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Topic : Educational system VS Coronavirus

“Difficulties and benefits of online classes”

Student : Daniel Likaj

Asistent:Reis Kerim

Coronavirus is a disease that has brought many deaths in the world,even the most

developed countries in the world had suffer from this terrible disease.The worst part of all is
that we don’t have a cure yet and countries are fighting with an invisible anemy.I have heard in
some news that we are going through the” third world war”,although this war is different from
the first and second war because we are dealing with an unknown enemy.

First,this virus it’s messing up our lifes, almost the whole world is in quarantine and it
seems like everything and everyone have stopped living.When I first heard about this virus
called COVID-19 the first thing I thought was that it would not affect us as a state but it didn't
happen as I thought.Albania was and still is part of states that are infected with this virus.It's
painful to watch all those people die and not being able to do anything for them.This virus is
also affecting our education life.

Furthermore,I belive that this situations it’s is giving us advices and why not warnings to
live,to enjoy life more and not to be focused only on work or school but to pay more attention
on our well-being.On the other hand it’s our educational life that it is also strongly affected. I
am a first year student and I have a lot of difficulties learning and working in online
classes,because nothing is as comprehensible as it was in university lectures.We have had our
first exams and to be honest it was a bit weird,it’s my first time ever having an exam at home
but also I think it went pretty well because I did as good as I was at university.However,
studying at home is not as productive as at university.I really miss my school,I miss studying
at night with friends laughing together and making the best memories with them.If I make a
difference on how much I have learned during this quarantine with the time I was in university
I can say with full conviction that during this time I have not learned as much as I want to.

Secondly,this pandemic is giving technology the opportunity to grow and it’s getting more
involved in people's lives. When the pandemic storm passes, schools can be revolutionized by
this experience. Or, they may return to what they know. But the world in which they live will
demand more. Education may be slow to change, but the economy after coronavirus will demand
it.Something I really dislike is the global student movement on the internet has tremendously
exposed the deep inequalities in the education system, from the shocking number of children
relying on school to food and a safe environment, to a digital partition in which children without
equipment or connections reliable online are cut from the lesson completely.In my country dhe
governmet.Although, in my country the government has provided smarphones and internet for all
those who do not have it.Iam sure that there are more difficulties than benefits of online classes.

I final reason that I don’t approve online classes is that schools face a difficult choice, if they
don’t teach remotely, all of their students miss out on months of curriculum. If they do, a sizable
group of already disadvantaged students will be left out and will fall even farther behind. The
gap between students is not limited to internet access, it also has to do with the power and
privilege of parents. And not every parent has the level of digital education needed to help their
children get online. One thing that coronavirus offers is an opportunity to see clearly all that
teachers are asked to do. That includes everything from meeting the latest state standards,

implementing district priorities, mastering new technology platforms, and caring for the physical
and emotional well being of their students. 

In conclusion,this pandemic is affecting people’s lives in every possible way.I am tired of not
doing anything,tired of having a lot a free time,I need to work to study I want and I can lead my
own life. Perhaps, the crisis could lead to a stronger reaction system. Universities can develop the
ability to move quickly online when they need to and return to normal once things get back to
normal. Coronavirus has, and will continue to have, clear effects on children's education, social
life, and physical and mental health. For children in the main stages of development, such as the
youngest and those in adolescence, detachment for many months will have a greater impact on
social development. The insecurity and anxiety are a real concern, especially with the
interruption in children's education.Quarantine seems to lead to an increase in domestic violence.
Children who experience or are witness of domestic violence have a much higher risk of
psychological difficulties in their lives. Many local authorities and school staff are doing an
amazing job of supporting children and families affected by pandemic, but while schools and
health staff are in limited conditions, more children in this situation will be affected. A crisis is a
time of great uncertainty and anxiety, but it is also a time for new opportunities. It’s time to plan
for the future we want.

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