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I. Introduction to Chemistry
a. Definition of Chemistry
 the branch of science that deals with the identification of the substances of which
matter is composed; the investigation of their properties and the ways in which they
interact, combine, and change; and the use of these processes to form new substances.
 is the scientific discipline involved with elements and compounds composed of
atoms, molecules and ions: their composition, structure, properties, behavior and the
changes they undergo during a reaction with other substances.
b. Branches of Chemistry
 physical chemistry - Physical chemistry is the study of macroscopic properties,
atomic properties, and phenomena in chemical systems. A physical chemist may
study such things as the rates of chemical reactions, the energy transfers that occur in
reactions, or the physical structure of materials at the molecular level.
 Organic chemistry - is the study of chemicals containing carbon. Carbon is one of
the most abundant elements on Earth and is capable of forming a tremendously vast
number of chemicals (over twenty million so far). Most of the chemicals found in all
living organisms are based on carbon.
 Inorganic Chemistry - Inorganic chemistry is the study of chemicals that do not, in
general, contain carbon. Inorganic chemicals are commonly found in rocks and
minerals. One current important area of inorganic chemistry deals with the design
and properties of materials involved in energy and information technology.
 Analytical Chemistry - Analytical chemistry is the study of the composition of
matter. It focuses on separating, identifying, and quantifying chemicals in samples of
matter. An analytical chemist may use complex instruments to analyze an unknown
material in order to determine its various components.
 Biochemistry - Biochemistry is the study of chemical processes that occur in living
things. Research may cover basic cellular processes up to understanding disease
states so better treatments can be developed.
c. Importance of Chemistry
 Cooking: Chemistry explains how food changes as you cook it, how it rots, how to
preserve food, how your body uses the food you eat, and how ingredients interact to
make food.
 Cleaning: Part of the importance of chemistry is it explains how cleaning works. You
use chemistry to help decide what cleaner is best for dishes, laundry, yourself, and
your home. You use chemistry when you use bleaches and disinfectants, even
ordinary soap and water. How do they work? That's chemistry.
 Medicine: You need to understand basic chemistry so you can understand how
vitamins, supplements, and drugs can help or harm you. Part of the importance of
chemistry lies in developing and testing new medical treatments and medicines.
 Environmental Issues: Chemistry is at the heart of environmental issues. What
makes one chemical a nutrient and another chemical a pollutant? How can you clean
up the environment? What processes can produce the things you need without
harming the environment?
d. How to study Chemistry?
 Read The Material Before Going To Class - The method known as ‘Flipped
Classroom’ or ‘Class Reversed’ is a growing trend in all subjects, including science.
However, its effect in learning Chemistry can be seen twofold. The technique
encourages students to study the lesson before going to class. This concept
familiarises the student with the subject content making the class much easier to
follow. Students can then consolidate that knowledge and use class time to raise
important questions.
 Understanding Rather Than Memorising - William James said: “The essence of
genius is to know what to overlook.” We cannot agree more! You have to be selective
with what you memorise. When we study, efforts should focus on understanding
concepts rather than memorising every last detail. Once we have gathered the
important facts, we can implement this selective memory method. But remember,
under no circumstances should memorisation replace understanding.
 Use Flashcards - The course is full of Chemical symbols, Chemical formulas and
very scientific language. Interpreting all of these concepts correctly is key to your
success in Chemistry. Although this may seem like an obvious point, large numbers
of students fail Chemistry each year because they underestimate the importance of
understanding this complex subject. With this in mind, study sheets or flashcards are
ideal for organising and storing chemical symbols and formulas on. Once you have
created a good set of flashcards containing the periodic table of the elements and
formulas, memorisation will become much easier.
 Take Notes - It is not enough to simply pay attention in class. In Chemistry, it is
necessary to write down everything and understand what you taking notes on.
Formulas and equations are far easier to understand once written down and presented
in the right way. When notes are compiled and stored in an organised fashion, it is
easier to determine what you do and don’t understand. If you want a simple way to
create some great notes wherever you are, try our Online Notes tool.
 Practice Daily - Continuing with the previous point, one of the key areas in the study
of Chemistry is practice. Solving equations and practical problems should be a feature
part of your study routine. Test your knowledge with sample Chemistry tests on a
regular basis. This will prepare you for your exam and assesses your level of
understanding of Chemistry to date. Moreover, as we mentioned in the subject of
Biology, it is important to go to the lab as often as possible. There is no substitute for
hands on experience. It strengthens our knowledge of Chemistry in a practical

II. Mathematical Tools in Chemistry

a. Units in Chemistry
b. Measurement in Chemistry
c. Scientific Notation
d. Significant Figures
e. Conversion in Chemistry
III. Matter
a. What is matter? - Matter is everything around you. Atoms and compounds are all made of
very small parts of matter. Those atoms go on to build the things you see and touch every
day. Matter is defined as anything that has mass and takes up space (it has volume).

b. Characteristics/Properties of Matter (Physical and Chemical)

Physical Properties - Physical properties are properties that can be measured or observed
without changing the chemical nature of the substance. Some examples of physical properties are:
 color (intensive)
 density (intensive)
 volume (extensive)
 mass (extensive)
 boiling point (intensive): the temperature at which a substance boils
 melting point (intensive): the temperature at which a substance melts
Chemical Properties - Remember, the definition of a chemical property is that measuring that
property must lead to a change in the substance’s chemical structure. Here are several examples
of chemical properties:
 Heat of combustion is the energy released when a compound undergoes complete combustion
(burning) with oxygen. The symbol for the heat of combustion is ΔHc.
 Chemical stability refers to whether a compound will react with water or air (chemically stable
substances will not react). Hydrolysis and oxidation are two such reactions and are both chemical
 Flammability refers to whether a compound will burn when exposed to flame. Again, burning is
a chemical reaction—commonly a high-temperature reaction in the presence of oxygen.
 The preferred oxidation state is the lowest-energy oxidation state that a metal will undergo
reactions in order to achieve (if another element is present to accept or donate electrons).

c. States of Matter
 Gas - A Gas is a state of matter has no definite shape or volume (A gas will expand to
fill a container)
 Solid - A Solid is a state of matter that has its own definite shape and volume
 Liquid - A Liquid is a state of matter that has a definite volume (a liquid will take the
shape of a container)
 Plasma - Plasma is a state of matter similar to gas in which a certain portion of the
particles are ionized

d. Characteristics of the different States of Matter

Solids (Characteristics)

In a solid, particles are packed tightly together so they are unable to move about very much.
 Particles of a solid have very low kinetic energy
 The electrons of each atom are in motion, so the atoms have a small vibration, but
they are fixed in their position
 Solids have a definite shape.
 They do not conform to the shape of the container in which they are placed.
 They also have a definite volume.
 The particles of a solid are already so tightly packed together that increasing pressure
will not compress the solid to a smaller volume.

Liquids (Characteristics)

 in the liquid phase, the particles of a substance have more kinetic energy than
those in a solid.
 The liquid particles are not held in a regular arrangement, but are still very close
to each other so liquids have a definite volume.
 Liquids, like solids, cannot be compressed.
 Particles of a liquid have just enough room to flow around each other, so liquids
have an indefinite shape.
 A liquid will change shape to conform to its container.
 Force is spread evenly throughout the liquid, so when an object is placed in a
liquid, the liquid particles are displaced by the object.
Gases (Characteristics)
 Gas particles have a great deal of space between them and have high kinetic energy.
 When a gas is put under pressure by reducing the volume of the container, the space
between particles is reduced, and the pressure exerted by their collisions increases.
 If the volume of the container is held constant, but the temperature of the gas increases,
then the pressure will also increase.
 Gas particles have enough kinetic energy to overcome inter-molecular forces that hold
solids and liquids together. thus a gas has no definite volume and no definite shape.
IV. Structure of an Atom
a. What is an atom?
Atoms consist of a nucleus made of protons and neutrons orbited by electrons. ... We now
know that atoms are made up of three particles: protons, neutrons and electrons — which are
composed of even smaller particles, such as quarks.

b. Particles of Atoms (Protons, Electrons, Neutrons)

Protons - A proton is a subatomic particle with a mass defined as 1 and a charge of +1

(positive charge). A proton is indicated by either the symbol p or p+. The nucleus of every
atom contains protons. The number of protons of an atom of an element is its atomic number.

Electrons - Electrons are the subatomic particles that orbit the nucleus of an atom. They are
generally negative in charge and are much smaller than the nucleus of the atom.

c. Illustrations of atom
d. Atomic mass
e. Atomic number
f. Number of protons, electrons and neutrons

V. Elements and Molecules

a. Periodic Table of elements
b. Groups and Periods
c. Electronic Configuration
d. Lewis Dot Structure
e. Valence Electrons and Oxidation Number

VI. What is Inorganic Chemistry?

a. Definition
b. Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry
c. What is Cation?Anion?
d. Binary Compounds
e. Polyatomic Compounds
f. Naming of Binary Compounds
g. Naming of Polyatomic Compounds

VII. Inorganic Compounds

a. How do we identify inorganic Compounds?
VIII. Different Characteristics of Elements in the Periodic Table
a. Group 1 Elements
b. Group 2 Elements
c. Group 13 Elements
d. Group 14 Elements
e. Group 15 Elements
f. Group 16 Elements
g. Group 17 Elements
h. Group 18 Elements

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