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Name:- Aayush Neupane

Student ID:- M2018092

Mail ID:-
Contact:- +86-15151851213
Bio-engineering technique for soil stability and restoration
August 30, 2019

Bio-Engineering Technique for Soil Stability and Restoration

Soil bioengineering is the use of living plant materials to construct structures that perform
some engineering function. Often, soil bioengineering is used to treat sites where surface
stability and erosion problems arise. Techniques such as wattle fences and modified brush layers
form small retaining walls that can be used to support failing slopes or to reduce slope angles and
allow other vegetation to be established. Soil bioengineering is an appropriate approach to deal
with erosion problems and shallow seated landslides especially in developing countries. This
technique is a cost-effective solution using locally available materials and low-cost labour.
Furthermore, this approach allows the involvement of the local population in the management
and maintenance aspects. Soil bioengineering can contribute to erosion control and slope
stability by achieving the following effects: (1) preventing surface erosion through the soil
binding properties of roots; (2) reducing effects of splash erosion through rainfall interception of
vegetation canopy; (3) reducing the incidence of shallow slope instability through the anchoring
properties of roots; (4) channeling run-off to alter slope hydrology; and (5) providing support to
the base of the slope and trapping material moving down the slope. Live plants and other natural
materials have been used for centuries to control erosion problems on slopes and along river-
banks in different parts of the world.

Keywords: Stability, geotechnical, landslide, soil erosion, brush layer, slope, embankment, soil
bio-engineering, shear resistance, circular failure, peel, willow, restoration..
Soil bioengineering is a discipline of civil engineering. It pursues technological, ecological,
economic as well as design goals and seeks to achieve these primarily by making use of living
materials, i.e. seeds, plants, part of plants and plant communities, and employing them in near
natural constructions while exploiting the manifold abilities inherent in plants.
Soil bioengineering may sometimes be a substitute for classical engineering works; however, in
most cases it is a meaningful and necessary method of complementing the latter. Its application
suggests itself in all fields of soil and hydraulic engineering, especially for slope and
embankment stabilization and erosion control.

Soil bioengineering is the use of living plant materials to provide some engineering function.
Soil bioengineering is an effective tool for treatment of a variety of unstable and / or eroding
sites. Soil bioengineering techniques have been used for many centuries. Soil bioengineering is
now widely practiced throughout the world for the treatment of erosion and unstable slopes.

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Bio-engineering technique for soil stability and restoration
August 30, 2019

Figure 1: Installing Soil Bio-Engineering Structures on a Steep Slopes

Soil erosion occurs whenever water meets land with enough force to move soil. Often this
occurs along mountainous slopes of open ground in road and stream river banks or where excess
water flows over hill slopes. While hill slope erosion can be dramatic, especially after large
rainfalls or floods, normal streamflows, excess runoff from urbanized areas and rain action along
hill slope continually erode soil. Erosion can be severe, as is the case in many man-made
infrastructures, where materials are composed of easily erodible soil. Traditional methods of
controlling streamflow and water induced erosion have relied on structural practices like rip rap,
retaining walls and sheet piles. In many cases these methods are expensive, ineffective or
socially unacceptable. An alternative approach is Bioengineering, a method of construction using
live plants alone or combined with dead or inorganic materials, to produce living, functioning
systems to prevent erosion, control sediment and provide habitat. Bioengineering uses
combinations of structural practices and live vegetation to provide erosion protection for hill
slopes and streambanks. Bioengineering is a diverse and multi-disciplinary field, requiring the
knowledge of engineers, botanists, horticulturists, hydrologists, soil scientists and construction
contractors. It is a rapidly growing field, subject to innovations and changing design
specifications. Terms such as biotechnical erosion control, biostabilization or soil-bioengineering
are often used synonymously with bioengineering.

Soil bioengineering can be an effective means of treating eroding surfaces and unstable
surficial soil layers in the forest environment. Soil bioengineering is a term that describes the use
of living plant materials to build structures that provide slope support. Knowledge of slope
stability factors are important for the proper assessment of these sites and in the prescription of
appropriate soil bioengineering structures.

The use of bio-engineering methods dates back to 12th century China, when brush bundles
were used to stabilize slopes. In the early 20th century, similar techniques were used in China to
control flooding and erosion along the Yellow River. In Europe, especially Germany,
bioengineering methods have been used for over 150 years. Documented use of bioengineering

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Bio-engineering technique for soil stability and restoration
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in the United States dates to the 1920s and '30s. Streambank stabilization, timber access road
stabilization and slope restoration were common applications. After World War II, with
increased access to earth-moving equipment and the development of new structural slope
stabilization and erosion control methods, bioengineering practices all but disappeared. In the
last 20 years bioengineering has been recognized as a reemerging technique to provide erosion
control, environmentally sound design and aesthetically pleasing structures. Gray and Leiser
(1982) published the first U.S. textbook on bioengineering: Biotechnical Slope Protection and
Erosion Control.

Also, the use of Bioengineering in Nepal has been developed since its introduction in the
road project in the mid-1980s for the protection of roadside cuts slope. More importantly, the
bioengineering approaches were adopted in project not as an alternative to civil engineering
measures but as an integration of vegetative methods with normal engineering practice. While
operating Bioengineering techniques, there are considerable costs saving from 50-70 percent in
road maintenance cost.

There is standard manual on Bio-engineering published under Department of Roads (DoR):

Roadside Bio-engineering both Reference Manual and Site Hand book,John Howell (1999).


Bio-Engineering is not the solution for the alternative for the civil engineering structures but
they work together in maintaining soil stability in long term. Bioengineering solutions can be
adopted in many soil stabilization and erosion control situations from streambank, River scour
and Roadside slopes protection to upland gully restoration and slope stabilization. Bioengineered
restoration of flood or high water damage to streams and roads provides a more natural-looking
solution than traditional concrete structures.

Figure 2: Bio-Engineering and Civil Structures in Long Term

Soil Bio-Engineering methods can be applied wherever the plants which are used as living
building materials are able to grow well and develop. This is the case in tropical, subtropical
and temperate zones whereas there are obvious limits in dry and cold regions, i.e. where arid,
semi–arid and frost zones prevail. In exceptional cases, lack of water may be compensated for by
watering or irrigation. In Europe, dry conditions limiting application exist in the Mediterranean

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Bio-engineering technique for soil stability and restoration
August 30, 2019

as well as in some inner alpine and eastern European snowy regions. However, limits are most
frequently imposed in alpine and arctic regions. These can usually be clearly noticed by the
limited growth of woody plants (forest, tree and shrub lines) and the upper limits of
closed turf cover. The more impoverished a region is in species, the less suited it is for the
application of bioengineering methods.


Advantages of bioengineering solutions are: 1) low cost and lower long-term maintenance
cost than traditional methods; 2) low maintenance of live plants after they are established; 3)
environmental benefits of wildlife habitat, water quality improvement and aesthetics; 4)
improved strength over time as root systems develop and increase structural stability; and 5)
compatibility with environmentally sensitive sites or sites with limited access.

Limitations to bioengineering methods include: 1) the installation season is often limited to

plant dormant seasons, when site access may be limited; 2) the availability of locally adapted
plants may be limited; 3) labor needs are intensive and skilled, experienced labor may not be
available; 4) installers may not be familiar with bioengineering principles and designs so up front
training may be required; and 5) alternative practices are aggressively marketed and often more
widely accepted by society and contractors.

Soil bioengineering can provide an effective means of treating sites where steep slopes and
soil instability are resulting in revegetation problems. Soil bioengineering is the use of living
plant materials to perform some engineering function, from simple erosion control with grass and
legume seeding or more complex slope stabilization with willows and other plants (Schiechtl,
1980). Soil bioengineering techniques can be used to revegetate steep slopes, to treat seepage
zones and to control surface erosion (Gray and Leiser, 1982). Soil bioengineering can also be
used in construction to provide soil reinforcement and as living retaining walls (wattle fences)
and live reinforced earth walls.

It is required to work in difficult environmental circumstances or professionals interested in

natural restoration of landscapes will find useful bioengineering techniques. New methods of
application and materials being developed will result in new and improved bioengineering

Bioengineering involves the use of live plants to add structural strength to soil. Many
different plant materials are used. Live cuttings should be soaked in cold water for at least 24
hours before they are used. This not only provides the cuttings with needed moisture but also
improves rooting. Live potted raised plants are often used. Care of live plants before and during
planting is critical for success. Live plants raised in Nursery need to be acclimatized to the
outdoor environment before planting.

Seeding can be used where appropriate. Seeding and mulching are not appropriate in areas of
flooding, high water flow or rapid changes in water depth, as the mulch and seed will be washed

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Bio-engineering technique for soil stability and restoration
August 30, 2019

away. Proper seedbed preparation, fertilization and irrigation may be needed to assure seedling
survival. Expect some failure of plantings in all bioengineering application. A 75 percent to 80
percent survival rate is considered very good. Replanting is generally inexpensive and often the
plants will reestablish themselves in time. Some loss of vegetation does not seriously impact a
project as long as most of the soil stays in place and the structural features of the design are
sound. The following practices of bio-engineering technique have found suitable for restoration
of natural erosions:
 Grass planting and seeding.
 Brush layering, Fascines and Palisades construction.
 Tree and Shrub Planting and seeding.
 Live check dams and vegetated stone pitching.
 Large Bamboo planting.
 Jute netting and Mulching.

5.1 Protect Plantings

Protect Bio-engineering plantings works from both animals and humans are essential to
successfully perform the bio-engineering functions against erosion. Signs may keep people
away, but the area should be fenced or looked after by watchers. Also, protection from forest
fires and cultivation inside the plantation area are important to establish all bioengineering
plantings. Be sure surface drainage and water flow is directed away from the new plantings or
protected slope.

5.2 Vegetation Type

Selection, procurement and installation of the proper plant material are essential for a
successful design. Native vegetation existing at or near the site will give good guidance
concerning plant selection. As mentioned, live cuttings are often used for wattles and live
cuttings. Proper species selection is important. Plants need not be native, but should be well
adapted to the region. The use of introduced species allows the potential for increasing the
number of different species available.

The availability of plant species, in the appropriate size and quantity, is often a limiting
factor in the final selection process. Local nurseries may not carry the types of Bio-engineering
plants needed. They may be able to propagate the species needed, but this will take 12 to 18
months. A compromise between use of native species and what may be locally or regionally
available will be needed to develop a successful design. Consult horticulturists and botanists for
plant selection assistance.


Pioneering woody species are of particular importance in the development of bioengineering
systems. This group of plants represents the successional bridge between the herbaceous initial
colonizers (seeded grasses and legumes) of a disturbed site and later seral types and thus plays a
key role in successional advancement of the site. Pioneering woody species perform important
functions in the natural restoration of damaged sites such as stabilization, erosion protection and
as wildlife browse. Pioneering woody species are often associated with rhyzobia, that fix
nitrogen, and thus serve to improve the nutritional status of a site.
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Stem cuttings of many species can be used for bioengineering although willows and
cottonwood are most effective. Cuttings should be collected while the plant is dormant. Cutting
woody vegetation in the fall and winter results in the maximum amount of growth. Carbohydrate
reserves are at their highest level in the plants at this time of year. This allows the cutting to
provide fresh growth in the spring without the benefit of further photosynthesis. Cutting woody
plant stems in the fall and winter allows all of this stored energy to be expended in the growth of
new roots and shoots during the spring and early summer.

New roots and shoots on the cuttings develop either from buds that develop in the axils of
the leaves (axillary buds), or from other tissues in a process termed dedifferentiation. Buds
arising from these are termed "adventitious" buds (Hartmann and Kester, 1975). Axillary buds
result in the growth of new shoots and roots from sites where there were leaves on the plant in
the past. Adventitious buds result in the growth of new shoots and roots from either axillary
locations or from other areas on the plant such as the cut end of the cutting. In some species,
such as willows, which are very easy to root and widely used for soil bioengineering, preformed
(latent) bud initials are formed as the stem develops initially. These species have a variety of
adaptations, which allow them to function well in bioengineering systems.

The presence of preformed bud initials is one such adaptation, and allows these plants to
re-grow effectively from cuttings and after being buried. Cuttings, which are collected from
healthy, moderately rapidly growing parent plants, will perform better than those collected from
decadent, senescent stems although the tips of stems should be avoided. Marchant and Sherlock
(1984) report that cutting material with a low nitrogen / high carbohydrate reserve will root
better than exceptionally vigorous, "sappy" wood. Local logging sites power lines, pipelines,
railroad and road rights-of-way often provide ideal sites for the collection of cuttings as these
areas are often maintained in an early seral state. Permission from the landowner must be
obtained prior to collecting cuttings from any site. In the case of Crown Land, local Ministry of
Forests officers can provide advise on appropriate locations for the collection of cuttings. Care
must be taken in the collection of cuttings to avoid environmentally sensitive sites such as stream
banks or areas of heavy ungulate use.

Direct planting of root cuttings may be used for the establishment some species.
Although the collection and use of root cuttings is significantly more difficult than using stem
cuttings, there are cases (e.g. aspen) where root cuttings provide the best results and stem
cuttings are not effective. As with stem cuttings, healthy, moderately rapidly growing roots that
are one half to one centimeter in diameter will work best. These should be collected during the
dormant period of the parent plant when the parent plant has stored food reserves contained in
the roots.

Collections should be made well before any flushing of the parent plant in the spring.
Collection of root cuttings during clearing operations can provide an efficient means of
collecting large quantities of suitable roots. Root cuttings should be 5 to 15 cm long and at least
0.25 cm in diameter. Root cuttings must be planted with the proximal end (end towards the
parent plant) up, or horizontally. Root cuttings should be planted 2.5 to 7.5 cm deep. Root

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Bio-engineering technique for soil stability and restoration
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cuttings should be kept moist and planted at the restoration site as soon as weather conditions


7.1 Wattle Fences

Wattle fences (Figure 3) are short retaining walls built of living cuttings. The living
cuttings used to make the walls sprout and grow, further strengthening the structure. Wattle
fences are used where site moisture conditions will allow the living cuttings on the face of the
fence to sprout and grow. Sites where fine textured soils can provide ample summer moisture or
where seepage of groundwater provides moisture are suitable for wattle fence installations.

Figure 3. Wattle fences are short retaining walls constructed of living cuttings. They are
used to provide slopes, which will support plant growth where oversteepened slopes are
preventing plant establishment. The section shows the effects of steeper slopes on wattle
fence spacing.

7.2 Modified Brush Layers

Modified brush layers (Figure 4) are a brush layer supported on a short, small (2 m in
length) log or board. The use of a log or board for support of the brush layer provides the added
advantage that the small terrace that is created can serve to "catch" rolling rocks rather than
allowing them to roll down the slope, gathering speed and damaging vegetation. Although the
log or board will eventually rot, the cuttings will, by that time, have grown to the point where
they are stabilizing the slope. The cuttings that are used in the brush layer will grow into a wall
of plants that will serve to trap rocks and soil and prevent movement of materials down the slope.

Modified brush layers can be used on sites that would be too dry for effective wattle
fence growth but where some form of additional support is needed for stabilization of the slopes.

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Figure 4: Modified brush layers can be built with either a log or a board for support. They
should be staggered across a slope so that material rolling down the slope doesn't have a
chance to get going before it is caught. The detail shows a modified brush layer prior to
backfilling, while the section shows the normal backfill which creates a bit of a bench.

7.3 Brush Layers in a Cut

Brush layers in a cut (Figure 5) are horizontal rows of cuttings (50 to 100 cm long)
buried in the cut (in-situ materials) slope. Brush layers are constructed by digging a bench across
the slope and placing the cuttings in a layer on the bench with the tips sticking out with at least
seven eighths of the cutting underground. Brush layers in a cut are built from the bottom of the
slope so that the second bench excavation can be used to backfill the first and so on up the slope.
Brush layers in cuts add little to the stability of the cut as no significant bench is created by the
brush layer as in a modified brush layer and the cuttings are not deep enough to provide
substantial mechanical stability as in brush layer in fill. The wall of plant materials can act to
control movement of materials from the slopes and can assist in maintenance of a rod where
falling materials are a problem. Modified brush layers are easier to build and provide more
immediate stabilization than brush layers in a cut.

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Figure 5: Brush layers in a cut can provide a row of living plant materials and assist in
preventing movement of surface materials.


8.1 Brush Layers in Fill

Brush layers in fill (Figure 6) are also horizontal rows of cuttings buried in a fill such as
a pulled back road. Brush layers in fills are particularly useful where new roads are being built or
where roads are being deactivated. In either case, brush layers can be used to strengthen the fill

In some cases, fill materials must be placed on steep (1.5:1 or greater) angles due to the
geometry of the site. In these cases, cuttings (1.5 to 5 m long) can be inserted into the fills as
they are constructed. These increase the shear resistance of the soil and can assist in preventing
circular failures.

Figure 6: Brush layers in fill can act to reinforce the fill material. Full length cuttings can
be used and can be expected to root along their entire length.

8.2 Live Reinforced Earth Walls

Live reinforced earth walls (LaREWs) are a combination of wattle fences and brush
layers that can be used to treat overhanging cuts and other slope cavities. Where piping has
caused the cavity, live pole drains can be used in combination with LaREWs to treat the slope.

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Figure 7: Typical Design for LaREWs.

8.3 Live Staking of Sods

Establishment of a healthy grass and legume cover in cut and fill slopes is a requirement
of road construction under the Forest Practices Code. However, in some cases, the cover that is
established may tend to "peel" off of the slope. In these cases, live staking (see above) can be
used to hold the sod in place and to provide a diversity of rooting depths. This will prevent the
development of a slip surface below the sod. The length of the cuttings used in live staking of
sods will vary depending on the depth of rooting.

However, lengths of 40 to 50 cm should be considered as a minimum. Live staking of sods

can provide an effective solution to slipping turf mats.


Sites such as landslides, road cutslopes and fillslopes and other unstable sites should be
assessed to determine if soil bioengineering is an appropriate treatment. For landslides where soil
bioengineering might be considered as an option, an LRAP or similar procedure (see figure 7)
should be conducted to provide the basic physical and biological site information. Specific
questions that need to be considered for the development of a soil bioengineering prescription
 What physical factors are preventing vegetation from establishing? It is paramount that
the physical site factors limiting vegetation are identified and the soil bioengineering
treatments designed to overcome these factors. Typical limiting factors include surface
instability, rapid erosion rates, or dense compact substrates on steep slopes. Specific soil
bioengineering structures have been developed to address each of these conditions.
 What climatic factors might be inhibiting vegetation growth? A lack of moisture or a
southern exposure, for example, can significantly limit natural vegetation growth.

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 Might soil bioengineering treatments reduce the cost of stabilization? In some cases soil
bioengineering techniques can be used in conjunction with road construction activities to
reduce the amount of material that must be moved to create a stable fill-slope or cut-

Where geotechnical assessment has indicated potential for additional large failures on a
site, soil bioengineering cannot be expected to address these problems directly. In general,
soil bioengineering will not be effective on sites where the movement of materials is greater than
about 1 m deep (i.e. beyond the rooting depth of the plants used). For example, soil
bioengineering treatments such as live pole drains can only be expected to provide limited water
management benefits for all but the smallest rotational failures (e.g. debris slumps, earth
slumps). Where machine access is possible and a reasonable amount of machine work will
stabilize the slope, soil bioengineering should be given less consideration as a treatment option.

Personnel with an intimate knowledge of soil bioengineering should carry out the
assessments. As soil bioengineering involves working with living materials, a background in
biology or agriculture is helpful, although not essential. Similarly, a background and
understanding of slope stability assessment and soil mechanics is essential in selecting
appropriate techniques. In prescribing soil bioengineering, site measurements such as slope
gradients and approximate dimensions of the treatment area can be helpful to determining the
quantity of soil bioengineering structures needed. Detailed surveying is generally not required. In
many cases, however, the actual extent of the soil bioengineering will depend on the site
conditions when the work is carried out. Prescriptions should, therefore, have a degree of
flexibility to accommodate changes in factors such as site moisture. A prescription made during
a dry period to use live pole drains, for example, may have to be modified to incorporate live
gully breaks if installation occurs under extremely wet conditions. A sketch of the site showing
the proposed location of the soil bioengineering structures is usually useful. Marked photographs
showing the sites to be treated can be useful for developing appropriate prescriptions as well as
for locating and implementing the prescribed works. Identification of a source of cuttings during
the assessment is an important part of planning a soil bioengineering project. Ideally, cuttings
should be collected from areas that approximate the ecological conditions of the site being
treated and are typically within 300 m elevation of the site and within 100 km in plan distance.


Bioengineering can be effective in many soil erosion situations, but it will not solve all soil
erosion or slope failure problems. The success of a project hinges on many factors including
proper design, plant selection, proper installation, and weather conditions and outside factors like
animal or human damage. Site evaluation is important to determine whether there is adequate
sunlight, soil type and water quality to support vigorous plant growth. Do not expect
bioengineering solutions to stop slope failure caused by high water tables or landslides. Nor are
they ideal for high stress areas with severe water action, rapid or long-term water level
fluctuations or fast water flows. The following list includes tips that may help ensure a successful
bioengineering project.

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 Do not attempt bioengineering solutions in situations where: 1) there is severe soil or

water contamination; 2) the stream bottom is degrading; 3) you can not control human or
animal traffic at the site; or 4) there is too much shade for selected plant species to thrive.
 Water elevation is the most critical element in a successful installation. Be sure you know
the normal; high and low water elevations for the site. Know the seasonal changes in
water elevation and how rapidly these changes occur.
 Be sure to fence out animals and people, if needed. If damage occurs, supplemental
planting may be necessary.
 Be aware of flood or drought conditions that could impact your installation. Severe
weather will reduce seedling survival. Supplemental planting may be needed.
 Provide regular monitoring and maintenance, especially in the first year, to assure
adequate plant survival.
 Plan ahead. Involve the proper design professionals and experts to provide information
on hydrology, plantings and structural design. A multi-disciplinary approach will assure

The key to successful soil bioengineering projects is to treat the plant materials that are used
in construction as living plants. This requires keeping the cuttings moist, avoiding physical
damage where possible and using them as soon as possible after collection. Some installations
may require irrigation during the first growing season.

Most soil bioengineering projects are conducted during the dormant period of the plants used.
At this time the plant materials have the greatest amount of stored carbohydrates (energy
reserves) and are physiologically prepared for new growth. For some soil bioengineering
techniques, where most of the cuttings are quickly placed in moist soil such as in live pole
drains, modified brush layers and brush layers, installation can be conducted in the late summer
before the dormant period. In these cases, the cuttings may actually start to grow before winter.

Most woody plants go through cycles of root and shoot growth. As the major obstacle in the
establishment of cuttings is to balance the shoot growth with sufficient supporting roots, cuttings
should not be used when the shoots are actively growing. An exception is where the placed
cuttings will extend well below the groundwater table and moisture stress can be avoided.
Collection and use of plant materials during the dormant season is recommended to avoid
problems associated with the use of physiologically inappropriate plant materials. Willows are
the primary plants used in soil bioengineering, although cottonwood/balsam poplar (Populus
balsamifera ssp. trichocarpa and ssp. balsamifera) and red-osier dogwood (Cornus stolonifera)
can also be included. The key in selecting appropriate species for use on a soil bioengineering
project is to use willows that occur naturally in the project area. Upland species would not be the
most appropriate for riparian installations, while riparian species would be less suited for upper
slope restoration.

Soil stabilizing plants need proper growing conditions. While the species used for soil
bioengineering will grow under extreme conditions, the probability of success is increased by
paying attention to small details during construction. All plants need fine textured soils for
optimum moisture and nutrient exchange. For structures such as wattle fences and live gully
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breaks that comprise a face of cuttings, the soil must be tightly pressed against the backs of the
cuttings to ensure growth. Inadequate backfilling is the single biggest cause of failure of
establishment. Backfilling with coarse rocky material may also lead to failure. Where the soil
bioengineering system has a distinct top and bottom, such as on modified brush layers, brush
layers and live staking, the cuttings should be placed in the correct orientation (i.e. with the top
or distal end up and the bottom or proximal end down into the substrate).

Although soil bioengineering work should ideally be conducted when the plant materials
are dormant, where this is not possible, provisions should be made to keep the plant materials
and young plants moist. Consideration should also be given to ensuring that the plant materials
have sufficient stored energy (carbohydrate) reserves to sprout, roots and grow. Typically, plants
go through a low energy period for about six weeks around the time of full leaf expansion as all
energy reserves have been expended in the growth of new roots, shoots and leaves. The
hormonal balance in the plant should also be considered. Plants that are in the process of
growing new shoots (buds are bursting) will not be hormonally prepared for root growth. Severe
root to shoot imbalances can occur when such plants are used for soil bioengineering. There may
be opportunities to collect plant materials during the dormant period, store them in a refrigerated
van or snow bank and then use them later in the season when the natural vegetation has flushed.

Similarly, soil bioengineering sites can be prepared during the summer and the living
plant materials added later at the appropriate times. Techniques such as modified brush layers
can be largely constructed with the cuttings added later. In areas of abundant moisture, early fall
work before the dormant period can be effective. Care must be taken to remove all leaves from
the plant materials and to ensure that most of the cuttings are adequately buried. In all cases, it is
important to keep in mind that living plant materials are being used that must be kept alive.
Cuttings that are used for soil bioengineering need to contain enough moisture and nutrients to
allow growth. A good “Rule of Thumb” for the diameter of cuttings is that the narrowest part of
the cutting should be at least as big as your thumb. That is to say, cuttings should be at least 2 cm
in diameter at the tip. Cuttings up to about 10 cm in diameter can be used effectively in soil
bioengineering work. In all cases the cuttings should be healthy and free from insect pests and
disease. Cuttings that are used for structures such as wattle fences, live pole drains and live bank
protection should be as long as possible since longer cuttings will sprout more readily than short
cuttings. For use as live stakes and in structures such as live silt fences, modified brush layers
and live gully breaks the cuttings must be at least 40 cm long. Where sites are dry, longer
cuttings may be necessary. The key to successful growth of the planted material is to use cuttings
large enough and buried deeply enough to ensure that they do not dry out during the driest period
of the summer. This may require cuttings that are much larger than the minimum dimensions
noted above.

Cuttings to be used in soil bioengineering projects require special considerations and care.
The living tissues of the cuttings must be kept moist and protected from physical damage. In
some cases, scheduling of soil bioengineering projects requires that the live cuttings be stored for
a period of time prior to their installation. The key to successful storage of cuttings is to ensure
that the viability of the plant tissue is preserved. Cuttings can be successfully stored at about 2 to
3 deg C in a moist environment for up to 3 to 4 months. During this time, however, carbohydrate

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August 30, 2019

levels in the plant material drop as the plant cells respire. For this reason, a stored cutting will
have less energy for growth compared to a freshly collected cutting. Cuttings can be stored for
shorter periods of time immersed in water, buried under snow, or in commercial coolers. There is
some evidence that rooting is enhanced in cuttings that have been soaked in water for about two
weeks prior to installation.
Figure 8 below shows the adequate example of Bio-Engineering in the Mid-Hill Region road
of about 200 Km which was constructed 4 years ago. Nepal being developing countries and most
of the area are of hilly geological condition, they practice lots of Bio-Engineering aspects and are
quite helpful in stabilizing the soil around the area.

Figure 8: Bio-Engineering Practice in Mid-Hill in Nepal


11.1 Technical Functions

 Protection of soil surface from erosion by wind, precipitation, frost and flowing water
 Protection from rock fall
 Elimination or binding of destructive mechanical forces
 Reduction of flow velocity along banks
 Surface and/or deep soil cohesion and stabilization
 Drainage
 Protection from wind
 Aiding the deposition of snow, drift sand and sediments
 Increasing soil roughness and thus preventing avalanche release

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Bio-engineering technique for soil stability and restoration
August 30, 2019

Apart from these, ecological functions are gaining in importance, particularly as these
can be fulfilled to a very limited extent only by classical engineering constructions.

11.2 Ecological functions

 Improvement of water regime by improved soil interception and storage capability as
well as water
 Shading
 Improvement of nutrient content in the soil and thus of soil fertility on previously raw
 Balancing of snow deposits

 Noise protection
 Yield increase on neighbouring cropland.
 Protection from ambient air pollution
 Mechanical soil amelioration by the roots of plants
 Balancing of temperature conditions in near–ground layers of air and in the soil.

11.3 Landscaping functions

 Consumption by Plants
 Soil Drainage
 Protection from wind
 Healing of wounds inflicted on the landscape by disasters and humans (exploitation of
mineral resources, construction work, deposition of overburden, tunnel excavation
material, industrial and domestic waste)
 Integration of structures into the landscape
 Concealment of offending structures
 Enrichment of the landscape by creating new features and structures, shapes and colours
of vegetation

11.4 Economic effects

 Bioengineering control works are not always necessarily cheaper in construction when
compared to classical engineering structures. However, when taking into account their
lifetime including their service and maintenance, they will normally turn out to be more
economical. Their special advantages are:
 Lower construction costs compared to “hard” constructions
 Lower maintenance and rehabilitation costs
 Creation of useful green areas and woody plant populations on previously derelict land
 Useful for income generation

 Soil bioengineering can provide an effective means of treating sites where steep slopes
and soil instability are resulting in re-vegetation problems.

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Bio-engineering technique for soil stability and restoration
August 30, 2019

 Bioengineering can be an effective tool for the treatment of landslides and unstable
slopes. Treatments are relatively inexpensive and can provide significant benefits in
terms of reduced maintenance, reduced erosion and enhanced stability. As living systems,
bioengineering systems need little or no maintenance and continue to strengthen over the

 Bioengineering can provide a useful bridge between traditional engineering treatments

and normal seeding work. Bioengineering can be a useful addition in the reclamation of
forest sites.

 Soil bioengineering can be used to treat sites where the surface instability is preventing
plant growth. Where the failure surface is greater than about 1 m deep, then other
techniques should be considered for stabilization. Live pole drains, however, can be used
to drain large slump blocks where excess soil moisture is contributing to instability. Care
should be taken when there is active mass-wasting upslope of the site being treated as the
soil bioengineering works may be buried.

 Soil bioengineering treatments utilize the strength in numbers concept. For example, the
objective is not to create one large strong structure at the base of the slope to hold
everything, but to develop enough structures on the slope so that together they treat the
problem. This means the failure of a single structure does not result in failure of the entire
system. Soil bioengineering systems may also be used in conjunction with engineered
treatments. Riprap may be specified, for instance, to protect a steep sided gully crossing
with fluctuating water levels. The riprap can be brought up to the expected high water
level with some freeboard while soil bioengineering can be used to treat the remainder of
the slope. Living plants can also be used to strengthen engineering systems in a process
known as biotechnical slope stabilization. For example, live cuttings installed in the
spaces between riprap pieces may enhance the strength of the riprap.

 The result of soil bioengineering protection works are living systems which develop
further and maintain their balance by natural succession (i.e. by dynamic self–control,
without artificial input of energy). If the right living but also non–living building
materials and the appropriate types of construction are chosen, exceptionally high
sustainability requiring little maintenance effort can be achieved. And we can achieved a
sound and long term soil stabilization of the area.

 Soil bioengineering can contribute to erosion control and slope stability by achieving the
following effects: (1) preventing surface erosion through the soil binding properties of
roots; (2) reducing effects of splash erosion through rainfall interception of vegetation
canopy; (3) reducing the incidence of shallow slope instability through the anchoring
properties of roots; (4) channelling run-off to alter slope hydrology; and (5) providing
support to the base of the slope and trapping material moving down the slope. Live plants

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Bio-engineering technique for soil stability and restoration
August 30, 2019

and other natural materials have been used for centuries to control erosion problems on
slopes and along river-banks in different parts of the world.

1. Soil Bio-engineering for slope stability; Hill Slope Restoration, November 2001.
2. Bio-engineering Guide lines for Slope Stabilization, DSC/WMP, 1997
3. Low Cost Engineering and Vegetative Measures for Stabilizing Roadside Slope in
Nepal, International Conference on Vegetation and Slopes, Oxford ,UK,
4. Soil bioengineering for risk mitigation and environmental restoration in a humid
tropical area, A. Petrone and F. Preti
5. Implementation and monitoring of soil bioengineering measures at a landslide in the
Middle Mountains of Nepal, Walter Lammeranner, Hans Peter Rauch & Gregor
6.   Bio-engineering for Effective Road Maintenance in the Caribbean. Natural
Resources Institute, Clark, J. and J. Hellin. 1996, The University of Greenwich. United
7.   Schaffner U 1987 Road construction in the Nepal Himalaya. The Experience from
the Lamosangu-Jiri Road Project, 67 pp. International Centre for Integrated
Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu.
8. Howell J 2001 Application of bio-engineering in slope stabilisation: Experience from
Nepal. In L Tianchi, S R Chalise and B N Upreti, (eds.). Landslide Hazard Mitigation
in the HinduKush-Himalayas. pp. 147–161. International Centre for Integrated
Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu.

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