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Microalgae B 62. Microalgal Biotechnology:

Biofuels and Bioproducts

José de Jesús Paniagua-Michel, Jorge Olmos-Soto, Eduardo Morales-Guerrero

62.1 Sustainable Biofuels from Marine

In the twenty-first century, energy is considered as
the most important issue for human sustainability.
Closer to Reality than Fiction................ 1356
The world’s dependence on unsustainable fossil
fuels (almost 90%), and the increasing population 62.2 Why Microalgae is Promissory
demand new sources of energy for sustainable hu- for Biofuel Production ......................... 1356
man activities. Algae, and particularly microalgae 62.3 Biodiesel Production
have nowadays become of enormous importance by Microalgal Lipid Transesterification .. 1358
as a new potential source of feedstock for re- 62.4 Bioethanol from Microalgae:
newable bioenergy production. As photosynthetic A Simpler Procedure............................. 1359
microorganisms, microalgae may potentially be 62.5 Microalgal Biohydrogen Production
produced as carbon neutral and can be produced

Part J | 62
Through Sunlight and Seawater ........... 1360
on non-arable land and cultured in marine and
62.6 Genomics and Metabolic Engineering
wastewater effluents. Furthermore, microalgae can
of Microalgae for Biofuels Production ... 1361
be used to produce a range of products such as
protein-rich animal feed in aquaculture, high- 62.7 Microalgal Culture Systems:
value products, viz, polyunsaturated fatty acids, A Contribution to the Sustainability
bioactive and functional pigments and natural of Biofuels........................................... 1363
62.7.1 Culture Conditions and Better
dyes, health foods, cosmetics, and pharmaceuti-
Yields of Biomass for Biofuels ..... 1363
cals. In this chapter, an update of the advances
62.7.2 Open Ponds and Raceways:
in microalgal biotechnology is presented as a new
Low-Cost Production Systems ..... 1363
biomass for the potential development of biofu- 62.7.3 Closed Bioreactors:
els, and as a realistic source of highly valuable Improving Feedstocks
molecules of industrial interest. The potential to for Biofuels ............................... 1364
harness endogenous carbon storage compounds,
62.8 Products of Industrial Interest
triacylglyceride (TAGs) and starch, as products of
from Microalgae .................................. 1365
photosynthesis, including the photoproduction of
62.8.1 Health Foods and High-Value
hydrogen, can contribute to diversify the sources
Added Substances
and yields of feedstocks for biofuel production. from Microalgae ........................ 1366
Even if the production of microalgae for biofuels 62.8.2 Microalgae in Aquaculture:
is highly promissory and clearly has potential for A Successful Living History .......... 1366
contributing to environmental, social, and eco-
62.9 Future Needs: Making Sustainable
nomic sustainability, presently this alternative is
the Unsustainable Lightness of Biofuels 1368
unsustainable. Definitely, the combination of bio-
fuel production by microalgal biotechnology with References................................................... 1368
co-products may contribute to the sustainability
of biofuels, a condition with null or less impact on to make the production of biofuels from microal-
natural resources and biodiversity. The integration gae sustainable. The integration of genomics,
of all the components of the uses of microalgae, metabolic engineering, nanotechnology, and other
i. e., high-value compounds, aquaculture, and areas to the aforementioned issues shall lead to
bioremediation coupled to the production of bio- a wide range of benefits for the tasks demanded
fuels will play an important role in the near future by the forthcoming bioenergy industries.
1356 Part J Industrial Applications

62.1 Sustainable Biofuels from Marine Microalgae:

Closer to Reality than Fiction
Even when terrestrial plants are employed for biofuel stages. According to specialized expertise, the expecta-
production, the strategies are recognized as functional tive to expand will depend on whether underdeveloped
at the small scale and highly controversial when scaled petroleum fields are not sustainable, as reported by
up by the conflict with food production, extended sur- the International Energy Agency [62.7]. According to
face agricultural land, and uses of potable water, which The National Research Council of the US National
make this and other hybrid technologies unsustainable Academies, large-scale production of biofuels from al-
to supplant a significant fraction of petroleum for the gae is unsustainable using existing technologies.
global demand for liquid fuels [62.1, 2]. Aquatic and The expectations and promises of the sustainable
marine biomass has been proposed as a very promis- production of biofuels from microalgae are very high.
ing source for biofuel production; however, in order to However, present challenges of biofuels need to be
realize this, a complete analysis of the full life cycle im- overcome, mainly in issues related to the uses of in-
pact of algal biofuel production in the context of issues dustrial wastewater and flue gases, as well as CO2
such as water resource management, energy balance, sequestration, under carbon neutral conditions. It is
and the type of algae is very necessary [62.3]. Accord- expected that several major impacts will be able to
ing to [62.3], biofuel production will be sustainable influence the sustainability of biofuels, such as its con-
only if it guarantees eco-friendly processes and respec- tribution to the change in land use, their feedstock, and
tive interactions with other fields. In this eco-context, aspects of technology and scale [62.3].
Part J | 62.2

the reduction of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, The production of different biofuels has its own
can be achieved without effecting air, water, soil, or profits, uncertainties, and risks for sustainability, with
biodiversity, etc. These issues can be accomplished by many more still to come. It is only in a concerted
using microalgae; however, other aspects such as so- action among governments, researchers, and compa-
cial acceptability and economical viability still need to nies that the benefits of biofuels from microalgae will
be overcome. Even though all these potentials can be become feasible for society. The production of sus-
met theoretically, in practice many scientific and tech- tainable liquid biofuels from microalgae will need to
nological aspects must still be applied in order to fully combine fuel production with co-products and bio-
consider this biotechnology as sustainable. Neverthe- processes, a strategy which could definitely contribute
less, in our concept and criteria, microalgae are one to the achievement of environmental and economic
of the most promising renewable feedstocks for biofuel viability, as well as the adoption of this potential
production and biorefineries. fuel source. In this chapter, we will address the is-
Microalgae can be grown almost anywhere, even sue of microalgal biotechnology and biofuel produc-
in sewage, manure, salt water, ice, and in aerial con- tion, considering the aspects and conditions needed
ditions [62.4, 5] and do not require fertile land or to achieve sustainability, viz, combining the produc-
food crops. Their processing requires less energy than tion of compounds and processes of industrial interest
the algae provides [62.6]. These indicators reflect the with the production of biofuels. In all situations this
potential that renewable technologies have to supple- alternative is closer to reality than to fiction when
ment or replace liquid fossil fuels by biofuels and compared to other biotechnologies and sources of
microalgae, which are still in their early developmental biomass.

62.2 Why Microalgae is Promissory for Biofuel Production

The autotrophic algae drive photosynthesis to harness ganic carbon from the atmosphere or organic carbon
sunlight and fix the inorganic carbon from CO2 . There from the environment. Any of these processes confers
are many algal species that are heterotrophic and able to to algae the ability to produce carbohydrates, lipids, and
take up small organic molecules and perform biocon- proteins that can be processed to produce biofuels. Mi-
version into the building blocks of their own. Certain croalgae are recognized as fast-growing photosynthetic
algae can perform mixotrophy by using either inor- organisms and have been reported to reach transforma-
Microalgae Biotechnology and Biofuels 62.2 Why Microalgae is Promissory for Biofuel Production 1357

tion of 56% of incoming light energy into biomass. may soon be one of the Earth’s most important re-
Such figures, as well as its productivity place microal- newable fuel crops [62.9]. Moreover, they are grown
gae as the most promissory candidates for providing in variable climates and on non-arable land, includ-
unlimited amounts of cheap biomass as food, fodder, ing marginal areas unsuitable for agricultural purposes
or energy. It is recognized that microalgae have the (e.g., desert and seashore lands), in non-potable wa-
potential to displace other feedstocks for biodiesel ow- ter or even as for waste treatment purposes, use far
ing to their high vegetable oil content and biomass less water than traditional crops, and do not displace
production rates. The potential of microalgae as a feed- food crop cultures; their production is not seasonal
stock for biofuels production has led to bioprospection and can be harvested daily [62.8, 10]. Moreover, CO2
and bioscreening programs, hoping to find the ideal fixation by algae is also an important advantage for
microalga. Figure 62.1 shows that in Chlamydomonas removing gases from power plants or other polluting
JSC4, nitrogen depletion can trigger the lipid content activity and thus can be used to reduce greenhouse
(from 15.3 to 41:1%), whereas the protein decreased gases with a higher production of microalgal biomass
from 45.4 to 17:9% (after [62.7]). The following main and, consequently, a higher potential for biodiesel pro-
advantages can be mentioned: uniqueness to thrive in duction [62.11]. A flow diagram of the carbon cycle
seawater at growth rates five to ten times higher than pathway, biofixation, and the remarkable steps of algal
that of higher plants and than any other source; efficient biomass technologies for the production of biofuels is
sunlight photo conversion for active growth and photo- shown in Fig. 62.2.
synthesis; and the massive accumulation of lipids and Several authors have emphasized that the key for
carbohydrate production, which do not compete with large scale production of biofuels is to grow suitable

Part J | 62.2
arable land and potable water. The property of microal- biomass species in an integrated biomass production
gae in performing photosynthesis is considered the only conversion system (IBPCS). In principle, a profit in
process that uses sunlight as the energy source and car- the cost of operation of the overall system should be
bon dioxide as the carbon source for the production of pursued. A conceptual model for integrated biomass
biomass. production is shown in Fig. 62.2 which can be adopted
In general terms, it is recognized that sustainable for microalgal biodiesel production [62.13]. The design
production of microalgal biofuels still faces challenges and implementation of such systems requires the inte-
to overcome. Its economic feasibility could be achieved gration and optimization of several components such as
if combined with bioprocesses and production of chem- biomass culture, growth management, transport to con-
ical compounds coupled to the use of low cost prod- version plants, drying, product separation, recycling,
ucts and nutrients. According to [62.8], microalgae waste management, transport of saleable products and
can be suitable feedstock for biofuels because certain marketing. This model may has several options, for in-
species are among the most efficient biological produc- stance the conversion plants may be located in or near
ers of oil on the planet and a versatile biomass source. the biomass growth areas to minimize the cost of trans-
This is why some authors pointed out that microalgae
a) Nitrogen-rich b) Nitrogen-depletion sale

Light Internal
Lipid needs
15.3 % Carbohydrate Carbohydrate
30.4 % 33.2 %
Others 41.1 % Others CO2 Air Synfuel
9% 7.9 % Harvested biomass production Synfuel
Protein Seawater
45.4 % Protein
17.9 %

Water nutrient recycle

Fig. 62.1a,b Changes in biochemical composition of
Chlamydomonas sp. JSC4 cultivated on nitrogen- rich (a) Fig. 62.2 Diagrame of the concept of culture of microalgae
nitrogen-rich (70 to 80 % nitrogen consumed) and (b) in biomass integrated into a conversion system for synfuel production
nitrate-depleted conditions (after [62.7]). (after [62.12])
1358 Part J Industrial Applications

porting biomass to the plants, of which all the non-fuel feasibility to simultaneously integrate microalgae to
effluents are recycled to the growth areas (Fig. 62.2). synfuel production is not so far from reality in the near
Based on the versatility of that kind of models, the future.

62.3 Biodiesel Production by Microalgal Lipid Transesterification

In recent years considerable attention has been fo- cial processes, while processes capable of converting al-
cused on methods to convert biomass to competitive gae, are still at pre-commercial stages, but not far from
liquid biofuels from various biomass materials, which outperform existing terrestrial plant sources into a com-
may offer a promising alternative to petroleum based prehensive concept of sustainability. Most of bio-oils
transportation fuels. In an epoch when fossil hydrocar- produced presently are derived from the following main
bon are likely to become scarce and costly, two liquid sources: crop seed, animal feed, algal biomass, among
transportation fuel at global scale from land plants are others, through a transesterification process. Table 62.1
emerging. Among these emerging feedstocks, jatropha shows the yield of plant oils compared to microalgae,
seems that can be converted to biodiesel with commer- according to [62.10]. One of the undeniable advantage
of microalgae species is it high content of oils in the cy-
Table 62.1 Yield of main plant oils compared to microal- tosols and chloroplasts. Oil is extracted from microalgal
gae biomass, which during the process of esterification is
Part J | 62.3

Crop Oil yield (L=ha) converted into biodiesel, a chemical reaction between
Corn 172 triacylglycerols (TAGs) and alcohol in the presence of
Soybean 446 a catalyst. Finally, monoesters are produced, which are
Canola 1190
termed as biodiesel [62.3]. As a multiple step reac-
tion, transesterification, is composed of three reversible
Sunflower 952
steps in series, where triglycerides are converted to
Jatropha 1892
diglycerides, then diglycerides are converted to mono-
Palm 5950
glycerides, and monoglycerides are then converted to
Microalgae 100 000
esters (biodiesel) and glycerol (a by-product) [62.15].


CO2 in atmosphere H2O Seawater

Biospecific microalgal strains

Thermochemical Massive Biochemical

conversion microalgal conversion
Biosynfuels Bioalcohols
Biocrude Biodiesel
Biodiesel Processing Biogas
Gas Direct conversion Biohydrogen

Algal oil
Animal food Fig. 62.3 Flow diagram of main
Fish food steps of bioconversion and processing
Fertilizer of algal biomass for the production of
biofuel (after [62.14])
Microalgae Biotechnology and Biofuels 62.4 Bioethanol from Microalgae: A Simpler Procedure 1359

The fact that microalgal or bio-oils are characterized egories: chemical, biological, and thermochemical, but
by high viscosity, high molecular weight, a higher the most efficient processes may be those that combine
flash point (above 200 ı C), and low volumetric heat- two or more processes and use the entire plant [62.14].
ing values compared to diesel fuels [62.3] imposes Present calculations on biofuels from algae reported
challenges that need to be overcome. The associated that one hectare algae farm on wasteland can produce
problems with substituting triglycerides for diesel fuels over 10100 times of oil as compared to any other
are: high viscosities, low volatilities, and the polyun- known source of oil-crops. While a crop cycle may take
saturated character [62.16]. It is generally accepted from three months to three years for production, algae
that the refinement of these molecules, is an essential can produce oil and can be harvested all year-round us-
step for turning bio-oils into quality fuel (biodiesel) ing sea water and non-potable water. These facts firmly
[62.17]. Moreover, biochemical and engineering pro- reinforced and corroborates that algae for biofuels shall
cesses are applied in vegetable oil derivatives in or- provide an ending point solution to food vs. fuel battle.
der to approximate the properties and performance of An exemplification to that approach is conceptualized
hydrocarbon-based diesel fuels. As shown in Fig. 62.3, in Fig. 62.3, exhibiting the main steps of algal biomass
biomass conversion processes fall into three major cat- technologies coupled to biofuel production [62.14].

62.4 Bioethanol from Microalgae: A Simpler Procedure

Part J | 62.4
Algae have a high photon conversion efficiency and can CH molecules are vital source of storage of energy and
synthesize and accumulate large quantities of carbohy- provide the precursors to make the organic molecules
drate biomass for bioethanol production, from inexpen- and macromolecules of nearly all living cells. The pro-
sive raw materials. This is an effective and promissory cess of ethanol from microalgae is more based on the
alternative to the low yield of lignocellulosic biomass carbohydrate conten of the biomass. The possibilities
materials as a feedstock and the high cost of the hy- to utilize algal biomass for the production of biofuels,
drolysis process based on current technologies [62.19]. can follow different life cycle (LCA) as exemplified in
Even when bioethanol can be produced from several Fig. 62.4 [62.6]. The assessment of the LCA options
different types biomass feedstock, the algal alterna- is based on indicators to compare alternative energy
tive has gained acceptation, as will be described in routes in terms of environmental impact and indirect
the following. The structural composition of microal- natural resource costs towards different services and
gal cells (lacking hemicelluloses and lignins) confers commodities. Among these, the life-cycle water and
advantages for the production of ethanol, by eliminat- nutrients usage of microalgae-based biofuels produc-
ing the chemical and enzymatic pre-treatment steps to tion, which revealed that water footprint and nutrients
transform these polymers in sugars [62.19]. Microalgae usages during microalgae biodiesel production is an im-
(Chlorella, Dunaliella, Chlamydomonas, Scenedesmus) portant aspect. From that, was calculated that 3726 kg
are recognized as having a high content (> 50% of water is required to generate 1 kg microalgae biodiesel
the dry weight) of starch, cellulose, and glycogen, if freshwater is used without recycling [62.6]. When
which are the basic components for ethanol produc- seawater and wastewater were used for algal culture,
tion [62.20]. The starch biosynthesized by microalgae a reduction up to 90 % was reported in nitrogen usage,
can be extracted from the cells with enzymes and then which eliminates the need of other ions such as potas-
separated by extraction with water or an organic sol- sium, magnesium, and sulfur. The geographic position
vent and used for fermentation to yield bioethanol. of each country play a critical role when the life-cycle
Besides starch, several algae, especially green algae, assessment is performed on the overall water footprint
can accumulate cellulose as the cell wall carbohydrate, of microalgae-based biodiesel, which production grad-
which can also be used for ethanol production. The ually decreases from north to south as solar radiation
algal photosynthesis is mainly based on the Calvin and temperature increase. Nevertheless, the potential
cycle, in which ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) com- of microalgae as an energy source is confirmed, but
bines with CO2 to produce 3-phosphoglyceric acid emphasizes the need of decreasing the energy and fer-
(3-PGA), which is utilized for the synthesis of glucose tilizer consumption. This aspect is actually considered
and other metabolites to make carbohydrates (CH). The in similar initiatives, and present models had reduced
1360 Part J Industrial Applications

a) Algal Algal Algal Simultaneous

culture culture culture saccharification and
Water production harvesting dewatering fermentation (SSF)

Recycling of Bioethanol Distillation


Discharged water Steam and power generation Solid separation

b) Algal Algal Algal

Nutrient Trans-
culture culture culture
Water esterification
production harvesting dewatering

Recycling of Biodiesel
water Solids Glycerol
Part J | 62.5

Anaerobic digestion

Discharged water Biogas

Slurry (biofertilizer)

c) Algal Algal Algal

Nutrient Anaerobic
culture culture culture
Water digestion
production harvesting dewatering

Recycling of Biomethane
water Carbon dioxide

Discharged water (biofertilizer)

Fig. 62.4a–c Schemes of the life cycle stages of the production of biodiesel, bioethanol, and biomethane from algal
biomass (a) exemplifies the production of biodiesel from microalgal glycerol; (b) shows the culturing process of mi-
croalgae to produce bioethanol; and (c) main steps to generate biomethane from cultured microalgae. In all three cases
the produced water is recycled and bio-fertilizers are obtained (modified after [62.3, 18])

dependence on energy and fertilizers by using algae in- Hence, algal biomass can be utilized for the production
nate attributes such as CO2 sequestration and nutrients of a range of different biofuels; their life cycles are pre-
recovering from wastewater bioremediation initiatives. sented in Fig. 62.4.

62.5 Microalgal Biohydrogen Production Through Sunlight and Seawater

The production of biohydrogen from microalgae is 65 years and was first observed in the green alga
not new; this process has been known for more than Scenedesmus obliquus [62.3, 15]. More recently, this
Microalgae Biotechnology and Biofuels 62.6 Genomics and Metabolic Engineering of Microalgae for Biofuels Production 1361

mechanism was corroborated in many other prokaryotic reaction under light and aerobic conditions. In this pro-
photosynthetic species, including cyanobacteria [62.6]. cess, hydrogen and electrons from the water-splitting
The microalgal photoproduction of hydrogen from wa- reaction of photosynthesis are used for the synthesis
ter is a promising mechanism and has been explored as of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and nicotine adenine
a potentially emission-free fuel stream for the future. disphosphonucleotide (NADPH), reduced). In the ab-
It is expected that the desired sustainability in biofuels sence of O2 , both ATP production and the formation of
from microalgae can be accomplished by the photo- NADH/NADPH are inhibited, and the stored energy in
production of biohydrogen because of its natural fea- carbohydrates (starch, glycerol) is re-oriented [62.22]
sibility of atmospheric CO2 -sequestration [62.15]. The to the chloroplast hydrogenase to facilitate ATP pro-
green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhartii is a suc- duction via photophosphorylation. Thus, under fer-
cessful model that has been studied for algal hydrogen mentative conditions hydrogenase plays the role of
production [62.21]. a releasing valve of protons/electrons, a condition in
One of the most attractive characteristics of the which protons from the medium and e- from reduced
bio-H2 process is that it uses sunlight to convert wa- ferredoxin are balanced to produce hydrogen gas that
ter to hydrogen and oxygen, which are released in is excreted from the cell [62.23]. C. reinhardtii is
a two-phase process occurring in all oxygenic photo- one of the microalgae most studied for solar-driven
synthetic organisms, such as marine microalgae. A sec- bio-H2 production from water and can also use other
ond reaction by special iron-containing chloroplast- fermentative processes. The fact that hydrogen produc-
hydrogenase enzymes also occurs in a specific group tion does not accumulate in the culture but instead
of microalgae. Cyanobacteria also exhibit a natural pro- is quickly released into the gas phase, makes photo-

Part J | 62.6
duction of H2 from water in a different and alternative production of hydrogen one of the most preferred
photo-biochemical process, involving a water-splitting biofuels.

62.6 Genomics and Metabolic Engineering of Microalgae

for Biofuels Production
The gene reservoir of microalgae is only beginning 824 times more lipids, than in any plant [62.25].
to be explored. In general, microalgal genomes are Presently, more than 25 complete genomes have been
structurally complex, the reported size ranges from sequenced in lipid producing cyanobacteria. In eukary-
12.6 Mbp for Chlorophyte Ostreococcus tauri while otic microalgae having significant amounts of lipids, the
10.000 Mbp for Karenia brevis. The present develop- nuclear genome of only 10 species has been sequenced,
ment in genetic manipulation in microalgae has been viz, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Volvox carteri, Os-
expanded in algal biofuels which is limited a very treococcus marinus, Phaeodactylum tricornutum and
small number of alga models. The significant ad- Thalasiosira pseudonana [62.24].
vances achieved until now include the efficient ex- The growing interest in biofuels has led to the over-
pression of transgenes, the mechanisms of gene regu- expression of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCase) in the
lation, and the action of inducible nuclear promoters diatom Cyclotella cryptica to improve lipid content
as well as inducible chloroplast gene expression. The by increasing the first enzyme in the lipid biogen-
nuclear genomes of a number of algae have been esis pathway. The result of these studies evidenced
transformed, with a variety of reporter genes, as well discrete results as the alga did not yield increased
as drug-resistance genes; however, extensive analysis lipid production. The first successful transformation of
of transgene expression has only been performed in microalgal strains with potential for biodiesel produc-
C. reinhardtii [62.1]. C. reinhardtii has been exten- tion was achieved in 1994, C. triptica and Navicula
sively studied, and presently, abundant genomic bio- saprophila [62.26, 27]. Currently there are only a few
logical and physiological data are available from this species of microalgae that fulfill even some of these
alga [62.24], which is probably not the best species for crucial requirements. Apart from C. reinhardtii and
biofuel production, but as a model of study has po- P. tricornutum, only Chlorella kessleri, Porphyridium,
tential for application in other suitable algal species. and fairly recently Nannochloropsis and Dunaliella
Microorganisms are especially attractive for biofuel salina have been successfully transformed [62.28].
production because the content in lipids is higher, Acetyl CoA carboxylase and other enzymes of the lipid
1362 Part J Industrial Applications

a) M 1 2 3 b) Relative mRNA expression level c) M 1 2

2 72

1000 bp 1 anti-Myc

0.5 26

GPDH Wild type β-actin

Fig. 62.5 Analysis of glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase transgenic P. tricornutum cells. (a) transgenic diatom cells
testes by genomic polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Lane M: 1 kb plus DNA ladder; lane 1: PCR of wild type with
primers on the transformation vector; lane 2: PCR of transgenic line with primers on the transformation vector flanking
GPDH; lane 3: PCR of transgenic line with primers on both ends of GPDH. (b) GPDH mRNA expression in the diatom
cells determined by quantitative PCR. (c) Protein expression of introduced GPDH detected by western blotting with anti-
myc antibody (Invitrogen, USA). M: Protein molecular weight marker; lane 1: transgenic P. tricornutum overexpressing
Part J | 62.6

GPDH tagged with myc; lane 2: wild type (after [62.26])

biosynthesis pathway have been used as targets for droxyacetone phosphate to glycerol-3-phosphate and
improving oil production. Lipid metabolism and the indicates that the GPDH transgene was incorporated
biosynthesis of fatty acids, glycerolipids, sterols, hy- into the transgenic diatom cells. The transcriptional
drocarbons, and ether lipids in eukaryotic algae were expression of the introduced transgene consequently
recently reviewed in the context of optimization for increased the GPDH transcript abundance in the trans-
biodiesel production. Enhancement of the algal poten- genic diatom cells. The obtained results reported glyc-
tial for the genetic modification of their lipid pathways erol content, 6:8 fold in GPDH-overexpressing cells of
can be followed either by up-regulation of fatty acid P. tricornutum, compared with the wild type (Fig. 62.5).
biosynthesis or by down-regulation of ˇ-oxidation. Moreover, genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and
By knocking out or modifying the enzymes respon- metabolomics are elucidating aspects of metabolic
sible for the synthesis of polyunsaturated lipids in pathway regulation and integration linked to targets
the cell, it should be possible to enhance the pro- to optimize biofuel production. The recent progress in
portion of monounsaturated lipids. In this aspect, the metabolic engineering toward biofuel production has
specificity of algal species will drive its own biosyn- incorporated random insertional mutagenesis and tar-
thetic pathway of lipids, which is why it is highly geted gene disruption in microalgae. However, further
recommended to utilize species that have a suitable research is required to better understand the partition-
lipid profile for biodiesel production. At present, the ing of fixed carbon toward the increased production of
mechanisms involved in the fatty acid biosynthetic starch for subsequent fermentation into H2 or ethanol,
pathway in microalgae have not been extensively stud- or the redirection of photosynthate from starch into
ied [62.29]. Genes encoding the key enzymes in- lipids for conversion to diesel fuels. New developments
volved in fatty acid biosynthesis have been identified in metabolic engineering toward enhanced carbon stor-
in Ostreococcus tauri, T. pseudonana, C. reindhardtii, age in unicellular microalgae capable of synthesizing
and in P. tricornutum. Recently [62.26] studied lipid a range of biofuels are actually under development,
metabolism and glycerol biosynthesis in the diatom as in the case of lipids and carbohydrates (the main
Phaedactylum tricornutum (genome sequence available energy storage molecules in algae). These approaches
at: are basic for the understanding of primary metabolism
Overexpression of Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydroge- to manipulate electron flux toward these products or
nase (GPDH) involved in lipid metabolism and glycerol H2 for bioenergy applications. But at the level of or-
biosynthesis led to the successful conversion of dihy- ganelles, the situation becomes more complex, such
Microalgae Biotechnology and Biofuels 62.7 Microalgal Culture Systems: A Contribution to the Sustainability of Biofuels 1363

in the case of isoforms of phosphoenolpyruvate car- drogenase homologs are present in the C. reinhardtii
boxylase (PEP-C). This enzyme that carboxylates PEP, genome exhibiting different level of expression. These
have been identified in C. reinhardtii, both of which results emphasizes the complexity of algal metabolism
are responsive to inorganic carbon and nitrogen levels. and the need to characterize the systems on an enzy-
Additionally, six pyruvate kinase and five malate dehy- matic level.

62.7 Microalgal Culture Systems:

A Contribution to the Sustainability of Biofuels
62.7.1 Culture Conditions and Better Yields less otherwise stated, vitamins are generally omitted
of Biomass for Biofuels in massive cultures because of the susceptibility of the
large-scale level, which in general are more fragile and
It is recognized that the optimization of the microal- hard to control, apart from economic reasons.
gal production system is an important factor for the The use of organic substances is a common task for
achievement of sustainability of microalgal-based bio- the improvement of the growth and strain preferences.
fuels. Successful histories of high-value products from Organic nutrition can sometimes be supplied with the
microalgaehave been reported with the use of conven- use of domestic waste water, after secondary treatment.
tional open-pond algal production systems, although The dilemma is how to conciliate sanitation with wa-

Part J | 62.7
closed algal bioreactors have already achieved eco- ter shortage due to the increasing scarcity of freshwater
nomic viability in the case when the production of resources in many countries. In such situation, the use
high-value products such as astaxanthin and nutraceu- of wastewater bioremediated is an attractive presently
ticals are aimed for human consumption. Moreover, explored for biofuel production. Maintenance of an ac-
many interrelated factors affecting strains can each be ceptable pH range throughout culturing is of utmost
limiting in the final yield of biomass, and hence in the importance as it impacts all aspects of media biochem-
outcome of biofuels. istry and culture progression. Both ionic absorption
Another critical and important factor, is media for- from the media and the metabolic biochemistry of the
mulation, which is important to ensure a sufficient and cell exert significant pressure upon the pH. In high-
stable supply of nutrients to attain maximal growth performance cultures their effect is powerful enough
acceleration and cell density, and ultimately to pro- to overcome the neutralizing capacity of exogenous
duce biofuels at higher efficiencies [62.30]. There are buffering agents. Currently, microinjection of strong
many different recipes and formulations, depending on acids and alkalis, metabolic balancing in heterotrophic
the species and particularities of the objective being cultures, and regulated CO2 dissolution in both pho-
sought. In the process of biomass optimization, the toautotrophic and heterotrophic cultures are the most
culture mode plays a preponderant role in the yield practical and economical strategies for pH control.
and biofuel production. It has been recognized that
batch feeding of heterotrophic algal cultures and CO2 62.7.2 Open Ponds and Raceways:
enrichment of photoautotrophic algal cultures can sig- Low-Cost Production Systems
nificantly increase the biomass. On the other hand, the
proper selection and optimization of mineral nutrients Most of the microalgae produced presently are cul-
increases culture productivity. Two important nutrients tured in open ponds. Open ponds and raceways are
that are constitutive of the microalgal metabolism are built in whatever shape best suits the location. Accord-
nitrogen and phosphorous, mostly at early stages in ing to the needs and objectives, these are usually not
the mineral optimization of the media formulations. mechanically mixed but driven by gravity flow or pro-
Other equally important components of the growth me- vided with paddle wheels. Traditional open ponds are
dia are minerals, which are vital elements for support highly diverse in shape, size, and technology, but the
of the structural and metabolic biochemistry of the most commonly used design is the raceway pond. In
cell and in modulating the molecular configuration of these, the whole area is sectioned into a rectangular
photosynthetic complexes and enzymatic reactions. Un- grid, with each divided rectangle containing a chan-
1364 Part J Industrial Applications

a) b) increase of salinity. These kinds of ponds are suitable

for the growth of extremophile microalgal species that
tolerate and outcompete other species in conditions im-
posed by its particular requirements (e.g., high/low pH
or salinity, or alkalinity). Examples of these conditions
can be found in strains of Arthrospira platensis/maxima
and Dunaliella salina/bardawil. Figure 62.6 shows the
c) d) different culture systems of the massive production of
microalgae worldwide.

62.7.3 Closed Bioreactors:

Improving Feedstocks for Biofuels

There are different and unlimited designs of closed

photobioreactors for the production of high yields of
biomass. The most common shapes and designs are
e) f) tubular reactors, plate reactors, or bubble column re-
actors. These different bioreactors have several advan-
tages, such as saving water, energy and chemicals, and
many other advantages that are increasingly making
Part J | 62.7

them the reactor of choice for biofuel production. Prob-

ably the most important advantages are the high control
and quality of products that can be obtained [62.32].
It is to be mentioned that the most important among
Fig. 62.6a–f Different culture systems for the industrial produc- these aspects is that they support up to fivefold higher
tion of microalgae. (a) raceway facilities (NBT, Eliat Israel); (b) productivity with respect to reactor volume and con-
closed bioreactors; (c) alveolar panels (Beer Sheva, Israel); (d) sequently have a smaller footprint on a yield basis.
cascade systems (University of Liege, Belgica); (e,f) open ponds The latter advantage is reinforced by the fact that
(Dunaliella salina plant at Hutt Lagoon Western Australia, Cognis) they can collect as much solar energy as possible per
square meter. The higher yields per square meter ob-
nel in the shape of an oval. The water flow is driven tained in photobioreactors contributes to compensating
continuously by a paddle wheel all around the circuit. for, or in some cases amortizing, the cost of photo-
The reported functional and operational water depth bioreactors [62.33]. Nevertheless, there are structures
of 1520 cm are preferred for obtaining biomass con- and operations of bioreactors that need to be optimized
centrations of 1 g dry weight per liter productivities in order to design a performing reactor according to the
of 60100 mg=L=day (i. e., 1025 g=m2 =day) [62.31]. needs of the algal cells at the lowest cost, ensuring the
However, differences and year round productivities can- economic viability of the process [62.32]. According
not be maintained. Raceway ponds are more expensive to the current energy cost and productivity, bioreac-
to construct due to the extra technologies required (pad- tor costs should not exceed US$ 15 per m2 [62.32].
dle wheel) and the need to keep pond integrity and Sunlight energy is another important parameter to con-
cell properties, a condition imposed by the flow rates. trol when dealing with photobioreactors, since most
Probably, open ponds are the simplest facilities to con- microalgae exhibit growth/light kinetics at which light
struct, since no transparent material is required in their saturation occurs. Sunlight may exert photoinhibition
construction and they are relatively easy to maintain or even photobleaching in microalgae, and as a conse-
considering the large open access, which facilitates the quence, low figures in productivity and final biomass
cleaning of overgrowth and biofouling of unwanted mi- yields.
croorganisms that builds up on surfaces. The conditions Another important factor in bioreactors is mixing,
of an open culture system to the atmosphere are one which prevents sedimentation of the cells and allows
of the main disadvantages that faces this system, be- efficient homogenization of CO2 and O2 . Recently, the
cause it is a constant exposition to unwanted species use of more economical material for bioreactor con-
and the loss of water by evaporation, and the consequent struction, viz, polyethylene bags on annular reactors
Microalgae Biotechnology and Biofuels 62.8 Products of Industrial Interest from Microalgae 1365

or plate reactors, has contributed to refine the chal- tion can lead to optimal and economically viable sys-
lenges of productivity by footprint bioreactors. The tems [62.33]. It is emphasized that the yield of ter-
algal productivity registered based on the theoretical restrial crops for the production of biodiesel cannot
maximum average accounts for a yield of 100 g=m2 =d. compete with that of algae, as exemplified from the
According to the present expectative for the develop- case of soybean: 450 L of oil/ha/year, while microalgae,
ment of second-generation microalgal biofuelsystems, depending on their oil composition, can produce up to
higher microalgal yields and photobioreactor optimiza- 100 000 L=ha=year [62.33, 34].

62.8 Products of Industrial Interest from Microalgae

Microalgae are an important source of food and chemi- one of the major compounds in Arthrospira [62.37].
cals for different industries (Table 62.2). Important medical and pharmacological attributes such
The demand for shellfish feed is increasing for as hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant
human consumption, because of the environmental con- properties have been described and are thought to be
cerns over open-ocean fishing and because of the high basically related to the presence of phycobilins. Be-
demand for aquaculture markets. Microalgal biomass sides, phycobiliproteins might have an important role
is rich in proteins, fatty acids, oils, and carbohydrates. in different photodynamic therapies of various can-
These biomass and respective primary and secondary cer tumors and leukemia treatment [62.38]. Another

Part J | 62.8
metabolites are of paramount importance for biotech- equally important microalga, the green unicellular D.
nology and are among the most promising sources salina, is an extremophilic microalga well-known for
for new products and applications. With the devel- being the most abundant natural source of ˇ-carotene
opment of sophisticated culture and screening tech- (up to 14% of its dry weight) [62.39]. This microal-
niques, microalgal biotechnologycan already meet the gae is undoubtedly one of most studied [62.40, 41]
high demands of both the food and pharmaceutical because ˇ-carotene has important applications in the
industries [62.31]. food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics industries. Stud-
In the last 20 years, most of the relevant devel- ies on carotenogenic D. salina samples carried-out by
opments in microalgal biotechnology were performed Olmos-Soto et al. [62.42], successfully differentiated
in four microalgae, viz, the green algae (Chloro- carotenogenic from non-carotenogenic species based
phycea) Chlorella vulgaris, Haematococcus pluvi- on introns within 18S rDNA.
alis, and Dunaliella salina, and the cyanobacteria Haematococcus pluvialis is especially important
Arthrospira (Spirulina) maxima or platensis, which due to its ability to accumulate, under stress condi-
have been commercialized worldwide and applied as in- tions, large quantities of astaxanthin, up to 23% on
gredients and supplements for humans and animal feed a dry weight basis [62.43]. The carotenogenic pro-
additives. The characteristics and attributes of each of cess in Haematococcus induces different changes in
these microalgal species, emphasizing their functional the cell physiology and morphology of this alga, re-
pigments and respective industrial applications, are de- sulting in large red palmelloid cells. Astaxanthin is
scribed in the following. present in lipid globules outside the chloroplast, al-
Spirulina (Arthrospira) under the tribal name of though the signal for induction to the massive ac-
tecuitlatl [62.35] was part of the diet of the Mexi- cumulation of astaxanthin has been reported as orig-
can Aztec population. This Cyanophyte has attracted inating in cytosol [62.44]. The pigment arsenal in
special attention due to its importance as a nutri- Haematococcus possesses powerful biological activ-
tious supplement and its demonstrated (in vitro and ities, including antioxidant capacity [62.45], ulcer
in vivo) functional properties. The high protein con- prevention, immunomodulation, and cancer preven-
tent of this microalga, up to 70% dry weight, and tion [62.46]. Experimental studies carried out on
its amino acid composition is of great interest, not Chlorella demonstrated its antitumor effect, hepato-
only because S. platensis possesses all of the essen- protective and antioxidant properties [62.46, 47], an-
tial amino acids, but also because these amino acids tibacterial effects [62.48], or even the immunostimulant
have a great bioavailability [62.36, 37]. The phyco- activity of enzymatic protein hydrolysates from this mi-
biliproteins (allophycocyanin and c-phycocyanin) are croalgae. Chlorella contains many dietary antioxidants,
1366 Part J Industrial Applications

Table 62.2 Main microalgal species and respective products and applications of biotechnology (modified after [62.12])
Species/group Product Application areas
Arthrospira platensis Phycocyanin, biomass Health food, cosmetics
Chlorella vulgaris Biomass Health food, food supplement, feeds
Dunaliella salina Carotenoids, ˇ-carotene Health food, food supplement, feeds
Haematococcus pluvialis Carotenoids, astaxanthin Health food, pharmaceuticals, feeds
Odontella aurita Fatty acids Pharamaceuticals, cosmetics,
Porphyridium cruentum Polysaccharides Pharmaceuticals, cosmetics,
Isochrysis galbana Fatty acids Animal nutrition
Phaedactylum tricornutum Lipids, fatty acids Nutrition, fuel production
Lyngbya majuscule Immune modulators Phamaceuticals, nutrition

which may be responsible for some of its functional PUFAs are established on the market both for food
activities. and feed, e.g., health-promoting purified PUFAs are
added to infant milk formulas in Europe, and hens
62.8.1 Health Foods and High-Value Added are fed with special microalgae to produce OMEGA
Substances from Microalgae eggs. The production of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) products from mi-
During the past decades, microalgal biomass was pre- croalgal biotechnology for human and other applica-
Part J | 62.8

dominately utilized in the health food market, with tions has already been released by biotechnological
more than 75% of the annual microalgal biomass. Cur- companies.
rently, most products launched to serve the health food Some microalgae have also developed protective
market are supplied as tablets or in powder or liquid for- mechanisms to prevent the accumulation of free radi-
mulations. However, algal extracts in various product cals and reactive oxygen species, and thus counteract
forms are creating a new market sector for each algal cell-damaging activities. These attributes confers the
species (Table 62.2). The market of functional foods is properties of antioxidants to some microalgae. For
believed to be the most dynamic sector in the food in- functional food/nutraceuticals, the radical-scavenging
dustry and could constitute up to 20% of the entire food capacity of microalgal products is of growing interest,
market within the next few years. Food supplemented especially in the beverage market segment and in phar-
with microalgal biomass might have other positive in- maceutical applications for the therapy of oxidation-
fluences, e.g., prebiotic effects or mineral fortification. associated diseases like inflammation. Microalgae, in-
There is an increasing demand for products from cluding cyanobacteria, are overcharged with a multi-
microalgae, which after special biotechnological pro- tude of photosynthetic and accessory pigments, which
cesses acquire a higher value in the market consid- improve the efficiency of light energy utilization (phy-
ering the uniqueness of microalgae as specialty prod- cobiliproteins) and protect them against solar radiation
ucts. Among these products, polyunsaturated fatty acids (carotenoids). The structure and function of these pig-
occupy a preponderant position, because according ments have acquired anthropogenic importance due
to [62.49], only plants and algae are able to synthe- to their bioactivity, especially as health promoting
size omega-3 fatty acids (!-3) (Fig. 62.7). Polyunsat- compounds in human health and as therapies for
urated fatty acids (PUFAs) are essential components functional disorders, neurodegenerative diseases, and
for the growth of higher eukaryotes and provide sig- cancer.
nificant health benefits, reducing cardiac diseases and
having other beneficial effects for depression, rheuma- 62.8.2 Microalgae in Aquaculture:
toid arthritis, and asthma [62.29]. Currently, the main A Successful Living History
source of these fatty acids for human consumption is
marine fish. Actually, the relevant advantages from mi- Aquaculture is a fast growing industrial food sector.
croalgae over fish oils, such as the lack of unpleasant Aquaculture plays an important and critical function
odor, the reduced risk of chemical contamination, and in the food system, because supply nearly 3 billion
a better purification potential, place microalgae as an people with at least 15 % of their animal protein in-
excellent and preferred source of PUFAs. Microalgal take. In many developing countries, aquaculture has
Microalgae Biotechnology and Biofuels 62.8 Products of Industrial Interest from Microalgae 1367

accomplished its role and has been sufficiently prof-

itable which has enhanced and harnessed strong growth GLA COOH
in different world regions. Microalgae as live foodis
undeniably one of the most important components in
aquacultural enterprises. In fact, no activity is con- COOH
ceived in aquacultural production systems if lacking AA
in live microalgae. The main applications of microal-
gae for aquaculture are directly related with nutrition,
being used fresh or as food additive of health and col- C20.5(n-3) COOH
oring feeds or for inducing other biological functions. EPA
Worldwide, two trends dominate the field of microal-
gal applications in aquaculture: (1) the production of
microalgal species, as live feeds to meet the feeding C20.6(n-3)
requirements of invertebrate larvae, and (2) the selec- DHA COOH
tion and production of specific strains of microalgae
into shellfish feed to increase yields at industrial scale. Fig. 62.7 PUFAs of high pharmaceutical and nutritional value that
As the basis of the natural food chain, microalgae play can be obtained from plants and microalgae (after [62.29, 50])
a key role in aquaculture, especially mariculture, being
the food source for larvae of many species of mollusks, has be elucidated as more important than their ab-
crustaceans, and fish. In addition, microalgae serve as solute levels as well as microalgal vitamin content.

Part J | 62.8
a food source for live zooplankton production (Artemia, The following microalgae genera are usually supplied
rotifers, copepods), which in turn are reused as feed for in aquaculture facilities: Chaetoceros, Thalassiosira,
rearing fish and mollusk larvae [62.50]. More than 40 Tetraselmis, Isochrysis, Nannochloropsis, Pavlova, and
species of microalgae are used in aquaculture world- Skeletonema. However, the use and time period of uses
wide, depending on the special requirements of local of each can vary depending on the cultured shellfish
seafood production. species. For practical reasons, we have chosen the rep-
Concerning the microalgal species used in aquacul- resentative group of shellfish species, in which these
ture, a remarkable feature is the fact that presently, al- microalgal strains are an unavoidable source of feed.
most 40 years after the initial efforts, hatcheries are still Bivalve mollusks are probably the most dependent and
using essentially the same strains for their production. representative group of aquaculture species, as in the
The attributes of microalgae for filter feeder inverte- case of oysters, clams, and abalones. The intensive
brates reflect their importance in production nurseries rearing of these bivalves relies on live algae and they
and hatcheries of aquaculture species of commercial represent the largest biomass in the hatchery and de-
importance. Microalgae are required for larva nutri- mand the highest weight-specific rations. It is well
tion, directly or indirectly at least in a short period of known that the suitable algal species: C. calcitrans, T.
their life cycle of most of cultured shellfish species. pseudonana (3H), I. galbana, and T. suecica (for larvae
Microalgal strains to be used in aquaculture have to >120 m in length) are preferred for the larvae of bi-
meet various criteria of efficiency and functionality. valves, either as single monoculture (unialgal diets) or
In first term, it has to be easily cultured and non- in combinations with different other microalgal strains
toxic and needs to be of the correct size and shape (flagellates and diatoms).
to be ingested. Moreover, microalgae for aquaculture A different scheme of intensive feeding in
must have high nutritional qualities and a digestible hatcheries is exhibited by penaeid shrimp. The penaeid
cell wall to make nutrients available [62.51]. More- shrimp species, which is cultured worldwide, usually
over, they should undergo fast growth rates, and be refers to the white shrimp Penaeus vannamei, the blue
scalable to mass culture, and a high nutritional value, shrimp P. stilirrostris, or P. monodon. These crustaceans
including absence of toxins. Among these properties, are fed with algae added during the non-feeding nau-
protein and highly unsaturated fatty acid (e.g., eicos- plius stage in order to have algae available upon molting
apentaenoic acid (EPA), arachidonic acid (AA) and into the protozoa stage. The most often used algal
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)) content are major fac- species are Tetraselmis chui, Chaetoceros gracilis, and
tor determining the nutritional value of microalgae. Skeletonema costatum. As feeding preferences change
Recently, the role of ratios of DHA, EPA and AA from primarily herbivorous to carnivorous during the
1368 Part J Industrial Applications

mysis stages, the quantity of algae is reduced. Nev- technological advances in the integration among com-
ertheless, a background level of algae is maintained plementary approaches such as synbiotics, probiotics,
as this may stabilize water quality. In spite of all ef- bioengineered and functional feeds as well as microal-
forts to replace live algae by inert feeds, aquaculturists gae of bioremediation activities shall lead to a more
are still dependent on the production and use of mi- sustainable production and efficient use of microalgae.
croalgae and microinvertebrates (Zooplankton, Artemia But in any situation for the purposes of industrial enter-
and Brachionus sp.) as live food for commercially im- prises of microalgae, the main factor to consider is to
portant fish, molluscs and crustaceans, during at least reduce production costs while maintaining reliability in
part of their life cycle. However, it is expected that microalgae feed [62.51].

62.9 Future Needs: Making Sustainable

the Unsustainable Lightness of Biofuels
The promising and clear potential of algal biofuels for and high efficiency production, are important issues
contributing to environmental, social, and economic and current limitations needed to overcome in or-
sustainability need to be transformed into a sustainable der to make sustainable the biofuels production from
reality. Which biofuel will win: biodiesel, bioethanol, microalgae.
or biohydrogen? There is no doubt that an important An important strategy is the combination of fuel
volume of research, bioengineering, and technology is production with co-products, which could contribute
Part J | 62

needed in order to answer these questions and to con- to sustainable biofuels and reinforced by eco-friendly
fer the sustainability tag. Microalgae are presently the initiatives with minimum impact on the present re-
most promissory renewable resource to achieve sustain- serves of air, water, and biodiversity. Moreover, it
able production of biofuels, considering the following must be socially acceptable and economically viable.
aspects and uniquenesss: There is no doubt that integration of all the compo-
nents of uses of microalgae: high-value compounds,
a) Low impacts on the environment and in the world’s
aquaculture, bioremediation coupled to the produc-
food supply
tion of biofuels, will play an important role in the
b) High photon bioconversion efficiency and biomass
near future to make sustainable the unsustainable light-
production from photosynthesis
ness of biofuels from microalgae. Even with these
c) Supply energy, food and nutraceuticals for the hu-
potentialities and strategies, we believe that biofuel
man population
production from microalgae will achieve cost compet-
d) Can be used in bioremediation processes and si-
itiveness in the next couple of decades, only if the
multaneously coupling CO2 -neutral fuel production
aforementioned issues are considered, as well as as-
with CO2 sequestration
pects of engineering to the particular tasks demanded
e) Can be cultured and harvested all-year-round
by bioenergy industries that are now under develop-
f) Can be grown on non-arable land, and in seawater
ment. However, present innovations of new ways to
and wastewater streams (avoiding the use of fresh-
make the process economically feasible shall provide
water and recycling nutrients).
many improvements and technologies contributing to
However, an assessment of the life cycle, en- the sustainability of the biofuels production from mi-
ergy and carbon balance, biofuels yield per unit area, croalgae.


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