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Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV-TR Axis

II Personality Disorders (Significant Other)

Measurement Label: SCID-II-SO

Measurement ID: 25
Filename: IFB_SCIDII_SO_Final.sav

Valid Case Summary

Intake Significant Other OA 208


17150 Has she avoided jobs or tasks that involved 0 = No

having to deal with a lot of people? 1 = Yes

17151 Does she avoid getting involved with people

unless she is certain they will like her?

17152 Does she find it hard to be “open” even with

people she is close to?

17153 Doe she often worry about being criticized or

rejected in social situations?

17154 Is she usually quiet when she meets new


17155 Does she believe that she isn’t as good, as

smart, or as attractive as most other people

17156 Is she afraid to try new things?

17157 Does she need a lot of advice or reassurance

from others before she can make everyday
decisions-like what to wear or what to order in a

17158 Does she depend on other people to handle

important areas in her life such as finances, child
care, or living arrangements?

17159 Does she find it hard to disagree with people

even she thinks they are wrong?

17160 Does she find it hard to start or work on tasks


when there is no one to help her?

17161 Has she volunteered to do things that are


17162 Does she usually feel uncomfortable when she is

by herself?

17163 When a close relationship ends, does she feel

she immediately has to find someone to take
care of her?

17164 Does she worry a lot about being left alone to

take care of herself?

17165 Is she the kind of person who focuses on details,

order, and organization or likes to make lists and

17166 Does she have trouble finishing jobs because

she spends so much time trying to get things

17167 Does she or do other people feel that she is so

devoted to work (or school) that she has no time
left for anyone else or for just having fun?

17168 Does she have very high standards about what

is right and what is wrong?

17169 Does she have trouble throwing things out

because they might come in handy some day?

17170 Is it hard for her to let other people help her

unless they agree to do things exactly the way
she wants?

17171 Is it hard for her to spend money on herself and

other people even when she has enough?

17172 Is she often so sure she is right that it doesn’t

matter what other people say?

17173 Have other people told her that she is stubborn?

17174 When someone asks her to do something that

she doesn’t want to do, does she say “yes” but
then work slowly or do a bad job?

17175 If she doesn’t want to do something, does she

often just “forget” to do it?

17176 Does she often feel that other people don’t


understand her, or don’t appreciate how much

she does?

17177 Is she often grumpy and likely to get into an


17178 Has she found that most of her bosses,

teachers, supervisors, doctors, and others who
are supposed to know what they are doing really

17179 Does she often think that it’s not fair that other
people have more than she does?

17180 Does she often complain that more than her

share of bad things have happened to her?

17181 Does she often angrily refuse to do what others

want and then later feel bad and apologize?

17182 Does she usually feel unhappy or that life is no


17183 Does she believe that she is basically an

inadequate person and often doesn’t feel good
about herself?

17184 Does she often put herself down?

17185 Does she keep thinking about bad things that

have happened in the past or worry about bad
things that might happen in the future?

17186 Does she often judge others harshly and easily

find fault with them?

17187 Does she think that most people are basically


17188 Does she almost always expect things to turn

out badly?

17189 Does she often feel guilty about things she has
or hasn’t done?

17190 Does she often have to keep an eye out to stop

people from using her or hurting her?

17191 Does she spend a lot of time wondering if she

can trust her friends or the people she works

17192 Does she find it is best not to let other people

know much about her because they will use it

against her?

17193 Does she often detect hidden threats or insults in

things people say or do?

17194 Is she the kind of person who holds grudges or

takes a long time to forgive people who have
insulted or slighted her?

17195 Are there many people she can’t forgive

because they did or said something to her a long
time ago?

17196 Does she often get angry or lash out when

someone criticizes or insults her in some way?

17196 Does she often get angry or lash out when

someone criticizes or insults her in some way?

17197 Has she often suspected that her spouse or

partner has been unfaithful?

17198 When she is out in public and sees people

talking, does she often feel that they are talking
about her?

17199 Does she often get the feeling that things that
have no special meaning to most people are
really meant to give her a message?

17200 When she is around people, does she often get

the feeling that she is being watched or stared at

17201 Has she ever felt that she could make things
happen just by making a wish or thinking about

17202 Has she had personal experiences with the


17203 Does she believe that she has a “sixth sense”

that allows her to know and predict things that
others can’t?

17204 Does it often seem to her that objects or

shadows are really people or animals or that
noises are actually or that noises are actually
people’s voices?

17205 Has she ever had the sense that some person or
force is around her, even though she cannot see

17206 Does she often see auras or energy fields


around people?

17207 Are there very few people that she is really close
to outside of her immediate family?

17208 Does she often feel nervous when she is with

other people?

17209 Is it NOT important to her whether she has any

close relationships?

17210 Would she almost always rather do things alone

than with other people?

17211 Could she be content without ever being

sexually involved with anyone?

17212 Are there really very few things that give her

17213 Does it NOT matter to her what people think of


17214 Does she find that nothing makes her very

happy or very sad

17215 Does she like to be the center of attention?

17216 Does she flirt a lot?

17217 Does she often find herself “coming on” to


17218 Does she try to draw attention to herself by the

way she dresses and looks?

17219 Does she often make a point of being dramatic

and colorful?

17220 Does she often change her mind about things

depending on the people she is with or what she
has just read or seen on TV?

17221 Does she have lots of friends that she is very

close to?

17222 Do people often fail to appreciate her special

talents or accomplishments?

17223 Have people told her that she has too high an?
opinion of herself

17224 Does she think a lot about power, fame, or

recognition that will be hers someday?

17225 Does she think a lot about the perfect romance

that will be hers one day?

17226 When she has a problem, does she always insist

on seeing the top person?

17227 Does she feel it is important to spend time with

people who are special or influential?

17228 Is it very important to her that people pay

attention to her or admire her in some way?

17229 Does she think that it’s not necessary to follow

certain rules or social conventions when they get
in her way?

17230 Does she feel that she is the kind of person who
deserves special treatment?

17231 Does she often find it necessary to step on a few

toes to get what she wants?

17232 Does she often have to put her needs above

other people’s?

17233 Does she often expect other people to do what

she asks without question because of who she

17234 Is she NOT really interested in other people’s

problems or feelings?

17235 Have people complained to her that she doesn’t

listen to them or care about their feelings?

17236 Is she often envious of others?

17237 Does she feel that others are often envious of


17238 Does she find that there are very few people that
are worth her time and attention?

17239 Has she often become frantic when she thought

that someone she really cared about was going
to leave her?

17240 Do her relationships with people she really cares

about have lots of extreme ups and downs?

17241 Has she all of a sudden changed her sense of

who she is and where she is headed?

17242 Does her sense of who she is often change



17243 Is she different with different people or in

different situations, so that she sometimes
doesn’t know who she really is?

17244 Have there been lots of sudden changes in her

goals, career plans, religious beliefs, and so on?

17245 Has she often done things impulsively?

17246 Has she tried to hurt or kill herself or threatened

to do so?

17247 Has she ever cut, burned, or scratched herself

on purpose?

17248 Does she have a lot of sudden mood changes?

17249 Does she often feel empty inside?

17250 Does she often have temper outburst or get so

angry that she loses control?

17251 Does she hit people or throw things when she

gets angry?

17252 Do even little things get her very angry?

17253 When she is under a lot of stress, does she get

suspicious of other people or feel especially
spaced out?

17254 Before she was 15, would she bully or threaten

other kids?

17255 Before she was 15, would she start fights?

17256 Before she was 15, did she hurt or threaten

someone with a weapon, like a bat, brick, broken
bottle, knife or gun?

17257 Before she was 15, did she deliberately torture

someone or cause someone physical pain and

17258 Before she was 15, did she torture or hurt

animals on purpose?

17259 Before she was 15, did she rob, mug, or forcibly
take something from someone by threatening
him or her?

17260 Before she was 15, did she force someone to


have sex with her, to get undressed in front of

her, or to touch her sexually?

17261 Before she was 15, did she set fires?

17262 Before she was 15, did she break into houses,
other buildings, or cars?

17264 Before she was 15, did she lie a lot or “con”
other people?

17265 Before she was 15, did she sometimes steal or

shoplift things or forge someone’s signature?

17266 Before she was 15, did she run away from home
and stay away overnight?

17267 Before she was 13, did she often stay out very
late, long after the time she was supposed to be

17268 Before she was 13, did she often skip school?

17269 Scoring: Avoidant PD (Sum) Sum: 17150, 17151, 17152,

17153, 17154, 17155, 17156

17270 Scoring: Dependent PD (Sum) Sum: 17157, 17158, 17159,

17160, 17161, 17162, 17163,

17271 Scoring: Obsessive Compulsive PD (Sum) Sum: 17165, 17166, 17167,

17168, 17169, 17170, 17171,
17172, 17173

17272 Scoring: Passive Aggressive PD (Sum) Sum: 17174, 17175, 17176,

17177, 17178, 17179, 17180,

17273 Scoring: Depressive PD (Sum) Sum: 17182, 17183, 17184,

17185, 17186, 17187, 17188,

17274 Scoring: Paranoid PD (Sum) Sum: 17190, 17191, 17192,

17193, 17194, 17195, 17196,

17275 Scoring: Schizotypal PD (Sum) Sum: 17198, 17199, 17200,

17201, 17202, 17203, 17204,
17205, 17206, 17207, 17208

17276 Scoring: Schizoid PD (Sum) Sum: 17209, 17210, 17211,

1712, 17123, 17124

17277 Scoring: Histrionic PD (Sum) Sum: 17215, 17216, 17217,


17218, 17219, 17220, 17221

17278 Scoring: Narcissistic (Sum) Sum: 17222, 17223, 17224,

17225, 17226, 17227, 17228,
17229, 17230, 17231, 17232,
17233, 17234, 17235, 17236,
17237, 17238

17279 Scoring: Borderline PD (Sum) Sum: 17239, 17240, 17241,

17242, 17243, 17244, 17245,
17246, 17247, 17248, 17249,
17250, 17251, 17252, 17253

17280 Scoring: Antisocial PD (Sum) Sum: 17254, 17255, 17256,

17257, 17258, 17259, 17260,
17261, 17262, 17263, 17164,
17265, 17266, 17267, 17268

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