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Project title


Project Guide TEAM MEMBERS

R.Lokesh - 20751A05E9R.
Kiran Kumar - 20751A05E6
S.Deepak Kumar - 18751A0585
V.N.Sri Harsha - 20751A05I8
used for the all of the internet users. The Ticket Reservation System
is an Internet based application that can be accesses throughout the
Net and can be accessed by anyone who has a net connection.
This application will automate the reservation of tickets and
Enquiries about availability of the tickets . This application includes
email information for the tickets.
The system also provides a comprehensive mechanism of
ticket booking for any travel agency this project is designed to help
wide range of travel agencies come together and provide service to
the customer. This Project comprehensive functionality helps the
agencies expand their horizons in the field of providing service to
the customers.

The design of this online program will be is profitable for the company because it has

never existed before. Therefore, Imo Transport Company, Owerri, is a viable investment

managed by the government of the country has its main objectives: to distribute comfort

and hospitality for passengers who do not live in their homes, in order to make a profit,

they will definitely inform a a system that can make its handicrafts work in place of a bus

ticket reservations to meet customers rising demand during peak and high prices seasons.

Great expectations to encourage a possible targeted study provide appropriate guidance and

awareness to any potential investors, especially those in the bus industry, considering using

Imo transport,.
Currently, employees at the bus ticket counter use an internal system to sell
tickets counter and customers can buy a bus ticket online at this time you will
need to go to the counter to buy a bus ticket. Sometimes, customer needs line
up a long line to buy a bus ticket and ask for details and this brings many
distractions for customers. Statement of Problem Currently, the type of system
used in the counter is the internal system used manually to sell bus tickets. The
company's problems are that customers have to go to the counter to buy a bus
ticket or ask for a bus system, customers will also have to wait in line for
longer to get a bus ticket and will also have to pay cash when they buy a bus
ticket. Objectives of study The main purpose of this study is to implement
flexible procedures for booking a bus ticket for any trip made by Imo
Transport Company (ITC). The system is said to be the default system and
customers can choose their own seats. Specifically, the objectives of this
project will be to: i) Provide a web-based bus booking service where a
customer can Buy a bus ticket online without the need to line up counter to buy
a bus ticket.
Present system is manual. The Project Metrics has to enter all the details of
project, documents, and tasks. It also maintenance the team information and also
efforts estimation. For this purpose the organization maintain the size of the
document, source code and update the information about team member’s
details manually. Which is much of time consuming process
and more importantly it is error prone. Limitations of the Manual system
1.It is time consuming
2.It leads to error prone results
3.It consumes lot of manpower to better results
4.It lacks of data security
5.Retrieval of data takes lot of time
6.Percentage of accuracy is less
7.Reports take time to produce

Hence Computerization of the existing system is proposed. The new system

completely removes all manual burdens and provide efficient on the entry
To generate the quick reports
1.To make accuracy and efficient calculations
2.To provide proper information briefly
3.To provide data security
4.To provide huge maintenance of records
5.Flexibility of transactions can be completed in time
After understanding the existing system and understanding the
need for developing a new system different people involved in the
related activities have been consulted. The data needed for the study
has been collected from company records. The computerization of
this system would avoid the wrong interpretation and bad calculation
of data .The system help the user to see any documents, source code,
tasks, activities, team information with details at the click of a button.
The record data is maintained and backed up such a way that data is
not loss. The speed of the system could also increase.
Input Design deals with what data should be given as input, how the data should
be arranged or code, the dialog to guide the operating personnel in providing input,
methods for preparing input validations and steps to follow when error occur. Input
Design is the process of converting a user-oriented description of the input into a
computer-based system. This design is important to avoid errors in the data input
process and show the correct direction to the management for getting correct
information from the computerized system. It is achieved by creating user-friendly
screens for the data entry to handle large volume of data. The goal of designing
input is to make data entry easier and to be free from errors. The data entry screen
is designed in such a way that all the data manipulates can be performed. It also
provides record viewing facilities.

When the data is entered it will check for its validity. Data can be entered with the
help of screens. Appropriate messages are provided as when needed so that the user
will not be in maize of instant. Thus the objective of input design is to create an
input layout that is easy to follow.

In this project, the input design consists of a log in screen, tab for compression/
decompression, source and destination browsing button, a menu list for selecting
the algorithm, Compress/Decompress option, compress/decompress button.
A quality output is one, which meets the requirements of the end user and
presents the information clearly. The objective of output design is to convey
information about past activities, current status or projections of the future,
signal important events, opportunities, problems, or warnings, trigger an
action, confirm an action etc. Efficient, intelligible output design should
improve the system’s relationship with the user and helps in decisions
making. In output design the emphasis is on displaying the output on a CRT
screen in a predefined format. The primary consideration in design of output
is the information requirement and objectives of the end users. The major
formation of the output is to convey the information and so its layout and
design need a careful consideration.

There is an output display screen for showing the compressed/

decompressed file or folder details (Original file size,
Compressed/Decompressed file size, distinct characters)
Data flow oriented techniques advocate that the major data items handled by a
system must be first identified and then the processing required on these data items to
produce the desired outputs should be determined. The DFD (also called as bubble
chart) is a simple graphical formalism that can be used to represent a system in terms
of input data to the system, various processing carried out on these data, and the
output generated by the system. It was introduced by De Macro (1978), Gane and
Sarson (1979).The primitive symbols used for constructing DFD’s are:
Symbols used in DFD
A circle represents a process.

A rectangle represents external entity

A square defines a source or destination of the system data.

An arrow identifies dataflow.

Double line with one end closed indicates data store

Data Flow Diagram
Context Diagram

Passenger Details

E- Ticketing
•User view
•Visitor view
•System administrators view
Software/ Hardware Requirements
Hardware Requirements
•System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz
•Hard disk : 40 GB
•RAM : 512 MB
Software Requirements
•Operating system : Windows XP Professional
•Technology : Microsoft Visual
Studio .Net 2008
•Coding Language : VB
•Back End : SQL Server 2005

•Charles Hampfed (2000) ‘Visual Basic’ University of

•Herbert Schildt (2000) ‘Visual Basic 6.0’ Tata McGraw Hill
•John Zukowski (2000) ‘Visual Basic 6.0’ ‘BPB Publications
•Jamie Jaworsky ‘Visual Basic 6.0’Techmedia
•StefenDenninger ‘Visual Basic 6.0’Author’s Press

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