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4a) How to teach descriptive writing

There's no one way to teach descriptive writing. That said, teachers can:

 Develop descriptive writing skill through modeling and the sharing of quality
literature full of descriptive writing.
 Include lessons such as the ones listed below throughout the year.
 Call students' attention to interesting, descriptive word choices in classroom writing.

Descriptive writing shares the following characteristics:

1. Good descriptive writing includes many vivid sensory details that paint a picture and
appeals to all of the reader's senses of sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste when
appropriate. Descriptive writing may also paint pictures of the feelings the person,
place or thing invokes in the writer. Watch a teacher use a five senses graphic
organizer as a planning strategy for descriptive writing
2. Good descriptive writing often makes use of figurative language such as analogies,
similes and metaphors to help paint the picture in the reader's mind.
3. Good descriptive writing uses precise language. General adjectives, nouns, and
passive verbs do not have a place in good descriptive writing. Use specific adjectives
and nouns and strong action verbs to give life to the picture you are painting in the
reader's mind.
4. Good descriptive writing is organized. Some ways to organize descriptive writing
include: chronological (time), spatial (location), and order of importance. When
describing a person, you might begin with a physical description, followed by how
that person thinks, feels and acts.

Ask the pupils to write 5 question and answer about the pictures. What,Why,Who,Where,When and


Questions Box

1. Teacher distributes the picture to pupils and allocated time for them to look at the picture.
2. Teacher prepares the questions box and explain to pupils the procedure.
3. Teacher gives a ball to pupils and play any songs loudly.
4. Teacher asks a pupil who hold the ball when the music stops; to come in front of the class
and pick a question, read them aloud and give answer.
5. Teacher also ask other pupils’ answers.
6. ***questions must related to the pictures.


1. Teacher shows the picture the pupils.

2. Teacher prepare a text about the picture and ask pupils to read it individually.
3. Teacher asks a few questions based on the pictures and text.

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