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CA configuration and mechanism as that of the

G.R. No. 113388 | 5 September 1997 model which was patented in favor of private
respondent. Also, a burner cup of Ransome
FACTS: Angelita Manzano (petitioner) filed with burner was presented which was existing even
the Philippine Patent Office an action for before the patent application of private
cancellation of Letters patent No. UM-4609 for a respondent.
gas burner registered in the name of Melecia
Madolaria (private respondent), who DIRECTOR OF PATENTS: He denied the
subsequently assigned the letters patent to petition for cancellation holding that the
UNITED FOUNDRY. evidence of petitioner was not able to establish
that the utility model of private respondent was
Petitioner alleged, among others: anticipated.

1.The utility model covered by the letters patent, COURT OF APPEALS: Affirmed the decision
an LPG gas burner, was not inventive, new, or ISSUE: W/N the letters patent of private
useful; respondent should be cancelled – NO

2.Private respondent is not the original and RULING:

actual inventor, nor she did derive her rights
from the original, true, and actual inventor of the Section 7 of RA No. 165, as amended, which
utility model covered by the letters patent; is the law on patents, expressly provides —

3. The utility model covered had been known or Sec. 7. Inventians patentable. Any
used by others in the Philippines for more than invention of a new and useful machine,
one year before private respondent filed her manufactured product or substance,
application for the letters patent; and process or an improvement of any of the
foregoing, shall be patentable.
Petitioner presented the following to support her
Further, Sec. 55 of the same law provides —
1. Affidavit of petitioner alleging existence of
prior art; Sec. 55. Design patents and patents for
utility models. — (a) Any new, original
2. Brochure distributed by Manila Gas and ornamental design for an article of
Corporation disclosing pictorial of Ransome manufacture and (b) any new model of
Burner; and implements or tools or of any industrial
product or of part of the same, which
3. Brochure distributed by Esso Gasul showing a does not possess the quality of
picture of another similar burner. invention, but which is of practical utility
by reason of its form, configuration,
Petitioner alleged that her husband, Ong Bun construction or composition, may be
Tua, worked as helper in UNITED FOUNDRY protected by the author thereof, the
where private respondent used to be affiliated former by a patent for a design and the
with. Ong helped in the casting of an LPG latter by a patent for a utility model, in
burner which was the same utility model of a the same manner and subject to the
burner for which the subject letters patent was same provisions and requirements as
issued. relate to patents for inventions insofar
as they are applicable except as
After her husband’s separation, she organized otherwise herein provided.
BESCO METAL for the casting of LPG burners
one of which had the configuration, form, and The element of novelty is an essential
component similar to those of UNITED requisite of the patentability of an invention
FOUNDRY. The LPG burner, called Ransome, or discovery. If a device or process has been
was allegedly manufactured on 1974 or 1975 known or used by others prior to its
and solder by her in the course of her business. invention or discovery by the applicant, an
Petitioner claimed that Ransome had the same application for a patent therefor should be
denied; and if the application has been invention was probably known in a
granted, the court, in a judicial proceeding in single prior art device or practice.
which the validity of the patent is drawn in
question, will hold it void and ineffective. It Even assuming gratia arguendi that the
has been repeatedly held that an invention aforesaid brochures do depict clearly on
must possess the essential elements of all fours each and every element of the
novelty, originality and precedence, and for patented gas burner device so that the
the patentee to be entitled to the protection prior art and the said patented device
the invention must be new to the world. become identical, although in truth they
are not, they cannot serve as
In issuing Letters Patent No. UM-4609 to anticipatory bars for the reason that they
Melecia Madolaria for an "LPG Burner" on 22 are undated. The dates when they were
July 1981, the Philippine Patent Office found her distributed to the public were not
invention novel and patentable. The issuance indicated and, therefore, they are
of such patent creates a presumption which useless prior art references.
yields only to clear and cogent evidence that
the patentee was the original and first Furthermore, and more significantly, the
inventor. The burden of proving want of model does not show whether or not it
novelty is on him who avers it and the was manufactured and/or cast before
burden is a heavy one which is met only by the application for the issuance of patent
clear and satisfactory proof which for the LPG burner was filed by Melecia
overcomes every reasonable doubt. Hence, a Madolaria.
utility model shall not be considered "new" if
before the application for a patent it has been With respect to Ransome, petitioner
publicly known or publicly used in this country or claimed it to be her own model of LPG
has been described in a printed publication or burner allegedly manufactured
publications circulated within the country, or if it sometime in 1974 or 1975 and sold by
is substantially similar to any other utility model her in the course of her business
so known, used or described within the country. operation in the name of Besco Metal
Manufacturing, which burner was
denominated as "Ransome" burner,
As found by the Director of Patents, the
results show that the evidences
standard of evidence sufficient to overcome the
presented do not show the word
presumption of legality of the issuance of UM-
“Ransome” being referred to as the
4609 to respondent Madolaria was not legally
product sold by petitioner. This is not the
met by petitioner in her action for the
way to show that the same anticipates
cancellation of the patent:
the subject letters patent.
Evidences readily reveals that the utility
model (LPG Burner) is not anticipated. The above findings and conclusions of the
Not one of the various pictorial Director of Patent were reiterated and affirmed
representations of burners clearly and by the Court of Appeals.
convincingly show that the device
presented therein is identical or The validity of the patent issued by the
substantially identical in construction Philippine Patent Office in favor of private
with the aforesaid utility model. It is respondent and the question over the
relevant and material to state that in inventiveness, novelty and usefulness of the
determining whether novelty or improved model of the LPG burner are matters
newness is negatived by any prior which are better determined by the Patent
art, only one item of the prior art may Office. The technical staff of the Philippine
be used at a time. For anticipation to Patent Office composed of experts in their
occur, the prior art must show that field has by the issuance of the patent in
each element is found either question accepted private respondent's
expressly or described or under model of gas burner as a discovery.
principles of inherency in a single
prior art reference or that the claimed
The rule is settled that the findings of fact of distributes and sells veterinary products
the Director of Patents, especially when including Impregon, a drug that has Albendazole
affirmed by the Court of Appeals, are for its active ingredient and is claimed to be
conclusive on this Court when supported by effective against gastro-intestinal roundworms,
substantial evidence. lungworms, tapeworms and fluke infestation in
carabaos, cattle and goats.
Finally, petitioner would want this Court to
review all over again the evidence she Smithe Kline sued private respondent for
presented before the Patent Office. infringement of patent and unfair competition
before the RTC. It claimed that its patent covers
It has been held that the question on priority or includes the substance Albendazole such that
of invention is one of fact. Novelty and utility Tryco Pharma, by manufacturing, selling, using,
are likewise questions of fact. The validity of and causing to be sold and used the drug
patent is decided on the basis of factual Impregon without its authorization, infringed
inquiries. Whether evidence presented Claims 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 9 of Letters Patent No.
comes within the scope of prior art is a 14561 as well as committed unfair competition
factual issue to be resolved by the Patent under Article 189, paragraph 1 of the Revised
Office. There is question of fact when the Penal Code and Section 29 of Republic Act No.
doubt or difference arises as to the truth or 166 (The Trademark Law) for advertising and
falsehood of alleged facts or when the query selling as its own the drug Impregon although
necessarily invites calibration of the whole the same contained petitioner’s patented
evidence considering mainly the credibility Albendazole.
of witnesses, existence and relevance of
specific surrounding circumstances, their ISSUE: W/N Tryco Pharma commited patent
relation to each other and to the whole and infringement to the prejudice of Smithe Kline –
the probabilities of the situation. NO

SMITH KLINE BECKMAN CORP. VS CA RULING: The burden of proof to substantiate

G.R. No. 126627 | 14 August 2003 a charge for patent infringement rests on the
plaintiff. In the case at bar, Smithe Kline’s
FACTS: Smithe Kline (petitioner) is a evidence consists primarily of its Letters Patent
corporation exiting by virtue of the US laws and No. 14561, and the testimony of Dr. Orinion, its
is licensed to do business here in the general manager in the Philippines for its Animal
Philippines. It filed, as assignee, before the Health Products Division, by which it sought to
Philippine Patent Office an application for patent show that its patent for the compound methyl 5
over an invention entitled “"Methods and propylthio-2-benzimidazole carbamate also
Compositions for Producing Biphasic covers the substance Albendazole.
Parasiticide Activity Using Methyl 5 Propylthio-2-
Benzimidazole Carbamate." From a reading of the 9 claims of Letters Patent
No. 14561 in relation to the other portions
Letters Patent No. 14561 for the aforesaid thereof, no mention is made of the compound
invention was issued to petitioner for a term of Albendazole. All that the claims disclose are: the
seventeen (17) years. covered invention, that is, the compound methyl
5 propylthio-2-benzimidazole carbamate; the
The letters patent provides in its claims that the compound’s being anthelmintic but nontoxic for
patented invention consisted of a new animals or its ability to destroy parasites without
compound named methyl 5 propylthio-2- harming the host animals; and the patented
benzimidazole carbamate and the methods or methods, compositions or preparations involving
compositions utilizing the compound as an the compound to maximize its efficacy against
active ingredient in fighting infections caused by certain kinds of parasites infecting specified
gastrointestinal parasites and lungworms in animals.
animals such as swine, sheep, cattle, goats,
horses, and even pet animals. When the language of its claims is clear and
distinct, the patentee is bound thereby and
Tryco Pharma Corporation (private respondent) may not claim anything beyond them. And so
is a domestic corporation that manufactures,
are the courts bound which may not add to that all three components of such
or detract from the claims matters not equivalency test are met.
expressed or necessarily implied, nor may
they enlarge the patent beyond the scope of As stated early on, petitioner’s evidence fails to
that which the inventor claimed and the explain how Albendazole is in every essential
patent office allowed, even if the patentee detail identical to methyl 5 propylthio-2-
may have been entitled to something more benzimidazole carbamate. Apart from the fact
than the words it had chosen would include. that Albendazole is an anthelmintic agent like
methyl 5 propylthio-2-benzimidazole carbamate,
It bears stressing that the mere absence of the nothing more is asserted and accordingly
word Albendazole in Letters Patent No. 14561 is substantiated regarding the method or means by
not determinative of Albendazole’s non-inclusion which Albendazole weeds out parasites in
in the claims of the patent. While Albendazole is animals, thus giving no information on whether
admittedly a chemical compound that exists by a that method is substantially the same as the
name different from that covered in Smithe manner by which petitioner’s compound works.
Kline’s letters patent, the language of Letter The testimony of Dr. Orinion lends no support to
Patent No. 14561 fails to yield anything at all petitioner’s cause, he not having been presented
regarding Albendazole. And no extrinsic or qualified as an expert witness who has the
evidence had been adduced to prove that knowledge or expertise on the matter of
Albendazole inheres in Smithe Kline’s patent in chemical compounds.
spite of its omission therefrom or that the
meaning of the claims of the patent embraces As for the concept of divisional applications
the same. proffered by petitioner, it comes into play
when two or more inventions are claimed in
While petitioner concedes that the mere literal a single application but are of such a nature
wordings of its patent cannot establish private that a single patent may not be issued for
respondent’s infringement, it urges this Court to them. The applicant thus is required "to
apply the doctrine of equivalents. divide," that is, to limit the claims to
whichever invention he may elect, whereas
The doctrine of equivalents provides that an those inventions not elected may be made
infringement also takes place when a device the subject of separate applications which
appropriates a prior invention by are called "divisional applications." What this
incorporating its innovative concept and, only means is that petitioner’s methyl 5
although with some modification and propylthio-2-benzimidazole carbamate is an
change, performs substantially the same invention distinct from the other inventions
function in substantially the same way to claimed in the original application divided out,
achieve substantially the same result. Yet Albendazole being one of those other
again, a scrutiny of petitioner’s evidence fails to inventions. Otherwise, methyl 5 propylthio-2-
convince this Court of the substantial sameness benzimidazole carbamate would not have been
of petitioner’s patented compound and the subject of a divisional application if a single
Albendazole. While both compounds have the patent could have been issued for it as well as
effect of neutralizing parasites in Albendazole.
animals, identity of result does not amount to
infringement of patent unless Albendazole SIDE ISSUE: W/N Tryco Pharma is entitled to
operates in substantially the same way or by be awarded damages and attorney’s fees – NO
substantially the same means as the
patented compound, even though it performs While indemnification for actual or compensatory
the same function and achieves the same damages covers not only the loss suffered
result. In other words, the principle or mode (damnum emergens) but also profits which the
of operation must be the same or obligee failed to obtain (lucrum cessans or
substantially the same. ganacias frustradas), it is necessary to prove the
actual amount of damages with a reasonable
The doctrine of equivalents thus requires degree of certainty based on competent proof
satisfaction of the function-means-and-result and on the best evidence obtainable by the
test, the patentee having the burden to show injured party. The testimonies of private
respondent’s officers are not the competent
proof or best evidence obtainable to establish its
right to actual or compensatory damages for
such damages also require presentation of
documentary evidence to substantiate a claim

Also, the Court does not sustain the grant by the

appellate court of attorney’s fees to private
respondent anchored on Article 2208 (2) of the
Civil Code, private respondent having been
allegedly forced to litigate as a result of
petitioner’s suit. Even if a claimant is compelled
to litigate with third persons or to incur expenses
to protect its rights, still attorney’s fees may not
be awarded where no sufficient showing of bad
faith could be reflected in a party’s persistence
in a case other than an erroneous conviction of
the righteousness of his cause. There exists no
evidence on record indicating that petitioner was
moved by malice in suing private respondent.

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