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Final Examination

Term: ____Fall ________ Year: ___2016______

Student name: ________________________ _________________________ ___________________________

(First name) (Middle name) (Last name)

Waterloo student identification number: _______________________________________________________

Course abbreviation and number: ________ECE 6613PD____________________________________________

Course title: _____ Power System Analysis and Control _______________________________________
Section(s): _______1_________________________________________________________________________
Sections combined course(s): _________________________________________________________________
Section numbers of combined course(s): ________________________________________________________
Name of instructor(s): _______Claudio Cañizares__________________________________________________
Date of exam: ________December 12, 2016______________________________________________________
Exam period start time: ________5:30 pm__________ Exam period end time: _______8:00 pm____________
Duration of exam: ___________2 h 30 min_______________________________________________________
Number of exam pages: (includes cover page) ______12____________________________________________
Exam type: (select one)  Closed book  Special materials  Open book
Materials allowed: (select one)

 No additional materials are allowed

 Materials allowed are listed below
__Programmable calculators, but no computers or cell phones.________________________________
Exams are printed single sided on white paper.
 Select this box if second side of paper is to be used for rough work calculations.
Marking scheme:
Question Score Question Score
1 4
2 5

ECE 6613PD: Power System Analysis and Control 2/12
Final Exam December 12, 2016

For the following 60 Hz generator-motor system with a 100 MVA base:

1. Determine the reactive power in Mvar supplied by the generator at the motor’s terminal bus if the generator
terminal voltage is V1 = 1.1 p.u. [5 marks]
ECE 6613PD: Power System Analysis and Control 3/12
Final Exam December 12, 2016
ECE 6613PD: Power System Analysis and Control 4/12
Final Exam December 12, 2016

2. What is the maximum power in MW that the generator can transmit to the motor terminal bus, assuming that the
generator and motor regulate their terminal voltages at the given values? If the generator has a reactive power limit
of 1100 Mvar, what is the maximum power that it can send to the motor? [5 marks]
ECE 6613PD: Power System Analysis and Control 5/12
Final Exam December 12, 2016
ECE 6613PD: Power System Analysis and Control 6/12
Final Exam December 12, 2016

3. Calculate the internal transient voltages of the generator and motor. [10 marks]
ECE 6613PD: Power System Analysis and Control 7/12
Final Exam December 12, 2016
ECE 6613PD: Power System Analysis and Control 8/12
Final Exam December 12, 2016

4. Ignoring damping, if the load during transients behaves as an impedance, determine the critical clearing time for a
short circuit at the motor terminals. [10 marks]
ECE 6613PD: Power System Analysis and Control 9/12
Final Exam December 12, 2016
ECE 6613PD: Power System Analysis and Control 10/12
Final Exam December 12, 2016
ECE 6613PD: Power System Analysis and Control 11/12
Final Exam December 12, 2016

5. For the following system:

Determine the fault current at each phase for a solid 2-phase-to-ground at Bus 3, assuming that the load voltage
before the fault is 1.pu. [10 marks]
ECE 6613PD: Power System Analysis and Control 12/12
Final Exam December 12, 2016

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