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Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II

Personality Disorders (SCID-II): IFB
Measurement Label: SCID-II
Measurement ID:

Valid Case Summary

Intake CE 130


avo1 Avoids tasks that involve dealing with 1=Absent or False

people (SCIDII, participant, CE) 2=Subthreshold
3=Threshold or True
avo2 Avoids getting involved with people
unless certain they will like her
(SCIDII, participant, CE)

avo3 Finds it hard to be open w/people

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

avo4 Worries about being criticized/rejected

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

avo5 Quiet when meeting new people

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

avo6 Does not believe she is good, smart,

attractive as others (SCIDII,
participant, CE)

avo7 Afraid to try new things (SCIDII,

participant, CE)

depend8 Needs lots of advice or reassurance

from others (SCIDII, participant, CE)

depend9 Depends on others to handle

important life areas (SCIDII,
participant, CE)

depend10 Finds it hard to disagree with others

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

depend11 Find to hard to work on tasks when no 1=Absent or False

one helps (SCIDII, participant, CE) 2=Subthreshold
3=Threshold or True
depend12 Volunteers to do things that are
unpleasant (SCIDII, participant, CE)

depend13 Feels uncomfortable by herself

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

depend14 Relationship ends, feels the need to

find someone else (SCIDII, participant,

depend15 Worries a lot about being left alone

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

oc16 Focuses on details, order, organization

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

oc17 Has trouble finishing jobs because

spends a lot of time on them (SCIDII,
participant, CE)

oc18 Completely devoted to work/school

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

oc19 Has very high standards about what is

right and wrong (SCIDII, participant,

oc20 Has trouble throwing things away

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

oc21 Hard to let other people help (SCIDII,

participant, CE)

oc22 Hard to spend money on herself

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

oc23 Sure she is right even when others

think she is wrong (SCIDII, participant,

pass25 Says yes to doing work but then works

slowly (SCIDII, participant, CE)

pass27 Feels that people do not appreciate

her enough (SCIDII, participant, CE)

pass28 Often grumpy and gets into arguments

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

pass29 Finds that others do not know what 1=Absent or False

they are doing (SCIDII, participant, 2=Subthreshold
CE) 3=Threshold or True

pass30 Thinks it is not fair others have more

than she does (SCIDII, participant,

pass31 Often complains that more than her

share of bad things have happened to
her (SCIDII, participant, CE)

pass32 Angrily refuses to do what others want

then feels bad later (SCIDII, participant,

sd38 Friend or lover taken advantage of you

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

sd40 Refuse help from others because you

don't want to bother them (SCIDII,
participant, CE)

sd42 When successful, feel depressed,

don't deserve it, spoil it (SCIDII,
participant, CE)

sd43 Often say or do things that make

others upset (SCIDII, participant, CE)

sd44 Turn down chance to do things you

really enjoy (SCIDII, participant, CE)

sd46 Not accomplished many personal

goals (SCIDII, participant, CE)

sd47 Not interested in, or even bored with,

people who are nice to you (SCIDII,
participant, CE)

sd48 Almost always do what is good for

other people rather than you (SCIDII,
participant, CE)

dep33 Usually feels unhappy or that life is no

fun (SCIDII, participant, CE)

dep34 Basically an inadequate person and

does not feel good about herself
(SCIDII, participant, CE)

dep35 Often puts herself down (SCIDII, 1=Absent or False

participant, CE) 2=Subthreshold
3=Threshold or True
dep36 Keeps thinking about how bad things
have happened in the past (SCIDII,
participant, CE)

dep37 Judges others harshly and easily finds

fault with them (SCIDII, participant,

dep39 Almost always expects things to turn

out badly (SCIDII, participant, CE)

dep40 Feels guilty about things she has/has

not done (SCIDII, participant, CE)

par41 Often keeps an eye out to stop people

from using/hurting her (SCIDII,
participant, CE)

par42 Wonders if she can trust others a lot

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

par43 Does not let others know a lot about

her (SCIDII, participant, CE)

par44 Often detects hidden threats or insults

in things people do/say (SCIDII,
participant, CE)

par45 Holds grudges or takes a long time to

forgive people (SCIDII, participant,

par47 Gets angry when someone criticizes

her (SCIDII, participant, CE)

par48 Suspects partner has been unfaithful

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

schzty49 Thinks others in public are talking

about her (SCIDII, participant, CE)

schzty52 Feels that she can make things

happen just by wishing for them
(SCIDII, participant, CE)

schzty55 Objects/shadows are people/animals 1=Absent or False

or noises are voices (SCIDII, 2=Subthreshold

participant, CE) 3=Threshold or True

schzty4 observed: odd thinking and speech

schzty5 observed: suspiciousness or paranoid


schzty6 observed: inappropriate or constricted


schzty7 observed: behavior is eccentric or


schzty58 Close to few people outside her family

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

schzty59 Feels nervous when around other

people (SCIDII, participant, CE)

schz60 It is NOT important to her to have

close relationships (SCIDII, participant,

schz61 Almost always rather do things alone

than with others (SCIDII, participant,

schz62 Could be content without ever sexually

being involved with anyone (SCIDII,
participant, CE)

schz63 Very few things give her pleasure

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

schz63a Lacks close friends and confidants


schz64 It does NOT matter to her what people

think of her (SCIDII, participant, CE)

schz65 Nothing makes her very happy or very

sad (SCIDII, participant, CE)

hist66 Likes to be the center of attention

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

hist67 Flirts a lot (SCIDII, participant, CE)

hist68 Finds herself coming on to people 1=Absent or False

often (SCIDII, participant, CE) 2=Subthreshold

hist69 Draws attention to herself by the way 3=Threshold or True

she dresses (SCIDII, participant, CE)

hist69a observed: speech excessively


hist70 Makes it a point of being dramatic and

colorful (SCIDII, participant, CE)

hist71 Often changes her mind (SCIDII,

participant, CE)

hist72 Has lots of friends that she is very

close to (SCIDII, participant, CE)

nar73 People often fail to appreciate her

special talents/accomplishments
(SCIDII, participant, CE)

nar75 Thinks a lot about power, fame,

recognition (SCIDII, participant, CE)

nar77 Always insists on seeing top person

when she has a problem (SCIDII,
participant, CE)

nar79 Important that people pay attention to

her/admire her (SCIDII, participant,

nar80 Does not think it is necessary to follow

certain rules (SCIDII, participant, CE)

nar82 Finds it is necessary to step on a few

toes to get what she wants (SCIDII,
participant, CE)

nar85 NOT interested in others problems or

feelings (SCIDII, participant, CE)

nar87 Envious of others (SCIDII, participant,


nar89 Very few people are worth her

time/attention (SCIDII, participant, CE)

bpd1 Becomes frantic when she thinks 1=Absent or False

someone will leave her (SCIDII, 2=Subthreshold
participant, CE) 3=Threshold or True

bpd2 Relationships have lots of ups and


downs (SCIDII, participant, CE)

bpd3 Suddenly changed her sense of who

she is and where she is headed
(SCIDII, participant, CE)

bpd4 Does things impulsively (SCIDII,

participant, CE)

bpd5 Tried to hurt or kills herself or

threatens to do so (SCIDII, participant,

bpd6 Has a lot of sudden mood changes

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

bpd7 Feels empty inside (SCIDII,

participant, CE)

bpd8 Has a temper outburst or gets angry

and loses control (SCIDII, participant,

bpd9 Gets suspicious of others when under

stress (SCIDII, participant, CE)

anticritB Individual is at least age 18

cond105 Bully/threaten kids before age 15

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

cond106 Starts fights before age 15 (SCIDII,

participant, CE)

cond107 Threaten someone w/weapon before

age 15 (SCIDII, participant, CE)

cond108 Torture someone before age 15

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

cond109 Torture/hurt animals on purpose

before age 15 (SCIDII, participant, CE)

cond110 Rob/mug/take something before age

15 (SCIDII, participant, CE)

cond111 Force someone to have sex before 1=Absent or False

age 15 (SCIDII, participant, CE) 2=Subthreshold
3=Threshold or True
cond112 Sets fires before age 15 (SCIDII,
participant, CE)

cond113 Destroys things that are not hers

before age 15 (SCIDII, participant, CE)

cond114 Breaks into houses before age 15

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

cond115 Lie a lot before age 15 (SCIDII,

participant, CE)

cond116 Steal things/shoplift before age 15

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

cond117 Run away from home and stay

overnight before age 15 (SCIDII,
participant, CE)

cond118 Stay out very late before age 13

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

cond119 Skip school often before age 13

(SCIDII, participant, CE)

anti1 Since age 15, done things against the

law (SCIDII, participant, CE)

anti2 Since age 15, have to lie to get what

you want (SCIDII, participant, CE)

anti3 Since age 15, do things on the spur of

the moment without thinking (SCIDII,
participant, CE)

anti4 Since age 15, have you been in any

fights/thrown things at partner/hit a
child/physically threatened someone
(SCIDII, participant, CE)

anti5 Since age 15, have you ever driven a

car when drunk or high/accidents or
speeding tickets/always use protection
during sex (SCIDII, participant, CE)

anti6 Last 5 years, how much time not

working/ever walk off a job/owed
money and not paid back (SCIDII,
participant, CE)

[If evidence of antisocial acts] how do 1=Absent or False

anti7 you feel about [specify acts]? (SCIDII, 2=Subthreshold
participant, CE) 3=Threshold or True

AVOscore2 Scoring: Meets criteria for Avoidant PD 1=No

DEPENDscore2 Scoring: Meets criteria for Dependent

OCscore2 Scoring: Meets criteria for Obsessive

Compulsive PD

PASSscore2 Scoring: Meets criteria for Passive

Aggressive PD

SDscore2 Scoring: Meets criteria for Self

Defeating PD

DEPscore2 Scoring: Meets criteria for Depressive


PARscore2 Scoring: Meets criteria for Paranoid


SCHZTYscore2 Scoring: Meets criteria for Schizotypal


SCHZscore2 Scoring: Meets criteria for Schizoid PD

HISTscore2 Scoring: Meets criteria for Histrionic


NARscore2 Scoring: Meets criteria for Narcissistic


BPDscore2 Scoring: Meets criteria for Borderline


CONDscore2 Scoring: Meets criteria for Conduct

Disorder PD

ANTIscore2 Scoring: Meets criteria for Antisocial


ClusterA1_2 Scoring: Cluster A (Paranoid,

Schizoid, Schizotypal)

ClusterB1_2 Scoring: Cluster B (Antisocial, 1=No

Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic) 3=Yes

ClusterC1_2 Scoring: Cluster C (Avoidant,

Dependent, Obsessive-Compulsive)

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