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I. Get to know Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word (MS Word) is a program for processing words. This program can be used to
write documents such as essays, theses, novels, and so on. In addition to writing documents, MS
Word can also be used to work with tables, write creative text, insert images, and others.
By default, the MS Word 2007 work area display consists of the Title Bar, Office Button, Quick
Access Toolbar, Menu Bar, Ribbon, Ruler, Status Bar, and View Toolbar. The display of the work area
can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1. MS Word workspace view

Title Barcontains the name of the file being worked on, as well as buttons to show, or hide the
program window, and close the program, namely the Minimize, Maximize/Restore, and Close buttons.
OfficeButtoncontains commands related to documents such as creating a new document
(New), opening a document (Open), saving a document (Save), printing a document (Print), and so on
(Figure 2).

Figure 2. Menus in Office Button

Quick Access Toolbarcontains buttons that serve as an alternative to frequently used

commands. For example, the Open tool is a shortcut from Office Button>Open, or the Save tool is a
shortcut from Office Button>Save.

Menu Barcontains a series of commands in which there are sub-commands according to the
category. For example, on the Home menu there are Clipboard, Font, Paragraph, Styles, and Editing
submenus which contain commands according to their categories.
Ribboncontains special commands which are submenus of the Menu Bar. Rulers are
measurement boxes that are placed horizontally, that is, above the document, and vertically, that is, to
the left of the document. Ruler serves to make it easier to adjust the layout of the page.

Status Baris a horizontal line that displays information on the currently displayed document
window, including:

Figure 3. Status Bar

 Pages:display page information.

Figure 4. Page Search

 Words: Displays the number of pages, words, letters (without spaces), letters (with spaces),
paragraphs, and lines.

Figure 5. Word Count

 View Toolbarcontains document display type settings, including:

o Print Layouts:provides a display according to the results that will be received at the
time of printing (default).
o Full Screen Reading:gives a full page view.
o Web Layouts:provide a display according to the results displayed in the browser
o Outline:provides a view according to the headings in the document and levels within
the document structure.
o Drafts:provides a continuous look (combines entire pages as in one roll). Each page is
separated by a dotted line.
II. Create, save, close and open documents
To create a new document, you can do the following:
1. Click Office Button> New so that a new window appears that displays the New Document
2. After that select Blank Document to create a document. (You can also choose one of the
document templates to create a new document based on the template provided.)

In the Quick Access Toolbar there is also a New button (Figure 6) which serves to create a
new document without going through a new window.

Figure 6. New button on Quick Access Toolbar

Before starting a document, it's a good idea to set the properties first. The property setting
affects the printout. Property settings can be done by clicking the Page Layout menu. Then on the
Page Setup ribbon, click the small icon in the lower right corner (Figure 7.1.) to bring up the Page
Setup dialog box (Figure 7.2). This dialog box consists of three sections, namely Margins, Paper, and

Figure 7.1 Ribbon Page Setup Figure 7.2. Page Setup dialog box

 Margins:to determine the top (Top), left (Left), right (Right), and bottom (Bottom) borders of
the document, and there is also a paper orientation. Figure 6 shows the page margins.
 Paper Size:to specify the paper size to use by selecting its option in the drop-down menu. If
you want your own paper size, you can fill in the value directly in the Width and Height boxes.
To save a new document, by default the name of the created document will be sequential,
namely Document 1, Document 2, Document 3, and so on. The way to save a document is as follows:
1. Click Office Button>Save or Office Button>Save As so that the Save As dialog box appears
(Figure 8).

Figure 8. The Save As dialog box

2. In the dialog box, make the following settings:

 Save in:specify the location of the folder where the document will be saved.
 Filenames:type a name for document identification.
 Save as type:document type, use the default given, namely Word Document.
 Click the Save tab to save the document.

To save an old edited document, click the Office Button>Save. If you want to save the
document with a different name, click the Office Button> Save As so that the method is the same as
saving a new document. If in saving the document, the name used is the same as the name already in
the folder, a confirmation box as shown in Figure 9 will appear.

Figure 9. Save confirmation box.

 Replace exiting files:overwrite an existing file with a new document.

 Save change with a different name:Save the new document with another name.
 Merge into exiting files:merge the changes made into an existing file.
After you finish editing the document and make sure you save it, there are several ways to
close the document, namely:
 Click Office Button>Close.
 Click the Close Window button in the Title Bar.

Saved documents can be opened in one of the following ways:

 Click Office Button>Open.
 Click the Open button in the Quick Access Toolbar. So that the Open dialog box appears
(Figure 10), then select the document file you want to open.

Figure 10. Open . Dialog Box

III. Write and format text and paragraphs
Text typing starts from the insertion point (iteration point). The insertion point can be seen by
the blinking black line on the document page. In typing text, pressing the Enter key on the keyboard
will create a new paragraph. To make maximum results, it is necessary to format characters, such as
determining the typeface, font type, font size, and others. Character formatting can be applied before
or after typing. Click the Home menu, then on the Font ribbon, click the icon in the lower right corner
(Figure 11.1) to do the formatting so that the Font dialog box appears as shown in Figure 11.2.

Figure 11.1. Ribbon Fonts Figure 11.2. Fonts dialog box

 Fonts:to determine which font to use.

 Font Styles:determine the type of letters, namely Regular (regular), Italic (italic), Bold
(bold), and Bold Italic (bold and italic).
 Sizes:determine the font size.
 Font Colors:determine the color of the letters.
 Effects:to create effects that will be applied to the text.
 Previews:displays an example of the results of setting the text format.

The table below shows examples of the results of text formatting and using effects within the


Regular Here's an example text with effects
Bold Here's an example text with effects
italic Here's an example text with effects
Bold Italic Here's an example text with effects
Underline Here's an example text with effects
Bold-Italic-Underline Here's an example text with effects
Strikethrough Here's an example text with effects
Double Strikethrough Here's an example text with effects
Superscript Here's an example text with effects
Subscript Here's an example text with effects
Shadow This is an example of text with effects
Outline Here's an example text with effects
Emboss Here's an example text with effects
Engrave Here's an example text with effects
Small caps Here's an example text with effects
All caps Here's an example text with effects
Hidden (not visible)

In addition to letter formatting, there are also paragraph settings. There are four kinds of
paragraph alignment, namely Align Left, Center Align, Align Right, and Justified. Paragraph settings

can be done by clicking the button

Line spacing is the spacing between lines in a paragraph. This setting can be done with the

Line Spacing button

Inserting tabs is also often used in creating documents. An example of its use can be seen in
Figure 12. The easiest way to use tabulation is to position the pointer on the Ruler and then click the
pointer so that the tabulation symbol appears. To delete a tab, drag the tabs symbol out of the Ruler.
There are five
alignmentwhich can be selected, namely Left, Center, Right, Decimal and Bar .

IV. Editing Text

Editing text includes deleting, selecting, duplicating, and so on.
 Select characters, words, lines and paragraphs
The selected character will be marked with a black box covering it and the character's color will
change to light. To select consecutive characters, position the pointer behind the first
character, press the mouse, and then drag towards the selected characters. For words that are
not in sequence, press the Control key on the keyboard before moving to the next word. To
select a row, position the pointer to the left of the row so that the pointer changes to an arrow,
then click
until the row is selected. To select a paragraph, position the pointer over any text in the
paragraph, then triple click and the entire paragraph will be selected. And to select all
characters, select the home tab then on the ribbon select select > select all.
 Delete character
You can delete characters using the Del and Backspace keys on the keyboard.
 Using the Copy, Cut, and Paste commands
Copy and paste commands are related. The Copy command is used to duplicate the selected
character and then place it in another position, the Paste command is to place the result of the
operation of the command in a new place. The Cut command is used to cut the selected
character and then move it. The Cut command also requires the Paste command to place the
result in a new place. The difference with the Copy command is that the Cut command will
delete the character in its original position, while the Copy command does not delete the
character in the original position. The Copy, Cut, and Paste commands also apply between
 Using the Undo and Redo commands
The Undo command is used to revert to the previous action. Whereas Redo is the opposite
V. Using numbering and marking
Often in documents found writing text with numbering (numbering) and marking (bullet). MS
Word program provides Bullet and Numbering facilities to create text variations. In this Word 2007
program, the Bullet and Numbering facility can be selected on the Ribbon Home > Paragraph.
Consider the following examples of using numbering and marking:
Example of tagging
Products from MS office include:
 MSWord
 MSExcel
 MSPower point
Example numbering:
Products from MS office include:
1. MSWord
2. MSExcel
3. MSPower point

Examples of using multiple numbering

Products from MS office include:
(a) MSWord
(i) MSExcel
1. MSPower point

VI. Using table

In general, the insertion of a table into a document serves to support an
explanation/description of the document. To create a table, select Insert, on the ribbon select Table,
then select the size. It can also be done by selecting Insert > Table > Insert Table, then a dialog box
will appear as follows:
• Number of columns : to determine the number of columns, for example, enter 2.
• Number of rows : To determine the number of rows, for example, enter 3.
• Autofit behavior: for setting column width.
Text can be directly typed into cells in the table, the results of the example will be as follows:

To make the table varied, it can be done by: clicking the table that has been created, then on
the menu two new tab menus will appear, namely design and layout. Choose a design to create a
varied table.
Agus Technical Information 2.99
Budi Information Systems 3.23

Or it can also be arranged to adjust the position of the text in the column, sort the data, and so
on which we can do by selecting the layout tab menu.

Before printing a document, it's a good idea to see the print view first. This can be done by
clicking the office button > Print > Print Preview. If it is appropriate, the way to print is to click the File
menu > Print so that the Print dialog box appears. Set the properties or make the desired printout
settings if needed. Click OK.
Exercise 1:


YEAR .....

1. Application for Disbursement of Assistance for Village Infrastructure Activities in ….

Phase I (70%) Village .......... District ............
2. Application for Disbursement of Assistance for Village Infrastructure Activities in ….
Phase II (30%) Village .......... District ..........
3. Minutes of Research on the Completeness of Administrative Files for Disbursement of
Assistance for Village Infrastructure Activities in .... Stage ......... Village ..........
District ............ .
4. Research Sheet on Administrative Completion of Disbursement of Assistance for
Village Infrastructure Activities in .... Phase I (70%)
5. Research Sheet on Administrative Completeness of Disbursement of Assistance for
Village Infrastructure Activities in .... Phase II (30%)
6. Report on Absorption of Assistance for Village Infrastructure Activities in .... Stage ...
Village ........ Subdistrict........
7. Statement Letter from the Village Head regarding the ability to implement and
account for the Village Infrastructure Activity Assistance for the Year….
Exercise 2:


DISTRICTS ……………………



Exercise 3:

YEAR .... PHASE I (70%) VILLAGE....





Conformity of Aid Application letter for disbursement of 1.
Amount with fundsqesa Infrastructure Activities
Regent's Decree and Assistance…. Subdistrict …..Year …. Phase I
Village Budget (70%) from the Village Head
Fund Use Plan (RPD) of fundsAssistance for 2.
Village Infrastructure Activities….
Subdistrict …..Year …. Stage I (70%)
Fund proposalAssistance for Village 3.
Infrastructure Activities…. District ….. Year
…. attached:
a. The drawing/design of the activity plan is
known to the relevant Technical Office
and signed by the Village Head
b. 0% Physical Activity Photos
c. The Budget Plan (RAB) made by the
Activity Implementation Committee and
known to the relevant Technical Service
and signed by the Village Head
Photocopy of Village Cash Account at Bank 4.
Statement Letter from the Village Head 5.
regarding the ability to implement and
account for the fundsAssistance for Village
Infrastructure Activities…. Subdistrict
…..Year ….


1. Chairman : ( Name ) .... signed .....

2. Secretary : ( Name) .... signed .....

Exercise 4:


DISTRICTS ...............
VILLAGE HEAD .............
Address : Village ............. Subdistrict ................
Karanganyar Regency

Karanganyar, ..........................
Number :
Nature : Quick
Lamp. :
Regarding :Disbursement
ApplicationVillage Infrastructure Dear. :
Activity AssistanceYear …. stage
I (70%) Karanganyar Regent
Village ........... Kec. ................. Cq. Head of the Village and Sub-District
Administration Section of the
Karanganyar Regency Secretariat.
Through the Camat .................

In connection with the implementation of the operational activities of

the Village Government, we hereby submit an Application for Disbursement
of Assistance for Village Infrastructure Activities…. District ….. Year ….
Phase I (70%), amounting to Rp. ................... to support the smooth
running of these activities.
Herewith we attach the documents for the disbursement
requirementsAssistance for Village Infrastructure ActivitiesYear …. Phase I
(70%) are:
1. ProposalAssistance for Village Infrastructure Activities…. Subdistrict
……..Year .... which is attached:
a. The drawing/design of the activity plan is known to the relevant
Technical Office
b. Budget Plan (RAB) prepared by the Activity Implementation
Committee and known to the relevant Technical Office
c. Original photo in initial condition 0% (zero percent).
2. Fund Utilization Plan (RPD)Assistance for Village Infrastructure
Activities........District ......... Phase I (70%) Years ….
3. Photocopy of Village Cash account at Bank Jateng
4. Statement Letter from the Village Head regarding the ability to
implement and account for the Village Infrastructure Activity Assistance
Fund for the year .....

Thus to make a check.

Village head .............................


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