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Student: Akhadzade Aydan

Group: 232A
Faculty : Education-2
Speciality: Primary school
Topic: Psychology of belief
Psychology of Belief
In this In this presentation, we will explore the fascinating world of
belief and its impact on human psychology and behavior. From the
formation of beliefs to their influence on our decision-making, we
will delve into the various types of beliefs and the challenges
associated with changing them.

by Aydan Ahedzade
Belief is a powerful and necessary
thing, governing our societies, our day-
to-day and inner lives, our thoughts,
hopes, plans, and relationships. You
believe that the plane will leave the
runway, that working hard will lead to
a promotion, that the candidate you
support is the best one for the job.
Some things you believe because a
pattern of experience suggests you
Types of Beliefs
Religious Beliefs Political Beliefs Superstitious Beliefs
Explore the profound Discover how political beliefs Uncover the intriguing
influence of religion on inform individuals' world of superstitious
belief systems and how perspectives on governance, beliefs and their impact on
they shape individuals and policy, and societal issues. human behavior. We'll
societies. Delve into the We'll examine the explore the psychological
diversity and significance psychological factors that mechanisms behind the
of religious beliefs across contribute to the formation development and
cultures. and persistence of political maintenance of these
beliefs. irrational beliefs.
Influence of Beliefs on Behavior

1 Confirmation Bias
Discover how confirmation bias affects our
perception of information and influences
Cognitive Dissonance 2 our decision-making processes. We'll
Explore the concept of cognitive explore strategies to mitigate the impact of
dissonance and its role in influencing our this cognitive bias on our behavior.
behavior when our beliefs are challenged.
Discover how individuals resolve conflicts
between their beliefs and actions.
3 Stereotyping
Uncover the psychological mechanisms
behind stereotyping and its impact on
social interactions. We'll explore the
cognitive shortcuts and biases that
contribute to the formation and
perpetuation of stereotypes.
“People say, ‘I can’t change my
mind. What would my friends
think of me?’ People who
radically change their political
beliefs, for instance, lose a lot:
social relationships, jobs,
romantic partners,” he says.
“There’s a lot at stake when
you’re considering changing a
Challenges in Changing Beliefs

Personal development is a lifelong process of learning,

growing, and improving yourself. It involves setting goals,
acquiring skills, overcoming challenges, and enhancing
your well-being. However, personal development also
requires you to examine and challenge your beliefs,
assumptions, and biases that may limit your potential or
hinder your progress.

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