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,, If we all spoke the same language, there would be fewer conflicts and wars’'
From my point of the view, I found this quote very true owing to the fact if we all
spoke the same language, there would be no diversity anymore. We are going to be
exactly the same and some issues may appear. Some countries will want to be superior
and differently, this making them rebel and want power. Globally, all the other
countries will want the same thing. From this, the wars and the conflicts will appear.
On the other hand, to spoke the same language it can be also a brilliant thing. The
racism would not be the same and people could communicate more easily without

,, Every time a language dies, the world loses a piece of its ability to survive.’’
Every language represents a culture. The culture for a country is not just a little
information about the history of the respective country, it’s about history and
traditions. What is happening when a language dies? As I said the history and the
traditions dies in the same time with the language. That means the origins of the
country dies too. In my opinion, the disappearance of a language or a civilization deeply
is disappointing and we should stop this process.

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