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Demonstrate and execute properly the flexibility, muscular strength and

cardiovascular routine exercises
To test your flexibility, lean forward and try to touch your toes. Those with good
flexibility will usually be able to touch their toes, while those with limited flexibility will
not. Another good way to assess your flexibility is the sit and reach test (sitting on the
floor and reaching towards your toes). The more versatile you are, the nearer you get to
reach your toes and beyond.
Muscular Strength
It is the "power" that lifts and carries heavy items. Without muscle strength your
body would be weak and incapable of meeting the demands placed on it. Training with
heavy weights is the way to improve power, operating in the ranges of 4-6 or 12-15 rep.
The heavier the weight, the fewer reps you can perform.
Cardiovascular endurance is the ability of the body to keep up with activities such
as running, jogging , swimming, cycling, and whatever causes the cardiovascular
system (lungs, heart, blood vessels) to function for long periods. The heart and lungs
help to fill your body with the oxygen the muscles need, ensuring they have the energy
they need for the work they 're doing. The Cooper Run (running in as far as possible in
12 minutes) is a method widely used to measure cardiovascular stamina, but many
trainers use the Move Method (stepping 5 minutes onto a platform). Both are accurate
measures of a subject’s cardiovascular endurance.

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