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Nightmares in the context of PTSD treated with prescribed 200 mg quetiapine nocte and 100 mg fluvox-
psychoeducation regarding lucid dreaming amine mane. Initially he was using considerable amounts
of prn temazepam (20 mg nocte) and chlorpromazine
(300 mg daily).
We decided that a trial of lucid dreaming treatment for
Greg Been and Vikas Garg, Mirrabook Mental Health his nightmares might be appropriate. Training in becoming
Unit, Shellharbour Hospital Shellharbour, New South lucid (realising that one is dreaming while still in the expe-
Wales, Australia: rience of the dream) allows one to alter the storyline of the
dream and avoid the negative emotions associated with once
A 39-year-old male presented on 14 December to the again re-experiencing a traumatic event. There is one pub-
emergency department with a history of five suicide lished pilot trial of lucid dreaming treatment [1], in which
attempts in the previous week. He had three previous it seemed effective, although it was not clear from the study
admissions to psychiatric wards with varying diagnoses if lucidity was necessarily the therapeutic factor.
including depression, PTSD and alcohol dependence. The patient was given a print-out of the Wikipedia entry
The Christmas period was typically very difficult for on lucid dreaming (
him, as Christmas Eve was the anniversary of the murder He was then instructed to write out his dreams on awak-
of a former fiancé of his. ening, and to then reimagine them as he tried to fall back
His primary reason for drinking approximately 16 asleep. In his reimagining, he was to alter the events so
standard drinks a day was that he had great difficulty that in the dream he realised that he was dreaming and
sleeping without it. In his experience, and during his time to then change the dream so that it was not as alarming
on the ward, benzodiazepines and other hypnotics did not and unpleasant. After several days of this, he began to
allow him sufficiently restful sleep. Typically, he would become aware of the fact that he was dreaming in his
awaken after 2 hours from a nightmare and find it dreams when he had a nightmare, and then changed the
extremely difficult to return to sleep. These nightmares dream so that it was more pleasant. The nightmares did
usually revisited one of a number of traumatic incidents not bother him as much, his sleep improved, and he was
which he had witnessed in his life. These included wit- able to sleep 6 hours without awakening as a result of
nessing his father holding a shotgun to his mothers head nightmares, with no medication. It is not clear to what
when he was 3 years old, finding a dead baby in a bath- degree the psychoeducation contributed to his improve-
tub when he worked for the department of housing, being ment, but the patient was adamant it was the primary
first on scene at a major car accident where two people factor in his improvement. He chose to discharge himself
were decapitated, and others. These experiences, which after an inpatient stay of 16 days.
did not seem factitious, emerged in his dreams and dis-
turbed his sleep. He felt that his inability to sleep as
a result of his nightmares was his primary problem, and Reference
was the underlying cause of his drinking.
He was commenced on an alchohol withdrawal scale 1. Spoormaker VI, van den Bout J. Lucid dreaming treatment for
(AWS) which was ceased after 5 days. Additionally, he was nightmares: a pilot study. Psychother Psychosom 2006; 75:389–394.

© 2010 The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

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