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drop a like in the next five seconds and this will 

be your fortnite account if you don't this will be  

your fortnite account fortnite season 5 chapter 

2 brought way more changes than a lot of us  

probably expected as a result there are a 

ton of hidden secrets around the island that  

i've spent the last day researching i've put 

together everything from hidden map changes  

secret skins including the secret skin from the 

battle pass and upcoming updates in this video  

so make sure you guys pay attention because there 

is a lot of stuff you do not want to miss out on  

also guys i will be giving away 2 million v bucks 

if we can hit 2 million subscribers before the  

end of the year and i'm gifting 5 subscribers 

every single day who drop a like turn on all  

notifications and leave a comment with their epic 

id i'm gonna be gifting the season 5 battle pass  

until we start getting some of the awesome new 

skins in the item shop that i'll be going over  

in just a bit but if you guys also want to support 

me please take two seconds to put doom in your  

fortnite item shop it takes 10 to 12 hours to 

make each one of my videos so trust me i truly do  

appreciate all you guys that do that for me so for 

secret number one we've got multiple confirmations  

that our next crossover skin will be kratos from 

god of war so if you guys don't know god of war is  

a playstation exclusive game and it honestly might 

be the best playstation exclusive game but people  

have been getting a promotional image on their 

playstations so i would assume the skin is going  

to come out very very soon and who knows by the 

time you're watching this it may already be out  

and unfortunately i'm not sure if it's only to be 

available to playstation players i really hope not  

but since it doesn't have any text or anything on 

the image saying only available the playstation i  

have some hope that all of us will be able to get 

it moving on for number two i'm sure most of you  
guys know that this season we have brand new level 
styles for all the battle pass skins for each skin  

we'll be able to unlock a sapphire style a topaz 

style and a zero point style so you guys can see  

some examples of those here but also i wanted 

to show you the exact level you get each style  

so here you go it looks like 225 will be the level 

we want to hit this season to get everything so  

yeah just keep that in mind as the season goes on 

okay for number three i wanted to show you guys a  

really cool feature for one of the battle pass 

skins mave because she has this really awesome  

feature that you can unlock where if you swim 

in water she actually half turns into a shark so  

yes as you can see she actually gets a shark fin 

instead of her legs and then as soon as you touch  

land again her skin will change and have legs 

again but yeah this has to be one of the coolest  

features to a skin they've ever had so i just 

wanted to make sure that everyone knew about it  

now for number four we have an insane a leak on 

another crossover this time being for halo so do  

not worry xbox players you guys are getting some 

love too because there is going to be a master  

chief skin with a backling of course the unsc 

pelican glider a little warthog emote kind of like  

the scoot nemo as well as a gravity hammer pickaxe 

so this whole halo set looks absolutely insane but  

it doesn't end there apparently there's going to 

be a capture the flag type competitive event as  

well so yeah it seems like this will be a pretty 

big deal i know the images are really bad quality  

and that's because these weren't found in the game 

files but someone actually did leak them so don't  

worry this isn't like a maybe it's happening 

type thing it really is going to happen we're  

just unsure of what exact date yet and i'm pretty 

sure this will be available for all platforms and  

not just xbox so we shouldn't have to worry about 

that either next up for number five we have an  

early look at what some of the future bosses are 

going to be so these four names were in the files  

boss cosmos and nightmare ruckus and super cosmos 

so we know that ruckus is already a boss in the  

game so that's confirmed it's just the other three 

we do not have yet and judging from last season  

they'll probably roll out bosses with each update 

because as i'm sure you guys know the mandalorian  

and ruckus are the only two bosses right this 

second but we also had a leak before the season  

dropped from tabor hills source who said there 

was going to be a tameable wolf slash beast  

and all of his info ends up coming true so it'll 

be interesting to see how exactly that works i  

would assume he's going to end up in that jungle 

poi stealthy stronghold but yeah that should be  

super cool to have some sort of animal following 

you around helping you take out other players  

kind of like how we were able to hack the stark 

robots last season moving on to number six guys  

i have for you all the exotic weapon locations 

so if you didn't know there are five new exotic  

weapons a whole new type of weapon rarity and the 

only way to get these are buying them from certain  

npcs around the map the first one can be 

found all the way north in the one lone island  

and here you will find splode who will sell you 
boom's sniper rifle it only does 10 damage or a 25  

headshot but it attaches a clinger to them which 

is a grenade that does 60 damage so yeah that's  

pretty cool the next one can be found at dirty 

docks from reese and it is the shadow tracker  

pistol which is basically just a suppressed pistol 

the third one is the storm scout sniper rifle  

sold by lexa at hunter's haven it does 85 damage 

of the body 212 to the head but it will tell you  

where the next storm circle is then we have the 

dub shotgun which is like the usual double barrel  
shotgun but it also knocks people back kind of 
like the flint knock pistol so that's really cool  

apparently he can be found at two locations one 

being right above pleasant park and then the other  

location at compact cars which is kind of near 

dirty docks but i tried finding him at that first  

spot by pleasant like in five different matches i 

never saw him there i only saw him at compact cars  

so i don't know if this was like a glitch when the 

game first came out or what but yeah personally  

i can only find on my compact cars i'm not sure 

about the other spot and then finally we have the  

nighthawk revolver which is like a scoped pistol 

with a thermal scope which is sold by mancake  

pretty close to the zero point so yeah pretty cool 

they each cost 1200 gold so once you're stacked up  

on something it's definitely worth to give some of 

these a shot okay guys and for number seven it's  

looking like at some point during the season we're 

gonna see the return of the wind tunnels that were  

first introduced and i believe season nine because 

all those sound effects that were used for them  

were added back to the files these things were 

great for getting around the map so personally  

i can't wait for them to arrive but yeah maybe 

we'll get one of those giant drones in the sky  

too i don't remember what they were called but 

yeah personally i think this is really good news  

and number eight we have a ton of info on vehicles 

upcoming this season first of all assets for the  

plane the golf cart and the hoverboard were all 

added back to the files and there's even evidence  

that we could see the atst or atat vehicles 

from star wars appear as well which would be  

absolutely insane you guys may have seen the brute 

or mech looking thing in hunter's haven as well  

so it's possible we could see that at some point 

too but we're not entirely sure about that one so  

if it does happen let's just hope it's not op as 

the mech was now for number nine i just wanted to  
let you guys know that in the files apparently we 
can only complete each week's challenges during  

that week so basically you can't just wait till 

the end of the season to complete them all anymore  

now it's possible that they changed this but just 

in case i would recommend doing your challenges as  

soon as possible and then also i thought i would 

just show you guys the week two challenges so yeah  

here those are i'm not sure if they're gonna 

be coming out this thursday or they're gonna  

wait an extra week or what but yeah definitely 

get those week one challenges done moving on  

to number 10 i have a ton of the winterfest 2020 

leaks for you guys it's looking like we're gonna  

get the same winterfest lobby as last year and 

last year that appeared on december 18th so we  

still have a couple weeks before that happens 

but there's also some ice textures in the files  

as well as some sounds that basically confirm that 

we're gonna get those frozen ice cubes with loot  

in them again and then possibly some new sort of 

ice machine that is different from the current ice  

chest and then mango has also found some sort of 
snowy flopper in the files that will probably work  

similarly to the chiller grenade unfortunately 

we don't know anything about what the rewards  

are gonna be yet but as soon as we get news on 

that i'll be sure to update you guys all right  

guys and for number 11 here's a little cheat sheet 

of where all the npcs are on the map so you guys  

can have an idea of where you can get yourself 

more gold and all that type of stuff or if you're  

just trying to complete your collection since 

you can see how many you have the same way you  

could see what fish you have so yeah shout out to 
meet loot llama for that all right for number 12  

i thought it would include a cool little secret 

in the area of colossal coliseum so basically if  

you guys didn't know every single match there are 

three different versions of colossal coliseum that  

you can get the first one is like a boat or like a 

pirate ship of some sort with two different cabins  

next to it the next version is where there's some 

small weapons like spears and stuff and a couple  

chests on some statues or something along with a 

couple wheelbarrows and then finally is a wooden  

version of a llama facing off against a wooden 

version of a crab which is pretty funny that  

they brought back these structures from chapter 

one so i think this area is awesome overall but  

then the fact that it actually changes game to 

game just makes it super super cool moving on  

to number 13 i want to share with you guys a ton 

of little hidden secrets on the map so i know all  

you guys know about the little cubes that will 

appear and then usually spawn in the io guards  

but it turns out there is a small possibility 

of other things spawning inside of these the  

first one is a little artifact from chapter one of 

the rock dog which some of you guys may remember  

the second is the possibility of midas gold chair 

along with a few chests and then finally you can  

actually get the two henchmen that were wandering 

around the map last season so yeah this is super  

cool from what i can tell these can spawn anywhere 

it's not like in this specific spot that these  

things show up so yeah just be on the lookout for 

them next up there's a spot where you can find a  

golden toilet a golden vase as well as a golden 

gnome so could this mean midas is still alive i  

don't know and then finally we have a little star 

wars easter egg with peely frozen in carbonite so  

hopefully that means we'll get some more star wars 

related things in the game soon but yeah lots of  

great little details on the map this season now 

for number 14 we have two different possibilities  

of what the secret skin of this season could be 

we know the theme of the season has to do with  
hunters the tagline of the season is join the 
hunt and agent jonesy even says in the trailer  

i've been gathering the greatest hunters across 

all realities so we know the secret skin of  

the season is gonna be like the craziest 

hunter of them all and well if you guys  

go to the stealthy stronghold poi you can find 

predators logo on the inside of some of the doors  

the whole jungle biome goes perfectly with 

the predator movie as well and then finally  

what really gives it away is this truck you can 

find at this poi that makes a special sound when  

you go up to it and is a direct reference to the 

predator movie as you can see here so basically  

we know predator is going to come to the fortnite 

universe i'm just not entirely sure if he's going  

to be the secret skin we know under certain parts 

of the map there is the imagined order secret  

headquarters type areas and imagined order is the 

organization that agent jonesy is a part of so it  

is also possible that agent jonesy is the secret 

skin too just because he is the one bringing all  

these hunters to the island so yeah let me know 

which one you guys think will be the secret skin  

but i think it's pretty safe to say that we're 

gonna get both of these skins regardless number  

15 is a quick one but it's a pretty hype skin so 

i thought it deserved its own number and that is  

it's looking like we're gonna get a female midas 

skin at some point this season because she has her  

own loading screen so who knows this may play into 

the story as well but yeah be on the lookout for  

this skin in the item shop all right guys and for 
number 16 it seems that fortnite may have already  

revealed in the trailer that coral castle is going 

to be filled up at some point this season because  

at one point in the trailer we're basically 

getting a viewpoint over coral and it's just pure  

water so i don't know if this was just for the 

purpose of the trailer or what but if we're being  
real i don't think many people are gonna miss this 
anyway all right guys now i'm gonna show you the  

rest of the leaked skins that are currently 

in the files so yeah if you made it this far  

please drop a like turn on all notifications and 

leave a comment with your epic id and you could  

be gifted one of these skins possibly or if you 

need a battle pass like i said i'll be gifting  

those still too that's gonna do it for the video 

guys thank you for watching if you want to help  

support me and use code doom in the item shop 

it would mean a ton to me but yeah guys that's  

gonna do it expect a lot of videos this month and 

i'll see you in the next one alright peace out you

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