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Sergio Fletcher-Pettis

21 August 2020

English 121

Journal Entry 1

Otero Junior college is where I plan to pursue my nursing degree. Nursing in the world

has been in high demand for a while but now that Coivd-19 has come about the demand is even

more. The world as we knew it has changed in so many ways that cultures and people in general

are trying to adjust which is not an easy process. This process for hospitals was very horrific at

times due to the cases being in such high numbers, and patients flooding the place for help.

Through this pandemic it has caused many folks to adjust and create new ideas to ensure the

health and bettering of people’s everyday life. These people that had to figure things out as well

included ourselves, which has caused me to work on myself and also think about what I may

want to do when I do graduate to make a difference in the world.

Changes don’t happen within a day, but they start at the source that may be causing a

problem or maybe just need an update. Software updates dot occur because there is necessarily a

problem with it, but it is made to improve the performance and the productivity that may be

updated. This is the same thing that happens within a society except there can be problems that

have been disregarded or looked past to much. In my twenty-four years of life I have been taught

to live by a few morals and odes that I feel if I keep carrying these along with me even when I

am in the job that I want and financial status they may achieve a sense of comfort. The first thing

that I was taught is to love your partner through everything. I think a lot of the time my

generation gets caught up with the thinking that there is always better. I have never looked at it

that way I feel that if you are in love with someone then there is nothing better than that person
for you. The next thing that I was raised with was being humble for wat. May have. This is a

major part to my everyday life because being humble will keep someone down to earth and

usually people will appreciate that aspect of someone. The last thing that I think is very

important is to work hard and to be respectful to everyone. The reason these things are so big in

changing the world is because one person such as myself doing this and passing these traits down

to children and my family ends up starting this trend around them which can end up changing the

world me and them for the better. I know these are simple things that are day to day but when I

get out of college I really feel that if I keep spreading this topic it will keep a positive message

for the people round me.

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