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Basically, employers need specialists who understand the familiar and familiar to
us all industries: Economics, medicine, engineering and the like. But in the world
there are many other, not known to most people the most extraordinary and strange
professions. We will tell you about some strange types of work in the continuation
of the article.

Professional sleeper

In the world there are hotels that use the services of professional sleepers - these
are people who test the hotel beds and tell about their feelings while sleeping on a
particular bed. There are not many requirements for such people: the main
requirements are to know the appropriate language of the hotel and to be able to
fall asleep quickly in any place and in any circumstances. The interesting fact is
that the function of professional sleeper is not only to assess the convenience and
comfort of the bed, but also to be able to determine and make recommendations to
people, what type and category of people are suitable for a particular room in the
hotel, based on the interior and everything else. Professional sleepers provide their
services not only to hotels and hotels, but they are also hired by doctors and
scientists for their new research. Before going to bed, they are connected to lots of
sensors and various devices that could record brain activity and heart rate. Through
these studies, scientists can gett new results about the functioning of the human
body that occur at different times of the sleep phase.

Specialist supervising the drying process of the paint

In the world there is such a profession in the truest sense of the word. Paint
companies are willing to pay good money to such professionals in exchange for the
fact that the specialist will spend his time watching the paint dry. These companies
want and need to know how long it takes to dry a particular paint and to know the
impact of the coating process, as well as to clarify other processes. After
observations, the company's specialists provide all the data they need. It is worth
noting that the specialists of this profession do not just sit and relax, watching the
drying process, in their work they use various tools that help to conduct research
on the drying process of different types of paints. The microscope, for example,
helps them to determine the strength of a particular paint and learn the smoothness
of applying paint to the surface.
Professional live human mannequin

Man-mannequin earns a lot of money, and the payment is for every hour of work.
They are paid a lot of money for having to stand without a single movement for a
sufficient amount of time. Learn this profession is not so easy and only a few
people are able to master this talent. Representatives of this profession say that the
most difficult thing in their work is to fight with yourself, when, for example,
suddenly scratched his nose, and movements are strictly prohibited. In addition,
when a person is motionless for a long time, the limbs and certain parts of the body
begin to go numb. A living man-mannequin is forbidden to move for the reason
that among the visitors of the store there may be people with weak and unstable
psyche, and the movement of the mannequin can confuse them, and even drive
them crazy when they see the mannequin, which moved and scratched his nose. If
you have read this passage of the article, then know that in this case you do not
need to be frightened and shout that the mannequin came to life. In that case, you
have just encountered a live mannequin for the first time in your life.

You guessed it-these professionals make a living standing as humanely as possible

in a shop window, wearing the latest fashion trends. Sounds creepy, but it's
admittedly a really smart way for businesses to get people to notice their products.
Money: on average, live mannequins make $ 100 (slightly North of £75) an hour.

Bed heater

There is a profession of the professional bed heater who puts on specially made
sterile suits and warms with the body beds of clients of hotel rooms. The procedure
of heating the bed should be done shortly before the guests of the hotel room will
go to bed, otherwise the bed will just have time to cool down. Scientists from the
Edinburgh sleep centre conducted research and found that it is most difficult for a
person to fall asleep when the bed is cold. The ideal bed temperature during sleep
should be 20-24 degrees Celsius. The subjects fell asleep faster in such bed
conditions, and their sleep was deep and calm. Some London and Manchester
hotels in the cold season, its guests offered a free service-warming up the bed
before going to bed. Practice has shown only positive feedback.

Accompanying the ducks

In the United States, there is a hotel in Memphis where for fifty years one man
worked as a messenger. The task in his work was as follows: to accompany the
ducks from the cages where they live, to the fountains, where the ducks bathed and
pleased the guests. So same this man fed their and looked after them, and on the
evening accompanied ducks back in their cells on rest and recreation. The man's
name was Edward Pembroke. When the time came, he retired, handing over his
duties to other messengers who take turns and perform all functions.

Push the passengers

This specialty spread in Japan. It happens that at rush hour a lot of people waiting
for transport and get on the bus or train is simply impossible if there is no outside
help. For this purpose at stations physically strong people who help people to get
on transport are on duty. Thanks to the passenger pusher, Japanese residents are
almost never late for their work.


In city life, there are crowded buses, subways and trains. In Japan, people hire
particular workers, called oshiyas, to push people into the trains, mostly during
peak traffic hours. The usual workforce in this sector is of students who are
looking for extra cash.

Train stuffer. There have been many viral videos of railway station attendants
literally shoving as many people as they can on trains in congested places like
Tokyo. Well, that’s the job of the ‘pusher’ a worker who helps cram commuters
on the cars during the chaotic morning and evening rush hours.

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