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Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will conduct an interview with the chosen participants that fit in the given

criterion. According to McNamara (1999), it is crucial to interview a person to know the story

behind their past experiences since they can give in-depth information around the given topic

of the researcher. First off, the researchers formulated 10 open-ended interview questions.

Then the researchers carefully reviewed and revised the interview questions to remove any

possible bias and confusions within it. The researcher will find 10 participants that is suitable

to the following criteria:

1. The participant is a Grade 8 student

2. The participant hates Math

3. The participant, despite he/she is not probational in Math, dislikes Math

After finding 10 participants, the researchers will then communicate with the participants

through Facebook to know if they are willing to be involved in the current study. Also, the

researchers will schedule a date for the interview for each participant based on the preferred

time and place of the participant to ensure their comfort. The questions will be asked to the

participants during the interview that will last for 45-60 minutes. The researchers will record

the interview and will prepare the transcribed copy of it that will be given to the participants

after so they can changed any details to ensure the clarity of their answers. After that, the

researchers will analyze the answers of each participant that will be needed later in the result

and findings of the study.

McNamara, C. (1999). General Guidelines for Conducting Interviews. Retrieved February 6,

2017 from

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