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Perales, Daniel John B.


To Do List
Long Term Goals
o To pass all my requirements needed for my second semester.
o Target Date: May 30, 2020
o To decrease my weight from 92 kilograms to 70 kilograms before the
resumption of classes.
o Target Date: August 1, 2020
o To pass the Medical Technologist Licensure Examination.
o Target Date: Year 2023
o To pass the National Medical Admission Test and be able to apply in
UST Medicine.
o Target Date: Year 2024
Short Term Goals
o To wake up before early especially during the Finals Week.
o To feed my pets every morning.
o To exercise for 30 minutes a day.
o To dedicate 2 hours every day for assignments.
o To pray the rosary with my family every evening.
o To eat at least three times a day.

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