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Final Examination

Please answer the following:

1. What had you learned about your NSTP 2 subject?

NSTP or the National service training Program is one of the subjects in college
here in the Philippines. Which all 1st year students’ needs to take this subject. It was
also mandated by the law. At first I thought the class was boring and not interesting. But
as the class started my first impression was so wrong. Because the class was not boring
and it was so interesting. It teaches us to be a better person. It helps us to be aware.
Like for example the problems that encountered by our country nowadays. It makes us
aware about our environment. This subject teaches us about the environmental
education which this is the process of helping people to acquire understanding, skill and
value that make them active and informed citizens in the development and the
maintenance of our ecological, sustainable and socially society. Which makes us aware
of our environmental issue and its problem like this our current situation that we faced
right now which cause of pandemic that affect all of us. And also, I learn the self
-awareness it is important to develop in this time of pandemic that no one we can lean
on but only in our self, understanding our self-concept we can increase our self
-awareness, because if we understand our own self we can change or improve our own
weakness and become this our strength. and lastly I learn to be a good citizen as part of
this society because of this subject teach us how to become a good leader and being
part of our community that we must follow’s and obey the law and respected above me
and help the community in all the times because a good Filipino is a great citizen.
Because this subject not only a subject but this is the way I molded what I am now.

2. What is your major realization as a student of GFI after taking up NSTP 1&2 subjects?

As a student of GFI taking the NSTP 1 and 2 subject, for me my NSTP

experience was such an incredible experience that change me. I have many realizations
during the first meet and until now, NSTP it helps me to build friendships through internet
or social platform and also helps me also to be a better student and being part of this
society. NSTP served as an eye opener to us students, as we become aware of the
current situation of our country. I realize that giving value of myself give me to know my
weakness and strength and because of that we can change that to become a better
individual, also valuing my family, friend and everything around me. I also realize that
because of this subject It builds a sense of patriotism to me . I realized also that
teamwork and loyalty is one we fucoses to accomplish something and having a success
to our given task. And NSTP addresses the need for national program of youth
development and mobilization for the task of nation building. I also realized that Love for
our country is one that can help our society to grow or improve, and God-centered and
working for common good of all Filipinos are among them for us to obtain our goals. And
give values are part already of our life as Filipinos. Strong leaders are needed to
implement the changes we need to improve the situation we have now in our society.
Parenting should also be responsible in proper upbringing of their children. What they
learn at home shows up in the society and reflect the type of discipline imposed to them
while they were young. Sustainable human development aims to secure lives. People
must be socially active for their own development. There should be equal access for
everyone to opportunities that will help maximize their capabilities so they can use it in
their lives

3. How will you apply the learnings that you had gained to the current problems that we are
facing nowadays?

As individual that I can show my learning through this subject by apply this in my own.
As a youth of this society, I have a vital role in our nation-building, we develop our moral,
physical, spiritual, intellectual and social being through state that promote civic
consciousness among us. We can apply this learning through our society which NSTP help
us to become part and better citizen of this society by following guidelines and laws of our
surrounding like our situation right now as individual we must follow the health protocol
which designated by our government. As citizen of the society, we must accept our
responsibility and purpose to our community which is simply following the rules and laws.
And become a leader not to impress them but to get their attention to follow these protocols
because a good leader is a good example. And also, as a citizen we have to become aware
of environment even though we faced this current helping our environment is also our
responsibility because of pandemic we forget to care in our environment so as individual
and part of this society the simple way to care or help our environment is by segregating our
garbage and not burning plastic. Because this is one of the causes of global warming that
affect our climate and environment. Planting tress is also one of the solutions we can give to
help our environment and less of using plastic in our own house, we can change and
accomplish this by teamwork as a part of the youth that fully equipped with the knowledge
on how to help the community. With the leaders we have today, we cannot fully rely with
them in community development. We must not wait for the government to act if we can do it
ourselves. We are responsible of our own development.
4. What do you think is your major contribution as a student and as a citizen of this country
to help those problems/issues now? (You choose specific current problems of our
country then make your platforms/plans to help or resolve that matter as a student &
citizen of this country)

For me, my biggest contribution to this country as student and a good citizen of
this society first “ Be aware “ or we must aware of what happening around us because
Contribution does not have to mean to act, always. At times, keeping yourself with what
is happening around you also means a lot. Also, keeping yourself updated about
important things can help you act as a more responsible citizen. for example, the
problem in burning plastic and not proper way of disposing of garbage, we know that
burning plastic is bad and we know the consequences of this in our environment and
specially to us. But not everyone was informed about that because of a lot of lacks like
lacks of sources of information and not every one has a social media to get this
information that why as a citizen we must spread this news or information to every so
that they can aware to this issue. Second “being part or start small activities or events
that help others and our environment “Even while you are a student , you may help
others by starting various kinds of small activities like book-drives, tree plantation events,
cleaning drives and community service for aged people in you near your localities. You
can volunteer to devote some time to places where your assistance is needed, like in old
age homes, orphanages or even be a part of service groups where community service is
a practice. So for me, this will help because I know I can’t do it my self so being part of
the group or movement has a great impact to our society because the aim to have a
group not only to bond but also to help other and also our environment and easy for us
to spread the information if we have a group .and lastly Promote a healthy environment
Living a healthy life feels good, does it not? Now imagine contributing to the betterment
of your environment as a whole! Encouraging a healthy environment not only helps you
function faster but also motivates you to do better in life. You could help improve your
living environment by acting against agents that disrupt it. From pollution, to civic
problems to problems in your locality that trouble residents, you can do your bit to
improve it all.
5. If you were given a chance to make a message to one of the leaders in our country, to
whom will it be? And what will be your message?

If I given a chance to make a message or talk to one of the leader of our country I
take that opportunity to have a conversation to our respected president because I know
he was the one who decide last in every law created by the our congressman, and my
message is all about the problem and the health of every student in taking online class, I
will address my message to every student who suffer and depressed during their online
classes for an example of this is my classmate who live outside the city which they
prefer to go to mountain or also cross 3-4 river only to have an internet connection which
this pandemic is not a hindrance to them to pursue their dream but on the other side also
as we live inside the internet connection is not free we have to purchase 100-200 every
week to have an stable network that why we need to work and take online class at the
same time to continue my dreams. And also, I addressed to the president that many of
us suffering from depression and anxiety because of online class and unstable work that
they ended their life through suicide. I know the president that this message will given a
solution to all of this problem and I know the president also know this before I give this
message. And I know the president now have a solution to this problem and I know that
all of this happened to us has an end and reason that will make us a better person.
Achieving our Goals in life its depend on us because if do nothing in the worst situation
we get nothing but if we fightback and has a Hope to conquer our problem you’ll be

Note: Your answer should be at least 300 words on each item. 100 points!
Deadline: Today, on or before 8 pm. Thank you!

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