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“The Effect of Covid-19 Pandemic in Our Lives”

The COVID-19 pandemic, also known as the coronavirus pandemic, is an ongoing global pandemic of
coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
(SARS-CoV-2). The virus was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China. The COVID-19 virus
appears to affect some communities, workplaces and groups more acutely than others. COVID-19 is
killing people on a large scale. However, the impact of the pandemic and its consequences are felt
differently depending on our status as individuals and as members of society. Communities were
markedly concerned about vaccine safety and effectiveness and looked to doctors and health practitioners
for information about vaccination plans.

Coronavirus disease is the villain that the world currently facing. It has affected many people including
myself. I'm now at home every day and it really is affecting me socially. Not being able to speak to
friends and see people I see on a regular basis is hard for me. Also, now that school is closed for the rest
of the year it has really had an effect on my school life. I am not used being at home doing modules or
online classes. I am usually at school surrounded by my peers. I am currently encountering the cruelty of
Coronavirus. It brought distraction in the world. Fortunately, I learned to adapt. Because of COVID-19
Pandemic many people are suffering, many people died and innocent children were experiencing hungry.
Students, family, and workers were affected. The economic and social distraction of pandemic is
devastating. Every day, minute, hour, the deaths of people were increasing day by day. Children are
suffering from malnourished and people from poverty. I, who just want to study and be free, are affected
by Coronavirus. My studies is affected. I mean, in today's modular class, students were the ones who's
suffering. Modular and online classes is hard for me, it's stressing me out. It has affected me in social and
education aspect. Lockdowns in different areas and suspended of classes, economic and social distraction
were the major problems in the Philippines and this Coronavirus pandemic made it worst.

This pandemic has brought suffering, fear, and death to populations everywhere. But its impact is not
shared equally. Many of the most vulnerable have already suffered terribly due to a lack of State
investment in healthcare for all. Others have been forced to flee their homes; forced to navigate a world
where conventions protecting refugees, asylum seekers and internally displaced people are frequently
disregarded, and where little consideration is given to migrants. Youth are now forced to stay home
instead of going to school and spending time with friends. Most kids need to be outside and with people
to release their energy and socialize. Now this cannot happen, because the virus has affected us so much.
One thing we also see happening is food insecurities and social distancing. Due to the virus, people are
now afraid to interact with each other. With social distancing, we now separate ourselves from other parts
of society. This has made me feel very much disconnected from my friends. Humans are made to be out
and about and socialize with beings on Earth. These unfortunate events have led many people to be
disconnected from society. Some are traumized due to this unfortunate happenings. People lost their love
ones; family, friends, co-workers or even neighbors. I don't know why this is happening to us. Sometimes
life is unfair, I believe. Thankfully, God has helped me during this crisis. If there was a good effect in this
pandemic, that is, I got to remember that I still have Him and be able to believe in Him. I manage to pray
about the safety of my family and friends. But some says, “ maybe this is our punishment because we
are sinful, God has punished us.” maybe? But I still believe in him. This is just a challenge that we need
to overcome! Despite of these struggles, I am still standing and ready to face the world! Whatever
struggle may come in the future, we have to surpass those. We have God through these tough times. He
will never fail us, trust him.

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