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Prayers of the faithful

Student 1; for the church, the people of God, that with the Gospel it proclaims, it
may be a voice and force promoting love and justice among peoples and among
nations, we pray to the Lord;

Student 2; for all those in position of authority and leadership, that they may not
become arrogant or dishonest or merely seek their own interest, that they may
love the people entrusted to them, we pray to the Lord;

Student 3; for our parents who have responded and are still responding to God’s
call to bring forth life, may the force of God’s love enable them to carry on their
responsibility of caring their families and nurturing love that never ends, we pray
to the Lord;

Student 4; For our administrators, our teachers and all other employees of our
school that they may continue to share their talents and abilities in order to build
a community according to God’s plan, we pray to the Lord.

Students 5; For the world in which we live, that all people of good will may work
together to put an end to war and hatred, oppression and injustice; and to seek
peace, freedom and justice. we pray to the Lord.

Students 6; For all of us , graduates, that we may never forget to look back and
be grateful to all who have touched our lives; may the spirit enlighten our hearts
and minds and guide our endeavours as we embark on a journey to grow , we
pray to the Lord

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