to capitalism relationship to
Calvinism- a branch of Protestantism.
Calvinist held that whether someone would go to heaven or hell was pre
distant by earning greater wealth. Followers could convince themselves
that they were distant for salvation.
The protestant ethic, also called, the work ethic is a code of morals based
on the principles of thrift, discipline, hard work and individualism. These
qualities were seen to have been especially encouraged by the protestant
religion especially those dominations based on the tenets of Calvinism.

The major formulators, were German political philosopher and sociologist,

Max Weber and English historian Richard. H. Tawney.
Weber was impressed by the seeming fact that modern capitalism had
developed mainly in those areas of Europe where Calvinist Protestantism
had taken root early in the protestant reformation.

So prosperity wasn’t to be taught of as something mysteriously ordained by

God. It could only be the result of thinking methodically and sensibly over
many years.

People didn’t tolerate capitalism because of religion. They only become

capitalist as a result of their religion.

Certain countries for Weber fail to succeed at capitalism because they

didn’t feel anxious and guilty enough. They trusted too much in miracles
and like to celebrate now rather that invest in tomorrow. Their members
feel it is acceptable to steal from the community in order to enrich their
families. Favoring the clan over the nation.

Weber tells us how power works now and reminds us that ideas maybe far
more important than tools or money in changing nations

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