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Venezuela Verifica alliance is born

∙ F​ act checkers from seven Venezuelan media, under the coordination of

IPYS Venezuela and with the support of Probox, the Global Observatory of
Communication and Democracy, and EsTendenciaVzl, will fight
disinformation as one in the upcoming December 6 electoral process.

∙ ​#VenezuelaVerifica, #AlianzaContraLaDesinformación.

All the media and initiatives of civil society working in Venezuela have been
integrated into the Venezuela Verifies alliance, with the purpose of combating
disinformation during the upcoming electoral process of december 2020 in

Fact checkers and researchers from Cocuyo Chequea (,

ObserVe (Ininco-Universidad Central de Venezuela), CotejoInfo and Observatorio
de Fake News (Medianá, Cazadores de Fake News
(, EsPaja (Transparencia Venezuela) and Chequéalo
(, together with Probox, the Global Observatory of Communication
and Democracy, EsTendenciaVzl and the Press and Society Institute of Venezuela
(IPYS Venezuela), are the professional teams that have joined this alliance so far.

The announcement was made this week in the framework of 4 events of the allies:
Cocuyo Festival, the UNESCO-AMI Digital Literacy Week, the anniversary of of Transparencia Venezuela and the digital workshop "Keys and
Challenges of Electoral Journalism in Venezuela" of IPYS Venezuela.

The lie is fought with the truth. False news and farces are fought with facts and
verified data. The sea of falsehoods that disinformers create to polarize our society,
politically deactivate their adversaries, make up realities and fill us with despair with
prefabricated psychological, emotional and communicational campaigns, is
combated by developing our capacities as a society to better defend ourselves from
this serious threat to democracy, liberties and human rights of all Venezuelans.
The works of investigation and fact-checkings produced by the allies, and that allow
to determine what is true or false in the cyberspace about the election of December
6, 2020, will be broadcast jointly by all the media that make up Venezuela Verifica.

The alliances of fact checkers have multiplied at a global level in a notorious way:
one of the most recent has been the one deployed to fight the "infodemy" on the
Covid-19, but previously in Latin America alliances of this type had been
successfully developed during presidential elections, such as those that took place
in Colombia, Argentina, Brazil and Mexico in the last five years.

Stay informed and avoid spreading fake and misleading news by following
#VenezuelaVerifica's allies in their digital portals and social networks:
@EfectoCocuyo, @EsPaja, @ObserVeUcv, @cotejoinfo, @observatorioFN,
@EsTendenciaVzl, @ProBoxVe, @IpysVenezuela @cazamosfakenews and
Chequéalo en

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