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Good Morning I am Mr Tin belonging to the Carbon group 14 (4a) of the periodic table.

With an
Element Symbol Sn from the Latin word Stannum, my atomic number is 50 and my atomic
weight is 118.710. I am a soft, malleable, ductile and highly crystalline silvery-white metal.
When a bar of me is bent, a crackling sound known as the "tin cry" can be heard from
the twinning of the crystals. I melts at low temperatures of about 232 °C (450 °F), the lowest in
group 14. My boiling point 2,270 °C(4,100 °F)

My origin is lost in antiquity. Bronzes, which are copper–tin alloys, were used by humans in
prehistory long before a pure Metal of Me was isolated. Bronzes were common in
early Mesopotamia, the Indus valley, Egypt, Crete, Israel, and Peru. Much of the me is used by
the early Mediterranean peoples apparently came from the Scilly Isles and Cornwall in
the British Isles, where tin mining dates to at least 300–200 BCE. I was mines were in both
the Inca and Aztec domains of South and Central America before the Spanish conquest. 

MY unique features are:

Silvery-white metal
Fairly resistant to corrosion
Expensive, but can last long time when properly maintained

I had been used in many ways, and as an element perhaps is best known for its use in tin
cans. And this metal is used to prevent corrosion and to produce glass. It is most often found
mixed, or alloyed, with other metals. I can be used for ornamental purposes, in electronic parts
you can even found me in toothpaste.

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