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Ricardo J.


Bachelor of (Liberal Arts) in (Social Studies Composite) Anticipated: 12/2020
The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) Overall GPA: 3.81/4.00
Major GPA: 3.80/4.00
Honors & Affiliations:
The National Society of Leadership and Success, Member, Fall 12/2020

Extra-Curricular Aid 12/2020– 12/2020
Fannin Elementary El Paso, Texas
 Aided in the development and set up of Extra Curricular Activities
 Used my knowledge of MS word to assist flyer development and placement for festivals, fundraisers, and
Academic Aid Programs
 Collaborated with others to facilitate games for mathematics and literature night and holiday fundraisers
for end of year state exams.
 Participated in setting up the stations for the events and collaborated with administration, staff, and other
high school students to create an effective learning environment.

Extra-Curricular Aid 08/2015-05/2016

Andress High School El Paso, Texas
 Aided in the development and set up of Extra Curricular Activities
 Used my knowledge of MS word to aid flyer development and placement for festivals, fundraisers, and
Academic Aid Programs
 Participated in setting up end of year fundraisers and activities for the graduating senior class.

 Bilingual: English and Spanish
 Proficient in MS Word and MS PowerPoint
 Extensive use of MS Excel, MS Slack, MS Teams and Zoom
 Enjoy being a team leader and establishing a schedule to ensure all work is done in a timely manner.
 Understanding multiple viewpoints to ensure that everyone in a team can contribute and have their point
of view accounted for.

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