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Nama/NIM : Kerin Berliana (061930311834)

Kelas : 3 LE

Get Ready

1. How do you search for a radio signal ?

Answer :
To get a radio signal, we can place a signal amplifier between the antenna and receiver or
the radio to improve the signal. Just connect the wire from the antenna to the input of the
amplifier and output to the antenna input of our radio or receiver. We have to plug the
amplifier into power to make it work. So if we want to search a radio signal, we can use a
receiver and antenna. Receiver is an electronic device that receives radio waves and
converts the information carried by them to a usable form. It is used with an antenna. The
antenna intercepts radio waves (electromagnetic waves) and converts them to tiny
alternating currents which are applied to the receiver, and the receiver extracts the desired
information. The receiver uses electronic filters to separate the desired radio frequency
signal from all the other signals picked up by the antenna, an electronic amplifier to
increase the power of the signal for further processing.

2. How do electronic devices alter sounds ?

Answer :
Sound is a wave. Inside TV or stereo equipment, electronic circuits represent sound
waves as analog signals or digital signals. In analog recordings a peak in the original
sound wave corresponds to a peak in the current. Radio and TV broadcasts are usually
analog signals. The sound wave is converted to electromagnetic waves sent out through
the air. The radio or TV set receives these waves by using the antenna and converts them
back to a sound wave. In digital sound recordings the system samples the incoming sound
wave at frequent intervals of time, such as 44,100 times per second. The system measures
the height of each wave and assigns it a number. The numbers form a digital signal. This
information can then be stored and transmitted. The playback electronics, such as CD
players and DVD players, convert the signal back to a sound wave for you to hear.

1. What is the work order mostly about ?

Answer : D. repairing a broken stereo

2. Which part of the product is NOT working ?

Answer : A. the antenna

3. Why does the customer need the item back by Wednesday morning ?
Answer : C. she is hosting a party that night


1. Convert : D. to change one thing into something else.

2. Parameters : A. a set of limits determining how something should be done.
3. Process : F. to use electronic equipment to organize information.
4. Small-scale : B. having a lesser size than other similar objects.
5. Take in : E. to receive information.
6. Tuning : C. the act of setting a radio or TV to receive a certain program.

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