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Submitted by: Abdullah Al Mamun

In social psychology, cognitive emotion are individual thoughts where a person experienced
negative belief or event and the cognitive theory of emotion suggests that the physiological
stimulation ccurs first, and then the individual must find out the reason for this warmth to
experience and label this emotion ("Overview of the 6 Major Theories of Emotion", 2020).

In psychology, Attitude is our evaluation of a person’s feeling, belief, or opinion of approval

or disapproval to something. It’s also refers to human emotions, objects, ideas, events or
other people ("How Can Our Attitudes Change and Influence Behaviors?", 2020).

Attitude are also knowledge of representation that includes liking or disliking – auspicious or
ambivalent evaluation that reaction to objects, people, situations and other aspects. Supposed
for an example- “I really like tasfia” “I dislike my new car” in this both attitude allow us to
judge quickly without much thought whether it good or bad, helpful or hurtful, positive or
negative, It’s to be sought out or avoided and that is called attitude in psychology (Stangor,

Behavior is an action or reaction that occurs in response to an event or internal inspiration.

It is an individual or group reaction to inputs such as an action, environment or stimulus
which can be internal or external, voluntary or involuntary, conscious or subconscious (S,
Suppose for an example, I like eating hotdogs ( attitude)

I often eat hotdogs (Behaviour) (HQ, 2020).

When someone attitudes and action (behaviour) change inconsistency totally with their
attitude those person will experience cognitive dissonance.This inconsistency between what
people belief very different or they acting very different and those person behave to motivates
or engage people to in action and that will help to reduce feelings of discomfort. Many
different way people can attempt to relieve this tension such as rejecting, explaining way or
avoid new information ("Cognitive Dissonance and Ways to Resolve It", 2020).

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon which is involving to a situation when

conflicting with attitudes, beliefs or behaviours. Take this phenomenon state because attitude
or behavior are inconsistent with each others and it’s the mental stress or discomfort
experience by an individual who beliefs, ideas or values with two or more contradictory at the
same time. Besides those person is confronted by new information that is conflicts with
existing beliefs, ideas or values in the state of cognitive dissonance ("Cognitive dissonance «
Alen Malhasoglu's Blog", 2020).

When someone changes their attitudes and make it in line of their behaviour it called resolve
of cognitive dissonance. When someone are in this dissonance they need feel to resolve
cognitive dissonance("4 Ways To Reduce Cognitive Dissonance", 2020).
Three way cognitive dissonance can be resolve :

Justify your beliefs and behavior which can make a line to the behaviour and adjust with

changing existing beliefs which means to make the relationship between the two elements on
a consistent which change one or more of the attitudes, behaviour, beliefs.

Adding recent beliefs which indicates achieve recent information that outweighs the
dissonant beliefs.

Reducing the implications of the conviction which means reduce the cognition of beliefs and
attitudes (Mcleod, 2020).

Examples of Cognitive Dissonance

J.J a name of character who experience cognitive dissonance.

J.J’s attitude Cognitive dissonance

“ My political beliefs are liberal”. ( awareness that attitude and

Behavior are inconsistent)
J.J’s behavior

J.J joins the teenage Republicans Dissonance resolved

Because his girlfriend is an officer.
“Maybe the conservatives have a point”

From the above we saw that, j.j attitude and action ( behavior) are inconsistent with j.j
attitude. In that state he is likely to feel a phenomenon which called cognitive dissonance.
Because j.j attitude not support to his behavior or action. In this state people get confused with
their previous attitude and action. In this situation j.j need to resolve his dissonance. It’s
better to change j.j attitude not behavior for resolve this dissonance (2020).
(2020). Retrieved 27 August 2020, from
Cognitive dissonance « Alen Malhasoglu's Blog. (2020). Retrieved 27 August 2020, from

Cognitive Dissonance and Ways to Resolve It. (2020). Retrieved 27 August 2020, from

How Can Our Attitudes Change and Influence Behaviors?. (2020). Retrieved 27 August
2020, from

HQ, P. (2020). What is the Theory of Cognitive Dissonance? - The Psychology Notes
Headquarters. Retrieved 28 August 2020, from

Mcleod, S. (2020). Cognitive Dissonance Theory | Simply Psychology. Retrieved 27 August

2020, from

S, S. (2020). Difference Between Attitude and Behavior (with Comparison Chart) - Key
Differences. Retrieved 27 August 2020, from

Stangor, D. (2020). Affect, Behavior, and Cognition. Retrieved 27 August 2020, from

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