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For me the most remarkable situation that recently happened in our

barangay or community is The Covid 19 pandemic, It’s not an exaggeration to
say that the Covid-19 pandemic will possibly change us for life. We’ve all been
through unprecedented challenges. The way that we work, socialize, and go
about our daily lives has been deconstructed as we’ve been forced into a new
way of living.

              With all that in mind, it’s no surprise that our confidence has taken a
knock, be that related to body-image, socializing with others, or rising to
challenges in the workplace. Like any habit, our confidence can waver when
we’re out of practice – throw in the stress of coming out of lockdown with fears
around what life is going to look like, and it makes sense that many of us will
be feeling unsteady at the moment.

Covid 19 is a significant event for me because, In these extraordinary

times, and despite the very real danger to themselves, Filipino front line
workers, like my parents, everyday put their own safety and well-being aside
to provide life-saving support and protection to people most in nee

It is one of the most memorable occasion because, The Covid-19

pandemic lays our lives bare and forces us to appreciate our most essential
needs and our highest values. It forces us to appreciate the true value of
many people whose roles in society tend to be undervalued: the nurses, the
doctors, the people sitting at the checkout counters in supermarkets, the
delivery personnel, the many nameless strangers who suddenly offer help.
The pandemic has revealed a vast sea of kindness in our communities around
the world

              In this pandemic its very difficult to be productive but I thought not to
waste every hour of the day and week, I need to do something to develop my
self-confidence so instead of just lying down all day I exercise and eating
nutritious foods to strengthen and enrich my body especially we are in a time
of crisis right now. I Challenge myself to do something that’s just beyond my
normal comfort zone. The best defense against test anxiety and school stress
is to keep up and do the work steadily. Instead of losing hope to do certain
things because of this pandemic, instead of thinking negative. What I do is
that I fill my social media feeds with joyful, compassionate, and self-loving
individuals. I make sure that my online sphere is a place where I feel seen and
inspired – not drained or self-critical.

            Self-love and confidence is a journey, and it’s not something that will
come easily for all of us. But by sharing the good times, and being honest
about the hard times too, we build each other up.

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