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Development of an Apparatus to Investigate Friction Characteristics of

Constant-Velocity Joints

Article  in  Tribology Transactions · October 2005

DOI: 10.1080/05698190500313528


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2 authors:

Chul-Hee Lee Andreas A. Polycarpou

Korea Institute of Radiological & Medical Sciences Texas A&M University


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Development of an Apparatus to Investigate Friction Characteristics of

Constant-Velocity Joints
Chul-Hee Lee a; Andreas A. Polycarpou a
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana,
Illinois, USA

First Published on: 01 October 2005

To cite this Article Lee, Chul-Hee and Polycarpou, Andreas A.(2005)'Development of an Apparatus to Investigate Friction
Characteristics of Constant-Velocity Joints',Tribology Transactions,48:4,505 — 514
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/05698190500313528


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Tribology Transactions, 48: 505-514, 2005
Copyright C Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers

ISSN: 1040-2004 print / 1547-357X online

DOI: 10.1080/05698190500313528

Development of an Apparatus to Investigate Friction

Characteristics of Constant-Velocity Joints
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Urbana, Illinois 61801, USA

Constant-velocity (CV) joints have become standard design joints have superior performance compared to universal joints
and an integral part of modern vehicles, primarily due to their because they eliminate uneven rotating torque. Moreover, CV
superiority in terms of CV torque transfer. Despite widespread joints provide coupling forces and moments between connected
Downloaded By: [University of Illinois] At: 15:08 8 September 2009

usage of constant velocity joints there are certain aspects of their substructures, as well as localized damping dissipation (Schmelz,
friction, wear, and contact characteristics that are not well un- et al. (1); Wagner, et al. (2)).
Although CV joints are very common in vehicles, there are
derstood. In this article, the need to directly measure CV joint
certain aspects of their internal friction and contact dynamics that
internal contact and friction forces is addressed by designing
are not fully understood or modeled. Such unknown effects in-
and constructing an instrumented advanced CV joint friction
clude internal friction, which includes micro- and macroslip be-
apparatus using actual tripod-type joint assemblies. The appa- tween rubbing structural interfaces; strong nonlinearities due to
ratus is capable of measuring key performance parameters such microimpacts caused by looseness of joint connections; and uncer-
as friction and wear under different realistic operating condi- tainties of interfacial parameters such as surface roughness. These
tions of oscillatory speeds and CV joint articulation angles. The effects are not generally predictable and repeatable, thus causing
apparatus incorporates a custom-installed triaxial force sensor uncertainty in performance and reliability predictions. In general,
inside of the CV joint to measure in situ internal CV joint forces there is a lack of understanding in the behavior of internal friction
(including friction). The CV joint apparatus is under full com- in CV joints. Current research works on modeling CV joint effects
puter control and is communicating with all measurement com- on vehicle performance assume constant empirical friction coeffi-
ponents via a master Labview control program. Experiments cient values. Such models, however, have long been known to be
inaccurate, especially under dynamic conditions, which is the case
under different articulation angles and lubrication conditions
for CV tripod joints.
were performed and the measurements were correlated with
Despite significant technological improvements in CV joints
published data.
through design modifications, new designs, improved materials,
and better tolerances (Schmelz, et al. (1); Wagner, et al. (2)), there
are still potential issues associated with such joints and their effect
Automotive Tribology; Friction Testing; Boundary Friction; on vehicle vibrations. For example, a main CV joint problem is
Constant-Velocity Joints the so-called take-off shudder, which generally occurs when the
vehicle moves (starts) abruptly. This problem is mostly related to
INTRODUCTION the internal friction in the CV joint, which consequently generates
Constant-velocity (CV) joints are an integral part of modern an axial force known as generated axial force (GAF). Such poten-
vehicles; they significantly affect steering, suspension, and ve- tial problems are particularly troublesome when developing new
hicle vibration comfort levels. Figure 1 shows a typical vehicle lines of vehicles, because the specific vehicle system dynamics and
front-wheel-drive configuration with CV joints. Each driveshaft resonances, as well as engine excitations, are unique for each de-
comprises two types of CV joints, namely fixed and plunging types, sign and are usually unknown during the design process, and their
connected via a shaft, and their primary function is to transmit coupling with CV nonlinear behavior may cause take-off shudder.
the engine torque to the wheels. The main friction challenges in To avoid such potential problems, extensive testing with all new
such CV joints are concerned with plunging CV joints because model vehicles is usually undertaken, which leads to longer and
their function is to compensate for the length changes due to costly development periods. Better understanding of the nonlin-
steering motion, wheel bouncing, and engine movement. CV ear dynamic interfacial friction behavior of CV joints can provide
powerful design tools and can lead to the development of basic
Presented at the STLE Annual Meeting CV joint friction models that can reduce the development cycle of
in Las Vegas, Nevada new vehicles.
May 15-19, 2005
Manuscript approved August 6, 2005 Because of the importance of CV joints as well as their com-
Review led by Bill Marscher plexity, specialized CV joint apparatuses have been presented

tion patterns during CV joint operation. Despite these advances in

measuring CV joint parameters, none of these works directly mea-
sures internal CV joint friction, which is undertaken in this study.
In this article, we present an advanced well-instrumented CV
joint apparatus to experimentally investigate the internal friction
in CV joints. The emphasis is on a class of CV joints called tripod
joints, whose use has been favored, especially for automatic
transmission vehicles. This is due to their noise and vibration
advantages and because they offer lower plunging resistance
compared to ball-type joints. Specifically in this work, we designed
and constructed an instrumented CV joint apparatus capable of
testing actual CV joints to measure their internal friction char-
acteristics under simulated vehicle operating conditions. Such
measurements will provide a better understanding of CV joint
friction characteristics that can be used in designing improved CV
Downloaded By: [University of Illinois] At: 15:08 8 September 2009


Fig. 1—Front-wheel-drive configuration showing typical CV joints. A dedicated and instrumented CV joint apparatus was con-
in the literature to measure different aspects of CV joint be- structed to conduct a controlled realistic experiment to measure
havior. For example, Philpott, et al. (3) developed a tester and friction (and, possibly wear) of actual (full-scale) CV joints. Such
implemented a two-phase surface-fitting regression algorithm to tests enable measurements of key performance parameters, such
quantify the race track wear in ball-type CV joints. Biermann (4) as internal friction between ball and housing, under different re-
designed an apparatus to accurately measure the efficiency of CV alistic operating conditions. These experiments established a set
joints by recording power and heat losses. Kernizan, et al. (5) de- of critical parameters and provided useful information about CV
veloped a tester to assess the performance of grease by measuring joint internal friction that was not available before. An overall
the temperature rise in CV joints. Jia, et al. (6) investigated the schematic of the apparatus is shown in Fig. 2 and the main capa-
dynamic performance of tripod-type CV joints and designed an bilities of the apparatus are as follows:
experimental tester to measure the effect of the clearance on their 1. statically control and vary the CV joint installation (also known
dynamic response. Finally, Kochersberger (7) patented an appa- as articulation) angle;
ratus to detect defects in CV joints by measuring irregular vibra- 2. control and vary the input torque;

Fig. 2—Schematic of the CV joint friction apparatus.

Development of an Apparatus to Investigate Friction Characteristics of Constant-Velocity Joints 507

3. control and vary the linear stroke motion; and generates a thrust force at the bearing. The applied torque and
4. test actual CV joints. generated thrust force are measured directly using a force/torque
strain gauge transducer attached between the CV joint and the
A unique feature of the apparatus is that the actual CV joint torque mechanism as shown in Fig. 2. Note that, in typical test
is retrofitted with a three-axis piezoelectric force transducer for stands used for CV joint testing, one typically only measures the
in situ measurement of internal CV joint forces including fric- GAF (thrust force) during simulated load inputs to evaluate the
tion. Such experiments provide information on the relationship performance of CV joints. This is a crude method of CV joint per-
between the different internal friction components and the GAF. formance evaluation because, for example, significant GAF infers
Explanation of the function of each of the main components of the inadequate performance due to high internal CV joint friction but
apparatus and how it is used to simulate realistic CV joint motions without direct measurement of the internal friction and correla-
in vehicles are described next. tion with GAF.

Sliding Motion and Height/Angle Adjustment Instrumentation Development

In typical CV joint tests (e.g., Wagner, et al. (2)), the internal
Sliding motion and a height/angle adjustment mechanism was CV joint friction is typically measured externally using a thrust
designed to provide a plunging motion (stroke) using a linear ac- load cell at the end of the CV joint as described earlier. However,
tuator and servomotor control drive, as shown in Fig. 2. The linear the complexity of the sliding and rolling interfaces in a typical
Downloaded By: [University of Illinois] At: 15:08 8 September 2009

plunging motion was controlled by a linear brushless servocon- tripod CV joint are such that the overall external axial force is
troller using programmed PLC (Programmable Logic Control) inadequate to reveal details of the internal CV joint forces, in-
sequential codes. Using the quadrature encoder resolution of the cluding friction. To this extent, and to measure the internal fric-
linear actuator, the linear displacement and velocity were precisely tion components directly during the experiments, a triaxial force
controlled. It was first confirmed that the linear motion correctly transducer was installed inside the spider assembly as shown in
tracks the specified displacement and velocity commands by mon- the photographs of Fig. 3. This was accomplished by precisely cut-
itoring the encoder signal directly through the digital input on the ting out one of the trunnions and then milling a hole to insert
data acquisition (DAQ) board. After eliminating small misalign- the force transducer. Subsequently, the trunnion was reassembled
ments between the actuator and the CV joint specimen, we were using the triaxial force transducer’s preload bolt. After installing
able to generate precise motion trajectories and transmit these and preloading the transducer, the triaxial forces were calibrated
motions through rigid connections to the CV joint assembly. using the manufacturer’s suggested calibration procedures and
A fixture was also designed to directly attach the ball-joint confirmed using known dead weights (i.e., statically calibrated).
part of the CV joint assembly to the linear actuator. This fixture A possible concern in this triaxial force transducer design was the
can adjust the height of one of the ends of the CV joint, thus crosstalk between each orthogonal force axis, which was measured
being able to change the CV joint articulation angle, which is a and in all cases found to be less than 2%. The force transducer
major factor affecting the plunging joint friction during tests. In assembly accurately measures the internal frictional forces that
actual vehicles, this mechanism simulates the articulation angle occur along each axis of the CV joint. Based on its method of at-
and plunging motions in the CV joint due to wheel bouncing as tachment (see Fig. 3), one of the transducer output directions is
well as steering motion and engine movement. The height-adjust exactly parallel to the shaft axis; thus, at any instance during an
mechanism is a four-bar linear bearing structure, enabling smooth experiment, the directions of the three orthogonal axes of mea-
vertical movement as well as providing rigidity of the fixture. surement were precisely known.
The apparatus can supply a maximum articulation angle of 15◦ , a As the linear actuator (see Fig. 2) initiates the CV joint
plunging force of 100 N, and a maximum oscillation frequency of movement, two displacement measurements are monitored us-
25 Hz. A summary of the CV joint friction apparatus specifications ing (a) the encoder that is inside the linear actuator and (b) an
are given in Table 1.

Static Torque Generating Mechanism

The static torque is applied manually with a hand crank and
gearbox mechanism to simulate the abrupt start of actual vehicles.
It uses a worm gear mechanism and a reduction gear with a flexi-
ble coupling between them. The design is such that it can generate
a maximum static torque of 1000 Nm. This mechanism was also
used to attach the tripod joint to the static torque generator. This
part utilizes a thrust bearing because the sliding resistance also


Articulation Angle Max 15◦
Plunging Capacity Max 100 N at 25 Hz
Plunging Frequency 1 mm/25 Hz to 50 mm/0.02 Hz
Fig. 3—Installation of triaxial force transducer: (a) assembled and
Static Torque Max 1000 Nm
(b) disassembled.

TABLE 2—SPECIfiCATIONS OF SENSORS FOR THE CV JOINT FRICTION and implemented. Such a master control program provides accu-
APPARATUS rate triggering and synchronizing of the apparatus components
Sensor Measurement Specification and at the same time precisely capturing and digitally recording
all measurements. Specifically, the linear actuator, which generates
Triaxial Force 3-axis forces Sensitivity: Fx & Fy = 3.2
the force to linearly move the CV joint, is controlled by the com-
Transducer pC/N, Fz = 3.8 pC/N
puter via a drive/controller and its movement is limited/controlled
Range: Fx & Fy = −2.5 to
using a limit sensor. Using three-phase, 230-V AC power, the per-
2.5 kN, Fz = −5 to 5 kN
Thrust/Torque Thrust force and Capacity: 10,000 lbs-in. formance of the servomotor attached to the linear actuator was
Sensor applied torque torque 6000 lbs thrust significantly increased. To precisely measure the torque applied
Encoder Actuator linear Quadrature encoder to the CV joint with the static torque generator, a two-axis strain-
displacement resolution: 1000 lines, gauge force/torque sensor was installed and the outputs were dis-
4000 counts/rev played on digital meters (for easy viewing) and also fed to the
LVDT CV joint actual Spring-loaded gauge computer for digital recording. The thrust GAF output, which is
displacement head type typically measured in such experiments, represents the combined
Range: 2 (50.8 mm) CV joint frictional and other internal forces. The internal triaxial
Accelerometer CV joint housing Sensitivity: 102.3 mV/g
friction forces were measured directly using the embedded force
(Axial) axial acceleration
transducer, and the signal output is fed to the computer via signal
Accelerometer CV joint housing Sensitivity: 9.49 mV/g
Downloaded By: [University of Illinois] At: 15:08 8 September 2009

conditioners and analog-to-digital converters.

(Vertical) vertical
acceleration The fully assembled CV joint apparatus is shown in the pho-
tograph of Fig. 4. Using this setup, the in situ three-axis CV joint
internal forces (designated Fx, Fy, and Fz), the applied torque,
external LVDT displacement sensor that is in contact with the
and the axial thrust force were recorded during each experiment.
spider inside the CV joint. Thus, the encoder measures the in-
Also the linear actuator motor was simultaneously triggered via
put displacement to the CV joint and the LVDT the net resultant
Labview/PC. Using the piezoelectric triaxial force transducer in
movement of the CV joint during experiments. In this work, both
charge-mode and long time constant signal conditioners, the in-
displacement measurements were found to be very similar, imply-
ternal CV joint forces were measured under dynamic conditions
ing that there was no significant backlash in the system, thus only
while also capturing their DC components. The digital indicators
the encoder signal output will be analyzed. Finally, to capture any
for the applied torque and thrust force were calibrated and their
sudden or jerky motions during the experiments, two miniature
signals were also sent to the PC via the data acquisition board. The
accelerometers were attached on the CV joint, one in the vertical
linear motion information from the encoder, which is part of the
and another in the axial direction, to measure the corresponding
servomotor and linear actuator, in the form of displacement and
accelerations. The specifications of the sensors used in the CV joint
velocity, were also recorded. Moreover, a linear motion control
friction apparatus are listed in Table 2.
box was constructed using manual switches to further manipulate
the CV joint position (i.e., set the initial homing position).
CV Joint Friction Apparatus Assembly Once the designing and building of the CV joint apparatus was
Once all the apparatus components were designed and con- completed, a Labview program was developed to control the over-
structed, they were accurately aligned using a digital level gauge all experimental setup directly from a PC. Specifically, Labview
and a dial gauge and assembled. Subsequently, a Labview master is used as a digital oscilloscope triggering mechanism, controlling
control program, as also shown in the sketch of Fig. 2, was designed the linear motion and also recording the experimental output data.

Fig. 4—Photograph of CV joint friction apparatus and controls.

Development of an Apparatus to Investigate Friction Characteristics of Constant-Velocity Joints 509

The computer monitor in Fig. 4 shows a typical Labview test panel

during experiments. The display show the three internal CV joint
force components, the thrust force, the applied torque, the en-
coder displacement and velocity, the LVDT displacement, and ax-
ial and normal accelerations. The input-output (I/O) connections
for each channel as used on the data acquisition board include
eight analogue input channels (three internal CV joint axial force
components, thrust force, applied torque, LVDT displacement, ax-
ial and vertical accelerations), two digital input channels (encoder
displacement and velocity), and a serial port for controlling the
linear actuator.


Fully assembled tripod-type CV joints were procured and a
Fig. 5—Components and triaxial force coordinates inside the tripod CV
typical CV joint was installed on the apparatus as shown in Figs. 2 joint.
and 4. The ball-joint side of the CV joint is clamped to the ap-
paratus using a machined spline, whereas the tripod-joint side is
Downloaded By: [University of Illinois] At: 15:08 8 September 2009

clamped using a tight-fit interference with secure clamping. After components Fy and Fz represent the axial and vertical friction
secure clamping of the CV joint on the apparatus, its position was forces, respectively, which are the source of the total combined
articulated and preset to a specified articulation angle by adjusting friction force Q as shown in Fig. 6. One can also calculate the net
the height mechanism and measuring the articulation angle using friction coefficient at the CV joint as follows:
a precise digital level gauge. Because the tests were under loaded Q F y cos β + F z sin β
conditions, a static torque was applied to the CV joint by cranking µ= = [1]
P Fx
the worm gear mechanism. The preset static torque values were
where β is the CV joint articulation angle, as also shown in Figs. 5
monitored on the digital display of the torque transducer; typical
and 6. Notice that this equation is only valid when the trunnion
static torque values used in this work ranged from 50 to 100 Nm.
with the triaxial force sensor is in the top position, as shown in
Once the CV joint assembly was secured, aligned at the cor-
Fig. 5.
rect articulation angle, and the static torque was set, experiments
were performed by plunging the CV joint two full cycles of +15
and −15 mm from the joint center position with a typical veloc- TYPICAL EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
ity of 2 mm/s. This is a typical travel distance in actual automo- To investigate experimental repeatability, several experiments
tive CV joints and simulates the slow motions of wheel bouncing under identical experimental conditions of 0◦ articulation angle
and steering. Experiments were repeated at two different artic- and grease lubrication were performed. The grease used was a
ulation angles, these being 0◦ , representing idealistic conditions standard petroleum hydrocarbon with additives CV joint grease
with minimal internal friction and GAF, and 10◦ , representing ag- and was applied to the rollers and the CV joint housing. In these
gressive conditions with significant CV joint friction and GAF. To experiments the rubber seal (boot) that seals the grease in the
study the effect of grease on the internal CV joint friction, exper- CV joint housing was not installed, to allow easy accessibility and
iments were performed under both dry unlubricated and grease
lubricated conditions. The details of the experimental conditions
used in this study are summarized in Table 3. During each exper-
iment, all sensor signals were fed to the DAQ board after signal
The components and directions of the three force components
measured with the triaxial force sensor installed inside the CV
joint are depicted in Fig. 5. Force component Fx represents the
normal force P and is directly related to the applied torque. Force


Temperature 22.5◦ C
Humidity 40-50% RH
Articulation Angle (β) 0◦ /10◦
Linear Stroke ±15 mm (2 cycles)
Stroke Velocity 2 mm/s
Applied Torque 50 Nm static
Lubrication Status Dry/grease Fig. 6—Internal force components and friction coefficient calculation at
a trunnion contact.
Downloaded By: [University of Illinois] At: 15:08 8 September 2009

Fig. 7—Experimental data showing repeatability (grease-lubricated conditions, articulation angle β = 0◦ ).

visualization. Three typical experiments captured over two com- The exact same cycle is repeated, thus a total of 60 s of data were
plete cycles (60 s) are depicted in Fig. 7. From the results, it is recorded, as depicted in Fig. 7(h). The force components inside the
clearly seen that the experiments are highly repeatable. CV joint as measured with the triaxial force transducer (Fx, Fy,
As shown in Fig. 7(h), the experiments start with the CV joint and Fz) show some variation with the CV joint stroke. The positive
spider being in the center position of the housing (at time t = 0), directions for these forces are also clearly indicated in Fig. 5. The
then moving inward in the housing for 15 mm (at t = 7.5 s it reaches Fx or normal force P is of the order of 700 N and remains relatively
the end position), and then moving all the way toward the outward constant throughout the full stroke with small decreases during
position of the housing, passing through the center position (at motion reversals, as shown in Fig. 7(a). The Fy force shown in
t = 22.5 s it reaches the farthest outward position) and then moving Fig. 7(b), which in this case is also the friction force (Fig. 7(d)) since
to the center position (at t = 30 s one full cycle is completed). the articulation angle β = 0 (see Eq. [1]) is nominally constant
Development of an Apparatus to Investigate Friction Characteristics of Constant-Velocity Joints 511

around 65 N, with a resulting friction coefficient value of slightly Figure 8 depicts the averaged internal friction coefficient as
less than 0.1 (i.e., µ = 0.1), as shown in Fig. 7(e). Interestingly, the well as the external axial friction coefficient versus stroke for
force Fz shown in Fig. 7(c), which acts perpendicular to the CV the three experiments shown in Fig. 7 at an articulation angle of
joint shaft (and in this case of β = 0, perpendicular to the housing) β = 10◦ . Note that the negative direction of the GAF thrust (or
is negative during the inward stroke, which means that the force tension force) is the same as the positive direction of the internal
is acting downward, or in compression in regard to the spider friction force. The absolute value of the external friction coeffi-
assembly, whereas Fz is positive during the outward stroke. The cient is lower than the internal friction coefficient. The external
reason for this is because the contact between the roller and the friction coefficient was calculated by dividing the external GAF
housing does not occur at the center of the roller, thus giving rise by the applied normal force of 694.4 N (obtained from the value of
to a net contact force in the z direction. Recall that the behavior the applied torque). Based on Fig. 8, in the case of the measured
of these forces is somewhat complicated because of the initial internal friction coefficient, a small hysteresis is observed between
constant torque of 50 Nm that was applied to the CV joint, as the inward and outward strokes, with the inward strokes exhibiting
shown in Fig. 7(g). Small torque changes during the experiment slightly higher friction coefficient values, i.e., the hysteretic loop
are attributed to small irregularities in the housing surface, with behavior is clockwise. Furthermore, the friction is lower on the
the changes being coincident with the stroke changes. inside than the outside sides of the CV joint. In the case of the
The external thrust force acting in the horizontal axial direction GAF-based external friction coefficient, not only is the hysteretic
and shown in Fig. 7(f) has an absolute mean value of 60 N, which behavior larger, but most importantly the friction trend is differ-
Downloaded By: [University of Illinois] At: 15:08 8 September 2009

is similar to the actual internal friction force. Note, however, that ent; that is, the inward strokes exhibit a lower friction coefficient
this is the total force due to the forces from all three trunnions of than the outward strokes, which is opposite from the measured
the CV joint, whereas the internal trunnion forces were measured internal friction coefficient.
on only one of the trunnions. Also, the thrust force variation seems Next, experiments with an articulation angle of β = 10◦ were
to correlate with the Fz force variation (i.e., it is lower during the conducted under both dry unlubricated and grease lubricated con-
inward stroke of the CV joint). ditions, using the same grease as in the results of Fig. 7. These test
Shown in Fig. 7(i) is the axial acceleration measured on the results are depicted in Fig. 9. The stroke length and stroke fre-
outside of the CV joint housing. Even though there is some vi- quency as well as the applied torque were identical to that of the
bration during the CV joint operation, its magnitude is small (less earlier experiments, as shown in Figs. 9(g) and 9(f). The three
than 0.1 g) and no obvious vibration bursts were observed dur- internal forces depicted in Figs. 9(a)-9(c) (using the same axis
ing motion reversals. Note that at higher plunging frequencies scale as Fig. 7) show increased fluctuations compared to the 0◦
(not shown in the figure), distinct vibration bursts were clearly articulation angle case. Distinctively different is the Fz force be-
measured. havior where, for the grease-lubricated case, it is negative during

Fig. 8—Averaged friction coefficient and external axial force vs. stroke at articulation angle β = 0◦ (grease-lubricated conditions).
Downloaded By: [University of Illinois] At: 15:08 8 September 2009

Fig. 9—Experimental data comparing unlubricated (dry) and grease-lubricated conditions (articulation angle β = 10◦ ).

the inward stroke and positive during the outward stroke (for and resulting friction coefficient shown in Fig. 7(e) for the 0◦
both 0 and 10◦ articulation angles). For the unlubricated (dry) articulation angle are lower than that for the 10◦ articulation
case, Fx is approximately symmetric, with positive values dur- angle.
ing the inward stroke and negative values during the outward The external thrust force shown in Fig. 9(f) exhibits a trend
stroke. The reason for this difference is attributed to the pres- opposite that of the friction force, even though its amplitude is of
ence of grease, and it is significant because Fz is directly re- the same order. That is, the external thrust force is lower during the
lated to the internal friction force via Eq. [1]. Indeed, as shown inward stroke than during the outward CV joint stroke, which is
in Fig. 9(d), the internal friction force Q for the unlubricated opposite of the internal friction force behavior. This clearly shows
case is higher and also exhibits a larger variation compared to the inadequacy of the external thrust force, or GAF, to accurately
the grease-lubricated case. Moreover, the average friction force measure the internal friction in a CV joint.
Development of an Apparatus to Investigate Friction Characteristics of Constant-Velocity Joints 513
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Fig. 10—Friction hysteresis: internal normal force P and combined friction force Q vs. stroke (articulation angle β = 10◦ ).

The aforementioned point is further demonstrated in Fig. 10, ulation angle. These results qualitatively agree with the results
which shows the internal normal force P (Fig. 10(a)) and the from Fish and Jinsheng (8), who reported that the friction coef-
combined friction Q and external thrust GAF (Fig. 10(b)) versus ficient in a CV joint using normal grease was around 0.12-0.15,
stroke for one complete cycle. In the case of the internal normal it decreased to 0.08 with the use of a friction-modified grease,
force, the dry case shows a smaller hysteretic loop and larger peaks and it was further reduced to 0.06 with a new class of CV joint
during motion reversals. For the case of internal friction force, the grease. It is interesting that the friction coefficient for the dry con-
grease-lubricated case exhibits a smaller hysteretic loop compared dition is not significantly larger than for the grease lubricated con-
to the dry case. dition because it is in the range of 0.06 to 0.15 (i.e., exhibiting
Figure 11 depicts the combined hysteretic behavior of the nor- larger hysteretic behavior). This is due to the fact that the main
mal and frictional forces (i.e., the friction coefficient). The hys- contact is rolling and that the CV joint housing and roller sur-
teric behavior of the friction coefficient is similar to that in the faces were stabilized (run in). Even though the friction coefficient
friction force case, with the grease-lubricated case exhibiting less for the dry and grease-lubricated cases is similar, it is expected
hysteresis. Specifically, the friction coefficient for the grease case that the dry case will cause more wear than the grease-lubricated
ranges from 0.08 to 0.13 (lower values correspond to the outward case.
CV joint movement), which is slightly higher than the 0◦ artic-
An advanced CV joint friction apparatus was designed and
constructed to perform realistic CV joint tests and measure in-
ternal CV joint forces including friction. This was accomplished
using a triaxial force transducer that was attached inside the CV
joint and was able to directly measure the internal forces in three
orthogonal axes during CV joint motions. In addition to these
measurements, the external torque and GAF were also measured
and correlated with the internal CV joint forces. The CV joint ap-
paratus is fully under computer control and is capable of perform-
ing versatile static and dynamic tests under realistic experimental
CV joint conditions. Several experiments were performed under
different articulation angles and lubrication conditions and it was
found that 1) larger articulation angle exhibits higher internal fric-
tion and 2) the grease-lubricated condition exhibits lower friction
coefficient than the dry unlubricated case. Furthermore, the results
indicate that the internal friction at a trunnion location, obtained
from the internal triaxial force transducer installed inside the CV
Fig. 11—Friction coefficient hysteresis comparing dry and grease- joint, does not always agree with the externally measured GAF.
lubricated conditions (articulation angle β = 10◦ ). Further investigation, including modeling work, is needed to fully

establish a correlation between the externally measured GAF and (2) Wagner, E. R. (1979), Universal Joint and Driveshaft Design Manual:
the internal CV joint friction forces. Advances in Engineering, Series No. 7, Society of Automotive Engineers,
Warrendale, PA.
(3) Philpott, M. L., Welcher, B. P., Pankow, D. R. and Vandenberg, D. (1996),
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS “Two Phase Circular Regression Algorithm for Quantifying Qear in CV Joint
Ball Race Tracks,” Wear, 199, 2, pp 160-168.
We would like to express our thanks to Delphi Saginaw Steer- (4) Bierman, J. (1999), “Measurement System for CV Joint Efficiency,” SAE
ing Systems for funding of this project. Special thanks go to Wayne Paper, 1999-01-0936, pp 203-209.
Kieselbach and William P. Skvarla for coordinating the project and (5) Kernizan, C., Jacobs, R. P. and Whitticar, D. J. (2002), “Development of a
Constant Velocity Joint, CVJ, Test Stand to Assess the Performance of a
supplying the samples, and to Mark W. McPherson for providing Series of Greases,” NLGI Spokesman, 66, 4, pp 26-32.
useful advice and information in the design of the CV joint friction (6) Jia, X., Jin, D., Ji, L. and Zhang, J. (2002), “Investigation on the Dynamic
apparatus. Performance of the Tripod-Ball Sliding Joint with Clearance in a Clank-
Slider Mechanism. Part 1. Theoretical and Experimental Results,” J. Sound
Vib., 252, 5, pp 919-933.
REFERENCES (7) Kochersberger, K. B. (2002), “Apparatus for Testing a Constant Velocity
(1) Schmelz, F., Seherr-Thoss, C. H.-C. and Aucktor, E. (1992), Universal Joints Joint and a Method Thereof,” U.S. Patent 6,378,374 B2.
and Driveshafts: Analysis, Design, Applications, Trans. Hill, S. J. and Tipper, (8) Fish, G. and Jinsheng, E. (2002), “The Effect of Friction Modifier Additives
J. A., Springer-Verlag, New York. on CVJ Grease Performance,” NLGI Spokesman, 66, 7, pp 22-31.
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