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English Department Course 2020/2021



NAME…………………………………………………....................................... DATE: ………………..............…......


VOCABULARY - ……/15 marks

1 Complete the sentences about likes and dislikes. (......../ 5 marks)

- I c________ s____________action films but my brother likes them a lot.
- Jen is i_______________ ______cooking. She makes great spaghetti.
- I really don’t like reality shows. I h______________them. I prefer sitcoms.
- I don’t want to read a book about vampires. They are OK but I’m not a b______ f______
- I like riding a bike but I’m not K_________ ____ running

2 Complete the sentences with verb phrases for free time activities. Write one word or two.
(......... / 5 marks)
- We ______________ a bike ride every week.
- My brother doesn’t _________________the gym on Friday afternoons.
- I ______________a run every day.
- My friends ___________ bowling every Saturday evenings.
- Do you ___________shopping every day?

3 Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences. (........../5 marks)

- Do you play _______________________? Yes, I do. I play the piano.
A) the cinema B) a party C)a musical instrument D) football
- It’s a beautiful sunny day. Do you want to go for __________________?
A) computer games B)a swim C)bowling D)a barbecue
- In the summer, we have _________________in our garden every weekend.
A)a run B)basketball C)a barbecue D) a swim
- After school, my friends and I play _____________in the park.
A)swimming B)basketball C)bowling D) judo
- Amy, Ella and I usually have _______________at my house. We wear pyjamas, watch TV
comedies and talk all night.
A)sleepover B)shopping C)computer games D) the cinema

GRAMMAR- ……./30 marks

1. Read the sentences. Some of them are incorrect. Tick ( )or correct the sentences.
(......./5 marks)
- Liz and I likes watching sitcoms. _________________________________________________
- I stay at home on Mondays evenings. _____________________________________________
- Dad work at the sports centre. ___________________________________________________
- My brothers goes to school every day. ____________________________________________
- Jake get up at 7.00 from Monday to Friday. _________________________________________

2. Rewrite the present simple in affirmative ( ), negative (X) or as a question (?). (........../5
- We don’t watch TV in the evenings. ( ) ___________________________________________
- Her aunt teaches English. (?)____________________________________________________
- Jack and I go to swimming lessons.(X)______________________________________________
- I don’t have breakfast at 7:30. ( ) _______________________________________________
- Tom studies Spanish at school. (?)________________________________________________
English Department Course 2020/2021

3. Write present simple sentences using the prompts and the correct form of the verbs in
brackets. (........../5 marks)
- Adam’s friends/ often/ skateboarding/with him. (go)_________________________________
- Dan/lots of/skateboarding competititons. (win)______________________________________
- Sometimes/Dan and I/lunch/park. (have)___________________________________________
- Lewis/family café. (work)_______________________________________________________
- Lucy/dancing.(enjoy)___________________________________________________________

4. Write questions to these answers. (......../10 marks)

- I prefer hip hop. ______________________________________________________________
- My lesson starts at 8:20. _______________________________________________________
- I send more than 20 mails every day. _____________________________________________
- Tom usually plays tennis in his free time. _______________________________________
- Those rubbers cost 5 euros each. _________________________________________________

5. Write questions and short answers. (......../ 5 marks)

- _______you study French? Yes, _______________
-________Peter work in an office? No, _____________
- _______my sisters go to school on foot? No, ___________
- _______ John and you dance well? No, ____________
- _______Connie and I have breakfast at home? Yes, _________


1.Read the text and complete the statements with information from the text. (......../5
English Department Course 2020/2021

- Amy is __________years old. - She makes a vlog every _____________

- She lives in ______________ - People like her vlog because _________
- Every week she goes ____________

Hi, I’m Amy Blake and I’m 15 years old. I live and go to
school in Oxford. Normal! But I’ve got an interesting hobby. I
go to the cinema every week. Normal! But I know a lot
about films and a lot of people know about me. Why?
Because I’m a vlogger and I make vlogs about films! Lots of
people write blogs and put them on line, but I make short
films called vlogs. Vlogs are like blogs, but they are films, not
texts. In my vlog I talk about the films I see at the cinema –
good and bad films! I make my vlogs at home and I usually do it at weekends. I don’t make
vlogs every week. I do it every two weeks.
My friends watch my vlogs, and now other people in the UK watch them too. People write
comments to me. They think my vlogs are funny!
I love my hobby. I really enjoy making my vlogs! One day I want to go to film school. I want to
be a director and make films for cinema.

2. Read the text again and decide if the statements are true or false. Correct the false ones.
(......../5 marks)
- Amy watches all new films on line.____________________________________________
- Amy writes blogs about films.________________________________________________
- Amy watches films she isn’t keen on.__________________________________________
- People write messages to her online.__________________________________________
- Amy wants to be an actor when she leaves school._______________________________

NAME…………………………………………………....................................... DATE: ………………..............…......


1. Listen to a dialogue between two friends and decide if the statements are true or false.
Correct the false ones. (......../5 marks)
- Finn plays basketball and volleyball after school._____________________________________
- Finn goes to the cinema every week.______________________________________________
- Finn goes to concerts with his brother._____________________________________________
- Finn reads e-mails in the afternoon._______________________________________________
- Finn wants to go for a bike ride with Olivia._________________________________________

2. Listen again and answer the questions. (.........../5 marks)

- What sports do Finn do at the weekends?__________________________________________
- What are Finn’s favourite films?_________________________________________________
- What kind of programmes does Finn hate?_________________________________________
- When does Finn watch videos on the Internet? _____________________________________
- What does Finn sometimes do in the afternoons? ___________________________________

English Department Course 2020/2021

Write a profile of somebody you know using the present simple; include the following
information or your own ideas.
- Personal facts about them
- Likes and dislikes
- Free time activities and hobbies

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