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Independent University, Bangladesh

Department of Computer Science & Engineering

CSE 307: System Analysis and Design

(Autumn 2020)
Assignment 1 (40 Points)
Statement of Work
Due on Nov 19, 2020

1. Choose you project (2 Points) will be a website for city corporation
whose task would be to keep record of bus companies, different routes,
passenger services , automated credit system, details of employees
2. Project goal and objectives (4 Points)
There’s no such website to control over the dhaka’s local transportation
routes. This website would help people to reach their destination more
comfortably and valuable time of dhaka’s people. It will encourage other
city corporation’s to think over similar types of websites.
3. History leading to project request (4 Points)
I’ve been travelling inside dhaka since very long time and never felt that
comfort also wasted my time which encouraged me to think over this.
4. Identify Problem, Solutions & Opportunities (10 Points)
Problem : The main problem is people of dhaka and employees related
with transportation , they’re not much familiar with websites.
Solution : we’ve seen well success of uber, pathao, and
people slowly take the technology towards them. By huge training and
used to methods we’ll be able to solve this.
Opportunities : there’re many transport company and passenger who
would use this website and new jobs will be created.
5. Product Description: (20 Points)
a. Product Summary is a combined of welfare organization
and E-commerce website which is local transport website.
b. Product Stakeholders
 Transport administration
 Vehicles owner
 Employees
 passenger
c. Context Level Data Flow Diagram

d. Software key technical features

 Creates accounts for user
 Display information abouts registered vehicles and
availability, destinations , stoppage.
 Add credit using online payment and charge the amount
depends on distance.
 Set schedules in various routes by admin
 Take information from GPS trackers inside the vehicles

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