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Titlul tableului

Ana are mere. Ana are mere. Ana are mere. Ana are mere.
You can quickly and easily give your document a professional look by applying a

document theme. A document theme is a set of formatting choices that include a set of theme
colors, a set of theme fonts (including heading and body text fonts), and a set of theme effects
(including lines and fill effects). You can quickly and easily give your document a professional

look by applying a document theme. A document theme is a set of formatting choices that
include a set of theme colors, a set of theme fonts (including heading and body text fonts), and a
set of theme effects (including lines and fill effects).
You can quickly and easily give your document a professional look by applying a

document theme. A document theme is a set of formatting choices that include a set of theme
colors, a set of theme fonts (including heading and body text fonts), and a set of theme effects
(including lines and fill effects).
You can quickly and easily give your document a professional look by applying a

document theme. A document theme is a set of formatting choices that include a set of theme
colors, a set of theme fonts (including heading and body text fonts), and a set of theme effects
(including lines and fill effects).You can quickly and easily give your document a professional

look by applying a document theme. A document theme is a set of formatting choices that
include a set of theme colors, a set of theme fonts (including heading and body text fonts), and a
set of theme effects (including lines and fill effects).
You can quickly and easily give your document a professional look by applying a

document theme. A document theme is a set of formatting choices that include a set of theme
colors, a set of theme fonts (including heading and body text fonts), and a set of theme effects
(including lines and fill effects).

1. Mere

2. Prere

3. Struguri

4. Cirese

5. Capsuni
6. Piersici

1.2 mere

a) mere

b) pere

c) capsuni

d) pere

Titlul Aril, marimea 13, distanta intre randuri de

1.5, indentare speciala la primul rand de 1 cm, aliniat
centrat, ingrusat

Textul Curier New, marimea 12, distanta intre randuri de 1.5, indentare speciala de 1,5, aliniat justify, inclinat

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