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TPACK Template By: Gabby Draugelis


Subject Language Arts

Grade 2nd Grade


Learning 2.13 The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization,
Objectiv punctuation, and spelling.
e d) Use singular and plural nouns and pronouns.
j) Use verbs and adjectives correctly in sentences.

Students will practice identifying nouns and adjectives in sentences and

making their own sentences.
Pedagogy Planning

Complete the sentence below:

In this interactive white board activity, the children will touch the board to move
describing words in a sentence that supports the noun and learn about correct use of

Activity 1. The lesson will begin by having all the students sit at the carpet, I will
introduce what an adjective is by explaining that an adjective
describes nouns – we use our senses to describe something.
2. I will hold up pictures and have students raise their hand to answer
how the describe the picture – adding these words to the white board
to refer to later
3. They will the go back to their seats for the interactive activity – I will
explain the directions, the first 6 slides are questions, I will choose one
student to go up to the board and click the correct answer, while the
students at their seats answer in their head.
4. With the sentence game slides, I will read the sentence and the
choices and then choose a student to go up and move the correct
answer, we will work on these questions together as a class, just one
person at a time will go up to the board.
5. On the make your own sentences slides, I will have students work
together as a group at their tables and come up with sentences, I will
have each group present their sentences and as a class we will find the
adjectives and nouns.
6. After that activity, students will receive a hand out to work on with a
partner, this activity will mimic the activity they just did, finding the
adjective in a sentence.

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