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Al- Mustansiriyah University

College of Engineering
Environmental Engineering Department
Third Stage - First semester


Assist. Prof. Dr. Haider Ali. Mehdi

Topics: Introduction, irrigation define, purposes of irrigation, Necessity of
irrigation ,sources of irrigation water, ground water soil – water – plant Relations,
physical properties of soil that effect on irrigation, soil moisture content, classes
and availability of soil water, field capacity and wilting point, infiltration,
infiltration equations, water requirements, gross area and net area, relation between
time and discharge and depth, irrigation efficiencies, consumptive use, irrigation
frequency (continuous and intermitted discharge), water duty , Land grading.


1. Haven V.E, Israelen O.W., Stringham G.E., Irrigation principles and practices ;
1979, John & sons, New yourk.
2. Pencol Engineering consultants Design Manual for Irrigation and drainage ;
1983, Ministry of irrigation Iraq.
3. Michael A.M, Irrigation theory and practice, vikas publishing House PVT LTD,
4. A. M. Michael ,Irrigation Theory and Practice – 2nd ed.-2008.
5. G.L. Asawa , Irrigation and Water Resources Engineering,2005

Table of Contents
1- Chapter one: Introduction
2- Chapter Two: Soil-Water-Plant Relations
3- Chapter Three: Infiltration of water into Soil
4- Chapter Four: Consumptive Use and Water Requirements
5- Chapter five: Land Grading

Chapter one

What is the irrigation?‫ما هو الري‬

Irrigation generally is defined as the application of water to soil for the purpose of
supplying the moisture essential for plant growth.

. ‫هو تزويد التربة بالماء لغرض توفير الرطوبة االساسية لنمو النبات‬

Purposes of Irrigation

1. To add water to soil to supply the moisture essential for plant growth.
2. To provide crop insurance against short duration of droughts.
3. To cool the soil and atmosphere, thereby making more favorable environment
for plant growth.
4. To wash out or dilute salts in the soil.
5. To reduce the hazard of soil piping.
6. To soften tillage pans and clods.
7. To reduce the hazard of frost.
Necessity of irrigation
1- Less rainfall.
2- Non uniform rainfall.
3- Commercial crops with additional water.
4- Controlled water supply.

Irrigation water resources

A. Precipitation Atmospheric water other than precipitation

B. Surface water (flood water).

C. (Subsurface )Ground water.
D. Softening of sea water (high cost).
E. Waste water (should be treated).

Precipitation and atmospheric water other than precipitation

To be of greatest benefit, precipitation should have the following characteristics:

1. Amounts should be sufficient to replace moisture depleted from the root Zone.
2. Frequency should be often enough to replenish the soil moisture before plants
suffer from lack of moisture.
3. Intensity should be low enough so that water can be absorbed by the soil.

The atmospheric conditions which generally prevail to make this source of water
significant are:

1. Considerable dew formation.

2. Fog and clouds.
3. High humidity.

Surface water (Flood water)

Surface water is water on the surface of the planet such as in a river, lake, wetland,
or ocean. It can be contrasted with groundwater and atmospheric water.

‫ وهي‬،‫ هي المياه المجمعة على األرض أو في تيار أو نهر أو بحيرة أو أرض رطبة أو محيط‬: ‫المياه السطحية‬
‫ تتجدد المياه السطحية طبيعيا‬. ‫قد تتحول إلى مياه جوفية أو بخار الماء في الغالف الجوي ضمن الدورة المائية‬
‫بواسطة األمطار والينابيع ويتحول إلى أشكال أخرى بشكل طبيعي من خالل التبخر والتسرب تحت السطح‬
. ‫في باطن األرض‬
Ground water

Ground water is water beneath the soil surface when voids in the soil are
substantially filled with water.

Upward movement of ground water by capillarity from the water table into the root
zone can be a major source of water for plant growth.

Note 1) If ground water is within the normal root zone is definitely restricts plant
growth. 2)
produce most crops becomes almost nil. 3) However a water table within the lower
portion of The root zone supply a considerable amount of water and thereby reduce
the cost of irrigation more than it offsets the loss of production. The optimum
depth of the water table is that depth which gives the maxim economic return.

‫ فأنه يعيق نمو النبات‬R.Z ‫ ضمن منطقة‬GW ‫اذا كان‬

)‫ قرب السطح ( سطح األرض ) فأن قابلية التربة على انتاج المحاصيل تصبح صفر(معدومة‬GW ‫اذا كان‬

.‫ ( في الجزء األسفل منها ) فأنه المفضل‬R.Z ‫ قريب جداً من‬GW ‫اذا كان‬

The optimum depth of the water table is that depth within the lower portion of the
root zone.

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