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Arvin James Doromal

12 – Euclid

Ang Dalawang Mrs. Reyes:

Sociocultural Approach

The movie “Ang Dalawang Mrs. Reyes” released last January 2018
narrates the story of two wives who find out that their husbands have an
affair with each other. The movie introduces the respective families of Lianne
and Cindy Reyes each having their own share of problems. Lianne is
depicted as a woman who invests more of her time in her work than in her
family. On the other hand, Cindy Reyes is constantly pressured by her
mother-in-law to have a child with her son, Felix. As the movie progresses,
their husbands both reveal their true identities and leave their respective
wives. As they find out their husbands’ identities, they are soon introduced
to each other and both agree to spoil the joyful lives of their husbands. The
movie goes on, they would use different methods to know and disrupt their
whereabouts even to the point of hiring someone to seduce Felix or Gary
Reyes to break their relationship. In the end, all their plans failed and they
had no other choice but to accept the decision of their husbands and focus
on the bright side: knowing another person who would be able to
sympathize with them, knowing a friend.

“Ang Dalawang Mrs. Reyes” magnifies our generation’s biggest

difference from our fathers and our grandfathers which is the manner of how
we embrace homosexuality. In the previous generations, homosexuals hid in
fear of being criticized by the society as they were not as widely as accepted
as they are now. Homosexuality was considered as nothing but a disgrace
and a disruption of the usual flow of how society should be. In contrast,
people of any gender identity could now freely express themselves. There
may be some criticisms but those statements against them are considerably
lesser than what it used to be. Whether people would like it or not, our
society is slowly adjusting to the gender identities present in our community
and this movie embodies how society does that: the festivities held in other
places celebrating and embracing the LGBT community.
Aside from the way our society accepts homosexuality, another
notable trait of our society is reflected on the movie: the way our society
focuses on people’s happiness and achieving it no matter the cost. The
standards set on us by the society dictates that we always follow what would
make us happy. This trait of ours is not only manifested in the LGBT
community but also in our society where some families are separated
because couples no longer feel the happiness they want to feel. The exact
example was represented in the movie as the husbands leave their
respective families because they do not feel happy anymore. Meanwhile, the
previous generations didn’t really put an emphasis on one’s happiness but
rather, doing what should be done even if it does not make that person

All in all, the movie “Ang Dalawang Reyes” portrays multiple

characteristics and ideals our society and culture accept nowadays hidden
behind its façade of being a romantic comedy movie. The movie is not just a
story about two wives trying ruin the happiness of their husbands but more
on the husbands’ side, facing who they really are and embracing it despite
the criticisms they would receive. That exact act done by the husbands is a
main representation of some of our society’s standards: the acceptance of
homosexuality and the importance of being happy above all else.

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