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I have seen a lot of people from social medias quoting, “Can we uninstall 2020, this

version has a virus in it” and discoursing some negative effects which I personally
experienced as well. Albeit, instead of spreading and influencing negativity to the future
generation, I am going to flaunt the silver lining on it. We cannot deny the fact that
COVID-19 also brought positive impacts in all aspects such as, building strong and great
relationship with your family or love ones. In my case, I am living in a roof with busy
people. My father is a businessman; he always travel while my mom is an elementary
teacher and my younger teacher is also a student like me. We are only 4 in our house with
given the fact that we are residing away from the town. When stay at home enforce by
our national government

While this pandemic is turning out to be a very confusing and difficult time for many people, it
is undoubtedly giving humanity an incredibly rare opportunity to learn some challenging lessons.
I believe these lessons will trigger a much-needed change of perspective for how we do things
on this planet and will hopefully enable us to turn over a new leaf. For so long it felt that we had
been living in a way that went against everything that is natural and sacred. We had been living
in a way that neither serves humans nor the natural world, and yet we continued on this path
seemingly powerless to stop what we were doing. It’s as if we were all part of this machine that
kept on chugging along, but no one could find the stop button. Well, that stop button has arrived
and it’s not like anything we could have ever imagined.
Over the last several weeks we have seen a massive change in our priorities, and the economy
has echoed this to a great degree. Sales of food and health products have gone through the
roof, while sales of clothes, makeup, cars, etc, (you know, the stuff we don’t really need but
think we need to attain some kind of happiness) has plummeted.
In my personal life, I can feel that my priorities have massively shifted due to this pandemic, and
it has been eye-opening to see how so much can change in such a short space of time.I
recently found myself looking at pictures I had taken a couple months ago of me. In some way,
life will never be the same again. I think most of us are wondering what the future will hold and
how this pandemic will change the way we do things, but I feel there is no way to escape the
change in perspective that it will bring.
One thing that I have learned during this pandemic is that our health is gold. Health is
something we so easily take for granted until it is at risk. The possibility of our health taking a
downturn has made many of us pay more attention to our nutrition intake and cleanliness. Some
of us have even been taking preventative health measures and steps to boost our immune
If we have a working body with no serious physical ailments, we should be beyond grateful!

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