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Parašyk aukštesniuoju arba aukščiausiu laipsniu.

1. Jane is taller than Mary, but Susan is (tall) .

2. The Amazon is (long) the Nile, making it the longest river in the world.
3. Is the Cheetah the fastest animal on land? It's certainly (fast) the Tiger.
4. In my opinion an elephant is (strong) a rhinoceros.
5. The view from the top of the mountain is (beautiful) you'll ever see.
6. Jack was (hungry) of them all. He had three plates of food.
7. Surfing is (interesting) as snorkeling. At least that's what I think.
8. Ben Stiller is (funny) Jack Black, if you ask me.
9. That horror movie was (scary) I had ever seen.
10. Asia is (large) of all the continents.


1. Interesting –
2. Good –
3. Much –
4. Pritty –
5. Beautiful –
6. Bad –
7. Calm -

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