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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Cl inic a l I m pl ic a t ions of B a sic R e se a rch

Elizabeth G. Phimister, Ph.D., Editor

Prostate Cancer Progression and the Epigenome

Wadih Arap, M.D., Ph.D., Renata Pasqualini, Ph.D., and Joseph F. Costello, Ph.D.

Efforts to translate laboratory-based discovery into histone modifications (e.g., acetylation or methyl-
clinical applications and to transform medical- ation) that repress or activate gene expression; in
oncology problems into research questions have some cases, such activity perpetuates an open
been made particularly challenging by the natu- chromatin state, which can preserve the poten-
ral history of prostate cancer. To begin, wide- tial for repression or activation of gene expres-
spread screening and early diagnostic programs sion. (Changes in the chromatin structure result-
through noninvasive testing (e.g., analysis of se- ing from certain mutations have been linked to
rum prostate-specific antigen [PSA] and urinary the development of disease.)
prostate cancer antigen 3) have restricted the In a binational Dutch–American collaboration,
amount of available tumor tissue for molecular Pomerantz and colleagues4 integrated public epi­
studies. Moreover, despite the high incidence of genomic information from adult and fetal data-
prostate cancer in men, the disease is virtually bases with a massive epigenomic data set re-
absent in other mammals (including captive non- garding normal prostate epithelium, localized
human primates), thereby eliminating natural prostate cancer, and patient-derived xenograft
animal models. Many prostate cancers are organ- models of metastasis. The data set regarding mod-
confined when diagnosed, and long follow-up els of metastasis included genomewide binding
(10 to 15 years) is required to detect a survival patterns of the androgen receptor and two addi-
advantage. Given these practical limitations of tional transcription factors — HOXB13 and FOXA1
tumor procurement and timeline constraints, it is — that are key to both prostate development and
often difficult to obtain matched samples of nor- prostate cancer. It also included an epigenetic
mal (nonmalignant) prostate gland, organ-confined hallmark of active gene regulatory elements:
prostate cancer, and bone metastasis from pros- acetylation of histone H3 at lysine 27 (H3K27ac).
tate cancer to analyze tumor progression on a During these investigations, the researchers
molecular level in order to advance mechanism- made three discoveries. The first helps to explain
based treatment strategies. how the reprogramming of the epigenome by
Prostate cancer is driven by interrelated genet- the androgen receptor occurs during prostate
ic1,2 and epigenetic3 alterations. Known genetic cancer progression. Metastasis-specific androgen-
contributors to sporadic prostate cancer are the receptor–binding sites coincide with chromatin
presence of germline genetic variants that in- that is already open in normal prostate epithe-
crease the risk of prostate cancer and of somatic lium and localized prostate cancer. Furthermore,
mutations, rearrangements, or irregular expres- these preexisting sites of open chromatin are
sion of noncoding RNAs that promote tumori- premarked by HOXB13 and FOXA1 (i.e., the tran-
genesis and metastasis. Central to the patho- scription factors are already present in the nor-
physiological mechanisms of prostate cancer is mal prostate gland) (Fig. 2). Presumably, these
the androgen receptor, a master transcription proteins directly or indirectly provide access to
factor (i.e., a protein that binds to DNA or chro- genetic regulatory regions by the androgen re-
matin and regulates the expression of a number of ceptor in metastatic tumor cells. The presence of
genes) (Fig. 1).1-3 How the epigenome contributes these guideposts in normal prostate tissue pre­
to tumor progression is less well understood. sents a potential entry point for investigational
The epigenome includes DNA methylation and intervention.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Androgen cancer cell Cell response
↑ Proliferation
Ligand binding
↑ Survival
↑ Biomarkers
(e.g., secretion of PSA)

Cytoplasm Nuclear



Transcription machinery
Canonical AR
HOXB13 FOXA1 AR AR program

H3K27 acetylation

Figure 1. Androgen-Receptor Activation and Action.

The androgen receptor (AR) is activated by the binding of androgen ligands, which prompts AR dimerization, trans-
location to the nucleus, and activation of a canonical transcriptional program that promotes cell survival, prolifera-
tion, and the secretion of prostate-specific antigen (PSA).

The second — and perhaps more revealing tate development, including the critical Wnt
— discovery invokes the theory proposed by pathway. Second, they found that the epigenome
Conrad H. Waddington, who coined the term (H3K27ac) pattern in prostate metastasis was
epigenetics to describe “the branch of biology distinct from that in adult epigenomes (includ-
which studies the causal interactions between ing in the prostate) and in metastases of other
genes and their products which bring the pheno- cancers, yet strongly resembled the epigenome
type into being.”5 Pomerantz et al. asked whether of an embryo-derived cell line from the urogeni-
prostate cancer cells require a new epigenetic tal sinus, a structure with cells fated for prostate
program to become metastatic or whether the development. Finally, the genes that were tagged
cells adopt an existing program from their own by H3K27ac in metastases of human prostate
repertoire, such as a prior developmental stage cancer were expressed to a higher degree in em-
within the prostate lineage. Multiple lines of bryonic mouse prostate tissues than they were in
evidence support a connection between the the postnatal prostate. These data support the
metastatic state and the fetal prostate. First, in hypothesis that the epigenome in prostate can-
their analyses of metastasis-specific sites of an- cer metastases resembles that of an earlier devel-
drogen-receptor binding, the researchers identi- opmental period in the prostate-cell lineage,
fied sets of genes that were active during pros- when developing prostate cells are actively pro-

2288 n engl j med 383;23 December 3, 2020

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Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Clinical Implications of Basic Research

Fetal Normal Organ-confined Metastatic castration-sensitive Metastatic castration-resistant

prostate gland prostate gland prostate cancer prostate cancer prostate cancer

AR and Epigenome Reprogramming

Normal prostate gland

Gene A Gene B Gene C Gene D

Localized prostate cancer

Gene A Gene B Gene C Gene D

Metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer

Gene A Gene B Gene C Gene D

Fetal prostate

Gene A Gene B Gene C Gene D

HOXB13 FOXA1 Androgen receptor H3K27 acetylation H3K27 specific to the castration-resistant cancer

Figure 2. Epigenetic Regression with Clinical Progression of Prostate Cancer.

Pomerantz and colleagues4 describe epigenomic patterns that occur in the transitions from the normal human prostate gland to organ-
confined prostate cancer to metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer, with their findings regarding metastasis relying largely on patient-
derived tumor xenograft models. Sites of androgen-receptor binding in the genome have been associated with this transition from normal
prostate gland to metastatic disease. Such binding sites are “premarked” by the transcription factors HOXB13 and FOXA1. Also, the re-
searchers found that sites that are specific to metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer correspond with sites in the open chromatin
state in the normal prostate gland and in organ-confined prostate cancer, which indicates a lower barrier to reprogramming to a metastatic
state. The epigenome (H3K27 acetylation) pattern in prostate cancer metastasis was similar to that in fetal (but not adult) prostate cells.
A limitation of the study is that it does not include an analysis of circulating tumor cells or metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancers.

liferating and migrating. With the inclusion of germline genetic variants linked to the heritabil-
the role of the androgen-receptor reprogram- ity of prostate cancer. Perhaps these variants (or
ming in the metastatic process, this epigenomic variants in their close vicinity) affect epigenetic
recapitulation may plausibly promote metasta- activity of prostate-specific regulatory elements
sis, rather than being a reflection of it. of gene expression.
The third finding is that genetic regulatory From a clinical viewpoint, a shortcoming of
sequences that were identified through the an- the work of Pomerantz et al. — and one that
drogen receptor and H3K27ac patterns in meta- may limit the accuracy of their models of pros-
static prostate cancer overlap substantially with tate cancer — is their reliance on tumor xeno-

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Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.
Clinical Implications of Basic Research

graft models with poor “take” rates. (Xenografts programs. Perhaps this situation will change,
that are derived from samples obtained from since the work of Pomerantz et al. supports a
patients with prostate cancer are notoriously continued focus on the epigenome as a target of
hard to establish, with success rates of approxi- experimental interventions.
mately 10 to 15%, which potentially introduces Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available at
unknown biases, including a selection bias to-

ward proliferating cells.) Moreover, the study did From the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey (W.A., R.P.)
not include some key phases of prostate cancer and the Division of Hematology–Oncology, Department of
development such as nonmetastatic biochemical Medicine (W.A.), and the Division of Cancer Biology, Depart-
ment of Radiation Oncology (R.P.), Rutgers New Jersey Medical
recurrent prostate cancer (PSA-only failure) after School, Newark; and the Department of Neurological Surgery,
primary tumor treatment (which affects the sec- University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco (J.F.C.).
ond largest group of patients with prostate can-
1. Quigley DA, Dang HX, Zhao SG, et al. Genomic hallmarks
cer in the United States) and metastatic castra- and structural variation in metastatic prostate cancer. Cell 2018;​
tion-sensitive prostate cancer, another common 174(3):​758-769.e9.
phase of the natural history of the disease. Fu- 2. Salameh A, Lee AK, Cardó-Vila M, et al. PRUNE2 is a human
prostate cancer suppressor regulated by the intronic long non-
ture research could include more experimenta- coding RNA PCA3. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2015;​112:​8403-8.
tion on samples of human metastatic prostate 3. Zhao SG, Chen WS, Li H, et al. The DNA methylation land-
tumors (rather than on xenografts initiated by scape of advanced prostate cancer. Nat Genet 2020;​52:​778-89.
4. Pomerantz MM, Qiu X, Zhu Y, et al. Prostate cancer reacti-
human prostate cancer cells) and the epigenetic vates developmental epigenomic programs during metastatic
analysis of circulating tumor cells, once refine- progression. Nat Genet 2020;​52:​790-9.
ment of single-cell assays allows it. Currently, 5. Waddington CH. The strategy of the genes:​a discussion of
some aspects of theoretical biology. London:​George Allen &
several epigenetic modulators are being used in Unwin, 1957.
prostate cancer clinical trials; unfortunately, none DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcibr2030475
are specific to genomic regions or epigenomic Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society.

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Copyright © 2020 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

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