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In the nearly four years since I left Brazil, I have corresponded with many of the friends

that I made there. One of my most frequent correspondents is a woman named Cleide. Thanks
to the wonders of modern technology, we have been able to communicate using written and
voice messages. While the communication has not been constant, it has been consistent. It has
been essential in helping me learn the texting shortcuts and slang for Brazilian Portuguese
messaging. She is a person that I can always ask for clarification or a definition when one of my
other friends uses a term that I am unfamiliar with.
We have had many conversations on varying topics. The most important and popular
topic is relationships. I know many of the people in her life, her mother, children, past and
present boyfriends, and many of her friends. One of our exchanges revolved around her son’s
short stay in the hospital. Through a mixture of voice and written messages we were able to
coordinate a time for us to do a video call. Unfortunately, the call dropped, but we were able to
use messaging to communicate. This is an excerpt from our coordination efforts.

Cleide: Mas agora vou receber minha mãe aqui

Qnd ela sair
Eu lhe chamo
Pode ser?
Me: Sim! Que bom que sua mãe vai estar lá!

The common struggles of life are also a common topic of discussion. In one conversation
she told me that she had lost her job.

Me: E você? Quais as novidades?

Cleide: Não tenho novidades
Estou desempregada
Estou esperando abrir concurso
Me: Aí vai dar certo
Cleide: Vai sim
Estou confiante

And a few months later she told me she was working again.

Me: Cleide! Estou com saudades de você! Desculpa que estava de férias e fiz uma viagem com
minha família, mas agora voltei. Quais as novidades? Tem tempo para falar amanhã? Se não
tiver tudo bem, mas quero falar com você!
Cleide: Saudades tb
Tenho tempo sim
Estou trabalhando apenas a tarde
Me: Perfeito! Podemos falar de manhã! Pode ser 11:00?

Although these small excerpts do not fully illustrate our in-person relationship, they
none the less provide a means to stay up to date with major events in each other’s lives. I was
grateful for this relationship when I returned to Brazil for and internship and was able to visit
some of my friends.

Me: Acho que vou voltar em Junho. Se tudo der certo vou fazer estágio em São Paulo então
aproveitaria e visitaria a missão também! Espero que der certo!!!!
Cleide: Que notícia maravilhosa
Torcendo p dá certo

A few days later I was able to tell her that it had all worked out and that I would be able to visit.
It was an amazing visit. I was so excited to spend time with someone that had been so far away.
These messages made that meeting all the sweeter because I knew we still had a relationship
and that she would be as excited to see me as I was to see her.
While these messages have often brought me happiness and a much-needed laugh they
have also brought news of tragedy. In June of this year Cleide told me that one of our dear
friends had passed away of COVID-19.

Cleide: Amore
Aurilane morreu de covid
Estamos sem acreditar
Me: Muito obrigada por mim contar. Ainda não parei de chorar. É inacreditável mesmo.

In such difficult moments, the connection provided by a few simple correspondences can lessen
the pain as we find community, even thousands of miles away. My personal use of Portuguese
in these messages, and many others like them, have provided a link between dear friends of
another culture and place. We have been able to laugh and cry together as we use this
wonderful gift of technology and the Portuguese language.

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